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10052006 BSC Agenda Item 3
• • STAFF REPORT BUSINESS OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXAS AGENDA OF: October 5, 2006 Docket No. 06-04 DATE SUBMITTED: October 2, 2006 DEPARTMENT OF ORIGIN: Development Services PREPARED BY: D. Scarcella PRESENTER: D Scarcella Request for Variance to Appendix C, Technical Codes and Section R109 of the SUBJECT: International Residential Code for Required Inspections by Lovett Homes for 2704 Barbara Lane. Variance Request Form, Copies of Engineer's Letters,Inspection Reports, EXHIBITS: Certifications,Preliminary Building Official Decision,Stop Work Order, and Photographic Documentation. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Appendix C, Technical Codes, of the Code of Ordinances adopts the International Residential Code, 2003 edition, as the Building Code for residential structures. Section 109 of the IRC 2003 legislates required inspections for residential structures. A foundation inspection is the first code- required inspection that all structures must pass before proceeding with work. Section 109 of the IRC 2003 also requires that work shall not be done beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. It further states that the permit holder shall notify the building official when the work is ready for inspection. On September 8, the permit technician noted that the required inspections leading up to a wind strapping inspection at 2704 Barbara Lane had not been obtained. Staff was notified and began investigating and went out to the site. Upon reaching 2704 Barbara Lane, it was discovered that the structure was completely framed and sheathed, roof decking was completed, and roofers were ready to apply roofing shingles. A temporary stop work order was issued and a notice for proposed decision prepared and delivered to the permittee. A meeting with the contractor and project superintendent was held on September 12, 2006 at which time the building official requested the following documents and continued the stop work order: 1. Inspection report and certification for drilled pier footings from the project engineer. 2. Form elevation and placement survey. 3. Inspection report, concrete placement, and foundation certification from the project engineer. 4. Any field notes, correction notices, and testing reports for the concrete work. 5. Inspection report and certification for basic wind strapping and framing work from the project engineer. 6. Building Height Certification form. The permittee has submitted all requested documentation. He is requesting a variance to Section 109 of the IRC 2003 to allow the engineer's reports and certifications in lieu of the required foundation and wind strapping inspections. Staff believes that these reports have been properly l • i completed and recommend granting the variance with the provision that the decision is recorded in the real property records and that the remaining required inspections are obtained. • City f IJniversityplace of West APPLICATION TO BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION STATE OF TEXAS ) ( TO THE HONORABLE LOT NO. 20 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COUNTY OF HARRIS) ( COMMISSION BLOCK NO. Jr' • ADDITION /3 t B 7D/V Now comes L°V 4.tR ES appellant / owv2 of the herein described property, and affirms that on the 2 U 4 6 7 day of_CRY , , Ze / she applied for a permit to Coto.o ... • S 4 at 2.7 04 LA Ri34 RA Let/ on a lot 55" feet by '50 feet, in the S r 2. District, as shown to scale, with all existing structures on the attached staked survey and the Zoning Map of the City of West University Place, and to use the same as a R r t;FfocE . The permit, however was denied upon the following grounds: • There, the appellant now appeals in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6, =Mat to he Building and Standards Commission to grant the heretofore requested permit, variance or exception, and to permit him to use the completed premises as a Rtl p CE for the following reasons: i e u , , _ ti = `Ef; F04,4 NC4C0-1 oeg1 4411 F-R Ord n/ • • feAr- Lov T7 /km F5 %z'2 . • 4.1-ea e 14 r Q,.LA,efraAA • d- d , . ccz, 9 c .?r e, (4zo e_s_ vtkci.34gr vv w t'l G,6+jL- A.AAAIG- ,_cceA4/ ofcic. cz- c4 ,4;147car; 4.-c*1 „ .1e.t4,?‘ 21 a* ., 611s A csZ, G4- ire, s ,-- ,�• •e; c 4 2/ C of 2 17ae, frV rdPli, e-oe- .4AA;611 r-4(fr C;4 ((r t;ft.We,r.ASYL 6K • • Office of the Building Official City of West University Place, Texas ("City") NOTICE OF PROPOSED DECISION AND OPPORTUNITY TO RESPOND Address of Site: 2704 Barbara Lane, City of West University Place, TX 77005 Permit No: 06-354 Permittee/Property Owner: 5177 Builders, Ltd. and/or Lovett Homes Decision or Action Proposed: 1) Determine whether permitte/owner failed to obtain required documentation and inspections prior to pouring concrete for foundation piers and structural foundation, ground plumbing installation, and wind strapping of structural framing, before progressing with construction. 2) Determine if such allegations are true and if any permit(s) should be revoked or suspended. A temporary stop order is in effect until Thursday, September 14, 2006. Ordinance Reference: Code of Ordinances, Section 18-6 and Appendix C, Technical Codes Schedule, Adopting the International Residential Code, 2003 edition, specifically Chapter R109 of the 2003 IRC entitled "Inspections". Opportunity to Respond: An informal opportunity to respond (by phone calls on September 8, 2006 and September 11, 2006) have already been given to the permittee/property owner. An additional opportunity is to be provided at a meeting set for the time and the place set out below, which Mr. Tony Bayer has indicated would be satisfactory. Permittee/property owner will have the opportunity to appear and respond at this meeting. Interested persons may offer evidence as to why the proposed decision or action should, or should not, be taken. Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Public Works Conference Room, 3826 Amherst Street, West University Place, TX. If this meeting place is not convenient for one or more participants, an attempt will be made to include them by telephone conference call, upon request. Date signed: q-/1—(go By: iagleA'e-t-e-ea--- Building Official of the City ., • 4 ADMINISTRATION R108.5 Refunds.The building official is authorized to estab- agencies satisfy the requirements as to qualifications and reli- lish a refund policy. ability. R109.3 Inspection requests.It shall be the duty of the permit SECTION R1 holder or their agent to notify the building official that such , 09 work is ready for inspection. It shall be the duty of the person INSPECTIONS requesting any inspections required by this code to provide ac- R109.1 Types of inspections. For onsite construction, from cess to and means for inspection of such work. time to time the building official, upon notification from the p j permit holder or his agent,shall make or cause to be made any R109.4 Approval required. Work shall not be done beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without necessary inspections and shall either approve that portion of first the construction as completed or shall notify the permit holder obtaining the approval of the building official.The building of- or his or her agent wherein the same fails to comply with this facial upon notification, shall make the requested inspections code. and shall either indicate the portion of the construction that is satisfactory as completed,or shall notify the permit holder or R109.1.1 Foundation inspection. Inspection of the foun- an agent of the permit holder wherein the same fails to comply dation shall be made after poles or piers are set or trenches or with this code. Any portions that do not comply shall be basement areas are excavated and any required forms corrected and such portion shall not be covered or concealed erected and any required reinforcing steel is in place and until authorized by the building official. prior to the placing of concrete.The foundation inspection shall include excavations for thickened slabs intended for the support of bearing walls,partitions,structural supports, SECTION R110 or equipment and special requirements for wood founda- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY tions. R109.1.2 Plumbing,mechanical,gas and electrical sys- R110.1 Use and occupancy.No building or structure shall be terns inspection.Rough inspection of plumbing,mechani- used or occupied,and no change in the existing occupancy clas- cal, gas and electrical systems shall be made prior to sification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be . covering or concealment,before fixtures or appliances are made until the building official has issued a certificate of occu- set or installed,and prior to framing inspection. pancy therefor as provided herein.Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation Exception: Ground-source heat pump loop systems of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the juris- tested in accordance with Section M2105.1 shall be per- diction. Certificates presuming to give authority to violate or miffed to be backfilled prior to inspection. cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the ju- R109.1.3 Floodplain inspections.For construction in areas risdiction shall not be valid. iii prone to flooding as established by Table R301.2(1),upon Exception: Certificates of occupancy are not required for I placement of the lowest floor,including basement,and prior work exempt from permits under Section R 105.2. r: to further vertical construction,the building official shall re- I quire submission of documentation,prepared and sealed by [EB]R110.2 Change in use.Changes in the character or use of a registered design professional,of the elevation of the low- an existing structure shall not be made except as specified in est floor,including basement,required in Section R323. Sections 3406 and 3407 of the International Building Code. R109.1.4 Frame and masonry inspection. Inspection of RI10.3 Certificate issued.After the building official inspects framing and masonry construction shall be made after the the building or structure and finds no violations of the provi- roof,masonry,all framing,firestopping,draftstopping and sions of this code or other laws that are enforced by the depart- bracing are in place and after the plumbing,mechanical and ment of building safety, the building official shall issue a electrical rough inspections are approved. certificate of occupancy which shall contain the following: R109.1.5 Other inspections. In addition to the called in- 1. The building permit number. spections above,the building official may make or require 2. The address of the structure. t any other inspections to ascertain compliance with this code 3. The name and address of the owner. and other laws enforced by the building official. 4. A description of that portion of the structure for which R109.1.5.1 Fire-resistance-rated construction inspec- the certificate is issued. t_ tion. Where fire-resistance-rated construction is re- quired between dwelling units or due to location on 5. A statement that the described portion of the structure �. property,the building official shall require an inspection has been inspected for compliance with the requirements .1 of such construction after all lathing and/or wallboard is of this code. , in place,but before any plaster is applied,or before wall- 6. The name of the building official. ,. board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 7. The edition of the code under which the permit was is- R109.1.6 Final inspection.Final inspection shall be made sued. after the permitted work is complete and prior to occupancy. 8. If an automatic sprinkler system is provided. R109.2 Inspection agencies. The building official is autho- 9. Any special stipulations and conditions of the building L, rized to accept reports of approved agencies, provided such permit. ® 6 2003 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE • NATIONAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, INC . 710 N. POST OAK ROAD,SUITE 510,HOUSTON,TEXAS 77024 (713)956-2094 FAX- (713)956-2095 September 28, 2006 To: Lovett Homes Re: Framing construction review for residence @ 2704 Barbara Lane, West University Place, TX The following structural items are to be completed per plans: Roof(Note: Straps & Clips can be over plywood with 1/2" londger nails) 1.Add Simpson LSTA12 or A35 (alternate sides) at every 3 rafter across ridge, valleys & hips. 2.Add Simpson HCP (per tie-down note#3) to Hips &Valleys connected to exterior walls. Interior Plywood Nailing (to be done after insulation). Truss Installation (done b ss manufacturer) E �• r a it 1 ) 41 d �,e f •3L E� R y ti , �w441Zs-a Michael Skoller P.E. • • CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY RACE HEIGHT CERTIFICATION Principal & Rear Yard Structures wawa ROOF PEAK .44116h6. mow be, m'----IF 3 S TOP OF SLAT iI 4 +•—.EASE ELEVATION'-+p. W_......_...__.__...... _.........._ y Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Principal&"Detached"Rear Yard Structures "Attached"Rear Yard Structures PROJECT BENCHMARK 46.32 LOCATION OF BENCHMARK (Benchmark must be the same as benchmark used for Base Elevation Certificate) 0 Top of Curb 0 Nail on Power Pole ._"`•, 0 Nail in Tree 0 Other STEPS TO DETERMINE THE HEIGHT OF STRUCTURES: 1. From PROJECT BENCHMARK, determine TOP OF SLAB ELEVATION. 2. When framing is complete, determine distance from TOP OF SLAB to HIGHEST ROOF PEAK. If"ATTACHED" REAR YARD STUCTURE, see Diagram 2 and use 20' Rear Height Setback Line for your HIGHEST POINT. 3. Subtract BASE ELEVATION from HIGHEST ROOF PEAK ELEVATION (or HIGHEST POINT at the 20' Rear Height Setback Line) to determine STRUCTURE HEIGHT above base elevation. PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE REAR YARD STRUCTURE 0 Attached 0 Detached (check one) TOP OF SLAB ELEVATION 48.78 48.78 TOP OF SLAB TO HIGHEST ROOF PEAK + 31.09 + 20.60 HIGHEST ROOF PEAK ELEVATION = 79.87 = 69.38 BASE ELEVATION - -47.29 _ -47.29 (From Base Elevation Certificate) HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE' = 32.58 = 22.09 'MAX Height=35'above Base Elevation 'MAX Height=25'above Base Elevation Property Address: 2704 Barbara Ln. Lot 20 Block 5 Section - OF • Subdivision PEMBERTON - 4 '?F r 0, $ ._ i . -• NOTES: Project BM Elevation B per Base Elevation Elevation Certificate by Houtan MATHEW I.PROHSTFLD ORIGINAL ENGINEER OR SURVEYOR SIGNATURE Jalayer dated 12/1/05. Elevations (04. 4985 ,L- 08/22/2006 shown based on COWUP BM#4. 9 Vii;:O ; 'Y •fk'dS0 DATE Elevation 47.84 NAVD88 2001 Adj. $ y ti� CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE • Height Certification Form • REV. 10.26.04 "A design professional's certification compri s his professional opinion or judgment of a specific dition or circumstance. It does not iicomprise a guarantee or warranty, expres itplied, nor does it relieve any contractor or other to a construction project from his responsibility for meeting requirements set forth in project documents." FRAMING CERTIFICATE Unless otherwise indicated,word and phrases used in this document have the same meanings as in The Technical Codes Schedule of the Code of Ordinances ("Foundation Ordinance")of the City of West University?!ace,Texas("City" Subject: New structural frame built at the site described below ('New Structural Frame") Address of site: 4101 VA U o Lo--r 20 Awc�S vc�g �r,rJ T eoal description. of the site: Building Permit No: Permittee: L -t-t m_ I 5 t,77 6o L.0.c(Z-f CER IFIC4TION: By signing below, I certify as follows (check applicable sections): ( I am an"RLPE" as defined in the Structural Framing Ordinance. 1"RLPE•"means a registered or licensed professional engineer of the State of Texas who is:(1)listed with the State Board of Professional Engineers in either the civil or smuctural branch of engineering(but,from and after May 1,2006,listing in the structural branch is required);(2)employed by a registered engineering fan:of the State of Texas;and(3)(unless waived by the BSC),covered by professional errors and omissions insurance that:(i)has limits of at least 5250,000 per claim(and at least 5500,000 per year,aggregate) and(ii)has effective dates—including any retroactive coverage date—that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section.] ( ) Observations of the New Structural Frame: ( were performed either by me or by one or more persons under my direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications were approved by me; ( ) included actual observations of structura).plleements and attachments in crawl spaces before they are r) covered by floors or other materials. ( ) include actual observations of.e,, i beam,joist. rafter, tr s and similar element, including each related weld and high-strength bolt: Nor C,The fc-ttiq a) after all required plumbing, electrical and mechanical "rough-in" inspections have been passed and all expected notching, boring, and similar work has been done, and 1'J C"KA.'MO b) before the item is covered. PP 0'C if k1 ( ) were documented in a form and manner approved by the building official of the City. K/ Referring to and based upon the professional observations described above, the New Structural Frame complies with the plans and specifications Iast approved by the building official (with any field changes that were ordered by me and reported to the building official and that comply with applicable regulations). This is based upon my professional_opi���and does not constitute a guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied. 4'ITh A'�TA(..liYp ( ) This certification does not rely upon any other certification, except as indicated below: optional, with attachment( ) This certification relies in part upon an attached certifiea ion by an A2LA Lab, as to materials testing. optional, with attachment( ) This certification relies in part upon an attached certification by an inspector certified by the City of Houston or in compliance with Section 1704.3.3 of the IBC, as to welds or high-strength bolts. Name of certifying R..PE (printed): !Jl ev„,y,,i,,__ sv.... ,i(1 Date signed: 911%kZx.c,c„ Employed by(name of registered engineering firm): M rt' ` `3`K�vLs..,(2.�L.. At,--)eEa-wct ' L Signature of RLPE: _ j Texas Registration Number: � ✓A' — ""' (S nut v' � qrJ)-C∎►i ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF FILING.The building official of the City acknowledges that this •.. ,,"•• •`•, 'x T 0 certification was duly filed as required by the Structural Framing Ordinance. 3 *• t s By: : .ti•CH.AEL A..SKOLLLR kha143tAtGti 4,._,-o • 485 ,.. . Date acknowledged: i S • NATIONAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, INC . 710 N. POST OAK ROAD,SUITE 510,HOUSTON,TEXAS 77024 (713) 956-2094 FAX-(713)956-2095 September 21, 2006 To: Lovett Homes Re: Framing construction review for residence @ 2704 Barbara Lane, West University Place, TX The following structural items are to be completed per plans: Roof(Note: Straps & Clips can be over plywood with IA" longer nails) 1.Add Simpson LSTA12 or A35 (alternate sides) at every 3rd rafter across ridge, valleys & hips. 2.Add Simpson HCP (per tie-down note#3) to Hips &Valleys connected to exterior walls. Second Floor 1.Add Simpson MST60 per plans. First Floor 1.Add HSS 3.5 X 3.5 X 0.25" bent per detail "1"for stair support. Interior Plywood Nailing (to be done after insulation). Truss Installation (done by truss manufacturer) .. EOFTFl1i Lir" ..k, ,ti i iIIC AEL A. SKOLLER i r ill Z`'J � ��-o-�' 48544 •�- ett A., •-�!CENS��:��Jr Michael Skoller P.E. III • \forms\BDF-302(I 1-05) FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE Unless otherwise indicated, word and phrases used in this document have the same meanings as in The Technical Codes Schedule of the Code of Ordinances("Foundation Ordinance")of t c City of'Nest University itieYS(ty rlaCC, Texas("City"). Subject. New foundation built at the site described below ("New Foundation") Address of site: '21 ' �g V`� f Leal description of the site: Building Permit No. Permittee: 1,, t,e-ti 0.9,,,et, 5 CERT CATION: By signing below,I certify as follows (check applicable sections): ( I am an "RLPE" as defined in the Foundation Ordinance. ["RLPE"means a licensed or registered professional engineer of the State of Texas who is:(l)listed with the State Board of Professional Engineers in either the civil or structural branch of engineering(but,from and after May 1,2006, listing in the structural branch is required);(2)employed by a registered engineering firm of the State of Texas;and(3)(unless waived by the BSC...) covered by professional errors and omissions insurance that:(i) has limits of at least$250,000 per claim(and at least$500,000 per year,aggregate)and(ii) has effective dates—including any retroactive coverage date—that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section.] Ob rvations of the New Foundation: were performed either by me or by one or more persons under my direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications were approved by me; ( included actual measurement of piers,fiH, cer.pmatian, reinforcement, forms, materials, diiuc::siuns; structural elements, attachments, etc. before the work was covered or concrete was placed (Note: dimensions of an underground element may have been measured or estimated from the forms, boring or cavity for the element, before pouring or filling); ( were performed continuously during placement of concrete;,and O were documented in a form and manner approved by the building official of the City. (F Referring to and based upon the professional observations described above, the New Foundation complies with the plans and specifications last approved by the building official (with any field changes that were ordered by me • and reported to the building official and that comply with applicable regulations). This is based upon my professional opinion and does not constitute a guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied. (°) This certification does not rely upon any other certification,except as indicated below: optional, with attachment(I) This certification relies in part upon an attached certification by a RLGE, as to geophysical matters. optional, with attachment M This certification relies in part upon an attached certification by an A2LA Lab,as to materials testing. Name of certifying RLPE (printed): 1 r‘∎ c OA 4 L CA.,L LE2 Date signed: 9 'I BI-z1/4-"co Employed by (name of registered engineering firm): Ai i'tio•-44%. ,Ndt,,c r-g2A t.,. 4ec►C o--;`iefaikA.. �� Signature of RLPE: t _ _ Texas Registration Number: `t S 'f Y -:"'"A design professional'" certi'cation comprises his professional opinion or judgment of a specific condition or circumstance. It does no4 comprise a guarantee or warranty,express or implied, nor does it relieve any contractor or other party to a construction project from his relponsibility for meeting requirements set forth in proiect documents. - ��..�»�t�� ACE'NOWLEDGMENT OF FILING. The building official of the �.0.4e OF it �4 r�c�..........•. 44 City acknowledges that this certification was duly filed as required by �; 5,: �� the Foundation Ordinance. : *:' MICHAEL A.SKO ...•... ..........a.�a�w. Date acknowledged: >r, 485gq ,rat, �`''.�!CEN`��4,,'��ss�� t1't 5A.��,,.pi•••rG • (SEAL)4inust be legible • • • . City of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street west University Place,Texas 777.0055 , ENGINEERING COMPANY NAM E~ aid.9 ds?//-zC".(G1�i >/�/ .)i��_ r �� FOUND •TEON F( ' CER (FEGATEON-NEW CC}NSTRUCTlO Builder , j ,.i Atorzei Subdivision Date,4. /O ime`/,jU 3,'/5 Site Ado ressrr17 of Blk Sec Plan site specific Yes No No FT Plan#: Design Engineer Superintendent Geotechnical Engineer Plan provided at site Yes 7 No! Plan Date Detail Sheet Date Weather at site Concrete Contractor Geotechnical Report# (THIS FORM NOT APPLICABLE FOR SLURRY PLACED PIERS) Check (✓l If Items Comply With The Plans; (X)If Items Do Not Comply With The Plans SITE Date Time Fill on site Yes f No i j Compaction yenned by Geotechnical Engineer Yes 0 No❑ Date Trees removed Yes; No❑ Location: Are trees within 20' of foundation Yes !slb PIERS Name of drilling company: V`/tev/r4,-, .&2,i Can drill equipment access all pier locations YesiKINo Type of drilling apparatus: Truck Mounted Bobcat: x Other: Total number of piers: "r p' PIER SIZES Bell: Pier No. Rebar Stirrups Shaft Dia. Depth Rebar Size Piers Snacing Total Sketch Typical Pier _304),(in) (in) / I(ft) 4/ 5 Showing Depth (in) l. (in) (ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft) (in) ' (in) (in) (ft) (in) Describe the manner of measuring the bell sizes: (Bell checking tool required) Boring logs from Geotechnical report on site Yes! o j Describe a bearing strata: Pocket Penetrometer reading taken from aucer getting Yes L'.vo❑ TSF Note locations below Was water apparent in pier hole Yes 0 No I epth Action Taken REINFORCING Rebar placed per plan Yes _ o Rebar grade 6pv Does rebar extend above pier top Yes L]No❑ How much above (in) Sleeved Yes D No Describe CONCRETE Will concrete truck b- able ccw s ?vo❑ �.� Concrete company: ,[id•_`_"ea / numbers: //4, �f/� Jo/ Was pump truck used Yes '._• U Specified strength of concrete: /,7/ psi Was concrete placed on the sa, e any as the pier drilling Yes o ❑ Estimated time of completion If not, explain: ARE THE PIER HOLES READY FOR CONCRETE PLACEMENT Yes CHANGES NEEDED: ,.0 e t- Stt, ..Lcx_ 44s-41 Engineer's Printed Name and Registration Number Engineer's Signature 1 City of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street `�/� Welt University Place,Texas 77005 ENGINEERING COMPANY NAME f lGf�n/774%91 5-1/7�i9 ice S.')�K%- CONVE TIO AL (REB . ') FOUNDATION MAKE-UP CERTIFIC TI je% , Builder Art. .4, Ater.ei, d Subdivision s% Date� '� all-If ,. ,- wr,p Site Address,;:,f� w! 1 Lot Bl% Sec Plan site specific Yes E.] No Plan#: Design Engineer i Superintendent /h Plan provided at site Yes E No Weather Plan Date Detail Sheet Date �3 y Concrete Placement Date Detached Garage Yes E No E Permit# • Check(✓If Items Comply With The Plans (X)If Items Do Not Comply With The Plans SITE F MS ADDITIONAL REVIEWS Fill on site Yes fll No 0 •rms secure Date Time 1 •� ^ 1::11e Compaction verified by Geotechnical Engineer: /''' /.7 oats installed Yes V No 0 Date i1 oper clearance at floats Will make up drain: Yes E j No ] A Garage front closed Trees removed Are trees within 20' of foundation Yes 0 No Li 4 'hickness I1 (nt o esign Depth: I (in)Exterior%/ nterior c.60 Measured: Screed Stringline X Other ctual Depth: 7J in) (in) (in) (in) Describe Pad Material Width: ' in) ,_,J Level and Firm Yes Ai No 0 /esign ctual Width: . ' (in) )in) (i ) (in) verage depth into undisturbed soil (in) • lean of loose soil &debris 4 'ater in beams Yes E No leverage Depth (in) ice'"ill water drain Yes No j �• umbing obstructions ccommodated •ter tops clean Yec _j No lP Y_T HYr EN,E SHEETING 6 mil.Lapped and Taped i Seated in the botto ,of beams secured at sides ,Mastic/tape applied at plumbing CONSTRUCTION ?r- ?Number of piers `�"] Are pier tops clean of debris Yes UII No Eli REINF ORCING S �*' Grade of Steel (� BEAM SECTIONS Exterior Beams: Steel size Number top Bottom-� Stirrup size Spacing in) Interior Beams: Steel si Number top Bottom uysize • ac' o /�; i1�.) Extra Beam depth Yes No #Additional st elzequired 1l� ,✓ d� J7��j Proper Clearance: B tom (in) Sides I (in)Top n) support System / ��,(. ) Continuity: Splices lapped per plan Yes 0 N I Corner bars install d Yes Li . o 0 /�"� Rebar clean or mud and excessive rust es I No 0 // �Q G / �-%LRCI5 GL1/ Void Boxes in bottom of beam Yes No Height (in) Condition t. �: � SLAB REINFORCING #5-. : . /�/b Mesh: Size Roll Sheet OR ❑#3 @ T f a )Ton center both`ways F..]All mesh seams lapped 6" L.]#3 Lapped per plans All edges 2"from the forms �•No rbar r mesh touching forms Void Boxes Yes o❑ Height_(in)Poly covering void boxes Yes, No 0 ADDITIONAL REINFO ING Diagonals: Size_ ,�/d/�7 Number in slab Fireplace pads: Size of steel -Placement Bay windows: Size of steel Placement Other projections: Control joints Construction joints: Anchor bolts on Site Yes No Diameter rY L] - J �e (in)Length / in Other Fasteners IS THE FOUNDATION READY FOR CONCRETE PLACEMENT?Yes No I j . 04kMEL pok.t.tcyt. 455-ff Engineer's Signature Registration No. ngineer's Printed Name • Lovett Homes 2704 Barbara Lane, West University Place,TX slab and pour Hours summary 8/7 8:00-2:30 8/3 1:30-1:45 8/3 8:45 -10:00 8/2 2:00-3:15 7/31 7:45-8:30 7/28 9:45-10:00 7/27 1:45-4:30 7/26 11:00-11:45 7/24 8:45-11:30 7/21 8:45-9:0 7/20 2:30-4:00 7/18 3:00-4:00 7/13 10:30-10:45 7/11 3:45-4:00 6/30 1:45-2:15 6/29 9:45-10:00 6/28 10:00-11;30 6/13 11:45-1:00 1:00-1;30 • • • City ot West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street lest Universit,,Pia^ , exas 77r; �. ENGINEERING COMPANY NAME //,.. Aar 7 '/cam %' , /Ld ,(4... CONCRETE PLACEME 7 CERTIFICATION _ gie Builder ,tip i� :� 7 '���—; V- A/1�'P/M'��vo �I�� Subdivision Date , �,i// e i Site Address , / 'AA ot Blk Sec Plan#: Cable Count Design.Engineer11/�iIrZL/ :c - r-ndent Arrival Time Departure Time Copy of Foundation Makeup Report Provided Yes❑ No❑ Date of Copy Items Repaired Yes E No El Concrete Contractor Detached Garage Yes`I No❑ Permit#: Check(✓) If Items Comply With The Plans; (X)If Items Do Not Comply With The Plans SITE r0•MS ADDITIONAL REVIEWS Are there obstructions at the si.e which would 'Al Forms secure Date Time prevent access for concrete trucks Yes❑I No! • 14: 'roper clearance at floats /" 15 arage closed in Explain WEATHER Weather conditions START: A/,t FINISH: /v`//4" Will temperature rise above 4C`F for five hours 2 Forty-eight hour forecast: HIGH T.E?v ERATURE: LOW TEMPERATURE: CONCRETE . / _ • /.,2/ Concrete Company t/ ' . � �// Batc Plant Aviv a• Tickets on site Yes I No I Delivered by truck over what distance Was a pump used Yes XNo❑ Pump Co. f�/tj fke`I' ►/ Mix : psi psi "pump mix"—Pump Prime Placed outside of form Y..s No Sack Mix: 4 5 V 6 OR Strength Mix Yes❑No❑ Strength 3000 ,.t Additives: N/A NO CALCIUM CHLORIDE—.1PPLrES TO POST TENSION SLAB Fly Ash: Type C?Yes❑No E Slump as ordered from plant 5V (in) ' Explain(Discrepancies if slump is different): . Was concrete consolidated by vibrator Yes ✓ No LI Other❑ '�, Test Cylinders Taken Yes E No❑ Testing Company / 60227 /. ! ��' . • Slump Test Taken Yes Z No❑ Testing Company ∎i' .>i�1.PTA,. . �' If water is added at the jobsite, show the amounts over ten gallons and give a visual estimate of the fin'slump Time Poured Gallons Placement Est. Tested Trucis__# Out Added Location Ski ,p Slumg Temp. / /0 Or.'',..,,or lie_ ,/ -5 /.. _%-zze,410 Anchor bolts on site Yes 0 No❑ Diameter *..../ (in)Length /� (in) Other Fasteners Describe provisions for curing ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ,/-1, ii-m-v- k...(ut s---,..u...,r‘..._ tr_AA f-L-- Engineer's Signature Registration No. Engineer's Printed Name • • 43.-s. /// © / © 3 I/2•CURB/ :I) ..---\ #" BARS @ lejr‘0* �..e le 3 1/2•CU,: �� 12'' O.C.E.W. i IN GARAGE I rjr dr,ro t ow �Ill �' � I 1 It . .,SOUELE II A-- Pel Fr 4 -Q.. ,..-T- .i , Aar Ai iffilreil -4■• lib, rie S_ 1 II �t�*l� fla ' 1 �. I II i rT I 1 1111111M1— 1- L_J ----% / • / __ \ __7 il r-/--1 ti l'' I IC 1 (2)10-D•LONG I DOUBLE I I I 4 r: 1 WIIM .1 14- .-11441/ Al ..�GI. C ri Q \-'7 DOUBLE I'-I-T I r I DOUBLE i I I BEM 't L I I—F ,I id I }-L I I I I Q I I. tit- 1 -••• -r L- ',Fa 1,..-c--- IriVNi■ It 5114) . . . ....._.1,1 - 1 T --t-,-1 1 - / IIII �q w.�laa is/�'a�u� _ :r'�,. / +III / • ��j7)7_- - -1" AIL - _ �_ 4d. L- J ��j e b t :., -r-� --/�I --i i--�r7 I' i 1r7__ -.. l�1 -----/1�• I I�` 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 I I __.'1 ,I 1 Q ,,,,... ._ •I I I I I orf I . I I I I I. . ... I //-��I I I 1- I I I I I I I ,,, 1 I 11 . I I I I I , ,____ I;�I,,��L 1 11 1 t I I I I I I V x _ ,_, 9 i -fir--- - r -� --- r_ ,_�� 1N4 6 I I 24-0 CORNER I I I I ( BARS TOP& I 11 I I • I I BTT (TYPICAL) 1 I I it L I tri:f_ . L - -� al ...:. :1,PLAN \ i - r7 1 TvnDEFI BEAM \1 �7 l r- \1 - 1I Tr DEN I_I I I 1 1 . I I i REIN•-^a ENT I I I I I . • VERIFY 1 BEAM WrtF1 (3) #I 1 I I 1, I I I TOP MID BOTTOM _ 11:6?..TRRM 1 AND(4) s'-o•x s'-D-� 1 I I I I r I I o BOPS) 8OTTO11 BARS TDP wo I O 1 i �� �—, �'I I 16.4),-,0111 THE L J _ ---� STRUCTION �,1- -- ' 1lEIIlI�A ��_ 174 • -- �MA a .F' _ -f 7~ /�II 11�i '�(/�/��lII - �l, • P:CS'C=�_7 . � /, D. CANTILEVER BEAM l�Q11�1© !IMO' la i P IN IM ) ■ SNEER'S m .� m ;DON HAS u ' CE WITH Elp I3'-4• 15'-n• 1 '-4• OTHERWISE)o.. 47'-1.• •-F H•7 43'-fi• CANTILEVER BEAM T OVER PIER 3M • GE°SCIENCE ENGINEERING AND T STING, IN+ GEOTECHNICAL & MATERIALS ENGINEERS September 18, 2006 Lovett Homes 1520 Oliver Street Houston, Texas 77007 Reference: Concrete Inspection 2704 Barbara Lane GETI No.: 06M14835 Report No.: 0007 As per your request,GETI representative has performed the concrete inspection at the above referenced project on August 07, 2006. The pavement was tested by GETI the concrete exceeded the 3000 PSI design at twenty-eight(28) days for Compressive Strength (6" x 12" Cylinders). If you should have any questions or require additional information, please contact us. Very truly yours, Jim A. Palavan, MSCE, P.E. .....:!'MA:PALAVAN Chief Engineer 51001........... 9 a • a- , c.c.Vatani Consulting Svve,%%%".• F:\CMT\REPORTS\06\14835\0007-CONCRETE LETTER.DOC 2712 Satsuma,#400 405 East 20th Street 1419 Market St.,#1 13134 Lookout Run,#2 Dallas,Texas 75229 Houston,Texas 77008 Laredo,Texas 78040 San Antonio,Texas 78233 972.488.3500 713.861.9700 956.753.7500 210.657.9700 972.488.8844(F) 713.861.4477(F) 956 753 7504(F) 210.656.4477(F) • • '?Klf(....e/.,' `.. i< Q<";> ` :<:.;;;>;, y;;:Y y. ?i: .:> �?::.::iii' ?is>>"' , ' ;..... O GEOTECHNICAL & MATERIALS ENGINEERS September 18, 2006 Lovett Homes 1520 Oliver Street Houston, Texas 77007 Reference: Drilled Pier Inspection 2704 Barbara Lane GETI Project#: 06M 1483 5 GETI Report#: 0006 A representative of Geoscience Engineering& Testing, Inc. (Henry Rahimi,ACI)performed a drilled pier inspection at the above referenced project. The pier inspection was completed after the drilling. Concrete was placed on May 23, 2006. Forty Seven (47)piers were checked for conformity with approved project drawings relative to size, depth and cleanliness of bearing area. All piers as of May 23, 2006 have been found to be in general accordance with these requirements. If you should have any questions or require additional information,please contact us. Sincerely, Geoscience Engineering & Testing, Inc. ,:c,, JF T446::, '; c----- , o2- .A e ... .Jim A. Palavan, MSCE, P.E. J!M A.PALAVAN Chief Engineer . •. 51001 .. i r�F�/ST :.,,_ s F:\CMT\REPORTS\06\14835\0006—PIER LETTER.DOC 2712 Satsuma,#400 405 East 20th Street 1419 Market St.,#1 13134 Lookout Run,#2 Dallas,Texas 75229 Houston,Texas 77008 Laredo,Texas 78040 San Antonio,Texas 78233 972.488.3500 713 861 9700 956.753.7500 210.657.9700 077 AAR Rudd/F1 711 RA1 44771V\ ncc 7,1"ICI,m. ......■,.....� BP502103 BP - Ca of West University Place 9/08/06 Inspection Inquiry - Inspection Selection 12 : 26 : 11 Property address • 2704 BARBARA LN HCAD land keys • 060-119-007-0020 Application number 06 00000354 Application type RESIDENTIAL 1 UNIT (DETACHED) Type options, press Enter. 1=Select Opt Str/Seq Pmt/Seq Inspection Type Seq Insp Result/Date 000 000 BDNR 00 BLDG MISCELLANEOUS 0001 TBA 000 000 BDNR 00 VIOLATION/REINSPECTION 0001 DJP DP 7/17/06 000 000 BDNR 00 VIOLATION/REINSPECTION 0002 DJP DP 8/02/06 000 000 BDNR 00 VIOLATION/REINSPECTION 0003 DJP DP 8/24/06 000 000 PLBG 00 PLBG GROUND COVER 0001 PS DA 6/06/06 000 000 PLBG 00 PLUMBING SEWER NEW LINE 0001 PS AP 6/15/06 000 000 PLBG 00 PLUMBING WATER NEW LINE 0001 PS AP 6/15/06 Bottom F3=Exit F11=View 2 F12=Cancel '` • .- -' -- ' <• .- .. . , :-# . . ..am .. ♦ t M . ; ,,.., . , 41;.,..,:,,_ i ''';,.;',.? nv. 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O CD c .Q4 3 3 61 I'm �' a O = = w (0 x 1 o �_ y r-r 1.1 --h < R CD `.< 0A 5 5- fir 114112 0 m w CD MO °AO9, F= 111.11 m o: g'D �o O 03 cc =- V F �,• co < Z i 2 .1 " " IO (DT o E, 6 : -n FIZ 0 --61 0 ii 6 CD :I .51:4 0 jelk -'). mill .117-). S .4ft • c 1 Q) cCD PROBSTFELD &ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 515 Park Grove, Suite 102 Katy,Texas 77450 Office(281)829-0034 Fax(281)829-0233 Pemberton Drive Fnd. 1/2" Iron Rod Lot 10 Lot 9 cn N 20 East 55.42' (Call 55.00') No iron rod fnd. or set (access denied) Fnd. 5/8" Iron Rod 6' wood fence 0.5 0.5 7' wood fence 0.8 _- 4 0 r- a, A • PPS - f w 0 rn 0 5' Utility easement U N o (Voi. 8, Pg. 41 HCMR) - - a _ 0.1-) N I " 10.5• x 22.0 .. v (9 0 • �9 x� < Lot c, 20 0 .. 0.1 4' L7 n J A O (T ? m 4.0 6.6' o to 0 S rn O u7 v - 6.7' x o .-� o x 16.0 A8 . 0 /]� r--I 3 F�8 u 1.5 - 5.1' O b �/) 10 kpa19 a I--. 0 r� w o '� e.-i• v 1-45�g P = o U) Lot 19 o Concrete 1.5 _ 5.1' o 9.-• 0 4. a r Slab N N O td o 0 CQ ? 4, a t., -q 0 -' x , (p 0 1--&� '4-) N U) ^' (I) Z x o ;--' 10 1� x v G)0 Q+ e ��. R�� - 6.5' xe 13.5 -1 1 15X8 I I 13.5 9 6.6' Fnd. 1/2" o I'n � � Iron Rod N N C) (N 33'43' E) ! 1114;I a 0.24' rn 57'- Fnd. 1/2" Fnd. 1/2" Fnd. 1" -' Iron Rod Iron Rod Iron Pipe a 1 C) rn Fnd. 1" West 46.90 55.00' 46.57 ° Iron Pipe 75.00' 250.37' 125.09' i 46.56 . . a a Fnd. 1/2" / \ w (Bent) Iron Rod 1 G 45.75 T/C 46.40 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE T/C 46.34 STANDARD ZONING REGULATIONS G 45.83 G 45.92 SEE CHARTER & ORDINANCES TABLE 7-2: YARDS (OR SETBACKS) Barbara Lane 50' C/L 46.15 FRONT YARD SETBACK 25' C/L 45.98 5O R. 0. W SIDE YARD SETBACK 5' ATTACHED ACCESSORY 5' DETACHED ACCESSORY 3' NOTE: All bearings are referenced to the recorded plat unless otherwise noted. REAR YARD SETBACK 20' (MAIN RESIDENCE) Elevations shown based on City of West University Place Benchmark No. 4 Elevation = 47.84' NAVD88 (2001 adjustment) Table 7-2: Yards (or 'setbacks') as per City of West University Place Charter & Ordinances notes the following: FRONT YARD: 20 feet if the building site depth is 110 feet or less; 25 feet if the building site depth is more than 110 feet but not more than 125 feet; 30 feet if the building site depth is more than 125 feet. INTERIOR SIDE YARD: Greater of 10% of building site width or 5 feet. (Subject to Narrow Site 3/7 exception). REAR YARD: 20 feet. STREET SIDE YARD: Greater of 10% building site width or 5 feet. (Subject to Narrow Site 3/7 exception). This survey was performed without the benefit of a current title opinion and is subject to any facts a full and accurate title search may disclose. All easements, building lines, zoning setbacks, restrictions and covenants of record may not be shown. PLAT OF PROPERTY FOR: Lovett Homes I hereby certify that the above - at 2704 Barbara Lane plat correctly represents the PEE OF OTF� 0000°°°° facts found at the time of the , 07 ecC.1 0 i?o-s Lot 20 Block 5 *1: F0° _ Pemberton survey made on the ground * °°°°°°°o�oe°°°°°°°°o*> under my supervision, and c,.....00.00.0.............7.7 MATHEw J. PROBSrr 'i.n V 0 olume 8, Page 41 of the Map Records of o.O 4985 Pv°o Harris County, Texas there are no apparent \ N�'O 0 ' ., 1" = 20' encroachments at the time of ;gNO°;ESS-o° Scale: - , S U R ,` Date: 3/31/05 Revised: 8/11/06 this survey, unless shown or noted otherwise. This Property does not lie within the designated 100 year flood plain. Panel No. 480318 0860 K Zone: X Date: 4/20/00 Located by graphic plotting only, not responsible for actual determination. MATHEW J. PROBSTFELD Registered Professional Land Surveyor This survey was performed in accordance with Title Commitment Provided by: No title commitment was provided. State of Texas No. 4985 GF# All esmt.'s/bldg. lines may not be shown Job # 713-031 EES/DL