HomeMy WebLinkAbout032025 CC Min ]~rch 20th. 1925. " Called mee tinge The Town Council convened j.u'called seseiQn for the pur- pose of considering taxation. Those present were as fol- lows II " H..B.SchlesmngeT, H.L . Balcer . J ..8.. Wfilling.: ' J .IIi.Dunnington. liIayor. Com. ..u Clerk , .,r i, 1., '..... The matter of taxation was discussed at length along with a nu..mber of, ordinanoes that was necessa,ry!tq be pass,~d. and propose,d byTo~m .a.ttySonf,i,eldo:.'. " i , " ! r " lilayor .ichleesinger propot:led th~~ t thu i for th~ yei:.7.r 1925 that all property be ~s.se~sed:,.at'101b of", its uctllalval1ie for t<.ixable purposes Motion by (;On;l, vvulling ~ecoIld by Com Baker 'thu t this be udopted. ,,', .. . . " n" -: ~. , .j Votir.lg: AY~: vvullinguIld .dukeI'. ''., ~ The followin.g, ORj)JI~A1WE was iIltrodu.e.ed by~ the" Mayor~:ri1d the liouncil wu.s urged to puss f::JL.mewith the emergency cIa.. use, b.l{ OlxDIlUtlW:& PRQHIBITIHG Tlill RUl~l~Ilm ~'I.1' L~I.J;i.GE '011' LIVE bTOCK h :J:lfHlH T:H:i!i U:O'vvLT LnJ- ITS .Ii1W PHOV I1HIW .i~ .PE:J.L...Li'Y. ..~' ""'~ . ~.,. "!f'o. .. ;po' \r :~ ... '," ~~ !Ir"" '-" , "\00;:,' ~. c1+)> ~ I After somediscussiQll Gom, 'ival1illg.rnude mc;>tion toot' the ordin~ncebe ptissedwith the emergency clause. tiecond,~oIil, .i3aker, . ' , Voting .AY~: Walling And Buker. (Copy on file) ~ Mayor 0chlesinger introduced (;i.n ordinu.l:lce. ClilliiT 11W TIill Q}jlJ!' 10.it OF :TQ\vl~ ~l;G IHALH ...Lll PHOVLJIHG A F,b;B., i Com, \v!;11Iing ffiCi.de i;i motioll that the ordinance be pUf;:Jseo. wi th the emergency cla.use. 0eoolld.. U om, \,Buker. "'; t" Y'" lli d ,; 1 ., I. ("0'\-)''1. U'.l."I,""I'..",.,) '0 J..~~g A Jj,,: Jva, ngaD .j.J~;l.Ker.' \ v';: . '" .u~ , ~ " I Llu.yor ;':'chles ing~r introduced u.ll ordi~li;ince', , . , ~'"~ '\ 'I J?ROHIJ3IT llW TI:I.C.; PAHA:IHG o:h' j:rUTOLm131L~o - ." It vH 'l'llli G 'l'Iili~II~ \, r.rHIH l,i:l~, :r0y~n:, ;Ln,I;ITG hli'H TI~ .1IGJ:I.r0o~.i(ll'Il~GUI~~]Y( ',!i~LU 1?iHD- 'll..lHIW A P .c;~~..:..L TY . "'~.,'" / . .,~ . Gom, I'o'j.lling mude, i;l, motion thut,', th,e ,Ordinc~ncebep('l.ssed with the emergency clause. ;:,;.econd Gom, Buker. Voting AYi;.;: ~vullillg ,:<.nd .J<:~ker. (U opy on filer) .;.,-' fl '.,.......1.. ,! ; ~ .l"~ "-":~~, .d,l.. The Mtiyor introduced the f01).i0Wi;llg', Olt'dinu11ce, -,,".:'.,.1 CitiSAtliN~ 'l'H.iil O]!'.l!'IC,ri; 0lP A:JSIG~}~wr TUvilJ 0Li.l::RK ,;' An:D'~', B}R:Q)'itD.rH{ GiJ ;AJ 1i'~>>i .' :;: : t/H; ", ',',' C, :.' J. ;, err" :,: .:, i, ,,..,,, i '\) "'\ , ..." ., "J ,.<i.' fl':, ,.~ .' [ fJ '.~. ::":':': .' ;", ,',' (' ; ~ " " ~'. ... ~ ^ , ; ., " ~~.; ~ l.:~. ,. -: 3. .. " ' ~ ,: ,!: ~..; .. ';' ~.,::) ... " Com. ~Valiing made G. motion that the ordinb.llCe be with the- emergency clause. Second Com, Baker. Voting AYE; W~lling and ~ake!. . (copy on file) tt ...' _ .' , ';~:~. , . .J. ~ ., 1),' :' parss,d" of'" '.. ~,1 tJ ',,~ ~.:.;.:.." '* ..~. ~ : , :i:~.j., ' The 11ayor intr'~duced un ord.:i:niil.~6,ij' ", . "...;':'",';-~) e;;r.,';}"..;.:.r:,u". . ~. "I . CREATING Tl~ OJnnCE 01:!' TOVYH th;'.H~Kt.LL: DE- CLARIUG AlJ EM.i~RGil;lmY ~:.lW PIWV IJ)IUG ji, ]']::8: ,:.~r.:~,:, (; ,:-/J\,.',1~~J.{"~t..: _,~'~:.~. _:t~.;';.i~,i. :~~::~!' ';:;. ~.:,_\ .:~" _.~-:' "~~f' ~, " ~. odm~' :W'~1l.1~ng<fua\a.;e:ca' :m:o'tni.o:ni',that ,the. :-O:Odiin&m::ebe:pit~H:red with the emergency cl.aiuBeI~:uaeeona;:co:rrr~v:Ba~er'.:,_" :'i:>; 'Voting AY~: ,v~~ll~n~ (U~d Ba~e~. ~ C OI)Y 011 ~ile)/ I;,,,;\}.;, ';~"'~)":1 ~l,:,t...~ r:~1.1 __ ...t ~.-;.:~...; .::It.. .;,':o.,C. \ 2: "~':"'~;-L\' .: -',l ..... '~'(",:~:~::. dIDlne 'II~ra~!Jt :,):hl1 tr0du.ce(:};dtn;, ordfunttnael' ;',:. .. ('. ( '. ");, '::-::~ ('~C.~~. ..:,; ,~~,.;~:.i).~ ," ei'( ,) \~z.:' :U. ,::;l"r<.',. L~~:';'~~( '-'~'i.;-_, ::",;:1..-.',\, 'j(,__ CREATING T~.,.A:j'QOR:BOMTl€)N:.: COURT ,,)i AIm DECLARn~G AH .cll,TERGE1WY. ,.~:C(..):.,~:,\~ j~11f~' . :..':~..;:~.'~\1 .:. .J." . i:~,:,J'("'1 Com,,'y~a,llil1g made a motion that. the ordinance be passed w4rth'it}4el;~emerg~Iic~,c,e'JlraUSth~,L;)ec1l)na.:,:'a.ilm.~ ~J3.fik~rr';f,: , ';',: .: ij'ot11l~~',A.16ti'~WallIifI1t~.and ;Baker(. (,~ o;P"l7j/on fi:..leJ; ~,;i \, !;'.:'" _ 0 ' .. 0 ...1" ~. ,'" " , Oath of offioe WtiS administered to the ~~~g Offi~: :.,,~alS bY" Town1.~~~~ ~"~.~~~~~~.l'.C;':~: ~,",!:,,'~i~ >, "'" "] J 'j'T.' n "" t""",1 "'( t,. rJ1',i7 l ~Ml,.. " -'. "c, '" . ,~~(';~1UiUJ.~n~. ~.u.L.. ':, ~,,) ';: "" ....~liW~~ ~,~.~A... . IJ.J:io.GC;l.mm~lJ:,\:, :..,;, __ d:'l.dl'SilIct), '" rD_~,. ",\ ( '.<' M.o:tiOn.doy, ~O,(i)m~i!:':Bak$!r.; "S:lilQCind Qrfc00It1~,j. Vialli1mng that aiLi.:ap- r (po.lLntm&ntfliH';pre:f.;bo'q.sJi:Yi~~ID8de bu)tiiei~'otmei:ihr,be con:f:Larme.nl'. Voting AYE: Baker and Walling. ,~LE)Ji.) .'. '(;;.1.[~!:'~.. iel,. \./iC:,J; .~...ff1"".~:~ JJZ',:, :~.)l:J:If~(,.' II,. J~ ,~:~fLSc'\'" Moved 'by Oom, Baker. beconQ. Gom, Vvalling that premiums on all Qonds for Town officials be paid by the Town. ' foting AYl!:; .i3ullelr!.dlnd"WaIL:ling..J,;jc,.c~n:I. '_ ';~l ,~' ".f "~ r..,~>,\j: l " , '", .., ~",:,J ,. " "a',llliS OLUT1.0!N . ,jilt'j':' '....', o"r,' '" Designating a ~own Hall for tke.~.<.Vowll:.b.f:,vve's.t"University .i?laoe. ....~,~ :.~,i' ~,,:lj.o.L.i.si~'i.,~:.."~~c' \" ~:.~ (.L\.::~:,~o,- ''''_;')'_:~''' ,~.",.:....l Be it reselve!~i.:byl'.the~~()wn,G"unCiilof:Athe',ill;ownr of. We$t Univers sij1y P,laee, ithi~Ctp.e garr~g€i bu![tding;;<i)\vned:by;lJI;r"d'vr.}D'?Wickett and locuted 011 Lot 10 B10ck 38 011 Sewanee Ave t is hereby desig- ns. ted b,S the TOWl1.."li&11c of. the:'sa1id,'lrbwn,..:und;b,1l.1,tha, meetings of the (fown Coune.il shull be held in s~id llull. Motion bY'~'LG,om:l :~\B~lter;.(' ~ecohd., 'by:'d.rom;: ~~thl1ailg( thu t the above reO 1t.:' "jj ...J; r..: '.i ' ' , '" " , ' , ',I '. sOlutioll,;'ue,8;'l.!lol'ltti'Itl.' ,'L'.', ,:r."i~.. ' .'" ,,',\ Voting Ai}{E': Baker'. .aa.nd, hal1:LmK.'.,; '~,' .. L; :( .. ~ .' 'L1. ,.',.:~ L . A H~SOLUTIOH regarding the plaO~l1g. 0f.~~i~ p~b~i9 not~~~s. . ", 'J. , ' ." ' , .',.., '.. : , ,'," '.'r" '.',:'{,,' , '.;,,,:,, ,;, : i.,., . ':, :,; , If. ,; .. e) l._ . i ~, " ,,' .I', ' ; ',' . ) \ , ", " " , \', "'~('"~;~ /1 Be it resolved by the Town Council of the fowl! of 'vi'as t University Ptace,that the'regulo.r postiIlg places of TownOrdin4nces, ~lectioll notices"ot any other ins.tru.. ment ,that is required to.be posted py"the lil.WS ofTe~s or the Ij;own of West University J?lace, shall be posted at the following posting places. Designated. No.wallo:f filling'station at 'ICf.th,'0t and KirbyJJri va. ' ' ; i ' Bill board at corner of jJllff~l.lo Speed- way and Bellaire Blvd. City Hall; Lot 1.0 Block 38. davnmee ;;Jt. , Motion by Com, Walling 0econd Oom, 13aker that the above rasolutionb~ adopted. Voting AYB: ',Wa~liIlg and Baker. Motion 'by Walling i:Jecond 'by l$aker that the Oouncil meet in special called sessions o:t; each Monday :t;ot desig~te4Vas reg~lar m~et~ng ~ays, unt~l further l1ot~ce. _t"Ii"" ''t. VOt~l1g l~Y..c.:: Wttll~ng and Baker. ~~ Co' " ~~ "":'!.:;-,A Ii }t.; 8 .0 L UTI .0 n cP~ to a.llow a d:1E1:~J}imt of 1.01' on all taxes due the Town of West Uni.versi ty Place, upon the pti..yment of such taxes prior to July,. 1st., Providing' that aft6~,:505~ Of ~l.),lt~;xes ~ due 'the Town shall have been paid no discoWlt shall be allowed. BE IT, :~ESOLV~:i) BY ~J.1HE TOWlJ O:OU1WIL OJ:!' ~nlli Tm~H O:P WE~'T U1JI- V.BR~ I(J.1Y PLACE. THAT EACH TAX PAYEH OF b.d,ID TO\m WHO LHll.LL PAY THE PULL' .A..I.lOtJIFI' .0]' iJ:1AXE;) A;)S1:b;)..c;l) AGAll~ST HIU :POR TIlli YE,d,R OJ!' 1925, ::)HiJ.LL B~ ALLOW~]) .f~ l)IiJCO'Ul~11 OF IO)~ O:b' SUGH (rAX: PROVID:b}J) THAT iU1'T}t.;R 5.0% 01!' ALL 1'AXJ;<,;S DUE lmOLI ALl.. PER- 801m FOR SAID YJJ.:AR 8HALL HAV~ B:i!.:EI~ PAID; 'THE ALLOVU,lICE OJ!' buell .DI.:.-C OUl~T bHALL BE ])I~OOl~11IlJUBD. Com, .Baker moved thut the above resolution,be e.dopted. bec- ond Oom, ~alling. ,Voting Aye : Bake,r and HallIng. <;,1 'llhe following resolution Wb.S illtroduced by the LIb-yor. 4 \'~'. i Al\.,:;b O.LU1.1I0H ~: ..... II 'i' L, : of ~., . ~~:, iI" '" .3.2. Iii' HES OLV...:,;.0 DY rJ:HJ~ 10\1l'. U OUIW ILO}j\ ~1~Hl~ S::Ohl~ o.p V'I.rJ0 T UlnV}1,;HSITY~,: :PJJ.li.U.b; ;::nlillJ.lL~(; l.i~ hHGUI.iJ::.H it),,DI::);:;) 101,: blL::.11 C""Ut-E. i:rH~"i0i.:llS'Il":i.~{I.r l'OWl~ GLbH1:. 1'0 ilihln~,al; Il'HL'TUhli Olil 'vvB:JT U1.n- V~h0ITY .PLAG.ci \'IITiI >~'i3Ol~D I.i.~ '.diE0Lh.I 0J.!' ~~3000.00 S".Lili TO .dB ~i.rl?rt 0\[ hD .r3Y InIc; T 0\~1I C OUlW 1.1. .i3.6 1'11 ",..1;,)0 J.~~00LV.i!jD ll:liLd t.['H.ill. IJ.'m1NM..:i.i(SH.Ii.L]~ S~..LL JPUMldSH 1\H~ T.oiil~ OjT \i~b~f Ul~rl.b;HJI(J.1Y FLAC1~ \ll~H ..::. J:H.nm Oli' ~loo6~oo 'bAl,G :IIG .0.ll. "i.1JJ?ROV,e;J.; l3Y !J,;]:L.;; 'J.lO\il~ COU:i.WI1 ~; ':':.y ..",\.. :L.(J... .J,;... '" l,L;.;~.urc'\_; L.:',tf/'.~, ~.~l...~ Mo,t4.oIl:JJy,l~uom.,{.:JYQ;~a, itlg,=~.H~~Ql1d; 'by,,! \:t~rn r~~~J"JftiQl1l:1Pe ~A5:)p'ted", 1".';:'(, ,,:<, i : ~,',J 'Vo~';i:ng( AX,iik ~V1~,(tli:qg ~1l{l ,pakertt. ( :: ' ' , : .' (i": - )'. ',J ' : ) ~ ' .f ';J (.,' jj f')"..." Xc.: ~;. ~..... ~,~,~., ~~ke:t'.. that ,the;:above ( I' ,:." ~JV ~ c~~.::-'Jl.:. .~L.L". ''',. Li."!'.C<.l [. '.'. ~. ( , , '.:... '.l '.. \.\/(.' , " ,- " 'l!' , ;, \. _ . ~.:~ :"., :",i ;"', ~/., :; " <,j . ,;' .L , I -'~, ~" ...... ~,J. "" There ,lH~:il}g;':nQ ~th~ll'_Lbusin~j;:Hiu:t(;L:cQme ,J~efor:: :the Gounoil ' Com, ~ialling made motion for 4d'jO'l,i;rmf!snt,^. ::'econd Com baker, '.' ,:., :.,'; '. " (, ,I :'.r.: U .~ fr... J' ( \.~ . '. \~ . f:. j', "I,: ,;. ~/'.~.' .1, :,~J..J. U.'_. 1.; I:. ,'. ~~)~' ; ,-<' "I' l,L.t\ u'" .i' ':':'~i;~,~,~i~'.~ .~~t, Ii " . !.' ,'~ \ .(, ,. "~ ~ r . _ " ('.. "~ \ . J;' . I . ' .' ' I " .J '"' " E 1 ~.r. ,,:}.t , t' ' : ,~\. 1:" " ,., '0 C, " ',":' " ~ l.:':'.:~i~; , ..:"J r .r~ '.).'.:' . :' . ,~. '. I.': .~ \) ." ..) ,,\ ..;"~ ,". L ';~p ..)fl~.~ ::'.".l"L.i.~;'.;'..:, \," . i. {~~\ :.~b J~(', \:.J!,~:(jLU~J~l"<CJr;, ,I J :q~1 .i I ~; ': '~":.; 'it ;i:;;- n~J;:, ,(; a~':~:Ji) .rl~~ J ,j' ';;',':;'~":, , , " .J \.,1 ; I~ : ~ ;';;::'" ~ 'f" ,M.: ( ,; .... 'R ~J , i- ,l .. I:~I'''' . ~R" " I ~ 1, o ,'. ~) ;: ,~.i (. [r C' ~:~ '. \--1< ',.l."" (' \' . :,. ~~ " :t ....~. , l.~~ (. l..1 ~ .. J\ .J", .{(' '..-; .1', ',1", . ,r,: i,1 ,; ..",: . J.~,l~. fJ~:():L ~t(. ;tLU'C~j:' ::;" ". ,,;,1:1' oj ~, .;. ~,i.' (}!.J ,j ~,. ,~ .':( d' t U.\,R~.'~' ,tP,P:VOVe;:d: ;, J v (, ':;. " ,,' e;r: ulJ,1 C:;' '. ',,,,~: ~~ ,! .f " . ":,f.J". i_ tiS t "t;Dl&;j.yor r ~r. '~~.[: , ' (", r::. ,';. ,,;;.' "', , .., ~~':,', l.> . ." ~ ~ ~.~ ~ . ' . ..t., , ,~.-" r.. , ., ~ , Ii . ~ " ~ ..it. I: '", , " ........A. '.. \:,,; ~:.r"( L~" ~;_ C ..,!. .>- ~;C " L',. ...l,."i ," ;.. I'. L..-. =.' . It, , ..: " l t..; ~. '..1 \ (", - 1 ~ \ .1' . f "f.... 'C L.', \, '..i_ .. ' 3 l:~ . , " '..'- . . \ .'... ' I _~ i, , , \"~ . ).;.;.'"1"" ~ ,\ '", \ . "C)~; >~..\: ':.t ': ; I," i,l , ( \' ,', " ' J." \ ./., .' ~ :~ ~- '.J . (/<.::' , 'I i , ~ ~" "~ ..~' '. ~ \' ( ;. I \~!" \ H.. "t. J'I ;,.,-\, C' * '..:.,~d; . ., , , ".['.' " ( . ,~ : .. ~..I.i ; .: " .,. ,) J. , .. '" Mr..drand 50~1 ~~ Llr..Butler .'1.:. , 50~/, , . VIr.Metcalf 50~: ,. "'i':.. C. ' l:1lJh H~itrn.don, , , p.O I <.. " .',~' '6~ "- .~ ", Q. S~, ,1Jl.r, J,Jfim~r " /';0 I . 'L $~ I ',..' , Q ,~, ", (Mr "G~rO!)lil.lc. '. (. , CiOd ' ~ ,~_ t ~. _\.}..I, . ,,_, c1' ,tf/, ~,eotal' ' ""'3 OQ' " . ,"' ,', "'OW : ,. ' ".\ ( .. ,L~~ '.' i.~ ,,' \ T,J').;i.~W~l;1ht;i.nd:Led, s~perute, f;tQJn ','J:owrh'business. ~L ! ).J '.~,~.... ;1~11~.. :~') " . 1.,.'