HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1935 , r I I I i i I I I I I I " i 1 Regular Meeting Monday, January 7, 1935 Council Chamber----City Hall City of' West University R~ace, Texas. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett pJ:'>esiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber arid City Secretary Jar,rard in attendance. The Secretary presented Vouchers Nos.General Fund 1997 to 2086 inclusive, Water Fund vouchers #IS 1130 to 1148 inc- lusive.~ ( 297 After~'examining each voucher separately, a motion was made by Commissioner Surber ratifying the action of the City Sec- retary and Mayor "in issuing said vouchers, which motion was du~y seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye:: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos:; None. . . , Mr.,A.C.Fry, who resides at 6438 Belmont, again' complained of an excessive water bill. Mr.Harris was given instructions to make an investigation and test the meter at Mr.Fryls residence. After receiving a complaint "some time ago~ the meter was tested and found to ~e in good order and correct. The eondi tion or the stop signs viere brought to the atten- tion of the Council. Mr.Harris was given instructions to get an order for the necessary parts and mak'e the repairs and eliminate the word.s uThru Tra:ffic" on sanie. A motion authorizing the above was made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. VotingG Aye:; Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos:~ None. Mayor Hyett advised the ~ouncilmen that he had received several requests ror a street light at the intersection of Lake street and Universi ty"Boulevard. He also stated that he :felt they were justified in making the request. No 'definite action taken as the Commissioners desired to make an investigat~on and report their findings at a later meeting. (1 I l ) It has been necessary to yiace the E~lice ear in the Fire Station at night, as the Council 'does not feel justified in putting t~_e City d;b the expense of' b~il.ding a tem:gorary garage. Al's'o whLJ,.e the Police car is left in , the Fire Station, it can be readily taken care of by the riremen on duty, \until~uch time' as another policeman is emplE>yed. , " Electrical Ordinance ':/fi#'9,;' "e:reatt~g -title' of~:~'e:~- of, Electrical Inspector; and numerolls>;":()t,li~r'"''Prov;E8i'~ntlats:';$et. forth 'in said Ordinance, uPQn UlQtion made by Oom.A1.1en and Seconded by Com. 'Surber. ,-~Vet1ng Aye:: Com.Allen and Surber. Nos:: None. The Secretary instructed to post same in. (3) plaees "-:3 required 'by Law. ' (Continued to page298) , - _._--------~~---~~ T - I' 1 f- , I 1 I r 298 L ., , (Continued from Rage 297) Mayor Hyett reported that he had talked with the City Nat'l Bank and The Citizens State Bank relative to interest on City deposits. Both advised that if depDsits be- made in the savingsdepartment,of their resp:ective banks~ and allowed to 'remain six (!) months, they would allow 22% interest per annum. n \ The Secretary was instructed to deposit $8,500.00 out of the Water Fund in the savings department af .the City National Bank and $3,500.00 Jout of the Tax Collector's Account,or amounts to pay delinquent int:erest on bonds and warrants due prior to April 1933, in the Savings Department ~f' the Citizens State Bank. The COUllcil authorized the Secretary to:pl~ce the follow- ing letter received from Robt.L.8.onfield in the Minutes of this meeting:: n " ~ January 3, 1:'935. . . "Mr.R.G.Hyett, Mayor, City of WestTIniversity Place, ~ Second National Bank Building, Houston, Texas. Dear Mr .Hyett:: . Please permit me to express to you, and through you to the employees of the City of West University Ria.ce, the appreciation of myself and my brother for Uhe expression of sympathy relative to the death of my father. It was sudden and very unexpected. It is 'ex- trem~ly difficult to face the fact of the loss of one who has not only been a father, but al'So a friend and a companion. Our grief, however, has been lightened by the many expressions of sympathy received from thoughtful friends. Thanking you all and again expressing our very great appreciation, I remain, Cordially yours~ Robt.L.Sonfield. TI.R.Bronk, Electrical Inspecto;,presented the Council with aiagrams and' correspondence wi'th the Houston Light- ing and Fower Comp_any, relative to the city incorporating in their El~ctric Ordinance the provision making it mandatory for Electrical Contractors to install outside'meter cab- inets. (Same to be furnished by the gouston Lighting & POwer Company) . t. --;,. I 1 i j t (Continued to ~age 299). ... I:} ~ '," -)' I , I II J t ' i .' ! L- [ , 299 (Continued from,Page 298). Mayor Hyett advised Mr.Bronk that the Council would take the matter under consideration, and pass on same at a later date. There being no further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and d,uly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Attest:: / r-, [ --~'------:-l. App~ ~' , . i I ,- ; !ot , . . ( ..' L__I___~ 1 Regular Meeting Monday, January 14, 1935 Council Chamber--City Hall West University Place, Texas.' The Cornmissionconvened on the foregoing date at -.,l] :00 . P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding an~ Comm~ssi~ners,Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in atte~4anc~. , . , t.. . O. . received 36 Foi&ing!~nairs 75i each, or a tot~d of " Ira Hsrris reported that he had :purchased from E. J. Jarrard at $2'7.00. The Secretary was instructed to mail check for this amount. A motion to pay was made by Con~issioner Surber and secona- edby Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. There being no further business to come before the Commis- sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Approved: Attest: aYtIlJ2( .__.-..-....:,.._~_.- roo, II r ,'-~',--~~ ,-"1 , roo 2 ~ Special Meeting Thursday, January 17th, 1935 Council Chamber-City Hall West University Place, Texas. The 6ommission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in atten~ dance. ~his meeting was called for the purpose of passing an Ordinance Waiving Penalty and Interest on all Ad Ve- 10ru~ Taxes due, the City from 1925 to 1934 Inclusive. This Ordinance was passed upon advise from the City Attorney, Mr. Sonfield in a letter Dated January 17th, in which he called attention to the final decision of the Courts in the Tax case of City of West University Place Vs Home Mqrtgage Company. A motion authorizing the Passing of this Ordinance was made by Co~nissioner Surber and duly Seconded by Com- "missioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. NOS: None. Due to the condition of the water truck and the cost of repairs and operation the :f\!Iayor was given instruc- tions at a previous meeting to secure prices on a Chevrolet and Ford Truck~ He reported that the best proposition was received from Dow Motor Company for a duel wheell~Ton truck at a price of $669.00. After discussion he was given authority to purchase the Chevrolet. - ~..... A motion authorizing trle purchase was made by Commis- sioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. NOS: None. . There being no further business to come before the Cornrnission,upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Approved: ($tlfk (! Yet iVIayoV)' f " "" , I r ' ,,-, r~~-~ -0 ---1---' f: I i I I I. !";c.rO"' :,'-" ., , ~i~ ~. ,;fi\ , <1i .} : ,kf1 ~:, . oJ I 1 i i I i I I \ , " " " .. ~~'t, ~ :.~ . --- ~ .... . '. It' '... .~ ....' 'J Regular Meeting MQnday, January 21, 1935 City of West University Place, Texas '.The Hegular Meeting scheduled for the above date was . postponed until Monday, January 28th, 1935, account of' ",,",.., no business of importance to come before the Commis- sion. Attest ~ APprOU:~~~ .-. '"'- -1-1-. 4 ~"" -< " Regular Meeting Monda~ January 28th, 1935 Council Chamber--City Hall West University Place, Texas. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at ~:OO P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen,' and Surber and City Scretary Jarrard' in atten- dance. ' ]' :) : >, ". Mr.~W. A. Williams, Fireman & Janitor in the West Uni- versity Place School appeared and state t that the s'chqol board" demanded he take out a license to operate the school boiler and pumps in the City of We"st Uni- versity Place. The Mayor suggested that the Council pass an ordi- nancerec].:uiring license and setting the license fee ,to be $1.00 for a. period of time as such license shall be in effect. A motion authorizing this ordinance was made by Commissioner Allen, and due to Commissioner Surber being late, this motion was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen & Mayor Hyett. NoS:: None. This Ordinance shall be No. and shall be posted in compliance with the'law. - There being no further business to c9me before the Commission, upon motion being made'and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Approved: Attest: ~A4~ cretary (jp;f~ " U' , ,1 ' J - -, ,j [ I' f ! I i ! ~~ r- I I C--' -- 1. 11:':l :",,~ Il~ ': ,,: 2: ...:~( ,\ .. . I, I ' I I I I l} i l I ~ J" I \- '. I 1 , ! i I I I ! i ~--~ 5 ReguI~ Meeting , MOI1Cki, J'eb~y 4,/1935 Council GJaw,ber..-..-, CitY'g.ll Oity of ..at University PI.ee, texas. , ",-,. ~ . " $4 Meet1ngacheduled for this datewaa postponed to a future elate. . ' Ap~~~ ' . '. rOll. .~ ':",. ~'d~; ':;."- ~; '.- . . ~ .:. v" ,'-:: ~? .~; i t '.-', I " . I I ", r ' : '" '6 REGUlAR MEETING . , . ' MONDAY, FEBRUARY~8th, 1935 COUNCIL GHAMBER-~~~----CITY F-ALL CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M . with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners ,: Allen and Surber and CITY SECRETARY JARRARD IN ATTEND- ANCE. r--1 I " 1 ~ :; J~.' '. ',- ' Others-Joe Clarke, J. H. Barlow, .J. H. Gibson, W. T. Barnhill, M. DeLane o:fLayne-Texas Company and Dr. Hersllell. ".. .. . 1\111'. B~r:nhili advised that he was laying a Sew.er Line. on , Brompton Road (Farrington Contractor Job) arid ask if the City would furnish water to tamp the dirt, inasmuch as this line was on city property. The Council agreed to furnish water without cost. Our ordinance waiving penalty and interest on all prior taxes expired on February 18th, and in accordance with the state law. Waiving penalty and interes~ on all prior taxes of towns, cities and villages, the Council gave instructions to City Secretary and Tax Collector Jarrard, to accept payments for Tax~ 1925 to 1934 in- clusive without penalty and interest until March 15th, 1935. A motion waiving penalty and interest on these taxes was made by commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting ~ye:Commissioner Allen and Surber. '. NOS: NONE. Mayor Hyett was given authority to arrange a meeting with Mr. E. C. Barkley with the Second National Bank to discuss and settle the question of valuation on vacant lots in West University Place,2nd Addition, owned-by the Second National Bank. They are withholding the pay- ing of taxes awaiting adjustments as authorized in a court decision in the case of City of West University Place VB Home Mortgage Company. The secretary was in- structed to ask Mr. A. D. Foreman, R. G. Hyett, Joe Catherina, C. C. Surber, R. B. Allen, Fritz Hunter, Mr. Burchfield, E. C. Barkley:, C. G. Jarrard, to be present. "J' -. ~ .{ . "- , . Due to the sanitary sewer lines filling with quick sand it becomes necessary that something be done. Mr. Harris advised that the city had no equipment to clean these lines. ' We received literature from W. H. Stewart of Jacksonville ,Fla., sewer rods and accessories for this work. The secretary was instructed to place an order for 110 Joints of Sewer Rods at $1.18 Joint #2 Rivets and Screw Cleaner, one Gauge, 4 extra sets c9nne~ions and one six inch Wire Brush. ' I' I I' I I 1 I i:-- " '/ Motion authorizing this purchase was made by Comrnissioner Allen and duly seconded by COTImlissioner Surber. Continued to page 7 f-~~~I~"'"I r' "- ,'-( ~~-----r J~ ,"1 ~l ;1'- \ i ~. 1 l :'\~ J. 1 Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. NOS: NONE: , Chief Metcalf appeared before the Council and advised th~t ~ome of the volunteer firenian needed equipment, and asked if the City Council would authorize the purchase of 12 Coveralls, ^ 4 Pairs Rubber Botts, 4 Slickers and 4 Helmets. The secretary was given instructions to issue an order for the above. A motion authorizing this purchase was made by Commissioner All~.n and seconded by Commissioner" Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen 'and Surber. NOS: NONE. Mr. DeLane of the Layne-IDexas Company was present to en- deavor to complete the contract for the new water well, and}~ue to several changes in the contract, he was advis- edtJiat as soon as these;was made) it would be properly executed by the Mayor and Secretar.y. The Secretary presented vouchers for checks issued in pay- ment of certain accounts and expenses. General #2087 to #2166 inclusive. Jater vouchers #1149 to#ll63 inclusive. Each voucher was viewed by the Commissioners. A motion was made by Commiss~~ner Surber approving each voucher which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen,. Voting Aye: Commiss~oners Surber and Allen. ~ NOS: NONE. The secretary presented a letter from A. D. Foreman, asking for a settlement for water connection in West University ~lace, 2nd addition for the year 1934. They are to receive $8.75 per connections. The a.mount for the year was $87.50. The' secretary was given instructions to mail check for this amount. ' The matter of improving the park in College View was discus- sed. This property was donated by Mr. J. D. Langham with certain requirements. The city was to spend at least $300.00 during the year of 1933 and $300.00 during 1934.. Due to the lack of funds the city was unable to comply with these requirements. The secretary was instructed to ask for an extension until 1936. Continued to page 8 8 "" "" t r ~ Due to not having as yet received a credit for a good fire record for the year 1935, a motioq was made in- structing the secretary to write to Austin and ascertain as to when we may receive information regarding same. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. NOS. NONE: l -~ There being no further business to come before the Com- missiQn, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ,Approved: Attest: Cf/:{ffPK ~4d~ Secretary. oj 1- 1- -1 f' f I I I <~l I ~' , : [ , '" ," I" "., ,'\, '\ , ' -;.: -:'~. . -, J ; ~' ~ ~ ' i .~ , , I I r I ! ; , .' . }, ' ~ ~ ....""'--- g ". /I, ~ ,,-.-..._ ,+ . ,'. ". F "':"'i<"'" REGULAR j~EET!NG - "': ' Monda~.,--..~ebruar7 '~5, 19~5 ~. ;.,' eo~e:1.1:;",'q~b;~r~~~"7;.~e1'tt Hall,~ ,',~:',',: <~' ,~" ,C1;:tJye-:r '/Wea,t".tJD.'iVtmait7 Pll:aee, '!e:xa~. . .'.... ,c.,' ,," ,,0., ' ...e....'l; \---" ,,~'1 k'<'\,. '.{~f<'<t Ct~'~__}..~..:r)'~~' '.' ' ~ ~>.- ,~~~""_ !he .ee~a1()n> ._'v;.D.ea~ OEi :,the.'.~e]jego.'1n6J,aa.'be' at !'",:OO,.. w~~h:"Ma7It' 'H1-et~ ph,,":tn,g ;,:'GU, 'e.'emdl1'ss4ifi1'Wits,A'l:U,nc and ;;',' S'U;be~:>.nd,Gj;t7'iSe'eZ!&'t~y JQX'a~d,in~a:t':t~c~. ;' " ; ~'. --',' t';,\.7 .~':.....,' ~'...~, . .". Oth...s,prese~t .we~~~M:P. .Joe Clark., F.W1nslow, R.L.Sonf1eld, M~ ~ Jaasen udMr",:,j~adrewa:" J!epr:es,en1#1rig.the;!:;lA\~~9?~~s , Company. , , ; ic': "", , ' ' "",'7;, ;' er"nce~'~":m$~D'g, ;the:,~,._ff1;' 'autho%?,j;t;y, ~to ,81p, ,~S\1ld; , .~~e.e.$.e tce1tt1fa81;;lt~fta' 'tihe.~ r.;7h'eoit1J!aa~;~e_l'&nY:'$or ~tli$, '".; . .'.~W ..~ ',~1..c.ftQE1 .t" QQJ.'ilJge fpd c1tf:1:':b1foll'; S1;~ft'b.~s?i :; , .....s' ~ea:"_ ,tMM~~.w. Cl:ty Secl:'etarl. '" ",,:, Al'!;;JD.O~n~~.$1iI1ng t"hisor' ';'.asmade by Commiss1oner AU.an4'ital,.,leeOJlu8t!r'l>7,," ;s.1;e~".Surber. ,';,. \', , , . . - . ., .. ~,Yl!IJla.~:h!~i::'~j~~1!~~!:', A1.1.s .JUld'~'tKIr. H..:: lfe:ae..t~ _,:~ ~_ _' ., _q' ' 'fhe a'bove eo.~act Yd:lih the .jtIl.jne:'Texu -;:~~.ia:~,sISBed llJ' the lIay.~ ~~ .C~"-_ 8~~:p'e~7,., , " , ~'~Jensej:f was!~iked .0 -ma,ke .. test" at the KirBY Drive water JiUll;: iiiEl"ati18e-..~tb.Erjipael ty"ot - tile - well'bathe ecater pewer; '~o~s_efl:'pe"., t~o':18ud gal~'Oils ,or w~tttr pumpe~.'i, ' _~ JeeB$p3..-.,.cI-.,.S.lil11Iuifeompla1:ned about nepoes' 1~g ~ __,:servd~uq~t.ra :OJL:"p,iumb ana' ~leti"~ . 8tp.ei"~' Tne' Counel1'.4vised tWit -~he ei1;y ,watt'1\elplit," ~~, $Ji1e _ t1;,er, ,b.ewovGr, they~p.tea." ,thii.i;' 1;h.tlSO -S.i1tl~-" me'..,e Attonei'SeJitleldan4 see what ean. be 4ono ~ aat- 1t'7 ~~$ cemplaint... :e:~"'?'* r~'i'"> "'~"_ " A'.ee~1ng was held,1n,'the Seeeb.d.:Na't1.()n"l~la d1J1eete~l. ~oimoJL~a_sk7, 'J'eb~,.'2~$t~ at ll'o'cloek' rer the par- poseot tiscussi:nithe valuation on lll'operty - otmed by: the Second liationa1'Bbk-.. wbleh they ref'usedto'Pot taxes. TU$.pe.scmt: 1tere A.>>.J'01'$mu,Joe catbrlne:r., I.C.$tirbe. R.B..A.lleJ1, ',R.G.Hyett. b.1:ts..H'ilnter, e.G.Jat'r'ard. and Mr. Beehtieli. M:1'.Bek1e'1 ClG. Ill' .Rowew1th the Seoon4Batl,,~- .1. ' ,- , , ...yor- Hyatt advised tha.t lihe ' 01 ty'Hcould not shQw F&,f'erence anQt~..ki4'-tha-t'tne bank pay GIl'1;he valua:tlon as l'etlactea. by" ourat",tem.eh't.' Mr;Sirkle,' stated--thi.~.-the- bank" 41dnot wbtf' any speelf41 tavors --a.m woUIa' ~y- .:ehe" t;axes- 'lr'they-' coUld' be ..SSW". the values would be reduced further tor: the 70~ ~r 1935. - . '. " . ;,.,' ,~. , (Continued tG ltage 10) . -" ~~~ i--'~~- ,-- .. ," 1 I r 10 (Continued.,trom,Page 9) , :1" " j t." "", ." " 't . . He~_.Ba~kler" lrac., -t'G ..4vi's,ad.~y }4..ior.~(~t that these va:tue.$O\nniilJ,14" '.~;v:e ,.t()~ {Ge; >,w:or.de"ut. anl1a8' -aoon .8, :.the ' C~1me11 arrived ,at a final dee1s1,on they wou:J;.d be a~v1sed. ..'l_tPfl;l,W~. ,no :t.1Da~" '~.BJ;1elil8d.Q:Q;,~eaehed '~~~ ,aeeting, , . 1 tuB: .sr,i~etL~,tk&It:J_s;'Ja;e. -.e_1jig:-~1tO.ilfl4:,Pr:ob-'bl1 be at!"'!' rangel" as ,aeon":.:&: i.ome,~:i.etj,n11;e, 1d~t~1.o. ':~ouldbe ad regarding the 1935 values. f" ! t ,~... t . -.... ~ i" ." v,ting "'"e:: ;1:emmissiCluera. ;AJ.~en (ana., S~ber.. Kos:~ Nele. ' . :~\ ,1 , " I I J '\ " ,'fhere be1.ngao t':uP:ther"huM.ness~,'t$ eo.. .b.&~,o1te. the Q.... m1s$1oD;, ','Upol('Ji1oJ];'Gu :h.e1ng., _~e, 1UJd' duly sceeonded, the. 1 ., m.et~,n8"a. 4ee~e4..Ajourn.e-d. ' ' .. ApproVe .~. .... Irk ,'.' ~Jtf . ....... ,~';;. " ,; ," .. .....'~ . . . , :, .. . . . '" -;..' . ~ .. . " -- . .:< '.. .. 'l: _ "0-., "., <!;',,' . .. . . .. ' <: ,,. .. .. . , .. " i i .. , ~ ~ ,': ... .. ... ~} ,. {' '~~I-"--~l r'" c.m"- - , ',--1 " " I ] , " . 1'1 , I J ... ,ct~ MEETING';, '; 'Saturday., Maroh 2nd -19'3'5 , eoune11Chamber~~-_-_ .....61tYlI~1 ,Cl~ ,ot" ~.s;,;JJlf~Y~:t!a1,~y; ~14cfl:"T~."...'41 -{. ",. . ,<. '" '- ,__ ...". "0<". " \. "', ._. . _, ' 1t -, " < " "" ,,~. .' ..... ," '"(. ~e,:~e~w.~p~~~s~~~n ;~~ef!~'Vje~~~i:~~; ~1?-~ (~~.~f*+P~.J~l,~e.i ~t ' -12:',,0".' 'rQr'"Lie -"pU:l'tpo.e"~oJ. """,,~.wmg' t1ifiinu"'"u~.uor, z.uig 'tM, '"I " ,111i,' e,~ ;.. ;A~~~~e t971, -~~ .cl;t.~ .~f?::'t,~Pl!f ~4<:b,e"." ,.' ,; hett ,.'the' OitY' ar:'Wia~ lTnl~ersii:"R1.e.;'~'~e:.tas'; - ti' ' - elt?ct'l1t'o (2) eOmmlf!1s~OJ1era. One J~ i:~~t)?!~Pj~~:,,,p~e,,:( 11", eo~p8X'"i()n Judge as l'eq'ldred .by tne S-ea 1iUtes ot t)ie State,.t'!exa.s. . ,.~~&.,~J:~ett .~a~\i.f),~,"~,.,,~~4 ',-.~~1t+ni.~~p,. 100oJQl\l~~.~Qnera , "Al'1~ 'ilrd Sur'iW,0:an4' ''e.l'tj S.~re"t'~y;J'~ti4' 'lrl'."ttend- '-08. : ,:~':.>y;;";: ~~ fQilowlng Notlc~e.: W'~s; 4ra~ up ~cl,:~u't11~r~~4, to De _sted:: .' ~;" >, ~':~ '''.'' " , '" 'q" :<':", ' aJt.'~X:~<?1i':(~1':J9t:tV~~Tn: P~CE ";~~~tQli-~lg~~ $'" ;8~4'ft'"'OF~) , , , ) C9lJftY OF HABRIS ,) , ~ _.~~:~,l,'- ,';-"~~~' ., ~ ,- - "".' :~. '. ~. ~.I- , ,';, '.. t:" ,GIn OF WE~TlJJJIVERSITY PLAC:H:o,..,,~ , ~).,", i , .. ,NOTXeE..~S_.Y(}i:,VD THAT". 1ftm1lJl:p~1 -EJ.eet1on w111 be held 1n .. 01111' ejf.Wes'tilJniversi tyPlace ,om. the '-f'u.t"~~qc14~ v~/"A":A.Jfi:'jl'35, ~ . . '. ~,.'..... "."","' ";>-:':~'~ ..~....;-. ~,":'" J . '-,'~' __e Being Apx-l1 2nd, 1935, fer the purpose o~ ele:e'tlng the . , telln1ag Mun1c~pa~" Q~-f1~,"~8, to-w1 t ::A ..yor, Two ,~~:l, :C,.,.- "~!-~,~!!!\~~~I,.!!:,!-,,!.,!l!~oj'de>> o~ the ,Corpo~l\t~o~, e~'Ut..~ aQv.aaid el~Y tor the next en8~b.~~.:'(:i'):>-:t~i;~'':~~ ~_ tlltb.$1r 8ucceS80~~ ..e elected and qualitied. . . !he polling place shall belocll.te4 ..t the 01_,. 11&11 iiL said City of West 1Jnlvers1ty Hlace. The polla sball be opeBed at. eight O'clock A.,_ and aliall rema1n .openunt11sa.ven o'c1ock ,If.M. (eo_t~nu$dto P.gEt l~JJ T - =~r',~'~-1 r<'~' I-~ ."'12 f I l (eont"]1u~d t~o.; ,,'.,.e. 'J.l ) . ," Gand1da:t~s'4es1X'1Jig.'the1r nanies te ~be pia()~l;on t~.., 'ballot should cQnf'o1'm to Article 3162 or the 19'5 . . >' Rev,...e-(101'Vl1 Stintes 'or T.Xit$., The :"total vo.'te 'ca.st'.,,'b >the ~ ~": ,': "":~. :'.~>':~ .:~. ~-<;-' ~ -;,'f< :' "~ .;, .... :.'. . ," . "'~~'4"''''-' 1.stStpl'e~~+ ~l~C~~Q~ ~~~ :~c~tt()rf'lc.l.J;~ et the, 'a~tt.t~,: . ~,.J ~ ~"'\,~.~.':- .~. .t.:; ~,~ >::l;,,;..:.", .~ ~ _Co '. ","1. ,\ " ',' '. - ~., ". West ;u:fi~....~s~t7 '~tc.e~ais' f. ' ." ", ~ ..,. ',' ,'..,' " ",: ';" ,J . .. " . .~J:::.. ..: ~. J~~,i~~ ,~: -; :~)i~ \t~+;~~~~. 'Qtl:tb~~~; ~:~~~.~pe:~~"c1",~O ,; 'c~#~~.V:'~~h18 e~tl6tlon:: .. , , . ,,: .,,' EWTXON \llmGE' JUDGE CIiERK_ ,. , . "1)UtJ'fZEI ' :, *'V .8. PARUR' '8B,S..J.S.WATmS. Jr. *tJ .B.BROlK " :,,;"*"l~Ef :l)~ ::Ql'J$Dtefl)" EXECUTD. tuls, the.2nd4.,. or ,March. :A.D.'J193~. 1" ~',~\..,...4,',.,,"" ;. .... ~ ',' " , ',','-' cxnov JmS~ ...~~ pa~~ ~S. ._.":_~ ,,-..~ _~ .;..... >.~~~;-"...._, ",,~h ~'..~.: ~-'"",W'~, _ .~) i. .;t-; ,," ;>R;JiCi~ll1a l?lijfil:tl~ QU ~dulY ,s.e,t~4eci,. ,,'at - O"~~4b"';, '..,,' ,..' ...._:L.;>~~}~~.> <~' ; . ~- ;~ ;~ .,--. '.' , , ~ .'~ JlI::'L~'" I -11:t~".'. ;'.... w. ."~ ' ~ h ,- ~ _~ ~ .... ~ , " .. . .: 'J: ~~. f.? ~ < ; , , · ;APprO~..Oh~' _ ..'. .'. ",'; ~AP:J.;;.~, " .., , , ' , , . " )" . .~. .' . - '. ..,....' . I : ' - '" ~ '" ~. .. ' . . , \' ;-'~~-~I 'I' '" r '~~ .. 1 '--....., :l~l:.. , ' I I , I J J '.!" "', r-, ; ! ) f. r ~'l'" ,~'J ' ,'~! -. ". .- ." ,.... ,~) l I ! II 1,\,) , "~ I ' , ~ r ~ I~ ... 13 RifJ ", J4~~!i\'J;li~ IF au. <,i'l t "t\fir.:i' 1130 , ceWt:il~ i~:i_,.!flt~~"Ull ' c~ ~~' ,~~~ '~t~~':'~i1fl't~f~~~,J+:f~~f~t~~~~. tl1. Q~ii,.'C()nmii.s1on coavene(l on ~he torego~ng _tea. '::80 ~Wt. $~)a,Ma1f)~ ]lle~t ,~~,tJlcU.~g .nP.e,,188i.$J.I)~,,"'Ji~en , "ui:, ,~be~':apia,;~ti:ii~-$,ir.~~'; Jar.r~a"'fii:~~"'~~iiri.c'$~ ,: ~"~:,- . _~;.~-:.~.;"~~ T'.+'.._~~/ ..'t~.\::'~~:~:"'....(t':~~~_:/.~t-"-;),,~ :-"':'~J!. -; '~'>:,:>-.' tr'.0-~>';~;; l~~~'~;~,.~~'~ .~. I"~'~:~;' .F'-!;0' ,., ,::!"'l.$f.." -:,~. :,,"0 <;~;,~:~~;.,,~ 'l~~) '::>:.~~:;<~,' ~ ,l:t.~:o'o , .. ~~u.I~>e!~:J,~,t!tl"';:' .. ''''''Tu.8''''Ht' .'tjn: -l;...: :b- 1D.l ;" _ _ iitiJ1~~4ji~i.~Bite 'hflL hti"'" e '''''Vi'' ,"O~",,';#''jf~'; B'rt.:o;.'~tti,"..", " ~~~tn; '~:,~',:, """" r~..:~~1!~. :'>'" ::i~'r.;.>: H <:~~~;.~.;!!i~]' t::~~~!-f"" ; fhe, Mayor a4.iae4~ ,l1e*!~;;~<~tdt~4~ifiiig~ ~feT4 .,Iimiitr.., rl1:.l"J~l. ~ ,c ,.- a;1n, tor JUd',8Sh1,b1tl1 'ortb..om~' D~1;~~~J!~:J~~~~~tf:~ .t!:t~iti~. was held ever until Mo:a4a.,r.. Ma"c1i:-:1fSh~"'~I935':-.- ;, CJ :e:1\(i"~ 't~ 'fi,6 , , , - ~~ ~ , ~~.~~\ , ..~ t_~'; ,:-;.. - '. . '.1."' _, " -- . ~} ~_ .: : : :i ~ f::~ ..,:; ; ~ ~J ~, '.' ::; '~i.T, :,:,; ~ .. ~.... .~..' .....'>- , ' . ~;,:, ~.;:~. +.~~-( ~ ~'.> "" ';... .. .r " t"i ", ,~ ' ", .'. <;: ",,' .. :'T<.;:.~.'~'~i: :.~...._.-~ _:~,_.T _,-1-,' .- t', -, \. ,<"'" -,;; :. :.",; ,",/~.::"" -:,.' :;"~ ......; " ~ ;. .. ' - " ..,", t.. '.' ,"k" ... _ ~ ' ~ .~ . ~ "'-" ." :~."'- .' ~., ~~ c; \ t .,~. . -.... :."" ~.; ,'-Y.;',:<': ..:,.';_ ~'- ',-c.. , .:: - >. >"'>f~: "J.. ., '>~'" ~., ~ ,;" ~- >' '. , T ~ . .. ..,'rI., ,_. .; '- ~'~ .:" . , :~. .'~; .. , .~.. :..' ,....) _~~~'s ~_'d ->"~ -'; ~...'" ::.... "~ ~.~. < ;1.,... ~; ,~.< {'~ "I) ':. .~:-.. " '{ p. . ..cI- ~" ~.,~.f:::' . YV ....' ":_ .:-01 .. ' _'':::l-,. :}{~~. ~.'., ~~ ;~: ',.,. {., -~ ~':. .;: }. .:, -':......". , ~ ... ':~ . : ~ " -. -...;., .!. :~, ".:. ..;f,-\.,~'~~ ,.~+ ! .~.; ~. .~--; ":;: .~ .,:.....;., .;."){. ,-' -- ~.. -. : : > ,-~"" ". ': ;'-.,,;- '" ~--'" ~, ,'f ,,'~ ~ ;:-",. .~~ .' .... ~ ,:." .~ "> -'-.,. '''' '~""'. "'" "'...".......;;.... ,,~~~ : J....~ ~ "~. :l. 'v:". ,'" ,- I ~-~'~r ~- i -~ ,14 ,r ....~'-."~. .~.. ~ ., ...-~ . .f:, . '~i~" "'ltEEfm' (J,q" . '. '. . ,,',~~!~~il;:i~~~i'~~\lh:').~S . "CtU1\leil,~=~~t)Zt~~!-.~'!i!~...;e1 'l;t ~ll, ' oitj"et t.$!~+ers1ty R'1ice~ Texas. :r i.,~ ,-. .. .~--,._ . _ . ",' . _. .;> ~~'? "\~:".~<v". ~'.....;..~~~':" '.,-':~ .'...~~':;t.:::L-;'.':;~:~,..~:,'~;.. ,~'. ,,~_,~~"::;'{.7-':-~.' ,,~.:.,.:;.< >':~;"'~' ':"~;,l,-~~:; ..,'~':, !fhe' efl~1~HI~~~;eo~ve~~4ell'J~b. "t~rtl'l?'9.~fii~tttLa~~''1.~de. ~... "~"11 M"7or~ 'itje1;i pre.8fi1tig'aiid~'aotiiiPrij~~;iie:rs'Al:ren ~4" " Se'be:r,'ud 0.1t7 8ee:petaryJarr~d ~.r.~~..4tlce.' . . ..' ". . . . >.~ " ", " '. ~J :____< t.'-;", .':~.' cQ.i>>Jsi~ppiivs, :~~i~ .,1"". .&,;~l$::nJP€~Q.1~~v~g:~4it ~It 8i" "~~j-:Jiri'I~-:el 'olj:atg'~wlt;b.~t1te"0:a:im611.rt, ., i; , '.., "'t"S,.~etulJ.tt+ e.llilr_:4 ,,4jll~t the1r,tUot ,.I.~..~; .".~"p~~li'le ~~ .,,*tsf::j~,~,!\;,;;~ : :/~ ,;,,: " ',"'" ",;,~;:/, ", ':'~ ,",,'" ~$:'.~t1.on was 4111'1 aee&11~e4, by COJllD11.s.ioner Allen. ,'" /"'" I 1 ,1 % , . j r~ , " ~j <: ...; -. ,1 ; '-....-.--' '!~~f~.A,.le:: Gommlsa~~~!~!~~~er and Alleh. 1~*~'=~'".ftEiJl.'., j " ' ,,; , v",' '. ,,' . __.i. ~ .~. : };- , '~-seen~t;:,' ~t_t~.1;o 10111;e a letter to; 'tn.,' .fleol\d N~J' 1 Bank ai.(':,' .~ethat . the ?a~\1.~to;r ;~~~~;:~"~~~h~""~"."'-h , t~e 8e._4A', ,',' 'onot"W.11.,. add1:"foli0~:rua. 'Be~'recll\~'e4:;to $'11. .~i 'QQ '"180ad-.18e tha.t lot 1$ the reeG_eS1Cktt~il:;:;.t' ~. e,.,. flfOliUlOl1 isbat all Talues' tor193i '1)e,X-e4uc~':.JPPo:Jt l't'-._aer'that 'of"lt34J'ud that all iBequ.a1.1t1eiJ sballbe '''1U1;$d te llUttorm values. . , , . The secretar7 .aa",gl".. au'thority te cal:t.D,.4~Hle~s,.Le~ a.11a" . who ewn$ acreage W$stot Kirby D1'~v~:;~',:,the- N4i1?t1\" E~t'$e.ct1ono:r the C1ty and a4Just thetues f&ral~'))i'~or , 1~~s~., ,Ta.~,.,,1;Ie~n8,n& :t1p'~b.erbllS1neaJs ,~,o CQm.e bGro~,e 'theQQm- D11.:.QS4,-".,l1PO:t1 '''~l~G:al;lcf;1ng' ma4e;.ai aui' aJec9d...'bhe .ee.~s :..8 '4e.l~.4 ..joeaed. ,:,; .," " .,.,; ," . '. . :" '." . c '. ~ '. . . Appro~~/< ~ "-J I~-" --- .. 1 r 11 ':' [ .;j 1. ~ t~ 1 ~: ' 1 , . "\., I :J i " I i , k 15 "~'1lE~'"~m(V : .0-041' . 'l1a.reb., ];~~h, 19~5' Celine!'l.. Chamb:er~..",..ljltl' _11 OJ.1;,. efWes:t tJ:n1versj,ty n...e, !rexas. . . . . ,. "- . '.., . >: Tile, 0,mn1j"10.' ~bt1.~tu,it:~6tl":tl1">- totesotiia"dt.~24t,1.,^:OOc;F~ >14. wl*);>..o:r Kyett pr,8siting and, Comti11$lJlenei'tf A,11en anA , ~~Jr:L~iQJ1;J'.lIe!..~~~y l:~'~dl~v,~~~.4~ef!l \C " ". .. "1''?i'.~~~'I,'''': '<~~""~"-- {,:,5 ,~"1,.~:".,<~, -.... "':"'!cv .;-.'\. 'v.~...,",."'>:;~.-:'-'-;;J._":~_.';.~ ~1.....,;;;d-~...-,,_.,;,~'il,. ."::.f: ~",'.~~-"r,.::~{'.'!'., ~~ _~ijt':' _ti'~'Yiis ~'~rtd+).ll.~~~~f:~ ~ii.7,:ia'::;~!!l~""~~it~is t 1n1;he eleard.Jig eut of s~t"8eYier.e' A''''',>'' , ""'>, ,'~""''":"'''' ~! " "' . :~>~ .'.,.- ..,..Jaok Hogue, Stout If,,tt:ra ,.,ppe$.red before-the Council to ask fer alsiat_ee \1n,tJ1tf"l$u11d1i1g of' a log 'Oa'l111 ':roll" 1M B" ,secnl1;,s."It'.",lt,.gpsted that this be p1aeeQ.1i':'ii.~7," , ,,~--!n~,~G.l..R-1~1~~~rl!a..e. "" . ~\~.r..: fc-c '-1"' ./~'" .;".~ - '.~ . l\Oo'~l-"''''-''''-_-''''<!,~''~--''_''''';;''h~'';''","",!-'''._'''-'''''"~' ..' - ,"~.-;~:.w.(-~~,~':~~""'''' ..yo:rHyett advised tha' , the City eouJ.4 "1iiiJ~'idtt1b;ii~t~, Duthewoul4 persoDa11y give his assiataJlce. ' ' , " ..:lel'bl, who res1d.es on Cason StJ:eet,asked for a s;treet 11.,:.,to 'bep1ti,eeG: 'in ,the v1cinity-of 111jJ home' OIl' ..bf1ipijl1s street. He w_.'adv.1iea'tliit in- 1nvest.1gat1enwoUld be _de da.'aet:lo.ta1tejrI.a~,'-Dut'tmft it-'was very doubt~a. , stve...l . eth$1r>81f&U ted -11gb..' and theCl t7 - was net :bi ."th- _e1a1 conditt.. ~o supp1,- tmy more lights. ' - ~ ," . ....,If;''8 X.Illi-g. e1JJler of 40 lots in B18sonette~ P~ie' Afldli;lo:a, advised-that ,ahe hae.: 3 tear.~taxe8 duo IU1d~.as ' .~:l.llng to pa1them oD.,lewer,valU1;ioJ),s.,It was8~e'8ted 'b",;'thelI.."or that. the tues be p;td on ... va1ura:t1en tj, .~50.00 .~:J;~. b.E'.p.dr-.:~ens 6,f' theSeeult,' Trust' O,omp-.ny; of A:witin,. 'ad- 11se6"'t)lat he wou4' eueavor ' to' pay' all tUes' aue o~' Pem.' b~"~",~.property. if"the' Oity would adj1l$tva1uatio.... _J..~' ,t",'iiD34, , 'e- '1934" values . Deeity 'Seeretary.a. givEth"uth- of~tt,tit;) wD:t-k wi,th Mr.Gravens en this matter. " ' -,'-'1."0>' ,.,' . . . .~.- ~Beetaetary"was askeel tC) ,_eu:re -,ppl:eeifi.n.d~'arrQ'iJ:~;'p-' tl\.~,,~U1tbi8 et'the"-rti'e-'trllck, ,,1;$ P'We~e,tihe"paL1r';~d _"e~.the old p.11lt remG.,ed."~lie 'work:" is,voDe Clone/oy' ' -' Fbem8AW.O.Br7U aui Geo.W.Rebiaaon. . Ilfwa$ '-.ee1deq.- that '..11-cand1dates tiling fer a place on tlle 'bal1.ot 1n the ,coming' 01"'t7 E:Leot1en 1\)0' be ~:Ld A~l'l, 2nd, must 'be received. ilotl'!. ter" 't~n TWenty (20)' a...y~ prior to'tbe'elee'tioR iatei,and-'that"all'abseiltee-ballotes"be . :received trom 3 to 20 days before the date of the el&ej;:1on. (Continued to Page 16) -~ r--- r ~r ---=:"-"'1 /16 (C~:Q.t1;n.13.ed,j;'~om ,~ge 15) '.; l.~ - . ~. " '~~:Ij " -,j . ~~ . to .. .. ~ ' !:' ,")/.. ;"h.", " ,,"'':'''t,.- .,. .:..~3t"t',.. ,. ~ i.\t .1~. s~~,t. ~ec,o:~Q.e, ~j.,~" t~~ ~ S~~te. ]J;t~()t~Gn~:~ ~ , , , ...."i .;..,;.,;,. " " ;.:- "1. :..~ ,~,. _., 1,.", ';:J: ....1,., ' .:-" ~-... ...;..'< ~ (~, ' ~'.' }..:.~:~ "'~i.rA' ," . .... . ....\r....;. "'l'~ i'~.' ~ ...{ ...!;.,-.,<~';'-="""~' ,.:t..,...;,~.....-,.>" , -{ t--,' 'c. ,~-.,'tf'!!',~..o;.. TJte>>,t,tpe1ig"'ni'1vti_ bujrit4sa tct'eom:ebetere the' sGni.-' '~ .c~~If~'~1. '.,'g.PG~;}n~:;~:1 ,~~~il~'Jtt!:~!e, :~~4, ~Ul7 ",.c,~fl~,~, ~~'~ ':' , . ~'~""'*,9'~was.~ec" !9-}l'~t'~~~~'~,;,:~" ','. ','. ~ ,'; ">" "0, ,+- ,:1 : f' ,c' "'~. !):: ,,' . ", r Ajpto.:Vi4~.; " " ,:; ", _-' " .' . .,:' ':, ,'" '~ >V~:,'..~":, '",~. ~~~ J -<< - -- ,.. .~~~I']' ,,- ~.} ",. .' ~ - "( .~ ..,.,"';.. {, ~. ' 5J -, .. :',' .",,'.' "I., ~~ . .. <.,. ';'.'"" {",...', r"' .,'-' t t, '.' '.' , '.... '.' .~>~ '.~~ .~\-, . 1./; , " '-" ~. -, ~ . "\ ., '-> . , "-. r,: ~..~ " I> ~ .,...t-_ ".';" t :)"><'; .....: -I' \ ., .-'-"."." .;' "'. ....,:,. :.' i.;" c ~ .. ~..'" ',' ;';.", '. ~ !: 4 Co' , }~ 3 ~ ..-. '.' ~ ~~ ~:.. . ., .,., ", ~,;:" / <<-. <- ~,- <. " . .. ;;: ;.f."/ ~ . i'~ ',1-- '""i.,. ,- .- ""..,,', ..,..~. :.: .~;' .... Hi'::: ~.~ 1:.. ~ ," , ~ _ . r . . ~ "'';,;..,.'- A~ "i> ).~.~;.~~_. <, h ,< ;.,,3 .... ~. .....;; t, ' "-,''"_.- i <0 \.' >! ( " ..~ . ,c,..,', ." '. . ..,.... ~:, rt'.:'j ~'l . J::':: J".i .- ' , . ~..' (. '....- ,;: 'X;' - "~ ! "" '. _ '.~ :. t3 ... f. ."- -"..,. ..:.i. -<\!Il:I' '" -J.~~.,.~ ,; " ,.~... ~/' ,.." .~ ~ . ,'~~; .. ',\r ..;; (~.~~~(;-"- (.;, <.. ':::~1'i'"t":'~':;. .. "..,,; '. "j:.\{.'::' '0 (.'. (c;' .:".,' ~ ) '..,> ~ \" .: .' -> .":;". , . '-i ~ ",' <~ . > ,,~..' f<,' " ... ~.'. ",:..." - ,,- . ." ... ". . t -; ~~: . .....J " .J.' _ 1 'I' '.J ,I I \,_/ ',,', ;.' . , > " I I f ! I i f L p 1-- -, ~ J'] r', 1 1 ~' r-1 f ~l I ! ' ( '\ I f J' ~ . f. .~'._. · W:. ~ 111: . .. 1t SBeIAL ~ING ",hita,.. ;A~1+5,5th" 19~5,: e.1Ul.i16Q.mb,er..~""a~:q-nl1' Oity" of West trnl.ersity ~~a()e, Taxa,." "," ,C Q",AJ"',s~~neo~._e4J;::,ojj, ibb.etql'bg.1~g, cta.tedtt-, 7,;001". " '''It)).c,..,:~r::,lIyei;t. 'p>>.'J~ij.~:~;1bi4C":2.:Sijloners ,AUen: u9<' ,SlU'b'er ami' '1t,.-~ee~et;Q7 '1QX'at'.ti in a:tte~cUpl~e. -, , ,_' :$\" . " '., ::-;".. :.~ :e?~:\_ ';;' ~ . ~:.~~; .' ~.:~:..:-~{2.' ;;.~ :. os; :: :";. '..;v~,,~~_ :...."..;~" ot\!t;_its present were ,.l.3naver, E.J.,Ja.=ara.. B;.:L.$o11f'~&l'h, Tllt8 ','.e.tmst:was. e..llecl.:,~~r'the} 'P1mlle'Et:e~ t.ft:D$1f~~g",,'__e;:,e1 t;y Elee1tlen held on April 2nd, '1935. :Ana an7 o'theI' bua1il.s$ tbat .i"~'''.om.e- beto~e tbe"ee11lQl1.., ," ",,~),. .,' ".'~ F ':":;> .:: ;..x~. 1'-"~ t~:" t t ~.:tj~~ ~~~"~~' t _ \,-" ~ :',---:;...,~ t ~~" ~ ~fj;;.;;, ,J i ,&t1_,,~i...a,;m..ae. by ~emm1a.;ntea81"4.4J.leu,] tQ _:l10"2::M1",.1".e,:' OlArke a:a'ilty policeman 'te.Qe~".~6o.u'7.t.d_su~Jectt;,~~ c...ll:..t.H.u-, ~~e$. -"In Iilllldilg ,'this mo171.on60tm1i18s1.oner Allenatati'41i~ t .. f ~: g,!a.~'~~~;,{Mi.Q~~~'~,,:,_~ei".~C ~!t~~~-~e4, t~;~~~_,'~~~., .. :'~.~\tJtQ,b1t''IP1gGJ.ei, ~tJrll1~n'h."" '.'" ",,,-.,;,,,, ,,' ..""b i ,.0: . ,.~..j..':.:):}.'~:~ 'J:~~'~~>" I< '.:, .~.,..., ,," ~ .J.... ~:; . ~,~_;i: ,.~" <~~ ~~ i:"t.;::';.~:_< ',;} 1,..<: .. ;r"('\~';...,~ : 'fhe above mo't1on was d.ul7, s,eeonded' by CGmm1ss loner Surber. , ~ -.... . , '" ,".." ," ", ' ' ....(~ . _' ~. ':'J~ ..'....t ':::~ . :.,'~~ .\..; :.,.'.';, ~ 1:;.., -:" VetJllngAye:: Comm1ss10n~s, Surbe:J,-ancl AUen. }los:~ 1fe~~;'" ' .;'~.;':"T"'~;'~;.'~~:.., .,: :.?".~:",;.:':~ ..",': ';-~'.-..;.'._;'_:~'.'7 .:. ":"~~"',;'.,'.' "::'.<.:' > ~~..,~~' ~(:"~)'~ '14a70rc;lJW'f)._~1Lgave tae U..1 ea-th;;C;of .f:r!ee;:,~ tG,^IIx-:.el~]fe"an.4:' i s:ba'e6ot;)J:at<tlls':6ut1~. ;lI'~u1~,b.g~:Q.,A.~..q.at,ly. ~ ' -~" ".': . ..~,~eJ.e..10B: :joeteu,".~e' PeeE)n$e4,.'to, ~helel'ty"e8U1'1etl,~at ; "$ft.~.ta'J1I19~di1lrSl:;:b;yc:.j;~.J .J.dar4~; (Judge'.,ef:,th$; :El.et~on;) . .\;Ujj;; \)"lJ,.~k%te.U1red\$eatI.1 ave.;::'il'dm;.:-bJ'~a"'erJli~tt~ tA+l,~:f1"j'J14s were' 'IiWa1~",ib1.:I:B -'aQ~G~ittnc,.e .,.tll ;,tke ,~ev!sed::,:.Oiv11,:&tat.'; ui.toff the State of TeXas. ...-.. . . .~.. .~e1:i(.;'>',,; ~.:t'l .. '-~ ~ ". '-~~- d ~~l >,,' -=:r'\<.... ~~'l~." _ .~.~ : ::_;\'~ ~:~;;~:.~-.,,~,'" :"' ~ .01111 Co_ell on this Ga.y canvassed the' ~eturn8 ' f>!~" the C!. ty , Jti'....'~'he1i' !1i'.'the' ;2ai.~4a'1"ftr ,Apr11. 1935_ :.o';'dec!liQ,d:-;iihe -;t:~~:~~~~,,~ ';.;:>.' '::_',' ~. .'.>':~~::->: ,r.'.....;~ ~ ,l:".","~ '~i~~' ~ ,CORPeRAT-L9N.JUDGE . ..:yeiti~!!>~~-~~a""b r, .:.G,.e;SOb&r"-:ei!~...2a'1 ~, ,: 'I:;,' t ';i\': ?:lX,' A.$.Kerbew-~----lB4' B.B.Allen-------255 HarVey T.F1~m1ng-321 --: . . ',>;:[('L': : t;" .. ,,: ,-".1 ...e.tcltJJ:e.-~~"*~21f:L :-W,.M. Ga1;ies~..4,~...---123 H.G.Brown***-----2S :~~;..r '- 1\ '....i .'....~~ ..... ~~~;-.::_..:-;.::.~ <~~ I.,:--?~ +' ..'>~' :":,,:. "".".,.' ,'. ,'.' ..>..<~ ;.;.. :Wet tibe C1t7 cr.uiQ~1:;)4.1Qe4i',;tBe ,S,~..a.~ elected,-tto:s'e1\Vle . the e1 ty ~or the eBall1D.&, n.~t,'taIa Xe..Qs. ' ", ;;~{I!~~~~,,: :;.,>>::,i~s~;r~~;",,:,;.~, ."e~:p,~~~~:I~',~CJ~. -'-""";' ,p;3 . , c ", ii:, ,aj ',....." , "~et ~~:r,1~ *,' c ' \~'-, ., t '., '. ,,:':t ."'. ' <;: _<~ ~.,:::,: ' ,-, ~v : :' ,,:;:'H <:._: "';;:;'.:..'-~;. Vfii~g-'A7e~,Jia.pW''JI7tt11t" f:~s1oJle>>& A~ 4infhtS1b1ni..'c - .. '. ' { ~:~~'.:\ -;;;":.~.t.-'- ,...,.~,1t, ~~.~ '!le,;!".\)iilv:e.motl_ was -<<e',87 eemm1ssiene:rc, s~~e.'''~d,- dUly see- '. . c_cl.. V, [Clemrn1&s~G~er,~;All'811. ",' , ,~;ct. ," ',' ?- .' - ~ - . , , ' , T1;le ,Se,~etar,y:' presented a letter and check reee1v.e4r~>>_ *9. , ,~~JV!:'~,;i~~~$,~ ~J:J.,"eheek ~be~g - fot- $..6t;JO~~!~l};~:~, '.. ~>,t"~rJ~~, pay-' menl 'o~'L1i1.iiee years tues OJil' 40 lots1oeatea: 11i"-'$OBe'tt'e :Rhee. (See 'lettel'.)." 8lt$ ba$ -figured t:tlese tUftS' on a valQt1G~ .1' $3:i9 per let per yeU!. the Secretary was advised to comilm1eate with Ds.Il11g and adv1s6.her that 'the City cou1ci not accept paymen"ts {e:61ltlnu~d to Pa.u1a.t.". l--~~O"l --o-r -~1 -_~~_:"1 on these values, but ;tllat:. iri>agreee:Q.tw1th the recent ce')urt Ele- eiaien we eOlUd accept'pape:n:bs',-en the u;L\Ul.tleB of $350.~ per let per y8Q. ' , , ", '. ',i ,," ,:, UpOR 'i1et1enma4e 'by, Ciarn1&uU.oaer, SiJrbei'. anQ~jdu.lt~- sileo.led "D1 Cem. , A11.n~2~the;'-B.ard'\.f '41o_lLs'slo:n.e1i's~',%'atJ,g~~cl the ac,tj',CltIPiej',: the Secre- r'tar,.' &ad Mayor 1n" the",.,...t of eeJ'tatia .ccoun.ts, \lonaand war1"ant 1riteztes't coupons as re}W8sentefl by vouchers:: 2e86to, 2~8e""Gen"1, . anel.ll", to; .Ll"Jate1t'rlfiua'ti.' t. ' '. . ." .. ,; ,'r'}L,; " ! '~ ' . ' ., , ~~ - ;:. l~ r , ,':Vo:bliig:~Je't.-te.JDJ.1jsi$aas:,'S_b~r :~_,.A~len. 'i'Nfls~r'!fone~, :,1', ~'L:->1- ~:4-;':~1' 1.,:(a~t: "1.,.~.'~~;{:) '~:.,;, '-', ";., , .... . "'. ~ . '. ; .:,f~.;.", _~;' .'_','-,,' '.', ::..':L;.l, . , .&7$r' H"att reeo_~nded that Attoi'ne,.QSo:bfiead se"e.''bb.ei.e~t7 a$ Oitr'A1;texmey, as,si8te4lSyMl1esStriekl&Bd.~Jr, and J.A.Wllliallu9t :!~;;t'lfO-i~~~81atiBts .tt~3l'~6~a:~~te1t.atbig and 'to::~~p.&~Lsuel1 duties , a$ LlI"Sbfl,:cillreetM;f;by:;1:;be' !Qit.ff;QeUllc11. ,^,' ,ti,.<), . "; --: ,[:) l:!J ."" \1": i ," ~)~~J.J't:E;'C ":.. _'.,:~,,'. ~~:.-.'~' ~ l~.~~..: ~ "t' ~ "i' . ~ ...'. ,,' ~~ .' .; .~"". 9'.'~'1\',~,;~)..d A ,metrt.:nwasmaile;.i'bt'tte.~.; A1J.;~n'.' tllat,:;; th$ aie,!ai;,Ao\!to~.'ffS .b!, ape. pe1~tecll". ~d inatl'ucted A1rt;oni,.' ~861i!'19l4''tc); 'd?!lLffei_SOlta:lntilce a8 requ~8G1. !b1s motion \Va a duly secellcl~4 by C~isS1G1i~ 'S~ber. ..'~.',,;':'~'~,;~J>.:,.: '.:. ..'....~c~.:..~.,..::::.c. ~f.~- ,~) ,';';-' '.>-~~ ,"'. _~.; - ':~'_"~::'" ~..~.....t{"-'.'Lr'J}t :)=.~~: Voting Aye:: Oommissioners Allen and Surber. !fosr, None. '.t;.,i.':.}.~ :t~:-' it ;~~"\. ~ \,. ..~.i..<..,-,' :~,...,.~ .; ~.~~~-,,~ _,(':. . Ma~Gr Hyatt suggested tbat the EqualizatiQn Beard members to serve tae~(~c4.,ti7~;fo:r:.::1;lie.:7ear ,of 1935:;8e appoin.tea and.sUig~8t.,.';.){atllr. , J.StWatera, J~.,,~'";:D~B.i7&.J..', ;3and.,J..lSw.1n,:bea.ppe~ted.uto serve. . .' : ,~. "', .~: A:'fm~:t1el'lL1fas,.'.ade 'by Comm&sdeneJl Al1en~"that' 'the'a'bo.~,;'app,~tm.ents De.'~lb:aae,(~:nti :lnstru.eted j 'the':S..r.td7'::t"\~,",.;:,_~>or~.o.f'ti.Ucl date A~I~f}~~~~:;1'3&.,jett~$ .1i~<~1thetr~.t\~ble8',~d' th.Leom.~n..'i1~e:n 1;0 be pa: !!1f.~.l~1J1l"'.as. ,duly secolided b1.:GetmnisSi"Be,l" .'S~be1!J~;,: ';",'0"- _'}'(oQ-uC.,:".._. ...:i.~~~~:.):. -.: ....,. :_,,~,,'. :''-~..!~'~:'~'(JrJ Voting Aye t Commissieners Surber and, A1;Len. Nos:: Nene. "~-;'l'~ ;:~'.:,~:~~ -t~.c-, L. .:..,.e~t: :::~,\-.,,,, ...~,'-:.~ '~~'. ~'~.<~";i::,-".:-~'.::.!t:."~' ~< .~; .,' . LJ.:;' .;.: '. <~ _ ,. - .~~~;.<';' : ,...~il,.; ~..;.:Y" , iee_.'.~.De:D,.s1qbe~(Dl.de '~mb.'b1~.c;j1ns:bnct1n8 t:);iec;$.()~.'_i 1;0 ' illaue chicks 1;0 thGS$ 'serving iathe -,City Electteld>JElec,bJi(iwbl:1i.Qge E.J. J~~Iil, $'..51; H.A.~11sner$5.09, H.E~ade$5.00,l1ai)Jt~ $5.00, , ~.~.~:t1,.5.ie Mra.ltn:l-e~LS1Dd.okla.n4 $1.00 flrs.'.J~"oJ.rd $1.00. .'- 'liIir'msl;10ii ~as' d~'Y ~,se-iiiCfi~~Di~~G()mmi$ste~e>>~Al:leB.'c /~':F':':-'; , ';;:.:;:":!~':"':.:' . ....... ~,."~.-4-..~....~"".;+~.~":~~.:.-:... ::.)" "'=_-tt'".~~~*,'-;\}'.~,_'~'';~. ..':- - "",V..'t.l..scroAte,:: .G:Q1D1is$.iQll&~s ..stmb;er ",arid A1lell. lios: None. "-".--1"~"'" .~; ".,.,',. TheSee~etary was g~Te.n authority to adjust taxes with E.O.Barkle,. 'en ,,oe:c'tiaa i lots. lcc,a"W,d. (jiln ':;1J!frs1n,.. ~;(J.1Uft., < ,_i'I, " . "':- ~,," . 0... ::"'.~":. '--;'_.. :J~:',. ~...t ;'/_~., ..." "<.. . ,'~t;:w.s.'~$;~i4.~6.:.tbat ,a pu~!~~L~@.e~~a~J2.e held in the Ju..d~$h.1ng " - Higt\~S"eao:Ol""" at . 8 ,0' eloeki~:d'.14iiT :-n1gat" 'April12tili,t ,c1~$fi ',' ..:ter the ,f' . ~~i_'I:er::;~at..111nifthe:._~,eJiee;'i(F'if'fic1als jnd. that'not1ces be' t prm:te4' and d'1str1buted to all ~esi4en'ts of 'the Ho1tt. -and' a :f1t1- : ['. ue"~;~t_.,.t,:~,b,e.~ed~lIho'W1ni :tb~,'r~c1a];c,co_1t:t.Ja of the ~i j', city as of March 31st, 1136. '. ,~ . _":, .. c,i" :,mael\.,})A1ng ,i!1.0 ,:f'm.tther b:us1ne.s_:ti9' come du~for.e :'}tlle CommissioJl~ ' upon metioD being made anti duly .s,eco.n~e.i ,tite ,~e&t'dn;g: was..: adjourned. ' '.Wf/ AP~PR'" ::, ,I\.,mfE ", ",'" ." " ' , ' ," ,,',.. ' '~" ,'. ' ".AI". ',,: ,"'" , '~'_0()IJ. " , '(;~Zij~..,:".,..~t""y", '" <"", <"'f~'.Y0k'~'; .. \,.. . ,.-'.') .r;: . .. . . ' 19 SPECIA.L MEETIlfG - 'nlux-sday, HApril 11th" 1935 JohB P~$B6ngHlgn SchoOl-- City ot West,UniversltyPlaee" Texas. . -The Commission convened on the foregoing date at a :;eo P.M. with M~yor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and CitySeeretary Jarrard in attendance. Th1s pub11c.mee4;ing is held for the purpose of inducting inte6f'f~C'e the newl~ elected Oi ty Off4.c4.als ~ ~d making apPDintments to. serve tor the ensuing two .(2 J years/or u'&:tl other apPoJ.ntments are made. The following appointments were made: . . . M~.R.L.Sonf'ield Oity Attorney Mr.Miles Strickland Assistant Oity Attorney Mr.J.A.Wllliams tt n tt O.G.Jarrard Oity Setey and Tax Oollector 01 ty Marshal Suptt. of Public utilities Oi ty Po-lieeman 'Ottice A.siatut . Oity Engineer Plumbing Inspector Deputy Oi ty Marsha.l 1- A.Shaver Ira A.Harris J.W.Olarke A.P.Robb E.S.Ooghill Jr. W.T.Barnhill Dr.l.A.Herschel "'t .., to" 'l'.J.Wot'ford " tt u " 'l'he Mayor gave the oath of office to all of the above appointees ~d the elected Otficials. Atter the meeting refreshments were served. The meeting was adjourned. Att~~. .. ty Ile~etvy.. . ~.--- '/./ .' /-~ :1:,/ 0"Co~ r ~---Jm_ '] ____l _ _r--'-" - -, -"'1 j 1 ----- 20 REGULAR MEETING Mono.ay, April 15, 1935 Council Ct;Lamber----Ca ty Hall City of West Un1.versity PI..ee, Texas. The Commds8ione~nvened on the foregoing date at ':00 P.M. with Ma,yorHyett presid1J;lg and Commissioners Allen, ap.d Surber ~d City Secretary J~ard in attendance. Others present at this meeting were Mr..A.P.Robb, Joe Cla~l:e, IraH~ri,s, 'J.a.Williams, Hugh F.Jobnson, E.P.Hirart, and T.R.SUmrall. Mr.T.H.Sumrall, plumber, appeared before the Couneil endeavoring to secure a license to d6 plumbing work within the City, advising .that he was not in business when the, Plumbing, Board met in March" and tha t h~ would have ~ opportunity' to get several jObs before the board meets. again in June. Mayor Hyett advised tha;t ,;tn,fairness to other plumbers, the COlmcil would not issue a license wi thout the consent of the Board 61' Elumbing ~ers, as the Ordinance was very specific in this particular. The Mayor presented an Ordinance requiring License and EXamliia~ion for the operators or' steam'boilerffand steam plantsed mak.',.. ing" it n.. ecessary' to appear before a BO~~~A$ or Examiners. This Or41naneeis to replaeeOrdiJlap.ce ~iI! ' Oap.t;lonof 88;~' Ox-dinanee is .8, follows::' . . ~he following were appolnte4 to serve as Beai-d'Mem'Ders , under the above Ordinance; Hugh F.Johnson, E.P.JI1rart, A.P.R.bb. 'A motion authorizing the pass.ge of this Qrdinanceand approving the appoiBtment,of the above ,members te,serve on the Board~ was made by Commissioner Allen and duly Jeconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye::. Comm.1.ssioner Allen and Surber. Nos:" lfone. ' A letter was received from the Tomlinson-Mills Lumber eomp~y, stating that they were in possession of script #3673 in theamGunter $203.'15, issued'1nfavor of the Huggins'Lumber Co.; dated -Majlli.193l,"askingforset- tlement, advising that. a check for $103.87 would beae- eepted as tull payment. Commissioner Surber" made a metion authorizing the See- retary to lssueeheek for this account and handle as per (Continued to Page 21) 1='.- .:::1_-'_1 ____ c.. 'J-' ','-1 I 1 - (Oent1nued from Rage SO) 21 ]Bondholders agreement. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting A'1e:. Oommiss1oners Allen and Surber. Nos: Bone. A 1etter from P.F.MeMullen addressed ,to Mayor Hyett complun1ng or an .e%cesslvewater bill for,.the month of IJaQember(amounting to$B.34} was :presented to the Countll. Mr .McMullen requested an adjustment in this bill. . ' Ml'eHarrls advised'the Council that he "made an invest... .... . ..' . - - - 1It- igation last month and found a leaky commode. Mayor Hyett sugges.ted thatth1s be reduced to $2.'0, the actual cost ,to the Oity. The Seeretai'7was asked to com- munieatew1th this party ad settle on the above basis. Ir. A.Harrls was glven instructions by the Council to install a 12n inch storm sewer across Buffalo Spee4way at Albans Road, which" will "take care ota great part of the water' coming fromacro8sBissonette street. Jltayor H7ett was' given authority to purchase two (2) _orses from J.S.Bowser, pri c9 to '08$159.00 with ex- ohanie for the two (2) mules. DUe to the condition of the mul_~ 1 twas 1n1possible from them to do "the required 'wQr'k. . A motion to matte this' exchange was macie by Commissi0ner Allen. and duly seeo:nded by Comm.lss.iener Surber. Voting Aye:', Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. There being' no further buSiness to come before the Com- Jal~~slon. upen motlonbehg' made ani d.uly second~d. the meeting was dec,lared. aq,journed. Attest:: ~~y ~?- ,,-/ I~~...., . ----, I' -~r"~~~r. .I-:-:~T r ' -_._..~ ..L.I~~~" 22 Regular Meeting Monday, April 29, 1935 COlUlcil Chamb~r------City Hall City of West Un1versity-Eiaee, Texas. The Commiss10n eonvenedon the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Major Hyett Fesiding and Commiss ioners Allen and Sumerand Oi ty Secretary Jarrard ,in" a ttendanee. Mr.Harris reported tbat~he city was in need of 751 of additional sewer X'edsas thes8wer line extends about agO I from clean out points. Authority was given the Secra- taryto order 25 joints at $1~IO per joint by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye::-CommissionersAllen and Surber. , Bos:" lIone. . Mayor Hyett advised that the horse l~t w....s low. allOWing water to stand practically at all times and that <the barns were in neetiof repairs. Ira Harris.was g:l.ven'iDstruetions to'!ill in the lot w.ith shell" or sandy loam and make' the necessary repairs to the barns, using second hand lumber from the two story gar- age on u.'.niversity, BO"Ulevard be.longi. ng t6 '1'. emple B.And- ~son, if same can be 'purchased for $2S.0a. The Secre- tary was given authority to negotiate with Mr.Anderson. Mr.Anderson advised sometime ago that he was unable to ,complete the garagean~ would sell same. A mot1onauthorizing the above was made by Commissioner Surber and duly seoonded by Commissioner Allen. , . Voting Aye:: CouUn1ssiQners Suber,. and Allen. Nos:: None. Mr.J..V.Arnold appeared to ask for 'an adj1.J.jJtmeni; of a water bill at 3119 Rice .Boulevard. IU- _~4J.t( advised that about'27,OOO gallons of water was registered during one month, whieh was 'due to the comode being out of order during the absenee of his tenants. A motiot:l was made by C()JDlllissioner Surber as a suggestion of the lItayor forj;he Secretary to make the adjustment at actual --~ost of pUJj..ping the water, which motion was seeond- edby Comm1s's1on~:I1. A;~len. Voting Aye:: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos:~ None. (Continued to Page 23) r=~~=-r="9~',' __'--- ~:===~~'''C""=,,,o;.-7''' (Continued from Page 22) 23 MayOr Hyett advised that he was in conversation with Mr. J .D.Langham (owner of Colon.ial Terrace) endeavoring to get an'exten$ion in making improvements on Byron Street P~k~ as required at the time was donated. Mr.Langham stated that it was satisfactory with two members of the Company and tha.t he had written the' third member and as yet had not received an answer, ?but was. sure he wouJ.d be agreeable. M~.Hal~at residing on Bissionette, asked for information and estimate'as to eost of lnstallatlonof a water line to supply water to his, property. Mr.Harris was instruct- ed to discuss themat,ter with Mr.Halla and find out what will be n.ecessary to make this extension. ' Mr.Halla also advised he would pay the del:i.nquent taxes on his propeJl'ty providing..,the City would l.ower the valu- ation. The Secretary was given authority to make an ad- justiment and suggested $l.~OO.OO per acre. ' The opening of University Boul.evard was a~1n ~i8eussed. Commissioner Al.le.n advised he would see Mr .Nagle of the Oity of' Houston' tibis week and: endeavor. to - -secl11'e inform- ,ation as to 'Uly late developnents and report at next Coun- e11 Meet111g... In response to l.e1;t8r8 maile4 recently regard1ng delin- quent water b1l.1s, 'Mr.J.L..Hepler, M,r. "and Mr..Pete Ras- mussen, Mr.and Mrs. F.Huwe1ler, and 'f.P.Camp;appeared before the' Council. ud' asked - for an extens:i.on of time in the pa)'Dlent of theii'aecoUnts.Eaeh one asking for this extension: of time made a payJ:Jlen:t on.' their accounts and. ^ exeeut'edh a note for the balance' of their water ,and sew- ~ erage accolints, advising they would pay their current . water bills (and sewerage billS) and make payment on their notes each month. There being no further business to come before the COIn- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. " Yb-tAaA~~~ 01 Y SECRETARY. r---:-~ t= 1. 1 -- , ----,--,,--- 24 Regu.ler Meeting Monday, Mayeth, 1935. Council Cbambep-----City Hall City of West University Place, Texas. The Commission convened en the foregoing date at '1::00 It.M.. wi th Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and Ci t1' Secr~tary Juarard'in attendance. Mayor .Hyett recommend~d that Dr.Elva A.Wright "Qe re-. appointed as Health Ofri~er to serve for the ensuing 2 ( TYlo) year s . .. ' " . Commissioner Allen made a motion approving the appo1n~ent which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye:: Commissioners Allen and Surber. , Nos:: None. Upon motion made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded ,by Commissioner Allen, the Board of Commissioners ratified the action" o,r the Secretary and Mayor in, the payment of certain accounts ~bonds . and warrants interest caupons as represented by vouchers, Generalmrand Nos. '2263 to 2382, and Water Fund Nos. 1198 to 1212 inclusive.. Voting Aye:: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos:; None. The Oity Seer.etsry.is to advise Mr.H8.1la (on 'BI$sonette) that before he can d1vIde.h1s property ~to lots, it will be necessarY to comply with City O~dinance #10, Which provides that a plot be rIled with the City ror approval. And also advise him regarding the laying.o~ water pipes. Commissioner Allen suggested that the Secretary write a 'letter to the owner of the p~tly burned house on the west end of University'Boulevard and advise that forpub11c saf'e,n it is neeessar,y tha. t this house be repa~ed or re- 'moved. There being no further business to come before the Oom- mi,ssioti.,' ilpohIilo't'ioh being made and duly seconded .the meet1.ng was declared adjourned. Attest:: ~ o , ECRETARY i 1 I' '1 - [ - I --} , 1 25 Regular- Meeting, Monday, M'8.Y 13th, 1935. Counc~l Chamber-------City Hall, Cit~ of West University Place, Texas. ) ! The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City '8ecret~y Jarrard in attendan~e~ J .Al. Metcalf Fire Chief stated the department was in need of 4Firem~ Caps and 3 coverall and advised that he did not pur- chase the 4 Helmets as authorized sometime ago. Commissioner Allen motined that the Secretary issue an orde~ for the caps and coverall and authorized cancellation of or- der given for 4He~ets. This motion w~s duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners, Allen and Surber. Nos: None., After considerable discussion regarding the paving of Buffalo Speedway from Main street road to River Oaks, the Mayor was asked to write a letter to County Commissioner Spencer and ad- vise that the city of West University Place highly endorsed this project and arrange for an interview with the Commissioner Oourt ata future date. L. A.Morgan appeared '~efore -the commission to' ask for an ex- tension in the payment of his water bill," and stated he could make apa:vment after ,the 15th of. the month. The Secretary was given authority to'aecept this payment and a note for the balance, payable in monthly payments, plus his cur- rent water and sewerage bill. There being no further business to come before the Connnission, upon motion being made and duly s&conded the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~ ~-;~;' /7/-" ./ ~j/( ~-',----.,~' . COMMISSIONER d-~ c~~~(~. IL--__' r ___''''] _.L:_1 f'- I 1 L 1----------- 26 Regular Meeting, Monday, M,a.y 20th, 1955. Council Chamber-----City Hall, Cit~ of West University Place, Texas. Tn.eCommission convened on the foregoing, date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City ~ecretary Jarrard in attendance. Upon motion made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Co~ssioner Allen, the board of Oommissioner ratified the action. of the Secretary and Mayor in the payments of certain accounts, Bonds and Warrants Interest Coupons, as represented by: Vouches Numbers-General 2382 to 2442 Inclusive Water Fund U " 1212 to 1227 " Vot~g Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos:None~ John Wilson (garbage man) has stated several tiples that he was unable to meet his expense on the $30.00 per week which he is receiving for the handling of the garbage and that in the past .two years. there has been approximately 2()() ad- ditional houses to service. The Council realizing this have discussed the matter at previous 'council meetings and have decid~d that it will be more economical for the city to purchase a truck and employ W~lson and a helper at a salary of $17.50 for three and one half days each week. Wilson $10.00 and. helper $7.50. The city is to pay all truck expense. This 'will enable the city to use the truck for othep purposes. The above is to be put into effect on the morn.ing of June ' 3rd.. There being no further busirless to come before the Commis- sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded the meetiDg was de~lared adjourned. ATTEST: Approved: ~~ . . City Se~etary 27 Regular Mee'ting~ Monday, May 27th, '1935. Council Chamber-----City Hall City of Wes~ University Place~Texas. The Commission convened on the fbregoing date at 7:00 p. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Taylor Lumber Company advised they had an over supply of , Heart Bridge Lumber, which they would sell for $40.00 per thous~d (regular price approximately $60.(0) .The Mayor was give:n au.thority to purChase a thousand feet. MotiQnby Commissioner Allen and seconded by Mayor'Hyett to make the above purchase. Voting Aye Commissioner Allen & Mayor Hyett. Several complaints have been received regarding airplanes 'flying at a low attitude. The Council deemed it necessary to pass an ordinance prohibiting the flying lower than 200 ffiiet. Commissioner Allen made a' motion authorizing the pas- sage Qf this ordinance Tlhich was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting. Aye: Commissioner Allen &: S'tl:f'ber. Nos: None. Mr. Ira Harris advised that he was in need of' additional equip- ment to clean the sanitary sewerage lines, as some of' the cle~ cu.t man holes were about 700 feet apart,' and also stated that the sewerage system was in bad condition as some of' the lines were filled with roots and mud. The secretary was given authority to issue orders for a r~ason- able amount of equipment by a motion made by Commi~sioner S~ber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber and Allen. Nos. None: ' Commissioner Allen recomended the purchase of a pair of Hand 6uf.'fs .& Black Jack :ror the Police De.partment. Conmissioner " Surber made a motion giving Joe W. Clark permission to purchase the above (if' he, thought it was needed) this motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber and Allen. Nos: None. It was reported that a.fence was being built over the side walk 11neat Charlotte & Rice. Joe Clarke, Policeman was instructed to investigate and in- structthe property owner to keep their fence within 12 inches of the inside of the side water line.. ) (continued on page 28 l-''','F;~'' r~~=~-~~--=L::~~~5 _ _~_~r:-.'''-'"'-''=>=--r====-=''-='T~'='r- ~- ------- 28 There being no further business to come before the .Commission,y upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: APPROVED ~ 01 SECRETARY Regular meeting June 3rd" 1935 Th.e above meeting was postpond until June 10th~ as there was no business to transact.' ATTEST: . Approved ~-'~ MAYOR 1 ~~ 1 1-"' " . '1- 29 Regu1a~ I@t,ins; Monday, June lOth,l935. Council Chambe~ - - City Hall City of West Unive~sity Place, Texas. The Commission cpnvenei on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen an4 Sur1;)e~ and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The abseneeof adequate fire protection in the West Section of West University Place Second Additi0B, and wi th a view. of ~oviding necessary facilit1es whereby p~operty owners may benefit asa result of diminished tire insurance rate, it was decided to !nsta1l a 6 II water maim. fo'lJ a tistance of 2,600 feet .in said sectiol'l,.tegether with standard fire hydrants at proper intervals. Accordingly, tp.e Mayor was authoriz edto procure bids . en the required number of feet of pipe, as well as standard fire hydran:ts. Engineer Oa1- houn was instructed to make &s~vey and set grade stakes, submitting estim.ate of material required. - The questJ.ori."oftax valuation. tor the year 1935 was dis- cussed prQ&nd eon. 'fhe8oUnei1 concluded that inasmuch- as t;her.was an 11icrease of approx1mately OIm HmIDRED THOUS AND . doll.ars by reasen ef new buildings having been erected durilag calendar yea 1934,1t was possible to make adjust- mentsin assessed valuati.eD.s as of 1934 and maintai:m. a tetal valuation of FOUR MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS - $4,500.000. . The 8ee~eta.ry was. instJ;'ueted to write Mr. J.PerI"Y Moore, D1strietManage:r of theC.W .A. and endElavo~ to s'eenre the serv1ces of about~HIRTYFIVE (35) men to work on the sewer l~es, and any othe:r emergencywGZ'k that may exist. Ther..e being no further business to come before the Com- miss1oD., upon mot1on being made and duly seconded the meeting was 4eclared adjourned. A~'l'ES~: ~ APPROVED ~.. L2~ ;;;?2'"~ ~./U' .". /.../."'.. . ) :,." '74':#- !f,Y ,!'_:S' ,e.'.. ~ ,,/'.,/': V ..V'?A~- :t7XZ/ COMMISSIO:N~ j\ /p.. )!V j ..C-l" l ,x ! ~ J /.,;;.. .30 REGULAR MEETIDNG, MONDAY, JUNE 24th, 1935. COUN~IL CHAMBER---~--CITY HALL CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXAS The Conunission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 p. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber , and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. . Upon moti~n made by Commissioner Surber, and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, the Board of Commissioners ratified the action of the' secretary and Mayor in the payments of certain accounts, Bond & Warrants Interest Coupons, as represented b7: Vouchers, No. General Z443 to 2527 Inclusive. . ." No. Water Fund. 1228 to 1250 Inclusive. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. NOS. NONE. > The secretary presented receipts and disbursements statements as follows: Water Fund-Month of May 1935-Receipts-----$2716.18 Disbursements----- 572.63 Six months ending May 31, 1935. Receipts-----ll, 1.65.95 Disb~samBnts----- 7,296.54 General Fund: May 1935- Receipts------7,480.53 Disbursements-----IO,952.87 Six Months ending May 31, 1935, Receipts--- $55,382.55 Di&bursements---- 42,654.S2 s/I' ~fter each viewed these statements, CommissionerA~len made a motion to file same in compliance with the state statutes. This .motion was duly seconded by commissioner Surber. , Voting Ay~: CommiSSioners Allen and Surber. NOS: NONE. Mr. J. A.Kelly presented an instrument to be filed allowing an easement right to lay sew~r on Lot 3, Block 69, West University Place, 2nd. Addition. This easement was accepted by a resolution passed and a motion being made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. (See copy in File). There being no further business to come before the Commission upon motion being made and duly seconded. ,t1'1e m~eting was de- clared adjourned. APPROVED" . ..~ ,.. _._-------~_._--------_._-~-----.._--_... ._----~----~. l _____ ____L___I__l __~ r >. ., 31 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JULY ath, 1935, COUNCIL CHAMBER-- CITY HALL WEST mUVERSITY PLACE, TEXIS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ! .~ ., " F. S. Henshaw, G. E. Holtmeyer, H. Boddeker & Gaston Miles, representing city of Bellaire was present to discuss varipus improvements which will benefit both Bellaire and City of West University Place. The results of the meeting was as follows: - On Thursday, July 18th, a meeting is to be arranged with .. Mr. H. O. Clark, Jr. with the Houston Light & Power Company to endeavor toc~get a lower electric rate on power and . street lights. (Suggested $1.50 per light). which would make it pOSSible to increase the number of lights. It was also decided that Mr. Henshaw and Mayor R. G. Hyett write a letter to Mr. R. H. Spencer, County Commissioner and ask he and his engineer Mr. Dryfus to be present at a Council Meet- ing July 22nd, to discuss the paving of South Side of Bellaire Blvd, 'Drainage anq. paving Bissonnett .and other. im- provements that will benefit both cities. The Council was asked by Mr. Henshaw, Mayor of. Bellaire,to - meet with the Council at their regular Council Meeting Wed- nesday, July 17th. It was suggested by Mr. Henshaw that he \vrite a letter to Mr. Frazier with the Houston Electric Company and invite him to attend Beilaire Council Meeting which will be held Wednesday July 17th and endeavor to reduce the Bus fare on the Bellaire BUB. to ten cents (10~) which would benefit City of West University Place by our citizens living close to Bellaire Blvd, and also to work out a more convenient schedule. j ~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR,R.G. HYETT TO FILE AN APPLICATION TO THE UNITED STATES O~ AMERICA THROUGH THE FED- ERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR A GRANT TO AID IN THE FINANCING OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SIX INCH WATER MAIN ON MERCER STREET (TENNESEE) FROM ITS COnNECTION TO AN EIGHT INCH WATER MAIN 011 AMHERST STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB OF SUNSET STREET (HARVARD ) AND THE REARRANGEMENT OF THE SERVI-mE LATERALS NECESSITATED THEREBY AND DESIGNATING JOHN C. CALHOUN" EN GINEER ;A:ND C. G. JARRARD, SECRETARY, TO FURNI SH SUCH n~J:i'ORMATION AS THE GOVERIDmNT MAY REQUEST. i. The above resolution was passed by a motion made by Commis- sioner Allen and due to the absence of Commissioner Surber was seconded by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos None. -cotinued on page S2- rc~c-::- ....~L~l _~__~ I - -'-:~ , r'------ <90 .)i;::j The following certificates of the resolution was attached to the application. Be it rewolved by the board of commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, meeting in regular session on this the eighth day of July 1935. Section 1. That R. G. Hyett, Mayor, is authorized to execute and file an application on ,behalf of the Oity of West University Place, to the United States of Amer~ca for a grant to aid in financing the construction of a six inch, water main on Mercer St. (Tennesse) from its connection to an eight inch water main on Amherst Street to the south curb of Sunset St.{ffarvard) and the re-arrangement of the service laterals necessitated there- by. Section 2. That John c'. Calhoun, Engineer, and C. G. Jarrard, Secretary, are hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the United State of America through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works may reasonabmy r~quest in connection with this application which is herein authorized to be filed. -" \ , I J CERTIFICATE OF THE SECRETARY I, C. G. Jarra.rd~ 'the duly appointed, qualified and acting secretary of the City of West University Place, do hereby certify that I have comp~ed the above copy of a resolution and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution on file in my office which reso- lution was passed by'the board of commissioners in a meeting duly held on the eighth day of July 1935. Dated this the eleventh day of July, 1935. CITY SECREARY There being no further business to come before the Com... mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declare4 adjourned. Approved: IV 0 JV I lit r; ;\1 Cc~ @.1l....i ~ 'I {i/tI-l. Iv YOR,,{ " r~""~II- .'., r- , I '!~''---'II~-- r}>!t . 00 REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, JULY 15th, 1935, COUNCIL CHAMBER-----CITY HALL , . WEST :UNIV"BRSITY PLACE, TEXAS The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and COmL1issioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. . Mr. J. Lee Bradrord (General Contractor) appeared before the .Council endeavoring to secur.e plumbing license for his plumber, I. L. Ingles. The Mayor advised him that our plumbing board met every 3 months in compliance with the plumbing ordinance, and that the next meeting would be held at I'7'O'clock in the .evening of the third Wednesday in September. No linense could be issued until that date. Mr. Archer was present and presented blue print and plans of the H. B. Williamson tract of land being six acres in the southwest seetion of West University Place, first addition, and advised that it was their intentions to develop this property and devide same into lots.(Said sub-division will be known as Kent Addition) He was advised that before any of this property could be sue-divided, it would be necessary. to file a map showing a division of the property and the dedication of easement right and.street, which instrument would have to be approved by. the Council. Mr. Archer then advised that he would have the necessary information to pre- sent within the next ten days, for approval. ~~: ~A/.tJNn~~~ ~:~. There being no further business to come before the Commis- sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. . Approved: ATTEST ~ ' tfJ .~ __ .n~/~ . SEC ARY :--~r~'~=~l""~I-.-"~'~'i r. ._-"-"".,'-'~,r--- ---n-------- ..--- 34 l\.EGUIAR MEETING, , MONDAY, JULY 22nd, 1935, COUNCIL CHAMBER----CITy HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACEjTEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7 :00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secr~tary Jarrard in attendance. The Council sees no objection for having the sidewalk in ~he center of the roadway of Williamson land, pro- viding the center walk is 4 feet wide and the roadway is wide enou.gh 'So that a car parked on side of roadway will leave room enough for' another car to ~ss, and provide'for necessary drainage. The Council sactioned the Nw.Jarrard taking a week off as part of vacation. ~~:.~~~~.~. ~ N)ms: There being no further business to come before the Com- mission upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting'was declared adjou.rned. Approved ATTEST ~A4~ secretary I r i I I' ',' 1 35 REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY JULY 29th, 1935, COUNCILJCHAlVIBER----CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the ~oregoing date at ?:oo p. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mr. Jack Plumb present owner of the'University Cleaners appeared be~orethe Council to discuss the manner o~ pay- ments of the $43.00 water bill oweing by this establish- ment.:: He was advised that it was not the intentions of the Council to make it inconvience ~or any citizen, .and there>>ore would agree to accept a note ~or the balance ot the bill to be paid off at the rate 'of $3.00 per month in addition to the regular current water bill. This was agreed to by Commissioners Allen and Surber, The Council approved the plans and blue prints' showing the division of the. 6 acre tract of land lying in the south- west section of the City of West University Place, as the last blue prints shows the lots to be 100 ~eet in length, with a 3 feet provided for the installation of water, gas, sewerage, electric lights lines, telephone lines and other utilities, and also providing a 28 foot street with a 4 foot sidewalk through the center. The Council re~used to accept the former plats as it showed the lots to be only 95 feet in length. The Mayor then advised that it was fea- sible to devide the plat so the lots would be 100 feet in length, which will comply with the State law on all sub-di- visions. If all the terms are complied with, the City agreed to f~lrnish at actual cost(to Mrs. Williamson) the sewerage and water lines to supply this addition. The Mayor advised that he had information from Parker Bro- thers to the e~fect that they would pave with shell emulsion 3 inches thick, all gaps in the streets in West University Place. first addition, at a cost of 3t~ per square foot. Joe Clark was instructed to call on all property owners whose part of the str~et ~ are unpaved,giving them the opportunity to take advantage o~ this proposition. Parker Brothe~/also advise that those having satisfactory credi ts would" a llowed to sign a 90 day note. , The Mayor advised that. there was 5 lengths of ~ire hose on the rack which had been there for about 2 weeks, and that the fireman had neglected to put these back in place when they were washed and dried. The Secretary was instruc- ted to advise the fireman to put these hose in proper shape and place them back in the fire department, and that in the future they would be responsible for any hose, or fire equipment removed from the department, unless authority given by the proper authorities. The above instruction was given by the Mayor, and approved by both Councilmen. i~ I r I I r - "~~O~~~-f . 1 36 Upon motion made by Commissioner Allen, and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber, the Board of Com- missioners ratified the action of the secretary and Mayor in the payments of certain accountsT Bond & Warrants Interest Coupons, as represented by: . Vouch~rs, NO.:~i:'-~ GeneraJi 2.a2:2.:t6\."5~15 Inclusive. I No.- Water 4001 to 4023 It , Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. NOS. NONE. There being no further business to come before the Commission upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED UPluItLl! . MA.Y.ORiie:L/J.. ~~ /";.' ?..L. 'j'/_ -;::7~t.. -. <~ . r ~Jk./~J mm~ 4" COM il[ISSIOl'ifER ATTEST; ~y r I I~ ~-"-il ~ 37 REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, AUGUST 5th, li35, COUNCIL CHAMBER---CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mr. Hatcher has advised several timeR that the wheels on the .~ractor grader was not 'satisfactory for the grading of shell streets as the cleets would make ridges which would washout during the rains. Bull-Stewart advised that they have a set of rubber wheels which origin-al sold for approximate'ly $500~OO, tlliattthey were in very good condi- tion and could be purchased for the sum of $35.00. Commissioner Allen made a moti,on authorizing the' purchase of these wheels, due to the absent of Oommissioner Surber, was duly seconded. by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. NOS: NONE. 'Mr. Harris was given instructions to work out plans and secure prices for materials for the building of a garage for the new garbage truck, which is to be built on the City property where the barn is now located, and to place same as far as possible from the two story building, as the truck has a very unpleasant odor. . In response to a letter receive.d regarding the Federal Loan And Grant,for the laying of Mercer Street water line, it was decidedtha t Mayor Hyatt make a trip to Ft. Worth to appear before the board to secure definite information as to the procedure we should.take to secure this loan at an early date. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the Commis- sion upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED .Cl4./f(. ~~/ Y ',' .~ 1f~ . ~~ =/R / ~~~ COMMI S, lONER ATTEST: 'V ~~ r-- I I f ==-=>~==~'1~-"'<"~1 IT ,38 CALLED MEETING, l\fIO~DAY, AUGUST ?th, 1935, COUNCIL GHAMBER-----CITy HALL, lIVEST UN"!V:rnSITY PlACE', TEXAS. The Commissioner convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and C~ty Secretary Jarrard in attendance. This meeting was held for the purpose of passing a resolu- tion in connection with the W. p. A. Mercer street water line project loan. In re~ponse ~o a letter received by Mayor Hyett fram Mr. F. N.cBaldwin, chief engineer, W. P. A. District #6. A resolution as set forth in the following letter was passed and approved by ~he, Council. Mr. F. N. Baldwin, Chief Examiner, W. P. A. District #6. Dear Mr. Baldwin: , This is to advise you, that persuant to your suggestion of this date the City Council of city of' West University Place, meeting in special meeting on this the Seventh day of August passed the following resolution. RESOLUTION: The City Council of City of West University Place, Texas realiz~ng the emergency existing do hereby in. called meeting this day appropriated and directed the City Secretary and treasurer C; G. Jarrard to set aside the same as though it was expended for needed and required water main and fire hydrants on Mercer St. from Amherst St. to Sunset St. and the re-arrangement of the service laterals in con- nection there-with to the present water system the sum of ($4,183.5'1) Four thousand one hundred eighty three dollars and. fifty seven cents to be expended as directed in Engineer Calhoun's report and application to the Works Progress Admin- is trat ion when supplemented by grant of ($4,000.00) Four bhousanddollars by Works Progress Administration to complete the'entire project. lie G. Hyett, Mayor I, C. G. Jarrard, dul"3. authorized and act- ing City Secretary, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the resolution passed by City Coun- cil on this the Seventh Day of August, 1935. C. G. Jarrard, City Sec. , The Council 'oked the proposition to make application to W. p. A. to servey without cost the utili ties belonging to the . City of W. U. P. and also resevoir, sewer repairs and pumps. continued on page 39 !":______~_l::::::_~t ?9 0. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. Nos: None. There being no f'urtner business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED .' , /' / //;'/' /.7 .p,#' ~-:v t:~ko v;rc.,...~,--l..- ~..> SECRETARY / / AT.11EST : L-------. r--:__:-::r -J..:--_, --,. - i..-1 ----:-r 40 REGUL.~R MEETING, MONDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1935, COUNCIL CHAMBER-----CITy HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commissioner convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Connniss ioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mrs. Illig, owner of Bissonett Place has discussed with the MaYQI' several times regarding the improving of this addition, and ask if the City would grade the streets and prepare for shell, providing that she would pay the actual cost of operating the tractor. The Secretary was instructed to get in communication with Mrs. Illig, and advise the estimated expense would be approximately $50.00, which would take four or five days to complete this work, and that She would be allowed over period of 45 days to pay i'or same. The Secretary presented cash receiptsa:nd disbursements statements, covering the months of June and July of 1935, of Which is as follows: General Fund June receipts-$1557.58 July n - 2113.19 Disbursements-- -----$7645.75 n 4126.94 Water Dept. June Receipts-$ July n 7--1 n.. t. "1/ $ yl.3 4"'1 II $ /t:. t n ,~ tJ <f- J_" $ ," s' .. ,~..~ / ? ~,R..,o"; Conrraissioner Surber made a motion to the effect that the above statements be approved and filed, mich motion was duly seconded by Cormnissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber and Allen. Nos: None. Upon motion made by Commissioner Allen, and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber, the Board of Commissioners rati- fied the action of the Secretary and Mayor in the payments of certain accounts, Bond & Warrants Interest Coupons, as represented by: Vouchers General--2616 to 2655 Inclusive. Voucher Water----4024 to 4038 II Commissioner Surber made a motion to approve and seconded by Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber & Allen. Nos: None. continued on page 41 ;------"----1 1-- --j r ~----- ~ .-- ~-. ,n 1 41 '\ Ata previous Cormcil Meeting Joe Clarke, the policeman,. wag instructed to have a signal light placed about 10 feet above the Fire Sirene Tower. After discussing this with Mr. U. R. Bronk, electrian,advised that he would installed this light with weather proof material at a cost of $14.20. Commissioner Allen stated that in his opinion that this was a very reasonable charge and made a motion, authorizing this work to be done, which motion was duly seconded by Connnissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber ~~d Allen. Nos: None. The Mayor- inst~~cted Mr. Clarke to place a temporary lig~ on this tower and view it from several different sections of the City to make sure that it can readily be- seen. Due to vacations it was suggested by the Mayor bhat th~s Cormcil meetings be le"or,rttdnl\1l.lra vntil Monday ;Rept. spa, and advised that if any necessi~~~$arises .there can be a special Council Meeting called to take care of emergencies. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber & Allen. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED ',: r'~-'~I r .-. .~~~'~'~~i' 1 -;-r 42 CONTINUED MEETING AUGUST 12th,1935. MONDAY SEPTEMBER3rd, 1935. COUNCIL CHAMBER----..--.:.-CITY HALL , WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commissioner convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyettpresiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner 'Surber absent. . Sometime ago the plumbing inspector advised that the in- . stalla.tion of plumbing in the garage apartment, belonging to Mr. L. T. Smith on the 6400 block on Westchester did not meet the requirements in our Ordinance No.35. The Mayor advised he inspected this plumbing and found it to be as represented by the plumbing inspector. The Secre- tary was instructed to advise Mr. Smith the job would have to be corrected to meet the requirements of our plumb- ing ordinance. . The Secretary advised that the 1935 tax statemantshad been mailed and asked as t~ what discount, if any, be al- lowed for the payments of these taxes. Commissioner Allen , made a motion to the effect the discounts as allowed for 1934 be in effect, that an ordinance be passed allowing 3$ discount on taxes paid on and before October 5th~and 2$ on taxes paid on and before November 5th. Due to the ab- sent of Co~~ssioner Surber, this motion was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen & Mayor Hyett. ., Nos~. None. An,:Or~inancele~inCl' ~axes for 1935,-nassed-bY' a,emotion made Pl( P~nmf~s~~nce~ [:AIT~;"seeoiided--])y Nt~yor '"Hyett';Hagr'eed to'" 0ver....telep1'ione~by CommissionEr Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and :Mayor Hyett~ Nos; None There being no further business to come before the Commission upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED _-'--________~____ 1-==='~"-.~-1-~--9""""'''"===. ~:'~;<"~.-Y.'>." ;.,~- "7 I I l .1 I -~ 44 REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, SEPTJ.!MBER , 9th, 1935. COUNCIL CHAMBER---------~CITK HALL , WEST UNIVJJRSITY PLACE,TEXAS. The CommissionGconvened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attend- ance. Profess~r Armand, principal of West University Place SChool, and Mr. Lindsay, Mayor of South Side Place, was present to discuss ways and means for the paving of University Blvd, in front of the school between Auden and Haden Streets. Mr. Armand assured that the Houston Independent School District would contribute 50% of the total cost. After considerable discussion it was decided that Mayor Lindsay and Hyett would call on Commissioner Spencer of Harris County, precint l, and work a proposi tionwhereas the county would handle this project. - Mr. Joe Catherina advised that during rains the water would stand on several places on Amherst Street., north of University Blvd. and that he had a new hQuse opened for inspection the ];a stSunday, and was unable to do so, on account of the drainage. Mr. Harris was instructed to make an investigation, and do what was necessary to satisfy this complaint. The City received notice sometime ago of a suit, for the payment of ten thousand dollars warrants which was issued to Carl Pleasant & Company, Inc. for the payment. of engineering fees on a five hnndred and twenty thous- and dollar paving contract in the West section of town, stating the. t three of these warrants was passed due. The Mayor was given authority to negotiate with C~oker. Fullbright and Freeman, attorneys, to secure assistance for our attorney, Mr. Bonfield, in this case, which is styled: Ralph Pleasant, versa City of West University Place. Mr. Henry Meyer and J. L. Pereira, plumbers, was present in response to a complaint filed by Mr. Barnhill, who stated that Mr. Pereira who is licensed in this City, had secured plumbing permit on the Nottingham Street job, which job was awarded to Henry M~yer, who does not have licenses. After considerable discussion, it was learned that these two plumbers were in partners. It was de- cided that in view of the circumstances the City was justified in the issuing of this permit. Voting Aye-Coramissioners Surber and Allen. Nos. None. There being no further business to come before the Com- mission upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. r- -I--r r----- '----!'---1 , r ATTEST: /' -~------ - - . ~.-- ----~'!=~~=~T""-.CC-'.l-.-'.-.=~ 45 APPROVED a//1Jf~ ~~L COMMI SIONER. If .-",-~....., ./ 46 REGULAR MEETING, ' MONDAY, SEPTliMBER 16th, 1935. COUNCIL CHAMBER---~-----~-CITY HALL , WEST UNIVERSITY PrACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the .foregoing date at 7:QQ P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Surber absent. Du.e to no ".business to transact, upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting was declared ad' ned. /' . t2-r-t~' COMMISSIONER A//2.~j"" <'? /J V~.0f~ /I//,'! ..' / ~ .4t ...jA.-<..AA-4'--- C'< MISSIONER F APPROVED ATTEST: ~~ ,/ li~--'---~'~~- _~u.. -J==-----==~..c== r: .-.-~-'~~~-=:-"-:-=:-:::--:--"--~-:""~ ,-"r-'.--- 4'7 REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1935, COUNCIL CHAl{BER---------~CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. :M. with :Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Comraissioner Surber absent. Upon..motion made by Commissioner Allen, and duly second- ed by :Mayor Hyett, the Council ratified the action of the Secretary and Mayor in the payaents of certain accounts, Bonds & Warrants Interest Coupons, as represent by: Vouchers General-2655 to 2806 Inclusive. tt Wa ter 4038 to 4060 fI ... " Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve and seconded by Mayor Hyatt. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen & Hyett. Nos: None. T1.'~.;;x':::':J There being no further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adj ourned. APPROVED ~ ~/?/CI/1 /V 01 EcF.~Y. . ~~ -~~ //;;?,~-<i/fJ' /:::i/?,_~._~__ ~: f' /."J .' I' (,; y .,~v J'. _,-...._,_.~,.,- <f' ~:r "" l,-<'-;~'--"-'" ..-<.' ....~ . 'l . ils10liER ~.~ COMMIS lONER Ir-- I._.-"'~~II'~~-~T~-------r-~~'~~~~''''..''''T _ _ L_fC-- - 48 DUE TO NO BUS mESS TO TRANSACT THE MERl'ING SCHE- DULE FOR SEPTEMBER 30th, WAS POSTPOND UNTIL NEX'!' REGULAR MEETING DATE. L__ r_~__J_I=-_l L. -,--.1 LJ - 49 REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1935, COUNCIL CWUffiER--------CITy HALL~ WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. . , The Commission convened on the roregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance . Commissioner Surber ab- sent. - ,. J Mr. 0.. w. Taylor~who is building a residence on Wake.forest Street" between Duke Street and University Boulevard, ad- . vised his plumber was unable to determine as to the location .01' the Sanitary Sewerage line. Mr. I. Harris was instructed to make an investigation, and do what is necessary to supply this service. - Mr. W. F. Cawlfield, contractor, presented plans .for appro- val .for the construction of six houses on Let 8 Block 23, and part 01'.10 and 6, Block 23, West University Place, lst. Addition. In view of the fact that the cost or each house will amount to approximately $3000.00, he was advised that this would meet the requirements of the city, and permits would be issued, upon his request. Mr. T. P. Camp advised the Council that he was tmable here- toforeto meet the term.s in the agreement signed for the settlement of his water and sewer accounts, and that he had changed positions, aa:d as soon as he re~eived his next check" which would be about the < lOth of October, his account would be brought up to date. For economy and service the Council thought it wise to pur- chase a Battery Recharger , to keep the batteries in the Fire Truck and all other city owned automobiles in good condition. Mr. H. A. Pilsner, owner or abat:tery shop in the city advised he had a machine in perfect condition, which originally sold for approximately $90.00" which he would sell to the city for the amount o.f $25.00, and would agree to look after the Batteries and keep them serviced. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing the Secretary to issue a check for the purbhase of this machine, which motion was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. . The city has had s.everal opportunities recently to sell lot 26 Block 13, Rice Court Addition,{which lot was danatedto the city several years ago by Jarrard & Plumb, for the build- ing of a City Hall).It is the opinion of the COlL~cil that it will be an advanta.ge to. dispose of this lot, as the money could be used to a very good advantage at this time, and would also bring revenue each year in taxes. Secret Bids were ask- ed, and the following were received; Throu~h recomendation of Secretary Jarrard,Commissioner Allen made .~ motion approvirtg the purchase of an addressograph. for ad- , dressing mont:.nly water'. cards .As this system will be a saving of 3 days time each month. Motion seconded by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. continu.ed on page 50 -I 1 '="'1 I r 50 Mr. L. B. Bone-- --$810.00 $600.00 cash, bal. 60 days. Mr. Joe Catherina-:" 700.00 100.00 tI It 90 u .. '~'. r.... Mr. P. R. Plumb---- 875.00 500.00 " It 90 II The bids were referred to lvIr. Geo. Murray, Mr. . A. Shaver and Dr. J. A. Herschel for inspection, and as to their opinion as to appraisal. Each expressed the 6pinion that since Mr. Plumb was the highest bid- der he should receive the lot for $875.00, and that the city is justified in selling same for this price. The Secretary was' instructed to notify Mr. Plumb and draw up the necessary deed and etc. Inasmuch as the Deputies riding several hours at night patroling the city with the policeman, it was suggest- ed that they be paid seventy-five cent (.75) per night. A motion authorizing this was made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. Mr. Joe Clarke, policeman, asked if the City would furnish him a uniform which he felt would benefit the city and be a protection to himself. After dueconsid- eration he was instructed by the Mayor to secure prices at various places for two (2) flannel shirts, two (2) pairs of pants, and a pair of puttees, and sumit figures at the next Council meeting. Due to the number of .houses having been constructed in the second addition, it was suggested that another street light be installed in that section. Mr. J. A. Kelly, contractor, advised that if the City would pay the cur- rent bill each month, he would pay for the installation of this light. . , , Mr. Dawson, who is connected with the Water Well Cor- poration, which company .is cleaning the mud and sand out of the water well at the College Street Plant, advised that they be permitted to drill this to approx- imately 850 feet to assure us of a water supply of about 400 gallons per minute; and also stated the water much better at this level. After due consideration, .he was advised that some action would be taken at a later meeting. Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen & Mayor Hyett. Nos. None. There being no f'tirther business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED continued on P.51 lL_c__ r~---'--'-"- ~:-:-:-I~. _ J:-:-:-~=-:'i r-'. :"=~=--C-_=~"~--=-"'-" ~:~'="l l___..r-'-~-- ATTEST: ~ ~F C ECRETARY . r~~~<~I~ . I -1 c_~ __n~"~"~:n:l 51 // .<"'! ~-. // ,p')~11i;;1 /./ /~/ d V ,~(..~ /&~. _..A:-,.-4:.-"'~f .;"-., COMlWIS SrONER ~$~ ::::;::Tn 52 I REGULAR MEETING MONDAY~ OCTOBER 14, 1935~ COUNOIL OHAlffiER ----- CITY HALL, WEST IDiIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the fore'going date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Oommissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary farraI'd in At- tendance. Upon motion made by Commissioner and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber, the Board of Commission ap- proved the eperating budgets covering a period from September 1, 1935, to August 3l, 1936, which bud- gets shGw: GENERAL FUND Expenses Revenues $20,5?5.00 20,5?5.65 WATER FUND Expenses Revenues 15,145.00 16,025.00 For detail see copy in file. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: Ne:ne. I:ncluded in the above budgets are the adjustment of' salaries which are as follows: May()r from $80.00 to Oommissioners from 40.00 to City Supt. from 150.00 to Secretary from 150.00 to Policeman from 100.00 to Firemen from 110.00 to Mr.Hateher S&B Dept.fran 20.00 to Mr. Robb from 100.00 to $100.00 per month 50.00 each 168. ? 5 168.75 112 . 50 115.00 each 22.50 per week 120.00 per month r _ =-:__~_L':1_:_ i ___ r- ~~1 -----;--:r ~'.:) vU /\ The al),ove adjustments are to be made et.fective from ~ 1, 1935. Mr. Clarke, policeman, was advised that in the future it would be necessary for him. to furnish his own uniform for which the City would advance immediately the sum of $25.00, for which the City would be reimbursed a part each pay day. Mr. J. M. Dunnington appeared before the -Board and asked if the City would use its efforts in having the Light Company remove certain poles -wi thin the vicinity of Westchester and Oason Streets, which lines do not run in conformity with the easement rights given the Light Company. The Secretary was instructed to discuss this matter with the Light Company to see what eould be donete satisfy this complaint. There being no further business to come before the Commission,. upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED 54 REGUIAR ME$TING MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1935, COUNCIL CHAMBER ----- CITY HALL. WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commdssion convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding aI).d CotnIQ.issioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in at - . tendance. Mr. L. H. Kellsher, representative of the Equitable Life Insurance Company of Des Moines, Iowa, was present to discuss the paymentsuof matu.red bonds which his Company holds. He was advised that the City would endeavor to take up a portion of these matured bonds within. the next couple of days, as soon as a check was made to determine what funds may be available for this purpose. .- - ' < Upon motion duly made and seconded the City Secretary was instructed not to make any further payments on the principal or interest on funding bonds the third issue dated October 10, 1931, and/or on any warrants out- standing against t~eCity, Until further action by the Commission, this being based on the advice of City Attorney, Sonfield, and Judge Leddy. The above motion was made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and SUrber. Nos: None .Motion was made by Commiss 10ner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen to recover from City National Bank of Houston, Texas, and from the State Comptroller of Currency at Austin all unissued third series refunding bonds dated October IO, 1931, be - longing to the City of West University Place, Texas, and to guard against such bonds falling into the hQnds of unauthorized holders. Secretary Jarrard is hereby instructed and authorized ."'0-:. to cancel and mutila.te such bonds so that they may be worthless to any holder as such bonds are to be pre- sented to the Council for inspection and verification. !~------ - >-~___-.I___ J-:-_m [ "_ - _.__u_________.___._ __..']. , I F~ ;)V --r Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. Nos: None. Tne Secrstary was instructed temake'payments for ail interest coupons due September I, and October lO, 1935, on the first and second series of bonds and to retain :t.n'thesinking fUndS. sufi'icient amount to pay the "interestnia.ttirities, ahd the balance in the sink- ingftmd ahal.l be 'used' to pay matUred bonds prorated among thei'U'st and second series, based upon the outstanding matured bonds. Motion iristructing the Secretary to. carry out the above iIlstructionswas made by Commdssioner A~len and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: Nene. Upon motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Cemmissioner Surber the Mayor and Secretary were given authority to execute a contract with the Water WellCerporation for the cleaning out of water well No. 2 located in the College Avenue Plant. The total time for 'the cleaning of this well was not to ex- ceed three days at $35.00 'per day. Copy of this contrad::t is on file in this Office. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. It was decided at a previous meeting that by cleaning out well No. '2 in the College Avenue Plant, it would not supply sufficient amount of water, and it was sug- gested by Mr. Dawson of the Water VIell Corporation that they be allowed to drill the well to the next sands, which wou1dbe approximately 400 feet deeper than the present depth. Motion was made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen giving authority tothe Mayor and. Secretary to execute this contract as soon as the Secretary can make arrangementswitb. the'City National Bank for ~he financing of this project. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. Nos: None. I~-- ---l~~=::I.. r~~:-::l r-"-'. ,., -~O_"--":-l ~ 56 Fer the convenience of' theHWater Well Corporation the .City has purchased several drums of gasoline from the Humble Oil & Refining Company which was used by this Company in the operation of this well. It was agreed that the amount would be de du,.cted from the first pa~ent due them. There beirig no further business to come before the Commission, upon tp.otion being made and duly se- conded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED ATTEST: / /' ("j r~H~H~'~~r~"I""O'~~~l .~.'.'"'~.'.~~.O"~'.~------_.------TT I 57 SPECIAL AiEETING, - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1935. 6 o'clock, COUNCIL CHAMBER ---------CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 6:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard 'in attendance. Com- missione!' Surber absent. . Mr. Eggert of the W P A advised today that he had re- ceived the final approval on the 6 inch water line on Mercer Street. This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing with Mr., John C. Calhoun engineer on this project the final details and give him authority to proceed with the work as SBon as materials could be purchased and final arrangements made with the W P A. Mr. Calhoun advised that some of these materials would be purchased by the W P A and the balance w.ould be :purchased by the City, at competitor prices. The engineer advise that arrangement should be made and actual work began w1ithtn about ten days. Mr. Calhoun also handled the application to the W P A for the, loan to construct a Municipal swimming pool. To assist the city in financing of this project, the Mayor suggested that we use the proceeds from the sailie of the Rice Court Lot, which was sold to Mr. P. R. Plumb. Commissioner Allen also stated that he would give this his approval. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos None: ' There being no, further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED ~/~ /:.-7 /,iF ..-4 /.' I/V~,/'.v-7.T //v" I, _~., /t ;J <".",--.J(.-f"../!",/Y""-~ . IcoIlil~ISSI ONER . COMMISSIONER T'~''''~~~'I~~I~~~'~'~r'---------'. ~~ -~,-~, ,-----.-- I I.~ 58, REGULAR MEETING MONDAY OCTOBER 28th, 1955. CQUNCIL.CHAMBER------CITy HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS.. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Surber absent. Upen motien made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Mayor Hyett, the Council ratif~ed the action of the Secre- t~ry and M~yor in the pa..yment of certain accounts bonds, warrants and interest coupons as represented by vouchers. General 2806. Water 4060 2905 4081 Inclusive It to It Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. IV <>6 .No IV E ~ . I The Secretary presented a letter and a bond received from the Dallas Union and Trust Company, asking for the pay- ment of same. This is Bend #36, issued March 1st, 192?, ma1iuring March 1st, 1935. In view of the action taken at a previous meeting, Commissicner Allen made a motion author- izing the Secretary to issue a check in the amount of one thousand ($1000..00) dollars to take up this bond, which motion was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. 'Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. N!l>s None: Mr. .J. J. Sargent, phoned the Mayocr and asked for an exten-, sion of the payment of his water and sewer~gebill. The Secretary was instructed to write a letter advising Mr. Sar- gent, that they would extend the payments of these accounts to November l5th, at Which time it will be necessary to re- ceive not less than 50% of the entire amount. Receipts and Disbursement Statements for the water and General Funds co~eDing the period from September 1st, 1934 to August 31st, 1935, was presented to be approved. General ^ Receipts --.-- --- $79,218.64 \ Disbursements-----$68,?52.59 Water Funds Receipts-----------$23,936.57 Disbursements-----$14,391.06 A motion approving the.above statement was made by Commissioner Allen, and duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye: Commissicner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos None: 1 1- r-. -- .. 1 I r 59 The Secretary presented a statement f"or the year endin.g August 31st, 1935, showing the comparison of" ac~tual ex- penses to the budget, f"rom September 1st, 1934 to August 31st, 1935. Due to not having made satisf"actory arrangements with the bank to f"inance the new water well which was drilled by the Water Well Corporation, the Secretary was instructed to meet with Mr. R. E. Bean,' and make a new contract work- ing out a new financial setup, and present same at Ii. later Counc,"l meeting f"or inspection arid approval. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos None: There being no further business to come bef"ore the Commis- sion, upon motion being mad.e and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: .".~'." 1 <J j'? .;,..1 J .. f. . '/ LL.~l./'Pl.L4;'/Z.~?.{./' CITYJ8ECRETARY {=,.bl APPROVED ~.. .,. ~;2 :1/ 7/ .,'F ...... /' ". /.<It-r j. A/.,'/~~'_~_ .. 7' Co,w / SIONER'" .. ~ t. sZf! JJ .. .----- // ,... .' .. ~~/,,-~-./ - COMMISSIONER ..nun-1 I r I-I 1 r- . 60 I~-----. II Regular Council Meeting, schedule for Nov- ember 4th, was postponf{ed untilc:Nov.ember 12th, 1935, on account of the Mayor being absent from the County. - - __.u _, . Cl!trf'h< -- -------------------- I r-- 61 Regular Meeting, Tuesday, November 12th, 1935, Council Chamber------City Hall, West,University P:bace, Texas. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 wit~ Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and ~urber, and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mrs. Winston and Mrs. Allstot, appeared before the Council regarding the condition of streets approaching their property, stating that after the rains they were unable to get to their homes. The Mayor advised them that as soon as the streets were dry enough, same woul d be graded and the shoulders cut so as to allow the water to drain off, and would give them as much re- lief as PGssible, at this time, and would repair the bad places as soon as a shipment of shell is received. Mr. Roy N. Bean, representing the water well corporation was. present to discuss ways 'and means of coming to some agreement regarding the payraent due by the city for the drilling of the well on the Cottage street Plant, which payment is being held up due to. the condition involved in the water well corporation. Mr. Bean furnished a list of all creditors, which lists show the amount due in salaries and labor in the amount of $434.62. Inasmuch as these men', need their money, it was suggested that the city pay this amount and deduct same from their final settlement, and would withh~ld the payment of the balance tintil some satis- factory agreement is reached with the partners, opera tors or owners of this company. There is acont!J:oversy,'a~FtOj the responsibility being accepted by each parm~er. A motion was made by commissioner Allen, and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber that the amount of $34.62 be paid. yoting Aye: CO~fiissioners Allen and Surber. Nos. None: There being' no further business to come before. the Commis- sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. A;? PROVED ~Jfli~ ~ ...r-;ff>",,' . /"P,.- / J:,/ h f'IL " COfliI/I{SSIONER ~~~ f 7"" ; . , ;I , . ''-P-~' /}, ~~~_....:.--...--._----.,.., .u.MIS' ~Ni. -r~~-==r~'::J=----::=~__::-:'1- - __ ~~ _.~~'''-:-~--'--===''_==-C__'~L-r-- 62 I~--' REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY NOVmaBER 18th, 1935, COUNCIL CHA1ffiER--------CITY HALL, WEST. UNIVERS flY PLACE, TEXAS. The COiIDllission convened on the :foregoing date at '7:00 with Mayor Hyett.<pr>esiding and Commissioner Allen and City Sec- retary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Surber absent. A committee of citizens from Cottage Court, the section north Richmond road, headed by Mr. O. W. Reinshagen, appear- ed before the C01l.."lcil and asked if theci ty make immediate repairs on the street in their section of the city, as at . present it is almost impossible to get to and from their homes. The Mayor advised them that it was the city's intentions to give them some relief as soon as the weather'wdUld permit, as it was impossible to repair the streets in their present condi- tion. Mr. F. W . Gardner, of theF. W. Gardner Company, and Mr. Ploeger of the F. W! Heitmann Company was present to seek in- formation as to the present status of the finances in connect- ing with the recent well drill, by the Water Well Corporation, each stating that they had furnished considerable amount of materials and machinery to-this company in the drilling of this well, and asked that the city protect them before making fur- ther payments, after considerable discussion it was decided u~ey would turn the matter over to the City Attorney, Mr. Bonfield who would work with Mr. Bean, and endeavor to arrive at a sat- isfactory method in making this settlement, so as;. to relieve the city of any further liability. The City~ecretary advised that he had received from the 1st. Na tional Bank, Beaumont,' Texas, a funding bond #21, dated March 1st, 192'7, matured March 1932, belonging to the City of Beaumont. - Commissioner Allen made a motion that a check be issued for this amount, which was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye:. Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos. None: There being no further business to come before the Cormnission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. APPROVED ~Jf~~ - .I,a ,/'/;,;v /" l/ " .. / .l/ ;i/ !A:>~'$,,,,..'~,,:.,..~_:!..:,,~4__,~.--~--" , !JOMIVlISSIONER Ai' / . -' i1/1 // /iYlA/ C~- SECRET.lIRY 9~)lVJ,lYl.LJ-?i,iJQl'lJg-{_... . 1 __ ___~___:I _ ._L--=-___l ~ L~_ .~~ .----=~~"1 i _i"---- ( j .i , .., I 1 - 1~ 1--~~1 63 Regular Council Meeting schedule for November 25th, was postpon~ed until December 2nd. 1935 on account of the Mayor being absent from the Citypj..~,01...t.NJCUI trVf.- ~ ~.. ~ .~.~'"".~.I r~ - qlfl/~ //q:/:~~:::t:-":~"{:_A:---!_--- ~ ICommissioner ~r;,0~~/ Comm~ssioner i f ----...----------------- 64 December 2nd. 1935 Meeting schedule .for above date was postponaed until next regular meeting date. ~A'A' wrdi/ C' Secretary ~i:&~~~. ..Commissioner ~rt / / ' ~~ ~ ~~-~6-----'{ Commissioner 1 -1- r ._~~ - 1 i r 65 REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY DECElilBER 9th., 1935, COUNCIL CHAMBER--------CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS. The pommission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 with Mayor Hyett preSiding and Commissioner Allen and City Sec- retary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Surber absent. Due to the heavy rains the water was :flowing from the big drainage ditch into Tangley, Robinhood Streets and Rice Blvd. It was decided by Mayor Hyett that this meeting be adjourned so that we may endeavor to dam up these streets to keep the water :from destroying various other streets in the city. Mayor Hyett made -arrangements with Glen Taylor Lumber Yard to supply us with ten inch shiplap and other necessary 1urriber. Other than the city employees Mr. Metcalf Mr. L. A. Morgan volunteered their services to assist us in thi s work. There being no further business to come before the Commis- sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPR OVED ATTEST: ttJ;?-f) /i 'l /J /:1 0; / ~~;;;~~U~ (..- !~___L. --. ) ---c,CC' n T'-"CCC : ------------- , ..J:- 66 SPEC~AL MEETING, VflIDNESDAY DECEMBER 12th. 1935, eOUNCILCHAMBER-------------CITY HALL - , vV,EST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 with ~ayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber, and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing and approving W P A Applications. Due to the rapid growth of West University Place 2nd. and Monticello additions, the Council finds it necess~ry to install water mains and fire plugs in these sections of the City, and have authorized engineer Ca:Lhoun to submit City of West University Place proposal #6, (which is in files in the City. Hall) to W P A,Houston Texas, for federal relief in supplying these additions with necessary facili- ties. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing that these ap- plications be submitted, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner S~rber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. . Nos. None. Commissioner Surber made a motion authorizigg engineer Calhoun to file an application to W P A for the installation of a water line and fir~ plugs down Westchester Street in Second Addition. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Surber & Allen. Nos. None. J. W. Clarke, policeman, asked that the city furnish him with a raincoat, also stated that the police dar was in need of a new set of tires. Commissioner Allen suggested that the City Secretary secure prices on a raincoat and two tires. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen & Surber. Nos. None: T~~ough a motion made b y Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber the Council approved the 1935 tax rolls which shows a balance of $60,773.14 Voteing Aye: Commiisioners Allen & Surber. :Nos None: continued on page 67 IL__ ~C""-.n-_-~-I"""'~L.n.n.nr- ! 'n _.._~-'"-,-- cr---- I~ ~-~~1 6"'" .t There being no. further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED ATTEST': -,.., L _ __ C'::'_.~~~:~._n ..'.-"'-__1 qJ!/.t'<< ~~/?a~a#' fi' /:: /- ..-;11...../ {/I'fr ._ ,6 ./ tt....... -- <-_.,:::>y.~ -- - . C9'fumi"ssioner ~~;-~~y/_- Commissioner _~___...LJ . 68 REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16th., 1935, COUNCIL CHAMBER--~-----~-CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERS.ITY PLACE, TEXAS,. ~:i ~~:; The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen ~~d Sur~er, and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. A letter was received from San Jacinto Trust Company calling attention to a past due note of $1100.00, 'Which was given for real estate. (see Ledger). Commissioner . Allen made a motion authorizing the Secretary to make a . payment of $300.00 plus interest to January 1st, 1936, payable out of water fund, which motion was duly second- ed by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commis sioners Allen and Surber. Chief Metcalf advised that several of the Volunteer Fireman were in need of rubber boots. Commissioner Allen made a motion to the effect that the city purchase four pair. Samples to be sub~itted by Mr. Metcalf. Thismo- tion was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: COlmnissioners Allen and Surber. Upon motion made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen the pouncil ratified the action of the Secretary and Mayor aj;J:(rJI the payment of certain accounts, bond warrants and interest coupons as represented by vou- chers. General Water # 2806 4061 to II # 3045 4130 Inclusive ft Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber and Allen. -/~fJ'/"b"-.;' }''\-,/- ~ ::'..::: Commissioner Allen made a motion instructing the Secretary to purchase a raincoat and two tires for the police depart-' ment. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. tJ~ ~" ~ ~ ~'.~ 'yL(/'<J._, Due to the sand flowing into the Houston Sewer Mains, en- gineer Nagle advise the Houston Cou-ncil that it was cost- ing that City far in excess of the amount received of West University Place to take care o~ our sewers. The city of Houston Council gave notice that unless necessary repairs was made by West University Place to eliminate this aand our service would be discontinued, and was given 30 days notice. continued on page 69 69 ~. !iF 10.... ~L' ~. (i Chief Metcalf advised that the city would soon be in need of more fire hose, and also a ten foot stiff suction. Mr. Michael with the B I - Lateral Fire Hose Company of Gal- veston was present and submitted phamplets and price list for._consideration, when the city placed their order. They were advised that the City would give this further consider- ation before placing the order. In caring for emergencies and repairing of streets, bridges and etc. due to the over-flow and wa.shing away and damages to bridges and stopping of storm sewers and other damages, resulting from the flood, causing a considerable added ex- pense, should our general fund be inadaquate to care for such expenses above our general budget and operating expens- ses, that the Secretary is instructed to transfer out of Tax Collectors funds to General to meet the necessary expenses. A motion authorizing the transfer of these funds was made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber and Allen. The Secretary presented cash receipts and disbursements statements covering the General Fund and Water Department for the months of September and October 1935. Upon motion roadehy Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by , Commissioner Surber the board approved these statements, (see file) and ordered same posted in compliance with the state status. ': Voting Aye: Allen and Surber. Nos. None. 1 . i r ~. There being no further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. \.J APPROVED {j!1f{/;~ Mayc!F . ' A1i5;~;/;~~/i~,.:~# ,/. . j.y, ",",."'..'- ..' . /.'- ~;' Co~~is' si oner ~(. ~ (l /()~,. . \\. d-r ~,_./~--~ ,/ I j--:' ~--",- if t"." u-- Commissioner / / /! ,-:'.r // . / I( ~L>-iL/ I L-- __ __.__L__-:::J___.i r--"~-_' ~.- . L .1 70 The Meeting schedule for December 23rd, was post- poned until the next meeting date. / ~ {[/f(df~~ v~tl"~{?dA_.,,, / oill.l1lissioner ~. ..'--'.1 1.1= :t!l g ~ .J..:l HCf.l <D~ .po .po (j)(]). r-1Hl>-.> oj oj (]) ~ ,.q <D.J..:lH .p <D ..-I.J..:lU ~11g ..j..:l o r-I .pM P<D '(j O~ (l).p .J..)t'lCf.l o ::kJ ~ O!i;: HP=1 .p Cf.l Cf.lG-l(]) ~o~ OM 0.-1 l>..-l Cf.l..j..:l oj'MH !i;:O<D ~ l>-.><D<D Hrc:l en r;rj..j..:l We received a notice from the City of Houston, dated ~Q()8 December 9th, 1935, giving the city of West University H~O Place 30 days in which to repair its sewer lines so as to ~o~ eliminate sand from flowing into Houston sewer mains. Fail-Cf.l~ 0 ure to comply with this notice, will result in our service <D-P QO being discontinued. "' tlg.~ There being J10 further business to come before the Commis- sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ) REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, DECEI~ER 30th, 1935, COUNCIL CHA~lliER -----------CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSIIJ:'Y PLACE, TEXAS. The Qommission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. 1VI~ with Mayor Hyett presiding gnd Commissionere Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Surber absent. The Secretary advised that the last date for the payment of 1935 taxes was December 31st. The Mayor suggested that the date be extended-to February 3rd, 1936, for 1935 and all prior years taxes. Commissioner Allen made a motion extending the date for the payment of taxes to February 3rd, and the Secretary was instructed to accept pa'yments without penalty and in- terest for all prior years. Due to the absent of Commis- sioner Surber, this motion was duly seconded by Mayor Hyatt. The Secretary was instructed to draw an ordin~~ce putting the above into effect. Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen a11.d Mayor Hyett. Nos. :None: APPROVED ~ ,-/~;:-;~~,~~~.,.~fff" /.. ,/;-:;. , "~""/>J ""-/' -:;,:1' .J ..IV./' ~".>/ , -,. /j. t.. wc:L....~<, _-o.V'.._' / Commissioner // -< l G:J ~.p < ~--A--""_,_LI'-~ , Commissioner- /' .~ /; 7 /}7 ~I/ . vUl/I./l[./oV'<<.,.-At/>!._/ ecretary I' . --.....-;.-...--- '-r-I~~I~.-----r~~....n _._~...~~~ If 7:1