HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1929 ~ 0\ o ~~ ~ ~ ,'n,~ 0' :fi,"'." ~;!t' 0'""", - . : .-. '-.' City CowLQission Ch~mber--City ij~ll~ Thursday Danuary 3rd, 1929. Regul~ meeting of the city COnllilissioned at 8 P. M. on the above date was called to order fIDel presided over by Mayor H. B. 'Schlesinger' with J. A. Walling and P. A. Leckrone COlnmissioners ~d City Secre- tary Erwin CusPJnan in attendance. The matter of canvassing t~e returns of the election held on the 29th cLay of December 1928,?to determine by a vote of the citizens :itS to whether or,not cert~i~ West Univers~ty Fundi:rg war:rants in the full emn of $326,725.~ be converted lnto Fundlng Bond~ matu~- ing serially within forty~rs from their date, ~e~ing interest at the rate' of 5i % per anD 0 to levy a tax sufflclant to pay the interest on ::laid bonds and~ vide Iii.Sink,ing fund with which to pay the principal ~t maturity, ~o~ the purpose of funding a like amount I of outstanding warrant indebt ess existing aga4.,nst the city of West, University Place, Texas., bearing 6% interest per llmium., by, c~celliJ}g the evidence thereof and issuing such b!bnds to' the holders the~of, as ' 9.uthorized by th@ ,constitutio'n and laws of tJ::l'e':state of T~xa.s~, ~i..lclud- ing chapte;r>s 1 and 7 Title 22, Reuised Civil~Statutes of 1925. ~,~ >, After thor~u~nly canvasing the return; upon ~~e proposi~ion d~~~ '::dgnedby W. Y. Fuqua, Presiding Judge, Mrs C. E. Gate:;:, Cl€rk~a.~\ Mrs Julia\. W. Bottler Judge-Clerk. declaring as' follows' i,oJ1 \\ at , ' CD We hereby certify that ,th~ said election 163 votes were cast, of which 'number there were cm.s,t ttFor the i}3suance of bonds" 83 votes, and '" fl Against th:e issuance of bonds t1, 79 votes. (i mutilated ballot) We herewith enclose poll list Lnd tally sheet ,of said election. , ...4..' 'It m.ppearing that no' irregulltl'itie~ were in _evidence ~nd the, election legally held m.nd finding the poll,+ist, tally slLeet and Election re-' turns complete, ~herefore, ~l'.J,' ~ \~otion made by Commi.s sioner L@c ", ~:md duly s,6conded by Commissioner,' waxling that the election returns ~~pproved and declaring th~ vote to be 83 for the issuance of 1j.~n'is a.nd 79 a.gainst the issua.nce\ of bonds with one mutilated ballot as~forsaid. ,_ , Voting Aye: Commissioners Walling & L@ckrone~ No one voting no. ' Engineer Raff.erty submitted an estil1111te fa.vor'IvIiller &..Miller Con- tractors being 'estiml.lte #8 for 'the sum of $9000.00 on generar' improvem~mts of $lOCWOO.90; , , , ' $ Mot;j.on made by Qorm:nissionerWm.lling and ,seconded by' Qorm:nission8r , Lec~{Tone that sa~d estimate be a.p:Qroved aJ?-d p~id. ' e~\ ij.~ Vot~ng ~ye: Commlssioners Leckro~ & Wall~ng ~~ No onC!} voting no. : ,~ , ~, The Ma yor informed the COn1TI1iSSil tJ..~' hat it has been cus~omar/fi/" some representative of the cO'lillci1J() Austin ~s custodim of th ecuted bonds for the purpose of. m~,i delivery to the Attorney eral and State Comptroller and sug~ ed that Mr. Walling for t responsibility. , \ Motion made by Commissioner LeckroD;e that Cow.missioner Walling, sent 'to ,Austin a.s custodiLn for the,;bonds and tha.t his exp@nses' the trip be paid by the City. J ,"<l _ _ l \ ,Vo.ting Aye: Comm13sioner:3 Leckrone & Wa.lling.. 'q (O~l:t~~, " " ,,:, R-':, " '.". , ' , n'T"lnl" I" i1T ~ , 'f'IC 'T[' I~ I , " , , c.:",.,. .. '-~ \." There being no further business before the meeting upon motion cOllunissi0ner Walling duly seconded by COL1missioner Leckrone, the meeting was declared adjourned. Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Leckrone & Wa lling. ''1tttest; ~. .APproved~ t;';:";) . __ _ /. . ._j Ivlay(. , '~,~ ~-:::~# $<.', '--- ~~,;:'. :1l City SCi!}ct ty ) ~~ \ .. , .' r ", ,; .~..:~:',~%f' :.' " f . ./' : ~. ." ." ~ ..:;;;:~ i)'.;' " , ' " " . ". ~ I I:: I 1 'l~lIITr~ - I [1 !'H Tlf I J' I . -- . -I 4 .. ".', ~() " , f 'O~ '. .~ ~ o , I r ~ .€ O\~ \) p, ~' ~ ) ~ ! \ l: -~-, .- ... ( ( , ': i ' '"'I~r' C'j ty ~.2::':::~~fd ml J C~,{J:r~~Y' ~ r:i -1-7 ~~~b ..-~, . ~'" '.'/ '. '.: lT~+L~,;";;h~r' ,~bf/;-i~'h.': ;SU-rcin. ~ ~l" , "~V';"'~~~\:J _....~,\,L.,~_....... ~ . 32-1J'5'J:'... f#;" ':. .. \:.L, J t-" ,-~;o;;"'"' -..~,'-..li;1li:'&6:A;~'h,r ,,.,,13.' Ai;<,.... ri,,;,,....;&',, ""'~"""'" ~"""""...Al c .....t.Of,~f.:'; ~~.f~'i'; \.5 ~ ~.a'1!!r; '~'''mW'UlfJii;w,@''''"".k tiJ<~ v_v". ;w~ ~v..v~"au.I. >1 ,"lfY".... k\ '~ .' ijfi'T :( ab@'!~,LttfAt~ w1 tll !Vt~~r~jj,'i ;~, ji ':'.~l.f.~~fi18~ ~fi~t!:~.r j~ @,fj~"@,,!~Ffl~~'!it@: . th 'e:~ ':':,3 ~~;l~~~n~r~~n a~~:~~:J~~rt~~. S~~~~~~~-Jh'xlh~.~:f~@J#)'{~IH~ :9~~1~:tssion~ 31 ;<'::~ ;.~. '*' '_:");. .~..". I: ";';. , ." J.: ;.;, ".~ ..," (:.' ~..:.;~ ~ ~: . '. ,', . 1.~ ~ f'\ Minutes of previous meeting~" Vi~: l~{;)v{1r.nb(';}~i ~I'ftli" 1J@~.. 6th't D'ec. ~7tI:~, Dec~ 18,th and DeceL1ber ~2ng." 1928 ~ re8_d and Iip~rove9:-t ~!- "',9;,,2, j L~?tlon l:Ulu,e 'Oy ~~~i~n.el!\1Jl':i!J!:-lrng i'tllCl duly seconcLed l?y eOIUl1llS- sioner LeCKrOl'l~ that saT"e"'bA approved." '\Jotlhg ,If.ye f (JOl1m1isslorters Leckrone & \i:,F1i/.. ling., . :, ";' ;.; ~.~.. ~5 ./. . Tl;e following bills were su.bti tted by the Secretarj' Lor approvalOc, VlZ :, '1~... Flo'LlstOl1 Ligh til1g & Po-~::;~j:~ii;~'~~:'..~~~.~~~~:~:"w- ...:.:.-:.A. ~. ~~.,- -- ...~ ". -", ,~..~- .-~~. ~~22 .,89 Southwestern :Bell 'relepn611\~C9"" ' 19.~58 Kresl,o:e Bros Service Sttttio~i~,U 25.,05 Krenzler Bros Emj!:i:ing StateJ.fl~$ 8.,13 Crain Ready Cut House Co., 'i" ~ 2.,40 City of Houston, Wb1.tor De'pt. \,,\ l~ ..,50 Oliver Levy, Labor, '~ 6.00 G. P. Tully, For plit in ting City HtD. 1 ins i de " 240..00 Oliver Levy,. Labor 7.12 J. C. Mortensen, 22.,45 F. Vi.' Eei trnann Go., 8.58 11 Ii " II 7,.,,14 A. P. Kattmo.l1.-D. Tent & Awning Co 12.,75 Sam II. Pope In.c':1 45.,61 Norvell~ Wilder Hardware Co., 49.26 Graham Stove COlllpfmy, 42.16 The Cargill Co? 4.30 Lloyd I,'Ietal Co., 33.75 Gribble Stamp 8:; Stencil Co., 3.50 Cit'y of 'West University Ple.ce, 'l'ransf'er of funds, 500.00 Tom J. Fatjo Inc, 53~00 II II, 11 II 32.. 50 lifeptune Meter COJ:npuny, on ac,count, 150.00 IJo~--;0'1"1 1iTeter CO~'D"''''n'~ L II L1:r:'17.50 . ~~T~a-!-;;Y~' Ftef'~ J/Co ~~?r~ ~ iv~'~ I..:otio!'l made by CommissioneI' Leckrone and. seconded by Comraiss'-On- e1'" W&\.lling that t~le foregoinG bi11\3 be Ilpprovec1 us .;x'ead and or- dered paid" , ~,'....it'\. rotinG Aye: Corrrrnissioners Wallin~:':,(r~ Leckrone. ",~,,:~_~; .<\1'0', O""le -v-otlY'>('> 1'10 'i\.,J 'Iv- · J..'J; L _L1.O .1..... . i';~.~ \;:.~ \,) U {;P ~, ;I:) r,f) ,\<\ ~ 'Report W&l.S t::'len JEf.i.de by Fire r;ars~J~..IiIetcal.f, viz: ~? ~ 23 gras s fires during 1928. I resi~e,'A on July' 5th" :k9,2S}.. h Further, that the Depart:rnel1t has responded to "lls for grlll.ss ':(i~s prompt- ly and about all the g:r'ass in the town has been burned o~f." The Ift&"...rshall !Slade a-oplicatio:r::. to the cornmission for an approprria- tiono.f ;~5.00 .fol~ membersl:::.ip dues to State Voh,mteer Fire I,I&l"'sB.h.ll convention. 1Iotion nW.de b'y ComJ11,issioner Leckrone and seconded by Commissioner W1l11ing that the report of the Pire L~9~' shall be accepted and thllt ,tbe appropri~.tion of ~~5. 00 as aforesaid be allowed.. (over) ~ ,h_T' - <1'[1' ,- I ~ 1>'~ ,9 C.~ /:h t; .. ~IJ ()~ ~\ ....~-: .? Ij-:':' "!,. (;.; 4 ~ r -, I ;'/?'T'F , ">32 . ,~~.. Voting Aye,:" Commissioners Wallins [,,~ LeckJi'f~i'fe and no one voting No. ' Having completed ~ll business -before the body, ,motion m~de'by ~issioner WallinG and duly seconded by Conrrdi~sioner Leckrone, tjj;t,e Mayor declared the IVi6eting Adjourned. ' .-;,>-'. . #J "'~ {;) '~fimg Aye: Commiss ioners Walling, & Leckrone. \.,<\, ~,~ " ~~(, ". ;) . - '~.> '~ Approv~d, c " ~ . . '--' . .-- AtdJest: CitJ1' l' :: i'~' ( I If 1 I ! 11111'11' ! lJom- .... (I . ~ () /l ~~ , I J ~ " o ~ !i' ~. o (:J ( ), '- ' i: , -. --.,- r~ [ I r~lrrr: - i.~'" , .. . GQUIlcil Chllll1ber--Ci t3( Hall,., City of West University Place~Texas. .... .' .J anllli.ry 1 '7t.11 J 1 9~~J Regula.r meeting of the '~ty Commission co'nvenedat8. ~,:._,,<i. on the above date, presi~~over by the Mayor,H. B. Schle~~nger ' with'the following in ~~ndance, viz: Commissioner 'J~>A. Walling ~d Secret~y Erwin Cu~~, Commissioner P. A. Le~krone, being absent.. ,~~, _ > n ~, , Reading, pf the minutes of 'lhe previou~ meetiI).gdispens~ed with upon suggestion of the May~ due to the'absence of Commissioner' Leckrorie. 'The fQllowing ordinace was then introduc~d: I AN ORDINANCE, '~ AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO OFFER A STANDING . REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR _ THE AR~ c.\"i~,; ,REST AND CON:VICr:I:ION OF ANY PERSON GUILTY 0 J[ ~~ U ARSON Q.QM~/IITrrED IN THE Cr.n OF VilEST' UNlVER- U ~ ' ~ITY P'$AOE A1TJ) APPROPRIATING O'NE _HUNDRED DOLLAR~,: "'\' "FROM THE ~NERAL FUND., ,,(J " , , ' Moti'on made by Comm:t~sioner Walling and duly sec~nded by Mayor , , Schlesingerothat the for~going ordinance be adopted. Votirlg_ AJ[e: Mayor Schlesinger &: ,.Commiss~oerWa.lling. No one ifotJ..ng, no. ,~' , , ~" There being no 'further bus~~;~s before the commission,' on Jilotion .co,~issio:rier W&lling duly' ~~ded the Ma.-.)Tor declared the rrieeting ia.d.~ o'Urned. ~ ~ ' , ~~ ,,', ',W~ ' , if'i" .. Approved Attest: ' \4.Ja' , I ~' ! ?;{" :~~ -.~ I '- , ' ~' ." . ~~"~"(f~ ,. , \d 4'. .. (:t~ i\,~ 'Q'61 al~' .... 'f~ .t:~ -'{O< ~ \), .;,.~ o '. ~ c "'~~' '", I r I I I t !II OIIl'71!T ! V:~\~~"I" , , .~~ : f~~ "..". \' ~HY ~a1~--COmmiSSiOn Chomber. " January 24th~ 1929. J 1:.-;- " ",..:l r RegulSl.r meeting- of the c'i ty co[nmission convened at 8 P . I'll . on the ;~ ab@.ve_d~_te with Mayor 1;1. B. Schlesinger presiding and, the follow- 0 ..-;~> ing in :\l..ttend~nce, viz~ J. A. W~llin-g and P'. A. Leckrone, Commis- '~~ ~io~ers and Erwin Cushman" City Secretary. ' U ~ . t f 10+-h d d d b h. " ", " ':,~ ~ Ivhnu es 0> [J re& ,~n.. :\l..pprO;r~ " ' . y IVloinCln Commis~iol?-er .Lec1q:>o,n(il,._ ' ~'~' lduly seconded by Corrnnlssloner 'Wa.lllng. " ,;" -' tO~ing Aye: Commissioners Wa;tling:: & Leckron@. , ">', " ',' Following bills were offerxed..and relid out for appr9yal" viz: "':. ",' Oli vcr Levy ,Labor, -----'-----.,:.-:..'..,----.-:---- -_.:._--.:.-'-.:::~.:.;.::._$ 4.$0 A' " Southwestern Bell Tel~:phon:e C(r.,~'---,.,--_-----_---:...~-'~.::.-.:. 21.70 :> Rernington Rand BU..si11ess Se:;rv~ce Ine, --.---":'-----:.-~-:-.:--~~-136.5b The Rose FloWer Shoppe, ,----------..,.---------..,.-....----_:_--:'-:- ,10.00 Tom J ~ Fa tjo Go., ---------------------...---------.:..-~'j;-;:;..;- 67.50' The'Texas Company...--.,.--------------------------;....----.,.-__27.15, . Holl~way ~att~ry & Electric Co. ;~-'-------------------'--:- 17.60 ,Hous ,won Llghtlng & Power Cp------,~--_:_:-.....,---------------- 82.92 01'-""'" L "'~" 13 50 ' lv,voL' evy, ---------...-...-'--'--"'"~...;;--'-----------------'-- , .. Warren Peter Lil.bOr---------::---.;;:-~v...:-;;...:.---:--""--..,.:.----:.....:.-- 15.,00 Arthur Burnley, ,It ..-----.......,.-----Q-~_..,__,.:.__o;,.__________,-, 15'.0.0 ' , '~~ ' - " Antol1l.e Duran -'---------..:________~,..o..:o;,.-----------...__-.:.-- 15.c()0 , '(\ ~, " " ',' , ~/:. Motion made by Commissioner Leckron~ ,\econded_bY~ Co~issi~ne~ ,,) "" Wallingtha. t ,the foregoing bills be approved ahd-ora~redpa.id:' Q Voting Aye: 'Commissioners Walling & Leckrone.'~,,~-" ,-' 'No one voting no.;. ' \~ ' , ~~-~. - " 'Pursua..'it to authdriz'ation by motion du.ly made and seconded at the regular me~t:Lng under' dl-te of December 6th; 192~:.:i,.:-in co.eci... tion with entering into contr~.ct with the Trustees of>':Bhe We's~ Universi ty Place Baptist Church .:for the purchase; of 'a;'d~;r:'t,;.in ' strip or parcel of gro,und th~ Mayor reported' li.Ej,,,,follWlJf,Vi:z;:', , ';,,' ,,' That the' original' tract as set 'forth in meeting()f, De.~ 6th smd in ia"L 3l.ddition ther,eto, 3l. strip 15 feet wide' p3.rallel:ing' ofiig':i;nal ..tract ,,-,l"i~ for the sum of $2337.50., be purchased. ',', ' ~:, .. It being necessary to have this 15 foot strip in orel/~p"{ to 'open }>'os:,t ~. ~A '() Street . Accordingly the Mayor recoIIll11ended that the Gtiuncil :luthor- " '-\ize the purchase of both tracts at the said ~r'ice of ,$'2337 .50.. ~~ jction ciade by Commissi~n~r Leckrone L~d duly seconded by Cot@lision- ~,Walling that th~Mayorls recommendations be a~roved ~~d adopt- ' 6d 3Uld that he be lnstructed to close the deal ~ accept deed for the,pro~erty described in ~he rycOLnnenda.tion,of~~ ~a.yor f~~tn~' sum of ~2337. 5.0 as afor:'es&nd. , ~~i,.J Voting Aye : Con1lllissioners Leckrone and W&lling ~ ~' 0' , No ane voting No. - , ,,~5~ U~ ' The annual.'report of Water: Supt Robb was read by the~l1.yo'r ~Jl(i the Secretary d~rected to file the s~me with the Cit~s records. ., '- -~', The 1\layor then submitted figures compiled by the City Secretary indicating thlil.t the estimated over 'head or operating expense for' 1928 aggregated the s~un of $9784.04. '\ ~Y~k~L (j~j'.J7 ..,. .......:.-... '- ~ ........... -~-- I .. 1 ~ ~- '; 1 " T~'I~r ' ----,- r"~11'"1~l ~ ~ ,0 'tj . ~, ,~G Q, \~ ... t/!I.\: . ". . . _~~v > . 1 ]l I , 1 rHlflr! ',. It ://34 Continued., Corilihissioner> Walling then introduced' an ordinac~ approving final' e~ti,mat~ '9fav~r Miller'& Miller and J. H. Rafferty Engineer approving the 'constructiQu and improvement of certain f?treet$:; Sanitary Sewers, Storm sewers and waten" works of" the Ci,ty of' West' 'Vniyersity Place, and providing for the issuance ~f improveme~YE .warrallts ,of sa.id Uity iij: the am(junt of $l7,253.39., be,ing baJ..,~~ce,' due: said~ contract<?'rs and ,Engineer, provig.ing for, the. levy ~d,; eol':" lection of taxes upon all~a.xable property' in said ci ty, ~U:ff.$.i- " y cient to pay the interest ,~n said warrants ,and the principu..:i;;b~ere~' ,of,.'as :J,:~ matures; a.nd,d~'rrring a~ emergency~,,' ,'" ~::.. ~~J,' . "It was ;oved by GommisS:i,; <:P. A.;Leckron~ and duly seconde;" i4- Commissioner J. A. 'Wallin ~ at the ordinance be pa.ssed and I\~ , ordinance was 'pas~ed by t'", ,'following vot~, viz: ;iOOwlnissioneM'~ .Leckrone a,nd Wa.lllng_l; " a NOS~,..,.-NONf!:. c" ".. Th~' Secretary was instructed to ~writ~' i,:l,etter to City Attorney RobertL. Sorifield request.1ng,jthat 'he, draw up at once~nd,'submit . .' . .. "~~ '. ,..... ~ -', to the, 90unci~" a,n :oTdinance...?egula.ti;ng ,?uilding mat-er-ials or.. any otl1.er artlclesupon, the G1ty streets ; that would damage, s:nd st:):"eets or ha.y~, ii;n,eaffect of blo,cking tr~ffic. Prescribing penalty for such viola.tion without proper pei'mit." , , , The ~ecretary wa.s ,~lsp' instructed' to write' it letJter to the Southern EngiIjle&:Pump.Co:.;of; Houston, Texas" in response to their letter of Jap.~ 22nd, ),,929 ma.kip-gd,ern~nd for an~ alleged imlount' due them elf $343,.28..; to advise that' after they had made 'proper "adjustment allowing cr~ditfor the, bolts and adjustinga.utomatic control, that 'otherwise. tJ:.e~ill W3.sQ,~' K. and would be promptly retirea. - ,- Flre,Chlef' Met~alf, pi"'ese:q.ted at bill f'o,r' tir~s, purcnased for h:is car ~rJ1oun,ting to approxi*tely $67.00, and re'quested tb.~t, the ~ City pay half of the amo~t and he the other half. He, using~s car int~e~i ty ~ servic~ ~j be~ing the other ,uPkeep himsel~ij, Motion made by Commmssio ~Leckrone lilIld seconded by Commisij2r)ler Walling tha~ one half ?f ,~'~ bill for the Fl'h~e Chiefs tires~?~ tubes be, pi:ld by the c~ty.tJ ,.,- " ,,', ' f::;J . , ' ,!oting Aye:GOmmiSSionersWa~ing, & Leckrone. . ,/:'.:,,1 ~ , There, being no.' furthe;p busines~ ,before the meeting; 'Q,n mot1o:n Commissioner Walling ,duly seconded by Commissioner, LeckroJl~i the meet'.ipg was declared.,',adjourned,. , ' ,Votihg A'y~'e: Comm,issioners Wall$ng & Leck:i:'one. ,NO ONE'VOTING NO .' ' , " , -, . .~J. -: },_.:'. ,..-:.. ! . I, ,', I 'I ~pp;c;+ed ,~ !"':li , - At't~st: ~ ~ It" ~ . .. ~ ~ ,,-, ~ ",\ '~'-".' " .k. _" ,.'- ~,';, '~:k~ II - ",.,. - ~" - >~ ,~-.><....~~ , ....,;,,..~..Jj ~. _,--.~, ~ T ,>:~,j::;6-' ~ . -::i.:t ~ > ..~';' .j '. .~ .. ,......... "-'.- ,'. L- .'::{\/ ' ..... , .. (I" . , " :' ;:. ~ ...... ~ " :0 l::. . ..".. ~.. . .:-..:~ /:-.; {~) ;~~; !":.; tT .:~:. ,.:,~. , . , '. , ,'... . _:"-~ ",. ~." - " I ., ~ ' l'l~llrr~ . if.,. r </ Council Gharnber--Ci ty HaJ ] . f ~ j .~} -'~:~ . ,,\';:r,~ Cit:r of West Universi,t'Z PllllC~J rr~x~~!, 'I, ~. t;I' " -e q).' January 31st, 1929. ~~ ~,-- - ' "'.J.-:'~ ~: ' ~ ':,J J!Jj!I' , Regu+a.:: ~eeting of the Oi ty C~mmiss ic:n convened at 8 'p ~- }fl,. on the a.bmvedate i H. B. SchlesJ.nger,'lVlayor presiding with P. A. Leckrone and J. A. Walling (Comraissioners. Erwin Cushman, City Secretary in attendance. .' -, '~, - ~~ Minutes of the meeting Ja.nuary2~th, read Qy~the Secretary. Motio:l.1, ma.de Commiss~oner Walling apd secon' <Uby Commissioner, Leckrone that the mlnutes as read bY;~the Xe ;~a.ry be approved. Voting Aye:" Commissioners Leckrone ,&'" W.allin ~ "', c " No One votinO' no. l ,,' ~\;:... ..\ ,,; ..'", D \,..J; ~'" ,'. ~ 'The Secretary presented petition t?~ ~the cornmis'Sln:;over'the signa- tures of Stephen P. Hebert, WilliairJ: Lawrie-a.nd E~.. L,e- Namatil com- , ,pla.ining of the condition of the',st~eets in third 'dfv:lsionof Col-' lege view, specifically", TennysoI?:,' Stevenson and Col-eriage streets re'questing that the City give the matter attention,.; ,'~ ' Secretary was instructed to for-ward the petition 'received in writ- ing to the Engineering Department for action'.' ,;']: ~! Mr. P. R. Plumb, representing{ Jarr~d & Plumb" pers'orullly app_ear-, before the COl:lliulSS ion for the purpose of presenting several ,matters, , of joint interest to ~the City and themselves. He first took up 'L '\ and advised' the bO?y of tp,e contemplated re-routing"of the Bils' , ,'-~ line now serving Rice Cou~t. The new schedule'butlined as follows, , viz: Rice BoulevlD.rd north to Nottingham, thence West ,to, Bufftlo .Speedway, thence South to Univers~y Boulev~d, thence West-to Ed~ loe St. ~~turning, East to Belmon~~t,hence North to Rig~ Boulevard. :Mr Plumb 'requested the City Counc ";"'~o' eon~.ider the qu~s.tio'4.&:9r ' maintaining Belmont from Uni versi j\,rth to Nottinghlli.m: and :1>totting- ham from" Be,lmont :to Buffa19 Speedwa:uggesteq., toppingB,~lmont( from University ,Blvd to Rice Blvd, , at buS'wQuld operate over paved streets from the Schools to Ci t\:f' ~Hous ton term:i:,:Q:1;J,;8..r., _ Mr. Plumb also, requested that the develo~rs' of Rice Co@~t. be",reiiev- edir/rthe oI>erati~ expense of the street lights now in R1.:q~.:.fJ~~'t ,', " and in turn t:qey would dona te to' the C'ity the wiring an'Q:!''$,lJ,i:'":~!'9.uip- n1Emt in connection thef,',e.with. ' "', :"oJ, :,:~;" 0 The Mavor in reply ad}.i.:ii,.sed Mr. Plum.b that, these matter Vvculdbe, taken '" . -j .. .. '. ; . . up indue time and the: ~findings reported at an earJ,.y date.., '" ,', " ' , ",' ,,'-', ""~>~,\,,, ..?;.Cornmissioner J. A.' Walling then introduced the questi"on and -t4v€>cated ~~~e removal of' the telephone poles on Bellaire Blvd" which a~~' :Ln. ~elapidat ed condi tiop. and a menace to the appearance of tll,at street. r then suggested ,that Mr. Walling get in touch with IIfr.,A.,~. , gl.n, secure his consent and proceed to remove t~l.e, said :pgle~. ' Th~:J~ ~~ing no further business before the ~OdY, lJ_po!.l'mo;io'n'~:;~: " ~C)- Cornmission.er Leckrqhe, duly _seconded by COD.1illissioner, Walling, tb:~,:-" meeting Will.S declar'ed' adjourned. ", , ' Voting Aye: cor~1iL:SSiO, ers W~lliDg & Leckrone. Attest.. ~," , " ,Approved, ." , '/' " ,J ' ~ --~~ ' City Sec'y.. ',' M~or , , l[l~lTl~lT rr--I ~ 0\ I~ ~ ~ r': c~ F-4' . '~ ,<' :~.1> :f;~' .-'-'" "1.." . , ~. I I: I I n 1~~lrrr '~F.. '-'-:,~r. ,<c' y; ...~.~. I COUNCIL CHAwffiER--CITY HALL. ""'. ':.~,~: . . ~\'~. Citv of West UrdvE"lr:=lity 'PlpnAJ rpAYfol~. .. .~, . ~ . (::M February 7th, 1920."'." ~.J Regul&r meeting of the City Cornmiss ion convenediii 8 P. \6.\ on the above date with H. B. Schlesinger, M~y~~, presidi~~, stUd J. A,. Walling, P. A. Leckrone Commissioner's, Erwin '~ Cushman, City Secretary in attendance. 0 . Minutes of, the meeting January 31st, 1929 read and by motion J. A. Wa11ing, COlYJ:rnissioner, and seconded by P. A., Leckrone' GOll3mis sioner were clecllU'ed approved. Voting Aye:' Cormni~ion~rs teckrone & Walling. , . The following bi~t~were presented to the Commission for ap:- proval.' and paJ'llien~ ~iz : , Southern Engine & tf. .p Co as corrected, Oliver Levy Labor, , ter Dept. Antona DUI':i.n., tl <";', I: tl ' , ,t..J ~ Arthur Burnleytl 'l~ W~'>ren Peter, II , Crain Reacl;/ Cut House CQ, Water, Houston Natural Gas Co ., City of Houston for w~ter Montrose & Bissonett Min. Holloway Battery & Electric 00., Krenzler Br{;ls Eervice Station, tl tl tl tl If II tl tl tI '$319,.99 6..75 '6.75 5.25 6.'75 ,.e3 7.3,9 . ~50 11.00 34.79 11.97 12.50 9.45 .72 32.f?6 298.50 18.4:2 5.00 ~.. 50 ..<\ II The Texas Company American-LaFrance and Foamite Industries Inc, F .' W. He i tmro:m C G. , ' Norvell-Vnlder HardwareC9mpany N. O. Nelson Mfg, ;q~mpany, Allem-Gartner" pr.en~mum, , Gribble Stamp &/}g'~.€f:hcil Co. i. I .... iJ / 't . Motion ~ade bY:~D~issioer.~~h:one IDld seconded by Commission~ er Wa.llJ.ng thlilit theforego::~J'nlls ~s relld .be a.pproved Uld pa.J.d~ Voting Aye: G'Oi.nmiSSiOn~rs W\~g & Leckrone. Contra.ct to purchase the C. i{~~yan Corporation Water ~Qrt~ ' wa.s ,then read by the Ma.yor. Ins:!umentdlltted Feb 'y-7,th 192~ contra.cting to purch&se the sa.i~ w~ters work~ by the City ~~~ . West University Place, Texas., for a consideration of ~ & \ $25,000.00 p'~yapbl~ in interest bearing time warrants ~f., e~ date with contrac4o Interest p~y~ble semi-annua.lly~ ~;6' ~er~- centu..Irl per. annurn.. Said w~rrants~:il.de n to mat~e ~eri~~~.y;, ljpl0(l,Q~t., ,on Febfy 7th of~ach of the yea~~,;.1930 to 1954 lnc+;J.;I'~jL'tre. ,\} '.~" Cemmi s s loner W..'lling intred',-'c e~ ordinance en~i R~:' '. , ..." ......: , _ AN ORDINAN CE "'!ii ca ,,\~,.., '. >ii, CONFIRMING CONT~A0T BETv'VE:'~ '1J!J:IE CITY OFV~,ST;UNDJERSr~'<{{:" 'PLACE AND 0.. 'A'; BRYAN CORP':R~ ~P+~ FOR' THE: "PUR CIiASE ': ':'.::'J~::~ BE SAID CITY OF WEST U1UVERSJ.'tY:PLACE OF LOTS, NOS. 1 ',C Jy:. \. AND 2 IN BLOG:P( NO. 18, IN gOLLE~~VIEW .~,4J).'c' N," THIRDSUBDIVISIO~T', CITY/'OE.JiVESID?U;N'IVl!;t{$lTX" :.'AH ,,'" THEWAT~,'WQRK,~.~yS%, ' ':;f}lH;E:ij"" ,JIOll. foDIfJE:&tElJ;\RQ ", REVENT1:E.,:JN~~' II ! -, AN EMERGENCY. Motiqn m~de by Cow~issioner Leckrone und seconded by & COL~lissioner Walling that the ordinance as read be passed. Voting Aye: COillr.1issioners Walling & L~ckron~~ No One Voting NO. .. '~ ~~ ~ \' C~~loDIAte CODIT of contr1Rct and ordinance on . 4.'1'>....,., with the' .~-j..L.: v ~ u ..,;:).~ t;~<~uet~,ry. , ~ ~ ~~ ~ . ~ - J ~~~:_t, , T~~~ being. nofu:r:the bu~iness, ~n r~ot~on mai~ ,,~y Commis- s~~~e~Walllng 9nQ seconaed by'Comm~ssloner 'L~c~0ne the mee~iri1lwas declared adjourned. ~ ' Voting~YE: COLllliissioners Leckrone & Walling. Approved, "' Attest" , , " .' r I , ': i ' 'm][lr / ".,< " r , [; "11'1'- 'r f'\. \. ) (; '\ () , "1 1 ~ " o ~ '!" ~, 'n () (' ) ''.. - ..', "I' '-"'I~r 'i":>-t. r f j '''e. " FEBRUiillY 14th, 1929.~ , _ ~ ;a . NO MEETING ACCOUNT THE M~ye~ \<.;., . 'lio w" ...., BEING UNABLE TO ATTEND DO;'~;1 SICKNESS. '>, .\' '- ~ f'J ) ',- T' .--mlf 'T I .. . ~ , . " I :j . ~ ( ::'j , "" ~ .' " F, '. Aj .? 't ./ ~ >1 , , ',.~ I '. ',',;// ,~#, j)'" :'>:~f /'i!' " " I 'I i ~/' "./' '{", ',.../" ,._ - ", .'~ --..",,,, . '.c. ,J,/'" . --.--rT '1 , ~'ilO ,..~' fro; . ,if, , ~ ' ' FEBRUARY 212~.1929. COUNCIL CHANBER---~--CITYHALL. CITY IF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ';"" ~ J ... : "t' r~ " .",. ; ,;... Q' I I .~ ' ""1 /): --~--- - " fi, '_J' 'Regula:r/'n:1€feting of the City Council convened at 8P. M. on the abp~E{' date with H.B . Schlesinger" Mayor presiding and COl!:rrds:~:roners Wallin~ and .Leckrone and\"~~Jity Secretary Cush- man beIng ,present. . " , : 'tf.: ',:(-; 'V} ~ ' .- ..lIiimites of the previous m<6e~ing under ,~e of Febl!!y 7th were , read and approved by motion ConK1ission ~~alling roLd seconded ~ by Con~~ssioner Leckrone. Voting Aye: ,l~issioners Le~krone "",f> and Wall iug . _,I. .t, . ~ ~, ,~ ~~" lJhe Mayor officially advised the body that" th~ adrni,nistration ~ been' successful in obtaining a reduction in the Fire Insur- ~~ Key rate of 45 cents, the old rate having been a dollar. the ~$V"'~ate hear~ft?r to be ,~ffective being 5_5'rce~ts.'. It is ?fmater- lal D:tterest Incldentall:y' to note that the saVIng In premUllllS an- nually alll'ount to about $8,000.00 to home own?rs of the CitY.r..tev.; key rate effective February 15th, 1929. , A letter from \fhitney Bernard dated 14th Feb'y, 1111 Virgi~ia St., Rice Court was read and taken under considera tiOll by the Commis- sion. The Secretary was instructed to acknowle,dge'rece;ipt of the letter and t'o advise that conditions w'B:eenotsuch as to justify im.;.. mediate action upon' ,the matter of ' removal of garbage. The- City Attorney was requested however, to prepare the proper ordinance relating to ~arbage removal and report back as early 'as possible. ,The Mayor thensubmitted for consideration and the action of the , Commission with recommendation that steps' be ,taken in:,connectiqn with the Cit:y of Houston looking to an early corr'ectJon, of the un- satisfac~ory ponditions existing relative to proper outlet for ' ' drainage: where our storm seiJver connects wi thl\~he City Q.f Ho}iston < at Rice'Boulevard,and,~. ~~ltV" "," ,'; ~otion Was made by COmh~~sioner Lec~one 'and duly secohded by C~~ missioer Walling thatll~ City Attorney take the matter up with 'the legal department of tlt~;. ~tty of Houston to the end that ,an amica- ble adjustment may be -" ed and such action ttiken by th~ litter . . as, would' correct the in nience and inj'tlry to. the Cittzens' of nfty West Univer;:lityPlace im~~~s;~d during periods of heavy rairi~' by,. ' afail~e of, the small se~ve~,installf1d b:y" the City of Housto~,' to adequately serve in relieving the water carried to it by t~~larger . sewer of Wes t Uriiversi ty Place. Furthermore, that the Engineer 'be, inst'ructed to prepare arid furni.flh the City Attorney with a L'lapshow-' , ing' complete ,details of this sworm sewer line and connections at the point affected. Tnat in the event friey suit should be filed by the City A~toI'ney, against the Ci t~T of H!'8ton, that a copy of the petition in s~id sui't ~e fur~ished ~o Df'J.}~~age .DistrictW12, one to E. H. FlemIng & Engln{7er u:, Councll oN~~'L~ CIty of Houston. Voting Aye: Commissioners Walling & Lec}crone. v8.~ ' - ~,. .~ , ' The chair then recog~nized Fire Chief Metcalf;~~i~?tated that ' the 'siren installed in the City hall was not oper~~ng advantag- eotlsly and that in order to meet th~ demands. of the departnent, -,j , "I' -, "'Ir:11' - -- r....nrl" 'I I , 'T o " o :c I' .,. ... 0; \ ,~a ~) , ':;' '~'lnr' , ' Febr1+ary 21st, 1'929 Contipued. it would be nece~sary to make some changes in the present installation in order to secure proper results. '~/[otion made py 'Con1l11iss ioner Leckrone and duly s:~CO~~d by pommissioner W'l3.lling -that the Fdl.re Commissioner an~~'i1he Fire> Marshall go iI?;lib the matter minutely, conside~'~El,tever migh't be necessary~~s, to changes' in the install.atio:tf\.<C. 'the ~ir?n and oth~rwie,e:~takeproper steps to insureeffi~~~cy In lts operatJ_on~&he future. _ ~_) ~ Voting Aye: "Coll1J.l1i ~~ers Leckrone & Walling. _ ~ .- '. , Plumbing Inspector, , .' T.. Barnhill' being recognized by th~ chair, advised that he Y:rirli~b. to obtain certain inforl:rlat:i,orr and spec-,,_ ;tfic instructions re~tive to the Inspection of plur.abing and .,u seVier jobs in the City of West University Place, havingbee~' ''':," appo,inted to do this work. He suggested that his remunerat~bi?-,,':' for theinapections made for t~e City of West University ~l~cB be euqaltQ an amount of 50% of the fees actually rBaliz~d by this city f.or' plumbing and sewer weJ'mi t feese fr.orh time }::.o ",' time. The ~ayorfurnis~ed Mr. Bar~hill with such information as was necessary:- and recoll1liJ,ended the compensation sugested. ,.. -:. Motion'was ;than-made by COD.llnissioner Walling that the appoint~ rllent of Mr"" W.. ,.T.. ,Bar~"lJ.aill as Plumbing, and Sewer Inspector' of th~ City o! West University plEl,ce be confirmed, that he be al- lowed compensation for,sucp. service in an tjUnount equal'to 50% of ,the revenues ,accruing to the City by virtue of money' col- lected on~'11unbing and Sewer permi,ts, that City Attorney Son- field:be instructed to draw up proper' ordinarica~ 'covering the Plumb~~g and inspection matter and ,that in th~ ~.antime, the reguHr~ions" obtaining in the' City of Hous'ton be",", itA, force. Vot~f?1(-,Ay~:: Commissiorfers Le.ckrone & ,Walling., ~\J. N 0 O~v'"vo t..1J?g No. :/ ' . t) l'1\ , ~ ~. ". ~ . ..~', . \ , ' ~.:,. ,~ . ' Ther, ~ing no further busi'riess before the boCly, or} f;(tion '_ Cornmi .'~..f>ner Walling, duly ~econded by Commiss'ioner ~Ckrone the meet'$ng was deQlared adJourned.,' ' , Voting Nffe: COli1l11issioners Leckr,one &:Walling. ' Jl:ttets: :~~-4.APprove'!,.-.. 'c:r >>'4 .;;1" , " .J-; )--:" /,,/" I '_"-'l<....r ".' __'" . L-, r T' '--<) Irr~w I 1 r'l ! . ' " ' E-ebruary 28th. 1929'. '- CouncitChai:nber...-Gity Hall. 4 City of West University Place. Texas. t"!~ , c ~f.t~. ..' ,..;':.Regular meeting of the CityCouncJl convened at 8P., M. on '., ~i\e above date with H. B. Schlesinger,. Mayor, presiding....with, ,a' ::do111rriissioners Wailing and Leckrone and City Secretary {;v.I3b.111an . V-- .. " '. , , ,.j.,~ . in attendance. ' . ,"', , ;.:~....~;.~:::;~tt:.S) . ~ . .: !...",. .- : . : ;.f" "#~;., ~~. nutes of the meetinf? February 2ls t>; rea~ ar:-d approved by mot- , . ~.l:' Commiss'ioner Walllng seconded by GomnllSS10DBr Beckrone ". - ~4;, ~voting Aye: " . '," " T~e ~OllbWJ~g bills were presen~ed b~ the City Secretary forap- . pro val ,viz :' ," Houston Lighting & Power Co ------,---.:..----$110.98 >> n ">>',______~_______' 11.~9 Oliver Levy, Water Dept.,. --------------15.00 AnYf;ona DuJ-an . n It -------------- 15.00 "Arthur Burnley t~ If -------------- l5~OO S01J~thwestern Bell, Tel Co., -------------- '~~80 Miss Nannie' David ----~--~--~--~'~~OO J~, 'C. Mortensen, Inspecting; --:...-----:.------ ~,~~O \ ,Wils'on Stationery & Prtg Co, ~-..;-----~-..:.--- ~s.)5,\ Oliver Levy-,...---- ----------_____ '{1J&, It tI 3:W.~."n~' ',.'. ' ":EJ;'wih Cushm;9-n, Trea~r," Robb T;~.~k~Li~~~~~-- l3.R\' ',',If "f1 II Recording dE';)ed etc 4.05, ,:' ,:.'C. F. Mil-ledge (E.,P. A. cpecking Accts) 80.00, , WTllie Stokes Repairs to ~[oon Gar (City) 39.20 Dow Motor GomJ1~,:fl.Y.i.n tI Ford, rt 31.15 Cash paid b'y S~~1;,.ar.yfor(Parki:hg 4 mos. 8.55 Long Distancerit&~~1iges,H. B. S. for City 2.55 ."} - . . '-'. \ ,~>' '). . . '."."f; " , (~' . j, , -, , , ~'Motion ~hmade'by COI~lsiionerWalling'and secondeQbYGR~- "'~"miss,ioner Lecl:IT'one that -the bills as read be approved.' ~.' " ,,+V..oting Aye: COl1imissioner Le'ckr'one & Walling. ~~ ,', ',',' , r Schles,inger advised the Cam~cil the Bank held<$J~:QPJ)(..OO 'ldS and 10,493'.75 interest which was, siue and pay'afn;e~' I\!fO~~J:tYYflade, by ,Gorri.msisloner 'Lec!rrone and seconded b;"~OinmiSs.ioh- ' er Walling that,~'the" Mayor and Secretar,y ~e auth6r;~ed ,and. in~- structed to pay the amount of Bonds and lnterest a-eie"as j..ndi:;,.; , .L. ,- , ... ,'. caGed. . ',!f; , Voting Ay-e: Commis s ioners Walling & Leckrone'.~~,-& No' One Voting 1\1'0.., ~~, ~,; Statement under date of Febrllary 11th compiled by C. 't~ ~illedge Certified Public Account showing a complete check ofall~~ax. Collection both current 'and delinquent, all other sources of re- venue accruing 'to the City of West University Flace, Tex~s. which check embrac~d the period ,from Novemeher 1st 1928 to January 31st 1929 dates inclusive. Statement recited the fact that ':k]m tlI':it' '; i ' ''''I~T' T' 1'TC "WT IT I 1. -- -!:-<.; .. ",,/- ;:.:,.- , . . .:qi!' @'.., . -. - , ~ ,it '. 8 ./ I . u I I I ~ " o ~' . ~ n .,g ,f \ , "J , . ~ .. find that' Ivlr. Cushnia~fs ~cc9unt.s. are: cprrey-G in every respect and all cash re'ceived has. been "properly accounted for. ,Full, copy of ..;report .on f:tl,e, and' "6:t.'record in ,the office of' the' Secret.ary.' . ~ .,' . .' Motion made by Nlommissioher Leckrohe and duly seconded by ,~- ',missioner Walling, th?-t the. report as offered and read from' ..i~" ,', G. F. M'illedg'e, C-t,P.ld\..., be.acc.epted and approved and ma~ti... a part: of the'se minu:ttf~. , ' " ,,' ~,' Voting Aye, C0mm~ssi~?~:ps W~llin,g & Leckr:one,', . ~~, NO ONE VOrrnrG-I NO ~ ' ~'~ d. " ' ,~~<, n". . '~" ' ,~'~ 'GitY5,Att<:>rney R,?bert ~~.ls?nfield,: sJ.bm:Lttedto tf1e GQrmei~~."~~~i~ , set of' .C1 t'3'- orchnancei;;.. W!lCl; are t? take the place . of, an.~.';~r,e- , ce,dent over any o'thers, eV10usly 1n effect of a llkeCf;t-ar,,:a;cter vrotherwise. The -said " diances now offered are numbered con- .. eec't;ttx:Lvely from No. 1 to, 27 both inclusive. -, '"Fv~ll and comple,te copies on f:ile and '--Of" record in, the>)ffi,ce. of .'.-:~ ~he.' C.i ty Se:cretary. " " , ':MI'f)J.ion made by OommissioB~r Walling ,and s:wconded ,by Corirrnis$ioner L~krone that all of' the said ordinances nQ-mber:edfrolli' 1 to 27 be approveq~} and adopted effective il'hnlediately after pas,sage~ , Voting Aye:'" Co:rmnissioners Leckrone and Wallin,_, , , N. ONE VOTING, NO. ' ',) n'~' ,. >' , Engin,eer ,~afferty offered a recormnendation to the COlUl.cil*':::'that" the',n~~s of "~ertain streets be changed as f.ollovvs~ Y-iz:,~,,:t\ Love,tt Street to Alb,ans . ,', " ~.. t) Harvard to SUnset Blvd. ":, 't1 ~ Yale to ~}Jot,tingham. ' , ';, ~,\\ ' , Columbia: to Robinhood., ' .',,' t"~ "'~ ,Brown to Tangley. ~ Motion made by Commissioner Walling and seconded by COmr.~iss~o~er Lee,kr(:me that.'the chl3.ne?~'s in the n~es of said s'treetsina,e... :'.,../ ' cordance wjth the reco~ndation Of the City ~ngineerbeappro~~d arid adopted. ' , .,." ". " ,,' Voting Aye : Cornmiss ion~i~ Leckrone & Wa.lling. ' ,.'" NO ONE VOTING NO. "'~ t,;J , ' ; " "';h'ere bing no fl.U'ther b'l..,less before t~ body ~ on motion con~~"' mi?!:?,ioner Leckrone seco~.ectbY Commissi611Fll' WaTling, them,e$,ting, , was. 'deC?lared adjourned. ''i' , ,~:,:,,'''../ VQting Aye: Commiss loners Walling & Lec~~e. . 'NO ONE VOTHrG NO. 'Q,i). ~ " .' Attest; .,~.6: l'lPproved~t~ :.,:;~.:- . 1 ". .:-j ;r ,.-.:- " , I 'I' '. 1rIT'7>IT I " "1 ':T""''''I~rr ,----- 'k iL " 'c-". "";,'~: """4' ", ,;' ~.. . .[,.~~.~ .~'..<-. " ,"'I ~ , ) , , ( Maroh )''611., l~C~. Oo:unctl Chrumber~-City Hall. .. City of West Universit'1 Place. TAxafla --- '-." ~; , .- ^" Regular meeting of the City Council "Convened at 8~ ~,. M., on the ,aboVe date with' H. B. Schle'singer, Mayor presiding ..~.' Cqrnmissioner P. A. Leekrone and Ci ty Se~cretary Er.win CU;3hman ~"'.~",in attendance. Corrun;issioner. J,. A. Walling, absent. ' ' .....:." . '. .. ~~~~e, followlng bii~s ~ere prese~ted, by the Secretary for apprqv- ,~~d payment,: ,VlZ: , ~".(,.'o..{" ~"\ 1 '. '. \. wli:t~ Stokes '~:9'~age, ,RepaiI's on Moon R'oadstar, " " , k;. R. D~arborri,;, 'E?Cpert testimony a/c paving. Oliver Levy ,_5...J. :/' Labor, Water Dept. Arthur Burn)..ey., II 11 II' Antonio Duran:~; rr rr n 'Hous'ton Natural Gas Co 'Gas for Ci ty Hal~ C1 ty of Houston, Wat er. Dept. '~ Krenzler Bros Service Station II II N n nn rr II rr , $22,. OQ , ?5. 00 13.50 1.50 , l3.. 50 13,. 63 , .50 ,46~28 $.16 20.60 / Motion made byCoramiss~oner Leckrone and duly seconded by Mayor Schlesinger that the foregoing bills as read be approvea and brdered paid. 8 VotiTig Aye: Schlesinger and Leckrone. No pue voting no. ,There being nofu.rther busine~. 'to transact on aocount of the, abesnce of' Commissioner Walling,;" upon mo,tlon lWayor SChlesing~r se~ondedby Cqmmissioner Leck~f~ the meeti~f:!;' was q.ec'lared";;,,, adJourned~ '~~ m, ,,' '...",' '?.~ en. .. :,_.. ':';;, v;. 9~ iT..:" ~J, ;\'ApproviB' ,,-; Attest: (,'> i1.,~ ,:" duly .; \. City Sect'y \..J . ~. n ~ , I . ~1~r'I1fIi' , 1 ," lfll wt:"lrTf;rr.-r T I '1'~Tl~ ~ 0\ \.) ~ ~ ~ ( 'I' 'I '[IW"" March 14tnJ ,q?q. , , (' 'I _" J f J '<..t,~ /j' it I t. <H~, 45 f ' .itLf." t' J "J>~'" ,.....-...,. ~I .~~ J / Council Chamber City ~all ~-' /~., City of West Univer~ity P]acA~ ~AY~~. Regular meeting of the city council convened at 8 P. M. on the above date with H. B. Schlesinger, Mayor presiding, Com- missioners J. A. Walling and P. A. Leckeone, S~4retary Cushm~n ~-;'..... " in attendance. ~::~:I;~~ \:~" u Minutes of previous meetings ,read and approved.~},~ (~~~ ;;~. . I ;','\ . ('"f~ Mr. E. C. Fantham. of Fantham &: Fantham was recognized by the chair and thereupon filed a verbal complaint and protest against the valuations as,ses,sed against property in Colonial tel"race' for the year 1928. He stated that the assessed va1aution of $472.00 per lot on the average was excessive. . ^ The maY0r suggested, that Mr. Fantham prepare and submit to the , Council alette~outlined and suggesting what he felt would be .~ ,. , an equi table r~g~ 0f values for Colonial Terrace for' the yeBr ~929 for the co~~eration of the Assessor' and the ~t~Cil. ~"t\~, ~;"_ < This was approved\~~".). the Council as ~ whole and Mr. t~tham agreed to act accordlg1Y. ~t~ r,~ .:,~ ;..: ,., There being no further business before the b0dy, on moti~n Com- misssioner Leckrone duly seconded by COlllmiesioner Wal~~ng, the \;{~ meeting w.asde~lared adjourned. . .;"\ Ajtest; ~ if . Approved; ~~~ ~' - secreta:rf i~ ~ '..."" (",;1 'yO; ,,,\'l , \/ '~'1) t,,;f\~, ~;; " ' " ' Mayer. Voting Aye: C0mmisaoners Walling & Leckrone. TT I' I~" ITr '"I''''' I I " I 46 . I' MID'ch .?-} ~!.A..J..?~~.!. Council Chamber City Eall.!. 1:'1.. . City or West University Plac~, Texas. r') Regular meeting af the City Council convened ~t 8 P. M. en the above date with H. B. Schlesinger, Maypr presiding and :the foll0ing in attendance: J. A. Wall<ing ,ana P.A; , Leciroue Commissioners. F~win Cushman City aecretary. ,~ . > Application from Mr. Brace of So~side was presented by the . ".Mayer, requesting the pri vilege 6lf'~00nnecti(;lln the water system ; '., ,01'- 8ouths1de with that@1' the C~''1;;~r West University Place ' Tqr em~rgency purposes. Said co 'c~ion to be~ade at Universi-' ty Boulevard and Haden Ave. " '.\ ' . .' Moti@nmadeby Commissioner LeekrQ~~~~and seconed by C0mmissioner' ' Walling that Mr. WallingJl the Water Or issiener be au~h@rized t~ '. '~ negotiate with the Southside owners t, the end that de~inite ' deal be made for the conne~tion?eterrred teat Uni*e~sit1 Blv.d and haden Avenue for emergency purposes. , Voting Aye: Commissioners Walli:.ng& Leckrone.. Estimate #10 prepared by the Engineering department. was ~Ubmitted for approval. Same favor <D1' Miller '& ,Miller & J. H. 'Ra:fferty '1,.b~ngin.eerC()Vering general improveme:r:t extensi,on ,,~n ,~~:' swn e>f ~. Iruf7o~$lQ,Jjef8J.0@. Same to be pa~d in scr1.pt. ~ /.',.,' ::-;.-'" "',, ' ( ) " " MGti0Jf made by~. CommissiGmer Le~kr@~e axy1 duly se'C'0i1.l~~4. by C~m.. \ , "missi€mer Wa1l1ng that the est1.mate of ' ' d P4t;llf,lr ,ana. \f I.'" J .H. Rafferty Engineer in the sum' @f ,bte @P1i'Qv~d 'and. rt\ I ,,' .Gr;der,ed paid a.s a!-,er'esa.id. Furthermore, :thl;at>~;:[;~Q(~,,'-'~~:i'sum ' j '.1' ' em the flOO.' vall;tatiell be ,.viedagainst pr@pe~'ty with- ,;in ,the. '~ity limits for 'the purpese $!~p!Viding 'funds~' 1!e;tQiilthe pay- lmEm~ of said item o~ $18.;tH9@.L~..i~4l'-Z'" " ' Vet1.ngAye: GemmissJ.oners, WaTl1.ng &,L. ,:ne,. ' ';,':, NO ONE VOTING N? " ~ q).~ j 'C),; , ; There being no further business ber0~e~~d:~~~ing,:*,l'n:r~ti0n~ Jl;~nuni,ssi~ner Walling duly seconded by C$ml1d:~t?ln1lfh~,~tfJi~:~ '.:the meeting was decl' :6, 'dj,0urned,. '. ' , ';~, ' ' A~test:" . ,Jj , : App~0ved, . ~ '_h Secre ery. =d:I ,~ +'~4- &~ .#o'HoI'~ .,<g#~~ 1:1j ,," " , " 0p.. ~) '" '~ . -. .. , . ,.,.-:,......>..," , I TC I'flrJi' .~~ -" 1 I' "WT' 'r '1<0 r r I If"1 ~ 0'\ \) ~ ~ ~ ( o{ :" " .. ... '~'''.' ~ ~, . I ! n.- riP 11I1!f!I~"Tn _.._----~----- -'--. ! 47 March 22nd, 1929. I"" ':- Council Chamber City H~~ Vity of West U~~yersity P1~ces I i Texas. " . ~::"~ .~~....'"' ... .. l" ..:~~ t.~~:. . t ~.., (.", Special meeting of the City Council I convened at 8 P. MiS ~ on the foregoing date with H. B. Sc~lesinger, Mayor, p~~~~ siding, Commissioners Walling & Leckrone and Secretary (';, i;~ Cushman in attendance. ' I ';il\ i " t) The following communicati9n was offkred and read by the City Engineer: I ,-,' City of W~st 'University Place, Texas ", ' March 20tJ;l, 1929. Hen. City Commission":of' the : City of West University Place, Texas. , , i ~~ ; _, i P;"'~ i , On Mr. lc~t Sh~baughls pa:ving contract with:t the City Of_West uniY@r~ty ?lace , dat~d the 4th day of December 1928, covering th~~provement of A$herst street and sundry other streets in said c~y~ I beg to report that two of the units of, sa~d streets have '"een paved and I the improvements ~~ompleted by sa~d contractor ac~ording to his'j contract, said UIl":t:tS being, (a) AMHERST STREET, from, a p~int 250 feet we~.~ the West line of Tennesse~ Street to t~e east lin~~ Buffalo Speedway, des~gnatedias UIl~t No. 13; ~~~ i ,." (b) Dn~Moo.m STREET, from a I point 250 feet We~~ 4'~f the West line of Tennessee Street to the East line efQ.Buf- fale Speedw~y, designated as I unit No. 14; (Now called Rice Boulevard). 'I And I ~~ererore, recommend t~e acceptance of these two streets as completed accrodil}g to the contract. I I Very Tru~Ylours., i (Signed) J~ H. Rafferty, ~A i City Emgineer. .;>;;:''' ! Motion fol10wed-'and made b.y~Pommiss~oner Walling & duly second- ed by Commissioner Leckro~,~~that tije recommendation of the Engineer above set forth b't %pproved and the work ac cepted , in so far as it appertains :~,0f.~Units 113 & 14 of thQ\Contract with Sco tt ~hamb augh all in 'f,ci~0rdanc e with tl1e ert:"~neer t s recommendatl.ons. .: ii, I e;;, ,.~~ Voting Aye: Commissioners LecJd<Jne & Walling. "t~\,() N0 One Voting. No. ", 'I \} ea. i ~:\."ff\ ;. I - ~"'{ ,I There being no further basiness, ,th~ meeting was d, e'Ca.:rt{ ad ad- journed by motion duly made' and,sec~nded. ~ Attest: -~L.. .. APp+ved, ~~~___ '(~fK l?_.....T ~ i, ~_ J Gentlemen: 48 I I ! i i Regular meeting of ThursdflY NLprtUf on accountiof the , I i 29th, pesp<;med "~ ~ .absence .,.t~ ,,~ :", ~t) ...{,;,.. <) t~ ~;.~" '. "", ." d~ ,A ,..,. "". ~.._.,-."",-,-,,~._ ;.;,.~:.a ~ IH: 'I P11lllPn of the Maror from I the City. I I I c " , ' < , i I '{~ . <',..*-~;..'" '1' ;""",':;', "'~; ".''';'; ". j+ '. ':-1 '. , ":\1.' . ~ ~') . [.1 ~ -0.., .; ;-~ . .lllrp 1:f! llH!J1r .. \, ('i , , c/-" )~; " / o :1; r. I. ~ 0\ \.) M ~ ~ 49 Apri1 5t~f ]9?~_' 001111<1i] C"h::U!1hAl", (;; 1"::1 H~~} fit\{ of 'W:est Un:lverfl:ity Pl::l"AJ ;IJ1A1<-f-!!':!. Regular meeting of the City Council iqonvened at 8 P. M. on the above date with H. B. :Schlesing~r;' Mayor, presiding:and the following in attendance! viz: C~mmissioners J. A. Walling and P. A. Lecl~one, Erwin Cusbman, qity Secretary. j Following report.~rom Engineer Raff~rty received and read~ viz: \'!4 ;.;:.~ City of West University plap..."',,:,,,e #.; 'l'exas. April 5, :1929. [ t4 ~.J c;~ t,-l :r" <,;" ,"1 ('.f 'iJ On N.T. Scott Shambaugh's piaving contract with 4he City of West University Place, dated the ~th day of December, 1928, covering the improvement of Amherst street and sundr:Y' other ;:;;treets in saidvity, I be~ to report that t~o of the units of said ~treets have b?en pave~ and~he impro~emen~s! com~~e~ed by said Comtr~ctor according to hJ.s con,,~ract, saJ.d UllJ.t;s be;;"n~h ' , - (i.t :V;ass~r .:f?t'i'eet (Now ,calJ.e~ P~Un:(b Street) from a point 250 feet West of' t ';i, '~est line of Tehnesaee 'street to the West line of Buffalo 'Spe .y,i,dssignat,edl ,8:;3:- \m.it N. 16. (b) BrOYin" ~et (Now callefi'~:Tangley street) frpm a , point 250 feet West f'~he West Line! of Tennessee street,to the West Line, of Buffalo SPledwaym desigpated as~:u.-YJ.it No 17.--- and I therefore, recommend the accepjtance of these two ::>treets as completed according to the Contract.! Hon City COL~ission City of West University Place, rl. I .l:exas!. Gentlemen: ", "'!ill> Motion made by Commissioner Walling and duly seconded by Corr~is- siGner Leckrone that the Engineer's report and recommendations be approved and that the otreets as aesignat~d therein be accept- ed as completed according to the contract. -Voting Aye: Comrnissioners Leckrone &j Walling. NO ONe voting no. I ..' ( Engineer's report of Apri~5tr~ 1929!was also read submittirl~ report and corrected fin8};;:~tatementl of the person~, firms, ~~or- porations and estates ow:r~!le property abutting upon theaboy<?'.; Streets, viz: Vassar stre~~~ow cal+ed.Pl~b otreet) and ~~wn. S~reet (now, called Tangle~:: ,eet) sJjloVv"J.ng the amounts to oe ~aJ.d wJ.th the am.ount of front fe7~1, ",i>wned ~y each. , ~ '~~ Motion made by Commissioner W&ing that the Engineer's rep~i){ be accepted as read and filed viJith t~e list of names furnishedQ.~:, - therewith. i;J,<' Voting Aye: Co~missioners Leckrpne o~d Walling. NO ON~ VOTING NO. : The following cOITilllunication was then I introduced and read, viZt ': i ' ''':'IIl!'' [1l" . HII" II' . II ! r I II I] - 50 <', . #2. . , Houston, Texas, March 29h, ~ The Honorable City Commission of the City of West Univer~ity Place, Texas Gentelemen: ('I Referring to paving work Which I hav~,begunQn Amherst Street and certain other streets or portions, there- Gf, in the C~of West University Place (Out' of West Univera s~ty PlaG,e SeCJmd Addi tien) designated in my contract and in the reso~uti~~~~f November 27th, 1928 (Ordering the streets , :paved) as . ,No lfi to 21 both inclusive, it has been ' brought to ~y, ~ention that in the proceedings 'before the City , Commission ea,1&1' these units is described asext'ending from a point'two'hu~~d ~nd fifty 'feet West of the West line or , Tennessee Street ~ the East ,line of'Buffalo Spee,dvyay;,w1'tereas, , we all know that it was i;i'eV'er contemplaced, and I~ave,:not.'con- tracted to pave further than the West ,line of Bu+f'a:J..o "speedway. , I, will therefore, :thank you to take tbe~~qessaJ:'Y action by ordinance or, resolution to evidence ,fo~~~cGrrection of this error; and yeu may cond;tder this as mywr.t\" nconsent ,to,fo:-rnally ehan~e on ~h.e recards the~limits .01' thtfi'sever- al u.n~ ts tG the West l~ne of t3uffalo i::>peedway. tt~ " ' , , Very Truly Yours ,t!\ " , , ' (Signed) Scott sJ!1~~u~p.,! Mot~on made by Coimnissj.onerLeckrone ahd duly sece-np:e,d"oy' Com- missioner Walling 1inaniP1o~sly, adopting the folloviinf!;'of~in~ce ('r , , . ~. - . r ANORDINANGE, CORREC,!,ING THE' ERROR !1V DESIGNATING:AIID . DESGUIBING fUR-TIONS' OF, AMHE~ST, AND ,GERTAIN'Of~,9r.{!REET& IN THE CITY OF WEST :G1'J'IV1fRSITY PLACE (SPE9If;+~:~'~~~'1JiifIT'S "',13, TO ~l IN,CLUSIVE IN RESOLUTION, PAoSED BX, ,T'E:$'":B~~l'COMw MISSION NOVm.mlill. 2,7THts ,1928) ,FIXING' TH,E ~A:~,~,L~,Ml(r.f,S , OF SUCH UNITS AT THE 'WEST LINE OF BUFFALO 'SPEEDWAY" , INBTEAD OF ~HE J~EAST ,LINE OF BUFFAL9 SPEEJ;<~I~cJ'-->'~ illG FOR ;PRE OMISSI 01{, OF, SUCH IMPROVEM~!J;1S;"~1J; SEDTIONS <IF BUFFALO'SPEEDWAY WI'lIH SAIl>," " A-ND CQRRECTI;NG:~ ,gH,ANGTNG AND .AME~TD,:r'G, E.Ad, THE RESOLuTIONS,ORDINN;ICES'ANP, 9~J{!ro'p', FORE THE CI'I'Y COMMISSION, THli; ENGl,." ~S'~ PLAN~ AND CONTRACT, ACCORDINGLY; A~" L, EMERG~OY , ' ~" , ' . VeUng Aye:'co';;t.'<~~onerSWa~l~ng. & ,-:,~~,.e;\,\~ . NO ONE VOTING N:Q~'~"q" ", 's '!>,' ,~'~,~" " " ~' a ' , , ' ",,"" , :Engil1e~r, J. H. R;."" ty then Su.bmitt~Jtt~nal ~~:rr~(1t'ea: ~V of all ,persons, c ,~ ' at-ionaanu estates ,()\ming' p:t'€l'~'er%t ,,'1J1g , '~po~; tpe followingt~:, eets which among those covered by~he C0n~ "tr act,.viz : ' ' f.,c" , . " ' " ,',' , :;,..:o.~, (, ,", ,",.":--' (a) Jl.mherst street, f'romapoint g5Qfe'et'<~~fJ>6i,~~the , Jfest~:::line of Tennessee Str,eet' to, the West line, of BU:;f'f'iaht(5?Bp,eed- ',WTay'!~"fipsignated.as Unit Ne.':t3. ,,' ',' ,,' , ,,' "., JO,,,, ..',-' .J:.... ,~"- '<t '-"':">.4.:;(". ,..;< ~, \._/J /Street, from a,point '250 fee.uWest of to ,the '-Wes't' 1:111;e"0/ :B'~~'faj:~c\ ' 14. (Now called RiceBQ~l~var'd) . ",', I" . ': ,. -. ~ " . " FT 10'11"1' I' r 1 I I I ~ Q\ ,\) M ~ ~ (', ?-- '--~ Ci . i " I 1----' 11l1~urH' I - . -.~.. .....~~~._~."." . ", . . ".J ~~,..:-. .' , ,-'51, .#3. Apr. 5th. ~ , M@tion ~made by, Commissioner Walling and~dul~y- seconded by Commissioner Leckr@ne~ ,that the Engineer's rep@~t.as read in cennec tion with fiI).~l, repoJ;'t on AMHERST and DARTMOUTH Streets be approved and accepted. Voting-Aye: Commissioners Walling and Leckr0ne. NO ONE VOTnra NO. The fol10wing" ordinance was then read and unanimously ad- Gptedjviz:: ~ 'Ii AN ORDIl'fANOE CORRECTING AND AMEN:pING ,RES :p-' PASSED BY THE CITY C01mISS~ON OF THE: CtT _' .~VERS;rTY PUCE TEXAS ON THE - 221m DAY;' OF " 1928 -ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT, OF;:AMH AND . ,SWmRY OTHER STREETS IN SAJ:D CITT DESIGNAT 'I''. ; ~V TS l3-'rO 21 .INCLUSIVE. AND ,ALL PROCEEDIN ,OF - CITY' COMMISSION RELMftING TO SAID IMPROVEM TS 'HE CONTRACT OF ,DECEMBER .TH 192 8~ ,FOR SAID , VEMENTS WITH SCOTT SHAMBAUGH SPECIFYING -THE ~ ". 1" . '-'". '~ PT'_ND PORTION OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS .-'F~ BE'PAID, BY THE CITY AND PR'OVIDING,FOR THE PAY- 0,. iJfENT 'THEREOF AND DECLARING AN' EMERGENCY. ' =:...:... {] {. ~}'... '.' . . ;M0ti0ni::;n~:ae by C0mmissioner Walling and du.ly~ seconded by CeID- :~m.issie~~ Leckrone that the above Qrdina,nce be adopt,ed. V0ting Aye: Connn,issieners Leckr1l>ne and ,WaIling. ' , ND .oNEVOT.J:NG NO., ,} ~~The f'e11owi;ng 0:t'diiumce was read ~d unanimously adopte<i: "-....';, t'? AN ORDINANCE CORRECTING AND ,AMENDING RESOLUliIoN ' PASSED BY THE _CITY COM!4ISSION ,OF THEP~TYO~:wE~T TlliIVERSITYPLAGE TEXAS ON ,_THE22ND 'DAY; OF ,',<.1'. Bm1928, ORDERING THE IIv1PRqVEM:ENT OF, WJ3:;R.L AND SUNDRY OTHER ,STREETS IN SAID CITY DESIGN AS ,UNITS! ,TO ~ nrc_LusIVE AND ALL PRPGEEPlli" . F THE CITY COMMI,SSI ON RELATING TO ,SAID IMPROVE]:[~ WITH SC9TT SHAIvIBAUGH' SPECIFYIi~G THE PAIt':)? AND P', T~ ION OF THE ,COST ,OF SAID IMP~OVEMENTS TOB;E PAID Y ,THE' G~Y AND ,PROVIDING -F<m?'THE PAYMENT ,~HEREOF? AND D,ECI,Jffil1iTG ,Al'ID EMERGENOY . . ' ' ',', 'g., '~l~~,," " : , , ' ,..Motion )!lade 1?i", 'i.s,sioner LeckrGne and secop.de.d by :Commis",:", 'si0per Wall~p~~' BDi. the above_ !rdinancebe a~opted~ ' ' VOT,1NG AYE;j,,~;'Q$mm:sV:toners Wall~ng.& Le~krene. " ,NO 0NE:~~O]~~~:N.O::~J\,_~' ,',: " ~-, _,' ' __,>~ ,;j: The following 0.rd,inanC'e was :I.'J:)~d and adop~ed unanimously.' AN OR:PIIUNCE -APPROviNG OITy' ENGIwiEERS, CORR:m~ -:FINALSTATEMENT SUBMIT,TED,WITH>LErTER 'DATED' , .' I \ 5'fiH ',.192$" SHQWIliG?'.~:g~:P'~,~QNS~"JfIRM~:~:Q01;:P $o~.) -', AND _ESTATESOWJ.i{ING I:I\!l.P~~, ':~JJ.~TING' Up.oN: ~': ,.~,;' ~ION'S OF VASSAR AND BROWN' STREETS DESIGNAT" " UNJ:TS lff;and,',17 'IMPROiiEU UN:bER':AND BY:V:ERW:0E'-' A CONTR..AC't'BY -ANDB~T\vEEN>- $~E.~'t;ql!rY:>O:F'-"~ST:,r: ' 'SITY'PLAG;$" ";,AN1YIY~; '.T ", ' , ,,;@,Fi' . DAY OFDEC'<U' " ' T]tt01\I':< , ...-. '- - ~'.' " I ,~ ,11:.- .' '.- "'~'i,,-:;,--:-~ 't,: -':"--':';::;:-:?'+': . .. -~""'->\'f -\ . - ;5'2 .' #4. ApI' 5th, 1929. " i'mJI THE NUMBER OF FRO}llT FEET OWNED BY EACH1 AND THE COST PER FRIDNT FOOT WITH ANJ:LYSIS OF RATE>AND SHOWING THE TIDTAL AMOUNTS ETC., ADGlPTING THE WORK F OF SAID SCOTT SHAMBAUGH IN IMPROVING" SAID TWO UNITS IN ACGORDANCE WITH HIS CONTRACT WITH, THE CITY; " ADOPTING THE FORM OF PAVING CERTIFICATE TO BE~SED IN EVIDENCING THE ASSESSMENT IN FAVOR OF SCOTT~HAlII~ , B,..\UGH "AND AUTHORIZING THE, ISSUANCE OF PAVING~E!tTI.. FICATES ON SAID TWO UNITS., , '6Q' , Voting Aye. 'Commissioners Walling' & Leckrone. ~;, NOONE VOTING NO.: " ',~j ~ ,The following 0rdinance was then unim~USIY adoptA.:- () , , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE DATED AND EASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ,WEST<'UNIV;ERSITY PLACE TEAXS., AT A \ SPEC IAL MEETING' ON THE .22ND DAY OF MAR OH 1929 ENTITLED: ' ... ~+' , , , ., , ' AN ORDINANCE. APPROVING CITY ENGINEERS CORRECTED FINAL STATEMENT SUBMITTED, WITH LETTER DATED MAIWK 20TH ,1929 SHOWING THE' PERSONS" liIRNS, CORPORATIONS AND E$TATES OWNING PROPERTY'ABUTTING UPON THE ,PORTIONS OF AMHERST AND DARTMQ.Ul'H STREETS DESIGNATED AS UNITS 13 AND 14, ' APPROVED~ER AND BY VIRTUE OF A CONTRACT BY AND BE- TWEEN.. THE,$TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,TEAXS"AND SCOTT S GH O~ DATE THE 4TH DAY. OF DECEMBER, "1928,, , .WITH 'DESCR ON OF SAID PROPERTY T~ NUMBER OF FRONT F:EETOWNED' ^', ACH, AND THE COST PER FRONT FOOTI :WIU~l ANALYSIS OF "'~~AND SHOWING THE TOTAL AmOUNTS ETC." A.- DOPTING'THE VlOR 'F SAID SCOTT cSRAWIBAUGH IN IMPROVIN'G SAID TWO UNTl!'S '-AC COR DANCE WITH HIS cmTTRACT' WITH THE CITY; ADOPTING THE FORM OF '-PAVING CERTIFICATE TO 1m USED IN EVIDENCING THE . ASSESSMENT IN FIVOR OF SCOTT SHAMBAUGH AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF PAVING CER .;. TIFICATES ON SAID TWO UNITS'. , , By SETTING.ASIDE AND CANqELLING THE CORRECTED ,FINAL, ,STATEMENT OF' THE, CITY ENGINEER ADOPTED BY SAIJJORDI- NANCE AND NOW APPROVING" SECOND CORRECTED F~:N:A't:(g~-;ATE- MEt-TT OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND AUTHORIZING' THE':7INCE OF ,pAVING CERTIFICATES ON THE TWO Ul'fITSREFERR()" IN SAID ORDINANCE OF MARCH22ND 1929.,. TO THE" ,,' AOT9R' SCOTT SHAMBAUGH TO BE DATED .MARCH 22nd!-1929" i~,~,Ai_' i ' '.... OORDANCE WITH THE SECOND CORRECTED FIN~STAT " ,~;~f , THE CIT.Y ENGINEER. ' . " .!<,,".> ,~,: . Motion by Commissioner Wal ~ing and .se~!taed 1;>y.-t'~ ,', '113,- sJ.oner .Leckrone that the above ordJ.nance be ad \\d., , , , Voting Aye: Commiss~oners Walling & Leckr4\me. a ,> "", ~ No One V0ting No. '''t\%~. , ,,' Cepies @f all documents; l,etters et~., (~~ing f0Dth " complete inferIfiation relat;i ve to ,paving matter .~em'file and ef ~~0rd ,with the City Secretary. / , " , , ,',: The c0nnnission next proceeded .te canvass the election ..>:r~:un's 'af the election he.ld en the2Jid day,of April 1929" to ':.~,~termine upon the admin:tstrat$,on composed of a Mayor aild two ~ '. ' ,:,r' :":~'i@lmn$~s:i0ners 'te serve for the ne~t two years. ' .. ,!Z~,~,~,}),~i,;;r;~,,~,: .-<t,'," ":':~'(,}'~' ' ~, ,,~.-:; ~~'_:5,:-- " ;' ,-'~t.-~...~_..~':;:~'.l "':4r- ....:.. ()" ,,". o ,-,,; I I~ r I f1~~~lm I 1 r 1[J lllf'f1 fT ! r I r ! i ~' 0\ o ~ ~ ~ n I , I' c~; :- u ~ ' L. '" ': 1 ' 1 ~~~IITr ~ I f #5 ' April 5; 1929. 53 After a careful c,anvass ef all returns as indi'(}ate4:~by the official pel:J.ing":and tally lists, . Motion was made by Commissioner 'WaJ.ling and,dUay seconded by )~ommissiQner JJfe.dkJ?Gne, the the following be declared el~eted to serve as Mayor ~nd Commis$ioners fer the next te.rm ;of two years, viz. H,~ ~> Schlesinger, receiving 174 Vete.s. for Mayctr. .{,,~' ;'1. Wall'~g, " . r' ,j? A. Lec~~e" ~. fJ,' r 'v 't-' - A' ~'i~i' L kr & W 11i Ii) ~ng ye :~~l'IJlll SS~Qners ec one, ~,ng. E:O .oNE VO~I~ ).0,. , " .Lt~ 1 ' There being no' further busines, 'on moti$n Commissioner Leckrone seconded by Gommissioher Walling the meeting w:as declared adjonirned. . ' Voting Aye:G@mmissioners Walling l$c L~ckrlimE? No ene voting no. . . rr , ',.n "C$mmissiGner. 178 n , >< . ~ . , 1t Comm!ssiCllner. ,tI 160 ~y '..:.;' -:,;A:ttest, ...~ Jftpr"ved' ~;((2~ :L, .-~ , <:1 t~~r:'7 -> ;'j'. ': ,",. . .f.: t.., j .:'" - .~:I;; . . ' " t';,).~: . ~~ .:::" ..~'~ "t._.~. .;:..~ . -r"."-:. ,,~':jI l.:~l .~ ~:~: '.,- ...:: ",' /:~~; "" :...1 , :i/ ..''''l. '~.-..; , , \'; ~" . . ' , " ,l, ~..': :. -cl,~,.' .._' '.'. [~ "11 11 JI ! ~: " t~-~:i ,\\ " ,~~ ' " '~, -) '\ . I '/ '- r I . ~ 5~4 r . . ~.' f '- \ " .April 11th. 19'29.' Council Chamber. Citv Hall. City of Wes~ Universi~Y Place, TexRRa' Regular meeting of the City €}ounciLwasconvened at 8 P. M. on the above date, presided over the Mayor, H. B. Schlesinger with Commissioners Walling and Leokrone and Secretary Erwin Cushman in attendance. (' .) The ~ayqr ~npnmmmended that the' officers take the oath of office for the ensuing two year term, wpereupon; . The oath was administered to Mayor lIe B. Sohlesinger by Erwin . Cushman, Oi ty Clerk and Notary Publi'c. :mhe l[ayor then in turn, 'administered the Oath of office to Commissioners J. ,A. Walling and ,1'. A. Leckrone,.:<.. __ " . <. . I The following names were submitted by i'th,e Mayor'!~ind rf3c0mmen4,...~d to oooupy appointive offices and positions with the incoming '<"', , ,administrat,ion,~:: the full ensuing term of two'~r~s.._.as. follows:" Erwin Cushman, City Secretary, Tax~~\ses~~ '& 001- ", lector. ",t~l';\.' " A G. B. Murray, ' C~ty Marshall. ~;~:'~': ~_. " J. A. Metoalf; F~re Marsgall.!,:;lql~; ..~. J. R. Bronk, Electrical Inspector~ia' ~",~.\ w. T. Barnhill,Plumbing '. It .'t'~~,~', , ~~,;.~, Dr. 1:.. C. Chandler, Public Health '0 . ,'. ~~~ C. E. viardell" Park .Commissioner. ' .:", \~., .~'" P. R. P~umb, ~1+bliC ,lJ~,:!.lities .Con:unissjj~tl.er 1> ~'\ Robt, L. Sonfleld, Clty Attorney. ' " /~.} . J. H. Raffe;:ty,L, I City Enginf3e;-. "', v .~'" '-~.J,~~aA1~~1h~1::ii"I!F-.llf~lt< ". .' r . O. ", tIS '1 Motion made by Commissioner 'NaIling and seconded ,p:v;b-b:n, er Leckrone, that all of the appointees recomm~nd~d.5by:' or ana listed above be a~cepted and declared appoi~~ea ' various posts enumerated for the nexta~i~istE~t~~~:te Voting Aye: Oommissioners l? A.Leckrone and J. :A'f;',W~':[;J;, 1W ONE'VOTnm NO. ' ,,!- ",' years. ,- , ..." .' ". '.' 'r~ r The, oath of office was then given Erwin Cusbmanas 'Q~,ty":,, '~:e- tary~ Tax A~sessor & Collector by :Mayor, H.;B~ BQ1l+e~'\1'J,g~i:':,"'7,~J, ~ ' , ',' '" " '.' ",?i::.: ,{\;>,~< cRe,Qpmmendation was' then made to change the ~egalai-m~~til1t\~ighl;1 'of 'the Ci t'y Oommission' from that of ThU1'sd~y' o:f~ ~t!c)Jl:W,e;~lt:W@>) , :.:Monday of each week at the hour 0:[' 8P. M...:~stm~."'g,;:;~~g~ " r':inder the change to be Monday April 15th 109~9., ' '>} ",,' "'f ~~:i'Otion made by Commissioner Walling anddu'J;y,s6'", ",,\p~Gbimis... <;sion~r Leckrone that ,the ohange from'Th~:!,;id~f ~p;~,> 14." :ni&lt :,beadopted begi~ine' April 15th, 1929. ',. .; ~'~~'~'" ': , ,~;:; Vtrt4ng A..Ye:, Comm~ssloners Leckrone & Wal:I.).,ng. ti ~:>' ',:'i~ , NO.' ONEVDTING NO., ' "qlI,,' (;~ "'7~'~Tl?,eCh.aiJ;. ,here; r~e?gniz,:eli J. A. 1!;'1~tQalf F~ryMa,'+;L,; who 'tose ." ig .~~,~~~aa~ao~~:~~tl~ne ~~itli~~~;~{:l,gri~~~i'h~~a~t .:~~;%t~" ' S:L,,~u~:~e,eWest> 2.(}fe~~1?of the mlUll.cJ:" "t.,l.3,;, ~G!pated ~l.~t 7.~h&w~:l1-ihe~;~~et$~tt~e~'~>',:,:,;",~,;,:,.,f,~.',j>~"~,~,t,':,:,Z,:",','",~",,,'~" :.':'~~;::.~~2~1~"~j~\~1s::i~>~~.~.. ,.... \"., . ~;:'_"!.7_" _~;.< tj'.'" .. . . -.., , ['I' "11"1' r 1 , I " ','," ~, " \) '(j !!t' .AIJ~ril'1'J.fhd ontinue'd. '55 ~ i' I I . :fl WHEREAS. the Oi ty of West University, :Place, Texa&:j'owns the folldwing:property, ,located within the oorporate limits: West 20 feet Municipal site on University Boulevard and Raden ,~ Ave. . And. ' ' C':: '~~~ vVffEREAS. the city is willing that said land be used 8S ~~tJ a filling station of gasoline and oila' - ~ 'BE, I~ RESOLVED, that said West 20 feet' be ,permitted to be usa, ,. by the TexasCoIDpany for handling gasoline and oils under' the?.); "'.1: supervision of the West V"niversity Volunteer Fire De,pt... s,nd "i ~ in 8'Dti ve charg,e end superv:isi'on of J. .A. Metcalf . .Fixe Ma:rshall) ~ ' 0,' ' , ,'Motion made byCommis~ion'er Walling and seconded by Commissioner Leokrone:~ha~the 1'\1:" o"lutio~ o~fered be a:ppr?ved and. adopted and' , that pe~~ss~on be .~' ted to ~nstall af~ll~ng sta~~on on the 1f{est 20 feet of.the "', V' property located on University Blvd ' at Had.en, Avenue'.\>e" h\ ' ' Voting Aye:.C.omrnisl3iC\~e.lS Leokrone & Walling. ' ,NO ON~. VOTING' NO~." ( ~' ~ _. J ~ .' r .', . There.j)~Jng no further business 15ef,ore the meeting, ,orimo$f::6n duly seG-ollded the sanie w~s declareclsdjourned.'" , "\;~\..J,. VQtiI'.lg:.;!~e': COmnlissione1's Walling?& Leckr?ne. . .:...' ~.l. "';~'''''';'': , A:pprove~~ ' *" ' '.! '.J I .~ ~ ,r), I' . ,. I, .'~'<V>- c' ".- . ~. ,.",-' , ,', ;-.~~_ :':~~~i1lil" ~ ~{ ~.: .. ." C~i -.;.\. Oity ~'.::i~' ~-: ~. - ',,~ f' -, '.,,' fl. Attea~,l: . '" " r' .,,1, \: ,. ~. / '.. .' ~ .; --/ " - ~ '. _.4 ~. ~ ,- ,;:- ~ lfi, .~ \.. .. r '. ~ . ~, -'. ' . .. c;:: 'U"''''" " ,," -'~~' '1f .- , : '..1,. _. ... '" t,' .. : .' . . (.> ~ !..'.- .) <..~.. . ~:'~, - ~; . ; , , " t:<', i:;, -::' :" .::;~ _ ; -' I II 1 1 I ~~'IF!r' .(~ 56 APRIL l5TH1 1929. COUNCIL _CHMIDER,CITY HAL~~ \ " arTY Oli' lNTi:Rrr TT~TT:rnR~TTY PIJI C:i Jf TEXt.,@,. ( Regular meeting @~ the 6ity Council convene~ at 8 P.M. on the ~oregoing date with H. B. Schlesinger, MaY0r, presiding and Commissioners Walling and Leckrone and Secretary CuShman 1n , .attendance. ( , I ! ' Minutes G~ the 'meetings held upon the dates specif'~d he10wrea.d and appr0ved. . March 'th, March 14th, March 21st, March 22nd, April 5th, and April '11th, , ' , ' , MGtion,b:y Commissioner Walling & seconded by Commissien~r, ,Leck- ' rene: ~t all 0f' said minutes as' of date en~ated above!ba appr0ve,~. ,<,~ ' \',' , Voti:n.g>,1~:cemmissioners Iteckrone & Wallin~J'~ ' N9~' ONE'<'l. ING BO.' ,,' ~ '(.,) . The f'(i)l~~~ ~ bills were presented by the sec~>;~ ~.\ f~r appr@va1 and payment :Q.viz : t..ri _ ' E. G. M~f'f'e-:t9, , Watching Bridge, ~51.00 F~ W.' Hei'tmann,Ce {Water Dept-t 21-"9 n 11 , f1 ( Gan '1 Exp) '10.44 Mueller Company, (Water Uept) 124.08 Clark & Courts" B~nd Register 38.80 H~ust<!)n Stamp & Stencil Ce 15.85 'Wi1.!3e~Staty & 'Printg Co, 7.7(f " Al1en-G~tner Inc Agcy, 50.4)€r~, AcmeSu>>p1y Cempany 6.75 L10ydM~ta1 Company, 33.75 Remingten Rand Bli.siness Service , 22.39 ,Motien made by C0mmissiGmer Walling duly secl9ndedby, C0mmis~;t0ner' 'Leckren that all. of' the f0regoing bills as read be a!lPJ?,€>vc:ii:llt~d. " '~ paid. '. .,,' .." ,'~.''':f'(''", yeting Aye:' CGmmi~si0ners Leckrene & Walling. NO ONE VOYING,NO. f ",.of " '~";iJ;~,~), , ; .,0. -:.q::, ", -. .: ~ :'.-i; . ::- . ~ .' -'. ~-:,_....,,: -:..' .' t The FGll~wing paid bil.ls as' pel;' vouphers enumerated were$ffd-~:d and 'read ~0r 'rati~icati0n, viz: , , " Ve. 1034 - Tel-Electric Co,~"" $19.00' If 10~1~ 'American 'Provident Life Ins CO ,~~.Q~ If 1022, ",!l>. Houston Natural Gas Ce, ,:;, . ~2,~5~70, :: ig~~, :~;:r~i: ~;, :~~~;;;lc~:l~~ i~:c~~:~~\' ~" , 2'~!,~':u.. n 1051 ~ J~ O'CoImCltr ,f1, n,', ~ 3~~O': , : 'ig:~:~~giti~ G~:;;: ' J(~!~Qr)!f '(j~~ ~:~g' n 1044:' n It It ,0, 8'.0.0 ,! .;~043: NQrvell-Wilder Supply Co, 15.€l5 ft ':t.941, Krenzler Bres Serv sta, '. 6,.75 If'1039 Craip.-Read.y Cut Hcm~e C0., .98 >/~>n,,:'ij,:.038: ,J.C. Morte~sen, Inspt., , 12~~O '"!;:;m';/~37,' 'W. T. Barnhill, ft25,.~5 Arto.1 Fl,.vyer Shop, J". ~.,OO ,~o... J"1 5 LAJ 6 '1 ,1' ~ 'J ~Lts , "BtH \" '.: -. .. ~^" . -... -.------.-n1r lr][Tl!' [r I r\ o I 0',' " " ' ~ 0\ o ~ ~ ~ ~r c' ,L) I I (C0ntinu~d fr~m page 56.) :'57 Voucher No. 1035, C. F. Milledge, $25.00 fl n 1033, Howard Smith C@., 09 _ 00 If If 1031" M. 1;3. S'lillancL" Fire Engine, 8.25 If If 1032, Barry Oil CGlmpan:y, 8.08 It If 1030" Snel:!.irig Rice Motor Ce, 6.00 tf If 10~9, The Cargill Co." 5~25 If tI 1028, w. C. Munn Company 33.25 n u 102'7, The Texas Cempany .8.80 n \~ 1026, Tem J.Fa.tje, 170.50 n ~~~J.025, Weltman Furniture &; H<;'lwe Ce 40.75 ..f ~; ;i4' Reya.l T-ypwwriter Co .75 . If " If '~;>. 4 Ol,iver Levy. 3.00 ; tt tt ' . City 0f H@usten, , -, 41.3.~ fI tf ~ ~~ f1 " n Water Dept. ,.::ft). ~, If l06~,)) Oliver Levy,- ' ' 7.~(j!>-(O If n 10er"" ff 6. '. ',v n n ' " 'ta,. 10~~",. P. D. Marshman" , , 40.5 I QA n If 1060 ,:' Miller &; M~ller (Script) 9470.~0~~..'" , no lQ.55!: Marine Banking &; Tr Ce~ (Int}5741:.QO \..1' \. If l1' 1~5~" Cash Acct,(Janit9r SUP) 12.,~O (;) ". If ,tf,' 1040' Krenz1er, Br.s Serv (Gas &; O) 1()7.94, " tf 1042: C. D. Jessup, (Serv. Warrants}~OQ~OO ,M0t:tom made by Qemmissi0ner Leckrone duly ;:sec0nded by Ce1JlIP.is- siener Walling that the r0regodng paid bills as read b# rati- fied,and cenf'irmed. , ' . Y.t':!-llg!-ye:. Commissisners Walling &; LeckrG>ne. NO ONE VOTING NO. . " Se",c:v~~ar'1 then read a. communication from J. C. McVea" Engineer rar .th.~.City .r Heusten, requesting detail statement in cennec- i:;ien with' sewer service in West Universi t~LPla.ce. ' the 'Mayor instructed City Secretary ts refer the matter to our Engine.er Mr. J,. H. Rafferty, and to reply toth~,,~f'oresaid cem- municatiez; from the City !f' (Houston, attac~ing a'copy of the ~ letter wrJ.tten to our Engmeer.,. ",r, " , {.';; "l4 -~ng~~~r~Raffe~ty submitted a report rela,tive ,te drainage c.~tJ ~Qit10'hs:"the o~tgr.wth primari1y,ef the reqent rloiid .fwate~ ~ resulting f'rem w-u#3ually heavy rains. Engipeer ,RaffertY' also t;~, li offered certain~~~commendati(j)ns ppinting to the correction .f0~\ present :conditi"t, viz i that the ma.tter bex taken up with' ~' I Officials sf dr Ditch Dist 12, with a view t. providing ~, mefUls f..or <opening ,her, outlet t. take, car e of the-.jYiater ' 'J W~,st-~~";Uhe Rail~."""",,:c' ond the C@llegeView and Cel~;tf~al ,Ter.- "ricfe' dJ.striet- ,,~, ,~, ,,~, ' .. ,,' Resoi~ti0n ad.p~~i. the' gineer 'srepert and rec.'nn.nendatiens ' 'was .fte:;"ed,S&~; ,tull text en file with the 'Sec~t~y. ' Vl&ting Aye: COmD\~ssi9ners Leckrone and 'WallinS;e""< N8 :ONE' VOTINGNO~ ;' '< , T,he the .fell.wing ordinance by caption' was ,introduced" '. ereatil\; 0fficeAPf- Cerporat::i.en Judge, viz:' ' ^"'", .;~, . AN: ORDINANCE CREA':CING THE OEFICE OF CORPORi.TIOf(;;\ ~ JUDGE O~ THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; ,PRot ~ VIDING' FOR HIS POWERS AND DUTIES, FOR HIS,' '} ~ REMUNERATION ' (" >( ,', detail ef, said .,rdinat.l.c~':',.n f.i:l.e, Full , ',~ .. , , '"'Irn II ]I f r 58' I I, I " '. , .,. (Centinued from F. #57. ) Metien,made by Cemmissi@ner Walling and duly seconded by Commiss. ioner Leckrone. that ordinance 'Ne. 29, creating the Gffice ef Judge ef the cerper.ati0n Cour't of, the City ,af ~w.~st University Plac&,oTexas,~apprGved and adopted. ,~, ' V0ting~Aye': CGmrnissioners~WaJ.ling & LeCkrORe.~':;;'; , NO PNE,VOTING NO. "~\ J' , ! . ~ .. The jayer submitted, to the Council arldl)lace%,\neminatien , fer tlle,ef~ice ~t' Jud~e 191' the,~@rperatiqm'C0lll"(~.~ .the qity or We~t;~"UnJ.versJ.ty Place, Texas~".the n~e~0f MaJ., ': f.H.f'.Ga::- liCk!'! ~ the up.expired term, ,defJ.ning hJ.s' p,ewers,~emun.era:tJ.0n dluties' ~ ., and declaring and. emergency. .' , " MetiGn~ ,~byCommissiliner P .A. Leck1'0ne ~ and dUly sec0uded by. Cemmissiine'l'J. A. 'Wa,lling, that Major",c,. Ih' '1h Garliel be and he is ~ereb:f a.ppo,inted Recerder of the' C0r]>0rati.nCeurt~ 0f the City.r West UniversityPlace,~exas fer the ~expired t~rm and untill3.is successor slj.all ha.v'ebeen electea, and qla.lified. Said appointment shall be effective" as seen' as said apP0intee' shall h~ve qualified by taking the requisiteeath 0f 0i';tice' asprevid- ed by the censtitutien and laws 01' Texas. . " .0.. . , Voting Aye: C0~issiener J. A.. Walling & P. A. Leckrene. -, NQ ONE VOTING NO. .. " (<) chair and. ~ead ,?f ,'19~~;~~011'1ing Water Superintendent was then recegnized-by the to the council,his report fer the first quarter 'water consumption, meter connections etc-,' ~ ,< ' '," ~ , M0tien'~~de :k'bIJdt, by Cemrnissi0ner Wa.lling'~~'l~x~.+y;~~~~~ii~e5{l by . Commiss:L~~ner Leckrone that the ;r~p&rt, ef Mr~j~b, J~,,~er ~:$~pt , be' acc" 'd as read and that the same be ~ ~il~,.4.n ;eQ.-~';>:~r';r1,~e of the' CS',Atary. " '~ '&\, ':><'" , ' ", , Veting A ,-~i'Cemmis'sieners :J;,eckrene & Walling.lj ~;"~:"\""';:' " NO ONE VO~~~O. , J' ",' " , ~{;1~{"'l~:::~,~;;:';} ~ller~ b~ing noflir'ther business before the ~~e~,i:;;~,,"~p."r~~:~~0n C0mmJ.ss:rOI?:~;r Leckr,Gne duly se.c€mded by C~mmJ.ssJ.<!~~r ..W~~~~) . the same was declared py the Mayer a.dj@urned. ".' ~ '. ,~,','u, Voting .Aye: C0mmis,sieners Walling & .L.Ieeki>ene", :,,,.,,t:'U:.z;,;;:,- .NOONEVOTING NO. ' (j' \ ',,'';' , Attest: ,CC_-\ , /- A~pr@ved, . , ", " , ,'>'S," ._ ,....., - ; ~-:., < '. ..t '.~. 1 . ~..~'~~~(,.~:". ";::~i' '~,' '~" .. ': 1 ' '~'I~r 1 ' I ~f' nil' I" [' I --~ , I I I I ~ 0\ \) ~ ~ ~, n ~ i Ci, , j U~-~ , : 'c' .. r ,j .. I '':'In I ' , I l~ ,59 " Anril23rd. 1929. Ceunei1 Ch~be:r--Cj ToY H,,' '.' ~I C1tygf ~a8tUnivorslty rlaGe, ~~xas. Oalled meeting @f the City Council was c0nvened @n the abeve date with Mayo.r H. B. Schlesinger presiding and aemmissi@Iier J. A. Walling, and Secretary Erwin Cushman in, attendance. Cem- missi0ner ~~t, A. ~,ckrene being absent." ~',' , A gene, r'4' diSC1i~f\ri between the ~embers .f ~he H0i" idr,~~fEqU~l,iZa- tion and"the C0~~1" was entered :Lnto, relat~ve te ':~eds advis.. , a.bl! ~0r fixing ,tl assessments fer the yeer 192~ i ~nething ldef~nJ.;te ,~as ~'S' .,.adac:. '" ' ~: ~ · . \,,~ -"'\ . ' .. .-' ~J ~ ' In censideratien4D1f');heabsence sf CeJ;llnlissisne~,Leekre.wh. failed to receive n~ice ef the' Called meeting and the~ Qeing ne further urgent business, en m0tiGn duly sec0nded, the meet- ing' was declared adjeurned. Appreved: ,..} ", .-I /;.: ~,. ..: }. '. ~ ',. .. , (J .J. .~" , ;";,; U'- ~: ~""f-~' . ,. ',,;0 ) - . :;~~ , /" ,",/ ,~ ,'J-;;" j' " , . .~, .f,: " '" I ,~ ..,. ~ " .'r." ,;. . . < lo- '."-': { 1 :' .1:~' t' ~ -. " " 11 . . , 1 ; "II' I' "~' I .';. , 'I 60 April 29th. ,1929. ,Ceunc~~9ha~e~ --01ty ?Al~, i+tv ~~ West Univer~itf Pl~~Al ~eY~s, "', (j i . i Regu~ar,_;'meeting of the City C0unciL c0nvened at 8 P. M. ,eAthe fere'g.0!ng date with H. B. Schlesinger, May~r, presiding " Cem- " " miss-i@ners Walling and Leckren and Secretary Cushman, in at:ten- daub e . Minu,tes ef'" the meeting held April 15th; 1929 read arid by m@ti@n , . Ce,!;nijli.ssioner Walling duly -sec@nded by C0~~s'8i0ner .Le~krG)ne' were ' de~l~eg. appr@ved as read. ~1\, ' . , Veting- A,ye': 00rmnis,sioners Leckr0ne ~_ Wa1~ni. ::,' .'. " ' No 'G>ne voting n~. ) ,,'i\~, ':: .> " ' secret,:-ry rea.d. letter fr~m R_. _D. MCMi~l~'! \\~'~~ ing 'thept.~i1tlege' ef' paYJ.ng taxes 11m a strJ.p ef land adJ0J.11J.ui,.....rear e,f 1:e.t 27, Cambridge Place, alse desiring a paxcertif':i&a, >:ther~~n." ,.,', '~'" The MaYGr:r:eque!l!t.ed Secr'etary to take the m~tt 'up with the ' , H0ust~m Lari'(,l & Trust Cempany ,in order to es:tablish ewnershiper the strip' ,in quiisti0n and to. rep0rt back; at the next Il1e,e,t~g. ' The secretary then read a letter over the signature o.f Mr. 'Ray Goddard, residing en let 5 of block 19 ~es'f;:UAiv,"e:rsi.ty.; Plac~, i: 1St. Addi~i0n, complainip.g sf' ,the, ,c.~ra,~, w:L,tll,ineight-y;~eet of hj.s bed-r@0m. Said Cerral accem@dating'ab@ut ,40 mul~s~,~,. -'e:e,d- ( d~d pr0t~sted against the unsanit~ cenditaens preva~~ing'KK~) directly tr~cea:~le to the ede:: from -the e0rr~8Ll ~ndd.eel'ared it te be ~th a nUJ.ssnce and 'a fJ.rehazard. " ... ' , " ' " City iSee~etary was requested to write a letter t. the ewner of theprD,.ty~ Mr." W. C. Reed 3608 .Avie St.~ H0uston~ 'J:'e~as.,ad- vising that the lecatien of this corral where it e:x~s':ts wibh the mule~'l~ed by~. Sc.t~ Shambaugh is ~.t permis~ahle~d to netify hi~~,:t; 'abandon the cerral, .from the prQper17y.:'" . " Furtherm.r'ey,~~unvil instructed Secretary' t. encl.se~}!:y'~f 1.,"- ter addressed~o Mr. -Reed t. Mr. Ray G0ddard and als~>'J'~."~:> Scett Shambaugh. ,,', .,' \" ;. ,]faus:behiJLi.ghting and pewer' bill agains t the C. A. Bry.:~, C.:rp.~.a~ ti@nf'er Electric energy t. operate the Bryan Water plautr~rer- red te the City fer payment was passed te Water C0mmiss.~.(Ij~er. , Wal"ling t<l! have adjUsted te, the c0rrec~ fi~~S.A :p.r1f:1'l1in: @f.~ .',', same due .fr0m the C. A. Bryan Cerp.~atJ.Gm. ~ ',', ",'. ' : , . ,.'~ ," " '., The delinquent Tax R@lls fGr the years 19)~5~ :- , '"l;~'(:1lr~!:~~~:Lg2.8 wer~ submitted by the Tax G011ecter w~th reee e~dat$~~:~:~lt~t;'~gme be J.nspect4 by th7 Mayer and C@IDI1lissJ.onerfs an .",:1;. ',f"eun~:?r,;rreet. that the be.d~~bass upon acceptance 01' same. ' '~'~~~')t, ".':.'i\~r,:. ' i;' %.,. '~" u, ," '. " . " ~::~~.~:::,. ~~:ri::r t~~/th~e~=~~:~. ~~ir:!i:~J~;~ ~t!lmpiled and pr-el!~~d oy the Tax Cellecter f'or tp.e y~;~f'~<:J.~2~.." '1926, 1927 and 1925'? be' acc,epted and tha.1; the r@11s ,be e~r.t:L~,,' ,fied te the CityAtt@rney with instructi@nl1 te fellow: the ~s.ttal , "lr~ed:tire necessary to anf.rea cellecticmafter 60 days~..n@tic'e' ',' has been' given, viz: ' , ' _0" ,(c0ntinued Page 61)' o :;s;. ~. ..~ '> I ,~ ,~ .. : ' "'~'Irr I . ... - 1 ~ Tl Ill[ pr ,- ! , I ~ 0'. \) ~ ~ rt .... 'r":: Year II '11 " i I' ,~ c) Attest: "- , ,j 'c'/""" , r . . -~ ~ : '::" ::'lrTl t ,- :.: " (Contdi from #60) 192,5, 1926, 1927, 1928, $291.19 , 349.6S 5345.33 16181.22 $22,167.42 Tax, Penalty & Interest, n ,,~u tf", II " << " " << " " 61 ~ ~ '.; /" _~r;' " "L .:'i,J ..;,.. ~{ ~ .:. " ' J '. "'":i': ,{. ~, ~ 1" "ll~"[' I " I 62 May 3:rn, 1 99.~L , SDeei~. Conncil Charriber--C:it:y"FfAl1. ~ , '.Ci~v GfWe~t TITIjvAr~iT~ P1AnAJTAYA~. ~ Called meetingef the City CGuncil c0nvened at Qe P. M. '1 en the above date with MaY0r Schlesinger presiding and Cemmissieners Walling an~ Leckrone ~n &ttendanQe~ . , ' , , . The meeting, was called ti!> receive City Engineer'_s~"PG:et :pe- , .' 1ative t€ll, thecGmp1et;i.o!l 'of the ;i.mprE)vements undei'<l'!ntract ' with SCGtt,Shsmbaugh fer Yale Streets, ,(New cell " \ttinghamf fr0m 8.'peint 250, feet West pfthe west line,_!' Te '~,ee,8.t.,., "~ the West lineef Buffale Speedway, designai:;ed' it;,:rqe.'- ~ 19.. ,.ANBJ ' '( .r . , '" ~.!:f.' ; ~ '" r Levett BelUlevard (new called Albans') from a point 250 ;~et West pf' the West line Glf Buffalo SpeedWay designatecic&s UlJ.:i lie.19. j '. . '~-". Whe~euPQm, the fellowi-ng' G~dinanyewas ad~pted un~niI!~u~,ly,;,' , "::'..;". . ~ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING CITY ENGINEERS CORR~CTio ~ ;"_ FINAL STATEMENT SUBMITTED WITH LEl'TER DATED~~11, ',1 ", 1929 SHOWING PERSONS FIRMS CORPORATIONS AND~I .,.; " ' TATES OWNING PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON THE.,PORTIONS, OF YALE - STREET (NOW CALLED' NOTTINGHAM) DEfBtQNATED - AS UNIT, NO. 1;9, IMPROVED UNDER ANI;) BY vIR~:tnf'f:jir '''::}. A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE 'CITY OF ^WEST~~U1UVER- "~^' SITYPLACE TEXAS AND SCOTT, SHANBAUGH OF DATE THE ~;'. ~, 4th -DAY OF DECEMBER L928, 'WITH DESCRIPTIO:t4\ :OF, SAID ''f: ~... PROPERTY THE NUMBER OF FRONT FEET OWNED BY~~{:H, , ~",~ AND THE' COST PER FRONT FOOT WITH ANALYSIS, OF RATE, 't'{) ~D SHOyrrNG THE TOTAL AMOUNTS ETC., ADOPTING THE GRK OF~8AID SCOTT SHANBAUGHIN IMPROVING S.A:ID , UNIT IN ACCORDANOE WITH HIS CONTRACT ,WITH.~dJITY, ADOPTING THE FORM OF PAVING CERTIFICATETO-BE/UeD ' ,IN EVIDENCING THE ASSESSMENTS IN FAVOR .OF se~T:!L:;;::~ ' ' S1WffiAUGH; AND AUTHORIZING THE TSSUANCE, OF . ~~V'fiG ' C~TIFICATES ON SAID UNIT.' "':,X~;:' Motion, made by J. A . Walling and' duly s eC€l:r1ded byP ~ ~~~, ,Leck- rene, both'GommissiEmers, that tJ:;e feregeing 0rdi:na.ep~'.,~ccept- in.$ Yale Street (now called Net,tJ.ngham) be adopted, ~;", . Voting Aye: Cennnissioners Leckr0ne & Wal1~ng. , ~~;i No lime'voting ne.' '-' ' "~l~~,,. Full 'CEWY of ~0mplete ~r0eeedings en file in @ffice.~',:\,t Secretary. , ' '<""., \ '.~ .'. -. 1 . .. ',Alae, The f0ll0wing 0rdin~ce wa's upanii1l(lni~ly adep~~:eH . . ,.;:.....,,;" ~ <.~':- ...: AN ORDniANCE :APPROVINGC,ITYENGINEERS COREoWbqiED 'FINAL,~TElIJIENT SUBMITr:r1f,J> WITHtEr~Jm DA~~<~' " , ~ "V, 1929, SHOWING,,!,:$RBONS ,FIRJS, OORF.(;)R,4~' " ~!ND ESTATES OWlifING' PROPERTY ABUTTI~ ,Vf,~ ON THE PORTIONS OF LevETTB"~.AR1r (tlOV(';'~.AfiJM, , ED '!l~ANS), D~SlC!NAT~ A~: 'qijI-T., ,N...2~, "~~8,VED . '\'~' ~ 1: , , .. .~.. ;0 ,"-- - ~." . ," ~', <. " . ',' ':.. .','", ') --.~. . , r "111" '''- I ~. .=' ,;.... .; .......' . " : ' '~'Inl ~ .,-: ;,\1;."" ()' '. .\ () o T I I ~ ~ \) ~ ~ (Special,Meetin& 5/3/29. Centfd) 60 ....0:. ~ 4e , (-"j \ " mmEil Aim BY vmTUE OF A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACR, TEXAS., AND SCOTT ~HAMBAUGH OF DATE THE 4th DAY OF DECEMltER :' 1928,' WiIT:B: DESCRIPTION" OF SAID PROPERTY1 THE NUMii ' BER' ~ f:1fRONT FEET OWNED BY EACH t AND 'THE, COST PER ~~i FRON~~'W ,OT WITH ANALYSIS OF RATE AND SHOWING THE TOTAL ".. . All(Q.UN~' c., ADOP~ING ,THE. WORK OF SAIDS'CO'fl.T SHAM..' ~~~, -"~ BAUGI;i;,:~ ' IMPROVING SAID UNIT IN ACCORDANCEW1TH HIS' ~;k ~ g:i~~~6E T~O T: ~~i~' I~D~~i~:ci: ,:~MA~~E~~~;S ~\ ~ IN' FAVOR ' SCOTT SHAIiBAUGH; AND AUTHORIZING' 'l'HE IS. r:;+~ SU~fe:E OF) PAVING :.:CERTIFIqATES OF SAID UNIT., ',." ~' Metienma~e'by'C@mmissi0ner Walling and duly seconded by Cem- missi.~~r ~e9kr0ne, that the foregoing ordinance 'accepting . ,Lovett,<Beulevard (New called Albans) be adopted. ' V0ting' "Aye: CGmnnissieners Leckr@ne & Walling,. ' ~.- J;tQ ONE VOTING NO.' . ',. , ' .. GGJp'ies €)f the full pr@ceedings en file with the Secretary. / I v ' .' . ) < , f'-, \ ' ":. ,~her-e being ne further business before' the 'meeting, en motion ': . 'du~y se'camded the same was declared adjourned- r c Attest.~ - Approve t' ' ~~, ,..~ e :' . ~::,~ t.~~ V~1' t~~: '\. r.. ~, (:i ~,l. 3 ':i- ~.:..~ j -, ,~-> . :',"~- , '" '-~:::. t;- ~ ' , J ~ , I! , I I. I llllrrrl , ' -:.r..:..ll~~1.1=_"-"...__ 64V 1~ i . V.\( /('.i\ \ ;; IXY ", ' ,/1 f'U \' '~JC01mcil C'h~111h~!,_.;.ni T.y :as] 1" I \Y )' Ci ty At' "A~t IT>>1 VA~~ Hi>' p'" C 8. T"",ao. ~ ' Regular meeting of the City COUnoil oonvened at8 P. M. on the above date with Mayer Schlesinger presiding and J. !. Walling and P. A. Leckr@ne, Commissioners, City Secre- tary Erwin CUshinan in attendance-, " ~ May 6th. 1929. <' , () V~s't.rs, Rebert ,F. Farmer, Maycr,B EdWard Teas and W. P. Leng, CemmissiGners Bellaire, Texas., present,-'pursuant to' invitati0n . by the Ceuneil of the City of West University Place. . I . t. . Minutes ef April 29th and April 23rd* read,an,d'0n m~ti€)n,ef Commissione~ Walling duly seconded by CGmmiss~0ner Leckrone were adep'Ced as read. - , '~, Voting Aye:' CQmmissieners Walling & 1lIeckrene. ",~\, , '. NO ONE VOnNG NO -' ~":J" '" Secret~ry prese:bted. bills; as - fol~0ws : ;' \ i ,." :.> ' ,"., H. P. Pope, ~ash pa~d for Sp0t l~ght etc,. ~j,,""::'~," $10..30 H.~ B. Schl,es~ng~r Cashf0r ,Stamped Envelepes ""d,.~~~" ::~,..:5...4q Motion made by Commissioner Leckr9ne sec@ndedbyC~~i~~*~ner Walling that the foregoing bills beapproved and erderedpa~d. V0ting Aye:, CQmmissionersWalling & Leckrene. NO ONE VOTING NO. ".:It t (l _./ -,.,. The maysr then advised that Mr. W. 'C. Reed, ewner:of ,let 5'9f b,locro 1.9 West University Place, 1st 4.dditicm had;p'el.~,:;~n.a;n': 'appearance and stateq that, he had removed t;b.<e~'c.rJitral'::"frJi\m' the lot, mentiGmed in respfllnse to that City' s reqtte<st; l'bii"S~d. ''Up€m a complaint originating with Mr. Ray Goddard, 'a cit:tzenre... siding in proxi~mity to the corral. ' , ! May~ ,Schlesinge.r then welcome,d the Mayor and Ctnnmissi'€lners, visit~s frem the Bellaire'municipality stating th~ basis. ,and ~bl'Y ; ct of this council in extending an invitat:i.0n~iG> them ,to b~ sent at the meeting. Better drainage of a' clia~ileter which ',~' ,d p:r'Q>v;1de relief f?r the citizens 0f bGthsedtions, repres, ,;10. by the two counc~ls was' adv0cated by M.aY(:tr, S((hles- Inger ,'d"-e invited the EJ;gin~er Rafferty fi~st ,t~}~ll:~lin.e .: 'S0me plt;ln lfnd to express h~s v~,ews en t~ sub J $ct'1!V;~1:eJ:;Lhe" dJ.d, in a verycernprehensive m~ner and then~p.e Visit(lJ)r;~i<w~:rEf:in- vited to take part in the c@nference, ~~~~ perfect, '~d~m ~ express th,fhir views and make any sugge~~s whic.~", "t~p-., ' peal to them as a means of rel1eving th;<fi VJisat1s:r~ Y;;;~f)nd~- ti0ns and' the inc0nveniencei:;o ci tizel1:s ~res", ,,_tf'tr,emen- daus down-p0UI'S such as we, 'recently e.xpe:a:~e~ced.::,~:::" " " " , ,Afteitt, fully disc'P-s~in€? the entire ma ~ter" i --;was <}~~~lide~ by , ';';ib.h.e 'Mayor and cemmJ.g,$ loners 0f' BellaJ.re, md:1 acq1i:l..'.$ced. ~n by :t'Q,e Mayor and Council ~0fwae City o.f West' U;nivers~tyP+ace, .' tp,s.'t the f":;'mer take up the questiQ:n at their next;-egular me.oting ant1, report back upon..,,~ future' date. ',,' ,T-ll-6 .following 'ordinanc~ w~s/u.nap.iinously ad@pted,i Vf~: . <'. " Ordinance #2?" AN 'ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE GItEATION QF .APwPARTMENT " eyCj .;~/ ",}. . . - '.~'~ ~ . ' , ':' "'WI 1 t'1 II W pi iTff 1 , I ~ 0\ \) M ~ ~ ('j , 1 6'5 II iF RECREATION IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; PROVIDING ;FOR A RECREATION BOARD, ITS, PERSO:NNEL, DE- FINING ITS POll'J]mS; PROVIDING FOR ITS CONTR..i}I;, AND MANAGE- 1ffiNT OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES; PROVIDING THA~~IT MAY -RECEIVE DONATIONS , LEGACIES AND BEQUESTS Ji"Q1\{ CERTAIN PURPOSES; PROVIDING FOR FURTHER POWERS T~';M GRANTED BY ORDINANCE. \') ~ ' V) ~ , , ~~ Motion ma~~ by C@mmissi~ner Walling and duly;~e&Qnded by Com- missioner Leckr0ne that the erd~n&nceNumbered ~8 as above be adopted . ' ~ ~ v@tlng Aye: Co~issieners Leckrone & Waling. ' NO. . ONE VOTING NO. ! 0 (May 6t:b.m Gent'd) f1 ~ The following ordinance with caption as follows, ~~ :' was read. , ~ );~, AN ORDINANCE CREATING A HEALTH DEPARTMENT IN'THE ClTY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; ;PROVIDING-FfR THE COMPOSI~ TION.OF SAID DEPARTM;ENT, CREA~ION OF THE OFFICE OF HEALTlf OFFICER; THE APPODJ'TMENT OF OF?F;.ICERS AND EM- PLOYEES; PROVIDING FOR A' SURETY BOND''1fO BE GIVEN BY THE HEALTH OFFIC:ER AND OTHER OFFICERS" ,~D EMPLOYEES I IF REQUIRED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COIj'CiL1 DEFINING THE POWERS AND DUTIES ,OF THE HEALTH ' CER; PROVID- ING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS-AND T ~ THE REVO- CATION <F SAME; PROVIDING FbR INSPECT ~ AND ANALyi , -SES; PROVIDING FOR THE MAKING OF MONTHBY.J,\ EPORTS, PRO- V~DING FOR THE REMUNERATION OF CITY HEAL ,OFFICER A'a? VARIOUS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE' DEPART~T; -. ~~VIDING FOR PAYMENT OF FEES AND MONEY RECEIVED AND' I' -LECTED TOrTHE TAX COLLECTOR OF SAID CITY EACH DAY; REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES: (' ~~~e~r~ ~~geH~~~tft0b~i~~~d.or adopted b~t he~d 0ver't0 be,re- o "-(i'~ -The ,:rell~wi. erdinJm.ce,wa~ ::ead with fol10wing, capt~~h ,~~unan~m~~lyad0pted,v~z. " ~t:'- .,'0.. '\.' ,~ , "'':'' ~ .... , , r-~~ ; '- / :1"/:", -' ;AN ORDTNilNCE - PRES.CRIBIN.G THE JURISlfICTION INTfIE qOR- k ,,' PORATIo.N, COURT OF THE. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY,PLACE , PROVIDING FO:R THE RULES OF PRACTICE !lDPRqCEDURE;' PROVIDING ROO THE CLERK OF SAIDCOu:R~ ..DEpUTY CLERKS, ,PRESCRIBING-THEm DUTIES" THEm- RE.N" '-rotON, PROVID- IN,G FOR, A:_ SEAL OF COURT I TAXING OF. "", '. _ ; JURORS" METHOD OF PAYING--C'QSTS AND FINES; PROVIDINC1lW~CERTAIN ,; ,- ,DAILY REPO}lTS-.BY~HE UIfi: MARSHAItL; ,~9'~I)I.NGFOIt ,A " ..., 'i", ." DOCKET TQ, BE KEPT, BY,THE'R]:CQRD:E&:; PRotXJJt~,(} lfORTHE '", :MANN~ CYFGOmmN.GING PROCEEDINGS; ,T~, FIL'~G_ OF gOA1-' ' PLAINT&,:mR~.":rSSUANGE,OF WARRANT, :~I4tslTHE :RELEASE,,' I ' , A:N:Q COlv'J}/IITM:E1!W;, OF . PR*~P~~,,' +NHIBITIONAGAIl1~'r RE:p'{jC-,,' ,0" ',,', _ ' TIOl-l,lN, FINE8~. ;AND COSTS, EXCEPT IN CERTAJ:N, .CAS~~J~'jJ:N-'<:,:: _~ HIB,ITING, THE,P~~jIII~.SSALOF CASES WITHOUT'PERl\{~~S~ION '0F-~-,:\~,~>t: : THE RECORDER -PRE8:mfmING THE POWERS: OF . THE "gE'CORDER ~:j:':<' " , " " <'- ,,':' , ' " ",' , , , -, ,$ the' adminis trati:tin 0f\..~ th\9 'c,erp~r~t.i(\)ri'(}01.U'tl Tm:MEW~:" OD OF PROCEEDING, ,J'URISDIC,TION OVER CORPORATIONS, ANIt >"/' FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF FlNE$ AGAINST- CQRPQRAT-IONS", RE",,' " ' PEALING ALL PRIOR, ':INAN,eES A11'D ;J?ROVlpi<fSfG 'TH~T-:8AMl1:.> 'TAKE EFFECT I~])t: ,1Y;. '. ' ,- , " , :~-~-" ~ ' : I r I r rrrll1r' l':: . . I'-~ WIll'" nT." I r II rl1f ",l}''J . .~;.IJl~lI i . ' . . .~' ,~'c' < 1 ( M~i 6th C0nt'd~ ~ ~ Motion made 'Qy Commissioner Walling and duly secemledby, Clllm- missioner L'eckrlilne that 0rdinance #31 be ad<ipted.' Voting Aye: Commissioners Leckrone & Wal11ng. NO ONE VOTING NO. ' '0 .' . , The fli>llewing ordinanc(;)' Nur(l.bered 32 wa.s 'unanimously ad-epted tl11al.captien; AN ORDI~ANCE PROVIDING FOR \.I.t-1]; COMPENSATJ;,QN"~T0,.BE' PAID T.EE RECORDER OF Th"'E, CO~ORATION COURT? d",fHEE ,CITY. :4TTORNEY OR THE ATTOR:ti~..\REPRESENT~G'cT>~!E^"': ,.',' .0 STATE, THE CITY MARSHALL ~~ 0ffiER ' PEACE'q,~F:+g~s , REPEAL+NG A~L PRIOR ORDINAN<33&aAND PROVIDING':xrfI1Ar.D ' ' SAME ,TAKE EFFECT IMlvIEDIATELY ~~ ~ ' \. ~ , ': . '0',' '. ,.~ ' .', ':. ,Cf" .. Moti(!)n made "by Cemmissi0uer W~lling and' d.~ s~~eti~~4.,J$1;:~'C~ln- missiener becla'enethat the abGnre erdinance We. 32, ba.,'ap.opt- ad. . ' 'Veting Aye :Commiss i@ners ,Leckrone ~d Walling~' NO-ONE VOTING NO. ..', ~'.. ~. :.' , , ' " ~~ C$inmiasiener Wallin:g called - attenti0n of the e~u:t1ci~~~~ ;.tlle fact ,that, the o,i ty was badly ip. need~f a p@Ul'ld i;)0~ '~~J1efer ~imal,stakan up ~? ,the .p~lice department f01.Uldrli\);~~)ag $.b@u.t l!ose wi,thin the G~ty l~m~ts.Whereupon,,:,,'- \ -Co~1s~i0ner, Leckr0ne made a motion that theCity~bR~ld a peund 01:' ,enc,l~se a space Qr parcel of gI'0und on the.1baek .~;C the city 'Property about 32 :reet sq.uare" t0servesu,;p~~p~'~~ as. 'I " " ' " ",' /" ,", ~.t.:~'", ..::~~ lle'tin.gAye':,Commissieners Walling & LeCkrone"", :', ~':U,t~" NO ONE VOTING NO. " ~" "',' " ,,', "":J~',~,';" t;<,.:' Th~ quel?tien ef' col'lecting th~. pri :~j!to, water t.~~1%~~~?t~~~,1~ , , Scett ,Sn8.mbau~ fer', the pur pes ? @f ' ~,,~~p::@;~~ni~~~i..~,~~~, cussed resul tl.ng in the fel10w~ng mGl, .' .v,'3.z" ~"<>TT.i'" '". , A:m0~i0:r; made by C@mm;tssioner Leckren ~~;, '^',.,.' dUli..~,~~0~, , - S~mm:LSS~Emer Wall'l\ng that ,Mr;..J. R. Ra" e"Y" {,C+F~ " compute ,the q uant:tty of water c0nSUni~'by, Ih~~~I.t:il . ,ba1:tgb.:'and' rendeJi'. a bill tb.rGugh 'the; C.:i ty W~1}e:rt)P'~~~~ 't(it~,"am@unt, req\tf}sting 1mUlediate pa:ymen1;:.",'. /,'~ :,;,',.. " " ,- V~tl:ng ~ye: Cemmi ssiener s' 46ckro~eandW a~1-ing!.~;:":)t~~'j::;",,~,'~~~,'.i,~,~,i,::i,~,~,' 'N(),~~NE V~T:J:N~NO.' " '_"' ," ,.,,:', ' ", --, II.,' ",~', - r , -0'" , , I:'" . h-., ..: ,.' r:. . 'fA. ._'~ ',- , 1 L May 13th 192$. ~"A'~' /(;<W~~o7' " ,.-,..1, 'Y' .. ,-' , . ;', I ,"-- <', r;;'01J~n@:il"'~C'Jfi!mnber~!z5:it-i,1ial:lli~L'b/~'! 'IO~Lr:~'= . ";/, , '~: t, - ': ...._'~.,~~ ;~~ ~w:~<i~~.~i;~~~.~ ~'~~~~~"~ ~,{.'t' :~::j'R@'.ci'u.lait ':;'meetiI1g L04 DiiffW;G ,t)ttTL:J1&.fn.-.i,tt,1',! "',""Vl"Ten'<'li,lt''i'" '" fiel +-;P':,-;u,. t"lY.l ",t'1,<'A, - .. '>Q " .... ..J:._ v .:t: d;- 'Q-\i:;fU_ e..J;.~ WV.L-.LY ~\J."~..a.tU._.....Q)""L. ~l.rtt.. yJ.:~\J,'J:lv , : !glJeve j eHtte 'vi:i!tli 'l1:eye;li':E~' ~B~~!S:fi:hll@SiJ;1geJr' presI,dfuIig ::,:3tld J@ommi~~'_f . '" e i oner s_ ,W ~11:t1ig" anCL::J1e cJtr'dne'~'a nel ~ S eu,tc et amy eu.s1l:ma n fun t,a tt ~hd;~l;lce. , ~~<',..-,-~~:.~~~'~~;.~~.,:~~~ <.) .\.'~-~..;.~~\:~{)~~:3 "'D.L-".;; ::!~~.[: -~:.r,,~;'3.' '_~.--'JidJ:;:::,,;:~J.~;'.:' -.!.r 0:)n."'f ;.;.t/r:Pt'::~,;~. \ ,J:'., !~:lJt:fl~fee "~e:f:l,~atgjd :;1~,g9 .'~'re!ad' an.d'-~ a~p:t'd)"tfed ;1by~,moti 6n;~a~~iss~giier - -' "'}J.i~~~1ig,~<l~:tt 'S,~~dndea 'lily .(}ommiss'i orte~oLeek:to:ne: ,~1i>oth'~voiilfg ,a~-e. ':~o-mm'VeTING':Ne~'~' ":::<: ~:;';:; >;.:.~,~)~::",-,:';+ .:_~:j:,',b 1'3 Tj':i':,L~I~.1' Q J5'e jl..::; n*:)" Minutes of May 6t}llA:-~~d?:and 8'pp1toved" same,;: pre;vtio-asl~'r-&bead.},"PVfor ,insertion of Engineers,' s rep!1rt on condemriatiOf1:of',O~i'Ptun'6ia St.., " ,iA?c;1!e1'~antly ami tted 1>y. the Secreta.ry. ' ;.. "t;2~t~~~;ii~i!~i~~iuti!~i;~~~tti!;j~;~~~:J! i~i~~~~~:~~;r' . " . -':20 d;~~'~:~E~~$gP%O~!Z!j9EQffi;~ IN{fJ' Tlllm:; ~TJiE )fOL~OWa:f!)U,:; s?JJ:aEi~s;J~'i~~:;c ITY ~,' ,-: " " 9~ Jl]fS:J:l~U-!i~VE!t~ J=~;YJ}f];~IDEi c 9?E~!S,~{.o5~o-\i!~J:IT;$ '5,),;,17:;'I; .:'lm TOO(! -~'IlO' V ' ~~. ' - 'c';ITf?'~V~'-, ~~;:u~, ~ ~' . '" .:~,~ilR.Ql~ W-01J!l1:f:'inNE:::jHUN:1)RE,ah:AND{:FI~.w!-;)f[+M~;J,&*55} , 'FE-EW" W]15l.A.OF(' TFI~J~~!ES.~j;~+W -O~cf~~fr)JIt.ANEl~~:/T0i'THE3E~SW[:J;;+:Jf~c.: .&!F 't;'t'Ol\l'f'1,j!'fr;u'Imy DRTVE..'Sl'LO'!;.,c 0c, ;)r;.f3. ";:u r r!...,~:, .", 'r ",rrt' Lf,"""" i.,.,.,.,"'~," . ,:TV." '... I"; .L." '\' ',Y.I :U~~~J.~...J. r'" "'" "- '~- .-=.-, "-~.,,"'~ ',-. -.- "- ...-.'\',:---... ....~v ..,{....~l.:LUv<...:.. 'lC:l..i.;-.G::.. 'F-A<J 1.. ;', ! OOLLEGE AV:ID~: FR01vl,THE SOUTH LINE OF UNIVERa~i.rYti,@I>l'~~~-~P THE NO ~ " NE OJjlLOWEillJ~lg(1'tEm:2TlIE:WC.Eij;jF~ri'B;:.Jle@ij1U~~,Eo:@F",,~WELL 7S~ -'O-Tn1!1-Nt)R~R-:L-IHE-.eF-Jk)NGifil';IDLU€llV ~l\~~a8~~ <T-" ]!l', . ,- " SO' - . 'I.I1m-tJ:F-~t)li~~3iJ-MreW-.sJi['~_1]W THE NORTH U~E ~'j:, ~~-STREEl'. (), -4Jl'~.fjri~~~V~~~, ~~;;~f;'~.:~';'.G 'i~ TIm ,STREET TO ,THE l{OR~B:f~~.-l)F.;\ ~~m,GJ:r ;,: ~~.JjYi1fID', SOUTH" LI1TE OF LONGFELLOW STREET TO THE HORTH LINE 01~~}j;W' . ' . , ' , . F:R01CTHE SOUTH 'LINE OF WHITTIER STREET TO T'.l. 'EE OF _;- ~~.l"'- . - !:~JJ1-HEN:~. ~:rv~1JH:iBB(BQ~1m:du~.nl",Qfj,:~i(fJFc~ ~~1W #PSiPtrE' ~ tt " 'l3EL:llA1:~1Il4)iIl.lL1W-'tRJli.s,tUOD68 I!l'::;.; ,;-,,"r1:1 [3, Tarw (::-'9-r;" " HAW~HO~ .'STREET;,. BEGINNING AT THE .s'GUBr.ttJa::~ ~:rrU1j~kHi' , ',," TO THE ~QRTlI LINE DID- rrm~r5IfammL:BDw,rft5i.lRB5cr. ~~EBtfit:Q..l4:,5' 0.. ~ OF. LQNGFE:LLOW STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OFW?ITTI~i " .',1" I. ,~, ]'ROM TIIE SOUTH LINE OF V'iHITTIEESTREETTO THE NORT ,LINE "OF ' :ILEY STREET. ~lfENQE FRO]4 TH~lf.ro;rnl!dai:cjfJ[lrE OF RILEY' STJt,EET ,TO THE NOR!:R J:,Hm OF:BELLAIRE BOULEVARD.. ,'F , ' ,- 1 ~'..' .., "" ,;,:BEGI G' AT THE EAST LINE OF C01,IDYlUNITY DRIVE , ,.....IN;$ OFO,OtiIi'AYEIWE. .,'."- -, "'. ~~c;+-'-r. " ~ro,: BEGINJ:U~G ."Aill'$HE EAST LJ;:liIE ,OF COMMUNITY D:R'1VE "'T'o THE ,:,:() , COLLEGEJ:V~~7Sib~;:,~ -~{:;tj;C~: .,,' " ,;$cW~E],iJr: 1?EQ:I1UU).\j"G ,A,TTHE EAST LIliEOF OOI\IIMUNITY DRIVE )l!O ~> c..;, ~:EIN~~~:Fi~L'tE .:q : C)Q~LJtj;{{Et.AYE:N1JE. ~.' ': ~'_' .: ".,' . ,.'ijE'E~, ' (1,' ::;~ ':-'/i/>J ..', , . ('b7) '='" ~",', ~,:~ "--',, ( \ "-.) ;,C,---.-~. .., : ,: "~'l '.':i ~f ',..,"';., II nB.~$;ione " .,'..' ~md:passed. VotingAYE:CQInm.is " 1m. ONE VOT.ING N(}~," ~* , , ., ' , , , " sWelling &, Leokrone. " , , 'i T' f":"lnl' , ---r"'''''1 , , , . " , .." - ---~--'f)rc"f'TT'"ITr- T - ---. ,', -', 1.;-"~ '--r"" "ttJ!.f- ~ \ U:P~~e"-',~J A. ''';-,~.~,~,,\>_,,~:;,.':~ ::,~",-l-, ~(r~~-'~:' _,~-J",~. _",' ,;,~ i ~ 8. ~. ~.J. .....;t.;.,; t ;;;' ':' C; _ ,J';,~' .j <;,'~ ' ' ':t ::;,.~E~61, . . \~ - Q. ,'- ~_. "'~"""''''' ,J;,"','.., " --r_" ;, ,[:,) . o' f'":L~"(; ':i::\~D:$~:~ - ~.:.) =-~f1.i: L tar: ,-j" -'.. I: 1 1 1 ~l1lm 1 n f'lr'[",[jT I 1 I I ,(=, ,^-, ~~~~..' l fr ^~ ~." l '"t', , /Y t), (" '. \._~ ,.",: -~_.~.....-~'::;.~~~':"<~ >, . )f~a~':':t~'ttL'ti9ii~f~ ?ageNo. m. ' ~ ~,: ".. :: -.~ i~ :;" 0Ef .. . ~ -i .',., ._ ,.~",. ~ t."., 1_ II> 'v.>.j , : ::~901~~a}.] ,,?llf\~~rI~~~ ~~ ~~~,lt;., .<<_: ,;, i 1 ot tg.':o:f~'We~i'1Jhi '~ietsft'Y:LJ?ltfce >:'!f~x~s~ 'L"~)~:'. + ,', -V " ..~...:;~.~ ~.~ J ~~ Special Meeting' of the City €Jonnet:!., convened at 7 P.,.~,M~ 'Qn,~ the ~bove date with H. B. Sehle8.inger.~,LMayor"'ffir@:s!:~n€F&L;ttt~at0L1[1'-awing In attendance, viz: J. A. Walling and P. A. L€eKrohiiC~mm~8sidners EilfWiIl"C~~l;!.~~ C.i~y Sec:t<<?ta,ry. . " -' M'eetii1g"tiall ed.... for' , the,cpurpoile:' 6f:'aecEl:pting .eart:~-ilil.5im~r,bvem,ents completed in Belle Court addition by Scott Sh8mbtiJug1YJ':dJ~nt~e.e1;or, as follows: ' , ' ' ,Be3lie' o.ott.it .1?trill~vard ,', de s iglJ-ait eg.')~ Jjl.t~;p.,ft,:J-fl.~" ~tl9:~Y\E!r.,l1if.Hj.'ie~Sl}f,9n, Arbuckle.. Glenn..aE.d f~a!:b{tt ;~.~~~e~:r\;~ ~~~ngrur~ed}:,-"~s 'Rg~;e,~,). ;!..EL,~"~:J;.O, sJ;ld IJ.. ' " .. . ""'.. '..,.." ~ J::T:--T""_",,.. ,::70 1!,....,,';l Uilon ree ommendatio~:.'.of_~Eng::L~~:r.:ci;;~l~" ;:;~Sl.!g~~~lm~@~ o1ilt;in.~...;,~n;This l~tters !:ddressed to the Hon. :K!ayor & Oity el)~Js_~~?~_~~S{jQ::r ;tp.e 9;L~;r of ~Ve;:lt University P~a"e. Texas~, of <latel:ay~lth,,192'9., the f611owi'rtg ordinanoe ~6~J-~~!B\ouslyadop~~€n ' " " --'-;--::-o~Air ORDr'ifANBE'-XPPROVING CITY ENGINEER1 S CORRECTED F;qfA\~.J.~, STATEMENT SUBMITTED WITH LETTER MAY'15TH.1929. SROVV-:rN'Gvy, PERSONS. ,FIRMS. CORPORATIONS AND ESTATES OWING PROPERTY ABUTTING UPOI{ THE PORTJ;[, wr'i--%~BOT J. ,ARBVqIG:iE AND GLENN STREET DE .J.'-' ' AS UNITS ,~, V t 8.11 10 and 1.1 improved Uilder and by vir,tue of A CONTRAC~S BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY 6F Vv'E~TUNIVERSIT.Y PL.4CE. ~EXAS~, AND SCO~T SH.AMBAUGH OF DATE THE 4TH DAY OF DECE.t'\RBER J.928. ' with description of said property"THE NU1\[I3ER O~' FRONT FEET, OWNED BY EACH: AND THE COST PER FRONT FOOT WITH ANALYSIS ' OF RA:TE AND SHOWIlqG TRE TOTAL' Al.WUNT ETC.. <<DOPTINQ THE' WORK' OF SAID SCOTT SHAMBAUGH IN APPROVING SAID' UNITS ,IN ACCOED- ANCEWI~H HIS CONTRAC~ WITH THE CITY, ADOPTING THE FORM OF PAVING CERTIFIC,ATE TO BE USED IH EVIDENCING THE ASSESSJENTS IN FAVOR OF, SCOTT SHAMBAUGH: AND AUTHORIZING THE. ISSUANCE OF PAVING CERTIFICATES ON SAID UNITS. Ilotion mad.e by Commissioner J .A. Walling and. duly seaonded by Commissioner P. A. Leakrone, that the foregoing ord.inance be adopted; V"oting Aye: Commissioners Leckrone & Walling. NOONK,VOTING NO. T~anscript oomplete on file with the City Secretary. . ' Also: ,The following ord.inance was unanimously adopted, viz: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING CITY ENGINEERS COHRECTED FINAL STATEl;r!ENT SUBMITTED WITH LETTER APRIL 20th 1929 $HOW~ Irm 1>ERSOl'f$, FIRMS,CORPORATIO:NS AND ESTATES OWNING PRO:P- , " ERTY ABUTTIN(} UPON THE PORTIONS OF BELJJE qOUR:r. BOU~EVARD nE$Ja:UJED.Mlt:TNJ;re'NO .1:&" nD?ROYE}) UNDERUJ):BYilt~TlI,$': ~6FA'e~{jNTBAdT J3Y .AND BETWEEN TR.E~:cI'rY' OF vf8$T,UNIVEI:rSTTY PLACE" -,c9rffiXAS]~ND S(fO~TSHAMBAUGH,,'O]r; DA~E ~H$.,~ll~lt.~)41, QF . 'i ,', "ERw< ,., ~ 't"" "fl,n;' ".iT~H~:OFSA:{;D .PRQ~R~1f.~:" lrE :,' '~"OOT..\~H ,DylIS 0: RATE AN,D" SHHb\vf1f&,'~:';g~I~P:()UNT~~ , ETa..? ADOPTING ~HE WORK OF. SAID SCOTT SH.AM:BAUGU1N+MJ1ROV... ING~AID UNIT IN ,AClWRDANCE W'ITHHIS' CONTRACT '1][I:T'a ~HE ,,' CITYAlmPTING THE FOm.{OF :PAVIl~G CERTIFfOATE'TOJ3E: UBEJTIN EVIDEliOINGTREAS:;lES$llENT ,IN FAVO:aO]1 SCO~T SR~Au~R:~~J#.':; ,',',',' AUTHQR;rZING THE ISSl:JA:NO'E OF PAYING (jERT~FIQAT,ES Q~~;:gA14f:qN:I!I'.." . . . . . . ,:: '.~ 'c"'-,. . :.' '''' < .. ~. ..'.i L ',. ~., "\ I.:. \ : i "," ,\" -,' .~~> : , , ." " I II I I I ~~~Im ! Pi III'T!I 1HI ! I 111 .. f!{I) ;..,' (.;.'\, ,c,:.: " ~ (j .-iaietj'o. (Continue,d.:>+r01!}.tPf;ig~)~o!, 68) . 9 ":;'':':':'.:.:..=.~~.,,,~,:_~~~,,; .~--~ j;~.,":: .~~_".r: _~ ,,-. ,~.. " Motion maCle by CommiSS-i:B;ife.~~;l>4ri:rifffi.~:.0~nCi'~d*l~econded. by sioner Leckro:n~-that,tb.~fo-+g9j.p.g >o:rdip.~nce_ b~ ,~do'Pted. ~ _-:l~,..w:::~:_:.~...~_.~':?~ ,......-:_ ~~.. _.,_ ',~:~:~:~,:< ~~'.._~: :,.-..:~' _:.. ..,.~_:~~5.~_. __~~.~__....:~~~~~.. - 69. Commis- ::- ,: ~ ~)<; ~: ~.'. ':-> ."""'1:' .;' 'Vt1t ing .i.ME; ,"\ - S',' "." ," ' \,.", .;. -elOnlm1~~d:@.>n~r-~t 1r!H~!i~~~e 8? )J~lf4ng ~ : ";,' ',.. ,_ ,Nfl ,OW:!:!;. }[,OT:GN~h:N{h~ . " , - .. ' , ~11f2 ;J!lf~99 ~,ei?-ng~6 q~:~ifI~~~,~n "$~e. :? ~.-;~ (~ :s r!: ; " ~. ~~ . t __':J" _1_'~ ;'~ 7,'," ' .~ ..... ,;~~".';.' \.J. __~~ ..~j.c~;~; ,~. ,...:.. :r;:': t:' ~:; ;~... J ,~ 1. :. ~;" ,: ~l I:> :.~ :!' Ji'Uilll '/ t r~ns C:!L".i;pt ";: Q:f . '';;; ~1ty:, Sebr ~:t'gIiW~t~li5:i: , .. ~ , ,',;,- , '. < ...... J ' {"'- <:,:' ,. _ ....~. b':fficl~' o'f';:t1i~ _ ,- ~', _~.t-~t. :~:,:.- :~,Jt!~..:.~..~ :_,'..i_ . ' J ; _j... .~.. ,.: ~,~' ..~\ \..~r.. ... .~ - r-;;. - .... " < ~'~1ft~i~ b,~J~t'jlo "f-ttr~~b:r:~)'~US~Re~~r' f!~,1t'~tef~,the<:,meetirig;,! ~i-:~,moi. iq~:~: f '-..1atily'" sedu:i1ued, ~,th.e'::';s8me;wg.~ \ieefr.~i~d.J$t.aerllirfma..I::~: ""I z ~~' (;,' ;,-,c-:;'j;, .'" "" ,- 81~i'~t;j.~:~~i ':~m~ ~!i~!!''': :r.eflk:r~~~'l~~illg(ii 1 j I." 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'( Ifl\~ J g;~_,',;~~~~t,'~~"{-&~ · - ~\..: .,~ \ X~~ ,:1.'~' :~:.~0~~\>t~~;~.. ,:;:1 ~~:~_~~,:,~'",v,.c,~,<.;;.~i<t,.. ;"":"t,,~_~.~,,_:"'~_,,,t:'_"\':"'-'?'~}l~.'.:.l,:',__'~,,?'~,:""',~,H.-,__.\.~,~-,~:,,_','-::_,l.,~.,>~.",:,'!:,:':'_~?}{ ~',:~,~;~-'r'"',"":",~,~"~~,,;,,.,-,-,,,~,-~~,,,t'-:l"~':'~~"""'-!"~'-'~"'~C"""!":'Oj',t,_::,,;,:,'"f.'~,"~:/1.f~~~~":,/:::: ' . ~ ' . : ~ 'Y"j ~. ~. _ ~ ~ _'" .~. '"' - -.~ c, ,- ,_" ~: =.- . "-~,,,c,~,;~,.,~::_,,_,,;','~,',~.~i,0~,,:,;::,*,:..~,','I::,J(~,~,t,;~,' ' 2'::{;:=:T,~L~i",iATCT .' - ' ::.::. y~ """,1.r(i;'~{l-.~I ,.~ _'r..,!. " ~~f'-'''-''lr-' ~:.lI~ -i~Igvgt~':;',~:;~::n=;{/"{i~:~ i,~J:I\; }:r Q~;r.a1J - (T l~~ ~ n,,' '_l"'r.,;i~~.' \." ~,,;r_:f"":4~1:,,>'~~~'~,~.~,~,',:_~~,:fT,i,,:,!~~~;n:",:-~f() ,,<~_IV'r..,..o- 'v,!"", ~'~'f .,. -c.~~r ~~i:1r.hJlilil,r/i 1~(Z~ J h} ~ <-j, - '; ~: ",':,"":' .'.~, fE!~:.;{it;7;,_T~~",~: .f<C/' " ,hU..l. rl':I:~7iL? 2'{;;;~EA ~ _ _ ;'.1.~_)- (Y.,:;:~;,.tr~;\C~t!f,'i,T!T",,<,:r-~, [.,_F","~,T"t,'-;-'"(;.",:',o;.' '_"',"\, H'i~Y--.,'r,t,."t'"'~"'t' _ ~'"". _ _ __ ~ __ ~ ~ ,.'~:...\'":~!~l~{J'Sr6J=' 1 . t . ,:~ ../ ~~ . ~ -"". ~---. ',':' .; ~ :~M~ ~{r;t;i;~'b{) . rf: () 1;-tt. .:) '.. c .': ~ ,: :1' o '=.~:~,,-; }~<';~} C'/>~ ~ '~I ~1I~it'~)~:t~:~ .g~:~ , " I T:;::~'(~A' Yl'I ~ ~',I'?~!(ffI 'v-~~ ,. ..' 'S.~[j;(}~:1~'fJ:.~:~ 1~ :''-;'-- '-,~ . ['"1' tl 1 '11\ :n\~ .... ~, \ .\ \0 . jr-.-.. t) ..........- . e l) "I :::'':'-'''-?'~''.''?~=--;:-~.,,- ~--~, ,.,....~ May 20th. 1929 fI, Counci* Chamber.City H~l'_ , rC~ ty O;r. WW~t.h TJnj ~p~~j ,t~\,.,~l~J~e. TJ~,~~~._ " .-, '- . - . '"' ., .......,....." '- " _.~ -, - -,-., . ~ ' . .... ~ ~ :. ._.' _ t. :}- '~j [:7 L.-' . '_: r[ l"J.: Re~~l~r '~e:~ti:O:g: 01 -~hkci tYGdim~:li6'oh~~rie<i~:at:8 ,pLjtl:(~i:btFt~I~bove -'.~ ~~t_~:. w~th;) ,~~ .Bv~c ,Sal1.1e~iI,+€iert , rvl~YxRr, :;,I:,~~i:,9.;i,:Pr-~f: ~:t;\dpifi~1F~~~i..l@~~rs :::::::~\~~::.~:L1e~~:~~i):)I;!=t;~;~:~~ ~ 7~h. r~ad and bymotJ..on Oommi~sioner Walling. -d'LllY"SErC-cj,rldEf4.'\Py':q,:,o.~~l:l- 8J..oner Leckrone. the same were apP'xoO;v-,ed:as:r~~d.,h "'.; ,:d." L 'i Voting AYE: Commissioners Wallfrig ,&.'t;:eok:h:hl"6'/ :.f'::,L~Lc'i3H .':[D':;, NO mm VOTING NO. ' "'-" -:~' ;.,' '5.lJ.1ei',:fJo~J;PW!rig J;q,~\;J~,: :vv.~:rJ(~ :.,()~~e*,Ef'Pi ,;Qy;, .;t;q.~ ;h,s.:e,C;:r',E%.t~~.f,o",:r:. A1;Ji,;rOval 7~nd 'peyIi1ent :. ~. -. . :.= ~~. ~~ .~~ ~ ."': ~.> . .:_ .0 _~ J.....J~ . L_ .-:_;:\ :~. .. ",J.. ~:: <':~ L~ .:, 0 ::)~ ..I.v c' 'IOX:,S.~..: . T~~$ Rubber Speaial ty Company ;:...:.;;;t:.J';.;!"':'",:'-:-~':;~..f'JB~:~6' ",:,:, s.rIJ ,co 92B 'J?~$.,l~~bUl:.r.ml:t :jP~!t ~ ,:Ql~H:P Qrr,-' '", ,,1'-'~~- - ~f~~'~ :-t~., "7',"", ,,'.:;;,~O ;',: J: ::,' :;: ~ - HH "~'t~=}~t':'~o!)1P,~;c:.~i;:}1t1:i~~~:,;~z~:~;~~~;?11\~id~3~:~i; <~ ,~' ;~:'~'I;~"X~!::_~c , ' ' _ouson S amp & Stene!l Co.' _;.._.!....:.;;..;;.....~ '::6.'IJ(J' J.', "},,J,u;.-, ,J.:;c . . . '. J . '. .' ~~ ..... ~ ~'.. .0}- . Golden:-Cs,lI1pbell --------- 2'7,50 , · ,; \."C. ,,-~ '.:: Aome Supply Company '", ~ ~~eii~:~...-":,,, '6".A~Or ; 9<>;" :~:,l~i: j'?~' , MotiOl\ by Commissioner Wallirlg' &'-!.gea'otla~d ~1i:r 'rd'Bnmhgsi'6'ti~~a];.~ q\f:'one ~:J-s ..~ .r-r.-"T.ff ~<"',*'.JT that b~-.A~ as above be approved and paid. , ...,?J:f;lNl tA", j; ,C,,' ,~~:;,~~i~~il~C'~,/~~~s~~~~~~~~~~~L~~~ ~8~r:~~?;'1W8~~ \. t:ce '.','3:'3,. , 'nn)fLl ~iI:;,:. ,[1!~-(t .:flu,llroW~l1~t;Pi~ ~tf~:t~,~w~~ J:~:~:gJ~~iL~jo~ ':[:fJ.X~ f~J~&at:idn 'E~li~{ J l3 V h ' 11'14' 'dOt '., .R'~rr~ ":.h'~ '....',,' 0 '1, (A JJ:"":,:a#m:1!!fLi<1grS3 ,~~[ 't-i- ,J...,.._;'j- .. ouo er. " F.I....J.. .Y;:o9-ec~:0Y.S:y9v~f f'(,)~-~~-~'~-:::'~""~'W-I. .f~,~vJ ,':". '..... , .J rc'l.:c' xll" 1116' Crain Re~dy~Cutt"'House"C6c,;:~~,1. e"-'~5ff!:1 nOJ88fJGBl..li {~$J::~"l,.~t/4',:~, T~)UC.b~1~ihllr;,,~N~.xn~~;::I,'l~~9iqQ}FJ~O'l:,,<rl-';;>:--.~t_,..1,2tl?:Q."", ',. '. ,-..fl ,~ " , ,> ,::, ;:' ',~." ::;:, " ~~r,,; e .", {~~l,::t~,}; ':$q~n~,* ~Iil~:Eg s<;~'2~v~~~~ "~ka; f.t,'C~ ~.;~~il,:,!o~;' ~~ :;,,' _,' <,', " /,: '-;: .; ',r ,', ." ..'", , '.,. " " " ,'" ." , Jil::Jaa '. <<, "" y ,f1 ... ..,tf ,U If ,-- ",- i.i .,..'::t:~"" I:;Ift; ~ ....'~., ,'.,'... "",~.n, I . '-'., ~.~~ -~ "- ....-'". .", ~ .,$.. -i-: .,..",~:'~~:f d' u ~:::.{;~'DB '~h..i: &'~ 8' r'Lij f.f[1 c<{....t-. .{~~~.~~~c;.... ~......t ~ ~ ~:.. -~- 1',' - ..... '- _. '- . '~l('''';'''' li.:2tk 'MargJh:~ll Ige eQW.H!B-~~'-"'" "h~,-",...,.; 2"'5~S";''''''''i'i'' <.;(i cd ,_. , "~ffd'"h' 112~::~'H. P~'~~~p~~- ~:~p8#rJjb~~tJ~~~~[::v~~~1~e 8~fJ:i;:} J.~;j'lJ; " ' , ' ,ff 1126. Cash :Psia-byH.:Bi-;-S, 5t:tijfip'EnV;j, ".~ill~",<<to~j'J:;:i'a.flPO n 1:\.a-7. ff . ," by Se?~t!,YrP~:rk~~~ :,,,,,,,_,r2~Q5. ",.:=;\';j~ L~flj-o'~' ff 11r:zr.z OlJ..ver L"'-n'n' ':Jj'a--'I;;.,J.....1..., >.,L~ "L'J~..;'.~S,~08'1"..;l'0 rP','rl"Tfl"nf' , po.; t ' .... . ill ' .u uU.J.- 1U . l::) , -.. ~ .. ,~,"" '", ~ , j."" ~, v ff, 1154. " ,n t, " 3.60.. :~fv:m1. em~ -';':I(j(; li~.tJu,uf~~J.. ;J(t~0E91~JlS~~'tglfe>~~Jn~~~r~~,J~p;g8...~OO .' _ 'e~TfBi';; n"r" ,....."71flUt-" Q1reo l!A,'" 8D'e-'. -,.",[1._,-,_,-,(. :<'''-''',02i1f'I:5'0=< ".:r,-r<,r' '..'.'-e."ff' '_.1~..1- t~5'u.-~J!o.~\...~ ~{;'e"'.~J~r3Jj~~}~t::p ~!-f i)~hr{~.~~'"-"4 > ..... -:~ _". '~~J..I,-"""..,{ v_~ .:..LJ. It 113~,. BlE..ljarz~Xf:C f~:.r":SY~~W~fit;:?J?T,,,~.0 < ~,~'Q:(DD:?' "Ir\no.tB(-~l[ri fJ 114'7, Laborers (Wa~?LD-ept")D h'\,j;,~:~ ,,-'Jl:2.-0U I>:.'.f:c,Eo.,::J;. asw n 114.8~ Olive~ Le~ tlJi,~J:>9r)..., ' .. 6.20 :!~Ylt 0Ji1jo",1 1~otion made by domni~ssi oner !f'ete'I2ridife-~ a:iiJ:~ ;~S&'e'oflilfIed::'<byrl.C~'iR~~j{pner Wall~ngthat the foregoing bills be ratified. as read. .0~~~(::1 e01~ Voti:rigAY,Et Commissioners Wall~)~,(~,~ Leckrone., ..1{.QA N' ,', t"' , , .. '0'" '. ~, ~g':i.~~~ej~~"'R:-mi1:fm'!ty-:tirerr'~resente~ in ~omplianGe with inst:x:uc- t'~9IlS';<A+,~,:p.eC~ty C,Qm+niss.i,on, under date of, May <~,~th~ ,,19,2~,;,Jl;~:tJ;~, . ..iita...~~i::!i7~~~ii~tPQ1~~;d~~:p;~i~:rfi~ftJ; . ... .... . 'unwe,lIt'$ttd'S'6,t '$ndFa;:i~haven Bou:Le.var-d. .-He askedthet' the 'same,:o~ " s.ao:Ptea.'~'n~f'~pproV~d. " ',' ,."..," " ,:/":,,.'i,. ]'1o,1;lonmad,e by Commissioner 1eck;one and dul~ seconded byC'onim~:ss,ioner, W~llingthat the Engineer's _plans and speaifiaa:tionsas sl1bnij:1fte,~,' " fibove 06, approved and adopted, Voting llYe;CommissiollersWalling and Leekrone~ NbS NONE.' " , Page_,,,70. _ . J. '\ c~ ~31:;:i . / , . ". t \. (-'; ('Y ,~ ~, ~' '9'" l ) 'I , J )., 1 "lrTl ... (Contip:ued'Pa.ge~7IY Pag<<e'" 7:{~~ ~: ,:, '\':."..... .:-+c:, , ., '.' .,' .? ." ,):.t~~I~5~~1;[~~t~~'~.~"/e~. :.~_.. The guest ion of pl~e.3J!1g;-Wi1f~:':.:~~'Et@i:it:iigi':~8i.]<o.pen::r:ngsL!inthe City ,., v '. ;2P.~*;f VYfts ~ak,en ~np.pr.,q9P:~~~a;,(3ra;t.~~o.~ ,ancl., ;res1l1,:ted. in the fol19wing , ~R:~&P3:}:I", YtJPr 'i<", e " ' ";;' < :~. ,~' '," '. ,:h. " " :: :, i.l'~. " , :,'?' " <,;.' .. ,4~LIifP.~,:=tP~: ,Jn~fip )1{; ~ti.=fsipne~ '~h;i%f~ng .ana; d~:Lt'~~ooon~ed~~iby" ~!illTIis- sioner .Leckron'e t1i~:ft,..tne"'S'ecrErtarybe 'fnst:r<udt'e11' tifu isSUe. a 'put-- t[:to; 1: Q;~~:Iu1}~, q~f}'~~ ',h-",Q~ in,.~tl:p,dE1., W+I,"J3 ,sc!:e~:p.fl f9r: ,a~put 15 op~nings an,d , -G~;1J.~iiCV'fO:r,1}, Qt, rW*&l'l~:t'~ort' _~9~~~b~:dbne' 'at 'o.oo'thl::ts c' ." ,c.' (;,,; ,T,.FL' ,c. Vot1mo- AYK-"">""~'" ',~' .:. t2,,~.L.--.'i< . ;,.;.' .c';8J:r:"i;(~ .',., i .'.'i;J iL'" ;,', ' Commi~sion;rs Le'dJt~:;qp.i:,~~Jili'iiig'~. c~'.,.s",. .fV:.;;~ ",},t '~sn.'."c~:'{o0;I 'j,c"Fd:.>; NOS !~ONE. .,--~<_...t-.,:,...: ,,_.!..-_>:~; ~3~F'~'.t;::..>1;;:s;.j::"o~': :~~:~~';.,"' ..LJ."j'\ (- , ./ '~ 1~. _~. -, ',.;.- . >~ . . r...,.. ~ ., ip: " ~ .,: .:~:.....\; . '....'. .:.;~ .cMa-'Y:~r' '!s\~1i\~1:ffbgi:t' :;c:a':t~:"d ;:(1 tit EiItt f;6rr ~tJd:': the' ne d.ersf.fit y L~'~~bi~'t~~r,~.jii- a in- age on th e il est ~ =h4~ ~~~~ .5~.~ l.le,-~.~" J -V:<~,."t" ' .,."- r' , " " p:J.' rIe~I~~B(f ,\r;.' .1. . <:...Lf.~..i~j...Lt...-'.> \.U ...._3~:p;J.-.J~~J 'I.0~Ju.lr::) 'a:.fI;t.f:~'_, Motion made by ~arttn..rs's:roner-'ira"lt..Ting ancP:~$~ed1J~'~~_f!~~etr Leekrone tp.at a6'~d-~~i.~ngnt€e~.15;e-' ~1~~~-;ar.i:c't'O stf-~~C~~:lj;,' ''. ':: Westsid.e' of C~~~~~4'f.~;;'=~~ as tOtCt~~l~:-;:E:1!:~~t~~~~~:c, ,,~<t~y street. ~_, ..., ' t .,,,, L~~..f~u.,_' ,"' ''''.B,JI:,:.DO .f,," ,)0 b \':.. > ...... __. ~ ..~ .- ""~ _ __ ~,r... "'~-;.'. r-..' - ",l '.: '- Voting Aye: {\\:.~ ' . , _. ~ .Ll_f)-'J\Ifft?(j.-iI5..b.!. '8fJO~.JWg;irs~,?,n~~ ;g4k'r():qe:in:~~1)f,.p.i,ng~ '. . ' T;;i,TiY1,r::'o8 \;r(I'li;::~ 9,l:(.J/. " NOS NO~ .~,. __h'~"~hJ._ ':~~t::\t'~;~~f'~c b:;:;~:~-::JB ~:;~~E~~:~'~:~f;:ill;'::~Cgl~.t~~c;;;>:; Engineer Rafferty .pgfj8i!ri1i;t:B.cted t:1i~,{Cflhe 8mf'tiid:1.f@:~ja!iXt<)onirt,1ll.e,;~lxrt~e at -g:e:l~-erffi:;~~H~q.i+~r~,rS1,<~c:r;:9,~-~,,,,,:A.liE!,f_ ,~ra~~&e ,4i tCh'1!@:rr~~o~-e;~n:and :t: t1;at 1.t ,15e su~~~e-tfi~n!~d'-'~y"J!y&S:~ ",~~:~:~i~~g~~iBi~1tiI(J~oU:P:~ft ~wJ;.l , 'd1.scusS1.on br~~~~~' f=~~Bof~~J;t~~~~~~~~~\~~~~~:~~,~r1.:~iIi: t ~S;f.o~~~" , ',Motion by co~~~~ion~!=i~Iil)~;~du~j::~~,?~~~~~~~15~~~~Qrmnf$siOn~r ,LeGkrOn~c" -'\ that the reco~e1}G"at~2g~g:c' tlie)}~tyueRg1.iiee~r-':1l~<~Q.9,jfed and that , · ' he be d.irecte~;:ltG-'remove the middle rail aerosa 's~ ,C liefJ\drainage ~iteh bridge ~i%:g,iv~~~Jtf~'1?~ii~~y~t9:~a!d.:~~l1li~':Lt~e'~ ,/, ~ 'and':guard be constructed. aig9- -auli",'J.ns~~\;e{;":1.i.L~j,t,~ /E>;l~t.'e~'e: .:~ ~a~uJ. f, V t" -A . .0 - .J.., j.-1<I~t.BV1.A ..G.lj....1.: \.In i'-"',Lt~n' r!nf.i;:' riCO rl H' o J.ng ye'~ ::)::1' Q , ',- -' ,.,' .. ~L ~~U,," ~ v........1.. . .,. . v\;.\~ 'Dr: ;;)l~Y~"''f' "'?r-I:tpor<J.' ....,.rf 1"1 l~<<~- eommissi onerso~~~krone ana 'W~la-cfH!"; '-'~:rv:".~~ ' ,"" T' f', ,;.~~l. 11 NOS NONE. on 'F ' f 1>._ <:1--. I. 0 iJ L_,., t ,....c..l.I Ii .' ~,-...-. I,,'!j '''II ,!' , There being n~~~~fhei-~ii~if:lle~i~Sb~fdr~eJt~,~o.'f)O~~ ;~moti'6n COpl- , missi oner LeaWpgte d.llly ~~[;o:rw-tig ,:p,~~~'i~~J6>>-ii' i~'['-1ne;. 'f;he".~c3me , was declared (by. g;pe l!aybr a~uklJ!.f~~il~",;:>~J:~.-,-:~. :::~~ ~ ~eII ff 'v t' AYE r' ""1V'''' ...G';fi.-",] U'fL.,"'iO"'S.. <.hII fl '. 0 _ ~ng : 'JE~ ., J ( '.;A ... ~ 'j",:\, "'"____ " ~:" - ....,.. :"l~. ":: t t.... ~ .. _,_ ... " ..' '_ . \ +.;..\,..J.a~u;+:' v .rQ..} t.'C.-~v [ rr '8.1).11 n i.\'iJ~Jf~s:.i0n,erSJ~\V;~?J.r~Wg -~p:jl;", ~q~~,9d+~-. "-'~:r:-';.~ :;.:.."-;, t ~'~" ~ ' ..!J !..~8'I ..j:Zk\t<'fJ~ ',1'''''' LJ:..;.l~f," ", +~ .. _.:I.f . ~J..{Y:"lIe~8:t"~1i~ib" ,,-," ,}-,-,+,...;!,\i...J.Tu '..:d,V" /;o:';J:t;)po!f;t"", ' .-,' . - . . . ..' . '. . . . . .4:~3~~{'!~~'~'~f~~rn:GL '\:0 .. 1) ~. r . lJi)S>t:tIgr1:JC:; '3~'i ;~~~~'~i:{}l~~~~s~~" ;'fit\, "~ _:,r ". '. ~).C!o.~J{uei.I' j).C{,sj {;~f18 fq: ,(../ 4 C ftC: "I2~tJ ~:' ~i= ,;)1"B C,. ' ~~';' . )t,. ,. ,~. , eal: ", ;~'. ,f~\'- I...... ""\. ~ J- ~~..d'6 .b ~7 _cr~.; 1 -7 ;.,:.c' ~. 1" . ",,;-'.' ,- - -flT tlll~ll:riT I I III n -, / V '{9 ;- ! e"." , ' ci, ~ ",4 '";' . '. ""'" .",,, "', -r ,w ,.r. .".__,' '" ..- , ' May 25rd. 19'2'9., '" CouneilChamber...CitY,Hall. Citv of '/<J'est LJniversitv Place.Texas.' Special meeting of the City COUllcilconvened on the above d~te at 6. 30 P. ]i. with H. B. Schlesinger :Mayor presiding and Com- missioners J. A. Walling. P. A. Leckrone and Secretary Erwin Cushman, City Sect~tary., in attendance. ' Page "72. ~stimate No. 11 favor Miller & Miller showing a balance due of $11.145.00 was presented by the City Engineer for approval and pay-, mente Said estimate applying on general 'improvemepts. ' Motion made by Commissioner Walling (and duly seconded by Commissioner' Leckrone that the estimate No. 11 favor Miller & Miller being final estimate be approved and paid by City script. Vo~ing Aye: Commissioner Leckrone & ~alling. NOS NONE. Motion by Commi~sioner Walling was made that a tax of , cents be levied for the purpose of paying interest ans sinkIng fund on ,:$ , $11.145. OO~:sGript item:issued to Miller &- lfi,ller inp:aymentoffi:r+,a.1,q estimate appr'Ovedthis date. ' -Vot'ing AYE:' Commissioners Leckrone & Walling., NOS. NONE. ~ommissioner Walling then introduced the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ISSUAl~CE OF CITY OF WEST ' UNIVERSITY PLACE FUNDING WARRANTS IN TEE AMOUNT OF $'!.llie~e6., maturing serially BEARING INT'EEEST AT Tff'~ ' RATE OF "SIX l'B:Rere:m; l'e:n ANNUM FOIi THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING' A LtKE, AM~OUNT OF WARRANTS LEGALLY ISSUED BY SAID CITY FOE LAWFUL CITY PURPOSES: PROVIDIlJG- FOR THE LEVY 'OF A TAX TO' J?AY THE l'EINCIPAL AND INTE1~EST ON SAID W~RANTS ~T W1AT1J~ RTT:Yt AND ,])ECLARnm ,AN EIv'IERGENCY. ' -}r I ~ommissioner ~alling moved that the ordinance be passed seconed by, Commissione:r .#laokrone and, oarried by the folT@wing vote, viz: Commissioners Leckrone & Walling. NOS NONE. / ," "". ( Complate Copy of proceedings on file in office of the Secretary. The following ordinanee was then, introduced liumbered_ and read . f 11 Li' 't. tl d .. " ' ,'~n ' U " ',DU ~ e,. ' ' AN ORDINANOE J?ROHIBITIllG TEE PARKHm OF AUTOMOBILES ONe STREETS ,lLI,rtyS A1'J) PUBLIC lIJ:GHW.AYS'OF THE d~:.TY OF iJVEST UN:rVERSITY PLACE WITHIN ,OERTAIN HOURS HEHEIN SP,ECIFIED WITH THE LitGHTS EXTINGUISHEJ)~DPROU,IBIT.. , LNG Ull\10JiAL C01~DUO~ :PRESCRIBING A PEN.ALTt, FQ~. THEVIO- LATIONOF THE T:EHMS OF THIS ORDIN-AN9~t.R;&{)Yj:JU:NGTHAT '~~~.,:4lIY,FllRT OR ~]iAWION, :BEDEO:L~liE~ p" 'u" " ,-- , ;L' mRE R)niMIln~-:ER BIrr, ']r0.T ,UF:8jOT E:D~:),t~il?J!:'- ~ ,g~~~~I~E:$'Ar~1)' P~Qt'~D,:nrqTHAT'S<~~'- ,"; ~~~ (Continued on Page No. 73. ~t:Y i/1 , 'i ~;., " " ,mlrT I , , r'~' "r"T 'fI, I r 111 --. ~ 0\ o ~ ~ rt 'C, (~', -- ,:. J, c~ r J , .:.-- "J' . ;.-' ".'.{- . 1..... "" (Co~tinued from Page 72) '7"3~-' . ",",.{ ..... ',:"; ~.~:{~:~i~:~.:.~~~~_ .~:2~~~~~:J f?!L Motion made bWrfB,?r~lh'liq!le,r. J1;,!1 ,.,a;q.,d duly ~econded Com- missioner' L.~~~~ ' ,'-rr.? ~ ,s per caption abOV.6 and~",,~;r . P"~h.J!-~9- l:!Pd.,;,' ~dopted., The fact,. ' th~'?~1> ;"". .' ,,\;T-7 - ect matter, of thJ.s "ordinance had been declared unconstitu ional creates, an emer- , Jj'Ane~ rend this p,rdinance .~all, +'ake 'Etf,fect - iininediateJ y upon ,>>~!1 . ..r,Br~CiO~ .1...I;f).i'JIO:~i ;-,,'':\'..'' ~":.:r 'lto. -, ~m: 'UI,.!J:i%lGliff'~ " 7~ 'ILiS" Q.g-~/:l.o~ accOYu:J.Ilg' -0&- :vIr~"Y, - . <;;~,":":"'i:', QI , <1- " Voting :Aye~' 'Commis siorrers ;Leckrome: 'a.nd!a~.l~~p~~ "! ,;;:, .~~\ ,'. ~o qne VotJ.1;lg NO. ',' ,"""J_>,,^.,'~,?'P.S~';J ' '1 Fun ~opy of ordinarioe on,file in 'o<,fice of,the,{Je~"1cry. There'?being no further business for consideration, ~OD motiq!r:QomlIl~ssioner LeCk~ol1e 'and ,dUJ.-y 8econ~ed b:y- Gonunt;.. si on~,r:Wa.llJ.ng, the meet1.ne; was dleclared ad Jour~16d. " "~"" ~ . ."--t' ~,:; At~~st:~ iProved' " City 'J .. :(;~ '?"": . ' \~.;, ,~ '. ' -~c:. "~J t\ &: '~~ " ~'(~ ,,':~ ~ ~' ''." .~ , '(, , t .J "~ .. ',' i!.:". :,:". "'"~ ;~~"r (' A',,"-' ,'<11' . """'< --; ':;;~ ,'~\~~ -,1 ":0.' ~ f) . -~ .~ ;'~ , ,~ 'j;: '. "i~ ":~ -:- . {'. , { , ',-\ ~~ . / .j:_1 . i: ~~0 ~~ , \~ \ - .', ',. :~.;", ,( , "\ '.. ".. , ., . ,'" , "Irr ':' " .-,)., . ..: " --... t, /:. . , )', , , -t ":,J :..:" . '", . ,.,'- (, . ~~;../ '.~ ........;- '1'1- .rn-:p,llTf J I I ~ ~ , . ~;: . '74 Regular Meet1nB.:. ~onn~il.Chamber--Cit:v Hall. City of West University P1ace.' TGxa~. May 27th 1929. , , , , Jlh)'pl&r m~~t1ng of the <':1 ty Counoil convened, en the eb qve date at the hov.r of 8. P. M. with Mayor R:. B. Sbhies~~~r, presiding and Connnissioners Leckrone, Walling & City Secretary Cushman-in attend~e., "~, < The mimutes of May 20th, 1929, read andap",,~,ved by 'the foliowing motion, viz: ' ' ~ '~ Motion made by Commissioner Walling and se ~'~ :&tied by Com- missioner Leckrone that the minutes of :May' dAh, 1929 ' be approved as read. ' ,"S~. ';i Voting AYE; Commissioner W~lling & Leckrone~'j. ~~' \ NO ONE VOTInG NO. : , .I ~ Water Commissioner Walli~g, ~ecoll~ended that the neces- sary equipment be installed to properly convert' the Penn- sylvania Air Compressor in the Bryan Water Works Plant so as to operate entirely automatic, without wasting any air. ~ Motion made by Commissioner Leckrone, seconded by Con~is- sion~.J: Walling that the water' Commissioners :t>ecommenda-, tion~to install new equipment in the Pennsylvan.'ia C6m- 'pres~o~,B~yen Water Works planE converting it to antire- ly a~i'aticK operation be approved and ordered done, tlnd::.D . ."~eCBoJ1tkelm.'-:Engijfi,e(;&::.'Bmnp?:C8'~jfl]m~0'sa1 of . $lt25.,'I :/ Tafjpl?Ci.ved and accepted. , _ Voting~~__Cornmissioners Walling & Leckrone. NO ONE VOll'l'-!G NO. ' " The matter of a sewer lmft to be erected and, installed' in the 4th Addition Colihgge View was Sreely dis~oussed and offer of Berry Miller to sell to the City Lots 11 ' and 12 'of Block 34, was submitted by the' Maior~~r the pur- po se, at the price of $1700.00 for t:Q.e two ~o~:~;~~tore- said. , "'~:'~:"'" JiIotion made by Commissioner Walling, and dulyse~snded by Commissioner LeCkrone, that the 10ts"llan.g.12:~f :aloc:k 34 College View 4~h AdCtl, tion be p1J.r~ased',f::tr@Jfr;::J3'erryM'iller for the price of $1700.00 and that s'q,~h,J?,~~l!~Gl+.':,s,~e be ' utilized for erecting and installin 't 'e(~~;t11}:\:Q.~ft:',,'€i~' m~:y ; ~~en~~~;si~;'s~~ ~~~~~:~;,~~es~ld~;~~~~~~~~~ybY be hereafter determined."""" ~,~ ,,\;~f~ " ' . Vot,ing-Aye: Commissioners Leckrone '>W;,i~1;:a~',>', ' NO ONE VOTING NO.: ..,!;?,;" , ,. . "\;. ,', -There being no further business be~ore the'bo,ay~xan::r'egu- motion'duly seconde?- the same was declared adjourned.', ' "... ).r..... Attest: ~i , City ,. :Mayor. '"-" -" ,- ,. ~ n ~1[.l1fTp 1 ^ ~ )' ,./', o o I -1 I ~ C"'- o ~ ~ ~, ,.;, '~o 'o~. o ~ rf-t4n Regular Metting. ]KONDA~ ... Council chamber--Ci ty RaIl. ',~,,~, ~:(~~'~Q . J1JEE 10TH. 1929.. City o~Wes~ University Place~ Texas. _ fi@gular meeting of th~ City C01.1lJ,cil convened at 8 P. M. on the above date with Mayor H~ B. Schlesinger presiding ~ndth~ fol- lOWlllg in attendance, viz: J. A. Walling, P. A. LeclTone, Com- missioners and Erwin Cushrl~, Cit;y Secretary. ( " The minu~e's of May 21th, 1929 were read by the secretary'ind on motion Cornmissio1l.er Le'ckrone,. seconded by Conll11iss.j.oner '~];p.ng, ~' were apPEq'Yed as read. . - ~ ~\ tJ Voting ~yr-: _~om.rnis~ioners Walling & Leckrone. ~'l ' F,ollow.irig-(bil~s were then offered by the Secretary for ap~r~val ' and pa:yinent, viz:, , tJ _~ Tom J. 'Fatjo Co. i --..-----------------------------------$H8.QJ. Houston Stamp & Stencil Co, -------------~------------- 28.60 -'Mt:/.eller Co, ------------::-------------------;----..--------- ~1.50 Bering-Cortes Hardware vo., -------~------------------- 4,00 ~h~ Cargill Co ---~------------------------------------ 27.60 :tTeptune Meter Co. '" (Pay $148.56) -,--------------------444.19 , No!,>vell-Wilder Supply, Co --:-------"'!,------------'-'------ 10.50 ., . Jon'es~~'=ber Company', ---~-------~;~-----------~------ 32.09 fli\UID " '<~#1( . " Lloyd Me,~al Company --~------~----~~---------------~-~- 62.50 Beard\"'~tOIl1e Electr:i.c Co Inc. --.:.---------..:---~------' 6.45 , F. 'VI!. : ~mann Company ,-------~--------------,---.:.,-.:.....-~- , 41.85 ~ TT : tl' , ..' 91 ,1'1, ___________..:__________..':_,-,-'------ " $.57 :'T~xas ii,cl\fic Coal and Oii 'Co --~--~-...------,~.'-,..'::,------;..- 49.22 The carf@i,- Company;------------------.:.----.:2..;~------.:;- 48.15' Mdti'on ;~aA b;' COlmniss:toner Leckrone', sebonded by Commissioner' Walling that the labov6 bills be approv~d "and paid. " ~ Voting Aye: Gonmliss ioners Walling & Lec1::rone. ' , "'~ ' e Paid (;;" '-: T,1;le f'ol~o~ing bills were then offered for r,atifiJ~ation, ~a;.)fo1- ~lows, ,,!,~z', ~i VQ\-cb.e13k No, 1I8,? J ~A, . Metcalf" firemen 1 s . $4~iO , "u 11 tr 1190 Ai1toneDuran Labor:, 16~B' ,r' ~:: It u 1192 OliverL~vy? tr , 9.8 . tu' f1l: un 119~; w. T~ Barnh~ll~ Plurnbg Insptr. 17.10 ',t1 n tt ll9't.i;'89's~rvative Bldg & Loa.:r;l. Lg Di'st Mesg 5.25 df" fl ,tf 11~8"W. U. P. ~ Fire Dept Gasoline Station '4;8.15 n., .n If l?-QO ;Krenz~~r Bras SeI'-v Sta 23.93: It', If If ~~()2';, If' tl If nft. 1.99' , ,....u f1ft,4.2~3~W. U. P. Fire Dept Gasoline Sta. 5.10 'i-;":,;;,,, fI It ,'.1:?9o Provid'ent Life Ins, Co (FiIlemen PDem'} 22.27 ".." ,ft", :r.089 Frt on meters from Dallas., '3.90, ", n ,tf 1090 E.xp::ess paid by A. P. ,Robb (Muel:ler)'~" ".,.~3,3,."". nil It. 1119 Ol~ vel" Levy La bor ' ,:ti,'~~ '..., u;;li'18isrenzler B~o~' flerv st~ (Water,j)~pt) "'.~S u << 1168 Houston Lighting & Power Co.,' :Q: n If If ll73;fi,.:e. C. Frt Liile,s Haulirig ,meters, ' fJ ff 1f llf30 Water S1+pt;. Pay roll May 31st", . If<< 11 Antone Duran", Labor' n"tf ,If U. , P Ga:3 olin "! -"" tr tf n "q'. r 1 T-O r71~T. -. ...--~,..:' ~",~~.~rr':"'"'-' 't8jiJ~ :,).~; (Minutes Jvne 16th, 1929 Contd) Motion made hy Commiss ioner Wa.lling, seconded by o or01'11i 8 s-ioner Leckrone that the pE'--id bills presented by the Secretary be ratified. ' .. Voting Aye: Cornrnissioners .LIecldibne & Walling., The foliowing Dog ordinance was';then read for ~aage, In caption as follows: > , . ad~~iqn and pas- iA - . ORDINANCE #34. ~~~,},~, 'Al{ ORDINANCE rf1A1:Em IT UNLAWFUL FOR DOGS ~~BE Nl' LARGE; PROVIDING FOR A ~IGENSE FEE ON DIGS; THE'!!_ OSITION OF DOGS TAKEN OVER; PROVIDIEG FOR TEE RE-DEL_", OF DOGS SO TAKEN UP TO THE mmER, FOR TJ:ill DISP08ITt-O~' OF DOG:S EM* POI~IDED AND NOT REDEm[ED; PROVIDllJG FOR THE'S E0FDOGS WITH HYDROPHOBIA AND WITH OTHER DIDEASES; PRO IDING A PENALTY AGA n;rffil OWNh"RS.PERMITTING DOGS TO RUN AT L,A.RGE, AND THE DISPOSIT ION SF MONIES COLLECTED; A1\fD Pl{OVIDING~",' THAT SAME SHALL TAKE EFFECT I1TMEDTATELY. . , FUkl copy of ordinance ,on file in the/office of the CityS~cre- tar<y. , ' ' :' :Mot:i.:Q~ made by Commissioner WaITing' and duly seconded b;i .Com- miS'sioN.er Le,cr,.x>one tllat" Ordinance Uo. 34 be adopted. aug. p/il..ssed this ", "I. e a1?-d that the i:>ecr'etary ~be instruct~c:l to post ';OOP1:es ' in ~tll conspicuous public place wi thin the vity lirll:tt$,at:,c>ncw. Votin, : Connnissioners Leckrone'& Walling.' " ' NO^ONE :{\.I~lifG NO.. ' '>';~'" " Co~n1)..nic~t~ read from Mr. J,~~ H.' Rafterty GityEngin~;~r;.recpm- mend~ng that Cumberland and C6hwbia streets in the$e,.colJ,d '.A.dd. w. "U. P ~ be ac'cepted under conti"act for improvements V'h:L.tJA: S,c,ott $harnbaugh, pav'-ng 'contrac't of date 'December 4th, 192.8. J~giiieer" s letter dl?-t.ed May 27th 1929. Vfuereupon the following ,ordiil);an.o/.e ' in caption was unanimously adopted,v~z: '-l", " '~,. >" :~: ' . nAN, ORDINAN CE 'APPROVING CITY ENGINEER~~ qOR~EIDTE1;>.^;:~~rJ,!\L " STNfEMENT 'SUBMITTED WITH, ;LETTER D,A_ ,"')v1AY ,27Trr,<L9':ag-..:. SHOWI.N~ If:rm 1'~B6NS, ,FIRMS, CORPORA '~S' AND" ' OWNING-PROPERTY AB'MTTING UPON THE 'F ,NSQ STREET',A1"m COLUMBIA STREET, , (now cal '.~ ".RobL, iGNATED AS UNITS NOS. 15 AND 18 AJJB 'I~J?~' VEl) BY". VIRTUE OF A CONT,RACTS BY A1~D BE'J:\jVE~N~,.;iC WEST UNIVERSITFY- PLACE TEXAS , : AND SOOT~ S;.AMB4 THE FO't.lETH DAY OF DECEn!1BER192S, !V!TW ,P~SGI{t.q J1t;'i SAID J;ROPERTY;'THENUMBER OF ~9H~'EE;E~'~~Vm~.o,,,, ,ill' AND THE cOOST PER FRONT FOOT, "W:r'i'R A:{\TALtS$S01f~~:,~~J.~t'A.l~D SHOWING THE TOT~L AMOllTTS]iTp., "~DOPT'I'tfq<:rr~',~l{,~~~if;'dtf,' SCOTT SHAMBAUGH' IN IMPROVING SAID TWO',:.B"NIT8'" TN} ORD..., AliICE. WITH 1118 CONT~JWT WITH THE .,bITi'; .Iq)~p~:t~T~' 'H ,(}F', RAVING CERTIFIC1fiES TO BE ,USED',IN EVIDENQ , SESSMENTSINFAVOR Of I SCOTTSF...AMBAUGHi::AND 1\" ~., ~ ,.' Tlf~,<J;SSU~NCE OF, PA~~CERTX.FICA~ES01\r :~4ID~,U'ltE" ~?~';':/ 1@~tiOJ:~ tnaq~e'by 9onnniss~one~~~ ' lirig ?-nd':'d~lY, '~~~Bnd~d',~,t1~~~o~ , mil!ssioner ,Ledkrbne that, the ". ,Q~ng'oI'd:lrianc~,::Q,e adQJ?ct~~j'al1GL"" sf3{3d. ':: ' ,,','U ;\;' ,,' :,',', c, ~ "<,I! P ~:*~~g Aye~_ Go~~~sion;ers ,;te'Ck:to~ . a,nd W~~ling;!<<;: ,'" ~ 1, t~~NEVOTI1~G NO~",' " , ' . '.'.:,' ,J,';,',! "'), ,l! ~1 -c ~,>-. '. ~ ".. _ .... .~. ., '!--"'l-~ ~ J' '.' .... H~ - t: ):~J1'~~ltio.n W~g:~t~en:pr~sentr.edpraYi~ f,6r~,.,~.nn~atiori-'0f, c~~t~'in ~:e::pp,.:Ltor1,~' v'J.~~::-'"}'Je{J:,le,ge Court" Wel+',sJ}ly ~A~aJt~, :e:l;;c.;, ~d t,ne,~: >\,11n, .':. 'c.;':;,~c, u"': '(See P. 7.7 '.:rer <t611.tim,lation) " .~.+~~jg~~"." F.". J ". .w~..',,'~ )~~~;i~~:'1:3~'~': ,- ", ,.-:':-~'..' >J: . -= .L.1L.: UJ~1IlI_U!L.. .' , ",' ~ . ..... 1111 .IJ11I!1f-! --,--- , .-....... . ~ '. ~ f . - . '.' " . '." ""'/,::',? I ,_ :~,;..,J > " . - " ,.;.' . .~. I I , ,.~I~~ .~>~. ,',. " " ~ ~"::.,) . {. ~:- .o::'~. . , 'at O"~'. . ,\". ." .~ ~,'~' ~~i:': ,e' r::: ~..-' ',.; ... " ~; "~ :.'. ~ :'.r.... :1.';'?".... ~ ',;'. , ) y. ~;' t'~, :"'<.. 't",' ,~:, ; .-<' , , <r"j :,' ~.- "~^" .' ,.,Tt ~,,;,' .-~~."""'7~~-~~ Conth1ue,d from 'P. ,76. ','77 inhabitants t~ereof' ~ t,otl1e Cit:y--of West Uni~ersi ty Place, Texas., which petition was certified and presented to the council by the, ,Mayor forconsiclerationa,i'ld ac,tion by ordinance.. ' 'Motion by COlTJ.J:dssionerP,';: A. Lec.one, .Secondedby Commissioner " J. A. Walling that the rule, <if ~'y_,,\..requiring ordinances to be passed at- mOl'S than one meeting ,'~~ suspended and that the ordina.."'1ce be read three (3) times at this" :ting and take effect and be in force from '&."ld" after its paS'Sage ~_" ' . , ' Votin,g Aye: ?Coxnlnis~ioneFsWallin.~eckrone. Un<;mimously, carried. 1\TQ9NE VOTI:\\lG NO. - ' , l~ 'i'" . ',,' , , The todinanc.e ,was passed at each of Lee'cO~3e~ut1:.fzenre~dil'igs ~y motion, of'J:. A.' WalJj.ngCornmissioner and ,seconded by Commis:"" sioner P.A~.' Leck:t--ohe'" , N~ DNE VOTING NO. . .~ . The following bids were subm~ t;te<+^ by thy Ci ty Engi;ne~r"J:'.or certain imProvements en 1inithas:Ls as'per the Engineerxts 'tab1.11a"!:;.mJ'- '~epbrt cmfirle:with, the ~City Secr:etary'; viz:, , . , ScottShambaugh---"';Gulf Bituli t,hicCo-':.,.C. ,E. ,1Ior'tion..":',-Berry 'MJller a:p.'9, S~ith Bros, by lej;ter r~fus~d" t.o bid'~l,e'ss, wor]c"could " be delayed:'fpr 90 days,. ,noW therefor~,' , ",e".~ ; K/} ',1:);~ppe~~~gthat th~ttJi? .Qf]~C., K., R&r~,on }l?~ Ibw: . ,it wa~'m~ved ,,1qj'" Comm~ss~o:ner Wall~ng, secon.ded by GOI.llIlUs,sJ.on'er, Leckrq.ne, :thatthe 'bi_a; b;t\~t~";K. Ho~ton bes.,Gce ~~.:, ' " ' , ,: ',,','." Voti..ngAye : Commissioners Le ~rie and 'Walling. \. . NO ONE V.OT!l~G .NO. \'::~.. : " "..". .. ..... A resolution was then offeredori~lJ1gt.he" Mayor'. :t6:<haye con- tract prepared and ente,red iht ~ween the" City of 'We'stUniversi- ,t:rp~~,q~t (~,exas., anq<C .~'K:.\Hor:ton~~~se,q, upon s~.iq, cOD;tract bid for ce~~a~n ::unprove~i1eJflts therep.Jl ~;pec;I.j, J.-edj'l;-o 1:>,e made" dQn~ :-~,cl per-. f~i1ie4,:ln" the "Gi,t:y~ of., We s't' ' Uni ve,r ?+',tY:'l':::t;ace ;,' T exas<' ,: ,,' " ,,', ' " " Con1ttJ,i!il1ric;ner Walling:mbved that sa.id'reso.lhtion bea.GtOlited"@d P,~l?#~~~'"q:n,ly, secon9:~d by .cormnissiqneI' I.Je,ekro~e~ ," Vo' r 'A,.te~:, CO~1}is;~ibner~s'Wall~ng '~,L~ck;rone:'. ,',: ,...,~,' ' "~" ~.(f:.;,;,,:'r~y?;r.,:I-N:GfTO..' ,~~}-,>,ied:~ '~::::,,:'.. -~'" . ..:; , the;same.' by, t- .~ ~. .',. '",' . . pn:e:r,',Wall~ng . '~." , Attest:" ,', " . ~< l'r ~. . ~'l ,'~:' v,'\;i>h}~:r:t6:~;r{\ r, ,"".t'~:~}?~:~~'%'f;~-"'(, .' I' " J7'8 B A p)' 1 !=IT' 1'1f p. {.::d~ i 1'1 [l' f ~ Coundil Ch~aber---Citr Hall. City of West Uni versi ty Plac'e, Texas. Monday June 17th, 1929. Re'gu..lar meeting of the City Council convened on the above: date, wlth R. B.-Schlesinger, Mayor presiding and C0r~1~s~ , sion~rs J. A~ ~alling & P. A. Leckrere, SecretaryEr~n;':CUsh- man l.n atten\..,_a._~ce. ~, ' ,'" . .:. Minutes of May 20th end .T1me 10th ~~~ and by moti:on~~p(}nnnis- sioner Walling, duly seconde,d b~TCO~~~Sj_oner Lec~~iie_'!W~!e, app~oved as read. , ~ ~~ ~ '. ,'. , . ".: .' VotJ..ng Aye: ~:", ~ ' , CornmissiDners, Leckr'one & V,val1ing. ,\.,~ ~\ ,q,:~;: ro,,:, The following paid bilis were submitted by the S~cr.~t:ar.y~T0r ratification, viz: ' -,.:',"-~:(' Vo-check 1225, ---..;---Stokes :Garage, 'Re~airsMoID}d:9lr;; ';'~15.00 ,If U 1227, -------Oash Account FiTe Engine Rep};tirs;:'7,.50 If" 12'28, ---____ JaJ.l:i'tor Supplies, Cash Acct."..,' ':,:12.25' IVlotion made by Comr...'lissio;:,er Leckrone and du:,Lysec,ciriae,:d ,by Com- m;issionerWalling tha't the three pii~ bills as readh~ 'ra~t~' ified. \ ' ;, Voting Aye: jJomrnissioners Walling & Leckrorie. . : '-:',' ...<-/ .' > L""...:'-. .'-'.-~ . ", '-- "'. .;;~-:.....' :": '- \ :.' ( ". J Th~ Chair recog:.<'lized F;re Chief '~,'l:e~cal.f, whp'ros_e ,,~~jt~( ,~,~ ~., <d br~ef' report of thetr~p made by h1.wself an,dseveI?~J;' ce::v '~emhers of :the Fire .Liepar-tment to the Galvestion ^q:q~ ,~4, , '~~,'lJ.e previ-9U:.s week. ' ; \- " ;'~T':'~": - ,~ ~!'V- ., . ,...... r. ~~. of.fe~$c;1::'a ver;.,Y s~tisfactory report andbI::o';lgrt~''- '''o''nts\of."mater:~al ~n~ere€l~ t~;bo'!Jht:re C~)U,.~cll"., ~ent 'of wh~ch he ~s Chl'ef'. lIe also recornmened . ~~t;r~!X:::R~:1:~;b~t ~~!E~;~~2,N~~9 ed by Corimiissioner Walling that th~::.f:rreCb.,'., Galveston Convention be accepted ' 'd..that'h:r8":"~' to engage the services of G~orge~,b.:inSiQE:'~, $125.00 per month as Firema:n.' City , Texas.; be XS;v'orably'acted, upon and ')3.pI2oijited' 'R,'1:d' assignetl::to' the- dutie~ votJng: Aye: . , " ' ' .commissioners Walling & Leckrone,.' NO 'ONE VOTING NO. t~ ;, '~'{:D .:-,-.--oi , .' f,/~;~~~:- ~~'" ~' 'o<.i ~ -.~ ..' ~ .' ...'7.., . ,,~:,,",i; '~',,~ $0 ,. -~~._' ". !' ~', .. :!'->- I 1 1'1' ~ ,'",,- '~t~~<i> ',"''1 ~) ..:..:~", C:,-'" /~ - << ,., ,t,.- . . _~'o,.. ......;".. __ f_ '>>.~:~~~~~. ;'0;-....':<... , , (Hire,utes of .Tune 17th, 1929 Continu.ed..) '79~" , " " PRO'vEMENTE: WARRANTS OF' THECIT'y OF vVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 1'0 'pAY. FOB Tf'::E CITY'S P.AJ1T AND P01=tTION OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS, LEV:tIl:rG A,TAX ON THE TAX* ABLE ,PROPERTY IN "TEE' SAID CITY OF WES1' UNIVERSITY PLACE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING T:r-m PRINCIPAL~ANJ) IN~ TEREST OF A1~D ON SAID WARRANTSW1IEN.rAS SAME BECOMES. DUE AND PAYABI~ fllJD PROVIDING FOR Th~INITIAT~~NOF ' r" PAVING, CONSTRt:TCTION OF CURBS, GUTTERS AND S~EWAIJKS '" nr, ON AND ALONG CERTAIN STREETS IN, THE CIT~2.~lr , . ,~'WEST UNIVERSITY f1ACE . AND THE ISSUANCE OF P A ~iN CERTI:i. ~ ,'~l, FieA'fE8 'fO SAi1i ,60Ii'fRACTOR OF THE <;OS1: OF THE TI ON. \~ d OF SAID IMPROVEJ'lIEllT BORNE BY THE PROPERTY OWN 0 BE . ~ ~A$SESSED IN Acco;ft:DANCE WITH Tl~ FRonT FOOT R D PLA~r ,~.~Jf AUTRORIZIl{()- Mm ORDERIN,G THE CITY ENGINEER,"''' :aH.' RAF- ,~, 'S!' -'. J TY, TO PRE:p.'ll.Ff:E' AN ESTHIATED COST TO BE ASSESSE.AGAIl~S'r , UTTING PROPERTY ovmERS upol\f SAID 'FROJ1WT AND ~ INSTRUCTING : _:HE -;GITY SEC:RETAF{Y TO NOTIFY SAID PROPERTY OWNERS IN" 01-1, AND ALONG SAID PROJECT OF HEARING'UPON SPECIAL BENEFITS IN ApCORDANCEWITH-THE.GENERAL LAw OF THE ,STATE 'OF'~EXA$IN' I SUE:R . cASES iVIADE AND PROV:tDED A:!'m DECLARING All EMERGENCY. , Motiodmade by CommissiQner J.' A. Walling aJ;,ld",du~y~ seconded' oy- , ?ommissioner P. A. Leckrone ~h~t, t~e orainan.?e a~..read, confirm-' c ' ~ng the contract between the C~ty 9f West :Un~v~s~ty Place an~ ~ Char les Ke- Horton ;I:nc." be pas s ed~ and's;d'6pted. Voting Aye:' r Commissioners Leckrone. & Walling. " " NO ONE VOTING-NO., Carried. '- ", 'Ie , 'J.~ ,The.re being no further business before the council, bn motion Commis?,~p.€>1," Walling sec(:mded by .Qommissioner ,~ckrone, the' meeting 'was declared adjOlJrned.. ~.,:{:,,, 1T0ti~gAye.)t:ommis'sioners, , ~\':''', " WaJ!,llng & Leckrone. ' ... V. ,:, "" I ",en ' ;', ..~" ~4<;, ,,<:.~ , '":\ Approved, y, , '_:.J- .. -" I , . Attest~ /' . " ... , l : ~~~"~c".W?~'''' . ..". ~, .~" ~ . .,,.~~. o!'- <:":'.' ~--; . .,~,,~ ~ ~. D '~ V\'Y"\ :. , '),:..,~ .... '. Special Meeti!;.8.. ' ., CODnCll ChamberT--Clt~ Ha~l. June 20th. 1929~ City of West~U?i~:~itY lace. Texas. . Spe~ial meeting of t~1~itY CQuncil w~s calle.d and convened at 8.P.' N. on the' abQ?t\~ate, ,!15resided oVyr hyMayoI> rl;;,"BQ'ilSdhlesil1ger, with Commissi~~ J ~ A. Walling and City Secretary El"win Cushman in atten~~. Mr. P. ~:. Leckrone, Com- missione:r. absent acco'L1i1t out of the 'Cd.ty., ~ . 01 . , t Petitilt>no'was 'presented8..."ld read for the annexation of c~rtain new , territory fully supported by affidavi tand'thet Mayor 6:ertified the , petition anq.'~application to the' ~OYI1C,il. " , , ' .' " '~~.. ,,)... ,..' t', ~ ,,' , ~I~\ ,*RJ+, 4Hlt'@.~~p,~1l~4. ~~;,~~~;P~ ("G)~,q.~~~.t:~~ ",a~~~ ,,_<<,0:,,: ""', ~'x:u!/ " 'r:'tti~f':tgr"'~t~r,"'-;)iles'e"~ed~~i;l-";+"i't,c,,. " .. ..p"",,:-~e, ..,&-:.~ ,"', , .. .,.;t."';H.."..."}I,'~c'" ..~~,.~,.,',(:,~,.f8 , ~it s ( air:1Ittolilie.w.8rt6{v.~j' ''illo!~;Jjl!la~dt\11rt.~f~:t" ... ":' ~ '<".'ii'-'.S~~e~"wr~~~ . ..'i"tiiIl . ,~ ' ." d~~? .:"~~~~tj ;~~~~ t~~ ~,~~ ,a~h-; ,~'" :~'_:'-;:~l',f~:,{,~tti~i~1,'~"e r,_'., c;,... ..,~c':d..r~l<>d (f"~d6~'t'"a.''li''' th" f " ''''rn~-''-'-'u'''"'":'~'C.<.,aF!f!!''''~- ,.. -'- '!)Trts~:!~~~~::~t;:: ""~:~1.:~1~~\~i:~~2'~;}~,O"~~dd~ . , . er\ltJ..on of furtbAr bUSlne"'s" We "" "~:"":c.'<' ,- ,-- .. J ,,~.Q;: ," ',' ~f:/ ~~~ ' \' ,\' : ',,: :1~':~~~~f~t~~,.', ' COUJlcil Chamoer~l.;,City,;gall. ~i,:: .., ;'",' ."'::'iJ:l~::;J~:;:,;;;,'~> JuYle 2l.st~ 192'9.> ~' . ...' "' -,-. ~ .~~----Menif>~@r-s. -sf tJa-@r-~w. -CGu..:t1oi-l~ I!.econ-~d~~at-,- -8 .-.p~._~__: 'date ,pursuant :to rec(3$ smee,t:Lng oi',the 20t];i,o,ay,; ',with the followi..ng in attendance, vi-z .",,/ ,:' , . ',.. ' : Ma~Tor H,. B. Schlesinger, C0I1111lission~f:!3 ':J., A),;Wal,:l..:~ Leckrone andEerwil1Cusl1m:an, 'C~ ty Se'cre tary.:..,' ;:/ [, ~ " 'Secretaryread\ the proceedings, of thf;3 recess me$.;t ;20th;' 1929 for the benefit of Commi~.sioner P . A.:' ,,;'who concu.r~'ed in all' of the..ac:tiQ!l taken P:rth' "" of" the COU1;}.~iJ. and, who moved. that ,said aq Q:J1l 1Vlpi3i:<?i1.seC9r:a;~cl l:>:rcorrin1iSSiO~,: r J. A.Wa.l.,~H",'..'...""." , i'olloWlIlg Vot:fP, Vl~:. ~', ' '.iL' Ayes Comrnissioner, Walling ac"'td':,~n1lliissioner , .NP' ONE VOT:ING NO. ,.' ,,' . , '. " ' ': ","''''- :.'" .~_.__._- , , Q .:~O '0' - ' ' '. ,'< .~-". (. -.",. . .':." .t'," c~,;; _ ,. :.- ,'.---> ......: .$t . ~"i..,:, 11 ~' I ~ ~ o ~ . rf ,..... , C). , t< ,< ' (). ' ;~. ,;., J . :O:,}~'r' ....:.:. ';1 .,~, .~', , -~~~..,r~~-~.-.,-.,.".......,..~f'!!"',?'-~"""""'~' . .~ .- :-.~~: ' :0~/:'<>~~'~ ! ~' (J\i~<: 11":17 f r A'; ! SPECIAL MEETING. C01Jl'WIL CH.l\lffiER ...-CIrry 'HALI). ,51J11A 9.17+:11 1 O?O I Q1TY OF VtlESTUNIVERSITY PLf.\C"F.J TEXAS. 4/~ f<' . )0.' ~ Called meeting of thB .CityCo~~cil convened en the above date at the hour of 8 P ~ I>il. pr,e'sided _over by Mayor' H. B. Schlesinger and wi thJ. A. Walting a!ld:P. A~, Itecl{r,one COfnmissioners and - Erw~n Cushman, Secretary:j;n attendance. . j , Mir;.utes of recess me~ti~'g"June20th, 'and con.~:i1kuation on .Tune 21st read and by motJ.on. made and duly secon~\d~twere approved as..' read. ' ~w V:o,ti!}g p;ye: r. q ~ Comnassloners Walllng & Leckrone.' ~~)i j NO ,mUll, VOTING NO. " , ., J',j, 1 " , Engin~er J ..i, H. Rafferty submitted,f,inal approva[ covering imprbve- ,merits by Scott Sht?Il1haugh 'on unit., being. ' HARV,ARDStreet (Now called SUNSET Blvd') from a ,point, 250 ft.w~st , of> the \vest; line of Te:r,.!}.essee street to t~:e w~st line of' B~$~<f ,Spe~dwa.y, 'designated' as unit, 1\f<;>_ 20.' " " " .. "',~ , ; ,; RecoI11thending the: acceptance .of this street as eomplete5.ac'cording , . toContrac:t,. ' ~, " ,,;,< "~ . +h~ (ol:OWing o,~inanc~ was then introo.uced bYGO~~SS~8ner' i, , Wa,llJ.ng.. \\ - ,'- , e~;:4 , , " v" :AN ORDIT;i(1\NGE, J\YPROVING CITY ENGINEER tS.WV' ECTED, ,> , " FT1\fAL STt4.TEMENT SUBM;I:T,'rED WITH, LETTft:R :EJ ~ J1JNE 25TlI .' " ," ,19$9~' ~SROWING THE PERSONS" FIRMS, 'CORl? _ ons AND ESTAPES OWNING p;aOPF..RTY ABUTTING upon'T' ". -TIONS . OF, HA.T{VARD STR-EET (nolt' .called suri'se,t Blvd) .,G1rATE~;AS UNIT ':"~NO. 2!t" IMPROVED d'UNpER AND -:~y VI~TUE' OF'A'l'ITRACTBY , :,; AND BmlfifEEN q:'HE CITY OF WEST ,UNIVERSITY PI;ACE,TEJ[~. ,,'; ,MTD SCOTT SHAT\1BiA GH~ OF DATE THE 4th DAY OF DECEMBER' , " : ,~9qa ~_j V~?:lI DESC IPTION ,9F . SAID ,PJ:{OPER~Y, ''J;':tI.~ NUIv1BER' .' -:~OF',m:{ONT'FEET 0, ED BY EAOi~AND T~E COSTPER','FRONT FOOT-; . W!'J!H ANALYSES OF RATE AND' SHOWnm ,THE FfOTAL,AM OUNTS ETC." ," 'ADO'PTING THE WORK DF- BALD SCOTT SHA~lIBAUGHI1f 'IMPROVING SAIDUNIT,'I;f:r AccOft"'D.lm-tE"WITH HIS CONTRit'r WITH TiIE CITY:'" ;,\ . ,," ,,~' ",'AD9pr:rING THE. FORM ,OF PAVING CERTIFICATE' "TO 'BE USEDIN"i!~: ,'.. ,', ,-- ,EVIDENCING THE ASSESSMENTS IN FAVOR, O~; -'3COTT SHAMBAUG:(? )'%i~ \~,\_ ;::~,,:'~,'ANP)tPTHbRIZIN'G THE J:~sDANCE 011' PAVINa.~QJ:RTIFICATE$~'.)~,(",,; -t:~i~1~~~'~t~~:~iri~ce was '~~i;imOUSIY carried\~l t~e" fOll'Q~:g.<t ing;:'vote: , ~. ' '~h '1" ",.'. ;'^' , ,{,;, .AWes., CQ'mmissioner's Lyc~one, &'IN.aJ:~ng.-, ,..~,", __ . ,., < ' ~:;, " ,NO Q1IJ!l~,VOTING NO. . " ., , " " . , ,<'c:':~:~'~;' : .~:' " , :,;' ;' . c " A::-t~W:u~, ffud'accu.r'i1:te statement of the, earnings and'expe:ns~s::\ ',:4\'o~~-ct~oB~~:tllthe 1"{~ ter , Depar.;trrien~ as of \ Jurie ,12tn,;:,;: ",,1 ',:;,wiJQ.g;,anetrevenu~e a.~ of' ~hat dat~ of ~~41B..3ffi<r. ,c,~~) :;l:,-e(~,:;t.o: Ji>1Mr.0. ,F. Milledge., C:,' P..::, A., ',' '~"~ " ,', ,\, , ' ,..""rl made', 'QY:, ;GommisE;ioner Leckroll53' ,and' duly' :~nded:';by'" ~'l(i~JJ~E~i~;:;tf:::::~~ Pe. acoepted. . . . .u{ \i' .. p;. .,~\ ~''fr~ :3 Wi, ~\y U,~ y ~~" -<' ~" , >,,~). :~.l,~ " ., -. . . '" ' . "-. Ill. , . ',,!\; ~ ~~.~'?';.~- .~.~>?~~~.~.~.~ ~," ,,_." -. ,l ~J~ ), - ,~ ! , , " . ~ ~. '," " ',<:,,, " , " ~ ~ <, ,l ~"', +' " . , .'.',,: ....". ! ."""'. . i:.:~. :- " ......,;'t., . ~"> + .. .-', ':! ',.., ",'., .' ....~.~~ , , " "--'.~ ~ g<~~. . . ., 'AN ol:'lifr:f.TAi.'JcE ij:fOPROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE BY THE- CITY OF 'VtiEST ~IVERSITY 'PLACE~ TEXAS.; 'IN THE COUNTY OF HAR- ,:RIS. OF /ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND $100,000.00 DOLY.JillS OF WATERWQIH(SREVENUE BO:NTIS TO PROVIDE FOR THE IJiIPROVE- MENT) -BE:PTER1'OO1"l' AND EXTENSIO:N OF THE MUHIGIPA;:LWATER '..PL.~NT AND SYSTEM OF THE ({ITY'OF \"JESlJ:1 UNIVERS,:!:TY,J?tAEE, TEXAS, PRES9RIBI1JG THE FORIE OF SAm VJATERWORKS1iEVE~ Ntm BONDS AfJb PROVIDING FOR THE PAY]a~NT O~ PEINQIPAL AND' INT;ERESTT1I$REOF, BY ~EDGING AND 'SJm:~TI,NQ,,; AS;:[j~E A SUFFICIENT P.JlOUNT OF THE~ECEIPTS AND ,REVENUES DERIV- ED FRm,1 SAID WATER WORK,~ANT AND SYSTEM TO, ~ii"THE '~ PRTl'JCIPAL AND INTEREST 'A ~AID '~IATERWORKS 'RE~'l~ , l~ BONDS 'VIJHEN AS SAHE BEcm.'~ ~ AHD BAYAB~" ANDr, DECLAR- ~;"..}AN EMERGENc;l. ' '~,~ ' ., ~ ' "'..-.. ' ,,~~tJi:~()p~ed, P:,"s s~d and carried by~h.f.. fOtlow~n~ V0,t~1' "~_',' , , %,1IiES.: CommlSSJ..~ners J'. A,. Wal.:!-J.I.lLg ~.d"P. .f>.,. :Le(}~,1?9il!e .," ' " ~~';~r~ ONE VOTING 'NO. " " ,\." \ . '" " , , ... ,;" '. . The propos:ttion of making sonJe, prov:i,sion ..for, car'~g::, ,.' tb,.e ' , sewer lift situatea. 01"/ Hawthorne Ave., 1L'140peratiDg)~ , ~'s'atlle ' was 'Choroughly dj.sCl;tSsed a'dd the following moti,on,:vt~s,~':o,f~er- . eB. ' vJ..' Z · " . .., '".' :", .. ,,<< " , " " ' ", '", , i 'e,',', ' M?ti~n made by Cormll~ss~o~;~y)Nal~ing and duly se:q,~&i~~,,?yCom- mJ..ssJ.onerl ~e_ckrone l1haL M:f}. "SwB.J.nbe employed atc,,,~~~EJO :pe=!? day straight, time to 'operat~ the swwer lift on 'Ha:w'tncarhe': ~treet ,ef'fective Saturday J\me 2Qi;;h, ,1929:and t1l8t the:,d:ht{ EngJilneer'in'g; Dep~rtmen.t supervise tTlle wor~). ' ,;.." ,Carried by, the following vot.e,: .. . ',": " " AYES: COID~lssioners LeclT~e '&'Walling. ~ NO"ONE VOTINg NO; , ~.. .. ", ,t~ :'Tnere being no further bu ' ~s befo're:the meet .' Motioh ~qnni1iss loner ~ec:VJ'o..' 'Iy sedn::td~~d by", cd .. ,;, ,,'Wal,~ing~ the same ,vhs dec,la ','\ 1;>y th~ 'M~yor .a,djo;~"" 'H' t' AYE" \< '~ .. , ',' ,'v 0 J.i1g, ,..."....', " , ' c~ \, " . C0~~iss~o:QeJ:'s' vv.allin~ '~LeckrOl).~ ' _ '-, ^ ,.,t~. .J .' : ~ t . + , , ,. . I .' ,:: :;::: App;rovedi,' . ~> . 1 I~ " , ' , , , 'I, Attest;, / : f::l ~ -:.~ !'. ~. . ()- ...:./,,'-i "0 ,J .' .,~ o ..# . " ~:; Leck:rone i I r II ~ "- \.) 'r'J !t' ..,.- ..... ()' .'":) A, '. ~."?-:?.. ,l CJ" ~.,r. o " "~'~~"""_k''''''~'---:~_~__,___",,,,,"~~''''~~'''''''''''''''~. . . '~':"~')~."''''f'~:;;;:~~,?':-l'...~}~ . - , . '- '~a'"'~''-''''' . ''-'- '. . '""~~. i:'!., ~~.. :.~~,.\ , , ," t!Pp( " Re~lar Meetin~. 3u~v 1st. 1929. .coUJ:lcil Chamber-City Hall City of West University Place, Texas. . ~l- The council cohvened at< 8 P. 1\11., on the foregoing date with Mayor Schlesiinger p;::>ssidingm'ld Cor:.nmissj.dners Walling, Leckrone and Seer~:tary eusbman in,attendance. . Reading of minutes dispensed with. . ",~ ' :eet:1.t1On -:'fo;r :-)annexa~1bn:: 'af<"e~:r.ta1'n:'terr.i tO~3-'suported;* o_;a.ff,~ga.vi t &'aertiflted.r'~:c'~:y.?Ma~or;;.~JbeS:~!i~edo&::>reil~.l;f)r~'Ying fC}'ji" ,~ention_,. . " of to . .~ing~ v1z:f)istrJ.ct.-l:Y:lng 1mmedJ.a tely north .t:~b,Etnor~h CJ.ty :t~~1.. ." ';:fitf'"\'f:. ~;~,~:~:tfxj: , .:e~~d~g':;~o~th::;~,~,:L tltt~:~ ' ~~,1:~i,~y,';t.9' the s~utl1G)f' 'W~,~t:-;A1;Jb;un~v;,ltr,eEtt~~~~d.";-e:ti~ena1mg;e..tt;"lfp~m. " lG. eiI~(:&.-S:. A. 1b -:J" . t" .c.4t'~'th'''' J;;,p-.,i...1...t......., "'2'....:......i..... '-1..1"'""'" ,~?;..p'4-:h' 'A.Qt~.. .....t ' .ay':.:rti!.th r:afow~"Yt::....o:f, ~ wes~tl>S~4l\;~ a:.:Ilm us..;~ '.L:.I!3<,eco.l- '",loA es '. ':,.w;.c..~Q!g<s on , , ~~~:;~~~;;~S~~t1~~~~!~~~;;;~~~n~~~;.~~~~'~d~;~d~~~;~;~0;,:;~t~-t:;' " ,:., ,':/~ . - < ';'Mr "OiUXtNANOER~OEl'iING AND ANnxIN~ -CERTAINllmui~~y , .,,? .. A~V mDJfABI"AN~S'1!HEREOFTO THE cin OlF WEST'UlmIVER- ",~,~ ,".In PLACE, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING-THAT, HENGEF()RTH S1JGH '7";"~;~ "., "TERRITORY AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL'BE ENTITLED ';,i:, >~'." TO ALL -THE RIGIiTS" AND PRIV;ILEGES OF SUC~'CI}rIZENS'AND ,'. -,\ ~ BOUND. BY THE ;ACTS AND ORDINAWCES OF SAI~GITYANDDEFIN~ \;,t" 'f..' ing, the !llmits of the eity~ ~f West Uni}ft.~pi ty P,la~e" ' G Texa~, INCLUDING TIlliREINTHE TERRITORY~ntEWITH ANNEXED AN'D DECLA~I)\JG AN -EMERGENCY. '" ~ ~, ,.' " ocJIIIa:bi'6n:."made ,by ,Col11!ilissioner Leckrone and duly .selP~ed by Com- ' .::'~,):Ui:ss~oner Walll:ng.that the ordina.:nce ,a:n:ne2l;ing th\t~ ~rri tory above set forth. be adopted and p'~ssed and was' unan~ously car~ :r>i0~t>;Y;T~p..efo).10Viling vote; , ", , !' AYES t~~o~lssion~rs Walling & L'eckr6ne. . ' , JlTQ.~~, ONE/ \TOTING :NO. .,' '..,. -'r",: ')" " Engineer Rafferty presented to,;;"the Council aff~davit from'Berry, ~, '. ~lIi,ller of, :Mi,ller & :Miller, .setting forth the ..fact that as con- triac"t~l"s" .they had delivere~., spread .and mainta.ined 51, 271.06 ,~~Qy,:arcl:s Qfmud _she,ll' on ,the streei,isof the City of West ,Uni- v~n~t'Y:;'fel?-,%i€f,Texas .', and have.recei'ved' payment f,ortb.e same ~ 'from, s.e.id.,:G~f1;Y.,' , ' , ' , ",' - , The ,City Ertg;ti1.eep further advised the Council th!1 the Oyster Oom- omission of:bhe ,Bta.te of Texa~ ~, was indebted to -~tfy City ,in the nature of a'ref1L"1d on a ba'sis :01' 51 per CUbiC~Jrijod.and that clai~ had been made'by'his department against s~~yster C~mmis- ~~pn~~: :tpe_ State of TeX:as for a ref1.m.d as aforeW\-. e' , , ~ :EV01+Q · gBiils' approved for payment:- \ ,< 41 ,Scmt ern Hell Tel Co 0' .55 rJ Krenz~-~ ros Service Station 6.97 ' "fl"'< ..1" tI tt 20.49 :. '~,~;.s~~r;:~~o~u~~~s cg~. ~ F~ash Lights 7~::~~ , :R~bert:L t s.l1.c1Ir age , ') '~i~.;OO '=:~~~:::~~~~i;W':=:c".~:6:=:.:"..,~~f=~~ ,', ~lJe.tj;.tlgc w~ "ded"1a~,e(l, .dijG~11l~4.,.,'tI\)~~liig ~-~>>~ OC:' VI! ,:',';\;. >' - ',' ,'" ',' " e," , , >)~1?~@~:t;~t" ",,.<" '" / ~ \ _ ~"1 ,] ,. ~ ,--'-':-~};'.;:: ":<',"-,',-".:y- I r: ~~-:-III:"I~~I~rTT;; ,M '~~4' ~~ '~' ,tV \\ '~. '\, ReW1la:r' M~etiTlg_ _ . Council, Charilb.er--Citv..Hall JUly 8th, 1929,. City of West Univers1X1Place~Texas. , , Regular meeting date with Ma.y~r J'. A. Walling & , dance. ' Minutes' ,of June .27th June" 1929 read ~ by motion' Cozmnis)sion- ' ' .all~ng duly seconded by GOmm1SSiOne~~1!i'Ckrdne the sa,me ~e~e ~ de~l~~dapproveQ. as read.,af'ter: 'the - rti.6n ot- tl)m~1I~i:res91uti~n. . Voting Aye:. '^', ~-,', ,qJ. - , " ' , 'CQmilassioners Leclaione &; Wallin;g." (~}(o~ ~" ',',;, " ' ~:a~fmn:~':::fn~o ~h~~o=;g;i~ .L~~!tit:l:n*had , be~~: eonverted.j,nto tund1ngwarr.a[]..~s., Sa1ciitems ofis'c;riJj>,' -~having been cancelled by m.utilation cif the sign:atures,. ~~~1i-;- I. . , _ ~ '.... .~... _ .::~" ;l;ion made by eommis~ionerWal1ing and dUly, second4d by ,GQ~is- , ,". ,.-~r Leckrone that the mutilated scripbe,turnsd over ~pthe ' "Sec're~aryfor 1'in~l 'dis,po,sj.tiori: (' "-:.j: v;.~\~ A.ye- " " " , Cofumi3Jio1'.lerS Leckrone, & Walling. ~' of the City co~cil convened ontp.eabbv:e , H.B. Schlesinger presiding an~ Co~is~9~ers p ..A ~ Leckrone, secretary CUshman,' in '~:tten~, ,0 . . The- f''Pllowing~,esp~ution was then1n.1roduc,~dby ,c:ompl:i;sf!i~I1.er:'p , A. -:Leckr>on~ in.connectiGn with the B~an Wate~Works$];@,@,,0o.Q.OO ~on.d ,.issue, and, de,ed of :indenture, v~~~ - 'c.' ':', '.-" Resol;ution author,izing delivery to ;~e:}c. A.' B~YJan C~r:m~rat..i:on with motion that $25~OQO.go af the i~~ be ~eli,v~~,ed;E\~G; ,', " ' , said corporation. (~\':.~ . ",.' ,'. ., Vot'ing Aye: , 1~} ~ ",' ',' . "eommissi,(ni.er~ Walling.'.&: J.ieckr,one. '.J).' '"..' 'l:, , 4(0 ,ONE, V:O.T:J:NB "NO. . ' ' . , . ";~"" '~' ~/~ .0.... ~ ' ... . t . '.. -. ,. -:..., :- ,J'- .t. :"'1~~C\,..':.:-., "..:.;." There bei'1J,g 'no ,further: busine,s'8,:be.f~e ,the ~~:t:LP;$ ::On;:It~;Op~~imf,~ Connni ss1(ot.ret> Wall1.ngdu1y,.seeonded:by 'Cqmm~n~i::o:q~;:neQl$tOi:ree:':~:'.;-,:: the same was; declared a.d.j our.d. " , . .:'.,' '~\,j~)):/\i1 ' ',:./(:' v:o,t~ng ,A:ye:. 'iGommissi9ners_WaI:l;~g ~ Leckr.0tle~~~ ',' '...~', .,": '~< "',.-, ,~""",.,~".,,_~,r ~,~';~ "'\Ve,d, ,;X,:i, _.~,., ,p,;', ; , ~"At,'tes:t", .", .'", i. . "'>. . '.:' . . ';j~ '). . . ;;v. -.~ _'. ,'" . ~ t:: :0 . : ..' \. ~ >t!: '.-~,' . ,,\~:(.!, y , . :. '. , :-".,"-p; ;- .. ~< ..-.', <~,' ,~', 1. . -. " , , , " ..' ' . c '... ,'. _~ ~ ' 'I ~~ 7. ,"~.j"~l;~Z){;:.:).~: -- , ~, :~. 0' " .. ' "; '''f- , .oJ' <. ..-5 1 I, r >..': - _r,_. ''';>. . . ~ ~ . ,:' ( '.- r .t , ,; .'~, . ~ .:. 'J ,\.':~~, ':" t;C, - .. .......""'...> > ~ .~l):. ..":' .~ ~..D :7~fj '. .'" "'1 .. . 'r.' . ~ '. '.. :- ,>' i:. .~. ': -...: ,. '"7" - .--:~ '. , \. ,.... u'" " ... j~' .' ",,-'.' ,""~~~."_"., ' ' ,Iii '. "WTI f' 1111 r - I I' I ~ ~ \) "r) / !!t' ~ ~/' :(") of o o uf-I/ ( Special' Meetih~ July 12th.. 1929. /,., ; i , Qouncil Ohamber, CJ. ty Hall' f City West University Place, Texas. :;N Called meeting of the City Council convened on i;he above date ~ith Commissioner,s L~ekrone & Walling~d Secretary Cushman 11'1 a ttenda.nc'e~ Presided over 'by, Mayor H., B .~chlesfng~;t'. " ' pe~f~1~ ,.& o~t?l~a\J:~~~~e~tlf'~~ef}o;y~~il~~t~t~e "f!tf~zi~!~' ;~-_ fi~D1',i2~"'et','.tl\&';'fE)J..JtJt!il~ ~rj1!{;oPlewa.s",p':j?e$'emt~y:,a1!~, *,,~a~-' v1z; A.11 '0fJ;r:tbcbe~~pp52t~:pf ~it~~lr!$,es:6*-mrE~~~:N~. ;O!tif,J;&t;$?" lEt / ]}.~(J();rVf..e,~~~lT-'- ~ ,\fij't CtJifiH~S'!,tit01!l!l~~fj;;; '.!'s-., t~ t.l~aq~ ' _~&1~.rc::CWel'1meflik~*-P'~Ii~,li'n~0ijis11(1jrorii;Z~b.e ,G" E~.&SA,' '~,~ : .right C'. ~~" O:~i::~~:~t~ED~~~c~1tH~ol:\'ll~ 'li{pe'1&iEl~i:GCmTi!~~, ',~;",mtt~xJt)i. , , 'ANi) TIm IlmABITANTSTHEREOF TO THE CITY OF : WEST UN); " Y PLACE TEXAS.,' AND PROVIDING THAT 'HENCEFORTH SUCH TERRITORY' lIE r , 'INHABITANTS 'THEREOF, SHALL BE: ENTITLED lfpALt ~HE RI>, ,,'SlA~, ' " PRl:.VJLEGES. OF, SUCH CITIZENS AND BOUND. BY THE AGTS.A'ND ORLlNA.:lf- , C;reg ~:OF SAID C:t~y 'AND DEFINING THE LIMIT,S OF THE CI'l'Y&>>: WIs'lr "'\lNIVmgI~,PUCE,~ 'fEnS ."nCLUDIN~~IN THE TERRITORY:'HERE- , ~'" WErfH 'AlmEXEDAND DECllARING:AlN ErfIIERGENC'Y.,;:'<':" . .~ ~'E ~~: ':'. ,... ,': ' '..... "-'. . ' '. ," ......'/ ,.~ . Mo.tion made by' CommisSioner J. A. Wulj;~g, and, d.ul:jT, s~e'~:rided < .'Q:Y COmmissioner P. A. Lecln'one tha'tthe,~0rdinanee anne~d.~g ,,' ~!'t eep'ta.'~ t'~zo;i-;j.~Q,ry)~e..scr1bed ~by the, foregoing ordmanee- ~i;l. field notes .emd','the same is he~eby adopted'and the, 'etPtory :mnexe<i. 'd, ':,' ." " ;,' . " ' ',;'. ' 'An:', , jt;oners Ld.ekr,one &: Walling. .. ','OTING N'O.,;.o; '.: " ..,'''' \ '~~;'~..._-..-:'.~, -.... '. / ,,'. i{Gr~io~'~;~~~bY Cc)inm1ssi;{)ner Le,ckrone snd_ duly seconded. by Com- 'missioner Walling ~l1at n<?ticeorder1nghe~ing on,~he p~ving, 'autlftoriz~ by ordinance minute&! o:f June 'l'l~ '19~~,:under 'eon.. tract w~~h. C. K. HorteR b~lc'l}$ttor ~J'Qly' ~~.19g9'.' .. . , J , ,) " .. .' ,Vot-ingAye: < _ ,e: ' '~ Commis;s.ione;rs .Leckrone & Wa;~ling.' ;;~ 'd NO ONE ,VOTING WO. " , ' ~ ~h.e,~"e,J,';e1ng not'urther ~.~fr1ness on motion dul\\'icond6d the ,mee,Jug wa.s declared ad>Journed. ,,'tJ, . -Voting Aye: ' ' , / , ' ,'G~iss 1eners Walling ,8!: Leckrone- / . ~ /A]l~eci. .~, - >".~ ~.' Attest:-- Gfty ,sect..,. , '/1 .: A " '. , '," "1fT . 'r 1 rl1iP'" I i":W1;~ ' , ' ,(~?,., "~ ," ."; , . '. -"'~' i 11 .!! ....SG. . y:' ".-"; IS ~. t~\ t1~ , ,,,.... \,.' ' ~/: ,0' '11 " r~/' July 15~h, '1929. Council C~~mber-C1ty Hall. ~,/ r0~ ' ,,\4\ '\ \ a~ty of West Univers~ty Place, Texas. Regula;t' meeting of thetiouneil convened at e P. M.' on ~he,ab'ove date with H. B. SchlesInger, Mayor, presiding and Commissioners .!. A. Walling 'Be 11. A. Leckr,orie'J"Sec~e.tary Erwin Cushman J.n, ~tten- ance. , ' "~' " , . .. . . . . . . 'iIinute's of', ;fll;lylst, JulyBth andJ~:wAl2th were. read,py' the Sere- O~ary and approved by the cPUllcl1 with~'~ertain, .coTrectf9ii,s a:n,d ",a:dditi'Ons, ',to th~ desc~iptioriot anrie~~err1tory 'appe.ar~~ in- , :'Qp.e trdnutespf July 1st ~d July 12t~~ <.J " ' " ~=~~~t~~;'s W~lling &: 'Leckrone~ ; ,~\\ ",'. ," , :NO. ONE VO~ING NO. t} i. 'A gen.eral'discussion of ridding :the City ~P'weeds whie~:b.S.ve grcwn ~apicUy account of the rainy sea.s'on was enteredintQf-;r,-.ee17 ':r.e., su-l.ting in the matter .beingreterred tto ,t~b Street & Br~dge;;q~m-" miss1.oner ,for his reeoD1lIlen~tion as to the most advisable pLan,:' by'"hi,c~ ,theinco1i;,!~enien~ce might be remedied. "'.{e':' ~. ~. , - . .' . - . . Th,r,ebeing noflU'ther business before .the b~dy on moti9,~' '~14i ~~c- onded the same was declared by the'Mayor adJourned. ',;' ",: Voting, AYE. ,'i,'< ';"'f CommissionersLec~one and Walling. 'Y. -' " ~ , , A,pproved ... :\1" - ~a ...~ , ~~~ 'J:., . , .", :..., ~.} ;.:'.:-.,.;: '-- >,;j ~~ii~st: ~ '~<;:~_~'r~c~:',.; 1 '. ":.f; ';'~ ~.., ::f ,~: G<:~ '. ~:);' . . ;..~~) ~ ~ ,.;", ,-' ~ . _,' 1 . : :j. "U.<:J ;j- ..~. ;.' :" . "-",,,.,.'- -.' f ~ .:, .J \ ' ,.." '1:: . - .-=' ~T" "'11""" I . ~ ' <" 1 "IrT r ~- o /' CJ' , "~C) ''':'!n , 1 "r ~ :t.. \.) lo(j ~ ~ ('~ p, . '''-___. ,1 0', ~ ' ..,;.r: ,.-.-r ":~,~~-"\ ~. -:..~~ , '" . July 29th, 1929. ,8'7 , tfi.ilA 0\"(/'14 ~~I' Council Chamber~City Hall. City of West University Place. Texas. ,., :;-:\~..~. . Regula.:r meeting of the City Council c-oIivedned at 8 P. M. on the above ,date with Mayor H. B. Schlesinger presidi!lg and Commission- erS J~ A. Walling and P. A. Leckrone and Secretary Erwin Cushman. in, ~ttendanee. , . '$,' , . ~lJ~ ,lliinu;tes of, meeting held July 1(th, 1929 were r~':a and b~ mo- ' t:Lonmade by Commissioner,Walling and duly seconde~tD Conmussion- ~r. ~eckron"were approved, a.. read, . \,:,:\ \ , Vo:ting AYE:' ~ i fJommissioners Leckrone"~ ,~a1'1ing. \,,}, ,\ _~ r, :~~/ ifol1ow1ng' ordinance Numbered 35 was pr:es~nted ~a read as ,(~16WS: AN ORDINANCE'REGULATING THE' INSTALLATION OF SEWERS ',~~' ,PLUMBING ETC., REPEALING ALL ORDINANOES OR PARTS OF , - ~ 1:' ' ORDINANCES~N CONFLICT HEREWITH AND }?ROVIDING 'rEAT SAME . l;} ~~TA1m EFFECT IMMEDIATELY, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE a.VIOLATION HEREOF., I ' , .... :M<>.ti'0n'madeby Commissioner Walling and dulY seconded by' C,omInis sion-- C Leclironethat the foreg~g orqinailce appearing,,!!;b<.\te in caption be , 'adopted and passed. " . . -,,' , .. , ~':~1 Voting Aye: ~t) Commissioners, Leckrone Be Walling. ., ~ Noone voting no. ' ,'\.:a The-'t'O,i1:owJ.ng ordinanye' numbered 36 ~as presented o~a read as . fo:tlows:' ~ ..",. , . :j,W oRDINANCE PROHIBITmG-~::THE KEEPING OF DI'60RDERLY HOuS4l ' ES AND' BAWDY HOUS:!5S WI~~ING THE 'f~ITdT:tAL :LIlWrS OF . ,THE CITY OF WEST 'UNlVEl{SIfi PLA-CE; . DEFINING WHAT eON- STITUTES A DISORDERLY HOUSE AND BAWDY HOUSE; PROVIDING FOR PENALT:P:S FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; ,'PROV- IDING WB:ENTIlIS ORDINANCE- SHALL TAKE' WFECT. ~ '-';: "" ~ ~-: ..... . I~' , ,',', , ' ~' Motion made by Commissioner Leckrone and duly seconaedby Commission- , ep.,W"\1,~g that the foregoing ordince appearilig ~\f-"e in. c's.ption 'be .dGpt~d, and passed., 1\ ~ vot:t.ng.Aye: ~ ~ . , C~n;mji,s'~ic)Iiers' Walling & Lec!q:ione. ~t~ ~ $0 on~V'oting no. u.;,) , , . . The f '~,'.:r,wing ordinance Numbered 37 was presented an,d ~ead ,as ' folIo ' " , . :;'3 , ,',,~ AN ORDINANCE DECLARING WEEDS AND GRA~.i' UPON ANY LOT' OR PARCEL OF GROUND OR:PREMISE8 WIT~.THE TERRITO- ,;? ~~,RIAL LIP!iIT'S OF THE:.CITY'Of: WEST UNI ,,~Ifi PLACE A {:} NUISANCE; MAKING IT THE DUTY OF THE, AGENT, , ,TENANT AND OCCUPANT THEREOF, TO 'KEEP FREE OF WEEDS ,'. ' AND GRAf?Sl MAKING IT THE DU~Y OF , ,'",',' OF $ :gEALT:a: PROPER ,NOTICE 'TO BE GI'lEN Tt)' ABAlJ,iE , ' '( eon t:tn.u.ed 'ffJ.ge'a8) . . .', . -", ",", . , , 'f . . 4~':"',' ", " ~": .:~:~~'~,~'.": ?~ ""'8"''',8 \ '". > >,. ". nuisance: PRQ:JlJ:RING- FOR THE METHOD OF 'SERVICE OF NOTICE ; m:tttG IT AN OFFENCE TO FAIL '1',0 'ABATE SAID, }9"UISANG;E A CERTAIN TIME AFTER THEPRESCRmED NlflTICE; PROVIDTIfG THAT EACHDAY'8UCHFAI,LURE CON* STITUTES A SEPARATE OFFENSE ; PRESCR~ING THE PROCEDURE IF SAID NUISANCE IS NOT ABATED. AFTER PRESCRIBED NOTIQE IS G;r~; ,PRESCRIBI,N(},~mE :DU';', TIES OF THE HEALTH OFFICER WITH REFERENCETHERd- TO;, PRESCRIBING THE PROCEDURE OF 'l'~ ~O~pO~" ' I , COMMISSIONER& ~N THE REMOVAL OF SAID NUISANCE; PROVIDING FOR~STIMAT I01'I OF COST OF ,R~>o;'Y.l!:s : , ' , SAID NUISAN~~h\rP HEARINGS THEREON;, PR~V;~~{l:~ COST SHALL, B1!.~MtOSED,LEVIED AND ASSES~Eit} ~~~ID ,PROPERTY, Lorr~ ~CEL OF GROUND AND ,PREMISES, DS- PECTIVELX" AND ~~C~ED BY THE COLLEC~9~ OF .y~~ TAXES AS A SPEC~~l' AX THEREO:tl AND TH4~ ~~ ~ CONSTITUTE A LIEN ',EON; PROVIDING TH T SAID"AS- 'SESSMENTS SHALL BE ' LEGAL INTEREST':. i ,~ ,BI<NG';F0R THE ,INSTITUTION OF SUIT FOR THE REO:q_.>.>~>~~1{~~aF; Iti IDlE, NAME OF THE CITY AND T.~>FO-i:E~~.~,~}llE,OF " " SAID LIEN; ,PROVIDING PENALTY, f.ORVIOLAm:;r~N , '-SAID ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING THAT SAME T~1,~'> :tM. __ mediately. ,'j' :i',:~~: ' . ,,\.... '~.". ... ~:~:"~' , M<?ti<?n m~de, 'by Commissioner 'WalliIi~ ~d d~il~~f~~~~~tJl,~in* ' '. mJ.~sJ.oner ,Leckrone tha,t the foregoJ.ng ordJ.na~p.,~~.l?~~4Jl.~:,,1:q. , , caption be addopted and p+ed in full. ' ,;' '>"ft3~1;f;)j'; , ., 1 \ . ~ ' '"t,.\ ' " Voting -,Aye: ~''''~ " Cornmi;:;sioners' Leckrone & > ffi,.~. , , J: ',:, ' No one vqtiJ:}.g no. ~~~, ",' lJ'c1'.'" , "",,- There being Il? further busine~' ~f'ore the, m~:~.tip-~i{,d!\':'C1ItQ~- ' t20ml CommissJ.one~ Leae~one dui~:seconded by Go1lnJ!.'iIf~~AA.,: Walling, themeetJ.llg wa.'S declared by the 1\i~Y'~:p~~lG'urn.ed. Vo,ting Aye, ' " ," -, '. ,:,;:r "". Corim1ission~:r-~sWB;11ing & <Leckrone. '~,'<-~ ''>1'5) 'v" .. , ,~~~,,~~ ' '~~ ~,~ , ~,o... "",,\ . fi ".~' , '\>,~ . " ., '..!; -:. . '~. \ . ,'\ :--f,' c, ',:, ',. t'.f ~ , '\,'. " (' . J I( , .... r\ ", . > "',', :.. ~. . . ~ '" ;. I J 11~.! I .T~~Ir:Tl " , --:. 1<T tilT ~f1J :lfr I " ~ , , n J ' " " '... \ ' .... c)' ....'-; , I ~ , , '" 1. ' . ., c I '.' 'o'~' , , . ,< " .. " i. t, " 1 ! !II!' ~ 0\ 0, ~ l!t' ~ ' (~') , ) C! \- I. ' . o ' , , . ~~. . ':.'""~" .7f'r"'k.~1" ,~/~~- Tuesda~ July 30th, 1,929. Council Chamber~.9ity Hall. City of West University Place, TElxas. '~tfl, ' 'oa I " Siecii.Jl. meeting coriveneC!- at 8'. P. M~ on 'July 30th, 1929, with 'H. B. Schlesinger, Mayor, presiding and Commissioners J. A. Walling"P. A. Leckrone and Erwin ,Cushman, Secty in/ttendance. ~e~ing called pursuant to the o~ticial notice,top-r~ert1 hol- o.@rs and O'\l'mers on University BQrifevard, College A_I(}e, Cameron ",~iU~evard, Hawthorne Street,L~n:g~~llow Street, Ri~' ~treet, Whit- , ,Street, Lowell Street,&Fai!;."rh~ven B1l11levard.l'io all lien , rs and others in any wiseLirtterested therein; "<rin keeping w ~the advertised dAte set )~h:ereinfora hearing be~o.' the City, ' Coi@,li,ssion of the City of We.;~t' ~l!-iversity Plac~,. Texas' set ~,~r ' , 8 P. ,D& ,JulY 3Q,th, 1929 a~ ,:~;ne G=:ty Hs.'ll and duected to all"~ers of prol>.erty desc~ibed in the Eng:Lll:eer I'S statement and to a1;t':J.;J..en ,holdeJ?s arid, others interested. in said improvements. "'. , "";; '. :~. Mr.' W: D. Dye, oWner. of lots 69 and 70 of Fairhaven Addi ~12.QJj , appeared as the onLy pro~ester. Healleg~d that the ,pav~g(a:vomnd ,his property on two sides, was more than he felt" able t~{ stand" ' after a full discussion and due consideration olithis protest, , :::1::1::i::~O:0:0:.:::::~J ~:. P::::g t~'f' t~ the protest of Mr. 11. D. Dye as above set{,iforth be rejected ~ his objections overruled on the ground that 2~~h.~:v were insuffici ",,~~ to warr-ant , ' f;urther consideration b:yth~,;"~}Qmmissioni' Motion ii~l v ~ec()mded by. " O(!)mmissioner P.. A.. Leekro:ne,,?a.,nd car;r:>ied 1l>Y the folltvnng vote, V:Lz:. AYES COp;ll.11ission~rs Leckro~~'";,~; Walling. ' ' 'Nd. one vot:i,ngno."f "<< Recess' taken to July, ~:tS.tif" July 31st, ,1929. 8.P. M. ' There being no Qther protests or objections filed or u;L"ged to the foregoing procedUre, by anyone and the City' Commission having heard evidence ~d -having satisfied iJtselfth~ the amounts pro- ,+o,sed to be asses'sedagainst' said, respective Plrcels of property ~d;cthe owners the:r.>eof t do not~xceed the w=,'l coet o~ the, ~~~~ ,~~:,u<?tion, recoms,truCotJ.on, repaJ.r or redli, " 5t _ of sJ.dewafks~, \' '. ' 'sandgutters 'and do not exceed 90% of th at of' rem~nder ~,:,-~d' improvements; and,~~he City commission g of ^th~'..~.pihion tllw::'J}1e'<amounts proposed, to be assessed again, .,..said r,espective. par~~11l of' prope~ty and:'t~~, owners thElreot, ,do ,~o ~xceed:;the '.', 'b.~:n~f':t:Y$'.to saldproperfy<by way of enhanced valu ,ot said:prop... erty'iiueto said impr~Y9~en~~, and that the applica~ien o:r>the , 'front',t',Qot plan or'~.' < ou.l~ not result, in .injus11~~:EN,cir:: 1nequal- ~,tY$ i,~:r_l.' '." ".",," .:~la;8'~4~.f~r' the pa.v1m,:~ ~f'.the_ . . ~!t,e~rqjt.ilt:e~~_t~ll; ,~Wbl~~ : w4's::ebt11Jtte4' :r~omtime't9'"ttliJ.fi:tVWl- " :' ~~;L~?~~~~~~Q;~~~Wll:}4)~~lBr~~0!i1~it~,:eq~9:~~~Jr~~~~t;e'd ': ,ll~~~&.gL~~~:~tb~f)n:,:dI;l,the< real' est~te ,buSines's fora;, , ..~"fu;rfber of years,ancC was f'~l!lrwith,proii~rty va:lues'ons;3,:i.d'" "'oj s.tr~~tsa.nd that t,he,propein 'quest.iola would be enb~c<ed':~n>;iit:t~;;'~ _<value nio.r~ ~han ~ieethe per front,foot accc;mnt:6f ,ali:~d:;,11f('''io-~ , ~~fac:e' J~ve+ne-p.tj;~urb~,!_,~ ~':', ~~, s~dewalks. a1'J.d~ains. , " ,::,,'i;'it~Sr " '. ," fIe :ettr:thertef1t:LfJ.sCl\d;;t ' t the benefJ.ts ~ccr""::i~'",<:,~,: paVing~!t~:,~~:,:~"'l1~: "';:~ "ifL'paY;i ,',' , , ~~g.~'r~!L;~~,$:i' ' . '. '-1,'-" gu.tters'J1ft~:~'(~ll'(fO 'ed, saJiee:a..'"l" \. .,' >",<;,,,,._.,,;.c....". ',"Him 90 ~ ',-' . - 'I, f"" '"f " ContinulJd from #89., ,A mak,ing it more desirable for home or, business, property. ' There beingno'urther testimony ,or bU~in~s,:~ before meeting upon motion C9~ssioner 'J . ,A. Wallingm 'secorid-' 'ed'by Commissioner P. ~~~eckrone; the hearing was,;'deelaFed closed. ~~ '~:."'~' , \:~ f Lec~one ~~ w~, ',' g. NO., '.., Voting Aye. CommiaaiQners ,NO ONE VOTING t:: Approved, Attest, . /' .. .. , .:. ~.; , .~. t:~ ~r - . t.... ,. -! . '.-. ....." ~.~ ; -f! . . ~ ) . I I ~ ~'~?IJ~~> ~.~. ,<" ". :~'~~~ '.l:',~);,,~'~:~y~' :'~J.:c;>i :' ;..,f J't ,~. .:,<t.~.:f~,:f-'L~:'~'~~"~~f .' I,' . .1." ~ '", ., ~ " I '"' .", . i' .~.:. C' , \< , f'~.':~' n {.-':.:..,;\~ .. 8-:'1.c.' .~~.llJt{:; \: 't ..> t . , ' . ~ :.-..- -"" .' ,~ .~. ~ r. -. ~ .',. ",. . '. ~ ::: ~.: \' ~ ~ '. .t' ',', "',,"" ," " ' ,''c "./ , r " ~'IF1T1 , 1'1 r;ljr 'J1"W the, () , '- . (=1' ~ '0 r 1.11 ~ "- o f'J i' .,. -. (I <f .y.... C:::., ~/~, ' . / j \ ' U' ';c\mr' , Monda:y~ugu.st 5t~ 1929. , Council Chamber--City Hall. "~11, City of Wes) llniversityPlace, T&X&~. ' , r , - R~~i'ar' nie,etx.ng or" the' City 'Co~eil con:'!,enEld, a~ 8 P., M.', ,Oh'. th~, "'a.bove'date with P,IIayor H,. B. ,sch:~singer presidang -snc. COtmnJ.ssJ.oners Walling Leckron~ and Secretar~;:'~ushmtm inattendanee. . ' ' "" ' h ,,";, , ',~ ~he minU~;~ :6f' 'July 29th, 19~~:"~ and '0; motion J. A. Walling and seconded by P. A. Leckron.~ w(fg.pprm!ed as read. , Vmting Aye; Commissioners LeCkrOn~~{allJ.ng,. No one voting no. ....1 ~ " The rpllo,\,ing 'Oi1ts were p'resen ~ed for approval- 'and payl'ITen t, viz.' ,~q~t;y of' liouston W~~_er ~eI?t. , ' " .50 , :.!,R. ,~ro~. E:t~e ~spt. , ,12.38 A1!itoneDUran ~Labor Water Dept '. .... 6.(;)0 "Kifeniler 'iJrot:l Se:ra. 'Sta.. ." - . '20.49 .. :Ala.tone DuratJ. "Liibor water dept '1.50 Oliver Levyu :f tJ ,,~/~. l€>. 60 A. P. Robt>, S-p.pt Labor pa1 roll, __ ,,-~ 19~50 .~ouston Pos t Dispatch 'Pub 0-0/ ~"'~ ' ~ ' 15~.5e ~~n~ler lZros Serv sta.. . ,,-:t ~ ' 12,.4~ \\I'(~'t, 'Univer:si.'ty Fire Bph Filling Sta~5~ ~'12 , Houston Lighting &. Power Go, ~~r.., \ 186.56 A~ p. Itobb." Supt Labor Ran1.1 \.)1 12,00 Oliver Lev Janitor service 3.60' rr fJ Labor (Water~' DeptJ ' 9.00 West University Fire .Dept Filling 8ta. . 109.70 . " , Mo:tfonmade by Commis'sioner Leckrone and duly' seconded by Com- m~ssiol1er, Walli:pg .tl1apthe"..-f'orgoing bills be approved and paid. Vo~~ngAY1H Commiss1O\meIN3;., Le,ekrone &. 'Walling. " 'No~ne voting no., ' '~~, ',' TheFfol:l.oWing motion was then offered by"'Oommi,ssioner P. A. Leck- ~~e, y.j;z ~ ..' ; ,,' , ,_'n ~ ,';':~~' M&bi-el't"::v1is;t,.'l'he street &. Bridge. GoIiunissi: be autlioii'1:ze4 ~o -check up on the work ne grading streets, '~utti:ng weeds ,in g,treet, ~eekd$" :Crom sidewalks, having work found' n ~eE.eral eontraet with C. K. lrorton. Voti1?-g J.ye: ~ottin1issiGners Wallirlg &. Leckrone _, , ~lro6NE VOTING NO. ' and th~Gi'byEng~eer y at this time in' cleardng grass 'arid _ ary 'p,~.rformed under. . ,e-ommissioner walling of'fered thef'ollowing. motion, viz: , Motion that permamnent bridge across Drainage Ditch #2, at univer~, 's,ttyBlvd, be ,taken Qut of prQ~~ctU:Bff a:nd .ansferred to. proj&c~:' , ffAlt a~d that C. K. Horton be dJ.rected to. prQy;eedW'i_th the work a(}--' eordin~to plans. and. specif~cations :of th~fby Engineer as SOOlf'~~ "as ,ordered. ,by s.~J.d 01ty EngJ..neer. ' '~'''t, " ,-> ' . Voting Aye: OQ~issioners Leckrone &. WaJllin~ ~ ' NO O~:E; VOTING NO. . it$;\:" ~ . ~ ,,'~: " , M:~~iO~ .thenOff~r~o.by" commisSion~r . W,;-lling ;a~~ t~~~~~eeond~~,'~~, ~~nnniss'-oner Lee~Q:n,~as follows) ,iTJ.z., " _ ,~~:~_,~ " ,,''. ;"ic"> ''Motion tha.tth6sllmQf:$1@.09 be paid 'tp'~'W.W .."'r,~~,~ Harris Cou;nty t~~gt;le ot,lVLtimicipa1.1ties,. covering oif ,,~_s'4bie:s, , " " '," : ',:' ," ' ,,' ", ,'. ' '" " ',; "::~~,?,,i., ..,~.; '>,:. ' ' ,', ... ._, ~ ' -,' . ~'<-" '.;, . ,,-, .....->- ~, .u.., ~_..11Jc...1UI._1I[L. I T T I, II '9i2 Aug5th, 1929, continued. '.' Jf ;;, ,~"'", . '. . '.' .,t ..." vot!ng Aye: ,', " " co~ission-e;r, ,:t:Ieclyro~J and, W~lliIlg. ,J,'- ~ . NO 'ONE VOTING NO. ' ~' . , ,111-# Es;t~ate, N~. I, aut~iJz:tn~ tp.e. pi!-~nt, of, $10,O.oQ.00. ,~f?s~ in Warrants., p~a.ble to ~. 'K. Hort~~~":~ . J., ~._ Rai'f'ertt on;::.g~l\er- a1 Contract) was pres~nt>EilG. and re' - , ':" " Motion made by J. A. Wailing and ~: '" dad by P. A. ~LecKrone tha~ the $10,,'090.00 ~s ~oveFed by .t,) #1 be paid. passeq. by the foll,ow;ng vote. ,J ,:; . "" ' Ayes: Con~iss~oners Leckrone & Wali~g" ~ <, NO ONE VOTING NO. ,- ,'. < "Mo't~on then' offered by CQmm:i'ssion~Fwalling asfo;ll~ws~,.viz; MqtioilthatC. If;. lIorton be !iD@j;ructedpy ,~the C1t-y~g~~~r :Do proceedw!tb the eonstr1+e:ti9'ti/~:e~'t:q~;.j~ev:re,r l:tt~~a:;1l;:J.1a;V(~ , .,thorne & Uniyersity Blyd, ~'c '\pIu~,IO%"J.n conI:or~~~:;l'~th general eont~aet between hJ.ms' , . d .the ~,Ci~'Y;, ,nR" ~n :~QIfee. V9tin~~yeH"..., \' , ' ,~',~' ,,', ,,-'; ,:-:' . ' 'CommissJ.onersLeekrone & We.l:V, . ." ,', . > . -NO. ONE VOTING'NOl' :,;,. ~[~ a!\.'. ',-: J . ,~,,',' '."~ . as."'- ,;, . ~. ," '" :~ "'( t. :"." .:r~" There being '1\lofur:ther, btisineacs bero:r'e :tb,.e\:bod.y~,"'Qp.P':'" COmmissioner" ,Leckrone~duly ,s'ec~:inded'oy, COmmi#f{i'on.~' the meeting was dec'lared by tb.~ Mayo~,adjbtu":ri~'d;' 'C'" , Voting Ayin ' ' ,f "" ,',' r,,')'_ 90rim1issiOIie~sWallirig &!:ec,kroBB, ", ,,~?l._ , NO ONE VOTING NO. ' ,0 ~ . " .;. r~.\r. . :-~.:t ~ :' . ..i,:"/." . ';' .: , ~. " Appr,oved- ',' : ~:.~. / " ,~ J . : . 'Attes1;;f ' :~t;j~}f~ Ei() ',:: '~::r:?:~~:~~" " :~n-i'::~~'''~-' ~:- , -: "'. )'~(1 , .Jf- ;' ".:;,1' ' ~. ,\.i~ Y:I '!'...... ~~.) :f:~ ;:. -0:\. , - . . ..,f.. ~ ' :" i.., \ ~ ~ : .::-. ~J I .~ " ,', '.' .to...' s~. " ': d .~ ~ ,"; ::. .< .; ~ :;;.,~~. , , " .. " ...~'" r.).. j. , ~. , ,r" '< j" . , . . .". , ?'~ ,'{1~ltt!~,i~ . ...j:;'i!l~:~ :"; :!i~>: , / "~\:~;}~~;~~t~~c , ;:. :~, ~,.:.,~.< :~~.::~'::::~;;~f.~.~~"'~{,<.~-.~. "."~": "' ~ ~ ", .',{ < <....' () '- "cj' o I I ~ II ~ 0\ I' \) ~ ~ ~ n C:::.' '} \ , I " ' ~:.~- [ ~l ~. '" '(' - ~.~< ~~ . . 'v-'""'!I'l''''''~~''''!>~~~''''~ - '93 '/ ' Monday August 26th~ 1929. / Council Chattiber-----City Hall~' ,~ . . ~ ~. City of Wes~, Unive;~ity Place. Texas. ' ..~"~ ".... . , . ~ 'j ~.~.' ." 'Regu~ meeting of the ~it~ eounci'l convened a.;at3 P. M. ' on tJ:e ~bove date with ~~;!h;'B. Schlesinger, May~,;J'~presiding COmnlJ.ssJ.oner J. A., WallJ.ilg, P. ,A. Leckrone' m~\' ~retery Erwin Cushman. in atteridanc'e. ,,\ The following ordinance was introQ.uced:{ AN ORDINANCE TC ;E'ROVIDEFOR THE ISSUANCE <~AliE CITY ,..oF' 'VmS'T UN.lVERSITY PLACE IN TIffi COUNTY OF HARRIS STATE" OF TEXA.s' OF . ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND D~ . ~ARS , '($100, QOO.OO.J OF !'VATER WORKS BONDS TO. PROVIDE F;OR REFUNDING EXISTI};!Il ~DEBTEDNESS OF WATER WORKS SyS- TEM AND TBE EXTENS;:tO,N' OF THE NUN Iln:p AI, WATER' AND SEWER ; PLANTS AN"DSYST~S' .OF THE CITY 'OF WE~UNIVERSI~ P~~~E'" TEXAS PRESCRIB!NG.THE FORM OF SAID W~ WORKS BOlIDS,"AND PROVIDING 'F,OR THE <,PAYMENTS OF' PRINC~A:L AN]); INTERES~ '-, THEREON AUTHORIZING THEEXECtJTION'O~\ JMORTGAGE OR DEED,. 9F ~'BBT tjPON .SAID WATER WORY~ PLABT SYS'J!EM AND . ':' ' G~NTING A Ii'RANGHISE,~' TO THE P.URCHASER PURCHASERS 'QF , 'SAID PROPERTY AT A FORECLUSURESALE ~IN PURsuANOE',,0F ' SkID WIORTGAGE OR ,DEED QF TRUST: ' , ' ,'" ',,' ~, ''P'~ . \""': -. ..-"" " ' , \'0 ' " '~;N ,,\j' ,.3 ~ . , M~t1onmadeby Commissioner Wallin~ and duly seconded by C~mmis- Leckrone that the foreg~ing ordinance be . approved and passed , an4 that it supersede anft take the pl~ce or' the, water-works __ord~aJ1Ce,passedby the Commissto~n..Ju:ne ?'7'tha92~'" and , 'ap~~~i~gof 'recor~' mn .t~e( minute b?:?~Of said Cj.,ty o:f'West _ j", U:l1u:vef~'J.~Y P~ace,. ..exa.s. at page ~l:~:t,)seq." Voting Aye'f ,.-' ,.'l \ ' Cpnuni~s,i.,oners Leckrone and Walling. ~;1:' '\ NO' ONE VOTING NO. , " '\.~ ~ There peing no further business on motio:re the meeting adjourned. . ' ~. 0 'App:r'oved, ,; , -. , ti .. ") ,A~~~st;. . . , e;1':~ \Ii" ..'.~ ":1- ~ >la ~~ J .~ ,. ," :~- J , " . ..~' , , ' '. t'.' -. ! '. -I' ...". ~}~~,,: .' . . /.,. .,,".' ~; ~\ , I"' n'leT' 'f I .! '~~IL]~ I : .--'"b'"':Y."-- 94 ft,:~ September 51ffl.. '1929. t" ~q , CounbiIChamli~~Pity Hall. ~. 1<-~3 '~"l Clty of West Univ,~ti.ity Place,. Texas." tJ i~ :~y , ' '~, Speci~l Meeting of the City co~il 'Sept,5th, 1929- . ~onv~ne~ at 8. P.. r~I..;~~~~~}~.~~;>r' Schlesing~r presiding vOIT@lSSlOners Walll~~~_~p~~e & Secty Cushman in at- tendance, ' , Following Res,~ution was Offered and Read:: Thel::>tate of Texas, - I ',',r\ ' COUll ty ,of Harris, " ~," ~ .' On this 5th day O~:fj~~' .tember" 1929. the"city COI1l-, :::~i:: :;S:h:n::::S::Yw:~~nT:::y Plac e, T7xa8~ was convened In specla,l seSSlon at,. e regular meetl.ng p~-ee there-' of, with the following members present. ' " , " " , " H. B ~ Seh1esinger, Mayo;-_' , .' J.: A.' Wal,l;tng, Connnissioner Erwin' Cusbm~, City Clerk. ' \' ~when there came on to,be considered the folrowing re&olution: , ",:~ It Whereas; the c:tty comrnisF1 iOnB fin:-ds i~ necessa~y. . 'e~;t\o make,a~ju~tment and'se:t.,.tlement with H. C. Burt ,a:Jt8-., .. ~I' pany of Houston, ,Texas ~i t is ordered t1i.at __ th~ Mayt>r, , nd he is hereby author.ih.ed and :dir~cted to del$v~r' to ^ '~:.:_ Gt.:~:urt & C.omp8.nY, Sit~<<Ui West Uni1?"ersity",p~~.ee w~~~:r- wo :~onds, da,ted August ~~1929, numbers '17"1;~ 21 :!;.n- elusive' and 51 t,9 6.0 inclus~~ aggregating $~5;OO~~~O,' / ~~~,' :J~~e C~~:i~~~a81~;, c;~ Yx~~,\um Of~ $l1;,e:~~,:~",,~~-~g Upon the foregoing r~s91ution"-being'~#~~9i~,,:::t;#;was pass~dby the following ,vote: A~$, C'Otnniiss;tb1?:*~:'~A::~;" : Walllng and]l(aY9r -H. B. Schlesinger.Nos.'ll0ne~"',,' '" . " . ,"~ : ," ',' '<' , . .~ . . .~':. - '" . : . .. ~.~:\ . : .J;-.",,::,,'.~.. .~:, j~;~ -<r.'~t.\.'< . . ,," ,-There b~ing no ,f~t~: busin~ss be;) ,;r.We"'-nreeting' on motion ,du].y seconded th~ ~~ waS, deClar'e~~;'t~;),/~{}~Ilt~~. ' , , A~pr0v.\;";I/~/5~-::;~;{ ft' , ' "-0 '), ~ . . , - .,;,., , .' / )',', ,'" ';;" r:: .~~;. . . :i"f .;~: O~ , , Attest: ~ : ~ r: \. L' " ," J' .. .:;., ~, 0\ o ~ ~ ~ '(-') C-"-'~" , , , o -.,. )-, Mond~ii's'ert'~' '9'th~'i9'29'. , ' ~'ourle'fi-jhamber'. City of West University Place. TexaS.1a . P''':. :.,;';'\ ~'..l. . .. \;~ (.) The City 60uncil convened. at 8 P.M. on its, regular ~t:d1e for meeting as above with Mayor Schlesinger presiding ,an~~~mis- sioner Leckrone and Erwin Cushman City Secty in atterr~a~e, Commissioner Wal:~in~ a'bsent f'rom the City." ",,~ The '$47,000.00 fundingwarr~~ts were d~scussedsome~hat but' due to ,the abse~ce of COIDTf1~~sione! Walling ictiqn w~s de~rred to ,a later meet ~ng.' ,,',: r, _.. The Mayox'and,Commissioner Leckrone took up some other minor. , matters which pnaeenped farconsid~ration but nothing definite I was passed UPo? at ,this meetin,g. '~ .. . . . .: There being nothing further to dispose of at th~.~ftfeeting, missionex Lec~rone offered a moti on' for adj oUrnme~t!l'whiah seconded by the Mayor. . .' 't} ~ ,,'No opposition the meeting was declared adjourned-~) ''i,.\' V ot ing : A'y'e :' , ,,<~ 'il Mayor~qhlesinger , ' ,~ Commis'sionerLeakrone'.O , ct:iih- was " :t~ ...' Attest; '~\ J)"~" , AJn~rA)Ve(i., ,',;i' ~~;"x,), ' Secre~ary., Q ~ ", y.\ ",~. ~'. "11 ~\ ,J ' , ' ,~ City -' . ~. ./ r ".l ',' ./ ;~,(,,-.j :-~:;.~ ,,'r. " , . ""I',' .7' . -r~I:. . . 4 .- .~",~" '" . .~. ~";'. ,',",:1' t: .. " .' .:'.-~"'" : :<.,<"\.- ,... t. ..';ii~~';' ... ~4 ~.i " ".} - '" - - .'., .' ; ,,'j , ; , '" "'I~~I . -'1"" "I"lnr I ,- };j'::' ~,..~': . '!?' ,"9.5 ..t, :/ "," , .', . ""<',, 1 r 1 Ir ~~~~.~~- ....:. - .', .'!-- ," -', .oe uU; .-:I.----.~"""'~~.....,-'-- .~ . ~:;<..."t!..,.,-.,~~ -. to '.. . . - . i , Th1J~rad&'y',"Sep't'.,' '121;'11: i9'2'9~.' Cauncil--Ch~ber. Oity af West Univ~rsitYPlace. TeXBs. . , f : ;, ',/ Called meeting of the City Cammissian oanvened at 8 J? M. an, (~) the fa;regaing date with M~ar R. B.Schlesinger presiding and' Cammiss'ianer P. A. LeckraIf~~ and J. A. ,Walling "Seety O;nshmaIi.. in attendance. ..~.,::'\l \ ," "" ' , ,,', .",,' ,',:',' \;\~ ' , Estimate #2., Chas K. Hart~&antract6r andJ. H~ 'R~:fierty Engi... neer,,,' Showing an acc'Ullnilat~ sum af $14.000.00 less paid pre-, vigus ,estimate $10,000.00 rl't~k.!:g amaunt due est,im~te N.Ch 2 - $4000.00_, was presented for ~praval and payment. '_ }\[atian mad~ by Commissianer Wal~il1g, d~ly.~eCQ.nde~<bY CQmnlissioner , Leckrane that the $4000.00 estimate :as read, f~vQ,:r "Ohas K.' Horton and J. H~ Rafferty be appraved and,pa;i;Gl,..;: ' ' ,Vating AYE:, " Oammissioners Walling & Leckrone. NOONE VOT,I~'l'G NO ~ Oammissi aner Walling thenintraduced ,~ propose9:c0r.~in~n6e and, i',. \ made, a motion that it -be passed. The Inati an,jv:~~':.N;fH~,Q;'Onaed,by , '~r. Cammissi Gner LeGkrone. The ardinance is as f~,"" ~~!:,;vt,~:.~,i,:' ,'". " ~~~.6\""~,, ,'. " AN ORDINANCE AU~ORIZING" ~HE I SSUAlict":#i: ~ ~~ FORTY-SEVEN THOUS ND ($47000.00 1 DOLL~~' '\,~ ~ "CITY OF WEST ,"'RSITY PLAC]}.REFUN'DING , ' .. - ~ ' WARR.ANT~tSERI, '~" DBEiRiNGC,6~1~~ u \i ' "~ER CENT INTERE, Ei/'YING ,A TAX 'WQ__~ THE :tUTERE3,T ~ND :lJ?A}i OFJit, RANTS ~ PROYIDING, ,,:HEIR nE.liI" 'D~CLARING AN EMERGEN , ~ " - The motion was carried by the 'follawing_vo~e; 't=:\ \... j- -j < ,AYES,: Comm,issioners Leckrane & W81ling~ . NO;ES :, N0,n,~ ." " , ' / ",'-"'.. .:r .:t-( '. "<,"' 'j)eeIi:sinally "~: ..~ .~. ~-",,:.~ '.. , ' , , Thereupan, theM~yor annaun'ced -the :the "ardi~an~e' ,'. passed~ ,'.. " '~he;'? b~ing na! ather. mat,ters. c~i~in~ theat~~~t.. Comm:s~ ~ant , upan mot~QI}. 9a~~s~;mer Le!JkrOnE)-i"~' meetJ.ng was deolared aa.J,aurned~..:t'!'. ,.';c," " - .. .', r.." '",,' . .. ,Vating Aye: . . ,\~;_ a, ' " , Commissiane~ Walling, & Leokroneib ~,. . NO mm V-OT Lkm NO. '. v.}..'t~ . '.~. ..... . APP~~ ~A'."" ,. .... ~ItY.~ . .\i. ~/~'&_:< '. :~:~~~~~tae d. the r._ " Attest: , '\ -",.' . " '0.. . ',,:. ",' . .:,~' . '., .'.:;~ ~-..." ';.. '.~ .... \! ""'" 'f ,. ',-- .,' , . - ., :'"" 11 r I 1 :~lf1P ,. '. -. - T~l !ll[' pf -I I 1 11'1 ~ 0\ o ~,~.-- . rt .... (-) U1, .~~. ~. o ." ,"'--'~"::~'_"'5'.. .' ~~ "9"""'" ".. . ~ ..--. . : ". ~f':':ii' '- . "-r Monda:vSe'p"t 16'th;" 19'29'.' dounoi'i. "Cbamb'e":r. City o:fWest Unive'rsi tv Place_Texas,. / ~ The Commission convened upon the foregoing date ~;~egular sess~on with Mayor Sahles:tngerin the eh~ir and, ~PSissioners W~l~J.ng? Leckrone and Secret~y, Cushman J.n attend'6l?{' and par- tJ.oJ.patJ.ng., ' , ' \.1'\';.' , ... . ., V"'"~ '. Min~:esof the foll~ing me~~~hgs w~e ,read and,appt6~d as fol- lows, "",,' , '"I Minutes of June 17th, approved, Esp,ecially as to confit'nlation, of correction made by the insertion of an ordinance confirming contract Ch~s K. Horton and providing for the additional issue of $34.000.00 improvement warrants.,' , '-, Minutes of July,(5"Oth,' 1929. ~ (I ' , ' ' , Minutes of, Aug1ist,r St,A; 1929., " ,,,,,~ ,~ Minutes of August 26th 19'29. Especially ratify'lng, the $IOO,OOO.OO ,i'Ssue 'of water works ,bonds a~ ~ '.substitut~. f~'/'helike oT'dinallee ;,,' passe"l June 27t,h, ,1927, requJ.ring. some :cev,J:sJ.~JU' and \AMinu~es of ( S'ept - 5th~ ..' ' / ,,-' ' 'tl ~ , ~ . , ',.- . ~ ~~ ' , >" ,~ti on made by Comm:issf onerLeckrone ) andduiy ~~Q"nded'.by ',Oommis- ' " nerWslling that all of tht=L minutes' as above ~ with all of 'the, , ectionsa,nd interlineatipns as enumerated be -8Pprove<l and pass- , " , ) , ' '~ ' ,'" , "" ' . ..'," " ;' , h , , . ' L' aydfHia-ppeared before ,the Commission with bid for the re- movaT~~f' garbage ~rom the$e~idential ~nd in fact from all houses and homes tilthin the lim-iJ;s','of tp.e Oi ti:: He, offere9-to remove al,l garbage tri-weekly, vJz:.(Monday's,W.edn~day's and Friday's of, eseh week. oovering the,. entire city forf.,.he sum of &ix, Dollars ,and F~fty Oents ,($6.50-) ,per 'trip each \~~in aeti,oni . J. _ . . '...:~.'" \..... . 110ti on made by Oommissi~ner 'vValling and \J~y sec,onded byCommiss- ionerLeckrone that LewJ.s Hay,den be, engal1--E?~: to remove, the gar- " bai?ieand ~t~at he be a~lowed the s;i1m of $6-i~ - per~ day ~o:r:. man a,nd tel1UD., eont~nuance' subJec.t to tJ:ie pleasure ():&~the commJ.ss~oneers. , V0:trihgA'Ie': ' '. " ' ,aWnm;i.s.sioners; ~eckrone & W~lling. N9 ONE VOTING NO. 'G',9:JIlln;i"S'Si~ner V1[all,ingreQ~1ved a letter froll: Wai;:er 'Bl1Pt' Robb;f ma':: , ,~e:q1ies:t for ',a;n increase::,:iJ;i sala~ ~o $20~tOO. per mO,n:t.J:,. A~terj~" 'ec#sideration of tp.e s~m('),:' COlnmJ.ssJ.oner ~81lJ.ng reoomm,en~e~~h~t ,~"bJi\e:\:re'quest be deolin~d,::~t this time~. Tl1-w~:1J.etter \~S thereIoOPe :tEt~llr-ned: 't'o,o.9I1lUlil?si~I+ei Walling . ' \, ' ,,~,;,-,~11hex:e,\\ib;!ir~r;t.gj'!J;Q'~J1I:~~e:t' business before t." dy. on ,mbt:idn. 'c-1!iW~(:}9ririAissiOrr13:r, Wa;l;+ittg d.ulysec onded th,'e.or deGla;r~d'the .q~l0urned~!itU1g AYE' ~ ~ttest;. .. . . ... -.k. >;;,\t - '~,,'s~cr, etai'Y-. ~, V.y.1 _ ' ',<-r.:~ " '~\ / '-....~ , -4..L';i"';; "::.l.r~~_~'. ".., '''';': I I,: I I ~~I~f 1 :--",,,:",,,"~,-.,.,..-~ .....~ {,,( ~ }Yv~ t Ivtonday 'Sept'e'mb'er"'23rd.19'29. Council Chamb.er-City Hall. City of West University ;Placre.Texas. Regular meeting of the City C~cil convened on the above date with Mayor Schlesinger presid~4~, Comrnissioners Walling and ' Leckrone andSe.cretal'Y Cusbma~~ attendance. " ," , Min~tes of the following meeti~~ viz: Sept~m~er 9th, ,gepfember , 12tn ,and September 16th, 1929 ~~ read by the Secretary" ~Thereupon;;the following motion Wa'~~lIlade: ' ' , ' - ' \&. Motion by Comniissi oner Walling du, ',.seconded, by Commie'si onel' , 'I'~. Leck:r~one, that the minutes o'f all re"e meetings as aboveenumerat- ,~_",:.;e,.. ed be approved as r,ead. ' ~~, 0Voting Aye: Commissi oners Leckrone v' d Walling. OlIE VOTnm lW~ ' ' t ' ~ '~ter was then rea~ from the San Jacinto ~r~stCompaDy.' over the signature o,f Mr. E. C. Barkl~~~, Vice-Pre,sdt. foriner1:Y ?dvis;i.ng , ,that the Park in l~onticiello, .ition"oas ,lie"r descrip~i',ori';~;hoWl1in' legal transfer had been d~d1~~~~d and transfered to the G~~y of ,west University Place. sa1d~ller of date Sept ',20th,192,9. " Mayor ,Sahle'singer expressed g~afioati On for the i~:\,b~:ri~l donati on ,of ,the San Jacinto Trust Com:p~n the ,shape of this I;'t\,:vl.t for the use of the Citizens of oUr Cit;:} 8'&1-, Named aoomrnittee confposed of the two' Commsisioners with himselQto wo_rk out "apP:r:P];>,~;fu~te ,a:r:rap.ge- ments in conjunctiorrs: With the owners for the formsJ;I.i;;aQ~J~]?t'ance , of the :Park from 'the San Jacinto Trust Company,'s~p;j~frC~,::t;Q~;p;roper re'coIIlJllendations from the City Attorney. ( " .:1 f ' :~>i "c,.:' ,', ',', " Motion made by C01lllllissioner Walling, dUly seconde"d:;'~~m;q~;~issioner Leckro~ that the Mayor :suggestions be "carriedout:;;~}IJ(ltha,:t ,the, Pa:rk lie accepted accordingly. " Voting Aye: ,,' \ ' ,Coinmissioners Leckrone ~' Walling. JjO.,,'OlIE VOTING NO. ";1 :.),:. ',: J .,,', , ' : ," ;':1.1 ',' ..- .' .--,-;., \ ' '.'r <...~!'~:.,);:;rt~... t';~?:'-~::,:- '. " "Dr A. C. Chandler t' City Health Officer attended :t1'lJi);;m~e-trii.1g and , took up, with the Conunission the ordinance, #30,Cr.e~'td:ng, a :he~lth 'department.and o1itli:ug' the du,ties etc. t ' " ~O" ":;':~' ". ,~~T;he ,Ci:t;y Attorney, wal? instruct e'd to get ~ogether wJi~il(;'~:q.~~neer ~. .. ;,'y,.;Raffertff,::, 'Inspector :Sarnhil~and Dr .Chandler:fer 't4~,;~"Q.m~;se of .' ~;,.~~~:ttiT:L~' a "pJ?op,erl oT'dinanc~!n connect.iol1:'wi t~ a:b~,~~~~J;~~;~Ode · . ~;:; - . ( -~~ f .. .~." .'.~ -'<;'!' ~ ,. ; .. ".t; ~ . . , . .. sS~~l1er J.' A. 'NaIli:rig'~~harge of the wter ,,:&~~;;t~~'i1t, then s ~V "h1S reasons for pl1xcM~g a new truck fop t?1e':w~~eT p.e- :par tm' ,.' t with vJb. ~c1: to rr,;pla~5~e old Foi'd. truck' ~d~~~:~!:H~!' vr:ry " delapidated cond1 t 10n. /', '~"} .ll" <, '" .,'. ,oj <'J//f: ,/:\' ~;w s~~~~~:e~f}~r~~e b~ o~~; i~a::t:~~e~~~.i:~e ~~~;81i~:~;:~:';t:ht~~S ',,' ~~tHthe.il!e"ettng by Mr .Ar' B~ C~rnw~ll. ' . ""," '" ,;:,i't~ ,';;' ~ . Af'ter very careful ,cons~(terat19n 1t was decl:ded~ha1{,~t,he '3::;0 model priced ,at $876.20' bepurchase'd forl1i$:,depar.tJjt~rit ~nd the following moti9n vyas m~,de._ ,., " 1" ,,1' ",0, <, ~ by Comnuss:LOner~1eCkrone and q.11ly' s'econd?,4I-",,py GOT11lll:Lssloner '. J1 . ;'.- . '. . . . 'th8t, the, 71'35'0 model be purch,ased. A.ye:CdInrni\3si oner ,Walling&; Leckrone. ..oting no,.", I ~~. ,. , , , ".. '(' ., , " I' "'[- 'I' 'I' I o (l ,1 J jj ~. " Jf .. , - 1. i , , . J : i ,I ,.j "Ie) " I ' t , , 1 ! . f i l '''''- I I I r ~ Q\ \) ~ ~ ~ () c;' -~ ." 0' :.... ,:;- ." l-r"'3'r. '~~~~."""~~ (Minutes of Sept. 2crd Continued) "'99 <~, ,. ~ ;,. ,. . ,Fire Chief Metcalf was recognized by the chair and rose to suggest ,that some definite arrangements' be reached as to the matter of remuneration 'for duties performed: 'by him in relation to inspecting newl1"built houses and others for p]."oper protection against, ;l;'ire hazard etc., ~ :i' . " . Mayor Scllle singer eX'.flresse.(f~;h.e opinion that :the! ~o1J..nci I should make some proYisio:ri~;'*:6r the payment to tli1El;i'\)Inspeetor' ~nr,this work and the ,foJ,-;~O.ydng motion was made~~ -uz: ,,*1;t~ti~n by ,Commissioner ~~--:C*f~one! duly seconded b~ -~mmisf!ioner ~~f8J.l~ng, t.cat the Secret;,?,.ry, be ~l1structed to pay"lo~r. J. A. IMcalf, at least for t{Y:e present, say, two-thttde(}{-t!3)' of ' , ~,~sun: realized each month by the City for building.'ermits v a~~ 0 make suer remlUleration retroactive to JU11e 1st, 1929. Vo.tL Aye: , ' , ' ',' , Corom' sioners Walling,& Leckrone.. ,'.} , If 0 .' .O~~E VOT IiIG. I~O. ..- a Fire qhie~ Metcalf then asked that an a~propr~*ion of $8D~OO be granteu as salary 10r one ,month, nam~ng the ~onth of October, for a man to take c~re OL grass fires~nd to take ,the tnitiative in--burD.:fugg.ot.;f,weeds as a,safe g1-~rd against , f~t'E; 'haz~:rd .and for the geTl6t,~1 improvement ar('~(^'b.euatifying , oft~~, Oi ty. _Said employee ",:;t'Q,,'work full time :f~~he month spec~I~ed. ,,;,;;';, ". " ~l~ "> Mot.ion made by ComIniesi qr,ter.JJeckrone, duly s~core~:' by Com- ,miss,ioner;Wallingtllat tP:.:6'-app.:ropriat'ion' of $80,00', s suggested , bu Chief',l~etcalf be' gral1tjed +9r t1.1e, }:n,lrpos~s: outli:r' '1 by him. 'Vo~ing Ay~: r " "'" ;'; , . , _ Oommissioner .Walling & Leckrone., ,', ' , .NOOlifE VOTING- NO", ' " .- ~ ,'.., -- , , The Mayor: fussue~Batproolamation setting aelde the week, beginning Ociob~r 6th and en~lng October 12th, 1929 as general inspe~tion , and.cleanup week as well as fire '-prevention week and named ' 'C1ot,ober 12th as 'Demonstrationday;- \.. . -'~ r:, - - . '." .'" It " ~'1' <. ' . . . "" l;\o~~.. . :'Corpora-iionJudge, ,'G~rlicktoalled the attention' O''! the; Couneil '" " ,to ~.the rec:k1e"ss drivmng and dangerdus speeding of.. oors, trucks ' (~ ,throughout the city of late, and especially'~~~~sing the ~~ ~r to the schuol children as a result of spp~~~ along '"U' 'sity Boulevard in.f~ont 'of the school build:i~~;I~. , .;- , ' , -- , ,'M. i --, .. M~y ", ','~chiesingei1:-\imm~'diatelY: ,:f~s:ued'~'iiistructiorls. Fa ' hep.91i'ae .de;p,a ,ut to ~a;te,x.iall;y;,incre'8$.~ th~ir activities in >t4.e:';d~- ,re'ct.~: ,: 'I' bet t er: prb,t'~:~rit ion:",t9'~::the S~:b.oo1 Ghildren and' depu-.i .. tizeda ~ ecial officer's toJt~'e]? a, close watch .:n.ong.JJpiv:er- sity' B&u,levard duting,the t.iDJ~:", that 'children werearrlv:ing ~t 30ho,ol" tl1e. recessnour and~;li the~Jveni~gas they' turn'. out.. an'd - $0 s:ummarjly arrest all speeders arl~put a sto~ toth& danger' thus inourre'd.. ~~~ '/'~ ' ) , . t~\ rj{ ;. .' ~ There being 110 f)1Ttl1er business befp~ the meeting, 01:1. motion Oommi s's iO~' duly' ~.eond~cJi\ itl o ommissi oner Leel<xone. the meetin s ae:l.I ed ~dJOur.11eU.t~,~ ' , " . 'pproved. ,( Attes:t: "', I · ", (. " ,~ l _' _ J ~' C;[t'y Secr..etary. ",,,.,,,." '-':!~ ~. ~. ~.. . '1 . .. 'TJJ ,11l"IIr:rrr-- I , r! j. \':~r-:,\~ ~~-;;~~~~,":~r i!': T":~.- ,,- 100' ~ursday Ootober ~rdJ l~~~~ City' Hall-Oouncil Ohamber. City of West University Place, T~x~m. ;->.: j, Called meeting of the City Council convened on the above date w.ith Mayor H. B. Schles,inger pres.ing~ Commissioner If>ii.-t;A. Walling, ~nd Secretary Erwin. CUS~aJ;l in attendance. ' Commissioner P. A. Leckrone,', absent 1f""}L.l18.VOidable reasons. . ' .~, , A petitiDn; and affidavit certified to~~ Council by M~r ' H. B. 'Bchlesinger for the annexation dI,)lhe following tel'"'ri toJ;'Y ,was presented and read , viz: ~ (J I ' 'All Off that territory de$crijted as,follO-V!, ,:.' \' " ' Beginni~g at the ~tersection of the nor~ , line of Bellaire BoUl~vard and the West line of Ki~by drive, , Thence along the west line 'of Kirby Drive extended south a distance of 543.6 feet, ~ore .or less, t~ p~int for corner in , '~League Line;. " . , ',- , , . ,:[hence in a westerly direction along~saip..league line a, dis~ance ~:,!Q.f 2831 feet, more, Ol~ less, to the east l~neof' Buffalo Sp~ed- '>"';' ,'1" ' ,", ' , , ce south along the said ea~ iine 01' Buffalo, S])eeQ,v."fiy' a dis- ~',' ~ of 296 feet, more or ,less '~ to point f@!" e~~ner" , . Th~m~ in a westerly directiofi<~":"distance, of 63$7. 5 f~et-$: ' ~ore f~r less, to a point in th ):~st :ieight-of-way ri~e,',;9f".the , ' u:H. ,7 S.A. R: R., 841.7, feet,. o~ or less, south qf'~~~~ nor,th, " l:meof Be~la~re Boulevard; \\~ " " ,',:,~':".' , i~:~c~f i~h: ~~~~h:r~:A~i~~c~:~n ati~*ali:~do~a~:l!$~f . '~~:~;e " or less,. to the northliUe of Bellaii'e Boulevard;'," ;:~';~,~r.{' Thence in an' easterly direetion.. along said north :L:;ti%fPtif;said Bell&i~e Boulev~d ~ distance of 9168.5 .feet, ,m:~;riel;<!j~J;~~'es'~.,t,:bo the pOlnt of beglnnJ.ng. ,).;':,. ',\ ,-- Whereupon the 'follbwing ordinance was read and",;~dopte,d~;" . :. "".. ~. '- . - ; . .;~..;. .';.;.. "~<~~'~~::': , All ordinance receiving and annexing":;.&e~'~~ri.;;~el;'ri tory and .the inhabitants, thereof, to the City 0.f;West;Un!$~~,,~~ty . . Place ,Texas. ,and providing -ta~t henceforth such <' "', ahd the,inhabitani;;s ~thereof, shal11"'~e entitlGld:tpall' ,'So and 'privileges.- of s'lfch citizens ~~;'\Jound by the ;aet:s", ances qf said ,~ity (arid defining the ~i ts; of the C,ity,,:'ot :i velil- , '4 slty :Plaqe"Texas." inchiding 'in. the .terri,i;~~1f: :h 'i'.l~.nnexed ;anddecl~,ring an emerge "'-"~'-'::;:.;, .. ~:,~~ tidnm.a.de ~y CommissionerJ. A ~ ~11i;ng and -4Y;J,;.'Y,,< / '.~ _ r S.ehlf?s:inger that t1}e oJ;'dint!lIlcti\annexingJw~t';'l --'\,' " described by 'the f'oregoj.ng ordinance and'\f,iE{ , ,.'~ ,.."rtbe,sam,e ~~ hereby ad.o'P{k, ,,".d andt,~(e 'terri,t()~,J['~t:., '_ ~,;.\ V0t:J..ng1i~", ye:, ..".'.- ';--,,', ",' . .." . ,... '.'I~.Ef, . t\ i" :' . '"<~." ,~pmp1_iss:i.oner Walling ~d M~~?~' Schlysing~r. ,,' ,<' ~-'o;:::{';~_,'~~ _r ."1\TO O:N'"E VOTING NO '/ ~",~,a " t-'-1,~~~e ,~ - , ""; . T~ere' being no o~b:ei- bUSine\\efore the bOO:Y" eh::1\'i~i~,*~~ > Corrirnissi~ner Walling, duly seti~n~fied by M~:fu;::B~b~;e'__-g~,~~~~ the, m~'6tJ.ng was declared ~djo~n. _'-, .' ":.. \ >, . ,~C}' '. 'voti~g~~Kye: Comm:t~.,$ion,er ~~ll,ing, Mayor ~ehl<~~:Ltlge!\. , '.- , :v ('..... . ): ..../ u' o ~ 1 r I I' ~ C"- o M ~ ~ r) G u 1# ,,' ,c~:-:;;i- g~~~:~-6~~~ ~:~i: C"'!ty of West Hniy-ersit] PJa.CA, rrAXI'lR, /,ci''''': '~' .~j ReguJ.armeeting of' the City Council convened at 8 P. M. on the --above date with lVIayor Schlesinger presiding and bot~_C_om..rnissioners J. A. Walling & P. A~.. Leckrone also City Secreta..ry GW:lhm~ in. attendance.mm: ," " " ,,> c;;~'~ ' " ' , :," A " ~ ,ft' The . ~inute,s oi Oct~b,~r 3rd ,and S'eptember 23rd were~t. d and by motlon P. A. Lecl~p~~ and duly seconded by J. A. W~ ng were , approved as read and::passed. ~nnexation ordinance ~ ,.~sed Oct 3rst, Voti:r:-g~ye:' :;~~:" ~,' 1929, especufiiY ra. tifiad. C-omrnlssloners WaJ)~ing & Lecla'one. ' .~ - NO, ONE VOTING NO.;' , ',,; Mr,: W~ F. Ghiselin, Chairman ot the Equa.lization Board, was then 'recognized by the chair and thereupon, submitted his report pro- perly signed by J. B. Lakner and J. A. Davlin l!(ssocigt6/members r - Of the Bosra. of Equalization for the; year 192,9.' The report set . ~ t:torth~ a tdltal valuation including all new t~rri toryo<f$6,687 ,17l.0C' '~1Ub.;r>acing both rendered and unrendered roll.s .for 1929. '.. . ~Ii~ was also indic.ated by th~" report at the <?ol1cl'us!ori thereof, ''':~.t. the expense connected~)"liththe w~rk}of' e.qu!-1~$_tj_9n of tp.e _ ~,~ tax roll, aggregs..~ed'::~fie sum of' $'Z5_0.00 to l,e/pa.id in sums " ~:~ua.,l amount to, ea?h merr(f?er of the board, or ,ta$~50.00 each. ' '~.~~~1'iwas made by'''~~omrn?-~si.bner ,walli~g, that :ti' ~tion of the r~por't subm:i,tted .,bythe/;equalization' :&-o.ard in 'so .:1--- as it affect- ed the cost ~r expense ~of $750.00 be approyed, b. ~hat the Board RO,t be'ad-jou..rJ1l,ed or the report otherwise accepted-&;dap.,proved " until final approval by .the Commission of thevaluf'tions:'set forth -h<tne ;/tax rolls for the year '1929. ' Vo'tiRg Aye: .' ,O~tnl!1:t~si0ners Leckrone & Walling. ,Ji/ _. ,:N~()~.VOTINGNO. - ' ! ;::, '<It , , The City\S~cret.arw th~n sibmiitted to the Council, s:ever'~l,pieces, of"c8.nc,elled paper, for the 'purpose of' h~\7ing th&il destroyed: :.n.:~.t:;"$J.0,QOO.00. in time warrants erroneousl;r isstfEid ,Nos 1 t.o 10 ." ;,~~~:~~~r~u~~t s~;hd:a~~:Y:!f' and r~issued~orr~f'tlY, bearint5 ' '~2itct'r~a:-t}:>~cr.iP',,~:tlems CO:Y:<?F~~Sf by the $47 ,000.00 ~' " ing warrants ,Serl.Q.f;,1929'Q't" datei:?ep~ember 12th 1929.., wh, include,s also, $22i,~'$'!ti/t'ift!~'$;rrants' c,ancelled along with th };Q.ther i teras ' w~c~:\~ to m:~l~@\cJlpthe \'~7 ,000.00 funding War'rantfl as a.foresaid- ;i;A:Uki..t~i..d' 'l:Oe1Jl1S nav':L;n&~been examined.b"j""tIie, Comm!Ssi'oners;': ' , ;;Mozi:f:,:"'-"",; orfered:1;>:Y:'~oi:nm_issionerLeckrone and .duly se'conde'd;by ',tJ~nun ': 1;:, 'walling that .,the.,<.eYltire ,c.ancelle,d;' s-cripand, :time,; " iw:~tl? ...',:~h~~,,(~~ron~;pusly,j,l1?,~ued wa.rrnts be' orclered destroyed J:)Wkntt$ir.jyic $d\ti;r-,dered Spre.a:d,on the, minutes. ;V9,ting A'te: ", , ',/,' . "q~mmi.&s~'hners Walling ,a.nd L~~krone. ", :1\iO'" O'1I~' VOT"IT'JG N' 0 ,:: ", . ~~ , ,,'<;' , :ll:..,." L'i~ " . "', ~ :h . . . ." ",': . €.-;.,~. to.. .? >yt. ..,. /:0 l:e.cGl:rditlgly-' :the .,s;a.n:ie: w,er~:fidtly.de"$~:;,oyed'by fire i , the COnimission & M~yP!' a~ l1bdu 11'1';.'':[\116. this'c~d;a: .:Qom~,. Wall;i;ng' :,Leckv ;/ '.', 'r~;;; , .'~ ". "'" lie ~~ .~: ~ , ~, '-~-~- lliJedTIes.day October 9thh 1929 'i . Counci:t" Chrunber-Ci::y HaL ,City of WestTJnivers:ity"PJacA, ~AXR~. ~ SPEOIAL meeting of the City Gounciled convened, pl~suant to call at 7 P.M., on the above date with ~ayor Schlesinger preSiq~ngl and both Commissioners, Wall'ing ~ Leckrone and Secretary Cush- man in attendance. ~ . , ' "", ':!,.\ . ' - , Proposal of Carl PmeasanD Inc., ~enix Arizona, naming unit prices for paving and street.improvemen~'~ L~ke, Virginia, College' and sundray other, streets to be ~. under contrac"t w.ith thee Cit;y- of West University Place, Te~ ' ' - Bidder agreeing to. begin wprk wi t" ten days after the ,date of the execution 'of ,Gontract. AIJ. wot>lf . , pe accomplished )inac.., cordance with specifications aSSIT9WU'On plans and upo~a.ccept- ance to execute a cont:Jl3act and bond and to keep san~e in a com- Pletes~*te of repair for a period o'f Rive, (5) yea;t>'s f'rom.da.te~ o~ certificate of final .accept~e for tb.eprices na1nedin said. b~d." ..... ':_'~'-'J.: ,?;,:';i{'~-':'''-",: , . '" ,." ' .- Moti9n,,}~~,"")JY .corrmiie,ei<mer ','. <' -:g and duIY"l?econded, byConhnis- , , " ' .sionr ~~ ,that' Bid carl PI dllt Ind be ,aw'arded tIttld' tIi~:'Con- ., , tra~t dra1fm~ Als?, ?:ir~ctin~ t. ~ty, Engineer t~ proce~f3d:':.'.' Yot~ng Aye :Cormrn,ssloners Wall~a Leckrone. ~,":, , '. ; N,O ONE VOTING NO.- 'n~' ."', , ' ",,;,'; , Resolution authori2iing Pavement an~Tmprov~ments~ ~s' se:h-<~<fi;~~:-'ir:t bid oT Carl Pleasant Inc., together' with all competitive ':bids a.:re t,ully set, forth and described in separate minute, b$,~'<just ,',s;tarted with~:!f:this contract and designated as JB:e~~aneittr; , "ri1ent '\' ,& Iwpminut~[~!iboo;k I.A. ,Res61utiDn ~s to 'p~Qperty: :Qwjnil0~~:~8.!'itd,~'~~J , 'ot9-~r ~detRtls of, th~s proce~ding irt~ full ~o be fti:J;.]:~,~,~::.:~ ":>~q._ de'~TJ;bed,~w the, sa~d new, mJ.nute~6~k." -. ,',",:,/;,"i~tt~' C Mr'.":Preston R . Plumb, O.ff'e:e.edhiS'i~~ignat:i.b:r-. ",a:srpl,' \ missioner to take effect at earli" .opportunity. "',; t, , Motion maqe by Corrin1iss ioner Leckro ~~,~e9onaed: b;y",C W~ll~ng 'that Mr.. tpreston' R. ~lurnb&~Sj'~~ign.ati()nias!:,:,:,',p".":",,,? mJ.ss~oner be aecepte.'d ,effect~ve at o~,lp . " ',:' Voting Aye: Cpmmi $.sipners Walling & Leckrom:a <,'0:; NOONE:VOTING NO.", ' , " , <" ,';;. IVIr. 'P~ ,;A:, ~Ckroh~,t;uhE?n' of~ere~,huis resign,a",,:,t,~dn,.,',:,(, of', the 't1l.ty of' w:e~1:L;UnJ.versJ.ty,.t"~ce, T,e:x:a.s'.:-"" .,','.'" ~otion made by C0:mmissioner Wal' .d.ulyseCion; , ,diager that' ,the res.ignat1.on of _<A.;.. Lec, , ~ee.ffe;ct,;;at, ,Qnc.e...;' , ~ot:ing ;4yef:Mayor .:S:chlesinger ,& ,'.', ;',~~lE ~"'O~!~HG: .~O~:'~~li~~:'pr'Op.08e~ ','" ',',',' " ., .'ckrone.asi"((]omm:ti' .'_ __. - ,.f - -- ," .<..<__. ,-_"-'.-; as.,' ~:'1?A. .ir;~{\. a~;1i; $.!i}h ~f"-'; \; '~, c) .- . ' ~"':, ''-;, ~{':", ~ , "'0 'I' f~+ ...', ;: ,~ ,: - . ,~ .~. '.' '1f'o ,,~, O','-~:" ," t' ( \ "", X'. ~ o :e ~ N rf,'--j , ~l ip ;'~ L .' J , I ) ! i I , '[" .";.~ -t,.~ . . ..". :::~ -:-' "~- ~~~.}..~ "if (. ,ft-"";'~: :.;:.'. "?o. ',,~4t ~ :. '': ...... . . ~.. ,.,~. ~'. --. :. ~ " . ,." .. <':": 'Jw;~~":l~~':'I!r;~~\t~t:~a iPEl6181,~ffiijeti~:~~;'~~e:~Citj,.Q~t.riWiss:taJl.'Pt ,f: :..:~ti~g~t-;J*~s~ ) lfnl:fei>sit1.pt~c~ ~ 'in 'I{ilI~rls ' e~n~y; " 1ri... ,w~s, 1;e,lcil ,'at, tb.~ cn"iiy Hall"1risal~ Ott'1a1; $ o'clock P...._OetQb-e:t"'~, 1929.d\i~::n~t:tcEj'Coi\;-wiliic:p. .,', ~e:tini~f.:1)~$i F6vlbtrsli 'gi~e~1!J~. reC!frfl'~d'b~~~,f~'~~d.- E{,t wli~ch m:~~t:lng'the: "p'ilJ: ' ii" "t and "",rt., '. ',1, c.,,'1,,' =n,-,,'t!.,..:.:-:.IfPit"'~":':':;Jil~', ',',~".~,',:_,.',4< '<l,.:"" ,'.' " ",.,. ') ~'~,~~::,,:Ptr~~,:,,~~y.e~J'l'!?~p: " . .W" ',' '. .~,,~~~ r ~ .~.~:~ ,".n;,~e.l"}:,~.,~(,.~~:_ ~i~~~" , '7.."~:' ",,'f'i," .," ,> ,', , t ,", _. " ~. $~ ~~nr\~~\W~~;rs::J\?f::!~, J~1ff~~~d .,~~ Le~~n~.. i. . . ..."..=E~;~~~~e"~$~~fF~tdf~..~~ ~, " . ~ :r~;J.~ - _0-,,' f _' . :, ~~~l'on. the M81~;r d~~l"iJ:~d s~~~ 1;'" '~,;t ';If '~.imo~~~1i c,arr.1ell 'a.l1~" ' ~ '. . '-- . ~ "?," -:~ '\t~. "~~.' .?~'.~. .. aQf>ptell,. which said res()luti~.. W~e! and is aS~~a:l:Ow~; ,<. " -;\t '- ' - ~ i-' -, ]':" " , ~0;tU~Q]f ordering ana p~v1~m forth-e 1mPre~~~t, €If por~11\)~S ~'ct~1:'''' ',' Lak;e E;Jtree{, @d-'$lndrt other stre~ts, a~Jl!l1esal1d,'~ul'b;t;~,(~' "&I in 't,he, Ci,tN ">h ,~, ,,' of, West Unive;rsi;'ty:':l?l~ee; Rari'iJJ e~\1ll:~l' Te~~J ado.pt::i!n~p~ds'P..;t,to~':'~: tioQ therefor; apportioning the cost of such imp'rovemen. /,,~vidilig th.e" '. ~ ~". , . ~ y.'"' mel'~tlll~r Jil:t' .,p~nt thereof". . 'f'::7t ' ' ; -}" _~__________~."""'--,"--.="-_;l..~,-",,-~~,,,,----_.~,~,-~------..'__-:;._........:-,,,,-.,.-~~~-:;~ . , ' -:: :",:- ;., :....-~ ".. . ,;..: '. .,.. "- ~ '_~-~h'" _......~~~:M.--{q;::-,~-<;;~=~L ~"'._~. '- ~~~...~~~-' .. ~ --,.~.;c._'''' . I I.: T ~ lllr.! I ~1 [' I " f 2 WHEREAS, the City Comission of the City of West University Place, I ) in. Harris County,Texas. is of the opinion that a necessity exists for improving certain streets or portions thereof 'in said city as hereinafter defined and Now therefore; described, and that such improvement will be Of benefit to the public generally: '" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COmU:SSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE: Section 1: 'l'hat the hereinafter described stl'eets, avenues and other public places. or portions thereot, as hereinafter iefined, ill,:Jihe City ot .' , West University Place, in Harris County, TeXas; be and thei are each hereby ardered improved by filling, grading, raiSing and by paving the same with ,( a six inch concrete base with an asphalt tapping; and by re-paving and/or repairing paving already laid, where necessary; and by constructing side- wallm, curbs and gutters, where there are now no sidewalks, curbs and gutters, ( \ \ ! I or either; and by re-construeting',repairing and/or re-aligning sidewalks. curbs and gutters, or either; where necessary'; and by straigb.te~ing, widening t and narrowing any such street, avenue ,or other public piace or any portion thereof. where necessary. and by constructing all necessary appurtenances and incidentals to any such improvemen't;, including drains and' culverts, where provided for on the plans or called for in the specifications herein- after referred to; said streets, avenues and other public places, or portions thereof so ordered to be so improved', being as tollows: Lake street from: the north line ot' University Boulevard to the south line o'f Plumb avenue, designated as un.! t No. 28. Virginia street from the south line of Amherst street to the south line or-Plumb avenue, designated as Unit .No. 2g. " Belle Court from the north line of Univel' sity Boulevard to the south line of Plumb avenue, designated as Unit <No. 30. \Vakeforest street:from the north line of Plumb avenue to the ,-" ---,-;r;--'"';-'-1'--;' '--II'--'-T;--;-I-"-~FCllllrrr!"'-;;---------------- -1.1. 'T'fC ""'ir'r-T-- 'I - -----T;;-r~1i:::!;-- ~ \) Z) ~ ~ 3 ~! south line of Bissonnet street, designated as Unit ~o. 31. . College street from the north line of University Boulevard to the south line of Poe street, designated as Unit No. 32. College Street from the north line of Poe street to the south line of Milton street, designated as Unit Bo. 35. College street from the north line of Milton street to the south line of Richmond Boad or street, designated as Unit .No. 34. Burns streetfrom the east line of Community street to the west line of Cameron street, designated as Unit .No. 35. . Burns street from the east line of Cameron street to the west line ot College street, designated as unit No. 36. I ( ) I . Burns street:from the east line of College street to a point 467.2 fee1; east of the east line of College street, designated as Unit No.3'. .Byron street; from -the east line of Community street to the west line of' Cameron street, designated as Unit ~o. 3$. . Byron street: from the east line of' Cameron street to the west line of College street; designated as Unit No. 59. , - BYrOn street: 1"rom the east line of COllege street to a poi.nt 467~2 feet east of' the east lineor College street, designated as Unit No. 40. ' Bryant street from the east line of Community street to the west line of Cameron street, designated as Uni.t No. 42. . , Bryant street from the east line of Cameron stree1;- to the west line of College street, designated as Unit No. 43. Bryant street from the east line of College street to a point 467.2 1"eet east of the east line of College street, designated a,s Unit No. 44. Moore street from the east line of Connmni ty str~~t to the west line of Cameron street, designated as Unit No. 45. t!1 , : "i" mlrr;c' 1"""'1111 , rr T .4 ~ Moore street trom the east line of College stre13t te a. point 467.2 :teet ^. ",. flast of the east line ot COllege ~t,reet, designate~ as Unit 1fo.49. , Poe ,streetfromthe eaf3t line of' OO11lImlnity streeis to the west line ot l' " - ;..,' Ha<ien street, ~esignatea. a:;s IJn:i:t, Jo'- J;O. " .' ~ -. . ': 'l:---',,- r," ''''' lcl!"",~ :Milton ,stre~from tb:e ,east line of' COImiDinitystreet to a point . . ".~ > ", . ., , ,~6f,,2 'te~" eas,t ot the ,ea13t line of' COile,ge s-treat:, designated as Unit, No. 51. . ... .,.:',",;.- , Tennuseeatree~; "trom' the "llortlr l.ineof' UniVer:!3'it1~'ul:ev~ to the .. .. ',::, " '",. SQU't~ 1i11e eft ~st stre'~. ~des,ignated ae Unit .No. ,i~. . . , "-"-'\ ".- '," ~ ," ~ ~ ..':' ',' "',J."~,- ....: ",> ,,~ ,,'r.: :;;4~<;~~ ~!B$1U1eS'seestreet: from 1;'-J;Ie north line of' APerst stree.t to the'soutJ.a .:1: '" ., i,l;~ne Q~ Riee ,Boulevard, designated as Unit .We. : 53. {- -" -.~ " , ,.~,ennesse.e, street ., ;t"romthe 'tto:rrtl',l: lineot Rice' Bouleva.rdto ,the south. .,). .. ~-T. '. - '"J ,.--..~"'-'.' " :' . r.. .<~..~.~...'*s'i~~~ ..:..;~:..,,:<: i~ne~i"Qqm1J~:r~,fP'l1i1 E;ltre,:e:t.d~signtlted as Unit ~o. ~. , ',', .:~~. .~- ,. "'" ,,-:,.;~ '''', ,: '.,~ .~~. :"" ,,:,:,;_,,~: ,>,'h - ,- - .... . ,':~:~; WenneEtsee$treet;;-'~ 't-l1e ~o~th:ti:n~0f' GUinbei-1:and s;t~ee. t9 tl:i.e '.-::', (;' ,.:.' : ..- " .... .:, .". ';. "., ~ .',....... ..... ~ :>.,,:.~. ",~!~~,,,'''',.:~~: "":h,-:~;~"'~..; ," ,~,~llt1,111,:Q.e 9fJ:1;Lumb stl'e~, !i:eE;lign~~e<J. asuni t !lie ~ !?i. ~~....l.., .". ":, ~',., ....~ ~~,.....:'\.' .V.:.~ -:.":':~i ..,- ~.,':.c. '::'}:';_.~;~~.~2~",-~..,;:;:~.<,;~ '~ Tennesseest-relllt; 1.7Pm-t'~e, n,o:rrth lineot' Pl'U.Iilb ~t_r.ee-ttQ the south' , '. '.: ..: I'''. .,'.. ..~ ,'. .:.~~ -'.:" ."...., .~' f' ~'...{ .... ':'"'\~<;c~~ .~_.:'7~~\<'~:_'::i~,: ~f~$,'FJ;~.~1 ~{C~ :.': ,~i;y:p~r ,rU$1~f ,s~Feeji;~d!~ignated..as uni:J;No.;,e~ / " ' ~. .' :2, ':. :.-) t ~ " . ~ .~:?\.. .; ,.':. ~(,...t ~ F:.:.' ." c'_.' ~~." t,;, (t. -~;'_':~;"':;' .~. <:. ~ft:I ' Terin6se_, street,lt:fo.m -the ltor1;h J::tne of Tangle;y ~t~et to . the soqtb -I ~ :f.'. ,"'. .~..........:~~~.:...-"",,- '-.~;,,:-~"t';'.,,:, \.' '.' ,:".'. ..,:<. :~'<_T;.~~ ....~~.''"',:~.,;,~ \.::~::.?~~~,:;.:::r:r.~t~1 . . J,i;Ile,,9~JW:bj:1$~~)I;ist;r~e~ L"de;;ignat,ed as ,l;ln~t W0.$'~, - ' , - >7 . .: -." L~."_~>" ,~'. ;..'.,~_;..r~:'~~.<;.. '1':<' '~'.' .',:' .~. " .>',: "~.::~~~~~-:..!t:'l::~~~~~~~j~~,:~:~::;:~~i~~\l~~-.. ~sn:Q,e.$seestre~t,;f~ the n:o~thJ:tne orRo)Jinl1~Gg.st.i~~Jeto tlJ,e south ~.~.::-:...." _'J~~.. ~ .... ~3~nY ~ ~ -,-' :_.' :,' .-'.:.-"< _.: .~ o~< i~}>:'~>~~~ ~~<.,~. <;~""~. "':~Jy.:{;'.'~~t;_. l~ne, of' ~iQ,~t~tJ:~aw. s~ree'" des ighated .a,s I1ni t, Nfl. 1$,. ' , ~ <' ~ 7" ,~ ~~. ':c ,,'~ ~$ -t, ~--(:--t--,Z:-'" ~. . ',: .,.;, ::<~{..... """'~.-"'~ _'7.'~. .: '-'. ~. .._~'"'~,~. ._ .'_ .' 'fl'ennfssee ,$:tre:ei':(rl1):~lrtlle 'no~lI' line",tN~t~i.n~~,gl;~~J;,'t() the .'~~. ~yle~~~e~~-.a~.t~~e~~~;~r;r;,;':<l~.iC ........ /'w~nIiessee',$treet:;f2:o:m-'"t.h~ no:rtlt:'lin~ .of$Uli~~t :n0J1~Y~ to the ~:""'. "'i" ,'.~ ""'.":-: O~".<~_..':"':" -;'. i~T~;""\ ..,.. '~"",-. ,,~. -r-.";;- .->",' ,S-..' - ." -~ !,. . " -.' f - >. '.'.' " :~,\~-;:-~;,"'{\<"< :'-~~.' '~~~'7"~ ,:r~,-"- ,"~(lu1!h 11~e p~ ~b~s< ttveJlUO, ~esi_gnajeQ: ~ ~lBit Net. ~:...., ~ ' . . ':mennp~ee,,~'t~t,~~:t)1~ j><>r~;~~~~~"t~~J;~~:.~h ..~~i:Q.e ot-Bi$$~:het$t*e'~",'designati~das trni;t:N"oe,!,.~~" , - ' L.' 'I:~~~W~~:.. ..: r- ,r~ ~.....----'-~- - - '{ . ?,', ' - -. T' rlf~ 'lll"TP 'Ir I ,'[II{- ~ o ~ ~ N ~i I 5 Lowell street:from the east line of College street to a point 467.2 feet east of the east line of College streett designated as Unit No. 62. Lon&fellow street: from the east line of College street to a point 46'1.2 feet east of the east line of College street t designated as Unit No. 63. Whittier street:from the east line of College street to a point 46'1.2feet east of the east line of College streett designated as Unit No. 64. Riley street:from the east line of College street to a point 467.2 teet east of the east line of COllege streett des ignated as Unit No. 65. RUSKIl'l STBEEl'; froIllt-he east line of Comnnmity street to the west line of Cam.eI'9n street, designated as Unit No. 66. Ruskin street:from the east line of Cameron street to th.e west line , ( I et Fairhaven street or Boulevard, designated as Unit No. 6'1. Ruskin street:from the east line of Fairhaven str~.t or Boulevard to the west line of Hawthorn; streett designated. as Unit No. -6,-' Aeade:rny street:from the north line ofBell~lre Boulevardt to the south lin.e .,01' Ruskin street, designated as Unit No. 69. Academy street: from the north' line of Ruskin street t9 the south line of Riley stree'b, designated as Unit No. '10. Academ;r street:1'rom the north line o1'Riley :&treet to the south . ' lien of Whittier street, designated aeUnit No.7l. . Academy street:from the north line of ,Whit ttier street to the south line of Longfellow streett designated as Unit No. '12. ,~ Acade:rny street:1'rom the north line of longfellOW street to the sout'h line of Lowell street J designated as Unit No~ '13. .Academy atreet:from the north lineof Lowell street to the south line of Burns street, designated as Unit No. 74. 'Aeadem.vstreet: from the north line of Burns street to the south r ~ r I 'fl'IITf r , '-T" "11"1' '1' 'I T I I -II' 6 line of Byron street, designated -as Unit ,No. '15. M~demy stre~t :frOmthe north line of By:-on, street'" to the soutli line ~l"';Bryant,'street, :designated f3,s'Unit Np.'1_. )" . ~ .':;: . Aeatemy$treet:t~om the nort~ line ot ~Bry~t ,'stre~__~-tg, ~l+e sQ1J~h l~ne . .' ""; . ~ ~ ':...,' 1 . . ",' ,- 0'1 Moore street, designated ~s Unit No-,. '1"1. , , . . '!II;, 'Xt . . AP"';'_ "tN.tI f,,:,," the l1<i1'thli~e~i~:..t~~~ sOUt#liue ".'1' t:Jl'ltversity'~~vari; ,desigrUil.ted as Unit N<>.,,~j- 'i:1&iDg,$ligh.t+y<'~i1~a ':0:1" '.. '_:~'! ~ .' . ,'-, f ... . - ~.~.~~ tlle south line of He1at~s street. :" ~ri~ ~...tf';;" ~~ llO~th line at ~fi.$ti;l... ~1,t>>"'!>O\ith 11l1e " ',' 'of' ~i'nS street; des ig:ilate~ eJj' unit .o~ ,79.' ' " ,": '~',<' " :,,- . .,' 't '.~ .:/'rf' ::." :;,.~ :..,' .'. _ .' L~ . '.' .,;~.,: ~'''r'T '...., 'L "', ':.,~. .,.t,. . . . .lItfwt:b;or1les~re.11' ^,fromth'& Ildrth iin';,f: Bu~"~st"ke~i~~"lb.~"'s~th ,. ',::' ::_.:L 'J''} .:..J-;.~;.,.. ~}' ".:;>" ...~'.~': .._~ ~:. ~ _.." ~ _ '. ,...... >' ,..,. < line ofBYNn,' ~reet, dea ignated as' 'l1iii 1tNo'~ "'sO~ ",,: ,,::,::':: / (- ,< ~: :r '" ~.~: . l( '::\;. ,.. .:4:-1" ~ ~ ': '.~' _"~ ~.. ',- ...... ~~,~~~~~,~:~~:.~:, -,w~~t 'iine,pt~K1~)1: Drive; Q.$~igna~~d ~sV-Iti:l;c lo.~~.. ,,~. ":'v~ !;1<" :f!; ~-"~'~7'.'+"':~:""~7.',-:~':.",;:i.~~.';-'~,:)< -'" .~~.~~~~; '!!,I.,>-:::-. " line [' ! I J I ~ \) Qt'J m ~ rf' .-.' ( 7 bearing date J"une 12, 1929~ and purporting to have been prepared by Hon. H.L. Shaw, City Enginee:v err the City of .tiouaton,Texas; which pamphlet is styled 1tcaty of Houston, Engineering Department - specifications - stre*tpavingtt said pamphlet being further described as being Form E-13 - with certain erasures and addenda, 'are here now adopted as the specifications to be used in the construction of said improvements. Pl.ans drawn by the City engineer for .; the City of West University Place having been prepared and submitt.ed to the Commiss ion, are here now adopted as the plans for such improvement, and such plans and specifications, in connection with any co.tract which may be here- 'atter executed between said city and any contractor making said improvements, shall constitute the plans, specifications and contract relating to such improvement. 8eo.tion 4: The cost 'of such improvement shall be and is hereby appo1'- tioned and shall be paid in the follow1>ng manner; (a) In any ease, if there are any railway, street ra:i,lVi8Y or i1).ter- urban tracks, double tracks, turn-outs or switches using, occupying or crossing any portion of said streets aforesaid, or any portion thereof': then the whole cost of constrocting such improvements in the area between and under the rails, tracks. double tracks, turn-outs and switc~~s, ancl two feet on each side thereof' on the outside thereof, of any railway, street railway or interurban, using, occupying or crossing any such street, avenue or other public' place aforesaid or any portion thereot ordered to be improved as afore- said, shall be paid by the owner or owners thereot, andsuch cost shall be assesset against such railway, street railwaY or interurban sO occupying, erossing 11.1' using the same, and its road:-bed; ties, rails" fixtures, rights and franchises; and the owners thereof, which cost shall be seour.,4 by a lien thereon and on said property aforesaid. sup:erior to any other lieD. or claim 8 except' 8tate, Cou.t:vand City ad valorem taxes, which obligati~n and lie. I " may be enforced e1ther by sale of said p.pertl' in the 1l18DJler ~;~~id~~(bY law ( , ~ ,. ',:" '. ~ ~ for t4~ aollecltion of a!i valorem taxes by the e1t,. or by suit in any court ....J ~ving jurisdictiop. Said assessments shall be payable in: ten equal install- . :,'t3:, . men~s falling' due:resJ?eetive1y in 1, 2. 3, 4, 5,6, '1, S, 9 and 10 iears ~,~ ',(~--J c i~:~__ .i., >; ':,J "f';l'0ll1 arid after, the date of' the eompletio:a of' sa.id improvements and its ac- ... - . ~~:;.' ~ :.;<~::: t. cept~ee QY, sa.id C~1'7 ,but the whole .or aIlY iustallment of said ,aliJSOSelUents may _ ' . ! . ".' _ ;~ . t; _'".: \., .t!:~:;~,,'i ~ be,l>~ida,t any 'ti:DJ" by p~ill~,the unp~~d prillei~,toge"pher Wi~~~ce:rued ,1nter- . --' t~'{.'''j,f;;~-\.~~lt1~f , ~sj; ~d~t'eo.fp,mxe~~ Ddterred payments" shall be~ interest at1;hs rate of :~ "i~i~''1.(j '-;>:r~J {:J it a'Ocru es; ~ a.llpast due , "".:1 ~":.:..~ :',,:';-"L.;~~;c:r~~. ~~;-..;~~'t! ,:principIA anj, ~nte:rest' s)Ia.1.1'~:~,a~ inte17ss'b "attl:};erateQf-S,e~e~;I'~).. J!;~r cent ~. .~. _, i ,". , -...: .'""~ ~<!(f.~~ }-1~~1:.,;;:'~: :per an1'llQtl,J"rom maturity u.ntil paid; payable -annually as 1i; aceru$J. ~ti1" ,&ssess- t . ~ > 8eN:El!l t'1~) ,p~r cen1;per )en~~ ,paY'abie ~nl~ally as ~'. " 'lne,n1i~ ,sba,J.l, Qe ecJ.lect i 'ql,; to'gsther wi t11 int'eres1;; e.xpenses' ,o~ ,:,:~,~ll;e~1; 10. 1 ~.r.-:_ .~ "'~ -. -"":"'~~...~..~<', .;,..,~. _',',,:~.;..,,~ ~r:. :-~J'}.~.,~~::.," ......,.._, J.... and reas:ona:bleattorneys':t"ees, i:fineunet.i- A$'s,i:gtiablec-e' ,ElS' shalibe ~(,::,:;. :;~::::~::::3::::~;L4;8.~1~~r;::~1ee . , to.;- - ~l';Caul1;", a~ ~y other ~tt!rS . whi?:n ~ be la~ir"e~br~~';ll in' s~id , ',~ ) ~ ~, ,:~~: '" >". :.7: ~t>+ f' -.;: l;sr","'J~"" . ;C,e1:",t,lfieato.,., evid~nci.ng the Iilteps taken bY:" said Qitt~~" -;Jlg\Ultt~"th'e .~ ,-.~.",. , , , ~,'.':;:_f .-.l,"~ "', ~ S';: t;:;;.;:-.... "'".;>-.".'.J, .~.' ~' . .-:>~_ '."<: ~~. , ~. -,..' . . J'iJ.:< .t,:. . ~~t>t ~~i'{~ ~;{:: ~~:~. .. ~: :i-,~supn,c~~ ot, ,$a~~ c~~ti:ti~e~~e~\,in, ~c~ ~n~r as ~~flt t~ nci't~s in said ,,;~er;t'if~C~1i:e's w:iJl b_ep~paa~ ~~e.i~ e~~~e~~(.;~~cts'~ri'i~~r'~~~~t~?;,c:~Fe'~tes~ ,J~,) $'4~. wl1~1~CQst>ot cons~ructing. re-eonstructin,g, '~~:P,', ,tfIr:d/,~re- ~ ,~ "4 ,"< , >- ~ -~.::~~:').Y.;.~'f~:'~f;:: ~-~ " --~ -~. ',' ct.ing j;~t'er '~na~lJ I ..~~~1)is~' ..a1d~e~..~ ~~:"~~;'~i1'~~~?en= > ! 1 I ~ Jr'lJ'1' II r llT"'T'r.---lrrr. ~ o Qtj M ~ ~J ( i \1 l '\ ( " I I \ 9 shall be secured by a lien ~gainst said respective parcels of property; and said assessments shall be colleotible, with interest, expenses of 001- lection and ~lIIl""E1..\'l...L reasonable attorneys fees, if incurred, and the lien securing the payment of said sums of money shall be a first and prior lien on the respective pareeld: of roperty so assessed, superior to all other liens and claims except state, County and ui ty ad valorem taxes, and( said assessments andother sums of maney aforesaid shall 'be a personal liability and charge against the owners of theproperty assessed. and said lien shall take effect as of the dateof the passage of this resolution, when fixed by the assessing ordinance to be hereafterpassed. Said ~ssessments and other sums of money aforesaid shall be a personal liabili t7 and charge against the real and true owner or owners of said respective pareels of property as of ,such date, whether such real and true owners are named in said assessingordinance or any other pI'Oceecling had by said city or not. Said assessments shall be payable in ten equal installments, falling due respectively in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5~ 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 years from the date of the completion of said 1mprov,ements and its acceptance by said CitY', but any such assessment as a whole, or anT installment thereo:t, may be paid at any ti100 before maturity, upon payment of all unpaid prinoipal together with accrued interest to date of payment.Defer- , . red payments shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, from . / date until paid, payable annually as it accrues, All past due principal and interest shall bear interest from maturity until paid, at the rate of seve.n per cent per annum, payable annu~I1' as it accrues. Said assessment s shall be evidenced by assignable certifi cates issued by said C:i,ty in favor of the contraotor making such improvt'mlflnts, evidencing the amount of'such / assessments, the ,time and texms of payroont, rate of interest, penalties for default, and such o~lll~r- recitals as may be lawfullyembraeed in sUch certificates to the end that the reeita;J.~iJ1, sUch certificates shall be !' 1 TT'ff11I'l' '-II~ 1'0 prmaf~~ieevidenee of the fects so red ted therE)~. j.-~ r: 'm;1.at, part~ 0,1' .the cost of such improvements so ordere~: to be made which , ~ :~""'"'":~--''':~":$ ~'-..~;;:..' is to be ~sse~sed against, al:1utting property and the owners thereat, s:tiall be ( , " ' , " ' , '~, , ' :'::' ':.- c, :,.;,~": .-" '\, 0, ,'-:'-,",;', .- apportioned at.llOP-S the ~Spee't1ve, pa:rcels of abu1;ting pn1>perty in ,accordance . ..' .... .' -,.' ~,r_'-:'i_.:/: '~'~.,.' ~..>~:,"':'..q wit~the'front 1'oot"plan,ot rul,; provi~edtha:t' if' t:!i:e appl~~~t:j.()ll,9'f such :rule . . . . . ,-'. . :'". -')' '-'i <~ ,<~.ft~ . . -' (~:~ w~~:t:i.. in~~~ opin~o",.of t'he Ci~y ~oxnm~~siQ:tl. in any partie~+a~e:~e o.r,cases, ::~:1:j:~S:~ i=~:::'J:t ~:::~:::<f~~~~~:i~ .::~~1:=E::=:':~::::;:'izf- '.!i\l.al~1tir:-Q~ ,ben~ti.;tsreeei;~Q4: ;al1d' bUr!fens ,~ol?ej.. , . (...;:" '". " .~-. .:f'-"~ ".J >. . , .:!l,.'" "'.', :---"~.~ ", ~.: ' : (. >~"~~}'~"":'., ~,; ~~:~;;; .}5!f4 .i~~~ b ". , ,',~e};t.i,e~1~~~~~e4 o,~.i~1:;, an~p~p.q~ Snfi tlIe'~r$on~,:Ui!ibU1ty ,otthe ..::,:~~=;:~;t=,~;~~;~:~t~;;:it~;t1~' ",ol J..*;tq~;,:t;;hEj';~~~~~;~~;'9ii~~liT"$,\~P;, C~1;y ~~,:,~~T~~}~tl~8<~~.,;,'~~' t "~,~' '.,' ,"" :,A<l~ "~',!~!h~~~1!i~~ ~~~;<rl':~~~~~,;~~Y~~~*~~~:~'llf#d~~~>>the '~~,~>/~t ,~l"~~t ,fl~~?f!~~t:y;~~t~Otr:,~~e~i~i, , ' ~fl.t ~b.e,;~gs.u~m'~t~~t,:,~q~~~;\~' ~l1,li~~: 'j :'1 ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~i ( 11 unit or not, but such acceptance and settlement as to any particular unit shall not in' any wise release the contractor from making such improvement in any other unit covered by saHl contract. Though the contractor shall obligate himself to commence and complete said improvements in all units covered by said contract, yet, he Shall not be required to make said improvement in tront 01' any property which by the laws and constitution 01' Texas, is- ex- am.pt from the lien or personal liability of a special assessment, such as a homestead or property belonging to a City, County, the state 01' Texas, an)" school district or any other political sub-division ot the state having l1le exemptions. And further, if due to litigation arising before or at the time 01' doing said wor,k or before the comple-tion thereat in front 01" any prope rty in any ( l unit, the contractor shall have the right to suspend the work in front of the property involved in sueh litigatiol1 until a final determination thereof; and further; 11' for any reason~ the city and the contractor shall agree upon the amiss 10n 01' such improvement in fronto1' any particularpareel or Paz."'" -d'els 01' property; then in any such events such omission to make said improvements under any such circumstances shall in no wise affect or in- validate any assessment made'against any property covered by said co~tract in :f'rontof which said improvements are made and constructed or the owners thereat. Upon the oontractor completing the work of such improvement in any particular urfit or units, the city shall J1ave the right to settle therefor I with t'he contractor, upon accepting such work as being complete in that unit ~d such acceptance and settlement as to each such unit or units ( 1 \ ~eparatelYt shall not affect the validity 01' any other assessments in ant other unit or units. Section 61 The liens provideg. for by law and in this resolution, when fixed by the assessing ordinance 91.' Qr~inances to be hereafter passed in coti1'ormity with law; shall relate back to and beeome effeetive as 01' the .. f ..r.TIfl11 ~ .-,T ~r-TU. fl' -Ii I 1"1 I ij r-c-+- ='7"~--~' -". .-_.- - ~ - '. - -- .~ 12 ete of the passage of this resolut~Qa, and1;he pas~age Of1;lJ,is"reselu1;ion shall , , ". ~ ... 'J. . r' opera1;e as notice of such, lien' ri~t~a~ against all persoms ~:vi,~.~,~ .' . - '- '" - . '.: ~ ~ :" ~ claim, righ-t'; title~ int'ere~t or.' ownership ~t ~id p~pEJrty or.m_,lJ~!l. ,(')J'l . . _, ,. '. "': T-.'-i. f'~ ......: ~:,\, \'.; r,",~ same. .Arr1 erroT or 1I1is1rake in sa.it assess,ing Qrdi1).a,nee, ;to. Ita, ~eJ."~~:terpassad; . .. .. . . - ..' . .-', :-.,.;, 'N.~..' ~ ~_ - , in sta'tlng"the name' Gf'anyowner of:p:roperty- ;~or in: ,tb:e g,,~~~F:i~Ji"~~to! ,ag, , . .' ' . ~ . . . '.,. 7.' . "~(..,, \, paree-lofp1l'Operty;'^'shal):-no't $-ll~aiidat~ ,~:q~ li:~~ ~aW!!J:t:~Hi~Q, p1;P]lF!tty ll~.r " . , ,',' "", :,,<~>',~,>:~", "''k'.~';L''':''c' 1;be personat liabi;li't$!' 01:: ~1re>. r~a1,a:qli'j;~~ ,~~er 'JJf'~~4'~~;PA~~~~1.<'f~\~$r :ionect1.y ntme'i. iirtk<it p-1l0'etttbtrell:a:ct by:. ~d: .,G,i.W"': ~;J:Jtt'tn;g:t~: :;I3~a:.: ~)llQ'Ver- , . . ,_.' '. " '1. '.' ~. . '..", ~...-t.:-' . ".-:. -':;'i-.~~'..t~~:.'f! ~:!f'i"3.1:~~~:~.~'" ::.'.':}tf , ' . .' . . . , ''nl.elit',.'or 'n"'i.-t'bu't'<$'ai'd' ;bren;;$h5-:t:';JA-e1[e~;ti;)Ie:k~"s,:~,;~~.~, ,~~~(. ' , " ',,",' ",les$ , ' ' _' . _ ~ ." ". '-. . ." .~ , '. .~ .' .<.:" '..,- ,. "'l;}' \., . '" . .... . - '-'. ~:- 'et, ;aiti,~d~)1fn '4_e~~jtJo~ '~~:I.'~~~~:*d-;,~lI~ t,~EprS~~,,:~~~~b+l~~:' '; arlif.:'tiw~ awner~,OfStfeh'1b"I~~~S~~:ihI!~~,J.;t~;J.e~f-s..tA.J~S~t}'l~', ,,~~~~~9i n~t, ,- i<ii the~'&8n1~ ~tieJi.nls '1't:;;tIO;t11d.,;e*1fs:t';-it.:~he, Ne~~~~11t'~(r~~m.-ts)laJJit>~pear- . . ,t. -"\., . . '. - "-<'. '. _"". <,- ',~-t1' ~ ~ .:,: ::-",~}:'! ,-"''-: , '" ~ ~~'2 $-1-;.;'.:':i 'i',. .ti~_~':! " . I ~ ' ; ,"~d"in-,' alii: the "l'llJeedu~eYh8.d !by';sai!i : ,j,~y ;~ ,in~:t.u~in$1;!W>;c~~$'-~~~~~,~~fl!~. ". "~t;:~:~::~P;Q:::=;~,:;:;::.?~:,:,~.'..,....tt~;::. : '~t'tl.t~,. v44>tae,' ot:\1i:()ldimg' 1)u~e:ltase- '!nq,1Je-~:.;b:l4.&afjio~.i ,: '~, "i>~~;r>~iaL $. '4:-;;2"",':' . 5/;,:, " ': '",,'" ,,- ",'" -', : > '> ';,."-,..,,,'~',~ """-"F," ::i ,,;,~;:I',~~~'.~,;;-~ '.i~~1Ofi.,:t-hfi.,s '~;e~o].ut1~a -f'*in~:'ad;;at:t:e'~-, 'ita,12a~s.ge- . "..'-.':. ....'. . :". '"~",->r-.'''-':<'\;~.'A "~"'>.~.:~>':'-":::"id~t::~~~' L rl --L f I ~ 1.. .L . . ~ ~ . ;. ". ~--;...t' . /. ~, ~- ~; :" :::~>"' '.' : ..' . -. '-" ::. " J" . '- ! l 'nJE~ -; . . ,', ~ . .. . '. '.. ~_ ,." ..-"":C . ...., ,. ; r fI :rlro II I 1 !: l ~ \) Z} ~ ~ 13 ~ Section 8. That this resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval. Passed and approved on this the '~tt~~ Cl'ty Secretary. Thereupon, Commissioner J. A. Walling presented for consideratioll an ordinance entitled~, , ~ ( -, I "Ordinance awarding contrac-t to Carl Pleas~t, Ine.. ~ for the making of cEJTtain improvements tel) portions of Lake street and sundry other streets, avenues ,and other public places in the City of West University Place, in Harris County, Texas. approving the form of such contract and authorizing its execution; providing for the issuance of warrants of said < City f'or the pur- pose of paying the city's share of the cost of such improvements, and levying a tax to pay the interest on said warrants when due, and to create a sinking tuni with which to pay-the principal thereof as it matures". Said ordinance having been read and duly considered in open ,meet- ing, Commissioner Walling moved that all rules requiring ordinances to be read Illore than one time or at more tbJmone meeting, be suspended and that said - ordinance be adopted. Co~isslonat" Lechrene seconded said mot'ion.Thereupcm, the Mayor put said moti6n to a vote and it carried by the following vote: Ayes: Mayor: H. B. Schlessinger and COlllll1issioners J. A. Walling and P.A. Lechrone. Noes:None. Whereupon the Mayor declared' said ordinance unan:tJoously adopte', which or~lnance, with its cap/tion, was and is asf'ollows: "Ordinance awarding contract to Carl Pleasant ,Inc. . for the making of certain improvements to portions 0.1' Lake street and sundry other streets, ave- nues andother pubJ.ic places in the City of West University Place, in mu-ris County,' Texas; approving the form of such contract and authorizing its executi9n; proViding for theiissuanee of warrants of said city for the purpose of paying the City's share of the cost of such improvements, andlevying a tax to pay the / : 1,nterest on said warrants when due. and to create a sinking tund with which to pay the principal thereof as it mature~'''. :" t WHl!BE.AS, heretofore on October 9th, 1929, the Ci:ty Commission IT, I ;,nlrl~1 r ~I 1" ,o-r,rror I I' 'I .. --- -.---- ---~--.-....,-..----.---~"--,.,.---- ~ " . . . 14 1mprovement of po,rtions of Lake street and su.ndry, otl1-e;r ~yIr~e'fJ', "a'feu!J"e8:,lpld r~'; , ( of the liity ofWestlJniv~rsity Place, ill'Liarrj,s County.T"...;J:J.~, ordered the other pub1'ie places in said'City.,a.esignated in. ~id.,ora~t ~JJ ,1U).i;,ts 28, 29, 30, 31, ,~2. ,33, ~4t 35, 3,6" 37,; ,38" ,~9,40t 42, 43; 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 68, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,66, 6'1, 6'~, 69", ~'O,'ll, \ '. ..."' /" , , /- . . ~ " . .-~ .-<~~4f~~'~':1 -'1~, '13, 74. 7j.' 'lJ; '17, 'la, '19, 80. 81,82, 85, sa, $5'ap.d. e~"1"EJspeet.-f\ielY, in the manner 'and ;'ith the m.a:lre-rials specified in:~d'''-rde~,::,~~ii~~~f.le~ ' reierence is"he~e made f'er a t'ullandcompl~e:.;.-a.-eseription otsa1d:s treeis :Oi!" lJ1Srt-io;mF: th:e;,r'(ij~;;:8i1d>:t'~1! Aal~ot:h-er ~ pUJ."1,'iOB,es,t;<',~~:t_c' ,. < :,: ~=- ;:-,!rJ:'P .... ,~ . . ".;a'.~'P1=;:;::C';:::::~;:;;~~- ,st1Jbmitve4~'t~ ,the': \i-j;tT 'eGmm!:s~;1on'" of said: Iii 1,t31'" to~~:P'P1'QNal%J'11AAd~(;:";';i.' . -. (" , ., <". . . . ~ "", T -,-. . - , . ,'\~-~ PJr,!Or ,C;'~. ~~~.;::~~r~ilO~'~~.~~~t~~t:~'~ ":~~~P!"V'i~iOll~,;f'GiI!';-4f~e' paymenf;-of:~'i:t's'\ s'ha~~~0't\',,~_~~~':~1',:aJi[~~~.' . ':!ir;::~!~t:::;~~{r:!tL~~~~~t~~. ,~, -' - . ~~'.. '~ !........:.: .. ,;...."-~i." 'f;::';' .,~-~-; 'J.:<:,~: ,,~)-..:~{.~ ),::",. },..~ .,.. ,'::- ~.~.<'!:.~~~~ ,~, \ ' " ..,-:::~ ,e.acted by the~'g1s1aturErP~aua.lttthere.;'aD.d-, , w$!E~' ~he' ~!ity, e$plini:sfdo:ai1asasc~:iit<a;:tjl~'t:~~iti~:t ~':~~~.~~}~~. ~xC~~~1;~~~j,~;;-'IPi;.".; ~f;;f~t'~ , ' , .c. , , , ,ce~t "of su.ch ;>~"' :-:'~..i:~~~'(~. ~_. ':~,~, L l"Tl~ ~,'o!' . t'J \) ~ ~ N 15 ~! ..., that said last approved assessment rolls of taxable pr0party in said City '? were made up and approved on assessed values estimated to be not exceeding seventy tive per cent of the real value of said taxable property in said city: and, WHEREAS, it apJ;e: ars to the Commis s iOXl and tae Commiss ions 0 finds that the indebtedness created by said contract aforesaid and as shall be evidenced by the warrants herein provided for, together with all other in- debtedness of said Oit" does not exceed any debt 11mitatioXl placed upon said citY' by the constitution and laws of Texas. Now therefore; BE IT ORDAINED BY 'lEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1:' That contraot for making said improvements aforesaid, be and the same is here now awarded to Carl Pleasant, Inc. Section 2:That the fom ot contract which has been prepared and sub- mitted to said City Commission be 'and the same is here now in all things ap- proved, and the Mayor and City Secretary be and they are each he're no. au- thorized and directed to execute the same for and on behalf of said City, and when the same has been so executec1jas well as by said Contractor; it shall be recorded on the minutes of said City for convenience and as a matter of record and when so recorded shall be and become a part of these minutes. "Section 3:That to provide for the payment. of the City's share of the cost of such improvements, namely, $4e,OOo.OO or so much thereof as may be necessary, warrants of said City to be called "City of West University Place >/ street Improvement Warrants ,Series A-1929tt be issued under and by virtue of the constitution and laws or- Texas, for the purpose of paying :the c~~y:'s, ~~".(.:" . share of the cost of sueh improvements. That said warrants shall be numbered from one (1) to f'orty (40) both inclusive; andshallbe in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars " ($1,000.00) each, aggregating Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars. ""~ , , .1 J r r oIRfFll!l: 111 -~P"r.- --ry-- I 1._1 [ "lr ~".~--~ ~~->++-- 16 Thajsaid ,warrants ~hall be dated N()VeIll~er 11:lt,192e and shall become , ~}' duelilBd, p~yab>le "as to~wa: tl.~QO.OO on the ~irst d~ of each andever.y ~oram~er ~~~~, b~gi~gg ~. , >,. ~7.~~;:,t~~.t"" withNovember 1st, 1030 and ending with Novemb,er first, 1964-. being $f,(}O~.,~O "~ +3 . ~_ per year beginning November 1st, 195~. " ,Sec:li1~n 4: :6aidwanant s sha! 1 matUre annU'ally as atoreaai'~;;!ili n:whe1'"" ~:. '-. teal, ord:e%"1t > , " .,.: S~~l1 5:88.1<1 warrantsshaLlbeaJ.o ii1t.~estat thi{ ra'te"'ol' ~~p~~ cetJ.t,:<tllt 1>li" an., payab:le ~E!m1;;'fn1il:tia1~ as i't "acertlesj' on'th~:f{)~[i$t:iW. ot:- , ~, ',x--r~.,' . ,{ ~, .... ',_>'y~~".'._,:":'''''~:;~':'':"";.....::._c~, ,:. " _. .::, -:. ,..}:' c, "_"")',c. ,._.<-.' '.' ~:>~nJ',Nq'iI$lIH!-~r ill eacli ,year at'ter' dat'e" or" SttO'lfwa#"ail;'b-S. ''f!!,~~~~1.;.te1"es. _..... .'" " '-'1..,,'.:'. ~",,:.$,.~~,).<. '4' , , : " 'S';;.1V'''::' " , """ .. ~ ,'--:'.: , . ,sh~~~~;1J;1(ih~!(-1ti~~~,~,~bT :COPIlOfu~a~tp,el,tctl> ;~o s~.id,',wari:~~@., ~a.~~~.'n.:F~1t.s "~Q", . , ' . . -., - ~ -c . _ _ .i.-. -4 '.'. ;'-,-::. " > ~;'. ~'.'-..'~::'''-;~T.::;i~' .,<--, . . 'W'.... '" <..~o< '" ..."""'lli;.. " .. interest c~up'G~> ~slmi.l 'b~.t:t'p~~~f3;~: ',_ 1t~~' ~11~ }'?~R~~~~ir.~~ ~~~~lJ~:tJ::~~~~f , ' <;:::1;":::~~~::~;~~;;~~~~~-~F; ";:::::,,==~:~;~;~t~ :iln.:t~C \Vo; "~,1~*,, l\~)V,1p~~,~~'~~~,~~A~",,!tt~i~~:B . '~.." I " .; \_-': _';- ,.-_-,' -. .- -.--:-,-.. : '1~~.t~;,,,;~~~~;, ~1;.t\~, ~1l~~~~ 01":j~e,~g~~'I~"""t~~. ~ ~o.f{,i~~t-lj;\\~~P,A~,JIC~t c;n~,~~l w~~: r-' '" 'i I ( 'fi- f- ! ( 1 ! L -, r;- r rJ \) ~ ~ N rt! ( - 17 lithographing or otherwise. Section 7: Said warrants shall be in substantially the 1'ollow- ing 1'orm: UNITED STATES OF .AMERICA. THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WEST UNlVEBSITY PLA.CE. q.. Oity 01' West University Place street Improvement Warrant Series A"'1929. THIS IS TO CER'l'IFY that the City 01' West University Place, in Harris County, Texas, unCl-er and by virtue of a valid, binding and subsisting contract, is justly indebted toCar1 Pleasant, Ind. its assigns or bearer, r'in the principal sum 01' One Thousand (#1,000.00) Dollars,lawful money 01' the United states 01' .America, together with interest thereon f'rom date hereof't at the rate 01' six per cent (6%) per annum, payab+e semi-annualJ:1 as it accrues, on May 1'irst and November first 01' each year, both principal and in- terest payable at the of'1'io e 01' the C1 ty Trea$Urer o~ said C it, J ,at West University Place, Texas, or at the Hanover National Bank in the City 01' New York, New York~ or at the Marine Banking &: Trust Company, in the City of' Houston, Texas, at the option of' the holder hereot, upon presentation and surrender 01' this warran" or proper coupons, and the Treasurer 01' said City , fill hereby authorized and directed to pay to Carl P1easan~ Ine~. its as- signs or bearer. at either 01' the places named above, onthe First day 01' November, 193_, the date 01' the maturity 01' this warrant, the said sum of ene Thousand (tl,OOO.OO) Dollars in f'ullsettlement 01' the indebtedness ) hereby-evidenced, out of and 1'rom the special ttStreet Improvement ,{arrant Fund, Series A-1929tt of said city created tor such purpose by the assess- ment, levy and collection 01' taxe.sf;G'J! 'tba t pu~". This warrant and the coupons attached hereto shall bear interest from IAaturity until paid, ..>1 ,l.r 11' TI" 1 [:11 18 ,. " "" '. . ,j... ,:0 ;. a.t the rate of, six per cent (6%) per annum. payable semi...annually as it ( , f { accru.es. ~~'.-><~' , THIS W~ is one of a series qf forty (40) war;rants numbered from one (1) to forty (40) both inclusive. of the denomination ot $l,p()O~eo each, issued for the, pUTpose o'evtd:encing the indebteUEll$S of the~,ity ot West 'University Plac9. 'tio Oarl Pleasant. 1ne,; ,its ~:ssigns or v /; {,.; bears>>, for the purpose of' paying the'eltrts-sMft of thecostot making , ' ':certai-n street" '1in:p1'O'v~trts ,f11s8:i:<< CitYJin"ae-eordaneerm.,contrac\l1 be'" 'I.~eJ([> 'saldS! ~ arid said d~r"Pleasant., "1no.l un4er, and ( by ~i;itt'"';~~; :the . ' .,t I . . . ",' Q'ottstitut'iGn "and'lawi of 'T'e~}'and"j:'D,"pu,rsuaneefot.'an.,\~rGi1;tl~~..;;~~o. bJ , ' thec~OIiDJliss i011" 01' 's's:id'C ity'on' the' ~th' 'cJW' at:' Oetob:er ~ "1~21,t.Yl~~~l1:&ia:101' reeori in VG1.1Xme_pages ];.5' at"'$e,. 'ofthe'IIlinutes' ot,.said; Uity,"ltow4i(lla:\'ref-~ ~ -: e~ne:"~:'is here :mad.," ' " .;', ~ ' , . I:.i l''jht.~~> r ' " . ,'..', r )- , ':Tm' >>>4."'ot~his warrUt:j :tn,j;~o~o;m1 t,y~'w1tJisQ.111if~~~~.~..ii 1s ~' ~~;~No.Temberl.' 19'..' ,{~, ' , ' }~. ",:~i~{:J~.~..~~~. ..t~1,-~,;;~~~ "',.., ,,1 ,', IT" IS';EEaEBY~'GER!P:rFIEB':ANo~ BECI~EDJ thatal,lt aets'ici~lli~*i:Q_" ~d . . . .' . , . .. ",', '" . " " .' .,' , . " thizlg$' retuirltd' to ;be;(llfn.' .greeed$nt t.','ant1 ilith~iS;$\18l;1~l'Gtftt'~<<=1~Y!~ . . 'r ,:'. '. \ . . " . r'" \ ,,' ria..' l:lliTe:'been~prol'erly~do~'; ,.1tap:pe1iea:'arrc!F~r.t(): ". .' \. .... - . . ~ " , . .":~:~:=:EE!~:~::~~.,.~',::rit:. 'lnl>..~,~,l",""',ic .....,.A:;:.d"e . ."....~~~~.~~'7't.~ 1s plac eO. by ( "\ l... ~.-. .J,", ' ',p :lrr-;pr'r I l! lj ~ o ~ m N ~ I I ( ( ( \ 19 m TESTIMONY WHEREOF; the City Commission of said City has caused the seal of said City to be affixed hereto and this warrant to be signed by its ~or, eou~tersigned by its Oity Secretar,r and registered by its City Treasurer, as of the date last a bove writ ten. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. Countersigned: By Mayor. r City Secretary. , Registere4; City Treasurer. , Section S: The form of interest coupon to be attached to said warrants shall be sub stant ially as followsl No. t30.00 On the 1'lrst day of ' , 193~ The City of West University , ~ PIE!ce; in Harris County; T.~;.", will lle; just-ly indebted toOarl Pleasant Ine. t its assigns or bearer, in the sum of Thirty (#30.00) Dollars by virtue of a,<contract between said City and said Carl Pleasant, Inc. _ and the Cit,. , Treasurer is hereby authorized, ordered anddirected to pay to said Carl Pleasant Inc., its assigns or bearer, on said dat~-, said sum 01' money, at the office of the City Treasurer of said CitJ", or at the Hanover National Bank inthe City of New York, New York~ or at tl;e Marine Banking &; Trust Company in, the City of Houston, Texas, at the' option ot the holder, hereof, out of and from the special "street Improvement Warrant Fund Series A-1920"', No. dated November 1, 1929, to which warrant this coupon isattached and is a part thereot. , City Secretary. Mayor. Seotion 9: The following form of assignment in S11batanee~ may be " r ';.:IE1~ \- 1 - , 1 " "lfl' TI I T; 'I ~ 2:0 wri tten or pri:n'te'a on 'the' back of each of saidwarrante_ r" ASSIGNMENT; TRI8IS TO ClmTIFY tha:tOarl ; Pleasant Ine.-.l1as <receivedtl$' withi. principal wa:rrant and the eOu.pails theret'Q anne~~4;' f-rom.',the~C:i'tt a.t,West t1;nnersity Place; in Harris'Colmty-;:' Te~;, in ,part payment _aftheco~tJ,'act priQIJ of, making~ s1;i-eSt"j;mp-rovements' 'in and for said city;: f;~ll~~i~~Ue ~~..;- . . - .."~'.' . "'. ,""' ,..' .." -' ..' . . . . ." . . . . . . . . , ceiv$d. it, hereb,.~seJ,ls, assigns, transterets,e:t~"q:y~~,~~i~,~J;- -,', ' . . . . ..' r,~' ",-~~ ')~'~~~;:$f~ .___..~ . reeourse )0+1 it, te -b-earer~ ,this warrant and the annexed ceu~o~* tQg~'tI:l~r witlt , ' , " ' , "j'l':''';'''f1';,h';.J;;,~~'t,,~ ~l right's; titles; ih~e~ests,e"iti:e's ancl r,eme4iesh~1d~i,owa~dbii1 : .:.~ .:';'~,..,,~~><--,-< "":'~<;'~<h -:~'::~ '~;;~:'-"-lr<.~~~;~~,~:.~.l: '. ~ . ~ sa.id c antraotoll ,1nai1dto' 'thee ~ arid ala Q'the<prO.j)CJi.itJ_~j1r~1_~,;:,of t-ha . . ~ . . l' . .:' . i' .::::::". '.' '" : (.,~. . . ," :'. . ( , ' " -- . '. f . ..' '. : , c~t':et ~Pr i:~.';:a:nd ~di)jtduEf<H7assa:i-do~nt~rac,to~ ,bt^~liJ.g4h:~~~'iY i and ~the , ' , ' 'beax:~r ,,~ here,by Sl1 bt0i5at~d ::'vSi 8.11 C"lai~~' fctemalill;~'f ~:t~ui:S~.':'~'zti.~B'i~t:i'tles ; "E:~:;:=S:=i:~:=at:~ ~f~tere,st lirid -t& "gf va . fli'~1 ,acqu~tt~e e ';tbe\~" i:a'_~7~~~~~~' (!)~~~!~~r~(ht~. ." , , .' --r, ',";", ,~raet;ot',t ." "~' ,;, ',', . '!:: 'v ; "'~~.. . / 'c'" .{ ~" "'- . ; .;~ '. < . ~--;..~. ~~, -~'.'.' - t' J ...~.,~~~i~i:~ '.".l~,~~t:::;:::::::t:. ::\8Y.~~ "'L/'" , , ,'.-\ , ' , , I:'''f ~ o ~ m N ~ .-: 21 complJ' with the requirements of sections 5 and 7, of article eleven (11) of the constitution of Texas and alllaws enacted by the Legislature of Texas pursuantthereto. .And to pay the interest on said warrants for the year 1930 and to create the necessaI7 sinking fund to pay warrant .!.'Io. 1 falling due in 1930, to be not less than two per cent of the debt hereby created, there is hereby levied for the year 1929, a tax of and at the , rate of .01 t cents on each one hundred dollars assessed value of all taxable property in said t:i't7, and the same shall be assessed and collected in due time, form and manner, as other taxes are assessed and collected for said year, and when any of said taxes for any of said years shall be col- lected they shall be placed in a fund to be known as a special "street !m- I ( l provement Warrant Fund, Series A-1929" and thereafter applied tothe payment , , of the principal and interest on said warrants aforesaid as they severally '" fall due. and shch fund shallnot be used for a.i1y other purpose and the , Treasurer of said iJity shall not honor any draft or order upon suchfuni ( , except for the payment of principal and interest on said warrants afore- , said, so long as any ;o"!.,t'hem. shall be outstanding and 'ullpa1cl, and this provision of this ordinance shall be considered a contract with said contractor, its assigns and bearer wherebY' said Oit,. pledges said taxes sacredly to the payment of said obligations and to no other PUl'pose: Provided however that if, from time to tin'!e, due to the reduction of the amount of said indebtedness by payment thereof, or if because of ;ncreased assessed values or other causes, it is not necessar,y in any particular year to ,( I i I levy, assess and collect a tax of and at the rate herebY' levie4. then the rate of such tax shall be calculated upon the then assessed values so as to raise only so much money as is necessary to pay the principal and interest on said indebtedness :t'allJng due in any particular year, provided always that ! 1-1I 2'2 f-; r the rate of tax levi ed in future years shall be suttic ient to raise and r~" ( produce the interest falling due in that yeu together with at least two per centof the principal af said debt thea remaining unpaii. , 8,ot10n ll:Said warrants shall be clelivered to said eontractorf'rom time to time as tbe work progresse., as provided for in the contract between tbe parties heretofore referred t., which contract is here ref'err,ed to end - < i.~~ ~, '_' , l,)- made a part hereot; which estimates,' as made by the City Eng1uee;r, shall "'- . . J, ".' ., ~ . , .'~ ..- be, approved by the C.ity Co!llll1ission, and the manner of handiiig'such es1;l- , ' . ' . '< \ \.~: il,.:;~ '" ~tes and thee:x:ecution anq deliver, ,of saidwarra:il$s. except ,~w~:r:' _otherwis. ~, ': 0' .' ~:, ..,I..J:~},~_. CO~:tX'()ll~,d, byt}1e contract end speeifie~tions, 'shall be 1~b~~!:;~~~~: in the follow1ilg~de: . '. I'- . . . ":',.":,,' --I .......~ 'O'pon the comp;Leti'Onof the tmpro-vemen1; in any' one _ or mere' un1 ts .--- f..'~,". . . ,',-' .~' '. - . ," "F- \ aa hereinbefore set forth" the City.J!:llgine~r shall prepare an' esti~t.sbowir+C . :<". '" :~. . '.,. ~ . : :' ~ , . ~ . ~ ~. ,,;};,." . the amount'of' material furniske:d an~ labor perfornieiin'l~aidoi1~ 'O'~ :more units, ~'J :. . . " .. ; ~ ',' :-" t _" /""~-,,~, :3,/ .....~ ..i .i,.:~:..-..' ." .t:~i.1f~ :;' :~. <: ,__ and showing the city's ~hare of t~e eost 1ihereot;8ndaa,id eatttQ.a.te ~hSll be ,<,," ~?<;"" ''; ,,',. .~t- "'~'~ -: \~.:~r~~. ...., .~~. '. '.' . :", 't~,.::. "r'l~~~~i,~~'b'~k-~ !lUbmit~~Q. to t1:ie_.e~ssion f'o'.r examination and app:re1'a1; andi1;,upo:f!' '....~.>~~ ~ '~, .:......;:. " "y' 't.-~ '.J,'.f J-}'~;. v ~,,,<~,~~:~-'>J-'.._, ~t"~ f,., ,~~,--,,',"~ ,,~~~'? . ,:!~$1dnati~n, correction and apPI'Ova1~ _and if' found eorrec'h tlieCitv, q~ :", ,:'~.'_" T .,.'<-.:. ~>"~~!;'~'~ <.' ~ ,.~.: ~ '.' .,.,- '".~":~ .~~:;--""~:: ,~~._ .:.}~~~' ':~<_'.. i-~~~~~<:..t.'.~a~ ~ . )li~~lon. by reaolli:tion' <<uly passed andappiov-ed, shall apP~v~\~$~i,d/-e,stimate t ," .. :~~- ~'" ,..- .'::" ~,""~'~.:- ._!,i-:~ .,' '_~e.',.':.,.:'>")<~_"};.,, I :!: ~{~'" .:!\:..-~~. ,:.:~:.;:y .~t;:;~i1;fl'dr~['.tJ~":~~ 1ncorpora.ting the form 01" such estimate in said re{aOl:uti..f atld:$hall by ::-' , -:', ::<.', ~~ ".~"., t- ' . t r- , . \ ,...""...' .~.~.1<' '~. 'oO,~,~~':')<.,s;::,,: ~i't::~~~~, , , , ,e-aid;re$clutt,onor(1eZ'the '8xe9utio.n' and 4~J.ivery tos,aili C()nt.Ita9~j'Qi' a ''-'" '.' :-'::.~ ':,~<.' ' ''"0,.'"' ',.J.>.,~ .~.;~ :,,::',<0 "'":',' ~',._~../~<<~~:,,: ',:..!/ ,:~~.~:;,t~~~~'p~,,'~-' ~~4."iefent nWiber of warrents to 1>-~ the city-;ts' I:\~re or th~ "ee~t' of. BU. ,,-., < .' .. 1 -' ~'_ t ,.4 ',~~ " < {', ~4: ~.>: '~~;~,: ,~~.' ~ ~~:~~)~~~~~~~rl. eomp1:ete4 w(),rk~' Ii' ;howe:ve~ I because- of'th,e. deno1Di~.io~o;ft ,~~a\ii~rrants, "tS~~~~~~'.~ ot t~~~' ~~~~'''~:J<>t' ~4~.~;.f~t~:;,:.~ thec.op;~ractj)r upon sUch $3t1.t~ soaJ.:Epi"ov.clj thensuc'h' bala:nc~~z';~h.:at;t ,Qe "'.,.....~~;';~n~<t.~,'~~,~t~;~~~.i~~..co~;h~,c.r-~~tfi~~~,lr~.' / @Q, 's 0 0]1' in: ~:tke manner until tlie wholeot, said" wofk ,is:t'u~~:-c~~#:,l,~ted. .'~~!l~:~1~~9C~~i~r~~!tf~: , ~ ' 1 ~~Ifjrr:] -. 1 1 }"'- 'llP ;l~-ll' I f" \ ,L' j ! ~ ' I f ~ \) ~ M ~ ~ 23 then in such event the governing body o'f said City shall. br resolution decla.re what the 'facts are, and shall order the eancellation o'f all warrants not necessary to be used in paying its share o'f such cost under said contract, and said excess warrants shall be destroyed and the Treasurer shall be required in such case to not~ such destruction on his registra- t10n records. .And if, in the settlement 01' any balance' due the contractor on the last estimate or estimates, it 1s 1'ouv4 that. due to the denomination of' such waramts an exact settlement cannot be made with the same with the eon- tractor, then atter the deli very 01' a sufficient number 01' said warrants to take up andpay the contraetol" allthat thec1 ty oweshim under said contract t there shall remain a balance due him by saitl City 01' less than $1.000.00. ( l said City- shall pay said con'traeto.r 1n cash out 01' -the ,current finds 01' said ':Oity 'then on hands or within its ~diate control, such a. sum 01' money . " t as shall be' su1'1'icient to make full and final aettlemento1' the bllance due (said'" eo ntraetor. .Dec'UeB>-l2: That this ordinance shall take effect i.mmediately 1'renfani after its passage and apPIQval. 192t. -~ City Secretary. ThereupOJl, Co presentei for cons iderat10n a reso... lation entitled: I I L BESOLUTION directing the City Engineer of the City of' West University Piace,'felias. to prepare a statementshowil'lg description 01' property abutting portions of' Lake street and sundry other stretts; avenues andpublie places 1nsaid CitJ', and the names ot theowners of said parqels e1' property, together with an estimate of' the cost of mak1ng ~erta1n street impl,'Ovementsin f'ront of ' said parcels of propert,v-. Said resclution having been read andcens 1dere~ in epen meeting, "";' ""'''1 "'nn~1 ---.: -'T'] "i;"T"'"I 24 C-ommissieuer Walling moved its aaoption. Commission_ P.A. Lecl1rone seconded 1 ( ~,' ;-. _~,.-..f -," said: motioa.Thereupon the Mayor, put said motion to a vote and it carr'fea b1 . _ 1::-, the t:ollowing vote: Ayes: Mayor#H. B. Schlessinger ellQ,' Comm.issio~e;s J~ 'i.."V;;11i1tgt . '~" \', : . -;;-- "" '''''- ~ P. A. I.eehrone. I l'l0es: None: '. ~F~ -;::~'" . . ~ ',,- , ,.,;" ~'-"" which F'8,Bo~:~tionj with iirs caption ,waS a~ is' 'as 'fel1.w.:, . .'~ -: "" '-~~: ';', r'::<;::f;"~~~:-' .~-'5'j :t. i>; Whereupon t'h:e Mayor declared said re's~ltition UJiaiimel1sIi ~dGi;,e;., - , . -.. ~~. ~ ......h- ...-'':Y".V '. ,t .; ", .~ . .~ ".. . c :~~~~~~~~a~~:;~~~O{e.::t?,3~~ , 'a~t1iing'pI)rt;i'On~ot LaJte streeiand sundr,y other,~;' .'. "$,':itieD,ues , ~"pt"V:}~itii~d::Gi.i$tt:t;:tte:nati1es ,c~t,i..t'~~ ~~~r~'''o~ :,S~~~R~~: " ,,,\' , 't(i)ge't1leJ:O;withan estimate of the eed of maldng~'ertamst'riet ,,' > .-~"" -....."'k -" 'f'~- . -" ".."- - .." ' . - ~ '~ttt,'t'itlrite:r,' s'af4:pareeJls ,ofp+"op~",:, '" ,'.. j ,'o~",~4 ~,.,~ ,}.J,,~ ,,,. ~ '1>lie:gGtie:t'l1l:ngbo~co:t' ,th.. ,Q.it:r,.\>t~~t\1D.~~~~ ~!l. ..f--, ,'1~~:~f.has.; h~elGfOre ..PO:.~clF<tp,e,tmpl"0 v$t!len~ \ofJ;.~e~,,~'!i~~'d~t~~i'~. . \ . \. - ; . ' .'~" ,'.... ,. . {~ ',. ;)o~iiEfj'~$~reets~ "av~i'l~i~:',_::o~li~:r;']lUb1j;~ ::~~~~s\;;in";,~~~ij.~~i~~~'t~~~~.~SUlli ts .' ;:;":;;':::~::5::::;~::':~~:"~:;~:::~;::::: :.;. .." , ' .,,~e. '1. '2; 'S,'~i '5. '1Gt.;i'171;~~t:~4'J~tt4f,;'iM~/ " whic~'s~ti st-reets' al:l~~:~~~tN~;~~;qnbrf) , ~J.Y';),~'., 1mp~e:i1-:t:.i"~~'~)!Jl~ ~t' conti-~~\~:fori1l~~~~LeJta.~l1' i.Ill!~,:i ,', ".., " Carl Ple~s.aut Ine,. ;8.ndtb.e 'form otsllq,~,,!~~~~~ .~:::'-,-~._c,.,~;"""C'_-;,:_,,,_;, c- _. . $xecution duly authQ~~;ze4 ana:- the same M:;1 been ciu11!:ii~~~{>:,:;'-,.) in- '. .)$'.:- ,1 \,-~, ~ \) ,~ 1M ~ :!:d I~ I ( ( I I 25 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA.CE~ Section 1: That the l.iity Engineer ot the City of West University Place,Texas; be and he is here now authorized and directed to prepare and furnisb to the City Commission of said City, a statement or list showing a descript,ioll of all pareels of proper't7 abutting the :portions of said streets named in the preamble of this resolution aforesaid, such description to be 'by lot and, block number, or such other deecription as is sufficient to identity the same; together with the names of the owners of' said parcels ot proper'tT, together with an estimate of the cost of making such impl'Ovementa in front' of eaehpareel of ,property~ ,in conformity with t11e apportionment made in the order of' said ~ity Commissionordering ,said improVemel!lt and in connection ,with the contract therefor awarded toCarl Pleasant rne; which statement may contain anyother infonnation which the City Engineer, in his judgment., deems / ' .necessary to be shoWn thereG;a. Section 2: That this resolution shall' take effect immediately from and atterit,s passage and approval. Passed and approved thi s the -k 1929 . Thereupon, Commissioner Walling presented for consideration a rese- t lution enti~led; : , "~OLUTION approving engineer's roll or statement,showing,a de- scription of propertJ' abutting portionsof Lake street and sundry other ~treets, avenues and otherpublic places inthe City of West University Place, in Harris County, Texas; and the 'names of the owners thereof and the eS1;imated cost of ,certain street ~mpro_vements in front of each parcel of property;- .,. I ,7]lII~'1 , ['T-'I ------c~lf'l"'"I' I 26 determining to assess a portion aI" the e'O-s11 the;reot aga.i:nst p~p'8rty abuttingl .-aid port'ions of said street; ~d the owners ~hereot;::pr'Ov{din.g for a hearing t'O ( be given ~1 oWAers andoth. $"8 in aIfywiseint erested therein, anderdering notte-e thereof'J;o be g.iveD"~ ': ~ ",:' , , , , ' Sa.idresolutio~n haYin€fbeen read and dulycoIiSidlS-retl ,in ope. meetiBg,Comm1ss ion-er Walling 'meved the ~d:o-p-ti()'D: of' said': reselu-1rfon.'CGll1lliis- ..' '-, , ." . . sioI1e-r LtlchXone' seconded a'aid' niotioli~ l:tiiatheh:eup0n the Mayor"'P\lt' satd,::motion : to, a: :vOt~aIlci it oarri~a: bjtlie tillOwing'vote,: , , . . ~ ~ < "" . ". '._ - I ~s: MayCilr H.B~ scl'dej:.~.,.r and eoimnissioners;'J'~"A.' '~J:'ing'~~d p. A~lieelU.-on.'- . .,;;.-^,,-..., J:'..~~7 ~)j:. ,<C_,", .";"i.-,' N$es: Nolie_ < ~<. :-.;,:"', :l?1"}ft(~' :,) . , .' .- , i;'::<""h?l." :~," ,!~'~r~~::~ 'th~~ord'tfel~d~ s~~' ~'.sol~tii.d~~*,s~tt,,~'_~i:.,; wJlieh If"'esolut)on,''witb.' its e'ap-ti~h'wa$' '8.n-d>liJas'fcl'lOWef':, :.;~-:,>j :;,; -, +, ' ~~ .~: ' , ..,... "' - ' ," ~QLUTlbi\ a~p roving ';rlgiftee~tcs' i'011 ' ~r'; SI't'.'J;~in:en,J';s~vii~ ;a~ ,de- "'::::::::::P=~~::i~~~1:$:~::::~~~~_~ "n\ia;;;1~: ;:d,;~~/t :1i~~~';' '~d!th~;n.e's:~r th~emrtirs': ~'b:~~~~f,:~i8iltd:~ e~timated 'C.$1; t . ;' . ,. '~f "eerta1n: ~treet improvements in' t;ro"n~dj't.il:dh :p~'1~1,'i::p~~'j~et_inil1g :" . .: I",' .' ':':0,'\,"," _ _ ',', ._~.,.,., .'_....:-.~_:~.\,.~_ ". . ~;... ',' .... - 7" ~t;":..:'____" 't :;'~~~f';/~-::~0t;"~' 't"{,_" ',I. L ~:;< .~~'. ~ ;. " ...,l\ t: ~.~~~.:,~,):_;;:,,;.'_:,_ to ~ss:ess ~ 'P4Jrtio.,~ o~~~the,~costthei'eet aga~'lX:~' ~'~~riil~~,<~.t'iE;~i~'.~;:,~~\\~~~;~:'there&t; providi~ for " ~l1te~sand ,othel's i:namis~ intel'estetlth~reiJl, tG'begiveiJl_ tbe~verni~" botl7 of', t 13.$ :( , 'I ...~. .. ,-".."," ':I'j!'Tf'l]"- .. , In! ~ \) ~ M I~ ,- !~ ( 27 82, 83, 84, 85, and 86; to which order reference 1,s here made for a complete description of said streets and said units and for all other purposes; and, WBEBEAS; contract 1'01' making such improvements has been awarded to Carl Pleasant, Ine.. which con tract has been duly execut ed and approved; and; WHEREAS, in said order for such improvements; the cost of said 1m- provement was apportioned, partly against railways, street railways and inter- , , urbans, 11' any; using, occupying or crossing sma'; a portion th~reof ag~inst .. property abutting said portions of said streets af'oresaid and the owners thereof and the remainder against the City of West University Place; and, ,"' WHEREAS, it appears to the Connniss1on and the Oommission so finds; :that there are no railways, street railways or interurbana using, occupying \ \ or cross ing any of' said streets' a1'oresaid or portions thereof so ordered to be l)nproved, for which reason the cost of such improveme~ shall be paid by the owners of said abutting p1'Opert7 as aforesaid and the city of West , 'University Place; and, ~ the City Commission of said <:;ity having determined to assess a portionof the cost of such impl'Ovemen ts ag~inst property abutting said pox- tlous of said streets and the owners thereof; and has heretofore ordered the Oity Engineer of said City to prepare and furnish to the City Commissio1il a statement showing a description of the respective parcels of property abutting-- said portions of said streets, avenues and other public places in city; and the names of the owners thereof, and an estimate of the cost of making such ( I t improvements in front of each parcel of prope:rty, as 'a basis for a hearing t.o be given to own ers and allothers interested as provided by law; and, WHEREAS, the City' Engineer has prepared and :fUrnished to the Oom- " m1ssiltma statement showing such lnto nnati 011, as well as other information therein and thereon contained; whioh inf'oJ:mt.:tion in said statement, in so far .' ". "'In~' - Ii' "11"'""[ I . , "1' , "i;:,!\,~f"~S}\~,l\;~~~~.$,1ire.e"frOm the ilo;th U.. oftJniv.~;B'~i7 ~.lu1e,.ard tt ,,1}).8 :~P,:~:a :U.n$ , l ' ~~!Qj, ro~dw~i '.'.,' ,.to'c.~l;tl$)1~2w_2. ".",l5.e4. 0.)1; ,'''~~ ' '~~.J,t to ,pl'.pe:Q7 owners: ',",' ,., ~50-"'" eurb@1dg~.\i~r. .l.~~ ,,~~~~~~l.~. ,", '11;.;C;>0 ' , ,', .-:~~-~~-~~-~-----~.~~~.~.~-~-~-~~-~---~~-~~~~~-~.~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~._~ .' ,2'8 \ .~\~ .,;; ma1;erial here, is &.s follows: ' 8--. , , , , ' , '.' ,,' ':P>>,~,~~'i'~wn,er :Bleck Loi , '~9I- "4 on Feet ,iIr'Jt~~: , ' ,,',,1)1>.- , ,. .' . . ."~~~:'t.::~ ,...t, .,~~ :~.:"J[~~'~:'::~" t'tJL.~';:" . , ., :".,~~\ .. 1 . '. .,4. , , l~;~~'~;~~_. 12, , ';iii;~~J1~~, ,\::l25 : ,Qeu.rt ' . , " '., 9 .;;. l2 .t'~'f , tt t.~ " ,', , :',,~. .' " . ;:ri.' . .t :J; F7' >,." :';:L~ r . . . " '~~!rxN_$itlS , ) 9 ....,.. "... ,,"'-<.:: tt 7~.1,.' 9 __r '"', ." c {)Q~l ...." 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F.- :Bensen 10 2 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 525.00 H. L. Morgan a 2 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 525.00 , H. L. Mergen 6 2 It 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 525.00 H. L. Morgan 4 2 " 50' 225.00 m.oo 50.00 325.00 ' Fide1i ty Inv. c.. 2 2 u 50. ' 225.00 50.00 50.00 525.00 llRESTOI'f PI,ACE LINE K1a1ta tioward. 10 6 Pr.Pl. ' 60' 225.00 50.QO .----... 275.00 " I B &;,,V Blardone .. .. Ii 50' 225.00 60.00 225"QO ,I' ( I (' B Is V~14J'doIle 8 i u- 50' 285.00 DO.OO 81.5.00 c. G. .dler 7 6 " 50' 225.00 50.00 225.00 Miss '1i~1;t1e Schwi tzer 6 6 tt 50' 225.00 50.00 ----- 275.00. EAST SIDE R~ F. Mc(Ju.r1y 10 12 Va.Gt. 125' 562.00 iBfifOO 687.50 , B. P. :Seehm 1 ,12 It, 125' 562.00 125.00 ..---- 687.50 ~S!l! INTERSECTS Andrew Gil.more 17 a It 50' 225.00 50.00 ' 50..00 325.00 J. c. Eng~l Jr. 15 8 tf 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 J'. C. Engel Jr. 13 a tf 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 " 325.00 Fi4e1i tj- Inv. Oe. 11 {;) If 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 ) F!de1i ty Inv. 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Co. :-; " . , .:aiJ}b~.,S~)"er 'L-, _~ _ _ ".' . . .~!, ,~,;&~.~~te1n , . ,." . ,~ - : ";t~:<~,,,~~:;;~ ->'<':'L-~:":': , . . 29 15 .' fI ,~ ...: 3~ 16 3 /:'1 5 It so' 2 1 , ,'1' 3 " 50' 17 17 ~~.' - ,. ; 15 '.;~' ':, .- ,~5 3 rt 50' 3 " 50' 3 tt 50' 3 , ' '? 50' 3 tt .0' . ~. . '" .,,~ . ",,' .' '.!W3T SInE' .~ ,., . PRESTON, PUCE liiD ,'/ Pr.:,l':" .(:5$' " " :S.O' " .~5D' '1 tt 50' " '" * >50' ,";';::1.:--:." .ft l@f)' ':':'... :... . <C .... " ;J;,~5" ,,- -" '. /) ~'. I ': ~ I '~"Inlr - I "'-'2Z5.00 ' C2~.(J0 " ,...,~~ no .. ',",l:i\i;f. tI' . 50.00 50.00 5Q.00 50.00 50.00 .50.00 , 50.00 , 50. 00 , 5()~OO _e iO~oo ;'.225.00 ' ,5-225. 'QO":: 50.00 708.75 -~.: :;~ . 50';'QO 15().-oO '.~. ( ~,:.' lQS.OO' c, IiOl1e ')E~:~0$,l?Q(i),' ';' '?Nj~. , , ~ - ,.~ ~~i.t.l;.,;~:(.~;),;; _~'. i" ~--- . ..y" , 130.~0 , " 1:1.: ~,~t; ~~~~O ,",' ~l~. '. ~.~:i1Ci" "'\:" .-r . y~ <, '~ . 'J""'-2BilM . '''2.'6''1$&: i , 2'15.00 '~ ;- '..~'-~o€r . - ... .. . ,-. . . ", ~':(ry ... ~ . ."'-.- .' " ,~t~~~ /' ,'fr;;~~ " , 1-.30 " i!1/l~ ~'O ,- v ,"~. .~ ,'~:! ~.:,~.~... (~'.' :_:~~;~:7 'l.mGI,E~~~:R&~j~, , ";'~'.; ,;: , _~'t::, '1157. 5EJ..' ~\"-7i-'\~'- ,.~~;.,~ "~' :~~ -;j" , ,ll~7 .$(1),-' - l' . ." ~".. . . _ .,. 10;- .,. '. '1\....,,"... __ ,!.",~, , ....~ll~:--: "C~ .?..,..~~-J-.-.-.+ ,-. , , . . . . ~t~~~'~~;:.~,J!..,t~~-:: .: ,.~:' l___ :'.~ ?& .~!.. ~ "'i,fia. ~ .j'"' \-- " 1@~:~;e0 ' . ~~$.:~~.;}~' ~ ,;~~~r;7J)".. " ,~(}~~. 75 , . T ' n' "lr!"T-i 1 r "'r ~ \) ~ M ~ ~Ir "1 ' ( S~ Jacinto Tr. Co. II F~ank Hanka O.A~ Anthony M. A. Ratledge Grace Painter 32 D. T. Hasee1I 16 D. E. Bh.edelJ, 32 Chas. McKim 16 i I ( I r San Jaeinte Tr. Ce. ~2 San Jae1nte :t!r. 0.. 16 ,P. H., Bl1ssard 32 J. Colller Hu.r1 ey 15 ;..'~. ''';"l;:f .(; ":;-j....s li. J.,' Wels' P. E. Weis Gu.s F. Wels Henry, We1s . J. 35 ROBINlIOOD INTERSECTS 13 l't 105' 708.75 105.00 105.00 918.75 16 13 n 105' 708.75 105.00 105.00 918.75 Q.UENBY INTERSECTS 32 11 " 10!P 708.75 105.00 105.00 918.75 16 11 " 105' 708.75 105.00 105.00 918.75 NOTTINGHAM INTERSECTS 9 t1 105' 708.7-5 105.00 105.00 918.75 9 tf 105' 708.75 105.00 105.00 918.75 SUNSET BLVD INTERSECTS 6 " 110' 742.50 110.00 110.,GO 962.50 6 t1 110' 742.50 110.00 110.00 962.50 ALBAN'S IN'fERSECTS 4 n 105' 708..'5 105.00 105.00 918.75 4 n 105' 708.75 105.00 105.00 918.7>>' 'r WROXTON INTERSECTS 2 " le8.1' , 729.67 108.10 108.10 945.87 2 It 108.1' 729.67 108.10 ' 108.10 945.87 .EAST SIDE. Acreage " 260' 1755.00 260.00 260.00 2275.00 If 4S4! 3267.~ 484.00 484.00, 4~35.00 - n 496' 3348.QO 496.00 496.00 4340.,00 " 7~5.5t 5369.62 795.50 795.50 69&,Q.-C>2, - " 186.5! 125S.Q'l 186.50 186.50 IGai..,87 , ' , .:"'::c~ .: . . I ," ( UNIT NO. 32--- OOLLEGE STBJill!:T fr9m the north ltD;t of University-Blvd to ~\t"S0u.thllne I /.'2 Pee. St. 30 F.,ot rea.dway. " ", ' I 'UNI~ NO. ~3...-- CO:4LEGE STBEI!1T from the north line f~,~,e street to the south~'lin. ef 1 Mil,-bCIJIl a.ureet. ' 30 re,traadweq. UNIT NO, 54-~- COLLEGE S~ from the nGrth line of Milton st~ 'be the sQUth',l.ine &:f , Riclunond Ave. '50 1'00t readway. Estimated total c.st . . . . $29407.17 Estimated cost per front feot te property owner- Paving $5.00 S-W 1.00 C&G 1.00 I ~-, '1 I ! l' -. -, , --rl11~1! "I 36 , _n ~ ~..,. __ > ~ \ ,UNJ:T 'Iio'-~2 . WEST SIDE r-' \~ .:n I .. , ~- -. C.;.V" .,1 c. A. B17an Cerp'n 10 17 1st. 114' S70.00 114.00 114.00 198.00 ( O. ,A.. :B17&n Cerp'n 9 1.7 " 114' 570.00 114.00 114.00 798.00 EAST SIDE Eva. E. Bimcan \ 1 J,S ~ U,41 5'10.00 114. 00 ;114.00 798.00 G.. A. )3ryan CGr,tl'fn 18 Jo8 " 114' 510.00 114~OO 114.00 79$~O0 \ " " :~~ "~'~l::~~ usre S;I:DE ,q. ,4. :Bryan Cer.tpn 9 20 " 112' 560.00 l1?oo 112.00, ,r~~hO. Q~V ,*,~';:' . -; ~ '..;~'.:.f . <h, A ~ryan" Ce-rp"n lY-. '9 1'1 2ld, ~10()' seo.oo ~eo.Qo " :J,OO.OO '7,00. 00 ,,. .. '} .' "(1. ~. :~q r;e%!p:-n c. ,,.... ,Brj.$l Co~'n "''y, ... mq;~,",11.~t <.5.4 ' ' ,.">';'.~..,:,~~ l' '~-r "'>' ....,' ~ . 'I . .~ '.~ . ~ .:~!~:2 ~~'. >. ~ . ~ '~~'~~.':~ry~' Oetp;fh ~, - ~. . "' ,'" . , . -" C. ~. :B17W1 Co~;'n , , q;'.,~f;- ~*~ CO:t'i>~,;ti ' . . .. ~ ,"' D,.~. ~"M OO1'p'n /I. ~.:; '" 0 "'}' ,',' ,,Ml, ,~,~ n ..>," ", ..>" '" ~~.~: j'~~1!byDa1ips '.~"..., ,B~'4l'LC,.~n , G.lt. ll'o+,st~r . , , " "Q:.~-)~rta.Ji'()S~"< , 1 ,- ~ -Tl ~ 1 '~rrrr"--' lQ '9 . -1!1.Ae SIDi 1- 1 19 ,~J' C.V ';,v",: 2nd ~if ' 'ilia 100.3' 501.jO 101.30 101.30 70a~10 :U.1.8' 559.00 1.11.a~,~, ' 111.S0 ?S2.0() .;~ ,-;. . F. . \ >t. , QS~ SU41l '::' ;.'....~: ~ .. '-;,:.. . l~ ft '100' 100.00 100.00 J ~ ~G 50~.00 ,100.00 1Qa~00 #r';};' .~~.. ~<b: '.;r; ::..... .~ b~f,: ~~. >-. ~ '.~ ~ .~.. . 1$ tf ' lOG,! jG,~& .. . j,. ..'~.. ;-'j:.'~ . .~ ~~&.a~EOO1$ , ~'Qo,.a.0 '~19f)..bo ~~ ,,):~ . '1<..);.~ .~. Ie,. > " < ,;', ... A~. , , 10 11 u 10(.);t 500.00 ~ ,,$ a. '- , .. " 1..3 9 ft lOQ," 500.00 IP l() $ ~o ' , 100.00 ItG4h 00 70y)iE)Q ",.'t. ( . <' ~.' -. ~ ~ : 10G-Q" . ,,., 100.00. 700.00 p.<.' . ~... " '~~;li,ON INTEBf3:$O!rS 'r" > ,r,';:',.t. ;Ii' , " lOe!.. '~G,Q~0P: '" lOO.OOl~!t~P~?00.0Q p '~ 12 ," .~' 5,G~.OO ;J;~O.QO, 1~,&..,':_.6. ',' l~O'" ..,--"" ">:::-: ,Q~!-~l?GJ: '1 ;mama '~~ . , "'--,:t.~i'Q,..~f) " " '8 ' 'If, " :J,:~O" ~-~."'-- - '. : 'A!...:."' ..t1:~....'i" T f" 1'1 !l ff'l"f"---;rr; J , r I~' II- - f1 37 c ~ M ~ ~ ABNOLD INTERSECTS ( WEST SIDE C-V Carrie B. Hayes 10 5 2nd 120' 600.00 120.00 120.00 840.00 o. A. Bl'1'all Corp fn 9 5 " 120' 600.00 120.00 120.00 840.00 BROWNING INTERSECTS 8 4 " 120' 600.-00 120~00 120.00 840.00 o. A. Bryan C0rp 'n 7 4 " 120' 600.00 120.00 120.00 840.00 SHELLY INTEBSECTS EAST SIDE o. A. J31:Ya.n Corp!n 18 15 " 100' soo.oo 100.00 100.00 700.00 C. A. Bryan CGrp.'n, 1 15 " 100' 500.00 100.00 100.00 700.00 STEVENSON IN'l'ERSJOOTS i c ~ A. J3ryaa C0rp!a 18 14 " 100' 500.-00 100.00 100.00 700.00 ( \ C. A. :Bryan. ~}:orp!n 1 14 " 100' 500.00 100.00 100.00 700.00 TENNYSON INTERSEOTS O.A. :Pryan Oorp!n 18 11 " 100' 500.00 100.00 100.00 700.00 , C. .6l:Prya.n Corp'n 1 11 " 100' 500.00 19,0.00 100.00 700.00 COLERIDGE IN'l'ERSEOTS 18'~ 10 tI, 120' 600.00 120.00 120.00 840.00 , , - ,0. A. Bryan Cerp!n 1 10 . 120' 600.00 120.00 120.00 840.00 ~":':.<.'i- '! nRLOWE INTEBSECTS ot..!. Bryan Oorp 'n l,:8 7 " 120' 600.00 120.00 120.00 840.00 c. 4. B17arl Oorp!n 1 7 " 120' 600.00 120.00 120.00 840.00 .ARNOLD INTEBSECTS ( Annie Res1eau 18 6 " 120' 6 ()O.,OO l~. 00 120.00 840.00 l C. A. Bryan Oorp'n 1 6 If. 120' 600,00 120.00 120.00 840.00 :BROWNIN~ INTEBSEOTS C. A. :S~an Corp' n 18 3 " 120' 600.00 120.00 120.00 , 840.Ji)O " i ; ""WiT' '--'1'1-0"'1' ['"I 1 I I Ill!, .3c8 a. A. :Bry~ (Je1'J!l in l~ 3 if V~~~ Ne. 35~39-37 120' Seo.oo ", :.. 120.00 120,00 '40.00 r'-} , I ' ( ~ ~. "..,: . -;'P'l":....~ . _.~ """I'" - ,;~0~""J<-;""'~ '1!': .. 1 _~ '':.1-; '''~ . - ".. ~..' . ~ .,,:',.~~:' .,'~ _.."h'~'.".\~~~ .~, ~ -.. '" ....~ . . \ aouu sr. , lemU"SUllF::, ,," 50''"' :250.0.0 . '~,.. :. . ':'. . . . ". ~.: .'~ -! . . WL'r 'NO, 35--:amms ST:BEE\lf~m the east line of Cemm_ ty te the west. line' of Cameron 2P"f,...">rea.dw~l. _ , " ", ,,::' . ' ,~" Wl:T NO. 36...-:BTJRlfS S'PREE! from theeaS~ line of Cameron tethe- west l'ne $f Q$U..ge ',' r' , ' , 2P feet re~dwa.y. " '. r ' UNI\!! JO.~?"-BU:aNS snIREE~ frem ~gEf east line of College "lie a. pein" 467,,2. tee.. e~t.f - tlil~~a.~,(f;,~li..n:e<eJ(J.llege ,streei;.~i....25' :feet roadway' r ., r _ _ ~:.:~' . .: ' ". . '.- ',~ "< ". '- ~ .~.: WI1' NO.~ J. Sykes J ..Sylt~~; - " . "" ". ..-:.,.... '1.1... ,,~;~~jl~tt,li.." MaT ,\ ' 4l'be:f:hN. '~ ..;J.~: If1. May, , a.,i~:~~~~k.l_~ ";J,lj,, ,Sa N~~l:s,li)r1 ,. "." . 'w.. ~J!li .:ttat.l':H. '. "'~',~ .' , . YI~ ;:g.;. N~ll .', A. 'iU '( a:: .~ , ~. ~.e_~~ ' ~'~ii~~~,.~~ :f '~, P'.i~.' ~..~ l. ::,~>, {J;eod. ->~ *"; ;: ~ ' r.~,,;. "D~\V~~~e ',', , ;;',:. . ) ", ".', )8." . ~Jj- , . "'-;::--. : :-.. , m 1m" ,,' -;.&: ll'" ,"; ~~-.-- "," 'J, . -'t .... ,~~.~~jlf,~ " ",':':::~~:,,;j)~;Me~.. ,:: '1" I " i' '"'Ini' C:-. :; c. ", ~ "," . ~ : 21 29 '1 '1 1" '/ 18 'I 17 '16,' ,'/ 'I 1$ '1 ":J.4. ),(7 ;115 .', '1 ; ..'~1> 4( $ Q' 3 6 S '1 8 Be a 9 8 10 ,e 11 a 12 a , It ~ ." '.n, " <F " 0',; .. e~ \. ~..".~_"".'"--...,":~~ >~.--<,,>. ,~""'...,.....:...-?'.-y' "'''''.__' , - ' , ': , ~j::;f':; ;~,~j': :r~;;:;t' ':~ :r S(lt;iQG "'3J~. 00 l'" . , ' , tt1.t",) c1~.0'\, < '$~..~.-,~ ,,~~ QQ, . \" 50.00' . 550.06 r:.n.' :Il\<t\ " ,', ~ '-"t!\< , ~'. ~~ ~~.~1l\7.~ -', .d',}...~.,.~~1r.. ," ! . . . . . . . . . :t.'_ .' ",- ~ '^f;'.'. \' ,->/L', J 5;(1t>~'O,,;q ':IS-n~'1,' 00'" ,C' ~~"" ; ~>.,.~.:..>,.. ~ ''! . ~-.~~~.. ~\.:'"'''' ,-' ,m.,~QQ, .ti'--~:QG _~\)l,; ,~, ,~,' ' -.;.- 1'--~_ s;~t;G.1fl,:) ~QO!;. (' ('50.90~:c, ~~'r.._JJc!'O't!~1L__<" , ~ 50'tc _ .' 250r@$ ;~c~. 00~~ . ,~,()iL' ' >25~<Q~~ ,';', 5.Q~G " n" " IJ ,'L., , 5Q;'y,:;,~ 250.90 \"50.,.00,&,,,: , ,;;Jii:'.,"i yi..~li({'1!iOa ' ~~~~~~'.;:;~~.'~ .~. 5G!~1j, ~<$.~0.00 J:" ::.:~~;~.~' ", '. :~" '. b:~!j~:~~,_ ~~~'t,I'~cJt>k'';~~, :~. \?;, 50i ','; 2.jQ,;~_"'~' 5$~. ~~t " iG'" "a~, tt If ~ ~O' ,'" "~~,~, ... .25'O~,QQ ~~} ':~'~~'!i.. If ~ If /H~~Qi,; 'r -,50. Of.}, ,,' 1$.90 '. , -.;<., , " , ,c~ " ,,' '" 5"'~O~~..r-, Q,,<; . ~:'~~~~i .t~, .. . . . ,',- ,"' .,.- ; "..: ~i: - ,:' c;-4lffil:~t>" ,,'~!.~..;ellY'" ~/t ',' ,~ ,~,V '1'" ~.~ l; . ~.- '1i "'lrr'r I .. J 11 T .- -~-- .~------------- --- ~~, -- -~~ -~~._---- --- ~ 39 \.) ~ M ~ n' UNIT NO.36 SOUTH SIDE .... ( :River OakS Corp 'n 1 29 " 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 350.00 R1ver Oaks Oerp'n 2 29 It 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 350.00 C. Gustafs en 3 29 " 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 350.00 o. Gu.stafson 4 29 " 50' 250.00 50.00 5 0.00 350.00 ' Faa.ham 4 FMtham 5 29 " 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 550.00 . 1). P. Hitt 6 29 " 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 550.00 Bebb .Mask " 29 n 50' 250100 50.00 50.00 350.00 w. M. :Bruns a 29 n 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 350.00 ~axi1;ham k Fantham 9 29 ft 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 550.00 Faatham & Faatham 10 ?9 It 50' 250.00 50.00 5 0.00 550.00 ' Fantham & Fanthaa 11 29 " 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 350.00 [ Pembenon Sales 00. 12 29 " 50' 250.00 60.00 50.00 550.00 ' ( H. 29 tt 57.6' a88.00 57.60 57.60 ' 403.20 , i II. :Bradl~l . 13 " ACADElJ1.Y INTERSECTS o-v E. J. Barry 1 30 t. 50' 250.00 5 0.00 50.00 550.00 E. J.. _rry 2 50 " 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 350.00 E. J. Barry 5 50 " 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 550.00 . ,. J. Barry 4 50 tt 50' 250.'0 50.00 50.00 350.00 c. A. Bryan Corp 'n 5 50 " am' 250.00 50.00 50.00 .550.00 C. A. Bryan Corp'n 6 5-0 " - 50' . 250.00 50.00 50.00 350.00 C. A. :Bryan Corp'n ? 30 II 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 550.00 C. A. :Bryan Corp'n a 31 " 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 ,~50.00 c. A. B17&n Corp'II. . 9 30 II 100' 500.00 100.00, 100.00 700.00 ( HA~ORNE ~NTERSEC; TS c-v "', { I 1 a ist iQ' 2~O.OO ~.oo 50.00 550.00 2 8 " 50' 250.00 50.00 50.0&:',; 5Sp.OO , All' Jo:;;eph 3 a " 50' 250.00 50.00 50.0()<: 550.00 ,,' n, - . , , r----:' "~II ITf ! ,--,-.,-- -lml ]TlF 40 M. Jeseph a. Je,aeph :l.J~seph o. A., Bryan Oexp'n 7 C. A., Bryan Cor,p"n a El. . .A.., ,,~ riftrJ}'n ,. . " ~.. -~->, , '''' '.\- 'lb:S;. A. &lisft$Of'f ~ . "'',- "-, " ..... .~ J .. ..:;af!.1g~ lilllfl,., 2 'c;' , ~ 251 , " J. '"Vl,llff:'llBllUlA,. . <' ,::",' 4 5 6 ,8 , 8 .. a 8 Q:," k'.:.d ' .., .' . t-!."t. -. , ,26 $ .2' 141". -1,... '-. Be.e;tr~, 4:, ;', < 2~ w .i,v'!." :a~umett < u.."-'--:';i e,;,. J~ri,pfi- ~~.... jj '.-.;;.' '. ~ .~' ~ ", . :~~ :.1. V~~~h.t , , J.iE...,.s en J ,,:i~~~~d" ' 5 " ;a~~ G:-t'~~ 7 8 9 ,2~ X ~$~.~lJll:r~~ . ".' 10 ,28 M-rsE'::;is.. B~ Se,j;j 11;~" )~~ ~tA.a,m.;'& ~~*~ 12, ,,~~ '\< ~1iAAD1,i~li'~k~Il1, 1.~ ',' ,'. ~~ " .. r , . , :. '~lif.;;:r~ff] (' ,; ,,:,,'"l~ ".. ~J. . . ....r"-"'- ~~. "~;)~:.~~;r:.-", , , f:~~~J;J.'~t~~~I.,. J; ;.Jk"/( ~js, ,> :3,;1., . ;,-. ..;. ':1.:." ,", ," '. ~ .?-..--:,:".<\~~,~.~!~,.!:..;. " , . , Is' ~ ~ - ,,,!!, ~ i ,,}::' ~ ~:', 1'1 ,'i.~:.t:j';1 :';~~~:::hJ' .16'; ~ '$l " , , ' ,~j~;~:',~r:iJ:~.i~lritrl5' . ~ 3l .L'- .' ' r1, CT' ; ------r,--- r. ,-:, , ,mll'J"T" 51 .,c~a., --.~ ''/' ... Col !ler " 26 -2~ ~ 50' ~50.00 250.00 2~0.00 2~e.eo 260-."'&.0 .~'1.2' '53~.*e :so. 00 iO.OO 50.00 ~-O.OO 50.00 ,67..20 5'0. 00 i Q~pe ~Q~OO 5'0~ ~0 fiG.oe 50..,00 50100 50.00 50i!;Q0 50.,00 'ci! "~" 5o,~;~O 50.00 '!$50~,OO n- 50' .OBTH S!})E tt 50' 5$'250.00 50.QQ", ,,350.,00 50.00,'; '350.00' ~o.C!)o .55Qd)8 u 50' ,,250.0' ,250.;00! '?SO. QO ., ,50' 250.00 50.00\ 3.50..0C) u 50' , 50',' . 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Wi.lk~rson Mi.ss~ J, Leggett UlU! NO. 48 H. V. Mfityers L. A.~rgan F@.n.tham . &: Fantliam Fan'tkam &: Fan tham W. M. B:ra.nl:l o. V. Sitton R. D. Miller (t i,' R. D. Miller - H~ D. Miller R, D. llIiiller w. e. 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Jellisant J. Jol1isant J. W. liughes .1 J. Vi. Hughes .2 J. W. Hughes ~~ .I .W. HQ8la.es fh A. 1lr$an Carp'ai Q. 4. J)~ Cerp'n.' '. (f~ 4., .l3~at1 COr,'il ., - e. ,A. BqaGorptn..S- Q. A.;~z;y~ Cel'P'~ 9 O.A.. :B~f_o.Jf~!n,lO ~" . t. - . " , ':~.~.':Gr.:re8 .1 ,~/. .J.".~and~~sen 2 T.J. S~de,~s~.n ~ , '0" ,A.~~.~(f'~pl!n.4 C. A~ ::B:qan Oor,p;n~~ . c. 4. ',,;Bryan Corp ~n.6 flo. ....~anco~;n<<., a. 4. Bt:1aD(Oo.~~ .8; - ~~~_~ " 'j"' 'J.~'...::':~~ j' .,~"j "'..-.1:-' , ~9t.~ ,~~ JI. ~e~O-lds -,. :,. ~~ , .J.., (h -... _.)Il~lds ;2 :~.)n\~~""3' , , Fan.1ham. .&'Pan:bmiilf4: ' . '" .' .'. " ., " , [' Tn' . 15 26. 14 20. 33. 53 S~ ' 4 35 53 . 33. 33 ' 53 . 33 . 33 . ~", 'i> o-v ~3r ~ .1s1i 15' ~ " \3 13' 13, 13" ~5. 1,~' . 3;.S ~~ 25 ' .21 '. p ~,j . ,~l. "f'~~ " 5(:)' 225.00 tf .56.4' 2&2.80 .50.00 58.40 c-v 4th ~ot . ACADEMY '.LNTEllSECTS " 50' n 50' " 5e.'. " 50' ,22 50" ~ " 5M; << 5$.-1 ft , 501 ..... 6:0;1 225.00 215.00 225.00 225.00 2ft5~OO 225:0. 00 2'2'5.00 2~5.00 225.00 22-5.06 50.00 50.0~ 50.aG 50.0(:) 50.00 50.00 50.oe ~o.oo 50. .00 50.00 " ',: . tIU'THO~;.; J;!i!ilBSEOlf:; "" ;;0'1:" i~!, " 5Q'l "... " "5Q" " ~ ft "'5~6 << :$0:' - " 51;)1 .- 'i01f ' 'I tJ "f' ,~ 2':a$.OG 2?~h'OO ~.oo ~~$~OQ ; 2~.O,0 c 22$..QI - -. ~~ 22~.QO 2~5~Q0 ":NORTH 51:01' 5.ji~t " '5:0'" > ' ~,', ~ :~86:" , << , SG"" -" 22$.~O 22~~OO 22a~{)G ',- ' , 22~~ '00 ,50.00 325'.00 58.40 Sv..9.60 '.-1 SG. aa' 325-.00 50.00 ,32$'..0& c . "'SO.GO ' dS2S.100 50.00' 325.00 ,50.. O~325. Go. iO.OO;$20:~O&' > ~O~O~$~$~OO 50,00 " ,'3~'.OG. ' pO.OQ ,;~"~2'i'.1)O'; < 5'9.00, 3-0a'iDO",,, '!;i1 t~z._ ~ ,:~ ~ ~, se.O(1),::~o.oe se.00 50.',00 50.00 fiH.).~O .sa.ot;) 50.00' , .. ~~.oo ,f". o~f 50.00 50.oa", $.O~:' 50 00 ' ~:.J:,' (~$I,,1jf)r,';,' . ri:.A AlI!\..1' ~ ", "'x, :!ii!"'5' AA ' f/U.~W","r;;,-'~~.c;;.,;:'iv~. .\:IV"",' {f 5..,@' "'. 50..~, Jl~,..JA ~', _~ ;50..0f.) 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J317An Gorp'n 11 16 i:0.0.o~ o. A. Bryan Corp'n 10 1-5 J1.,I,1t, J{~, ~~ t', "'iY~';" ....~.. ... A. :Brya.n Corp 'n 1 4,,! ' ~A. Bryan Corp 'a 2 '0. ,... BrY~-~~~'n 3 1Jfrs. H.B'., "o-~send4 I.G. ,.Eekl;)lin &W1fe5 . ' 1. . ~ . _' . '." _'.. _ ... ~ -. ., ~ ,-,,', ". . ,. ".. - -' , ~jiJ.l.Eeitelin & Wife. ,e~r :~. 'J3~, O&~,!ll,7 .$o. L.' E~,lllu-le~ · a __ ".' ~~J.:'~1:.' o. .4. Bri~ eO;'Pt:A'. ~~.~:-.. ~;J.t."'-~}I '}~';~:, "' '1t~~-,:;':1- ,"o.~ ~ .~ _8 ;~~}.l'P~: ,,~ie;r'cott . _~ ",h. . - Jt~St~ ',' p::,~:'t~ ;r!~~~,~t ' , ':a:.~. ~iW!.~ " i6 _ _ _ _ ",b-- _'~,;- :. ~~, . _'... ,_ < ~'. . ,Z vi' _>'..o.,"'i _ '. .,' ~ ~ . ~~~-.~..~~~~ Ceri'Jl lp . ~.' ~. -', . ~_"~~"'~"'- .... 7 ~ "~ ..... .s. ':'; .' 'e. A~ :ati@n 'Gorp 'n l~ O~.:"A. ",~~~~ Co~'n'i5 ~,'~~ < <~.~;-'. ': . ':~''':'~''.,,' , :lh'4.13l\t$lo.er.p'n ].2 . . _ '" .:.'. .,L }. , ~,4~ . ,"," . ,-" ~~, I' T'rnl " SOl:JTH SIDE' a~v 67.2' 302.40 67.20' 14 1st 1~ " 50' 225.00 50.00 , ,', - 14 n 50' ~,OO 50.GO 14 n 50' 225.00 59.00 .: 4 . ,.. 14 ., 5.0" 225.00 50.00 - ~. '1-.....'. . ' r,"\ 14 '! 50t /.~.po 5th_OO , ., 1.4 " lat:t '2;a~fOO .. 'Ja0-.00, , ' .",.... ~C 4 " - . .'" 14 ., 50' 2?5. ,00 50.0Q , - 14 .. 50' 2~.eo 50.()~ ., ' ~ , '.....: "'.-.., l{(\)R'.rR 'SIDa . ~ , . ~ .>-:.~~ 67.29 5J!J;~~*';: . ~:~ ". 50.00 18 l~ It " 17 15 It 1Jj " 1.~ n ;J.5 tf 15 .. 1fj It " ~ '.~ " 1i It '"i " , . 15 ft . '1i~'~2' '\ {)O,f #Z25.QO "" '.1~ '5()' ~i.OO " <;" ~ ,2:25. oe ~~, 50.p~ ..~~.\ ;., .,~ ",,: ;,; .... 5.0' 225.;00 5(l).O~ " ' ,. . ij;.(:,r. 22i.00 50.9~ .5,0,1 .. < " " " 50f ~~25..0~ 5Q.~~ , , ~ 5~H . - -:.1<.::t-., - t " - ',., "'-'..'gO"; r~~" ( , 50. at ~~:;-;~.. -. .! ~ .:'. . . 67.00 ' 435.50 ; , . ~ ....'. 6'1.20 456.60 50.0' 525'.- 00 ':",,~.>.~~{. .",(~: .~:..\ )::f:}t;,,: -< I. 50.~~}~;:n;~"~.n~~c ," , 5tl:itl>952i..;llQi , 50.j)~ ,j. "~ ,5P. O~ . \ : ~ 50, O~ ,'_j;-~0.0 "".i~~~>:&~ }~;~~~;h,:;~" 5o.~tf " ~2i.'t1 :,' ,_:fii;'~;rUl(~'..~:~,.L ,it-"", / '~5..OJ f~' '\ ' Jr..'=>- . ....~~<~~~~~~.~~.9.~~ ..:...';. .... .;:,~~~. :!it::~, "~Q" ~01r . .te.~'tt~~,~~.~ · c '~"r:".,. ~ .' ~;. ~:. Jif~V:'~:t '.r~", lIS~~~x.t.l ,y;:~ """~. "",~,i,~'.~~ '~U~4i.00" _~ ;~c~,'1;~i$E~";: ~\~ it-' 5G.~' ~'>DO . ':~'~ ~:.;!#:.. ;~~ba, ~A "C,\ 45;$.:01 'c ~li~~o ~~tl~;~~~;<~~~~(l~'~ ~:. .' '?6,~_': il' :.-' :- .i_ .~~:..., ,~< 'T '"'IF llllllll'fl I' ~ 55 \.) .~.. Ql5 ~' ~ rl SOUTH SIDE .. COl'~ Fan:tham & Fantham 21 12 Ter. 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 525.00 Frank Cex . 20 12 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50 .00 325.00 Louise Good . J9 12 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 Louse Good 18- 12 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.0e 325.'00 Abe Geed 1'1 12 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325..00 Abe GQod<,/ . 16 12 " 60'... 225.00 50.00 50.00 525.00 M.M. Ge\lld . 15 12 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 3d~*b{) 14's. G. .W. MCGowan . 14 12 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 "325.00 M,rs. G. w. JJfeGowan 13 12 tt 50' 225~OO 50.00 50.00 ~.OO ',' --, C.A.M:El10N INTEBSEOTS Fan1iham '& lfantham 2. 24 tt aDt 225.00 50.00 50.00 ,'>L'525.00'. _ Faritham .~ 'JnthaDi . 25 24 tt 5'0' 225.00 50.0e ,50.00 ~25. 00, ( ) '~ , Fan"bham "ac Fant_ . 24 " 50' 24 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 .. Fantham l Fan tham . 25 24 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 525.00 Fan tham .& Fan tham . 22 24 n 5Q' 225.00 50.00 50.00 , 325.00 May Edwards . 21 24 " 50' 225.00 50.GQ 50.00 3~6..'O~ .. - L. B. Ogilvie . 20 24 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50-.00 "325.00 F. A.. Artz '19 24 It 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 321.00' .. Faatham ac Fant:bam ' 18 24 " 50' 225.00 50.00 5 o. 00 325.00' Fant1ia.m & Fantham 17 24 "- 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 A. S. Le~ "16 24 tf 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 E. A. Gl1nes 15- 24 " 50' 2(35.00 50.00 50.00 52i.OO E. A. Glines' 14 24 " 5~P 2i5.50 i9.00 59.00 3$5.50 (, I ACADEMY INTEBSECTS t~- Ounningham acre-e.g. . . , " :Soth Sides 5bo' 45.00 1000.00 1000.00 6500.00 HAlf,mORNE INTDSEOTS 'fl1.ee Pee.:te i Z'1 fJ_Vf 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 ,325.00 1st ---,,---,-- 11ljnn' II ''l' ;r. I rJ[lI m_ Il' 5,6 ~e.o P~e~~ c. A. :B17~ OO--11>'n, 5 e. A.:B~ Oorp'n 4 O. A. ]3,r,an Oorp'n 5 , " ~ , . ~ . .... c. A.;B:,~ Oerp'n.6 , , '0. J;LE.~ Oerp,t~ '1 .- .. c. A. ,:e~ Oorp',n a C. A.}~ra;~ Oorp' n. ,9 _ r, y . "'t,,:..,-".,.,'i ."" ,q\;'~A. ~~an Cor, 'n '1 Q'. A. j:r,;~ Cor,~,X!-: ,2 .~ 1i '- ~., :.. .' - . ~ ;...... :}k.~ ~'.>' ~.; Jakii;;.tZi,' ,4 . ....~Jq.~';\,'~~""~: .J ,'" :~ F~uzf;ham'-lri)1~_~ 5 .;-, ".1t7 r ~_ :' 'o!C. f ' . h '. " , J. :Johnson ~ '.<:~'~,~~/,;. , , , 6,.' .. ' , .. ,~. J'~' ,Vel~;3!~7 . ' , ",~t1\~.&>FantA'm ' 9 8' , 'O'r l-i~ \ ~ ~ +7 " 'sQ' 2?5.00 50.00 so.o~, ,52i..OO r ' ( ~<~ .. 1'1 " SQ' 2?5.o0 50.0~ 9().O~, 5~~.OO 17 .. 50~ 2?5.00 50.00 L~C).OO ~25.0~ + 17 !f i~' 2~~.OO 50. Of.) 5th 00 325.00 f". ':.' , . .' , ' , 17 n 50' ~?p.oo 50.0~ J~O. 00 5J5.:90 , ,~ 17 tt 5Q' 235.00' 50.0Q 50.00 525.00 ....51Z . . . . ~',r:.c ~~ 17 tt 56' 22O.QO 50.00 5,().OO " 5~5j"OO .": l' '. J;"{::r":-::-",: ~- 17 tt 5~,~ 225.,00 50'.00 ,50~~OO . ,,'r ".~52:)..O. ';",: .' . !?!t:j"$:~,,~"i~~ ~;", ~",' 2 l~ tt le. tt 16 " 18., tt l,~, tf : ' . l~"" " " . tf, " .i001.. '15.\;~ .' .'~'~~ ' c.' !F: l~ 11' 15 '.\~'/" ,,:~", , aQ~LE~E ~N~.~S . - ,'r."... '"'. !;}'9,' 5~' 5e~ . . ... ~~ ."'~\ ~,~:.; "~9{,, ~et ~P' ";' ~",' 'to ..,. ~. It .1 ,$0' .. ..\ >F ;~~.. .~ .~i.OO 2~i.OO ~5~Of) ~5.00 . 2~&~,PO '- ..',' 50.00 50.00 50.0Q, 5,O.OQ , ' , 50.0~ . r-;,,,,.,';. 50.00 50.0€t -,:~ .{ 50.-08 '_,t', \Ot--; 't' 5~5.00 .5.0.00 " 525.00 =-:f:S.' .t.~:u;:;t-;~~${. --:-";' ~.' --,~".::- )~o. O~t" ;" .,~25.". 00 ....,,:' ?"-~"- -" . ,-"' ':: ~. -~ 50.09" i25,'~J, _:~(:: '. '\;!~j:H:r;~.iZi.' ,{,'. . ~ i"~ ~ ~'.! . ~. .;.,\ ) , ~fi0.00, ,'" ,32:i'08 ':~t..~" ~.- '. "~~~~/;j'l;;~~ ::~.. ,if';-:"' .' ,~lCt~'F,';': L~~,~!i~I; '~, ;t!,O.OO, '- ~'"'-: . r- ,-' 50.00 .i~~,' 50 .0~,~; 'd\O~QO ,?,.oo .; 4-~ 525~OO . ~.:~'W; ~t~~ ~ ': .., ',~,25,'!,'t . ",,-..,;:-;:.A~~' -.\ .j325,.~O '. <;:, :.;',~' . ,;*,S5,,~~..~. 4:,;J.PO~7' ,!,~f) ,. ' , ' ,.~-, . ~:~tl$':;" ", ,,'!~.-. ~. '. '%, '. ',,' ') " ,,:' .: ,'. ..,' , '5~qt, -~, T"': -:I. lTl]ll- 'f:. ~g5~l. " "~' :...:~~'d; ~ ,." ';i~~I~~':". , , '1iO~,. c , " ""'. ". ::~~If, " ~. :~AA:!8~;,;, "~j;~~~" ,,~;00' 52p~~Q' ~~~t", 2~~!;'O , :~,:,:;$(b.-~lt,$:;>;t~!~~:t;~~:" tt:' ::i;,il~', ~;"~~.>~~;<\,, 5,Q'.O.Q", 60~'ti(jJ' ~2$. 00 !S~~'~'~;" lJii-p,! ',;.Jo-' ~. 225.00 ,~ ';.. ~ 22li.pO . ".d_' , 2~i~;~0 2~,:.O ,~. . )lx-:; '" .~OOTH ~;>>A1, 4 J~~ '--.{ ~~ ,: -: .~.-r .9,l.~~PO ,c', i' '~~9:: ~. ' " "~~ i);.' ,u; ,.:1:~;~i", c.. A.,~~; Oo~tn ,:i, i ,~~:..t~- ~ ~-"~',~{). ! '-,~ ., />. C'.,A. ~~~:oo7P:n>~ a;,A. t~~\l~~'tl1PJ1~.~ . :' ... g_ A.~,~~ e.rp~:~.~: e,. A! ~!~eor>>~~. ".; l~" The. !~~ii ~ la, . .' - ... - ."{~'~ ~~ ~":'.. ~ ~",<: .~-,~ . ~ !Llh~O,~i1'~\~'),' '~ l~, .: tt t1t1i3q.:r'V(.~1'lt u .fl ~)la;~en&,~WJ~~~n Tr~. "~' '..0" -u,o,"';''-'"",' , ;',,:'_. ,.J.~J..., ". 7 t5 ,45", , " ',tf . '. ~ ,:;. .:.~.:- 15. 'Jitt.n'hJJi~$; F~tb.$,' 4&1~ . .. 2::~\::I";,'~'~. '~,..~",:,,(. '.."",'.. I' 'lnr"ff ' '-' tt , :,i~l' ' , liJc, ~-<. " , v>. :,:('1 . / f , " " i~~.OQ , {"!' ':'~" .. 22A1~p0 .''''<i'" ,22.~~;9Q II 1:'- " p~' OQ ..t,'. 1 n ~'_' .~~~.i~. ~,p() .< i >>:'-'\' ij.' 0,0 i, ,;,:,,.,..I::l:~~, . . _~~. W~'.~' .-J......--; . t~ , ~, . ';.: , "-~. .. . , ,',' 5a6'~eQ) " ' m_ 11' ~ - ,57 0 ~ M ~ ,.,i Ely Kaiser 11 13 ,ft 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325. 00 ~ Jos. Miller 12 13 " 51.3' 230.65 51.30 51.30 333.45 O.l\MERON INTERSEOTS J. E. Wood 1 25 ff 50' 225.00 50.005 50.00 325. 00 Miss B:i:U & stene 2 23 ft 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 " , Wayne Anderson 3 23 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 G. o. MeadowQ. 4 23 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 Mrs. M. Steph.enstn 5 23 It 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 F. w. Salzman 9, 23 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.90 325.00 Miss. M. Gi.11ey 7 23 It 50' 225.00 5 O. 00 59.00 325.00 A. D\1dley a 25 " 50' 225.99 50.00 00 .00 " 325.00 A. Dwuey 9 25 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 ! .. , Fan tham & Fantham 10 23 1f 50' 225.00 50.oe 50.00 325. eo ( \ ~ Fan than;. 8= Fantham " 11 23 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 L. :B. Perter 12 23 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.60 525.00 W. R. Glimes 13 23 1f 59' 265.50 59.00 59.00 3,85. SO ACADEMY' INTERSEOTS Oanningham acreage shown on 1st. sheet of this Unit HAWTHORNE J.N!L'EBSEOTS " C-v O. A. 'Bryan Corp'n 1 20 1st 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00, 325.00 C. A. :Bryan Cei-p 'n 2 20 Jf 50' 225. QO 50.00 50.00 525.00 O. A. Bryan GO:l:'p'n 5 20 If 50' 225.QO 50.00 50.00 325.00 \i A. BrYaJi Cerp' n 4 20 tf 50' 225.00 50.00 50~OO 325.00 . ;. "." c. A. Bryan COr]l'n 5 20 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 ( c. A. Bryan Oorp 'n 6 20 " 50' 22~. 00 :50.<00 . '50.00 325. 00 I c. A. BIpJl 001']>'%1 7 20 " 50' 225.00 50.00 ' 50.00 ~5.00 , 1- c. A. Bryan. OOQ' n 8 20 n 50' 225.00 50\100 50.0e yp,f..OO ." .c "." , , c. A. Bryan COl'P'n 9 20 " &7' 501.50 &7.00 67.00 4~S~ 50 .." 1"TTTIfI ' I r -n1rr 1mrm Ii 58 c. A.. ~l'Yan Corp 'n 1 G. &. :Br,e.n Corp 'n 2 6. A. :Bl'Y,an GOl.P'n 5 19 - e. A.i~ C,rp'n 4: 19 JUs. Wi.ii.1e D. DwYeri19" ~ .11s.riIwtiiieD. DWyeri ""',- 0.. A. .:Bry~ Cerpt.tl ., . " ( . . "--, 0., A. il.~ q:er) 'i ~' e , '~.'~ 4. B;i_~erp 'n . '9 i,~ 1t'- 1:9" 19' 19' 19 ff, $7' 00LLEGE INTEBSEOTS " 'iJ' ,,~ 50' ff '50. , 5Q' .~, tt " " 50" 5~' 'sb; " ~ - . .' -, i ..", <: :~... ~ . .. ' " _). ~. '-. '_ .- Jf. , ~1~ ,:Bap. qhll;~h" na!!.~' &: TrWit ,1:. :t,55 ' '-r ~ t-,.' "?- , 'Jak:e,"l!jt;,fioi~ ' . /' ..",./'r.,,;.~'~ ~tl r "",:' ~..bA~.as Fantham ~Q A. ,t..:mo.t', ,l9 , ' , Fart1;~& ~\n~ 1;a, ,,' fi.s,. ')f:'i~~ ,-' :/ ~.'}. 3f$ ,/'?-.... .... . '1,3 :).5 ~ 13 "l,t , '17 ' ~3 " ';'~ y .... 13' , " " ~_,,<'i ,s,;:1.:~~:~ r ,. R. i G' ,'J3i.St;", '",e'" "" '~'.,:,,, ~ ", , 1$ . "." .. ;~'$S~"1i~,~sti.t:m'15 , c j,~ ~i<?is~d1tang w C!A',~z,"_~,i:,s:,',e~," ",',9> "... " ':"''''~' .._"Q 13 ,,' a 301.50 225.00 225.00 225.ee 225.0Q .' 225.0& 225.00 " ,,;,. 225.00 2~~oe &7.00 50.00 iO.~O 5~~'~ 50.00 50. GO ". .~.. 50.00 50tgO , 50.00 6".51 " l;55!$O c' ;;.t,@pll SI.': '001. " ',' m -. 6'(,\1 ,,,,,fa?;. '_ ~yrk, ,/\ '<- ...., ]i' < ,',14' '13 tI ~Ci5 .... lIt'.- - .. ~. 13.. :illlts - --:...-- ~ ~i , . ",',' ,,~~~':i{'ai1t~f4~, ~. \". . , , , ' F~1lkJi~'.~~ '24 11 'I I" J:'rJ1f1 ' -'" l~,' , 23'" " tf, 2$ ., 2~;- tI . '--'" '. 2-~.09 ." ''?r', Po.~~ '~T.': 1-. < :'~!,:';' -:,2~J~tit.~~, {)(l)ioe 11 , - , fi.O" ':io-i ' - " '~ fi!i ~~ ~< fiG. '."\" tJ tcJ(~.; "'. -. '::\..,,... "50'f ')~G:;' ' " ,. 5ij~' . "-'.- S~. , >, 2~. 00' <" > ;~&t~G '~~;~00 ..~" :~,5.~ 01 ;~~~Q , :i~:'.()O, 4. ..... . . .,">' ;>.~ , 2A5.00 '\ ....r' . 32th 0'(;) ./'Z -:. 21lS.GO . ~,..ff' . ,,~1;; 5.9.00 '~ .'~-..~ . ~_.~ '.- , 5t). ,tl~ ", . \~ .J\'j:'\' !?t)it_ '51.f. :::.'<" .$0. 6~' ' '- j0.~~> 5'J) ..00 67,.00 4'Ji~ 125.GO t<,.. , '2~~~~:Ori . : ',~ '~': '")' '~,~ ."/J/ ~~:~~" fiQ.GO 50. GO 325.$0 50.00 325.00 50.0Q' ~'iJt.~ ~. 32fJ.-OO .'" ~: .(~' ~~~.OQ"'" '0.00 58.0$ .' .">.... '. 3~i.oo '325~O.' .,-><)~ 50"-00 '",,- "z.::", ~""-~~~J ~;<~~ , ~ ' 'S2$.OlD S(;).Qt _.t . _1i'.'P'.,~:,:.'.,,~}~.'~ ~:J~,"",,<. 155~'~E( 'lO~!.,~~ ..:~~; . ..-4 .<, ;j: i5:~~.. S,~te!i 32J:.Qt1 51;8:0 ,~~i~::ao sQ;Of!J, ,325..0$' ,i~i\,!:,~, ~"tS,',~,.,,'t, ~ {I,' '~.. ,,-A.. ' "'I;I~,",!!, "', ,.,~;e_, c', i" " ~tt1t. ~J<= ~. -~. 5~ . '5~f1-' ,C)O ',' ~ ;;~,-'-..-. .: . ~.'.~~ ~ ' . ~;::;~~.~i~~ ~..i.k~ " ,.00..',. >:' :~(" ," ",'~~, ,,:~Q;~~e'?F' ~; If - . ~. . :~j:ll~\t'" '~f~l:$O ' , ~, --;-r.--vrnri f":: ( , , ~'" ',~, \, Il, , 'r[-:'" , " mllm! II' ~ o CZ) m N ~ ... ( Fantham &: Fantham. 23 . Fantham &: Fantham 22 .' A. ]301s K0efo1d . Fantham &: Fantham 20 - Fanth.am &: Fautham 19 Fantasm &: Fa.ntllam 18 L. B. Per1;er O. J. Sturt . :81 Middaugh ( R. N. Th.Qmpson OmniDg1:\~m aereage I ( . . .~ c. .Ai~ :Bryan Corptn :t.. ". A. BryanOorp 'n 2 0. .A. Bryan 00rp'n 3 01 A. Bryan Corp 'n 4 . . Q. A. Bryan Corp'n I; - C.A. Bryan Oozp'n 4) O. A. Br.yan Oorp 'n ., c. A. Bryan Corp,n:8 a. A. Bryan Oorp 'n 9 e. A. Bryan CQrp 'n 1 ( Li o. A. Bryan Oorp 'n 2 0, A. Bryan. Corp'n 3 c. A. B17anCQr.; 'n 4: O. A. :Bryan Qerp 'n {) " T~j"]'jj"" 21 23 17 23 16' 23 15 23 14 23 17 17 17 17, 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 16 Ie 18 23 23 23 23 23 O-v 2nd " " ft, " tI u " 50' It 50' " 50' u 50' " 50' u 50'- " 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 50' 225.00 " 50' 225. 00 " 50' 225. 00 " 5~U3' ,26:6.65 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5Q.00 50.00 50.00, 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00- 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 /50.00 59.,30 59..30 500' AC'ADEttt r~TS 2250.00 500.00 59' HAWTHORNE INTERSEOTS If 50' It 50' It 50' ft 50' It . 50' tt 50' " - 50' 67' 225.00 2~5.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 ~01!50 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5 0.00 50.00 50.. 00 COLLEGE INTERSECTS 67..00 &7: 50' 50' 50' 50' " 3ill.50 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 - 67.00 50.0Q .50. GO , 50.00 50.00 500.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50. 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A. :Bryan O.Q'al1"<';~~~::";~~'16 1$ }"" 16 22 Tt 1$:5', 2o?~5 ,ssi..rzi 500' 61 59.a0 59~a0 ACADEMY INTEESECTS 2250.00 500.00 500.00 5250.0Q , HAWTHORNE INfEBSECTS o.;.,v 3rd 50' 225. 00 50.00 50.,00 325.00 n 50' 225.00 50.00 iO.OO 525.00 n 50' 225.00 5l) .00 50.00 325.00 " 50' 225.00 50.00 So) .00 325.00 tt "* 50' 225. 00 50.00 10.00 ~25. 00 " 50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325. 00 n ,50' 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 tt 50' 225.00 50~00 50.00 325.00 .. 67' 301.50 67.00 67.00 435.50 COLLEGE INTBBSEQTS a-v e. -4,. 131'yan Oor,'n 18 J.j 2nd 67' c. k. BX7an Oerp-'n 17 15 n 50' Vi.;rgj.,nl.a Reslau 16 15 It 50' l; F. Knapp 15 15 n 50' " w. J. Knapp ,14 15 n 50' e. A. Bryan Carp'n II 15 II 50' C. A. Bryan OGt1J'a 12 15 .. 50' c. .Ai Bryan Qerp'J1 :U. 15 II 50' . 0.. A',pj~ C'rp'~ 10 1.5:" 50' UlHTS NOS. 52-53-54..55~iG-57....5~9-60-&1 301.50 67.00 67.00 435.00 225.00 50!00 ~!.OO 325.,0(;), 225.00 50.00 50.00 325..0& 225.GlO 50.GlO 50.00 ,$2'5.00 225.00 50.00 50.00 ~,25.00 225.00 50.00 50. 00 4J'25 .. ~O 225. 00 50.00 50.00 320.00 225.00 00.00 50..00 ~25. 00 225/00 5:(1.00 50..00 325.01 '.'-' " , UnLt No. 52~SSEE STRuT trom th~~ertll !line of Universit;rte tlte $e,f1tB>~elol Amh.erst. 25 toot'readway. " ' , UNIT WO! 55mNES'SEE STREET trom the north line of Amb.erst to thesou.tll Ii~e of Rice .25 foot roadway UNIT NO. 54 TENNESSEE STREET from the north line of Riee to the Sftth line of Own- berland 25f'lllot roadway. I i _ ;; "c-----:--'---n-:'--I ':~"P.'T!:!Nr;;-;r------- I 62 .. WI!P NO. 55- '.t'lilNWDSEE STREE9? fromtlie north ,line of' Cwnberland to the s~\1th l"ne. of. fi' Plumb~ 25 f'oatrot:;\dway " ' ( UNIT NO. 56- TlNBESSEE S2REEiffronl t1).e nerth'line of Plwnb to the s,..tkline €If ~angley 25' fost 1'0adway. ," ' UNIT NO. 5'1- 'PEImE~SEE S~T from the n.rth line .of Tangley to the SO'l1th:line,cof' Robinhoed- 2$ fool' roadw.. UNIT NO. '56- ~SSEE ST_T from the north line of Robinhood to the sou.th line of N~~ti.ngham. 25 foot roadway' , mtI9}:Ij(j), ,5,9- "ESSn S~T from the north llne of Notting~am ,to- ,the setl'b:tJ;"~-1.4~(!{;.-t,,' S~Erb. ,ll?Jt'()t re.liway. , ' WNlW:li@k,,:6~~~EE SiRUTfrtmtne,north Une of Smsetto the :80\1;t). U..ef":o:r, ' ,~ U"~$~:.~~,?~,:~~ci..~,~oa.dwt:;\y. " . m.93- "',"l~:!f.mEsSEE . STREET from, the uerth line of Al bans ',to the.solitkline:-Qf. :a~s~~ , : ~)l5f.ot .ro~dway.' " " .' , ; 'Estt...q.~jts:,t.tal, ~.st t?I.029.19 " ".", :.,' '>', , Est1Jnated: e.s~pe;: front teotto pre-perty owner , P~ving only. ~.iO , . -'--~:~:,.- _, . ,,:c,.-. 0_._ ,....4 ,,- .',-...'~., ._'~ ,:gi.:'..~~i;:.~ ..:;.~\~,.~~: .,:.J1 " UNI!I;t,::1fJ}i. ,5.2 -it..li~p-ella, '.'. .... " '" "-~i.v~~_~~'Rc:!al1fy'JJf),, " '.,: N .:" <.~~- . . ~. . ;r..,:f)."litt'S~tl1 . ; 't1rlt:~\>,!"..- ~41t)t ,Jl.;;, ~~:~t>.~~~~ ~ . , "t1rily)t",f~,': ~lt~,ty" 9.~~ i".- . .' . , .. , , '"l1nj. v;.;,,~~,~i')a.l,1;y: 9,)~ ~n1 lTl,} ~k~r':;:Ji~al;ty , t:~.. " ~1" V~ T.:':Jho':.::1leal.ti~ ~,0. Vn:ly<; .BI';.L.~al ty:, ~<'t. : - ~ ... , : ~ "~ .. . . ... ..' .' trn.~ ~'~;l1l;j\ :R~a.f:!:i1 ' ,~01o i _' .3.' , , .. 4 '~. . '~-,' :9''' '3~. " ,3..' ~J3. " .~..,:.> ,.'\ ,BAST 'Sli~ ",~: ,~, ";l:5~1 45,:~ t"'. 675~;OO 675.;00 S7~~:QI: :~q;f , , 61'l~~'o. r ..I. >, " " "', WE$TSI:~ ,5;; :', ..:!! 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Ga ' \;>... ,; '.-: .;5,s.'" ;"4 ,..f;(. ". .,: ff 54 l~ l5J),t . -I. 'c~ r . I , r . I , , < '.~,'~ ~. F-_'_ ,. -r, ...:. ." l' " 'y ',>, -- ] 1r- 'rllTT11~ milllll!l II' 64 '\"',, lAST SIDE I , Wtn. B. Cwmnins 4' '15, If lie' 675~OO ( Wm.. B. Ownmins 1 75 " 15~f G 75 .eo WI'. N,O. 5,9 , Un v. Pk.. Realty. Ce. Ga a~ p'ni y. Pk:. le~ty . 00. 'ie' 63 A Uil.i;v. ;Pk. R a1t7 00. Se 85 ~ l1ni v. lIt. Realty 8th 3a 65 A.. p"]'.r~man S2 4 A.. ~. F0reman ,;J. ,82 1IO:~~8~1 Ji~~' '..Jil t1niT.;P~.. '~':'alW 00. ia ~' Un1l'. ;Pk. lle~l ty 00.. , 3a" :t$4 tf~'~ _ -'---. ;: . l,ifbllert J~l;Y \.,: \ Ii.bert Jell,. 4 JjfJ ~, 1. SS- ., .' ; ia 9.3 If 2' ~3 'tt " '-- wtI_~. :iii', . "':f~:"1;~'" ~;.~ ,} ':: ~1 :..:.:' t..~ I. ~ ,':- ': titu. v.Pk. ReUty 00. :F;~"H:. j3e~ek Ca1;aem.,ne Johnson '.' " .'~ \" - ---' .. 3' ' 92 .J ,~~ 92 WEST'S:[<DE '",.' 100" 450.0(j 22~.Q0 225tjOO -':eJ{J;09 675.00 , . '675.00 .75,P0 " ,G75._ 67,.ea '6'15.~~ "('1 '751,;50 . '';~#4' . ~. '~~....- , ';1~. .; , ~~l~i,*~ .'1" . ^- /~f; , "!a;J!I~J!:. .;:nA .~ ~~~~vv ---.,; '::." .:r," ~;:~ .. ;,':it_ ~'" ... ",,-.c ~ 15J.t:' " " ': ~~:.~ t'; .'\ J.' " sot i-Eri' ~ , ""~_ ",""Co .......... > ~. _ "- _ ~ ::!Q '~~J i11~~~1 ,;'~ - '.: ~;: J,.. ,< .' ~.(;.; '" '~'-~, ( .... --' , ' '" l.. ..~"'t "... ~,~", :" , , . '" f..: ';.-' .~. ~,,"l, _il '" J .".- '._~, ._,' ~ .' !' .f ' :EiAST SIDi " . , '~5i' , , '. ~?,~, ,""'" c;,~q':'." ,.. '. ~ - " l$fP ".,.., , '~t7 .- 'O\+- " ,. . , o,j,ie;Bij~l~ OWll?rEt ~PJ,viM4'..,:'i~,,~foY( ~;';:rr6_~ ["1'1'"1' ' If'" '+50' "EAST SIDE Jk~O;' ~ "," . :(.5~' W'lllSm S;tDE illt . . ':~~~, 2!~. _ e50' EASr.r. "', 'f \.~.~:~~} t~'.; '.. : ". 2501 , ., . . "", , ~;,~~ ",,' T , , """. ~ '-., ..' ,~"-<?":,., "'~.'~ ,-. ' , . 11 ~ ,.~. T""'" -~~a.a ':. j, "i.".iV , : I ' T' -r~': ( ~-,. " ' !Ji",lo.' f~', ~_i llIm liT ~ \.) ~ M ~ ~ ( tmIT:ftT" "'62 o. A4 Bryan 0-0$'n 18 . c. ',A. :Bryan Oorp 'n 17 c. A. Brp.n O.rp 'n 16 o. ,A. Bryan Oorp'n 15 J:~ene M1illins_'i f;';\.;}.4 . .....,$ .-' .-"- Betty Anderson c. A; :B17an eorl"n 12 c. A. Bryan Oo;r:p'n 11, ;",. - e .A. Bqan Oer:p 'n 18 J .I C. A. :Br:ran Oorp'n 17 ( - Ie. A. :Bryan Oorp'n 16 C. A. Brpn Oorp In 15 - C. A.Bryan Oorp'n 11: Med,a.!>. ,Rosel14.m 12 Meda P. Roselli. 11 '. ,-.;.-' ' f'" 10 '2 13 2 2 2 c-v 2nd soum: SIDE .. 67.2' 302.40 50' " 50. 225.00 225.0Q 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 It &7.2 NORTH SIDE 22~.OO " 50' 67.20 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 67.20 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 67.20 50.00 50.00 50'-:00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 67.20 i<O'.oo 50.00 50.00 50.00 5 O. 00 fO .00 50.00 65 436.80 325.00 ;;25.00 ~~.oo i2D.'GO 32lS. 00 325.00 325.00 325.00 436.80 325.00 325.00 315. 00 525.00 325.00 ~.OO 325.00 UNIT Jlf0.'.3;;;.LONGFELLOW STREETf'r~m tl1ee~t l~ne' of College toa point 467;2 ~~'t " 'east of' the east line of' COllege 25 f0G~ roadway Estimated total cost $5206:00 ;JISti~:ed co_s.,t?~~ f~nt fo~t to prep~rt~ owne~~:- Pavillg 4.50 S-W 1.00 .c~ 1.O~, SOUTH SIDE , ' Awgus t Manehant 1 August Manchant 2 ( 1-1 3 4 c. A. :Bry.an Cerp 'n 5 ----..- 'f I' I Prrr!J~1 I 2 2 10 J! '7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 , ,~ " o-v 1st " tf " " .. 50' " 50' " 50' tt 50'- " 50'" " 50' .. 50' " 50' " 50' " 50" 50' 50' 3Q2~40 2fZ5.00 _fZ5.0P I~OO ~.00 225.00' 225.00 225.00 S 7. 2' 3!l~.40 50' 225.0Q 50'/ 225.00 50' 225.00 50' 225.00 67.20 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.,00 67.20 50..00 50.00 50.00- 50.QtV I 1 '1 ~lmrl 4Z6.80 325.00 ,.... ,< ,"I" 525.00" 325.00 325.00 lflIllll!l! l]l - ~ ~ _-_-~'_"7 =__.,.-"----..........------='-____.=._~ _~_"'''-_=- ~___-~~_____ _. 66 O. A. :Bryan OOa-p'11 6 5 tt S0' 225.00 50.00 . - (J. A,. :B17an Corp 'n 7 5 tt 30' 225. 00 60.00 .. O. A. :Bryan C f' a 5 " 50' 225.00 50.00 orp n J. H.'Be'Deris 9 5 " 50' 225.00 50.00 NORTH SIDE !hos. MarellS 1 2 " 67.2' 5S!l2.4G 67.20 ~Qs. ' _reus 2 2 " 50' 225.00 50.00 .'.t"\- <- 50' :a25.00 5 2 ., ~G.OO ~l '.: ," -- 4 2 " 50' 225.00 50.00 , '. .~. v- ~', : . 50' w. R,._ilal '5 2 ~ 2~.OO 50~O0 . .. ' , tJio $. Vincen1i " 2 ., 50' 225.00 50.,00 " 'I 2 " 50' 225.00 50~~0 . a 2 " .sO' 225., 00 50.00 ~ " '.50' 22q,GO 5~..' '~ '~'. ...... " >'V~' , , $llege , .' I '" ~Q~.40 ' ~7.2f) _ .:.;.~~ . .4- . , ! 7j 2Q ,t J J: "i):ii.,A~ !a~:?j): ;-,_ i, ,. ~:. . 50.~ ,)?O.0952,SeOO " ~".;:.~/. .....' ~'"'""''-'~~''''l("'''''-',,",''--f''''''..t~r'""*-;''._ SA ,-.~!: - ""~:$m~-'--' t':'5'D5."'(,}'n;----~.,c .... ,,~. _:~ . \~.~)~'l~~~!!{}:=~~~~~~,.~Y'~\:v,.~ I;Q on :: ~,~,:A,;--,;-,',', _-.i,.ri,t;,~ '~~:,~,"~'f': ~,.:,:',~,r;t" ,~ ~''':', ~,: " <,"-' ';;t~~~:',",'" .,u_~~?,~,,? , ' 6 't., <ti " 5,~" .. 5,0',' -- " 50. -, --\-- ~",;7:'..., ... 50:" , --' 1J 50f 2~,.OO '225.~00, ~~'~ 00 50.00 I I, L , I I \ , 323.00 50.00' , ' $-2$;~Q9. '. 'i'~ 50.00 5th 00' 525.00 525.00 ," '0;.. '~r'; '. ~ *:J.;o .', ~ ~ c ~"~ . 07.20 436.80 ' .f ",:'~'';-~'.' :-.,>_.:~:;.,. . 50.00 5fa5:.Uo.. " . ~~..~(>. . .' 50~01r " :' ,1-;.., to '32Jh 00 ~_< \'i.t j"~:J: ;)\,.:. :c': -: '~'".: '"' . 50.00 325.00 - \ .; ~OlO';;"""-- "$25ZW(r' ' 50.~.: , 325.00 < ;:.'t'~;,-,,~, ...~':. 'f;:-~:..-"'-"l'. .:. . "'50:00"'>'~' '-'&~.G:~QO~ . - ) ~~.. F t.-,: -50.ej " ". ' ;'~.oo :c:' _-: .t.t< .::;/."r:~~'~<~ l.1.~~t~:,.., ,,; , 5O.Q~ ;~25. 00 ',0'. ,',',' \,:~~~1l"4-' G .. 2'25~OO"" :~G~OG-": .:'~~i6.I",!!f~> , ~.'G~~~~~:;;:" / ' c. ,~. J317an ~O~~_!>Ii}~ . - . ~..~ . ".\;-' .i~ ';;:;"'~~". ~ -., 6 G .' 6.. 225.00" JjG.OO II" ' ~ ,::,'~ - ';. ~'~~'i-~ ' ;:;/l<' ,50' ?~5,.1)e ,~ ' ' , ~!j;~..)Qtt ..... '" f' --- ,'.: .f :.~ -, 'No:aTHSI~j , { . f" ;~()O Q. , ( ..,:~ 8 .;.'''. .. '~~,~~,9 .~ '. ',', ,.Ro~ 'n 9 \.'.~ ~ tV". '5;Ii'. ;.;~,:.:, :. T.'.~e.); '18 "7,2' :St2.~' 67.2~ 3 l.f ,"'~ 'a. , Haneoek ..... " '+-7 50' " 3} 225.00 50."' 1?;~: " , I I'TI'I ' ., '50';~~'i: ~f' 32' 5 ../~Il\ ,."""" , ..C" .\,{1itI :~1)~;;'<:~:;~5.oe;'>> J-> fI.~'O,{ ; . ' ",,' 3~5. 00 ,- ~.- ~ ,. c" '" ~~ . '';'" C'",,,, ""''-, ,.- , " ~ tf:-;: "\'::~ .:~:,\;'..r-----I ~1~20N" ,- 43&;$'0 :'~. :~. -';~{~'~f~:~'_ " ~~..... ~ ", 50.GQ -I~.OO 1 r Tn~!- lummr II" ~ \) Z) ~ ~ r;! .... tt 00' ( Mrs. Will. J. Knapp 16 3 o. A. Bryan Corp 'n 15 3 " 50' o. A. Bryan Corp 'n 14 3 d 50' ' C. A. Br~ Corp'n 13 3 If 50' c. A. Bryan Cbrp'n 12 8 " 50' o. A. :a~ Oftp'n 11 3 n !?O' 67 225.00 5 O. 00 50 . 00 325.00 225.00 ' 50.00 50.00 325.00 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 225.00 5 0.00 50.00 32~.OO 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.00 , . . . - - . ~ . - of College a point 467.2 L to feet east of' o. A. :B~ Corp'n 10 . "- .' ' Tm'I!Jt'if&tl~::";"'B:rLEY STREET from th~ east ~ line the east line of-College. -25 foot roadway. Estimated total cost $5206.00 Estimated cost peX' fl'0nt foot to prepert~ ovm.er- :Paving 4.50, s-w 1,.00 C&G 1.0Q . ~ ,"\., ( . 16 , , I 'l . 16 o. A. -Bry8t'L Corp 'n 15 o. A. .Bryan Corp'n 14 c. A. J3ryan Oorp 'n 13 o. A. :Bryan Oorp 'n 12 ,W. J. Samberg 11 c. A. Bryan Oorp'n 10 UNITS NO. 66.&'1-68 3 Acreage 6- 17 Ij $. 8- " 50' 46 7 . 20 3036.80 6 " 6 6 6 6 467.2 2102.40 46 7 . 20 , NORTH sr DE o...v 1st - 67.2' 302.40 ,U 50' 67.20 67.20 ~O' . 50' 80' 50' " . 50' " 50' " 50' I, 50' 456.8-0 225.00 50.00 325.00 n 50' 5 O. 00 225.00 50.00 50.00 325.06 225.00 50.00 325.06 50.00 225.00 50.00 50.00 325. 00 225.00 50.00 325.00 50.00 225.00 50.00 325. 00 50.00 225.00 50.00 325.00 50.00 225.00 50.00 ,,~25. 00 50~00 '.'it UNIT NO. 66- ~SKIN STIiEET from the east line of Communi" to the west line of Camep:on 25 toot roadw~ _ UNIT NO. 67- RUSKIN STREET from the east line of Cameron t.o :the west line of Fairhaven Blvd. .25 foot roadway. UNIT NO. 68- RUSKIN ,STREET from. the east line of Fairhaven :Blvd to the west 1i1le'~()t Hawtho~ne 25 foot roadway . Estimate total cost $1938'.21 ~stimated cost per front foot to property o\~er Paving 4.00 S-W 1.000 C&G .1.00 ( I i ,-" '" I' 'l'T:T' - r r r- 1 I r Jr' 1mm II' 6,8, mIlT NO. 66 , Home~ Kelly R. J. MGrgam Chester Hai,ley R. VI. Schraeder R. W. Schraeder M. ~. '~d. , - Fant1.J,alh &: Fantham ~ e ..... . " ", ~ ........~"':~~.~.' F. Q. "':tiu.d1~t' , 11 ,. ~,.,S~r~~e " ?S;- '.:T..t~~(ii>,;,<;~;, ,',' _ 4, B. 0;,; .J~~,rw.~oli, ,5- ,,;., ,',' ~. ~jt; , ~ .' '.'~:i?:. " . '. ~., ~;. ~q,,W~rt, ')'1 Fe,n1J}1ap1 ~-F F$1$h_ ~ '~~~~~\,an~,,:::j ~~Jt~::l, Fantb;~, 10 , J.~ ,,,t ]J~,~~ !> ,11 , ',l1lr ' m ' "R;t, ' "" ,~:.-- r*-',~,e , :i2 c=t~...'Ll '~s. F..S .-Per~ker 41 . , '., ~ - . -,:~~' 'G. vt~ ' H~es :- '- -,- 40 '-'i , 'l ~-:i>-~~~--""-- ~'" "'. VI.T.Ran~dell ~. (J~~azier 3.9 ,", - .,." .~. ~ zs , 'J0nn'~iA' ,1IKa'-tiil o ".:,'.,.:.l'~,,-_~" ." ,3'1 '.;~ ' r ,"' n " "']Hl"lflrrl.I 4 5 $ " a 9 l~ --~. ~. ~,3 . 3 5 .. . $, .' 'SO'6TH SIDE col. ,Ter 50' 200.00 2 2 50' 200.00 20Q.OO 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 ~~()"OO 2~~~~~ ~OO~OG . .2~'.Oe . 20,0.,QO '2~O~ 00 S0.~." ,~O,~OO ;:tet~t__ __ . _, ~.i~PO. l- ~i9~~.".t~~n' ~ .. . . \, ::\' ", \~ . >Ji.f;)~:~!~ ." }9~~;~~ ' 50.00 50;00 300.00 50.00 50.00 500.00 " 2 It 50' 50.00 " 50.00 500.00 :':;. 50.00 '" 50.00 300.00 2 " 50' ~~~. 50..0~ 50.$0 300.00 50.00 .. ~'~'~":'~~;i.- :;: ": '\ '. 50~tt 300.00 2 " 50' 50.00 '5ci:~~>' .. ~t)!.~~.., . , , 5~.'$Q , "1~~:~'i fH1i_t'it,.~oo:, ,',6~~0 ,"','~5.~~~I~i~~~~L~';, ",.~.; "__,,",,..,..' ~-~~ "" ..... '~T''''_~, ~___. 5Q.~Q 50.0,Q 50.00 50.t)9 ~2Q(}~OO. 50.ClO'PQjto:t;,;: ~_..Q,Ill). '2.~f).OO ?O.Q0 ,,', .pQ.~O,0~>. ,:i:3;~.:.\Q,O. 2aO.,OO ~O.Q~: .~Q.~llC<;' "i~~~j..tll~0h' .~. '200.00 ' 50. O.P ."~:5Q.'Q~h,,::,,5lilD. 0.0' .', It ,;.j)6,,;5' . " 2~5.20 p~ .3.0. ,j ~Eh~,O --;~ . , '1%,,%.1" Q,t:l;' :~.~i ~'$.~"~~~:~ ~ 2 " 50' , . ~@_, SIDE ,. ~~ ' _. . " .,.~. '1'f::"?""' ..' "". l" '\' >." . Fa~r ", , , " " ' "34 . hiive:ii '~:5{f":~"v, 'J!(f4.:Q.(V~ -- --"'5-o;f.S0>~ ;'c-:'~~~6'~k~roij);($i~;' "', - .. ,... ~ <.; ... ., ~. .> " . 50' 2 c 2 " 50' 2 " .< ~~,~~ lj"~J! .~ID. .. 5 ft 5:~t 5 " " :' ~Q:' 3 " ".~~' 'tt .,{i@' ft '. .lj~' " , .l)~' ft ".~~;~ tt i~ ,,~,pt 'f' ", ,', "\' ,.~~,~:' " ,ililit. ...~.,~ " .,.. .~ -~.... .. ,0 \, > ' ", ~ ..~~~ .. &Q~ ,'c ,,~, ,1:::c IS.OJ "~~; ''io:>: . o " ,,50" ~ :.,.. ~.,<- . "'- ,Jl2~~G ~ i i ~~,. ~e'.9G at.~O() , .~ ,.-' .:-;y,- ~ ; ",.--:. 2.00,0& '~.0i~G' c ,~, ~~ ~~.~,; . .~- .~iji~J~~~i~'., , : .: ":"",i~L;~~~~~c~Q,;.,~,: ' ~ ~;. < ,50~(lQ , ';. . ,>,' ~eOJ. Ot),;: . ~.oj,:,~,] 50.e$-~~l:'~'~O:e,.! ',-'),~ .~' ,:,:~ii1,';~, ~~~"~~', ' , &(h 0,0,,: "~'-.c.;;,~G'li~', ,~. - ", . ~-i. ~\_,; . ,~~:' . . \ ;' .. ,;..< ..,,- ...,,"-.~.,, "'''r~,~-:~' -I I..f.. .:L.,;JllJira.::-.' r-':" ( ~ . ;:';'c,' ( ~ 70 Q. E. OBSOn &: Bros 4@ T. A. :BUchs 50 Sa:rah Watts 61 . Iu R. B~oskman 52 , . George F. Breaker 20 G;eo rge F. J3reake r 19 . George F. .reaker 18 , Ge~rge' F. 13reak~r' 17 G-eo rge F. Breaker 16 .- . George F. Breaker 15 " 'F Brea.k:e1 14 (}e~]1ge . Qe~~e. l.J3reaker 1~ ~.'~'~.~ . ~2 ~eerge,F. Brea.k:erLl1 I It 50' 200. PO 50.00 ,50.00 300.019 j ( " 50' 200.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 " 50' 200.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 : ~ . , . . , " et 54' 216.00 54.00 54.00 324.QO 'v.'':.,/'<....;;';;-r, , . ACADEMY IWTERSEO~ C:.,. V " <"t'!~~':l"-~ " " - 24 1st 60' 200.00 50.00 00 . 00 300.00 24 t1 50' 200.00 50.GO 50.00 30~aOO : 24 " ,50' 200.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 '..-,. : . " 50' ,( 24 ~GG.OO 50.g0 50.00 500.00 . :j. '-.1..- :. ; ~ ~ , " 3olf'fui' <~..-. 24 tt 50' 290.00 50.00 50.00 "". - ( , . ~- >.' >_'....._.~ :~:'"-'- r:" " 24 tt 50' 200.0~ 50.0p 50.00 300.00 : t.:;. " .. :,-,~ . " X,;,," 0, .. -,-":.- .. ",-.- 24 It 50' ~OO.OO 50.00 50.00 300.00 ti " v :.li", 5. .' '. . ~.~-:: " j".; . < 24 It 50' 2t?e.QO 50.eO 5 ~.,0Q 5Q~.00 ..,'.:~ ' ., ~. .' I 24 " 50' 200.00 50.00 5$.00 30,\O~ (, , , .;.,,, ~l::::~' >~~Ji5~~~' iii ~lf +-~ 24 tt 50' 200.0Q 5,~.O0 50.00 30Q.-q0 ~ ;- i < '. ~. . . -. . :~_. "., ., \.' ,.'"l'- ','ll~~~,:~QS :~,6.t~~;~:?~t~~2~'1;~!~~,fi~7~-?~~rR "4C~1~~Y' ~.~~:m(lt , - 3...'7.-" ...~- '~-.... ..: :. ..' ..;' ./. ~',- <-, J' ,. .'t.':t~ji~~z::1j:~ ij.\i O~' .;:~." ,<- >, U'J1iI'T, 110~' 69 A.G:~EMY STEES\!! flOm the nOrth line of :Bellaire'1s1vd.. -to tb.~ $O~:tfh Hn. of ,lil~J.q.tJ..'st~eet ' '.toot rJ9~Q.\Vq", " s. -;:~~l;$~"t;1 ",,!, ~!>,.;,",', UJIT I~O. 70 AO~EM.Y SWREEf from the north line of liu.skin to the sou.th.line oiRiley 50 F."~';t'Oad.Vla.y{. , , h: ';I: ,.ti. . UNIT NO. ", '-"ADEMYS9mEEf from the north line ~f R;iley to the sOlll.thl1:neofWhi t'tiel' '30 f'~~1;" ,iJay-.;," ' " , .' /\ ,~' , '-", ,:-If' ;-'1:i'::ff "?~":t 0 WIT- NO. 72' AG:A.DPY ST~T from the north line 'of Whi ttiert<> the sou.thline o,f " " ;~ng;te*'1.0W30 ~O(lt roadway , ~" '~~"" >..' ,'~IT HO.15 ~ADM STREET from 1i1i~ n0rth line of,,~ongfe1l0w to the, Selll.t~:J;i%le"~t :~,~a..l",:-50 foot~roa.dway ,,'. , .~'.'.' . '" ' ~. ,'1.fpi,~f;T"~',i,~J"::'" ::a~lT' NO. 74 A,SUDJ:Y S9mEET from ,the north lJ,ne,J,.0wel1 t9tlie s0atha'i~'~~'Su~u, "-5Q'::f<:l,~V":l!~~dwi:j.i" - .,..' " " , ", It:..~<''':''\<.'~~.\'' '-':' '~UJVIT N~.16A'GAJ)EMY S'fitEEW from t,he \~th line 01'- ~tlrn~ ,to .~he '~aath line of J3ym.a SOf)~~l'1.'f):adway~ " "~ ,;~:(,' '",/~~;~:o. . "~'~:~,. '. ~:~,i>:;J""";~ ~,\" , , Ul\fl;T NO. 10 A$ADEM"'Y STREE~+~n1 the n&,;tif:h littl;\~l'3}y1t0n ~:9 ,:tbe:'~soti.th line 'o",f J31/Yani ':30 t0Ql;~~ad.w~z' '. " ,..'" - .,' ,''.''" ", ' , >, , ,';;, '...-i',t',~, :4)1,""",< ",T3JfITII9.7'r AO~EMY S!J.l:REE1r . ~~ the no~Wb line o:eJh'~li11t to,theC 4;l0U.t~,,~~ ' Meore '30'f'o~t"r.Q,a.dwa1", ",', . ," , "/ ", ,'(,' ,;';' .;$.',,,'iff:~ ,<: ,,' ,',--" -muT.'NO."l8AOMEM:Y SIPREET froln the n~tthlUr81' e::Ir: Moare to th.e Bauth 1~fi:~~Qd;tuxiiver'sit1 ':81.4.50' fOQt 'readway " , Ef;lJiif!la:1jedtQtal ~0Bt,',~0486.l4 ~S1;i~t~1 eostpe:frentfoot to properi'lil ownt?rsPay:~ng~OO S,,:-W:fi,.@O,;' :elt(~Z4\iOO " [' "1"1:11:' , ~'. -'" '., " f J~! IT T'T r-~'IIIII';'"J lllillll!ll II' ----.--.- --------- ------ -~--- -- - -.--. -.-., - _______n__ ~__ _ _~_~ --~ ~ - r71 0 (,l' M ~ ~ UNIT NO. 69 WEST SIDE ... Fair ( J. J. Bi tting 10 haven 120' 600.00 120.00' 120.00 840.00 w. M. Estop 11 " 120' GOO.O-o 120.00 120.00 840.00 w. J~ G0ggan 30 n 120' 600.00 120.00 120.00 840.00 H. v. Ruther 31 rf :).20' iiO.OO 120.00 120.00 840.00 , . EAST SIDE Acreage 370' 1480.00 370.00 370.00 2220000 Aerea.ge 20' 80.00 20.00 20.00 120.00 O-V Geo rge F. Breaker 1 25 1st 115' 460.00 115.00 115.00 690..00 ' DIHT 1m. 70 WEST SIDE ,L. B.. Brockman . 52 ". Fai rhaven - 120' 480.00 120.00 120.00 720.00 . Wm. 'ii:. Arnscoll . 53 " . 120' 480.00 120.00 120.00 720.00 . II EAST SIDE ,- ( - a-v I Ge8.r~ F. Breake.r 20 24 1st .120' 4S0.00 120.00 120.00 720.00 Ge$i.'.g~ F. Breake-r 1 24 n . :).29' 480.00 120.00 1 ro. 00 720.00 UNIT NO. n WEST SIDE . '''I v. Sa.mpS\lln 74 . Fa.irha.ven .125' 500.00 125.00 125.00 750.00 01 B.. Wardell 75 It 125' 500.00 125.00 125.00 750.0.0 ' EAST SIDE O-V o. A.. :Bryan Corp-'n 1 2~ 1st .131.6 ' 527.20 131.80 +31.80. 790~aO o. A.- BryanOorp!n 1 26 3rd -155' 620.00 155.00 155..00 930.00 UNIT Ne. 72 WEST SIDE "'.' Mrs~ A. B. Moore, 96 . Fa.i rha.ven . 125' 500.00 125.00 125. 00 750.00 F. J. Demerri t - 97 It -125' 500.00 ,125.00 125.00 " 750.00 ( EAST SIDE 1 ~. .... O-v C. . _ Bryan Corp ~n 20 21 3rd aD' &0-0.00 100.00 100.00 GOO. DO ~ "?f' C.- A. . Bryan Corp!n 1 2'7 tt .100' 400.00 100..00 100.00 600.00, 11. . T 1 'I I I. ":~:r ~ :~IIIU~ 72, UNIT NO. 73 F. ;r, Demerri t MeHa.;rd & Demerr~ t 119 G. A~ Bryan GOI1?'n 20 G. 4. Bryan O<<rrp' n 1 ~NO. '14 Me~:rd & Demerl':i"t +42 ll@oo,'Qerton S~e'$ .Co. 13 ~. A. ~;ry~~\l1l:H~ 1 E_ :~j '~rry U1i1:!r NO,. '15 . . :;. c~. ' :~t~'.' Fant~8I1l13 jW:i?iib.~ & ,Fan'\ihapl, 3,.4 ,')< '1:"-,:',.. ...It.;.'.... . ,4ID yJ. :..~.. ,J~1;'ya.n. Corp,'n J,. !I~T'I9. ~i . .........:.. '.' \"';"'" r,o . . 'L1 , ,^ , ,*,...-1. Z '.' ~. "~-<,:~ ~~'\" 13,.8 ;'j \? ". o.~~ WEST SIDE Fairhaven 125 I 5QO.00 tt , l~S' 500.00 EAST SIDE o-v ~a 1st 100' 400.00 26 " 100' 4(()O.$0 \VE$T , SIDE Fairhaven 127' 1 " a....v ~9 ,3rd 3J~ 5.06..00 . 110' 44,0.00 EAS'! SI))E . 125.00 125.00 lOO. 00 100.00 125.00 7.S0.00 l~v.OO 1a9'.00 100.00 ieo.ao 100.00 tiGO. eo 127.0,0. 127.00 7~~:~O . 1l0.,J)0 .11.~..O.a." ,$,6(-),013 tf ,10,0' '~Q.Q~ . ' lOQ.O~d\.oO~fOi",<".j)O..0J) . !l 00_ 4til(~ P.{J'.,'lill!)G:i.G0, " 100" 4~O.OO WEST SIl)E eo1.. ~6. Wer... lU)O' ; 4QQ.OO 2j) " , 10.0' '4Q,9. .00 i$Sfi:l SIDE , G-V ,31- 4th _ ~t)O' .tJ;,Qe.~o, " 3;1. J.3 ' 21 S.'~..1l.~;l1espie, 14 Gh,A.-... Bryan 0 Q,rp! n gl;) ,~..A. . Bryan l,J'0r,! n 1 Wnl,T NO. 77 '(r'. ,,;):.'~~~;:.'.~: .J~ Ji... -Gerha.rt " ;. }- ~ . l c' ";3,.3 14 ~. '",.o+lisant ,~,. ,Oi{; . , ; .~~ G. A'I! ]:r:Ya4Cf~pt~. 2El -2, 32 ,32 <,.;" 8' ',:. ;;~ " ",lQ~' , 4P.f>.OO ~T 5mB Gel. Ter. .. 100' " 4~,ij. 00 " ,'lOP", ~O.o.,OO ~'l' SI~!t, e..v 0" 4th ..~ "..~.oi):. 'U . ~oe" 'Ai'\Q. 00 ~?" , 'WEST SIDE. -eo 1. fer. <t'0a'^~e.ao , J ... U " J;'GO I " 4~;,..,() . EAST SIDE, c-v +*4 ' 4i9.0Q ( 100.00 i' , I ( i " r,i ~eo..,Oo,:JIQ~:f):a,~l'::', ,6'Oll.,.~.Q.... lO(t.:pO , ~~Q~f(,Q,e:,"-\ ,', .Q.oQ,.;9~Qi',;: lOe.OO "qoe.po' :i:iJ)!b110.' , ,> ._' "". "..,.... . .-> :..,,~.- '100.00 ,.,qOO.OO:.;>t~i9$..Oj!) ~ lO',)'~,,~0 100:. 00 ~Q,0\@t ','~~OO.QO ). Qe~,oo" ,,",.OQ. eo , , lllll\ 00 ~MI,. ", ~~.gJ) ,~~~:Q;" .'" ...&f4~ , , .- . . ~'.l:O.liO~.j'.,. Aaf.E). 00 > lO~~~O 1QO_09 +14,00 ,,' 'iO~~'O>\"):'~~..O~ , ,1~~~J)'Q~ o~.Jt'$1'i~h of) , .' l~4;,OQ G&~.O,Q , ( ;-' --~~-'----'--~- -.-, .. .. . - . . - -- - ----~~~---~- --... ~ 73 \) CZ) M ~ ~ Vi. Hughes 1 33 It 114' 456.00 114.00 &84. 00- ... J. 114.00 UNIT NO. 78 WEST SIDE Col. Fant4am & Fantham 13 25 Ter. 100' 400.00 100.00 100.00 600.00 Drew.E. REad 14 25 n 100' 400.00 100.00 100.00 600.00 EAST SIDE c-v c. A. Bryan Corp'n 20 34 4th 114' 456.00 114.00 114.00 684.00 J. W. Hughes 1 34 n :l14' ,456.00 114.00 114. 00 684. 00 ' .~. . ~TS NOS. f~~'O-81-82-85- , UIUT .NO. 79- HAWTHORNE STREET from the north line of Lowell to the sou.th line of Barns 50 foot roadw~. UNTTNO. 80 HAW~(\)RNE STREET from the north lien of Bu.rns to the sou.th line of Bryon $ foot roadway" UNIT NO. 81- HAWTHORNE STREET from the north line of :Byron to the sou.th line of :Bryant 30 toot roadway 'U,NIT .NO. 52.. HAWTHORNE STREET from the' north line of Bryant to the sou.th line of Me~re 30 ~Qot roadw~ - UNIT, NO.,,~WTHORNE STREET from the, north line of .Moore to the sou.th line of Uni,versi ty Bl Yd. ' ' 50 foot roadway Estimated tOGa! eost $15025.77 Estimated c~~~ p'er :t:ron"j; -root t~ P"I"l,I)A~t.;.n"'m~r ~~v:i ng ? 00 S~" 1.00 ,c~ ,1. 00 ," UNIT NO.' 79" ViEST SIDE , , , ' e-v , c. .4.. Bryan C,:Jrp 'n 10 29 3rd $' 250.00 50.00 50.00, 350.0Q o. A. Bryan Corp 'n 9 29 t,' 50' 250.00 50.00 50.00 350.00 c. A. Bryan Co:rpIn 10 30 4th- 50' 259.00 00.00 50.00 350.00 c. A. :Bryan CCi)1p 'n 9 50 !fO" 50' 250.00 50 . 00 50.00 35 0.00 EAST SIDE C-tV C.' A. Bryan COlp"n 18 8 l~t 100' 500.00 100.00 100.00 f100.QO 1 8 " 1,00' 500.00 100.00 ioo.oo $'00.00 . ~'"; \... UNIT NO., 80 WEST SIDE ( 11 31 4th ~()ot 500.00 100.00 100.00 ~bO.oO I t 1a. A. Bl"J1:an Oorpn.10 31 tJ 100' 500.00 100.00 100.00 700.00 , 1- ,,' lUST SIDE " Mrs. Sadie Sereomb 18 9 , 1st 100' 500.00 100.00 100.00 ~~ ~, " "-1!P -'f !l ro-r P1l"9ijl I. I Ii r ]HlI'J1T m1lllll 74 .\" . .1, F. G., 13rewder WIre, ,N.o. 81 ~: ., TT ". ~ . :'n~'_.i.. Jaek.IIugnes 1 9 11 32 ,0. A..i3-~an Corp'n10 32 e. 4.13ryan Gerp'n 1 (h A.. :Bryan Oerp'il 18 , , J~r.~ "Nq~~,t2 C$. .. :B17anC,erp 'n 11 '0. ~",.;-~,CorptnlO .~ ". ,0.. A.i. :BIw'an ,Oerp'n 16 w. R.Gi'av:es, 1 WEll... ,ii . . "4 ". ~~",,\:...-,. ~ ." . . .",. '"f'" ,. . c. J.,; 'Bryan Oorp'n 11 J. M: Swa.in , 0 !",!\..:Bryan Cerp'n 18 . ~.' ~,.~each ' 1 , ". .....,;;......:-_. '+0 . - . 7:;'. ',~ .~ ...."'4'. .r . '---'---.---. -- - - -. - - ~- -"--'-.- - --'" ~~-~-' -_.~-:------.~~.-~.~--._- t1 lOG' 500.00 100;00 ~OO.,OO '100. eo r -~', I ( W1!lS T SIDE 4th 100' 500.00 100.00 100.00 700.00 " lOt,' 505.00 101.00 101.00 707.00 lUST SIDE l2 !'st -S,?' 43,5.00 12 It .1l4:" 5'1Q.OO BEST SIDE 33 4th 114' 5,'1(,h 00 35 " '114' 570.00 EAST SIDE 13 !l't 116' '5fO.00 ,15 tt 114.! .5<'10.00 ~T SIDE " " " '54 4th ,114' 6'10.00 ., 54 " -1:14' 570..00 .- c. ~T srD;E 10 16 16 1st 114' U4 't:"44~ ...., ,./~~ ,- ,"... .....' ,. ;.....t .1)70.00 ,570.00 1 ," . 87.00 114.00 1,1<2:.00 114~OO 8"~,OQ , '., ~"O~ .00 . '114.00 798..GO . > '"" ~.' ". ,,{, .~. -.. ~ '. - ..,.,.,;./'~ :~;_~ ,- '~'..L ~.~~~...,;.'::.'-..- r _, ll-t'0'1I:":" ~,a+ 0:(9' '._ .' ,""'- L_ " \. ,,-- ' '1140i;;00: . .,,9th O~ ' " {" -:;v, "'.~. ',~ ",' .t,.- , . .~; " ":' ',>.. . , " ,f.r",,,,"":.' , " ," " .c,."... . '." 114.,09, " rJJ4iO'Q: ,~,"';. 'tg:a~ a~" " ,,':: ;~>."".: ,,'~; .~. .r "" "1l4.7'~!:~;,". .~. 00' . 114.00 114.00 114.00 ". t ,,_,",,~ . .' .~.~1'-:;~~ : . "..;\::~."',' 114.00 ...... , . .llJ~:'00 ' . :c ::. t- -'98.00 '.~ 't' - ,,\! ~ _' < 114.00 '- -798~ OEf'" ", ;. " .'( ,.". 11 .' :...: oI-~ ,,:.- -.:<:: ;> ":- '" ' )<- ~ 114.00 798.00 ,",j ,'v . _.';.', _ ..;, -=: ~-(: 1~4~OO ' fl~.oo :' . . , :',"" ltif\~~,:~.~;<~,,:'~:': ;,":.:r;:., :". . ~EQ,~ION2': ...i...: :~D~ALKS 'ONLY , , ~IirN,G~' 84~!([eE]OULEV~::fr~m:1;i~'~~i~tI~fd~~'I~f'i~~~~~tel:J,i::~to tb?e~.;~~\it;~1d:n~~:~:;''':~ '. , ., ~#~7 1>,1-; V\3. ,Sidewalk~ 'e1l1y -, " , , Bs';lt~~"e'd totaiC'cQ$.t'23~ii20 ,- ". , , ,~st.i.ma.1ied 00$t 'r tront' ot to P.1"0 ~ ,,-,,,.,_,,,,,,,, ~.,E.. Plj.er ee :8. A.Smith . . ".I. G., Gread1 , , "-; LottieO. Janes "" I" In]"'I'r " 1 1- "" ,;.;~ 1:" ' . ',,>" ~ ',,,~->. . ~:;;. 2 10 R.;.Qt ;. , 6 V-at 7 fl 7 tt .- < . " i01.4' ",-'"to> ;' . ";""'+ .... ~P' lQot ~' 1,00 r loi~'40 SIl.OO ',' lO(;h 00 100.,00 -f- ,.,,:_ ..; r.". '.~; "..'_ ".~ - . ."..-1"'l<>-."...,. . ,,>"''''~.;,. . . {; "". :.?<,...~~. '. I r I "If! mmm! ~ \) ~ M ~ ~' .. ( Mrs Inez Ketinard G. H., Stanford Mrs. A. Gilmore Denimic Gu.ll~ Iverson V(. Davis :Bandell R. Kunzma.n. E. B. Hadsall A. T. Kerr Fidelity Inv. Co. Ma.tldee Barnett ( I c. S. Neal C. S..Jeal G. H. Stanford A. G. Wolf R. C. Jones 1 2 1 2 1 2 13 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 8 8 " 100' 100' 100' 100' 100' 100' NORm SIDE '- 75 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 101.50 91.00 lQO.OO 100.00 100.00 '100.00 100.00 100. DO' 100.00 Miss.Olla M. Vaughn 16 3 " 100' 100~OO UNIT 'NO.' 85 PLUMB AVE. from the east line of Wakeforest to the west 'line of Kirby Drive Sidewalks only Estimated,total cost $2366.20 EstimatedCQst per front foot to preperty owner $1.00 , 0,0. S1iI.t"ber Mrs. A. P. Lau.rie o. O. Su.rber Mrs. Hattie Schwitzer ( " I ! ' l Gus Robrick V. A. Cox w. T. Spears Mrs. Helen M. Stllck;y ", I'TITI " 1 . 7 1, o. 1 6 1 6 - 8 8 " 9 " 9 " 10 " 10 ,!OO f 5 R-Ct 1 V-Ct 2 n '2 tf 3 " 3 tt 3 " ;; tI 3 tI 5 :a-ot 1 Pr...P.+ 6 tt 6) ff 7- ,n 7 n 8 n n "II 101.5' 911 100' 100' 1;:;0' 100' 100' 100' 100' 125' Sl' J,OO' 100' 100' 100' 100' 100' ~''''~<...... 125.00 91.00 100.00 ,., J,(1).00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 n"T'l['" 111m J. :P.. W~lker 5 5 "1.00' ", TnflT'N9~ S6 '~9!s!!~m' trom the 'e~~t lin~ ~ f . Wake.to:f~st 'te ' th:~W$s:~"xlii~~;).6~;'~" ' , 'l~;"~~~[:~~~. .' . i,CQ,," '.' ,', :~c"~:,...., '7;6 fl. a. Nea.l 1 9 n 100' Mrs. Dorothy E. Wa.rd 6 9 " 100' lJORTH SIDE .. 130' 1;,. E. Menely 5 1 Pr-l?l 91 ' M~, ArinlaP. La-aria 5 2 n 100' E~ar A. Gent-ry 10 2 " 100' , J.. Siebold " G. 5 3 100' , W., c. Weiss 10 3 If. l00~ ' C,. s. lIeal 5 3 " 1'00' Mrs. Agne s Ki.UJlP,~~ , 10 '* " 100' ,-".' o. S~ Ne$.l' 4 5 If 100' " 100.00 100.00 150.00 91.00 100.00 100.00 lUQO.OO 10$.00 ~ ',' 100.00 100.00 100!()(i) 100.00 '"."" ",,~tt~l,lLf~;lf~~, SOUTH SIDE 1- .' 15 jR~(l~, 5a-' 50.:QP " e,' .. , .. 2 15 " 50' 60.0e , - -- 1 11. ~~t f": " -- G'J;..,ee , ,'. ',.=. 1;'" ~ ,;-.. ) 2 11 " " ,5~' 50.QO .3 11: 'I, 50' 50,.00 '* 11- It GO:' a~. OJ) 6 ..J.l tt 6e~ ~~.'-Cl,O, (; 11 tt 6P'" 60.00 i 1~ ~ 5e' 50.00 '..2; 12 ,", 50' 50.00 ,', ~" 12 11 ,50! 50.QO " ,': 2.."_ ;Pl,wnb J & ~-a:t'~rd .E411".,9~,th Jee,; B. ,Glass 'llEt's. M. James . 'c'".....~:~".. '\ <, ::'~;ii...., P .S1!eel e , ";~.s. V. Wa~field ".$. V.. Warfield ,", B.. P. Bae~ :B. ~. :Boehm -g. L. W~l tet- ",' 1"rrTr 'Y' ~ '. ,. .~ ' ," ~ ' . .", -- , . -~. r.; ; '. ..'rJ ::: l,:~' , '. ; ~.. ~.j)..\..' ',' ,,- "':1. -'. '._-j~,; <t,. )~~:~ . :>c ...t" ,,- ~_.., ".~ . ~ ...;.: .5,: :',' ':'" .::>- ~.' ft.".' ~, .. . \>, """ '. ""1" . ""';0.'...- ..i ",d'~. , ' : ':, _:}o- "r T '" IT r ( ('~ ~, ] , ! , I~ ... f~ , I ':~I mnrrlll: ~ o ~ M ~ ~. I ( E. L. Walter Gee. F & A Martin Mrs. W. S. Woodall w. H. Woodall Chss. Hamburg 8 E. F. Wright Dr. Ohas. Addkison 1 San Jacinto Tr. 00., 1 P1wnb & Jarrard. 5) B. P. Davis 9 Fred My-lander 17 ( l H. A. Walling 18 ,Andrew Gilmo re 17 W. S. Siebert 18 P. A. Leckrone 17 Mrs. Anna Oglesbee- 18 Lois Ru.therford 17 Vi. A. .Barnett ' 18 and, 4 " 50' 50' 50' 50' 50' 50' 100' ))00' 100.4' 91' 100' 100' 100' 100' - 100' 100'';'' 100' 100' - 77 50; 00 50 .00 50.00 50.00 20.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.40 91.00 100.00 100.00 10a.oo 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 WHEBE.AS, said roll or statement has been examined and considered: Now therefore, 12 5 tf BE IT RESOLVED Br 'If[E CITY COI'lItvIISSION OF 'I'flE CI'l'Y OF 1;VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 12 6 II Section 1: That said engineer's roll be and the same is here now ap- ( II I, _ pro:ved. Section 2: That a portion of the cost of such improvement, as es- 12 7 ff timated above, shall be assessed against the respectigeparcels of property 12 12 If a~utting s3id portions of said streets aforesaid, and the o~ners thereof, , " " I T1'T"I" 9 12 fI 13 u 13 tt NORTH SIDE 10 R-Ct o V-Ct 7 tt 7 " 8 tt a " 9 It 9 " 10 If 10 tf I! IT "I 1 r I'lli'll! " r I ( .. ";'":~ .' ..,"", , ,';;: ~ '~ ' h: '':' ~ '\ "- . t:" ".< "--'" ,!1::'ii;;nr':::",trf., 'I- ; ~J; .f;:,.fr/::" 1 . J. '.i-_~"'~ .-.~;,,_ ;;"i'~,: <:,/t.'~' ~/. ""~ j)1-: ~, .,'"" -{ 1:::'-:_: ';.< ,< '. I ' 1 , "'I' I "'''T''I ' . t:. .~, t, ' :\' ;:<- ~ . t" . I J' ~: J~}:~'-.':: ~~J. ~ r'J.. .... .~ ~. .', ,t, I ," , , .'~ ilTlrrr 1mrim' ~ \) ~ M ~ ~ ~ I ( 79 and a lien fixed against said parcels of' property to secure the payment of said sums .of maney, and a persanal liability shall be fixed against the respective .owners thereaf, all as is fully provided far in the .order providing far such impravement and the estimated cast as abave set farth shall farm the basis far the hearing ta begiven .owners and others interested as hereinafter set forth, and such estimated cast as set forth abave shall be carrected, if necessary, at the time assessments are made after the hearing has been held and when all carrect- ians are made, which are necessary, in the names .of a~~ers, descriptian .of pra~ perty .or amaunts to be assessed, said assessing erdin$,ce shall be passed after such hearing. Sectien 3: That a hearing shall be given andheld befere the City C.ommissian of said City, at the City Hall in the City .of West university Place, I ( I ,[, in Harris Ceunty,'l'exas, en Navember 4th, 1929, at 8 .o'clack P.M., t.o all .owners .of the property abave described and ta all .others having .or claiming any right, title .or interest in and to the same .or any lien therean, as ta the , making .of said impro7ements, and as ta the special benefits ta said praperty by reasan of said improvement, and as ta the amormt .of said pr.op.osed assess- ments, and up.on any and all ather questians 0.1' every kind and character upan which any .owner .or .others interested may desire ta be heard in any manner" and any .owner .or ethers in anywise interested may appear before said City Commissi.on at said time and place either in persan .or by agent .or attarney and be heard upan any and all such questians afaresaid and may make anypratest and abjectian thereto and ta offer testimony relating thereta and far such purpases may sub- paena witnesses and may eX6nline any and all proceedings had by said 0ity re- ( t 'lating ta such improvement, as Viell as the contract, plans and specifi cations. Sectian 4: The City Secretary is authorized and directed ta give notice .of the time, place and purpase .of such hearing, by publishing Buell-. notice, in the form, at the times and in the mnnner required by law, and at such , I ""'i'.'I" IEI 1-" I I 'InT:II'! mm~ l~' 80 " hearing all owners or others int erested shall have a full and fair heB".dng as to all matters about which they wis h to be heard. Sent.i0n 5: That this resolution shall take effect imL~ediately from and after its passage and approval. Passed and approved on this ~~~ t::;ity S~eretary. ~ . ' ~'" I '1"1-1" J OctOber, 1929. c ~ . ~,..t;., - ...... t ~ '.: ~': ~~:i4t": ;t, \"(, '~1 - '" .. '{'~~. '. ~ ~, ;,,~ ".., :: .0;;'.' '" .',.', . ., ' ~I ".'tt, " ~ " '. 0-l"i ~ .;.":-. I' -r- I'T" ''''Tn f;' ( ! h ....... ~.. '~~ mm ~ "- \) -r), ~ ~I o 'j' ",~~ Q', . :;.- .. ~~ ." .rt' ...~~_ t., '\ 'i1, "'if'" (~ ! ' , _ 'Monday Octob~j;. J.;~,trfi~;.~l~~;~~~ CoUncil. Chamber--Crty Ral~. Qity of WestVniverslty Place, Texas. Regular meet'ingof the City Commission ,convened at 8 P. M.,on the above -date with Mayor H. B~'SeJ:ilesinger presiding and the following in attendance, viz'" ,~,. ,.' '...l ".., Conmd.ssioners J. A. Walling and;;;preston R. ~umb;, City Secretary Erwl,n Cushman." , t'l/. ,~i?j.~t. ' ' ",' , . !. .1,.. ;~~' " -~~!t" . ". Minutes '~r' the l~eetings. he1d,~;bjj/ Monday o~t~~7th, and Wec1nesday ,October 9t4, 1929,., were :re~ ':~nd approved,.~lfollcws: , ,~M~,t;ion' ~~,~~' bl, COl11l11issi?n~~jYla.lling and- du1~1,'~~icanded' by Cammis- sJ.oner F11;lli.1b tha:t the IlP,;r;4u't'e's of Oct 7th and' (J"(it 9th, 1929, be a.pprov~d as read with the exceptien ef a. slighil' err;'or in minutes of the' 9th next to. last paragraph requiring the interlineatfGn - , of a. word OT'so.r wi th this. accamplished, minutes to. stand apprav- ed.: as . re~d. '>" Voting AYE~, , C6rrii-J1:tssioners '~iJalling &, Plumb\,:',:, ,~:.,:' NO ,e)NE VOTING NO . ,~ " ." : ~ . ~ . . .~:..~.. 0':' <.1>"', "::'(r\ ," _ ,~ , A letter' f'rcm the San .Tacinto',~,;,rr:r:',ust Call1pany~~~r the signature cf' Mr.. W.,.E...McAndrews 0..1' thei'r >T~x' depai>tment Vl,"a"'g read xmi which ~!).S ~ ~,~E>ti~i~~~,'b1.cnQ~ thei: protest of ' ~he' r~~i\.qel+e Addition val- uatJ:.Q:!!isprevJ:::9usly fJ.led~ WJ. th t.he EquallzatJ.a~ ~oard .for the yea:r ',.~;~;;~'a~Y.i:~;~~'~cted to held this letter ever'J'tl the ~ext regulllr meeting. ' · ' , . , The Mayor suggested that a r~pqrt c.f the eitt~s affairs in the ,~ature af a ri~ancial state~At etc., be prepared f~r the ben- efit; of Mr. Presten R. Plu..l111;>,:,'-,:::'j:;he new Carn.niissianer and- tha:t he be ':rUinished with a capy as'i;:~i~ll as Mr..Paul A. LeckrorYe the ' ...,r,eti~~ng C'cmmissioner., "',::t.:4;/iY ~' .- .~.. ~ . ,.' "'1.>' ;'>'(1 Mction br,~r. Pl~tmband seGonded by Mr. Wal'~~g that , the Secre~ t~ry b~J.1'.l~truct~d to. follow_ out the ]~~yorl~~ggestJ.ons and ,have the :aforesaJ.d Statements for delJ.very ~~he next meeting. Vetin;g 'Aye: " ' ,', 't-i'~ 1;4 " Ccmmissicners Walling & Plumb. ' t,J' ..) NO> (}>NE VOTING NO.. ~ ~ . . t . . - Est'-mate No.2. Oct. lIth, 1929: C. K. Hortan Contr,a,ctor, .T. H. ' Rafferty, Engineer in the sum of $21,qOO.00 was presented to. the Commissian for payment whiGh shaws amount ~ estimate pre- vieusly paid ,$10,000.00 l~avin& balance, this estimate.$ll,OOO.OO .T~l applying an,Sterm Sewers. also, Estim9.te No. 3_. Oct. 11th, 1929, C. K. H?rtoli,'IlInc. Contracter .T. H. Raff<;1rty, Engineer,. in the ~~m of $~ltP<?:O.90 showing an amountaf $14.000.00 prevJ.ously paJ.d leavJ.n ~ a:,' halance this es- timate~of $7000.00 applying on s.&h~tary Se lisi\ & Street imprave- menta ',', ~ ~ . , Maticn made, by cennniSSiaJ?-er~'A.walling a:,Jiuly secended by missioner.:-P.R.. Plumb that be ,cf the estim .Jt~ enumerated ' abeve,' in the sums of 11,000_~",\,"'~d $7000.00 r~pectively be approved and paid. ~,', ' . . (. . VatinO" AYE:' , " ' Coriimi~sianers Plumb & Walling. NO NOES. (se'e page 104.)- " , ( , , ~. . -,,;. ""''<<<>~'''''''_''''~''''''.h -.~-,_~.~.....,-,.-.-.}.J;.,',,,~.~,,_' ".;~ ~. . .'::, ~.-:~~j ; ~'" . .'"- " '.~ "'" -".'>-" - ~<<' ",'. ", .:.:h, "'_ ",,,,-..l:..i::..""i.<.-. . . . . . ..~ - .' .. , _ ~". ~~._ ,.~.n,,,,,,. '~~,'<~;:.l1f-~4~;':S!.- &~~~~<". ",- ~.;" "-';'ol.:~;" ". -~'., ,,;'p"-,. ,-) '~" " r... ~ ~:J ~, : it.:' ,- , :t~ .' ~.' I ' , 'e' ~'- ~~...' ,~ , ~t.1~~":., L~"'''' ~'. -",'~~ 'i{;.; ;,. , . , ~ '~"l; '" ' . <~~.: (Qon'~~l;aued,.~rol1lPa,ge 103.) .. " ~~~. ", ~ ,.:. , . . - " * . - - .....-:~ ';~ . . ;. j , ,.. , , ' ; ..~:. The Contract between the City of Vf~'st Unive:rsity p~ac'e, Texas and Garl Pleasa,.nt Inc.', of dat5' Otilober 9th" 192~ was present- ed to :the Commission"for' the' ,a:~~t,~on or approval of. ~ ,,: .,..,' , Addendum des,igna:t~d aS~tr"A. tOn~p;e, said contract r~~d:~:ng.t:is:: follows'": < ' .', '" ','. ~'4 U , '".,' ," , , ' "t!The, Cont:ract'o~"~Sh~llc pa.jA'it 'H;: Raffer:ty~;the,Cityi,s' Englneerthe sum of 51Vdf\;he 'tm~"i'-lcost of the 'Jmp:X'<5vements. cover,edin this contract, the sal.a.~;umto pe pai'dou'1< lof 'the ca~b; or time Warrants paid 'by the ty of West 'Un'iyersi ty , ;P'li~e~11o. the Contractor, as follows.:, ft', ,"" , " ,; ,'~ , f~2'~' %",~p};macce:ptanc~ pf this contr~lCt with th~, J?la:~s,at::d';~pec- J.fJ..cat J..on'$.,;' the,remaJ..n~2. % as the sev.eral unJ.t,s ~y,:,~geept- , ed and estimates allowea.' thereon; it being understdod -Chat the. said Sum of 5% is to be added to the cost of ,each1ii,t~!t"and'so\ setout in each approved', estimate<<, ' ,',',' . : ' " Motion made by CorrnnisSioner Wa..ll~g' and dulY"f:1econdea."by Com- missioner Plumb, that the Adde~u~ to the contract of Ca:ral Pleaf3ant Inc with the City of 1Jf~sd UniverSIty, Place" ,'Texas~ ' be approved and accepted. 't~' '. ,~, ,', VotiJ:~,g Aye~ Coinmiss ioner Plumb'~ tUing.' ',," ,NO ONE VOTING NO. ( , 1-),,1 ;' , , , ,.* ~d1 Secretary' 'CU~l1m~ 'r'equest~q , tha~' ~SGaSh , ac c<?unt 1;> "<'; ~e-i:i a charge of $16.00 due to the remitting pf' at ffrie', him and not paid account Case '641 nick Patronel1~ , , Mr Palmer for this' fine returned by Bank unpaid.~."~~~;;( ,Motion made by CornmissionerWalling ~" duly seCbl'l.d~l, ',', missioner Plumb, that the Secretary be relieved'of the\'; ~ , by proper book entry. ',!\1!c~ , ' -' Voting Aye: cmhmiss:1.oners Wal11~e'& ~~he~ ..' '.'t,"',';,~,~,:,",;,~,~"",;",,;,"" 0, - NO> ONE VOTING NO. ' ~,; ':;~ . . "J , , \;!ii, d ': '. :', () The. following- ordinance was S~~ tted for appr'oval SJ.qd' .'~~~,sage; Vl.o <7 . f;ic ~~ '. ',.' " , ' ~ ~~~ tN ORDINANCE AtrJriRIZIJ\TG THE MAYOR 9F' '.' ' TIi"E CITY OF WEST' IVERSITY PLAeJ;!:,,,' , TEXAS.., rro SELL, I~POSE OF AND:I;);E:lit:v~. ER THE WATERWORKS MORTGAGE BONDf:V'QF "',;; THE CITY OF WEST UNIV~RSITY PLAqE;,," ,TEXAS. ,-IN THE" AMOUNT OF$leO, 000.00, ' '~" ': . RATIFYING AN)) CONFIRMING AIL ACTS ])ONE~~'aY'" SAID 1,~AYOR IN THE PREI~ISES HEREUNDER, ' : ; " ", AnD'DECLARING AN EMERGENCY:: ,; '", ' ""i.t-,:r~c', " '; ~. ~~ " '.7 .....,:. 1'"" ,.:' " ;'. .,J~t{ '1 ~1}~!,::: Motion -made ';by';'0o,~i.SSi0nel.i J.. A. Walling ana ,auiy>'~'~:~giidea. by' gOllnnissionel"' P ;"'R.. P1UfR1{;~lthat the. fOl'E;lgoft.rig o:rd~naI1.c'~";:!?e a.pproved and passed. .. 1;~; - , , ','" , ~<'tt::, 'Votin~ .AXES':Goniinissioner~A.umb and Waliin@:.' ' , . ',;,"~~~'~ No ,ONE"Ve>TINeI NO" , ,,~, fA " .., ~ ,,,j. ,. ' - \Th~+,'6 be.ingl1o "f~.rther bUS~~~",s before the~..corrnni:~$i~bn/9.~('> n;otion 'duly s~corided thesdrA&~as declared by the'l,Qayor<'lli(i# J011rned.o .. . ~,..' , ' Appro"'led, ";-,, , '."-:0 ( ,Attest:- City " ,;:" \.. . " , ,."'-' '~"~"'" ' ~" ,i.. .,~:~ .~,. ~~-::, t'':'~~::5..ft-d' _'",)..: --," .-, "'IIJIIII 11,11'" ~,"O o "--.../ , .~. , , ,"' ,(J / ~ )t. O' ~ . t o~^ -Q ;U .... ; . .-'4 ~ r:' \ . . "I ~ ., C~~'W",6f W'egttfnivers,~ty l?l~c~', Texas. (:~ '. , .\ , ' ,-. - Satv~daY October 19th. 1929. '::':rexe'cut1:ve, Session., : I ~, , ! r ;i1'eeting -~alled to ord~; by Mayor HoB. Schlesinger 1 with I. . ~;J. ~ ~:. Corrllnissioner Pres'j:;on ~ .:,:Plumb in a ttenda1?:ce. Commissioner J. A. lliJailing absenl frol11 t~e City. ,':-~~. . ~:C~ \. , - ' ': -~,' ~~~ ti"'" ( D. Jessup, w~'@S:en-it~tll g,Mt~;;C~'0-It IWax.:i;11iium of $1500. 00 & 1 J~_dge' ,C .' ) ~e;$ted;EJo€1- a parti'a+ , paynient of A:htorrjey' sfees in the -5 ~ \ , ,. .j" case now pending entitl~d~ "Attorney GenerAl'vs City of West . .. ... 1Jniversi ty :Piace,. Texas;;' requesting that the ,same 'be ap-. , I v', ~:t!. :.' proved and ordered pai<iio' ( .AggregatJ-ng the sUIDof $500.00. . " , JiIotion made by Commi ssl'oner P. R.. Plumb and dtJ.ly, seconded by " 'MayorH~ B. Schlesinger that the check be issued to Judge C. D. 'JeSS1~p~n accordance with the above .a.nd'in the sum of $500.00 with the understending tha: the check be held byC. D. Jessup l' of about ?O days beforeoJfering for payrr,,;.ent. lVlotion' carri'e~: 'by followi;ng.vo.te;, _< .'1 . .,,.' P~ R.' PLumb. H. Be Schles~~g~r~ NOS NONE,. No further matters before the body meeting by vote properly seconded was deelared adjournyd. '. J . Voting Pt.,ye:: ~ .,it.:. -~y."", ''fP'' ~,...,,-~. ~,';\"~'7;~ , , . " " 1JI#tF- . '. . , COImnissioner Plumb. Mayor B. B. Schlesinger. Approved, ~. :,,',""'.'.-"'~~.~ ' ',' '1' or. , , , , , ~ ~ Attest: . '?~ , ,; , ,--' ~ , , " ,-,Y$.-..<; .,\ ,~- ,'.'. ~~~~-:;~~-~"""_. , ~ 11fI1111111 I IIFIIIl-lflIPIIlI llUlLll' l'~'''O~' ~6'" <" .. : . ~ 1'". . '\ ~ ~." . - ~ . . ''> '~i, ~. " i~::; > ~". . "; fi~: \ ". ,'v, ~~~..'i':o: . ) ,',".- J~'C::- " '. J 'F. ,~ ' J .-,/ Monda:\rO~ctober 2J at, l,~2q.l ' ,CouncilOhamber-City Hall. 'Ci tv of West Uriiv~ra ity 'P12~A J '~!l'l!'!.." '. , '.' Regular meeting oj(' the 8i'tJ':_Gouncil was called to, orcle~ at 8 P. M..,on the above' date'by Mayor Schlesinger with CommisaJoners (~ ,J. A. Wa1.lirig, Preston R. Plumb and city Secretary ErwinCush';' , "{. r..1an in at tendanc,e. , , The minutes of OctQb&~~14th and' October 19th were read by the Secretary and, the '~Q1-i,g~~tg mO,tion was made: , Motion by CorDr~iss ion~~:'lv'ffl.r1:iiRg and duly ~econded by, Comm,:lfss ion-' er Plumb, that the minu te~:f ,-...9t both meetiD,gs be approved ~s read and that the minutes, of Octo1:ro'r, 19th, ,be alsof'ully 'rat:llif'1:ed. Voting Aye: COTILr:1iss ioners Plumb & Walling. ' NO OnE VOTTN,G' NO. ' ' ' :: ,\ ::; NO-tiCe,of 'hearing to property owners necti6n with the paving and i~provm' an.d spndry other streets, with the was presented and read and, the lol, :f3JAfti~l b ~nef'.tts:' ~:ili1' con..;. . 'bake , Virginia" College ,ption of' Wakeforest St." ng action taken: \ - ' , Motion made by COTI'...mis sioner WallL g and duly seco;ilded byCoIl1IDiits... , sioner Plumb that the' hearing f-or propertyowner.s' b,ex:j:re;p'for Monday Novemher 4th at 8 Po. M. and that the le'gal advej',tismen',t .of sueb. notice be inserted in t:Q.e Houston Post Disp:at:ct1;'a;'~lbQ;r'd~ ing to law. ,. Voting Aye: ,"'/' Commissioners Plumb' & Walling.. , NO ONE V0TDTG. NO.. " (J lX:xOCy,.;xOC~XcX1It:kOOL"{r,ri{X,'iJtOC~:i~XK2C{~'t3d.c<ib:~~:xft~oCoo)(~~~1x:~i:t:JC 'crD::x&-&arltx~~JctkJ[oc~rlrocOC;X'l-~X.1X:iritOC1ltxd:rtocxrlxQ!!i~tt~nx,x ~:X&:oct:x:k..xxOO"x1Jt:x.J:tOC1X:iixooxdtx-JiiX!iCX~x:lt~1xXil{oil-:x:tXSXX1Xrljr..atl:ltXE:~iiUtxlK.:kx x~~~~~~~~~ (This paragraph erased ac~ount error be~6re 'signing) , 1- ~ / The,!'e being no further bu"siness before the seconded, the' same was' declared adjourned. Voting Aye: Commis sioners Walling & Plumb., NO nOES. '" ' Aptesti ~~_ ( L " Cit;y~t? , body, on motion duly " , ,".' , : '."' , i':" I ') ',......./, , - .'?{ , '" ;.~ "!;~~ ...;:f.('..;.;,: _~ 'n':". _. 0."'-. ~_:...:.. '-->~ - ~'.J.T~'_;"'~~~'----.l...-'-'~'<4=_.. "11111111 111111111<1 IIllHl ~ ~" p ~ ~ ~ Q Q (j 1.:1; :-~.:', :, . .~ 'r :,. , ", ':l:cm~Y Oc'tober 28th -. 1'929 ~ . G,oUllcil'Chiil.i:rfb er---G i t;'( H al1.~ ..,City of West. University Place. 'Te,xas. I , , . a Regu1SJt"~,nieeting' o:fthe Oi ty Council convened at 8 P.. M: on the' above ~~te. with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and both Commission- ers (WiIJ:ing & Plumb) and Oi ty Secretary Cushman present and part i G;i.:!) a!. ting. Minutes of mee~ing October 21st were read and by motion Cbmr.1ission- er Walling and duly seconded by OommisSliloner Plu..-rno ,were approved as read.. Voting Aye. Cqrnrnis si oBer s 'The f'ollowing pa.ymeIlt, viz: Plumb & Walling. , ~1P.",,~. bills were pre sen-t-e d, ~~~eo.c~:neil , ) /ilJI$"'f; . . ' fqr approval and Motion by COIT'illli,ssioner Walling and duly' seconded oy Commissioner Plumb, that the foregoing bills, bea:pproved a.nd.ordered paid. Vchting Aye:n., " Cornrrlis's ion6rs PIUTIlb & Walling. ',' " '~'" 1i'G NOS l{ONE. " ~." d ~ S~ . tThe following Paid bills then 'presented t~ 1_~~'t1Il.Cil'by the Secre... , tary for, ratification.' viz: , " , West University Place F~re, Dept, FilG.:img sta. Gas & Lub J. Hanzel ------.,..-~3 nights firema.n ,tn }iIcK$ovms' Place, Antone Duram Labor-water Dent. , (Over) ~ Hou'st,q:q: Stanip & stencil Co. ,Dog tags & Badges, , Gribb1,e:t1 tt 11, ' n FireDept St!L:np' , Jon'e's t;uinber Comp~~y;' '" Lbr :for city hall . R.. B. Everett &, Q6I!lpariy. .:.: ;i.:~; . Sewer Lift Hepairs, 'Pitts1:mrghPlate Glass C'oa'<~,.:, .Pain;:t (Fire Dept.) Ame;p:tc:arn":LaFranee and Foam':Dte<' Co If" If ' J. H. Gorman, " "..:~;tst6l Police Dept ''- ~Q~J., F.at,jo ,Co h':intj.ng, various " Wi'1.'so:n;,:S:tationery & PrintgGo, Stationery. ,Hol~ciwJ~\J[ B~ttery& Elec Co, ( Battery Police Car) BrazGs:Vall'ey Buick, Co., (Rep9.irsMcKeown Car) Sal{o~ritz Bros,;." '( Police Uniforms~':' Remington Ra:ri'Cl Busine,s s ,&erv Ine, Southern Engine & Pmnp'Co.,(Dean HillPv~p Bryan Plant) V~rndn Law BepkOompany (Quarterly's) R. B...;t3o\'ven, & Company" (Renewal Fi~e & Torn ,Ins) Hortsto~:Ready-Cut Rouse Co, (2 mail bOXEX Racks Alleri~Ga:r-tner ,Insura.nce Co., . (Official Bonds) Mueller Co.., (Water Dept) :('Crenzler Eros Service Sta., Gas ete Water'Dept. Southwestern Bell Tel 00., 'Phones~ - ,'- Krenzler Bros Serv'sta' Gas etc Gen'l'Acct. -':l' ., t ~ ~ . Beard & Stone ~lec 'Co, Auto parts" Police D~pt. The Cargill Company,' Sta tionery, .' Elec1;r:t9 Appli:!L1'1ce Co.., Repairs J3ryan B~~nt. Norv'eJ,l~Vfilder Supply Co.", '(Water 'Dept"i} ,~"",:' , Lloyd IV1e-u:iil Co., " "-'J" C::~mall water :meter'hoxes" " Royal 'J~ypewri-ter96D'lpa.:ny ',; :>J;Z,,ibbons ete,' '," 'Hurlburt-Still Elec c6, "'-'<~.;~J.tY?roineter &, Ghargmng) Lamar Book Store . .~'t;9it t~ .~. ~- i ~-+':JLLLJ......u.'. $110.50 4.75 4.78 37.9'5 4.53' 18.89 25.00, " ,).;;60.40 9.50 12.75 lOO.~5 134.70 85.90 132.78 9.00' 111.94 14.00 57.50 40.75 15.12 32.11 29~84 3.23 25.35 13..50 1.11 62.50 2.25 2.8Q 3.62 'J , ~'~ .3 $87.05 12.7p' 10.30 -...~>- ~.: . . ~~ r -.~ ':" ~ ;. - , _.c.:-~:,,';'~':""'~';"S;,:"'-;:'~""_' " " "'8. " Frd'iri page- 107:. ' ' , ) -r- Antone'D*an, 'Labor Water Dept.. , fl ,It ff ,ft, It A'. B.. C. Greight Lines" Frt &< D~ay.' Dallas, Cash .Pai'd :for two, 1I1a tBr Keg::? .for Water' S1J~pJt, , ~ Oliver Levy Services as Jani t(;n~ t!:i ty Ra.ll $6.00 6.00' 5~30 2.00"" \ 3.60 0- 'Motion made by Corr@issioner,PITh~b and seco~ded by Commis- s,ioner Walling that the Bills o.fferedabove be appro,ved and ratifieg.. - Voting AYE:: " , , Commissioners Walling & Plunbb. - , .,," HOS HONE. ' .. 'Discussion was then enter.edJ"'^'~~relative to the opening up ;of Vi~gin,~ q;};reet ,lU114~t to University Blvd and acquiring rig!'l,p;,dP;:t!f.~Y foreie purpose,. ''-' <, The Mayor appoiil't,tll(,;t\'SJtreet & Bridge Com.mis siouer R.. B. Plumb, to make an inves:tig~t~pn as to thepos sibili ty of, purchas- ing the two lots neces$~y for the accomplishment desired and to report back at the nextmeetirig.' " . The promiscuous ~ssuing of orders for the'plirchse of variQus m~terials etc., was thoroughly disctussed and resulte~ In the following mot:l'on. ' " ~ , , :Mo,tion by Oommissioner Plumb an,d seconded by COrP.l}l:I:ssi)qn;er WaI- n ,ling that hereafter,'no orders ~hall be issued by theSecretary't s office in exces's'of the sum o.f $25.00 and that all 6.rd~r'sissued ' in any' event, be referred to the C01Ll1C i1 for approval' at 'each, regular meeting.. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Walling & Plumb. NOS NONE .. ' Q , , I " The TaxAs8~ssor, submitted for the approval of, the Cofu.1e'il,' the tax roll' for the year 19,29., whiqh appears as' follqyvs,' 'viz: ,":~ .":<-'<. ---'"'-------------1,912,596.00'" ~ --------------0:-4;5,72 ~ 470.00 ' 'r Total '$6,485,066.00 TJess Disp:uted,' 1, fiOS!, O~O.OO frotal UndH~t>uted $5,386,Q2?~O .., '! Motion made by Commis ~o~,WaILing and duly secondedo~~~~~mis- " 'sioner ,Plumb that t: "9 roll as submitted by the '...~s~~ss6r' ,be approved. ~./ ' . h' '"i ~" Voting Aye:. COmhl' Plumb & Wa.'lling.' NOS NONE. , .,.~/ Ordinance -.}fq~i"';03,<~~W read to the Cou~cil, entitled: ',' ~l"01i~I~A1WE PROVIIH~\!G FOR THE LEVY ,OF, " TAXES 'FCh~".)J?RE YEA.'R 1929 FOR AND WITHIN ~HE CITY OF VmST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TE~UiS, FOR GENERAL PURPOSES AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDINhCETEKE EPll'ECT IliII'.illDIATELY. The said ordinance fixing the rate for the year 1929 at One Dollar and fif,ty cents on the One Hu.1'J.dred Dollar valuation of taxable property in said city. ! " Total Rendered RO,ll, tf Unrendered It , (J 'v ".'.' .. - .,c II/lotion made by' COLi'lInissionef> Walling rand 'duly seconded by ,,'. (Continued Page Iq9) ..;..~ .~.........':-..~..~ .'. . ~-'-.. .:...<-<-:-"'''..... -~,~--: :~<_....., ..........>VO~<_.-~'--'-:1.-~ ~1-r ~ " o ~ !t' ~ o Q \~' "', :. . ~ ,. '- -' Commissioner Plumb, that the tax ro~l, as s~bmitted by the Assessor be accepted and, approved and tha.t Ordinance No. 38 fixing the tax'rate,of $1.50 on the $100.00 valua- tion be passed immediately.. ' Voting AYE: Commis5icners PLU~ffi & WALLING. nos, N011E. Action relative to the collection of :lJe11nquent taxes for tl:1? years 1925,. 1926, ,~27p;<and 1928 was then discussed, where- . upon' the followIng motJ:Qtl"~S made:, ' , ,.... I' {'" .~~'~';.if;'!:j, ., :. Motion by Commissioner R. "t3.~;J~lnb and duly seconaed by Commis:- sioner J. ,A., Walling, that t:rr~.,!1Tax Assessor and,.the City Attor- ( ney be authorized to, proceed W"\#-'1. the a~t.~hg:, and collec- ti0n of the delinquent taxes forH th~~~f{3....5, 1926, 1927, and :, 1928. " , Wi,. ""Q , " " ." , " ;: ~~~, ' ' '.. Vo;tJ.'Rg'i\A;YE:: " (.'.~' , '~G0mm'i'iisioner,s Walling &; Plumb~ vr NOS NONE. y' ,. ,,' 'f',.,'- Fire Marshall 'Metcalf appeared before the council, chiefly " ,td>express his views regarding. the necess:ity for placing Ii. :mati.j:tmnight duty as night fireman vice, I. VI!. McKe'own trans.. 'fe:vre'&:tqthe Police Department.. The Fire ~vlarshall f,el-t that ': b:~ cOtl;l€l'secnre the' services of an experienced man for aboht- $lli1.'O.O'O per'mGnth to fill the posi tion. Motionmaderby COIDr.1issioner Plumb, that a vote of confidence 'OE{ extena.ed to the Fire Marshall for his 10yal tyand effici.ent , ',se1:'-v.ices in the capacity indicated and also that he be author- , iiZ"edcto employ an experienced"night driver at a salary not to exceed ~~I-lO. 00 permon th . Voting AYE: , "Gifw.mis,Efaoners Walling & Plumb. NO'S'NONE. ' ~'"' -, . Af'ter going into the matter thoroughly and considering the du'ti,e-s anqresponsibilities resting upon' the Fire Marshall in the d~scharge of his duties etc., , Motion was. made by CoriJT!lis,s.ioner Plumb and du.ly seconded by Com- missioner Walling, that the comp~nsation ofJ. A. Metcalf, , Fire'Marsha~1 b~ increased to tli~,,"~ of ~~25.00 per month 8a1- a~yinstead 'of $25.PO per quarter :~~:t;;:~,}~~retofore. Said increas(3 t;b'takeeffect for services du:rine;''f(''(}"t~;o..E(r 19~9-"This increase to1U:a n.o wise conflict with his fees"~'iilbwed 'fr.ombuilding per- mi ts for, inspections.. '''<';~;~,' ' Voting Al'"E. .. ,Oomm:3..ss'ioners Walling & Plumb. 'NOSl\TONE. J',~ ;:~ , ' 0' '~, C:~~~ lG. ~~ f,S9 -, "" , no further bU,siness before the meet,ing, motion duly seconded, adjourned. " There being "de-clared, by Voting AYE: , Cbtrtrniss ion,ers NOS lWNE. .~: the s;mil wa;~~~",j .'", ",._-""'~ " .- ;j}:~r~~i:t(~~ ~.: .~~~~>)~ "" .'.'~ '::?~ ~<,~~~~~,:,~ \"., _ -,,,,:,, ~ -.,~~ Walling ,& Plumb. Attext: .~ Approved, I '---r/- ~ g 81 ~ rfj ~ f11 ~ $.P:8C11\1 1IJ5J!jTIIm OF CITY COl11~USSION. BE IT iU!l100'iIBERED THAT a special meeting of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, in Harris Oount.y, Texas, was held at the City Hall in said City, at 8 o'clock P.M. November 1, 1929, due notice of which meeting had been previously given as required by law, and at which meeting the following were present and participating: l{ayor: H. B. Schlessinger OolIlmiJssioners: J .A. Walling a.ril.d P.R. Plumb Ci ty Secretary: Erwin Cushman whereupon, a quorum being present, with Mayor Schlessinger presiding, the follow- iug business was transacted: ( I Commis$ioner Walling presented for consideration, an ordinance entitled: go.rdinance amending an o:rdinanee passed and approv~d by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, on October 9th, 1929 entitled, an . ltOrdinance awar.ding contract to Carl Pleasant Inc., for the making of ee-1'tain improvements to portions of Lake' street, and sundry otker streeil~, avenues and other public places in the Ci t.y of West Uni V~$tt.y Place, in Harris County, 'fexas; approving the form of such contract andautllorizing its execution; providing for the issuance of warrants of .said Oi ty for the purpose of paying the city's share of the cost of such improvements, and levying a tax to pay the interest on said warrants when due, and to create a sinking fund with which to pay the principal thereof as it matures." so t.Qa.t said ordinance shall hereafiler read as follows". Said ordinance having been read and duly considered in.9pep,.dl.eeting, Commissioner Walling moved that all rQles requiring ordinances to be read more than On~ time.2nd at more than one meeting, be su.spended; and. that said ordinance be adopted. O,91llffiissioner Plumb sedonded said motio~....~d upon said ~otion beiIi6 ibW the Mayor pat to a vote, carried by the fo],lowing vote: ( ) L' .- Ayes: Mayor H.B. Schlessinger, and Commissioners J .A. Waliing and P. H. Plu.mb. Noes.; None. b,111 "F I,ll " ~ ,--- "'~,. -----~-....---~-~-------.- -- --.----- . .', -',1 , 82 Thereupon the Mayor declared said ordinance adopted, which ordinance, wi th its preamble and caption are as follows: -.......- "Ordinance amending an ordinance passed and approved by the City Commission of the Oi ty of' West Universi ty Place., 'Texas, on, Oc~ober 9-th, 192~ anti tled an "Ordinance awarding contract to Carl Pleasant Inc. for the making 'Of certain improvements to portions of Lake stre$'V"&1d sun- .' dry other streets, avenues and other public places in the City Of West Ubi ve;rsi ty Place, in Harris County, T'ex&s; approving the f0rm ofsllch contract and authorizing its exe~ation; provi,ding for the issuance of warrants of said City fO,rthe ,purpose of PElyiiJ.g' the City's share of th cost of such improvements' and, levying So tax: to pay the interest on saidwa.rrants when.due,and to.:l:pea,'ie:a sinking :fUnd wi th which to pay the prinCipal thereof as.i t mat\u'es" so that said ordinance 'shall hereafter :r:'ead asfollGwstl,~, - ,. ", ,; , ' WHEREAS, heretofore on October 9th; 1929,' the City -Ceiiilili'$Sien ,of th~ . . "> 0i ily of. West Un! v~rsi ty Place, in Harri-s County, s.Fexas ~ .hasordel'ed the~impNv:'e""- mant ofpo(t't'ions ofLa.1ce street and sund~other stree~s,avenuefV:andiother ',;publicplagesin sa~dGi,ty ~ciesigna.iied in said ol'().er as Units ;.2~ ,2:~)>130j "'5!, . ~{.?:.!i.:. -,' - 32,3~, 3~~~,,36; 36,3'1.~38, '39, 4~,'4~, 43,'44, 45, 48,. 49, 50,5l,':p'2~ 53,54, ",' '.' '-- 55, 56, 57, 58; 59;60., 61, q2,,6$).64; 65, 66,\G7",68,'69,,70~'71,;'-r;$, 73, . . ,y. ~ . ,. c-,_< 74, 7t),7G, 77 ,78, 7~" ~O, -81,82,. 85, 84, 85 and 86 respectivelt? in the man- . nB'r and wi ththe, naterials speeifie<lin. said order, to which. order' relf.'.erence is "" ~ - .: :..l\_;;,,"/u-'''''' llere madef'oI" a full' and c?ffipletedescription of said stre'e~s or po'rtions the~- I . , of and for ~ll other pu.rposes:,and, \ .. ~,,~ "- WIIli.lREAS, contract for making such i~prpvemen:bs) has been awairaed to ;:., Ca;rl P1ea,sant: Inc.., and, the contr~et;tftlas been prepared and "liheform'the:J1eof' ~~ . ' su.bmi:tt~d to. the City Gcnnmission for approval.; ,$ld, > ~~.. ;- .,' '-. - - 'J:" "[~ ". ~ , WID1l~" the CLty Cornrn1ssion of said City' l,1~;. de'bernii:ned~topay Its - .J.. ~ ">":'~, / "".:. . . .t " , - share of the cost of such impr(\)Vemai1t~~_:l-e~a:llyiss~~wa.r~aD.t$.lt~.Said /' J:1.:t'-i(-beaX':i.ng 'six {61bl int~J(est'payable' semi:"~l,Unly'af1d: ina't€dd.4igtft :fhtare , , , Years ',ai1d now desires to ma~ep~\i:~sio,tl for the pa.yment of its flhare ot-" " _, the' COst ot su.ehirnprovement as eviq.enced by sa1d'war1l'ants, ih c~nfo1rnity with, ' -,- r I \ ~i , L, 1 ~ \.') ~ m ~ tfJ- .., / \ ( 1 ( 1 :L- 8-3 the requirements.of sections 5 and 7, article eleven (11) of the constitution of Texas and all laws enacted by the Legislature of Texas pursuant thereto; ana, WHEREAS, the Oit.y Commission-has ~scertained that its share of the cost of such improvement will not exceed Forty Thousand {$40, 000. 00) Dollars; and, WHEREAS, it appears to the Commission and the Oommission so finds tta tit has ample taxing power, based upon its latest approved assessment rolls of tax- able property wi thin said Oi ty, to ~u.pport the warrants aforesaid and with which to make provision for the payment of both principal and interest as required by the constitution and laws of Texas as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, it appears to the Commission and the Commission so finds that said latest approved assessment rolls of taxable proper~y in said Oi~y were made up and approved on assessed valQes estimated to be not exceeding seventy five per cent of ue real value of said taxable property in said City; and, WHEREA.S, it appears to the Oommission' and the Commission so finds that the indevtedness created by said contract aforesaid and as shall be evidenced by the warrants herein provided for, together with all other indebted- neBS of' said Oi ty do not exceed any debt limitation placed upon said Cijiy by ue constitution and laws of Texas; Now therefore: :BE IT OlIDAHIED :ay. THE CIT1 COMIvUSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UlUVE:a,sITY PLACE: Sectionl: That contract fOr making said improvements aforesaid, be and the same is here now awarded to Carl Pleasant Inc. Section 2: ThAt the form of contract .which has .pe~n !prepared and su.bmi tted to the City C'ommission, be and the sa-me is here now in all .things approved and that the Mayor and City Secretary be and they are each here not au.thon:4ed and directed to execute the same for and on behalf of said Oity, and when the same has been executed by the l1ayor and Oi ty Secretary and by the contractor, it shall be recorded on the minutes of said City for convenience and as a matter of record 1----.-.-.. . ..ur -., - .~_ '"7-~----_~ r-- --~_~_ ----_.~.______________:_._:____-..- _ __ .,..._ 84 and wb.l,7n so recorded shall be and become :a. part of these minu.tes. Section 3: That to provide for the payment of the City's sh~fe.0f the - cost of' stlch improvements , namely, $40,000,00, or so mu.cb. thereof asIti$)' be necessary, warrants ot said Gi ty to be 6e.lleEl CITY OERST UNIVERSITY PLACE ST:EQllET IMPROVEMmlT WA.R.RANTS, Serices A-1929\t be;i.ssu.ed UIlder and ,by v:J.rtue of the constitu.tion and laws Qf TeXaS, for ~uch pu.rpose. ." ~t -said warrants shall be numbered num~rioally from one (;J;}. to fortl1 (40) both inclusive;and sh,al~ be in the denomination of Cae ThQ~s~d-:Oollar.s '> (~a,ooo.oP) eaeh, aggrega~ing Forty 1hou.sand (4ko,ooo.ool DoJ;lars. . '~aiEl wa];!r~tl3 shall be dated, November 1st, 1929 and s:qal1"becpme due ~dpaiable as fO:l,lows; Warrant > Nwnber. Amou.n,t. .r--c : ( ., Date' of ~turity of principal ~: ~. . j..J. $1.,,000.00 tilt ooe. oe '$i,000.'00 $1 ,'0e~~ 00 Apnl1pj . l~3o April l(i, 1937 April IO, 1931 .2 ~ .....~<. ~:. April10~ 19~3 ;':1...,' ~':;' <:<') < .. 3 4: 5 " $1,000.00 #1.,Ooe.'oO $1,000.00 . $l;.DQ~.~e . . c .-'" ~~'-< LG' ,,' , Apri.J. tq, 19.39 "6 . - , . :~~L.h. ~,?t0 <~ <' <~'. .~.- .r;~ ~ '.:~' April ,it, 1941 ~~l~.~~:(; l.r r.'~;. 7 Anrt.l ,':'fi,,-,"~4:3 ,.~ .-_~-'!:::-: -~" .8 , ,4~?~'}lt :t!!IS~45 , ,~~*j Ji~, {~l4.q >; 'A:g:~~l~'!i,J?48 , . ~.' . . /tR~~l.Jire;t~,,~~~~ ...~P#:t,,~OT,:.,~~l)ft ; ".. . .pr~l le,1~5l . ! ~); i,.>i...~,~}-', _......~,>.., l'.,~!.~ . ;0..., ~1?~i13~,,:; ;1.952' . - ' '. -. .~_ ~ - ~'.J' .'. ~. .. , :.....' . . 4p r7. 1 10, I 95_3) 9 . $l>t"~Q$. 00 . $1:, QQ~. Q@ .1,()O~.QO .l~000.00 . $l;,~~!}~' . 00 ~ . -.. . ",{. ~ 0:': .' . 1: ~- 10. l:}. . '12 . '-13 y J.4: .i'~OOlkOO . . ',-.~:-.._".~ -'-'.. ' "1 $l~QOO, 00 ;':"~~~:; -, < '. ~ f."_ ....'. ;" . , ; - '- . '. .}." -:-~;:.:.}t,:.' '&-<1:0011\ eo . .'l,l\"'~ u... April 19 ,115.~ to. : ..lI 1 I , t~-: Ll '}(; . L'i! "1 . I ". L ~ o ;z) ~ ~ ~- ., ( J I 'I .1 ( i I - 85 '. 17 $1,000.00 April IO, 1955 18 $1,000.00 April 10, 1956 19 $1,000.00 April 10, 1957 20 $1,000.00 April 10, 1958 21 $1,000.00' April 10, 1959 22 $l,OOO.OO( April 10, 1960 23-24 $2,000.00 April 10, 1961 2525-26 $2,000.00 April 10, 1962 27-28 $2,000.00 April 10, 1963 29-30 :jp2,000.00 April 10, 1964 31-32 $2,000.00 April 10, 1965 3 33-34 $2,000.00 April 10, 1966 35-36 $2,000.00 April 10, 1967 37-38 $2,000.00 April 10, 1968 39-40 fp2,00O.00 April 10, 1969 Section 5t Said warrants shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent (6~) per annum, payable on April 10, 1930 and semi-annually thereafiler on October 10th and April lOth of each year, as it accrues, which interest shall be: evidenced by coupo,n,s attached to said warrants. Said warrants and said inter- est coupons shall bear interest from the respective maturities thereof uhtil paid at the rate of six per cent l6~) per annum, payable semi-annually as it accru.es, on October lOth and April lOth of each year. Both principal and inter- est shall be payable upon surrender of said warrants or proper interest coupons, at the Cenyral Hanover Bank and Trust Company in the city of Hew York, N. Y. at the option of the holder. If the principal or interest on .any of said warrants are not paid when due, and the same ,is placed in the hands of' an attorney for collection of suit, or if the same is collected through legal proceedings of any kind, then said 01 ty shall pay an additional ten per cent 011 the principal and interest then due, as attorneys fees. ~-:r -, s 8:6' Section 6: Said w~rrants shall be signed by the :Mayor of said City; countersigned by the City Secretary of said City, and registered by the Treasurer of said City, and the seal of said City shall be impressed upon e~eh of said warrants, but it shall not be necessary to affix or impress said seal upon any of the interest coupons. ~~e fac simile signatures of the May~r and City Secretary copied to each of said eou.pons, by lithographing, .printing or otherwise. ,)s, ,,:,,;::._, . section 1: Said warrants shall be in substantially the following form: .+;~:"~4\ .~ UNITED STATES OF AM:EIUCA THE STJ.IDE OF TEXAS CITY OF WEST' UNIVERSITY PLACE... THIS IS TO CERTIFY tha.t the City of Wefij; Uni vers,i tl- flaee, ill Ha~~is. COlll,Ilty ,Texa~, under and by virtu.e of a valid, binding and su.bsisting cQntr,aet, is ju.stly fnq.ebted to Carl PlefloS,ant .Inc.', i:!;s ~~igns or bearer, in the prine5.pal . sum at '. ONE ~OUS4ND, DOLL,A.,lW ..,,:-....-';"'f ,.:.. -:(:1 .; -:;.,: lawfu.l.m,fJ~f 0+ t~~ ~~loed ~1;~.ies of ;fl.meri~a,~etlietwl'tih;i,nt.&i!eSllh~ereOn;ifT,om' , . ,'~hl;~~,Qf, ~:i 1i~ r3t,te 01. sj.x ,Peree~t. (6:%), ier ~'fl~l'pay~l~J.;e: oJ{.J:,'~i>l':liO, , ;~/, .~.. '{$~0Mi1',~emi:"'~u.ally t:p,e:tll~p.f'iu~r onQ~~t'obCili l.0-th and Apr-H ',l@:th .iq1!'~a.eh,:,yea-'!! ' . as it~cc:t'Ue~, 9Q,~l;l prin.aipalanQ. inte~~,t.:pay,,~le at thE?, ~nt.jjal:Jl~ov~~ jank:' , I.. .~.~: . &,T;upt C91llpany,:in the Gity 9:f. }lew ,York, I,t.;Y:.;-~ a..t thei. opti"6h of"~it:l:lte;?,ltoJkd&z!;~:iiet~e~, '- : " ' " .' .' <- -' ~ ,,~ ": ;- ~", ~p'Qn l?:ffd"s:tin~~tioh' and surrende~':ta~,;,,;hia.wa.~N\; or. pro:!?e r :*nt~~~~!\~VW'9rtsrj~;;tmd I : _.... :- .' , . .~" f;- ;. . '. ",. .' / th,e, , T~easQ.re.rof s~id Oity is he;t'ebyau.tb;ol'~z:~a.nd d..i.re~itl~~11?".y,t(f:(~~iil;,Preasant . . ~ . . -;;'f. " . - -:' ~'1~.:." ,. '. :; }:- :'''-- " Inc.:, i 1;5 assigns or bea;l:'er, on A:pril lO;l~~:;ph~; '~e'oJ_tu.rf1fY:\~ff~h~: . '. . , . Warr~t., . the saidsUJIl .of0ne :T:p.o1il"sand(tl,.Q()a~ OQl. DoU~1$ 'lIi'Hfall;~lr:ift~~'M~n1::' , -, - .. . of' the inde;bt.e6p.(:lss he.rebf"f~~delieed .and interes;t heJl'e.onas evidI3h:<i~ii{,~y,.~\tipons' . "'; - . " >. 'at*~Q)::L.ed. hj3~~~9f oat of:t'l<1:!dfrom the speeial; itstr~et 'lmp,~o~~inetft.W~~~8P.1?iillhd', ) "..:.:; ~. ..... -.. r- ( f - . , :,:" L ~ c ~ M ~ 87 ~ ( Series A-1929" of said City created for SQch purpose, by the assessment, levy and collection of taxes on all taxable property in said city for t:nat pu.rpose. This warrants and the interest COUflons hereto shall bear interest from maturity until paid at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annu.m, payable semi-a.nnu~ ally as it accrues on the dates of the maturities of the respective coapons hereto attached. THIS WARRANT is one of a series of f0Pty (40) warrants nu.mbered from one(l) to forty (40) both inclusive, of the denomination of $1,000.00 each, issued for the pu.rpose of evidencing the indebtedness of the City of West University Place, Texas, to Carl Pleasant Inc., its assigns or bearer, for the purpose of paying the Oityfs share of the cost of making certain street improvements in siad City in accordance with a contract between said City and said Carl Pleasant I Inc., under e.nd by virtue of the constitution and laws of Texas, and in ! ( 'I pursuance of an ordinance passed bJ'- the City C'onunission of s.aid City on the 1 .., Firsil day of November, 1929, which is of record in the minutes of said City and to which reference is here made. THE DATE of this warrant, in conformity wi th said Ordinance, is November 1, 1929. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AUD RECITED that all acts, condi tionsand things required to be done precedent to and in the issu.a~ce of this warrant, . have been properly done, happened and performed in regular and due 1iime, manner and form, as required by law, and that the total indebtedness of said City, including this warrant and the series of which it is one, is within every debt and other constitutional and statutor.y limitation. ( I I l IT IS HEREBY SPECIALLY AGREED that in the event this warr~:t or any interest coupon hereto attached, is not paid at maturity, and the same is placed in the hands of an toorney for collection; or if the same is collected by legal proceedings of any kind,'said City shall pay ten per cent (lO%) additional on --r l' T -_.~._.._~~ -- -=-_..=-==---=~~-- - -~~-- - --~- ~-...~=-- 88 the principal and interest then due hereon, as attorneys fees. IN TESTHmNY WHEREOF the City Commission of said City has, caused the seal of said City to be affixed hereto, and this warrant to be signed by its Mayor, conntersigned by its City Secretary and registered by its City Treasurer, as of the date last above written. , ' CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI TY PLlA.CE (Texas) :By .' - . ~ : ;.~~_.. . ,~,:, - . '- ~ . 'Oow;tersigned: '. ' , Oity Secretary. ~: .,..... Registered: Oi 'by TJl'eaS:1iier~' " \:.~ . Seetian 8: The form of interest coupon to be attached tG said w~r;Jranils 1-" 'shall. be substantially as follows.: llo . - .-~;, ,.J ~:,,:.,"J ~it, ,', '}l"..,....'t.."',,,:,.. : ".. " .. ,. " -. '- .,'.,', '-) ; 1,~ On the 10th day of '" ~ _, the Oi tyof West Unive1sityPlace, iXl ~~ " $... ~'''- -'. r;: , HarJ;lis, Coun'iiy, Texas, will be justly ihclebted. to Carl Pleasant' In<h, {'hs assigns. \\ ~ . ~ or bearer; in the sum ~i Thirty ($30.'00) Dallal's 'by vit.-t'ue o:(a"~on~ra~t, between ~. , , ,';:'>~J~:~.::~.j<_I~..~:'. <- said City and said Carl Pleasant Inc., and the, Orty Treasurer is hE:i::r,~l'ly ~uthQrized < - , ,'. -. .' -:~.'~:: '-":'.' ~~:::;-~i;:~~:{:;!~O~. ~,);-. ';. ordered and directed,to pay said O'arl Ple~:iintInc~, itl;S assi,gnsor:bearer,on $.~i4 . _d , " ~ - - :,. ~ ~ ' '. _:~ t'<..:.~ ", . ., ,,'_. "-.. ,,"'.. '-"-'''':~;'<'J\1::.--''\.':.. .~ C: 1- ,_. " da:t~, said swn of money, at the (}entral Ha.~1!'er Ba'~'~~ T:~~~t CO,~anv,in ',thE: City ,.... i - ,. : '-'..' .-; "~'.;> '~.' .> '-'_:"'~ .::-.,,': "!,-:~,~;':,~,:~~""",,,','~f..,~. >. otNew york, <N.X. at the 'opt~on of the hO,lder'hereof, out of' a.n.j'i~'tionH1r>>e,,$;p'eeial ~ .' ,. '< !1StJ,'eet Improvement Warranrl Fund S~ries A..1929rt thi$ 'CQUpoit bei~l~ttached"~O and . , ~'..,~, forniinga part of warrant No. ," > .,- .... ~ ,. . . i; , . .,/' ,,- ~y:ol' -:-, :,; ~:",",. :l~:' 'dt~~it~eci~t~:~.,: ~, .' ,. . ."" , --' ., ~ L .~, < ~ ., ""... - ,-, ~ . ':;~~ r -T-' -.,.'~ , ,-', I I ( h ( ':ll , , , ~ c ~ m N 89 ~ ( Section 9: An assignment, in substantially the following form may be wri tten or printed on the back of such warrants. A..<:!ST~NMmNI'j1. THIS IS TO CERTIFY tbat Carl Pleasant Inc. has received the within principal warrant and the coupons thereto anr~exed, from the City of West Univer- sity Place, in Harris County, Texas, in part payment Gf the contract price of making street improvements in and for said Ci ty; and for value received, i 11< hereby sells, assigns, transfers and ~ver and delivers, without re- course on it, to bearer, this warrant and the annexed coupons, together with all rights, titles, interests, equities and remedies held and owned by it as said contractor, in and to the same andal so to the proportionate part of the contract price and debt due it as said contractor by said City, and the bearer is hereby subrogated to all claims, demands, liens, rights, titles, intersets, equities and '\ i remedies, whether in law or in equity, which are now or may be secured to said '\ contractor in said contract, and the bearer hereof is hereby authorized to col- ledt the s~~e, both principal and interest and to give full acquittance thereof in the name of said contractor. C.A.:RL PLEASANT',' Inc. a corporation By Presid.ent. Section 10: That to pay the interest on and create a sinking fund to retire said warrants at maturity, and to pay attorneys fees, if incurred, there shall be and there is hereby ordered to be annually assessed, levied,and col. lected in due time, form and manner, a tax upon all the taxable property in said Oi ty sufficient to pay the current interest thereon when due, and t ocreate a sink- ( ing fund sufficient to pay each of said warrants as the same shall become du.e; I provided tba t in each of said years while any of said warrants' are outstanding and I L unpaid, not less than ilwo per cent in each year for a sinking fund shall be created and provided for by the assessment, levy and collection of taxes there I' T l~ '-::_, ' 90 for, so as to fully comply with the requirements of sections 5 and, ", 'of Article eleven (ll) of the constitution of Texas and all laws enacted by the Legislatare of Texas pu.rsuant thereto. And to pay the interest on said warrants falling due in 1930 and to create a sinking fund of at least two per cent for the principal thereof for said ,Year, there is hereby levied for the year 1'29, a tax of 'and at the rate :.f fr~ents on .each one hl1I1dred dollars assessed vaiui!t~ml sf all taxable preperty in, said City, and the same shall ~e assessed and collected in ,.:. I:[ ,~. due form, time and manner, as nearly as maybe in conformity with the;}evy, a.8,13essment and collection of other taxes for said year, and when any of said taxes . ' fpr any of said years shall be collected they, shall be placed inS. fund to be . ~ <~ '" ~ ~ known as a "Speei~.l Street ImPrevement Warrant Fand, Series' A,;,192$" and there- t;.':. . '.;.~.; .~. ~. after applied to the payment of the principal of and. interest op.l;3aid warrants . , ,"" ~... .... ..,. ,~ . as t~ey severalJy fall ~ue, and such f nd shall not be used foW ~~other purp0se . I. '.c:,.., r~~:~>' ~~ i ~. ' ,>. so long 8013 ~y of said warrants- or the interest thereon shall rema;i:n unpaid, " '''.f "i- /: ;. . :~>; . <"> ", and the Treaf!u.rer of said City shall ,not honor en.y draft or warrant on: sai-d ..... ,,". , fund 'for any pther pu.rpose unless and untj.l all of a'aid warrants with ail in- I.; .'~ ~ . terestthereon has been fully paid, and this pIJilvision of this ordinance S:l:lli~l.]le consi<!~red a }~ontract w:hth said eontllraetor, its assigns or bearer, whereby said city irrevocably pledgessa.id ilaxes and the proeee~~ of ~he' e~~~ "ft;:;:.. . '. . .' . ~. . =. - ~ : - ~ . l~etion th,ereof to the payment of said"obliga.$~s and t? no ,Q~her parpose. . ~ .\. "'~ - ....~< ,. -:.~.::;t:'. . , Section 11: Saia warr~n.ts shall be delivereq. to t~e ,contractor from ,. . ~ time to time as the work progress'es as provided for fnthe contract.~,between ...' ";? .. >'.: ' . "',: . ")..'j.,:' ;, ':: ,", th~ p$rties 1l1eretofore referred to, which ,9(mtraet is here rel'erred :to and ma'!. e -.;~::!~:'r ,.:'~~:":'r~, ~ "'"" ~ . 0' J a part hereOf, which estimat~js, as made DY the iJj;:'b;,v' engiI1.'J'~h~J;l b~: 8,pproved :'~' -' J'~";1: .~:i'" ._>: " : by t~e G~tyCommission and tl1~ manner ofhahq.ling SU0h~~~rliatesi' ~dthe '", "; . ',-'. '." . ," ," .~. _' . _ ...,' .. ~~ ~....~~ 'r' . e~e~u:~iQ:Q.and delivery ,of ~aid warrants to the contraetor,except wl.'l'ere Q.therwise .' '. .', '\ ~l' L ~; ,~... "".~ ',C ,eon.~~:~H);~d 0' ,the contract ~n!lspecifications,' 'shall ))e snbliJtanthUly as follows: ~ ".. -. "-~./.. ;' ':::''-'-:"''1~: <. I ----r--~ ...--- , . ,,'I I I ( f': , . ') l) ~ '. , ~ \) ~ M N 91 ~ ( As the contractor has obligated himself to pay thee cost of engineering services in connection with said work; and as said engineer has already prepared plans and speCifications which have been duly approved; and as in su.ch case such engineer is entitled to two and one half per cent of the contract price QPon farnishing such plans afiQ specifications, it is ordered that as soon as said warrants can be prepared and executed" a su.fficient number of said warrants be execuiled by the W~yor and City Secretary and delivered to said contractor to pay said two and one half per cent of the contract price therefor based upon an estimate presented by said engineer and approved by said City Commission. Thereafter, aa estimates for the city's share of the work are issued and approved as the work progressea, as hereinafter set forth, the city shall take credit on the first estima~es or somany of them as are necessary to make an amount i equivalent to the warrants here now ordered to be delivered to tile contractor to ( \ pay said two and one half per cent engine~ring fees, and. thereafter tlte estina tea and manner of handling said. warrants shall be su.bstantially as follOws: Upon the completion of th~ improvement in anyone or more units as hereinbefore set forth, the Oity Engineer shall prepare a statement or an estimate showing the amount of materials furnished and labor performed in said one or more units, including engineering fees, separating the items for identification, such as the city's share, the vroperty owners share and the cos t of engineering; and said estimate shall be submitted to t:ile City CommiEB ion and u.pon approval of such es:Umate by the Oi ty Commission a resolution shall be passed by the City Commission approving such _estimate and ordering warrants,issu.ed to the contractor, for the city's share of the cost of such im- ( provements. If, however, in any case named above, because of the denomination l of said warrants and the aI!l:ount of said estimat, after the delivery of warrants to any amount notexceedi~ the estimate at anyone time, there shal1.",remain a balance due the contractor on anyone or more estimates after the delivery of such llIarrants ......."._.. I. '11~II!..,ma - ~-,-- -;:------~~--~~~ ~--..- -~~. r . :92 then in Sllch case or ca.ses, such balance shall be carried forward to subsequent , , r-~ ' , I I ( estimates covering some other unit or units and so on in like manne! .until the whole of said work is fUlly completed~w If,' upon final completion of sa~d wor~ ~t is as~ ce.rtained by the City Commission that its share of the cost of a su,.ch*mprovement does not amount to $40,.000.00 then the Cj.ty .oommissien shall, by resolu.tion :' .:.., ,. ~ ..; ;; >,." f de~la1'e what the facts a~e in that regaFd and shaV or~e_~.. the canceltation of all :'wa'rr~~s iI.-e;t necessa~y to be used ~n paying i t6 sha+,e of such costwi.d~f sa:Ld ' '. . , 7~. ,. ~'. ,',":, >"':' -i.'., ,contract, and sai~ excess warrants shall be destroyed and the Treasutershall ~.n::.<:;'~J.o-'(: ~\. -.'.;:.-'>, '-..' , be requi,l'~d in sllcJ:l ease to nete su.cb. destru.ction Qn his regi~,~~a.~~0i1., r~c'q~ds. " '. ',' ,,', ,.... ., .t;' ' .' '." ~..",' " , Ailli it, in the settlement of any balance due t'ne con:tractor on ilhe' last estimale . . '- '. , . ' A- t'- . .; . 'f:: . - : ;~"'<:'- .' . , ~ . . '. ' . J, ~r estimates, it is fi;Jund that,. due to the denominat;i.on of said waI'r~~s o,~ ... . t<-' ~- ;~ ~',- e~~'@At;neme!J.t cannot be made with them. wi th the eontractor"the~ after, t11:e . ,,~ .,'"" d~li;ve,. of a sllf~ieint numberef sl:j.id wa.rrants to paysaidcontra'(tl,)~, all , 1.. r' tJ J,',{-', th~t:~~ be paid with warr~t~ in su~h denominati~n~, . , , , then anyfraeti onau.~ th.eas- ~"""< :.~. ,::~:;~:..':t<~:>.:.,..t~!~:j~:~:;: ',;., l.. " ,'", '" .:- , , ' t,o ,the contrii~tor' i~ cash . ., '... '. . 'I ~.'" ,..~ ~.'" .~: . . . .-,-,:...' , , ~d. doil~it 4l;f.e~mafter sueh deli veryshe.l;I. be paid , .. out of cu.rrent funds then in hand and lawf1ll],..y applicable for' s~purpQ~e'. t, . : . . -.... I. '.' .. ' . ~.' ~ "\.~:',:::;'- ~~'1 ~ . 4-~, _. ' ~ ,~; $,~Qt~9n,+.2c That t);lis, ordi.nance :;:. '::: "f~>'~!~ ~~'~:'!'-:.:~,l "'>".~:' '....: ': _ .', '. ,/ ~nd after i tfJ pe.s~~ge _~nd apprev'~l, sp.a~ I take effect imm.edia llely ,frQIll . ~ . ,,, , : .'.,. "" .,~~~:',~ ":'Jlt~=~-r-:r~~ t;").i.'., -,', .~ ,,~ .' ',' ~J .:..;,; . , Paasei ~~d approved Nov~mber 1, 192~. , ! . t"- ~. <;'. " 'i. .:- " .' : .: ...:.. :'. .': . '. .i: ?~. ~. '.- :;; '~. A)~~s,' ',' .... · .: ,"'. . c''. , - ." ."- ....c..,..... '" ' .'k,.' pitY .Se(;~Efiia~,~_.' ....- Thereup.on C:Gmmissi~:tler Wal~i~~:v.e~~~~~~ .for'~0n.sidlai;~~a.~~~" a;t~Jlu.tion ~nti t,led:. "', ..- ,~ ,: ",' '",;.. '1." .~ " U --.~'c . ',,,ResQlutiQfl aPl?roving e~t;L~i;e~~.,1't9:r~tIga.A.eering $, ....!:;~~t~i!~~ri:~t~::i:a~;:~t:~1~ " " ~ . .,c.' ., _lIll:IIIH:;'ltIr ~ \,) Z) ~ N 93 ~ ( of warrants of said City in paJ~ent Pf $IO,OOO.OO of the amount du.e u.pon said estimate and carrying the excess forward to estimAte No. 2lt. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, in Harris 'County, Texas, has heretofore ordered the improvement of portions of Lake street and sundr,y other streets or portions thereof in said city, designated as units 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, :, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 10, 71, 7?, Z3, fl4, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, , 83 84, 85 and 86, to which order reference is here made for all purposes; . , and, WHEREAS, contract for making su.ch improvements was awarded to Carl Pleasant Inc., based apon plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer ! { of said City, and in said contract said contractor obligated himself to pay the engi~eering fees as they become due; and, I, wHE'BEAS, said plans and specifications have been PJ;t'epared by sa.id City Engineer and have been approved by the City Commission of said City,' by reaSC)fi of which one half of the engineering .fees under said contract, namely,' two and one half percent thereof, has become du.e and payable; and, WHEREAS, 'estimate No.1 prepared by said City engineer, under said contract has been preparad and approved by the city engineer and presented to the city commission for consideration and approval, which estimate is in words and figures substantially as follows: "Houston, Texas, November 1, 1929. Estimate I~o. 1. Due Carl Pleasant Inc. by City of West University Place, Texas. ( l Under contract dated October 9, 1929 covering improvement of port;i.ons of Lake street and sundry other streets in said city. Total estim~ted cost of improvement under the above named conilract $42.7,928.60 Earned engineering fees upon completion and approval of plans and specifications at of the above ~nount $10,698.22 ~" "I: -y- .-. ~~~---~---- --~--~-~ , ,~--~--~_._---~- - - --~---~-~-----'-~-'-~"'- --- .~~ --,---- --------,..-- _.~ ' , ....0.-......-_ .....=r=-~.= -=.-=~_-=-_--===-=--=---=_, _.__ .,94 I certify that the above and foregoing is a correct statement of .the ~mo~t of engineering fees now due C.arl Pletjl,sant Inc., contractor" under :the. aboy.e named contract. ) r--~' , ' ; ) ( ) <i .,.H.: J.i~fferty~ Q~ty ,~~~~J'~:I:~. and, WHEEEAS, said es~imate has been examined and considerea~and the ~~ission is o,f the opinion and so finds that. said esv:km~is(H)J!reat..:ane. shodd be appr0ved and,payment ,made to the contraci;or~~W'!~~ use. o~::.~~;t~~~. af " , ~aid city lteI:'et,ofo:t;'e; ,p:;,oviq.~d ~qr as f~r ~stheY will go. ,Now tll~,e.'fore', ";: .' :BE :(T RE~bLVEDBY ,,~H:$ GUt>COMM:l:Si3ION O,F THE, OITY OF VfEST UNIVEBSI TY PLAOE. 0;'" ' , .... l~t~g~~;,fJfuat estimate Ne. 1 described above be'andthesame is '1.. . .,,1 ';.-",' ':1i\~~, ;*Q"" ,ap~~';ed ~d orllered paid to 'Carl Plea.sant Inc. contra~to'X to the't;f. . . . .' '~.:" ~~_~ t -,,"-: .': ~~'. ~'-j<:.~~zY' . ~~ jl&,600.00 in warran~s of said city. . ':~t'0i2' That O.ty of West Universl,ty p~oe&~~~;.~e~:i""~ t..) Se~e~ A~"929 Nos. 1 to 10 both inclusive, 'each lUor .~~Q"~~'a ~~~~NOv~.~ J, ^ . ',. " ->-' : ,". .. ": ~-"'\-'~, :t.~~.{~t~~l'r:'~~-'~:: J~. \ '19'2~',aggI'egati'rig.10"OOO.OObe executed by the Mayor aRd,C:tii~r'~,~i~~fll"~d ~ ~," \ > ~: . . .', _;~ ,." . . ...t~:.;''$._y~:d;,;'~ ~t/[.{. ':~':;'\' :. .,.~-, :~~tivered t9 Carl' Pleasant In!}.; contractor in' payment'G^f$l'O"QOO. 09 of. ):la:id' ,''.-' l- " J, .: '..' .,...,. _ esti~te, and that ~e remaindeF of said estimat,e, to-wit: $698.22 ,be ee.rr~ed . . .,: . .;1' '~1~~ 0<.5\i ~]:7 ~(! \" :' ~t::' ~~. ~\~<t.J.,. . . ~ ."'\ t~_arded -and ineladed'in the next or some other estimate her~a.ft.E!'i'. . '. I ' . from and ~ .'~ . ~, . ,$edt.1:on 3:-That thi.s resolution take :".{^):;,^~<:<, ,-,'.. ", a.i>tel'iL"flspass~ge and approval. " --;", effect and be in force $~~~~'~~elY ,:;,~-'~~f . ~ .:...-:. '~-::::'HY: - .;, '.:.: ~e.s.~ed and approved Nover.a,~r 1, 19~~~ -" .-\ '. l~!_ ;;}" ';S~' A.:..,....">:,,:; C> ~ ~ ''';'-; . ':','., -', <:.' \~ 'h >', . 'L--) , ! ,1 I,', , ! .~, ~.-, ~.'-~ " i! t.... / .1' e " "'-,i:' _ -i.'," . -1' ~'. . ^ - ' " "1,.". . ,-c-. -<"-;,,...- .~. b' .' _. J. ". ~ l' >~.' '~_~~ t . ^, ~:\ .':f_.":~ . ~.., ,'~ ~ " ~ M N 9.5 Regular lvieeting, November 4, 1929. q ( A regular meeting of the City Commission of the Ci ty of West Uni versi ty Place, in Hartis County, Texas, was held. at the Oi ty Hall of sl?tid City on November 4, 1929, at a o'clock p.M. at wnich meeting the following were present and participating: Mayort H.B.Schlessinger Oommissioners J. A. Walling and P. R. Plumb. Ci ty Secretary: Erwin Cushman. whereupon, a quorum being present, with Mayor Schlesinger presiding, the following business was transactedc And it appearing to the Commission that there is no newspaper published ~ in the City of West University Place, in Harris County, Texas, and that the nearest place to said City in which a newspaper meeting the requirements of law for official publications is published~ is the City of Houston, in Harris County, Texas: And it f\l.rther appearing to the Oi ty Commission that :November 4, 1929, ~t 8 o'clock P.M. was the time heretofore fixed by the commission for a hearing to be held before the governing body of said City at the city hall of said City, relating.to the paving and otherwise improveng of portions of Lake street and por- tions of other streets in said ci ty under a contract dated October 9th, 1929 between said City and Carl Pleasant Inc., and that such time has now arrived; and It f\l.rther appearing to the Commission that notice of the time, place and purpose of such meeting has been published in the Houston Post-Dispatch, f \ _ i a newspaper being published in the C1 ty of Houston, in Harris County, Texas, meeting all the requirements of' law for official publications of cities such as West Uni versi ty Place, which pUblications were made in the manner and 1'01' 17-' -~' 'F=-- ,9'6 the length of time requ.ired by law; the first of which publicat:L0tlS wa.s more than ten da.ys before the date set for such hearing, and all three of which publications were completed before the date set for such hearing;' The Commission proceeded to hold said hearing. Thereu;pon, H.. L. Shrake who claimed to be the owner of lot 12 block 2 and lot 12 in block 3, Colonial Ter~a~e Addition to said Cit~; protested ~ ~ ,.,.;: the making of sue!). improvemente in front of said property on the ground that , such impl.'Q'ftJR~t,1:t would not b~ef'i t his property or that the ~ostOf' SU9h im. , , provement would be in exces~ of the benefit to such property. ~ - '<~. . . . J.L. Archer, own~r of lot 8, block 8, Third Addition, Colle~e View) J., ,_, I,:' appeared and asked informatbon about public utilities but made noprotes~ 6, objection of' anykind ,as to the making of' said improveIllent. No one else present made any objeotion or protest of any kind. L ~\ 'f:_.,J'-; - J. Ail persons present were gi. ven an opportunity to ,l;lehea~q..al:!out ..:. . ", :, ~. .,' \~" ~," > J, . ", \:\~:.?.~~::.~. -~~..},:~ ,i~$i:: 8XJ.y matter abou.t whi~h they desired ,to be heard) either in pers,on Qr.byagen-p ~' . '-- -. "" \ -.'::~~J~~~;'l"'S~..~',,;. . .~ :.: or attorney~ 't ~J, ~Jj',.: _~f' Upon motion duly ~de., seconded and' carried unanimpuSly., said hearing" ..... :;. ", :. ~:!.. was ,continued until six o'clock P.M. November 6th, 1929. . : ':t<~lj J ~~,~ 'f t,.:. i..,.. ~"'. . L L ~ The1'e being no fU:rther business to come befcrre t1l.e mee;tiing,. i t w~s . ;. ~ '-, ., ~,. -...,: \' . moved, s~donded, and unanimou.sly, carried,. t,~t the me,etingwas, r.eeess~duntil 6 ~'Cl~CkP'~M. N~vember ~'i~2~~ and 'i~":: so';~rd~;~~. ',~:;" ';, ',: t. .~ .- , :-:~-.-: ~"':."-.,f J,y ',- ~, -. .' j \ , " , ~,J~ J' " '\ , ': " ;qi:'V'~S,ecre'ta:~,.'" -f,e:" ... ~ . "':>:.;~. -:.':~' ~'" .'-':' J . -: ~ ... "''f.j.:-.:......t-t;; 1 I It "'"t...:.....:..:. . ~u. ....u. ,! r-~ ( ) h ~-- t/~ } , i ,~, :; . '''l._ ",'j ~ \), ;z, ~ N N. ~; If \. .. . .tJ \ ( <, . .. '~~ ~ .. \ I - 97 Recessed ,Nreeti'flg ~ November.jti;, 1929. BE IT REMEMBERED that a recessed meeting of the Oity Oommission of the City of West 'University Place, in Harris Count.y, Texas, was held at 6 o'clock P.M. on NovemberJth, 1929, at the Oity Ha~l of said CitY-t\ pursuant to adjour.nment taken on Nov~ber 4th, 1929, at which receased meeting on November 6th, 1929, the following were present and participating: Mayor: H.B. Schlesinger Commissioners: J.A. WALLing and P. R. Plumb. Oi ty Secreilary: Erwin Cushman whereu.pon, a quorum being pJ;'esent, with Mayor Schlesi~er pr esiding, the fol- 1 owing business was transacted: "~-::.':.-:.. It appearing to the Commission that the hearing set for Novan ber 4th, 1929, at eight o'clock P.M. at the city hall of said City, to all owners of property abutting porti ons of Lake Street and other streets in said City relating to the improvement of said streets under a contract dated October 9, 1929, between said City and Carl Pleasant Inc., was postponed until this date and held open; And it further appearing to the Commission that no further protesta or objections have been presen ted or made relating to the malti,ng of such improvement or any qaestion relating thereto; And it further appearing to the Commission ith:a;traiE'p:elis::on~j::o.wnill!g: '.'i.' ,'~ property abutting said portions of said streets and all others interested therein have been given a full and fair opportuni tyto be heard; , - ~'. A.l1d it further appearing to the Commission from swom 'testimony . that the improvement of said portions of said streets in the manner heretofore ordered and as provided for in the contract with said Carl Pleasant, Inc., -,- .-------;r- ~:::~:'::::.:::,_" '9i8 ~ " , );;::'. ,,,..,, *, will benefit the resj)ec~iv:ep~~Qe:ls,of nrQ]>ellty abtj,ttin~ said pOl'tions of said '- 1 , ..:..." streets and the owners thereolf' in an amount largely in excess of - the amounts , , - -~ " '1r'1 , } , (') proposed to be asses'Sed. agai~stsaid resp~Ctti. ~~, parcels of propert~and ;the .' "- .,. -. -~k ; ," ,. .,~~r$ thereof, and laI:gely in excess of t.he cost thereof; . ~~ . '. , . - ,'~ - " \ f.-:;'~ .... ,: . c..... ". And it further appearing to the commission that the prates~ of . t"~ ~ '- ,'~a 1I~ ;'8. Shrake is not well takE:m and should be over ruled and :reftl.:~.~~.t..~: ~:. ~ ,- ".' . , .. " .', ",. "_'/{ft~~:>/!~-",, " :;"" .\, And it tu.rtheJ!' apPeaHng.tothe Oommission that "there i~'~~;>i~~es.1Jit,.y '. , " . ",... . J1~..' for hold1.ngsaid hearing open any- longer ana.' th~tthere iSrlbw.n6~'g,09~:d]'~,~shrl;~~,/:.' ~~sessments sheuld not' be made ag~~n'at saiq, pal'C~lS,' O.fPrOpel't~ a.n<%'~b:e "()Wil;e~'~f~' "1;. t.l+ereQ,fJ . , . ';It 1stherefoli'e ordel'~dby the Gity' (loUmusSitiHl of ': ~ . ,',' '~':~~'.. . '.,. ,- ".' f{c' .:. ,~;,- .:.,-<. ,..' '~..:'~~ '~~;~~f%~~:f~s'~" :l, ",' ". '- 0, p'nlversi ty 'Pla;ce 1 r.tlexas t ;~:;.,'o{ :-,-.)., .;:::: "~.~ ..~ "' ~. ~'t<~,,' .'''''' ..".. of H. L. Shrake be and the 'same iJ3.:1i~te ,ao'W ." \~, ,.', l. '.c ,',.;.. II ~h~~h~r'~~J'~'~~' , . ,haV;~;:b~~#<~de,;be ;:n:.,.'. ..'< ~(~ < 0 ~ ~"'.:~o: . ..~ '0;..>:.': ~~ , '. :. ~"'.:' . ~ . 1< lIr;d"~'/ ~~:.(J~'..'e ::( .' . :. . . ...... :,'{ : . , '", " -' . "......... .. :j,~.~~t~~e~~L~~,;!.9. , ..1"". ,~il aa_l:)..~.."','" , , , t. \' ." .' . ~. . " " :. .:."': - ,.,! .:;.~ r.o: . ieplu- ..etilitg~.f':t)ct C~ty Cemmissi.it, :.fi31tihted:at, 8p:__ M,.., elittke.:beve dat.L~itli:MiJif)r, H. B" Sehle,U-Jtger; ,preIJ1ti,*g " Ce..iss!cnters J .~~,,,~1:~~J(~pestCl:m R. plt1iJtp and.- City , Secretary- E~w!l!i, 'C118hfilQ1:a.>,.~~t.llQ"J1~:e. '. :~. M1lau~$8 er' the meetiitt: ~c~ .;~~k~~~ j~92:9', ' :e~~,!lid ';bi'~.ti.la Cemmissi enter Walli:ag,:aJ '. .,', Cl)E.ded.;by C0mm~ssi:0.er Plumb wereapprevee., and' aaept OS' {-, , . . . . . ,,- At, eigilt ,0 1 eI5~k:P:,'t:h"'8 th~4t~ day ~r N'e~elllilb~r~,lSi2,9., Ma,.er 13e1Ues~Jiger '. ,,'ee4t-kat: th1's was ,tb:e . time ,and, p,l.:a,c;,e fixed f''6lr hear.1ltg _.*~s' ""nd .thers i:m.t'eI"ested rela.tive.~.' , ,. pav'lJlg _nd etkerwlsei.prr-oving pertio.a ef~ai1te' Ay..u~i< ", ,,''? ether .~I!,.eta b1 tl?-o Clty<erW~$t ,U.ive;,a1ty'F:lae,e;n_~;,;$.~~! tract w,1:the..rl~lea...a:nt I.e., of ,elate GctCllber 9tla,.19'~~,; ..' ',&11.- lIlouneedtkat the' meeti:m.g was ope:m. rer heariJag as per.o~,keBe-' tef.fiv.' pUbliahed.", I :~ ~ ~ "~;')' . . ~,..-.i-' THEREtJPO}J,', H;,;' 't,. Shrake, 1tno' el..imed to be 'tlle .1m:~', ,.t \~lOitJ, 12 ' ,ia Bl~eJc 2" tl1ld ,lot:. l? 'u. block 3~ CeleE.1:al ~.~1l'..ee :pr(!)t:__,~j. tile p~Yi.g 1l\'f'r'o}at of ,said I0ta. 0~ the, ~'o~4r:'.diih~~,it~,he' ;})~V,~~~:'_d . e'bker .~rG):Yeme.~s 1t0uld llot 'b~ .r' a]ly,,}p.;Jttt:1.4Ji~~..:,~;).l.f_s-:P;F~$P~:J."t:y, od tnit' the eell t er JJuch :improve.. t.0U;tli~,';~:X;e'i,.ti tJ:1.'I5:P,.t\.ti'ts ' t.-,tjl.cp;rope:t'~,.b;y realiGn pf .u.el\1mpr'VeJ;11~~'t.'~~:', . ,.::,::' > < .JeeL,Ar\eker".~~1t" ef."let 8b1cek 8,,'fh1rd,~~itienf,,:~~+J(.:p , Vi:~llr apput>.edaad:asked rer i:af'o:t'1Ua. t~0.,!ltel'at~t',..t'O~$~J:~.),~ti1- 'ii;tl:~s,but ma.de'1!lG pretest as to the pair"~n.g "n9:"G#her~~~..~r~ty.- , "meJa.ta ~r as to thei C0st thereo.f" ,or., as .~0btt..U\1.t~H;"L,,0!;t ;" ,; " NoO o.U'ELSE . PRESENT MADE AWYPRQTEST WHATEV_.' "~'" Th.,~ebell\g noFtiJ.;(THER PROlfEST.s,' .bjsf;l~~_: ..~:a+,-~~u\:tt3"j~~t,;..J1." , ki1l1Ei" the Mayer.. advised ~. ~n llia o:@i.liiie~ tu'JIi~.~;tltt,,;.~~lQ be held. .peJt'Ull~i1 6 P.. M. ~ber5t1u.~ 19:29, '~. f.i?fder ,t'. gi.ve turtm.e~'t,1l1L.'f0,l?; pr.te~ts" 1.t'aJlj" :<<pr,~t/D,oe'm..~e. " , ~';><r; , Upo. ~Qt.t.Jt _17',..d).~(t~eeQ,_decai"...ciL.~i.0~sl1: (H.,J\~~~;,,: o~la,. kea.ri>>.g was e'CI)J!ltint+e~:,,~td.~,.6 P.llII.Nevember 5tk, il~i.Q::~,' , 1f0VEMBER 5TH~ l~29 , 6 'p ~'elr.. ' .... '~:,. ~ " " ':.,.. ( , ". " , OIl thi~ tke 6tln.: caay ..r Nevember, 1929, ~"me ~:m. t$rf-1:WtJli~~'~ .~;ar- , i1l1g;.tih.eques.ti::en ...r payilllg aad. 'etherwise ..1;mprCi>ving pe,:r't;t~~.I";'.t' '. ~ab .8treet "u.d etl\J:erstI'"eets, in the 'City of' West"UJlive:r~itJ" 1?l~:e'c;, Texas., u.der ee1!ltractwltla' Carl Pleaaaurt' ,I1tc.,.\ii"'~eii; 'Ore't0ber 9th, 1929; ad there beag .e :Curther 'p~.t.st" er'.bjee- ,ti0n..8t~ sai,d imprf)VeBie~S' in ny, ,,!.1se, tha~;was, Jita,ie . em.tm. ' ,.t.glat of Nevem1:?,e~, ~ ~29., ,;and J.tappearJ.E.g :$0.,' .CtJ)1Pt1s- sien f'r.m test1me ift0Feit b the ',fe>rm of A1t a.f ';\T:6t':.f , ',a. Dear P;', wh~ is' f'amil1.,r with v:aJ;.:" . 's'aidCitYj' :~m:~lite ..pavia otaerwise"".im.pr~ving the stre . ., ,per:t,J,e.ns therec.f. tllel,.sa.1d eentract,will e:rrhu.ee .tl(e\,Jal]tt.-;~r - ' ...ch. ]1)artieu. , ,:e"o;,;",propert,. in f'rent ef. whi:eh, ~~h 'i-mpt"0ve- , meiat is, to',' ',iJ!:,,:~:i':'s1im 1.a.J!ge1y in. excess or the c'$lt ellf . ,:p,eh improv. __lid 1arg.elyi:a excess 0f the p~(j)p0.ses a~uur~smeJits ,.~"i;a:st ' s~.~ Qpe~tl' &l1ld the elmers ~hereQtj *t is the epiniC!llll oct: th$c.e > ien that ..llp~etests.lrl:oald pe ever-ruled and re- ._.~~,c:l. .... If', ',.9if.~ ,Olft.,Jl!I.otiGD. d~ly. ma.d!f~ ,s,~c.n~~dal'ld ~~an~ied., unn- . ~m;~Fl$l'1 '"~n"';.t,~..s , RESOLVEli);;: .Ifh..t sa~El ae~:uag be ed the same ~~~".~~~~"'i""~'<'~""<'';~~i:"q",.",~,;~"';;'"",~~,,;,, ,~ u' c' ~ ,>;,,,-:,,,,(~!lt~c~p:'~,f'l_P~g't~1,~l: , ' , ';f ,~ ' ',',' '-. f' -,---- . Jl:'. II I I Ir (~ ~ OJ \. . .+ Q , .u ~ "- \) o(j' t' ~ Q, (-~) ) " (Centillued.trem Ne 110) 1'1' '1' o. ., <- . . ~ " ",.t-- .._ ~ > - . , , is here J1ew elesea, aPld that the pr:ete.st of' H. L. Shrake , and all 0tb;er pretests. and' ob Ject'ioRS whether herein specifically :El.amed er llot, be and' the same are here Jl0W 0ver-ruled amd refused; and further, RESOLVED; that Q a.ssessim.g ordinUlce 01' erdina.m.CfHII be prepared as seen a~ possible aad prese~ted ti'the C0mmissioJl fer oon- aiderati0la. ,..'- ~ ~;.;. The c~ty ~eeret~y them. of 61' eem.sideratiom thefol1Qw- iag bills fer 'app;rQvu , an ' , ant, viz: Vernon L~w Be0k Ge., _L_*~_';':'~--'~'~--------------"--$9.00 R. B. Bow.. &: CompIlJl,.---~---_..:.i;~~'~...-----------;..----111.94 CraiJl,Ready:Cut House Company, -~~~:~~-~------------ 14.00 Allea.Gartmer Imsur~ee Agency ---~~~~~------------- 57.50 Mueiler Co., ------~------~<_:_------------- 40.75 Hargis Chevrolet ,Company, -----------~~-~----------- 1.50 Pittsburgh. Place.Glass C0., ______..t.___,..____________ 4.53 Brazes Valle~ Buick C0mpany, ----------------------- 48.21 J. C. Merte:mseIij Amount.ever-paid ell Pormit fees, 5.00 Motien made by Commissioner Plumb duly seconded py Cemmis- siener Wallin.g tlls. t the f0regoing 0 bills a's re8.d be approved -4 '.R"icd__' , "? Veti.g Aye: Commissioners Plumb &: Walling. FellwiB.g PaiGl. bil,.s read and offered for rati.fication, viz: C. F.. Milledge, C. P-;' A. CheckiRg &: StlltemeRts,_--- Cash ACCQunt, for Public phone bal du~------------- Oliver Levy and o:me mam. .for dllniter service and yard Cash Aecount for SaRa Flush, Breom, mop ete., Houst0R Li~hting &: Pewer COe, --------_____________ << r <<<<<< . --------~------------ S0utkwe~terJl Be~l Telephone C0.,_------__~___~_____ A.B.e Freig'ht limes Freight frem Dallas, -____;..____ $90.00 1.38 9.50 4.75 226.74 11.31 28.38 1.13 Motienmade by 00mmi.sio~er Walling du sion~r Plumb that the .foregoing bil . Veting Aye: ' "',A~ C.O CemmisSoners Plumb & Wa.lling.:" f.~ir NO ONE VOTING NO. , , onded by Commis-, d be ratified. There beiag mo further business befere the meeting~ bu motion duly seconded tn.'. Mayor declared the same adjeurllled. Attest: APproved'~, ... ' ~.,p~< ,.' Lu-4i!~ '"',", ' ,Yfi:',. .~ ;t1"':, _A;,J:;.~r. " -, 'r~ (~,r~,'fi'~ 1J5it; f.~~ '- . .^"" 'c '-. ::~S'f- ~ - r - ,~, ~. h"","~ .^.~~ ,. ,""',' .~ ii,11 1 Ii I" liii Y_'H 11:2" , . ,~' h"'. ,>' '~r,"I ,'f eJ" " , , , , . ....{'(.:.~.. ... "' '. .~ ;t~, ~ . '~~'~/.\;; . -:;,.. .;....,,,. N'E) 'm~et'iRg Nov. 11th, 'H01ida.y. " () No meeti:m.g N0v. 18th, Ma.yer emt of the C.f~ty. '" -.t-:: !. : ~~ " ',: . .x~.. \i" ~."~. . , lillil Ii 1I,1::I~:IiII /' ~) '. ( ) ~ '" \) 'fj !' ...,. !!l8. !~) ~- ~) , / ) (r.:~~?~~'''f..~:''~' ;-', ~.. ~'1~ ~'3' .. ^. <--;;- .::.:.-. .'~ J,~: -; '.- <,; Me:m.day November' 25tl1, 1929'. " C0\meil Chamber------Ci tv ll~L, ':City ~f West University Pla..e, . Texas. The' city: Commission m.et in regular sessicHl 011 th'e sbeve date with ~aY0r H., B. Seblesinger, presiding,~Commissi@ners J. A. Walling, P. R. Plumb od Secretary Gushma in attendance. Mil1J.utes of N0vember 4th and recess meeting November 5~h were rea.d by the Secreta1'>y and by lUetiGIl duly SeC0]lQ. were' appr0ved as read. " ~. , ~ ' Vetim.gA;ye: Oommissieners Plumb & Walling. , . '~'~~ No,~s N0'11le. ' ~~.';: ...a v , , ' " , . '1;":r' CO~~ss10tter Plumb, ealled attention to ~~cessity of shelling str~~~ at ~~~essee & Plumb streets and alse the necessity fer repafr'in~,; "tt> streets. .. , ~~g~:':~m:~,:' ..','nt;s Jha"iTing been cevere'd by the C., K. Iff)rten contra.ct, it>..:~t4s "de'c:L:<:rd to:r>e:fer the matter to Engim.eer J. H. R~rferty :f"er rgr,~d~gsaRd the proper at ten tien. ' ' 'i-,. " ...... . , Letter was then presen.ted b,y CemmissieRer.Wtllipg from Mr.. E. T. , J"~_~;~~. a$kirtg for a ,refmid ef' (;)vercharge-~n water tap m~fle en - 'BS.~~~'t-:~'f 1ei:; 9 i:m block, Ip W. U. P. Amount overcharge $15.75 MetieYi"1itiitite 'by Cemmissie:mer Plumb aJ'ild duly' seconded by Commis- siener Walling that the 0veregarge be paid. VetiB.g Aye: ' .. CemmissiGners Walli:m.g & Plumb. Bees Nene. ifh.e' aa.vtsabil;l.ty'ef purchasing a small safe fer the convenience and pztet'e'c'D'i'eh uel t'0 .faeilita.te th.e.. hauling ef' tax matters aa,d ether eo11ectiems wa.s discussed and it was finally determined tie eelllsiaer the plan ef puttin.g in a cGunter od 10ck <a.rawers in the rQ'0nt adjeurm.ing the present office cf the Seeretar,y ilitstead of a 'srf1;all sate. ' ,Purs:ua.:m:t.,theret0, the Secretary was instructed te take the mat- ter up with Architect Cate relative to the rem.oval. of a p0rtie:ra of the 1J0E.Crete wall and also. te refer Mr .Cs. te tethe Mayor fEJr further censideratien and final actien. ,,:~ ,:'''.'ia.eratien an e.mmissiener J. A. Walling then prese:nted erMlitUlCe entitled; . ' . . Ordinance levying assessments~inst property abutting p0f>'thms, ef Lake Street mad sundry ether streets, avenuesa:n.d9ther public place's in th.e City of West V>>i,versi ty:< P~ace;' in. Harris CQunty, Te.xa.s~ and the <~ers thereef, fer apart @f the cost @f street im~ pr0vemel1ts in front of saia parcelsef property; pro- viding for thBcollectien of such assessments and for ~ the issuQRce of assigmable certificates in evidence thereef. Said ord~~ace having been d~ly considered, Commissioner Walling m0ved that all rules requiring erdhum c es t@ be read more than 011le meeting er more thma one time be suspended and that said ordiBaBce be finally <admpted. :t. f. (C0:nti:nued on. page #114 J' ~IJ: - - _._----- ~~">.-. --~---_.- --.. . ." ., _ . ..'_, '~._h ~. ......:,~~...-"'J...L.:=~~~>Ii"'-._,_._ ~ , ,.. _~~..L._. . . _ ~ _._ ~ ~_ _." ~III III'!""- "'~",",,--, ;4' '. '.' t'~'l' ,;, .... l -.' '.. , , Ii;" ;, '" \f ,"<. .' :t~~1< . ,;j;ilj", ;;,~' (Continued front page' #ll~J Upon said motlen.being,by the Mayer put to a V0,~e, it ear- riedby the fel10wing v0te: Ayes Cemmissioners Presten R . Plumb and J. A. Walling. N0S. N0~e.. - . , G Thereupolil., th.e May@r declared said erdinenee una:nimously adopted, and it was S$ ordered. , (For 'said ordinance ,see paving minute bool:' Ne'.' 1, pages 99' etseq. ) . ~ ( The, followi:t1g Qrdinance wa.s then intrQdueedbY Mr.", P. R.' PI~b Cemmissioner, viz~ ' AN ORDINANCE authorizing the MaY0rand ~:t~:l.;; " . Secretary to execute a supplem~ntarydeea of trust to'the Tr~stee il} c9-nnectionwitm tl9,e .$lOO..OOO!,o,q~:.:;> I" waterW€)rkBt',~~::,~,~werage m.ortgage, ,b~n,eJ"iss~e :.'~;fj)r .'fhe purpose of c~f'e~~+~g errer indeserip~i:Q~ :.1,' , ':" real p~o~~}:'tytli~.reili.l. eonta1,Jl,ed, and t~ $:l!fb:S1:,i~: tute a de's,cript:i:on :.,f the real pr.0:pertY,~~'ttlti,1.).y, 0Vinedl. by the wa terw0rksand sewerage sy~1;eia ,'a!" , " West, Univers ity 'Place, Texas AND I5':ECLAR!NG :A.N EMER... G~CY. '1 }'Iot~€m by Gommiss ilDJaer Walling 4u1y ~ee(nided. ,by' ~.Jn~#~&d'~~er ' . Plumb that the feregeing 0rdi:iLaJice be admpted ,as, 'r(';,_~" : : '. . . ~ .' .." ~. ~ .# ;'4. fi:..t~ ~ :~ Voting Aye: Commiss ien.ers Walling and Plumb. NOS NONE. ./~ '.'.r, L) There,pein.g n.o further busil11ess before the meetin,g,,0n }lotio)! dUlyseeande€l.. th ayer'de'clared t;he s.ame adjeurD;ed. ," ' Attest ,::;\,,<,jMaY0;t' NOTE: . " ,:; " ---' ~ The @rdinan~~;'i",~ntrOdu.~ by Commissioner. Wal~;tn.g';i8.p "iIlg on. Pa.ge 113.i "y.:i:i~;",4m. Ordin9.Rce levy1ng'asseg.sm~1i1ttliStinst pr0perty abti:e't'iil.g, '0)1 port'1011s of Lake: Stree't AUlQ.S,'1 @tll-er streets was _mitted fr0111 t~e minutes' 01' N(l)Vem"",,' 5th upe:ra whiehQate the same was passed. ;. . ., 11lserted in tl11.e mi]lut~s of November 25th sUbsequeIltIl',. ) ./ 53 ^: " -~------~~----~,~.-...~,,<-=-- '--' E"'III I 1:1 ~ " o 'rJ ~ ~ Q "I>~ . .v,. ~__' ~) ) MONDAY DECEMBER 2ND. 1929~ GO~~~~G~~..----GITY~&LL.. CITY OF WEST UNIV-mSITY . PLACE. . T~S.. . "::~l~.'" .J[:jtfU ,.. , ...s;;tj: ~ .-~ke-C~ty Oommission c0lilvellled ia regular session at 8 P. M. OR t~eabeve .at~ with .ayer' Schlesinger presiiing ,and Gem- Il'},~:SJ~~pne,rs Walling and Plumb, City secretary CUl!rnmaJi in. at- te.dam.ee. - .'..... Minutes or November 25th were read and bi motioR duly seconded were/adopted as read with the ~xeepti0n or the additi~n or a foot note on said minutes, indicating that the assessment or- din~ce introduced by Commissioner Walling, was'passed on Mev. 5t:J.\-Jln(J. hav:ing been omitted rrom the minutes or that date was wr$.;tteJQl in the 'miE.tltes of' the 2,5th f'0r .'eo:nvenience . an4 f'uture ; ~$:fi e~ellee .. - . ' ~ c.' ',;', . Ve1ii:rrg Aye:: . A,'j' '4/a Gemmissiolilers Plu.m.b & W~lliRglt':C~'1:. ." NOS NONE. .' "" ,~~'" I- i' Tk~~elIGwing items,were pr~~~ed to the Commission .rer '~ppreval r" ;,and. ,p8.yme:m.t., - viz : Oliver Le~7, ----------~---Janit0r Service & Cleaning J. A. Davli:a---------------Extra. werk en 1929 '.fax Roll Houst~n Lighting & Power Co., Lighting City Hall C~shAcc€)unt, --------------Freight etc., 11 It -----------~--QRe. steve for GorpR Judge , 11 It --------------Typewriter Ribbon ete, .Mrs J. J.. O'Conn0r, --------Extra Werk 1929 Tax Roll. R.:L~BEmten, ****----------Extrs. Help en City Books, Mrs Ruby Wade -------------- n, n 1929 T~ Roll, ~lIericall Provident Life Ins Go-...Pr,em. Group Ins. Kranzler Bros Service Station. ----- Gas & Lub.. U It u' n _____ It << n n U It " _____"~<<" ,Oliv:erLevy ------Labor in wat.er, depj:;. lIou$t,GR: Light:~p.g & PGwe;t> Oompany, ---Ki:rby Drive, 11 >>, tf ff ,.,.'.oft . Light Bryan Plant $3.'70 36'-00 ,.10;' 63 6.8'S Of, 5.'75 3.84 75.00 26.50 55.50 26~12 20.48 52.10 13.70 7.50 133.83 .50 M0tieIl made by Commissioner P~~':'~R. Plumb and auly seconded by Cemmissi$ner J.. A.. Walling taa.to the f@regoing,bills' be approved a:md. paid."~~t . V0t~P.g Ay~:" '1C NCo0ms,m~0s.~o.:ners Walling & Plumb. ~~"': fl,9 v :<$- .n .I.U~ fJi1l"'~ ~ Letter adressed to the J1l1~0F and City Commis,sioners from Ranth<9m and Fantham under date of November 26th JU[X requesting that the City grade all shell ~treets and keep the~ graded until sucna' time as the paving program is started on anyone street, ,afrec t- iag Ce~onial Terrace subdivision was taken up by the body and The Secretary was instructed to advise in reply that, this work - had been duly authorized at the Gouncil meeting or Nov. 25th, 1929. A letter rrom Mr. E. T. Jenn, Secr.etary for the Myers .palti C~mpany petitioni~g the council to remit. the fiRe ef Wade (Continued page ll~) II' I -; -r[ ----r 1i~6 , " (C~ntintt~ f~om page 115) Bartlett, covered by-Case #B'9f>G0rperatie:n Ceurt Decket., Saia fime am0untblg te-,the sunr @f'$J.6.0G.' , UPOll recemmendation ef C. H. T. Garliek Judge, the followi:ag m0ti~ia was m.ade". ' A 11f9.t~~fi by t,.~issioner Y/.aJ.ling, , duly 'secenided. 'Q,y Co_a~s-~'i:a~ 0 eI" ,;P~umb, f)rde~ing that the fine' of' W. w. W .J3apt:~ett; be' , -\;. ..' r:emitted aJ1ld that the Secretary be authorize<f ';to':ls'sue~e'cli~~1er faver of the said Bartlett and to so advise MI'.'. JeE::ft'@!":l;ltke',';' M!erS-~palti Mfg Go. Voting Aye: C0mmiss1(lmerS Pl~b ~"Walling. NOS NONE "'is'~ " ."':tl\, V" . . . · ." ..,..........,4~._:".. ~i',...~ ,,,,- ,: <.j f... '''''..',, . "'0' ,flY' . The llohston Lighting an?t,W~W: ' Company through, Mr. SchiNi-aener.. submitted to the council a" Uea eo:ntract f~r stippl~iiRgt,,:": pewer to the ml.micipally f)wned waterworks bearinga~eGJ2ue''ti:i:o'E. in rate equivalent.. to a 50 per cent, saving together 'w.i ~Jtt)',:t':'< letter signed by Mr. H~ O. Clarke Jr., "<,' ';;8.;,'; '.<:. . " -" - . , ' The Mayor recemmended. to the Council that the c~ntract and c@m- munication be tabled. for future considerat'ion fir tlJe FeaS'01i:i.' that the contract is i'Gr a period f)f five'years; ,i'urther,"'tJaat ' the contract should be referred to ,the City At~o.r,ney before be- :tug submitted -to' Cmineil i'or adopti..,.. 0r'rejection. ',,:',"} ,. The Mayor i'urther stated, that the language and ,term.s,us@,d1l'a the proposed contract implied a franchise 'and tkat the City was 'not ready te grant' a 1'rwmchise. < ' ~), Motion by Commissioner Walling, seconded by Commissioner ~lUmb that the recommendation of the,Mayor be adopted~and that;the proposed contract be referred to the Mayor and At'tGrney f~r recommendatit'lln. 'Voting AYE: Commissioners Plumb &: Walling. NOS NONE. There being :no i'urther' business bei'ore the' Commis Si0lll., bwLiiOtion duly seconded,' thesame~was' declared by tb:e Mayor Alijeur;ge\l;L 'Voting Aye: Commissioners """ Wal1ing~and Plumb. NOS NOlm. Attest; . 1.." '.,0< . ~.pproveiJ.~_ ' ..;It,. ,. , tt... ~"!.'>t #,' . !Ua, .'. " ~tY~7_ .~' ,. , j u_ ~_. __"___" ~ "- \) >('j ~ "'P. ...., Q / j ~ (~) " MOlIDAY 'DECEMBER 9TH 1929, . notTNCJT.' (}FfAMR1iJR__~......_^T_~Y "j:flr~. <UTY OF ~vm8T U~{lVERSITY}?t,ACE~ ~En,~. The ,C4ll!~il eenavened b regular session en the above date, wi,th Mayer Schlesinger presiding , C$nunissi0ners Walling an.d Plumb, City\3ecretary Cuslnnan in a.ttandance. Minutes e1' the meeting December 2nd. were read by en metien'duly secenaed were appreved as read. V.ting Aye: Cemmissieners ,Walling and -Plumb.~", NOS NOlfE., ' the Secretary and ".,~ The 1'tj)llewing bills were submi~t~ . $~cretary fer approval and pa.ymenb, viz :" ':j,."!1~ , , " .f~ u. R. Brenk~ Electrical Inspecte~Fees fer Nevember, , W. T. Barnhill, Plumbing It ,If It fI -Mueller & Company, Water Departllel1:t, Allen-Gartner Insurance AgeRcy, r ,Official Bend Prem. J:. E.. Kirkham, 11\1:0, Inv@ice File, Tax Recpts. . SC~Qt-Brann.n Safe C.~, , --------- ~argis ch~vrelet 00., Truek service Lamar Be@k Store, ------staty --------- Cargill Company 'ft ------- Simon ,Johnson -----------Oasing~ ete.., -~--- Rupley Bra'ke-Servlee ' P.lice var -------- Gee G. Gea.tme1 Wrenck,Wa ter J)ept. Ll.,.ti Metal Com.pany, n - n ____ RemiJlgten Rand Business t?erv:i:ce ---------- Pitt-sburgh Plate Gla.ss Ce., ---------- Nerv~11-W11~e~ Company, ------------------~---- _ WilsenStatienery S Printg Co., '-------------- City, of Houston, Water Dept.. Min charge F. w. He1t.aiu1.~Ce., ------=----..----- n ft ft ft $7.90 10.80 64.88 59.S5 11.40 18.00 1.50 1.00 8.40 41.54 18.70 1~35 31,.29 4.90 9.61 15.03 7.20 .50 10.54 90.42 MGtien llla.ci:e by Cemaissiener Plumb and duly seconded by .Cemmissien- er Walling that the bills as read above' be appr@ved and paid. __ Voting .n. C..n.ssi$laers PlUmb and 'Walling. N'OS JlONE. Fir. M^~shall Metcalf then 'appeared befere fe!t"ma.:1i 'In. as to what action could be t__ "freK - .'present tEl standara to eGmJ,)lyf.tJ_ c ',' . ;~:;~: , Metien .a4le by Commissil:mer PI'l.1mb an€i 'iec0n.,ded by Cemmiss:iener Wa111_g that Cemmissioner Walling be a~tfte~ized te investigate the methed.used by the.Cityef Houst@n in changing nippl~s t~ staa4arithread and als@ autherizing C@mmissioner Walling te make thee~g~ ever. _ Veting Aye. Cemmissi~ners Plumb & Walling NOS N<.lNE. ,",:.C;pn!il to get in- rehang2ng ~ippl~s tate specifications. TRere O$tng ne further business before the meeting, ,en motion duly seconded was declared by_the Mayor adjourned._ -- v.t111lg An: C.aissien 18S? NONE. Attest: . I,. ~ , . 4 . . ,,' : ", , ,'- ay~t!e 0.' ~ '-'--~__~:...n ~~_~"-.:.L.:..>-.l~~~~~,"",~"""~""""""'~_ ~ .. The C:\ ty Cemis siGn convened ,in regniar SesSi€llil,~t 8 P.' M.Gt,};: tne foregoing date with MaY0r Schlesinger presid.ing and ',Com... missioners, J. A. Walling and P. R. Plumbal'so City SecT'atary, Cushman in attendance. ' , ,/).. ~' "t, ,.f;' '! ~. Ct . Commissioner Walling at t4 cDure brought ~ef~re the Commie- sien fo~ .c0nsiderati~n and ~ ution, thequestieu of ae~i~tl~ wa.te,r accounts. ~ett~ng,.f~~ the fact that ~ numqer of.'~,:c()nsum-- ers .had not paid their water b:ills for ,a number of mOTI,tM and' stat.ed tha.t the revenue f-rom this source was. needed.' f'CI]?tJa:e~ ope- ration of the water aepar tment. t '\, . ' ' 'The .MaYGr suggested. that a special notice be .prepared .nd:j*:1;~ver" e€l. to all consumers, in arr.eari33 allowing a. rea'sGnable.'ti(liift~~;jst'bhe payment ef past due pills and 110titying each of such ei<t.r.i.Z:Ell1 ,'tn.t unle.ss paid within the designated time, that the wPlte1r~w0um he cut ,off. ' " ',' :Metion then made by Gommi-ss'ioner Plumb, and duly secGnaea :tl'Y C0mmis- siQuer Walling that the W'ater CemmissiGnerbe auth$rized:.'~'d :In- . structed to get Gut the special neti'c6''"8.,nd: a,:.110w l:5i~.~#~~~te 011 n0~ for the payment of such pa:st .due 1;)11-18 adv,i'Siin:@ tlia<'t :>thewa- .. ~,ter .would @therwise be dis,connected -and that & Qha~'se~ ef $1.0'0' wouls:be thereafter assessed for again..tu.rni'Ug the wa!P$J? en. ',' Vot:i.ng~ AYE. ., .- Commissioners Plumb and Walling. NOS NONE..,.:. .. Minutes of the meeting held on December 9th,1929 were read and tha following motion ma.de. Motion by Commissiener Walling and duly seconded by Commis~ioner flumb, that the minutes of December 9th, 1929 be approved. and ~depted as read. V0tiJ?-g ~YE: Comm~ss~0ners Plumb NOS.NONE. ,; :-: ') , Corpor,ation Judge Chas. H.'T ~:'.Garlick appeared bef:$re ;tn.eCouis- s ion and asked to be heard for a short time, whiehr'eqU'est ,'Wlte: granted by the Mayor. ; , .. He stated thatina:smueh a.s the Commission had not s.een f.iJt t$.2oot upon a previous resignation.- handed in by him in wri ting,.:that., ~'6 ' . desired to offer his resi'gna.tion verbally to take erte!e'tl1ri€ta.y, December 22nd, 1929. whereupon& . ',' Moti'en made l?Y C~mmissioner J .A.dJall~nga?d duly see~nded by Cemniissioner P.. R.. Plumb, th 'ti~ res'J.gnat~on of Judge Gar~iek be ac.e:epted effeetive Frida filing' Dec. 22nd, 1929. 'i~:<'~' v"t:Lng AYE: . Cownissioners Plumb and NOS NONE.. . .;q Bill from The Akron Bras~If'g Go.., iflooater" Ohio :ror fire hose etc., was offered by Secr'eta;ry ~or f,lppr0val and pa~rment.. amount,- ing t@ $157.57 .M@tion by 'Gem ;Walling seconded by C(i)Ii'l. Plumb tl':J.at same be paid. Unanimously carried.- ~. " There being no furthe business before the body 0n motion dul, se- GGmded~~ s de ared by the lVI.ayor a~djO, ,n.6d, ' ,,~ Attest+.. '... ,Approved"... .' . ..' , ~,,','..<. .' ,."..,..,.<, . ".' , . ' 'c~t:Y-,secretary~ "'. '. '. '.-:.-' .....']VIaye!', .. " ' .~,>~,..,....;""___,,,<.."",____. ._.._. ,.\ . '" , ' .. , ,.,'_' .._,~,..' ", ~~3C,_..~_ ~.. e::.: ::3 ' 1 . , J "# \ ) .-J Folio !: Su.pplement;l.ry 'mi:m.utes of Dece!uber 30t.h, ,1929,. !ne following ordinance was duly passed by motion at the meeting of December 30th, 1929 but not transcribed or embedied i.;n the regular minutes Folie 119, hence, 0fficia11y rec0rded hereon, viz: : '~ ",' tJ - AN ORDINANCE; Providing fer the extension gf time from December 31st, 1929 to January 31st, 1930 for the payment @f 192,9 City taxes t@ the City of West University Place, Texaa., and prov~ding that no penalty shall attich for the nQn-pa~~nt ef said taxes untilFebruary ~st, 1930. ,: .,,'~' ..At'$. ~''!l;lP;,\;\ ~"\ 'M> , lJ"'P ";;>11- Motien made by C611:mmi~~..on~r Plumb, and duly sec€Jntil.e~~ ~~'>!J C" t,. by Commissioner Wall~rieL.t~.&t the ordinance as ab ~"'" set forth, extending the tidl~.;'f(~:t' t,he payment .of taxes with0ut penalty ~. Februah~:~~~ 1930 be approved and pas- sed. ~ ~ .".. .: . Voting Aye: Cer~issioner Walling & Plumb. NOS NONE. ~ .{/}7 (/~~ , Attest; ,d':"'t" ~:;,' ,'~ ~.~ ... :;.J~~ ~' < s. '. ' ....,. ". i>.., /"b;), ~( J '.:': ! 5 E:~ ~ ~ <!"\ '~['" ~'(}'Q, ~ .' 'Y~' if' ~ "iJ ~rP6~\~ '!' 1 ~ U" ~ ;...., ,[--)' '\ , The. Citj':~~lJill,l1issi@Iiefmvened in'regult;r aessi0n.at 8 P. :M. on the ab\(lrvi\l;I@l;~1te, Milt1(D'~S~hle.singeT P:r,e:$j,cGi'~;Q:g;, ',Qq>mm~l:J.$.0~'S. J!,allip.g, -Pl~'b/a~~ S~,er~t:firY G'U~~ran in a,tte~d.~~e,_:;: " . :..: ~ ; , ; . /fI J '. ,. . "," , '.'~. ' ,', ". ,. ~ _. . Minutes lilt the meeting December 16th, .~ast::he:;t.~ :r:~~~ by. tl+e Secre- tary and ~n motionCoJ1lInissioner Plumb, duly s~co~<i by a~mmissi0ner c Walling were approve(jl :viri tl:4J:tb,e e:xqept;:1on Q),f ;th.:~ ;,i~s'en,tiQntf allewing 15 da1:~!., fr:oill date o:f notice t,G>water customer t~rrears :for the p'ayn1e:d.t:)(l}i\~;the, ,amount!3 then dJite.. , .' ,'. ~.':' '0., " YT.;.t';"I(\g,td;tTa"J',:' ',' ,'n, '" v"" ........."'t=v..f.>o",,,....,,, ,", <I:.' f:b-.J' 'CcnmUt~$i:!ill"ie;J3s:iv~nling.& Plunib. : " ~ {" "'';~ ~~~ ;.~~~~.._ ".; ~~:.: :1'::: ': . . " >: , . .'. .< .;~ , "p... , ." I. ," Tb:e;:fj0Jtl:~.i~g~b,ills w;ere-~'th.e1'l' 0ffert~d ,by, the SeGe:!?et,ar,y. fer rati1'i- eat~l9:n.o'ihtfi\hf1ad been p~id., viz: , {t." ..'.,c. , V\';'Uf~lit~~,:tl )~ML:S . Ru~i .:lWade for. ~"~~be~i~l ' serVilGe..s ..;~....:~-...'":~<f$~~~05"~' ",',:."..:.:,.,.,':.~.~.. , ,,'<J;~~ 0:\:;' . / < ''Vu~s f.t&l.~en' -..--'"'"~- a~~, .rem€>v.a.-:-...":"~~...':'!---....,; :'~~:.:},i < ' , u, l~l{ Cash' AccoiJ,nt Su:n~ries, /i.: -----:....-..-:-_':_.', ,1.'10' . tf 1~38 . ,Parking car on. City business. --_':'~;....~~-,;;;'..-'i,_~.50 ')?a'.~.;.~~.; ft. 1 '76~ Houstep. Natura:l Gas, . , -__,..-~~--,..;.;;.-;-_ <11.~28 ',11 1'761 .A.mer~c;Ln ,Provident '~ife InS ~ Gt> '':'-''7';'~',,;;...~:'~~~gj..~~\ j' ,::~ ;,i . ," 1'16~ L,; RJ.ckma.n Refun€l o:eQ,eposJ.t ---------:"...-..,.... 10,,00 ,c, c~~~1~~if~~.}.ti:~:<~:s~:~;.~~r~~.Vr S~~ls' ',':<,: - l,~..:~:;."~::~;:::;~~:'1tr~~ ".' '.: .~~~ " tL . ,c:t'7,!(~ Oli!er Levy Janit0r Service -..;._:..::-~.d._.-~.,..~~~,~~~,.."60 '" . , T'" ~:;A f.,:L1~!~~,' ~Gtu:~,~adte:: ;B~a:rl:b:-gle, ~e~QVal-~--~---~...~-~--~:~~~57~ ~-..~-{_>A-:m;'~~-1..~~;~~'1 ~:<. J.?ewGJ..:J.'We~s .:~.1.-n]~ 8~ a. 76- ~:.'C~ ---...~-~.~-:_..._--~--.~;~~~~~.~r~~~,< .tJ Mot:i.(il.tt~~~~)2tt1ty. e._i.ss~'G~~!?PJ;umb\;j.,u.lyf;l'eC~]ld~~ py C;@~:\.~,Sif0.~r. :-:,,<:W1I:lJin.i;.,J;Ji;&$;: t-17e'J)1a.j;~';llil1s, as ,algt)::,.t~,' enUl11~ra"Ee~:";b~:.i!,'{lt~J!~~~;~:;, V('!)tii;l~A:y:e": '" ., .,", , . " . '. . ,.' C0nnla~:~~fu~:a:~~r~a111ng' & Plumb! "., J. , NOS l\f01i:til. ,: 'S>,.", , {,) ,t "' \"; ; j:! ;~ ,~-i - ,', <';,'. .,; .' .!~: . ~ '.' I' .: ~'. .,' .?-'- (j ~ ,;( " . ~ ., ' ",." t.... . '. . F.i:m.al Estj.mat~ N.. 3" dated December 30th, 1929 . c. K'~;H0rt~~" .~ crb ~~sr:_ ~;,t:fc~ ~1 ,['~:aiff:e)?,t;1:; E:ag1.ne,&J!'; t &ml9ttn ting. tfi>, $lQ ,,;5~~{, ~O: ] ,:' , . . is~;=~it;;r~E;:ri:t~b::'~ff;~;!~~t:~ . .. m:_ef: .by t;omm:L~I/i)R.en Pl~p! ~~; ;,d~y, s.f}.oEl:p,~f}i by q~e~~~~:a~~:" , , {~I!:l!t: t;hesJ9 <'esj;il1~~s li1ml,l{~~.Q;J '~~)~11i~" .~. ~~" @:f-e~.~sa.ft\i ~e;- ' .' ,,::':~'t" J'ctJie;\"'Sl;J;ms -::s.pee'W'$e€h'b~_ ap})?Jljt:~ci\ "~Tti~.~;p~'id,~:,,:,, .~,} ~.:::tf~t~:;rWal1i~g.& P}lumb~ ',',,' ,