HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 02 PRB MinutesWUP Parks and Recreation Board MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 2016 6:30PM REC CENTER – CONFERENCE ROOM TYPE OF MEETING Monthly Meeting CHAIR Kevin Boyle SECRETARY David DeAnda ATTENDEES Kevin Boyle, David DeAnda, Melissa Pifko, Mark Prescott, Peter Billipp, Stephen Damiani, David Jennings, Tracy Larson and Donna Petrone Tim O’Connor (Staff) Mardi Turner (City Council) VISITORS West University resident: Alida Drewes and Ramsey Elder I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by chair Kevin Boyle. II. Approval of the October 7, 2015 and January 6 Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve with deletion of Mardi Turner from attendee list for January minutes as well as correction of several typos. III. Friends Overview: Park’s L overs Ball is sold out. There is a wait list. IV. Colonial Park Redevelopment Update: Tim stated that there have been a few glitches but project is coming along nicely. It is on budget. V. Board Member Updates and Committees: Park Ambassador Reports: Nothing to report. However, Kevin expressed concern with condition of equipment at West University Elementary playground equipment. Tim to contact school. VI. Staff and City Counc il Updates: Council Update: Mardi Turner stated that bulk trash curbside pick-up will replace the bi-annual big trash day, opposite day of recycling. Ti m also communicated that Park Acquisition Task Force has been tabled. Staff Update: Step up sink: Have pricing, wait ing on response with respect to ADA issues. Once we have ADA issues cleared, should be able to have in stalled by start of Colonial Pool season. Outdoor Cardio equipment: Still in process of desi gn and pricing. Need to also make sure that it doesn’t hinder Tri-Sport activities and as courtesy will notify neighbors. At this point we have not yet surveyed membership but that will be done prior to proceeding.
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 2 VII. Citizen’s Comments: Alida Drewes addressed the Board. Kevin communicated to her that she was given 3 minutes. Ms. Drewes stated the following: The park usage su rvey needs to be done. No senior parks are at West University. Need parks at east-side of city. Stop discriminating against east-side. No tax resources should be used for private parties nor repairs of non-city park s. When board members make suggestion, staff should not stat e that it can’t be done. We need to listen to citizen not just turn our heads and ignore citizens. V III. Park’s Master Planning Update: Tim stated that plan is available to citizens on city website. Tim addressed the plan and stated turnaround period for redevelopment of each park is generally 2 years. Page 38, discusses stakeholders. Most have 2 year timelines, except for Liberty Park and Fr iend’s Park (have 1 year timelines). Kevin stated that it allows sufficient time for public comments. Encouraged the Board to read. Community survey indicates that unstructured passive green space is a priority. Stephen asked about farm ditch redevelopment option. Tim stated that it had been considered in the past and that it may be cost prohibitive. Stephen st ated that we should explore the availability of funding sources such as grants. Tim stated that could be an option as our lineal parks are open to public. Staff is recommending that Whitt Johnson Park be redeveloped first. Kevin stated that he wanted to receive input fro m Board with respect to priorities. Donna asked about Huffington Park and why it had an ea rlier date on master pl an. Melissa stated that her recollection was that architect had i ssues with how Huffington was laid out and not with age or condition. Kevin asked whether there was a consensus that Whitt Johnson Park should go first. Consensus of Board wa s that Whitt Johnson should be first that no distinction was being made as to east/west side . Mr. Elder seemed to disagree and stated that 2000 plan promised 2 new parks in east side and that nothing was done. Kevin asked Tim for the type of time commitments that w ould be required. (9) 90 minute meetings over a period of time plus additional work to be done independently. A commitment has to be made that you can meet all meetings. Kevin encouraged new board members to consider it and to convey such interest to Tim. Kevin stated that it would be a great way for board members and citizen to participate in the park process. Mardi asked for timing of appointment. Tim stated that it would likely sometime occur in March or afterward. Tim stated that page 40 addresses possible acquisition of adjacent land to expand for Whitt Johnson. VIII. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:39 pm.