HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 873 Approving & Adopting Estimates for Paving & Improvement . 'f') 1 f.J,i} ,ORDINANCE NUMBER 873 o AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS AND THE VARIOUS PORTIONS OF THE COST OF THE PAVING AND THEP~ IM- PROVEMENT OF: Section 1. Sunset Street from the east line of Connnunity Drive to the west line of Academy Street. Section.2. Northwestern Street from the, east line of College Avenue east 467.2 feet, to the dead end, and Brown- ing Street from the east ~ine of Weslayan Avenue to the east line of College Avenue. Section 3. West one-half of Community Drive from the south line of Bissonnet Avenue to the north ~ine of Amherst Street. Section 4. East one-ha~fof Connnunity Drive from the south line of Bissonnet Avenue to the north line of Amherst Street. Section ~>.West one-half of Connnunity Drive from the:,'north line of Amherst Street to the north ~ine of Byron Street. Section 6. East one-half of Connnunity Drive from the north line of Amherst Street to the north line of Byron Street. o . Section 7. West one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Byron Street t,o the north line of Marquette Street. Section 8. East one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Byron Street to t he north line of Marquette Street. Section 9. West one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Marquette Street to the north line of the 2O-foot reserve strip which adjoins theY.M.C.A. proPerty along its north property line. Section 10. East one-ha~f of Connnunity Drive ,from the north line,of Marquette Street to the north line of the 2O~foot reserve strip which adjoins the Y.M.C.A. property along its north property line. Section 11. Milton Street from the east line of Connnunity Drive to the east line of West Point Avenue. Section 12. College Avenue from the north line of Milton Street to the south line of Rice Boulevard. o Section ~3. Byron Street from the east ~ine of Weslayan Avenue to the east line of College Avenue, and Oberlin Street from the east line of Academy Street to the west line ~=mr- ..JUl., .. III t '. '.C},?,? ./:,iJ i'YI of Weslayan Avenue, and Riley Street from the west line of West Point Avenue to the west line of Academy Street. o Section 14. Ruskin Street from the east line of Community Drive to the west line of West Point Avenue. Section 17. Ruskin Street from the east line of Academy Street to the west ~ine of Weslayan Avenue. TOGETHER WITH INTERVENING INTERSECTIONS IN THE CITY OF WEST. UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY, PURSUANT TO LAW, AND AS REQUIRED BY EARLIER ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR' AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF.-ASSESSING. PART OF THE COST OF SUCH IM- PROVEMENTS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS AND THE OWNERS THEREOF IN THE .AMOUNTS AS SET FORTH IN SAlID ESTlMJ\TE; PROVIDING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD AND GIVEN TO' ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY SUCH ABU'1'rING PROPERTY OR ANY INTEREST THEREIN, AS TO SUCH PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS.AND PROCEEDINGS AND AS TO OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO SUCH. IMPROVEMENT; SETTING AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCH HEARING; DIRECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOTICE THEREOF AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND. DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has heretofore, by. Ordinance No. 867, passed and approved June 13, 1966, determined the necessity for, and ordered the permanent improvement of, portions of certain streets in the City of West University Place, Texas, by 0'1 the construction thereupon of reinfOrced concrete pavement with monolithic curbs and appurtenances and incidentals to such improvements, in accordance with plans and specifications referred to and approved in and by said ordi- nance; said streets and portions thereof having been segregated and divided into separate and segrated sections; and WHEREAS, a Contract, including certain amendments and addenda and delet- ing certain of the earlier proposed work as to which it has been found im- practical to proceed,.has been entered into by and between the City and Walter M. Mischer Company, for the construction of certain storm sewers and for con- struction of said street improvements on the respective below statea.segregat- ed, separate and unre~ated' Sections as authorized by Ordinance No. ~72 of July 25, 1966; and the Engineer for said City, pursuant to law and the above ordinance, has prepared and fi~ed an estimate of the cost of said improvements and of the various portions thereof on said sections to be now improved; , NOW, THEREFORE, .BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Connnission of the City of West University Place, having examined. same,. does hereby find that the estimate of the costs as prepared and filed by the Engineer for the City has been duly and regularly prepared and fi~ed as required by' Article 1105-b of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, hereinafter referred to and by the .Ordinances heretofore passed directing the preparation and filing thereof; which such estimate of costs, D ~2'~'3 signed by the Engineer and dated July 25, 1966, and setting forth. the re- spective segregated, separate and unre.lated sections into which the street improvements have been divided' and segregated and as to which the above mentioned contract has been~et and which are to be now improved'and the estimi:l.tes of the costs separately with reference to each thereof:Lits as follows:. - ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF COST Section Description Total Per Front Foot.. Inc1. Curb Total Amount .0f.Asset;sment, Proposed 1 Sunset Street from the east line of Communi ty ~i ve to the west line of Academy Street $8. 52 $ 19,909.54 . 2 Northwestern Street from the east' line of College Avenue east 467.2 feet to the dead end, and Browning Street from the east line of Weslayan Avenue to the east ~ine of College Avenue 8.52 ~5,019.o6 3 West one-half of Community Drive from the south line"" of Bissonnet Avenue to the north line of Amherst Street 8.52 .. 8,801.16 4 East one-half of Community Drive from-the south line o:f',Bissonnet Avenue to the north line of Amherst Street 4.26 7,267.56 5 West one-half of Connnunity l)rive from the north line of Amherst. Street to the north line of Byron Street.. 8.52 8,349.60 6 East one-half of Connnunity Drive from the north. line of Amherst Street to the north line of Byron Street 4.26 6,816.00 7 West one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Byron Street to the north line of Marquette Street , .8.52 -6,793.85 8 . .East one-half of Community Drive from the. north line of Byron Street to the north line of Marquette Street 4.26 5,856.65 Estimated Tota~ Cost of' ImProvements $.24,487.21 ~9,885.12 9,779.Q7 10,936.83 10,118.75 11,793.77 8,390.14 9,202.18 ~'Z,3~ 9 10 ..1.1111 Ii I West one-half of ,Community Drive from the north line of Marquette Street to the north line of the 2O-foot reserve strip which adjoins the Y.M.C.A; property along its north property line East one-half.of ConnnunityDrive from the north line of Marquette Street to the north line of the 2O-foot reserve ,strip which"adjoins the Y.M.C.A. property albngits north property ~ine . . ~l Milton Street from the east line of.Community Drive. to the east line of West Point Avenue 12 College Avenue from the north line uf Milton Street to the south line of::Rice Boulevard 13 Byron Street from the east line of Wes~ayan Avenue to the east line of College Avenue, and Oberlin Street from the east line of Academy Street to the west line of Weslayan Avenue, and Riley Street from the west line of West Point Avenue to the west ~ine of Academy Street 14 Ruskin Street from. the east line of Community Drive to the west line of West Point Avenue 17 Ruskin Street from the east line of Academy Street to the west ~ine of Weslayan Avenue .. III o 8.52 8,605.20 10,316.25 4.26 1~,298.2l 7,327.20 8.52 7,690.15 11,080.81 4.26 2,556.00 5,660.87 o 8.52 27,106'.3& 36,109.86 8.52 ..- f .i ,:. c' ; ',- 1[, i" ~ ! 7,775.35 8,639.30 , , , 8.52 8,520.00 9,496.66 The City Commission having examined same, doesherel:;ly approve and adopt the foregoing estimates: Of'costs and each portion thereof. Section 2. The City Commission does hereby find and determine that it is necessary to make and ~evy assessments of a part of the costs of such ,street improvements against the properties abutting upon the ,respective por- 'tions of each of said streets as hereinabove stated, and against therea~ and true owners thereof, and does hereby declare its intention to assess'against said abutting properties and the real and true owners thereof portions of the costs as indicated and set forth in said estimate; ~hat said ass~ssments .s~all be made and levied by virtueeof the powers given by, . but subject to all of the provisions of, the Acts of the ljoth Legislature of the Sta.te of Texas, .~927, o ] 2.-' '1' ~ 'it';) ,First Called Session, relating to Street improvements and assessments t~ere- for, and being Chapter 106 of the General and Special taws of said Session, as amellded, said Act being' COJmllOtlly known as Article 1lO5b, Revised Civil' Statutes of Texas, 1925, and having been adopted by the City of West Univer- sity P~ace, Texas, in and as part of the Charter of said City. Section 3. The City Commission does hereby provide for and order that a hearing be held by and before the CityConnnission of th~ City of W~st University Phce, Texas; at 7:30, o'clock P.M. on August ~5, 1966, in the City Hall of said City of West University.Place, ,Texas; at which time and place ,a~l owning any property abutting upon any. of the streets,. or portions thereof, and within the ~imitsconstituting any section as hereinabove set forth, and a~~ owning and claiming any interest in any of such properties, and all in- terested in any assessment or any of the proceedings with reference thereto shall have the opportunity and right at such hearing, to be heard as to the proposed assessments, and proceedings, and on any matter as to which hearing is constitutiona~ prerequisite to the validity of any assessment authorized by the above mentioned Act, and to contest tF1e amounts of. the proposed assess- ments, the ~ien and liability thereof, the specialb~nefits to the abutting property and owner thereofby.means of tJ;le improvements for which assessments are to be levied, and accuracY'dsufficiency and regularity'and validity of the proceedings, and the contract in connection with such improvements and pro- posed assessments. Section 4. That following such hearing, assessments will be levied against said abutting property and the real and true owners thereof, whether correctly named or not and whether known or unknown, in the respective amounts which shall be determined at such hearing to be payable by said respective abutting properties and the real and true owners thereof; provided, however, that no amount shall be assessed.against any such abutting property or the owner thereof in excess of the benefits to said property in the enhanced va~ue thereof by reason of said improvements; said assessments are to be levied and to bese~ured by the first and prior lien against said respective properties and are to be made as provided by the,:above mentioned Article 1l05b of the Revised Civil Statutes of.Texas; and to evidence the amounts so assessed and to evidence such lien and the rights and liabilities of the parties, assign- able certificates shall be issued which shall be payable in installments and shall bear interest, a~~ as set forth in the ordinance above referred ;to initiating and ordering such improvement, and as provided by the above referred to Article 1l05b. Section 5. The City Secretary is hereby direc~edto givenotice~f the hearing hereinbefore ordered, which notice shall be directed to all owning or claiming any property abutting upon. any of the respective portions of the streets hereinabove set out and included within any of the designated sections; and to all 'owning and claiming any interest therein, and to all interestedi~ any assessment or any of the ,proceedings with reference thereto; and.said . notice shall be given by advertisment thereof inserted at ~east three times in the Houston Chronicle, a newspaper published in the CitY9f Houston, being the nearest to the City of West University Place of general circulation in Harris County, and heretofore designated as the official newspaper of the City of West University P~ace, Texas, with the first publication therein to be made .L..J..__-'--...LL_L___.l..-_.______.---'..LI.__~___'_________'__...L.: _I. L..._________~~:...:....J...~llilitI .1111-1,. .' , II '236 on July 29, 1966. In said notice the City Secretary shall describe in general terms the nature of the improvements for which assessments are proposed to be 0 levied and to which such notice relates, shall state the streets and highways and the portion, or portions, thereOf, to be improved; shal~ state the esti- , mated amount or, amounts perfront'foot proposed to be assessed to the owner or owners of abutting property, and such property on each such highway or portion with reference to which the hearing mentioned in the notice is to be held; and shall state the estimated total cost of the ifuprovements on each such highway and portion or portions thereof, and shall state the time and , ,p~ace at which such hearing shall be held. The City, Secretary may a~so in- clude in such notice such further data and information regarding the proposed improvements and the proposed assessments consistent with these proceedings as the City Secretiary deems proper and sufficient to acquaint those to whom it is directed with the fact that such hearing is to be held and that said persons have a right and sha~l be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to inform them of the'matters upon which they are entit~ed to be heard. Section 6. The fact tl:a t the portions of the streets hereinbefore stated are in need of improvement as promptly as possible creates a public emergency, and, therefore, this Ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction, this, the 25th day of July, 1966, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approva~ by the Mayor. PASSED, this the 25th day of July, ~966. Commissioners Voting Aye: Al~ Commissioners Voting No: None o APPROVED, this the 25th day of July, 1966. jJ~~~(/ Jk/M<./ Mayor, City of West University P~ace, Texas, ATTEST: o