HomeMy WebLinkAbout111714 CC Special MinThe City of West University Place A Neighborhood IXry CITY COUINCIL STAFF Bob Fry, Mae Michael Rhor, City Manager Suen Sample Mayor Pm Tan Alen Fet ,, City Aromry FA Heshwn Cououlmemt IDGme lam, C'o Secmvy ]con ]ores, Cawallhunber Dick Yable Cou,olmemba City Council Special Meeting and Facilities Master Planning Town Hall Meeting MINUTES City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, held a Special Meeting and Town Hall Meeting on Monday, November 17, 2014, In the Community Building, 6104 Auden, West University Place, Teals beginning at 1:30 p.m. Notice of the Special and Town Hall meetings were duty Posted in accordance Wor the Texas Government Cade, Chapter 551. SPECIAL MEETING Agenda Items were as follows. Call to Order. Mayor Pm Tam Sample called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. in the Community Building and Staff in attendance ware: Councilmembers Johnson and Yehle, City Manager Ross, Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Prefer, City Secretary Lenz, City Attorney Pefrw, Police Chief Walker and Communications Manager Leon - Barber. Mayor Fry and Councilmember Heafhco0 Afire absent. Also present were Mr. Jeff Gerber and Paul Bonneffe vMh Rome Goodwin Alexander 8 Gmille (PGALL SPECIAL MEETING (1:30 p.m, in Community Building) Call to Order 1. Real Estate Mattes related to the value or transfer of real property and other real estate matters. Recommended Aabn: No action. Discussion of this item may be her in closed executive session In accordance wiM Beckon 551.072 in Chapter 551. Open Meetings Act, of the Texas GovemmeM Code (discussion about the value or transfer of real prop" and other real estate mattes) and Section 551.071 in Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code consultation with legal counsel to seek or receive legal advice. Mayor Pro Tam Sample stated that an Executive Session would not be necessary. Instead, Councilmember Yeble asked that the City Manager review how the Town Hall meeting would be conducted. City Council Budget WorksM1Op Minutes, Novembar 17, 2014 1:30 pm. Specid1rown Hall Meeting City Manager Ross gave a review on the Town Hall meeting proceedings. Councilmember Yehle said one of the later items on the agenda talks about what might come next (i.e. after the Town Hall Meeting). He said, individually, there are a number of things Councilmembers are thinking of but they haven't met as a common group to consider those things and he assumes they will do so at some time in the future. City Manager Ross said this meeting can function as that meeting H Council wants to dismiss any future considerations or it can do it after the Town Hall meeting this afternoon or after fire one tonight, because the agenda has the flexibility for Council to discuss and take action on any items should it wishes to do so. Councilmember Yehle stated that because the Mayor is out of town and Councilmember Heathwtt recused himself from the meeting, he doesn't feel that it is appropriate for the three present to decide what the course d action should be going forward with nothing actively ongoing to progrew the matter. City Manager Ross said the last slide of the presentation for the Town Hall meeting pmvidw options that Council can consider and act on should it wishes to do so. He reviewed those options with Council. 2. Adjourn At 1:40 p.m., Council Yetre moved to adjourn the special meeting. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Sample, Johnson, Yehle Noes: None Absent Fry, Heathcoft TOWN HALL MEETING (2:011 p.m. in Community Building) Agenda Items were as follows: Call to Order. Mayor Pro Tend Sample called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. in the Community Building and Staff in aftenclance were Counumimembers Johnson and Yehle, City Manager ROSS, Assistant City Manager /Public Works Director Peifer, City Secretary Lenz, City Attorney Petrov, Police Chief Walker and Communications Manager Leon - Barber. Mayor Fry and Councilmember Heathcoft were absent. Mr. Jeff Geller and Mr. Paul Bonnefte with PGAL were also present. 3. City Facilities Lon i -Ranee Master Planning Matters related to the City Facilities Lang -Range Master Planning and related future tragedy ownership. Before Mr. Gerber began his presentation, Mayor Pro Turn Sample informed everyone that comments and questions will be welcomed after the presentation and must be honest! to 3 minutes per person. Page 2 of 12 City Council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 17. 2014 1:30 p m. 5pecalROwn Hall Meeting Mr. Gerber with PGAL then proceaded with his Poever soint presenf ffiof on the Facilities Master Plan and discussed the purpose of facilky master planning, which is to Define long term City objectives. Plan for City facility development and the delivery of City services. • Enable lire City to make informed short term decisions which facilitate long term objectives. Mr. Gerber proceeded to review the background as to how some of the decisions were made since 2006 and what the City will be influential as it moves forward in its facilities planning. In 2006 -2007. City Council requested and began a review of City-owned city center properties with PGAL to help plan for staff gravel and to look at a long term plan to determine how to manage the City's buildings going into the future. The study determined the existing police department building was inadequate and City Council approved a new pnllre department project attached to City Hall and debt was appropriated in 2007. With the exception of police department, the majority of other City departments were close to their ultimate size. • The City has many aging facilities (in the city center) that will require funding of improvements in the future for extending their llfespan. • City Council expressed interest in moving fire Public Works Maintenance Departmenfs facility out of city center. City considered various site options for consolidation of future City buildings in city center on both Cityownad and non City-owned sites. A joint property appraisal study for the City and West U Baptist Church was completed. Expansion of parking in the planned municipal complex was considered and one residential property adjacent to City Hall was Purchased for parking expansion as part of the City Hall expansion project. It was determined that existing property ownership pattern in fine city center did not create limitations on future City facilities planning at that time. After discussing background and findings from the 20062007 study, Mr. Gerber provided background on the 2014 study and some of those findings. In March of 2014, the Gty Council recommended and approved updating the Facilities Master Plan and PGAL was hired to pefform the update, During that process, West U Baptist Church notified fire City of their plans to build a Youth Center on their property on Amherst. The City asked the Church if they would consider other locations on properties owned by the Church or City, and they agreed to consider it. Upon completing its analysis, PGAL presented their findingwrecommendatlons for City Council be consider at its meeting of October 13, 2014. Alternate sites were recommended for the Church's Youth Center that would maintain site use flexibility in the city center b faclitate the Citys future facility decisions. The City has buildings that will seMce the City in the long term affect major renovation. Some buildings will require short term improvements due to the age to maintain bar functionality. Page 3 of 12 City Council Budget Workshop Minutes. November 17. 2014 1:30 p.m. Spadarown Hall Meedng The Public Woods Maintenance buildings are more than 60 were old and have limited useful life remaining. (] -10 years) The Library is over 50 years old and has limited useful rm remaining. (15 years) The Senior and Community Center is over 70 years old and has limited useful life remaining. (15 years). Due to age of existing buildings, the Facilities Master Plan recommencommat contemplating the future utility of these buildings. Options considered included renovation, rebuild in place and relocation. Because of the nature of intermingled existing property ownership in city center between Me City, West U Baptist Church and (4) residents, options for property consolidation were considered. Many of Me long range options presented recommended the City owning the entire municipal block (Me 3800 block of University bounded by College, Academy and Auden) at some point in the future where the City Hall and Police Department currently rest. Another consideration in the plan was to relocate the Public Works Maintenance facility currently located on Me comer of Milton at College to property outside of the city center. Many of Me options presented showed potential properly exchanges that also included the Library and the SeniorlCOmmunily Center, but Council decided that there would be no action taken on properties involving the Library, Senior Building and Community Gentler. City Council action from the meeting of October 13, 2014 was discussed. Approved a long -range City owned municipal campus strategy. This let Me Church know of Me Citys intent to ultimately own all of Me properties within the municipal block and encourage the relocation of their Youth Center to a different site Authorized the sale, swap or exchange of the Public Works Maintenance Building located on Me comer of Milton at Collage. o Moving this, unattractive facility out of Me city center has been a long standing desire expressed by residents as well as a goal of previous City Councils. o The initial estimate for relocating this fadlity to Dimond (old West U Hacydinf Center property) is expected to not exceed $2 million dollars. o The relocation of this Dry facility could free up that site for Me Church to move their proposed Youth Center to that comer instead of Amherst. o The Church and City could exchange properties to further both causes. Mr. Gerber then provided background on Me WUBC Youth Center and presented the church's proposed preferred plan. During the City's Facilities Master Plan exercise, the West U Baptist Church notified the City of their desire to build a new Youth Center project on land May currently awn in town center. Youth Center will be funded by a $3 million anonymous donation to Church. The date they currently proposed to go forward with the design of hour building is April 2015. • It Is the City's current belief Mat before considering Me Public Works Maintenance site, the Church preferred plan was to build the Youth Center on their land on Me south side of Amherst Street owned by West U Baptist Church. Mr. Gerber pointed out the impact of Me church's proposed preferred plan. Page 4 of 12 City Council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 17, 2014 1:30 p.m. SpeGal ?own Hell Meeting West U Baptist Church would proceed with construction of Youth Center on current Church- owned properms; on Amherst adjacent to the existing City Municipal Complex In the proposed municipal block. No property exchange rs necessary for this option. The Clam; Public Works Maintenance buildings are not impacted by this decision. Any derision to reconstruct them would not be tied to Youth Center site choice. If the Youth Center is constructed on Amherst as planned, the location of future City facilities would most likely remain in "it current locations at the mine those improvements are necessary. Mc Gerber showed a pressing of the church's proposed alternate plan (to build on part of the Church's Milton paging lot and build new parking on their Amherst property) and discussed the impact of Met plan: The impact of the proposed alternate plan is as follows: The City's Public Wets Maintenance buildings are not impactetl by this decision. Any decision to reconstruct them would not be tied to Youth Center site choice. No property, exchange is necessary for this option. The Alternate Plan could sfill allow a future City municipal block to be created in the future since only a parking lot might be built on Amherst site in the shaft tens. The Altercate Plan retains the maximum number of facility options for the City to be determined by a future Cannot action an ffor voter referendum. The Ciys proposed plan was then shown (swap properties, move Public Works Maintenance Facility and for Church to build on the comer of College and Mikan) and the impact of such plan discussed: The impact of this proposed plan would be: Consider a property exchange with West U Baptist Church for Public Works Maintenance property for 3lots on municipal block. Would relocate Public Works Maintenance facility out of city center. Would enable future City Councils and residents to decide the makeup of a long range municipal black Could retain greenscape, monism traffic and open possibilities for other long -term quality of life benefits within the municipal complex. Would retain maximum number of options for the City to b r determined by a future Counal action andlor voter referendum. Discussion of the City's second option and impact of that option was discussed. Consider a property exchange with West U Baptist Church for 3 lots on Amherst on the municipal block for 3 lots on Amherst where the Public Works Administration building is located. Would require a long farm agreement to allow both equities to continue to use their existing buildings for up to 20 years. Would enable future City Councils and residents to tleatle Me makeup of a long range municipal block. Could relaln generalizable, minimize traffic and open possibilities for other brig -term quality of life benefts within the municipal complex. Page 5 of 12 City Council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 17, 2014 1:30 p.m. SpectaWown Hall Meeting Would retain maximum number of options for the City to be determined by a future Crunch action and/or voter referendum. At the end of Mr. Centers presentation. City Manager Michael Ross spoke to discuss the next steps for Council's consideration: Consider conducting a short citizen survey that would put the land options before the public (no major building options are being considered by the City at this time other than moving the PW Maintenance Facility to Dincans), Seek further legal guidance about the otters available for the Church's Youth Center with consideration of City land use ordinances as well as State and Federal religious protection laws; Develop a non - binding RFP (Request for Proposal) that could be used to solicit interest from the Church for exchanging some or all of the target properties, with the understanding that the City has no obligation to proceed, Holding discussions with affected property owners, including the Church, to discuss the implications of a Municipal Campus; and Reline cost estimates of the comings) for inclusion the citizen survey. At this time, comments were heard from the public. Frank Vargas, 3901 University, spoke to say churches keep growing and buying land, which comes off the City's tax rolls and Increases his tax rate. He said he Is attended by being told that nothing can be done about the growth of churches and asked Council and the City Attorney to look into the situation to see if there is a way to put a limit onto the amount of property that chumbes can acquire because it impacts residents pockets (finances). , City Attorney Petrov said it is inconed for people that say that Mere is nothing the City can do to stop the growth of the churches. He said there is plenty a City can do in furls of its mining regulations, but there are also limits on what the City can do, so to say the City can't do anything is incorrect; however, its equally incurred to say the City can just stop it. He said its a huge ba meding test. Mr. Petrov said what the City can do is very fact dependent and because the City has not seen exactly what the Church is proposing As an application, all the fads are not on the table and those fact questions come into any kind of analysis of what a city Can and can't do in terms of the growth of church - related fadlifies. Mr. Vargas said that his point goes beyond this reality. He said what he is asking the City Attorney and Council is to get W work on stopping Me growth of the churches, whether it is this one or one across the street, because every time a church buys a new piece of land his taxes go up. Mc Petrov said the City rant stop a church from buying a particular piece of property any more than he can stop Mr. Vargas from buying a particular piece of property. He sad what the City can do is anted the use of the property. Mr. Vargas asserted that the City can find avenues to solve a problem presented to it, not just give up. Robert Wells, 3804 Coledtlge, spoke to say that all the past antl future me sfings stem from what the Council wants to do because the Council feels that A has W do something. He said Council herself said Yhis" needs to be done because we have these problems, it lust says it has to plan for Page 6 of 12 City Ground Budget Workshop Minutes, November t], 2014 1 30 p in . 5peculROwn Hall Meeting the future. He said the residents need to be told there is a problem and there is necessity W do it. He ended with the quote "if it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change." Heidi Dugan, 2735 Nbuckle, spoke W say it seems like the residents are being bullied by the church. She said her neighbor, Councilmember Heathcoff, who is a ceuncilmember and a wonderful man, is a Deacon of the W UBC. She maid she wants to know where the $3,000,000 donation to Me church came from because she has beam that it came from Councilmember Heatbcoff. Ms. Dugan said there are a lot of things that stink and Commit needs to be representing the Ciry. She asked how many cars and traffic is this protect going to bring to an area Mat has children going to the library, to the school and to Little League. She said Mat area cannot afford any more density and if the City Planners (consumnou) know what they are doing, they would know that She asked with the permit system being so strict, how is the City allowing the church W build a big building and perking lot when she couldn't make her balcony 2 feet bigger inside a courtyard? Ms. Dugan said the City cen generously offer to buy back property from Me church. She said the church has a big piece 0 property on Bellaire Boulevard where they can build a big Yount Center that will not impact Marc or West University Place. She asked Council to stand up for Me residents. Susan Oshfeldt, 4101 Tennyson, spoke to say that she disagrees with the City Attorney because the City can stop churches with Me use of eminent domain. She said then: are three prime lots next to City property, and the City has Me power to take those properties, yet Me City is willing W force four homeowners out of their homes and put a cloud on their His saying that they rang sell to anybody but the City, but yet the church is exempt from (being forced to sell) the precious lots it owns next to the City. She saitl the City should send the church a letter stating that it can't do anything with Mat property unless it is sold to Me City. She said her parent's church was taken by eminent domain for Me expansion of 1 -10, so the City ran take those properties back and do what the City needs to do as a City and not for the church. Janine Schueppert, 4040 Riley Street, spoke to say that she would like to see the entire block on University May residential. She said she has looked at Section 2.102 of the Ciys Zoning Ordinances, which discusses places of worship, which does not include non- warship spaces such as "residences, dolmilory schools, childcare facilities or physical fiMess facilities''. She said the church can do a lot of things because of laws, but addhornal buildings like youth centers and sport centers do not came under Me same laws and the City needs to take a Mary careful look at Mat. Larry Kelly, 3319 Georgetown, spoke to say Met it is most important W allow dump input, because the City has a vast amount of talent (architects, engineers, etc.) Mat he is sure would put in time to make this plan dinner go away or make it fader. Mr. Kelly said the costs to replace the Public Works buildings would have to be considered in any swap and Is something the residents need W know. He said moving Me garbage trucks Mom property that is worth maybe $501 to property wont perhaps $10,000,000 does not make a whole lot of sense. He said people moved to West University with Me idea that zoning would protect Mom and it's a mistaken belief. Coundlmember Johnson responded to Mr. Kelly and said that the City has no intention of selling the Westpark property and the Public Works section would be relocated to (the potion of the site) where the old Recycling Center was located She said Me City agrees Mat the property is valuable and Me City would only use one small aecbm. David Kuykendall, 3912 Milton, spoke to Mark Council for having this forum for people to speak and Minks Mis should have happened a long time ago, but glad it's happening now. He said it is his understanding Mat several weeks ago Counind took a vote to go Into negotiations for land swaps and Me sale of land, so today he wants to urge the Council to reverse the previous vote regarding Page 7 of 12 City Council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 17, M14 1:3g mm. Stromaewn Hall Meeting the adoption of the Superblock and also reverse the decision to relocate public works and sell property at Milton and College. He said Mesa are important matters and Me community should be involved in the decision - making process, such as a task force, focus groups and other forms of public input and that any proposals should be put before the public for a vote. Sarah Moore, 4212 Rice Boulevard, spoke to say Mat she thinks it would be great to have something just like this (Town Hall meeting), except with the church administration presenting what they want and with West U resident church members to find out exactly what their goals are. She said she also would like to see a clear outline of what the benefits of consolidation would be. Kathleen Lararm, 20 Sunset, spoke to say Council opened Me session with going forward and she said going forward means revisiting what it means to be a transparent municipal government. She asked that Council find a much better way to deal with issues of this magnitude. Michelle Moore, 3908 Rice Boulevard, spoke to mad a statement from the Seniors Board: 'Having met with Councilman Joan Johnson and Councilman Dick Yehle on Thursday November, 13, 2014 (at the Senior Board Meeting) and received a briefing on Items pertaining to the CItya proposed'SUpeolock" concept as Council's preferred option M spearing the Long Term Plan (30- 50 years) for City's development, Me Senior Service Board respectfully submits the following statement: All residents should receive detailed brieMgs on the items below permitting the reaching of a consensus to be coommunk:ated M Council. • Justification of the need or a "SUperibli as outlined by Me Cdys Consultant, • Any land swap with Me West University Sudan Church intended to hither City's plans for Me "Sid emock "pia to any commitments being made by Me City; • (assuming that Me long term plan and any land swaps deriving therefrom would require displacement of the Public Works Department's Operating depot from ds current site on the north aril corner of Milton and College) Capital & differential operating costs retreading such depot to Me site of the farmer recycling depot on the southwest corner of Westpark at Depends, including any loss of value to the City from this displacement. The Senior Board thanks Councilwoman Joan Johnson and Councilman Dick Ye le for the assurances provided on the following gems. • No long term plan or land swap will require disposal of Me Community Center add Library on Auden fat the disposable finis; • In furtherance of the "SuperWOCk "concept (if agreed by payments) there will be no exercise of "eminent domain "by the City in the acquisition of any monomial properties, • Any land swap (if agreed by residents) will provide for the preserving of the Public Works Department's office on the north side of Amherst for the foreseeable future." Katrina Vargas, 3901 University Boulevard, commented that Mr. Gerber's presentation was made as if the Yount Center is complete. She also soled that she sent the City Manager an email requesting answers to a few questions and said she has not resolved a reply to that email or to the points within the email and wants to know why. Page 8 M 12 City Council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 17. 2014 130 tom Special/ iron Hall Meeting City Manager Ross responded that all the emails received holding to this issue were fors arded to staff and have either been answered or will be answered by the Communications Manager. Communications Manager Leon - Barber said she will look into it and get back with Ms. Vargas Vernon Tyger, 2932 Winston, spoke to say that the October 12. 2014 Minutes state that 'Councilmember Heafhndt moved to approve adoption of a Supervene in the area bounded by UniversHy, College, Amherst, and Auden and designated as a Suparblock id- future planned development and also move to approve the relocation of the facilities at the corner a Milton and College and Mat the pmpadles be put up for sale.' He ask" ff what is in the Minutes is actually what was voted on, because in tonight's presentation it states that the plan is to authonze the sale, swap or exchange of Me property. City Manager Ross said, technically, yes Mat is how the Minutes are reflected, but in reality nothing can occur without K running to Council for approval. He said at that meeting Council put things in motion from a planning perspective so that City staff can begin looking at space needs and what it would take for potential relocation of the facilities. He said maybe the intent was not as clear as it should have been, but the intent is to allow for a multitude of things, or noticing, to happen. Mr. Tyger said it seems that Council voted to take that action and it wouldn't really need to do so, because they are going to vote and talk about cil other things, like sale, swap or exchange. For example, at the next City Council meeting on the 1 (Decembert, Council can vote to swap it or sell it or exchange it. But it seems that the decision was made previously to sell it. Councilmember Vehle responded that Mere were many parrs moving at that time and, in additionr there was conversation about finding out the various allernafives, which induced contemplating a whole bunch of other properties, not necassanly taking action, which is part of the confusion. He said the particular site Mr. Torun is speaking about was in the original discussion of something that might happen and Council always knew it could accept any, all or none of the suggestions. He said it was a probing exercise to see what might be possible. Mr. Tyger said what is confusing is that there was action taken at the previous meeting. Councilmember Veble responded that Council knew Mat any action would be subject to another action because Mere was no proposal before Council at that time Doug Schuler, 4112 Sunset, spoke to thank Council for holding the Town Hall meeting and asked what does Council plan to do with the results if a survey is conducted. City Manager Ross responded that it is up to Council to give specific diredion, but the current plan staff is working on to bring W Council will be a citizen survey mailed to every home in the City to be completed on paper or online in order to have maximum plemapation man Me residents. Mr. Schuler asked Council to respond. Councilmember Vehle responded that Council is unable to speak to each other outside of Mesa organized meetings so it is very, difficult to come up with a plan. He said the City Manager is coming up with an idea as to how the City might deal with the survey. He said Council has not mat to discuss whether it even wants to do that and he Is thinking that at the next Council meeting, Council might have a suggestion of what might be done and Council can Men ad on whether it thinks it is a good plan or not Page 9 of 12 City Council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 1; 2014 1:30 p.m. Special ?own Hall Meeting Mr. Schuler said one of the things the citizens will want is Gear benefits and costs associated with this issue. He said the presentation tonight was nice and descriptive, but there was no data on the benefits and costs. Councilmember Yehle said the Gty will be seeking professional advice on how to conduct a good survey. He said it won't satisfy everyone, but Council will do Me best if can, if it moves forward with the survey, to mother what needs to be polled from such an exercise. Mr. Schuler said, on a final note, he thinks Council needs to make a better case to people why the City needs so much space. Beach Waif, 3515 University Boulevard, spoke to say Mat some of the things she heard today are interesting and plausible g Me residents had a blank slate, but there are actual things on Me ground and the City needs to Mink more carefully about what's been happening, because this whole thing doesn't small very good She said she doesn't know if the urgency of the church is the biggest problem, but if this is truly a good idea Men the church and the $3,000,000 donor can wait in order for a chance for good discussion for all to feel good about going forward. Ms. Wolf said the timing of this aflemoon's Town Hall meeting was not Me best in Me world She said More are mothers who are picking up their kids from school and the meeting is almost over. She said she is not sure if they will be able to come at 6:30 p.m., but she hopes they can because the opportunity to speak is extremely important. She sad Counpl might want to Mink about an additional Town Hall meeting ar two. Councilmember Yehle said he Minks it is important to note that Council is trying to be responsive to Me information it had at the time. He said in October at the time the action was taken, the information Council had is Mat the church was ready to move an its proposal, which to Council meant they had a shod window to finalize plans. He said after Council started discussions, the church's sate started to move and eventually moved enough to where Council got to the point it Is today. He said in dialogues with the church, the sate has since moved again, which gives Council the time to do some of things it was drinking about and still get where it needs to be Kffiherine Sweeney, 3822 University, spoke to say Mat when the residents were presented Mis project, it was called Me Superblock and everything was referred to such, but now everything she sees here refers to it as the Municipal Plan or City Plan and nothing in Me presentation stated Superblcck. She asked has the SupehMlock name been dropped. She said her concern is that people have been referring M the project this whole time as the Suparblock and thinks it should be carried on for the sake of the survey. She said she believes the survey should not have a lengthy survey attached but rather something simple and spelled out in big letters . She asked Mat it not be lengthy so that no one would want to mad it. She applauded Council for thinking of a survey, which is desperately needed so that all residents are informed. Michelle Marvin, 2631 Pittsburg, spoke to say that she has been a resident for 16 years. She asked what the impact is of the information Commissioner Radacic brought to the last meeting about the land and the reverstch provision on the land that was supposed to be swapped. Mayor Pro Tom Sample sad before Mr. Radack stepped into the meeting, Council had announced that Me land in question was not up for consideration for a swap, so it was moot at that point. Councilmember Yehle saitl Commissioner Radack wasn't sure which land was been discussed and it Mitred out M the land where the Community Building and Last is the subject property and so Met is no longer a factor. Page 10 of 12 City Council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 17, 2014 130 p.m. Special ?own Hall Meeting Ms. Martin said she also wanted to express her concern about Ne comment made at a Council meeting that the "didn't have any intention to fight the church because it would be finanraally costly and could potentially result in bad PR and she wanted to reiterate what someone else said, which is that she would like to feel that me City Council is representing its constituents and doing its due diligence on the proposals and not assuming what the church wants to do is just going to happen. Precious thvodunnl, 3024 Lafayette, spoke to say that so much of this discussion reminds her of one of her favorite quotes, which is 'if you want to go fast, travel alone, but h you want to go far, travel togeffler. She said she came into this process bemuse she was concerned about the library, but she stayed engaged because of some really serious concerns about the lack of transparency and information sharing and lust the process by which very important decisions are being made. She said while she shares the concern from a comment made earlier that Coundl needs to justify its "ad for a Superblock, she thinks what Is more at stake right now is not a facility, but the resitlems faith in the process. John Palmer, 3835 Riley, thanked Council for fix meetings of today and in the past. He said he assumes the church pill has the option to go to its BoaN and decide to move forward on building on his pmperly, and that the City can go ahead and do what it wants to do. . Coursolmember Yahle said yes, theoretically, the church could but they also have the spectrum of the City indicating an interest in that block, so they would have to factor in how the City might exercise its intention an the campus, which would complicate the church's decision. He said six lots on that Superblock or Municipal Campus are owned by the church and in his mind they hill under the same overtures as those facing the four residents in that the City expe m to own that fund in history. He saki the issue hasn't been worked out nor has how the City mud come by that property, which is part of the other exercise of "des and swaps. Mr. Palmer said it seems like a bucket of worms that the Counail has to fish through and find out wham the fish are to debugging what Is In the best Interest of the City. He said Council has a lot of questions they have answered so far but still has a long way to go. Sonya Parker, 3811 Pill spoke W say what she would like to see in the survey is real ham numbers on the values of the sales, purchases, swaps, etc., and than sell residents on it. Linda Lewis, 6761 Brampton, spoke to thank Council on having this meeting because it is the kind of thing that needs to happen in West U to make sure that the kind of changes the City wants W have happen, do happen. She sand as she looks around fine room, she sees a lot of people who have been here a while and knows what it is like to fight mesa bathes. She said change is incredible dMcult, but looking back in the history of West U the changes that have occurred are genuinely good changes. She said she ticesn l disagree that hte Council should have undertaken a Master Plan effort, bud at the same time she questions why consider change for the sake of change. Ms. Lewis said she heard rumblings about the City losing property taxes and so forth, but the church has been acquiring the property for a number of years. She said when she was on Council there were numemus meetings with the church and said they were very open about going through the process of acquiring property . She said that can't be stopped She asked 'h they come W any resident and offer fair market value for one's properly, what will slop Net person from selling to the church or anybody else? She said nothing is new about what they own or how they acquired it or the fact that they have plans for their future development, bemuse they have grown. She said if there is anything about this plan that makes sense is that there needs to be some land swaps to Page 11 M 12 City council Budget Workshop Minutes. November 11, 2014 1:30 p.m. Special? own Hall Meeting make land contiguous. She said there is nothing she has seen that makes sense for the church and the City to have properties scattered, so in Mat sense, maybe everyone needs to have an open mind and think about what really does work beat for both the City and the church. She asked chat residents be patient with Council, because she doesn't believe they meant to start a firestorm. She sad it happened quickly and its residents responses that makes the di fencrok She sad listen to facts, not the artificial things that are being passed around Diane Walls, W04 Coleridge, spoke to say that at a previous council meeting, Counalmember Heathcoff said that the church is going ahead with the project regardless, so she asked rf permits have already been issued. Mayor Pro Temp Sample responded "no'. There were no other comments from the public. 0. Adlourn Town Hall Meeting At 3:35 p.m., Mayor Pro Tern Sample adjourned the Town Hall meeting. Prepare p5 . m Thom A. Lenz, City Secrete Gl+r Date 4U 45 Page 12 of 12