HomeMy WebLinkAboutJan1826 "".' ~.; ~, --, -, ~<., I '.(;) ~./ . f../ ; ! t... Page 9 I ********** ~anuary 18th,: 1926.***1>****;t<. '. '-..- / I / , . The Town Council Conve'ned in regular se m3ionu t 8.30.P .M~ Monday January 18th, 19'26. Those present were, H.B.Schlesingert .H.L.Baker. . J..A.Walltng, J.H.Haf'ferty~ J . M. :Dunning to n . Dr.J.ll.Herndon. Mayor. Com.L n Eng." Clerk. Hea] th De:pt.. IvTayor SchlesiI;lg~r reported to the 'C0111lCil that Vi .D.Haden & .Co.. would accent $l'~:DO.. (One dollax). pex .yard for shelL. furnished_ instead of ~I .05';as\..per original cont;ract. Thjs.. amount to be paid in cash~.. __ . ..' ,.. .. . .it.: ", The following.i terns ;'we.re presented by l.!:ngi.neer Hafferty for ap- proval~ ,!I'4 2' 42 "'0 . it'. . <-,;:1 . ,c..."'....'" ,'j.\ \ .;:; . /..: W.D.Haden & 00. Material estimates on file. Miller and Miller. ~treet improvement. Lstimate on file. ..Miller and Miller,. street improvement, Estimate on file. ,J .H~Rafferty ~ E~ineering ser vices.. H.C.Burt & Cq. 968.18. Interest.Attys, fees ,printing. .. Motion by Wa.lling second by Baker that the above items be appr9v- ed and that the Town Clerk be instructed to issue vouchers on the Treasuer to cover the .amounts...yoting Aye, \fla11ing and Baker. 757.00. ~~ .~\. I . It,.t' ..;<.. t t ~."v\'" , '. ........ .~ ''3'?J ' '. :;; \. JI-"" I.OOO.OQ~ 200.00... .ANORDil~~l.HCE ift 24,;. "ANORDIHANCE PROVIDnm :B'OH :i.m ISSU.iJ.'JCB OF TOWn OF WEST UNIVERSI'I'Y PLACE FmrDUm vvARH.ANTS jJJ THE J.l.IJIOUNT OF $11.000.00. MATUREIlW SER- IALLY';' BEARING Il~T:illIillST AT THE RATE OlP S"IX PER CEnT PER AIWUM FOR ( t . , THE PURPOSE OF FUlEHNG A LIKE AMOUNT 0:&' Wb.ImliNTS LEGALLY ISSUED BY THE TOWN FOR LAWFUL TOWN PURPOSES; PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF A TAX TO PAY T~E PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SAID W~RRANTS AT 1U.l.TURITY;AND DECLARIUc; AN- LMEHGEIWY. . .,......---" '.T.'>}. 110ved by COrn Wa1:i!li'ng seconded by Oom Ba.ker that the Ordinance be read in full. Motion carried and the .ordinance wa.s read in full by the frown Olerk... Moved by Com, Walling Stconed by Com. Baker that theordint.uve 'pa.ss . its.first reading, ;;'ye Watling and BalTer. Oarried. COPY 0]' ORDIlL:;.l-lOE ATTACHED l-lliRETO. ~~. -.;' ....'" , I .. \. Pl:l.GE ~ 2 :.'" ~ ,": . . -: Upon Motion of Com, Walling Seconded by Com, Baker the following Scrip was ordered funded with funding Warrants. $'1.000.00 . 7.00.00 .492.00 .604.33 >,600.00 , .436.20 757.00 4,~ 242~ 29 .1.000.00 .200.00 . ~:68.J8 'lp11 .000.00 . , , Voting Au.'walling and ~aker. ca~~ied.' # ~~" ., ,. ..: .' itf;v . .. . " .;;'i~i;)'J . ,~Com, Walling made motion that t,he mown J.evy.' a 'ta~ ~1.25 cents on the:)OO.OO'valueation for the year 1926. Seconded liyOom Baker Voti:pg AYE,_ Walling,und Baker. Carried., ,. Date 7-13-25 8-5-25 8-17-25 9-8-25 9-8-25 12-.14...25 1- 18-26 1-18-26 1-I8-2oq 1-18'-26 . 1-18-26 ~ 9, 12 14 20 ,21 2,5.. 34 35 .36 3~'" 37 Ho. To whom issued. t .' .i:"mou.ri t . Miller & Miller rr fl Keys tone Building & fJUP c p. > Miller & Miller~ n " " " fl " . W,.].Hadden.~'&, Go. . Mill e r &; Mil'l'ar . . J .H~Rafferf'y,~ II.O.Burt & 00. ./..- ...". . ~ . ", . Ther being no other business to come before the council Com Baker made a motion that D.oUllcil anjourn. :Jeconded by P,om., . W,alling. Oarried. ., .' . . .. ..- .; '.\..- - '-- I ~ .. IV . .i.','., . , ; Approved Mayor. . ,. C.lerk. 0) .,"~. ~..,,,'.~..~ ." _ : '"j , ~, ~. ~. -.. ; :.i. ."'f \ J\ J' i >~ (. J I . I ""',"" I -ri', ~" I I