HomeMy WebLinkAbout022315 CC MinThe City of West University Place
A Neighborhood City
Bob Fry, Mayor Midoel is, City Mamga
Sukr: Sample,MayorPm Tem Alen Pewq Ciry Attorney
Ed HemMotr Ceu ilmemL Thelma Lew, Gry Seueury
Jo" u1xvwl COUmOmember
Dick YeMq Cwtivilmemlw'
The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in a Special MeetingiWorkshop and
regular meeting on Monday, February 23, 3015, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University, West
University Place, Texas beginning at 5:15 p.m.
El Consejo Municipal do Is Ciudad de West University Place, Texas, se munieron an una Reunion I
Taller Especial y Seaton ordinate el Lunes, 23 de febrero 2015, an el Edifido Municipal, 3800
Universidad, West University Place, Texas comenzando a las 5:15 pm
SPECIAL MEETING (held in the Conference Room at 5:15 p.m.)
Agenda Items were as follows:
Call to Order. Mayor Fry called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. in the Conference Room. Council
and Staff in attendance were: Mayor Pro Tam Sample, Councilmembers, Heathcoff, Johnson and
Yehle, City Manager Ross, City Secretary Lenz, Police Chief Walker, Parks and Recreation Director
C'Connor, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director While, and City Attorney Petrov.
1. Real Estate
Matters named to the value or transfer of real property and other real estate matters with the West
University Baptist Church. Reoommerdik Anion: Discus and rake any desired action.
At 5:15 p.m., Mayor Fry recessed the Special MeetingNleaddhop and convened into Executive
Session in acceptance with Chapter 551, Sections 551.071 and 551.072, of the Texas Government
Attending Me Executive Session were Mayor Fry, Mayor Pro Tam Sample (moved! at 523 p.m.),
Councilmembers Heathcott, Yehle and Johnson, City Manager Ross, City Attorney Petrov, and City
Secretary Lenz.
At 5:49 p.m., Mayor Fry closed the Executive Session and reconvened the Special
MeetntpWorkshop. No action taken.
2. Parks Master Planning
Matters related to the City's Parks Master Plan. RecomrnerAed Anion: Discuss and take any desired
City Council Minutes, February 23, 2015
Parks and Recreation Director O'Connor presented this item and said in preparation for 2015
Master Plan, the Task Force Committee, the consultant and staff reviewed the 2000 Master Plan,
performed a comprehensive citizen survey (September — December 2014), gave a public
presentation of the surrey results, conducted two Town Hall meetings for citizen input and
completed the first craft of the Master Plan for Council review tonight.
Mr. O'Connor introduced Consultant Jim Patterson, White Oak Studio, and the Master Planning
Task Force Committee members that were present. Melissa Pifko, Phyllis Cohen, Mark Prescott,
Kevin Boyle, Susie Boyce, Susan Reeves, Pieter Vranckan, and John Old.
The floor was then given M Mr. Patterson.
Mr. Patterson spoke and as requested by Mayor Fry began with the basic difference between the
2000 Master Plan and this one. Mc Patterson said Me 2000 Master Plan was much more detailed
with specific recommendations, whereas this Master Plan sets parameters to lateral basic issues
and processes to be followed rather than menfify specific improvements to specific packs.
Task Force member Melissa Piiko spoke to my that the Task Force did not want M lock this Master
Plan into something that might not be relevant 10 or 12 years from now, so they made it more about
the process.
Task Force member Phyllis Cohen Spoke to say that everything seemed! with the survey and said it
was very Important M the Task Force to rely on and honor the data resulting from the survey. She
said the survey was carefully constructed by the consultant and there was an unbelievable
response Tote and that the data is very reliable.
Counalmember Yens said one of the things the City has been struggling with over Me last several
years is acquiring mom parkland He said Mat conceptually there Is a demand /need for more
parkland and the City has been thwarted time again by diRCUldes in keeping the focus on what the
City is doing, where it's doing ft, how it's doing it, and how to get the community involved. He said
the survey for all its positive value was very ambiguous to him on Me public's demand for parkland
and Minks it (Me survey) was not helpful regarding how to payfor it.
Councilmember Yehle said Me challenge he sees in the Committee's recommendations is that he is
not sure all the applicable points have been made in the acquisition recommendation, bemuse in
the draft Master Plan it states 'no tax rate increase'. He said any acquisition is not going to be free
and relying upon donations and corporate funding for the full amount is a pipe dream.
Councilmember Yehle said also missing from to repod is the size of a prospective park. He said
right now the "has taken a position that it does not want to add another pocket park, so he
would like the plan to include something giving guidance and parameters on park size.
Ms. Cohen said she thought Mere was more flexibility in people's minds as to size because the City
is limited to some extent. She said me Task Force probably didn't coal the size issue bemuse
it was not an issue arising from Me survey results.
Task Force member Kevin Boyle sand the Parks Boats has had some general discussions
regarding the issue Mat could add value to this Master Plan because some of the issues have been
flushed out in Parks Board! meetings.
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City Coun it Minutes, February 23, 2015
Councilmember Vehle said he understands what Mr. Boyle is saying, but he thinks something could
be stated in this report because whoever is going to use this should be given some parameters.
Task Force member Prescott said the one thing me Task Farce does have consensus on is that the
survey seems to indicate that if there were to be additional land it would be unstructured, free play
open space .
Ms. Cohen said the intent of the Task Force was to involve the community to determine what the
City needs, what would be done, where, what it would be like, how big it would be, and what it
would cost. She said this process implies and requires that this be done. She said she doesn't
have a problem with tryng to see if there is a way to Incoryorete the Parks Board determinations in
a way that honors what the Task Force has already done.
Ms. Pilko said the Task Force didn't define what a Park is. She said that would be defined at the
time of development through the stakeholder conversation, because it could be that 15,000
minimum square feet is not needed for a certain park, at a certain location, for a certain purpose.
Councilmember Vehm said he is just reflecting on previous Parks Board attempts to identify land for
acquisition and do something with it.
Ms. Cohen said previous Boards didn't have a process in place as is being recommended now,
which is a process of determining what people want, what people are willing N support, and what
they are willing to pay for She said fire size of the park, where it is and what it will be used for will
also be determined through the process.
Mr. Boyle said the Master Plan is communist and that some of it may depend on what properties are
available and where.
Task Force member Prescott echoed what everyone has said and said the desire of the Task Force
is to create options for ttre future, so the Task Force may have subconsciously shied away from
words like 'parameters in order to allow people to make those types of decisions for themselves.
Councilmember Verde said he was just trying to find away to move the ball and was offering these
suggestions to the Task Force for them W think about to decide if the acquisition sai Gaud be
Mr. Patterson said he believes there are some broad guidelines that could be added in the direction
that Councilmember Vehle was talking about. For instance, the question could be asked 'what's
the smallest piece of land the City would accept as a parkT Or, 'What is the largest place of land
Me City would ever want to acquire and the timing to acquire k?"
Task Force member Vrencken said demographics are important, too. He said in twenty years it is
not known tl the City will have an older or younger population.
Ms. Cohen said the report has a number of significant recommendations, so she believes it is a
pretty good balance of finding out what the community wants and overlaying on that a process for
the future in gelling people what they want as needs charge.
In response to Mayer Fry's question as to whether she thinks this (the PMP) is something the Parks
Board could use to guide it in the future, Ms. Filled said absolutely. She said in the past four years
she has been on the Palls Board, it has spent money from the Friends of West U Parks (Friends)
City Coundl Minutes, February 23, 2015
to improve the parks, but there really haven't been any parameters in the decision- making process
like what is being recommended She said she thinks if will help the Parks Board to be vary good
stewards of the Friends donations to have something like this in place.
Mr. Pressed, who is chairman of the Friends of West U Parks Fund, said he agrees that any type of
guidance would be incredibly helpful to help Friends explore a lot of potential avenues.
Mr. Patterson said it is the intent of the Task Force to meet again to debrief from this meefing and
make any revisions that would seem necessary and come back before Council to ask consideration
of adoption at the March 23, 2015 City Council meeting.
Parks and Recreation Director O'Connor said the Preliminary Master Plan will be posted on Oe
webstte after this meeting so residents can view it. He said the Task Farce will meet this Thursday
and if significant revisions are needed, it would take it back to the Parks Board; otherwise, the plan
is to bring the recommendations before Council for adoption on March 21
WiN time remaining, Mayor Fry asked audience members R it they had any questions regarding this
Resident Alias Drama spoke to say citizens are crying for open green space, yet someone decided
to put a cheap gazebo in the stop of land across lrom the Community Building.
Another resident (unknown) spoke W say that because of the size needs of certain park specifics,
one could not assume that a property would be found in a location to satisfy the needs of immediate
neighbors. He said taking into consideration the survey results. the City should not short change the
residents on the requirements of the immediate neighbors.
Ms. Pilko said the process will address this issue. She said one stakeholder is the residents around
the park, but that those are not the only stakeholders in the process.
Resident David Dutch thanked the Task Force and the Parks Board Commission for their
Resident Ramsay Elder spoke to say Me items on the 2000 Master Plan for the west side was
completely done and gold plated and nothing was done on the east side. He said some priority has
to be given to that feet and it doesn't seem to bother anybody. He said the point that was made
since the 2000 Master Plan is that people use parks that are near their homes.
Ms. Cohen said the Task Force talked about that at great length. She said according to the survey
responses, 83 percent of the residents feel that they can easily walk he a park. She said, however,
the Task Force did have a recommendation about acquiring parkland on the east side if it makes
sense and if it can be done in a cohesive and positive way.
Councilmember Johnson said it is all based on where land is available. She said staff has looked at
thus and talked to people about sites in the last 10 "am and hasn't worked, but that is not to say it
won't work in the next 10 or 20 years. She said the City hasn't found a workable site on that side
(east side) of town where the owner is wining to sell the land to the City.
Mr. Elder said there was a possible site, but me City traded the property in order W add 40 more
parking spaces at the Rec Center. He said there just seems to be too much determination and will
to acquire land on the west side even when there isn't a purpose.
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City Council Minutes, February 23, 2015
3. Adicurn
With no further questions or comments, Mayor Fry adjourned the Special Meeting/Workshop at 6:25
REGULAR MEETING (6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers)
REUNION ORDINARIA (6:30 pm an Is Camara del Corrosion
Agenda items were as follows:
Call to Order. Mayor Fry called the meefng to order at 6:33 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Council
and Staff in attendance were: Mayor Pro Two Sample, Councilmembere Heathcotl Johnson and YeM1ls,
City Manager Ross, Assistant City ManagerlPUblic Works Director Paper, City Secretary Lenz, Ciry
Attorney Petrov, City Planner Scarcella, Building Official Chew and Police Chief Walker.
Councilmember Heathcott led the Pledge of Allegiance .
Secretary Lenz confirmed that the Notice of the workshop and regular meetings was duly posted in
accordance with the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
4, Public COmmems
This was an opportunity for cdizens to speak to Council relating to agenda and nor agenda items
Before hearing the first public comments, Mayor Fry reminded everyone that the Public Hearing on
the Commercial Zone rewnte was left open at the last meeting so if anyone wanted to address that
issue he/she could d0 so.
Aida Drewes, 6112 Fordham, spoke to say that some seniors are on fixed incomes, on food
stamps. Medicare, and /or social security so May should not be burdened who paying for staff
lunches during senior trips. Ms. Drawee said smoking should not be allowed on City property,
especially around the Senior Building. She said seniors have breathing issues and should not be
exposed to smoke. She also said the Council agenda should have an item for acquiring a property
for a park on the east side, She said she knows of a property by her house whereby the owner is at
'head attack' age and could fall over dead. so why not prepare to get Mat property by having the
money sat aside for when that happens. She said there are way too many parks on the west side
so the City should not be even looking at park land forthaf side of Oe City.
Chuck Marshall, 4142 Riley, spoke to encourage the citizens who received the questionnaire on
the land swap to oppose both options. He said an independent view of the proposal can be found
in the Council mesfng Minutes of Febmary 9. 2015. He said he also wanted to recommend that
citizens attend the Zoning Bound of Adjustment (ZBA) hearing on Thursday, February 26, 2015, in
which the land swap request for variances are being proposed. He said in reading the City
Ordinances, it states that the ZBA may not issue or modify a variance unless all the following
circumstances are present: The ZSA has made all the findings and determinations required by
State law for granfing of variance. A special condition or hardship that is se0 created, personal or
based only on financial reasons is not sufficient to support the issuance of a variance. The other
one is that the ZBA may not issue or modify a special exception unless all of the following
circumstances are present The ZBA had determined that the proposed special exception will not
cause any significant increase in on- street parking, will not cause any substantial traffic congesfon,
and will not cause any substantial increase in traffic.
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City Council Minutes, February 23, 2015
Johnathan Nick, 3784 Tingley, spoke about an issue with here on Auden at University and all the
way tlown M Bissonnet. He said he walks his ]- year -old fo school every day and once a "sit May
almost get hit by a car failing to obey a stop sign. He said he talked with the Police Department on
four occasions and was Mid they would urn a sting operation, but the only time they do anything is
when he calls. He said the City is not going to change the traffic, so Me least it can do is implement
safety mechanisms to curtail the issues. He suggested bumping up patml in Mat area.
Mayor Fry asked City Manager Ross to look into Me issue and report back on it.
Councilmember Yehle said in addition to looking at the traffic flow, staff should consider if the stop
sign is sufficiently visible, because sometimes Mat is an issue.
David Kuykandall, 3912 Milton, spoke to say that he is disappointetl in the way the City has
conducted itself during the entire Super Block I land swap process. He said More is no new W
review the whole process now, but wanted to highlight what seems to be Me latest in Me series of
questionable moves. He said here are the things the City has ignored in its public communications:
costs associated with acquiring land in the Super Block; traffic, parking and parking considerations
associated with expansion of Church facilities; lost opportunity costs by moving the Maintenance
center W Dincons where the land is rapidly appreciating in value; no mention that the land on
Amherst that the City would acquire thmugh land swaps with Me church will be turned into parking
lots paid for by the church; no mention that the church wants to build a 7,500-squame foot building
on Amherst in addition to the Youth Center on Milton; some of Me antl needed for construction of
the Amherst bolding currently belongs to Me City and would be acquired through the land swap;
miected information was excluded from the introduction to the City survey of residents regarding
the land swaps and Super Block. Mr. Kuykendall said some of the fads just mentioned certainly
are relevant for the creation of informed opinions. He sad he is very disappointed and said Council
has been asked for greater transparency throughout the process, instead transparency is vanishing
from already low levels and all he asks is that Council becomes open and honest with Ma residents,
and allow them to form opinions based on a balanced presentation of facts.
Michelle Moore, 3908 Rice, spoke about the Super Block. She fret commended Council for
demonstrating a constructive response to the initial complaints about the Super Block with Town
Hall meetings, commissioning a survey, and pursuing further legal options with Mr. Denton. She
sad, however, she is opposed to having a Youth Center or any other non - residential structure
replace the Maintenance Facility near her home. She said she is not opposed W a Youth Facility or
to West U Baptist Church, she said she just doesn't want it in her residential neighborhood. Ms.
Moore said she has lived 230 feel from the Public Works Maintenance Facility for 20 years and has
no objection to it remaining there, especially if it serves her money. She said she believes there
needs to be a discussion on the best use of land owned by Me City before considering the land
swap. For example, what is the total assessed value of the Dinars ptoperty.+ Is it possible for the
sale of that land to a condo developer would help to fund the rebuild of the existing Public Works
Maintenance Facility right where it Is or at least mitigate the need for bonds? Ms. Were said she
has not seen evidence Mat Council has considered this option. She sad in addition to the financial
reasons, she knows that Me parking will be a problem with Me Youth Fadlitg whether We at Milton
or on Amherst Shia said Me number of paging spots required by Code is inadequate to address
the capacity of 240 people in an already crowded City center. Ms. Moore said she is not clear on
what legal options resulted from the consMation with Mr. Denton and said she has searched on the
City's websile, but hasn't found any documents in this report. She said in Me brochure it slates
that the Church requires an exception to its current audwtlzation in older to build on the Amherst
property, so she would like to know if the City could refuse this exception. She said in the brochure,
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Ctly Councll Mlnu es February 23: 2015
it also states that the youth Center would have to comply with the same general regulations as
single - family housing and be built to residential scale. She said any structure that can
accommodate 240 people and ffse associated cars is not residential in scale. Ms. Moore said she is
not in favor of the land swap or for the approval of a construction exception for West U Baptist
Church and asked Council to please keep her neighborhood resitlential.
5. Non-Single Family District Zeman Regulations
Matters related to the first reading of an ordinance to adopt proposed amendments to the Zoning
Regulations governing the Non Single Family District areas in the perimeter and Town Center areas
of the city. Recommended Action: Approve ardriance on the first oflwo restlings.
Mr. Richard Wilson, Chair of the Zoning and Planning Commission (ZPC), presented this item and
said when ZPC held the Joint Public Hearing with Council two weeks ago there were comments
from residents and Council about the proposed changes to the nonresidential provisions of the
Zoning Ordinance.
Due to those resident and Council comments, Mr. Wilson said two changes to what had been
proposed at the Joint Public Hearing were discussed and adopted by ZPC at its meetng of and
Mass changes were incorporated into a Final Report, which is ire uded in tonight's Comet packet.
Mr. Wilson said one of the changes in an increase in the size of parking spaces and to make those
changes applicable on a prospective basis and triggered only for new construction or major
development projects as defined by City ordinance . He said the purpose of that was to avoid the
loss of any kind of PNC status forjust a standard restdping in a parking lot (Beckon 10- 102(a) of the
proposed ordinance),
Mr. Wilson said the second change relates to the PNC status in the Town Center District and the
circumstances under which PNC status would be lost or could be continued. He said at the time
the language that was in the Preliminary Report was drafted, ZPC was focused more on the size of
buidings that could be rebuilt and not focused quite so much on Me location of the building within
the lot. He said during a lot of public discussions, there was a strong consensus form the public
that nobody really wanted the Town Center getting any bigger. He said one of the things that have
been driving the Town Center rezoning exercise Is that all of the properties currently there are
noncompliant and if they had to comply with the existing Code they could only build back 50 percent
of the square footage that is there now. So, as much as people don't want Town Center gaffing any
bigger. nobody wants it getting any smaller, either, which lad to ZPC focusing on grandfathenng the
size compared with the amount of parking that was available. He said what was in the last proposal
dealt with size and gave ZBA the right to grant special exceptions and to have some say -so over
Mat parking requirement would have to be mat. Mr. Wilson said in response to some of the
comments made at the Joint Public Hearing, ZPC abroad discussing the location Issue more and
how it would deal with Me idea that the City generally wants to change the location of the
development on the lots. He said while ZPC generally thought that was a good idea, it had a
concern that there are some properties Mat do not have access to the rear of their property and K
You force those buildings to mine forward to meet the new building development in Town Center,
there will not be any parking at all and the rear portion of their property would be stranded, which
could potentially have legal implications. So, the new language ZPC came up will essendally allow
for the continuation of PNC status subject to special exceptions. He said the Mae Is really to
change the location of use buildings over time in Town Center.
He said with those two changes, the ZPC recommended adopted of the proposed ordinance on the
first of Me readings.
City Council Minutes, February 23, 2015
Councilmember Yehle asked if a damaged building was allowed to stay in its cuoent location rather
Man be brought forward, what would happen to the streeacape in hand of P Would it women M
the sidewalk and parking standard that is evolving on the rest of the block or would it retain head -in
parking? Mr. Wilson responded that he believes the ZBA will have oantml over all that when K is
really known what the actual facts are on the ground He said under some circumstances, it might
be advisable to allow a particular business to have no parking at all.
At the beginning of the Public Comments section of the Agenda, Mayor Fry mounded everyone that
the Public Hearing on the Commercial Zone rewrite was left open at the last meeting so anyone
was still able to speak on the issue.
There being no comments from Me public, Mayor Fry dosed Me Public Hearing at 6:55 p.m.
Councilmember Yehle moved to approve amending me Zoning Ordinance on Me first of two
routines as Presented by Me ZBA and its Final Report, with the exception of removing the
proposed language changes to Seduce 12 -103 retailing to losing PNC status so that it remains as it
is today. Cound lmember Headroom seconded the motion.
Mayor Pro Tom Sample said Mesa places enjoy PNC status and RMem is a catastrophic loss May
will lose PNC status and they cook] not reconstruct- She said this is a bigger change than what
was on the agenda tonight and think it should have been more publicized.
Councilmember Yehle said one of the principals of having PNC status is so people that have
something Mat Is affected by a change in the ordinance are allowed to keep doing what they are
doing. He said these perpetrate have been doing Mat for 50 years or more, so surely they can be
viewed as having amortized and "enjoyed" Meir investment to the point Mat if a change happens
that they would not mind having to came under me new ordinance. Councilmember Yehle said part
of his change is so that everyone plays by the same ones, He said PNC is not something Mat is
intended to exist forever. He said it's a device to maintain the status quo until there is a time to
make a change, which is spelled out in Me existing ordinance.
Councilmember Yards said another thing to consider about this proposal is that a lot of focus has
been given to "disaster' scenarios, but another driving factor of this is Me head -in palling along
Edina, Me fact there is no sidewalk for people to use, the neighbars to Me east skle not having
certain protection that's in the new ordinance, and overell R's something to prevent More blight
along that black. He sad people tend to focus on M r businesses Mat are there today and not on
the buildings. He said businesses charge, but buildings stay so he thinks it is a fundamental
element of zoning that Me City tries to move away from PNC situation when it makes sense, which
is why he thinks this ought to be done.
Mayor Pro Sample said it probably should have been on the agenda and pulled beforehantl rather
than at the meeting.
Councilmember Yehle said the same Ming he has said now was also said at the Public Hearing.
Councilmember HmMcett said he supports the concept of moving those buildings forward and Me
parking le Me bade for all the reasons discussed, such as the head -in parking and Me safety
issues. He said Mere are so many owners there that it will not all be done at one time, but
eventually the City will get Mere. He said it Me special exception is allowed, it will be self -defeating
as to what Me goal is long labor.
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City Council Minutes, February 23. 2015
Mayor Pro Tom Sample said this Is a casually exemption, not just if someone wakes up and wants
to rebuild their space .
When asked by Mayor Fry what he thinks the City should do, City Attorney Petrov said it's up to
Council whether it wants to make the change or not. He said what Coundimember Yehle is asking
is to not make the change as recommended by ZPC.
At this time a vote was made to the motion made by Councilmember Yehle and seconded by
Councilmember Heathmtt. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Heathcoft, Johnson, Yehle
Noes: Sample
Absent: None
6. Nuisance Sions
Matters related to the second reading of an ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances for
Requirements for Nuisance Signs. Recommended Active: Approve ordinance on the second and steal
Building Official Chew presented this item and said that at the last meeting during first reading, the
BBC recommended adding the language to the Code that would allow staff to dispose of nuisance
sign, but a member of Council recommended adding a grace period to permit staff to hold the signs
for a certain period.
Mr. Chew said after review of the recommendations, shelf still recommends adoption of the
ordinance with the original recommended language as approved on first reading.
Counchmember Yehle moved to approve the ordinance regarding the signs as originally presented
widMOUI the amendment on second and final reading. Councilmember HeaMwit seconded the
Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heafhcoff, Johnson, Yehle
Noes: None
Absent: None
]. 2015 General Election Ordinance
Matters related to an ordinance calling the May 9, 2015 General Election for the purpose of electing
a mayor and four council members; designating precincts and polling places, appointing election
ofliaals containing findings and previsions relating to said election; and declaring an emergency.
Recommended Action: Approve ordinance on lest and final reeding.
City Attorney Petrov presented and said this is the standard ordinance for calling the election.
Counalmember Johnson moved to approve the ordinance on the that and final reading. Mayor Pro
Tam Sample seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heami Johnson, Yehle
Noes: None
Absent: None
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Clly Council Minutes, February 23, 2015
2015 Ordenanza General de Elections
Cuestiones relacionades win una ordenanza Ilamando al 09 de more 2015 Elections Generates
pars at proposito de elegir a un alcalde y cuatro miembros del coresejo; la designation tle Its
nocturne y lugares de votaa6m nombrar a los funcionarios eleotorales: quo contlene las
conclusions y disnsiclones relations a dicha election; y declarando nine ememencia. Awion
renomenbada: Aproin r orde Lanza en prlmere y ulfima ocurva.
Abogado de to Ciudad Petrov present0 y dijo qua eve as la mdenanza attainder ham Ilamar la
Canceled Johnson propuso aprobar Ia ordenanza en to primers y udtima lecture. Alcalde Interino de
Is musette apoyo la moron. Modem aprobada.
State Fry, Muestra, Heathwft, Johnson, Yehle
Noes: Ninguno
Ausente: Ninguno
8. Consent Agenda
All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be
enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council
member requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
A. Cite Council Minutes
Approve City Council Minutes of February 9, 2015. Recommissad Action: Approve Minutes.
B. Electronic Signs
Matters related to the second reading of an ordinance amending the City Code of
Ordinances for Requirements for Electronic Signs. RecornmeMed Action Approve isnunafwo
on the secantl aW final reading.
Mayor Pm Tom Sample moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilmember
Johnson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heathwlt, Johnson, yehle
Noes: None
Absent: None
Before adjourning, Mayor Fry spoke regarding the Super Block issue. He said so tar the City has
• Sought legal adviw
• Solicited a survey
• Held Town Hall meetings
• Solicited Request for proposals (the only entity that responded was the WUBC as expected)
• Performed a Phase I Environmental Assessment on the Milton property (came back clean)
Performed a traffic study
• Received a proposal from FOAL to design and relocate the Maintenance Facility to Dincans
(if it happens)
• Started negotiations with WUBC, which is why Council held an Executive Session tonight.
(Council has to be able to discuss negotiations without them knowing what the City is trying
to do)
City Coun ll Minutes, February 23, 2015
Mayor Fry said as things become available, Council will share what it can when it can as it has
been doing, but people have to realize that a lot of the Questions being asked ban only be answered
bythe WUBC.
Mayor Fry said one of the biggest misconceptions is that this or any Council would sell the
Westpark property. He said Nat is a very valuable piece of land and there is no intent of this
Council (nor has it been the intent of past Councils) to sell it.
Mayor Fry said we do want to exchange land with the Church, but not for the sake of Me Church.
He said we want to do it for the City because the best plan for the City is to have Me public services
in one spot.
S. Adiourn Regular Meeting
With no f r business to discuss, ry adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:12 p.m.
P e g(si uxite9:
Thelma A. Lenz, City Secreia o^ Date Approved r
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