HomeMy WebLinkAbout042869 CC Min l."'=' ~ ,-t ~ u f..) -'i ff,' !"1i., ., ~;~:_i REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 28, 1969 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 28, 1969, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Ramsey, presiding; Commissioners Proctor, Scott and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Neighbors was out of the city. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Proctor. In accordance with provlslons of the City Charter and action of the City Commission, the Oath of Office was administered by Mayor Ramsey to the following members of Boards and Committees of the City: H"':=t 1 t:'h ROR rn Dr. Howard Evans Dr. N. C. Windrow Mr. Frank Stewart P"''Y'~onn",l RORrn J. C. Morton W. E. Furley Roger Wright, S~. 'Zrm; ng Ro:=t rn of' A r'l]11 R-r.mp.n-r. L. G. Livermore Hollis Waldt Zo~;ng ~nn Pl~nning ~~mmi~~inn L. B. Bricker Mayor Ramsey advised the Commission that in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter members of the Tax Board of Equalization should be appointed. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Scott, that Michael Davis be moved from an alternate member of the Tax Board of Equalization to a member; that W. J. Beirne and Charles A. Gillan be re-appointed as members of the Board; and that selection of an alternate member be postponed until a later date. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Ramsey advised the Commission that the Citizen~s Committee which had been appointed to study the city's problem of Waste Collection and Disposal had held several meetings and were actively working on the problem. Mayor Ramsey stated that it cost the city $2.39 per month to pickup and dispose of trash and garbage at each residence in the city and under the present scale the residents were pay- ing 75rf; per month for this service, and had been so doing since its~dnitiation in 1957. ' Mayor Ramsey further stated than an increase in garbage fees would in substance equal a tax increase of 23rf; or change the current tax rate from $1.48 to $1. 73. Mr. Frank Stewart, Chairman, Citizens' Committee for thesstudy of waste collection and disposal, stated that his group had been appointed as a study group and the ecomomics involved in the operation of the Sanitation Department showed that im- mediate action should be taken to provide the Department with additional super- visory personnel, adequate wheeled equipment and salary adjustments to retain labor personnel. Mr. Steart stated that it was the opinion of the Committee that money should be found to adequately fund the primary operation of the Department. 1 : , n-:T:TTI1:IiT-~-----U --lliinr- ',,- -, :i,]l ~ - :'1 _1 " __ I ':t'!J I,. ':" ...." '. Ordinance Number 918 was presented to the Commission and read in fli+l. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY AMENDING SECTION 13-7 (a) TO PROVIDE FOR A CHARGE OF $2.00 AND PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Scott, that Ordinance Number 918, amending the Code of Ordinances to provide for a charge of $2.00 per month for collecting and disposing of household garbage and refuse, be ap- proved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on April 21, 1969 were presented to the Commission for their information. There was some discussion by the Commission with regard to a time element involving the renewal of a Master Electrician;s license. The City Manager was requested to develop additional information and report to the Commission at a later date. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that pursuant to their instructions he had prepared an ordinance to close Academy Street at Ruskin Street and authorize the construction of a cul-de-sac. Mayor Ramsey stated that it would be to the best interest of the residents of the area and the City Commission to heold an informal discussion meeting prior to the adoption of the ordinance, and requested that Mr. Cockrell hold the ordinance until the regular meeting of the Commission on May 12th. The Commission was advised that the problems encountered with repairs on Water Well No. 4 had been located and work should be completed within a few days. After completion with Well No. 4 the crew will move on location at Well No. 3 to make necessary repairs. Ordinance number 919 was presented to the Commission and read in full. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY AMENDING SECTION 6-28 TO PROVIDE FOR BUILDING PERMIT EEES FOR RESIDENTIAL CON- STRUCTION, RESIDENTIAL REMODELING, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, GARAGE REMODELING AND REPAIR: FOR SWIMMING POOL CONSTRUC- TION: AND TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Proctor, seconded by Commissioner Scott, that Ordinance number 919 amending the Code of Ordinances to provide for building pe~it fees for residential construction, residentaal remodeling, commercial buildings, garage remodeling and repair, and for swimming pool construction, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter from Mrs. Frances Bluntzer, Director of the Senior Citizens, requesting that the recreation program for this summer not be scheduled for use of the community building on Monday's inasmuch as it creates parking problems and in- convenience for the Senior Citizen's group, was presented to the Commission. LC ,..-.l ,..-l ....... U U 1",,'1',-:"'<: .., ,::""ii ...... ..U. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on April 14, 1969 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Scott, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on April 14, 1969 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All With no further business to come before the seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned ATTEST: y~~ Assistant city Secretary ./ I ~_ ' ~::<Jl , , ,__~r ' -, 'L""', Voting No: None Commission, upon motion duly made, at 8:53 p.m. ~/rcr~ {/ ayor ..-I: ~ u -- -::-"iTiTITTITIi 1 iulill