HomeMy WebLinkAbout121914 CC MinThe City of West University Place A Neighborhood City CITY COUivice. STAFF Bob Pry.Mayor MichaelR sxCityMmmer Sum Samr1 Mayor do Tom Alm Parov, Cuy Arm" Fit B mmat, CouuoiMember Thelma Lenz, City Secretary mm Iwmaoa, Cmmcilmmmer Dick Yehle, CoumiMember CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES The City Councl of Me City of West University Place, Texas, met in a special meeting on Friday, December 19, 2014. in the Municipal Building Conference Room, 3800 University, West University Place, Texas beginning at 1:89 p.m. Agenda Items were as follows: Call to Order. Mayor Fry called the meeting to most at 1:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Council and Staff in attendance were: Mayor Pro Tern Sample, Johnson and Yehle, City Manager Ross, City Secretary Lenz, Communications Manager Leon, Police Captain Olive, and City Attorney Petrov. Councilmember Heathcott was absent. Also present was Dr. Hill Murray, Director of the Hobby Center for Public Policy's Survey Research Institute, UH (Staved at 1:15 p.m -). 1. Facilities Master Planation Public Communications Matters related to best method of public communications regarding the Long Range Facilities Master Plan. Matters related to the West University Baptist Church prommies and other properties in the Men blocks of University and Amherst. Recommended Action: Dismiss antl take any desired acti. City Manager Ross presented and said this meeting is an opportunity for Council W discuss and debate what would be the best method of public communication with the residents on the subject of the Facilities Master Plan. He saitl Into options considered are a survey or a form of public outreach, such as an informational piece that might or might not include a survey. Mayor Fry said one of the reasons for the meeting was to hear from Dr. Richard Murray, Director of the Hobby Center for Public Policy's Survey Research Institute at University of Houston, whether he thought a survey would be feasible to do giving the complexity of the issue. Mayor Fry asked Council what their thoughts are regarding the meeting today. Councilmamber Johnson sad she thinks a survey Is he right way to go, but not sure. Mayor Pm Tam Sample said she is pro survey, but wants W hear what Dr. Murray has to say, Councilmember Yehle said he struggles with the survey because he doesn't know what questions can be asked that would give Council information that makes them feel that the questions are being answered with all information being fairly considered. City Council Minutes. December 19. X14 Councllmember Yehle said, in summary, Coined unanimously said that dre Milton Street option is the preferred option and if the survey says something else, he doesn't know if that changes the wisdom of the Milton option. Mayor Fry said whether or not a survey is conducted, every time Council feels there is something new to intone the public about, a Town Hall meaning or Special Meeting will be scheduled. Counalmember Yehle said there are lots of pieces and the more facts can be presented in written format, the better the public will come to understand it. He said one of the things that come up repeatedly is the legal question about the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Ad (RLUIPA). He said the Citys legal advice is that it is sound and that churches are allowed to build under the Crys zoning codes on their property. He said that is a message that needs to be repeatedly expressed. Mayor Fry, said he feels that the City needs to get the message out of what Council is really trying to do In as neutral a form as possible. City Manager Ross said staff is gearing up to get an informational campaign out on what the Council has been talking about, what Council's thoughts are and why, as well as to encourage residents to contact staff with any concerns or questions. In response to Councilmember Yetwe question as to the timeframe for an informational campaign, Mr. Ross responded as soon as possible after the first week of January so that residents ran respond within a couple weeks of receiving it He said at the meeting in February, Counal should have information tmm the residents in that regard and, in addition, legal counsel will be available to be at that meeting to provide more information regarding RLUIPA and discuss the legal aspects, and staff will also have responses to the Request for Proposal. While continuing to wait for Dr. Murray to arrive, Mayor Fry, allowed public comments. Susan O uffeldt, 4101 Tennyson, spoke to say that that it is not cut and dry that the RLUIPA or the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Ad (TRFRA) invalidates the City's zoning ordinance, which she said is pretty clear from all the related cases she has read about. Dr. Murray arrived at 1:15 p.m. Larry Kelly, 3319 Georgetown, said he is confused because he received an email today that stated that Me City was going to take bids on the City lots and he wants to know why the rush. Mayor Fry said he would talk to Mr. Kelly after Me meeting to discuss. Eddie Mstthawa, 5906 Fordhem, spoke to say for those that attended me November 17, 2014 Town Hall meeting, there was a let of emotion shown at that meaning and a lot of opposition to the plans at that time. He said if the City is doing Informational packets for the community, which he strongly favors, he would ask that the packets include detailed knowledge of what the actual plans regarding the types of amenities and activities it (me WUBC Youth Center) will have. Mr. Matthews said staff will also need to evaluate whether the activities really would fall within City code. He said he wood also like to see the legal opinion to know whether the City can stop the church's plans, because he is not convinced that the Youth Center is essential to the church's worship and religious studies. 2of4 City Council Minutes, December 19,2D14 Mr. floss said residents can go to the chumHS websife to sae the activities offered by the Youth Ministry right now, because all they are doing is moving those activities from the current building I= the new building. With no more residents signed up to speak, Dr. Murray took the floor antl said he recommends a survey of everybody In the City to get a good reading on haw people think this issue ought to move forward or not. He said should Council decide to move forward with a survey, he feels his expertise can help to design a questionnaire that is fair. He said he and his stall would gather the responses, analyze them and aperture findings back to fire City. Councilmember Yells asked what would be his general approach for addressing a problem where there are a number of underlying issues and ensure that all the facts are brought to the table in a fairway. Dr. Murray said he would suggest getting a census on what the facts are before conducting the survey and inform the community of those fads via a website, distribution of IitereWre by mail, etc., so those responding to the survey would have a good idea of what the options are. He said if a survey is conducted with varied levels of information, some of which may be inaccurate, that would create problems for a valid survey. Dr. Murray said if direct mail is the Cttys choice for the survey, he would recommend having an option of completing the survey online, which would increase response rates and is rather Inexpensive. He saitl in a direct mail survey, there is usually a 20% to 25% response. He said but if it is done right, because of the topic, there may be a 50% response. Councilmember Yehle asked how many questions are needed to feel good about the response. Dr. Murray responded that if the survey is well designed a number of questions can be asked. He said fire is not yet met well rounded in the factual situation, but his suggestion would be a survey that can be completed by an average respondent in less than 10 minutes. Mayor Fry confirmed that the that step for the City would be to confirrn what factual issues are not in dispute, which puts the ball back in the Citys bond. In response to Mayor Pro Tern's question regarding wits. Dr. Murray said direct mail surveys typically cost a couple dollars per survey, plus printing costs. The City has not received an estimate for cost of the survey, but in comparison, Communications Manager Leon said staff received an estimate of $5,800 for an 8 -page informational piece to be delivered to each home, but the costs does not include the design costs, which is approximately an additional $3,500. Dr. Murray said his costs to conduct the survey would be in the $5,000 to $6,000 range. Regarding wording of some of the questions, Dr. Murray said he would happy to work with the City on his suggestions about any informational pieces that would go out in advance of the survey. Mayor Fry asked the City Manager if a motion is needed to move forward. City Manager Ross said there are some contingency funds and the amount of funding necessary Is within his spending limits. 3 of City Council Minutes, December 19, 2014 City Atlorney Petri said there might need to be some clear direction from Coundl regarding authorization to move foral with developing and distnin irg the informational piece. Coundlmember Yehle moved to authorize the City Manager to spend up to $10,000 for prepaatlon and distribution of the public informational piece and to progress with the survey preparation, short of issuing it. CoundlmemberrJohnson seconded the motion. MOMON PASSED. Ayes: Fry, Sample, Johnson. Yehle Noes: None Absent Heathi Michelle Moore, 391)8 Rice Boulevard did not arrive in time to sign up to speak and Mayor Fry allowed her to speak at this time. Ms. Moore spoke to say that on November 17, 2014, Mayor Pro Tend Sample, Councilmember Johnson and Counalmember Yehle approved and passed a motion to (1) suspend any external solicitation or interest for the Citys properties: (2) to move ahead with a proposal to do a citizen survey and (3) to move humid on obtaining a legal expert opinion on the City's land use eminence and state and federal religious protections laws. She said three weeks later if you go to the Clys webstte to New the December 8, 2014 Minutes, they are not there. City Secretary Lenz stated We because they have not yet been approved by Council. Ms. Moore said in the meantime, the newspaper attends the meeting and their article comes out and informs the residents that the Council and mayor have voted to advertise an RFP for the dry property in question and haven't commissioned a survey nor retained the lawyer with the legal expertise- So, her comment is Mat 4 Council wants to stay on top of public opinion, Coupled has to get its story, out there as soon as possible and if it is not going to do what was promised in a Town Hall meeting, and there is good reason for K, than the City 's story needs to be held before it gets out met it hasn't been done: otherwise, it makes everybody feels like Counal Isn't Indenting. 2. Ad oum Regular Meeting dayor Fry adjourned me Regular Meeting at 1:45 p.m. 40114 a, zvii Datc6Approved