HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2017-01 Relating to Signatures on ChecksCity of West University Place Harris County, Texas RESOLUTION NUMBER 2017 -01 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO SIGNATURES ON CHECKS DRAWN ON CITY ACCOUNTS; AUTHORIZING SUCH SIGNATURES AND AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES; AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTORTO RATIFY CERTAIN SIGNATURES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place (the "City ") requires all checks to be signed by the Finance Director and at least one other officer; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. Finance Director is authorized to sign checks drawn on all City accounts held by the depository, if the checks are co- signed by one of the following: A. City Manager B. Controller C. City Treasurer Section 2. All signatures authorized in Section 1 may be signed either manually or by facsimile in accordance with article 717J -1 of the Texas Uniform Facsimile Signature of Public Officials Act, Chapter 618 of the Texas Government Code. Section 3. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution or, the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or other pati of this resolution to any other person or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 7. This notice shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and signature. (SEAL) / sv 331 s -� Attest: d ` 0 Thelma A. Gilliam, City Secretary Recommended: Signed: P I -�O / 41-Ij 6 BA� W Approved as to legal form: jMris er Manager Alan Petrov, City Attorney