HomeMy WebLinkAboutWUSSB 04-09-2015West University Senior Services Board Meeting April 9, 2015 Present: Pieter Vrancken ( Chairman), Stan McCandless, Judy Faulkner, George Baker, Michelle Moore, Janet Vrancken, Becky Arnold, Candyce Beneke, Mary Ryerson, Joe Mitchell . Absent: Virginia Lootens, John Palmer , Selby Clark, Sarah Ballanfant. Staff: Tim O’Connor, Toby Brooks. Guest: Councilwoman Joan Johnson. Residents in Attendance: Bob Kelly, Bruce Beneke, Mardi Turner, Lynda George, Alida Drewes. The Meeting was called to order at 2:05PM. Presentations by Residents standing for Council (Bob Kelly, Bruce Beneke, Mardi Turner) With the approval of the Chairman, each of the residents standing for Council gave a short summary of his/her prior experience and position on issues affecting the city , before leaving the meeting. Minutes (Pieter Vrancken): Stan McCandless reviewed the minutes for the Board members. There being no amendments the minutes were approved as presented. PARD (Tim O’Connor): The Parks Master Plan was presented to and approved by Council . The Parks Board has put forward for consideration the opening up of the western end of Colonial Park at times when the pool itself is closed. To this end the Parks Board representatives met on site and obtained a design quote of $25,000 ($18,50 0 for work & $4,000 for surveys with a contingency of $1,500). Friends of West U Parks Board have contributed $4,500,000 to City projects since the Friends’ inception. Funding requires approval by the Parks Board & by Council and will then be submitted to members of the Friends Board. A Task Force will be formed for the two to three meetings needed to move ahead. George Baker volunteered to be the Senior Board’s representative on the Task Force. The first meeting will consider an architect’s conceptual draw ing for a barrier cutting off the ¼ acre site from the rest of the pool area and for a 110 foot wooden deck. The second meeting will consider the final design including access from West Point. On street parking is no t a problem . Input from neighbors has be en positive. No amenities are planned: this will be an open green space with a temporary barrier separating it from the swimming pool. A flip book for the Master Plan and the Parks History will be available this week. It will be distributed to 65 residents for feedback. We have experienced a good response by e -mail to the Parks website www.myparks.org Pictures of a downed tree limb received via the site were forwarded to the PWD. Activities (Toby Brooks) A proclamation of Older Americans’ Month will be delivered on Monday April 13 in the Council Chambers at 6PM. A tea is organized by the National Charities League at 3:30PM on Sunday April 12 in the Community Building Auditorium. A short paragraph drawing attention to th e activities of Senior Services has been placed in the current edition of City Currents. Seven members of the Men’s Club have signed up for a tour of the Houston Ship Channel on April 17. An excursion to Silverado attracted a full bus as did a visit to the Katy Prairie and one to Houston Heights. The Theme meal “A Day in Spain” drew 60 participants and included a history presentation. There were 10 residents and 3 non -residents on a minibus trip to the San Jacinto Monument. Council (Joan Johnson): At the Ma rch 23 Council Meeting Dr. Richard Murray, Director for Public Policy, University of Houston presented the results of the Resident Survey. 49.3% of re spondents prefer that the city proceed with the property exchange and relocation of the present maintenanc e facility with 35.5% opposed. Further discussion of the Facilities Master Plan included possible design of a new maintenance facility & dog shelter on Dincans, for which the expected cost has been estimated at $2,055,000. Additional monies may be needed t o purchase one or two of the homes in the block between University & Amherst. The Parks Master Plan was approved and is available for viewing on the City’s website. The survey conducted by the Task Force did not direct the Council to purchase new Park Land but did identify ways to pay for additional park land between Buffalo Speedway & Edloe. 55% of respondents to the survey were opposed to a tax increase for the purchase of additional parkland. At the March 30 Council Meeting the issuance of Certificates o f Obligation to pay for the building of a new maintenance facility on Dincans was discussed and the City Manager was directed to move ahead with advertising of these for sale. Council supported issuing of Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $3,550,000 to cover construction of the new maintenance facility and other expenses associated with the Land Swap including the possible purchase of one or two houses. Good Neighbor Team (Michelle Moore): The spring delivery to 134 residents was completed and the gifts were well received with the seeds being deemed a great idea. The next meeting will take place on Thursday April 16 at 1PM to plan for July deliveries. The Meeting was adjourned at 2:50PM