HomeMy WebLinkAbout08202009 ZBA DKT 2009-08 TITLE SEARCH a aoknaerledged to me that he executed the same for the purposee and consideration therein erpressod. 2 Given under my hand and seal of offioe;.this let day of June A D. 1925. 3n May Mitchell, Notary Public in and for Madison County. Alabama. (Seal) 4? -Filed for record June 110 1925 at 11.:25 O'clock-A., M. Recorded June 13;.1925 at 8:30 O'clock A.M. k E..6; k ru a,. ,9 Clerk County Court, Harris County, Texas. By _V's,~nnr+DePuty- r i i No. 193260, 8, W. D. Haden, at al -To- West University Place Independent School District. 9 Option. -10 State of Texas. County of Harris. %zw w all man by these presents: That ere, W. D. Haden 11, of Galveston County, Tesas, and D. T.Auatin, of Harris County, Texas, in.considerati.on of Ten 12.(10) Dollars to us in hand paid byl'lest University Place Independent School.Distriot, a cor- t Poration unoorPorated by special-Aet:of the Legislature of the State of'Texasr and in consider- ?r13: , 14, ation of the oreetion and maintenance of a school building upon property described in deed 15. from l9 I). Haden and D. T. Austin, to said School District, being ad~aoent to the property 16 herein described, do hereby give and grant unto the :.,aid. West University Place Independent 17 School District an option to purchase from us upon the terms hereinafter set forth the fol- 18 lowing described property, to-wit: Lots One (1) to Six (6) inclusive and hots twonty three 19 (23) to twenty eight (28) inclusive, In Block "B" in South Side Place Second Addition, out 20, of the A. C.Reynolds Survey in ]Barris County, Texas; the option shall inoludo the right to 21` purchase all or any part of above described property at any time within a period of twelve (12) 4 '.22; months from the date of this instrument, but If said optinn has not been exercised by said 23 School District within the period of twelve (12) months same shall.then cease to exist and r i 24. no further rights may be exorcised hereunder with reference to the purchase of oaid property,, t. 25' In the event said School District eleetn to avail itself of said option to pnrohace all or 26, any portion of said property the price to be paid therefor is twelve hundred and tirty;.(1250) F s 27 Dollars per sore, said acreage to include the area to the center of the Street abutting the F 28 property purchased under said option. U 29- All of the conditions with reference to burb, gutter, etc end all other.oonditions setforth 30. in communication of May 25th 1925, to the Board of Trustees of West University Place i 31 Independent School District, signed by Haden and Austin are retained in this instrument. 32 In consideration whereof witness our hands at Houston, Harris County, Texas , thie. 8 day of 33 F. dune A. D. 1925. . 34: W. D. Haden. D. T. Austin. .35, State of Texas. County of Harris: Before me, the und,arslned authority, on this day i _ '36 pereonally appeared W. D.Haden and D. T Austin, both known to me to be the persons whose 37s names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and each acknowledged to me that he executed 33} the name for the purposes and consideration thercin ex-nrossed. 89 Given under my hand. and seal of office, this 8th day of June, A. D. 1925. . l 40: 14..S. Clark, Notary Public, Harris County, Texas.. (Seal) Al t-Filed for record June .11, 1925. at 11:30 O'clock A. M. Recorded Juge.13,.1925"at 8:45 O'clock A:M. u 42: ` pr S ~i_➢, R sue. I . jcS n ,;a lark County Court, Harria County Texas. By- Sy_,.J C Deputy, f[' q$ 1( _ - - - - tic. 193261. - - -44 45.. D. T.Austin, at al. .To- West University Place F Independent School District. ..46 .-y Deed, 4$: The State of Texas. Count, of Harrir3.' Know all non by those presezita: That we, rt48,_,,. W. D. Haden, of Galveston County, Texas u r P Austin of Harrie'County „Texas, ire. ) - Clerk's Notes-Art. AGOG 7 itle Data, Inc. ST TDI13805 HA D619/288.001 , ' I' and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract It. r 2 Given under my hand and seal of office on this the 26th day of January, A. D. 1939• 3. Edith Coreen Thomas, Notary Public In and for Harris County, Texas, (Seal) 4 Filed for record Jan,30,1939 at 10.20 o'clock A.M. Recorded Feb.7,1939 at 1.15 o'clock P.M. , Deputy 6 W,Clerk County Court, Harris County,Texas,By - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :7 No. 194625 3 I 8 University Place Realty Company To Houston independent School District` 9 By President Deed 10' The State of Texas,; County of Harris: Know all men by these presents: 11 That University place Realty Company, a corporation, of Harris County, Texas, for and In i 12 42.00) Dollars cash consideration of the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Forty-two (9(7,5 13 to it paid by Houston Independent School District, a body corporate created by special act 14 of the 38th Legislature of the State of Texas, approved March 20, 1923, the receipt whereof 16 is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents 16 does grant, sell and convey unto said Houston Independent School District, its successors ; 17 and assigns, all of Lots Nos. One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) Six (6); 18 Seven (7), Eight (S) and the adjoining West 19 feet of Lot Nine (9), all in Block Seventeen (17)of Southgate, an addition, to the City of Houston, SSBB, Harris County, Texas, as said t 20' lots are shown upon the map or plat of said addition of record in the county clerk's office 21 of Harris County, Texas, in Vol. 10, pages.49 and 50 of the map Records of Harris County, 22 Texas; To have and to hold the above described property, premises 23; and improvements unto said Houston Independent School:Dietrict, its eueceasora and assigns, i- 24 forever, and University Place.Realty Company does hereby bind itself, Its suacessors.and 26. asslgns, to warrant and forever defend the title to the above described property, premises , 26 and improvements unto said Houston Independent School District, i'.ta successors and assigns, 27' against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to clalm.the same or any part thereof, 28, In testimony whereof University Place Realty Company has caused these presents to be executed t 29 by Its proper officers hereunto duly authorised, this the 30th day of December, A. D„ 1935- f t ..:,1 30 University Place Realty Company, By David Hannah, president 31 Attest; C. T. Grubbs, Asst. Secretary (Seal) 9 32. The State of Texas, County of Harris; Refore me, the undersigned 33 ! 4 authority, on this day personally appeared David Hannah, President of.Unlverelty Place Realty 34 Company, a corporation, known to me to be the person whose nameis subscribed to the 36' foregoing instrument of writing and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the 36~ purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capaaity therein Stated, and as the act 37' and deed of said corporation. i i 98'1 Given under my hand and seal of office, this the 30th day of December, A. D., 1938• 39 Bernice Beutel, Notary-Public in and for Harris County, Texas., (Seal) i 40 Filed for record Jan.30,1939 at 10.20 o'clock A.M. Recorded Feb.7,1939 at 1.3300 o'clock P.M. ' 41 Clerk County Court, Harris County, Texas. By_ Deputy i f,.43 No, 194626 44. S1, D. Haden, et al To Houston Independent School 4Gi District Deed i 46 The State of Texas, County of Harris: Know all men by these presents: 47; That we, 71, D. Haden, of Galveston County, Texas, and D. T. Austin of Harris County, Texas, 48 for and in consideration of the sum of Eight Thousand (;(8000.00) Dollars cash to us In hand clerk's Nota;-Art. 4604. F Title Data, Inc. ST TD113805 HA D1108/815.001 816 1' paid by Houston Independent School District, a body corporate created by special act of the 2 38th Legislature of the State of Texas, approved March 20, 1923, the receipt of which is hereby 31 acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, 4 sell and convey unto said Houston Independent School District, Its successors and assigns, + 6 all of that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in Harris County, Texas, and being a t flI 6', part of the 103.41 acre tract of land conveyed to grantors herein by Charles A. Wood and wife 1 i 7; by deed dated February 6, 1924, of record In Vol. 564, page 219, of the.Deed Records of II g Harris County, Texas, to which reference Ss here made, the part herelu conveyed being described k g by metes and 'pounds as follows, to-rift; Beginning at a stake in the f0 center line of Edloe Street produced from South Side place, an addition to the City of Houston, ' id said point being northerly 330 feet from the north line of University Boulevard in said 121 West University_Place; thence northerly along the center line of said Edloe street EEEE is produced northerly from said South Side place a distance of 206.00 feet to stake for corner; p 14 thence westerly parallel to the north line of University Boulevard a distance of 2124.5 feet i 16j to stake in the center line of Auden Street produced from said South Slde'plaee; e 161 thence southerly along the center line of said Auden Street produoed.a distance of 206 feet. 171 to stake; thence easterly parallel with the north line.of University Boulevard a. 18 distance of 1124. 5 feet to.the place of beginning, and containing 5.311.acres of land, more or 19 less, and there is also hereby conveyed all of the grantor's right, title and interest in and to 201 Amherst Street in said City-of west ❑niverelty Place as conveyed to Harris County, for road 211 purposes by deed dated September 15, 1927, of. record in Vol. 733, Page 153 of the Deed Records of 22Harris County, Texas, To have and to hold the above described property, 23 premises and improvements unto said Houston Independent School District its successors and 24~ assigns forever, and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to F 25 warrant and forever defend the title to the above described property unto said Houston Independent' 26 School District, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or 27 to claim the same or any part thereof. 285 Witness our hands, this the 30th day of December, A. D., 193$, f 29 W. D. Haden D. T. Austin 30~ The.State of Texas, County of Galveston; Before me,' the undersigned , 31~ authority, on this day personally appeared ;11. D. Haden, known to me to be the person whose / 32 name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing and acknowledged to me that he 33 executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. 34! Given under my hand and seal of office, this the 30th day of December., A. D., 1935. 36~ Leo Gray, Notary Public in and for Galveston County, Texas. (Seal) 366 The State of Texas, County of Harris; Before me, the undersigned 37, authority, on this day personally appeared D. T. Austin, known to me to be the person whose name 38 is subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing aild acknowledged to me that he executed the 39~ same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. A ~ 40 Given under my hand and seal of office, this the 30th day of December, A. D., 1938.• j 6 ! 411 N.. H. MoCullough, Notary Public in and for Harris County, Texas. (Seal) 5 42~ Filed for record Jan,30;1939 at 10.20 o'clock A.M. Recorded Feb.7,1939 at 1.50 o'clock 'P. M. 43i Clerk County Court,Harris County,Texas.By_-- -/Xfl_v Deputy 445 - - - - - - - - - - - - 461 No. 194694 461 W. R.Reld, et ux To E. E. McClendon, et ux 47i Release of interest i 481 State of Texas, County of Harris: Know all men by these presents, - Clerk's Notes--Art. *00. E t Title Data, Inc. ST TDI13B05 HA D1108/816.001 T 9~ 1. In Witness '!hereof, Investors Syndicate has caused this instrument to be signed by its President ~ 2 and has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and attested by Its Assistant Secretary 3' on this the 6th day of Februnry, A. D., 1939. 4; Investors Syndicate Sys J.A. Ridgway;, Jr., President. 5 Attest: J. Wyman, Assistant Secretary. (Seal) (Stamps Cancelled ~12.0b) 6State of ;rinnesota, County of kiennenin. Before me., the undersigned authority, i, on this =ay .personally eppaared J.R. Ridgway, Jr., President of Investors Syndicate,a t 8 Corporation, known to me to be the person whose name 18 subscribed to the foregoing instrument, 3 9: and acknowledged to me that he axecuted the same for the purposes and considerstir.n therein f S 10 e::pressad, in the cepscity therein stated, end as the act and deed or the L'orporati.on. 11 Given under my hard and-seal of office on this the 6th day of February, A. D., 1P39. 1.2 saris 5arthes, Notary Public in and.for Hennepin County, Minnesota. 13. My Commission Expires Ji%ly 22, 1542. (seal). t i 14; Filed for record reb 23, 1939 at 10:30 o'clock A.v, Record^d March 8, 1939 at 1:45 o'clook 154 11 „Clerk County Court Harris County Coxes, By Deputy 11 No. 198423 i 13` City of West University Place, To Houston Independent School Districts Texas, P..y Mayor ` 2!# l Quit Claim Deed 20 Phe State of texas,' Cor?nty of Barris Snow all men by these presents: feat the f 21 City of West 'ini.versity Place, a municirel corporation located in Harris County, ilexas,and ! 22 operating under tLe general laps of such e-tate, 'for and in consideration of the sum of X10.00 S 2s to it in hard paid oy Houstor lndopendent School District, a body corporate ,rented by special 24 act of the thirty-aiohth Leglia-la,iura of the 3tatc of Cexna, approved larch 20, 1923, t i 23 the receipt rf which is hareby ac6 owledged,dr,as by these presents bargain, sell, release and F 26 forever quit-claim unto une said Houston Independent School District,ite successors and assigns, l 27 ell ICs right, tills and interest in and to that pertain tract or pathsl of land located wl thin tE5 '.8 the corporate limits of the City of Ytast Univer_ity Place, in Harris County, pews, more i0 particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point where the 30 South property line of the Houston Independent School District intersects Its West property 31 ' lire,being• also the intersection rf the north property line of University Boulevard, a public 32 highway located within said CSty with the tart property Una of Auden Street, also a public 33i highway within said City; Inence north along the said east 34 oroperty line of Auden Street (which is also the wesr, prcperry line of said 3oustor. Independent j 35? School District property), a distance of 300' to a point for corner at the intersection of (iF} suon line with the sontn property line of Amnerst Street,a public highway within said City r G , 37 and which is also the ?forth property line of said 1'ouston Independent School Distrl_t nropsrty, ;sS' for the beginning point of the particular tract of land here conveyed.; 3r: , Prience east along the north property line o` said Houston Independent School D13t.rict property, 40! s distance of 1,064.4 feet to a point for corner where such line intersects the west property i 41i line of :digs Street, s public highway within said U'Sty, and whicn 1's also the.east property F 42~ line of said Feouston Independent School District T)rcpcrtV*, 43 thence norto along the said east line of nne Houston Independent Senool District ;property b 44i prolonged in that direction, a distance of 60 feet cc a point where it intersects with the 45I South property line of a certain 5.311 acre tract out of a -certain 100.acra tract owned 1 46 by Haden Austin, that is being or has 'been ,conveyed to Houston Independent School District ,17 end which is also t`e North property line of said Amherst Street; h eherce west alor; the sc.,th •reperty line of said 5.311 acre Cract,a distance of 1064.4 Peet Ocrh't Note.---Art. 4606. f Title Data, Inc. ST TD113805 HA D1119/91.001 92. 1 to a point for corner where said line intersects the west property line of said 5.311-acre 2 tract, which is also the -seat property line of said Auden Street,ard which is also a point 3 where the west property line of said Houston Independent- School District property,- if prolonged 4 north, would intersect; thence south along the said prolongatiGn of 5 the west property line of the Houston Independent 13chnol District a distance of 60 feet, to the 6 place of beginning. 'Rath one understanding and agreement, however, that the City of treat 7 University Place, its servants, agents, employees, successors and assigns reserves, .retaina-. 8i and has an easement over, under and upon the rropercy nere oonveyad and the free and unincernipt'ed 9 use, liberty and privilege of the same, and ingress and agrees co and from same, to lay, 10 maintain, repair and reconstruct sexier 11ne's, water lines,gas lines,-conduits, pipes, wires, ! 11 meters and all struct,lres and things in connection therewith, with the fizrthor understanding enl i 12 agreement that no strneture or b'uildi.ng of any kind or character anall be placed over or upon 13 the property nare conveyed. To nave and to hold the said premises, i 14 together with all and singular the rights, privileges and appurtenances thereto in any manner 7.5 belonging.tc the said Houston Independent School District, its successors and asssigns, forever, so 15 that neither the City of West University Place nor its successors or sasign3, nor any person 17 or persons claiming under it shall at any time hereafter have, claim or demand any rignt or 18 title to the aforesaid premises or appurtenances, or any part thereof, save and except as in 19@ Luis deed specifically at forth. Iu Witness Y.,neraof the Boad of / 20 Commissioners of the City of West University Place, :Pexas, by c.rdlnance adopted February 3, 1939, 21• has authorized the signature of Harvey 'V. Fleming, It tdayor,attested by U. U. Jerrard, its 22 City Secretary, under the seal of said City, which said sigrackrea are hereto annexed, on this j h 23 the 8th day of February, A. D., 1930. 24 - GSty of Weat University Place, texas, By: Harvey t'. Fleming, Mayor. 26 Attest: C. G. Jerrard, City Secretary. (Seal). 267 The State of Texas, Couhty of Farris. Before me, the undersigned, a Noterry i 2711 Public in end for said Qo•.tnty and State, on this,. day personally appeared Harvey T.. Fleming, i 28' known co me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and' 29i~ acknowledged to we that he exeeuted the same as the act and deed of said City of Went University I 30 Place, a municipal corporation located in Harris County_. Vexes, and as the Mayor thereof, 311 and for the purposes and aeneiderstionstherain expressed. ` 32 Given under my hand and seal of office, this the Stn day of February, A.-D., 1939. 33 N. 71. McCullough, Aotnry Public Harris County, Vexes. (Seal). 311 Filed for roccrd Feb 23, 1939 at 10:45 o'clock A.M.Recorded March 8, 1939 at 2.-50 o'clock P.M. 35_~ Clerk County Court Harris County Poxes, Ry~ Deputy 36i - - - - - - - - - - - - 37,1 No. 198454 3S! D. .:.Rankin To Maggie Davis. 39 Deed i 40f The State of Vexes, County of Harris. Know all men by these presents: rhat ' 41y ),the undersigned D. H. Rankin of the ucvnty of Harris, State of Vexes as a gift•to Maggie Davis, 42 of Soh mlenburg, Texaa; have granted, sold and aonvoyed,and qg~i by these presents do zrant, sell and convey unto the said Maggie Davis, all that certain- lot 3 41 twelve (12), in block ttlirty-nine (39) of the Hopson Addition to the City of 8ouston, in 45 Harris County, 'texas. '1'o:}nave and to hold the above described premises, t 461 together with a11° and singular the rights and eppurtonann.es thereto in sn,.rwiae belonging unto 471 the said Maggie Davis, ner nears and assigns forever, and I d•; hereby bind ryself, my 48.1 beirs, executors and admInistrators to xarrant and forever defend,all and singular the said 9 A'AAr Title Data, Inc. ST TDI13805 HA D1119/92.001