HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 866 Amending Sec 10-115 LThe National Ekectrical Code 1965 "t)o 9 I.: '" -, mll,-: lllJ ORDINANCE NUMBER 866 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10-115 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVEESITY PLACE, , TEXAS' BY SUBSTITuTING' THE 'WORDS "THE' N'A'L'IONAL , ELECTRICAL CODE 1965 EDITION"'FOB.THEWORDS" "NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1962EDI~ION"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' BE IT ORDAINED-BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,TEXAS: ,Section 1. That 'Section 10-115' of the Code of Ordinances of the'Cftyof West University Place, Texas is' hereby ,amended to read as follows: "There is'hereby-adoptedby the-city and declared operative therein for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the erectiOn; construction, alteration, repaIr, removal, conversion and maintenanceofelect:dc'al faCilities, installations ande~U:ipinent in homes "puild'ingsand other , installations, and ,for the issuance of per- mits,'collections of' fees therefor, and the making of inspect:tons, the,Natioiial Electrical Code; 196'5 Edfti6n, ,of which not 'less than three (3) certffiEid copieshavebeEin and' are now on fileiri the Office of theCi ty Secretary,' and the same"is hereby adopted and incorporated herein as flillyas" if' set out at length Jierein, and shall ,be control- ling and'blnding,-wfthin the city." , , , B.ection 2. Thls ordinance shall become efflectlve upon its passage and approval. 'PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of Fehruary , 1966. CommiSSioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners VotIng No: None .4~~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ,8ffi,' Wff, i" .L....i.-.....~~~............:..._.____~, L-__ , ; " ',tIllllllr