HomeMy WebLinkAbout011215 CC MinThe City of West University Place
A Neighborhood City
Bob Fry, Mayor
Mim el Row, City Manager
Sumo Simply, Mayor Pm Tm,
Alan Pdrov, Cry Anomry,
Ji HevACan, COwcilmemba
Tlwlme Lenz, Ciry Secremry
loan member
Dick Yehle, Cmoo wnM
The City Council of the Gty of West University Place. Texas, met In a Special Meeting6Norkshop and
regular meeting on Monday, January 12, 2015, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University, West
University Place, Texas beginning at 5:00 p.m.
SPECIAL MEETING (held In the Conference Room at 5:00 p.m.)
Agenda Items were as follows:
Call to Order. Mayor Fry called the meeting W order at 5:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Council
and Staff in attendance were: Mayor Pro Tem Sample, Councilmembers, Johnson and Yelhe, City
Manager Ross. City Secretary Lenz, Police Chief Walker, and City Aftomey Petrov. Coundlmember
Heathcott was absent from the Special Me rthg Workshop.
1. CIN Facilities Master Planning
Matters related to the Long Range Facilities Master Plan, including but not limited to discussions
with Lowell Denton of the Firm Denton, Navarro, Roche, Bemal, Hyde & Zech, P.C., regardhg
religious land use in cities and other legal related matters.
Al 5:00 p.m., Mayor Fry recessed the Special MeetingtWodcshop and conceded into Collective
Session in accordance with Chapter 551, Sections 551.071 and 551.0]$ of the Texas Government
Affording in the Executive Session were Mayor Fry. Mayor Pro Tern Sample, Ccuncllmembers
Yehle and Johnson, City Manager Ross, City Attorney Petrov, City Secretary Lenz, and Lowell
Denton of the Firm Demon, Navarro, Roche, Bernal, Hyde & Zack, P.C.
At 5:55 p.m., Mayor Fry closed the Executive Session and recomenetl the Special
MeetinglWorkshop. No action taken.
After his business with Council in Executive Session, Mr. Denton excused himself from the meeting.
Dr. Richard Murray, Director of Surveying for Hobby Center Public Policy, joined the meeting.
2. City Facilities Master Planning Public Communications
Matters related to public communications regarding the Lang Range Facilities Master Plan. Maters
related to the West University Baptist Church proper fiery and other propedies in the 3800 blocks of
University and Amherst.
City Council Minutes. January 12,2015
City Manager Ross presented this item and stated that Dc Murray was present to discuss op0ons
relating to the proposed survey.
Dr. Murray sanded by saying that should Council decide to move forwak with a survey, the options
(and the pros and /or cons of each) would be:
Mail out survey to the entire City Seat 6,300)
• Cost of mailing /printing is more
• Probability of non - responses is greater
Charred a random sampling had. 1,300)
o With fewer surveys involved, more effort could be made in gushing surveys returner
o Cost of mailinipprinting is less
Dr. Murray said he doesn't have a preference and there is no right or wrong answer.
City Manager Ross sold the City has budgeted for a city wide survey, so it is a policy decision of
Mat Council feels more comfortable doing.
Councilmember Yehle said he is Interested in hearing from Councilmembers what the objective of
the survey is and hew Council would use the answers received. He said Council unanimously
decided that the swap plan is best for both the City and (4) residents on the subject black so he
doesn't understand the benefit of the survey, other than perhaps to mollify those people that think
Council Is being too hasty.
Mayor Pro Tern Sample said she feels the public wards input on this and she wards to hear what
they have to say.
Councilmember Yehlus sad the one reason he would support a survey Is because a lot of the
negative input has been on the side of saying "just tell the church it can t do this; so he would be
comfortable with a respondent who says "I understand the CM is following the law as Council
understands It antl my answer is consistent with the law. I am not vodtg against the law- He said
he doesn't know how the survey can put forth a question that wood result in that kind of response.
City Manager Ross said those types of assumptions, such as the City being able to tell the church it
can't do it, are included in Ds Mumay's draft of the survey.
Councilmembef Yehle said he thinks the draft survey is fns, he just doesnt know if Me survey
needs to be done at all.
Councilmember Johnson said she is on the fence.
Mayor Fry said he thinks Coal has gone w far down the road that it almost has W be done. He
said his concem is that it is a compllcated issue.
Councilmember Yehle said g Council moves forea d with the survey, he wanted to point out a few
things in the all He suggested that the survey state that the estimated $2,000,000 cost H for
em adng or munching.
He also said Item 6 mentions the quadrerRS of the City and he ocean t know what value there is in
that question.
City Council Minutes. January 12,2015
Dr. Murray said if Council decides to go forward WO the survey, further modifications to the draft
can be made.
City Manager Ross asked that Council also decide Mather it wants to do a city-wide survey or a
random sampling.
With no further questions for Dr. Murray, Council agreed Oat I it moves forward with the survey, the
random sampling option is me preferred method and that it would be done using the voter
registration list.
3. Adlourn
With no further comments, Mayor Fry adjourned the Special MeetingUomhop.
REGULAR MEETING (6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers)
Agenda items are as follows'.
Call to Dollar. Mayor Fry called the meeting to order at 5'.05 p in . In the Council Chambers. Council
and Staff in allwdanm were: Mayor Pm Tern Sample, Councilmentme HeathmX Johnson and VeMe,
City Manager Ross, Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Palter, City Secretary Lenz, C'Ty
Abomey Petrov, City Planner Srarcalla, Police Chief Walker and Communications Manager Barber.
Note: Coundimember Hea bawl was stated from the Special Meeting WorksMp, but attended the
Regular Meeting.
Ccuncilmember Fischbach led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Lanz confirmed that the Notice of the workshop and regular meetings was duly posted in
accordance with the Texas Government Code. Chapter 551.
4. Public Comments
This was an opportunity for citizens to speak to Council relating to agenda and non - agenda items
Alida Draws, 6112 Fordham, spoke regarding the survey and said it seems that Council has
already made up Its mind about what wilt happen with this plan, so she thinks it is a waste of
taxpayer money to have a survey about something that has already been decided.
Eddie Matthews, 5906 Fordham, spoke regarding the Facilities Master Plan and sold he H not yet
fully supportive of the plan, because it Is a concept without a definitive plan and costs. He said if
those two things existed Than maybe Oere would be a better basis for supporting the Count's
goals. He said he Is in favor of a survey and said if it is put lly constructed it should give the
Council a very good view of resideni Lookers on the City's plan "wall as the Churoh's plan. Mr.
Matthews also stated drat ❑ t rs in favor of a random sampling for the survey and asked If there will
be a way for residents who are not randomly selected to complete the survey onnne, especially
those people who will be most heavily affected Kme plan goes though.
David Dutch, 3901 Rice Boulevard, spoke regarding the Facilities Master Plan and said he Is
support of the survey and thinks it will be a good thing Terms citizens. He also said he has never
been against the Super Block, the Church or anything, butjust wads transparency. He said he still
City Council Minutes, January 12, 2015
doesn't know about costs, hafic p ttlems, or what the building will look like and thinks it is imported
for Counail to Made those facts.
Carbide De La Torre, 6700 Belmont Sheet, spoke regarding the survey and sad he is glad to see
that Council considered and approved the option of a random sampling because he feels plat it is
Me best option for Mayor Pro Tem Sample to get information she Most; tram the residents and for
residents to maybe get the peace of mind that Council is considering what is best for the long-term
future of the City.
5. Non SRD Zoning District Protect Icall Public Hearing)
Matters related to an ordinance calling for a joint public hearing regarding imposed amendments to
the Zoning ordinance regulating the nonsingle family residential zoning districts in the perimeter
areas and town center of the city. Recommended Adsour Approve eminence calling the kent Case
Hearing on the first and final owning,
City Manager Ross presented ant saki Oat this item is just calling for a public meaning at a future
date and then he introduced Richard Wilson, 3105 Rorinhmd and Chair of the Zoning and
Planning Commission (ZPC).
Mr. Wilson said the ZPC and other entities have been involved in examining the nonsingle family
Portion of the Zoning Ordinance for the past year and have neared the end of the process. He said
the ZPC Is requesting Oat Council call for a Joint Public Hearing with the to be held February 9.
2015, between City Council and the Zoning and Planning Commission to adding additional public
input on the prepared changes to the non -residential portions of the Zoning Ordinances.
Mr. Wilson said there are essentially three related pieces O the final work product
1. Town Center
2. Town Home District on Kirby Drive
3. Oaineml101hers (smaller, less substantive items)
Mr. W Ilson said Council has a summary of the related pieces in the information submitted! to Cound
for Me agenda packet and sad there will be a more fulsome discussion at the Joint Public Hearing
of what the actual proposed changes are and what Me rational for those changes is.
Councilmember Verde said the Zoning and Planning Commission has worked very ham on this and
have already receivetl a lot a public input and have incorporated a lot of that input into the
proposed ordinance. He sad they've done a very goodjob.
Mayor Fry a lmund Councilmember Vede's comments and told Mr. Wilson that it wasnY an easy
task and thanked him for his and the Commission's service.
Wit no further commends, Councilmember Verde moved to call for a Joint Public Hearing on
February 9, 2015, to hear comments regarding the changes to Me Noi Single Family Zoning
District. Counalmember Headman seconded the motion.
City Manager Ross reminder) Council and the public that this is the bad and final reading M the
eminence due to lime requirements.
A vote was made on the motion and Me second MOTION PASSED.
City Council Mlnures, January 12, 2015
Ayes: Fry, Sample, HsathcoN, Johnson, Yehle
Naas: None
Absent None
6. City Facilities Master Planning
Matters related to the Long Range Facilities Master Plan. Recommended Action: Discuss andcake any
geese acne,.
City Manager Ross presented and said this Nam is on fie regular agenda to allow Council to make
further considerations regarding moving forward on the citizen survey.
With no further consideration, Mayor Pro Two Sample moved to allow staff to move forward with
the bring survey. Counollmember Johnson seconded the motion. M YFON PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Sample, Johnson
Noes: Yards
Abstained Hamincott
7. Consent Agenda
All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be mutine by the City Cartel and will be
nailed by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these Items unless a Council
member requests in which event the Item will be removed from me Consent Agenda and
considered In its normal sequence on the agenda.
A. City Council Minetes
Approve City Councl Minutes of December 8, 2014 and the Special Meeting of December
19.2014. Rerommendedacnon: Approve Minces.
S. Resolution in Support of Texas Recreation and Parks Funding
Matters related to a resolution requesting members of the 84 Legislative Session of the
State of Texas to support legislation that increases funding for the Texas Recreation and
Parks Account and large county and municipally recreation and parks account local park
grant programs, and the Taxas State Park System. Re rornmenow thi ion Appvve.eedution.
Councilwoman Yehle moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented Countllmamber
Johnson seeonded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Sample , Heagairb Johnson, Yehle
Noes: Now
Absent: None
Before Mayor Fry adjourned the meeting, Oty Manger ROSS reminded Council that this Sunday is
the Marathon and encouraged residents to come out and support me runners.
8. Adipose Regular Meeting
L With no other u mess to discuss, Mayor Fry adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:45 p.m.
A. enz, City Secretary Oa PPprovetl Uf
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