HomeMy WebLinkAbout030915 CC MinThe City of West University Place A Neighborhood City ctT'COUNi STAFF Bob Fry, Mayor Nobel Ross, City Manager Susanecoro 41en CiryAMmry uumimmlem EElleaWCon, Couoclmember aLnro Thelma Lev; Ciry Seuetuy Olck Yablc, COw¢ihvanber CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in a regular meeting on Monday, March 9, 2015, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University. West University Place, Texas beginning at 6:30 p.m. Agenda Items were as follows: Call to Order. Mayor Pro Tend Sample called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Council and Staff in aftendance were: Councilmembers, Heathmtt, Johnson and VeMe, Assistant City ManagerlPublic Works Director offer. City Secretary Lenz, Police Chief Walker, Fire Chief Taylor, City Planner Scaroella, and City Attorney Petrov. Mayor Fry and City Manager Ross were absent. Councilmember Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary Lenz confirmed that the Notice of the workshop and regular meetings was duly posted in accordance with the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. 1. Nan -5'nale Family District Z Tina Reaulations Matters related to the second and final reading of an ordinance to adapt proposed amendments to the Zoning Regulations governing the Non - Single Family District areas in the perimeter and Town Center areas of the city. Note: The public hearing on this matter has been closed and no further comments from the public are permitted. Recwnmended Action.. Approve announce N adopt proposed amendments In the Zoning Regulations governing the Nan Single Family Ols4M areas in Me perimeter and Town Center areas of the city on second and final reading Councilmember VeMe moved to approve the ordinance to adopt proposed amendments to me Zoning Regulations governing the Non Single-Family District areas in the perimeter and Town Center areas of the City on second and fine) reading. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Before the vote was taken, Counclimember VeMe said he wanted to make the fallowing comments to Council and to the audience: • There is a legal opinion that the City is obligated to follow to contact the rights of applicants due to a previous ZBA hearing whereby the applicant was aggrieved that after Me hearing was closed people were still commenting and their right to counter the argument had already been exhausted. He said it is probably not the way everyone would like for it to happen, but those are the rules. City Council kiln Wes, March 8, 9115 • This vote is just not solely about me Town Center, but rather about three important elements of the Code. They are: o Changes to the general commercial wtle that updates the language of that code and reaffirms various parts of it as being the type of code residents would want applicable to the City; o Changes to the zoning for a small portion of West U along lorry that: • establishes the entire block between Plumb and Tangley as being zoned commercial (currently, most of the block is zoned! for townhomes), and • modifies provisions governing townhomes in the area between Plumb and University and makes it more desirable for developers to build townhomes In the area; and o wn Establishes a special zoning district for me To Center, i.e. the area bounded by Poor Farm Ditch, University, Etlloa and Rice plus the first lot north of that area (where the bank and Tint's 415 is) but not the parking lot next b Tint's its. The provisions for that area would only be applicable to buildings when they lose their Prior Non - Conforming (PNC) status. He said some of things this zoning change will cause to pass inciude; • Head -in perking along Etlloe will be banned In favor of parking behind the buildings; • New buildings must be no taller than two stories and be brought forward toward Etlloa to create space for the parking; • A sidewalk will be established along the east side of Edloe to facilitate and encourage pedestrian traffic; • Various buffering provisions will apply to the rear -padding areas to protect the residents east of Poor Farm Ditch: • New buildings will be limited to M feet, which will include anything that is on the roof; and • Any machinery, on the roof will have to be screened. Councilmember Yerle said there has been a lot of information and misinformation floating around about what this means. He said effectively there are about 45,000 square feet of space in the Town Center area, but R this ordinance passes, at a maximum basis r could only increase by about 6 percent; so, there would be about the same square footage that is there now. WiM respect to parking, he said the committee looked at the parking very carefully and determined that the number of spaces is adequate for the types of businesses likely to locate in Town Center, thus the same parking ratio to floompace is being maintained Councilmember Yehle said taken as a whole, the City is going to maintain approximately the same situation there is today, but is looking ahead to by to create a better stmodscape fm tomorrow. Councilmember Yorke said he is advocating approval of this package, not because a lot of work went into it, but because also there was a lot of time spent on it and a lot of public Input was received He said a lot of changes were made from public input and said it might not be what everybody wants, but it's a good plan. Councilmember HeatbrxM spoke to say that he feels that Councilmember Yens summed things up well and said he also firl supports the proposed ordinance. Counalmember Johnson said she agrees with Councilmember Yehle and said it is unfortunate that there has been unreliable information that got a lot of people excited about this when it really isn't 2 of City Council Minutes, March 8, 2015 any different than it is today (regarding the 45,000 square feat). She said she also supports the proposed ordinance. Mayor Pro Tenn Sample said she is not quite sure she agrees with the statement that there has to be something happening to these buildings for rebuilding to occur and said she knows there has been a lot of woM put into it, as well as four years ago, and she appreciates it. She said she also appreciates all the work the Recycling and Solid Waste Board put into automated waste, but the residents didn t want it and Council sad thank you for your had work, but no thank you for your product Mayor Pro Tern Sample said from the comments she received people in the community thought this proposed ordinance was calastimphe driven and its clearly not She said it redevelopment and unified slreetsrape cloven and so she can't support if She said "catastrophe driven' was fed to the community, but the ordinance is not allowing for that. Counclmember Yehle said he disagrees. He said to do what people want is certainly a noble thing, but the problem is there is zoning in West U and under zoning everybody is suppose to be subject to the same miss. He and those buildings in the Town Center are not compliant and rf anybody wanted to do anything with those, or'rf they had to do something with those buildings, they would be asking to do something that nobody else in the City would be allowed to tlo. Councilmember Johnson said in 2011 when a study was done for Town Center, many people said no parking garage and no taller buildings. She said the Commitee and Council listened, because this proposal does not include a parking garage or taller buildings. Mayor Pro Two Sample and she regrets that she did not hear from anybody at the two Town Hall meetings or at the two Council public meetings regarding this matter. At this time a vote was made to fife motion by Counclmember YeMe and the second by Councilmember Johnson to approve me ordinance to adopt proposed amendments to the Zoning Regulations governing the Non Single - Family District areas in the perimeter and Town Center areas of the City on second and final reading. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Heathcott, Johnson, Yehle Noes: Sample Abseil: Fry 2. Public Comments This is an opportunity for cldzens to speak to Council relating to agenda and non-agenda items. Ads Drawee. 6112 Fordham, spoke to say that recently the law was changed to target disabled senior citizens. She said selected citizens are not allowed in park facilNeS due to the change in the law, which violates civil rights of freedom of speech, the right to assemble, the right to vote, and the right to equality in public places. She said the West University Community Senior Center is a place where public meetings are held, More voting occurs, and More religious activities are held She said when you ban any West University Place citizen you interfere with a citizen's freedom of speech and right to equality in public places. Janine Scrueppert, 4040 Riley Street, spoke regarding the proposed zoning amendments and that she has addressed the Zoning Board of Adlustinenl, the Town Center Ad Hoc Planning Committee, and has had this Issue on her trader for a long rime. She said she has also met with the 3 of City Council Minutes, March 9, 2015 Assistant City Manager and the City Planner and reviewed the numbers and confirmed that they are rred and so anyone who says they are immmed is not telling the troth She said there are dttf vent interpreUtions, but her numbers are facts. Ms. Schueppert said the main problem with the proposed zoning changes is that it changes the entire system for determining the amount of parking required from a system based on type of use to a flat low ratio. She said the proposed changes to the system are not based on any traffic impact analysis and is based on a false premise Nat all square footage is the same. She said West U currently has a zoning palling requirement based on use all throughout the City and said they are based on national standards and are used by communities amund this, marsh. She said msda ants need 10 spaces per 1,000 square feet and offices are 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet; but, this ordinance proposes to change that entire system to lust a random number of 2B spaces. Ms. Schueppert said Me proposed changes shift the parking requirement and allows some property owners to dramatically Increase their square footage. She said the proposed charges do not require any property owners with a parking deficit to do anything, so they probably won't. She sad the net result is likely to be a 29 percent increase in Me square footage compared to what exists right now and a 142 increase vemes what the allowable is in Me current code. She said those are fact. Ms. Schueppert said switching to new inadequate parking requirements would allow increased development and create headaches for residents, particularly the parent of West U Elementary, which is already a problem. Ms. Schueppert said the City needs to keep zoning exempt for the City and not let the developers write the rules. Spires Manages, 5932 Auden, spoke regarding the zoning amendments and said after the first reading of the ordinance and during the self imposed no comment pence, the MaWr, Mr. yehle and Ms. Spendable were sending out a -mails to counter his condoms about the City's zoning changes, which gives him hope since e-mails were being sent moral Me silent period He said somebody, not him, responded to the Mayor's e-mail and this person was expressing concerns about two issues: (1) Mayor's confer of interest with reference to his office space; and (2) conflid of interest for a member of the steering committee who has been working for one of the developers for about 10 years. Mr. Manages said several days went by and neither the Mayor nor Mr. Vehle responded. He said the person who wrot Me e-mail sent an additional e-mail asking why the previous questions had not been answered and again Me Mayor and Mr. yehle missed an opportunity to clarify the issues mired. He said what experience has taught us that public officials who do not address issues of conflict of interest do so because their reality of the conflict is worse than to perception of the unanswered questions. He said the Mayor is not present tonight and will not vote on the issue, so what this tells him is that Me Mayor has admMed to con0id of interest and noosed himself. However, he has not admitted it explicitly and he has not explained why he spent the last 4 Wars during both fends of his once pursuing something on which he has a conflict of interest. Regarding the claim of the coMlid of interest with Me Steering Committee, Mr. Manages said if (2) above is true, then it is very serious, because it proves that Me City did a very poorjob of screening the people It appointed on the committee. He said the Mayor, Mr. yehle and Me other members of the City Council who voted for the zoning changes are not bound by the vow of silence. He said he hopes that finally the citizens of West U will get an explanation about the above mentioned confiid of interests. Christina Propel, 4142 Obedin, spoke to regarding the zoning amendments and said aside from the issues brought up by a prevent speaker, pushing the parking behind the buildings would increase the likelihood of crime, because a lot of Me prime In West U centers amund pared! cars and vehicles out of view. She said her other common is in regard to the survey relating to the land swap. She said it is her understanding that Me City Manager and elected officials were discussing specifics about the survey with the people who crafted the survey before it was sent out and so she is going on good faith that it was a random survey. She said her biggest concern, though, is Mat 4 oft Cry Council Minorco, March 9, 2015 the paper survey and the survey online essentially gives the choice of "do you approve the land swap?" or "do you not oppose the land swapi She said the answer is either 'yes" or -yes' and it is ajoke. Darin Ackerman, 3908 Case Street, spoke regarding the zoning amendment and sad it seems like this is a case of "g it plot broke, don't Ox It ". He said he is concerned that the Mayor is not here, the Mayor pro tern is against the proposal and everyone else who wont m in oROe much longer voted for it. Mr. Ackerman said why address issues that don't need to be addressed, He said rf contingency comes up, he's sure people can get quickly assembled to take of the issue and make the necessary amendments at plat time. He also sad he takes exception to not being able to speak about it tonight and said it seems this kind of issue shouts probably go to referendum. He said this is a very important issue and me Town Center is a very Important part of the community. Brennan Reilly, 3 731 Rice Boulevard, spoke W say that he is disappointed about the vote on the zoning o dinari and commit Mink it was appropriate given the amount of public Input received migrating the desire to sea more parking in the Town Canter and have it be subject to the same miss that occurred In Me past. He said Janine Schueppert and others have developed a petition to repeal the Council's action and he suggested that residents sign me petition to prevent the ordinance from going into affect, d suffiaent signatures are received. He also encouraged the public to demand Mat the next City Council indicate their opinions on this issue before the vote and Mat those issues he taken into account when spring for the next City Council. He said he suspects Mat the first orders of business among many would be an attempt to reverse this action. Laura Torgerson, 3620 University BoulevaM, spoke regarding the mining amendment and said what a shame that Council would take a vote before hearing farm all the people who came to this meaning. She said West University is a small neighborhood and to just dismiss all public commentary is confusing to her. To second what Janine Schueppart talked about regarding parking, she saitl the City of Houston has very clear parking requirement and is very clear with types of establishments from a doctors once to a health spa to a retail store and restaurant. Ms. Torgerson said the lowest amount of parking spaces for Houston is 3 per 1,000 square feet, so she feels this Council has basically just came up with 2.6 spaces and tried to shove into the equation. She said Mat's not how it works. She said she lives next door to the travel agency and said she likes Me travel agency, but when May close she want a house there because it aHecis their property values. She said there are always people parking in front of their house blocking their driveway and throwing trash on their lawn, but We the trade off of living where they live. Ms. Tanglement said her issue is that wtren the exemption was up, Me property owner went to the Zoning and Planning Commission t request an extension and the City not only granted their request for a 101 exemption, but rather gave them a 151 exemption with no stipulation. She said all she asked was that whoever came in next, that Me property be com aced W a single- family house so that they would have control about who lives had to them. She also sad if Council Is going to go through all of this, it should at least do a parking study. Bruce Frankel, 6130 Annapolis Street, spoke to say he wanted everyone who spoke m think about this. He illustrated that hypothetically, you just bought a building on Edloe Street and opened a restaurant that eventually burned down, but meanwhile you have a mortgage payment of $20,000 a month and you can't rebuild because of current mining restrictions. You go to the City Planner and are told that you cant rebuild because the City needs to change the mining, which will probably Wks a year or over He said this is what this is all about, to have this already in place so Mat owners of the land can redevelop and shorten me lag time W rebuild Mr. Frankel said the City has been dealing with this issue for five years and said this Is as great as it's going t get. 5of] City Cement Minutes, March 9, W15 3. Consent Agenda All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be mutine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council ember requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. A. CRV Council Minutes Approve City Cannot Minutes of February 23, 2015, RecommeMetl Acrionr Approve Minutes. B. Bunker Gear Replacement Matters related to the purchase of Bunker Gear. Recommended Action : Approve the purchase of Bunker Gear. C. Inim rlocal Cogeneration Agreement Matters related to an Intedocal Cooperation Contract with Scansion Place for governmental functions Or services. Recommended Action: Approve hoomocal Cooperman Contract wHh Sausages Place Air governmental funcrlws or senroser D. Arbor Day Proclamation Mafters related W a proclamation proclaiming March 28, 2015 as Arbor Day. Recommended Action: Pandora March 28, 2015 as Arbir Day In the CIfy of West Universal Place. E. Lift Station Electrical Rehabilitation Matters rotated to awarding a contract with Hahn Equipment for the Lift Station Electrical Rehabilitation project, Recommended Action: Authorize the Cov Manager to execute a contact was Hahn Equipment iw parkamance of the Ld Station Electrical Rehabildagon pr jest in the amount of$232,Buy 00. Coura lmember Yehle requested removal of Item C for discussion. Fire Chief Taylor spoke to say that what staff hied to accomplish with the new formula medal is to ensure that Southside Place residents essentially pay me same as West U residents for EMS services. Counalmember Yana said he feels that was a good idea. He asked Assistant City Manager Peifer if the same logic was being tested in other areas where the CM provides services to Southside Place. Assistant City Manager Palter said yes, as evident by a study mnducted by graduate interns, which found that the City does recover all costs for services provided to Southside. Councilmember Yehle said he is in favor of this proposal and encouraged staff to stay on top of it in all areas. Counchmember Yehle moved to approve the intertocal Agreement with Southside Place. Councitmember Yehle seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Sample, Heathcoft, Johnson, Yele Noes: None Absent: Fry Councilmember Heathceft moved t0 approve Items A, B, D, and E of the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilmember Yehle seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. p. IN City Council Minutes, Mamh 0, 2015 Ayes: Sample, Heathcotl, Johnson, Yehle Noes: None Absent: Fry 4. Aciourn Renular Meetint With no former business to tliscuss ` em Sample atlloumed the Regular Meeting at 7:12 p m X45 J2 Pre ar B . "O' � � Thelma A. Lenz, City Secrete I[ %pa Bate Approved 7of7