HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1933 .' '~:94 ;~l/ ..j"' ~.,1' !' ~>'f" '. L:_ ;. . ~, I . '''.-.''\:,. .""'" :J Monday, Jan. 2, 1933.. No meeting held on this date account of legal holiday. Approved, Attest: , i I I , i J. '----" ~l. ,....lO... -.;:, ~~~~l I 'j ---, l I-{l 11 J I t f t I I I , I , I I .j ':-1:," ., ') 9J~ . '-. '" . Regula;r Meeting. . Mon'day, 'J~riuary 9 ,193q. _ Council_C:tramber";...-~,..-Oit;y Hall. City' of West University Place, T,e~as.'- The Commission convened in regular, session.on the foregoing date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and Commissioners PlUIl1b and Gates and Secretary Camp in attendance. . - . ., ,1 Commissioner Ga.testook active part ~,meeting,havingqualified ,.- .1'01' office the previous Friday, to serve' the Ullexpj,red term of .former Cmpmissioner H. a.Cockburn, resigned. _.' Mr. J. D. Langham and 'E. D.Fantham appeared before the council for the purpose of presenting deed. to lots 1 to 6 and 21 too 26, both. inclusLve, Block 27 Colonial Terrace Addition to the City for park purposes. . , The Secretary read deed, and motion was made by Comrnfssioner,tlWnb and seconded by Commissioner Gates that the' city accept th:ts deed, and ordered that the Secretary place same on record with the County Clerk of Harris. County. . Voting Aye: Commiss,ioners Plumb andGa tes. Nos None. Whereupon the Secretary presented, the following ,Ordinance, viz; " '. ' AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING DEED TO CERTAIN LOT8IN COLONIAL '- TERRACE TO BE U~EDA;8<APARK, .WAIVIN,G-MtfNIGIPAL',AD VAJ;.,0REM TAXES FOR THE YEalt1932, AND PROVIDING TEAT SAiID ORDINAl\j: (E. TAKE EFFECT AND-BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY. - BE . I1f0RDAINED: BY,THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WES\U UN-IVJillilSITY PLA;.G:E "T:~S: SECTION I. The City of' West University Place hereby ac:ee'pts theA'ollow- ing described property located in Colonial Tenrace, an addi- tion to the City of West University Place: Lots ',One (I) to Six (6) inclusive, and Lots twenty-one (21) to twenty-six (26}.inclusive, all in Block twenty- seven (27). of Colonial Terrace, an addition to the city of Houston, Harris County, Texas, and now included with- 'inthe corporate .li.mits of the City of West University .Ple,:ce; '. same to be used for park purposes in accordance with the terms and conditions of a deed of conveyance of said above described property, to City of West University Place. SECTION II. In view of t~e fact that the aboye described property was.dedi- cated for, park purposes prior to January i, 1932, and negotiations " " (Continued to Page 96) .,e,'. _ _ 1------ -1'- 1-- -1 _ ~r .1 >.. 96 ,( Gon t.1:nued :Crom Page 95) were pending < for the conveyance, .of.this' pro.perty. to the ci ty,mun- i~ipal ad valorem.taxe.s on said,. here.ina.bove ,desc'rm:be:d. pro'perty .for the year 1932 are waived, and the city tax assessor and tax col- lector is instructed to strike the assessment of .said property for the year 1932 from the tax records. 8ECTION III. .PASSED A1\fI?,.. APPROVED this the 9th day. of, January, A.D., 1933. H. B. Schlesinger. mayor. (\. : r l. ) This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately from and after the date of its passage and approval. Attest.: Thos~ P. Camp. City Secretary A letter from Mr. A. D. Foreman, addressed to Mr. P. R. Plumb was presented by the Secretary. Mr. Foreman tendered a check in the 'amount of' $5.00 for grading done on his property a t Buffalo. Speedway and BissenettLAvenue. Motipn wa~ made by Commissioner P~umb and du~y seconded by Commis- sioner Gates that d.;he check be .acc-epted. Voting Aye,: Commissioners Plumb and. Gates. Nos None. '" Attention was brought to the council that Commissioner P!umb had ordered during' the past week a car load of shell to be used on the streets, and the Mayor-and Secretary had paid for the same. Motion was made by Commissioner Gates and duly seconded by Commissioner Plumb that the action of the Mayor and Secretary be ratified. voting Aye,:' Commis s10nersPlumb and Gates. Nos None. There being no further business to tion being made and duly seconded, come before the the meeting was .,,"'1 Appr oveq"",l /~( board, upon mo- declared adjourned. Attest: ~ C~ City Secretary. ':;, ~; i L r I ---,---- 1 "ll . I , i I " ) 'y 1 U {, r~ .., t""~ ,. , iP-. 1i)' '7 -,,'-."" ~ > -.>. , .... . , ... ~.F1.<<:, " ,'). {.:- ~ ,~ Monday, January l6,. 1933. No meeting held on the foregoing date acco~t absence rrom city or Mayor H. B. 'Schlesinger. Attest: I I APprJved, ~ ~1 ~J/'; ~ ." .' -----, , . ~ l1egalar 'Me~tip.g~ 'r ~ Monday, "Jarrua;ry '23~ 1933.... . Council . Qhamber-.......-.;;---City . Hall. City of West University Plac.e ,Texas. '. . The Commis,s:ionconvened in regular session on the foregoing date with Mayor H: B. Schlesinger presiding and Commissioners Plumb a~d Gat~s and Secretary Camp in attendance. The Secretary presented a report on the open accounts owed by the 'eity, cash having previously been approved and ordered paid when fUnds were available. The total owed as of De'cember 31st,. '1932 from. the Gene~al Fund being $5,555.01 and Water Department $2,583.80. The Secretary ~,lso presented report on total amount of 'Tax Collec- tions, funds being 'in!Tax Collecotr' sAccount in the official de- pository. Motion W:;1.S mad€r'b.y Commissioner PlUmb and duly seconded by Commis- sioner GateS'that'thereJ}orts of'Secretary be approvep.'and that the Secretary be instructe'4ctt,p de,po.sit all funds ih. Tax Collectors Account to the different'.I''l.Uids' in accordance with Tax levy for "1932 Taxes. voting'lY'EH... Comm:1:~ts1:oners ';P.lumb and Gates. 'Nos None. A bill in~ the amount of $338#25 from Mr. C. F. Milledge, same .being for 2o! days accounting services at $16.50 per day was presented and upon motion of Commissioners Plumb and second of Comm1ssioner Gates was declared approved and ordered .p~i4c'.' -:4, 1:?111 .from John D. McCall of Da-l,las in th~' amount '01' $l~~':Op;sarne .be1ng expe!:is'e and per diem ac~ount ,for t~ipto Houston as ordered by City Council. Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commis- sioner Gates that the foregoing bill be approved and order.ed paid. 'Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. . ~os None. A letter from the Mortgage Servicing Company of Dallas asking for a refund of 1932 taxes. on lot IO block 15 Wes:t University Place lst Addition, .explaining that same was paid in error 'by this company, was presented by the Secretary. Motion was made by Commissioner Gates and duly seconded. by Commis":,, sioner Plumb that this request be refused and ordered the Tax Col- lector to hold the payment made by this Company until such time as same is paid by the rightful owner. . , Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. I ' . The following letter was presented and read by the secretary, viz: January II, 1933. f l: Ron. R. B. Schlesinger, .Mayor, City of West University Place, ~BDO Un~~ersity Blvd., H.puston, ';Texas. '~J',' (Continued to Page 99) ,,,..... 'IJ' . I I ~ ~ . . , '. ; ." .r .~\ . f' [. iJI. I . . \ . ~ -~. ~ ., ,. ',' 4~,' .1 ., :.~.~u' - ~ .. !~,.~ ;'1.',' t- 7rl 'j i ,~ I ,-~ i ~. / "r I I ~ k l, l' {{'r6fI~:lnl!1ed<frQm. pagE{98J ,.' . De~r Mr. BchJ..,e~Binge:r'~:. ,: ; <R~lative 't'o the deed of 'deai~ai;;ion by i:. 'C. Fa,ntham, et al to O;tty of West University Place:, cove:r;"ing ,certain lots in Blocks 26 ~d 27, of',' Colo:i:1.ial Terrace. The reversion clause contained in the last paragraph onpage,3 of' said deed, c.QN.t'ains, a 'Ptoyisio;n"tb.at; sheuld the city. fail ,for l~mo:nths.at an.y Qne time to -d:i.scharge.,,:t;h~ ob.J;J.gation,s d..j:ppose:dupon it"that grantors, at their di,scretion,shall declare the ~0n,ve,yanee forfeited, and in such event, title to the lots shall return to the grantors, and tha:t the it~;p.-dor IS lienwb:;i..eh <uas b.een. release.{lt9 the Oi ty of We'B ~ Universi ty' Place" shall re:-airtach to said proper.ty. !1!b-3ts"'insctrument triake si toptional with the gr,antor s . Whe.t}tli~1;':,'OrJ:lot .' ,t.o '.de c:la.r e . a for f' ei t.ure . H owe vBr, if t;t ' f' orfelture. l~> d:e,ela,r e d,; nevertheless the record title. remains in the city. *h.~~&fore, :if the .. gran:tbrsdo ,ser-i6'Uls:ly< centend for,:, ~f'.o.;,t'.f'et~~e\, tb.e.:>bUTden .will rest upon them,t:o file sui tfor the purpo.s;e 01' decTarin.g sai,e.1' con~ veyance forfei t'-~:~S".~ndto have title to said prop.erty,woul.q,'b~ c;Louded, and no purchaser could be procured in the absence of a v@l1ll'ltary re-conve'yance of this property by" th~ c"ity, or-of. a.court:.. de'creere-investing title in the gr.ant0rs. The deed ~ecites that. all outstanding Uens record are released in- sof'8.!,8.sconcerns the Ci tYQf, west Unive~sityPla ce.~. However:, the. provis.ionquoted above that .inthe event.' title re-investsingran.i;- ors is for thep~pose of protecting~~be lienholders in case there is.. ai'v.olUrit'ar\V re.-conveyance of this procpertyby the. city or a .re,.. : inv6Btment, of the ,title t.o grantors by a. .court dec;r>ee,. . With kindest personal regards, I remain Cor dia llyyo:ur s, RLS :TP Robt. :1:,. SO:J',l.field~ Mot.ion was plade byCommissione;r Plumb and duly seconded by Com~ missioner Gates that the .foregoing .letter be accepted. Voting Aye: Oorumissioners Plumb and -Gates. Nos None. .\ .^ Letter from J. H. Ra.fferty on the final estimate of the extension of Uriiversi ty Boulevard was ,presented by the Secretary and a,fters,ome . discussion 'same was refered to Judge C. D. Jessup. Court rep6r~ ~hrough January2Qth, 1933, sho~ing an exceS$ revenue . of'<t64,.OQwa:s presented and appr,oved. The action of' Commissioner Gates and Secretary Camp in ordering the repair of the Kirby Drive Water Resevoir was ratifiedby,the vote ~ommissioner Plumb and Mayor S~hlesinger. There being no further business to come before th~~board, upon motion being made a.nd duly seconded, the meeting was dec1tared ,adjourned. .' Approved, Attest: j-- I" 1- :: c .~ ;>"R;@,@:t~!P::Me eitit,ig,;. "~' Mondaij~nuary, 30,.?. t933~. " CoUnciL Chamher'~-----:,City Hall. city. of-w~,~it Uni.versity .Plac,e;Texa's ~ \. . . The eO:mn).issi~m: convene-d; in:regular_~ess10n on the ftiregQingdatewith Mayor H. B. SGhlesingeJ;' presidings:nd Commis sioner.s: P-lumb ~fid'. Gates .and Secretary Camp in attendance. ," J" , . -- ,The. Tax Ooilect9r presented.. an afadt!:i:vi t from Mrs. !. P.. Luri,e" d-e~ . 'claririg,that the house locateClc on I.oct: 7.., block I, Preston Plaeewas ',.~. ~ri.ot~ 'completed. prior to the ~st- da.y-' of' January 1932. , ~'. . . The Tax Collect,;Qr . was ins.tructed to make ,eorrectiononsupplementary- . roll and exclude taxes on. the- improv'ement-s. for 1932.. . r1 l J .An~ 'EfstiInat~e inthe.amoo:t of $594'.50 for the extension ,of'Und.ver$i'ty Boulevard and t~,4.. '72ETI.gine'ertng- f'ees was present.edby the secTetary. ~; : i- ~ <: .' ~ .' : Motion waS. made b'i1,'€;eJinInissibner c'J?lumb: and .s~eondedby :Comm~ssi-ener Ga.tes.-that the; 1'oI'-egoing -estimate be. approve.dand ordere.d pa.id, when f'tmdswereavai;Lable... . _ ' 't Tne '$ecretary presented report on tl;1.econdition lfJ~;theTaxC-ol~ec'tors . aceolint,and he was instructod tocdeposit the funds to the.dif'f'erent ;"accounts in acco~dance with the tax levy. :' ;{ .. ..TheSeeretary pres:ented vouchers #5513, 5542 and 5549 f0r ratif'-icat.ion am:du:f)E:m motiOll beeing made \ and duly seconded, same was declared r-a:tified. u " . . . . The' Secretary presented, a bill from City Attorney R.' I.,.Sonf.leld in a:rnount 01'$159-.10, s.ame,being for dif'ferent service.s rendered .city as per statement. '.- .' ".. ....... .~, ... i": Motion was made byCommis'siQ:ner- Plumb and seconded by Commissioner Gates that thef.oregoing bil.l be approved and ordered paid.. . ~ Ma:yor-' Schlesinger sought authority to have a,cooPY made of the Ernst and Ernst Audi~t f'or the 'Oi ty-' $ 118e. Motion was made by Comrnis.sioner Plumb and duly seconded by. .commis,- sioner Gates that Mayor Schlesinger be authorized to have a copy made of the Ernst and Ernst Audit at the City's expense. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. AlettaI' from Mr.' E. T. JOImson, asking for an adjustment on the. water bill at 6342 Buff'alo Speedway, formerly in the name of' M~Ak' Cozzi was presented and read by the Secretary. ] The ~Secretary' was instructed to, advise Mr. Johnson th6.t due to the fact that .Mr. Cozzi had pai,d the $22.50 rental on the .meter, the meter would have to be held responsible for the water used,.' and ; ,,'t'h!at. the city council is powerles s to allow any kind of an aO:jus;t- . men~i~ 'on . same. . ~1. . There being no : be:i:ng,ltlade arid . .~} ~ ~ . Attest: . . furtner business to come t>efore the board, upon motion duly seconded, the meeting was decp-are . adjourned. A ,,,,-" pprove.C!-~i _,' .> J);ft''rJ' . - -, ': Oi ~y 8ecretal?v. II' -1;1'''-~ ) J ... . I '1 ~ - ._, ---"""r. 1 n. .: J " .., ( ~I J L_ . ..........,. "oI!-~ '1@1.,: Monday, February 6th, 1933. No meetingh~ld on the foregoing date. account of absence from the city of Commissioner P. R. Plumb. .Attest: ~ ;,. ~.. ~~v. A.ppr~t'v . .:.. ~- , H-. ~ r':-jf~2 . f ~ . f r I' p. I , ~ r .'Re,g\llcl3.i>'Meet:!.ng/ '. Monday; . February 'la,th, 1933:. . Counc~l. Cb.l3.mbe~"'---...:----Ci.ty H;al~. City of West'Untver~:dty Plaee, Texas. ;~if/ The Commission convened in regular se~sion at 7:00 ~. .M. on the fore- going date with Mayor H. B. Schlesinger presiding and Co~issioners Plumb and Gates and Secretary Camp in attendance. A bid from the Downtown Chevrolet Company in the amount of $105.00 for the repairs of the Water Department truck was presented, and . ; Water Department Superintendent A. P. Robb was'instructed to permit Krenzler Brothers to make an estimate on the same repair. ,"~ The Secretary presented a letter from the Foun~ation Waterproofing . Comapny offering a bid for the proposed improvement of the section known as "West of the City Hall~!1 . The Secretary was instructed to answer, advisi~ that the city has no/funds with which to pay its share of s-q.ch improvement and that . at the present time, it is not contemplated to be done in the near future. ., . . . . ... .. ,. ~ " ,..The following ~ORj l)J.J.~.1. J.' '~0was pr.esented and read by the Secretary, viz: THE STATE OF TEXAS\,J . · . ' ""l COUNTY OF HARRIS 0 o CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 0 o ~~ . . - WHERE,AS,. under a certain deed of indenture between the City of West University Place, a munici:pal"6.0r.pbra):;iQn"1'ocated in Harris. County, Texas, and the Guaranty Nati()nai.B~rik:01:H6ust3n; Texas, the . Public' National Bank & Trust Company of Houston has hereto.fore been appointed as Trustee, and is now acting in said capacity', and WHEREAS, said Public National Bank & Trust Company of Houston has, in writing, tendered its resignation as such Trustee by reason of the fact that it is in process of liquidation, and . ..u..... - -.il ~ :-.:;-1 < . .~~ -; "\ . ,~ .. , WHEREAS, the Board of Commissiqners of the City of West Uni- versity Place desires to accept said resignation and appoint a sub- stitute Trustee iLl. lieu of said Publfc National Bank & Trp.st CQmpany.~< THEREFORE, Be it Res.olved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of West University Place on this, the 13th day of February A.D., 1933, that the resignation of .said Public National Bank & Trust Com- pany as Trustee under the aforementioned deed of indenture is ac- cepted, effective immediately, and in this connection, receipt of said notice of the resignation of Public National Bank & Trust Com- pany is acknowledged, and :tne three months period of notice of re- signation, provided in the deed of indenture is by the City of West. University Place, waived, and the notice of th~ resignation of said Public National Bank & Trust Comapany is acknowledged by the City of West Univers'ity Place to be full and sufficient notice of the iriten";' 'tiqn of said Public National Bank & Trust Comapny to resign. Be it further resolved by the Board of COIT@issioners of the City of west University Place that C. F. Milledge is appointed to audit the accounts of said Trustee and rende~ his report thereon to the f. . t (Continued to Page I03) ~. -I. ~, ~ ,..,' -'~. ~... "",-" ,.... . ..,( III j ~._._--! ,.- 1 '<' """'~-r .,..~*C-<rd 1 '"1 ." n. .. Iii. I fI 1 Pi , I.' I J" \ ' !).... .f ;.kO:' ~.. ~ t, ,." -1 ' ~ 1 ;, :~~il\ . ~ '<I~' ~:\iYl' , !~, ~:., "J:. f 0:r~$ j , "~ . ",".. i I i L. ' III ~~ l~-q'---'!' . tGOnli}..llU,$,(1' 1"1?0111 , ,Bage .-!-ut::) ;:1tO~' .J. 1, . '1 ,. Board of Commiss~o:p.ers.at its\nextreguifar\meeting. Be it further resolved by the Board of Conmiis's~oners of ;the City or 'west University :Place that City Ban~; anQ..~rus,t., ,Cow-pa:p.y is hereby. ap;P~1.'pted, and design~ted as Trustee lmq,ersaidab'pve set forth deed of indenture in .lieu of Public National .Bank & Trust Com- pany, resigned, with all i:;he powers, privileges, irnmuhitiesand re- sponsibili ties, 'as the original T.rustee, under said deed ,of inden- ture, , and Mayor H. B. Schlesingei? is authori,zed to execute any and ail necessary instruments, and to do any. and all necessary tb.ings' in order to perfect the appointment of said substituD~ Trustee here- tn named. . .'" PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 13th day of Februany,; A.D., 1933~ Al,;te~,t: H. 'B. Schlesing~r. Mayor. Thos.P~ Camp. City Secretary. , . Motion was made that the foregolng(r'esignation a~resollltion be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. j... Th~~Secretary presented vouchers #5562 and 5580, whereupon, motion was" made by Commiss1oner Gates and secon-ded by Commissioner Plumb that: the. two forego'l:p.g youchers. be ratified. Voting Aye: Commiss~onersPlumb and Gates. Nos None. Tae:"Secretary presented a report on 1932 Tax Collections, showing the amounts allocated to the separate accounts in accordance with the tax levy. The Secretary was instructed to deposit one half of the amounts shown 'on the repprt to each respective account. ;\ The question of an electriqal Ordinance was brought to the attent~on of the governing body, and after some discussion, J. H. Rafferty was made chairman andl~~ W. F. Ghiselin and J. T. Hobbs a comrnittee to prepare such ordinance as would conform with the proposed building code and present at the next regular cOUlicil meeting. There being no further business to come ~efore the board, upon mo- tion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Attest: APproved~ ")1 . I }yJ rgl ~ " " H ,_,i.. R': ~ Im'I.' ']" '.. 'C^" r ". J~:O' Ar '~. :;J:" - '":t'. , R~~larMeeting. Monday; February 20, 1933. Counc~l Chamber--~-----City Hall. City of' We s't . Uni ver si ty Place, Texas~' The (Iommiss:io:n convened in ;r>egula:r session at 7:.bo P~M.' Gnthe f'ore- g,oing date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and Commiss1oners"Plumb . an,<1. Gates 'and Secretary Oamp, in attendance ~ . The Secretary presented bill from I,\I'enzler Brothers in' the amount of $$1.20, same being the cost of rep~iring water truck. . . . . in... , I 't J Motion was made by Water Commissioner Gates and duly seconded by Com- .missioner Plumb .-that bill be approved and ordered paid.' ~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. The Sec~etary presented Teceipts, representing cash disbursements from the General Fund and Water Department~ The Secretary sought ~ ratification of' his act of issuei~g voucher, made payable' to the' petty cash account for the ~mount of. the cash receipts,. tota'ling $14l.81 Water Department and $308.03 General. . . Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commission- er Gates that the foregoing vouchers be ratified. Voting Aye: Commission.ers Plumb and Gates. No,S None. 'l;'here being no fUrther business to come bef'orethe .board, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned.. 1"\" Approved, " . <'.1 (\ v<. Attest: ,~ ! J" . . ". ..1- ~ ';-y f i. '<~~t'''1! J i' .. I I 0'0 ":~1 ' j .;'J , . ,,,' .. ~-. " . fj ," , .! l L II' -'t9'<.,.tl" 1 . \ ~:.:. <. :~. . "'rr ,,."''' Monday, February 27, 1933. No meeting held on the foregoing date account absence'from city of Mayor ~. B. Schlesinger. . Attest: '" I--~.. .. I 'f i:l05~, ) . .. ..?-.-. ~ ...'; ..!...()l .6: . \ , ,.f I . >, ,OB:l,ledMeet:Lng.' . Tuesday February .28;, 1933. Council Chamber-----.-~-Olty Hall. City of West- University l'lace, Texas.' . /. The C.ommission convened at- 7:00 P. M. in called session on the fore- gqing -date wi~h MayorH. B. Schlesinger presiding andC6mmiss.ioners Plumb and Gates and Secretary Camp in attendance. The Mayor presented and read the following ordinance, viz: D" , . '1 ; . , - "'j ~ ... - , 'j. ~ AN ORDI~ANCE FOR SAFEGUARDING LIFE AND PROPERTY BY REGULATING AND PROVIDING FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE INSTALLATION AND MA.IN- T,ENANCE IN );3UILDINGS OF ELECTRIC WIRING, ELECTRIC DEVICES AND ELECTRIC MATERIAL, CREATING THE OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR, PROVIDING FOR HIS QUALIFICATIONS, PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANC.E AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT -SAME l}:IAKE EF.b'EOT' AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY. BE IT ORDAINEDl3Y THE BOARD OF COIvllVIISSI.oNERS OF THE CITY OF WEST' UNI- VERSITJ PLACE:' SECTION I.- ELEQTRICAL INSPECTOR. . ~ ," " : - . . {. There is here, c;r'e.a:t'€rd-' the office of Electrical Inspector of the Oi ty oi'West University Place. The person chosen to fill this oi'fice shall be well versed in approved methods of electrical constru~tion for safe- ty to life a.nd'property, the Statutes of the State of Texas relating to el,ectrical work, this ordinance and all other ordinances .01' the City of' West University place connected with the~ubje~tmatter hereof', and . other installation and safety rules and standa:e.d's approved by the Amer- ican Standards Association. ARTICLE I SECTION -II. _ . APPOIN~MENT, SALARY AND DUTIES OF ELECTR~CAL 'INSPECTOR. . f The Electrical Inspector shall be appointed by the Mayor with the ad- vice, consent and approval of. the Board of Commissioners for a period of two years, or> untiJ,. his successor is appointed and qualified. Provided, however, that if such and Electrical Inspector be appointed prior to the . first Tuesdayinlipril, 1933, that such appointment shall be from the d~te of said appointment to the first Tuesday in April, 1933, or until . his' successor is appointed and qualified. That thereafter the appoin t- ,m?hts hereunder shall be f'or the period' of two years or until .the suc- '.. cessor is appointed and qualified. . ARTICLE II. (J The Electrical Inspector, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, shall file a bond in the sum of one thousand ($IOOO.OO) Dollars, pay- ~ble to the City of West University Place; said bond to be approved by the Board of Commissioners and conditioned upon the faithful performance 6~ his duties. He shall also take and subscribe to an oath which to- gether with the cer'tificate of his appointrp.ent shall be filed with the City Clerk. ~ (Continued to Page l07) ~.._. .. ' ~ -<"."hot II' """""llr>'i't-lj'. j'-- ~~I I~~- 1 "..-- r , 1 .~ -'(Gon:'ti?-'qed,frotp,:,p&{!le ,..lQ6) ..:. '.0" ." '1., If.. " ~ ~ . < > . - ARTIcrn ITI.'. , - The ,Electrical Inspector shall re()eive such compensSl,tion'as may be pro- vided from time to time by the Board of Com miss loners. '. ~ ARTICLE I;Y.. I '(} It shall be unlawful for the Electri'cal Inspector to engage :l,n the busi- ~ . ness of installation and mainte~ance of electric wiring, electriq de- . ~ .;:'.rvices, and electric material, either,directl~'or'indire.ctly, and he shall , ,~ " hav@ no financial interest in any concern engaged in such business in ,the :t :~ "" City. of West lIniversi ty Place at any ~ime while holding the office ot Electrical Inspector. fJ i -{ SEP1J7.ION III.. . RIGHT OF ACCESS TO BUILDINGS Said electrical inspector shall.have the right during reasonable hours to enter any' building ln the'. discharge of p.is offieial:duties, or ,for the purpose of making anyinspectiotior test of .the installation of elec- tric wiring, electric devices and/or electric material contained there- in, and shall hEve the authority to'ea~Be. the turnirigoff of al,l elec- trical curren. ts and sut or discOnnect 'in C'ases. of: ~nier'gencyany wire .' '. where such electrical 'currents aredarigerous to life or 'property or may in terf ere wi th the work of the flre' department. .. --SECTION 'IV. ARTICLE I. . !,' - , 'PERMITS No alterations or additions shall be made in the existing wiring of: any building, nor shall any building be wired for t~e placing of any elec- tric lights, ~otors, .heatingcdevices, or anyapparatus,-'J?equiririg the 'use of electrical. current, no: shall any' alterations be 'made in the wir-. ing in any bllilti1JI$g; afi(~r:iRs:peG~'i€m:, with.:ollt:..,fi;rs:t lilQ'tifying the elec~' trical in:ilpeaf~:r, a.nd_ seeurrng.:"a.permi t'. ther.ef:o;r;, e~cept :minor repair l1V work, such as repairing flush.@;nQ.:~n~p.~witqJ:i~s,~r~pl~c:tng fuses, chang- ing . lamp sockets and rE?ceptacl,esj t?-ping oare joimts a,.nd. repairing drop' cords. Applieations for such .permit, describing such Work, shall be made by the person, firm oreo~poJ;'at,ion. installing same and permit when issued shall be to such applicant. This section shall not apply to main- tenance aI1;~ repa.irs on the premises of a person, firm or corporation regularly)~mploying journeymen electrici~ns' for that purpose. < :: ARTICLE II. Application for .such permit, describing the work to be done, .shall be in writing to the elec:tI'l~mS!l"~.inspector by the person, firm or corporation installing the work and the permit, when issued, shal.J.. be to such appli- cl;l:nt.Theperson, firm or corporation making application for such per- mit shall state in the application, the size of conductors to be t:!-sed in or- upon any building for all services ,mains" feeders. and sub-feeders, the areas to be served by such conductors and the pas;i.s used in computing. the required. sizes of such conductors and shall wheh required "by.tiJe elec- trical inspector.:, file with h:i:,m complete plans andspecificatio~s. for the installations showing sizes of allcond\lctorsand such other detai~s' as. may be neee.ssary to determine whether the installation as descri.bed. w:i,ll . be in conformi tywi tqthe requirements of this ordinance. 'flhe permit, ~ (Continued to Page 108) 1 --r- ,- --, [ ", 1.s.'Il..! " ~.'~' .va. L,- i 1,. t t r ~, c i i, t ( r I. l r L ,. . f' . f. . f' II' .\ -U'oIlt;:~nlle_ct. rrQmpagth JJ..t'1 J' ). When issued, shall be for' such installation as is describedih the" application and no deviati,onshall'be made' from theinstallatiou'so describe:dw,ithout the wri ttenapproval of.the electrfca-l.1n:spee.tor. ARTICLE III. 'No permit for the installation of any electric wiring, devices; - '.E}'qiiipment, or electric'al wO'PKwhere permit is requiredun.qertb,e teTras' of th.is ordinan'Ce,to. a.ny person, firm or ~corporationunles,s "said. person, firm or . corpo;r>ation has duly qualified und,er the te~ms . ;and .condi tions of this ordinane.e.to do and perform said .work. "0 ! . - .:-! . . ....~ 1 < .. ~ 1 , . ~ ..~J 1 .'" SECTION V. FEES FOR PERMITS AND INSPEOTIONS. - ; ThefollQwing permit and inspection fees shall be charged, and be- fore any permit .is granted, the :re~ui.site fee .shal.l be :Qaicf .in cash to the City .ofWestUniversity Place,,'In~pection fees shall al;wbe paid in cash to the City of West.University .PlaGe. .,. - . .' . '(:L) ElectriQ wir,iu~,)f~r' J,.ights,f'ans, and heating de- viees, in. ei t;her . c,on.duit ,concea~edl;o1.ob aJ?d tube or open wQr}i,25s( ]Jer:outletfor the. .first ten outlets; l5$i'perQutlet for the .second ten outlets; 10$i' per out Ie"\';, t-be~~:~fter. {2} Illuminating ,signs, per sign, $1.00. (3) Illuminated bill-boards--at the same rate as . other light .outlets. (4) For motors of one-half horse-power or over', $1~00 per motor; for motors where used on regular lighting system of under one~hal.f'horse...'power, this .shall be included as one of the outlets of the r<ega-aar. ligh.ting system. .t5) New service co:r;meetions,$I.OO. ('6) New meter-loop,$l.OO. . , ~"l) New'se:v.vi6e and a meter--loop; $1.00. (9) Inspecting temporary installations, $1.00. (9) .Eleetrie.rS:']!g$, $1.00. (lO) Electric water~heater, $1.00. . SECTION VI. INSPECTION. Upon the co~pletion of the wiring or other electriccal installation of any building it shall ,be the duty of the person, firm. or, c'orpqr- ation installing the same to notify the electrical inspector, who shall inspect the installation within twenty-four hours of the time i -I:' such notice is given. All wires.which.are to be hidden from view . snaIl be ip.spected;befor concealment, and any person, firm or €;Qr- -:pe~a.t:ion installint. such wires' shall noti'fy the electrical inspector, I. gfviiighim twenty~:four hours. in which to 'make the required ii1spec- J . . ':tion' before sueh'wires are cO:Q.~ealed. If upon inspect.ion the in- '., s'~allati0n is' not :found to be . tully in' compliance with this ordi- ~..,,;: l3/il.E,ee ,tl?-e electrical inspectoJ:1 shall: at once notify in writing the . '-"'<"p'~rson,f1i:rm or corporation installing same, stating the defects .' which 'hav:e,~' been faund to exist. No connection to the electrical . .k~Jivice'<orturning on of electrical curr'snt shall. be permitted until saiade'fects n~ve been -remedied and corrected and inspected by the ~ (Continued to Page 109) do!'" i. I I' "\ , ft' . ~ ":~uj ,r. .4<: '. ,.. ,.1, . '1 ,~': . ( ) "J 1 i t }-" .. - '. \' rcrOtl.:l! 11J,ued, fr om,'J? a.ge ,10,8 , .r'.". 109. , . ellectrJ:ca'l i:p.speetor., Ii' said ,electrical' in~tal1'ati~onsa,t:md worll;. is found, to"be ful,l:y'in c.oinpli:~ce wi~~h"tb1:s.,ordi'i:mGe @,n.ddo:es "no'tcq!J;- sti.tute .a hazard to lit's .andpr6p.ert:y:, -nesaall ifi,sue'tQ.' such plrr":::-; son ,rirm,6~ c.orporatipn. for,deiiver~i't6theo'Vvrier:, acertifh:~ate ' of inspection authorizing -eomiect1:on- to the.e,lec.trdcal service an,d the turning on of the current:. . pr"ovided., . however,. that.~o such ' certificate shall be issue.duntil 'a 'permitan:d :ins'pectionrees. shall have been paid in cash .to the Oity of west Universi,ty ;Place. .sECTION VII. -~~,.., R~TN R "Plu'!rr TON The electrical inspector Shall make pe.riodically a thorough rein- spection or the installation in building of all electric wiring, electric devices and e.le.ctric .material now installed or that may herearter be installed, within the City of West University Place, and when the installation of any such wiring, d~vices and/oj?mater-:: 1a1 is found... to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition the"person, f'irlif0!' corpora:tion~ .,owning, using or oper.a ting the..s,ame:;3h~+..l be,. notified ~ridshallm.ake thenece~sary repair~ ,of, changes :.r.e~quired . . to 'place such wiring,;de,vices and :material .:in a safec6nd~:tii0n arid . have' suc;h'work;;c01Iipleteq, :w.i thin fifteen 'd~ws_" or any .lOnS0~f.periGd. :specified by the electrical inspector in said notice. TheelectI'.i~ cal .inspector is her~by empowered. to disconne,et.' or order'thecl.iS-. continuance of electricsl service to such wiring, devices and/or material so found to be defectively installed until the. installation of such wiring, devices and material has been made sa.fe as' Q.ire~cted by the ele.ctrical' in.apee'tor. SEOTION VIII:. . .' COI-4'$TRU GTIO.:N REQUIJ;iEMENT,S. . . ... ~"T. . to..: >- No c.er'tificate of inspection shall be is sue ciLunl,e S$ ,the electric lights, power, heating installations and all other electrical in- stalla tions are in strict conf'ormitywitp. the provisions .df' this. ordinance a.nd the statutes or the StB:t~/.of Texas" and unless they ar'e inconformity-with. the approved metliodsof 'cons:trlict:ion for fra':f,ety to lif.e,a]:i.dpr'opertyandtheregt;tlationsaslaiddown ,in the'-:N8.tional El;ectrlcal.Code, as approve'dby theA-merican Standards. A.ssoc'iation, and in the N.ationaIEl~j'ctricaT saf'ety (}oo.e , as approved by the American Standards Association, and other installation and. safety regu-lations approved by the American Standards Association, 'all or which shall. be prima facie evidence or such approve'd methods. .' SECTION ~X RECORDS O.FPERMITS AND INSPECTIONS :- The ,electrical inspector shall ke.ep completerecor,ds. or all permits iSsued and inspections made and other of:f:icial work performed under theprovisi(ms or this. ordinance. He . shall' be provided with the necessary clerical help to carry out the provisions of this 'section. SECTION X REVIEW i; (Continueq to Page IIO) r ~-- u I - t b_ 1. !,\::i;~.i:::.:4~!8i;)> '. , ",'~ -f:-1 ;.1:.: a,:.V.., ~'. . ,:,',.,' . ~.i>' .:.t~"'>~", . "'i. . (. ;: - ../ ..' ~, .~'l-fS!drr:t1j:tiile.d -'.fr~t:,~$f&e~',;]J:@~J , ,. .~~~:~~i~~irEf~~~~ge~liil~:s from :thee'l~ctrica_l inspec,t,or'i:.."fli:le a .petit~on 'in711ir:v:iv1~g, f'Q:f' :v,ev:-~ew }o~f~sa.~Cl. ~a:ction of "the {e1l'ecit.i>1.c-alinsp,ector. withthe..;]3oard,o'ff;'.;Cqintlll1:s,.. sioners {).f' the City (jf';West Univer$ft.:'tyPlace, whereufponi.tp.i~"Board of Commisf:!ioner's shall set said appeal down for hearin and s.hall noti- . fy the owner of the date of s.ai'd' hea'rin.g. The' Board of Coinrnissioners shall thereupon render its decision which shall be final and. binding and f.rom which ,DO appeal shall be. pI'.osecuted. ....u'.. 1 ; 'j ,- , ; , ,., -: " SECT IaN XI , ,". .. ') ... .-mrrI'GLE 'il:.. . ,'~' ,,;. , '. l - ... ~:~. \ ' ;, -~'. ~.' ,., ," j. .' . ~ . ;Tll1er~e' is here crea;teda Board, ,of ElectricaJ..'Exami:ners :0f'the ';G::ity....of' i1e,s~-;'iJril,er:sity 'Place.whichs1;lall c~Cins'ist :<;rf th-reemembers:,' Whcnsb'ai.Ll <'be'd\>p(j'ilri'i)ed by:the Mayor by 'an'dwith the !&Uhsent,(jf'; tht:pBoa:t>:d :o.;rCom- m:ts's'i~enerJS~; 'ofwhicb:thee:le c tF:i-'c'ia I ins pe ctor-:;sha:llc on.s:t'd: ttvte a.'~mem- 'P'fi~.;-'J;:Me'mber.s other; . than. . ins;pe~itoli"; .sJ1all Jpm3:s,'61S,;S,-,sueiQ. :qll;ali~_d.~:~:t:;i.ens as -w'OuJ.d::e.h ti tIe them' ~,tQ:' re;e.e"ive.a.li'c:ense un,d~.p:. thiS0pd'inap:Q>e--. .: . . \. . . . .. . . . . .. dlrJ;;t'i,~:le:,IT. -').'1.< . . .;.." . ";;.":)'~~'~i.":;~~:';'-."", ,". 1. .~,,~. IFhis~. Board shall be appointed for a period'o.f ,:t;w.-p ye:aJ;NlJ..0~, ;unti,l their ~uecessors are appointed andqullified~ Provided, however, that if the Board of Electrical Examiners_ 'aorEit':a.ppointed hereunder prior to tb,e first Tuesday in April, 1933, then their appointm~nt shall be only un- ti.l said first Tuesday in April'i 1~~3:3.7' .orunt1.ltheir succes.sors are appointed and quaJ,.ified. Thereafter said appointments to be for the full j'p'61?)iod (i)':ftwo. .year s. . , . , . ... . '. .' 1 ".' . ARTIO:l:Fl III.' ~ : ~ f ;., .::: ; : ~ , . . . .~- . .. No pe:F~s:on lsnal..l be permi t-ted; to do el.eetrical wiirir+.g of any.ch;iraci;,er ofelect1W:.€iaJ,.:w,ork with1ntn.e Gity:ot W-estUniv:er s,ity:P~ ace,,: (.; e,xcept t,ha:t.:: wn.:ife'h .:hl:L: s:peei:fieally ..~Q' ,pJ:'ov,ided .:t:J:~~€?;i:n)' :wi:~hQu1;' jf:i,~,sTIO:btalning ;;,a.<~~q~nse:.:f;~qUlr :the. ':BQaJ?do.f. :~:Lectrical Ei~min~rs.; $.a~d .1;iQ~I;ls,.e,''I!hen obf;l1ainedc; !s:h~11.'b~ carr:1-ed iu.pqn ,the:~~. pe,r,son:and: ~ha+}, ,;l:)e:"pr.~odu0ed wl}eiU'::rreque:st theF!efor'is made by. the elee.trieal.ln~pec'tor,~<" ",. <:, '.. , :- :(~i- =_'. ARTIClE. IV. (. J ), \J No .peTson shall be i:ssued a ,license 'bysai4.J3.o.ard of Electrical Ex:am- ;j;~e:-!?ss',wi tlioutfl;r';at:'paying' to thecl ty'. OfWtls'tUni vera i ty ~l"I)~Q,e, . fiJ... fee :'i:R.:'t{f,re,)s\umo fFii':teen. ($15. 00) 'Pollars, w-hichfee shall ent;itle,sl;l.;id . per$lon teL a license fora period of. oneyear~Provide.d"b,~W'(?\Ter,;. that .,.s:a:;J:'dili;cense may be;renewed from yea,rto year by the.PQ\yme:t;li{ -'~f',E:j;.fteeI.l . {$15. 00) Dollars a year, unles s same be .:r,,~voked, as hereinafter provided~ .\ ARTIQLE V ,%. Each person, before being issued $: ~license, shall also be required to ~ (0ontinued to Page lll) f, . t,,- , ,'~'),J~~uw :..:, ~~.;' "'" . II, .. . ,~_ ~" "F , ~ ' '.~ ". " ~. .'~ . , '~l~l'.'" j"- 'l-'~ r . .. .1 >;~u-. :1 . ~:j :, 1 .. . .~ ' ." ! j , . . .t~ i I { . ').:. I I f . ,/ '"'- .,.,' . '('C'<;>n'tirl'u'ed fro~Page ~1+0,)', :;J~, '."'1"1'1' " ':, " .' -,:' ,<:: . , exeou.te a bo~d with }iw.o. J~q-od, '~d' s11f.f'i.c'ient-' sUr~t'ies.' .01' .~ 's~~ty cbni:p'any inbh(3 . sum of' One PJ.iho:u\sa::i1Q($1000ioOO)D.ol1::b?~,. payable 'to C the "Ofty 6-f" , West Uriivercsity Place, and cond:i:Jioned upon I the faithful dischar~ge of' '.. his duties and the payment of' allf'ees due the City 'pfWes-t' 'Nni~-tersity Place. . ARTICIlE VI. License granted hereunder shall be non-transferable. SECTION XII. /,~~ PENA T.'l'TRS WOR VT()T.~rpTOl\T ARTICLE I. Any person found gUilty of violating thia ordinance shall be dee:i1red.. guilty of'. a mis<i~D1ea:p.or a:p.d ,upon convid~ion thereof' shall be fined in anystlm not exceeding One Hund1!ed ($IOO.OO) Dollars. Each sepat-:ate violation sb,all be' deemed an off'ense. 'f": - ART ICLE II. .In addition to the penalties he:r>einabove provided any contractor holding. a license under this ordinance, upon violation of same, may have his license cancelled. .., ARTIGIE III. ' ' 'Any corporation or other organization shall be deemed a person within the purview of this ordinance, and the penalties herein provided. . SEQTION XIII. This ordinance shall take eff'ect ~d be in force immediately f'rom and af'ter its passage, approval and publ~cation as required by law. . ~ ~ . . , PASSED AND APPROVED this the J, l ~ qay Of~. A.D., 1933. H. B. Schlesinger. :Mayor - .A,T:tr~~~'t: Thos. P. Camp City Secretary. Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commissioner Gates that the foregoing Ordinance be passed and ordered published in conf'ormity with t?e legal requirements. . .,voting Aye:. Connnissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. The Secretary presented voucher #5634 in the amount ~ Standard pr!hting Compa~'i for office sUpplies. of $IO.~O to the " ~j (Continued to Pagel12) ";'<-~"""---- ,~'. ~ ~ ^><' ~'" ~~. ~_\ . ~<.'- ~~I-'--i T . r -1 , .' c1?l? ,~. '. ~ V:'f..L,.l~~~~~~..->~.~ .:?~~ tL-.'1:,~<~;. .t+^~t; Motion was made by Commissiorier P1Urrib ,and su.:tys.e.CDp,ded by Commis- sioner. Gates .that theforegoi~g vDuener.be aJ?prove<t. (: , , ,.. : . . Vet ing..:Aie :. Commis s ioner s Plumb and Gates ~ . Nos None. . Mr. J. R. Phillips appeared before the governing body for the pprpose of presenting lOa couponsS of the 2nd issue of West University'Place Fund.ing Bonds and 12 cOUPOIlS ,of" the3.rd issue, totaling $3080.00., f.or payment. ,. .. .... . Moti~n was made by Commissioner plumb and duly seconded by Commission- . er ,Gat,es that 111.e Mayor and Secretary pay the coupons from me Sink- ing 'Fund. .. Voting Aye: . Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos NQn~.. . . ~ . ",' '.~ ..". " .. ".j . JJp'bn,.;rifotipnof GOrllmisaio:ner Gates arid sec'ond of COfIllliis.l:lioner Plumb, the M1Jor and Secretary were inst~~cted to paY.$5000.00 in .interest, 3rd issue City of West University Place Bonds from the Sinking FundJ j ~ tAJ.ro."' I ~4 . . T1iel"e being no further business to come before the board, upon'motion, ....' peing made and Q,uly. se.con?-ed, ;j:;he meeting Was declared aq.jolJ,J;'flecl. , APprONe~vA-j'\ [YV? A'Xr.e;mST: ," \.' " ". r 11~:l< 1 ' .. -~',T- ~ i .. ~.' f '1 ill.. , " ~ ~ . .1 . I . i 'l t' .~ iJ.. ~ I [ II fJ ... .1 · -:~1 . .1 :1 1 . '. 1 I (J I I I t- . f- '-1 ,~_ M. - . '._~e!gu;,1;~r\-lVj:~~bJ.ng..J, . . ;M~n4~a.:}t ,:M'i:lirei1:.6 ;,~ .1~3'a., .. <Goun,9~~~m.b~~~..."':,:,"-drt1 Hall~ City' ,o,f WErst U~~~$l.~~1.ty Pfa(}e, Texas. . ~.'-. 'a'..... , . .- ;])1.-' ~:;.; - . " );:',' The' Commission ,conveneq. at7:qO P.p,[ ~ on. theforegGing date wi~h t.,);:. Mayor Schlesinger presiding andCommissJoners,-Plu.mb and Gates and. Secretary Camp in attendance..' , ' The Secretary presented a hill from the West University news. .in the amount. of $63.75; Same being for the.publication as.r~qp.fred..by law of the electrical Ordinance, being 85 column inches @ 75iper colUmn 1neh. . . Motion was "'made by Commis sioner Plumb and duly seconded by Comniissioner' Gates that-the foregoing bill be approvedandord6red paid. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. iThere being no further business to come before the boar.d, upon . motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. APprov~~,. ,';" . \,1 _ {' :'~ :: ~ ;". ATTEST: . c ': '" . , "I ~ ...c-:~___"_ r----:"l ----Y--'- 1 -, "'c.1.-1' 4 . ,.' - . '. O:aTled 'Meet'ing. Fridayi' ~ifareh lOth", 1933. .CouncilChamber......-:-----Oity Hall. Gity'of West Universi ty Place', Texas. The Commission convened in called session at 9:00 A. M. on the, fore- going- date with Mayor 'Schlesinger presiding and Commissioners '-P.lllll1b, and Gates and Secretary Camp in attendance. The 'Secretary r.ead the minutes of all previous meetings b,eld in the council chamber. (} 1 . ., , . \ ~ Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb and was duly seconded by Com- .missioner Ga.tes .that the minutes be approved,as read. >- . f. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos Ilone. Mayor Schles inger presented and read the annual report of the Houston Lighting and ~ower Company, and upon motio~ being made and dul~ second- ed was accepted for filing. Mayor Schlesinger. then issued the following proclamation, viz: THE. STATE OF TEXAS 0 D CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. GOUN'l'Y OF .HARRIS 0 . .. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THat a municipal election will be held in the City of West University place on the first Tuesday in April, 1933, samebeing;April 4, 1933, 'for the purpose of electing the following municipal.,o'ff:i.cers,to-wit: A Mayor, two ( 2) Commissioners and R'6cJ)r.der of the Corporation Court, teserve said City for the next ensuing two (2) years, and until their successors are elected and .qualified. The polling place shall be located at the City Hall in said City of . West University Place. The polls shall be opened at eight o'clock A.M. and shall remain open . ;1f' -~ until seven o'clock P. M. The following are designated.as the officers for the purpose of con- ductingsaid election: W. F. Ghiselin ... Presiding Judge J.M . Dunnington... Judge' Mrs. Julia Bottler and Mrs~ G. B. Murray...Clerks EXECUTED, this the lOth day of March, A.D., 1933. H. B. Schlesinger. Mayor City of West University Place, Tax. '-1 , i , ' :"'-) ':.~ ,. There being no further business to come before the board, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Approved, . Att.est: ~ ~'\~ . City Secretary. II' ;'''''''-,!''!r..J I ~ ~'I---r-. 1. T I~;O" ~~i '.1 - - -~, . . . . - . "j . ; . :j ~ ". t : .;.{ . I . ,rJ'''. " ..;., . '\' I II k I l,. "" I' ~ _ R.~gul~pMeeti:ng.c , Jdonday,;. ,March 13, 1933.-' GoUrl ci l...l1:_b:~r,;.. ~c''' ~- -Ci:ty Ball ~ City of West 'trniversityPlace, Texas.. : ' 1:: ,~t..'5...' ., . i. .~. . ;.' . ", , , The Commission conven~d at. 7:00 P.M. on. the foregoing dtite with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and Commissioners Plumb and Gates and Secretary Camp in attendance. ' 'The Secretary presented two bills from Krenzler Bros. Filling Station, one to the Water Depa~tment in the amount of $8~70 and the other to the General in .the amount of $17. 80, same being gas and oils used in all .departments of the city. . Motion was mad~ by Commrnissioner' Plumb and seconded by Commissioner ,Gates that the foregoing bills be approved and ordered paid. Voting Aye:. CQlllli1issioners Plumb and Gat.es.. Nos None. ' ; . .'\ . . . . The 'Secretary presented a fprm for application for a master electrici~n and also a contractor yJ..e~~; . :;~:p.,;!:i:gense. A.fter some discussion, mo- . tionwas 'made Qy,Cornm1.s'~!~'~' _:fW~~tfs,Fand .was duly seconded by CommiSsion- "-"I' ',' . er ~lUmb tnat bQth forms be adopted. Vo_iig Aye: Commissioners plumb and Gates. Nos None. , A bill from S. M. Strickland in the amount of $l5.00, same being for 1368 feet;of' 3'X8 t h~~rl/,pine timbers to be used in the Street & Bridge Department .was presented. . 'j Motion was made .by Commissioner Plumb and seconded by Commissioner Gates that bill be approved and ord~red paid. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. A bill frotit.'the Uriive.lf'a,ity News- ,~n the .amount of $15.00 for publication of proclamation e~lling election was presented, and upon motion being' made and duly seconded was' approved and ordered paid. Letter from City Attorney Robt. L. Sonfield asking that a contract be entered into by the City w'ith him, on the delinquent taxes was present~d, arid Mr. &orifield was ordered to prepare same and present at the' next regular council meet,ing. -\ , '<, There being no furt~her business to come before the board, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APproved(/:~, "7) 111 .~Jll'., , ,::;-t Att'e:st-: ,I ~i ~.~~....~.( .,~ ...:.......... w....dM.,,- -'. -vr'''''' j I -1 1 1 ". -> T U I -~ ,11t6 K:'- r:. .,."-. .;:~- :;'..l '- ".~:: . -: .' : I ! ~. n '$ II. ,,-'i-oi.,, . *">, . ! :--1 . . . r:~~ _' {". .". Regular Meeting scheduled for MonQay night, March 20th, postponed until March 21st. . ~..A pr~ved, .. . ,(1..' . . ~ JV/ J! _,_ .__" :: ~-:- ,~. . . . . Attest: . ._'-"-...........,,,;;~;.... - '-].'~~ - J 'f> '1 . :i "1 :~i .~ , ... :;~ 1~ , ,. >j i: . '- :: " ,":Ar::., 1. " ,;-'-"!\ , 1< - I J~. , . , ? i i, -- f~ '~ - '" I I I I I I i I I I I I i I I i I i I I i. I I I I . I I I I I I I' I I i '~ i~ ;~~ , I....f :. I'" , L ~: I, '; f~,~ I r ,'\,......J i. I: I I I I I- I ! ~ I I- I t ! l . f' > ~, ,j' . !11 ., :'Ga.l1eg ;Me.~t;t:fig~', Monday,March21st, " 1933..: Gounci],. @hamber-:--.;......:.--City'Hall.' City of WestUnivers,ity'P'lace, Texas:?;.. . ~! ) . :, ;.t:.ji"7' .r '. l- ~ " ~ "J_ .'>_" .'.'. The Commission .convened ih called session at 5:00 P. M. on the fore going date .'JI(,i th Ma~'or Behle singer J;1I'esidirig andCommissionersPluntb and Gates . and Secretary Camp in'attenedan~e. . . , The Secr.etary read t1;1e minutes of meetings held o:riMarch .IOth;and March 13 ~ andltPon motion of COmInissi~er Plumb and secondoi" Commissioner Gates', .' were approved. ~ - ~ The- Secretary....presented a bill from Kranzler Brothers filling station/the amount of $18.35, same being gas and oils used in various departments of the city. . Motion was .made by Commissioner Gates and was duly seconded by Commissioner plumb that the foregoing bill be paid. I Voting Aye: Qommissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. IDhe Secretary presented the following ordinance, v.iz: . . . AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR T?~ APPOINTMENT OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATIO~ OF THE ,GTn. OF iJ1JESTUNTVERSITY PLACE FOR THE :h!iAR i933; PROVIDlliG FOR.' THE TIME FOR THE MEETING OR SUCH BOARD; PROVIDING FOR THE COMPENSA~IONTO. BE PAID; AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT . AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY F.ROMANDAFTERTHE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WESTUNIVER- SITY PLACE. SECTION I. The following persons, each a qualified voter, a resideiit. arid . property owner of theh City of West UniverE;?ity Place" are appointed to constitute the Board of Equalization of said city for the year 1933: W. F. Ghiselin, Chairman J. A. Davlin H. G.' Brown SEOTION II. .Said Board .of Equalization shall meet on 3rd day of April, 1933, and from time to time thereafter as may be deemed necessary and expedient by said Board of Eq,ual,iza.t.i.on.' . SECTID~ III. . BeforesaLd Board ~nters upon its duties, it shall be sworn to faithfully and impartially discharge all duties imcumbent upon it by law as such Board. SECTION ]LV ~l~- The members of said Bbard of Equalization shall receive ;,pa_tiori, the following: ChairIT1;an, ($125.0Q) one h1IDdred (Continued to Page 118) as their compen- and twenty-#ive - . '~'j~', . I I ---'--,.. ~ ~~~- c ,- , -. , - ,', ':".\'1;.1i.>'8. . .,., .~. :.: : ,.,~ i . ." )i, . ';.~. ~ ';., :~. . (C,ontin_ued-:!'4'om.page.11'1 ) , \:,..- t" _ ;/ , :' . dollars annualJ'y eq~h member ,($lOO~O(}) one hUndredda11a~rs annually SECTION V. Said Board of Equalization shall have and possass, such powers, duties and obligations as are imposed upon i tby' the laws of the State 'of . T,exas, and the City Ordinances of' the City of West University Place. >:s' . S:mCSXION VI. "~. ' The City Secreta.ry of the City of West University Place shall be . t1:le secretary o~. the Boa.rd of Equalization. SECTION VII. '. This prd,inance shall takee.ffect and be . in :force immediately from and after the date of its pas.sage andapproyal. . PASSED AND APPRqVED, this the 2lst day of March, A.D., 1933 ATTEST; H. B. Schlesinger .. Mayor' :->. 1,. Tgos. P. Ca;mp. City Secretary. ., Motion was made, by <,Co1llJl1issioner Plumb and duly seconded by Conmi$:ssioner . Gate's that. tb.efor~going or.dinance. be passed. , . vo,tiilg'Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. NOS NONE. "~heSecretary then presented the following o~dinance, v,iz L AN ORDTI\fANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE MAYOR, ; COMMISSIONERS, CI TY €UJ~1RKl'J~ITYMARSIIA,,1:.L .AND JUDGE 0 F THE CORPORATION COURT FOR THE NEXT EN,SUING PERIOD .OF TWO YEARS FRmir APRIL 4, 1933 TO r ,A~RIL::4, .L~'J), AND PR,OVIDINGTHA'r SA-ln., ORD:fNl\NCE ~l]AKE EFREGT ':ANIJBE ,IN RORCE IMlIi1EDIATELY. . ." .... BE IT ORDAINED By THE .BOARD OF GO!YlMI8SIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. SEBTION I. The following salaries shall be paid 'by the City each month to the here- . inafter named officers of' said city ,for the pertod of from April 4, . 1933 to April 4, 1935: rJrayor . . . . : . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . $80. 00 Each Commlssioner............$40.00 City Secretary..............$150.00 Ci~ Marshall................$l5.00 Junge, Corporation Court.. ,.. .$25.00 SECTION LI. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith are hereby r~pealed. . ~) :s,~' 11 (CQ~tinu~~to p~ge 119) . ~- L. '~-c. ., , ;;, ~ "'-- <*-" ~ , I I' r' - '1 I' ", . ., [ 1 ---r ;'1..'. 'i i .~ ~ .1 ; ~ 'J ~ f ~ 1. . ,. ."", ., .'i"lt.\ .(' . (~ . ]; ". I [, ..~ ,'0"" ~ . > \.'.'- " ..';'0 :'{ ; .~ -', , .i < ~ f. \ GOn't~nUed f~om :page'IUn ':.1~19. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately .from and after the da~te..of its passage and approval. . PASSED AND APPROVED, this , t4e ,21st day of March, A.D., 1933. ATTEST: . . H. '. B. Schl.e singer. . , . Mayor. . Tho.s. .1'. Camp. Citys.ecre'tar1.. Motion was made by Commissioner Plmnb and duly seconded by Commissioner . Gates that the foregoi:q.g Ordinance b-, passed. Voting Aye. Commissioners. Plumb and Cockburn. ;NOSNON.~ . , There being no further business to. come before the board upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was deqlaredadjourned. Appro,ved, ~t .11\\ ,'" . ATTEST; ~ '." : - ~ ...~,; 11, I:'U i I I i I' I I I i i ! f l" I' . ' .t. . ~, ). _ ....J.. . \ .."l.o.- ' . . ,?.g":~ ~ ~--~r.'C-. 1 - r .J . ) " ~~:1' : 21' '~O. " . , ".~' ~ . ...,,' ,. < '- '. . . " "~,Regule::i1";;-:Meeti-ng:';> Mond, syMar<}l'a;' . 27th, ..1933. Council dhamber-~":---City Hali. City of' West;University Place, ,Texas. l. ~,' '.) - , The Commission convened in..re&Ular. session at 7:00,P~M.,0n .the fore- going date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and Commiss~8n~r Plumb and -'Gates. and Secretary Camp in ,a ttenEi~nei'. . The Secretary pJ?esented.t:w:o receipts from Mr. C. F. Milledge in the amount of $10.00.andt'7.50, same being cash paid by Mr. Milledge for special stenographical services. Motion was ma~e by Commissioner Plumb and seconded by GommissioneI' Gates that the foregoing receipts be approved, and ordered that Mr. Milledge be .re-imbursed. .. " . (1' I L ! L .1 I:. "U Voting Aye:. Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. ~ \. ' 'The Secretary presented the following letter from City Attorney R. L. Sonfield, ,'viz: Mr. H.B. .8elesinger, ~JIayor City of West University Place 3800 University Blvld. Houston, ,Texas~ :J -"A' ". .~-\ Desfi:','Mri~ Sc~l'esin'ger:- , You will recall that at the time you requested me to issue letters tEl all delinquent t1J.xpayers on the rol1s of the Cityof:,Wes-1:i Univer- 8i ty Place, advisiI}g them that the city had remi;1;,ted:i,p':f;~:r:e;;;*,and pen- al,ties, providing payment was made on or before Deo-ember'31'; 1'902, the questionccame up as to who would pay the expenses, and you asked if I would not pro.oeed with the issuance of the' letters immediately in order that taxpayers could be advisedattthe earliest practicable time, and that the matter of the expense could be adjusted, and you asked if I ~uld not be willing to faY a. portion thereof, to which I assented. . . ... 'The total expenses were al!Jproximatel1 $100.00. You will' recall that I employed an extra stenographer at :jp5.00 per week for a period of four wBeks, she doing nothing but issuing these letters and address- ing the necessary envelopes. I also used approximately $30.00 worth of stamps. I am wonderin if it would not be fair for the dity to pay the cost of the extra stenographer, which amounts to $~O.OO, and also pay $20.03 on the amount of stamps purchased. If this cam be done, I shall be glad to pay the balance of the indebtB6BeSS incurred in printing the necessary form letters and envelopes and purchasing the remaining stamps. . You ~ill also recall that at the time you discussed with me the question of. the letters to be is sued relative to the remis{:?~on of pen- alties and interest on delinquent taxes, it was necessary .to quickly ascertain the names 'of all property owners, and lien hol~ders, and you advised me to communicate with Mr. Frank Breaker and make an agreement with him relative to title examinations on those lots which had not already been ascertained by )~. J. W. Wilder. I am enclosing herewith copy of letterwhtmh embodies the agreement in question. You will see from the agreement that I have obliggted myself to pay to Mr. Breaker 25~ per lot if and when.the taxes are collected. Thi~ covers a certain list, of lots on the 1925-1931 (inclusive) delinquent tax rolls. It f ' (Continued to page l21) (\ : h I l I.) r ~ .,,;~. r~-;:-o-' -------1-[ - 1. [} ',-" I ! I I I I I I I l . t,;~, .,. . r' ('~<'21. . ",.,~, : ,'~ .' \ .' '. r "-II '. . ", '",:", . ~;' ~ I. " . - ,""" '", ,." is possible ,that if an;~~"a.d:ill:i.riis,tration >ta.k;~sof.fice, I'shall not be retained as ci~ty' att@rney, and t1ie delinquent :taxesw::tll be . turned over to sO}Il.~9therperson .for collection, andip.asmlJ,ch as ' NIt> :Breaked hail already'aceofilplishedthe.work pnovi:ded in .said con~ . . -. . " . . . ~!, . ~ . traet,andturned over 'tQme' title 'sheets, showing' the names. o.f'. . property holders and le~n. holders"I . shall be compelled to" pay him for the services performed. . .., 1: thinktha:t it wpul,d be just that by proper agreement, 'the city council protect me ittth.is matter. The same. situation:~fpplies to Mr J.W.Wilder, who has examined into all of 'the titles not ex- amined by Mr Breaker .., I am encloseing; herewith, b111 of SouthwestPrih,ting Company in the $,1Ull .of $23.25, to cover the printing of deJ-inquent tax re- -'ceiptx ~'Ooksand,;>binding 6 bri&fs in t1'\e :Ahderson case v~ City ,of, West University PI~ce. Th.ese ar'eproper,,'eharges) against the' City.' of West University Place. . .' .. . Y6U w'ila, recall alst> that I talked witj'l you several 1b.tbtiths ago relative to money that I had paid out on behalf of the city by,: way of expenses to G~lveston in arguin~ the guo warra~to case, binding for the brie.fs in the quo warranto cas'e 'and expense charges on the record in the quo warranto case arid Anderson xase, arlionnt- ing to $17.00. These amo1Ults were paid by me in cash. For example, when the writ of error was' filed with the clerk of' the COUr.t~ 'of" Civil AI>:wea.ls, in Galveston, I Had to pay; to 'the .clerk'In' cash, . the sUm~of. ,1..'00, to CQve.r expenses o.r getting the record to Aust'ln. . ',: 1: wou'l'cl!..likevery mu.ch to have the council approve this mat- ter and. let7:me; have check to . e over as 'I very much need the money_ ,Woulf! you beSQ1)k.+nd as to give these ma.ttersyour immediate atteutionand obta~n council approval and advise me. I'.' '. : ... ' . . '\. Cord'ially yours, Roht~' L Bonfield. . " . seconded by that Mr~' Bonfield .... -' ". Moti0n was made' by G.emtnissioner Plumb and was duly Commissioner Gates.that -the letter be approved and be paid $'57..03 in aec:0'~'danee with. his 'letter.~,'r . ,j Voting Aye: Commiasioners Plumb and Gates. . Nos N one{. ' ,There being nofur:th~r business to come befo]:>'e the board# u.pon rno'tionbeing made and' duly seconded, the meeting Was d~elared adjourned. . , ATTEST: APpr;1{l(l~ " , , 'U " , -;---,! - -r' =--'! ., ..:-:-0":';'1"2'2' , .. ," c . ,',"." t. . .' ~ . . ." . " ~. ... :.: v.....t;.'-l.OU !V1~'~v~ng. , . fi.~urday, 'April:S, 1933.. ... . -Gourf'eil.,Ob,'a1hQer":"--_,,,.-r..-City R,all ~ '_ ....'. Oi '4y pi' We~t Url.iv~:rl3i4yPlace.,.. ':De.xa~ .,'_ , . . - -. :.. - . . t . ~'; ..:.,- .~. '.' . .." I T. . _./ ". . ."';~" ,,", .: .; .lru::, C()lIlIl1i~s~?n conv:ene9- inc~lled J~_e~I3~OJ;J;, at 10:00A.:_~.. Q~:.."tl1~ .fore- go~ng date vath May,af Sehl~.s:L:r:-ge:r" pres~O.i:ng .and Gonnn~ss2'on{erf3' ~lumb :~p,dG;ates a~d Secretary Camp 2n~ttendance. I ~.'. , ~. .... "11. . _, Tbe Secretary read the minutes of meetings held on IiJIarch '~lsf and 27th, ~l;td upon motion bei.ng made ~nd du~y s,econded, were d~clar:eA,.I;ip';pr0ved.. ./] I . I . , ' i . ~l,~ . The' Secretary ~esented for approval checks #P733~5J~4 and ,57q~, each Cb~ing.made payable to petty cash. ,. . 'MotioD: wal3 made....r,y CQIPIllissio:ner P:!:1J!l1b, and was' dU1.Y ieconded by Ccp,m- ~ Gates that the f~regoiJ;:lg v'1u.(}he7'~ p~ approvep.. . 'Tl}Et':(3e~ret.ar~ _present~ the .f9+lowing~letter V2Z: . r . . . . .. , .' , .... .:-;.~, ,:~_' .HoJj.orableCi ty (jo:unc,l'L., ".:.. ; G.ikY' of W,est Uni,Yr~rsity Place, Texas.., , .. ~. .' fr>om. Mr. C. ~ _?Milledge , f': 'f. . ., I, ..: - . q ~ -< ";"'.Co tlent..J,eme:n;. '.' .' '_ .... .., .., ~ ' . - . In .~ccord~ce :wii th':::tl+f},re,q~e:st'of;the mayo.r, JVI;r. Jh.q~.. SCh,lE}.i3inger, I h13:ve audi-ted. the accounts Sf the C:i-tY'~$ax A.tit~r:o.eY:i J.VI~.~~1,~'.~. ,'sE?n- _. ,r:L.eld-,90ve;ring t]:re' (}ollectio:p.s' macl~ b,Y~,hi~. ~X,1 9-.eiliri,.:qiQ,~~~~' ;taxes from Mi3-I'c~l ,1~3,2 ,t,CJ 4,ptil, 5" 1939" :t:r:t~lusivej. .the . c,o,~le~tton.l'?; ,:{fil';tde.,by -him . ,:,!~.r perio.ds, .p'r':1-o~ to !t!a.ryh 1,.1~32, l;l.llv:i_ng,bc~~n, p:r:e)r,i6~,:S.1'Y- audited 'Qy ,.. '.. \'. me {ilnd :prop~r r~po~ts there.on. ;nadetp the,,;()lty,; C.9unciL~ at, ,t.he :tilne of.. :. . 'th.e,>. var~pu.~ ,a'Ud~ ts. - , - . '~"~""All-.delinquent ta.x.collections, togetber with penalties a:nd-int-~' ." ere-st(w~re' authorized) made by the City Tax Attorney have been fully and corr.ect1yaccpunte9- fOD by .l,J.itp. '.~:n(l a'll~.sUII,l~ .~p;e.{t:;he :Cii~Y. .~.f :"({est ' . U:niversity Pla'ce' on ace,ount o:f' s11:9h,_,eoIJe-cti~hs~~:~tv,~ \ b~e~',:]p.{i.\q~~,y:'.him 'in full,' as ~vi-d-eneed. .by theoriginaJ, r~P9p.i;.~.~in.Eb.e;f'iles .of.. th.e Oi ty, . the books, of .the City and- the canee lled checks in the files of .the ,.." City Tax Attorney. _.' " ':' . ';' "".";:., . I 'a~o find that proper and detailed r..eports of all'~,l~p.q~~~t taxes collected by the Ci tyTax .Attorney have been furni'sb:M"~b:e Qi ty_ Treas'U.f'er>t; s!i!::io. repor4;? :.?A:pw.ing ,.t);le~;'yea;;re :fqr- wh~9n. tA.et.a~ w-a,s,'. ~t;i;e , the prQper~~ co~~red and the.p~~a~ties and.interest,~sses~ed and~col~ . lected. . > " ' . " j In view of the ~mpend:Lng chan:~~ in administration,.I haveadvis- ed the City Tax At,t.orJJ.,~'y ,1Vir....R. L.;,SoE;fiield-~,' that the delinquent rolls, receipt bo.6k~ ,G0nta.i,fting the copies of 'the receipts issued'by him f'or ta:(Ces~o,llect);fd,,_ ,and any other. records p.ert~in8fn.g to the ~ollection of -".d$linqu:ent taxes'whleh may be in hiss possession, should be returned by him to the City Seeretary-Treasurer.. 'o" . . _:. Based on my audit and examina-t~on of the r.t?cords of the City Tax - Attorney up tp ~pril5, 1933, inclusiv.e, l' c~r~ti'y that he has correct- ly and fully accormted to thi: Ci ty for a11;: 'sUins;r'<:~'c~'i:sYed hy him In pay- ment ofdelinquen,t taxes, and' that. thepayrllent made by him on his CheGk.' #1121 to the City of West University PlaCE} on April 5, 1933, on his delinquent tax report #lll constituted the final amount due the"City on 'all collections of delinquent taxes:made by him up to April 5, 1933.. . Respectively submi\ted; -,C.o F. Milledge.: . (1. I ' lJ- CFMrw . . . (Continued to Page 123) ~ ;'1 ~ "\.;:0,. 'tit yJ~!r ~~ ~'..~ ~~i:1'~' to l" " .. 'J-it ~.. . -I ---I "r 1 ; ~~;;:., 'n'. . . J:' I '.:~~ I c. 'I ' . . .;1 t ,11 f 'J i ..1.. j . -- ., n .t. : , ..,. , _,~ I .\ j l(Jpn 1:; J.nue Q .r;,~(nn~a.@€)' lte~}'.' ,; (,., . '. :~!2i3/ :The s'ecr~tary also presented't;3.1ist or'yitations, paid .for by Mr. R..L., . Sonf'1eld" and.; abi+l in 'the amount: of' $V5.65 for same. " ., . - , Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Cooonissipner Gates that the foregoing letter and 'bill be approved. ,'" . Voting Aye: . Commissioners Plumb and Gates.' Nos None. ., A bill from Mr. C.F. Milledge in the S'l:UlJ. of $157. ;50~, same being for. accounting servic~s rendered city" was presented. . , ' Motion was ma,9-.e by Oommi:i\.s.ioner Plumb and duly. seconded by Commis.sionev Ga"tes that bill be approved and orde~ed.paid by Water Department. "'. Voting Aye: Commissioners '..Plumb, and Ga.t;es. Nos None. Mayor Schlesinger .p:pe.sented two bi:lls in."th~sums of $5'l,~;OO and$46,e:30, same being eXPenses ontr'ipsto Austin, Texas on .!February 15,16 and'17th, and to Dallas, Texas on ~arch 5th, both being on city business. !--:. -< Motion;was mad by C€immissioner plumb and duly se~'onded by Commissioner Gates tha t. the"-Foregoing bill,s' be appro.ved and or-dered that they be paid. - , -\- . .. , .,. " Voting Aye: Ot>mmissioners ,Plumb and Gates. No"8 None. .' .~, .. ~Tlil~PSecr;etarythen p:.eser:tedth e follow,ing 'pro:test, viz: .... ,';<\ 9- . '" '. . ~ Hon. R. B:Schlesinger, M.ayor, and C;.ty Commissioners, City of West Univer~ity PI~ce, . 3$'00,university B;lv.',.d,.., Hous..t~:p:,~..il:'r~xas:~ } .' >' '- . '':~eI1tlemeh : Prior to April.7th, 1931, the City Clerk of the City of West Uni'- .~ versit~"'" PlacB'-receiveo.a rnonthly salary of twohpnfired t$2QO.OO) dollars . . . On 01> about April 22nd, 1931, the_ salary of the Gi.ty O-le~k o.t said City was again fi~ed by. the Council at two h1llldred ($200.00) doiHars ~er. month, this for the year 1931. , . ... - In 1~31 I was appointed City Clerk to fill out ~he unexpired term of Mr. Erwin Cushman,. deceased.' However, withou~ any action by the C01lllc,il warranting it" I received a monthly salary .01' 'one hundred . seven:by-five (175;OQ) -dollars from the date of my appointment until NoveIDb~r, 1932, during which. month my salary was reduced by the Council to one'hundred fifty (IQO.OO) dollars per month, which latter sum I have received since that time. . I was appointed Ci~y Clerk in the month of September, 1931, and have served continuously since that time. Therefore, I desire to advise you hhat the Ci~y is indebted to me in the: sum of $625.00, being the dif~ ference 'be.tween the salary to which I 'am e:ptitled and the amo1lllt received, and also that by no action of mine do I intend waiving my right thereto. You,wili rec~ll that I have previously called your attention to my con-~ ten tion verb aJ J.,y . " ,.., t/;., Your s very truly, Thos~ P . Camp, +- Ci t;y, Clerk. , " . * (continue,p. to',Page 124J .,.* ~ ~,: ,tr"l .. ~,} ----1' '--' ,( COl1tiij.u$d f;t?om :P~ge:,12:3.). .' . '." '. ~ . ; 'C I .' ., '. .~: ' 1:' ~.'. . Motion was made .by eommi.ssi:on~:e P~unih . and was duly seconcaed oy Mayor Schlesinger that' the forego:1-ng protest be ,accepted. . ,it" \..... Vot ing Aye: Ma,yorSchlesinger' and Commis s'ioner Plumb. / Nos None~ May~r Schlesinger S0Ught ratificDtion of h-is act in appointing':Mr. . , '.. J.. H. Rafferty to make check with a resp:rres,@hiltJbiveof. the City of Hou.stontio det.errrrine the numbe-r of sa Iii tar'y sew.er,connec~ions:tha.t there are in the city.and to. makef1nal:report to, c~une'i:l; Motion was mag..t' by Gommis sionaF Gat'es and seconded by Commis.s'i,on..er Plumb that the ac.tionof the 1VIay~r'be ratified. ~'. . '"*, ". Voting Aye:' C~mmi13sioners ,Plumt> and Ga,tes,. Nos None. . t~ '" ,:~ . TheSecreta.r:f-presented~o estimates ,on : the repairs of . cars "tls:ed--in cit1' scervicebyMes-srs. MeKeown ,and Metcalf. - .. . Motion was made by Commissioner Gates and' seconded' byCornmissioner "Plumb ,tha t - tb,ese,- two cars. be ordered,,;repaired ,~not;to .. e~eeed$6Q. 00 .' '.forMr.. McKeown t scar and $5Q..OO for lVIr; Metcalf.t s c'a1". t ~ ' " \. ", ~ '" \ Voting Aye: Commissioners .Plumb and G1.lte.s.. Nos NOne. .' _ ;,J ~ .,. There being no being made and i'urtherl1H:1s'iness to come ,before the board:;_ 1Xpon;motfbn duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjo\l.rned. :.', ,'. {t.,) , Appro~e~( __ . ,r/!'I? .. . . , ~ Attest: \' ... >-_ . _1,' ~ ~ -!J'Y '" 11 w.;. ~ 'f ! I '... ! . ~.:::""1-----' 'J.: - , ~ , I \ .' "] r ';'0 .~ <~1 . . ~~, ", >11 '.. ~ ~, .,. ,": . ~.> '.~ ,r-', .. , :J I 3 I . t> '. ,. ,., .~''!i! . . -l[iaTled'lVJeEriA~n,g;~' '. . J Mori~,y.,Apr.' 10, 1933. CouncilChamber~ -":':"'-(;i ty Hall. 0i ty of :West Un:ivers:ity' Place,Texa$l'.; . .!I! ., , ',.)t~5:' " The Commission convened in called sess~ion at' 4:00 P.M~'\ on thefore~. going date witll'Mayor Schle-singer pre-siding and Commissioners. -Plumb, and Gates and Secretary Camp in attendance~ . ,. ~ The SecretarYl're.sen ted tne. following ordinance, viz:, .. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF Th'E CITY OF WEST UNIVERS1TY. PM9E TO EXECUTE A CONT-RACT ON BEHALF OF 'fHE CITY OF .WEST UN'IVERSITYPLACjE WITH ROBT. ~.. SONFIELDRELATIVE TO PAYING AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTY qOM- Al~D- J. W. WILDERHOF F.EESFOR EXAMINING' INTO THE TITLE TO LOTS.Aj)rp" TRACTS OF LAND. SHOWN ON- ''DELINQUENT TAX ROLL QF 'J:HE 'CITY OF WEST' UNIVERSI:ry RLACE FOR THE YEARS 1925 TO 1931INCLUSIVE, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENTfTQ. . ROET.. L. .SONFIELD OF' HIS COMPENSATION FOR SUITS. FILED, AND-FURTHER, PRQ-,' VIDING THAT THISORDUfANCE SHALL ,TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY' ,AFTER AND FROM rrHE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. , . . , BE IT' ORDAINED BY TH;E BOARD ,OF COMI\ilISSIONERS OF THE aITY OF -YVES-TUNI-; VERSITY PLACE:' ...', ..," ","," SECTION I. , "I. i ~.' Tl1e Mayor of the City of West ,University Plac~ isauthor:i;zed to .ente~ into the following contr-act with Robt. L. 8onfield: !rATE OF TExAs i. COUNTY OF HARRIS . '. v . THIS :MEMORAND'tlM OF.. AN AGREE.lVlEJ9T BETWE:fj;N --UN'IVmSalTY$LA:GE(hereinafter de signated City) ,AND (hereinafter designated second party) . ':['HE GIT~OJ.fl~ST ROBIJI ~ L~' SONFI:EW' . Vi* I *T*N*Eit-B*B.*E*T*H That whereas second.party has, in his capaci tyas Oi ty Attorney' of said city been engage a. in' collect;ing the delinquent a~:', valor,emtaxe'Sd'l..1,e sa'id City- and c.ontained on the' deld;I;l:.quen~' ~ax,rolls. of the years 1925 to 1931, both inclusine ; and ha,s :(iled nume~.qus tax: suits, .arid in order. to c.ollectaald taxes and .fl1e,said suit;si;t has been necessary to have the deed, etc. records of Harris County exam- :i,ned for the purpose,ofa.scertaining the names of the owners and lien... holders or salcr pro.perty, and in order to ascertain said informa.tion second party has employed J. Vi. Wilder and American Ti tie G~ara.nty Com..;.., . pany to make. said examinations ahd report at a cost and charge <en' ,,~.~ per lot (or for each separate tract of land, where same .is not subdivided into loots ) 'payable if' and when. .said taxes are collected, . out of the. costs to which second party is Buti tied to receive ,. and said work has been, accomplisl'led by said persons and they have not received their full compensation therefor for the reas.on .that said taxes hall~ a~ yet not been collected; and, the Bedond' part,y has received no compen~ation for the suits filed and now pending, . IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE . P JlRTIES 'HERETO: . " j, FIRST ~! . )~;~ Attached heret9 as EJL'iIBIT !fAU and made a pf.j!'t hereIDiB is. an it~ilfized list of all lots and spearate tr~cts i?f land whereiI;l. AMERICAN TIT~ . GUARANTY OOMJNY furnished the names of owners and lienholders; the said (Continued to Pag~ 126) ;iIik-. ,-. .' II~l --------r 'J,':, '1'.'20. . ~' . ".,.,~. . . " _ - "' ,: "~' 1< v -'; . .' ~:-;. / .: ';.-) ,"\3:'" ~~ --<, ..' " ,",", ..~, (.C?nt.in~e:~':f'~o1\1iJ~;a$e125) , if ;,. .'. ' ~ '; ~ ~..... - ....., ; ... . ',;. ~ ;,~ ~.' ,..; .' ->1'-".,,,., " . , .:-" names on. the' b~~ce of, sald detiiique:nt rolls' having been f'urnis.hed by J". W. Wilder.' It Is agreed ac'cordingly that the O:i,ty will provide for the paY!3rri:th to said respe~i;;ive part'ies of 'said sum of 25}f per lot or fBe'paI""'ate4 t'ra.ct ,DUD of theco:s.ts: 'agaip:s t sa:id delinquents, :if. and .' when" 8.i.8.id~axesare collect,ed by theOi:ty and will pay same;therefrom. . SEGOfD . Concerning the sui ts filed by second partyforaai.dCit,yand now pendingtand uncollected, it is agreep,that second party shall receive .. ';~'Ef.c1il;sh the costs provided to be paid by the Ci'ty OrdinancH'il,s, and .agR~ed to be paid to him as his compensation by resolution here.to';f,ore . passffi'by the BQ.ard of Commissioners of said City, . if and ,when the ,... ,.,:,::taxeg., covered bY-said suits are ':paid; that is:$2'.50:iperlot or aepa- . "1'.ate'tract 0:f la.nd; and~in this connection where any lot or separate" ,ti;'act of' land is d,elinquent for more than one year, then' thesatti . charge' of $2..50 applies" to satd. lot or lo.tsor separate tract .or ,tracts. " ror each ye.ar sodeliriquent,. How~ver ,if any otb.erperson than second I party procures judg;smaht in any of the now-.pending tax suits, thEfper- s:on .so proc1:.IJ? irig judgememt shall be en ti tIed to any additional fee for t-ne . taking of $.a.idjudgement a's may be provided bylaw. or the ordinances oftfieCity. ,.~.,. . . Ii is also agreed between the parties hereto, and so found to be a :f'act by'the City, that second party. IH~~s .at.~his time' earned the com-. pensation due him on the tax,suits now pending and covering the lots '~'_"'n an'd:/~r trac<ts of land' 'set forth ,th'erEti.n~ ..." ...., ,: ';;i.. '. x' .'. .' . It. is further under'stood that 'sec:bhd p1l:b~ wili.l pay to Ai.\1',ER'IGAN . TIT.IE (iUA,RANTY COM;PANY and to J. W. WILDER Said fee' of 25~ per lot, or,separate tract of land On .all such lots or s:~pa.rate tract of :Land"-'" 'on'all such lots or separate tracts of land contained ih sa4d tax suits now ~p$'hdf:ng, i.f and when sa-id' taxes are ,paid and. s€l~ondparty receives' /..~;,in~;g;sh tl1'e,compe:risation agreed.to be paid to himanq. her:e,tof'or'ee~rn- ec,i by him. . 'EXECUTED IN D~fLICATEORIGINAL this the lOth day of April,A.D. 1933. ( : ,'",.' ~>\ ~~. "0': . 'SELC':P:HJN II. ,~ .,', . :::..: --," ~ " ,. '. '-''-'This ordinarice shall take-.ef'f':.ect and be in force imme-dia'tely from ..a1n'cf ~:ft:erthedate o:f its passage and appI".ov:al-~ PASSED A'NDAPPROVED, this the loth day of' April',A .D.1933. . H. B. Schlesinger. Mayor. ATTEST: . Thos .. P. Gamn \City.'secr'etart. Moti'on was ills.de by Commissioner Plumb and was duly seconded by Commis- sioner Gates that the f<oregoing ordinance b.e approved~ v~t'ing Aye: nos }fone. ", . CommissionersiPlumb and Gates. " Corporation Court Judge J. M. Broyles .presen ted the following resigna- tion, viz:' . '~.;o't.. - ,-: 'JTotheHonorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners, City of West University Place, Texas. - Ci c.~~ tIe :;" e ( Con t in1;\-,~fit 0 P . \l:t.. age 127) If L. I .-"1,' .. . -'-----lr,- n u- "\ r I- I I I I --../ "fl' :lU! . . ~ ';"*fi' , "r~:pn';t;inued' Trom, Page: T2p) ~:~i2i;;.:' .. ...$: '" " GeID: t{it;il!:m, en;: , ." : '-'1 . \ , -4'" .... ''''. ... .. .' \ 1'. '. I wish tGl tenae!' ,my resignation, e!fe,~tive i.;mmeaUttelf as,.j~(jtge. o:r~.(hjr- pep.ati0,n of - Court of the Ci:t~ Q'f. W J:rt-' Uni versi.ty Place; Te~RS.' ;~"\~; . _ .. . l . t-. Tru:s.tihg tha tthis . will meet with yourapprova~, I am. . " \.. Y t 1 .4- .., " .ouz>s. very ru y~,.:<, .'. . J ~,Iyr. Broyles' ,'. Judge. .of Corporati~o11' Court .'- ~ Motion was made by Commissioner Gates and was duly seconded by Commiss'ibner Plumb that the.". foregoing resignation be accepted. . Voting ,Aye: Commissioner Plumb and Gate.s. Nos;~ None. .... .$ . . The mayor then presented. the following Ordlinance ,viz: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE OFFICE OF CLERK OF THE CORPORATION COURT OF THE CITY OF WEST IDJIVERSITY P.LAGE ,FOR HIS ELECTION BUT PE;I\jDING' THE . NEXT MUNICIPAL ELECTION. TO BE HELD ON THE FWST TUESDAY IN APRIL, t~35, FOR 'HIS A~POINTMENT BE rl'HE MAYOR WITH THE CONSEN.T 'OF THE ,BOARD OF COl\J1- MISSIONERS; PROVIDING THAT HE ACT AS RECORDER ,OF THE CORPORATI.ON CO:U;RT .... IN THE ABSENGE OF THE RECORDER; PROVIDING FOR HIS POWERS AND DUTIES AND FIXING HIS COMPENSATION AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMIS&IONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER": SI\rY PLACEt SECTION I. There is here created the off~~ce of Clerk of the .Corporat:ton>Court . of the City 'of Vllest University Place.. SECTION IT.. The elerk of said: Court shall be elected for a term Of two y:'e'ars and until his successor is elected and qua1ified,said el~ecti'0:n to bea:t the. same time as for other municipal officers of said City. Provided, however, that until <the next -'.gucc-~ediri;g municipal election to be. held orL the First ", Tuesday in April, 1935, the clerk shall be appointed by the :Mayor by and " with the consent and approyalof the Board of Commissioners of said City, to serve until. said next succeeding municipal election, thereafter to . be elected. . ( Section III In the' abs:ence . of the Recorder of the Corporation Court from the :U' County, or of his inability to serve, by reason of illness o~ otherwise, . the Clerk €)f the Corpo:eation {;ourt shall act as the Recorder of' said CouItt, with all his rigl:I:bs, powers and privileges. r, f.. , . SECTIONl=]iV. . The person hOlding the office of Clerk of the Corporation Court shall possess the same qualifications as required by the general laws of this State for the Recorder of the Corporation ,Court. . 0/ ". (Cont:inued to Page 128) 1 " ~" . , / .~ .. II' ,- --j<Nt;0- i ~I----r~ - i r -- . ~,,;1. .'2> .8' .. - " . . . .. 'r" < ,"._ ~,.:CD.-Qn-'b.tn1::tep:~~ftQfni<E';a$el:l{qjl) , ..' " ~~ ~ SECTION V.' , ' ~hf3 -Clerk 'of tlte:Corpo:rra:tri~n'" 0ourt.~sh~lL have, :p]tiarge . <\}.1';: the records and f}.les ':of,sa.id cpurt,k~ep,;the--eoixi?t doeket ,. be' presenj;,.wtten cour.t. is in' session, shall have such powers and perform such duties as are p,rovid- ed' by the. 'general I aws of thi-s state. for .a,lerks 0 f the. C0:ur:t$.O~' Justice Jof the'" .1'~ace,~ He Shall ,.f'~om time to time and as required by the Board of Commissioners, make rt}ports of the af'f'airs of said court. He shall per't'orm s't1chother dut.iesas shall .be, from time to time, required by the Board of Commissioners. ,- .... SECTION VI. (1 U Befor~ entering upon his duties ,the Clerk shall be. rt;Jquired to take. the requtsite oath of o~fice and execute to the City a good and s~ffiem~mt r bond in the sum. of $1,OOO.OO, with two good and sufficient sureties or a ~". ,surety company authorihz~d tdOtC:-O 'pu'sines s in Texas, cQndi tionec:lupon the t .faithful discharge of lS U les. ~ ~ r - f': r:: . r:' ~- I f' t. i SECTION VII. '^ The Clerk shall receive as. his cornpensa tion the sum of $25.09 per mon~ll,' payable by said City. . .. SECTION YJII. '. . All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are repealed. ,..,., ~ SECTION IX~ If any section or part the:r-eof this ordinance be for any reason de- . cIa-red void by ,a court of competent jurisdiction" . then the remaining sec- tions and parts thereof shall nevert~eless remain in- full f~r~e-~nd effect. ! - ~, lV , f - " -". . . . < SECTIQN X.' , ~This ordinap.ce shall take effect and be in ;forceimmediate-~:y from and,alte:r its passage and ap:grpval. . , : PASSED AND APPROVED this the 10th day of' April, A.D. 1933. H. .B .Scnle s in.ger . ,1V!ayor. z .' ATTEST: Thos. P. Camp. Ci ty Secretary. Whereupon, Mayor Schl~singer offered the appointment of,.Mr. J. M Broyles _ fqr the newly created office. l ..-'t " M"otion' was made by CommisSifunerPlumb. and was Q:uly seconded by Cornmi,ssion- eJ?Bates that the foregoing Ordinance be- passed and that the appointment of J. ]Vt~ Broyles to fill the ofTice ,!,be'f~.a,t,ified. . -, -; .' :~::.-.t.~' t . . i 1 U lY~t~ng"i'''ye:' Commis(:3ioner Plumb~nd Gate~. N0~JNone. ~. "-' . , . ~ t..,.-.. .. .:. "el. ~,-~- ;, ,~ . (Continued tot~ge 129) ,# -".,'~.," . ,.....,. ....... .{., I' I I I. .. r --1 n '.J [ .u ,) .. . .. ('1 .; I .~,~ I' '{tJontintieGl 'froin>Page 128'). ( ","1;2'9> , ~. The gecretary then presented three"bl1!1.s' from City Attorhey R.; L. Soni'~eld, viz: I--Case of City of Houston vs City of ,Wett University)?lace This involves, the.. sewer .controversy between the two named' cities. Negotiations were carried on'prior to filing of suit. Several'conferences were held.. Aft'erfiling 'of suit a.nswer was filed by 'me. More conferences were held. 'Case was set and matter bfa continuance .presented. Finally suit was. settJ,ed' and supplemental : contract be:bween parties drawn up.. 1J:here'after conBerenees were held from time to time, in- cluding the controversy over cutting o,ff sewer connec~tion where fina:).. conferencew-asheld with City Council of City of Houston resulting 1nreconne:c~ion of. sewer. This matter,ran over. the period -of a.pproximauel:y one year. It finally..term.-. . iii:a1hiid at the last con;ference .the Tatter part o.f March, 1933. II--Service.srendered intr,ial. court. and' in Court of Civil Appeals . at .Galvestion case of Clarence Anderson vs Town of West Uni:V'er- , . sity' Place$20Q'.:OO This suit involves damages against ,the City for the all-eged . conversion of part of a water distnibution system allegedl.y oWIred by Anderson in Fairnavenand .ColoniaIT'er.race Additions and~taken over by the' di ty after armexa tion of this territory. The.. Case was tried beFore a Jury in the 6lst District Court Harris County and PJ,aintiffrecovered. . The .Judgement was affirmed . on appeal. Ifile,d petitior1for rehearing several weeks ago and sarn~ is now pending be:fqretheC0UJ:7t of Civil Appeals. III.:..For ; the following services. performed: re Feb. 9th, i933--Resolution for City Council/resi~ination', Trustee Water Works bonds Oity ordinance re. appointement Gates a Commissioner and re .J.*M. Broyles Oity Elec~rieal Ordinance City election notices City ordinance re Clerk 'corporation Court Ordinance fixing 1933 salaries. .Ordinance appointing equilization board Opinion re conducting City Elect.ion a:p.d . opinion re absentee voting, etc., submitted to City 1V1arch.3rd, 1933. ' . Feb~. 2lst:, n Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 28th, rt lOth, It . 15th II . , 21stn . , Mar. 28th, ,. $100.00 5.00 5.00 15.,OO Z..'50 5.00 2.'50. , 2.50 .. " 25.00 $62.50/ ' Motion was made by' Commissioner Plumb and was duly seconded by Commissi'oner Gates that the foregoing ~ills be approved and ordered paid. Voting Aye: . Connni'ssioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. Mayur Schlesinger then presented the following bill from Hon. John D. McCall of Dallas, vi~: (Expenses of trip Dallas to Austin Februaty 16 to 17th, 1933) Air Plane Dallas to Austin-------~---------$12.55 ~ Railroad fare and Pullmand Austin to Dallas 11.30 Taxicab Dallas and Austin~----------------- 3.50 Per Diem----~------------------------------ 25.00 Total--$52.65 Motion 'Was Gates. that made b-, Oommissioner. Plumb arid was duly seconded by the foregoing bills be approved and ordered paid. (Contintted to 'Page 130) Commissioner ~~ ob ,>'1; :14' ,~~.. r--i'- 1 . r ':'13:0; 't~ - i ." ~ .- -~ . ' '. . -.,. "'. ',#i",-'''' 7<:~ .~ ~l GOnyJ.:nUfH1",.r~Omp.a.g~,+ie~) '.< ~.. '''\ ~ ':c ,'It:, Cormni.ssione~s Plumb ,8,IldGate,s. ;", t;v6t,ingAye:; : Nos None. The Secretary presented the fO,llowing, biTl~ for approval.,v:,iz: , -. . J3ea~d& Stone------~-..:._--------$I~..74 Western Auto Supply~---"':'""'-$*~.,.89 T.exas Sptg. Goods 29. 79 City 01" WQPDept _, ,27.49- W11 son Sta .prtg 128..7$ Goll&olida ted o'i;lCo~ ".." ~~~.~45 . Raymond Pearson 429.D6.E. A. Pecien'.f1t;, ~~k3B The Haden Go. 256 .. 82 Shunk Mfg. . '00. 11.05 Harris. County Imp. 15? .96S01l1;thwest Prtg8.~50 , Ho. Lighting & l's:nver 3476.g0Tomilson~A1Ij,.llsLmbr ,4.~32 Eo.Stamp &: .stencil .3;50 Dq~t0wn,Chev,! Co, ,4.?5 Ernest "L. Draper 67 ..J?~, l~'~l~'t'\ln~Meter Co... . ,13'9~.~:~7 ,J .E. Ro.gars 153O':68,Ho.Lighting .& Bower . ;,,,~"~;$,~.!~,m HO' G. Field's . - 47."99aeAJ?sRoebuck . :'Q",,13,~ Aut€> p.art.s ,1:.75 Ll:o;ydMetal.~,~.9Q ;., C]i.a,Jt"beJ).of Commerce - 100.00 Dunlay-:-Armand33~..Q6 , 'Sears &: R6:eb:uck - 4.00 Ke,ys.teIJ;ePrtg .,,3:El,90 Mine Sa1'e~y AppO' -,- 5..60 N,atrionai .Meter-. . . .,9.,$;,97 - ~ Southwestern Bell Tel. Co . SS.18 C0,nsol~Jlated Oil" 00. : l~,O!.,Q2 League .of' Tex. Municipali ties -5.00 Howe &. ;W1.se ' -;6~,..OO Thompson*Whi te-Sorells l8. 90 '.Amer-Sahd-Banum . :~I~.OO Houstorc-Nat. GasGo.54.~O Hall-Stewart. - .2..93 .. :Burroughs 'Add. Mach. l7.86 i{ead's p.b.:a~maey i.I.3'5- West Coast Lif~ Ins 28..04 The Cargill Co.,~~hOO O'scarBrown 13.00 Hailey.~,~--r:e . I 6(. 45 ,J\lI'Qtion was ma<;le by CommissionerPlumba:n-d w.as .4uly seonded by Co~ission- ~ er "Gates that the f'oregoing bills be approved.and ordered pa1dt <~.,.. '\. ". "" , , Commissioners Ylumb andGate~. ",:. '; .' Woting Aye: Nos None. ....5' ~. v P ". t ..[r~..~~.J._. :.~. ;(.Tb.e st.' & Bridge Dept. Commis~ioner and .Secretar-y sought 'r~~~!i;c~ji,.i,o;n of '.. their act in ordering and paying for two car loads.oJ1' shell from Haden Co. ;.} --'Motion was made by Commia~ioner Gates and was duly s,econded 'by mawor.sSe~- i,m~:g~Jrlger that their action b~. rati:fied. . ., 'Veting4,ye:._ Commissioners Gates and Mayor SchlesiJ;1g~rO' Nos None. The Secretary presented and r~ad the f~llowing 0rdi;nan~e,. ~iz~ . .r, SEGTION I. -l:~lpena1ties ~d.interest on delinquent mtUlicipal advalorem taxes due City of West .Unlversi.tyPlace, Texas, a (r.e hereby cance'lled a.nd remitted .~ (Contin~ed~to Page 131) ~~, ' ~< L ,;;""-','. '-':"~~>, II' . if"'-' ." I--~-II' 1 .._,. '--"'r O. . , ." " .. fl ,j " -.-cl .. l :: (), I I'. I . ~ ' . . i i. , r Li r ! I I I I i I I I;n'.' . t~ ::. r,"~~u; -- t- ., " . I . I I I i I I I I. I I , I f .f il I -.'1>--) i I L. . (Cont'in~ed f'rom page 130) '.131.. provided the full amount of taxes due, together lith th~ accrued.costs are p:l. id on qr prior to June 30th, 1933 .. If, however ,same. are not. paid within the timespecifled herein, then legal 'penalties, , together wi'th 6J&interest; from and after the respe cti ve . dates. said taxes are due, to-wit: F.ebrua.ry ,lst, of each year, shall become due and payb'le.' , S~CT.I ON I I . All. payments of upon payment of is directed and meht thereof. delinquent taxes shall be made ,to the.Oity Attorney who, the, full amount of' taxes due together with ac<cruedcost~,' instrueted to issue a delinquent tax receipt showing pay- . , ..-1:..- SECTION III. This remission of penalties and inte'rest.s shall in no. manner. prevent, or be construed to prevent, the filing of suit for the cDle~tion of any del- inquent taxes due said City, whether ad valorem or other character of taxef SECTION IV. There being no by-law, or Qrdinance or law relating to the time of the taking effect of ordinances, this ordinance, -there$~~~, ~hall take effect and be.in force immediately after passage and approval by the Board of Commissioners of the City of West University"Place, T,exas. PASSED AND APPROVED this the lOth day of April 1933. ATTEST: H. B. S chle singer 'Mayor . Tn.os:. ip. G.amp City Secretary- .. Motion was mad by Commissioner Plumb and duly se.conded by Commissioner Gates .thatthe. foregoing ordinance be pl ssed. . ) " t." ,\ "j. Voting:-A:,ye.: Gonirniss loner s Plumb and Gates. 'NoS None.~ There b.eing n~ furt reI' business to come before the board, upon motion being IDa de and duly seconded, the meeting was dec.lared adjourned. L :It .- APpro~ved, . , ~) III 1/ ATTEST: Commissioner. City '~~:a . ..:. ..,~...,._,"~>;.;,':'''';>:';:-'u~M...:.z,.r, -".'>00 ~'Ur:io<l\",-( ,. >1"' r~~I~-l- -, T I r,l3~' . . ::. "fi:egu-l~ Me.etin{F'~ 1. ". Monday, Arpril loth, 1~33.:. . ,.~ CounciIChamber-;..--~~-;(aty, Hall'.; . City ,Of We.s't Unive,psi t'y Place ,':f. T'8xas. , , . . The ,Commission, convened in regular .session'at '7: QO '.F.. ,:ri'. ,on the -fore- . going date' with Mayor ~chlesiriger presiding and CommiSsioners Plumb and Gates and Secretary Camp in at,tendance. " 'M'e.y~r. S;cb.lesinger canvassed the resulto:f. 'll1eneral:ijilection . held, on. , ') ltl'I''iJ1 4th, 1933 and announced the,f'ol.l.owtng' results ,v:iz: ,~, I \, . . A total of 506 votes were' cast, of which each contestant r.eceived the folloWing: ,'" . . 'For Mayor -- H. B. Schle-singer-.-212 R. G. Hyatt -------~88 t ',' .- For Qommissioners Preston R. Plumb---213 G..H. Draper ------186 R. B. ,A::U.en -------288 .'. " C. !C;. rBurber--.-----2'79 For Judge of Corporation Court !N. M. Gates ':'-~----21'7 Harvey T. Fleming--2'7'7 'Motion was made by Commissioner Piumb and d1}tly seconded by Commissioner Gates that,l'J[s's:srs'H:yet.t., .Allen, Surber and Fleming be certified to their I' e s;peeJ;ive po s i tion ~ " ! : r--.' ".J Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates with Mayor Schl~s~~~~~ firmatively concurring.,; "', "Nos None. ' - . .. '--'. ." '" >["'."1 ,,'.', :}. " ~. " .:The S'e:e:bEtary presented a bill from presiding judrg;.~,'.W~ F.Ghi:a(idti.n':f:or" s.erviees of W. F. Ghiselin, J. M. 'Dunnington, Jos.eph P.Michels, Mrs. ,G. B.lVfurray., Mrs. R. E. Pie.rc,e, 'and'Mrs. 'Ju1.1aW'.:-"Bo,t.tl.er n:ertdeJG~d" 'iasof'f:tcials of General Election on Apr~l 4th, totaling $q.3. 50:.,..;';,:' "Mot:!tin.n"wa-s mad,ebyCommis.sionerPlumbanddul.:yse:eonded by 6oIllID1:ssionBI' Gates.that,theforego:i:ng bil'lbeapPI'oved ,and orderesi ..;paid. Voting Aye': Commissioners Plumb and Bates. Nos, None. '~.: " -<:' " \, ~.;. . 'I; \. ,rtl:'r~e being no further business to come before the board, upon motion being made andq.ul~ seconded, the meeting adj.ourned. \. . ~. c f.. f. ATTEST: . f, . . [ i" . r r . L,...;.,,:"', ik,';.._:"",.;. Commissioner ~~.~:~ ~ ~?;~~~~~?'\~ 0; . '".',:",' ."....,:.:,.. ~;,) \>'~~tf;~ \ .~ ," .:o';:..~~. >~. ~~~l . , "'""'-c....:::...~--:..'-d.'~...~.~......~'<-~->>-',...~_ . ,.~ ".;;. ~. I-~~ I ., ., :u~ . j ;~ ''\ ~ . ..\ ; (J-': , ' ~ ~, \" .f. . ~ : ~,: "- f ~~1 : ,I I I. I ./' I 'j. 'I '1 ' d I ;'C. " I .U I. l II ~..,oal~'6,t+ lVIeg'ting..: .... " . } Saturday,~pril 15, 19:33. Council Chairio6r.+.-.:.:-.....--City Hall,. City Of' We.st' University Place, . Texas. . <,~~ ~>'ji3.'. . , "Y~~~~\~9'. .~< . - i I.; . ".':'~' ~; The Commission convened..in c,alled'session at lo.:QQ A.M. on the .foregoing.. date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and Commissioners Plumb and 'Bates . and Secreta~y Camp in attendance. The Secretary read. t:re'minutes of meetings held on April lOth, "the called and regular session, and upon.motion being made and duly seconded were de.blared approved. ' Motion was ma~ by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commissioner Gates that the action. of the Secretary-Treasurer and Mayor in paying out of the General Fund to the Water Department . Fund 'the sum of$2,2o.O.24.a8 partial repayment of fUlidsloaned by Water Department to the General 'he " . ~atified. . Voting Aye: COmmissioner Plumb and GatE?s. Nos None. Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb and seconded by Commissioner Gates that the action of the Secretary-Treasurer and Mayor in paying interest coupons and matured water wo~k8 bonds in :the fol10wing amounts and description: . Bondsj5and 6 in amount of $1,O.OO..OO each .Coupons #5 from bonds #27, 28, ,29, 30., 31, 32 and 33 in the amount of $30..0.0. each, be ratified. Voting. ./tye:Commissioners Plumb and Bates. Nos None. Motion was made by Cb!i1rniSs'ioner~Plumb and seconded by Commissioner> Gates that there. be .recorded in these minn-tes a list .01' Bonds, 1931'Series' tha.t were cnace11ed 'U;lder res~luibidnadopted .October 22nd 1932. They. a:re as · follows : , , , " Bpnds#28,32, 35,36,39,40,41,42,43,49,50.,51,52,53,59,60, 6l, 62,69,' . . '70,71.,72/73 and 74. (;;ihoo";., ,., '. . ". ' \, ~~ . '. . Voting Aye: Commissioner Plumb and Gates. Nos None. . ;i ',' The Secretary present~d a letter from Board of Equalization ChairmanW.' F. Ghti-selinasking for s ever~l .hundrednotlce cards, and upon motion being made and duly see on,de d, was re:t'e'rred to the incoming council. ." , 'Ii' The secretary. presented two bills from J. H. Rafferty, in total sum of' $95.00.. . Motion wasma de byCommis.s.ioner Plumb s.econded by Commissioner Gates that the fo~egoing bills be.approved and ordered paid. .'i Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos None. ~ -.:;.. The Secretary presented two vouchers made payaole to petty cash, #579~,... 5794,5758and .5759 repres~nting >cash paid out of petty. cash. . " ,. ( Continued' t.o Page 134) " ",f:, .,;;.....,_.,,~~..:..,..d. :'<~" ,. I I "1 ( Continued, 'f,r~Qm' Page . 13~) ~~.~.. -' ...... . ", ~f/tli~.ii.on was made by Coti1mis,sion~r -a'~d' 'duly 's.ec~hded by Commissioner ":Gates thq. t the' forego1bng vouchers 'beapproved. . Voting Aye: Commissioner Plu.mb and Gates. ~os NQne. The Secretary presented the following letter', viz: '1"0 the Mayor and Oi ty Commiss ioner of the Cityeft' West University Place,Texas.. ~ '" Gentlemen: 'I ~m handi~g you herewith bill for balance due me for legal 8er- .vices., and;,call your attention to the fact that our written agreement provided that l1hi's should be paid wi thin ninety days from De ce1t!ber.c 31, 1932. Kindly. let me have your check to cover this balance, and oblige'. Yo~ s very truly,.. C. D. Jessup. Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb.and duly seconded by Co~issioner' .Gates that the foregoing letter be accepted. , ..~~ .-~:;I ~t.:' ':--' Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. . Nos None. The Secretary presented the.receipts .ahd ,disbursement statement,.. ?-nd upon motion beingrra de and duly. se.conded, >wa.s ,declared approved and was ordered published. .' rThe secretary presented jw;p n.due:billsn from fo,rmer City 's.ecr.&:t;~:ry '. ..;~Erwin Cushman in the amnn:hts of $~O,OO and $150.00 in the pr~s~ce '. ,., ;~~'~~1~,~..!?~~i~!-:::J:.H;:~ ~~e1~4~ ~ . ~"~i:Tf:M~:y0'x:1.lS$}:XIEl~inge.r made I?eciOIumendation that ~he .amount ,Q:;f'. $29,?~1.e ."~, Qh~'g~~}>d .,:tnto t.b.e sa}...ar:y a..CCGWlt.1 /~ ~~.~..~d-..t;.~, ..... '. ~f;~::~'~~~e":y ~;:;::~;;::b ..and V~l;:;-:~ded'by\:c~rnmiSSioner' ,i,',' '~Gatestha t the Secretary be instruete.d to fal'low o.ur ,the recOlIJIflenda- tion of Mayor Schlesinger. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Gates. Nos.:None. ~;,;. . T~e Secretary read the minutes of this meeting and upon motion of Com- missioner P.lumb and seconded of Commissioner Gates,: were de~lared ap pI' *,ve d . . , '/J-s. .Mayor Schlesinger then administered the oath of office to the ne~Mayor . G. Hyett. :"'...: Approv:ed~ ~ . .i/.,') . ~1(\\ il]' _.~"! . : .~ '~ sag . ~ ., ' . . i ty Secretary..{, . Comrriissioner IL.f..'<" . ...... ~f~~. .~; --':r'~ . l~l~1 """"f v I [', , hlJ'::. ~. r\.~~ . ~. " . ;;, . "'l-;<. . ~ '~ . , V l',~..- :11 r ~ . , ,~J~:;;:~ ,~..:: ~ ..~-.' . ...: ;S':PEC.UL .~.. 1IG"C" ".." ';. .. , ' . , . ~ r+. >-t",,-... '. .T '. ~. . ~". . ~ '. ' " " .... ..... . ''-' /..,.:. .".~' ~, '.,,, 1 '. . . (,~atiit,raa'1:), ,April' 1$-; 19'33 .' - ';~ Gouncil Cha.mber~;"-"'-~City Hart . City o~ Wes,t 'Urii!versl ty::'p"1a:ce ,'Texas. First special meeting Hall, west Univer sit-y; Those present wereR. G. Hyett, mayor, . Commissioners and G.. G. Jarrard, ted council was, held in the City nnt-y', T'exas on the above date. C.C. Surber and R. B. Allen e~retary . The meeting was called to Mayor at l:.20 P. M. s was t~at of appointing new employees for by appointees made by the out going admin- The fir st order of busin .'positions w~e_hel istr.ation. C. G. Jarrard b~' the first sworn~n. . Secretary" Clerk,.& ax Collector in the title. f office on attach a supp~ _ent se ",* the postion as qi ty 0.00 er month. Due to . change . G. .I rrard it was necessary to " p~r Ie which was properly. app~oyec. pt./of' utilities, Building . City Secretary at a salary of r;. -' .] & City Policeman and L. A. Morgan. : ,.' and R. G. Hyett. . A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and was duly s conded by Com- missioner C. C. Surber. The appointees were immediately Each one aecepting his appointment was given instructions by as to their duties. '/ Mayor Hyett ask that the compensation polices be continued, his was ;\ previously supervised by Mr. Metcal and also asked that Mr. I W. McKeown,h police officer return the Special car lincense to Austin. Mayor asked that the Secretary report to the council regarding I' abilty and bonds on garbage truck. The Secretary was also instructed to ~pquire of officers and deputies as to the turning in the officers all bad' ''as & equipment belonging to the Ci ty of west University Place. ..' Motion was made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner ,Surber that a check be made of the names of men carried in the Group Life Insurance Policy. and Blso authorized the Insurance tom~y to make ,. the necessary changes effecting the cancelation of former employees an~.:..{.. covering the present. It was decided that the Regular Council meeting would continue to every Monptry at 7:00 P. M. J The above minutes were read and approved. ~>' I {COntinu~d to Page 13~) . ,~~", ~-'l"->-,~~ ...:...."--.;,.,,, ';.."". ,. ...,,'.... .:. ~ ~~......,.. ~ . ,~>. .~\. ;,.,~. ......., .~ ~ c".........l.<- ~.~~~=~ .;,~.~~..~ .~.:aw.> ,".'.., "" ~1lI~--~' ~~-""'~--'" ~ ~-"'".... ,,-,>_,.,.;,:-:,,J."":':~,:.,::;k~~->-"~"~ '7............,..~ . 'f"' -~-I~_I -.. ! ..--. ,. . ::"':~~~'~f36 2::;'~,:'\J> . ': '" , . , r- r~.\' 0" r- r ' 1 . ~ ' .. > (Coht~:hti~J:t lrom. P~g~-~$5). ~: ",. .oj " "". . , ) -.- ~- '--t:,' There. Qeing no furtb:e; b);lsinesstoco~ebe:eore.t;he:ihQ;ard u];:lonrnotion being made arid diilys'ec'on'ded th,e meeting was deolaredadjourned at 1:30 would continut.,a t 7: 00 P. M. . i- __ Name . ~Mr.- A. . . :; Sa turda'Y, Apri.l 15, 1~33, Y: O.OP:.lvr. S.; 6:r\t 's l'f~g '';~s .to., "ppr;ove tempor,,'r.Y'bond '01' the::.Cci.1>y ~1lW~ ::::::d:>reMarShall. .' . :'" I ..i-. Posttion Sign. ofc,.Bond. Ci tyMarsha11 Ira A. Harri.s & F. A.. Hunter n... ':, . ~ . i ' ',1 ~ \Ji f:: t I: . r, It U ./R. Bronk Pol~ce Officer & '- ~'- ........c. "tj .: ,r' ,. . ~\' .\" ,,;~~. '----, "" ':, .. L(~~:'~y.':' . , ....... ...;. . " . .oJ. ;.! I]' \ ' , ! . ~ '. i'-. . - i if i 1 ",-, ". :1 .....~.-~:< ~~~ (. ,", ,. . -: .. . '~I-'T-' f~,O' j i f '. .. !.;~~'. . ,'!'<>: -~~ ", ~.~~t . < :;-'--:--" :. I ~. I i I I r. "- ..jU, .., -,;,- i I , c "S:g~(lial:Me:elting;6:;'~'. . . . .' Saturda;y" "April T5,'. 1933.','" . ..CounG il. .'Chamber.....~ ~-:~ -......c;aty RaIl. City of West Uni varsity PIa ce,. Texas 6 , , :~~1' : ~~:,~'.;; , '. .a:'~ .~;:, " . .,. ," . ',- . ...., . ">- '. ~. 'J"'" -1, . , . First SIB cial meetintt of the new elected cOilllqil was, held in. the Oii'Y Hall, West Univ'ers,ity Place, Ha.rrisCounty,. Texa.s O:n the ahoved,~te~ Those"prese:q.twere R. G. Hyett, mayor; C. C. Surb-er and R. B. Allen COrr1I!}iss,ioners and C. G. Jarrard, Oi ty Secret any.' : . t.~.~'--':"" . ~'l:"\~' ~ '~;~'_'~l.~f,.:;:~tt r~:~li' ;:.::', :;t';:'< ~J.:; 'The me:etingwas'called. t.o order by ;the' Mayor ait.~_~PO t.p~k~. : , 'The. first order of business was that of appointing new employees for . posi tions whi9hw ere h~ld by appointees made. by the outgoing adminis- tration. C'. G. Jarrard being the first sworn ~4t~ fill ~he position as City Secreta<ry, .Clerk, .and Tax Colle.ctor at., fI50.. 00 per month~ Due to a ,change in the title of office on the, Bond of C.. G. Jarrard it .was necessary to attach a supplement setting. in the proper title wl:1ich was properly approved~ ~ ~ ~. Mr. Ira A. Harris to fill a position of Supt.'of utilities, Building Inspector City Fire Marshall and Ass It. Oi ty Secret'ary at a -salary of $150.00 per month. Ofuh~r appointments were as follows: Mr . Frank Winslow~"~--,,,--,:-:"-~"''''City. Attorney. fl U. R. Bronk-------------~--Electrical Inspector and City Policeman tI G,,- ,P,. TulIY-...-...-"...-;-:-_...---....-DeputyCity Marshall II W fP..d . .n II ..11; T. J. 0 ..cor ...,-----------"'\.- .' . . .;c:;,'. i. tI W .T,. J3~hJI).-~--------..--Pluinbing Inspe ctor . New .,Eq:l;l;i:;J;ieza't'i.&1'l>:'Bi)a:;pd--J.-'S.\Vat;ejfJcs,jh-D..S. Parker and L.. A. Morgan.,.'^-were/P:i" Mr. A. P. Rebb is to. ~r.e~i:u a,-~' water Superintendent and Mr. G. W. Robin- :g~ . son and W. O. Bry:an.' as C1.ty.;F;uri:eman.. . '.0' ,The '~abov:e :app.ointanent:s w.e:pe :l1ecomme:o.dedbythe Mayor R. G., Hyett.., i~.i .. . .:';<t'G ,aacept:"the a.bGve .aplDG>1ntment "'. ',' .. . '.l:f'~ A motioii~E1~rmadeibf ;a6iriililss:ione~ -A-Jllen '.Elld w.a.s,:duly . se.conqed by Com~;' '.~; mission6l? c. C. S\.tFb'rer. .Theappoint,ee's ,were imme.diately notif'd:.ed.. Each '. on one,acc&pting his ~ppointment was given instuctions by the Mayor as to .~J their dubie,s.'.,;; . ". . '., " .. 'd. i Votinr~;:Ay~t: (Jq.is:~:bDners Surber & Allen. -- NQ'aNone . . '. ~~ ~~aYOl 'Hyatt as~ tr;at the compensation policies be cont,inued, this.W:fl's, . '1J~ prev<fuuslY superv.1.(S!.ri hy Mr-.-- Met,ealfand also asked that Mr. I. W',;. ,'. :':!f McOC:e(j)Ml,;p'Olice p>:ffi:e-e.r .';r:>e.turn tbe Special car license to' Austin.' ,:; 'l.'m:,~,1 , ". bI.1 f;:}iJ '. ......1 .fi,l~j ct-I 111 lbJ cVl 'lY~j 0,1 '~;.j ":-.. _ ',',.' <...>.....:.._./.,.\.:~.< ,,",---:-,::" '. ". .". . .,;-.,"- t(r~ ;:;':f~. ;?:R~'(:'!~~~pi3,.6:t,l1tLgo.!1~,&j~S~(;\:r~tary was asked by the mayor his plans", .. gar{}ingHthe>~~{~'p::s'in 'cfla<l:Mng ?celis records & transferring the cash.. hd . negoti@;?l~"!",f}jgs;.tQ o. G; Jarrf3,rd incoming City Secretary . Mr. Camp ask']f(i~ .~illd,'ona.ftime so ffi to post the cash book up to date ano. make the deposits. This matter was. referred to the secretary who la tet' found that tt was necessary to delay this check until Monday morning. " .~ Motion was I).1ade by Mayor Hyett and duly seconded by Gommi,ssione,r to employ J. A. Phillips Company Gertified Public AccountanttQ thE,'} records and make a cut off as of April 15tli, 1933. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber & Allen. -- 'Nos None. " Motion was made by Mayor Hyett and duly-:'seconded by Commissioner Surb that John C. Wilson (C)' remain as City Garbage Remover at an amount: .. , " ~d0flti;nueq.to Page 138 ) , '.i': ''''' - ,~',_, ~'f"";,."b' ",", ~ ..'! _" _ ..ii, ~'__' .~ -<' ~.. "O",,~,~~,~,t:~;..,<. . ".\-' , -,,, ~..., :'".> . . ~-..: .~- ~ . j ~"-'. . .....', . ,. ~;'r'"'" .. 1~1 l,.-,'N.."~[' --1 138 $30.00 per week~ (Continued from Page 137) ,..(1) $1 p'" Wiilison is to furnish his o~m truck and~all expenses. ~otion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Surber that Mis s Catherine Cushman be retained as Ass 't. to Secretary until a later date. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber & Allen~ -- Nos None. Mayor asked that the Secretary report to the council regarding liability and bonds on garbage truck. The Secret ;~ry was also instructed to "; "- write letters to;all'-loffic.e~s "and -d:eputd.es reque stip.g:that they"tT:irn fun all badgesc'and equipment belomging to the City~_of West:~.un~versity Place. ; ~~. Motion.was rr~de by Cosmissloner Allen and duly seconded by' Commissioner Surber .that a chE?"Ck be, made of thenumluen of men c~ried in the Group Life Insurance Policy, and also authorized the Insurance Cornpany.to make the necesary changes effecting the cancelation of former employees and covering the present.. Voting Aye: Commissionera Surber & Allen. -- Nos None. It was decided that the Regular Council meeting would continue to be he~d every Monday at 7:00 P. M~ -1 ' . , )1; \ . The above minutes were read and approved. There being no further business to come before the board.upon motion being made and duly seconded tp.e meeting was declared adjourned at I: 30 E. M.f)Alj) would continue at 7:00 P. M. Saturday, April 15, 1933, 7:00 P.M. i I ,. - The purpose of this meeting was to ~prove temporary bond of the .City Mar- shall and Police officers and Fire Marshall. The following bonds were' approvedo-:l ~ ~~ ~ "'t -1-.i;/~,~. Name Position Signer of Bond. Mr. A. Shaver, City Marshall--Ira A. Harris & F. A. Hunter . " U. R. Bronk, Police Officer & Deputy Marshall--Ira A. Harris & A.Shaver. II 'T. J. Wofford, Deputy City. Ma~shall--Ira. A. Harrts & A. Shaver II G. P. Tully, De~uty ~ity Marshall__I!!'a .l. He.rrJ.s 8: it. Shaver Ira. A.Barris, Fire Marshall--.A. Shaver & F. A.Hunter. 1~- 'A. .;.._~\_ Motion was made by Cormnissioner R. B. Allen and seconded by ,Commissioner C. C. Surber that these temporary bonds be accepted until permanent bond can be secured. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber & Allen. -- Nos None. There being no further business, upon motion being made byCornmissioner Allen and seconded by Cow~isSbner Surber, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Approved, ~~~~ / ayor.) l- I ) ATTEST: t:e:~ I I I I L ~. ~"T-I---~---"- I . .., r " ---, i ~(.\ f;', i i ! i",.-'" V'h"'" fJ~. :~~:-'.. f ,{-) i .' ! f; I I .1 I , i- ." )' \. . ~' i. , t\~ . I. i ~ ~ c'" -},,1 ';-,' tiegu~ar Meeting. Monday, April 17, 1933. COUTIC il Chamber--==--CJ. 'ty Hall. City of West University Place, Texas. 139' The Commission convened in regu~ session at 7:00' P. M. on the foregoing date with Mayor Hyett prexiding and Commissioners R. B. Allen and C. C. Surber and Secretary C. G. Jarrard in attendance. The minutes of the Special Meeting 4-15-33 were read and approved. Motion was mad~ by COIT@issioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner C. C. Surber tbat the Secretary secure and filfpermanent Surety Bonds for ,the City ~~rshall, ,Deputies and Fire Marshall and return to Principal the temporary bond made on hpril 15th, 1933. . Voting Aye: Commissioner s Allen and Surbe]"~ Nos None. Mayor Hyett referred'to a list purporting to showing the cash receipts and disbursemen ts til 01' neneralil}nd"'l~~ter Fu.ndcfr~m-:;Ap;r":i,.l ~';;<:1i932 .to March 31, 1933, and asked the Secretary and Ci~Attorney to arrange with . the Enterprise for PUblication~f~~ ~~~. A 'motion to have this published was made by Commissioner Allen and s,e.e&nded . by:'."Comriiis sioner Surber. .. 'voting Aye: Commis sioners Allen & Surber. Nos None. -Motion was made by Cocrmissioner Allen and seconded by Comm~ssioner Surber that the City Attorney Frank Winslow check the records at ~~arris County Court House to secure information regarding a $500,00too Paving Contract for the Paving of streets in <Co()lege View and Colonial Terl"ace. And if record can be found advise the name of company and what disposition can be made of sam~ also check minutes on file and determine its legality. Voting Aye: Uornmissioners Allen and Surber. Nos None. Secretary was instructed to investigate aha report to council regarding a release Bond presented by Chas K. Horton Inc. as follows: " ./ I.,;. ,.c',' ...,c WHEREAS, on or about the 18th day of June, 1929, the Union Indeminity Company issued a cerxain Contract Bond No. 507427 on behalf of Chas. K. Horton, Inc. in favor of the City of Viest University Place in the amont 'of seventy f~ve thousand and No/IOO Dollars ($75,000.00); to support a contract entered into at that time by and between the said Chas. K. Horton, Inc. and the City of West University Place, whereinfbr the sum of One Hum.- dred and fifty thousand & NO/IOO Dollars ($150,000.OO), the said Chas. K. Horton, Inc. agreed to do certain work consisting principallW of constructi~ sewers [,ilid paving street, .in line with the specification attached to and made a part of the caid contract; NOW, THEREFOR, for mutual consideration, and because no further work is to be done, the City of West University Place and Chas. K. Horton, Inc, hereby agree to cmce.l the said contract, and to relieve each other from and all fur~er liability of every kind and character; and by the terms of this re- lease they do cancel ~he contract as of tilis date, and the said contract becomes null and void a11(1' OI~' . \ _. no e]'''f' t. --ec , (Conti11"ed.'- to P 14 v< Jage 0) ,- ~,- ~~~. ,. i --- "-I-~-r --,. - r 140 (. ~on tinued from Page 139) -../ FURTHER, by the terms of this release and the cigning hereof, the said City of We st Uni ve r'sit:y Place does hereby release the Union IndernIil.i ty CompfJiny from its obligationjand this release has the effect of cancelling the. bond of the Union Indemnity Company supporting the said contract. SIGNED, SEALED AND.DATED this day of March, 1933. CITY OF' W'EST UNIVERSITY PLACE (OFFICIAL CAPAC~TY) rl . I ~.) WITNESSES: BY ..T." CHAS. K. HORTON, INC. BY (Official Capacity) .,w..' ~ 't ~~4b1 to discuss wi tq.Ci ty :Bank and Trust Co regardingllBank ~t and lnaking them Trustee o~ Bonds. Mayor Hyett is accoruht, Motion made by Cow~issioner Allen fmd seconded by Commissioner Surber Sec:b.et1ltIlY and Mayor is authorized to make arrangements with the City Bank & Trust Company to aet as trustee of certain water works bonds -and also to sign and file .tJ~JJ . 7':'~ signature cards for the bank accounts.. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos None. Motion made by Commissioner Surber and seconded by Cow~issioner Allen "that Mayor investigate Bonqs & report at next meeting. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and' Allen. Nos None. Commissioner R. B. Allen referred to delinquent water bills B.nd stated that a special effort be made to collect delinquent amo~nts from those who we know is in a postion to paw and for secretary to prep~re ,a list of delinquent accounts and present at Monday meeting. I l r Secretary advised that the Tax Block Book was not among the books in- ventoried on 4/15/33 and was advised this book was in the hands of the Equalization Board hire Ghiselin chairman appointed by the fO.Jl."H16I1dadimin- istration. A motion was IDRde ~y Commissioner Allen and d~ly seconded by Commissioner Surber that the secretary request that these records be returned or take necesaary steps to have them returned. Mr. Ghmselin chairman of the above Equalization Board was present. He was asked by Mayor. Ryett regarding the returning of these records Mr. Ghiselin ad- vised that 'legally th~ board appointed by the former adiministration had a right vdth the records in order to check the assessments for the year 1933. The City Attorney Mr. Winslow was given instruction to take the necessary steps to night April 17 to have these records returned to the office of City Hall. '. A motion to ammend the above motion by changing the dLte for lege.],. ac-. tion from the night of Apr. 17th to the 18th of April VIEtS made by Com- ;~ missioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Surber. .\ Voting Aye: Commis sioners Allen and Surber. Nos('None. (Gontinuedto Page 141) Iii ~'~"'~",'m:rji",r!'~)L ' . J~-O;=-=~~'~'-:--:-r':~-~=F==:'-l .,,,"_""~'_"V.'_' ~_'- ,"p,," ,- r- "C~C-"'-_-"""----:--7--- --,~~ ~____ (Continued "from Page 140) 141 Mr. Barnhill PlD~bing Inspector was asked by the Mayor to make application for Bond and report at the next regular meeting. Motion was made by Comissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Surber recOl1lli'1endingthat the Secretary vvri te a letter to the state(Mr. Raymond S~ IVlauk)a.dviF\ing him of the change in office of Fire Marshall. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos None. Mr. Metcalf was asked by the Mayor regarding a' bad rm1ningbo8rd on the fire. truck and was instruc ted to secure price for repairs and report t~ next .regule.rc9-1IDcil meeting. Secret9-ry was instructed to write a letter to the Houston Light & Power Co. (Mr. Banahan) advising of the change of Electrical Inspector and also advise .that Mr. Bronk has held this position before. The mayor instructed Mr. Morgan to make a complete check of the sewer connection s verifying the (: '>8 check made-J.l9Y that of the Oi ty of Houston. A letter tjf congratulations from Mr. Jack Rafferty former City Engineer was read by Judge Fleming. A special meeting is called for April 18th~ 1933, 7:00 P. M. ,..Mayor Hyett asked Mr. Sonfield (the former Ci ty Attorney) if there were any suits pending against the City of West University Place. Mr. Sonfield advised that two suits were pending and e sked for a conference with in the next'few days at which meeting he would be very glad to go into the details. Mbtion made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Surber au- thorizing the secretary to pay'up to $lO.OO for a C.O.D. foy' a water con- nection that was ordered by Mr. Robba few days prior. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Surber. Nos None. A motion was made by Commis.sioner Surber and seconded by Commissioner Allen that Gommissioner Surb~r ~ make arrangements with Y~enzJer Bros to have gasoline for water truck charged. Arnmendrhent to this motion was made by Commissioner Allen and proposal made to allow gasoline charg~d for the cars of U. R. Bronk and Ira Harris. The Secretary is to furnish necessary requision before tne gas is pl~chased.. V ot ing Aye Nos NonB.. Commis sioners Allen & Surber'. Ther e being rio furtherbusines s, upon motion being made by ComJnis sioner Surber and seconded by Co~~nissioner Allen, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM. Attest: I' -.?,';'-;0Ptn~;T'~; un ____ j~~-'--.- 1---[ - -- L .,. ''"' 'r "1 r. ,k'. .,' . . 2'.. < <". ,; :. :;1;4 < . .~ .. Jla:r.EeU'l\I1eeting 01 . . "',' 'i)Re~€\.at~,Ap:p:il 18, 19,33,. , .Council Chamber.:....~.....:City Hall; City 0:( JJllest University Plac,e ,Tex'as. . - _ \ r J ,/ w The,' purpose ,of this meetingA to arrange for the payment oflialar~s of . c. Cunninghari:L 6 days labor @ $1.75 per day $10.50 and R,C. Clack 4 dayS' @ $1.50 per day $6.00 after an investigation, these sal8:ries were order- ed paid. . . captionS' ~ . An,dalso an emergency proposition relating to or,dinances/as follows: w'; f ~No .67'.;. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE' BO PRD OF EQUAL,",'-:'~ 't J rZATION OF THE CJt.TY OF '{VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE -FOR THE YEAR 1933; PROVIDING. , '.FOR THE TIME FOR THE :MEETING OF SUCH BOARD; PROVIDING F.OR THE COMPENSA- TIONTO BE. PAID ; AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT 'll!HISORDINACE SHA:t.L TAKE EF- . FEeT AND BEn~FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER THE DATE OF ITS PASSAOE AND , AFPROVAL.. ..' . "_No. 68 - AN ORDINANCE 'PROVIDING FOR THE COMPENSATEON TOBEJAID:TO"THE " ... .'lvrAY'()R~ COMMISSI01TERs', CITY CLERK,CITY MARSHALL AND JtJDGE OF THE' OORPOR- . ... ATJ;ON COURT FOR THE NEXT ENSUING PERIOD OF TWO YEARS FROM APRIL 4; :1933 TQ .APRIL 4, 1935, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDINANCE TilliE EFFEC'r AND BE IN FOR-6E: IMMEDIATELY..' . ','; , ~ ", ,." No. 69 - AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CANGELLA\J1ffiON AN)) REM.ISSION OF \ PENALTIES A...~D .IWl1EREST ON ALL DELINQUENT TAXES DUE CITY OF' 'WErST" UNlVER- "BITt.PLACE, TEJ9\S, FF OVIDED SAID TAXES TOGEmmmWITH COSTS ARE PAID ON OR ,;- ...... :,B1t~dREJUNE30 i 1'933; 'PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE 'SHALL TAKE 'EFFECT ;~;13BEIN';Ii'OROE'IMJlllEDIATELYAFTER ITS PASSAGE'AND APPROVAL." .. .. . C' . ~.;.'t. . FULL. .... ',' .' .5~;~~!'..~'o\~~'.;'tm ;- AN'ORDINMlCE lmlID1tlID:lIDINGNEOR THE OF.lrICE OF CLERK OF THE-. CORPORATION :~I." a.OURTOF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FOR HIS ELECTION BUT PENDING '{i;:,~>, THE NEXT lVIUNIGIPALELEGTION TO BE HELD ON THE FIRST TUESDAy IN "APRIL, :.' /-':t93lY~ 'FOR HIS APPOINTIJfENT BY THE '-MAYOR WITH THE C'ONSENT OF' THE BOARD OF ., ~dOMMISSIONERSPROVIDING THAT HE ACT AS'REOORDER OF THE . CORPORATION COURT .. 'IN THE ABSENCE OF THE RECQRDER; PROllING FOR HIS POWERS AND DUTIES AJ.\jD ,;FIXING IUS COMPENSATION AND FURTHER-PROVIDING THAT THIS ORbIN'AN'CE TAKE ".~EFF,ECT ANDBR IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAD. ..~ . . ~'-'~~.' . . -{;'~1i~:ion ma"de' by. Commissioner . Allen and duly seconded l;:>yCommissi'oner Sur- , ~:bM~<that 'o~(Eiriariees No. 67, 68, 69, and'll b'e;;:fVe~eaTed." ... . . '~<'~ ~.; :; '. .; ,. '. . 'Voting Aye: ,Criminis sioners Allen and 3tirb.er. ,':j~!s uone. ..' ~ ... ' :'lD;~(Oa.son for repealing the above ordinanc,es is as follows.:. ,F\':$rdinance II 72 repealing #67. .~ "'~~ \ ('.'. r' j j".~~h~t>saidboard of 1\qu1izat iori is ap)ointe:d under the QivilSta'tues and '_ p;:'r.~~ti>i appoiritfuent 'as enuinera ted 'is 'not 'binding upon "this'adtrifhistrat1:on ~>;:.?'a.laa.for other go.od ,~n,d sufficient reasons, other appointments were made ~\'~':'.'.a;s of April ,15th';t,g$3' as refi'6cted in the minutes of the board of Com- :T':1,~'mts.s'.ioners. 0i:"::,tha:E"~a.te.. This ordinance shall take effeetand be in " ::~~rGeimmedia tely f'rom and after the date of its pe,s sage ,,~.Q.^approval ;C:').l'ch w~s passed and apprpved on the 18th day of April A ~Jj:i. .;;f:93o. ", ,'~'.: :,'.~'" ~~ ' . 10 "\-, _ ."'0 ( Continued tb Page 143) ~. ""","" .. 5~~' < ~I"<j :, ,_.:;. ..~~ ~ _ h"" .~. .'J!t _ ~. .,' ._.', l.-' ~L _ "",_' ;.1 III r"~1i!1,J .'l 1.- ~--I-I--'I''''''''''''''-':''T r r . I I ! ; i I I (Continued from Page:' 1~4e) . ,I !" ..." , '. r . ;>t"i13.' ,I'. .1f:t . " - , Motion to .repeal tneabov,e. was made. by Commissioner Allena:dd seconded by Commissioner.. Surber. . VotingA.ye:, COmniissioner s Allen and Surber.; . Nos None. .' Ordiance #72 repealing #68 and 48 fiA1O~J/ . 0, This ordinance is hereby~for the best interest of the.citizens and tax r, .' payers of the Oi ty of West Uni versi ty Place. ; }. .,.; ! ;.~- .:- J "... Vot1ng Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. -l '." Nos None. .". I I I' I I I ..' I I I I r ' ; , I I I ~. I E l i ~ II~ (.'. .J~. " . .~ 1 t. ."~ . , I. - ,;. ~ , ." it I ' I I i I I i ! I f .. Ordinance #74 repealing #69. The length of time as designating June 30, 1933 as final da:te for waving. of penalties and interest on delinquent advalorem taxes due the. City ~f west University Place is not in the best ~nterest of the citizens and taxpayers €)f the City of West Yniversi ty Place to be inducive of pr.ompt payment of taxes. Voting-Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos None. Ordinance .#75 repealing #71. Ordinance #71 is repealed for the reason that it is unnecess:ary and un- . economical. Voting Aye: Nos None. Commissioners Allen and Surber. .~ Motion wasmadeb~ Commissione1'1'and secondedbyCtJmmissiGneJ%. Surber ,that the attorney be instructed to .dr:aw up an ordinanceremitting".and.waving,.. penalties and intere,st on taxes up to and including May 20th 1933. (Wtlich will be erdinance #76'). This ord'inance shall be." in.' effect'on and' 'after thi 8 date. " .... " ,,' =-.:..' voting' Aye: . Commissioners .Allen and Surber. Nos NOB:a~ l> . . .It~ ,,-... :ttt" . t t d i 1 t 13th .. t . A motlon #l~""'t~U'.~ ..1;:ilg appo1.n men sma e on ApI' .... 15 h, 9 3 . e Equal1.za 1.Qn Board as appointed consist of J. S. Waters, D. S. Parker and L. 'A.Morgan' and have been duly approved and the Tax Assessor inst~ucted to co operate and advise them of their duties and. that the se'cretary immediately advise all concerned of this action especially the former Equalization Board.' Motionmad'e oy Commissioner Surber and s sconded by Commissioner .Allen. ^ .~ " ~ .' Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. Nos.1'Tone. There being .no furtrer business to come before the board, upon motion being. made anddu:LY$~onGl.ed, the meeting was declared adjourned. : ATTEST: APproved'(}?Jurfi~ . . . Mayo,. .~ -,i ~ . l . ~-'.~~. ~~:...,~ . ~ r~l r c -.- ",'1:44 " -,':f6:,&,~'CI.~il'M~e,t1.ng." ; . .-, ..^<..... Fj::t~y, Apri121, 1933.:1:30~. Jill 0ounc~,1, Oliamber-"'~:--,...-\.,.;~Cl.;t.y Hall. ,: Oi ty of West Un! v13r')31 ty Place..,< I]e~aJ3. , . . . . . Goinmis sionconvened with Mayor 'Hyett presiding &: aonllTI'oAllen&Surbex>&Sec~' Jarrar !j}he purpose of this meeting is, toase6rtain. asto;:vv;he,ther o;rn9t the . / block bo;okrecordslJ-ave:been returned to the City H~ll which reao:rds ..... were taken and being held by certain citizens of the City of Wes\t 'U;ni- 1:1' v19rsity Place. A'receipt in file show that these recol;'ds Were' taken. . \Xl '. . . "', ",.. ~ In per~orming :the dutie.s as City SecJ?etary and Tax Golle~lbor.;:i,;,t is. '.~ gn. ., ,essentl.ally nec~ssary that sa:j.dreeords be ~eturned forl.n::rentorypur: "~!.' y pose and f~ refernce. The secretary :r'eport'ed that sal.d records l.S ." "~ ; not an~ has not been, in his possession. .' . \, ,-.~ 1 .'" . . " .;'1, } A motion was made by Commissioner Rllen and seconded by Commissioner . -Surber that necessary steps be taken to secure their immediate ret"Q,rn. Vqting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. NOB,; None. . , MEl,yor Hy~tt ,sf;ate(ithat he ,talked to.,W. F. Tarver and Thos. J. Stovall attorneys in regards to handling the above case. They h~v~ ~greed to handle the matter for the amount of $150.00. Our City Attorney Mr. .'. Winslow advises that he will pe very glad to assist in., thi,s matteV. . The mayor highly recommended their ability and suggest that thes~. at- .. ,torneys be employed. . . ~ motion to carry out the above was made'uy Commissioner Surber and :.se~Qnd.ed bvre~i.ssioner Allen. ,. ,", . ,... ,voting Aye: Commissioners Surber..,and Allen. '," .. ~os 'None. ~"<".:T-heminu:tes,, of a prior council meeting":F~f':J-ect and show that C. D. Jessup ,,'~~~l?:i?ne-yf s ser:V';i,e19s Wer,e emplobled. for 1933 and upon moti,on.made by OO:rn- ~;;,~I,>,,;;m~iSi onerSur:Pe;r"" and duly seconded by Commissi onerAllen.. i~:jf:.~~~}.;::~~;'~:::~. -~. !. ~-,':~ :.....:...' ':...:,..... ' :. ", . ~ . . > "'..' ,_ . ~t~;~~~';',:.~z;:~'eer,et~r,y":w.a:S,~~;struct,ed to adyise Mr. J~.fUlUp pfthe ter:mJnation of ;f~\;i';:;s representation 'and agreement. So far as the City of West UJ,;live.rsity , "jie,Ei is concerned, and that all and any records in hi;3 posses sion be .... ;'~"ur':i:1ed '.ov,er ,as quiekly a,s pos.s'ible. This is dOrl'(iL in the' in~ere'st, O'f' .ex- ]>$ndency for the:best int~rest of the City of .West University Plit~-e,.> ~~ -';;2~'~-i~< :;.~ . ':~];:~~:~~~ri::e~, e,ommi'~sipners Surber and Allen~ . ~~~!f!~1;,\;l;;j\,\t, ,:', '.':'i~ageFj.,eming9l;PPf;laf'ed:befpX'ethe. council and aSked. :tha:-t~,r;~;~l.aw ,~O'l;l;t?t, ;;''Jje b.~:ld eveFY Fr1daw n.ight,. ..';;':~"', ,,,', . . ", . '<. . There. bein.g no further business to come before the board, upon J,Rotion, ~eing made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. , APpr.oved'Llkfj. ,'" "'r/."".;# ATTEST: ~ _~ Mayor. '. ,~. " .,. :.~ (): l' J ~~ i . I 1 .: .\ . ,'Jjlr~e. Council ~JJ.st:f\lct(?d the secretary to ge.t estimate~J.q:~r.4~t~,ti0nary ami arre s t f:orms. - ,; ,~= L..~ . ". . ,~ ~-,;..."-=- - H I -, -------r-I 1 I ~ ,- [ '0:" " i/.' , '. 'l1 .~. ., ! , u,.' , ~ ~I '! I - , f I i I I j I I' \ I' . ' , .'.' "~J;'\egu1ar:lIJleetiri:g'.;' , Monday, . April ,24, 1933, , "?: 00 P.M. Co1ti1cil Chamber------------...City HaJ-I. G.i'tw of' West Univer'sity Place, Texas . -.,145 The Commission. convened in regular s,ession on the foregoing' date with Mayor,Hyett preaiding~nd Commissioners Allen and SurGeI' and Secretary- Jarrard in attendance. - , I ~A motion was made by Commiss,ion Surber and seconded by Commission,er Allen ;~'O gi va Mr. Sonfield attorney authority to handl.e to conclusion the ,claim '~'of C. L. Anderson vs Town of West University Place, $3,000.00 andc0sts .~nd.if conditions will, permit settle the claim for $2,000.00 and court cost of appro~mately $50.00 the plaintiff agreed to settle for this ~mount. } ( Voting Aye:Cornmissioners Allen and Surbeff. Nos None. The secretary presented a bill from Krenzler Bros. for $13.60 and upon a motion being made by Commissioner ~llen ~nd duly seconded by Commissioner Surber the secretary was instructed to make payment.. " Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos None. Upon motion being made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioher Surber the Secretary was instructed to pay in cash not to exceed $10.00 for material to repair.ftov~~ b6ard on fire truck. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. . Nos None. Motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Surber authorizing the Secretary to pay an invoice dated 4/24/33,i$17.70 ~rom . 'J. E. Rogers Feed Co. '. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos None. . MJ1i. A. Shaver was authorized 'to order 18 badges at a cost of' $15.00, (:1.2, l~rge and 6 small), I City.Marshall, I Fire Marshall, II Deputies and 5 Police Badges. . , /.;" other Matters Discussed. Mayor Hyett is to secure estimates ~f cost on revaluing water works system. Mayor Hyett advised that the conference with the Council of the City <;>1' Houston regarding the sewage cost was delayed for the reason the Mayor and Cow~issioner were too busy at this time to discuss this matter, but would go in to the ma tte:e as soon as pos sible to do .so. Judge Jassup former legal advisor gave a very interesting talk regarding the past history of the City~sfinancial affairs from the standpoint of financing the Public Improveffients and the different stat$s of each,bond issue. Also in the past he had several conf'erenceswith the council with' reference to default in the payments of bonds and interest, and that he had made plans as to the settling with the Bond holdmrs and advised that he would be very glad to assist in preventing la~w suits ( stated that the fault with most lawyers was that they never investigated a case th:ro.ughly ~efore filing suit). ThGontinued to Page 146) ;,."f" .~ ,",~, if> , ~rCI". 'l~ ~ r ~146 , (Gont.inued from.Page 145 J The mayor .asked him .his. opini-on.withrefer-enne to failing to comply ~ith .the Tax Levy set up in portioning the tax collection to various accounts. He advised that the laws sbated that a City ha~ a right to 'live and the city's operating expenses would have preferBce over bonds and interest. . .. Mr. Bronk City policeman reported that several children picnicing in Pemberton Additionf'ound five gallons whiskey in the brush in edge of the woods (Sa turda.y 4/22/33- which was turned OVl;lr. to the sher:iff' !'s departmen t by .1ilr. .Robinson (Fireman). Mr. AI~enCommis~ioner asked Mr. Ira. Har~~s to get an est~mate On cost of repairi~gthe sewage pump. , . Mr. Ira Harris presented a written'report. of the Street arid Bri4ge DepartmEnt bring out various conditions ( see report in file dated April 24, 1933. There being no further busines-s to come betore the board upon motion being rede and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Approved, ~Jf-~~r. 1\ \ _'.1. ( ~.. ~ .... ~ rl'Jl..~ -. , . -' ( 1, I ~. If J r !, , ,~,-' : ;.~ : ..~, -::;'. .~:. ,.' :~, :, . f .' ~ . _r:' - I . . I I I " ':(\ ...., r "1 I ." I ':t I "_/ . '.' ' l5I!J.e\!\gt;}:t;lCYIY1~61J'Ji~l:1f)'" We~"6S~:I r: ~~i;l 2~q~. ~953 ,.,7 :15"P.M.. G01p:lcil O:b-arnb,er........-~.-_..:.~..,..,.-.,..Ci.ty Hall. City of West.Univer.sity Place~'J;exas. . ., I . . . ',.147 The commission convened in called sessionpn t1;te foregoing date' wi th . Mayor Hyett presiding and Comraissioners Allena~d ~urber and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. . Commissioner To make clear intent of previous minutes, motipnby!R. B. Allen, .s,eeond-. ed by Commissioner C. C. Surber that R. G.Hyett~ Mayor be !luthor~z;;ed. ~ , ~., . -:0', -.\,. _I", t~ bring suit in Harris County Court, having jurisd~ction to recqver' immedi.atelY,..block book and records fqr years 1931, 1932 and 1933f'rom partYf:;orpat>ties. hav~ng it in their possession.. . . Further we approve the hire of W. F. Tarver 'and Thoa J. stovall to represent. an:d advise us i:p. securing. the retu.r;n of thifl- boolr,paperJ! . and records receipted for or obtained from City Secretary Thes. p~<Camp.. Voting Aye: Commis sioners Allen and surb.~r. . N.O:,ti. N'one . l \ There being no f'urbher business to come before the board, upon mo- tion being made and duly sec,onded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Approved, @/rf-----' . . ~or. Atte s,t : \ ~ 'L .. , L ." " . .':~ secF'etary. .. . -' - . . .', ., i) !--II . , --1. .'; .14~f . 'J;te.:gtiTil:r~~~~'t,i;rrg. .M:onday,Mayl,"1993~':~: .,. . .' .. .CoUIlC.il 'ahamb~r",":""'(aty Hall. City or:West;Uiiivepsi-ty Pla~ce ~ Te'xas. Tl1e Comm:~ssion convened in regular session on the foregoing date with Mli\yor!iyett presiding. arid CommissionersAllen fil,nd Surber and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. . M~yor Hyett advised th~t a conference had been arranged with the Mayor .of Houston on Wednesday May 3rd,. at 9:45 A..M. to discu:;ls the' sanitary sewee~ge contract. .A motion was m~de by Commissioner Allen and duly sec.ondedbY Com- missioner Surber authorizing the secretary to pay to. the Hous'ton Lighting and Power Company the current bill (April). . . . .~'l : I ~ \ ..; - V6ting A,ye: . Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos'None. The ,Secretary presented miscellaneous bills to the amount Df$I~.06 and asked. that aUlhhnrity be given him to reimburse petty cash. account. Mot~on was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by aommissioner 'Si::l,rber that the petty cash be reimbursed. . Voting Aye: Nos None. Comissioner Alllen and Surber. , M.r. Hob'bs'referred to the electrical fees and asked if a conference could be arranged within the next few days as he had a few suggestions to make . No d~e was set but was advised by the ':Mayor that thIS meet- ing would be held the latter part of the week. Commissioner Surber brought up -the question of~ut<i))11ob;i.l~:~:e'~R.~:g~Eir .,- . and 'recommended that the City Purchase (2) good used c';ariS\.;whi,c~~j~ars ~ould be controlled by the City, he was given authority by the Mayor to ,get prices and report later. A motion W~g made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commis- sioner Surber that the Secretary be given authoritw to employ Mr. Thos. A. Fleming for the purpose of collecting delinquent water ac- counts, Salary to.be $2.50 per day. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Bommissioner Surber. Nos None. Mr. A. Shaver delivered to the Council (6) Deputy Marshall Badges, wh~eh were distributed as follows: A. Shaver #l, T. J. Wofford #2, G. P. Tully #3, C. G. Jarrard #5, the other 2 will be given out later or cancelled. There being no further business and upon a motimn being made and duly seconded the meeting~was demlared adjourned. Approved, ~~j(.~ ~~. '1 _J .... ,> I l"J " . .1,:-" . .;.~ ,"-",' \ ~ . *'"*,<'lr-ri"'-. T~'I~l ,.. -.- r r .... . ':""'fJ ,...." . " . .', '. ," ... , ::' '~i r":, . t l I f. I I' I I I I I 1 r I [ ~ [- r f '\ 1-' 1 f--j I f ' ! ',"u I. , r -. . I.. .' " ~r ___ i I i 1 t , Calle'd Meeting., .' Th't\;r S da:'''' .. .:lVIav4 < .. -1:903,. .. . , .. J,-,'.. .J. , .' .. ,. .'. C01,ll1c,ilCha,ml?eI):-" - .....fQi t.y;.'~ali. . C1 ty .of West. Un-iversi ty Place:; Texas.. . . " '"a 11"9 '>:..,~'.-':~Si.'." ". . . . '.' The Commission convened in call session on the above date wit.h Mayor Hye.ttpresiding and COmniiss,:iloners R. B. 'Allen and' C. C., 8urber:and Secretary .Jarrard in,'atte1idanc'{~'.'. ' . This meeting was called due to criticism from t.ax,payerx directed to the acti.6n of the,former Equilization Board; by 'sendingunoJ":fic~.al ,no'4ic.es' of the hearing date set forc'ousideration of'tax, as sessmen tE. . ~ ..' A motion was."made by _ Cormni-ssioner Allen and seconded by Commiss;ioner Surber ,instructing. Mayor Hye..tt to bring such-action a.s neceB.~1't~1;t^O protect. the inter,~stofthetax payers from unauthorized and.1Lnoffi,cial action of ani-ll'&gal board and to obtain such legal conns'eT as nece:'ssary to ca~ry this out. ~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and A~len. Nos None. A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Sur1;>er giving Mayor H~ett "1.ns.truettlon .to, arrange for having 'a va.l-uation made of the Water System and lin~~and the cast of the survey is .not to exceed $500.00thi,s arrangementJfoe made upon 8:ompe1{ant and. eomp,eti tive bids for the purpose for which it, is intended. . ." - I. t' ,". · Voting Aye: , CommissiDne~s Allen and Sunber. . Nos .Ne~-. . .' ,. ~ The Se-cvet'ary recommend tha ttheda te . for :lttlaes;:sme!il;ii~li)lIT-;w.bie:b;'>;{cilo;sedc.:pr. _ '30tlif';1 be extended to May 20th and tha tthe property owners be all;ow~d . until that date to make asse.s snen.ts of their prcplperty. GommissionersAllen made a mot.ion to accept the 'recommenda tion whw.mp.j:iwas dll1y"seeondecf 'Oy ,Gommiss,i;oner SUfber. Voting '.AYf?: GommissionerS Allen and Surber. Nos None. There being no f1.l'i:>ther business upon motion being made and duly seoonded i~. the meeting was declared adjo1ii.Tned. Approved, . ~. -; j. Attest: .~ a~ . .l~ay~. " ~! . """", 1 n I I .'''1 '''1 ~,,:,,>,. , ',. ""':'-<-';1JietA ~ :~~~;:'~'~:.:.~}?~t;J;Q " ~-. ,. L t- ~> r r. (. t ' f. r k" ' t' ~-' , " - . ~'..: ::,. L L . "-<. .~~. :'\ ". ;:--~.: '--~~ ...' . R~~U:]~t;~;Me:~it<t~,g. . J\Ilonday; ,'NJ:~y.,a';i-l~'&:3"i ',i ". 'CoUnc:id _'Glaa:mb~eF~-"::;"Git'Y Hall. . . . G-i ty of West lJniver si ty Pla;ce, ~exas-. .I \ './ _ . . ~ , .. :::'; , The Commission ~omvened inre.gular sessi-onon theabo;~e.date w:j..th Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen &1(1 Surber arid , ,'Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ," ~., . ' :~Mr. J. M. 'BI'o'Y1es, 'f'ormerCilerk'of the Corpora"tion Cpup.t,advised . th~ Commission that the City, was'.indeloted to'him tothea:mount of $1\.00 for services. . . "[JI.; j '.1 ',. j , '~..., .'" "OO1:i'l;mi.S'sioner ,Allen made a motion to pay this aniount Which wa~ .-, ,i :duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. The Secretary was instructed to pay same. . . . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. . Nos None. The Secretary presented the following bills: ,', , "Oscar BrQwn $ 4.00 ,iflurt t~r-Holmes Ins. Agy. 70.00 ", .'.Krenz:ler Bro~. ,.\"":.: :5.7..10. K~ystone printing Co.. '6.00 Sou~nwestern Bell Tele.C6ili3.23 nn It t~ 'iO'.5l0 Shoeing . Milles . . !,lremium on Bonds. Gas & Oils statement~-Ma~ 8~ 1933 . Lettm>rheads--P:rinting. Monthly Bill-Fire &-g~*~-Ha~~. ttlt ,.Ci.ty Halil. ~ ,.~'.;..,.'t':> .. '" / Motion authorizing the payment of the above acc'ounts was made by <\-; t"_',,~;P;Imni:s\g ioner . Allen,. a-n.dDuly Seconded byCommis s.jlonerBur;ber. . .;\ C) '~~<-r~: I, ( ',~" < . 4" Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen artd Surber. . ,11,psNone. :' ,~: :.:. }. ., The Secretary was instructed tqc,~ll all.cre.d:i,tors,open.,accounts, script, and Notes payable and noti~-them of 'a meeting'wnich' wi\~ be held in the Motor Le~gue',RoolT!- (,),f'",,,,the R:iS;e Hotel".~~ur~Cl,_ay, 10:00 A. M., May II, 1933, for t.he putpqse of acquanting them with the financial condition of the Cityts affairs, and to get their attitude I".egarding taking a SUQs tan tial reducticm ,of their a-cc(Jurr:l:;s, enaoling the, City to settle on a basis sa1i;l,;sfactory to bo~h; Pa~ties. . -' . -' , Due to the a.,ct~al.~oss Qnwater accounts and misunderstandlng with property' OWfqer~~{, f.1?1>was sugges::ted that in the future, where renters ma.k~;"a;t_Et1?'J..pt>lic~bJ-on.s, that are not approved by the property "(jvneJ:'S,th,at'we'r'6Cl'u':tI>e a $3.00 cash deposit. Guaranting the pay- ment of qflTs ~ when discontinuing the service that the City re~und the difference between the deposit and the amount of their final ,water bill. . (\ , r:; " I ~1 r i l lJ Mr. Harris'reported that a complaint had been registered by Miss N. David to the effect that water from a septic tank was fowing on part of her property and due to Sanitary conditions, IVIr Harris (Continued to Page 151) t~ ,,:~ ,.<i'i"K.\'),t ,- _'- 'fl:, , T- 'TI-~i I " . -r '1 f' . -..; , . f I Ill.. I, . , I I j . I ,. ..0 i /j '.:r I 'J ;;...-:r~ tt;j: '., ~. .' , (Contij.'ilied,.from Page'. 150) ::t'~1 ~"':iJ~. , , w,as instructed by the COuncil to make an investigation and take the matter up with the o\vner of the property, and if he found the complaint just" make .an. effort to remedy the cause and if unsuccess- ful-, theScretary i~ towri te a 'letiber:~Srlvising them of the violation. ',.' ~ ,. Motion was made by Commissioner Allen and' duly' seconded by,Conimis- sion~r Surber giving instructions to Mr. Winslow (City Attorney), to dr~w up an or'di~II~~esupplementin~. Ordinar:ce #~7 p,ertain~ng to. plumbJ.nga.nd gas' fi-ftJ.ng as per PlumbJ.hg ,QrdJ.nance of the CJ.ty'of Houston, and alsoasses.s fees in .the amount:oi: $IO.OO on . PlUinbing Contractors....for gas fitting and plumbing and '$6.00 for Gas Fi ttirig.. . ~~.' . Voting" Aye: CommiSsioners Allen and Surber. Nos None. . Mr ~ E.- L. Leonard made application for. Deputy Ci tYMarshal Com- mission and was highly recommended by Mr. Shaver. Motion to accept .the application was made by Cormnissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos None. Mr. E. L. Leonard was then sworn in by Mayor Hyett. . No other business to come hefone the Council a motion was made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST :- APEROVED, cJfff/J(4< YOR.' i. " v. . .i::'C'---; ~. ,~.." , <-. -"'-~ ',.~ i- - I I " . r '1 ':.:. ...."'2. .1J~<,'.' " ." ,.. Eagilmdr Mee'Oing,~ . Th~s'day" ,May 11,1933 Coune'!l Chamber---~-":Ci tyHal1 Ci,ty of West Uni;versi.ty :a:lace,- Te~s., . -r' . ", ." Tbfe;,.'Q.ommission conv;ened in'lltagih.e.ar sesslonon the apovedate with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners. Alleh and Surber and SfrcretaryJarrard in attenda:n'ce. ~ . - n This meeting was called for tnepurpose of carry~n'f@; o.ut f'DPmer'l . instructions of. the Council with reference to' tIle newly, .appoin ted. : i,! . BoaJ?d' of Equaliza.tion, and tQ,allowthem to perform their d1.+ties, and .to preven1j.... any enterferE?nc,e, and to select a meeting datet and provide .for fine for enterference. . A motion to adopt an Ordinance, was made by Oommissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. In accordance wi~h the statutes this Ordinariqe was read. three (3) times by the Mayor.' Commi.-ssionerAllen mot:l.oned each timetD .~adopt ~ this Qrdinance ,. which w.as duly seconded by .Comm~ssion:er: B'I.l.rber. Voting Aye :' Commissioners Allen and Burb,er. Nos:' None. . This Ordinance will be in ef:feGt immediately upon its a'ccepi;i,aYice and approval which was on May ll, 1933. . Caption as 1'0 .., .. ~." 'Qrdinance IN o. 78. , ' C . AN .ORD JNANCE CREATING A BOARD OIi' EQUALIZATION FOR THE CITY OF imeT UNIVERSITY ,pa01!l,1J10 BE APPOINTED ANNUALLY APRIL 15TH- 1933,OR..~J3.8'O&N~,TnEJntJfFiTm :A~.,PRAGTICALl' TO SERVE. UP TO AND INQJ.;P:PI!\~(;4~~J~.tJ:4,~:":!~~~._YNDER ARTICLE I048 OF THE R:m:VISED CIVIL STATUTES 1t92:5'~~F THE STATE' OF TEXAS AND PROVIDING FORBETING ,p DATE AND THEIR COMPENSATION; ALSO ASSESSING A FINE FOR;~'JjJT,ER~ .. F]RING WITH OR' USURPATI-ON OF AUTHORITY 0 F''EctUAL.IZATION; If6LFtD " UNDER ARTICLE 1011 OF THE REVISED CIVIL STllTllTE'S.192.5' ::~1r''''TB:E .:.- ,STATE OF TEXAS, .AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. . ~"\" ", The Secretary was given instructions to post the above Ordinance in three (3) consp;i.cious public places. Qne to be on:bhe b,ulletin boabd at the City Hall. A motion was made by Commissioner' Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber, authorizing the secretary to purchase 6 '(siX) connections for water meters.Bids had previously been made; Dunlay-Armand being the low bidder. The purchase was . to be made from them. This order amounted to $9.82. To be paid for in cash. Voting ~ye:.Coramissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. (l . l i ) "- " . The.Secretary listed the following payroll, salary, and wage vouchers ,which had been previously issu:ed and approved bu-t was not included in the pr-evious Minutes. R {Continued to Page 153} I!.... , I iI. , ~ ......."' > J h ,~ f...;-3f-l'l<"'" ~--T I . 1 ,. . ,'" r '1 r r I I I I l'O' r., I 1 , .~ I' I I I i i' i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "U'- ,j I :( I I L 111 ,( Cont,inued from Page 152)' :';1b3 , A motion .;{;;.<J;: cGnfir.r:aing th,is ~ction, was. m!,\-,de by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded By Commissioner Surber.. ' . . f" ~. , . (to' 4 Voucher NO.: Date 5800 5801 5809 ~814 5820 5822 5901 5903 5797 5799 5804 05 06 07 08 10 11 12 13 :15 16 17 18 19 23 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 39 40 41 42 " '1 ~~mt~ ~ Apr.22 If ~2 < II 29 . tl 29 " II 29 ..~: 11 29 May 4 tI 15 Apr. tI May 22 22 tI n tl If " tI tI It It II 29 29 29 29 29 ~9 29 29 29 .29 29 29 29. 2'9 29 1 1 '.,1 1 3 4 6 6 6 6 6 9 10 13 To . ~ ."!. Remarks ! ' 1"1 II ft J1 II" II n n It II " tI II II n tl n It n tl II II 13 13 13 13 L.A .Mor g?-n, , ,Ls,Qo;r>'$ T.. 3. Wofford If Ira A.HarrisPart Salary A.P.Robb , Salary Apr. T..T.Wofford'Lab'or' ' Petty Cash Mise" Hou. L. & P. Apr. L. & p~ . A.P.Robb Sal.to Apr.'50 F.E.RatcherSalary-week Chas.Ouhning- 'ham Labor R.G.Ryett Sal.to 4/30 R.B .Allen n II C.C.Surber It fI C.G..Iarrard n tl Ira A.Harris Part Salary H.T.Fleming Salary to 4/30 U.R.Bronk tt tt W.O.Bryan' tt II G.W'.,Rob.ins,on it n OS: thr ine 'cu.sh.~ <, ' . man tI F.E.Hatcher 11 week '.~I\P-,\{~,;.ls on Garba.g~,-Salary 'C:~GtUin,~:J;lgh~m Salary-week 'Earl'mbma.,s ,It " n Petty C&Shr~l Misc. T. .I.,Stovall' & W~~f'.'T'a:rver Atty Fee's ,R.L.SQnfield n -Taxes West Coast Life-Ins. U.R.B-ronk ,Auto Tires Harris c'ty.lmp. (Bill) Hou.L.&P.Co. Ap~. Light & Power .Tno.Wilson Garbage-week F.E.Hatcher Salary-Week < E.Thomas ,t1 If C.Cunningham n tI Oscar Brown Shoeing Mules a.Cushman Final Salary Hunter & Holmes Ins. Agy. Bonds Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. Tel. F.E.Hatcher Salary-Week C.cunningham" tI E.Thomas'ff U .T.Wilson Garb. If tI n (Continued to page 154) -I 'I '-'I' -"-""""'''''''''''r~ -, '1 General 20,,00 10,.~O '40 ~ 00 ~O.OO 20.00 75".00 50.00 12. 50 50~OU ,,&p~OO , ~5'.00 36.25 20.00' , 30'~OO 10.50 3 ~-OO 13.05 150~OO 5.50 28.04 11.00 9.15 272.6~ 30~OO 20~OO 3~00 10.50 4.00 3_6.2.5 70.00 24.13 20.00 10.50 3.00 30.00 Water $ 1~50 6.00 25.00 IOO~OO 12 ~ 00 11~12 70.90 50.00 " .~ , ~ .. .wl)t'.' : "" .. ""-'"'t;,t^"'~,1!!'4 "?::~l~~.~' .' ,-,' ,'.- ".'y' ,,' :;. r ,~ ]- .r>. :;> ifJ:,' .. 5 ..... " , I II ", ; <-' ' ~~"'. r , l"4'~' -iJ- ,. ,5843 May 1,5 d. W .Robinson Sal.to 4/15 $: 55; ao 44 tf H5' R.G~Hye'bt , u 'u , '40.00 45 It 15 <l.G.Jarrard It tl 75;00 46 If'" 15' 'Ira A.Harris f1 II. 50;00 4'7 II 15- R.B. ,Allen " If 20.00 . 48 tJ 15 Void~'~------ 49 It 15 W. O.Bry:an 'It, t1 ' '. 55;00 , , . qO " 15 U ~ R .B'rQrik ~ fI U 50.00 . , .51 It 15' C~9;Su.rber fI, n 20.00 , 52 ,'" It 15 B.T.Fleming fl. u "12.50 .' Voting Aye:: Comm:i:ssion'ers' Allen and' ::rurber. "Nbs,: :None. ,,-_.:. It wSNt~'1rii:ously agreed'up6n discussion afld ,motion "that' , R.B.Allen act, as Mayor prot~ni upon the absence from the county' 'of May,or 1i'yett~ . . -'. Motion wa~ made by Commissioner Surber' and duly seconded Oy Mayor Hyett~ ' 'tti!;~g Ai~::.~Cpmmi,ssionerSp.rber and M~yor Hyatt. No'sf:rN.ond~:' ',', "" i ,:".".?" . " . " . .i f;; .. . , Ma,or Hyett" ,gave oath of office to D.S'.Parker :~b serve as a member of' 'the' BQard of Equalizatlon.' 'C'OriItni,ssion;~rs Allen and' Suro~r were to administer ~h~e;oath:to L.i.Morgan and 3.S.Wate~s~ which was' ::p~Orj1ptly dop.e.' APPi'q'V€ld, ' . . ~' ~ .' ATTEST: ~~ . " -,:, ,. '1 i! .t. r~'~~"I~ "'--I . ,..-.....:-'w-'f 1 "0 " , , ' 'j : ~ '1 ; (1 ~ ~ 'U' - " r' c' .'\~' 'n r ' ! -:i J' ',1 'I ~ < ' ~. :"~t ~"', " r ~ '(I J .;"1-"'5".'....' '.' .: ,.t):,' , . Re,gu'lfi:t: Me art iug ,', " 'Mohda,y, . May 15,,1953 Counc..rTI: Cha~15e-r--Gity,Hall. City of West Un5.versi,ty, F~a.c~,' Texas. " \,. The Commission convened in regular session,..at7:'00P.M. on the above date with Mayor H'yetta.nd Cornmifl~sioners Allen and Surber and .city Secretary Jarrard, in attendance,.: " I:"" _, Mayor Hyett advised that some oneh~s..been'repre-aenting ~imself as an officer and commanding that certain citizens 'iieeptheir ,,,,~h:ickens under fence. 'on their own premises, which.. is .:in compliance with an Ordinance passed sev,eral months ago'. In as much as ,'there was no :such authority or instruction given in this connection, the Mayor gave'instructions to make an .investigation.. . ,'" . ' A motion was made by Commissioner All~nand duly seconded by Commissioner Surber, to allow the West Univerisity Ba}lti,st . Church to use the City Hall lawn on the night o:fMay ],,6t',h: for serving lunches. Also to allow them to use the city's t:r>uck to haul lumber for tab,les. ., , , Voting Aye:: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. It was reportee. that the City of Houston is now considering amending .their Electrical Ordinance. May:.or Hyett stated tha:t before making any changes :in the local Electrical Ordinance '. that he would suggest that the Commission hold this matter :, in abeyance until the City of Houston makes a final decision. ".'., ;, ( , The City Secretary, Mr. C'..:G:,.. Jarrard' is hereby authorized to issue a receipt to !lJIr,.Thomas Pickens Camp for the Block Book showing assessment,s for the years 1931, 1932, and 1933, and all of the records 'that he may have iri his possession, unless any part. of tl1e above mentioned records 'are missing or mutilated in anyway then the Council will instruct the Mayor, Mr. R. ,G. Hyatt to advise W. F. Tarver and Tk!.qWr~~ .I. stovall that no claim may be made againstMr:,cainpf'${po'iia~' nor against the bonding company for any delay in the return-. ing of these records. . -\ .- ~ .;, "". " Comfuiss,ioner Allen made a,motion tha t' ~the above instrueti.ons be carried out, which was duly sec'ond.eld by Comm~ss,ioner,;S~b~r,. .. " , . 1\:" j ", ' . ~ .. t "I; t- . . '. . " '." 1 , "'\..' . Vo'&ing Aye:' Commissioner s,Allen and Surber. N,o s :',N ope. ~l , L. L.Pher.:r:ia 'appeared as to valuation on Lot ,10 arid' 11 Bloc~k 7-Third-A~dition ofCollegeview~ The Council authorized Mr. .I. A.. Metcalft'o obtain bid on five (5) caps,for :firemen, :four (4) slickers, six (6), pairs of boots, and six (6) pair.s of cover'alls. The estimated cost ,was $62.00. (Sixty-two Dollars). ' (Continued to Page 156) "oW: ". ~,~ -'..; ~~\::.'!Zi "kif"\': . ,--- ~'l"-r~'1 ,"" r- '1 r~..\;;:t~6 f , 1 I \ I f . I I I' 'f' q.. , ' rz,' ~ ' t t" ,- r.. ~ ' t' ~ r;<" _ l1" ' ~.~~, " ~' , ~': ~'" ! I ~,~.,~. ~" ! ' (Co'ntinued'..f;r>om PEo/ge 155) .....' . '"' ,. f , Voting, Aye:~ Commissioner sAllen--and Surber:., Nos: None. """",/'"" , " i' ') : A motion w~s made by Comm.issionerSurber and duly seconded by Commissi,oner Allen, ~nstruct'ihg the Secret.a:r.y' tow:r;i1t:e ,a. letter to all unsecured credito~s which is inagreement,w:ith a creditors meeting he'ld in the"'Rice Hotel last W?:ek.. (At which meeting all creditors <<ere advised of the finan- cial condition of the City.) '1 . ~. ,j J', \'" . , . , Each credi.1;'.,or will be asked to s ignan' agreement fol'a f:i:n~l se~tlementof 50 %, payable 9ythe City on or before: June 30, 1933. Voting A~e:' Commissioners Allen and Surber~ Nos: None. Mr. ,A.8haver, de liv:er-e d the balance of the. badges to the Secretary, which 'were distributed as :f::ollows:: R.G.Hyett Mayorts Badge. R~B.Allen Commisaioner's Badge. C. C. Surber nff-. Ira; A. Harris Fire' Marshal, " #13. E. L. Leonard Deputy It ';/ ~1.., vrr 8. FJ f,V hll.. #... /.1. There being no other bus;j:n~s.s to ,come before'::the board, upon motion being ,made :and duly seconded, the meeting was 'decl:ared' adJou.nned. ' ATTEST: ' ' APPROVED, .~.. , , " ".'.(1'~~,.'" " _ v,.. A,t the beginning of the above nleeting Mayor R. G. Hyett, Com- mis sioners Allen and Surber aaad Secretary Jarrard were ser.ved w.ith'ne.tice to appear in c.$urt, Oll the 29th day of..:May,1933, in answer to a suit brought by W. F. Ghiselin, J" A. Davlin and Henry, G. Bro\l'lrl, in an 'answer and cross-bill in the. lS.ixty- first Judicial Distric.t of Texas, on the 15th day of May, A.: D. 1933, suit No. C-2LO-IOl on the docket of said court. This is a cr:<!)iss,-action tie a suit filed by the City of West OJh:ivers1.ty ,Place agains,t: the former Bo ard of' Eq.tU*ization to gain pesses&ion of the block book and records and to keep them from, interfering with the present appointed B~ar&. (-'r ., , t l I,,) APPROVED: ATTEST: u t2!f}~ .. , .,', , " . secretar:;i:. Mayor "I", ' --r-I 'F- r r r fn d ~ " I I I f f I i I I I " (l i i \.. J~ , ~ 'f-'_ ,,:f57 , CalledWIeeting: F:riGlay , "r~ay ,l9, 19'33, , , Co\U\lcil 0b:ambeJ?------Gity Hall City.of ,We$tUp.iver.sity Flace;-,'Texas.' ,', The COLmnission'~onveBed in o~lled session on the above datfioat 7}OO P.M. with Mayor~yett presiding and Com- mission@rs Allen, Surber; and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. This meeting was called by Mayor Ryett to extend t~e time fGrpa~ent of taxes for the year 1932, andprldr years not cov'ered by suits in eourt at law, waiving penalties and interest, and declaring an emergency. , ' , , , After. discussion, Commissioner Allen,moved that the ,time for p~yment of 1;;axes"waiving penalties and interest,be extended to May 31st, 1933 inclusive. And that this be the final extension~ Votirig Aye~ Cormnissioners Allen and Surber. Nos:: None. .' The Secretary'is hereby instructed to draw an Ordinance in"compliance' therewith.~! , " ATTEST: ~~ , , ' City Secretary. APPROVE~~ ". ,OR~' C' , '.~ '~ ''',:,- ", ~~..,,<<~ ,- HI I , .. " ,.-r " <:"1:'58 ~. ....:. "'~ ./. .'. ~ I'. " t.:: , t !. 1 i. f, r V, ~ ~.. t".- t ,. [ " ~' ! ~ f. h . f " r , Ih r ~: . t t r [> f l' ~' ~- ~, ~ r f f r r , f: f, ~ . I I I r I ! t. \. \ RegularM~E,l,ting, '<., Mond,ay" May' B.2':,.'1~33, , ,7 :'OOP,.~,.,: Council 'ChaIl}.1Dkl!-,--""-~""i""';;;GityR~]J:;~ '" City~of,West'~Uni~ersity 'P,lace, Te~a.s... The Commission" Gonvened in regular sessio'n,'on th.e fore- going date with Mayor Hye'tt,jjresiding and. Commissioners Allen, Surber, and Secretary Jarr~rd in attendance. ' .. "" In compliance with instructions of former meeting Mr. . Metcalf, Fire Ohief~ presented estimates for the purchase of the fgl.lowing: 4, (foUr): pa,irs of boots, 5 (five~ caps, and 6 . (six) cqveralls. ' " A motion was made ,by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by 'Commissioner Surber ".authorizing the Secretary, to give requisition f0rthe purchase of same. , " Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and S~ber. Nos: None. .'", 'L. . The Secretary presented a letter from Miss Irene,Burr complaining about a payrnent of $4.62, (Four and 62/100 Dollars) made ;byher for: interest and,penalties.Qp-,,),,932 taxes, paid March 16, 1933, on Lot.4,Block 42, ,w~st Un~- versity Place, First Addition, and claimed that this amount should' have, been returned. Due,to an Ordinance already passed Commissioner Allen made a motion to :rei'und this amount; which was duly second":' 'ed by Commn~s:foner Surber.' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: Non e . . " \. A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber' that Mr. C. B. stuessy he. appoint- ed as a Deputy Marshal. Voting Aye: Corrrmissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. Mayor Hyett administered the oath of office. Mr. Stuessy stated that he would make a personal bond of $1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollars). The Secretary was instructed to see that this bond was made by not later than May 23, 1933. If bond .is not made by the time stipu~ated Mr. Stuessy's Commission is to be cancelled. DeputY~/Marshal badge #7 was issued to Mr. Stuessy under this commissi~n. U. R. Bronk was issued Police badge #15. l' hIS VI t:rS ~y.,--r f; 1'0) T:: .(). (Conti~ued to Page159). 11 " nc ~ I, iJ j ." I" ',,: .. (''I , ~. I i' ,i i: <...J, I . . !; \" '.,~ -: ""l I ~l--~t-+_.--.. ~ ,<' (Continuat from ?age '158). . ;,.16,9, The Secretary presented the following.bills for approvale Warrant No. Name General 5862 West Coast Life Ins. Co. $, 30.37 J. 5860 ~etty C.sh--- - - j Rogers Grain Co. Peden, Iron & Steel Go 20.05 5861 .... Kranzler Bros. Serve sta. 13.60 It It " II II . 5859 A. Shaver 7.00 5858 Petty Cash 18.27 5905 . 1I , II 5&57 T..I.Wofford 5.00 , 5,856 30hn Wilson 30.00 Water " ~ 2.70 11.69 A motion was made by Commissioner, Allen and duly second- ed l:!y ,Gornm~Bst0Iler Surb!3:r' that the foregoing bill.s be paid. ..... . '. " . . """ ..... >"-- Voting Aye:' Commis sioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. ~ .,~ (:- There being no further business to come before the board, upon mation being.ma~~ qn~duly seconded, the meeting was . declared adjourned. c::~ :~...:~.: ". mRO~ak~~ ATTEST: ", ,{"', , I I I '<"J \ ~j ! I ~!:t~i I 1--'- -~'-1 . ~- '"....._"'-r- ~""""1 \r~ [ t r. l..., r I', ,':':. -:; }'C..' II '1,f}!,O' , , ~~ "':V:'" ,-':\,' , ~'.', \.\\.t\ '\ , . 'r ' _ .- "~~f:-~ ...., ' ' -" , " " . ' ../:-.. 1933) ~oatpQned until June 5thJ 1933. Regular Meeting sche<;iuled fOT Monday Night May 29thJ " '. AnROVE:D: ~ . ,. ., . , , .' .' . . '. . \. '1."~' ~ ~ " ..,' . .,' . . ~ '. Y..' . .. '. '. . . ~" :' :'-/.,",.', cr:eary'. ~".' . . .'. '...J ._>.: ~ . . . '... . , , , '. " ",' 'I'~~'-:~", ..... . " '<\.."..)~' -'\ i . . ~ . tJ L t, ! f-r- I I' _--=:-,~ --=--==-r==r= 1 . ",,0.,. r ! "f ----&it"~'r 'r-- MA JOR . , 1"/ y. '0 1 r .' ~~. ! r 'U ~. . '" ('j I r " i J " ! l-o" r;' " , , ..'<1 r ~ . i'! , Ii: ... :l ' l ',. r ~, I I I l i. , n ; J. \ I' - ~'<ll ~~ ( itated lI:Ilee,tipg , of tl;1e City GOJ;lncil~...-...-,;..--"; of .th~9i ~y of;We~t Uni v,ersi ty p~ace. Teljas. A s'!:-aj.ed m~eting was!he1d in the office of Mr E. 1:. Bar~1ey in, 'the' Secdnd Natl. Bank on Friday: and Sat-iir- day .M~y' , 193$;' , Those ~resent Were as follows~ MJjY.or ~~~~qqy~~t.Com~is- sioners C.G.Surber ano R.B.A11entAj".,o:.E~ (J:~rkley, Mr. Killehar with the Equitable Life Ins~rance Co.;' J .R.:PhiJlips Repre~ent,ing J.R.Phil!,i,J?s Inve'stment Comp- any; 2; Da\Tidsonrepfesenting Dunne ~ 'Patrios6b~ & Ranson~' . W.'ID.lbhita.Kansas; Mr. Cravens representing$ecurityTrust Company f Austin. T~xas. ' " ' . " . ' , This meeting was ~h~~d for the p~rpo~e of'wcitking out some definite plap to liquidate the City~f W$st Univer- ai ty P:Lace default~d principal and. interes~ . on bonds arid to arrange for sem~relief on futureoh!~ga~i?ns. Various propositioQ6 w~re discussed but not~i0g defin- ite was decided. HQwever, all was very fa~ot~~1e of_ex- tending t.pe inte~est;and principal past 'due ~s of Apr~i 15 J 1933''f;over a pe~~pd of several yearsariCl to reop.cetJ~,e presept rate of ~(l:~~rest for five (5) y'e,~I1~: ()r}." E1 ,e;'r;adu:;-< . ated scale. See ~,~:Qt~tive report and~chedu~e .~n rH:e., , Regarding the op~~ .notes. Script and Ac'counts 'Pt;lyab~e J",'>~ ...,.. as between the bO'l1,qrepresent i ves, E ~C .~ar..ki.e:f aricfiJ:i?t'" Council the detail.was left in the hands 'of' M'r. Kelleh~t: . ." ~. .... , . \ and J.R.Phillips..,8.r}q upon Mn@ Ke~lehar",~',~tJ.9.~~'p'e from '~~'" his home office, b,,~stated that ,it woul<ll;ie ,satisfactor;:y f?r theCi ty to@a,&;,9c.ff and ma~e comp'ro~:f~'~:.:~;~,ttlemerit ;'., . wIth these credi t.:or:$},i and thought i tVi'?U~,g .,~.~, .the proper,: thing to do. And, if~his cl.ss of credit,ors was out of, " . '.. ~ ... ,.. ,,", ' , ) the .'w~y then the detai1swi th the bond -ho~d~rs,could be, wor~~d out on a more satisfactory ba;sis; .. . ' . ~ ~ - ...... . " Just before the adj,ourmnen,t 'ot the meeti'ng the" above ~ondrepre&eq~ives advi~edtha~ ,theywou~d take ~he '~arious prop'osttlo,ns, unoer advisem:en't and have ano~lier meeting later. Probably' sometfme in June. . The meet1'ngadj ourned. at 12; 30 P.M .Sat,ur,day ~ ATTES'I:~ APP~~. CITY SECRETARY ~ \J Afew days after ihis mee~lng confirmed ~his agreement ATTEST: J. R. Phillips agSirt R.G~Hyett. APPROVED: , '''; _ _1Yl~Y Vb ~ , c. . .' ~_ ~'I' I 1 ,- -~"'[ "I , ' , :,;t6t' ~ ~.......a 162 Regular r:eeti.o'-' Monday June ~I 1~63-- Council Chamber---City Hall. Ci ty of V1est University Place) Texas. The Com~is$ion cOnvened in regular session at 7:00 P.M. on the above date with Mayor Hyett and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Secretary presented the folLowing v.arrants fO'r ap- proval: . Warrant' # Name , 5864 .'"' Southwest prtg. Co 5855 T.J.Wofford 5866 F.E.Hatcher 5867 Chas.Cunningham 5~68 E.Thomas 5869 City of Houston--Void-- 5870 JJino.Wilson 5871 Jno.Young Co. 5872 R.G.Hyett 5873 R.B.Allen 5874 C.C.Surber 08]5depP~rdC~G.Jarrard 58116f;, Ira A. Harris o8117L1-~)(;j: U.R .Bronk ~S8F"Si:"r"ar' W.O.~yan ~ \!J 4.' ,) -...~ . P'f 8879' G.W.Robinson 5&f$Qflemin;;;H. T .Flemin6 5881 J.A.Me~calf 5882 Jpo.Wilson 5883Chas.Cunningham 5884 E.Thomas 5885 Dunlay-Armand Co. 5886 F.E.Hatcher 5887 Port City Ice Co. a 5907 A.P.Robb 5908 Ira A. Harris 5909 Krenzler Bras Ser.Sta.Voia-8T9G- General $11.65 32.95 20.00' 10.50 3.00 500.00 30.00 449.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 75.00' 50.00 50.00 55.00 55.00 12.50 22.05 :50.00 10.50 3.00 43.80 20.00 ,10.00 /1 ; I I I' j ,)" \ -...... ~.'Ia ter 50.00 25.00 2.70 Bill of Morin & Maes Printing Company for 113.75 and Thos. J. Stovall JAttorn~y for $100.00 were approv,e~ for payment. Motion was made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Scirber that the above bil1sbe approved as issued. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. A personal bond was presented by Mr Stuessy, the newly appointed Deputy City ~arshal, and the Secretary was in- structed to investigate the bondsman and file. Also to pay him the fees earned to date. Motion to accept the bond was made 9Y Commissioner Allen ana duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. '(ContinUed to Page 163) " I "'..l"_.....,.~".~_-, ~ _.--------_.~_. III .---m~_~~i(_ft . Continued from Page 162. 163 Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. Mayor 'Hyett asked that a meeting ~e held later in the week for the purpose of working out plans for the financing and building of a swimming pool and park. Xhere being no further business to come" before the CDmmissiod, the meeting was duly adjourned. ATTEST :.. ~,",". ...'~r'-..,~-.~, , "~"~""'<~-*,'F~~'" ' _-01._____ APP~,: " . ::0/~ ", 'lA OR 0,' r--------- 164 Re~""lar Meeting Monday>> '\June ~2>> 1933. Counci 1 Chamber----Cit,j' Hall City of West University Place>> Tesas. The Commission convened in R~gular Session at 7~OO F.M. on the above date with Mayor Hyett>> Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary C.G.Jarrard in attendance. Mayor Hyett advised the C.ouncilmen that he had a confer- . ence with Mr. Kellehar representing the Equitable Life . Insurance Company who holds a considerable amount of the City of West Univer.sity Place bonds, First Issue, with. reference to the payment of maturities on interest and principal on bonds and indebtedness. Their ~lans~bw that through the endorsement of Bond Coupons we would receive a reduction of approximately 50 % of original interest. Upon paym~nt of approx&mately 50 % the coupons would be endorsed to the amount of 100 % of their value. Mr. Kelleher wes again advised of' the pJtst action taken wi~h reference ~o the paymen~cD credi~ors on Script,' Notes and Accoun~s Payable. A motion was ,made by Commissioner ALLen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber that the Secretary empUy a typist to fill in letters and address envelop'es to 1932 Delinquent tax payers giving them until July 15th, 1933 to pay their taxes without legal fees added; These notices will be made from the 1932 delinquent tax roll. Voting Aye~ Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos~, None. The Council gave instructions to Mayor Hyett and Secretary Jarrard to arrange a conferenqe with the Houston Light & Power Company to endeayor ~o work out some method to reduce the street lighting expense. The Secretary was instructed to issue purchase orders ffor two (2) broo~s for the fire dept and supplies needed by the Police Elepartment. It was agreed by the Council to allow W.O.Bryan, Fireman to smart his vacation on the morning of June ,16, 1933 and return July 1st. Commissioner Allen advised that Mr. &or~an would relieve Mr. Bryan of his duties during the period of his vacation. ,') Continued to Page 1650 L I'! :dMlli"".'fo' ' j---~ ..- - .-~--r=1 ------ 11'." ~"i."",~n[ -_.==~--,--,---,--"~:1.~___ ''1 ,. - , 165 Continued from Page 164. The Secretary presented the following warrants for appr,oval. Warrant No. Name General Water /1 g~~~ Harris County Imp.Co.$13.65 2.70 'j Krenzler Bros. Sere 26.55 5890 " ~I " 20,.08 I, 5891 Oscar Brown 6.50 jj . 5892 W. T . Barnhi 11 13.10 {:'\-_~ 4 5893 .;,.- F.E.Hatcher 20.00 5894 Chas . Cunningham 10.50 5895 Earl Thomas 3.00 5896 Jno.VVilson 30.00 5897 Henry Howard 12.35 A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber that the foregoing warrants be app- roved and issued. Votin~ Aye:. Corrlmissioners Allen and Surber. Nos~ None. There being no further business ~o come before the Commission, upon motion being made and duly sBconded, the meetin~ was declared adjourned. ~ SECRETARY. Omitted from the above Minutes. The meeting called for by Mayor Hyett to discuss the build- ing of a swimming pool on June 5, 1933, could not be held last week. Arrangements were then made for this meeting. After considenabledlscussion it was decided that an effort be made to raise funds through public subscription. The fOllowing were appointed to interest individual subs- cription:. T.J.~offord and D.R.bronk to sm1icit west of the Fire station. F.T.Fleming, B.JjJarrard, Mr. Bullock, and Mr., F.A.Hunter to solicit Rice Court and Montecello. Mr. Cathriner, Dr.ElvaWrisht, Mr.& Mrs.Goldston, and Ira A. Harris to solicit in the Flrst and Secend Additions of West University Place. Each subscription of $5.00 Dr more will entitle the donor to a season pass with a small charge of lO~ for adults and 5~ for children under 14 years of age. Non-participants 357 each. Non resident accompanied by a resident 50~. The committee is to reoorti at our next regular Council Meet- ing, which will be Mon~ay, June 26, 1933. I! :' ,';._;1""" 1 '=-1'-' T ...... I .. ~:,' "-'~~,-~~r---'-"" ---, ..1 ,----_.. , I " 166 I I I Called Meeting Thursday, June 22, 1933. Council Chamber ~---- City Hall City of West University Place, Texas. The Oommission convened in a Oalled Session at 7:00 P.M. on the above date with Mayor Hyett, Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary C. G. .Jarrard in attendance. This meeting was called tor' the purpose of working out plans fortald.ng care of the payment to Houston each month for sewerage disposal. After considerable discussion it was decided th~t due to the financial condition of the City of West University Place, it would be necessary; starting July 1st, 1933, to charge each property owner $1.00 per month , and passing an ordina.nce requ esting tho se operating septic tanks, or cess pools,' to connect with the sewerage line, whose residence, is within a.radius of 300 feet, or pay the regular charge of $1.00 per month for inspection fees. . ( ~\. i I r I ,i' Tile ,Secretary was a.uthorized to have an ordinance drawn com- bining the Water and Sanitary Sewerage Departments and add- ing the sewerage charge each month to water bills. !vlayor Hyett advised that he had had a conference with the officials of the City of Houston regarding settlement of our past due sewerage indebtedness and they agreed to accept 75% of the amolIDt due, $5,425..73, which, includes the month of July, 1933. A note for $1,600.00 given in 1932 will be due on May 27, 1934. The Houston officials advised that if this settlement was not made immediately, the sewerage would be disconnected. 'They further advised that if the monthly pay- ments are made by the 10th of each month, they would reduce the monthly charge to $500.00 until .January 1, 1934, and lID- less payment is made by the 12th of each month, our selfer system would be cut off. A motion authorizing the Secretary to settle on this basis waS. made by Commi ssi oner Allen," seconded by Commis si oner Surber. Voting" Aye: Allen and Surber. Voting No: None. I I I I I i i I i i I I I There being no further business to come before the Oommission, the meeting was duly adjourned. AT 'rEST : 'M/Viad/ . ... . Oity Secretary. APPR(2 rI~ . ~ l\la.}or. I .--1 .'.'~~A~_ Regular, Meeting Monday, July 3, 1933------~ Council Chamber----City H~ll-- City of West Vniversity Place, Texas. 167 The Commission flonvened in regular seasion at 7:00 P.M. on the above date with Mayor Hyett,Commissioner Surber and City Secretary C. G. Jarrard in attendance. ,--. 1 I ; i I ), ,~, '" In compliance with instructions of the previous minutes, Mr. Surber ,Commis sioner ,submitted .to :the Council prices on an automobile to be used by the PoliceDepartment. Due to~xhe absence of COmll1issioner Allen, ,Mayor Hyett made a motion that a Chevrolet .,bepurchased, which was duly seeondedhy Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye:- Mayor Hyett and Commissioner. Surbe~. Nos: None. City Secretary Jarrard presented the following vouchers for approval. Authority for issuing these vouchers was, . previously 'given. Warrant No. Date 5898 5899 B~61Ja 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 5970 5971 5972 5973 !I" loi-:"',':_Ui """""-"'" To Rem~rks General Water 6/15/33 R. G.Hyett Salary .$ 40..00 << R.B~Al1en n 20.00 tt C.G'.Jarrard tt 75.00 << Ira A. Harris " 50.00 It W.O.Bryan n 55.00 n G.W.Robinson tl 55.00 n Harvey T. Flelliing 12.50 11 U.R~Bronk<< 50.00 6/16/33 J.M.Broyles 11 15.00 6/17/33 .Jno.V'l1lson tt30.00 II F .E.Hatcher n 20.00 tt Chas.Cunningh!m 10.50 11 Earl Thomas rI 3.00 6/19/33 . Petty Cash 46.11 6/21/33 T.J.Stovall & W ~.Tarver Atty.Fees. ,100.00 6/24/33 Chas.Cunningh!m 10.50 6/22/33 Gartner & Knobe1sdorf Ins.Co.--Premium on Fire Truck 10.00 F.E.Hatcher Salary 20.00 Jno.Wilson n 30.00 'R.L.Sonfield Atty Fees300.00 Earl Thomas Salary 3.00 City of Rouston- Sewer Settlement. 4,069.30 6/27/33 Farrar Lbr.Co.-Material 135.16 tI Morin & Maes- Prting. 13.75 6/30/33 C.G.Jarrard - Salary 75.00 6/24/33 " tt II It Continued to Page 168. ~.., .on [-~'-:--_'I~~" .~_'''<'''''''''''''',;0-~#'''''O:='C '""-~~-'-'"=--1.. r""- - ________u_ 168 Continued from page 167. Ira A . Barris Salary 'if $ W.O.Bryan n G.W.Robinson n B.T.Fleming tI R.B.Allen tl U.R.Bronk II 6/28/33 Hou.L.&P.Co. Power 6/27/33 West Coast Life Ins.Co., Premium on Pol~N.A. 152 ., 5982 ~/27/33 Gribble Stamp & Stencil Co. For Badges 5.00 5983 6/30/33 T..J.Wo~ford Salary-Fire 40.33 5983 6/~9j33 G.P.Tully Fees.Pol.Dept. 5.00 B~BS;ai~~~a3 F.E.Hatcher Salary 20.00 5986 7/1/33 Chas.Cunningham-Sa1ary 10.50 5987 "Jno.Wilson II 30.00 5988 n Earl Thomas It 3.00 5989 6/30/33 R.G.Hyet,t It .!@lO.OO 5990 tt C.C.Surr.)er n T20.00 5900 6/15/33 II II 20.00 '5991 6/30/33 L.A.Morg0n Salary-Fire- 14.67 5910 6/15/33 A..P.Robb Salary-Water- 5911 6/15/33 Ira. A.Harris 1I It 5912 6/30/33 A.P.Robb 1I 1I 5913 6/28/33 Hou.L.&P.Go. Lt.& .Power for Ma;;. 5914 6/28/33 Dunlay-Armand Fitgs.Wtr.Dep~. 5974 5975 5976 597,,7 5978 5979 5980 ,5981 6/30/33 II It It II 75.00 55.00 55 .00 12.50 20.00 50.00 270.58 " 29.95 i 50.00 25.00 50.00 97..50 15.95 'CoMnissioner Surber made a motion that the above warrants be approved and filed which "was duly secoI:,ded by Mayor Hyett. " Voting Aye:. Mayor Hyett and Cori1Il1issioner Surber. Nos: None. Mayor Hyett and City Secretary Jarrard meet with some of the repre Ben ta ti ves of the bond holder s in the of'fi ce of Messrs.Andrews, streetman, Los~e, and Mobley on July 3, 1933. At this meeti~Jg they submitted a very attractive proposition in writing which was brought befDrrJeethe Council. It Was moved by Cor~nissioner Surber to complete neg- otiations with the Bond Company tocarr;;l out this agree- ment as submitted and identify as exh'ibit A on file re- presenting-agreement as between parties holding the ma- j ori ty of the bonds. This motion was duly seconded by I'I'Iayor Hyett. Voting Aye: Mayor Hyett and COTITIuissioner Surber. Nos: None. Continued to Page 169. I I i i r." I , I! "'_~'f". J'~"~~"..""1~'I.'" '-:-1..'.""',......"',,""''[ ,1~.., [-,.... , I n 'j J,' . --\-- ~'. . 'J ".J ( i i I L III '""I''l''I!lOW''l' "',''\' cClntinued~from Page, 168,' ' <, 1 () 9 j".. . ". > ..~ '" , , < ' , " <, ' The Secretary presented to the CO'q,ncil a petition which was pres~nted to him by Mrarr.G.Bastian on Thursday Ju~e 29,71935. This petit-ion'subrnitted'wa:sg,ignedby- a number of r'esip,entsobjectin'g to the '$'l.qO' per':mbnt1i 'sewer charge. 'A number of the signe<rs'of'the pet1 tion wereprese:rit at this meeting. Th~e\i~ere very lenghtly discussions ,of va- rious ways of elimihafingthismon<thly'charge- td;the users of this sewerage'ser'VJ.'ce. rt '-;;hiS .suggested bY'~J.:lprCl- tEi stor at- that this should be added to the aU; va:lorem taxes and be paid by all property owners". rilayor Eyett informed :them, that this wasnotpracit'ical as the 'Ci ty "Orllyr'recdJ.:v'~:(f~),~'4a~ onevery'$'1~50 JciblTef(fted~ And he also advised that it was notpos'sible to raise ,the as- sessment on 'V'acant prop:ertyo.1.1els:iad. ,-, ' Due to all suggestions being impractical it was decided bv'the Council to let the Ordinancesbi.nd:~S' wr'i-c;teh, -until some o'ther plans eouTdbe wprlced out.. W.T.Barnhill wassV>>'b':rn' ib. bi:::~jfaYQr' 'Hyett as City Plumbing Inspector and De'putyCityMarshal. . . <,::-.. . ','" >. There being no: further' buS'iriase to come beTore the Gbm~ mission, the meeting wa's Cfeciaredduty 'adjourned. APPR~ ". '~ ' .' ".'" ~ . 'on.". ' ~ : ", "..... < "".' ,.', ~ / ,~, \ " " , ,,,}~>,~!~ . ;~ ."^ 1 ~....L.. . ,,..," ~ ~ .--- ..---:::1"'1-----=-=-"-1 > ,J . .e'.~"-"'-"'r - ~ I [: ' >,1'70 k .r~:. " 'f '/Re'~l*,' Meeting' Monday, July 10, :t.g~3--..; C0111;lcil Chamber----Ctty Hall City of West University Place,'Texas. f ' , , .. , \;b:~ Oommission convened in' ,regular session at 1:00 P..M. on the above date with Mayor Hyatt, Commissioners Allen and Burber, and City Secretary C.G..Jarrardin attendance. The Huft$~B-Holme3 Ins.Agency advise that th'ey ,could obtain Suretywnds for City Secretary. C.G.Jarrard and Assistant to the ."Ci.ty Secretary through the Republic Underwriters of Waco, Texas. ' , Commissioner Allen m~de a motion that these bonds be written whi,ch was duly s.e<eonded by COInm.issibner Surb.er. Voting, Aye:= CommissipIlers ,A,llen &lfd Surber. Nos: None.. 'n'" -~ /' , , .ll Attorneys Cole,C9Ie, and Patterson called the Mayar over the' telephone and a.dvisedth8. t the?, were r.epresenting the Fabric Fire Hose Co. on a note of ,2959.33 made by the City of' We~st UDjiversity.P'la:.ce, and cwh;ich. is conside,rable p:ast due, also. accrued interest for 19:29 of $628.34, note date'd 'Sept. ' 20, 1929. They wanted to 'know ift:he City could assure them of" a, 50% se~J~lem~:nt; :9fAc!i()unt~. They advise that tl!.ey would recommepd"~he~eceptance ~r&ame. .' (- . Gheck Ordinance l:!,nd see i,~ there is a stop sign posted at Wakeforest and UniversityBl~4, if not a~nend ordinance placing~~~e' at t,his point. T~~::'8~erei~r:v was authorize~ to get :pl)?~eesand ifpE'H\.sou- a..hle,~'t6 j5urehase parts for waterpump<': ,.,. . rrhe above motion was made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded -by C6m..rnissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Comrnissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen ~ade a motion to pay the City ,Attorney, Mr. Frank Winslow, $25.00' for service render'ed in writing tlrdiIiances and other mis'cellanmous services from April '15, to July 10, 1933. Same being duly seconded by Commissioner Surb'er. Voting Aye: Uommissioners Surber and Allen. Nos: None. r ') i ~ ii', ,,---I Continued to Page 171. . "",-> , \ -; -'-:--~I'-~ !I' 'l"~,'~1f:t!"X Continued from Page ~70. 171 Motion was made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber that the following warrants be ap- proved. as presented by Secretary Jarrard: Voting Aye: Commissioners ~Ul":)';:" and Allen. Nos: None. Warrant # To For 5992 7j~ A.Shaver Salary and gas 5993 7/5 Mrs.C.E.Kingsbury Extra Services 5994 7/6 Dow Motor Co. Dmm pymt on Chev. for Police Dept. 5995 7/8 F.E.Hatcher Salary to '?l/8 S & B 5915 7/3 Badger Meter Mfg.Co. Water liieters & Conn. 5916 7/5 Dunlay-Armand Inv. 7/5/33 General $ 8.00 12.00 200.00 20.00 Wa ter 441. 00 5.88 Thereo being no further business to come before the C.om- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned.. UFROZU(/;t~ r--~- r.l ,1 ,..,.,C-"",~,"'7I - ~-1______ 172 Regular Meeting Monday, July 17, 1933 Council Chamber-";;-Ci ty' :Hall. City of West University Pla.ce,Te.{tas. The Mayor advised that the Engineers were busy working on plans in connection with the '8ewerage Disposal Plant and that they are nearing completion, and also the purchase of land south of Bellaire Boulevard was progressing. A motiQn authorizing the Secretary to pay U.R~Bronk $50.00 for tl~ use of his car from April 15 to.. J~ly 15, 1933 and also to allow credit for two (2) tires previously purchased was made by Commi,ssioner Allen and duly seconded by Com- missioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. . No,s: None. The Secretary presented a bill from Krenzler Bros. for $52.04 for gasoline, oil and accessories purchased. A Motion authorizing the payment of this bill was made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Comraissioners Allen and Sunber. Nos: None. A motion was by COmlllissioner Alle~ and duly seconded by 'Commissioner Surber to accept and approve the following Warrants. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. wt.# 5917 5918 5919 5996 5997 5998 5999 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 600tS 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 Date To Remarks General 7/14/33 Dunlay-Armand Inv.7/14/33 7/14/33 G.P.Tully Complaint Fees $ 2.00 7/15/33 A.P.Robb Salary to 7/15 7/8/33 Jno.Wilson Garbage Dspl 7/ 8 30.00 7/ 8/33 Chas.Cunningham Salary to 7/8 10.50 7/ 8/33 Ear 1 Thoma s " " 3.00 7/10/33 Krenzler Bros Gasoline 24.22 7/10/33 The Enterprise Advertising 20.00 7/10/33 W.T.Barnhill Plbg.lnsp.Fees 13.85 7/10/33 H.W.Howard It II " 4.80 7/10/33 State Compt.Pub.Accts.-Fi1ing Fee 1.00 7/10/33 Allmakes Typewriter-Typew-Rent 4.00 7/11/33 T.J.Wofford Extra work-FireDept 3.67 7/11/33 II Complaint Fees P.D. 4.00 7/14/33 Dodson Btry.CoBattery-Fire Trk. 24.75 7/15/33 F.E.Hatcher salary to 7/15 S&B20.00 7/15/33 C.Cu..nningham It It II 10.50 7/15/33 Jno.Wilson II " 30.00 Continued to Page l75~ I -...._--,_.._-,--_..,-_.._--~..'....,-- 11'......___,,,,,,,,;,,,,,"'.,.., "..'.. r~~~~~II' 'I -:""""':~T' , ------ 1 Water ~~ 1 7 . 30 50.00 [) i I J I l73 4-l':>~ CONTINUED TO PAGE 174. 174 I I I i I I I' Continued from Page 173. wt. IT Date. To Remarks General Wa t.er 6011 ~/15/33 Earl Thomas Salary to 7/15 $ 3.00 6012 ~/15/33 R.G.Hyett n TI fl 40..00 5013 7/15/33 R.B.Allen II ft ft 20.00 6014 ~/15/33 C.C.Surber II tl fl 20.00 6015 ~/15/33 C.G.Jarrard II fl tI 75.00 13016 7/15/33 Ira A. Harris n II tl 75.00 6017 7/15/33 U.R.Bronk fl n If 50.00 6018 7/15/33 yq,. O.Bryan II n " 55.00 6019 7/15/33 G.W.Robinson II l! If 55.00 6020 7/15/33 A.Shaver(V 0 I D) " II II 5.00 6021 r/15!33'H.T.Fleming It II ft 12.50 There being no further. business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. APPRCJ&~ 1A OR. -l~=,]=C',-"'--='--- -.. -- - .>--."~.....-'t-_.- ,..--=".=-~._.- - -"'-=~..~_._____ [~.~ i! I .. "! 1 ,j h ''-. j . 1 r.............." - ~-~_.------------" -- !'I -'>.'t~"i'l.' 175 Regular Meeting Monday, July 24, 1933-- Council Chamber---City Hall. City of West University Place,Texas. ~t The.Commission convened in regular session 0;0. the fore- going date, at 7:00 P.M., with Mayor,'Hyett, Commi.ssioners Allen and Surber and C:ity Secretary Jarrard in attendance. .. Mr.R.M.'rimmins and Mr.":Ghie'slfn representing the Home Owners Ass'n extended the Mayor an invitation to attend a meeting on July.27 at the residence of Mr. Chas.Burkhart to answer questions regarding the sewerage charge and Ordinance. In the event the Mayor could not attend they ask that one of the Cormnissioners attend. They presented the following letter which was ~ea~ by the Secretary: July 24, 1933. Hon. Mayor of West University, City of West University. ~ ,-:' ,.. . Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Home Owners' Ass'n of West University Place on July 19, 1933, we the undersigned, were elected as a cOli~nittee to extend to you an invitation to appear be- fore the Home Owners' Ass'n at the next meeting on,July 27, 1933 at the home of Charles W. Burkhart, 6530 Vander- bilt, at ~ p.m. to answer a_number of questions pertaining to the sewer tax and also the operation of our city govern- men t. ,~tf'~'" In the event that you are unable to be present at this meeting'we respectfully request that either'one or both of the cOTIlli~issioners, Mr. Allen and Mr. Surber, be present in your 'place. This committee reali'7es in extending you th:!-s invitation that undoubtedly questions will be asked inyolving ex- penditures, the exact amount of which will be impossible for you to remember. Therefore in the spirit of co-opera- tion, which is the keynote of our association, we ask that you instruct the city secretary to meet with a committee of five, 'tv10 selected by the council, two by the Horne Owners Ass'n and the fifth party to be chosen by these four. This connnittee will assist in compiling dat~ that will be used at the meeting July 27, 1933. As a matter of record we ask that this letter be read in the minutes of the cow~cil IDeeting of July 24, 1933. Trusting that we may be favored with your presence on the above date, we are, Continued to Page 176. , I =-j~ 1 ~,~~-,p--,,~ r- ~.,. 176 '. ' Continued from Page ,175. (Letter comtinued) *********The understanding was ~. that Mr. Timmins was requested Yours truly, * to submit questions in writ- "J- ing, which they, the Home Owners t R.M. Timrl1ins * Ass'n wanted the Mayor to * answer. A~J".Lamonte T.Chairman '-, ~ P.Rasmussen Giesling--T.Sec'y CO~TIhITTEE ' * ~.. " ,.",... p ...x.. -j(- The Council did not reject the invitation but reserved * their opinion and suggested that a Rublic Meeting be held .~ at the school for the benefit of all residents. ..j}*~~ ~-,; ~i-"-~::7}~'" Mr.J.A.Metcalf (Fire Chief) asked that the City contribute Twenty'-Five Dollars ($25.00) to the Gulf Coast Volunteer Firemen Asstn for the purchase of a loving cup and part of the' expenses for a contest to, be held in this city soon. This if for ,the benefit of the ,West University Place Volunteer Ass tn. Corr..missioner Allen made a motion that the Secretary issue che'ck to the Treasurer of the West Univ'ersi ty Place Volunteer Fire, De~artment, which was duly seconded by Commissioner. Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. The City Secretary presented the following w'aJ?rants for approval: Wt.# 6022 li5023 6024 6025 6026 602'7 6028 5920 5921 Date To Remarks '7/19/33 C.B.Stuessy Fees on Complaints 7/22/33 F.E.Hatcher Salary to 7/221.33 '7/21/33 J"no. Wils on It "7/21/33 '7/21/33 Chas.Cunningham " "'7/21/33' '7/21/33 Earl Thomas tt It '7/21/3.3 ' '7/22/33 Krenzler Bros. Gas & Oil Inv.'7!10/33 7/22/33U.R.Bronk Allowt on Auto 7/22/33 W.F.Ehringhause Installing Meter '7/22/33 Jno.Wilson , Work on broken Main General $ '7.00 20.00 30.00 10.50 3.00 52.04 50.00 Water $ 2.25 1~25 COID~issioner Allen made a motion that same be approved and issued, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. l~ I ~ J Voting Aye:' Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~ A~#~ \ r-~ I'-'~'-'I''''-I~' 1 "'.".."""'1".",'r .. , '1 e r [' ,~'r \, ' ..:- tf ~: JI};; I ~".' ~; . ", " kit 1 f~~ . ! .,", . f I, .! ') t ',1 ; j I i I : t I ) Called Meeting Saturday, July 29, 1933 Council Chamber--City Hall/ City of West University Place,Texas. 1~ ~ ~ The Comraission convened in called session on the fore- going date at 2:00 p.m~, with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Surber and Cit:ySecretary Jarrard in attend- ance. The ptlrpQ..13e of this meeting ,was toarmnend Sewer Ordinance No.80, and have same completed and in 'force for the CoUncil Meeting, Monday, July 3~, 1933. The City Council bel~eving that it would work a hardship on the citi~ens to disconnect water .service for non-payment of the $1.00 per month sewer service charge and also to place a responsibility of the ',; enforcement of this Ordinance and collection of the sewer- gge service charge, and do. hereby this day amraend Ordinance No.80. (See Ordinance No.8l in Ordinance Book.) The int4nt is not to change the amount of the sewer service charge, but to correct such Ordinance that it may be more workable, and more satisfactory with the property owners and business institutions. Motion to repeal this Ordinance was made by.,Oomfnissioner Surber and duly' seconded by Mm.:Tsr ~,. @~ ~ -- , Voting Aye: M2Y~ ~t ~ Comnissioner SUrber. Nos: None. --- . Cor~nissioner Allen is thoroughly familia~with this ordin- ancea~d acquiesce in the ammendments of same. There being no further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded the Meet- ing was declared duly adjourned. ATTEST: APPROar~~ II ! "I, '."1".!..,..~"r " , ',' , r I I \ :J"'~~-"'1';f.~or -. ------,- --"1 ~, .. .,:178 I .<."-",,,,-,,.-,,,,.>.>;.. ~&h~ '" "4~Jltf;r~il~ ..., Regular Meeting Monday, July 31, 1933. Auditor iura , Jno.J.Pershing School, City of West University Place,Texas. The Regular Meeting of the Cowoission convened on the fore- going date with Mayor Hyett presiding and Corrrrnis sioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. J The Regular Meeting of the City Council was held in the aud- itorium 0% the Jno.J.Pershing High School. This-was:, in com- plianee1flith a promise the Mayor made to certain citizens. who 'attended a'prior council meeting, to explain ,the necessity and re.ason for assessing a $1.00 sewer connection charge upon the direct users of the sewer. At this meeting the Mayor explained the financial condition of the City from the audit made by J.A;Phillips & Co., certi- fied public accountants, as of April 15, 1933, also details worked up by the City Secretary. The Mayor also explained why the COlli"1cil found it necessary to fix this sewer charge. Several made statements that when the sewers were connected with the City of Houston that they were advised by the form- er administration that they would have to pay this charge. The Mayor was asked various questions regarding tax methods and the sewerage charge, all of which were answex'edsa tis- factorily.Some objecged to paying this charge, but did not offer a workable solution that would eliminate same. There being no further.. business to come before the Commission upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. APPROV~ " , ~,~ fila . ) r'"~'~~I~~r'~'" ' 1 J'--- ""'"""rr-~--'-~"-' ,'-' -, "1 I i I I I. i I' ~ (l I : I f(. J i I 'IL, I ~J' . j , , --------- Regular Meeting , Monday, August, 14, 1936 Couneil-~ehamber--"''''-Oi ty' He:l1-- <City of West University Place, Texas. 179 F",~. ',/ The Comraission met in Regulab session on the foregoing date with Mayor PDo-tem Allen presiding and Commissioner Surlber and . City Secretary .Jarrard in attendance. . .... Mayor Hyatt. before leaving the City instructed the Secretary to bring betore the Council the matter of papering and paint- iNg-the inside of Mr. Hatcher's house, (which is owned by the City).> At, this meeting Mayor Pro-tern Allen made ~ motion to have this work'done, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Mayor pro-tern Allen and Commissioner Surber. Nos:: None.. The Secretary presented the following bills for approval: BalkoB$,t.& Elec. Co. Otey Env~Co~. Rapid BluB Print Co. Seagrave Corptn Sou'Westtn Bell Tel. West Coast L~fe Ins. Krenzler Eros Port City Ice Co. Sakowitz Bros. Harris'Imp.Co. Davis Letter Shop James Bute Go. Chas.L.George Morin & Maes Chkg.Speedometer-Police Car $ Envelopes Blue Print-Swirmning Pool' Gaskets for Fire Truck Telephones-C.Hall & Fire Group':rIns .,-Firemen Gas & Oil-& Repairs Ice-:-- St~t.6/28/33-Fire Dept. Stmt.8/1/33 S. & B.' Notices for Taxes & Sewer~ge Stmt.7/3l/33-Vaint for Furn. o days Salary-Rendition Notices 7/18/33-5000 Water Bills .50 17.90 2.28 2.03 49.56 32.20 74.86 5.00 11.75 19.00 10.65 4.34 15.00 15.00 Mayor Pro~tem Allen made a motion authorizing the Secretary to issue warrants for these bills'and also approved the fol- lowing warrants. This was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. ~oting Aye: Mayor Pro-tern Allen and Commissioner Surber. Nos: None;. Continued to Page 180. I r~~~i"I' I "~-._""", F ~r III "t~f"'f" i' I, I [' i I I 180 f f , I I I I I I , i i I , I l........, ~__~ ._._~~_ Continued from page 179. Wt .11 Date To Remarks Gen'l 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 9027 6.028 7/19/33 7/22/33 7/21/33 7/21/33 7/2'1/33 7/22/33 7/22/~?? $ 7.00 20.00' 30.00 10.50 3.00 52 . 04 C~B.stuessy 'Fees on Complaints F.E.Hatcher Salary to 7122/33 'Jno.Wilson ff " Chas.Cunningham It It Earl Thomas tt tI Krenzler Bros Oil & Gas Stmt.7/10 U .R.Bronk All 'won Auto to ~':'~_, ,4 .." 7/15/33' '50.00 5920 YJ!2?-!35'sW.F.Ehringhaus 6 Hrs.Labor-Water 5921 7/22/33 Jno. Wilson Work On Wa te;r Main 6029 7/21:/33 Petty Cash -- --- ------ ,60307/24/33 <<It _______________ 6031 7/28/33 West Coast Life-Premium ffW.A.152 6032 7/29/33 Jno.Wilson" Salary to 7/29/33 60337/29/33 F.E.Hatcher" fl 6034 7/29/33 . Chas . Cunningham" It 6035 7/29/33 Earl Thomas tI fl 6036 7/31/33 R.G.Hyett ff 7/31/33 6037 7/31/33 R.B.Allen tI 7/31/33 6038 7/31/33 C. C.Surber It fI .. 6039 i-t/31/33 C.G.Jarrard tI " 6040 7/31/33 Ira A.Harris Il fI 6041 i-tf31/33 B.T.Fleming II " 6042 7/31/33 G. W .Robinson " fI 6043 7/31/33 W.O.Bryan tI It 6044 7/31/33 U .R .Bronk II n 5922 7/31/33 A.P~Robb If " 5923 i-tf~1/33 Ira' A. Harris- ff " - 6045 $/3/33 Hunter'& Holmes P~emium on bonds 9b.oo 6D46 8/ 3/33 F.Winslow Atty Fees-Ord's & etc25.00 6047 8/ 5/33' F.E.Hatcher Salary to 815/33 20.00 6048 8/ 5/33 Chas.Cunningham n " 10.50 6049 8/ 5/33 Earl Thomas If tI 3.00 6050 8/ 5/33 Jno.Wilson " It 30.00 6051 8/ 9/33 J.C.King-Treas.W.Univ.EI.Fire Dept. 25.00 6052 8/ 9/33 Fabric Fire Hose Co. On Acc't. 750.00 '6053 8/10/33 H.W.Howard Plbg.lnsp'ts. July 5.65 6054 8/10/33 Odell Dorsey 3t days-Mont. Tennis 6.15 6055 8/11/33 B .Allen 4"2 II " , 7.90 6056 8/12/33 F~E.Hatcher Salary to 8/12/3320~00 6057 8/12/33 C.Cunningham:: It 10.50 6058 8/12/33 .Jno.Wi~son " 30.00 6059 8/12/33 E.Thomas ff " 3.00 G060 8/15/33 R.G.Hyett ff 8/15/33 40.00 6061 8/15/33 R.B.Allen II If 20.00 6062 8/15/33 C.C.Surber II II 20.00 606~ 8/15/33 C.G.Jarrard." f1 75.00 133.30 27.00' 28.00 30.00 20.00 10.50 3.00 40900 20.00 20.00 Y75.00 50,.00 12 .50 55.00 55.00 50.00 o i Oontinued to Page 181. Water ('1 i I ! I 'l J $ 2.25 1.25 50.00 25.00 . (,,"i';~~.. ~~-I~I-' '1 ''''^" '....,"~'r ' !'l , ' f' , ! ! r 1"' ," I' II! 1~~~1t"'1'~'1~ .' 6064 8/15/33 6065 8/15/33 6066 8/15/33 6067 8/15/33 6068 8/15/33 6069 8/15/33 6070",8/15/33 592~ 6/15/33 5925 8/15/33 -Go~t;tnued from Page 180. Ira A. Harris Salary to 8/15/33 G. W.Ro'bin.son " tf , W.Q.Bryan " II U .:a.Bronk " u A.Shaver 2 mnths Sale to 7/31/33 H.T.Feming S~I~rytG 8/15/33 W.T.Barnhil1 Pl'bg.lnsp'ts July A.P.Robb Salary to 8/15/33 Ir~ A. Harris II " 181 , 50.00 55.00 55.00 50.00 10.00 12.50 7.80 $50.00 25.00 The Secretary was authorized to pay Mr. L. A.Morgan $5.00 for services in connection with the investigation to det- ermine the nUmber of sewer connections in the city. OThis was sometime in Y.(ay.) , Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-tem Allen and Commissioner Surber. Nos: None. ' There being no further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being-made and duly seconded the Meet- ing was declared adjourned. ATTEST :: APPROVED: Cf~~)x , " yr. "\ T~~~~I~-'l --"~""''1~'.''r -r ~l 182 ,Cal1ed Meeting Monday, August 21, 1933' Council Chamber-----m1ty Hall City or West Uniyersity Place, Texas. The Commission convened on the toregoing.date at 7:00P.M. with Mayor H,.ett presiding and CemissiQner A;Llen and Oity Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commiasi?ner Surber Absent. ( 1 ; I I , , Due to bi.Uliness:Mr. ,L.A.. Morgan and D.S.Parker tiled their resignations as members G)f the Eq~ilazation Board.,.~lle Coun- cil ao.gepted their resignations and app>1nted'Mr..iL.:eJt,pn and J ;M.Swain to serve in this eapa e it,. . Mayor Hyett gav~ oath ot ot~iee to the n~w members. ' A notion to ae~ept the above was ,made by Commissioner AlIen . and duly seeonded by Mayor H7e1?t. (Comm.,1s sioner was ta.mi-" ;' liar n'th these eha~ges). . ' . . . Voting .11'9; Mayor Hyatt and ComtdsslonerAllen. Nos; None. . , ' . ) " At a Cal1ed Meeting Saturday, July 29, 1933, the Oouli eLl accepted bonds issued by the Republic unde~wr1ter8 of Waco, Texas in taTor of Secretary C.G.Jarrard tor $10,000 and . Assistant to Secretar,. Ira A.H~ristor $2,qoe.Oo. ,. . Commissioner Allen made a motion that these bond. be ac- cepted and the to~er surEi)ties released. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting A"1e: Commissioner'. Allen and Surber. Nos: None. , '!here being no further business ,to come betore the Com- mission, upon motion beini..,made and duly seconded the meeting w~s declared adjourned. T: c~ APPROVED'a~ !II I ' r.o~" 1 r=-:-=-~,- 1',.1';:; 'OLll Regular Meeting Monda,.', August 28, 1933 Council Chamber-----City Hall C1tyot w~st University Place, Tems. 1 I 1 . The C0mmission con~enEld on thef'oregoing date . at : 00 P.M.with.Ma~or Hyett pre$id1ng and Comm1ssionersAllen and "SUrber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendan e. j . ! .. 4 . Commissioner Surber made a motion to.allow $10.00 ror ~he repairs: to doors to the City 'Barns. This wasduly seconded by ,Commissioner A11en. , '. ., "t Voting Aye:' Commissioners Allen and Surber~ Nos,: None., "The Oouncil authorized the secretary' to write let ers to ,tIr., L.J . Mart in and ,MX'. AY9-am .advising them of the unsan- i taD,. condition of" their septic tanks 'and ask tha they be, repaired ,and kept,,1.n .better condition. The:Secretary.was inst~cted.to refUnd attorne7'ffes 001- le-e~tl from thosepa,.ing their 1932. taxes as. t1;le, elin... quent rolls 1I'0.uldnot l>e,turned over to theattor ey:.for collection until a later date. . . , ! ... , , This motion was made by Commissioner.Allen and duly sec- onded by Commissioner Surber. .',' Voting Aye:' Commissioners AlIen and,Surber. Nos; None.' ! ' MaYGlr Hyett advised that Mr. J .W.Wllder would sec e the, pro}i)err.ewnership of the prope.rty as taken from 19 2 Roll. (This check would be checked. from the County..Reco ds). He' (Mr.Wilder) has agreed to secure this inf'ormat~on for the sum of $25.00. Commissioner Allen made a-motion to emp~py Mr.Wilder. This was duly seconded by Gomm! sioner Su.rber. Voting Aye:,Commisaioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. , ' A motion was made by Commissioner Al1en that Mr.E be appointed as consulting City Engineer, subject ~Glr8ueh services or authorizing to do such work Councl1 may authorize ~rom time to.t1me, designa't appointment not carrying witb it any daily, weekl monthly compensation except when contracted for b or project wo~k.lfb.is was duly seconded by Commis Surber. ' S.Coghill to call ' s the S in , or peicm ioner Voting Aye: Commi.aioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. Continued to Pa~ 184. !I' ;fl' ' [, -~ --~I'~1 "''" ll.'~ [ " --'-r 184 i '__~__u__~_ II Continued from Page 183. The ,Secretary preaen~ed the following warrants for approval. .t < :~,;,'+'~~ ;, "'. '\ ," ~:':"-" ',_~:~':~-;l' ,.:..:~ .~~ .... ..r" ":::('~'~J" ..:...J-~~'~!_:""':.'.€.:T' .:>:__-:.,~.~. :~-"':<"lo,. 'IlIft' II . ""'atd ., " ,- f~To'>' :" .... ;.' . 5.' ,'5,;;~Remarks,.::1'::',. Gen t 1 l~lat"'r .J ..';" .U ~.., ..... . ........". . tJ .... -. 't n 1,1;; 6071 8-l5-33Sakowi tz Bros. '. Stmt. 6-28-33$ 11. 75 60'72 8-15-33 MDi':in '& Maes Water :Bills .~'POQ $ 15.00 $073 8-15-35 HarrisCty~. Stmt.8-l-S & B. 19.00 6074 8-15-33 Davis Letter Shop-Notices 10.65 6075 8-15-33 James Buts Co. Stmt.7-31-33 4.34 G076 8-li-33 B.L.Garrett. Ceurt CostS-Kirby 59.30 S077 8-1i-33 e. t. George.' days Salary-Office 15.00 .0'-8 8:19-33 Jno.Wi1son Salary to 8-31-33 30.00 60'79 8..;19-33 F.E.Hatcher It It 8-19-33 20.00 3'OS0 8-19-33 '. C.'C1mningham It . II It 10.50 60818-19-33 E.'lhomas n It It 3.00 i082 8-2l~33 Petty Cash 77.66 6084 8-21-33 'RapiQ.J31ue Pt.,Co. Stmt.'7-31-33 2.28 60gS 8-21-33 oteJ'>EnT.C(). Env1-InT.'7';'6-33 17.90 G086 8-21-33 Ba1ko~.&Elee.Co. CBeek spdmtr. .50 608'7 8-21-33 .West Coast Lite Ins.-Ins.Prem. 32.20 6088 8-21-3~ So:uthwef!tern B.Te1.--Telephones 49.56 6089 8-21-33 Miller Bros. 'Inv.i-'7 &: 8-11-33 25.'78 1J92Ga....m5-33 Ia'enzCer:Bros. stmt. '7-31...33 ',,;,,',. 5927 8-11-33 Port ity.lce Co. lee Book ' 5928 8-16-33 J.W~Mi1l8-Dst.C1erk--Costs-Court 5929 8-21-33 petty Cash Dtm lay-Arman d- S090 8-25-33 F~E.Hateher.-Sa1ary to Aug.26-33 1092 8-25-33 a.Ounningham n n n $093 8-25-33 E.Thomas' " " n 6094 8-25-33 Jno~W1.1son ~ ." ' If 6095 8-25...33 J .a.Waters'f' Equi1.Board e093 8Q25-33 L.B.Ryon. " n ' , tt 109'1 8-25-33 J .M. SW$.in . ." ' It t.' 6098 8-28...33 G.P.Tul1y Complaint Fees 5930 8-28-33 G.P.Tully painting-Water Dept. 20.00 19.50 3.00 30.00 10.25 1€i.25 16.25 4.00 /' 'I I I' ,. f' r.' '\ '- '74.8i 5.00 48.85 7.20 7.00 A motion approving,csame was made by Commis~ioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye r.Qomm1ss:ioners Al1en and Surber. Nos: Wone. ' ,- There 'being no further business to come before the Com- mission, upon,motion being made and duly seconded the, meeting was declared adjourned. ~ ' '" i Y Secretary. .. APprO~~ . . -o~ r - I I" "'''t' 'r" "1 '('] 'I 'I I !. ':1 ! :..."1 t ~ ) \" ,f 1 IU "---.:..1:''''''' , " 185 Called Meet1ns Tuesda,- ,.September 5, 1933 City Hall;"---Co'Uneir Ohamber-- City ,o.t West UniTersity 'P'laee,Texas ! The Commission convened in Called session on' the fore- going da,te at 8:00 P.M. with~tor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen andSurl:H:ff\end C,1t1'Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mr.G'.P.Tully (Fireman) presented billstrom Read's Drug Store tor Fitty (50) Cents and trom Dr.Edward W.Grit.tey. These bills were for medical and prefessional services rendered for an injury to Mr.Tully's ,e7e while pract- icing. A p~ece of steel entered his ,,.e baIl and had to be r~moTed. ' , A motion was made by Commis si.!mer Allen and duly second- ed by Commissioner Surber authorizing the secretary to pay these bills. ' , Voting Aye :-Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. At a meeting Gt August 18th, 1933, Mr.J.W.Wilder, wasal1ew- ed $ali.aOtor securing information regarding the present' ownershlp, of propert7;trom the records ot the Harris Count,. Court House. He appmt-."d befor,e the Council and advised that 1I1e had spent sevc;,)ral days in this work and had only eompletedThree (300) Hundred carda. He alao stated that it would take at least Thirty. (30) days to complete this work and aske~ that the pouncil allow him $2.50 ('!'wo and Fi:ety Hundredths Dol1ars) per .da7. After considerable discus- sion Commissioner Allen made a motion to allow this amount to be paid, which was duly seconded by Cqmmissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. There being no further buainesa to come before the Com- mia.sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded. the Meeting was declared adjourned. Attest... ~ ~~secre~ary. APpr~~ I ' 0'-' l~~1' ".i ., 'd''''''~r'' , 1 -, 186 CalledMeeting' ',Frida1,' '13epteniber8,1933' COUncllOhi.mber-"; ..oi ti, Hall.... Cit1 o~ West UniTersit1 Place, Texas The Commission conveiledinCalled session on the fore- going date at 7:'OO~.M. J with MaJ"or Hyett presiding' and Oommissioners Allen, Surber, and Oit7Secretary C.G. Jarrard in attendance. 1 I l j; The Purpose. of this meeting'is for the extending payment. and compieting the financing the ,papers'on'the Cheyerolet owned -by the Oi t,., 'and also' for the passin'g ,of an Ordinance regulating the manutaeturing and sale and distribution of Yinous., or malt,be'V'erage,within the territoriall~mits of the CittofWesttTniversity Place and regulating b1 license and. declaring ,it an ,~D,1~rgE)nc:r. " .", ~e,Counc11 herebyrat;ifies the action taken b,. author- l,z1iig- 'AttorneySontield: to :aralr' ahOrd1nanee 'reg1ilating the manUf'aet1irliig ana' sa~e ,of" 'vinous and 'malt> be.yerage ;' which OrcU:riirilce was read and adopted. The, caption which is as tollows ::' AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MANUFACTURE, SALE, DISTRIBUTION, DISPOSJ:'l'ION, STORAGE AN']) TRANSPORTATION OF VINOUS OR, MALT . BEVERAGES, PRESGRI5ING DEFINI~IONS AND, PROVIDING THE MEANS, \ MANNER,ANl) METHOD THEREOF; PROVIDIN&',,}i'OR ~E I,ICENSING AND REGULATING OF OER'rAIN'PERSONS MANtJli'kCmURING,SELLING~ TRANS- PORTING, DISPOSING OF, STORING AND DISTRIBUTING SAME;: PRO- VIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT J COLLEC~ION, PAYMENT, EVIDENCING OF TAXES AND FEES, AND THE TIME, AMOUNT, METHOD AND MANNER THEREOF l PROVIDING WHERE ,VINOUS, OR MALT BEVEBAGES MAY OR MAY NOT BE SOLD; PROVIDING FOR THE'I'SSUANOE AND REVOCATIONS OF IJ:'~SES;; PRESCRIBING THE POWER, RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES AND DUTIES OF CERTAIN OFFICERS;- PRESCRIl3ING OFFENSES, PUNISH- MENT AND PENALTIES; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. , . The City Secl'etar.y l~f authorized to postssma as required by 'la.li~.' DUe "to.the publication of.' the 'Enterpr1ie being dis- e:cint1iiiied~'8am.e 'will"ba posted; one'Pa't Krenzler 18 Bros. SerYic.~Sta_tion, Re~o.,I~, :crug. Store~ andp the Cit'1 Hall. Commissioner AI~en made a motion to adopt and accept the above, which was duly secon~ed by Commissioner Surber. Voting A,.e:, Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos::', None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber gi'Ying the Mayor and City Secretar7 authority to make arran~ements with the City :Bank and Trust Company to f1nance $400.00 (Four Hundred Dollars) due on the City's ahevrolet, which 'was in the form of a note ma- turing on August 31st, 1933. Cont,inued to Page l1SV'~ -.1' ~~;.~t y-=-' '-:"~==-l-;---- -I I ,-"''',,,,". t "l r- 187 Continued trom page l8G. Voting Ale: Commissioners Allen and Surber. NOli t' None. ;l- I "1; i ! The Council autnorized the City Secretary to draw 8,n Ord- inance leTYing Taxes and fixing the tax r~te for the year 1933. Same to be ready ror presentation to'the Council at the next Regular Session~ Monday,September, ll~ 1933.' The Secretary w~s given authority to employ ,extra help if necessarf-' to send out notices regarding delinqUent sewerage and water accounts. Also to make a special effort to make collections. There being no rurther business to come bef'ore the' Com- mission, upon motion be'.ng made, ,and duly seconded i the meeting was deelared adjourn,ed. At~ ,p n -- C1 ~eret"":. APproved~Jf~ !II ~t'":;~~~'-l' ~=-~~r-~r- -, l - '"~A"'<"l --- -'1 188 i" ~ll,;, .~C," ,~,- 'B~~1.~)4~~~i~i,::':~' n, ",MQRdaf''''i,'Sep.t:''.,.~1.1~,,:;J.93a.~,. ,. Council Chamber..';'Clty~al1-':' , C'ity or West ,UIdv.ersi.ty Place, ,T'xas. The Commission convened in Regular session on the fore- going'date with Ma,.or iItett'presUiing and Commissioners Allen~ and Surber and City Seere~ery Jarrard in attend- ance. "r . .! The Secretary presented an Ord1anee Regulating the Tax Ra~e and set,ting up' amounts to Levy tor the year 1933, which is as followa:' CAPTION:: , Ordinance No.83~, , " AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ,THE LEVY OF TAXES FOR THE YEAR l.$'$', FoR AND WITHIN THE CITY, 'OF WEST UNIVERSITY . PLACE, TEXAS, FOR ALL PURPOSES~ AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDINANCE TAKE EFFEC'r IMMEDIATELY. After reading 8aidOr~.a~ee, Commissioner Alien made a metion to adopt the ordinance as read,which was duly seconded by Oommlssioner,Surber. Voting Aye:' Commis8 sioners Allen and Surber. Nos:~ None. fhe Council authoriied the Mayor and Secretary to invest- iga~e the present status or the Water Works Trustee agree- ment and enter into proper negotiation to transfer the TrusteeShip . The p~esent Trustee has' asked several times to be releas- ed'.from the responsibility as th.e bank holding same is being liquidated. Mr.Readof the Read Electric 00. aPi:eared before the Coun- cil andadvlaed the. t he.had taken an Electrical examination and was turned down',by' the130ard of Electrical E,xam1ners and the'Epard advised that Mr. Read, could not be granted a License'., The' Ma.i~r 'adviaecfhiin'"thaJf he:waj: 'sure',the :Board. . acted 'in'good'f'aith. 'He': also' :a;dv!sed"Mr-"Read" tha1f the COUll- cil-'warit,ed-everyon,eto bep'le'aseCi"arid 'if'~he' preferred th~' Council would' 'gl'tEf'hini aiiother examination assisted by the Board of Electrical ~~m~~~~~~. , , .." ,..' ..... .. '.',_,' , Commissioher" AIIEm . made' 'a-motion(a.fter'con'flderable dis- cussion)' adopting'ordiria.nce' Number' 43 and Re-eIi.acting with ~~e a~~itlon of' paragraph D, Section l,reading as rollows= STREETS~ AVENUES AND BOULEVARDS INTERSECTING WITH UNIVERSITY :BOULEVARD ON EHER SIDE THEREON AND ALSO EDLOE. Caption ~f$ .follows:: Continued to Page 189. r-~~~----I'''l'' '1 ""~"""1t'11t'"'r ,. ~"l Continued from P'age 188~ /,IJL' "9 o AN ORDINANOE REQ,UIRING ALL VEHICLES TO OOME TO A FULL AND OOMPLETE STtJP BEFORE ENTERING THE INTERSECT.ION OF CERTAIN STH'"'" EETS , AVENUES AND BOULEVARDS LOCATED WITH- IN THE CORPORATE'LIlVIITS'OF THE CITY OF WEST mTlVEaSITY PLACE,. TEXAS; ~RO:VIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; ',PROVIDING THAT, THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT. IMMEDIATELY -~- A?!'ER PASSAGE AND PROPER ADVERT:rSING. The se6retar1 is instructed to post same in compliance wi th the law, which 1. in three places as f'oI1ows: . Kranzler Bros. SerY1ce Station, Read's Drug Store, and,the Clt7 Ha11. ) This motion was du1;-seconded by Commissioner S'Ult'Qer~ It was moved and sec,onded that ordinance Number 84 be adopted as read. Voting .17e:' Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos:: None. tol1owi~g vouchers tor Remarks Ina.Acct.to 6-15 Salaryte 8-31-33 n n 11 It " " " (partO " II n 11 " 11 " " " & gas n " Set'mt tor int. on ownerahi~ in con.taxes&5~OO . 6112 8-31-33 H.T.Fleming Salary to 8-31-33' 12~50 6113 8-31-33 Gulf PUb1'g Co. 1933 Tax Stmts. 38.90 6114 8-31-33 W.J.Kappe Rafund Att.y Fees 2.50 6115 8-31-33 Mrs.Mabel M.Hardin- " 11 2.50 S116 8~31~33 Petty Cash 24.45 5931 8~28~33 City of Houston Sewerage-July 5932 8-31-33 A.!.Robb Salary to 8-31-33 5933 8-31-33 Ira A.Harris '11 " (part) 5934 8-31-33 Petty Cash - - .. - ~ <.. TheSecretar~ presented the approval; No~' Date To 6100 8-30-33 E.L.Draper &101 8-31-33 R.G.Hyatt &102 8-31-33 R .:5.Al1en ' 1103 8-31~33 C.C.Surber il04 8-31-33 C.G.Jarr~d GI05 8-31-33 IraA.Harris 61068-31-33 U.R.Bnonk .107 8-31-33 W.O.Eryan 6108' 8-31-33 G.W.Robinson '109 8-31.33 A.Shaver , , . i110 8-31-33 Chas.George, 6111 8-31-33 J.W.Wi~der Gen , 1 $ 31.25 40~OO 20~OO 20~00 '75.00 50~OO 50.00 55~OO 55.00 9.50 15.00 . Water $200~00 50.00 25~OO 21 .20 Commissioner Al1en made a motion approving the above warrants, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting A~e: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos:' None. '" Continued to Page 190. III ,n"~ _~~"' ,. I 190 I I, I I I I I I I I I I I , I i ! , . ;;,"'"f: -i~<"" ,-ft~..li\" Contir.\uedf'ronL Page, 1189. There being no further bl.iainess to come before' the Oommission; upon motion being made' and dul,-seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. ~-/'!~ ;, APPR{1kj4.~ " . .. &yor.) ~ . AmST: ~~~ ~7 secretar7_. . _ _ t~1 1."'"& r!lli~~._~ .r-- -- " ."-.".~~---- : , ...~{;:/ () i I , , i , i ~, J " l' I I ) , III ,,' -l~?'1 191 Regular Meeting Monday, September 18, 1933 GbuncilChamber---------City Hall City of West University Place, Texas. The Commission convened on the foregoing date with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Seeretar~ Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Surber was absent. The Secretary was authorized to purchase a manual tor, the Tennis Court. f,"'A ~otion made by Mayor Hyett and duly seconded by Com- missioner Allen. votiE.g' Aye: Mayor Hyett and Commissioner Allen. Nos: None. Mr-. H.O. Cla.rke and Mr.Banahan ot the Houston Lighting and Power Company were present and stated that they wanted to discuss with the Council the matter of con- tinuing a,ervj,ng the City with street lights. They also stated that the City was indebted to their company tor , approximately $4:200, which is several months old. They suggested that if the Citycould not pay the current bills and a part of the old accoUnt each,month, that t~ey wou.ldrecOmmend that the street lights be cut'off until sueh t~me as the City was able to pay for same. After quite a lengthly discussion Mr. Clark stated that his Company would be willing to accept $3000.00 in full pay- ment of the old account of $~200.00. But. in as much as the eity is at this time without sufficient funds to ef- l'~ct' 'this settlement, the Mayor stated. that we would endeavor to work this out at a later date. Regarding the current monthly bill which is $260.00, Mayor " Hyet tasked, Mr. Clark if his Company would reduce the'monthly charge if we would cut out about 50% of the street lights. Mr.Clark then suggested that the Council work out some plansand submit at a later date; and he felt quite sure it could be worked out satisfactorily. J The Council gave Mr.R.L.Sonfield authority to call Mr. ' J.~ Ferguson at Austin in regards to the Loan on the Disposal Plant and charge to the City of West University Place. (Oontinued to Page 192.) r ~l I 1-:""":-'1 ~F--. ~ "1 .. 192 I I I I I I i i t~ I II I.I';'~/,,!_"!"" (Oontinued from Page 191). Mayor Hyett'made a motion approving the following warr~nts which was du1;/ seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Mayor Hyett and Oommissioner Allen. Nos: None. wt.1I 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 612'7 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6156 613'7 6138 6139 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 6153 6154 :'1)'935 5936 5937 5938 5939 Date 9-12 9:2 9- 2 9- 2 9- 2 9- 2 9- 2 9- 2 9- 8 9~ 9 9- 9 9~ 9 9~ 9 9- 9 9';'11 9~15 9.15 9-15 9~15 9.;.15 9-15 9";15 9;';'15 9-15 9-14 9-15 9-15 9-15 9";15 9-14 9-14 9";14 9':'15 9-15 9-16 9-16 9-16 9-16 9-15 9-15 9-14 9-15 9-15 To For Gentl Harris Cty Imp.Co. Parts Mowing Moh $20.05 It "Bal.New tt " 68.'7 50% Set'Mt old Aec9unt F.E.Hatcher Salary to 9-2-33 C,~ Cunningham n tJ E. Thomas It It Jno . Wilson ff rr W~J~Wof:rord Police Ct.Fees F~E~Ratcher Salary to 9-9-33 W~T~Barnhi11 'Inspt Fees &: Sewer Rps C.B~Stuessy Poliee Ct.Fees Jno.Wilson Salary to 9-9-33 E~Thomas It It It C.Cunningham If n fI City Bk.& Tr.pymt on P.D.Car. R.G.Hyett Salary to 9-15-33 R ~B.Al1~n It - It It C ; C ~ sur bar fI If " O~G.Jarrard " fI It G~W~Robinson" n " W~O~Bryan fI It " U .R . Bronk It If " Ira A.Harris U U " Chas~George Sa1.Tax Roll,s 12 Days @ , t3,. 00 per day J.W.Wilder Salary on Prpty'owrship for Tax Rolls and Suits. Remington-Rand Inc. Stm't 8-28-33 Keystone prtg.Co. 5 M Assess'mt Blanks Davis Ltr.Shop 2~ Wt.Dept Letters Bering-Cortes Hdw.Co. Prts.Barn Drs~ Krenz1er Bros~ Gaso~i~e,&: Oil J8.m~S Bute Co. St,,~mtAt't.ached H.W .Howard-'-Plng:-~'lnspt." .. D'Amico &. Co. Prtng~Gen'l &: Police H~T~Fleming Salary to 9-15-33 F~E.Hatcher II It 9-16-33 C . Cunn~ngham " II It E.Thomas II ff " Juo.Wilson ff " II A. P .Robb tl" 9-15-33 Ira A. Harris tI (Part) " J.A.Phillips Co. Audit Water Dept. F.W.Heitman Co. Rprs.fOll? Water Pump Krenzler Bros. Aug. Gas & Oil (Continued to Page 193). " I' '18.98 20.00 10.50 3~ 00 30.00 7.00 20.00 14.60 32~OO 30~OO 3~00 12~25 46.41 40~OO 20~OO 20~OO '75~OO 55.00 55~OO 50~OO 50.00 36.00 20~OO .'75 15.'10 5;'11 53.38 13,~60, 3~85 10~00 12~50 20~00 10~50 3~00 30.00 Water .(,/"1'" 'I . , r ':l' l , ' 12.45 , 1 , 50~OO 25~OO 200.00 40.42 26.62 i~~~~--~~ro, ,.1 "'f""".">>'''f.1It'1':''''f .'} (Continued from Page 192). 193 I' J .:1 " There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made and duly seoonded the meeting was deelared adjourned. ;.~w A(7~~~ 194 ! I ;;;!;'f.-f.0~llt!nl~~'lj', Regular Meeting Monday ,September 25,1933 Council Chamber------City Hall City of.West University Place,Texas. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at '7:00 F'.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners ,Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mr. Ira A.Harris stated that samples of water taken from five (p) different sections of the city were tested by the 'City Of Houston Labatory with splendid results. The. water tested 3 and 4~which indicates that the water is in perfect condition. The Secretary was instructed to pay Mr.J.W.Wilder Ten Dollars ($10.00) as partpaJ'Illent for services rendered in connection with securing information as to property Titles. 'Oommissioner Allen made a motion, to pay this amount, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: CommissioneI's Allen and Surber. Nos: None,. Commission~r Allen made a motion approving the following warrants, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Surber and Allen. Nos: None. wt.# Date 61559-19 6156 9-23 615'7 9-23 6:}.58 9:",21 61599-23 6160 9-25 5940 9-20 5942 9-28 To Mr.W.J.Kappe Jilo.Wilson ' F.E.Hatcher E.Thomas C.Cunningham Petty Cash Hou.L &: P Co. City of H()~. , For Gen'l Water ReYl:Uict-onf"A.,-t t1i7:tFees"c,dP.'2t'50. ": ,~, iI- t; - "IP .-'. Salary to ,9-23-33 30.00 II " " ~ 20.00 tI t1" 3.00 " t1" 10.50 Misc. 34.59 Power Serv.Water Dept. Sewerage.Bal.Of July iW'7.40 300.00 There being no further business to' epme before" the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly second the meeting was declared adjourned. Attest: r.~:~~=C=:~]:="=,"__l"_'''~'''~_~''~'''''''''''''''~,,"r'--=C'-''OO=-~,.~=. - -~-1. ___ . '. --r-- ;. i ;: ,~ ;'i " '''"'Il!\'!!i!'lll''''l'"' ' Regular Meeting Monday, October, 2nd, 1933 Council Chamber------City Hall City o~ West University Place, Texas~ The Commission convened on the foregoing da,te at 7:00 P.M. wi th Mayor Hyet't presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber in attendance. This meeting was also a,t,tended by . 'City Secretary Jar~ard. Mr. Ira ~~ Harris reported that a bridge on Wesleyan Street was badly in need o~ repairs, and stated that it would take approximately $50.00 ~or material. Mayor Hyett asked him to endeavor to get together enough materi.al to fix the bridge so as ~o avoid purchasing same at this time. The Secretary presented the following warrants for approval. For Gen'l Salary to 9-30 $40.00 n n tt 20.00 " U" 29.00 t1 . fl " 75.00 " U U 50.00 n "" 12.50 " "" 55.00 " "" 55.00 n (Tax RollS) 39.00 " to 9-30y320.00 << " n 10.50 "n tI 3.00 , " (Garbage)" 30.00 Life Ins.(Premium) 29.40 For work'on Tax Ti.tles(Property) 9-30-33 A.P.Robb Salary to 9-30-33 " Ira A.Harris" "" " City of' W.Univ.Place-Gen'l Fund. Reimbursement-Balance Due. City of' W.Univ.Place-Qen'l Fund. Amount Advanced. wt.# Date To 6161 9-30-33 R.G.Hyett . 6162" R.B.Allen 6163 It C.C.Surber 6164" C.G.Jarrard 6165" U.R.Bnonk 6166 It H. T . F.leming 6167" G.W.Robinson 6168 n W.O.Bryan 6169" ChIls.George 6170 W F.E.Hatcher 6171" a.Cunningham 6172 II Earl Thomas 6173 tI Jno.Wilson 6174 "WesD Coast 5941 9-26-33 J.W.Wilder 5943 5944 5945 5946 It Water. $ 10.00 50.00 75.00 3711"6 150.00 Commissioner Allen made a motion that these warrants be ap- proved and filed, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motlonbeing made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. Attest: r-~~r= l "~"-~'~I'1I"-r -,~ ~l. r..~- 1.95 196 Regular Meeting Monday, October 9, 1933. Council Chamber--City Hall. City of West Mniversity Place,Texas. The Commlss1on~;convenedon the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. With the following present: Mayor H~ett,Presiding, and . Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attenq.~nee. The Oity Counc11nmeeting on the above aate, was declared adjourned, for the reason that there was no business to be transacted. (' ! A .Attest~ e;J... y ee~etary. APF~m_ o. ) , / L__.__ II ; ;;'-~ ,,~~t;*"Ljf;:~:"'1 r~~'=IC"T'"n - '1 <'~"~::r{f'c;--~,'r==-~_u '1 J _n ! l; ,.'_'l-_"'''"~,,,~ , 197 Regular Meeting Monday, October 16, 1933 Council Chamber---City Hacl1 City of West University Place,Texas. The Commission convened on the above date with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commiss,ioners Allen and Surber and City Sec- retary Jarrard in attendance. At the above meeging the following visitors were present. Dr.Elva Wright, R.L.Bonfi,eld, Mr.A.Shavecr, Mr.H.P.Pope,and Mr.D.S.Parker. Dr.Wright stated that due to the lack of harmony and friend- ly feeling among the citizens of West University Place, and the unfavorable publicity Ollllr City was re'ceiving, we should make some effort to create a more frien~ly spirit, which would be of a great benefit to the City and community. It was suggeste~ that we give a gree barbecue to get as many citizens together as pessible. After considerab~e discussion it was arranged for Friday Night, October 27th. Commissioner Allen was, appointed to complete arrangements. Mr.Ernes~ L.Draper appeared before the Council and advised that the City was indebted to him in the amount of $20.00, which was a premium on bonds amde in connection with the 'e.L.Anderson and .InolH.Kirby Cases. Attorney Sonfield stated tba t these ponds were necessary and t.he charge was just and should be paid. Mayor Hyett advised him that same would be paid. Attorney Sonfeild stated that several parties had been to his office to pay delinquent taxes and that he nor the City Attorney, Mr.Winslow could not accept the money for the rea- son that they had no tax receipts blanks. The Secretary was instructed to draw a form and have same printed to the de- linquent taxes could'be paid either at'the City Hall or the Attorney's office. The Secretary presented the following warrants for approval. wt.# Date To For Gen'l Water 6175 10..7-33 Jno.Wilson Salary to 10-7-33 $ 30.00 6176 n F.E.Hatcher tt tt tf 20.00 6177 II C. Cunningham n " n 10.50 6178 n . Earl Thomas " tt " 3.00 6179 II .I.W.Wilder ft (On Property Cards) 10.00 6180 10-14-33 R.G.Hyett n to 10-15-33 40.00 6181 n R.B.A.llen " II n 20.00 6182 " C. C. Surber n n " 20.00 6183 n C.G.Jarrard II It " 75.00 6184 n H.T.Fleming It It n 12.50 6185 n U.R.Bronk It " $I 50. 00 6186 " W.O.Bryan It " " 55.00 198 wt.# Date To For Gen '1. Water 6187 10-14-33 G.W.Robinson Salary to 10-15-33 $55.00 6188 II Chas.George II (Tax Roll) n 36.00 ,6189 fl F.E.Hatcher It to 10-14-33 20.00. 6190 n. C.Cunningham tt II tI 10.50 6191 tI Jno.Wilson II (Garb.) II 30.00 6192 " Earl Thomas n (Park ) " 3.00 6193 11 J.W.Wilder " (Prop.Cards) 10.00 6194 .". II Hy.Howard " (P1bg.Insp.) 2.85 6195 10-16-33 W.T.Barnhill (P1bg.Insp..Fe.es), 6.'75' 594'7 10-14-33 Ira A.Harris Salary to 10-15-33 $'15.00 5948 . fI A.P.Robb II fI II 50.00 5949 fI City of W.Univ.P1ace-Gent1 Fund. 500.00 Oemmissioner Allen made a motion that the above warrants be approved and filed, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. \ i< ~ i ( ..J Voting Aye: Commiss-ioners Allen and Surber. Nos:' None. There being no further bu.siness to come before the Comm1.s sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded,the meeting was de- clared adjourned. Attest: AP~O(//(flf/~'- Ma 0 . \ ! :l:! ! .'.L",~U.f,~fI,tnn<,,~"; r Fe:--=:l-_-~-~~::::l""~_'_""""""""~""'_~F-=-=-"C'---'='=~---- --""l. II! i"o .;;n1'}t-;triP~";~:i(!-'O < 199 ..~.,.~ Due to Mayor Hyett's absence from Harris County, the Regular Council Meetings scheduled for October 23rd and October 30th were postponed to a later date. Attest: ~~~ " C ty Secretary. .. AP~OV?/.~~ 1 ~c ~.~ ''''~lcC~I~'C , ..., ""'1 ~~-''''o'-'"'7-"-'~"'1..~__ ... ~-r-u 200 i I I I I I I i i ! I I I I I ~ I I r I r f I I ! i \ il "1~~""' , Due to Mayor Hyett's absence from Hflrris County and no buslnes~ of importance to attend to, the Regular Coun- cil Meetings scheduled for November 6th, and November 13th ware postponed to a later date. . Apprif$ffi~ "1 I'-'-"---I'~~I r'f'''1'''''''",'\11'1I!!~r''' 201 Regular Meeting Monda~, November 20, 1933. Council Ohamber---City Hall. C1t,. of West University Place,Texas. '"~-c\ < I I i } The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commission~rs Allen and Surber in attendance. City Secretary Jarrard was absent. D~e to ''''Secretary Jarrard being absent at this meeting, the file containing details was given to'Mr.A..p.Robb ~o present to the Council. The following invoices and statements were ,presented for approval arid authoriz_tion for payment: City Bank &:Tr.Co. Note on Police Car. $50.00 Kranzler Bros. Gas&: Oil (Water Dept.) 19.91 n " " tt (Police" ) 23.43 n fI n "OS &: B" ) 23.43 Bull-Stewart Eqp. Statement-- 2.~3 Houston Bldg.Ma'terial 00.--2 tons gravel 5.72 Str,aus-FrankCo.- --Inv.Aug.23, 6.30 Bou.Engine,&: Pump 00. Repairs to Unloader(_-'e:e:r:).7,.79 Union Mch.Wks. Welding (Water)Department 5.48 F.W.Heitmann Co. Misc. 10.89 R.B.EverettCo. Water Department. 29.95 D'Amico &: Co. Printing 14.15 Hu.ghes Mtr.Co. Inv. 'Sept.13. 16.00 The Svagrave Corpn. Inv., 49684 '2.03 Schuler & Wolht Co. Change Sign (Fire Dept.) 3.00 Parker Bros.&: 00. 10-14-33 Inv.21490 10.50 The Enterprise Publishing Notice. 20.00 Robt.L.SonfieldLegal Service 811QO W.T.Barnhill Plbg.Insps.November 6.15 H.W.Howard u"" 8.00 A motion was made by Commissioner Allen, and duly second- ed by Commissioner Surber that the above be approved,and checks issued. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: ,None. Statement of the Cash Receipts and Cash Disbursements of Water and General Funds for the months as follows: General Fund Wa tel' Fund Mo. Receipts Disbursements Mo. Receipts Apr.1 Apr.lto to June June 30 30 $12,576.82 $ 9,199.69 1933. July 1,912.80 1,63'7.63 July Aug. 704.'76 2,465.42 Aug. Sept. 1,054.67 1,6'78.76 Sept. Oet. 8,016,B7 1,212.13 Oct. ( continued to Page Disbursements $2606.29 1431.32 1439.99 1236.24 1294.0'7 202)i $1346.43 601.68 534.11 1418.65 '778.75 202 (Continued from P~ge 201) The preceding statements were appr~ve<i . Commissioner Allen made a motion that they be tiled, which was duly s,econdedby Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. A letter from the San Jacinto Trust Company calling attention topa~ents due on notes dated, Sept.lst,193l for $200.00 which notes are secured by Lots 3 & 4 Elock 18, College View, Third Addition. After examining the agreement the,Council instructions were to pay as much as our funds would permit. A motion was made b7 Commissioner Allen that ,if there is ins- u:fficien,t :funds to pa,y the entire amount due to pay as much as pGssible. This was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surbe~. Nos: None~ Mr.T.P.Camp, former City Secretary, has been serving as a witness in the matter of Tax'Su.itsagainst the Home lVItge.Co. (In Judge Hannay's Court.). He advise~ the Council that the City was indebted to him in the amount of $25.00. Mayor Hyett stated that this was satisfactorY. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorzing the City Secretary to pay lVIr.Gamp this amount, which was duly seconded by Com- missioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. Mr.R.L.Sonfield, Attorney, presented a bill for $81.50 tor services as follows:, June 14, 1933-Annexation Expense. $25.00 June 24, 1933- ,Letter concerning Sewer con- nection charge. 11.50 Aug. 9, 1'933- Opinion with regard to Water Sinking Fund & Sewer Cha~ge. $<<10.00 Beer Ordinance. Consultations to date' 25.00 &20.00 l!>8l.50 Ordinance was ' Mayor Hyett stated that the charge for Beer slightly high. Oommissioner Allen made a motion to pay One-Half of the bill now and the balance later, which was dulJ seconded by,Com- missioner Surber. Voting Aye: €ommissioners Allen . and Surber. Nos: None. (Continued to Page 203). j '----~_.._._--~-- I" r '!,~if:;;~~1p'~~~r'!;-' r~~'~C'~'I"I~""-~l ,,', n'g.,,<,r'~~"" .., "'1 J ,( Continued from Page 202). The following warrant$ were presented for approval: For , Extra Wk.On Tax RoIls $ 619? 10-21 F.E.Hatcher Salary to 10-21-33 6198 10-21 C. CUnningham tt II It 6199 10~21 E.Thomas n It fI 6200 10:'21 Jno. Wilson It tt n 6201 10-21 City B.& Tr.Co. Note on Car. 6202 10-21 Krenzler Bros. Gas & Oil 6203 .10-21 J.W.Wilder-Wk' on Prpty Titles 6204 10-24 Petty Cash ---------- 6205 10-26" It __________ 6206 10-2? Hno.Wimson Salary to 10~2?-33 620'1 10-2'1 E.Thomas It It It 6208 10-2'1 F.E.Hatcher n n It 6209 10-2'7 C.Cunningham " n " 6210 10-30 E.L.Draper Notary Bond-Filing Fee 5950 10-21 R.C.C1ack Cleaning Water Tanks 6211 10-30 G.W.Robinson Salary to 10-31-33. 6212 1G-31 R.G.Hyett tt It It B213 10-31 R.B.Allen tt n " 6214 10-31 C.O.Surber It n tt 6215 10-31 O.G.Jaztrard It II It 6216 10-31 U.R.Bronk It t~ tt 621'7 10-31 H.T.Fleming n" tt 6218 10-31 W.O.Bryan "It It 6219 10-31 W.Coast Life 'Ins. Group Premium 6220 11- 3 F.E.Hatcher Salary to 11-3-33 6221 11- ,3 Jno. Wilson It It It 6222 11- 3 C. Cunningham II tt tt 6223 11- 3 E. Tho~as II " tt 6251 10-30 Dunlay-Armand Inv. 10-30-Stock 6252 10-31 Ira A.Harris Salary to Oct.3~-33 6253 10-31 A.P.Robb fI If It 6224 11- '1 'J.W.Wi1der Inf.on Prpty Titles 15.00 6226' 11- 9 S.W.Bel1 Tel.Co. Telephones 101.51 622'1 11- 9 Hou.Natural Gas 00. Settlement for gas used at City Hall. 6228 11-10E.L.Draper Payment on bonds,Jno. H.Kirby and C.L.Anderson. 6229 11-10jJno.Wilson Salary to 11-11-33 6230 11-10 F.E.Hatcher It tt II . 6231 11-10 C. Cunningham If " n . 6232 11-15 C.G.Jarrard tt It 11-15-33. 6233 11-15 U .R.Bronk tt n " . 6234 11-15 W.O.Bryan n It tl . 6235 11-15 G.W.Robinson It tt It . 6236 11-15 H.T.Fleming If tl It . .6237 11-15 R. B.Al1en " It tl . ,~ ] 'm , ' . ,")j i -4 i A ,\ wt.1 Date To 6196 10-21 Chas George (Continued to Page 204). Gen ' 1 15.00 20.00 10.50 3.00 30.00 52. 67 82.93 10.00 43.'78 72~'43 30.00 3.00 20.0.0 10.50 4.50 $ 55.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 '15.00 50.00 12.50 55.00 30.2'7 20,00 30.00 10.50 3.00 32.85 10.00 30.00 20.00 10.50 '75.00 50.00 55.00 55.00 12.50 20.00 I II '---1 i ' ,.._0__1''''1_'''' I "-~,', "'~""'''r , "f..... '''-<1 "1 203 Water 4.85 23.90 '75.00 50.00 204 (Continued from Page 203). wt.# Date To For Gen'I Water 623811-15 C.C.Surber Salary to 11-15-33 $ 20.00 6225 11- 9 Hou.L.& P.Co. Electric Current 6254 11- 8 City of Houston P7I11t:SewerageAect. 6255 11-15 A.P.Robb Salary to 11-15-33. 6256 11-).5 Ira A.Harris" t1 fI,., $280.70 350.00 50.00 '75.00 , '(" , ", ..~~. ."l,',...,..'I,t,. . ~ ~,~. Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve and file the above warrants, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Al1en and Surber. Nos: None. . There being no further business to come bef'ore the Com- mlss1on,.upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared duly adjourned. Attest: ~..~ . .r\ysecre ary. AP~~~ . , Mayo~ .. ~ . i i I' I , "1 "',--- r I I. I J' ! ..1-; ! ,:-':~'17WlF.!!Ei!h~rtF.....;' 205 ..~~ . Due to the Mayor, R.G.Hyett being absent from Harris County and there being no business 'of importance to come before the Commission the meet- ing scheduled tor Monday, November 27th~ 1933 was postponed to a later date. A~ ~ < ~ecretery. AP~7ffiI/!.;U-, Mayor .~-"" - . _ ~--~-..l---:--"J=' - ~-.l . "'.,,- --'.'-'-'='" "',,------ 206 Regular Meeting Monday, >>e~embe~ 4j 1933 Council Chamber----City Hall City of West University Place, Texas. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber in attendance. Secretary Jarrard was absent. Mr.A.H.Kelleher and Mr.J.H.Sutton represe~ting majority of the Bond Holders met with the Council to discuss mat- ters ,"of mutual interest. Mr.Kelleherrequested that prompt deposit be made of amounts due the sinking fund and that a part of delinguent' taxes be deposited to the sinking fund. I J The matter ,of two sections of stiff suction hose for the Fire Depa~tment was discussed and COuncil vote~ to permit ,on competitive bid, the purchase of one section. There being no further bus'1ness to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. At~~ . /l/l~ APpa,~ ayor~ ~ ! " 'ffi_"",,"~%-p.:;;,;~:,: rc:c="-= ----. l~-- [.___o_n._. .1 "",,},"":':1'V""""'=-"'~."-'r---O . "'~'7_c--=-=-C'~-:-l..~~____._ r --- 207 Regular Meeting Monday, December 11, 1933. CounciIChamber----City Hall. City of West University Place,Texas The Commission .convened on the foregoing'date at 1:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Secretary present'ed' sta tements showing receipts and dis- bursements for Water and Gene~al Funds for the months of April, May,June,July, August, September, october, and Nov- " ember 1"933. (statements prior to November were presented at a previous'meeting but were not included in the Minutes. See detail in files.) r After e~~h statement was v.iewed the Mayor asked for a motion to file same as presented. Commissioner Allen made a motion that ,these statements be ap- . proved and .filed which was duly seconded by' Commissioner Surber. II-NdSII;M e W n s. 1'?tJ.,srrIJ/ R ~ /f"e-ft,/I'fe-d by ~~ ~ - . Voting Aye: COIDmlSSlOners Allen and Surber. Nos: Non~. The Secretary WaS instructed, to post a stat!3ment in the front of the c~ty HalL showing all disbursements and receipts from April 15~h to October 30, 1933. Mr.'Metca).f,Chief of the Fire Department, asked for permission to buy five (5) carinisters, at Two an,d Forty Hundredths Dollars ($2.40) each for gas masks donated to' the' C~ty by the Humble Oil & Refining Company and also oxygen gas for the inhalator, cost not, to exceed $5.00;. , : '. . Commissi'oner Allen Made a motion authoriz'ing Mr.Metcalfto purchase" same and in~tructed the Secretary ~o pay the bill when presented. This was duly seconded by' Commissioner Surber. ; Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: Noli"e. The Sec~e.tarl presented bill from Krenzler Bros. tor $42.66, $10.18, snd ,15.12. ' West Coast Life Ins.Co., Premium Group Policy $30.27 for Nov. Hou.L.&P.Co. Elec.Current- Water Dept. $75.20, GenII $138.15. F.W.Heitmann Co. Current Acc,t. " 20.68. .;h" ' Telephon.e Co. Of:fl;1ce :j\i,10. 90, Fire D. 13.23 Hou.Natural Gas. Co. 3.10 Farrar Lbr.Co. 108.08 Keystone prtg.Co. 12.00 Commissioner Surber made a motion instructing the Secretary to pay these bills which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. Nos: None. . (Continued to Page 208). rc.:.:.-=~o"'''';''=r~ I~ ,.- _ _l':-':h:~Jtfh'!-"t';~"l-~[ ---,--7.7_____ ..l~".o r ,.on.. 208 (Oontin~ed from P~ge 207). Krenzler Bros. advised the Secretary that they had made arrangements with the Consolidated Oil Company to carry their charge accounts and asked that the Oity plac.e their application with them to handle the Cityaeeount on a monthly basis. The Secretary was instructed to make this applicaJtion . Commissioner Allen made a motion that the following warrants be approved and filed, which was duly seconded by Com- missioner Surber. Wt.if,lI:>atfiC' To For 6239 11-18FTE.Hatcher Salary to 11-18- $ 6240 11~17Peden I & S Co. Tools inv.l1-16 6241' 11-18 C ~unningham Salary to 11-18 6242 11-18 Jno.Wilson tl tl 6243 11-20 Fabric F.Hose, CQ. 6244 11-22 T.P.Oamp Witness-Tax Suit 6245 11-25 F .E.Ea tche r Salary to 11-25-33 6246 11-25 C.Cunningham It tl " 624'7 11-25 Jno.Wilson ft tI tI 6248 11-24 J.W.Wilder Work on Prpty Titles 6249 11-15 R.G.Hyett Salary to 11-15-33 6250 11-24 A.Shaver Salary to 10-15 &11-15 and Gas&:etc13.00 625'7 11-18 Petty Cash ~.o:.~~8 6258 11-22 Davis Letter Shop Sewerage Notices .6259 11-25 E.L~Compere Pol.#31l452 &: #516553 48.~5 6260 11-29 R.G.Hyett Salary to 11-30-33 40.00 6261 11-29 R.B.Allen It tf, It 20.00 6262 11-29 C.C.Surber It n It 20.00 6263 11-29 C. G.Jarrard It It tt '75.00 6264 11-29 U.R.BrOnk II It tt 50.00 6265 11-29 W'.O.13ryan II "ft 55.00 6266 11-29 G.W.Robinson """ 55.00' 626'7 11-29 H.T.Flemin~ It "ft 12.50 6268 11-29 Ira A.Harr~s" " " 6269 11-29 A.P.Robb, It " " 62'70 11-29 West C.Life Ins.Co. Group Pl. 62'71 11-29 Pet ty Cash ----- , 62'72 12-. 2 F.E.Hatcher Salary to 12-2-33 . 627;; 12-2' C . Cunningham . tt , If . 62'74 12... 2 Jno.Wilson " " 62'75 12-4 Dr.E.L.Goar-Flre D.MedAttn. 62'7'7 12- 4 KrenzlerBroe. Gas & Oil 62'78 12- 4 E~u.Bldg.Mat.Co. Inv.9-19-33 62'79 12- 4 Straus-Frank Co. " 8-23-33 6280 12-' 4 Sou.Eng.& Pump 00. Rpr. to Compr,. 6281 12- 4 Union Meh.~s. Welding Water D. 6282 12- 4'F.W.Heitmann 00. J""'~ (Continued to Page 209). -"""'-"--_._-~~-~~----_._~---.~-~~--._----~~-~----- T"'~' ~~T'~~l'cC~~I" ..''''''''.N.''''.<r.'...~..~.c,.' U", , T Gen'l 20~OO 43.89 10.50 30.00 250.00 15.00 20.00 10.5.0 30.00 25.00 40.00 30.2'7 2'9.05 20.00 10.50 30.00 . 5,.00, 66.'7'7 5.72 6.30 10.89 ( ') I ! i \ \ j Water ... $ 84.39 8.60 '75.00 50.00 17.79 5. 48-' ! A I' , J ! ' , ~l~'it"..m1iP~c!l{j (Continued rrom Page 208) . 628:5 12- 4 R.B.Everett Co. Str.. & Bridge 6284 12- 4 D'amico & Co. . S~ationary . 6285 12~ 4 Hughes Mtr.Co. Stmt.Attached 6286 12~ 4 Seagrave Corpn. Gaskets-Fir e Truck 6287 '12_ 4 Schuler & Wolt Co. Sign-Fire Dept. 6288 12- 4 Parker Bros. Inv. 10-16-33 st.& B. 6289 12- 4 J.W.Wilder Wk.on Prpty Titles 1001w12- 5 City of HoustonPymt.on. Sewer Acct. 1251g12- 4 Morin & Maes Printing.see letter attached. l252gl2~ 4 Robt.L.Sonfield see Stmt. 1253g12- 4 W.T.Barnhill Plbg.Inspts.Nov. 125~g12- 4 H.W.Howard II " It , 125'5.g12- 4 J.N. Yeager Appr.& Witness-Tax Suit 1256gl2-9 Jno.Wilson Salary to 12-9-33 . 1257 gl2- 9 C . Cunningham It " It 1258g12- 9 F.E.Hatcher . " '! " 1259g12-'9 J.A.Phillips& Co. Audit 4~15-33 -~ ,Voting ,Aye : Commissioners Allen and 'Surber. 'Nos: None. 209 Gen'l $ 29.95 14.15 Water 2.03 3.00 10.50 37.50 $ 16.00 325.00 20.00 50.00 6.15 8.00 35.00 30.00 10.50 20.00 150.00 Mr.Bronk,policeman, advised that Mr.G.p.Tully cQuld,not assist him anymore at night on police duty and in as much as Mr.Chas.L.Gorge had been riding on night police patrol that he be appointed a Deputy City Marshal. This was ac- cepted by'a motion being made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Co~issioner Allen. Voting Aye:' Commissioners. Allen an(i Surber. "Nos: None. 'Mayor Hyett then gave the oath of o~rice and the Secretary presented him wit4 Deputy Marshal badge #9. Mr.F.E.Hatcher has been in charge .01' the City pound for the past three years. He advised that he 'Was sworn in by the former Administration and. continued to hold this position under the present Administration. The Gouncil voted to re- tain him as Pound Maste r and the Mayor gave him the oath of office. The Secretary presented him with Polircg. badge#Pl. He was advised last April that there would be.:Elo change in his posttion. . . Commissioner Allen made'a motion authorizing, the above which was duly se~nded by Commissioner Surber~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. The Secretary was instructed to write J.H.Rafferty and ad- vise him that Oommisgioner Allen has requested that he re- turn to City HaIl the original Tracings and plans of various projects and systems of the City and allow him ten days to deliver these to the Oity Secretary at the City Hall. (Continued to Page 210). r - - '~'---I~- I' '~'~1' . ,-, - ,'H--','f -~ 210 (Continued f'rom Page 209). The above Was in the form, of' a_ motion by Commissioner Allen which was duly seconded byComml.ssioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos : None. Commi~sione;r> Allen made a motion to adjusx the following property, whieh was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. A.B.Fo~j;er-Lot 2 ,BloekI6, Montieello-Reduction $1500.00 improvements as the house burned in July 16; 1932 and was not repaired until March 1933. , ... Krenzler Avenue, Southeast Oorner-Lot lOOxl50 in 1!,.C.Rewnolds Survew-$1600.00 vAlue-#24.00 Tax. Cancel this as sameCO!s in- cluded in the ass&ssment of' 6aeres in same survey. Elizabeth Lewis-cancel personal assessment of $590.00 on Lot 25, Block 12, R!ceCourt as Mrs.Lewis does not own same and present owner Mr .Mi tehell wants to pay taxes but will not pay the personal property. M~s.Lew1s did not live in the City in 1933. . W.A.Henderson-Lot 8, Block 18, W.U.P.Ist Addition- Auto 1931 Ford assessed at $275.00 reduce to $125.00. ' . Mrs.A.P.Lurie,Lot 10, Block 2 ,Ric,e Court- Reduce house $700.00 Assessed too hi,gh. Total Assessment should be $2030., . ,Voting Aye:: Commissioners Allen and Surber with the Mayor affirmatively concurring. Nos: None. I I 1 !' I ) The Budget for 1933 and 1934 showing Receipts of $20,378.29 and Expenses of $19;170.00, which was duscussedat a meeting in October and also in November was not mentioned in the Min- utes of those meetings,' 'but was adlopted and approved by the Council. At this meeting it was unamiouslyagreed that the City would use every effort to, stay within the Budgeted amounts, although the operating expenses are considerable less than previous years operations. ' Cormnassloner Allen made a motion accepting the amounts .as shown which was duly seconded by Commissioner Burbe r. Voting Aye:: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. . L I , r , ~ The Secretary presented the 1933 Tax Roll for approval. Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve the Roll which was duly seconded by Oommlssioner Surber. Each Oommissioner and the Mayor affixed their signatures on the Original Roll R ecapi tu.1.at'ion . Voting Aye: Oommissioners Allen a.p.d Surber with Mayor Hyett aff:lrmatively concurring. Nos: None. (Continued to Page 211). In ".i''1l!r~~HH' r r~=:,IJ ~,_l'''~''''''''!i_r'-'' '-~'''-'1" (Continued from Page 210). 211 Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve the 1932 Delin- . quent Tax ROlls, which was signed by each Commissioner ,and Mayor Hyett. Commissioner Surber seconded the a~ove motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen with the Mayor affirmatively concurring. No,s: None. There ~~ing no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made and seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. , < Approved: . uP$ji.b<L- .,', 'or. '\ P' ..J