HomeMy WebLinkAbout10272016 ZBA Agenda Item 4 110 rl,hc City (A \\lest [... niversity Place :I Neighborhood C in ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES May 26,2016 6:30 pm Sandy Hellums(voting),Ed Sobash(voting),Janet Parisi(voting), I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Edward Nikonowicz(voting),Dave Miller(voting)and Neil Martin Donald Yurewicz and Chris Heard II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Shelly Eversole,Legal Counsel; Debbie Scarcella,City Planner III. STAFF PRESENT: IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 pm. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to order. Sandy Hellums called the meeting to order at Ed Sobash moved to accept that all Notices,Rules,Etc. 6:30 p.m. Sandy Hellums asked each member posting requirements for this meeting had to briefly introduce themselves and state if been met. Second by Dave Miller. Ayes: they are voting or nonvoting. Debbie Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, Janet Parisi, Scarcella, City Planner, stated that the agenda Edward Nikonowicz and Dave Miller. items did not require public hearings or Motion carried. notices, but were posted with the agenda per state and local law. Sandy Hellums and Shelly Eversole then described the meeting procedures since there were no public hearings scheduled. 2 Docket No. 2014-02, The applicant is requesting a time Ed Sobash moved to grant a one year regarding a request for a extension in order to complete the extension to complete the work in Docket time extension to permitted work regarding the additional 2014-002. Second by Sandy Hellums. complete the permitted curb cuts that were authorized April 24, Ayes: Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, Janet work. (No hearing 2014. The applicant is unable to complete Parisi, Edward Nikonowicz and Dave required). the work within two years as prescribed by Miller. Motion carried. the decision and the board rules. The Zoning Board of Adjustments is solely 0 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov 0 The City of West University Place i1bor>>�XKt!(:;n authorized to grant an extension of time to complete the work. The applicant is asking for a one-year extension,until April 24, 2017, to complete the work. The applicant spoke briefly explaining the reason for the delay in construction. 3 Petition to Reconsider or The applicant,Jennifer Black,has submitted a Sandy Hellums moved to grant the Rehear Docket 2015-18 petition requesting that the ZBA reconsider petition for a reconsideration or rehearing regarding 6707 Academy and possibly modify the decision in Docket of the decision in Docket 2015-18. Street. 2015-18 regarding activities at the ATT Second by Edward Nikonowicz. Ayes: building site located at Ruskin and Academy. Sandy Hellums, Edward Nikonowicz, The applicant addressed the board and Janet Parisi. Noes: Ed Sobash and Dave discussed the concern that she and a group of Miller. Motion denied 3-2. neighbors have regarding the decision in Docket 2015-18 which was heard in January, that has prompted ATT to reconfigure their operations at the ATT facility on Academy and Holcombe and specifically involves the rear parking area located at Academy and Ruskin. The neighbors believe that by not allowing access through the parking area to the loading dock at the rear of the facility, larger delivery trucks will have to back up and back in to a third driveway located on the site of the commercially zoned building. They believe this will cause traffic tie ups and noise from those vehicles backing up. The group of neighbors are concerned about safety and additional noise caused by the change in activity. The neighbors request a reconsideration of the hearing or a rehearing of the docket so that further discussion regarding the existing operations can be had. There was a great deal of discussion regarding the existing operations versus the changes that the altered operations would bring. The board heard comments from the following attendees: Robert Grossman Amar Patel John Tainer Katarina Schlachter Boris Markinson The applicant has submitted the request and four additional residents have sent in similar letters. According to the rules of procedure, 0 2 rp 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov c... rime City of West University Place ....) I \c1 I7!x rh(x c1 C Ct the board can hear the information as an agenda item and if it determines that there is enough information to either reconsider or modify the decision or conduct a new hearing,then a hearing can be scheduled for the next meeting date. Notices were not required for this part of the request,but if the board votes to reconsider or hold a new hearing,notices will be required. The board has the authority to hear this petition. The board may deny the request and the decision remains as it is. The board may reconsider the decision in whole or in part, and may modify or keep any part of it. The board may also determine there is enough new evidence or a change in the facts to warrant a new hearing. There were three requests in the original docket: an appeal of the Administrative Official's determination,a Special Exception request and a Variance request. 5 Meeting Minutes. Approval of meeting minutes of January 28, Dave Miller moved to approve the 2016. minutes as amended. Second by Ed Sobash. Ayes: Sandy Hellums,Ed Sobash,Janet Parisi,Edward Nikonowicz and Dave Miller. Motion carried. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 pm. Sandy Hellums moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by Ed Sobash. Ayes: Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, Janet Parisi, Edward Nikonowicz and Dave Miller. Motion carried. APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2016. Presiding Officer ATTEST: Debbie Scarcella,City Planner 0 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov 0 "Ilie City of West University Place ...) l 1\'CiL;hlxx lrrxxi Chi ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 28,2016 6:30 pm Ed Sobash(voting),Edward Nikonowicz(voting),Chris Heard I. MEMBERS PRESENT: (voting),Neil Martin(voting)and Dave Miller(voting) Janet Parisi,Donald Yurewicz and Sandy Hellums II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Martye Kendrick,Legal Counsel; Debbie Scarcella,City Planner; and III. STAFF PRESENT: Josie M. Hayes,Administrative Coordinator IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:35 pm. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to order. Ed Sobash called the meeting to order at 6:35 Neil Martin moved to accept that all Notices,Rules,Etc. p.m. Ed Sobash asked each member to briefly notices were properly posted and introduce themselves and state if they are distributed for this meeting. Second by voting or nonvoting. Debbie Scarcella, City Dave Miller. Ayes: Ed Sobash, Edward Planner, stated that all notices were posted in Nikonowicz, Chris Heard, Neil Martin accordance with state and local requirements. and Dave Miller. Motion carried. Ed Sobash then described the hearing Ed Sobash administered the oath to all procedures. witnesses. Swearing in of witnesses. Dave Miller moved to designate Reid Ed Sobash stated that there had been a request Wilson, representative of the owner in by a representative of the owner, Reid Docket 2016-009. Second by Edward Wilson, to be designated as a party to the Nikonowicz. Ayes: Ed Sobash, Edward application. Nikonowicz, Chris Heard, Neil Martin Discussion ensued regarding reordering the and Dave Miller. Motion carried. agenda by moving agenda item 2 behind Edward Nikonowicz moved to reorder the agenda item 4 because the decisions in items agenda and hear Docket 2016-009 before 3 and 4 may determine the decision in item 2. the request for refund in Docket 2016- 005. Second by Dave Miller. Ayes: Ed Sobash, Edward Nikonowicz, Chris Heard, Neil Martin and Dave Miller. Motion carried. 0 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov flhe City of W est U niversity Place 11\'ci Ii!xonc,xxd C ti 2 Docket No. 2016-05, The applicant in docket 2016-05, Robert After deliberation, motion to refund $200 regarding a refund of the Grossman, has requested that the Zoning made by Dave Miller. Second by Ed application fee for appeal Board of Adjustment authorize the refund Nikonowicz. Ayes: Ed Sobash, Edward of the Administrative of the application fee for said docket. The Nikonowicz, Chris Heard, Neil Martin Official's Decision. (No applicant paid $400.00 total for the and Dave Miller. Motion carried. hearing required). application. $150.00 of that fee is a deposit for mailing notices and recording fees. According to Appendix F of the City Code of Ordinances, the ZBA may authorize a refund of the fees or costs if 1) the applicant prevails; 2)the ZBA reverses of modifies an administrative interpretation or other decision; and 3) the ZBA determines that the refund would be just and equitable under the facts and circumstances of the case. The refund may be in part or in whole. In Docket 2016-05, the applicant appealed the decision of the Administrative Official regarding loading and unloading of company service vehicles in the parking area behind the ATT facility at the corner of Ruskin and Academy. The ZBA determined that the activity in question was not an allowed activity on the residentially zoned portion of the building site. The decision was therefore reversed. 3 Docket No.2016-09, The applicant,Mr. Robert Grossman, is Dave Miller moved to close the Property at 6707 appealing a decision of the Administrative evidentiary portion of the hearing. Academy,West Official regarding approval of proposed plans Second by Edward Nikonowicz. Ayes: University Place,Texas for a building site located at 6707 Academy Ed Sobash, Edward Nikonowicz, Chris 77005(Appeal) Street and"0"Ruskin Street(ATT facility). Heard, Neil Martin and Dave Miller. The applicant requests that 1)the decision of Motion carried. a. Public hearing the building official to issue Permit 16-00700 regarding an appeal of a be reversed;2)adopt a proposed decision that After deliberations Neil Martin moved to decision of the a driveway connecting to 6707 Academy be reject the request for appeal of the AO Administrative Official. prohibited; and 3)adopt a proposed decision determination to approve the plans in that ATT must either remove the existing docket 2016-009. Second by Chris Heard. b. Deliberation, fence and gates along Academy and not Ayes: None. Noes: Ed Sobash, Edward decisions,other action,etc. construct other structures except to maintain Nikonowicz, Neil Martin, Dave Miller regarding the preceding the masonry wall along Ruskin,or, and Chris Heard.Motion Failed. matters. discontinue the parking of vehicles owned by ATT or its employees on the lots.The Discussion resumed. 2 TOP 0 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place.. TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov niThe City of\\Test University Place ....) 1 .\'c_i Iiborhood C.in applicant made a lengthy presentation Neil Martin moved to affirm the regarding the residential nature and Administrative Official's determination designation of the 6700 block of Academy. to approve the plans for permit issuance. Second by Chris Heard. Ayes: Ed There was no correspondence received in Sobash, Edward Nikonowicz, Chris favor of the request and one letter against the Heard, Neil Martin and Dave Miller. request. The following attendees spoke Motion Carried. regarding the request: Amar Patel,MD 4020 Ruskin John Tainer 4107 Ruskin Jennifer Black 4040 Ruskin Boris Markhasin 4024 Ruskin Alida Drewes 6112 Fordham Jeff Relf 4039 Riley Background Information The AT&T site is an L-shaped property located at the corner of Bellaire Boulevard and Academy Street and extending to the corner of Academy and Ruskin Streets. A portion of the site is zoned Light Commercial (C), another portion Single Family (Detached)Third District(SF-3),and the remainder Planned Development District Single Family Second(PDD SF-2).The property was developed initially on the south portion of the building site in 1940 with subsequent additions,including a major one in 1956 that extended the building almost the entire length of the lot fronting on Bellaire Blvd. In 1970 and 1975,the City Council enacted rezoning ordinances for six adjacent rear lots along Ruskin to allow for parking of company owned and employee owned vehicles. The use of the existing building structures on the site have basically remained as a switching station for telephone service, but has also housed multiple company related activities throughout the years. At times there have been a large number of occupants and at other times a small number of occupants. Recently the activity levels increased and concerns were expressed that the business activities occurring on site did not comply with the ordinance restrictions on the use of the rear lots for parking. Staff researched and wrote a decision on November 9,2015 regarding the activities 0 3 TOP 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov rilC. The City of\Vest University Place ....) 1 ��c'f ;liborhoc�cl C."in taking place on the site. The decision stated that the activity related to the dumpster/recycle storage bins and the access for delivery vehicles were not allowed on those lots zoned for parking and located within the SF-3 and PDD SF-2 districts. Those activities that are categorized as Medium Commercial,such as vehicle maintenance or auto intensive uses,are also not allowed. ATT appealed the decision and additionally asked for a special exception and/or a variance to continue the use of the dumpster and access for delivery vehicles through the parking area. The ZBA affirmed the AO decision at a meeting held on January 28,2016,and denied the special exception and variance requests. Subsequently,in order to comply with the ZBA decision of January 28,2016, construction plans were submitted showing work to relocate the trash collection area and reconfigure the area between the rear of the building and the parking area to use for service vehicle deliveries. The plans also showed the installation of a masonry fence with opaque gates across the driveways along the Academy property line. The fence is shown continuing along the north property line of the commercially zoned site in order to provide a screen for the trash collection area and loading area. Additional plantings are planned through here as well for screening purposes. Staff Response The property owner will have to relocate the garbage collection/pickup area and the location for its delivery vehicles to access the loading/unloading area. The property owner g proposed to use an existing driveway curb cut for access off of Academy that is wholly located on the commercial building site. This curb cut/access has been located on this property and not changed for quite some time. A wrought iron fence was installed just inside the property line across the area that would normally be accessed from this curb cut,but the curb cut/access is still useable and was not 0 4 TOP 3800 University Boulevard West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov riC.. 'Mc City of West University Place ....) i t \Clg1l1X)1l7(X) d city changed or removed to install the existing fence section. Any Prior Nonconforming (PNC)status that the curb cut/access has acquired has not been lost. The applicant also believes the approval was in conflict with Section 8-104 of the zoning regulations regarding the location of the curb cut/access. Section 8-104 prohibits a driveway or curb cut from being oriented toward or connected to a residential street when a building site with a non-residential use abuts both a residential street and a major thoroughfare. The definition of major thoroughfare includes Bellaire Boulevard. The definition of residential street is a street where within 200 feet of a given site, 51 percent or more of the property fronting on either side of the street is within a residential district. A property"fronts"a street where the front setback or yard shares a property line with the street right of way. All of the residential properties along Academy"front" on either Cason or Ruskin Streets. This portion of Academy,for zoning regulation purposes,would not be considered a residential street. If we did calculate the linear footage of all of the properties abutting Academy up to Ruskin Street on each side, the footage of the commercial properties still exceed,percentage wise,the footage of the residential properties. The proposed fence is planned along the Academy property line to the northern most curb cut/access. Per Table 7-6 of the zoning ordinance, a fence is an allowed projection or encroachment no matter which zoning district the building site lies in. The fence will have to meet provisions for a masonry fence contained in Chapter 18 of the code of ordinances. While the originating ordinance amendments 932 and 1039 prohibited other structures on the parking area lots,the zoning ordinance at that time did not list a definition of"structure"or contain fencing requirements. The word structure would have been referring to a building of some sort, such as a gatehouse to monitor the entry and exit of 5 Ta WORK 10 PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov 0 The City of West University Place t \ci hbor/i x t1(':in vehicles or even any further additions to the main facility. The ZBA has the authority to affirm,reverse or modify the administrative official's determination in part or in whole. When there is an appeal,the board assumes the responsibility for interpretation of the ordinances from the administrative official. There are no findings that guide the board in determining the outcome of an appeal. In this instance,the board cannot revoke or suspend a permit,but can only reverse the determination by the administrative official that the plans comply with the zoning regulations. 4 Docket No. 2016-10, The applicant submitted a petition requesting Dave Miller moved to deny the request regarding an application that the ZBA consider new evidence not for a rehearing/reconsideration of the for presented at the public hearing for Docket decision due to the presentation of rehearing/reconsideration information being the same as that 2016-005 pm June 23, 2016. Sandy Hellums, of a decision in Docket presented in the initial hearing. Second 2016-005 regarding as required by the ZBA rules of procedure, g g moved to place the request on the ZBA by Chris Head. Ayes: Chris Heard, property at"0"Ruskin p q Dave Miller and Neil Martin. Noes Ed and 6707 Academy. (No agenda so that a determination of whether or Nikonowicz and Ed Sobash. Motion hearing required). not there is new evidence to be provided to Failed 3-2. warrant a new hearing or a reconsideration of the decision. Discussion resumed regarding the use of the parking area for activities other than According to the rules of procedure,the board parking. first must hear the information as an agenda item and if it determines that there is enough Edward Nikonowicz moved to deny the information to either reconsider or modify the request to rehear/reconsider Docket decision or conduct a new hearing, then a new 2016-005. Second by Neil Martin. hearing can be scheduled for the next meeting Ayes: Ed Sobash, Edward Nikonowicz, date. Notices are not required for this part of Chris Heard, Neil Martin and Dave the request,but if the board votes to Miller. M o ion Carried. reconsider or hold a new hearing,notices will be required at that time. The applicant,ATT,represented by Reid Wilson, made a short presentation reiterating their request. Mr. Wilson introduced Johnny Nicolson,the on-site supervisor of the Direct TV division of ATT to present new evidence as to the layout of the facility and activities of 6 TOP WORN. aLnr_ts 3800 University Boulevard ( West University Place, TX 77005 0 www.westutx.gov ril fhc City of West University Place ....) 11 Neighborhood C,in the workers. This was in rebuttal to claims made at the hearing that the building had become a warehouse and distributor type operation. Mr.Wilson then introduced John Neighbors,past Mayor Protemp,who chaired the public hearing when the property was initially rezoned and approved as a parking area. Mr.Neighbors shared his thoughts on why the rezoning took place and shared that there were both employee vehicles and company vehicles parking on the streets. The rezoning was an effort to get as many vehicles as possible off of the street in response to the many neighbor complaints. The board has the authority to hear this petition. The board may deny the request and the decision remains as it is. The board may reconsider the decision in whole or in part, and may modify or keep any part of it. The board may also determine there is enough new evidence or a change in the facts to warrant a new hearing. The original decision was to determine if the activities of loading and unloading company service vehicles for the purposes of stocking up supplies and taking inventory were allowed uses on the residentially zoned portion of the building site. The decision is attached for your information. 5 Meeting Minutes. Approval of meeting minutes of May 26, Approval of minutes deferred until the 2016. next meeting. Approval of meeting minutes of June 23, Dave Miller moved to approve the 2016 minutes as amended. Second by Edward Nikonowicz. Ayes: Ed Sobash,Edward Nikonowicz,Chris Heard,Neil Martin and Dave Miller. Motion carried. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 pm. Edward Nikonowicz moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by Dave Miller. Ayes: Ed Sobash, Edward Nikonowicz, Chris Heard, Neil Martin and Dave Miller. Motion carried. 7 0P WORK 0 MACES Ile‘4114 3800 University Boulevard West University Place, TX 77005 1 www.westutx.clou r l hc City of West University Place it \cightx)rlxxxt C, n APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2016. Presiding Officer ATTEST: Debbie Scarcella,City Planner 8 0 R ACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov Discussion Regarding Meeting Minutes of July 28,2016 and Decision in Docket 2016-009 At the beginning of deliberations on July 8, 2016 for Agenda Item number 3,there was discussion as to whether or not Academy(6700 block) should be considered a residential street for the purpose of the application of the regulation. The applicant requested this determination be made. Just before the first motion (Recording#2, at marker 1:41:03), Dave Miller begins to state a motion as to whether or not Academy is a residential street. There were brief discussions with the City Attorney during this time. Neil Martin then moved to reject the appeal of item 2016-009. Chris Heard made a second. Again there was some byplay with the City Attorney and Debbie Scarcella about the wording of the motion and procedure once a motion has a second. The advice was to finish the vote on this motion. The motion failed unanimously. Neil Martin then moved to affirm the decision of the AO in docket 2016-009. The motion passed unanimously. In reviewing the minutes, under staff response in the staff report and the minutes, there are points made as to whether or not staff considered Academy a residential street. These points had to do with the definition of a residential street, as well as whether or not certain items enjoyed PNC status. These items were integral in staff's determination to issue the permit, which was the very core of the appeal. Much of the evidence and testimony heard by ZBA centered on whether Academy was a residential street or not. Although that statement was not specifically part of the actual motion, it was discussed just prior and was part of the answer to the applicant's appeal. Staff has revised both the decision and the minutes. A copy of the original decision and revision is attached, as well as the minutes. There is no requirement to reflect the motion word for word in the decision. By affirming the AO's decision,ZBA implies that Academy is not a residential street for the purpose of applying this zoning regulation. iriAl The City of West University Place ....) I Neil;Iib Ijtxxi citl Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") Docket No: 2016-009 DECISION REGARDING AN APPEAL FROM A DECISION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL Address of building site: 4068 Bellaire Boulevard, 6707 Academy and"0"Ruskin Street Legal description of the building site: Lot 1-6, Block 25 of Collegeview, Section 1, in Harris County,Texas. Applicant: Robert Grossman Decision Appealed From: Determination of the Administrative Official regarding approval of proposed plans for a building permit. Applicant requested a reversal and revision of the determination. Applicant also requested a determination as to whether or not the 6700 block of Academy Street meets the definition of a residential street. Notice,Hearing,Determinations, Vote: (X) Notice of hearing was given by: Mail and on-site posting, in accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Debbie S c a r c e l l a, City Planner of the City. (X) Hearing was held on July 28,2016. (X) Findings and determinations(if any)have been made, as follows:N/A (X) The vote was: 5 in favor, 0 against this decision Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment(subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, the Zoning Board of Adjustment hereby takes the following action with regard to the administrative decision referenced above: ()reverses, in()whole or ( )part (x)Affirms, in(x)whole or ( )part ( )modifies, ( ) other action(describe) , And, accordingly, the Board makes the correct order, requirement, decision or determination, as follows: The plans submitted and approved for building permit are in compliance with the zoning regulations . The AO' s decision was in part based upon Academy Street (6700 block) not meeting the definition of a residential street . Other Provisions: THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE iN ( APPEAL Page 1 TOP L. 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov , The City of West University Place ai...) I i\'ci/ibo h(xxi am QUESTION,NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD,UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date&Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals,this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office(c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place,Texas 77005),unless otherwise indicated above. Any re- hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211,petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: Presiding Officer, Zoning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS This instrument was acknowledged before me on (date) by (name) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place, Texas. (SEAL) My commission expires: Notary Public This instrument was filed in the Board's office on , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on (N/A) . By: Name: Title: APPEAL Page 2 TTOP 3800 University Boulevard l West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov 0 The City of West University Place ....) A \eitililx,tllUxx.1 City ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES September 22,2016 6:30 pm Ed Sobash(voting),Edward Nikonowicz(voting),Donald Yurewicz I. MEMBERS PRESENT: (voting)and Chris Heard(voting),Neil Martin(voting) Sandy Hellums-Gomez,Janet Parisi and Dave Miller II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Martye Kendrick, Legal Counsel; Debbie Scarcella,City Planner and III. STAFF PRESENT: Josie M.Hayes,Administrative Coordinator IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:42 pm. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to order. Ed Sobash called the meeting to order at 6:35 Chris Heard moved to accept that all Notices,Rules,Etc. p.m. Ed Sobash asked each member to briefly notices were properly posted and introduce themselves and state if they are distributed for this meeting. Second by voting or nonvoting. Debbie Scarcella, City Neil Martin. Ayes: Ed Sobash, Edward Planner, stated that all notices were posted in Nikonowicz, Donald Yurewicz, Chris accordance with state and local requirements. Heard and Neil Martin. Motion Carried. Ed Sobash then described the hearing Ed Sobash administered the oath to all procedures. witnesses. Swearing in of witnesses. 2 Docket No. 2016-14, Before the hearing began,Ed Sobash stated that Motion to designate Robert Grossman as regarding property at there were two requests to be designated as a a party to the application due to the 6707 Academy; "0" party to the application. Mr. proximity of his residence to the property Ruskin Street, West Robert Grossman requested that he be involved in the matter by Neil Martin. University Place, Texas designated as a party due to the proximity of the Second by Chris Heard.Ayes: Ed Sobash, 77005(Special Exception) site to his residence. Mr. Amar Patel also Edward Nikonowicz, Donald Yurewicz, a. Public hearing requested to be designated as a party to the Chris Heard and Neil Martin. Motion regarding a request for a application due to the proximity of his residence Carried. special exception. to the building site. Motion to designate Mr. Patel as a party b. Deliberation, The applicant, AT&T, represented by Reid to the application due to the proximity of 0 1 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov (11411 C.. The City of West University Place ....)1 f 1 .\'cl 11!x,rh(x)d Om decisions, other action, etc. Wilson, requested a special exception as his residence to the property involved in regarding the preceding authorized by Section 12-06 of the zoning the matter by Chris Heard. Second by matters. regulations, which grants Prior Nonconforming Edward Nikonowicz. Ayes: Ed Sobash, status for items that were shown in plans, Edward Nikonowicz, Donald Yurewicz, approved, permitted and constructed in Chris Heard and Neil Martin. Motion accordance with the approved plans,but end up carried. being nonconforming to the regulations. The AT&T site is an L-shaped property located at Motion to close the evidentiary portion of the corner of Bellaire Boulevard and Academy the hearing was made by Edward Street and extending to the corner of Academy Nikonowicz. Second by Donald and Ruskin Streets. A portion of the site is Yurewicz. Ayes: Ed Sobash, Edward zoned Light Commercial (C), another portion Nikonowicz, Donald Yurewicz, Chris Single Family(Detached) Third District(SF-3), Heard and Neil Martin. Motion carried. and the remainder Planned Development District Single Family Second (PDD SF-2). The After deliberation, Chris Heard made a property was developed initially on the south motion to approve the special exception portion in 1940 with subsequent additions, to acquire Prior Non-Conforming status including a major one in 1956 that extended the allowing the continuation of the use of building almost the entire length of the lot the parking area to house a waste storage fronting on Bellaire Blvd. In 1970 and 1975,the area and as access to a dock area at the City Council enacted rezoning ordinances for six rear of the building with the following adjacent rear lots along Ruskin for parking of conditions: (a) An 8' brick or masonry company owned and employee owned vehicles. wall with opaque gates must be The use of the structures on the site have constructed around the site (b) The basically remained as a switching station for loading dock/platform may not be telephone service, but has also housed multiple increased in size (c)Tree screening with 1 company related activities throughout the years. irrigation must be installed along Ruskin At times there have been a large number of and Academy (d) No eighteen-wheelers occupants and at other times a small number of or tractor trailers may use the parking occupants. Recently the activity levels increased area and (e) Owner is to take reasonable and concerns were expressed that the business steps to reduce the noise emanating from activities occurring on site did not comply with the site. Seconded by Donald Yurewicz. the ordinance restrictions on the use of the rear Ayes: Ed Sobash, Edward Nikonowicz, lots for parking. Staff researched and wrote a Donald Yurewicz Chris Heard and Neil decision on November 9, 2015 regarding the Martin.Motion Carried. activities taking place on the site. The decision stated that the activity related to the dumpster/recycle storage bins and the access for delivery vehicles were not allowed on those lots zoned for parking and located within the SF-3 and PDD SF-2 districts. The applicant filed an application appealing this decision, asking for a special exception under a different zoning regulation and asking for a variance. The initial hearing was held in January 2016,with a request for a new hearing/reconsideration in May 2016. The ZBA affirmed the decision and did not grant the special exception or variance. The applicant 2 TOP 0 PN(JNK i ACtS 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 ( www.westutx.gov rfh c C i tv of West University Place 11\erg itlxrr h(xxi( iti is now asking for a special exception under a different section of the zoning regulations. Mr. Wilson presented several permits from the past that the applicant believes shows the waste storage area and permitting for the screening as well as plans that clearly show a pathway from the two southern-most driveways to the loading platform/dock area at the rear of the main structure. The applicant also presented plans showing permitting for the loading platform/dock area. Staff received one letter against the application and two letters in favor of the application. They were provided in the meeting packets. Citizens speaking in favor of the application were: Jennifer Black 4040 Ruskin John Tsertos 4103 Riley Jeff Relf 4039 Riley John Neighbors 4718 Hallmark Alida Drewes 6112 Fordham Citizens speaking against the application were: Brennan Reilly John Tainer 4107 Ruskin Boris Markhasin 4024 Ruskin Mr. Robert Grossman spoke as a party against the application. Mr.Grossman believes that the intensity of the business activities onsite have created a warehouse/distribution center/truck depot against the zoning regulations. He also does not agree with the interpretation that Academy is a residential street. He would prefer that any entry and exit to the site be off of Bellaire Street,which would then not affect any of the residential properties on Academy. Mr. Amar Patel spoke as a party against the application. Mr. Patel first read a letter from David Cole,who resides on Cason Street. This letter had been provided to the board members via the meeting packets. Mr. Patel then spoke regarding the additional traffic, pedestrian safety,and property value decreases. 3 ' PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov 0 The City of West University Place A Nei hbo Jxxxi C;itl Section 12-106 was enacted in 2008 to allow for alternative relief to a variance when there was a clear indication that approved plans showed nonconformity with the zoning regulations and the nonconformity was built according to plan. The applicant believes that both the waste storage area and the dock area were approved, permitted and constructed with no knowledge of nonconformance at the time of construction. The applicant has provided several different permits and plans of the areas in question. The ZBA has the authority per Section 11-102 of the zoning regulations to authorize a special exception where it is expressly indicated in the regulations. To issue a special exception to section 12-106, the ZBA must find that a structural item did not conform to the ordinance when it was constructed or established by affirming that: 1) The nonconformance was clearly shown in plans and specifications; 2)Before the work was done,neither the owner, contractor nor any other person assisting with the work knew about the noncompliance; 3) The nonconformance was covered by the permit and the permit was regularly issued; 4) After learning of the nonconformance, the owner promptly conferred with the administrative official; 5) The item will neither constitute a health or safety hazard nor cause a significant impact upon another person or property;and, 6) The item can be brought into compliance within the time period specified at a modest or reasonable cost, unless the ZBA finds that the impact of the item on other persons or properties is either nil or extremely small. The special exception must specify a time period to be brought into compliance (if required). Additionally, any special exception may contain conditions designed to: 1)Reduce nonconformance; 2)Mitigate the effects of nonconformance; 3) Achieve conformance sooner than the specified time period;and, 4)Any combination of the foregoing. 0 4 PLACES 3800 University Boulevard West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov waP