HomeMy WebLinkAbout05262016 ZBA Minutes 0 'Mc City of\Vest University Place 1 A\ci hlxx lxxxl(:1• ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES May 26,2016 6:30 pm Sandy Hellums (voting),Ed Sobash(voting),Janet Parisi(voting), I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Edward Nikonowicz(voting),Dave Miller(voting)and Neil Martin Donald Yurewicz and Chris Heard II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Shelly Eversole,Legal Counsel; Debbie Scarcella,City Planner III. STAFF PRESENT: IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 pm. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to order. Sandy Hellums called the meeting to order at Ed Sobash moved to accept that all Notices,Rules,Etc. 6:30 p.m. Sandy Hellums asked each member posting requirements for this meeting had to briefly introduce themselves and state if been met. Second by Dave Miller. Ayes: they are voting or nonvoting. Debbie Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, Janet Parisi, Scarcella, City Planner, stated that the agenda Edward Nikonowicz and Dave Miller. items did not require public hearings or Motion carried. notices, but were posted with the agenda per state and local law. Sandy Hellums and Shelly Eversole then described the meeting procedures since there were no public hearings scheduled. 2 Docket No. 2014-02, The applicant is requesting a time Ed Sobash moved to grant a one year regarding a request for a extension in order to complete the extension to complete the work in Docket time extension to permitted work regarding the additional 2014-002. Second by Sandy Hellums. complete the permitted curb cuts that were authorized April 24, Ayes: Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, Janet work. (No hearing 2014. The applicant is unable to complete Parisi, Edward Nikonowicz and Dave required). the work within two years as prescribed by Miller. Motion carried. the decision and the board rules. The Zoning Board of Adjustments is solely 1 TOP!' WORK PLACES.:'. 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 www.westutx.gov 0 The City of West University Place ....) A Neighborhood City authorized to grant an extension of time to complete the work. The applicant is asking for a one-year extension,until April 24, 2017, to complete the work. The applicant spoke briefly explaining the reason for the delay in construction. 3 Petition to Reconsider or The applicant,Jennifer Black,has submitted a Sandy Hellums moved to grant the Rehear Docket 2015-18 petition requesting that the ZBA reconsider petition for a reconsideration or rehearing regarding 6707 Academy and possibly modify the decision in Docket of the decision in Docket 2015-18. Street. 2015-18 regarding activities at the An Second by Edward Nikonowicz. Ayes: building site located at Ruskin and Academy. Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash and Edward The applicant addressed the board and Nikonowicz.Noes: Janet Parisi and Dave discussed the concern that she and a group of Miller. Motion denied 3-2. neighbors have regarding the decision in Docket 2015-18 which was heard in January, that has prompted ATT to reconfigure their operations at the ATT facility on Academy and Holcombe and specifically involves the rear parking area located at Academy and Ruskin. The neighbors believe that by not allowing access through the parking area to the loading dock at the rear of the facility, larger delivery trucks will have to back up and back in to a third driveway located on the site of the commercially zoned building. They believe this will cause traffic tie ups and noise from those vehicles backing up. The group of neighbors are concerned about safety and additional noise caused by the change in activity. The neighbors request a reconsideration of the hearing or a rehearing of the docket so that further discussion regarding the existing operations can be had. There was a great deal of discussion regarding the existing operations versus the changes that the altered operations would bring. The board heard comments from the following attendees: Robert Grossman Amar Patel John Tainer Katarina Schlachter Boris Markinson The applicant has submitted the request and four additional residents have sent in similar letters. According to the rules of procedure, 2 TOP WORK PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov C. The City of West University Place ....) it Nei hhor l tcxxi Cin the board can hear the information as an agenda item and if it determines that there is enough information to either reconsider or modify the decision or conduct a new hearing,then a hearing can be scheduled for the next meeting date. Notices were not required for this part of the request,but if the board votes to reconsider or hold a new hearing,notices will be required. The board has the authority to hear this petition. The board may deny the request and the decision remains as it is. The board may reconsider the decision in whole or in part, and may modify or keep any part of it. The board may also determine there is enough new evidence or a change in the facts to warrant a new hearing. There were three requests in the original docket: an appeal of the Administrative Official's determination,a Special Exception request and a Variance request. 5 Meeting Minutes. Approval of meeting minutes of January 28, Dave Miller moved to approve the 2016. minutes as amended. Second by Ed Sobash. Ayes: Sandy Hellums,Ed Sobash,Janet Parisi,Edward Nikonowicz and Dave Miller. Motion carried. I Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 pm. Sandy Hellums moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by Ed Sobash. Ayes: Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, Janet Parisi, Edward Nikonowicz and Dave Miller. Motion carried. APPROVED THIS C DAY OF Cold. ' 2016. I i i// . 4 , ��id ' siding O��► ( /z,---, ATTEST: ! ik.A<A/`" Debbie Scarcella,City Planner 0 3 TC1P" 3800 University Boulevard I West University Pace, TX 77005 i www.westutx.gov