HomeMy WebLinkAbout04072005 BSC Agenda Item 2 i • City of West University Place A Neighborhood City Workshop Recycled Paper Building & Standards Commission 3826 Amherst Street,In the Public Works Building, oAes Located in the Public Conference Room, West University Place, TX. 77005 °�le4 Meeting Minutes �► February 9th, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp,David Flame,J. Denis Powers and Kevin Mc Mahon. MEMBERS ABSENT: John Ayres, Dr. Peter Benjamin, Brian Hoogendam, and Muddy McDaniel. COUNCIL LIASION: Mike Woods. STAFF PRESENT: Annette Arriaga,Dennis Mack and Jim Dougherty. GUESTS PRESENT: Les Albin and Robert Riquelmy. [Call to Order.] With a quorum, present Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. 1. Planning Workshop. Bryant Slimp wanted to discussed the future direction for the BSC for the next calendar year. BSC reviewed a list that Jim Dougherty has sent referring back to several, 6 plus years ago, draft amendments that were presented by BSC on the local codes. These were code amendments that had been discussed but not passed with city council. Bryant Slimp referred to the handout that he had provided which discussed: ❑ Rot Resistant Materials 1. Paints & Coatings 2. Use of certain material in particular places ❑ Structural Framing Ordinance Revisions 1. Beam Supports 2. Truss design and certifications 3. Attachment Practices *Toe nailing *Hangers ❑ Solid Fences 1. Locations 2. Engineering 3. Heights 4. Materials of Construction Bryant Slimp and David Flame asked Dennis Mack about the luncheon with Mike Woods,Ron Wicker,Michael Ross and Dennis Mack. Dennis Mack stated that the foundation draft amendments would be put back on next month's agenda. David Flame asked from what issues might have the highest interest or impact and work from there. He added that BSC should prioritize. The workshop agreed on three main factors. 1)A good engineering job, an engineered structural plan. 2)Checks and balances, liability coverage of the professional that provide that structural plan. 3)Accountability, site inspection upon completion. He felt that if the template works for foundations then the structures should follow. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.66804441 • www.westu.org Building and Standards CommissWS Meeting Minutes • February 9th,2005 Page 2of 2 Mike Woods stated that the general concept is good but requested for BSC to stay away from preferences. He stated that the BSC should have logic or a driven force that cause something to happen. Mike Woods stated that rot resistant materials is a good item since, we do live in a hot humid climate. Dennis Mack wanted to let the workshop know that before you can ban something or specific materials,you better make sure that you have a scientific reason to, because there will be people out there who will challenge it. Les Albin wanted to add that the board shouldn't wait until something bad happens before something is done. The board should do look into the issues and problems that are occurring. Les Albin stated that in order to have a good structure you need two things. 1. A good engineering job. 2. Someone out in the field to check that engineering Mike Woods agreed,that all structures need to be engineered. BSC continued general discussion on headers, beams,basic engineering requirements and minimum building standards. Bryant Slimp asked the workshop committee which area and what direction do they want to go? David Flame stated that the workshop committee should ask how common the problem is and how common is the failure?We should prioritize high. Which area are a major concern and it would appear a good benefit and a great impact. Bryant Slimp asked for list to be generated by the workshop of all the changes before the next meeting. Items to be reviewed,exterior material finishes and rot resistant materials and specific area for structural. [Adjournment.] Meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF ,2005. Bryant Slimp, Chairman ATTEST: Ms. Annette R. Arriaga Development Services Secretary 0 • • City of West TJniversityPlace A Neighborhood City Special Meeting L: Recycled Paper Building & Standards Commission 3826 Amherst Street,In the Public Works Building, /P Located in the Public Conference Room, West University Place, TX. 77005 Meeting Minutes February 15th, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp,John Ayres,J.Denis Powers and Brian Hoogendam. MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr. Peter Benjamin,Kevin McMahon,Muddy and McDaniel. COUNCIL LIASION: Mike Woods(absent). STAFF PRESENT: Annette Arriaga,Dennis Mack and Jim Dougherty GUESTS PRESENT: Larkin Matthews,Les Albin and Robert Riquelmy. [Call to Order.] With a quorum,present Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. 1. Special Meeting. Bryant Slimp referred to the draft amendment of the Standard Code Schedule regarding foundations, dated 02-14-05.Note: Base draft includes revisions through 11-29-04; additional revisions requested 2-14-05 are marked in the text. Dennis Mack and Jim Dougherty presented a new draft amendment incorporating the comments from meeting between Mike Woods and Dennis Mack. The group discussed the draft and talked about the term"habitable space" since,there were some concerns on what this meant. The term was better defined to the group's satisfaction once Dennis Mack stated that habitable space is already defined in the IBC. The next portion that was discussed was section(3),which covers Jim Dougherty, and Dennis Mack suggested the wording of: (unless waived by the BSC as provided below.)See page 6, subsection h.Special Exceptions. The BSC may issue a special exception from any requirement in subsection "a"through"g"above,but only upon a showing that 1)the requirement will not affect life safety or performance of a structure 2)an alternate requirement to be imposed by the special exception will provide equal or better protection for life safety and long-term structural performance. Dennis Mack stated that if a RLPE who is doing one job and that if the insurance cost can't be justified by the amount of work that they are doing,then,they can an apply to the BSC for a special exception. Dennis Mack stated that this engineer would still have to go with either foundation types(1)or(2)for their foundation design. This will allow an RLPE with a smaller practice an out to certain insurance requirements. The special exception went further to state that: Unless the basic type of foundation is"structural slab with void space and deep foundations"or"structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations,"as described above,the BSC may not issue a special exception waiving requirements for the RLPE or RLGE to have professional errors and omissions insurance. Bryant Slimp discussed the affect of trees and stated that the trees were acknowledged. He referred to the section on page 2, a.Engineering which states that: • 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.668.4441 • www.westu.org ti Building and Standards CommissIOSS Meeting Minutes NOI February 15th,2005 Page 2of 3 If there are existing trees(either to remain or to be removed)within 20 feet of a foundation,the RLPE must acknowledge, in writing,that the trees have been taken into account in the preparation of the plans and specifications. Larkin Matthews stated that we could only acknowledge so much. The engineers cannot take into account everything. John Ayres gave an example of homes in the Willow Bend area and how small trees were planted years ago that are now grown which in many instances have damaged the foundations. Dennis Mack stated that most Engineers would put in disclaimers for the future trees. The group examined page 1 part(3),which states: "RLPE"means a licensed or registered professional engineer of the State of Texas who is:Number(3)(unless waived by the BSC as provided in"h"below)etc; John Ayres discussed the insurance requirements. He asked why we would give the engineers an out?Why would we not require the errors and omissions insurance across the board?Why would we allow the soils labs to not have the insurance?Jim Dougherty stated that we are not requiring the soils lab to be insured. Jim Dougherty stated that we do require the geoscientist to have insurance. Dennis Mack stated that this was to just waive any requirement or anything, either one or both. This is a restriction, for example, for an engineer who wanted to build his own house.Jim Dougherty stated,that the code needs to be specific and make it clear for no waiver.Jim Dougherty will add in language allowing no waivers. The group reviewed page 2,b. Geotechnical Report. Partial Exception: The workshop agreed that the phrase(see below)would be stricken. The group reviewed page 3, d.Foundation, Basic Type: (see page 4,middle section.) The workshop agreed to strike out all of item numbers(6)and(7)as follows:. habitable ) The group reviewed page 5 under the section(1) Observations must: The group agreed that if the RLPE's have to certify the work done,then let the engineers make the decisions concerning the work. The group reviewed the section,which states: (iii)Be performed eentinueuslduring placement of concrete and any stressing or John Ayres and Bryant Slimp agreed to leave in the word"continuously" in the draft ordinance. The group reviewed the section on Certification that states: (ii) State that the work complies with the plans and specification last approved by the building official • , . • • . . _ • , , • . • • '-_ ' _ , • . • , , • The group agreed keep the original wording, and thus to read: (ii) state that the work complies with the plans and specification last approved by the building official with any field changes that are ordered by the RLPE and reported to the building official and that comply with applicable regulations.) The group agreed with the wording on page 6, h. Special Exceptions. Building and Standards CommisseS Meeting Minutes February 15th,2005 Page 3of 3 (1)The requirement will not affect life safety or the performance of a structure(for-its • . . • . • ; :- agreed to leave it off. The group agreed to make some changes and modifications on page 6, h.Special Exceptions. Jim Dougherty will re-write this section,which states: Unless the basic type of foundation is "structural slab with void space and deep foundations"or"structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations,"as described above,the BSC may not issue a special exception waiving requirements for the RLPE or RLGE to have professional errors and omissions insurance. The new language will state: However: (i)unless the basic type of foundation is"structural slab with void space and deep foundations"or"structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations," as described in this section,the BSC may not issue a special exception waiving any requirement for an RLPE or RLGE to have professional errors and omissions insurance,in whole or in part; and (ii) the BSC may not waive any requirement for an RLGE to have such insurance. Jim Dougherty to make all of the changes and modifications that were discussed and have the draft amendment ready before the next scheduled BSC meeting. Motion: The group agreed to approve the draft amendment of the Standard Code Schedule regarding foundation with additional revisions, dated 02-15-05 to present to city council. John Ayres was first to approve the motion. J.Denis Powers seconds the motion.AYES: Bryant Slimp,John Ayres,J. Denis Powers and Brian Hoogendam. NOES:None. ABSTAIN: None.Motion passed. [Adjournment.] Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2005. Bryant Slimp, Chairman ATTEST: Ms. Annette R.Arriaga Development Services Secretary City of West University Place A Neighborhood City Workshop C Recycled Paper Building & Standards Commission 3826 Amherst Street,In the Public Works Building, Located in the Public Conference Room, 444),1 West University Place, TX. 77005 Meeting Minutes March 10th & 11th, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp and J. Denis Powers. MEMBERS ABSENT: David Flame, John Ayres, Dr. Peter Benjamin, Brian Hoogendam, Muddy and McDaniel and Kevin McMahon. COUNCIL LIASION: Mike Woods(Absent.) STAFF PRESENT: Annette Arriaga,Dennis Mack and Jim Dougherty. GUESTS PRESENT: Les Albin. [Call to Order.] With a quorum, present Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. 1. Structural. Bryant Slimp requested for the workshop committee to refer to the draft amendment of Standard Code Schedule regarding structural framing dated 01-06-05. Dennis Mack wanted to discuss the 1-inch potential vertical rise and the insurance requirements. He stated that the 1-inch PVR would not be necessary if we were using types for 2 on the foundation design methods. Dennis Mack stated that we could put in a provision stating that the piers must extend to the zero movement area, or the inactive zone. Under this provision,the RLPE would have to state the depth of the active zone using the soils report data. The workshop discussed the active zone depths etc. Active Zone. The movement of expansive clay soils that is general restricted to an upper zone of soils known as the active zone. The lower boundary of this zone is highly defined as the line of zero movement. The depth of active zone varies from site to site and in the Houston area this depth ranges from 8 to 12 feet in some cases 15 to 20 feet. The depth of the active zone is an important design used in the engineering design for the foundations on expansive soils. Bryant Slimp was unable to have Mr. David A. Eastwood, P.E with Geotech Engineering present at our workshop meeting. Bryant Slimp will try to get with Mr. Eastwood and have some of Mr. Eastwood's input, comments and answers to a few questions before the workshop reconvenes on Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. on March 11`h, 2005. The workshop continued to review and discuss the draft amendment of the Standard Code Schedule regarding structural framing, dated 01-06-05. The workshop discussed the term habitable space. The workshop committee agreed to have Jim Dougherty add in and define "habitable space", to include each new building (and each addition to an existing building) containing habitable space and having a floor higher than four feet, or having a gross floor area of 485 square feet, or more. This will allow the ordinance to include each accessible deck, balcony, walkway and similar structure having a floor higher than four feet. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org Building and Standards CommissiooS Meeting Minutes March 10th& 11th,2005 • Page 2of 4 The workshop committee discussed the 1-hour fire ratings on page 2,b. Fire Protection. They agreed to add in language that stated that: any part of a structural element within five feet of a property line must be composed or fully protected by, materials with a"one-hour"fire rating, or better, determined as provided in 2000 of the IRC Building Code. Jim Dougherty will re-word all of part b. on page 2.Additional regulations. The workshop committee discussed c. Observation& Certification on page 2: Structural elements must be professionally observed and must be certified by an RLPE, as more fully described below. The workshop agreed to list out several observations. (1) Observation must: (i) Be performed either by the certifying RLPE or by one or more persons under that RLPE's direct supervision. (ii) Include actual measurement of piers, fill, compaction,reinforcement, forms,material, dimensions, structural elements, attachments, etc. before the work is covered or concrete is placed. (iii) Be performed continuously during placement of concrete and (iv) Be documented in a form and manner approved by the CBO(which may include photographs). (2) Certifications may: (i) Rely in part upon an attached certification by a RLPE, as to geophysical matters,and (ii) Rely in part upon an attached certification by an A2LA Lab, as to material testing. The workshop continued to discuss several options and special exceptions. However: (i)unless the basic type of foundation is"structural slab with void space and deep foundations"or"structural floor with crawl space and deep foundation,"as described in this section,the BSC may not issue a special exception waiving any requirement for an RPLE to have professional errors and omissions insurance, in whole or part;and(ii)the BSC may not waive any requirement for an RLGE to have such insurance. In connection with any special exception,the BSC may require that the applicant provide supporting data and opinion, and the BSC may impose conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of the applicant. Bryant Slimp asked for Jim Dougherty to add in all of the changes and recommendations from the workshop. Jim Daugherty was asked to re-draft the structural ordinance draft and send it out for BSC to review. Bryant Slimp requested for a special meeting to be set in order to go over the both the structural and foundation draft ordinances. Bryant Slimp requested for the draft amendment ordinances to go to city council for the March 28th meetings. Meeting in recess at 4:55 p.m. The workshop meeting is standing at a recess and will reconvene on Friday,March 11"at 8:30 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. Building and Standards Commissi S Meeting Minutes • March 10th& 11th,2005 Page 3of 4 Bryant Slimp called the meeting back in session at 8:40 a.m. on Friday, March 11, 2005. Bryant Slimp requested for the workshop committee to refer to the draft amendment of the Standard Codes Schedule regarding foundation dated 02-16-05 Note: Base draft includes revisions through 11-29-04; additional revisions reviewed and approved by BSC 02-16-05 are marked in the text. Bryant Slimp updated the workshop committee and stated that he was finally able to communicate with Mr. David A. Eastwood P.E. Mr. Eastwood recommended that with respect for the piers and the 1-inch PVR, he recommends that the piers should be drilled to twice the depth of the active zone so that the pier bottoms won't move. 2 X the active zone. As far as the 1 inch PVR and the slab, He stated that he recommends that if the BSC wanted to move away from using the PVR, he recommends using minimum 8-inch void boxes and then it doesn't matter what the PVR of the soil is, because the slab will not move when poured on the 8 inch void boxes. Jim Dougherty referred to the draft amendment of the Standard Codes Schedule regarding foundation dated 02-16-05 Note: Base draft includes revisions through 11-29-04; additional revisions reviewed and approved by BSC 02-16-05 are marked in the text. The workshop agreed to use 6-inch void boxes as a minimum. Jim Dougherty discussed page 2, partial exception. The workshop agreed and discussed several foundation methods and types. Structural slab with void space and deep foundations, structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations, stiffened structural slab with deep foundations, stiffened non structural slab with deep foundations, mixed depth system for all new buildings, mixed depth system for building additions with deep foundations etc. Jim Dougherty to write in the basic standards and the workshop agreed to come up with a detailed chart of the approved basic types. This chart will simplify the requirements based on the slab type being considered. The workshop discussed the Geotechnical reports and standards,. The plans and specification for each foundation must be based on a written Geotechnical report prepared, signed and sealed by a RLGE. The report must cover all testing and site evaluation, and a;must meet all applicable criteria in "Recommended Practice for Geotechnical Exploration and Reports"etc. Geotechnical Report, Scope. "Limited"indicates that the Geotechnical testing, evaluation and report may be limited to a determination of the appropriate depth for the deep foundation(but the deep foundation components must meet the other criteria applicable to them). "Full" indicates that the Geotechnical testing, evaluation and report must cover all foundation components. Jim Dougherty would put in the chart as well as all of the performance and Geotechnical standards and all other changes into a new draft. The new draft will be send to BSC. Bryant Slimp stated that a special meeting would be set for March 16th, 2005 to discuss all matters relating to foundations and the proposed ordinance amendments before they go to city council. Building and Standards Commissi•S Meeting Minutes • March 10th & 11th,2005 Page 4of 4 [Adjournment.] Meeting adjourned at 10:10a.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2005. Bryant Slimp, Chairman ATTEST: Ms. Annette R. Arriaga Development Services Secretary • • City of West Universit y Place A Neighborhood City Workshop 4.• Recycled Paper Building & Standards Commission 3826 Amherst Street, In the Public Works Building, 4646 Located in the Public Conference Room, West University Place, TX. 77005 `�� Meeting Minutes �► February 9th, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp,David Flame,J. Denis Powers and Kevin Mc Mahon. MEMBERS ABSENT: John Ayres, Dr. Peter Benjamin, Brian Hoogendam, and Muddy McDaniel. COUNCIL LIASION: Mike Woods. STAFF PRESENT: Annette Arriaga,Dennis Mack and Jim Dougherty. GUESTS PRESENT: Les Albin and Robert Riquelmy. [Call to Order.] With a quorum, present Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. 1. Planning Workshop. Bryant Slimp wanted to discussed the future direction for the BSC for the next calendar year. BSC reviewed a list that Jim Dougherty has sent referring back to several, 6 plus years ago, draft amendments that were presented by BSC on the local codes. These were code amendments that had been discussed but not passed with city council. Bryant Slimp referred to the handout that he had provided which discussed: ❑ Rot Resistant Materials 1. Paints & Coatings 2. Use of certain material in particular places ❑ Structural Framing Ordinance Revisions 1. Beam Supports 2. Truss design and certifications 3. Attachment Practices *Toe nailing *Hangers ❑ Solid Fences 1. Locations 2. Engineering 3. Heights 4. Materials of Construction Bryant Slimp and David Flame asked Dennis Mack about the luncheon with Mike Woods, Ron Wicker,Michael Ross and Dennis Mack. Dennis Mack stated that the foundation draft amendments would be put back on next month's agenda. David Flame asked from what issues might have the highest interest or impact and work from there. He added that BSC should prioritize. The workshop agreed on three main factors. 1)A good engineering job, an engineered structural plan. 2)Checks and balances, liability coverage of the professional that provide that structural plan. 3)Accountability, site inspection upon completion. He felt that if the template works for foundations then the structures should follow. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org Building and Standards CommissWS Meeting Minutes • February 9th,2005 Page 2of 2 Mike Woods stated that the general concept is good but requested for BSC to stay away from preferences. He stated that the BSC should have logic or a driven force that cause something to happen. Mike Woods stated that rot resistant materials is a good item since, we do live in a hot humid climate. Dennis Mack wanted to let the workshop know that before you can ban something or specific materials,you better make sure that you have a scientific reason to, because there will be people out there who will challenge it. Les Albin wanted to add that the board shouldn't wait until something bad happens before something is done. The board should do look into the issues and problems that are occurring. Les Albin stated that in order to have a good structure you need two things. 1. A good engineering job. 2. Someone out in the field to check that engineering Mike Woods agreed,that all structures need to be engineered. BSC continued general discussion on headers,beams, basic engineering requirements and minimum building standards. Bryant Slimp asked the workshop committee which area and what direction do they want to go? David Flame stated that the workshop committee should ask how common the problem is and how common is the failure?We should prioritize high. Which area are a major concern and it would appear a good benefit and a great impact. Bryant Slimp asked for list to be generated by the workshop of all the changes before the next meeting. Items to be reviewed,exterior material finishes and rot resistant materials and specific area for structural. [Adjournment.] Meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF ,2005. Bryant S limp, Chairman ATTEST: Ms. Annette R. Arriaga Development Services Secretary i • City of West University Place A Neighborhood City Special Meeting Recycled Paper Building & Standards Commission 3826 Amherst Street, In the Public Works Building, bict Located in the Public Conference Room, qA6 West University Place, TX. 77005 Meeting Minutes February 15th, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp,John Ayres,J. Denis Powers and Brian Hoogendam. MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr.Peter Benjamin,Kevin McMahon,Muddy and McDaniel. COUNCIL LIASION: Mike Woods(absent). STAFF PRESENT: Annette Arriaga,Dennis Mack and Jim Dougherty GUESTS PRESENT: Larkin Matthews,Les Albin and Robert Riquelmy. [Call to Order.] With a quorum, present Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. 1. Special Meeting. Bryant Slimp referred to the draft amendment of the Standard Code Schedule regarding foundations,dated 02-14-05.Note: Base draft includes revisions through 11-29-04; additional revisions requested 2-14-05 are marked in the text. Dennis Mack and Jim Dougherty presented a new draft amendment incorporating the comments from meeting between Mike Woods and Dennis Mack. The group discussed the draft and talked about the term"habitable space" since,there were some concerns on what this meant. The term was better defined to the group's satisfaction once Dennis Mack stated that habitable space is already defined in the IBC. The next portion that was discussed was section(3),which covers Jim Dougherty, and Dennis Mack suggested the wording of: (unless waived by the BSC as provided below.) See page 6, subsection h.Special Exceptions. The BSC may issue a special exception from any requirement in subsection "a"through"g"above, but only upon a showing that 1)the requirement will not affect life safety or performance of a structure 2)an alternate requirement to be imposed by the special exception will provide equal or better protection for life safety and long-term structural performance. Dennis Mack stated that if a RLPE who is doing one job and that if the insurance cost can't be justified by the amount of work that they are doing,then,they can an apply to the BSC for a special exception. Dennis Mack stated that this engineer would still have to go with either foundation types(1)or(2)for their foundation design. This will allow an RLPE with a smaller practice an out to certain insurance requirements. The special exception went further to state that: Unless the basic type of foundation is"structural slab with void space and deep foundations"or"structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations,"as described above,the BSC may not issue a special exception waiving requirements for the RLPE or RLGE to have professional errors and omissions insurance. Bryant Slimp discussed the affect of trees and stated that the trees were acknowledged. He referred to the section on page 2, a.Engineering which states that: 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.668.4441 • www.westu.org ti Building and Standards Commiss SS Meeting Minutes • February 15th,2005 Page 2of 3 If there are existing trees(either to remain or to be removed)within 20 feet of a foundation,the RLPE must acknowledge, in writing,that the trees have been taken into account in the preparation of the plans and specifications. Larkin Matthews stated that we could only acknowledge so much. The engineers cannot take into account everything. John Ayres gave an example of homes in the Willow Bend area and how small trees were planted years ago that are now grown which in many instances have damaged the foundations. Dennis Mack stated that most Engineers would put in disclaimers for the future trees. The group examined page 1 part(3),which states: "RLPE"means a licensed or registered professional engineer of the State of Texas who is:Number(3)(unless waived by the BSC as provided in"h"below)etc; John Ayres discussed the insurance requirements. He asked why we would give the engineers an out?Why would we not require the errors and omissions insurance across the board?Why would we allow the soils labs to not have the insurance?Jim Dougherty stated that we are not requiring the soils lab to be insured. Jim Dougherty stated that we do require the geoscientist to have insurance. Dennis Mack stated that this was to just waive any requirement or anything, either one or both. This is a restriction,for example,for an engineer who wanted to build his own house. Jim Dougherty stated,that the code needs to be specific and make it clear for no waiver. Jim Dougherty will add in language allowing no waivers. The group reviewed page 2,b. Geotechnical Report. Partial Exception: The workshop agreed that the phrase(sue)would be stricken. The group reviewed page 3, d.Foundation, Basic Type: (see page 4,middle section.) The workshop agreed to strike out all of item numbers(6)and(7)as follows:. a T The group reviewed page 5 under the section(1) Observations must: The group agreed that if the RLPE's have to certify the work done,then let the engineers make the decisions concerning the work. The group reviewed the section,which states: (iii)Be performed co ntinuoastyLduring placement of concrete and-any-stressing-Or John Ayres and Bryant Slimp agreed to leave in the word"continuously" in the draft ordinance. The group reviewed the section on Certification that states: (ii) State that the work complies with the plans and specification last approved by the building official • , . • • . . . _ . • . • • _ , , , • . . The group agreed keep the original wording, and thus to read: (ii)state that the work complies with the plans and specification last approved by the building official with any field changes that are ordered by the RLPE and reported to the building official and that comply with applicable regulations.) The group agreed with the wording on page 6,h. Special Exceptions. Building and Standards Commiss S Meeting Minutes February 15th,2005 Page 3of 3 (1)The requirement will not affect life safety or the performance of a structure(for its agreed to leave it off. The group agreed to make some changes and modifications on page 6, h.Special Exceptions. Jim Dougherty will re-write this section,which states: Unless the basic type of foundation is"structural slab with void space and deep foundations"or"structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations,"as described above,the BSC may not issue a special exception waiving requirements for the RLPE or RLGE to have professional errors and omissions insurance. The new language will state: However: (i)unless the basic type of foundation is "structural slab with void space and deep foundations"or"structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations," as described in this section,the BSC may not issue a special exception waiving any requirement for an RLPE or RLGE to have professional errors and omissions insurance,in whole or in part; and (ii)the BSC may not waive any requirement for an RLGE to have such insurance. Jim Dougherty to make all of the changes and modifications that were discussed and have the draft amendment ready before the next scheduled BSC meeting. Motion: The group agreed to approve the draft amendment of the Standard Code Schedule regarding foundation with additional revisions,dated 02-15-05 to present to city council. John Ayres was first to approve the motion. J. Denis Powers seconds the motion.AYES: Bryant Slimp, John Ayres,J. Denis Powers and Brian Hoogendam.NOES:None. ABSTAIN:None. Motion passed. [Adjournment.] Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF ,2005. Bryant Slimp, Chairman ATTEST: Ms. Annette R.Arriaga Development Services Secretary • • City of West University Place A Neighborhood City Workshop C. Recycled Paper Building & Standards Commission 3826 Amherst Street,In the Public Works Building, Located in the Public Conference Room, West University Place, TX. 77005 Meeting Minutes March 10th & 11th, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp and J. Denis Powers. MEMBERS ABSENT: David Flame, John Ayres, Dr. Peter Benjamin, Brian Hoogendam, Muddy and McDaniel and Kevin McMahon. COUNCIL LIASION: Mike Woods(Absent.) STAFF PRESENT: Annette Arriaga,Dennis Mack and Jim Dougherty. GUESTS PRESENT: Les Albin. [Call to Order.] With a quorum,present Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. 1. Structural. Bryant Slimp requested for the workshop committee to refer to the draft amendment of Standard Code Schedule regarding structural framing dated 01-06-05. Dennis Mack wanted to discuss the 1-inch potential vertical rise and the insurance requirements. He stated that the 1-inch PVR would not be necessary if we were using types 1 or 2 on the foundation design methods. Dennis Mack stated that we could put in a provision stating that the piers must extend to the zero movement area, or the inactive zone. Under this provision,the RLPE would have to state the depth of the active zone using the soils report data. The workshop discussed the active zone depths etc. Active Zone. The movement of expansive clay soils that is general restricted to an upper zone of soils known as the active zone. The lower boundary of this zone is highly defined as the line of zero movement. The depth of active zone varies from site to site and in the Houston area this depth ranges from 8 to 12 feet in some cases 15 to 20 feet. The depth of the active zone is an important design used in the engineering design for the foundations on expansive soils. Bryant Slimp was unable to have Mr. David A. Eastwood, P.E with Geotech Engineering present at our workshop meeting. Bryant Slimp will try to get with Mr. Eastwood and have some of Mr. Eastwood's input, comments and answers to a few questions before the workshop reconvenes on Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. on March 11"', 2005. The workshop continued to review and discuss the draft amendment of the Standard Code Schedule regarding structural framing, dated 01-06-05. The workshop discussed the term habitable space. The workshop committee agreed to have Jim Dougherty add in and define "habitable space", to include each new building (and each addition to an existing building) containing habitable space and having a floor higher than four feet, or having a gross floor area of 485 square feet, or more. This will allow the ordinance to include each accessible deck, balcony, walkway and similar structure having a floor higher than four feet. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org Building and Standards Commissio S Meeting Minutes • March 10th& 11th,2005 Page 2of 4 The workshop committee discussed the 1-hour fire ratings on page 2, b. Fire Protection. They agreed to add in language that stated that: any part of a structural element within five feet of a property line must be composed or fully protected by, materials with a"one-hour"fire rating, or better, determined as provided in 2000 of the IRC Building Code. Jim Dougherty will re-word all of part b. on page 2.Additional regulations. The workshop committee discussed c. Observation&Certification on page 2: Structural elements must be professionally observed and must be certified by an RLPE, as more fully described below. The workshop agreed to list out several observations. (1) Observation must: (i) Be performed either by the certifying RLPE or by one or more persons under that RLPE's direct supervision. (ii) Include actual measurement of piers, fill, compaction,reinforcement, forms, material, dimensions, structural elements,attachments, etc.before the work is covered or concrete is placed. (iii) Be performed continuously during placement of concrete and (iv) Be documented in a form and manner approved by the CBO(which may include photographs). (2) Certifications may: (i) Rely in part upon an attached certification by a RLPE,as to geophysical matters,and (ii) Rely in part upon an attached certification by an A2LA Lab, as to material testing. The workshop continued to discuss several options and special exceptions. However: (i)unless the basic type of foundation is"structural slab with void space and deep foundations"or"structural floor with crawl space and deep foundation,"as described in this section,the BSC may not issue a special exception waiving any requirement for an RPLE to have professional errors and omissions insurance, in whole or part;and(ii)the BSC may not waive any requirement for an RLGE to have such insurance. In connection with any special exception,the BSC may require that the applicant provide supporting data and opinion, and the BSC may impose conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of the applicant. Bryant Slimp asked for Jim Dougherty to add in all of the changes and recommendations from the workshop. Jim Daugherty was asked to re-draft the structural ordinance draft and send it out for BSC to review. Bryant Slimp requested for a special meeting to be set in order to go over the both the structural and foundation draft ordinances. Bryant Slimp requested for the draft amendment ordinances to go to city council for the March 28th meetings. Meeting in recess at 4:55 p.m. The workshop meeting is standing at a recess and will reconvene on Friday,March 11`x'at 8:30 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. Building and Standards CommissilkS Meeting Minutes • March 10`x'& 11th,2005 Page 3of 4 Bryant Slimp called the meeting back in session at 8:40 a.m. on Friday, March 11, 2005. Bryant Slimp requested for the workshop committee to refer to the draft amendment of the Standard Codes Schedule regarding foundation dated 02-16-05 Note: Base draft includes revisions through 11-29-04; additional revisions reviewed and approved by BSC 02-16-05 are marked in the text. Bryant Slimp updated the workshop committee and stated that he was finally able to communicate with Mr. David A. Eastwood P.E. Mr. Eastwood recommended that with respect for the piers and the 1-inch PVR, he recommends that the piers should be drilled to twice the depth of the active zone so that the pier bottoms won't move. 2 X the active zone. As far as the 1 inch PVR and the slab, He stated that he recommends that if the BSC wanted to move away from using the PVR, he recommends using minimum 8-inch void boxes and then it doesn't matter what the PVR of the soil is, because the slab will not move when poured on the 8 inch void boxes. Jim Dougherty referred to the draft amendment of the Standard Codes Schedule regarding foundation dated 02-16-05 Note: Base draft includes revisions through 11-29-04; additional revisions reviewed and approved by BSC 02-16-05 are marked in the text. The workshop agreed to use 6-inch void boxes as a minimum. Jim Dougherty discussed page 2, partial exception. The workshop agreed and discussed several foundation methods and types. Structural slab with void space and deep foundations, structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations, stiffened structural slab with deep foundations, stiffened non structural slab with deep foundations, mixed depth system for all new buildings, mixed depth system for building additions with deep foundations etc. Jim Dougherty to write in the basic standards and the workshop agreed to come up with a detailed chart of the approved basic types. This chart will simplify the requirements based on the slab type being considered. The workshop discussed the Geotechnical reports and standards- The plans and specification for each foundation must be based on a written Geotechnical report prepared, signed and sealed by a RLGE. The report must cover all testing and site evaluation, and a;must meet all applicable criteria in "Recommended Practice for Geotechnical Exploration and Reports"etc. Geotechnical Report, Scope. "Limited"indicates that the Geotechnical testing, evaluation and report may be limited to a determination of the appropriate depth for the deep foundation(but the deep foundation components must meet the other criteria applicable to them). "Full"indicates that the Geotechnical testing, evaluation and report must cover all foundation components. Jim Dougherty would put in the chart as well as all of the performance and Geotechnical standards and all other changes into a new draft. The new draft will be send to BSC. Bryant Slimp stated that a special meeting would be set for March 16th, 2005 to discuss all matters relating to foundations and the proposed ordinance amendments before they go to city council. Building and Standards Commissi/S Meeting Minutes March 10th& 11th,2005 Page 4of 4 [Adjournment.] Meeting adjourned at 10:10a.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF ,2005. Bryant Slimp, Chairman ATTEST: Ms. Annette R. Arriaga Development Services Secretary