HomeMy WebLinkAboutWUSSB 12-11-2014West University Senior Services Board Meeting December 11, 2014 Present: Pieter Vrancken (Chair), Stan McCandless, George Baker, Michelle Moore, Sarah Ballanfant, Janet Vrancken, Becky Arnold, Candyce Beneke, Mary Ryerson, Joe Mitchell, Virginia Lootens . Absent: Philip Bryant, Selby Clark, John Palmer. Staff: Tim O’Connor, Toby Brooks. Guests: Councilwoman Joan Johnson, Mrs. Alida Drews. The Meeting was called to order at 2:03PM. The Minutes of the meeting of November 13, 2014 were approved as presented. Activities (Toby Brooks): Among the many events organized this past month there were a lecture on Dementia by Maureen Beck, a visit to IKEA, a concert by the Houston Concert Band, a trip to visit exotic animals, the Thanksgiving Potluck (music provided by two students from Lanier –keyboard & violin and three songs by Anabel), the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon (attended by 25). The Newsletter’s new format has been well received. Much praise has been received regarding the water color class and a new class which will group beginners & intermediate artists is to start on January 15. The class will last from 12:30 to 2:30PM and cost $56 for 6 to 9 sessions. APAC (Virginia Lootens): The Meeting of December 4 th was APAC’s Christmas party – nothing to report. Co uncil (Joan Johnson): Two Town Hall Meetings were held on November 17 th (at 2PM and 6:30PM0 PGAL presented the plan for Long Term City Objectives (Presented to this Board at its meeting of November 13). Views on the plan were presented by 21 residents at t he 2PM meeting and by 25 residents at 6:30PM meeting. The Senior Board Statement drafted by the Chairman after the Board Meeting of November 13 was presented by Michelle Moore at the 2PM meeting and by Pieter Vrancken at the 6:30PM meeting. At the Council Meeting which followed the second Town Hall Meeting on November 17 Council approved: suspension of external solicitation of interest in the city -owned property in the 3800 blocks of Amherst and Milton; preparation of a proposal for a citizen survey; legal review of Town Plan. At the December 8 th meeting of Council, the City Manager’s contract was amended and approved with a pay increase of 5%. Dr. Richard Murray was retained to outline a citizen survey for an estimated cost of $6,650. Attorney Denton was re tained to carry out the legal review for an amount not to exceed $10,000. Actions taken in the October regarding property transactions were rescinded. Councilwoman Johnson seconded all three motions. Good Neighbor Team (Michelle Moore) Blankets prepared by a National Charity, Post Oak Volunteers, Girl Guides, Seniors And Scouts will be distributed (along with seasonal cards) to 134 seniors. Council woman Johnson asked whether additional blankets could be made and distributed to a Nursing Home. Toby Brooks un dertook to approach the knitting group. PARD (Tim O’Connor) Two members of staff have recently resigned. One position has already been filled and interviews are taking place to fill the other. Following positive response at two town hall meetings the Parks Master Plan will be drafted for presentation to the Senior Board, Friends Board and Parks Board with the aim of submitting a revised draft to Council on the 2 nd February and a final version by late March or early April. The Park maintenance position has b een filled. A full account of the bus trip to San Antonio during which the Harris County bus broke down resulting in 28 seniors, a member of staff and the driver being left on the side of the Hwy for four hours, was given. Precinct 3 has a fleet of 16 buse s of which 6 are over five years old and unreliable. Board members expressed concern that there be clear protocols in place to deal with emergencies of this nature. Becky Arnold felt that the Department of Public Safety in Flatonia should have been called. George Baker said that although the Harris County bus service is free, reliability and safety should be our main concern. We should consider our liability and whether current insurance policies combined with the waiver which participants have to sign adeq uately protect PARD and the City from legal pursuit. Tim O’Connor undertook to review these questions and report back to the Board. The Board felt that PARD should keep a record of any complaints arising from trips and excursions. Old Business (Various): A discussion took place regarding the appropriate name for our Board. The discussion being inconclusive the Chairman asked that members vote on a motion to retain the current name. The motion passed by 7 votes to 4. The Meeting was adjourned at 3:10PM