HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1995 Amending the Fee ScheduleCity of West University Place Harris County, Texas ORDINANCE NO. 1995 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. The Fees 8 Charges Schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in Appendix A, which is attached and made a part of this ordinance. Section 2. This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date. New or changed water rates and charges shall apply to each billing period beginning on or after the Effective Date. For prior billing periods, the fees antl changes in effect immediately before the Effective Date ( "Prior Fees') shall govern. The Prior Fees are continued in effect for this purpose. Section 3. All eminences and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to fire extent of the conflict only. Section 6. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such were phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section S. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by taw at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council retifes, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section S. This Ordinance and shall take effect of January 1, 2015 ( "Effective Date "). =0740 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED on first reading on Seotember2g 2014. APPROVED and ADOPTED on second reading AND SIGNED an V ,2014. Signed:_ MT r Recommended: Reviewedz�2i / 1 City M pager ity Attamey Appendix A Fees 8 Charges Schedule F001 Adminislma0on F.002 Amami Service F.003 Animals F004 Building F005 Building and Standards Nuffroul F008 Electrical WOW F 00 Garbage Service RON health F.009 Hanson, Ventilation and Air Nardifaning F.010 Liquor Llwnses and Funds F 011 Municipal Count F012 Parab0lic Dish Antenna R013 Pads and Recession F 014 Public Remrtls and Documents F.015 Plumbing and Gas ROO Semally Named Businesses and Adult Arcades F017 Signs FOi [Reserved] F019 Thew F.020 Water add Server Service F021 Zoning and Planning Commission ROM Zonllg Gerald of Adjustment F 023 Public Safety Page 1 of 16 1 00 ADMmp9TRITION Motor veh,d, daal Gang,, $ 1 N Cnmmcnial'Mpaat wncpianml fire 5 1000 Fr ads mctmvcbide ,d $5 pi mole vehicle lhernftm Remmed chak(or ADD payment) fm $ 350 Also upplis rd paymenuremmee by appeared m g', is paymmrry9ema(ACH) AppMempaymwmofallkind,vg, a, permits, tea, chvgey ndliry rater ma eu olha paTOSes Limrelmm fce $ 25W ANciarmm romeoechmmd fa $ 100L0 MusawmaSeung Oesignmicn Processing Fm $ 500,00 AI[ohol Variance Request $ 25000 SFmld evmme fm Anutlmn Hsc Of 0"a'n[d Ghotacopl& $ 0.10 Puwpy Convensun, Go faro,- I=mountainous 295 %oforal deposits ami GECKMAr IC WFORIvATION SYSTEM Standard map -8l2 "x II "color $0]5 Snarare map -11 "s V. did, 31 -00 Standard map- 2a•a36 vale $ 15 DO Standaremspi "sales $ 1250 Standard map- 42^,51 ^color a 20M Cuawm map - hand m above+hardly labor media $ 20,00 Page 1 of 16 Page 2 of 16 F002 AmauL fNCF SFR\ ICF I he M11 emewl Payable for u¢b teller L"LdCh G tneawn of the w0laut For the sale pemided wd the ham, sed, w, hown belo% W"Rio, $ 4500 Oxygen Therapy 5 8500 BL$mwgrnry mmsowt $ 55000 AL4l e,,Omr It $ 650.00 AL42 ememenry hems $ 050.00 Weepga, ding Mil) $ 1000 Adult DFFblCOmbo PWe S IOAAO Lucas f CPR swelon CU $90,00 Gnogragmy ETCO2 Filter Line She E 1900 Gpelmemy LIL025men CSpfw IJz $ 2600 CATTwmi9uet E 4800 CPA? Admit gemming Chvmt $ 9800 Disposable Flanks $ 27.50 Oispoemlc oollm $ 51.70 Deep oeeble glovee(per) $ 200 Oiepmable pillow $ 900 EKG dwtmdee(ml) $ 3300 CL IO Nm90 $ 22800 OlocmomerBupplia $ 1800 Imraosems NeMlm S 4200 Immoti0o a,wlis $ 184,25 hod,own kit P 4950 King LTO -S Airway E 90.00 ; OB kit E 44.00 PMimicOefiNCont PUds $ 124.00 Pohmno Bumol Volume Set $ 2555 PNEUPAC VmhWor Cimuh S 6000 M 200N Rusch Quick Tmeb Nway $ 300.00 AWaminoplm $ 100 AdmOemd l Ademmme 6 mg $ 12800 Admocmd l Adenosine 12 mg $ 2W.00 All,eml /Pmrem 083% P 14.00 AWmu 81 mg S 100 AKOpine 1 MG $ 2400 Akorcnt $ 1400 Bmedry150 MG E 800 Gloms Chloride E 34 i C,m,,, 25 to 15 ml RR E RW Cyanokit E 220000 Cordaraw, is 45.00 Demme25 %25MG I $ 16 00 Page 2 of 16 Pngx 3 of 16 O,nose 50%25 MG $ 28 f0 Dopamine 400 MG $ 52M Epm,pbme la OM I MG $ 500 2pmepbAne l'. 10,0001 MG E 22M Fmmnyl 0.05 motor ml Caryujat E 10.50 bonbons, 5 Allow Neldol S IS.W Nmv -Gluwce S IOM boaamlol f I5.0 Lay" f 2]M bitlttvne 100 MG f 1600 Magnainm S,Ifate 5 MG f 7,50 NaloxmeMartm 2 mg $ 4600 Nn,,Ce mob 0.02 mg bbla f 1.30 Normal ¢il" 1000 cc IV f 41.34 Normal Salimry 50w, 3 1860 Nomal Aline lV l MCC 3 6100 Sodimn Branca $ 26.00 Sdu {otter $24.00 Solwnedtol 125 mg 5 28.16 Illumine 100 MG $ 4600 Versed']mg $ Boo Eoftan 8 mg Cables $ 4,00 RcQCPAP $ 57,00 Latyripal Mask Airway so $ 4800 Ma,,ml Ammivlion Device $ 500 CMId Moscow, SF02 $ 2700 Saline Look $ 500 CPAF Mask $ 1100 GovaClot $ 45M EnIl Mandant(Raospott) $ MM SAM been bnl $ 2700 King Vigien Dispogable Blades 8 2900 Ercfplo (I)Amb t¢ bJlcd to are, stolammelal mv, am dpomm,d b, i CCappl,,b],C d aogom with tbot (2)Th, Cry m cepta¢16nm t of Mmneaai MMba' dam or ob whcbm the o of p y'blc a dmm",d by the eOD ^PA'S ^m¢rtulmoni Sort, mowtahnllcofttml menbetlruge, at o,tabw m tsm o fa at difiocnw. F.M3 ANIMALS Original tegi9yea not Cap and c a $ 20M Eraptwn :$15foroaxrsevao65yeatsefage Mnoaldmgemusdogteproar n $ 25000 (faiam addilim no the allow segigmim fa¢) Frm sor two andimpawdowt be $ SO(a) $100ifmtimalli (i)net regiTttM m(ii)utlongpou¢ dog Sncmdviolabm and impoundment fe 9 7500 $150 S mimal is: o) not reglnrntl or (ii) a Cannot log Pngx 3 of 16 Page 4 of 16 Thud and an wcc,,,irecml,nm, me is mOm$2001fammatis'. G)nol registered or(Llaeangemua nog m ter men Uailr kennel re¢ 5 20.M e: All origiwl¢gr Ira in&e55hown, WJh the ea wane, afthe den gone,, dog foe, m ono f.. thin r th. animal for I, to Flea bl'LLDING Amual continuum, remstruian fee $ 7500 Pewit appeliutioo fee a 30.00 b addition a applicable plan Rating or permit me Plan adding me mills, to all plan Plan checking fce mile be paid each time plans art submined or re, mbmmmm" unlmeademand 50% of me submitted. Emanation: The building offload may reduce them epuimmly indicated; payable in mueryondingpmnil seminarian fee if the time squired to check the mmbmision is addition to Psamn fee) rec m etr'all ],sell man original Immumll; S25 W minimum Emanum plan review( $ 2500 Newcomb lion Pmmir fee gmgle 9OAO per gaud flat (moil rmd uinl New wretmpion peril fee (phe,) $ OAg rya drum, flat eemodeMx' Vp^r awl fce S 2000 fw$1,000 w lye Sri Immumcom ,ow my, 5935 per (Sold, or mad,mom EI WOio aansetmfionvilnatbumam kernowling and repair permit fee E side fm S1.0o0 m des will pre $335 pct INh¢ SIX) on u value Nvwtml Fence orwall petrdt ke S 0.95 per I nwPoOt S25 firm Omeway permit fee Is SOW I Nodules currency Camp permit fee Fue systems Plan chmamg fee'. SIM per set for airport monsoon, 950 fee retnbmudmm Into uedllMb pei fees) p=d rms mm SsO f' mdddecvm ayngn. Porepnnklu ayalcmitlie (« scd byeitbu$25 aorS50 Mguiahing sm,dpM- =dmmvrm (msldenGalJ or950 p1w 81 ]S pm M1eed (mm�tcaidmtiel). F'uesynem fees arc peyablelnaldlJwta elloW¢fees� (rmm, Sidewalkpamitfce E035 pu lm= hot For regulated facilities under Chapter 19. add 5150 forplamcM1aking Seat or emb permit fide S 2500 plus; liwim fees a,eena¢ Th pramb me for wmknffrcou eon roadways order Chapter 19 is SIM, plus NdemommAl aotrofpody espe^ss C'at may be incurred by he City in commotion with the work lnalWme; mplemnHren mmmigm,hme, or womg, nonagenarian] nimd. no. The building off dal shall windowsills del N the EmmfVpl,mim and shall cancer &IanY 110% of ire worried madroour The building Rfi,ml mayrequirea pwmiaa m mpplcmmuhe depositor he work pmcadx Whondowwkisf ishol, do milking official aball rttund any for Ofhe deposit thad csvads life Wutl permit far due in Connection with the wink. PWSFdow-implegpmmlr o, ngwpmm to wilm]to memiemames SIOOAOpa ' urcF022. Nonsaw -impact PWSF pemd6 require a metal em roml sec bell with no new electrical, amealion of All ohm PWSF(lowdmpact) writ S500.00 per ore Non- low -impea PWSF partiu mquima q,mal e,c,ptir ;me F.022. below Rg6emno far house mown fee $ 500,00 Rmdwai rec $ 40300 Page 4 of 16 Page 6 of 16 Movin6Paoitfre S .fCd.00 Oeeupan<ylnspeaion wirpingle barely S 50.00 nvdmtia Rcopanoy Wpeotian fz< {pba) $ iWDO 518' Watn WMWIah permit an moser installation, to upgrade or Ad to rexCeing g BW00 Short side 3una COmeturn. Upgrade onry Smices are an smmmm. remain to 3/4 men 8ervioe or lm. mPe Not mem nidellimm, to upgrade or Ad to f 1,200.00 Lin$Side Smi¢Carmarion. Nigation Only Services are mistimed an a ties mwwwc. to3 /41neh SaNCe or Ind. Waa comaiim Pemutw pow nrmitted to xrvim now f 2,9%00 Shan side Swim contended brlprm Onq btrvinmdo Niat remand be 3/4 Inch Soria or lw. Warercomeatooperm mmer wire installation or xry re f 3,3W6U Long Side Swim Condemnor Irrreduce Only Servlex me restricted to 3/4 inch banned or less. 3 /4 "Wmu ctomeMton perm boom Societe instal [at to", to uppade or Ad to S Loiterer Stan Side Sane Cmmatim, ir,sam mOily Swices we an doh strvcmre, excited m 3/4iochSeMro or law. m m 31W emblem Pe and mew tallmn oupgade or Ado S 1,4061q Long Sidc Satioe Ca Wt , NlWdon Only Sweep are manned m4ee Nie6 trimmed, 10 Vitamin Smite or lesu ata mPmn muser mtalleumm.wnaocu S 3,040L'0 Stott Said inh don Only Son iusare Service hesse ndW to 3/4 inch Swieaer law. 1, 34 V4 slow nn Pmoit en m n6 nona nuw ne palla m r a 3.45000 Land Service on. Irtigetion OnlYSmicee verewWC[ai yrtunme. to 314 inchSwice or has 314 inch or has wits add nuaoq to upgrade Ad a screwic to a 1, 200.00 Shon Sale snvmeh lnipdon Qrq swiaeeare an ing neem3 /9 inm sour or lea Smmm,, Marc mw ati o upgeecar add Nall to S 1,60o op Lm6 Smcc Cmna n. Ln6etion 0ely Senors me renictN an "citing rich IaLi umM1 San bers. rcen ne xcet Pem roam Swaim nellniontoawimocw 5 5090.00 Shonside Somme Cmmron'm mgeton reply Subbase an strunMa remcb to31ioh 6cvue or two. I" Wma crenttnm perm and motor nellation to service new $ 3,86500 Long Side Swim COmeNOn. Initiation Only Sanvm are nsommil to 3/4 Loch Swlm or Ion. OM1mt Sine 8mim Connection. bngaim Only StYVIar am 5 0 00 command to to 314 inch SerCm less. Services gima in aim them V "WUe on pound cord _ my..Pnd eamuliinOe poor re mand AaStNicture Nde of elemenhat<ml=mbaeaim Plumbm6COdem! by City. ThkmmalImmenter imaFl6 m aiatittg am <m<. and cooled by a Lici xmmpema,sgr'ee eta dale br. u<®aa mn¢ppimm etginmt. Long Si do Service Connexion. Imisatlon Only Services are 'oted to 3/4 inch Sectors or less. Servlms greater In size 5 235000 than i vermusethat certification baatl on minimum pipe zimoas I Ine Water wooden" moral and listed in the Plumbing Code mrrently Armed by the City. This xallaiao, to up®adem rectification must be prepare4 signed and sealed by a Licensed atldb ulnlntismOUm. Processional engine,. Page 6 of 16 Page 6 of 16 Short Sid, Some, : ... action . I mossion Only Services are restricted to 3/4 inch Service or less. Services greater in size $ 3,35000 than'I "mull Is that 11,iffillin on based on minimum pipe alze d map" WUter connection Summit the Code Currently Me LLi,m technical upgMem ed and.edby coemoln .y mutt be prepared Signed and sealetl byre Licensed mutt be d aJL loco eassting IDUGme. ingsy are. offca(nal Professional Engineer. Long Side Service Connection. trrtgatiin Only Serncesere restricted m3/4 inch Service orless. Services greater insize $ 3.96000 than 1" require that certification based on minimum pipe elosses 1.12" Watamm,thom permit and listed in Me Plumbing Code mrrenOy adopted by the City This mmula ion, to upgWe or mfiffimmm most be prepared, signed and seaed by a Wrensed add to wising dncing. Professional Engineer. Short Side Serving Connection. Important Only Services are a4i0ed no 314 inch Service or less Services greater i u size E 1,98001 part l' require that certification based on minimum pipe sizes 2' Water connection permit and mean as listed in the Plumbing Code currently adopted by the Ctty. This served install your, to Upped, or adtl certification must be prepared, signed and sealed by a Licensed to an misd rag structure. Professional Enginee, Long Side Servire Connection. Imlemon Only Servitea are restricted b 3/4 inch 5ervlm or less. Services greater in size S 1,350L0 than 1" require that commitment based on minimum pipe sizes 2'Watermnmaction permit and meter as lined in the Plumbing Code currently adopted by Me City This service stallation. to upgrade or add artifimtionmeet be prepared cloned and sealed by a Los naed radius Women, re. Professional Engine¢ Short Side Service Connecticut. treatment Only Services are [deiM no 3/4 inch Service or less. Services greater in size S 3,35000 than l "require thrt c erefimeor based on minimum pipe sizes 2" Water connection permit and meter as listed in the Plumbing Cotle currently atlopted by Me City This service installation to Service new ertificaeivn mu at be prepared, atoned and sealed by a Licensed A c urn Professional Engineer. Long Side Service Connector. Irrigation Only Services are maintained to 3/4 inch Sambre or pro. Survive greater in six $ 3960.00 iban I- man ire that comfication based on minimum pipe Sims 2 "Water connection permit as Mmo d in Me Plumbing Code currently adapted by Me City Phia service lnstalladon m service new certification con of be prepared. Stated and sealed by a Li rented Sammr,. Professional Document. Pee Steers plan ch,mng cast antl permitmrt only. The City Water connection permit for any provides no construction or matenals. Irradiation Only Services service greater Man 2- will romr, am to 3/ 4m ch Service or last Services greater In size restricted beat the owner or contractor acquire 3 475.00 than require Met cerofiaeon based on minimum pipe saes the services of a mmpanysnth a as listed in Me Plumbing Code currentlyadopmed by the City This Licensed Master Plumber remounted rertevitu n muse be pre pared, signed and Sealed by a Located wlththefany. Professional Engineer. Pm will be based on actual cost Plus $375.00, for most suburban Actual Care Plus this will involve a Concrete Cut in Me Roadway and total cost are $375.00 depettetl to be from $9,00000 to $12,000.00. The rein m fee me use an sting Samoa that is on Me property men a usable Sanitary Seat on per antl du In 6, fleet ROW, if the sewer was idiom installed or service stalLation far any service i lapprovedbythecry, Oemolidw Peril fm $ 250.01 Page 6 of 16 Page 7 of 16 Swimming pwl smut fu $ ISOCO Duplicate perms charge $ 25M Daplierpermitcardire $ 5010 Remawro work Range (Stating bemre Proof is issued) IOW Of inepuoitfw(addR$onup$1500) mamma Reformed" fee (following ro0im uupidegion) S 5000 Mue bo Rid oppose mmmm0om and ar my drug before my mdftwKOf oavpancyorelmilmapprohl is lssYM. Fasmaybe appmledKBggaMmaybcpdW,gh tMjudiwtowchan appeal. ReNryepion fee(mandamy, rerloamom following mtiN f vwlBM1mafbuildirrgor spring oNatmi,frildinappliprin mgolvices $1250) Ruth, Kid violmion item plus 325.00 for eaA mourmml Main be paid before any offer inspecums am xheIR, and in my event before my cyrolwK of mmm,,yor mwr gi,mlis issue. Fea may be eppmwJ m BSC, and may be paid without pmjWidogo.wchmeppeal. BSCmayteduceoraboethiafee(md my appeal fee), if no vloluicn accur� or for name mod pause how pupil modal fee 150% of do plural permit IN Isoa3 )IANDARD3 co L"'CoV u Appli ratio far $ 10000 F00G ELECTRICAL WORK Appllraom fee(Manm'IRR"'n lie $ 2000 Ami al license fee Murder doldruis) S 75.00 Applimaim fw(laouayman daMCim lice S 10.00 Earned No(]eumeymm dmGAm) 3 10 do Application fee (Amended elttin",m) 3 10.00 L'Imm fee(Apprmdw diamond) $ 5.00 APplbtlm fm(MnmfmmmeldNicfm hem s 10.00 udmN feegadounmt.nae dwrddm licesse $ 10,00 Pemrif apphml s, Les $ 3000 Tempomrvservva Lamar fm $ 3000 Mdse loop and ern¢ remark fee $ 4000 Omla 0, light fist... pmmif fee S 075 ApplOnmErir fm $ 3.00 Maw pmmit fee 3 500 Sem"'wo, ..aim prmit fee $ 1000 Elxmm rgo permit GU $ 1000 Stn Cnmgmg Display $ Logo Swimming PwI NFW ledismotowparms $ 5000 Rpmm mg Po spa Motors $ 500 Elmbic WNr Hdr $ 1000 Ttmmo my $ 2000 Page 7 of 16 Page 8 of 16 Electric Free Can $ so.o0 Emagay Raawx S 8503 (Accurate, 5 40M Cr/MRV% -Ray MachNa $ 5003 Sub -paad 5 25 03 MiNmum permit fa $ 25W Pmmalore writ chase(gBi bekma ewit is issu d 100% of the parent fee (WAtlanap S150LO mmhnum Recuperation fee a 5003 PG,ut rtourelf 50% of the onghal Peemit fee E IRIID BBAII I M[N r FIiF_S Stt "BAIL011 Fiiervt, A 00) GARBAGE SERVICE Mwtbly dtmOlioguoit deft%, $ 14,77 Baab fee fm b"Ll eavim wly Monthly dwelling ,it h,g,(CFina Cl Fwmpnon Amnfingt, me Hama Comes A taiml Diariep $ 12.57 Basic feat for basic attNm only Monthly dwelling unit charge(Claima Disabled! Exemption According to the Ha... County A m,,lBitier S 12.57 Banc fix. far bi orcice only Special pick- up of items at curbside not ona regular collection day forthore m Nn IOC $50.00 Orarnon cost ollabor antl erwpm SPeaial semen fee, in additive to basic fce. Special handling of items not bagged preprW Or placed As required fw basic e Fiempie_ Lravezandgav $5000 or arrual cost of labor and equipment Spectol aurri,, fee e in Al W Mai, fee and my doer applicable apeoal.x,Gm fie 4 F150A IHEALTH rmmit apphmdon fee $ 3000 IW food establishment permit fee A 120.00 mnpcmry tendembiilrut yucca fee rml $16N F009 HLAIINkt VENTILATION, AND AIR CONDRIONIM Annual contractor regiatrnimt fee $ 7500 NEW Residential HVAC System $ 2W 00 Brandt NEW (euchring Rena lHVAC Sterm $ 5000 Pvwd Replacement flooding and air wndibW ufec Rmidmdal $ 25.00 Per unit Belief InspeGlao(Anl $ 5000 Burnett New Boiler 1,000,000 BTU's or less $ 7500 RW1a,mtmr Conwaeial Bar blaodler $ 3000 Pm unit Eric Demper $ 1000 Pv snit F,,EJ,fc(RBWmdml) $ 2500 Pm'unit Hceting and,r,,,,dimi pewit fal cm vial $ 10000 For i 114QOW bNS ad $S per 100,WO a, rM1C ®(ter moi[appli ounfa L S 30.00 Page 8 of 16 Page 9 M 16 Land v dpwmitfe< $ 500 htinimum pmmitfee $ 25N Fromamrt wod ehmge(sanmg Selo" A it d is IVD arm, per mitfee Addtinreq$15000 mini mu ni RlInspecover fre E 5000 ecma trnewal fee 50%nnhcnd ®nWI= F010 LIQUOR LICENSES AND PERMITS All at... permit&e and leer¢ fees are rcgelated by the Star,. F011 MLNICDEAL COURT Cleww¢Iptcr $ 25.00 CSAAwm id iudI ,pynhae,c. E 2W Cau regulfltM of the Slate. nil rmtoprdwcdbd wuv costa apply F012 PARABOLIC DISH ANTENNAS fennh appliaatino Rc S 3000 Insnlla6an pamrt f¢ $ 5000 EDIJ PARKS AND RECREATION WUPRee.Ceom Avallablcm Rnid Only All WLR Rmidmrs]5 and oldetand WRT avdrnts wnh a DISA lty Exemption me a11I FREE modurnaup NO FEE All ROAD modem, age, 65 to 74 will a fen diien wAt walk in receive end m k ticem andy SPK Olaomnt Any msidmt tier 65 to 74 may mp,ut ww rm the membership DAmeyum all and AL wthu prinlege. Walk 1, Daily ln Adul118 and $ 500 Daly Walt -In Smime egcd 65 65 DI $ 500 ONy Walk In Adult Wmtaf Rwitleot t101dw E 1000 Walk to vnmh l] And $ 300 stof Pages Walx in voutn cnw[orReeiamt 17 Land vnn $ 6ao Inaivdual Auer a140 oDtn 519000 mmNdutlswive age 6sm]4 normal mMehip (x s 9900 MUmNy EFf 818O0m $2000 rvA,ihL IntlivitlaalSmior Monthly EPT aBS65 to ]4 S 90p macaadMmmly $25.00 m$27 00 Individual Seoiw Monthly age, 65 A, 74 $ 12.00 Cou kAnnuud 5240.00 to EIM9 o Blmtloi Age Conple Amual me parmn 5noO 5130.00 to 31J000 BadW Age Couple Atomal one pmmv ge 65 to ?4 E 19000 t0$ 190.00 Page 9 M 16 Page 10 of 1a Couple Monthly EET Ell.00m$25.W 31ended Age Couple Monthly EFT k matmv]5 or older EIIOO to 31228 BlmEed Age Couple Monthly EFT one plot no 65 to 74 $1700 to $18,03 GupleMm161 $30,00to$12W BE Age Couple MOmhly em moor 75 or older $15001,$16W Bleotlan Age ople MON61y t g}.,00 to#J.W Family Anoml 4$28.00 to $315 W Family MOnWyEFP E28, OO to $2928 -poorly Monthly S3500 to $40W Penney College Speed VAmr; Pme- Calentlar year hostilely he oll,p amdmo oh,mg home for ColetllYCu Term Onl $50,00 to $55 AD oc Iimmerareanons holiday stocks. Coloolvl Park Pool Available to Rochelle Only All WUP resldsds 65 and older and WUP reside¢ with a Dich thy NO FEE Exemption are allowed FREE mbemhio Daily Walk -in S3.00p$4.00 AIIAgs Daily Walk - in(Oaeu of Resident) M00 to $7,00 All Ages; Must beeccampaniM by a Were U great Sent Immoral option lily -WUPRC&CPP Come' eom party - All Relight HOnx them Poe, $150,00 to $16000 Repertoire promp nCmlm MembmGe Individual Season Pan S75,00 do 88pW 2014 Colonial Season Couples Seawn Pas $11000 to $120 2014 Colonial Season Family Sol Pasa $1]5001,$185 C0 2014 Colonial Season Near, Photo TO Paesyx plot vxdmively 1, pool volts Willi Nanny Pee S1a00 to$11W heir m IC WUPRC &CPP Combination Availably to Reside& Only Mentionable e Armond Membership to the him penalty Place Recreation Ceta and Criminal $23000 to S240 .W Park Pool peAwu Membership to me Wm Univemry PlaceRecreation Come, and Col,mml $}20,00 to $J}OW Pat Mmnteersup to the gold llolvershr Plecc Pension Coleco and Colonial $4 }a001o$ W ParkPwl Wooty Restated Open prior Pan S1500 to$20W InAnind optical miry - WIIPRC &CPP Campbell arly- RUemp,talen mCWCr Machinations Monthly Raitlmt HOUCGua[PVe ESOOO to 860.28 IoN°idualopsymonly-WUPRC&CPPCombmnonOnly- Reference Retirement Center sh mbashi a Sawoal Resident Houses Guest $150001,$160.00 Mpnbm elided he avmiety ofva ngioplaay or, cixvwtetl Memtas Only Bel of Colonial Falk im,ilcpa inOmmg but myliaied to Olmmg Waked Complimentary Celel atiml. Divink Movie Nights, Mom's San dry, Ice Cream Pool Memel ip Socials, prion ryregieraten or W pool closed mmt, and MYA mwmmt an 11 hand tme Page 10 of 1a f29e 11 ale FhrNMcball&True, Available re Residents Only c macs Court Ross onFew 3 iW IS HOUr Resrr n- Af1WHPTen.. COw Tennis COUR "Pmfered MCmbcrship" $ 200.00 Annual Few Tennis COm "Prcfined Moratorium" $ 120 o0 Annual Fec/ with VNPRC Membership Only Amnl For with WUPRC Mentand ip Tennis Cow, 'formed Membership " - g 10,00 Month ly Too /with W PRC MUnw ip truly Monthly Fm wits, WUPRC Membershi Rmmh Amiable to NOS Rasidmts Nly wIN a Real Mmtm, Roopy IXCFRTION: Colurd Park Pool Rentals am dea lablem Residua Lad w Oriental Fm At ALL mull, what food and owerages are ferve4 Yt ... I g 45,00 Flat Fee wnitrr nitre s«,.rhv ooR.ed. ryritta 6r ALL $ zao.ao enmla Cummn mty Budding f Sudden r Owner Mirror Resiafnt $ 25.00 Flat Fm Kitchm(NOcoolant W resident $ 3500 FmFae Larne ROOm: AUdilorium mI $enim $ SOW Hourly for cdu room arge udito antl Sm Contingent Room fol Reaitlmt of S 7500 Hourly for either room resident wren...) Much Room: Activity Roam A and AairSty Room B(Powder) $ 35L0 Hourly for either room Small Room: Not ... t Room A and $ 45,00 Hourly for either tam sc tHouse soont]lonww Rtclaam S a0m Hartshorn, Scout House Lam Resitle.rwmm woomor) E 60,00 xonarRM= Colo.ial Park Pool &Park Post RenWa i..Pool &Multi Ram Rmal pool Tu of parry, 5 40000 pa hone with a two hour mimmumrm u wood. Maxnum number ,,If dilcted in eetivei and of goods allowed ie250. d1w tirfcmdin'Ym.Resndon iaentifietl der dtuou. Retltlea Only (filarial Park Pavifon poste nt) $ 5000 Hpmly C.IOnial Park Puddler Non - resident wi g 7500 Hourly renumt Sunday) "Im edral Two At ALL mach, whac food and antitrust mc.wvel janitorial $ 4500 Flat Fx n will be mquirN. Pool Uss: last or the MWti -P,Nm Rom, and general pool perhwr wilh etwo hommioimummWpetiM . Maximum mm�bm admi miday offered m"seazmi• $ 200.00 of names e11owW is 60. dofingnomW OraatinKhoms MsMeoe Only to' uTOss $60.00 Hourly wild a voodoo, mmomn mrd Rural Additional RmteI: WVO1v..; pal see 0.n. ideot g 60.00.Imt,,u Cker fm will be chmKN if food and bevetagaare served. f29e 11 ale Page 12 of 16 Wmmiumlet mom aamiva rx of me "Cody Dank and yrno-al pool "Mission, only disposed U $ 17500 Per hourwilh atwo hour minimum rental pxiod Maeimum number n "% during normal operating hours of grad apow" is 60. Realdmr OOly Appea lx A Amended Secdon1010, Code of Did mount - Cmsumption m public places. Cary Council has ande nAd the issuance of permits for me limited salq consumption and Alum Pen distribution of alcohol ic beverages with in public platen, speoinolly at the Colonial Park PoOk Colonial Park two I'm, CCmmunity 9111A1suallorComm and the West University Place posted loo Adm,mumim Fa $ 25.00 Per FVent Secutiry Dumont Fm $ 30000 Per Event LmivaionalEmbangen The Pula& Recreation Director maywa eallorput ofto, Pub& Respect... p.. included] by this sudden, subjtt to the Dilemma regular.... (1)noapPhmr mbnm .odi public An profit, wuh Gdlida totaled M1unhe City, (2) The pubm, ofthc fee, a,,,d may art exmvtl the value effushos made available by NO institution m the Cry for public van (a ii, for mmlirgq eloctm, m,Xucy,pt etd),(3) Use msimom amount of fees Ot maybe wahy is day per on per from (4) Pours and sari to a, mutation under his avbea red orrueldbydreirmmnaq burns, ry]c most quality 6rthcg CPas0,parl in question. and the Wv .mbermttfim FM PLUMBING AND GAS Aimed mmWO, mymuin, (cc No Crops per SB IAU Permit applimiw f, $ 3000 Icumbm Fixime or Gas wtlq permit $ 700 Applies in such Insure I'd owlet ke decamped $ 1000 R®idennal YEW Houm Plumbing& $ 25000 M"iwl GaWacuum System $ 7500 Godst 5 0500 GA Lam, ... &TVl $ 2500 Annual Go, Tut $ 5000 Gm.¢ nap permit far $ 50.00 hotel Sum permit fee $ 25.00 Service 1, me permit Des $ 10.00 Minimum permit per $ 2500 Pmmrm, work sharp(Stmnog Mfia a IW%ofthe pemtit fires (Ad ltaonal)$150,00 minlmam permit is ssua) Portugal Ge $ 50.00 Permit mncel fee Surds offlomiganal Permit fee Warn Hum, Rrp lacmnml S on No, Eta 6016 SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES ANDADULTARCAD6 SexuallYarimced business applianrn S 350." fa Rau` Seerallyuraou dbmaoemmplimticn $ 10000 fx Renewal Sexually, oriented business transfer fa $ 300" Page 12 of 16 Page 13 of 1B Adult nnedcappl'wallon fa $ 95-00 Adultamade ea IIL cwL Re E 60.W Arno ,,dt 2rvfu or amendment D, $ 1500 1017 SIGNS Banal Onwint Pnmil fm aha da12 ads, mH permanent $1000 +$.50 /SPOT fee No, Far Penult atom,,tion r 3 30.00 bew Sign Pttmit Saba for me Pon) FeiSip Names be $ 5.00 Sip permit fm $ 125 per sprat, foot of sign face Mltwnum permit fee $ 2500 Remslum work raiseds(snw:g befone ivsu $150 00 + Regular sip emit[ fm Rein eadon me $ 5000 F.018 ROD) sip West permit fee (Payable per sign.pmtene rlpnmit'tmnrsrne ywfrrtempoury signs, 24 months for of Miami Reserved TREES - URBAN FOREST PRESERVATION EIOOOphu$0.50pn w. R. of barley area ^Diaplayam" and "Sgn "aze defined in CTapw'h promptness: Pxs der not apply to signs covered by sgmntive different It SIPS for mnfonnwg uem allowdmrendmtion donias. post permit fee E 50.00 Evzt IDVe is no fee for dead. dyim&diwaN, M1VSdrus or Cless4o-ar, treatment mlwmn rce E SO.W No"rearries, such as Pon", Imigat ry»ems, am Survey and disporhon review fee( jm redemption) E 250DD Noland ,, dmmudem oriented tesidwul commercial, owls, more orders, do. Son and vica fee (minor s 150.001rwndm demoM a. roods, olio and tomorrow, F020 IM ATER AND SBWLR Sm VICF N'ew 5 50.00 Each li esabliaM1rd Dominant mbefff¢ 3 50.00 AM hours deli modest quwtrzonn $ 6000 Rorua'adrise after 4 p, . in bear 8 a.m. D,pwit is 18000 MS"imrm Raven cheak(or ACH) nharge Is 3500 (em "Admiuiantirn') Passage, Chmgm: Thrmnddargepd month torch s Pre h edcrvm Of theapplemble bas nMlychuges lfrbMw nod sever), for st era.p1mm, mergeforpil,m(fm birth warmand owed d,md J through cwhmae4 an,alertarm aromamymrcoshmum eenmmg to Oe so Wales set out below. Nam: (1) "Resedertial only premix¢ "m &n N Perms: bar ate used mly for essential pmpO (2) "W ate -only ode w'refers to mare, the save only imposed system and othe fixwrm fmm whi,h those is no room now into the ,unary, sewer made "ogatmar rdams to all other Meader:. Bare notably charge: Mere rvmg read,,mo,S2ypre Page 13 of 1B Page 14 of 16 iB'm314'meu $ 1069 I "mdu $ 23,99 1- 16'mder $ 45.53 Mens,",g,w ocher pnomoses 5R or3 /4 "maer $ 3134 1 ^mdu s 44.14 1 -112. meff 3 6531 2 mdu $ 19998 Ymdu % 534,33 Gallmage chary, (per 1,000 galbn s): Regalarmean. most 3.000 pil..(01,3,000) 3 433 Neat 6,000 gallons (3,001 m 9,OW) $ 5.13 Nat 6.000 ga1law(9,00I m 150W) $ 6.10 Eeah 1,000 gallons thereaflw(wer 15,000) $ 929 wmeomrme First 7.500 gallons $ 5,67 Pad 1,000 gllona thueafle(OW, ],500) $ 939 Server Rwos Rau moodily Gorges: Mmm Swing rsiEmtial -only 0lemiss 5 544 Moors saw� my 'matt premius $ 2157 OaOmuge charges (pv 1.000 gell.e) Rabeneabalo premises - 296 My'ber oven „e - Pao Page 14 of 16 F021 TONING &PLblopi COMMISSION Plan and halos, Thefts is the Civis acual cost of plat review, plusmcidmum. The review is done by plamerraaineabythe Citymbsy Cir"af. Indonesia include legal indexes, surveys, tide mdlegal work recvnh, sigmtrne tepax; taording, copies, co, a maybe requitedand not forward by the applieant. DEPOSir, he dePorit amount (doe wit, the poi pinery application) is estimated by the Coy naf, f bus ere miwmmo dvlmL is 5500 base fee for 9200.00) base fee for amending plats anlyx plus $Ilan each lot and msetve shown on the plat of teplab plus 900 for those raluiting ,newspaper legal mace, plus $1WON for each sepamm legal instmmmt m nd lMissouri em). ADDUPONALDEPOSIT. An additional supper of$IN 00($Wtq Car mnmtmmay poan)os due such time Ne plat is recommittal fare ohwlmo S500 ploy oats -ofp iusers fm dialing and coat ew by plamw, sentiment, aromry and othv whmL Adeposit is terminal by the Live aroma, and may bemarnadi a a main Res mng requesW by applicant for that prrcaQa To, mpaalt same bem and to easier, me ,umaln fallow al pope class:(1) pasmn's Tribal Nona Hfore the swung of C, Cinsciois, to wonder a ordinance upon, (2) mace ew hearing ,,, as not of and (3) waste the mamma at which the Commi worst considers In final �Drt F022 ZONRGBOARBOFAWUYIMLNI S250.W. tsoapllon: $50000 plus oarof conce miew erns for Tpemkom,Bmg mane by Appeal of began ollLUl decision Henna. enpinea, albmryordM1a consulmnt Atlepoeit is enimatetl by thL City plamo-and nANpA1d w1O Ne appFimmti The Wlvort rs Potable MOrtlk M1eatrvtp madditianm All mM fa items, the Tplivmt mmr My the actual user of nwtiar; see below. 5250.N per exception per proposed building site affected Except ..;5500O] pace munof- pecka across excess ts operations regaL rrnew by plan mginm may err rather Special exception nwltbanc Adeposit ise n0vedbY the Live plmmam0d mmuvet be fatd with @eepplicalion. TIM&Rmsto Poyad,befinetheM1®in& Im ed6don toatl Mcrfee itnn; the applicmt on pet the MUal conofmolircs; gcc WOw. WON per varmm per Moposo] building site affa'tN. Exception :55O$.00pmzammf- pocket review costs for v con Meaning miew by flown mgmuffn women or caber m Vvlmtt consultant AdTo,tls matMby Neviryplmmera m,,tbe Poidwlth ACapplicmion. lbe lull mniz Potable beforcthe M1emmg. In addition to all other fee titans. the applicant mm pay the awmal coal Of noacR we below. $25Opaa N. rv: plus mknrewew user (tit ...Item mace on, ag ,smar p1m, canonical, Adepmias apoon,equitingrewew mothation, Othttapplicnwm must ea modb ear andmgmgi paid within a the application, IDeayamwould earingtyplamaand other fee items warn he[ In addition to ell otoa fcelt ems, No applicant ores paY the acmal con O! ,he beiow. sa below he aaahlmn w all Other is mm" h, men PoY 0, a'Naacomi ounf- pocket ern of Increased... maremtaingdmiaimna in thetealproparyreamds. AdcLsxatmfs15OMx Cora of across due at the ime of application. Any excess now must be Mid Won the owning of rb aw if extension, Page 15 N 16 paw 16 of 16 Refwtls sa fees or coal are reNndat eunlast (p the uppil prem Is, (it) the 7" revs... ar moNfiain administrative interyrtWieo or still dcbiwc wd(iii) the MA Mennues that rePoM(fol Mpom,n),mOd unsold aqua to uMa Manuel ad lucamomIll of 0c F021 PFRLIC SAFETY Alarm homes Application Fee $ 3300 Awual I, rat wcsrsl u, $ 15.00 Burglary False Alan, Fees E 50,0) Pa aeurteme an the thth and 5th Not alum in a 12 month pass Burglary False Atom Fe¢ d 95W Per omnnatce on due 60, and 7th hlm alarmin a 12 month Paul Burglary False Asian Faux $ 10l For Mwnel an the gth or all fats III in a 11 month refund. Fire or Merl Fate Alarm Fee' $ 17500 Pv« corm.... the OM1 IT mme falxalarm, an a 12 month Copies ofamidmt"on, or accident inform $600 or the rowel rest of 6, prryaral of 6, coq, whichaver is 4a; plus $2 per sandy fE o r n! if , e asel. M four no uch report MOM"i .n na e 60 CPWAPA Certibai «Clan $ YO&0 UitectLUrk Manta Alarm Fee 1 E 35.00 paw 16 of 16