HomeMy WebLinkAbout12062007 BSC Agenda Item 5 • Josie Orosco From: James L. Dougherty, Jr. [jdough8@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 5:03 PM To: Dave S. MiUer; Bmant (ATGTC) S|imp; bbs|imp@mwbeUoet; CnuigNNoeh|@houston.n.com; Debbie8oanceUa; Sean Landis; Josie Orosco Cc: Chris Peifer; Michael Ross Subject: Tree ordinance, Sections 82-3 and 82-4 54 Urban Forest 54 Urban Forest Ordinance Upda... Ordinance Upda... TO: Tree Team FROM: James L. bougherty, Jr. Attorney at Law 5177 Richmond, Suite 740 Houston, Texas 77056-6709 Phone 713-880-8808, Fax 281-220'8984 E'AAoi|:jdough8@ybcg|oboinot Hello, Everyone, Attached are the latest versions of Sections 82-3 and 82-4. These are the key sections for the new ordinance. In Section 82-3, I modified subsection "(b)' after discussing it with Craig. The basic idea is that Chapter 82 will impose general tree protection measures for construction (i.e., "development" or "pre-development activity"). No permit or permit conditions would be needed to trigger these measures. They will be automatic and "always on." However, in some cases, more specific conditions might be needed to protect the trees (Example: put down an extra layer of wood chips and boards to protect roots). Such measures could be inserted as "special" conditions in permits for "development" or "pre-development activity." NOTE: These are ordinary permits (demolition, building, fence, irrigation, etc.), not "tree permits." If the construction would damage or remove a tree, a tree permit would be necessary (and it would probably require planting of replacement trees, for example). Craig asked about linking tree permits to the ordinary permits, and I think that is a good idea. Section 18-4 contains general language about "master" permits---it is designed to make the general contractor responsible for all the permits on the site. This would work well for linking tree permits to building permits and other permits for work on the same site. In Section 82-4, I put in language to implement Dova'sou9gustinn regarding non-building structures. A 86C-issued special exception would be required to damage or remove a tree that interferes with non-building structures. I put in the three-part test discussed with Dave. Note: The current wording does not allow removal of a tree that interferes with a non-structural "use" of property (Examples: growing sun-loving roses, breathing without irritation from tree pollen). As now written, someone claiming interference with non-structural "use" would have to apply to the BSC for a variance, or else keep the tree. Call if I can help further. See you on Thursday. 1 Urban Forest Ordinance Update: Sec. 82.3: Tree protection (generally) Draft 12-3-07 Current Proposed Tree dlst> ,.,.i , .cur . . Section 82.3. Tree protection. (a) ( crrrvral reoirem nt . Every y p=ermit ter (a) General duties. To protect four-inch-or-larger de eff:rpnrant of pr ectt,ve,iopmerrt activity itttn a.contain trees (anywhere in the City)and two-inch-or-larger trees tree disposition conditions meeting the requirements (located in any street area), all persons have these duties: of this section. Table 82-3. Tree protection,general duties (I?) Essential and rttuttdltttrrr,,, �'�>nc�tii i�3r1s . �l't Tree Get permits. Obtain tree permits as required by this chapter and comply with them. disposition conditions an. the most important means Get owner consents. Obtain the effective consent of all persons it^ the urban forest of the city (front having a property interest in a tree before starting work t?l lr rrt*., Jurim:,development and that could damage the tree. pr development activity. Tree disposition conditions Avoid damage. Avoid damaging trees(including critical root sir€r l l: zones)by following the forestry manual and any permit conditions. (I ) Prc}hibit removal of or damage to any large Reduce damage. Minimize and mitigate tree damage,in tree, ex.eept: accordance with the forestry manual and any permit a. Reraaos al of a tree which is diseased, severely conditions. damaged or dead may be towhn> zed: (b) Development,pre-development, etc. For b. Damage to or removal of a tree which causes development or pre-development activity, this chapter and an unreasonable impedfiiita nt to the use and enjoyment the forestry manual generally require a tree survey before of the applicant's property may be authorized; and issuance of a permit, and they impose protective measures a, Damage to or removal of a low-value tree nary- (e.g., tree fencing). All issuing officials may insert special be authorized, conditions to carry out this chapter into any permit for (2) Require replacement trees, to the extent development or pre-development activity. provided in the criteria manual, for any lame trees authorized to be damaged or removed Exception: :'No replacement iN required for low-value trees. (?) Require protection for large trees (and critical root zones). `I he conditions may specify the methods of protection to be used .i) Require that any authorized damage e a be minimized and mitigated. The conditions inns specify methods of Mitigation to be used. (5) Require, if there is major development, that die affected subject site attain a minimum planting standard of tree density as set forth in the criteria manual, (c) Procedure . 1 he building official shall any lmoo_it for any development or fete development activity unless all of the Collet %ing have first occurred: t l3 Tree survey 'The applicant must have filed Joe survey, and the urban forester must have n'uved it for compliance with this chapter. (,?) Tree disposition conditions Tree e disposition conditions approved by the urban forester roust have bean inserted into the permit. The urban forester may require all parsons owning: land where a tree is located to agree to any removal of or damage to the tree authorized by the conditions. (d) I,rtit- fitter su t 'zr. E > >rlc.>f0 Except for the requirement to insert the mandatory conditions, this :tiett.tmo does Cate apply to ii subject site, project or ;.:silt 'r :tar t� (hat will not have ante significant, adverse effect upon any targe tree, as determined by the urban forester. Urban Forest Ordinance Update: Sec. 82.4. Tree permits Draft 12-3--07 Current Proposed Sec., rec vci wits. Sec. 82.4.Tree permits. raj 1'r ice ivjuir'ctl , A tree permit is (a) When required. A tree permit is required to required for removal of or damage 10 an ' damage or remove any four-inch-or-larger tree protected tree, unless the damage is separately iy (anywhere in the City) or any two-inch-or-larger tree authorized by tree disposition conditions as (located in any street area). described above, See section 18-5 for a more (b)Application. Any person may apply to the particular description of the requirement for a tree building official for a tree permit. The application pe:r'irtil must include: (i) the standard application form, fully- (h) Criteria for rs.si.tcrtrce of permits , The completed and signed; (ii) the standard application building official shall only issue a tree permit if fee, if any; (iii) a tree survey, if required by the subsections (I) and either(2) or (3) are present: forestry manual; and (iv) a replacement tree planting (I) Application . An application for the plan, if required by the forestry manual. permit must be tiled by the owner of the area (c) Eligibility. A tree permit may be issued when Where the tree is located. If the tree is located on the application shows: (i) compliance with this a property boundary. ail owners must join in the chapter, the forestry manual and other applicable apptieaiion. regulations, and(ii) that each tree fits at least one of (2) Tree in poor condition hazards: low- these categories: value trees . The tree in question is diseased;aserl; Table 82-4. Trees allowed to be removed or damaged Hazardous. Trees causing unavoidable,serious safety hazards severely damaged or dead, or the tree creates a (disregarding an y proposed structures);e.g.. they are iraz.ard to human life or an in 2; f?tlil.ding, or structurally unsound or block views of traffic. the tree is a low-value tree. In any of these cases. Diseased,damaged,dead,suppressed. Trees that are dead, the Ise-rrnii snail i? isdia:'i1 without special terminally diseased,severely damaged or severely suppressed by other tree(s). condttiOTIS Or r"cplecel"nr nt requirement. Interfering with building. Trees interfering with a lawful (3) "Free as impediment to proposed use building,existing or proposed,but only if,based upon a o�f�trhe subject site , The tree in question causes in detailed presentation of alternatives,the urban forester determines that there is no reasonable alternative that unreasonable impediment to use and enjoyment would avoid removing or damaging the tree. of property. Any permit issued in this east shall Interfering with other structure. Trees interfering with a lawful non-building structure,existing or proposed,but only if the be; reviewed by ri urban forest-or and shall BSC issues a special exception after finding that:(i)the retla.anre tl at any replacement trees required by circumstances are unique or exceptional;(ii)the this chapter be planted. If replacement trees trees are to interference is serious,unavoidable and likely to persist be loc at d can a subject site ontro[led by the longer than one year,and(iii)there is no reasonable and feasible alternative that would preserve the tree. permits i, the permit shall also require that they Upgrading. Class III or IV trees,but only if the urban forester be thereafter anrnntairmed. if the permit would considers all trees in or near the affected area and zlt:(�horise damage to ii protected tree, ].ar.[t, !1C}t. determines that removal will upgrade the urban forest, because,e.g.:(i)removal would end suppression of a removal, ilk peril1?t otEist contain conditions higher-valued tree,or(ii)the permit requires one or more reasonably Gat.ulntemi to minimize the daruattc to higher-value replacement trees in the affected area. the protected tree grand !nay require replacement: (d)Advice, conditions. The urban forester shall ircct t, advise the building official and BSC about applications and permits. They may insert permit conditions to carry out this chapter. (e)Issuance; BSC. The building official is the "issuing official" (see Chapter 18). However, BSC approval is required for: (i) an application to remove or damage a heritage tree, and(ii) an application referred by the building official because it involves an especially high impact on the urban forest, or because it does not clearly show eligibility for the permit. • • .-rf ,- ., -41 i • o a3 C N C O L 9 O> L O t tS N na E 7 a .. 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U7 U '8 � N N ) N ro N roN ro 15 L co U al '0 O 7U 0 aN — U N : N a (A 2 ° c o _7 ..cc 9 d N t.11 - O U U co N N N U c:1‘-p "0 C C i y Y ,> N co .2 N E C U O N U N j C n C (N ro - L (n (1) N U) C 0 ° 0 Lc a C - U) CO ▪ - vi m o a) ..a E 2 L Q ro 0 E N i C a o m.. g, L . < 5 LU O a > w )a ) -0 u5a Li- m ° m .... E U• E n U p a _c N a a w. m N E U d z o U o a) ...;,. o CN ' C 7 aa C > N N U ro (o ai C L j Q N E a (U 0 C O _, N N 2 F 7 O (ii. (« O) > ) E a _o c U� C 3 U 0 O y c L 7 Y O p U a a -- c 0) a c E C as 0 c 92 s U C 0- 0 5 a 2) c 2 W C ° co n c N o Uo ro cow y O L fl ca Nn m H C o = co ° a c o .m Y >, �i0 v o E .N N C� • U U L L L Y 92 L-. O > 3 3 .3 > > r o o 0 ro (A_ U- a) E E U ° a ro > ¢ o S v W m c ,Ell c c E m U m v c U o -• ro) o w o o c c c ro 0 w ro o n)_o- c E > Q ro N a)• c a`) • o c % y nc o o w 0 c o o a m o ro . 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Z n m — CC a c Z N W ccI W Co w N i a Q z 0 u a p wcz a d va m a Z} m W O ()U H LL, W Z— O 0 m < > 0 0 >a>0_(i) • • Observations from Sample Permit Exercise 1. Tree evaluation—On proposed new construction. When rating the Tree's Potential and Location of Tree, do we rate based on existing or proposed conditions? 2. Sample permits do not capture all trees proposed to be covered by new ordinance. Existing ordinance applies to all trees 6" diameter and larger on new construction sites, and therefore existing permits do not include all trees that are proposed to be covered by the new ordinance. New requirements could potentially require more replacement planting OR may provide for greater Canopy Area Coverage and require no replacement. 3. Existing ordinance includes a Low Value exception—trees that score less than 19 points do not require replacement. The proposed ordinance does not require inch for inch replacement for trees in poor condition or hazardous condition; however, for new construction we are requiring every tree to be rated regardless of condition? Is this the direction we intended to go? 4. Our rating scale currently requires every tree to have a minimum rating of 10. As I interpret what we have...trees being rated on new construction are not exempt of the rating if they are in poor condition, as they are for Routine Use of Land. What this does is require at least 10% replacement of a Tallow tree that is in very poor condition(assuming Canopy Area is not met). This would require 66 sq. in. of replacement for a nearly dead 29" Tallow—which would require five 4" diameter trees. Should we not(or maybe we already have) apply the same exemptions to Development/Pre-development as we do to Routine Land Use? 5. Most new home permits do not include a pool...but quite often one is added by homebuyer prior to close of construction. If a site meets Canopy Area requirements and removes trees without replacement required...then the pool permit grants removal of additional trees that will cause the lot to fall below the Canopy Area do we require replacement of the trees that were removed in the new home permit? 6. 3502 Nottingham canopy area on the building site is 24% but the lot is heavily wooded. Many of the trees are growing along the right of way (corner lot) and the canopy area is not counted toward the Canopy Area because coverage is over the right of way. If it is the City's goal to encourage planting of trees in the right of way, should we not grant at least partial credit for canopy area over right of way immediately adjacent to the subject building site? Urban Foresters comments— 12/6/2007 • • 3620 PLUMB-NEW RESIDENCE Existing Ordinance Replacement requirements , 4 i t e, J„ Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements Description _Required replacement Comments 24"Boxelder 0" Poor condition 10"Pecan 0" Poor condition _ 10"Raintree 0" Poor condition 5"Pine 0" Not protected by ordinance 7"Raintree 0" Poor condition 11"Pecan 11" 29"Live Oak 29" Total replacement 40", must include at least four 4"trees Associated cost of replacement requirements Cost of planting trees four 4"trees(16") $1,000.00 ea $4,000.00 twelve 2"trees(24") $220.00 ea $2,640.00 $6,640.00 Cost of Tree Trust Credits four 4"trees(16") $1,500.00 ea $6,000.00 _ 24"at$125.00/inch $125/in _ $3,000.00 _ $9,000.00 Canopy Area Calculations per Proposed Ordinance Lot size 100'x 150' 15,000 Canopy over Class 1 or 2 trees to be preserved subject lot 32"Water Oak _ 1558 17"Pecan 1080 30"Live Oak 3024 Total Area of Class 1 or 2 trees preserved 5662 Canopy area coverage of lot 38% Proposed Ordinance Replacement requirements Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements Trunk Area Replacement Description Rating percentage (sq in) (sq in) Comments 24"Boxelder 10% 452 45 Heritage tree, BSC approval required, poor 10"Pecan 35% 79 28 Poor condition 10"Raintree 10% 79 8 Poor condition 5"Pine 90% 20 18 7"Raintree 35% 38 13 Poor condition 11"Pecan 55% 95 52 29"Live Oak 85% 707 601 Heritage tree, BSC approval required Total replacement 765 Associated costs of replacement requirements Cost of Planting trees 4"diameter trees 13 sq in/tree 59 @$1,000 $59,000.00 OR 6"diameter trees 28 sq in/tree 27 @$1,500 $40,500.00 Tree Trust Credit Costs _State average cost $64/sq in at 765 sq.in._ $48,960.00 Houston/Beaumont $84/sq.in. at 765 sq.in. $64,260.00 $25/sq.in. at 765 sq.in. $19,125.00 • • City of West University Place TREE DISPOSITION AND TREE SURVEY APPROVAL FORM 3620 PLUMB -NEW RESIDENCE The tree disposition and tree survey for this site has been approved as being in compliance with Chapter 82 of the code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place: X Fence trees(s) in accordance with Chapter 82 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place before pre-development activity or construction activity starts. X Existing driveway approach will be left until construction is complete X Leave in portion of private drive to protect tree roots. X Remove trees: yes Quantity 6 Species Pine,Live Oak, Pecan,Raintree X 40",Must include at Replace with Qualified trees (see AMENDED list). Diameter least(4)4"diameter inches must add up to the required replacement. Replacement Class I or 2 trees must include at least a 4"diameter,or 100 gallon tree for every 10"diameter required. Other trees must be a minimum of 2" diameter X Tree(s) will be pruned and/or fed by a qualified tree professional when deemed most beneficial to the health of tree(s). X Installation of underground utilities shall be done using hand labor and not cutting roots larger than 1"diameter. X Wash concrete,paint,chemicals &other materials away from the critical root zones. X Comments: Protect trees as shown on approved plans with six foot high chainlink or wire fencing. Do not alter or remove fencing without prior approval from the urban forester. Fence must have approved sign stating that the fence is for tree protection. Do not operate heavy equipment in the fenced area protecting the tree critical root zone(CRZ)or use for storage. Remove all excess soil from site promptly. Do not spread or pile in tree CRZ. All grading in tree critical root zones must be done manually, limiting cut or fill to 3" max and avoiding damage to tree roots I"diameter and larger. Do not use heavy equipment in tree critical root zones for grading or excavation for installing forms(i.e. sidewalk or driveway). Place plastic barrier in bottom of forms before pouring concrete. Sidewalks shall be formed without cutting or damaging tree roots 1" diameter or larger. If roots 1"diameter or larger are in conflict with forms contractor shall contact City Forester for inspection. Trees that are impacted by construction and decline or die within 2 years of issuance of Certificate of Occupancy are required to be replaced in accordance with requirements included in Chapter 82 of Code of Ordinances. Leave section of existing driveway to protect root system of 17"Pecan until just before forming and pouring of new driveway. 24"Boxelder to be removed is Shared tree. Consent from owner of 3621 Tangles provided and included in file. All irrigation,drain lines,and any other excavation in area protected by tree fence • . must be completed using hand excavation without cutting tree roots 1"diameter or larger. A proposed planting plan of replacement plantings must be submitted for City review ***** and approval prior to planting trees. Plan must include proposed planting location, tree species,and tree size. Do not fence in water meters,electrical t-poles or fire hydrants. Fences must be a minimum 2' from any fire hydrant. Fence across rear of lot must be placed to protect 5' utility easement. ********KEEP SIDEWALKS CLEAR FOR PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC********** Project type: New Residence Contractor: Forrest Homes Contact: Julio L. Laguarta Phone 713-666-8676 OFFICE USE ONLY Inspection date: 4/3/2007 Fee: $225.00 Inspector: CNK Date: 4/19/2007 *PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PERMISSION TO REMOVE "SHARED TREES". THE PERMITTEE MUST OBTAIN A LETTER OF CONSENT FROM THE ADJACENT HOMEOWNER BEFORE REMOVING TREE. • • 3001 QUENBY-NEW RESIDENCE Existing Ordinance Replacement requirements <. , " Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements Description _Required replacement Comments — 10"Waxmyrlte 0" Poor condition 7"Crepe Myrtle 0" Poor condition 17"Magnolia 12" Fair condition _ Total replacement 12", must include at least one 4"tree Associated cost of replacement requirements Cost of planting trees _one 4"tree(4") _$1,000.00 ea $1,000.00 four 2"trees(8") $220.00 ea $880.00 OR $1,880.00 Cost of Tree Trust Credits one 4"tree(4") _$1,500.00 ea_ $1,500.00 _ 8"at$125.00/inch $125/in $1,000.00 $2,500.00 Canopy Area Calculations per Proposed Ordinance Lot size 50' x 105' j 5,250 Canopy over Class 1 or 2 trees to be preserved subject lot 20"Elm 250 18"Pecan 280 Total Area of Class 1 or 2 trees preserved 530 Canopy area coverage of lot 10% Proposed Ordinance — Replacement requirements ,,, Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements Trunk Area Replacement Description Rating percentage (sq in) (sq in) Comments 110"Waxmyrtle 30% 79 24 7"Crepe Myrtle 30% 38 11 Against house 17"Magnolia 85% 227 193 Total replacement 204 Associated costs of replacement requirements Cost of Planting trees 4"diameter trees _13 sq in/tree 16 @$1,000 $16,000.00 OR 6"diameter trees 28 sq in/tree 8 @$1,500 $12,000.00 OR Tree Trust Credit Costs State average c^st $64/sq in at?04 sq.in $13,056.00 r Houston/Beaumont $84/sq.in. at 204 sq.in. $17,136.00 I $25/sq.in. at 204 sq.in. $5,100.00 • City of West University Place TREE DISPOSITION AND TREE SURVEY APPROVAL FORM 3001 QUENBY-NEW RESIDENCE The tree disposition and tree survey for this site has been approved as being in compliance with Chapter 82 of the code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place: X Fence trees(s) in accordance with Chapter 82 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place before pre-development activity or construction activity starts. X Existing driveway approach will be left until construction is complete N/a Leave in portion of private drive to protect tree roots. X Remove trees: yes Quantity 4 Species Waxmyrtle, Magnolia,Crepe X 12", must include at Replace with Qualified trees(see AMENDED list). Diameter least(1)4"diameter inches must add up to the required replacement. Replacement Class 1 or 2 tree must include at least a 4"diameter,or 100 gallon tree for every 10"diameter required. Other trees must be a minimum of 2" diameter X Tree(s) will be pruned and/or fed by a qualified tree professional when deemed most beneficial to the health of tree(s). X Installation of underground utilities shall be done using hand labor and not cutting roots larger than 1"diameter. X Wash concrete,paint,chemicals&other materials away from the critical root zones. X Comments: Protect trees as shown on approved plans with six foot high chainlink or wire fencing. Do not alter or remove fencing without prior approval from the urban forester. Fence must have approved sign stating that the fence is for tree protection. Do not operate heavy equipment in the fenced area protecting the tree critical root zone(CRZ)or use for storage. Remove all excess soil from site promptly. Do not spread or pile in tree CRZ. All grading in tree critical root zones must be done manually,limiting cut or fill to 3" max and avoiding damage to tree roots 1"diameter and larger. Do not use heavy equipment in tree critical root zones for grading or excavation for installing forms(i.e. sidewalk or driveway). Sidewalks shall be formed without cutting or damaging tree roots 1"diameter or larger. If roots 1"diameter or larger are in conflict with forms contractor shall contact City Forester for inspection. Trees that are impacted by construction and decline or die within 2 years of issuance of Certificate of Occupancy are required to be replaced in accordance with requirements included in Chapter 82 of Code of Ordinances. All irrigation,drain lines,and any other excavation in area protected by tree fence must be completed using hand excavation without cutting tree roots 1"diameter or larger. A proposed planting plan of replacement plantings must be submitted for City review and approval prior to planting trees. Plan must include proposed planting location, tree species,and tree size. • • Do not fence in water meters, electrical t-poles or fire hydrants. Fences must be a minimum 2' from any fire hydrant. Fence across rear of lot must be placed to protect 5' utility easement. "**'KEEP SIDEWALKS CLEAR FOR PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC********** Project type: New Residence Contractor: Belmont Custom Homes Contact: Jim Sasser Phone 281-960-0043 OFFICE USE ONLY Inspection date: 5/10/2007 Fee: $225.00 Inspector: CNK Date: 5/15/2007 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PERMISSION TO REMOVE "SHARED TREES". THE PERMITTEE MUST OBTAIN A LETTER OF CONSENT FROM THE ADJACENT HOMEOWNER BEFORE REMOVING TREE. • 0 .20 1E 366/ GU BY STREET i 1 ! ----- ® I I ._. H-. • i . •# _ 9,,, i 1 I 24.57Z1Z. ^ - 1 t 41 .01.420.0... A a 4 11- • - I 1 11J 0\ ciii-Q--vY & Cili i 4 Peal,M, 2—STORY T RESIDENCE c., • _. 9"----1-'71--------/ .. ..., les '44 01 13 , 'Si 1/4 , ;1-eett c..,.A. en,„ , W5ifft/ 4 '8-al‘Cjt' 20.0' B.L. i I (-7' G. . i 071' ----=■\ __ 0 CI 1 Ii _ SITE PLAN , 'N SCALE: 1" = 20==tr 1 109 5-5-07 :,41a NLP rn/ NORTH - -1-6 -: c '''--ri V .- —T 1 .-f- ,,_ ‘,=,-,rk-' , • 3502 NOTTINGHAM-NEW RESIDENCE Existing Ordinance Replacement requirements Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements Description Required replacement Comments 12"Crepe Myrtle 6" 12"Crepe Myrtle 6" 12"Crepe Myrtle 6" 12"Crepe Myrtle 0" Poor condition 112"Ligustrum 0" Poor condition 32"Catalpa 0" Decay,Poor condition 6"Loquat 0" _ 10"Crepe Myrtle 0" 29"Catalpa 14" _Fair condition 10"Raintree 0" 6"Water Oak _0" Poor condition 7"Water Oak 0" _Poor condition 13"Magnolia 13" Total replacement 45",must include at least five 4"trees Associated cost of replacement requirements Cost of planting trees - five 4"trees(20") $1,000.00 ea $5,000.00 thirteen 2"trees(25"L$220.00 ea $2,860.00 $7,860.00 _ Cost of Tree Trust Credits five 4"trees(20") $1,500.00 ea_ $7,500.00 25"at$125.00/inch $125/in $3,125.00 $10,625.00 Canopy Area Calculations per Proposed Ordinance Lot size 75'x 150' 11,250 Canopy over Class 1 or 2 trees to be preserved subject lot _ 22"Water Oak 1960_ 23"Water Oak _ 216 13"Water Oak 530 _ Total Area of Class 1 or 2 trees preserved 2706 - Canopy area coverage of lot 24% — Proposed Ordinance Replacement requirements Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements Trunk Area Replacement Description Rating percentage (sq in) (sq in) _Comments 12"Crepe Myrtle 35% 113 40 12"Crepe Myrtle 35% 113 40 12"Crepe Myrtle 35% 113 40 12"Crepe Myrtle 35% 113 40 12"Ligustrum 10% 38 4 Poor condition 32"Catalpa (1)4"tree 13 Heritage tree,BSC approval required 6"Loquat 10% 28 3 10"Crepe Myrtle 10% 79 8 29"Catalpa 55% 660 36.3 Heritage tree,BSC approval required 10"Raintree 10% 79 8 6"Water Oak 85% 28 24 7"Water Oak 85% 28 24 13"Magnolia 85% 133 113 Total replacement 717 Associated costs of replacement requirements Cost of Planting trees _ 4"diameter trees 13 sq in/tree 55 @$1,000 $55,000.00 OR 6"diameter trees 28 sq in/tree 26 @$1,500 $39,000.00 Tree Trust Credit Costs _State average cost $64/sq in at 717 sq.in. $45,888.00 Houston/Beaumont $84/sq.in. at 717 sq.in. $60,228.00 $25/sq.in. at 717 sq.in. $17,925.00 • • City of West University Place TREE DISPOSITION AND TREE SURVEY APPROVAL FORM 3502 NOTTINGHAM- NEW RESIDENCE The tree disposition and tree survey for this site has been approved as being in compliance with Chapter 22 of the code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place: X Fence trees(s) in accordance with Chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place before pre-development activity or construction activity starts. X Existing driveway approach will be left until construction is complete X Leave in portion of private drive to protect tree roots. X Remove trees: yes Quantity 13 Species: Water Oak, Magnolia,Crepe Myrtle, Catalpa,Ligustrum,Loquat, Raintree X 45", must include at Replace with Qualified trees (see AMENDED list). Diameter least(5)4"diameter inches must add up to the required replacement. Replacement Class 1 or 2 trees must include at least a 4"diameter,or 100 gallon tree for every 10"diameter required. Other trees must be a minimum of 2" diameter X Tree(s) will be pruned and/or fed by a qualified tree professional when deemed most beneficial to the health of tree(s). X Installation of underground utilities shall be done using hand labor and not cutting roots larger than 1"diameter. X Wash concrete,paint,chemicals &other materials away from the critical root zones. X Comments: Protect trees as shown on approved plans with six foot high chainlink or wire fencing. Do not alter or remove fencing without prior approval from the urban forester. Fence must have approved sign stating that the fence is for tree protection. Do not operate heavy equipment in the fenced area protecting the tree critical root zone (CRZ)or use for storage. Remove all excess soil from site promptly. Do not spread or pile in tree CRZ. All grading in tree critical root zones must be done manually, limiting cut or fill to 3" max and avoiding damage to tree roots 1"diameter and larger. Do not use heavy equipment in tree critical root zones for grading or excavation for installing forms(i.e. sidewalk or driveway). Place plastic barrier in bottom of forms before pouring concrete. Sidewalks shall be formed without cutting or damaging tree roots 1" diameter or larger. If roots 1"diameter or larger are in conflict with forms contractor shall contact City Forester for inspection. All irrigation,drain lines,and any other excavation in area protected by tree fence must be completed using hand excavation without cutting tree roots 1"diameter or larger. Trees marked for removal on tree survey are permitted for removal. Additionally two 12"Crepe Myrtles at front sidewalk,two 12"Crepe Myrtles at front of house,32" Catalpa south of drive near house, 13"Magnolia not shown in middle rear of house, and 6"and 7"Water Oak at back corner of house also permitted for removal due to proximity to house construction and probability of tree decline and death. 45"in • • replacement planting will be required to comply with ordinance. At least five 4" diameter trees must be included in the 45"of replacement. * A proposed planting plan of replacement plantings must be submitted for City review and approval prior to planting trees. Plan must include proposed planting location, tree species,and tree size. * Existing Wheelchair ramp and sidewalk along Sewanee has recently been constructed by Public Works and is ADA compliant. The location of the sidewalk was selected to avoid impacts to the many trees along the east side of the lot. Keep existing location of sidewalk and wheelchair ramp to avoid tree impacts. Do not fence in water meters,electrical t-poles or fire hydrants. Fences must be a minimum 2' from any fire hydrant. Fence across rear of lot must be placed to protect 5' utility easement. K*******KEEP SIDEWALKS CLEAR FOR PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC********** Project type: New Residence Contractor: Thompson Custom Homes Contact: Brian Thompson Phone 832-327-0197 OFFICE USE ONLY Inspection date: 10/10/2006 Fee: $225.00 Inspector: CNK Date: 10/12/2006 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PERMISSION TO REMOVE "SHARED TREES". THE CITY MUST RECEIVE A LETTER OF CONSENT FROM THE ADJACENT HOMEOWNER BEFORE PERMISSION IS GRANTED. 1)D - ?„.-Ct, - i f , t R al 8� nI" " r> ° cL — r -- 15: 'n ,— r ° i J• E _ i— _It e�N TI - € ,1� `I, . .� \ ;_ •+._ , 20-O'HEAR TN1D-t{._ tgl 1 I _ T1-:}.., - :/ \k J ` •� • �' r .-�, j 7 1T_ -1.-', __ Illili u R i° 1 € _ e� a( I \ ,., € -' a •kx 1,4 1\\ ,' '' � — 1 r}, jam']'_ ___—,.• �i I j • -'tea/ �. 1 x£ ' a ; I . r ,� I 1 j f11 I --e31" � Q(1 '1.4-q I rJ I • 5Q L f 4, ��7 " �r , D l;l 1 _2 ,.. I ■ b Mf r 1 .0. �¢ . r n — rr 5€ IIh i r o' y!uIr y 1r— i ,rd, ''S".S..\::,,.„4.�,] . 1 ON —1..., I `t I n 11- LL— �Fl fl1 ,' i NI � n y I s �� � C r .. N I O / I F ! Iii ! .r( O 1 i tI's-4 is1 ,J Q i k II�1Iji,j • Z I � �— , rn iii U . . - — If, I ,�� - ��\1 I . n 1 _ Aso , . . .i Iii i I ;011:1M • Ile q 1 • j - ,. I-!t a , _J {. 1 l • ti I owr sui iC ,Cam,.. _L--- YZ L-�-'-->� `• l w a er�oNr w€o�lw 47r�e 1 I, ' A �y:_,,: it? X60'o" j_6,. 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M S T R E ET • • 2624 CENTENARY-GARAGE Existing Ordinance Replacement requirements Y4 ' " v I =-,11,4-7;::[:i.' s - 4 Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements Description Required replacement Comments 23"Water Oak 17.25" Thin canopy, not best condition Total replacement 17.25", must include at least two 4"tree Associated cost of replacement requirements Cost of planting trees two 4"tree(8") $1,000.00 ea $2,000.00 _ five 2"trees(9.25") $220.00 ea $1,100.00 OR $3,100.00 — — Cost of Tree Trust Credits two 4"tree(8") $1,500.00 ea $3,000.00 __ 9.25"at$125.00/inch $125/in $1,156.25 $4,156.25 —Canopy Area Calculations per Proposed Ordinance Lot size 50'x 105' 5,250 Canopy over I C Class 1 or 2 trees to be preserved subject lot -- — —12"Sweet um (adj lot) 180 _ Total Area of Class 1 or 2 trees preserved 180 _ -- Ei Canopy area coverage of lot 3% I I Proposed Ordinance Replacement requirements Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements _ 7 Trunk Area Replacement Description Rating percentage (sq in) (sq in) Comments 17"Magnolia 65% 227 148 Thin canopy, not best condition Total replacement 148 , 'Associated costs of replacement requirements -- — —j Cost of Planting trees _ ---, 4"diameter trees 13 sq in/tree 12 @$1,000 $12,000.00 -- 6"diameter trees 28 sq in/tree 6 @$1,500 $9,000.00 .[ — 1 OR Tree Trust Credit C osts State average cost $64/sq in at 148 sq. in. $9,472.00 'Houston/Beaumont $84/sq.in. at 148 sq. in. $12,432.00 _ I $25/sq.in. at 148 sq. in. $3,700.00 — City of West University Place TREE DISPOSITION AND TREE SURVEY APPROVAL FORM 2624 CENTENARY - ADDITION The tree disposition and tree survey for this site has been approved as being in compliance with Chapter 82 of the code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place: X Fence trees(s) in accordance with Chapter 82 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place before pre-development activity or construction activity starts. X Existing driveway approach will be left until construction is complete X Leave in portion of private drive to protect tree roots. X Remove trees: YES Quantity 1 Species Water Oak X 17.25",must Replace with Qualified trees(see AMENDED list). Diameter include at least(2) inches must add up to the required replacement. Replacement 4"diameter Class l must include at least a 4"diameter,or 100 gallon tree for every or 2 trees 10"diameter required. Other trees must be a minimum of 2" diameter X Tree(s) will be pruned and/or fed by a qualified tree professional when deemed most beneficial to the health of tree(s). X Installation of underground utilities shall be done using hand labor and not cutting roots larger than 1"diameter. X Wash concrete,paint,chemicals &other materials away from the critical root zones. X Comments: Protect trees as shown on approved plans with six foot high chainlink or wire fencing. Do not alter or remove fencing without prior approval from the urban forester. Fence must have approved sign stating that the fence is for tree protection. Do not operate heavy equipment in the fenced area protecting the tree critical root zone(CRZ)or use for storage. Remove all excess soil from site promptly. Do not spread or pile in tree CRZ. All grading in tree critical root zones must be done manually,limiting cut or fill to 3" max and avoiding damage to tree roots 1"diameter and larger. Do not use heavy equipment in tree critical root zones for grading or excavation for installing forms(i.e. sidewalk or driveway). Place plastic barrier in bottom of forms before pouring concrete. Sidewalks shall be formed without cutting or damaging tree roots 1" diameter or larger. If roots 1"diameter or larger are in conflict with forms contractor shall contact City Forester for inspection. Trees that are impacted by construction and decline or die within 2 years of issuance of Certificate of Occupancy are required to be replaced in accordance with requirements included in Chapter 82 of Code of Ordinances. All irrigation,drain lines,and any other excavation in area protected by tree fence must be completed using hand excavation without cutting tree roots 1"diameter or larger. A proposed planting plan of replacement plantings must be submitted for City review and approval prior to planting trees. Plan must include proposed planting locations tree species,and tree size. • • Do not fence in water meters,electrical t-poles or fire hydrants. Fences must be a minimum 2' from any fire hydrant. Fence across rear of lot must be placed to protect 5' utility easement. ********KEEP SIDEWALKS CLEAR FOR PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC********** Project type: Garage Addition Contractor: Metropolitan Construction& Design Contact: Chris Solis Phone 713-320-1494 OFFICE USE ONLY Inspection date: 4/3/2007 Fee: $100.00 Inspector: CNK Date: 4/5/2007 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PERMISSION TO REMOVE "SHARED TREES". THE PERMITTEE MUST OBTAIN A LETTER OF CONSENT FROM THE ADJACENT HOMEOWNER BEFORE REMOVING TREE. ill' , .:. 7.3 r$7,771 s y L s 'C, t•,., ,. vq,. .4 i f""Y &; �,- ,T. l',!;cRr:?'+ , ' -, ,� _ ,., 1 if CP fr-6-We----- --- - New Garage = -- 7` A ___._ _ _ & Guest Room Mcdify existing o� r.. .._ __ _ _ -.- - -"- - to Fit Kitchen I __ - ?love — 3bq tortn ——, 1 f i I I i i I _II I _�.v ..i ,. '. ' cxt 1 II ' 1 liti " ■ rte . N\ ........... _= Rernc _ G ....._„ \ . ri=_— ._—_—__ . i I Existing --__—.._ E� House _ _ - V III 1 c, :, , \I I , --.--7-7----f I Ili—I, I \/\" 0,,,,,I.:Vil'47/ :. t I i i i iii Ii I� 1 „_,.. 1 ,\ ").,\\_, ) ,_.=. — — 4- 4 ) I r-,G(, // I / ii,' .;‘, 9' y . , - ''-)' • S 3615 ROBINHOOD-NEW RESIDENCE Existing Ordinance Replacement requirements ; Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements Description Required replacement Comments 5"Crepe Myrtle 0" Not protected by ordinance 5"Crepe Myrtle 0" Not protected by ordinance 8"Crepe Myrtle 0" 8"Crepe Myrtle 0" 16"Crepe Myrtle 8" Total replacement 8", no 4"diameter trees required Associated cost of replacement requirements Cost of planting trees four 2"trees(8") $220.00 ea $880.00 $880.00 Cost of Tree Trust Credits 8"at$125.00/inch $125/in $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Canopy Area Calculations per Proposed Ordinance Lot size 50'x 150' 7,500 Canopy over Class 1 or 2 trees to be preserved subject lot 18"Live Oak 610 _ 22"Pine _ _ 450 19"American Elm 510 Total Area of Class 1 or 2 trees preserved 1570 Canopy area coverage of lot 21% Proposed Ordinance Replacement requirements permitted for removal and replacement requirements Trunk Area Replacement Description Rating percentage (sq in) (sq in) _Comments 5"Crepe Myrtle 30% 20 6 5"Crepe Myrtle 30% 20 6 8"Crepe Myrtle 30% 50 15 8"Crepe Myrtle 30% 50 15 16"Crepe Myrtle 35% 201 70 Total replacement 112 Associated costs of replacement requirements Cost of Planting trees 4"diameter trees 13 sq in/tree 9 @$1,000 $9,000.00 OR 6"diameter trees 28 sq in/tree 4 @$1,500 $6,000.00 Tree Trust Credit Costs State average cost $64/sq in at 112 sq.in. $7,168.00 Houston/Beaumont $84/sq.in. at 112 sq.in. $9,408.00 $25/sq.in. at 112 sq.in. $2,800.00 S City of West University Place TREE DISPOSITION AND TREE SURVEY APPROVAL FORM 3615 ROBINHOOD -NEW RESIDENCE The tree disposition and tree survey for this site has been approved as being in compliance with Chapter 82 of the code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place: X Fence trees(s) in accordance with Chapter 82 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place before pre-development activity or construction activity starts. X Existing driveway approach will be left until construction is complete X Leave in portion of private drive to protect tree roots. X Remove trees: yes Quantity 5 Species Crepe Myrtle X 8" Replace with Qualified trees(see AMENDED list). Diameter inches must add up to the required replacement. Replacement must include at least a 4"diameter,or 100 gallon tree for every 10"diameter required. Other trees must be a minimum of 2" diameter X Tree(s) will be pruned and/or fed by a qualified tree professional when deemed most beneficial to the health of tree(s). X Installation of underground utilities shall be done using hand labor and not cutting roots larger than 1"diameter. X Wash concrete,paint,chemicals &other materials away from the critical root zones. X Comments: Protect trees as shown on approved plans with six foot high chainlink or wire fencing. Do not alter or remove fencing without prior approval from the urban forester. Fence must have approved sign stating that the fence is for tree protection. Do not operate heavy equipment in the fenced area protecting the tree critical root zone (CRZ) or use for storage. Remove all excess soil from site promptly. Do not spread or pile in tree CRZ. All grading in tree critical root zones must be done manually, limiting cut or fill to 3" max and avoiding damage to tree roots 1"diameter and larger. Do not use heavy equipment in tree critical root zones for grading or excavation for installing forms(i.e. sidewalk or driveway). Place plastic barrier in bottom of forms before pouring concrete. Sidewalks shall be formed without cutting or damaging tree roots 1" diameter or larger. If roots 1"diameter or larger are in conflict with forms contractor shall contact City Forester for inspection. Trees that are impacted by construction and decline or die within 2 years of issuance of Certificate of Occupancy are required to be replaced in accordance with requirements included in Chapter 82 of Code of Ordinances. All irrigation,drain lines,and any other excavation in area protected by tree fence must be completed using hand excavation without cutting tree roots 1"diameter or larger. At least 1 Qualified Tree must be planted on site to meet the Minimum Planting Standard. • A proposed planting plan of replacement plantings must be submitted for City review and approval prior to planting trees. Plan must include proposed planting location, tree species,and tree size. ***** Existing sidewalk recently constructed by City. There were significant tree root issues with the 22"Pine. Remove existing sidewalk by hand to avoid impacts to roots,or leave existing sidewalk as is. If new walk and drive are constructed the proposed drive will need to be formed at as high an elevation as possible to avoid tree roots under sidewalk. Do not fence in water meters,electrical t-poles or fire hydrants. Fences must be a minimum 2' from any fire hydrant. Fence across rear of lot must be placed to protect 5' utility easement. ********KEEP SIDEWALKS CLEAR FOR PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC********** Project type: New Residence Contractor: Classic American Homes Contact: Charles Kuck Phone 713-298-7206 OFFICE USE ONLY Inspection date: 1/4/2007 Fee: $225.00 Inspector: CNK Date: 1/4/2007 "PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PERMISSION TO REMOVE "SHARED TREES". THE CITY MUST RECEIVE A LETTER OF CONSENT FROM THE ADJACENT HOMEOWNER BEFORE PERMISSION IS GRANTED. • PROBtTFELD &ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 515 Park Grove,Suite 102 Katy,Texas 77450 Office(281)829-0034 Fax(281)829-0233 AS Robinhood Street /1 c/L 47.77 • 4 >. •. W. CA 47.91 �,C-' T/C 8.10 T/C 48.15 T/C 48.20 G 7.55 G 47.57 _ __ —_ G 47.• ,If^,4 0 set 1/2. - Iron Rod ,,._ Ea'- ' 'e` .- 1/2 W/Cap x _ Iron Pipe End. 1/2' End. 1/2. • ,, 'K" • • 6635 WESTCHESTER-POOL Existing Ordinance Replacement requirements Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements Description Required replacement Comments 8" Bradford Pear 0" 8" Bradford Pear 0" Total replacement 0" ---- ------------------- Associated cost of replacement requirements Cost of planting trees $0 Cost of Tree Trust Credits $0 Canopy Area Calculations per Proposed Ordinance Lot size 100' x 150' 15,000 --------------- ----------- Canopy over Class 1 or 2 trees to be preserved subject lot 13"Water oak 212 5"American Elm 39, 28"Green Ash 1230' 5" Magnolia 78: —_— 6"American Elm 1131 5" Magnolia 78 30" Live Oak 3024 Total Area of Class 1 or 2 trees preserved 4774', Canopy area coverage of lot 32% Proposed Ordinance Replacement requirements Trees permitted for removal and replacement requirements Trunk Area Replacement Description Rating percentage (sq in) (sq in) Comments 8" Bradford Pear 65% 50 33 8" Bradford Pear 65% 50 33', Total replacement 65 Associated costs of replacement requirements Cost of Planting trees 4"diameter trees 13 sq in/tree 5 @ $1,000 $5,000.00 OR 6"diameter trees 28 sq in/tree 3 @ $1,500 $4,500.00 Tree Trust Credit Costs State average cost $64/sq in at 65 sq.in. $4,160.00 Houston/Beaumont $84/sq.in. at 65 sq.in. $5,460.00 $25/sq.in. at 65 sq.in. $1,625.00 • • City of West University Place TREE DISPOSITION AND TREE SURVEY APPROVAL FORM 6635 WESTCHESTER - POOL The tree disposition and tree survey for this site has been approved as being in compliance with Chapter 82 of the code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place: X Fence trees(s) in accordance with Chapter 82 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place before pre-development activity or construction activity starts. X Existing driveway approach will be left until construction is complete N/A Leave in portion of private drive to protect tree roots. X Remove trees: YES Quantity 2 Species Bradford Pear N/a 0" Replace with Qualified trees(see AMENDED list). Diameter inches must add up to the required replacement. Replacement must include at least a 4"diameter,or 100 gallon tree for every 10"diameter required. Other trees must be a minimum of 2" diameter X Tree(s) will be pruned and/or fed by a qualified tree professional when deemed most beneficial to the health of tree(s). X Installation of underground utilities shall be done using hand labor and not cutting roots larger than 1"diameter. X Wash concrete,paint,chemicals &other materials away from the critical root zones. X Comments: Protect trees as shown on approved plans with six foot high chainlink or wire fencing. Do not alter or remove fencing without prior approval from the urban forester. Fence must have approved sign stating that the fence is for tree protection. Do not operate heavy equipment in the fenced area protecting the tree critical root zone(CRZ) or use for storage. Remove all excess soil from site promptly. Do not spread or pile in tree CRZ. All grading in tree critical root zones must be done manually, limiting cut or fill to 3" max and avoiding damage to tree roots 1"diameter and larger. Do not use heavy equipment in tree critical root zones for grading or excavation for installing forms (i.e. sidewalk or driveway). Place plastic barrier in bottom of forms before pouring concrete. Sidewalks shall be formed without cutting or damaging tree roots 1" diameter or larger. If roots 1"diameter or larger are in conflict with forms contractor shall contact City Forester for inspection. Trees that are impacted by construction and decline or die within 2 years of issuance of Certificate of Occupancy are required to be replaced in accordance with requirements included in Chapter 82 of Code of Ordinances. All irrigation,drain lines,and any other excavation in area protected by tree fence must be completed using hand excavation without cutting tree roots 1"diameter or larger. Removal of(2) Bradford Pear trees will not require any replacement planting to comply with ordinance. • • Keep pool area fenced during excavation and construction to avoid unauthorized access. Do not fence in water meters,electrical t-poles or fire hydrants. Fences must be a minimum 2' from any fire hydrant. Fence across rear of lot must be placed to protect 5' utility easement. ********KEEP SIDEWALKS CLEAR FOR PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC********** Project type: Pool Contractor: Sunshine Pools Contact: Cole Parish Phone 713-975-8899 OFFICE USE ONLY Inspection date: 2/1/2007 Fee: $100.00 Inspector: CNK Date: 2/6/2007 *PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PERMISSION TO REMOVE "SHARED TREES". THE CITY MUST RECEIVE A LETTER OF CONSENT FROM THE ADJACENT HOMEOWNER BEFORE PERMISSION IS GRANTED. f ADDRESS: CHARTER AVENUE 1 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77005y BORROWER: STEPHEN C. SWISHER AND KELLY K. HUNT cr D ■ ■ LOT 11, :'LOCK 39 m WEST UNIVER•/TY PLACE ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR 'LAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 444, PAGE 560 OF.THE DEED RECORDS OF HARRIS CO TY, TEXAS C.,,)" .. r . i (GM) "^— . : _I 4 1-0 9 -- iy . : �-r "IRON ROD //fi /( /c: NR L`f-5 ',Ls,' Al IRON ROD A V' 7 4:1 ;'.,:..:., rTI , FOUND ... I� y�1 • 2 IRON ROD P r..11-..,.'k ;, ;I _ `1 J I i•.'IC- o FOUND it�_Y`�V i an • IRON ROD - LO •. - i_'-g FOUND Lam,©r �j �� _ J fri IRON R00 Imo' U® •.S♦NIAYPY.. _ ._ SET ` f•„ (---° POST II 1 I g n 48.6' 'u�v j go -�I V i S i ''L1 4.8' � ir<.J i• ; 4? 1,Aaf3L y I' �' o 2—STORY 9 =m BRICK & FRAME • r • I 1%J RESIDENCE �S �' �� a�+ .,..o,. / A / 1 11 0 V %, x n r ? z.D i'. f ir• DRIVE .,,. a ` .. • .. I ...\,,, -\ 12.1• i I OYFRF EM Y •N PI♦iE J10.D0 o F� 'D 1 Ir II FENCE .SI o t : !!.P_44.1-__.'.,.D• I• CJF'IC AT COR e T 2 •' I is ,A .d IRON ROD 1}`F: V k& o c .?� ,i _ ,,,,(,lud 7 he't CASON STREET S/ + ff:G Wllaa T C NIS PROPERTY LIES.WI7HIN IRE I HEREBY C TINT IRIS SURVEY WAS / 100 TEAR FLDDD PLAIN AS PER FIRM THE '. 77MT THIS PUT CORRECTLY, /•\ PANEL NO 4820JC 0860 K - REPRESENTS ACTS FOUND AT THE OF MAP RLwsroN 4/20/2000 1 t^� rlA of suENTS nur THERE ARE No .(' e� ZONE AE ( l• ?if",S SHOWN ' -£Hr 017 1NE GROUND, p /'s` v BASED ONLY ON VISUAL EXAMINATION OF T CERT41EO FOR ON. THIS ONLY AND V /&` .' INACCURACIES OF TEAK AMPS PREVENT l J , DETERMAWRON WTIHOUr DETAILED FIELD STUDY - REFERENCED^PROVIDED_ RfE ABOVE REFERENCED TITLE QOM 'ENT WAS RELIED /ooh•••.... �jJ�(:f J C., UPON IN PREPARATION OF I SURVEY. �� I��J�•i••• .•A SUBSURFACE INVESRGARON �� • '•✓•�S•WAS BEYOND THE SCOPE OF THIS SURVEY - Cl� S (•'1 1 �,,y�m" MAARTE'N DE WML c\7 II4 I 11 ,toO• Y PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR \ /4 NO.3112 �•1 ` w� .(�+ 2013 NO. 06-14796 .'rO•. �EI..T RECORD BEARING:VDL. 444,PO. 560 NC.AER. DECEMBER 20,ZQD6 ` S`I 1 �V DRAWN ByW U b�7 . w t. 1 IOHN Charter 7Ytle Company OLI" 1N rt v ' ^ u oAUCHERTY t" """ yq,! .•s 10,, REALTORS Aa„ LAURA YASKO CAROLYNNOLI()WAY / c .r '. �"r°°" 713-626-3930 7 I �' `Y i 7 J 13-X71-9 iTU 1-800- 8 281-496-1867 PRECISION SURVEYORS, INC. I 1-800-5526-326-3787 7 FAX 28/-496-1867 14925 MEMORML DRIVE SURE BI00 IIOJI57C/4 TEXAS 77079