HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1999 Amending Chapter 66 Relating to Public FacilitiesCity of West University Place Harris County, Texas ORDINANCE NO. 1999 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AMENDING CHAPTER 66, PUBLIC FACILITIES, ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL, AND ARTICLE II, RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL; PERMITS; DISPUTES, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLARIFYING THE AUTHORITY OF THE OFFICIALS RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES, ESTABLISHING PENALTIES AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Chapter 66, Public Facilities, Articles II and II, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas are hereby amended to read as set out in Appendix A, attached hereto. All other potions of Chapter 66 of the Code of Ordinances not specifcally amended hereby shall remain in full force and effect. Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 3. If any word, phase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent prediction, neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 4. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council atifes, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. (w169]'I9D% j Section S. The City Council further finds, determines and declares that an emergency exists such that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption on first and final reading. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON FIRST AND FINAL READING on the 9L day Febma 2015. AM Signed: ii 'ln(A V L City Secretary (Seal) Mayor XAf Recommended: CRy Manager Approved asto legal form: City Attorney JOOI0779 D=) Appendix A (Amended Chapter 66, Articles I and 11, Code of Ordinances) PUBLIC PACIMIES $663 ARTICLE. I. IN GPNERa See. 66 -1. Appe,, lon of h,pt,,. This'had"r all to up ownN or by jeam rx11dor exwpl'b'd meu end dead olithms (Code 3003, 41&101) Sec 66 -i. Gty Polley. (e) `( dInghbIPPO L,RaNeP,EVy 46, cily lhll Gmlblm rowrcO by all O la x,e] be mvinWnM and apemled eo Ihtl Wry will be good'Nabb,n to nearby amender (b) Derrgn, lee' an, erynro To be pealw e M end WvetiuC, end Unkind in vW Iha w ure of Ya "do vas aM do wN W such area dbe facilities mamd by ban chvpmnhoWd be lnamd duidpw and oP,rddd,, (I) MM,,"myndearer efNNon edstNg mbkm'ea, lndod,g'(fern Nor, else eilmlien. Was. Pomea visual inwsimq 0oodn8r cuogwdion,'ahWWa vRw and "epWwed Parana 'r ohnaks; (a) Beaefid andrah,rw msWendlalm, venby, (3) mtlMn LM,,,g or annifiond fnomea, v1l1d19 awl scrtmiu8, whore vmessuy b rowed te.id odud .... aM (i) IvdMe mots ud elarro, fmnrn(for old, tram, Galdus) NW whl dawbege vmloavl dmlfio beer N,,,g Nwdr madmdul aaaayypj load urdereendix or owemem. (o) Odw or@nnmv, Pee, it for mmphem, I' mn mqulsN by the e,i,S adiwnce ereNV md'mvnvs4 and ere, itd,fi ws ac x d,,ble,ais Nc peluy0f Neaty bad , ra W,, iMll be I.caed, dNipmtl ad cperLW in wmplinnm with umh mdinmsq to the NoAerd <paI WMtievbl@ broad ime vxouM 0m rarer, of We Whl, me and n "d fm 9, (fiber ardwdxv wMMSpeoINCVlly apply to m'1, Gcadro(a 8. Chapter 58) doll aodru, to WAY. (d) amlmg fo'fude;, ,an m„namnnoru. no AN wr it ma wearied m require abandomnmt or nix ow, or'y'Log Creditor Emnmmic'omideraiors rare rt d,,,d,, a boo the pme li", or do, chard,, Ix,,,,1Y M Nose Ire" where them is a ®ea public n" and forded find,. Par chrpW, does nq rompel e.yemlimree 16,11, act nm hMSmd sod fr,,, W for evthe Me o,,,I (Code PdlR h 18 102) Sea 66-3. Penalties and enfn"emen. --��- .>„s� a �mLr nl 'Me otlicid iarvW or joweennxczI . ohvte xball Iher w fomtbebwis le wy civil llllSatbn egvnnlle silt. (Woe mm, §oIiIoil Sas. 66- 4.6&24. Reserved. ARTICLE II. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIALS; PERMIT'S: DISPUTES ]ee 6635. Reapmslble officials. Ie) OBnaL mngnea The ofliciols Ivud Miss m Io ho rvspmuible for Ibe Gcilbi mdexM, ,Iless IM oltY ma^eger aWOirm a holm'I eM,W Im a pmicWv fxtiI'ly tlol Potl4nm Fwtl A Rematim OUMm All p k, W 11P Rismahis, Cemr. Pi NA Commroily Co Rr, Smuim LM Imp Smut Houm. RED LicmaM Area (on lh, Ai t unbwiry Elembnluy aACOIyeN; see chid, 16) PoNne Ch,f PdwRWI&n eiR aArm Fum Sit"a Fhe Chref IPublic Walci, DeVr ttlar P ulih, WIll, Ctns, all 'ITT entl se SR,yt m?I r.wxd,,g M, &leingvW e'oc Miipm W, int,ir and Pl(eeaepl SWi�1gvotl Police Q, -Is �). k^dfdL-a!N 7y) b o mvnod M1l L p hi , Ril Road MWm BImeI pml3ng lµ YRHLLI mwctl Al nIS Iml ®n Iwlavud and all and papemm and eahrer �,nni�a m mmumr nlr ul (b) Pu6LC no^cm. 11 ie oiry Polieyw ryblish mW Ponlhe nace, aadw and pbme mooher of the mpmrible olR[ial fm each faNily, (v) PolR, 1,p,on.EVOhyft bloolliuial ffiallmma8^nndq Mt m, fatllity e [ury ool OV I,1"peMh1Ilnv[MilleraMmmmplY whb anYwwacu, Ilwnaee nre8caffly epplWaRly t I lba1, t" GCJM1Y Theh, fauTtrmmavcvaand� o he f ' chaver m•hm�ie onn M'nl onFly. (COtic3o05. §r19201) Set. 66 -261 Po fifty Ifie rerymobR of,9 W ewh faciddy may ppoinl a ly,ddy VM,il I, si Iha Arl..I fn µe mis,'ib mvtl aPo*tbn If the fadity. ibe twrcll mry Intlutle mm of the III MY, nelObcm My fi, yA,,isd pi {001691]4 iii I (coda 203, g le 202) fine. 66 -37. Aetinna. Complm'A and inquIal". (a) bo y w nyd, ffl,,l. G plv"uN and Inqulaea nboa ¢ banality ahonitl W male ,irenly to try affeid NopomLle for lint fao ity. (b) bsp,,m,Tw wlm, blcuRniil Shall ,otond peompllrlo all wmplaiM amt - M,= within uvm drys'1w,"et p wa,"ble. utl mm ldc m.M1 nation (o) Appont to mly mwegv Apaaon wM1ahagg @retl by-lho ea vofa miblo oltioid may eppgi datma�manmmSmn a s I th.<o N Mandl Inflag no41M m0.¢ Stay, of,, Shall g el An IN, Whm lF mmo mnaln< mmla [n n ag<o fill uh ¢ ma ro m m d nx eoe Withal mn. a <.ti", m ..,.m. mw,41 f (d) Furnhe/ oPPml to car m m,d A pm'm who b a on,"u] by iho Whon a n of lh <<dy damage, ma e,,d, for minor by the nv,,mdL Mlana to thy PA,& 2003, § 19 201) 6,,.6628. Peeoti6. (a) Rln ',wfraa er. Any wi waking of chiming any Samoan of p'ioeily ov. fafnifty (mpaM1afa 4vi4fylmW obtain aw,,,it the ImsumigmtMmy finemh f olily 6 We aepomdly olGUiN fitt Nm Goilhy(tv662'(¢)1 rheimauing MhoMy may ddoZnS We nuIA*, to ism, romi,z pmnitm to udwh d,, Apt,dm him the foiling authority ate Nand by that any mmagn or an all rht, OP wapWimW by (haolty mmagoe. (b) Raedu.ea, t lu lu. All pemi, re "him to Ik abroad pmWUrtm and ,v lotpor anqu om in Almhtla azw ,It aemyatlSfmmlpm<Wnrte n..an,,4 j, lM whikh,pmnX mgoemtim. IDeimmuiogaulbority shall vlopt eMado fm Nz Iaaomw ofpimW wbiohaufleG (1) Thewhebilby ofkdlt" fmapaeifie mrvniaq (2) Th< avaBahany nfnthm faandm', (]) IhAane mwoffwimlc. and (<) c"awhal, mBdanny warren, wt"hnm qpr Wle Wapm'ir tleir-a (y AdJInwN crbnno_!m am pamtil la a Randy. th, iamfW ndhuity may mqui, that pennitmz t, age, to applmbl< w„ and mgulNUm ma may mqui,e ds4 um tail <m.4 The i...an anluNy Shaul mm pnmi6 aurally" mm lma.,,d bar, gew,dly an ny ,atom,, law ,,,d bssis m (boss who mem IM arllerla Ida iaawnegM the mumgeWMlymuydavl W `wearcnawarerymancmwatlde. (I) A Station of KInift4d evmul (m l6 %u#WL1) (2) An evem.I m,,,l by a ®vuv wbeh m moot cogdbmlnuu In men" velw@c..RON to n ONimdu fmi lity'. (3) A,N,NARe Ael faevpnd6c! Mly, (4) Uee by a geam nnmM Of l^ 10 ($) $A,Ay Ad egety m,ld nmNe.or (6) Umwla MA11mg 11 oAher CM&AAN, (code xdw, g 19.204) See. 66 -39. Mediation ml6otleed. Iu eex of a diayule MmAng a f.n"im f,,lM M,&A ¢ apuilldly Awhomud to ms dwtbed Lepul%'focommeneeM,Ndlciepifiamt None, to no dlapme mwt one, toes An it mm,gu ondepato eppenion of a ,but obemepmmble�nd..Nom Nby A the ciq manages may ages on Mhalf of, AAiry but only a An ie be Me one neciomIl aver (cAd,he3,§vhewdimmion (MUwise, theapamrnl mnnbcmadcbyp ¢eilveouneil. (Catle]IILLA, $183115) N'nwmm"rl QIf6.6 (0a16979d )