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~ ,. , , ' \ik ,j ~::;<,~J.;,/ ;} '.' ~ . . '" ,"" ...,~ ,.,'.-., ********** MONDAY ,FEBRUARY I0T 1926********** ',' I, . The Town Council convened in regular Elession ori lIon day at 8P.VI. :B'eby 1st, -J926 to consider any business that may con!J.e b.efore them. Th6s.e . pre sent.., we~e. ,. H.B.~Ghle~inge,r, ... J .A~ Wall;i.l~g"., H.L.B[;l.k~r, . J .I\l"Dun:ningtofil.',' J ~ H.Hafferty~ G.B~Mtirr~y' .. . Clerk. ,:: Eng. . , Marshall ~f 1;laybr. Corio ' . . If .<,", .1", , ; .:. l:\ "'~ The first f.:latter to. come before the Council was a propopal.i. . ,by Mrs H.B.W.illiamson tha.t sb,e was. willing. to dedicate a .s,trip . 'o:f"ground for a str~et' oV-t, pf her,:prope:rt:t~from 'Belaf;Le~B;Lvd .. to Pri:n.ce~ol1" makil-;lg'r(cQBtin1.;l.a1;.:j,bnqf T~np:eessee ave~9'Be~ lai~e, J,3ll.lrd.~After sbme":discussi'gn ~h.GJ fdf:p;~~ng was adQl'~e,a.. . ; ,~.:... .:., .: '~ .L~. ;. . .;,..\ .. .~ .\ _ .t.' ," I," i'l~OT ION:))~",Baker.SEo~im~bY; WalJ:ipis:' ~h~ ~,.~h~ :'Town' ~ccept"il?-e: a.edicatigiiti-.by Mrs Will~aruron of sa;t.'d:' Stree~"a11ld that' the :"~ovvn grade arid .,s:{1eel said street wi th1ri""I20<' ( one" hundred andlt.twenty d~ys) fro~'~#::l;~ dat~~: y~t~p.r A!~: ~~~~r ,and,:~V~tlHlg. ,: l < ':t,,'. The "next matter to cbnte bed:or~: the"doiliicil"was the "cbnsfd~t..: i11lg the grantlJflg of a right of way 'franchise for a"natnral'.' \\" gas line through the Town. .8.pplication for franchise mane b~. .~:.t'~ the ~ouston Natura~ Gas C~ Of Houston Texas. After some dis-v'~ . CUSS10lll the follow~ng Ordlnance was adopted. ., " ,~ ' .(f ~i;1jj . , \. .: ORDINANCE 1f 25. ~O : HOUSTON NATURAL G1i:;) CO', of HOtJJTO:N. .~~...l ,(}i~ AN ORDIN.liNCE 0]1 AIm BY TIlli IY18.YOR liND COMMISi:)IONERS COMPOSING THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN Q]' :WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. HARRIS CO, TEL<iS, GRAl~TING TO THE HOUSTON IHlTURAL GAS CO 11 TEXAS CORPO- RATION llilVING ITS DOMICILE AT HOUSTON TEXAS, IlliREINAFTER CALL- , ED GRANTEE:RIGHT OF WAY TO LAY, COHSTEUC'J:I, EQUIP. USE, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A GAS l'UlIlJ O~ PIPE .b.:JjPN,G THE EAST SIDE OF T~~lNEE- SSEE AVE, BETWEEN THE CURB AND SIDE'WALK FR,OMA .p.On~T' WHERE SAID TENNEESSEE AVE INTERSECTS BELAIRE BLVD, SAllli BEn~G THE . SOUTH LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS TO A POINT WHERE SAID TENNEESSEE AVE INTERSECTS THE SOUTH LINE OF E1.EVEl~TH STHEET, SAME BEING TIill lWHTH LIMITS OF WEST UlnVBR~ SITY PL.ACE. JPOR TEB PUR:fOS OF COnVEYING AnD THAliSrORTING GAS INTO, OUT OF AND THROUGH SAID TOWN AND HEGULATnm THE MANNER OF LAXING ~,AID MAINS OR PIPE, AND "ALSO DECLlillIN AN E~\.IERGENCY. COpy OF ORDINANCE ON FILE. Motion by uommis~i;~~~ .d~ker: J.i:)econd bY bOrfun:tssj~one~~ i;r.:oliing that ordinullce 'If 25 beudopted in its intirity. Voting, A.Y..d;; j3C1.ke.r unO. .\~ulling. ,g '1 .." ,.C >, : ;~,,:~;~.,~.,'~::.. . ' . ",~~,..'\.. :, .;~~~) ~r.:;: ,rt - "' ",J:.:l . . '4;l'-V ....",.'y): "',':tI ::;' ',-J ; j... '.' ,~, -'.: ~ '0' : j :' ~;. ~ i".. i. ;.,; :. '.; .. L .....: :.~'::.:, ~. 'J \ \, . ,,# .'., t" ",",H',", .. _ . . '. . . ' , . The next lllt::l.~ter to c orne before the Couri,dl 'tvas .t.he'"i1:iscussJ.Orl of curb and gU~~.~;t;, storm sewer ~wi~H~v..!E.~t:,y..:s~wer for the town sou- th of Unive:r~:~'~~ Blvd. .v.;ngi!lE!et.R~tf.!fft~:~:~~ted that stor~~ s.6wer- uge could be constructed for tha.t e~~q..~o:r;' ~pproxi:mutely ijji 55,000. 00. Dolla.rs'f~:n~ that he did not(th,~tlR-';ne.er~.town would hb.ve bony dif- ferculi ty Hi: g~:tting the ~rope'rtYJ~~ri~E~ ::~~ ; to stb.n~ the. ~xpense odf thted<:~!p,;.~n~ gutter. ~ifter $6me.j;tt~c,:~~?:on the followJ.ng Wt.,;.s i;l. op e . :'JI';HO'(fC'~" "'- 1 ~ I J ... \j '.. j' 0':(. ~..~':Jt. '~1' . .t. ",.., "I " ,J .:~ j '.! '. ' ::';.c- ',: ~ irbV~r).,~ ,j ~:d 6~~. ~i~.iliij~; ;rg~c, 6i~.Q..; fj~~l u ~~~j~ i~~r., :iA~ t~~: ~1ie'.' ~\1~h~: E~() ine" r . J ~,Ii~;l1.$.f!.' "'~ 'ty ,<9~" ~nf~lio~~; z~fi:~~o,,~l;ita,J.i .~' i~-e~.t~~9+1 t:rU::; :t,;.w.~~j;;,:~u "~able -,)... ''.'~ ,.Jrt\ ,)..".,c.(),?^;,,~l - 'h,,-j.".""'~"'.l;.{i,'~Y .~ ":po_e., caS...." .at,J,,~'t""tl", ~~ , p~rs,Qns)(."o;',,'.J;le,t~9n~J"fe~ ;.,tt$ J,p~~~.,l;f;t"'hon;;rR~ t:L,~qUti ~..,;fi3,. orm.;.~.wers to '. prg-~lde' for"'a~~iiiage' :ror'.-tha.t POr1ii6n'of 'Other Tovvn'.so,}."tfi""'of Uni- ve;J;:~ i tv(,~:;J.,y,q., ,;#~iISQ,qn, 4~,)j;igr1iY r;t:~V~ ,( .~q!)\ ;):t?erQ~U~;; ot,'ft.qe" pil'operty "',.,.!,~ ....v+n..u..;J;,.r;.: .f;!."..:..pVtli" .t:'1rr_.c.J.~".u~(1 "';-.::(1 "..ti..., '-"b'.'.'. .'." '-';tt-Jo.. rP",!a;lerJIi!l:i1Jil,.",If J i '-iI?a~Ji(,\fl:t, !~,.~own IP .' ,.ll]) r.+pr .our ,:WiJ.i;~' :,g"q.", ~;1;~ - ''';f;.o/ "" "V":"'~ ~'k-tL .ti,",'I&'~lry-dn .'Ocr ..J]..f",L....... .~..... ." .L..o.~c'."._ ,.. ...~J:'fP"~:'"'ngi'-.,,.A~-e!.!.i.)l,ftft~..'. ..;.t~~) {J.,.~,j.~~J,~~:. t.:, j' Cj .'~IJt~ JJ.;..'.",'.: _~~~ '\[;'~J ,;',.:..'., ..li".' ~':. . .. -.";'[' !'.r:~ I ;"". ""it.,....r rl . \'~ ".""t;"1'r,\! (/';',-t:. ,\'i~.'.t .:r'-.... '. .' Ther . being' 'rf6Uo'the:r 'ous3:ness 't'e)" 'o'dfne,J Defore )"'the~fl!puhcd.l 'for' con- ai~~~~~~ ~~:'JP'~~,?,,~y~~~ ~~~~..~a~~ ;JMq~,I2~~::i ~~tl~ ~:' C punq tt ;:~j~j 9~~~. "R~C OliD ......,"'.,~~"d.~,J,... ~~") .>.", -:_ ," lJ...':\)..I..,~:l.J-.. '."'~.;;'" ... \"'.(;":'~~" .....; __ ...............:.~ '.'.,11. ~~.. '- , ._;':~~~~ ~~ c ~ 1 ~ :". :):..~ ',,: " , '," -.- :.; '-:'1' .. .J... ., ....... . ,~r.: .t ~r -) ~ I'; .1: _~.. . Q .L;:\.~l( I', -;:.('. . , ~". .;'~(I.r; ~~.^' '. .' ~ .:. '- .~. .~.v ... ~~":-,/t.1 . 1 j ,"~. ;C, a .... ' . ~ \ G . j J..:...:_ ~~' .. ~fn~-:-,',~Yf(,' .~.\. ('I.:~. .~..u';,., ,.., .".! ....~. ' i ' f ~ t ,\.'.;.' . .:..", .. .. - . \.'. '.' :~,..:;, ...... - If) , ~'C' .....L/ .. .... (t. tV" :i;< . "-, .'~ ,. .' :._.,:j .: ,d,: '~,.~.::"~ f~ '#'~:.\.' ~/ f) '. ~ ,. . ,," f:I ~ '. .-,'. '~ '..)., ..i... ~. .1< r: i; '. _~... i.. J 'y~.; '- . .;.:;(; . c:i:(f"':~:: ""~"'~:..:,' (:" . 1:"..11..' -c) '.LI "..' 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