HomeMy WebLinkAbout051269 CC Min LQ ~ ~ ~ u c.;> ~~' 'J:: u '. REGUIAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 12, 1969 The City Commission convened in r~gular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 12,1969, 7:30 p.m."with the following members present: Mayor Rams~y, presiding; Commissioners Neighbors, Proctor, Scott and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Scott. In accordance with action of the City Commission, bids received for furnishing necessary supervision and equipment to paint and repa~r five watel'i' reservoirs" were openedGand read aloud. Water Tank Servo Co. Trust-Kote Inc. Oren Childes Elevated water reservoir in 3700 block of Bellaire Blvd- 250,000 gallons 4,650.00 4,298.50 3,220.00 Elevated water reservoir at southwest corner Wakeforest & Old Richmond Rd.- 250,000 gallons 3,624.00 4,445.00 4,298.50 2,612.00 2,280.00 3, 559.tJ;0 4,168.00 4,900.00 6,543.80 9,862.00 21,206.06 Ground storage reservoir at corner of Wakeforest & Old Richmond Rd. 222,000 gals. Ground storage reservoir at 3800 block of Milton - 1,500,000 gallons Ground storage reservoir in 3800 block of Milton - 400,000 gallons ' 2,263~00 2.")")0.00 4,h9::> hO ---------- 4,442.00 7,764.00 ------------------------------------------- LUMP SUM BID 15,887.00 18,825.68 23,392.80 ALTERNATE BID 14,157.50 14,304.00 28,970.00 ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Pit Welding - Each Rivet Welding - Each Seam Welding Spider Rod, Each, replacement .90 .90 2.90 16.50 1.15 1.50 5.00 30.00 .25 .75 1.40 5.00 Motion by Commissioner Proctor, seconded by Commissioner Neighbors, that bids re- ceived for furnishing necessary supervlslon and equipment to paint and repair five water reservoirs be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with action of the City Commisision bids received for furnishing one new fogging machine and power unit were opened and read aloud: r- , "illl';'i1l1"l11 r"'~'-~'-'~' 1111111' n ir'~" - -~"'---"~l ..L ..L: '-- J, Net DeL Bidder Total Bid Trade-In Allowance Price B & G Company Londonnll5011 Fogger 1,695.00 50.00 1,645.00 Center Chemical Dyna Fog Model 1200B 2,195.00 186.87 2,008.13 Herb C. Johnson-Sanfac Corp Dyna Fog Model 1200B 2,195.00 195.00 2,000.00 Public Health Equipment London 115011 Fogger 1,595.00 100.00 1,495.00 Public Health Equipment Alternate No. 1 Burgess Model 3901 795.00 50.00 745.00 Public Health Equipment Altern~te No. 2 London Little Giant 995.00 50.00 945.00 Redwood Chemical Corp. Dyna Fog Model 500-B 1,524.50 235.30 1,289.20 Todd Shipyards Corporation Tifa - Model 100E-SC-Ca 2,352.00 -0- 2,352.00 Motion by Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Neighbors, that bids re- ceived for furnishing one new fogging machine and power unit be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter from Mrs.B. E. Skipper, 2905 Amherst, regarding the proposed purchase of a foggirgmachine and environmental destruction by the scattering of large quantities of poison, was read to the Commission. Mayor Ramsey advised the Commission that a meeting was held on Thursday, May 8, 1969, , with the following property owners adjacent to the area of the proposed cul-de-sac construction on Academy Street: Mr. and Mrs. Audley, Mr. Partridge, Mrs. Beatrice Turrentine and Mrs. Cathrine DeWaldt. Mayor Ramsey stated that all those attending the meeting and others contacted by telephone expressed no objections to the construction. It was furthur stated that this was the first proposal of thiskind in the City of West University and would have to be tried to prove its success or failure; that there might be another device that would.accomplish the same results, but it is not known at this time; and that the cul-desac construction was worthy of a try inasmuch as it was the only traffice deterrent available. Ordinance Number 920 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CUL-DE-SAC OR TURN -AROUND ON ACADEMY STREET; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHT TO REMOVE SUCH CUL-DE-SAC; PROVIDING FOR CONTINUED INGRESS AND EGRESS BY ADJACENT PRO- PERTY OWNERS: PROVIDING FOR THE CONTINUED EFFICIENTCY OF THE FIRE, POLICE AND UTILITY DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY; AND PRO- VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion by Commissioner Neighbors, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Ordinance number 920 authorizing the construction of a cul-de-sac on Academy, be approved as read. Votinf AyeL All Voting No: None I'O~~='__' ..__..C'" Ir'--~"=-----~~-'"--"-"~""T r TI,r~"IITIiI- 1111111 l..":l ~ ,..-.I ~ u C.,.) 't11 ~.. The Commission was advised that Mr. Ricahrd Niemi would manage the West University Swimming Pool for the third consecutive year and it was his opinion that Saturday, May 31st would be the best opening date for thIi:s year's season. A set of rules governing the use of the pool was presented to the Commission for their consideration. 1. This is a private community pool. Its facilities shall be restrict to bona fide residents of the City of West University Place, Texas, and their guest, after PRO@F OF RESIDENCY CARS have been properly signed and placed on file at the pooL THE GUEST MUST BE ACCI)MPANIED BY THE RESIDENT. 2. Monday through Friday, the pool will be open from 10:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. from 2:00 P.M. until 5:00 P.M. and from 6:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.. On Saturday the pool will be open from 11:00 A.M. until 9:00 P.M., and on Sunday the pool will be open from 2:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. 3. No person will be admitted to the pool who has sores, open abrasions, a cold, or other physical condition which might contaminate the pool or jeopardize amother person's health. Extra clothing over bathing suits will be be allowed in the pool ecept in case of severe sunburn or for the protection of persons high susceptible to sunburn. The decision of the management shall be final. 4. No person will be admitted to the pool without first taking a shower. 5. The pool will be closed at any time it is deemed necessary by the management in order to safeguard the health, safety and well being of all persons using the pool and its facilities. 6. No bittles or glass containers if any kind will be permitted within the pool enclosure. Glass bottles of suntan lotion may be kept in baskets that are available at the pooL Towels and sundry items may beearried onto the grassy area if the pool if desired. Baskets will remain in the basket room. 7. No running or rough playing wi~l be permitted within the pool enclosure. No loud talking, no loud laughing or yelling will be permittted. Talking to the lifeguards willI not be permitted unless it is absolutely necessary. 8. No drinking of alcoholic beverages will be permitted within the pool enclosure, ba.thhouse or park. 9. No dogs or pets of any kind will be permitted within the pool enclosure or bathhouse. 10. No diving will be allowed on the shallow side of the pool. Diving will be permitted from the side of the pool only in the deep end betwe~n the steps and the rope. No diving from the sides of the boards will be permitted. 11. When diving from the diving boards, no more than one bounce will be permitted. No flips or back dives will be allowed off the side of the pool. The management is authorized to eject any person from the pool enclosure, bath- house, or park for violation of any of the rules. Improper language or public display of improper conduct will be sufficient reasons for removal of either a member of a guest from the pool, bathhouse or park area. -1 ..o.-...,-,.c~-,c_c,cc~:_.n "TT:TiTTlTiii 1~1I1i 'f - .--~- --~ 1 L .1'_ L'1 12. The management is authorized to initiate and enforce such other rules which may be deemed necessary for the safety, protection and welfare of pool patrons, as well as those regulations which may be promulgated by the City Commission. 13. These rules are for the benefit, safety, pleasure and well-being of every, person who makes use of the pooL The management and, attendants are charged with the responsibility of enforcing these rules. Every effort will be made to make the swimming season a pleasant one for all of our citizens - young and old - and if the conduct of any other patron is such that it would deprive you of this pleasure, it is requested that you notify the management. Your understanding and cooperation is earnestly c01icited. By order of the City Commission CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS! Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Proctor, that the rules governing the use of the swimming pool for 1969 be approved and that Saturday, May 31, 1969 be set as the official day for opening the West University Swimming Pool for the 1969 season. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that Howard Concessions had agreed to again operate the concession at the swimming pool and the necessary contract agreement had been pre- pared and approved by the City Attorney.__ Motion by Commissioner Proctor, seconded by Commissioner Neighbors that Mayor Homer Ramsey be authorized to execute the contract agreement with' Howard Concessions for operation of the concession at the swimming pool for the 1969 season. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Thursday, May 8, 1969 was presented to the Commission for their information, together with recommendations for regulations to be consdiered in rezoning the north .47 acres of Block 2, Cunningham Terrace and the south 60' of Block 2, Cunningham Terrace. The City Attorney advised the Commission that if it was their feeling that they were not ready to prepare and pass an ordinance rezoning the north .47 acres of Block 2, Cunningham Terrace and the south 60' of Block 2~ Cunningham Terrace at this time, acknowledgement of the receipt of the recommendations of the Zoning and Planning Commission could be made and further action withheld until a future date. Motion by Commissioner Neighbors~ seconded by Commissioner Proctor, that the receipt of the recommendations of the Zoning and Planning Commission dated May 12, 1969 with regard to rezoning the north .47 acres of Block 2, Cunningh~ Terrace and the south 601 of Block 2, Cunningham Terrace Addition be acknowledged and action of the Commis- sion be withheld until a later date. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ,--- ,--- - ---~':~ ' ij [ , -1 .~--~--~~TT~rTI'l1l1r,---------n;11I1 . tJ:~ University Place Townhouses, Section Three, being a replat of Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and part of Lot 9, Block 2, Monticello Addition into Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30, Block 2, Monticello Addition, was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Neighbors, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the replat of Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and part of Lot 9~ Block 2, Monticello Addition into Lots 16, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block 2, Monti- cello Addition be approved as submitted and Mayor Ramsey be authorized to sign the original replat. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LQ ~ ~ ~ U f..) The Commission was advised that extended delivery dates made it necessary that bids be advertised for furnishing 200' of 2~" fire hose and 600' of l~" -fire hose in the near future. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Proctor, that the City Manager be authorized to advertis~ for bids for furnishing 200' of 2~" fire hose and 600' of l~" fire hose. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that subsequent to the paving of Northwestern Street water is impounded at Northwestern and College during heavy rains and the installa- tion of a storm sewer in that location would be necessary to provide adequate drainage of the area; this being accomplished by tapping onto an existing 24" storm sewer on College extending north to the esplanade on BissonneD, and tapping onto an existing City of Houston storm sewer. City Engineer Tom Jones has prepared the plans, will secure the necessayr permit from the City of Houston and the work will be done by the Street Department. An itemized list of bid items will be made and presented to the Commission at its next regular meeting on May 26, 1969. The Commission was advised that with the installation of zinc collars to prevent electrolysis the work by Layne Texas Company lowering the pumps in water well numbers 3, 4 and 6 had been completed and all wells were performing in a satisfactory manner. A resume of activities of Corporation Court Judge Robert Dunn, Prosecutor Joe Damiani and Officer J. C. White to commemorate Law Day on May 1, 1969 by the presentation of an assimilated court trial at Northeast Houston Independent School District for approximately 700 students was presented to the Commission. A recommendation from Chief of Police Harold Shipp dated May 12, 1969 for the installa- tion of "No Parking - 8:09 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. - Monday thru Friday" signs from the east property line of 2615 Sunset Blvd. to the west property line of 2635 Sunset Blvd. was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Proctor, seconded by Commissioner Scott, that the recommendation of the Chief of Police dated May 12, 1969 be accepted and "No Parking - 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. - Monday thru Friday" signs be installed from the east property line of 2635 Sunset Blvd. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None r~"- ~~_,~'CO"~, ij 'f I' :--TI' :TITTIT1i'l , Imm f~lJ The Commission was advised that the Park and Recreation Board had established the dates of June 11, 12 and 13 as registration dates for the summer program which' would officially begin on June 16th, running for a period of nine weeks and close on August 15th. Mrs. LeI Red Duffin has been selected as director of the program and will include basic registration information with the mailing of swimming pool literature. In accordance with action of the City Commission on April 28, 1969, Mayor Ramsey stated that he had contacted Mr. V. J. Engerran, 4014 Case, and Mr. Engerran was willing to serve as an alternate member of the Tax Board ot Equalization. Motion by Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Proctor, that Mr. V. J. Engerran, 4014 Case, be,.appointed to serve as an alternate member of the Tax Board of Equali- sation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter from Mr. Forrest Daniell, 3611 Sunset Boulevard, concurring with action of the City Commission increasing the garbage fees to $2.00 was read to the Commission. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on April 28, 1969 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Neighbors, seconded by Commissioner Proctor, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on April 28, 1969 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting recessed until 7:00 p.m., Monday May 19th. ATTEST: ;fJ-U 4~/~ Asslstar~e~ty-~LaLY ./ - !ll:ll~