HomeMy WebLinkAbout101215 CC MinThe City of West University Place
A Neighborhood City
Susan Sample, Mayor
Bob Kelly, Mayor Pro Tern
Burt Ballanfant, Councilmember
Brennan Reilly, Councilmember
Mardi Turner, Councilmember
M. Chris Piefer, Interim City Manager
Alan Petrov, City Attorney
Thelma Lenz, City Secretary
The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in regular session on Monday,
October 12, 2015, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University, West University Place, Texas beginning
at 6:30 p.m.
Agenda Items were as follows:
Call to Order. Mayor Sample called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
Council and Staff in attendance were: Mayor Pro Tern Kelly, Councilmembers Ballanfant, Reilly and
Turner, Interim City Manager Peifer, City Attorney Petrov, City Secretary Lenz, Finance Director
Daugherty, IT Director McFarland, Police Chief Walker, and Public Works Director Dave Beach
John and Sam Marian with Boy Scout Troop 211 led the Pledge of Allegiance.
City Secretary Lenz confirmed that the notice of this meeting was duly posted in accordance with the
Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
1. Public Comments
Alida Drewes, 6112 Fordham Street, spoke to say she wanted to repeat what she said at the
October 5th special meeting for Mayor Pro Tem Kelly's benefit due to his absence at that meeting.
Ms. Drewes then preceeded to repeat what she stated at the October 5th meeting.
2. Second Public Hearing on Tax Rate
Matters related to a second public hearing to hear comments on the proposed tax rate.
Recommended Action: Hold second and final public hearing on the proposed tax rate.
The public hearing opened at 6:35 p.m.
Finance Director Daugherty presented and reviewed the PowerPoint presentation presented on first
reading at the special meeting of October 5, 2015.
After the presentation, Councilmember Ballanfant stated that he thinks Council needs to go ahead
and move this process forward.
Councilmember Reilly said staff did a great job of putting the budget together, but said he would like
to see an alternate budget at the effective tax rate so Council can justify to the taxpayers why
Council is increasing taxes. He appealed to the rest of Council to agree to direct staff to prepare an
alternate budget recommending items to cut from the budget in order not to have a tax increase.
City Council Meeting Minutes, October 12, 2015
Councilmember Reilly made a motion to direct staff to prepare an alternate budget at the effective
tax rate.
In response to Councilmember Ballafant's question as to what preparing an alternate budget would
entail, Mr. Peifer said it would entail finding $411,000 to remove from the city manager's proposed
Councilmember Turner said her recollection from the budget workshop is that the bulk of the
$411,000 was for things Council was not prepared to change or cut.
Mayor Sample said there are mainly three areas being increased — the equipment replacement
fund, which is pay -as- you -go; the vehicle replacement fund, which is pay -as- you -go; and labor
costs, which have already been approved. She said because the labor costs have already been
approved, the pay -as- you -go funds would have to be reduced. She said she is a big fan of pay -as-
you-go and not borrowing and asked the Finance Director to explain the benefits of pay -as- you -go
fund accounts.
Finance Director Daugherty explained that pay -as- you -go funds help stabilize the cost of replacing
high dollar items that are costly, but not costly enough to be considered for a debt issuance. She
said using the pay -as- you -go also shows that the City has planning foresight, which helps the City
maintain its AAA bond rating.
Councilmember Ballanfant confirmed with Ms. Daugherty that pay -as- you -go funds allows the City
to set aside money in order to address future equipment needs.
Councilmember Reilly reiterated that he would like to see an alternate budget so show the reasons
for the increase in taxes. He said if staff recommends cutting the equipment replacement fund
because it doesn't see any other savings possible that are realistic, then that discussion needs to
be had, but the discussion can't be had right now because Council doesn't know where the
$411,000 would come from. He said at some point, if property appraisals don't go up every year
and yet Council still wants to give employees raises every year, etc., staff will have to get used to
justifying those increases to the taxpayers to the extent it is believed they are necessary, and so he
would like to see Council start that process now as an institutional change. He said that is just good
Councilmember Turner said one of things not being emphasized enough is the stability of the City's
revenues and expenses in terms of looking at the City's bond ratings. She said the City is AAA
because its budget is well- managed and staff goes through a great deal of effort to make sure the
City is spending money in the right places.
At this time, Mayor Sample called for a second to Councilmember Reilly's motion to direct staff to
prepare an alternate budget at the effective tax rate. Motion died due to lack of a second.
Mayor Pro Tern Kelly said Council went through the budget with staff at the budget workshop and
said when looking at the big picture, he feels staff did a good job of assembling the budget and
presenting it to Council. He said Councilmember Reilly makes some valid points and thinks that his
suggestion could be considered during the next budget process, but he doesn't see a real problem
with the budget or the increase being proposed this year.
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City Council Meeting Minutes, October 12, 2015
Councilmember Reilly said he also wanted to point out that in a very short period of time there will
be a significant decrease in the amount of the City's debt service fund due to the retirement of debt,
so he doesn't think it is too much to ask future taxpayers to bear the lion's share of sewer and water
and road improvements, otherwise taxpayers in the future are going to get a 25 percent tax
reduction on the backs of today's taxpayers.
Councilmember Ballanfant said that one of the fundamental flaws of the election cycle and the
City's budget cycle is that with every new Council that comes in, it is almost immediately handed
the budget for the City without enough time to prepare a list of collective Council questions. He said
he thinks the comments heard from Councilmember Reilly have some validity, but he thinks it is a
little too late to try and restart the analysis of the whole thing, especially when there are state
statutes relating to deadlines. He said the budget was thoroughly discussed in a 5 -hour workshop
and said next year the Council and staff can work out a lot more input so that a great appreciation
of the structure of the budget and the details will be available.
Mr. Peifer said in the future staff will try to begin preparations earlier so that Council can review the
proposed budget and offer its counterpoints beforehand.
With no further discussion, the Public Hearing closed at 7:08 p.m.
3. Public Hearinq on the 2016 Budget
Matters related to a public hearing to hear comments on the 2016 City Budget. Recommended Action:
Hold public hearing on the City's 2016 Budget.
The public hearing opened at 7:09 p.m.
Finance Director Daugherty presented this item and gave a PowerPoint presentation on the 2016
Budget. A summary of the budget highlights is as follows:
• Proposed tax rate of $0.33179 per $100 value
• Maintenance and Operations is $0.18321 (5.35% decrease from prior year)
• Interest and Sinking Fund is $0.14858 (11.68% decrease from prior year)
Water and Sewer Rates
There are no water or sewer rate increases included in the this budget. However, future rate
increases may be necessary for increased cost of water purchased from the City of Houston.
Solid Wate Fee
A 30% solid waste fee increase included in this budget.
o $3.68 per month for seniors and disabled rate class
o $7.24 per month for regular rate class
• Personnel and Compensation
• Updates to the compensation plan, including the full year fudning of the udpates to the
compensation plan as approved in the 2015 budet.
• Includes a 3% structure and salary adjustment on January 1, 2016, continuing the
compensation policy approved in the 2015 budget, as well as an average 3% merit increase
on anniversary date.
• TMRS funding rate of 13.01 % for 2016.
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City Council Meeting Minutes, October 12, 2015
• Decreases the number of full -time employees from 123 to 122, eliminating the Management
Analyst position in the Water and Sewer Fund.
• Increased transfer to Technology Management Fund primarily related to the compensation
plan updates by $171,000, of which $84,000 is for compensation plan udpates.
• Increased transfer to Capital Reserve Fund for financing future special parojects by
• Increased transfer to Equipment Replacement Fund for incremental financing of future
capital -type pruchases by $777,000.
• A $34,000 increase to ?, which includes the replacement of the expansion joints in the pool
and on the pool deck at Colonial Park as well as re- staining the stamped overlay on the
• A $25,000 increase in consultants' fees, which includes public works professional services
for updates to the comprehensive master plan and subdivision ordinance regulations.
After a brief discussion, the public hearing closed at 7:28 p.m.
4. Change of Meeting Dates Due to Holidays
Matters related to changing the meeting dates for November and December 2015 due to the
Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
Councilmember Turner moved to hold the two meeting dates in November on November 9 and
November 16, 2015. Mayor Pro Tem Kelly seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Sample, Kelly, Ballanfant, Reilly, Turner
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilmember Turner moved to hold the two meetings in December on Decenber 7 and 14, 2015.
Councilmember Reilly seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Sample, Kelly, Ballanfant, Reilly, Turner
Noes: None
Absent: None
5. Future Agenda Items
Matters related to future agenda items. See attached list of future agenda items. Discuss and take
any desired action.
Councilmember Reilly requested that a review of exemptions for city -owned properties that are
leased to other entities be added to the October 26the agenda. He said he would like to discuss
this issue before approving the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the church.
Councilmember Reilly also requested that town center zoning and industrial zoning be on the
October 26`h agenda for discussion in order to provide some direction to Zoning and Planning to
start looking at those issues.
Mayor Sample said before adding the Instutional Zoning item, she would like to discuss the concept
to see if Council as a whole wants it on an agenda.
City Attorney Petrov said because it is not on the agenda for tonight, it can be discussed but only in
the context of whether to put it on a future agenda.
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City Council Meeting Minutes, October 12, 2015
Mayor Sample said she doesn't think institutional zoning needs to be on an agenda and asked what
problem is there that needs to be discussed.
Councilmember Reilly said the discussion about the substantive reasons is something that can be
discussed at the next meeting. He said he is not an expert on institutional zoning or town center
zoning and he wants it on the agenda in order to provide direction to the Zoning and Planning
Mayor Pro Tern Kelly seconded Councilmember Reilly's request to add town center zoning and
institutional zoning to the October 26`h agenda.
Mayor Sample requested that base flood elevation and maximum height requirements for homes be
added to the October 26`h agenda.
Mr. Peifer noted that the refinancing of bonds item has been moved from the November g`h agenda
to the November 16`h agenda.
6. Consent Agenda
All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be
enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council
member requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
A. City Council Minutes
Approve the City Council Minutes of September 28, 2015. Recommended Action: Approve
B. Senior Board Appointments
Matters relating to a resolution appointing members to the Seniors Services Board.
Recommended Action: Approve resolution appointing Rebecca Dozier and Ruth Becker to the Seniors
Services Board.
Matters relating to a resolution appointing a member to the Recycling and Solid Waste
Reduction Board. Recommended Action: Approve resolution appointing Jennifer Sickler to the
Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board.
D. Recycling Contract
Matters related to authorizing staff to enter into a contract with a third -party wholesaler for the
City's recycling. Recommended Action: Authorize staff to enter into a contract with a third -party
wholesaler for the City's recycling.
Councilmember Reilly moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilmember
Ballanfant seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Sample, Kelly, Ballanfant, Reilly, Turner
Noes: None
Absent: None
7. Manager /Council Reports
City Council Meeting Minutes, October 12, 2015
A. Facilities Master Plan Task Force — Mr. Peifer reported that staff received 26 applications for
the Facilities Master Plan Task Force.
B. Municipal Court Personnel — Mr. Peifer reported that staff received 5 to 6 resumes and
interviews have been scheduled for October 22, 2015 beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Peifer also reported that staff has narrowed the executive search firms to three top candidates
and all three would not charge for coming for an interview, although the one in Florida prefer to be
interviewed via Skype.
Councilmember Ballanfant said he doesn't know if Council needs to pick a search firm because he
doesn't know if Council will be searching for a city manager.
Mayor Pro Tem Sample said to add the executive search item to the October 26th agenda
8. Adjourn
With no further discussion, Councilmember Turner moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m.
Mayor Pro Tem Kelly seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Sample, Kelly, Ballanfant, Reilly, Turner
Noes: None
Absent: None
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Prepare By:
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The ma A. Lenz, City Secretary . Date Appr ed