HomeMy WebLinkAbout05212009 ZBA DKT 2009-05 APPLICATION City of West University Place APPLICATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ("CITY") '94m, NP, Address of site: ` P ( Z_ j vt sG r 1 Legal description of the site: Lot 2 I o CCG Z Z 0-C) 1 Applicant: a I) U 421L') ~ ~LY~L C10111 Address: ~1 I 0 rl w U p 4i L- i v t) 7y OC S , Contact: ( C ( ( I ~ Phone: I Fax: SGL-Y► Email: r Vl l C r~ Decision or Action Requested (check one or more and provide requested data): Appeal. Hear and decide an appeal from an order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Administrative Official. • Is the official's action in writing? ( ) Yes; ( )copy is attached. ( )No, but the action appealed is as follows: • When was the action taken? Note: Appeals must be filed within a reasonable time. Please explain any delay below: • Exact zoning ordinance section(s) involved: • Grounds for appeal: ( } Special Exception. • Exact zoning ordinance section that authorizes the special exception: • Exact wording of special exception requested: f` Variance. • Exact zoning ordinance section from which a variance is requeate T1 _q 01__ ca ~eu5 e- D ~:a C C_ • Exact wording of variance requested: F ne_ , i i C.(U V-X5 t` ~0~y~ : ~5"~- l~ r'v :1 tG ~Zt 0.- 0. G Cwt ~t l 1 Z ~1 GiSc, Z( ~ b ~ 11Z 15 Q t}`fZ & Li L ~ - I t / 1 `W (h L~ J -n-~t L r 1 I l,~ ) ~(j f 1 1 /S ru --c" i L l l cL Other Data. Are trgere drawings or other data? ( )No { )Yes(list items here and attach them) I Ce 6-f { C, i L, C, ~`-'LI I - t: TF? } a y~l~ I Le y Attached. The applicant has read the State and City regulations attached. 4/ 3e, 0 Signature of applicant: ! L - C L ~-t Lk+_~Date: C i J-( Docket#: `S For Staff Use only Date filed.-;) Date heard: ) /:N) I I Form ZBA-102 1- IE & HARVEY MICHS $ PERMITTED I - - I Existing Neighbor's 20' -Home - CeA ~ i ~ Existing Pool - Existing Homeowner's and Patio o f Dwelling Driveway I ~ Extension to Garage Door a Proposed rete 14 X202 R -xis my t C - n Garage. sear Existing -20' • Neighbor's Home ~ I I IE & HARVEY MICHA S FOR PROPOSA I - - Existing / ~ Neighbor's 20' Home 7' fence-on Siyc \ 100' K °Existing d f ut o HomeOwner's Dwelling w MWpMmdL NO Driveway c. ' version io ;u ~ I I - age Door Q) 10 r, ii~ etl i rote N 4 , { 141.26' 4` _ E isu u, T, C ~z Jll ev ay O ~ ~ Ct N Existing 20' Neighbor's • Home I • Reasons for Requesting Variance for Garage Construction at 4112 Judson We have been residents of West University Place since 1983 and appreciate the environment and services provided by the city. We built our home at 4107 Emory in 1993 and have lived there since. For some time we had hoped to enlarge the yard space of our home. When our neighbors on Judson decided to sell their house we thought this would be our opportunity to have a larger back yard with an existing small pool. We thought about keeping the home but there was significant deferred maintenance and mold, so we had to demolish it. The house was one story with an attached garage. Since the driveway was in good shape, we tried to just keep the existing garage but were told by our contractor it was not possible to keep it while tearing down the rest of the house. Throughout the permitting process, which began in January, we assumed we could build the new garage in the place where the original garage was situated. When we began the process of getting our fence permit, we were told the fence would have to be at the 20' set back line in order to be lined up and not block the sight line of our neighbors. We complied with that and placed the fence where the original house stood. We then discovered that we would have to set back the start of the garage an additional 10', even though the original garage and the garages of our neighbors are not set back at this distance. This necessarily requires us to pour 10' by 14'(the width of the garage) or 140 more square feet of concrete. This of course defeats the purpose of providing more green space in the yard. Our lot on Judson is very close to the triangle at Judson and Bissonnet St. and looks out on both Bissonnet and the long fence of our across the street neighbors (who front Bissonnet, see pictures attached). By setting back the garage an additional 10 feet and building the side fence perpendicular to the front facing fence to attach to the garage this will cause a blind spot behind which someone could hide. This makes us feel less safe, especially since the primary use of the garage will be for our teenage daughter when she begins to drive next year. • • The 4100 block of Judson is made up of small single story, old stock homes many of which are rental homes. Given the proximity to Bissonnet, it is unlikely there will be much new construction. The proposed location of our garage will fit in more closely with the rest of our neighborhood. We have also asked our neighbors if they are in agreement with our proposal and all that we have reached have said they are. Please see attached letter signed by our neighbors. We understand that the regulation requiring a 10' set back for garages was initiated so that cars parked in the driveway would not impede a pedestrian's ability to walk on our sidewalks and to prevent people from walking in the street. We agree and support this goal. But by granting a variance in this unique situation the board can be certain this will not happen due to the reasons below. First of all, there are only three people in our family that reside in our house. The main entrance to our combined lots will always be through our front door at 4107 Emory. At that location we have the ability to park b cars in our driveway without blocking the sidewalk (see pictures attached). Secondly, as stated previously, the garage on Judson is a secondary garage (no house will ever be built there). It will be used for one car only, which will be housed inside the garage. Because there will be no gate into the yard no one other than one of the three of us will be able to open the garage door, enter it, and access the backyard. Thirdly, where we propose to place the door of the garage will still afford plenty of space to park even an SUV sized car, should the situation arise, outside of the garage and still not obstruct the sidewalk. (See picture attached) In conclusion, we feel that we have a unique situation since this is a through- lot with a garage only and that the requested variance does not violate the spirit of the City's regulations. It will not cause a parking problem that will block the sidewalk, the proposed location fits in aesthetically with the rest of the neighborhood and in fact improves the neighborhood with a new fence and garage, and adds more green space on an inferior lot that faces the traffic of Bissonnet and our neighbors do not oppose it to. April 27, 2009 This letter is to inform the City of West University's Zoning Board of Adjustment that the undersigned neighbors of 4112 Judson do not oppose the property owners, Harvey and Collie Michaels' proposal to build a garage at 4112 Judson that lines up with the 20 foot set back property line, versus being set back an additional 10 feet behind the 20-foot front property line set back. Name of Neighbor Address of Neighbor Signature of Neighbor ~w C -----=S J _ - - - Sol - C-------- - = t=-----`-~~--------- H 1LL Lie-, 41 E: rq k) } t-------------- C,I( - f / 4 - _ , ✓ 04/30/2009 10:17 FAX 7139329238 wivv-L.Vv, 0, O{Z0H 4 4, 51 TI~;Y;tl~srn*Leiaroslt. c + Rf~1C' Fa`lders ! 081042 08 l737p. A+NIsrry Tt4340 p;2 nib WtW- IslalaFarmtheCtty of test fin Wl!rsity' i n ng Board:ofAdjust t t!~$ ire an d ri of ~41 u s ;da nog o~pg tf pa o: x~r t oWneft, Harvey anordilie.'michuds' p vpwat to #u gd av age at 4112 judsm es- tip :the W ;kotset-back Qrape line, verses timing set back are a imat 10 t hind: e J ={o fi mt rty tine set "C.. F Ova f _ r~.~ aC3Q rpy b 410( _t~Q . IQ ~nw..J n~.r-s -n-w-w-._-.~-.wr-aar_w_ rv.w_rr. r.inr-.._w+.T _-_.n w_Mr~_..._ i I \ ,r a.~..M _ .4 . • rte- . , w. - _ Sr h A ~ Mika '.444 ¢ . 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