HomeMy WebLinkAbout10152009 ZBA DKT 2009-12 CORRESPONDENCE 3420 Albans - Tree Considerations Page I of 2 Novelli, David A [GWM-GWAS] From: Craig Koehl [CKoehl a@westu.org] Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 2:13 PM To: Novelli, David A [GWM-GWAS] Subject: RE: 3420 Albans -Tree Considerations fxlt. NoveIIi, rorn zi trey star,dpoint...leavii g the existing drive; section wo ild have €;,ss of an inlpa-t o.n the adjacent Green ,11h 1- e'e the€' zP;.;szri Lt r?rl of the prof,os-',d 10' parking pad ilke nn'-' kstt7'4';l if YOU lir"V ail}' • Uestion> or rit ed a8't'y il-A ional i:1Tl rm. ticn, I hank' You,. a , Front: Novelli, David A [mailto:david.a.novel Ii@citi.com] Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 3:15 PM To: Craig Koehl Subject: 3420 Albans - Tree Considerations Craig, I am concerned about the 26" tree located on the west side of my house at 3420 Albans. The house is under construction. In reviewing the current plan for adding flatwork for my drive way and 10' concrete parking pad which would sit adjacent to the house and on the east side of the tree in question, I believe the tree would benefit from an alternative plan. Would you please provide your opinion on the merits of eliminating the 10' parking pad and instead retaining the current curb cut which has been in place for many decades. This would allow the location to the east of the tree where the parking spot has been drawn to remain pervious. The result of this would be a wider than typical curb cut, running from the current drive way north to incorporate the new garage and extend the distance between curb cuts byond the current standard of 24'. Thank you. David David A. Novelli Managing Director Wrgan Stanley Private Wealth Management 717 Texas Avenue, Suite 3050 9,!812009 3420 Albans - Tree Considerations Page 2 of 2 Houston, TX 77002 PH: 713-658-2731 FAX: 713-658-2729 david.a.novelii@cib.com Please visit our xvebsite at ht#pJtfa,smithbarney_cam/thenoyeNigroupsfa! It takes good judgment, hard work and time to create prosperity....but it can be lost in the blink of an eye. Be prudent...be thoughtful. It is important that you do not use e-mail to request, authorize or effect the purchase or sale of any security or commodity, to send fund transfer instructions, or to effect any other transactions. Any such request, orders, or instructions that you send will not be accepted and will not be processed by Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. Recently, the Global Wealth Management Group of Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and the Smith Barney division of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. combined into Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, a new investment advisor and broker/dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The URL on this e-mail is not indicative of the sender's employer. 4/8/2009 § 7-101 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE MUNICIPAL CODE General Rule: Every building site, vehicular urea and related struc- ture must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table. ("N/A" means the rule does not apply.) Exceptions/Spe- cial Rules: (1) See special rules noted in table. (3) See Article 9 re- Table 7-5a: garding Planned Development Districts. (3) See Note 7 regarding Parking, driveways, etc. special exceptions. (4) See Article 10. 9F-1 SF-E I SF-3 TH GR-1 GR-2 C Item Regulation. Off-street parking spaces Number, location, size, de- Depends on land use, layout, etc. See this Table, Table 7-4a, and Ar- and parking areas sign ticle 10 (including rnaneuuering areas, design requirements, ",same Other regulations apply; see, site" rule, yards, street areas, loading ,'paces, etc.). e.g. Article 10 Maneuvering areas See Article 10. Grouping or sharing. Not allowed, except in a QMDS platted parking reserve serving two or more DU's. But see Note 2. Use of parking areas Parking spaces for non-S'FD uses may only be used for motor vehicle parking. See Note 3. Emergency accessway Minimum width. See Note 1. 20 ft, via public or private street, to each principal building and each DU (or to an adjacent open area accessible to firefighters and equipment). Other regulations also apply, e.g, fire code. Driveways and private Minimum width. See Note 1. For SFD use: nine ft. streets For non-SFD residential use: 10 feet, or 17 feet if two-way and serv- Other regulations apply; see, ing three or more DU's. e.g. Article 10. Maximum width (in front For SFD use: (i) Driveway serving any single-bay garage: 12 feet. (ii) yard or street area) Driveway in a front yard serving rear garage or side-facing garage: See Note 1. 12 feet. (iii) Driveway in side street area of a corner site serving a side-facing garage with three or more bays: 30 feet; (iv) Any other driveway: 20 feet. For other residential uses: 24 ft. (or 35 feet if con- necting to a major thoroughfare). For all other uses: 30 feet (or 35 feet if connecting to a major thoroughfare). Maximum length For non-SFD uses: 160 feet, driving distance to the nearest street area, measured along centerline from farthest end point. A longer driveway is allowed if there is an approved turnaround or second means of egress, or if the drive-way is platted as part of the common area in a QMDS. Route, location See Note 6. N/A Spacing For non-SFD uses: There must be at least 40 feet between the "in- side" apron edges (at their narrowest points) of driveways serving the same building site. Pavement Required type For SFD use: Hard-surfaced or pervious pavement required for each See Note 4. required driveway and parking space; twin "ribbons" of pavement are permitted. For all other uses: Reinforced concrete, with curbs and drains required for all vehicular areas. Exceptions: (i) See Table 7-3 (pervious pavement) and Note 4, below. iii) See Article 10 re- garding "overhang." Markings; wheel stops. Required type For non-SFD uses: Parking spaces must be clearly marked on the pavement, and wheel stops are required. See Note 12. Curb cuts Number For SFD use: Maximum one per subdivided lot abutting the street. Other regulations apply; For non-SFD uses: Maximum one per 50-ft. segment of street line. see, e.g. Article 10. See Note 5. Max. width per 50-ft. seg- Four feet (for aprons) plus the maximum driveway width allowed. ment of street line Each curb cut must be confined to the part of the street area that directly abuts the building site(s) served. See Note 1. Visibility triangles Forbidden structures, plants The following are forbidden on parts of a building site within a visi- See definitions in Article 2 and other things bility triangle: structures, plants or other things taller than 2.0 ft. or shorter than 8.0 ft. This does not require removal of trees in ex- istence on July 1, 1992, if kept pruned. Supp. No. 6 CDA:40 r § 7-101 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE MUNICIPAL CODE Note 1. Width measurrment inethods. Minimum driveway width refers to unobstructed vehicular access path and, for non-SFD use, pavement. Maximum driveway width reters to maximum width of pavement in a front yard or street area, excluding complying curb cut aprons. Maximum curb cut width refers to the width of the driveway plus aprons, measured at the edge of the roadway. Note 2. Grouped or shared parking. Article 10 also provides for a special exception, in certain circumstances. !Vote 3. Parking exclusivity (non-SFD uses). Required parking spaces must be kept open, readily accessible rind used for parking only, with no sales, dead storage, display, repair work, dismantling or servicing of any kind. Required guest parking spaces must be kept open and reserved for that use only. Note 4. Paoement. The ZBA may issue a special exception to allow other materials if it finds that they will provide equal or better durability. Note 5. Curb cuts. The ZBA may issue a special exception for additional curb cuts. Circular driveways specifically allowed by another ordinance are not prohibited. Note 6. Route; Alternating Driveways. Each driveway must connect garage space to the street by the most direct route. On narrow sites where alternate side yard areas apply (see "Yards" table), the following special restrictions also apply: (A) there must be a driveway located as nearly as practicable to one side of the site; (B) the side is determined in accordance with the established driveway pattern for the block face in question, if there is such a pattern; and (C) if there is no such pattern, and if there is an adjacent driveway on one adjoining building site but not the other, the driveway must be on the side farthest from the adjoining driveway. Exceptions: (i) this paragraph does not prohibit circular driveways specifically permitted under another ordinance of the City, and (ii) a driveway may be curved or moved away from the most direct route to the extent reasonably necessary to avoid destroying or seriously injuring a tree. Note 7. Special Exceptions. The ZBA may issue a special exception for a parking area, garage or driveway (or other maneuvering area) in another location or with a different design than prescribed by this ordinance, if it finds that: W the other location or design will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire-fighting and similar needs; (ii) the other location or design will prevent the destruction of a qualified tree; (iii) in the case of the remodeling of a principal building, the location requested is the same location as an existing parking area, garage or driveway; or (iv) the location or design requested is necessary for safety considerations. Note 8. Curb Cuts in PDD-TH1. (i) If a building site abuts both Bellaire Boulevard and another street, then all vehicular access shall be from the other street, and no more than two curb cuts shall be allowed. However, in the case of the development of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and the east ten feet of Lot 10, Block 1, Kent Place Addition, if Lot 6 is included in the same building site or in a joint development with the other lots, vehicular access shall be limited to one curb cut on Mercer Street. (ii) If a building site abuts only Bellaire Boulevard, vehicular access shall be limited to two curb cuts. :Vote 9. Curb Cuts in PDD-TH5. (i) If a building site abuts both Academy and Bissonnet, no curb cuts on Bissonnet and no more than two curb cuts on Academy are permitted. (ii) If a building site abuts only Bissonnet, there may be no more than two curb cuts. Note 10. Driveways in PDD-TH7. Cul-de-sac driveways in PDD-TH7 may not exceed 50 feet in length, or 200 feet if a terminus is provided with dimensions adequate for turning. Note 11. Curb Cuts in PDD-TH2. (i) If a building site abuts both Kirby Drive and another street, there may be one curb cut on Kirby Drive and on each other abutting street. (ii) If a building site abuts only Kirby Drive, vehicular access shall be limited to two curb cuts. Note 12. Curbs as Wheel Stops. Curbs may be used as wheel stops. Area outside a curb-wheel stop counts toward minimum parking space dimensions if actually usable as "overhang" and not needed for maneuvering area. Supp. No. 6 CDA:42 Sallye Clark From: Debbie Scarcella Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 10:24 AM To: Sallye Clark Subject: FW: Albans Drive Way From: David Novelli [mailto:david@novelli.net] Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 7:01 AM To: Debbie Scarcella Cc: 'Joseph Studlick' Subject: FW: Albans Drive Way Debbie, Please see the note below from Joe Studlick. Joe and Ralph Pokluda are my neighbors who live on Sewanee and who would be most impacted by any decision by the ZBA. Please include this as part of our application and if necessary, contact Joe or Ralph at the numbers below. I have also attached Joe's e-mail for your reference. Thank you! David From: Joseph Studlick [mailto:jstudlick@mac.com] Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 6:32 PM To: david@novelli.net Cc: Joseph Studlick Subject: FW: Albans Drive Way David, As discussed today, both Ralph Pokluda (5320 Sewanee) and 1 (5321 Sewanee) support your petition for a longer curb cut. Please have the CoWUP contact us if needed. Joe Studlick 832.472.1334 Ralph Pokluda 713.523.8148 Forwarded Message From: David Novelli <david @ novelli.net> Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 15:08:32 -0500 To: Joseph Studlick <jstudlick@mac.com> Subject: Albans Drive Way Joe, 1 I Between baseball and church youth group this afternoon, I am hopeful to get by and show you what I am proposing. It will eliminate the need for me to park my F150 on Sewanee and reduce congestion on the narrow street. David David Novelli End of Forwarded Message z City of West University Place A Neighborhood City ® Recycled Paper NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") will hold a public hearing in Bill Watson Conference Room of the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, City of West University Place, Texas 77005, during a meeting set to begin at 6:30 P.m. on October 15, 2009. The hearing may be recessed and continued to a ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 P.m. on November 19, 2009. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: Address of the site: 3420 Albans, West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal description of the site: The South One Hundred feet (S. 100') of Lot Three (3), in Block Ninety-One (91), of Second Addition to west University Place, an addition in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 538, Page 147, of the deed records of Harris County, Texas Docket No.: 2009-12 Applicant: David A. and Amy W. Novelli Action Requested: Applicant requests a Special Exception to allow a curb cut and driveway section up to 40' wide instead of the maximum 24' allowed. Applicable regulations include the City's Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. Additional details on such matters, as well as, the applicable regulations are available for public inspection in the Public Works Center, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, 77005. Any person interested in such matters should attend the hearings. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting, please contact the Planning & Development Assistant at 713.662.5843 in advance of the meeting. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assistyour participation in the meeting. The Municipal Building is wheel chair accessible from the west entrance and specially marked parking spaces are available in the southwest parking area. y r Signed: Jam. _ t ~ for the ZBA 10-5-2009. Sallye A. Cla Planning Assistant. 3800 University Boulevard • West university Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.668.4441 • tivww.westu.org NOVELLI DAVID A & AMY W BAKER S JOSEPH & JUDITH M 5000 HOLT ST %BAKER FAMILY LIVING TRUST GRICE W R BELLAIRE TX 77401-5725 3401 ALBANS RD 3423 ALBANS RD Re: 3420 Albans Rd HOUSTON TX 77005-2105 HOUSTON TX 77005-2105 WOBBE PAUL L & SCHACHTEL ANN M PEARSON JOHN PIRTLE LAWRENCE J & JUDY H 3419 ALBANS RD 3415 ALBANS RD 3407 ALBANS RD HOUSTON TX 77005-2105 HOUSTON TX 77005-2105 HOUSTON TX 77005-2105 WEI CATHERINE T WALDROP JR ALLISTER & RUTH COVINGTON BUILDERS LTD 6730 WILLOW LN 3511 ALBANS RD 3419 MERCER ST DALLAS TX 75230-2317 HOUSTON TX 77005-2107 HOUSTON TX 77027-6507 Re: 3412 Albans Rd Re: 3512 Albans Rd PATRICK JOHN R HOSTER CLAY WILLOUGHBY TERRI L OTT JOHN PAUL JR & MARY C 3504 ALBANS RD 3503 ALBANS RD 3406 ALBANS RD HOUSTON TX 77005-2108 HOUSTON TX 77005-2107 HOUSTON TX 77005-2106 4 JORDEN DAVID E & MELANIE A STUDLICK JOSEPH R & MARY E POKLUDA RALPH 3408 ALBANS RD 5321 SEWANEE AVE 5320 SEWANEE AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-2106 HOUSTON TX 77005-2129 HOUSTON TX 77005-2130 ST GEORGES ORTH CHURCH W UNIV CHURCH OF CHRIST GREISS ISIS M MD 5311 MERCER 3407 BISSONNET ST 5320 WESTCHESTER AVE HOUSTON TX 77000 HOUSTON TX 77005-2115 HOUSTON TX 77005-2138 RE: 3505 Bissonnet