HomeMy WebLinkAbout111714 CC Regular MinThe City of West University Place
A Neighborhood City
Nb Pry, Mayor
Mickey pres. City Manger
Susm Sample, Mayor Pm Tom
Also Pmel, pit, Attorney
EdHes mort, Coondlmember
ThelmaLmz City Secretary
Iom TOlmeon, Com itmen t
Dick Year, CO lmem ar
City Council Regular Meeting
Facilities Master Planning Town Hall Meeting
City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, held a Regular Meeting and Town Hall
meeting on Monday, November 17, 20K In the Community Building, 6104 Auden, West University
Place, Texas beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Notice of the regular and Town Hall meeting were duly posted in accordance with the Texas
Government Code, Chapter 551.
REGULAR MEETING (6:00 p.m. in the Community Buil0ing)
Agenda Items were as follows:
Call to Order. Mayor Pro Tom Sample called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Community
Building and Staff In attendance ware: Councilmembem Johnson and Yehle, City Manager Ross,
Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Paper, City Secretary Len, City Attorney Petrov. Police
Chief Walker and Communications Manager Leon - Barber. Mayor Fry and Councllmember Heathcuff
were absent .
1. Public Comments
This is an opportunity for dtixens to speak to Council radalirg to agenda and nonagenda Items.
All comments were related to the Facilities Master Plan and were made during the Town Hall
meeting Hem on the Agenda.
2. Real Estate
Mothers related M the value or transfer of real property and other real estate matters . Recommended
Adopt No modem.
Discussion of this 0em may be held in dosed executive session in accordance with Section 551.072
in Chapter 551, Open Meetings Ad, of the Texas Government Coda (discussion about the value or
oansfer of real property and other real estate matters) and Section 551.071 in Chapter 551 of Me
Texas Government Code (consultation with legal counsel to seek or receive legal advice).
City Council Budget Wormals Minutes. November 17. 2014
6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting ?own Hall Meeting
Mayor Pro Tom Sample and Councilmembers present did not deem it necessary to recess the
regular meeting to convene an Ettecutive Session.
1. Consent Agenda
All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be
enacted by one motion. There will be no Separate discussion of these items unless a Council
member requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
A. City Council Minutes
Approve City Council Minutes of the November 10, 2014, Recommended Action: Approve
Councilmember Dick Yehle moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented Councilmember
Johnson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Sample, Johnson, Yehle
Nelson: None
Absent Fry, Hunnicutt
4. Recess Regular Meeting
With no further business, Mayor Pm Term recessed the regular meeting at 6:05 p.m. The meeting
was not adjourned in case Council needed to reconvene to discuss business after the Town Hell
TOWN HALL MEETING (6:30 p.m. in Community Building)
Call to Order. Mayor Pre Test Sample called the Town Hall Meeting to order at 6:30 ann, in the
Community Building and Slag in attendance was Councilmembers Johnson and Yehle, City Manager
Ross, Assistant City ManagerlPul Works Director Pej City Secretary Lenz, City Attorney Petrov,
Police Chief Walker and Communications Manager Leon - Barter. Mayor Fry and Councilmember
Heathmtt were absent.
Also present was Paul Bonnette with Pierce Goodwin Alexander & Linville (PGAL).
Agenda items were as follows:
S. CRY Facilities Long -Range Master Planning
Matters related to the City Facilities Lang -Range Master Planning and related future property
Mr. Paul Germane with PGA- presented a PowerPoint presentation of the Facilities Master Plan
(presented by Mr. Jett Gerber at the 2:00 pmn Town Hall meeting) and discussed the purpose of
facility master planning, which is to:
• De0ne long term City objectives.
• Plan for Cityf acility development and the delivery of City services.
• Enable the City to make informed short term decisions which facilitate long term objectives.
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City Cauncil Budget Workshop Min Wes, November 17, 2014
6:00 gm. Regular MeatballTown Hall Meeting
Mr. Barnette proceeded to review the background as to how some of Me decisions were made
since 2006 and what the City will be commanding as it moves forward in its facilities planning.
In 2006 -2007, City Council requested and began a review of Cityowned city center
properties with PGAL to help plan for staff growth and to look at a long term plan to
determine how to manage the Onyx buildings going Into the future.
The study determined the existing police department building was inadequate and
City Council approved a new police department project attached to City Hall and
debt was appropriated in 2007.
With the exception of police department, the majority of other City departments were
close to their ultimate size.
The City has many aging facildes (in the city center) that will require funding of
improvements in the future for extending their lifespan.
• Ciry Counal expressed interest in moving the Public Works Maintenance Department's
facility out of city center.
City considered various site options for consolidation of future City buill a I city venter on
both Ciryowned and non City -owned sites
A joint property appraisal study for the City and West U Baptist Church was completed.
Expansion of parking in the planned municipal complex was considered and one residential
property adjacent to City Hall was purchased for parking expansion as on of the City Hall
expansion project.
It was determined! that existing property ownership pattern in the city center did not create
limitations on future City facilities planning at that time.
After discussing background and findings from the 2006 -2007 study, Mr. Bonnette provided
background on the 2014 study and same of those findings.
In March of 2014, the City Council recommended] and approved updating the Facilities
Master Plan and PGAL was hired to perform the update.
Dudng that process, West U Baptist Church notified the City of their plans to build a Youth
Center on their property on Amherst.
The City asked the Church K they would consider other locations on properties owned by the
Church or City, and they agreed to consider it
Upon completing its andysis, PGAL presented their findingslrecommendations for City Counal to
consider at its meeting of October 13, 2014.
Atemate sites were recommended for the Church s Youth Center that would maintain site
use flexibility in the city center to facilitate the Guys faire facility decisions.
The City has buildings mat will service the City in the long term without major renovation.
Some buildings will require short term improvements due to Me age to maintain their
The Public Works Maintenance buildings are more than 60 years old and have limited useful
flreremaining. (7- 10years)
The Library is over 60 years old and has limited useful life remaining. (15 years)
• The Senior and Community Centers over 70 years old and has limited useful life remaining.
(16 years).
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City Council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 17. 2014
600 p.m. Regular MeaOng ?own Hall Meeting
Due to age of existing buildings, the Facilities Master Plan recommendations contemplating
Me future utility of these holdings.
Options considered included renovation, rebuild In place and relocation.
Because of the nature of intermingled existing property ownership in city center between the
City, West U Baptist Church and (4) residents, options for property consolidation were
Many of the long range options presented recommended the City owning the enure
municipal block (the 3800 block of University bounded by College, Academy and Auden) at
some paint in the future where the City Hall and Police Department currently rest.
Another consideration in the plan was to relocate the Public Works Maintenance facility
currently located on the comer of Milton at College to property outside of the city center.
Many of the options presented showed potential property exchanges that also included the
Llbmry and the SeniodCommunity Center, but Council decided that there would be no
action taken on properties involving the Library, Senior Building and Community
City Council action from the meeting of October 13, 2014 was discussed.
Approved a long -range City owned municipal campus strategy. This let fie Church know, of
the City's intent to ultimately own all of the properties within the municipal block and
encourage the relocation of their Youth Center to a different site.
Authorized the sale, swap or exchange of the Public Works Maintenance Building located on
the comer of Milton at College.
o Moving this, unattractive facility out of the city center has been a long standing desire
expressed by residents as well as a goal of previous City Councils.
c The initial estimate for relocating this facility to Dincans (old West U Recycling Canter
property) is expected to not exceed $2 million dollars.
o The relocation of this City facility could free up Nat site for the Church to move their
proposed Youtt Center to Mat comer instead of Amherst.
o The Church and City could exchange properties to further both causes.
Mr. Bonnette then provided background on the WUBC Youth Center and presented the church's
proposetl preferred plan.
During Me City's Facilities Master Plan exercise, the West U Baptist Church notified the City
of their desire to build a new Youth Center project on land they currently own in team center.
Youth Center will be funded by a $3 million anonymous donation to Church.
The data they cumendy proposed to go forward AM Me design of their building Is April 2015.
It is Me City's current belief that before considering the Public Works Maintenance site, the
Church preferred plan was to build the Youth Center on their land on the south side of
Amherst Street owned by West U Baptist Church,
Mr. Bonnette pointed out the impact of Me church's proposed preferred plan.
West U Baptist Church would proceed with construction of Youth Center on current Church-
owed properties on Amherst adjacent to the existing City Municipal Complex in the
proposed municipal block.
No property exchange is necessary for this option.
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City Council Budget Workshop Minutes. November 17, 2014
8:00 p.m. Regular Meeting own Hall Meeting
• The City's Public Works Maintenance buildings are not impaled by this decision. Any
decision to reconstruct them would not be tied to Youth Centel site choice.
If the Youth Center is constructed on Amherst as planned the location of future City facilities
would most likely remain In their current locations at the time those improvements are
Mr. Bonnelte showed a drawing of the chancing proposed alternate plan (to build on part of the
Church's Milton parking lot and build new parking on their Amherst property) and discussed the
impact of that plan'.
The impact of the proposed attempts plan is as follows:
The Ciys Public Works Maintenance buildings are not impaled by this decision. Any
decision to recensbul them would not be bed to Youth Center site choice.
No property exchange Is necessary for this option.
The Alternate Plan could still allow a future Ciry municipal black to be created in me future
since only a paling lot might be built on Amherst site in the shod term.
The Alternate Plan retains the maximum number of fadliy, options for the City to be
determined! by a future Council action and /or voter referendum.
The City's proposed plan was then shown (swap properties, move Public Worts Maintenance
Facility and for Church to build on the corner of College and Milton) and the impact of such plan
The impact of this proposed plan would be:
Consider a property exchange with West U Baptist Church for Public Works Maintenance
property for 3lots on municipal block.
Would relocate Public Works Maintenance facility out of dty center.
Would enable future City Councils and residents to dells the makeup of a long ange
municipal block.
Could retain greenscape, minimize traffic and open possibilities for other lang -term quality of
life benefits within the municipal complex.
Would retain maximum number of options for the City to be demanded by a future Council
action and/or voter referendum.
Discussion of the City's second option and Impact of that option was discussed.
Consider a property exchange with West U Baptist Church for 3 lots on Amherst on the
municipal black for 3 lots on Amherst where the Public Works Administration building is
lacated. Would require a long term agreement to allow both enfities b continue to use their
existing buildings for up to 20 years.
Would enable future City Councils and residents to decide the makeup of a long range
municipal block.
Could retain greenscape, minimize traffic and open possibilities for other long -term quality of
life banana within the municipal complex.
Would retain maximum number of aprons for are City to be determined by a future Counll
action and/or voter referendum.
Page 5 M 15
City Council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 17.2014
6:00 am. Regular Mee0ngROwn Hell Meeang
At the end of Mr. Bonnette'a presentation, City Manager Michael Ross spoke to discuss the next
steps for Council's consideration:
Consider conducting a short citizen survey that would put the land options before the public
(no major bending options are being considered by the City at this time other man moving
the PW Maintenance Facility to Dinoans);
Seek further legal guidance about the options available for the Church's Youth Center with
consideration of City land use ordinances as well as State and Federal religious protection
Develop a non - binding RFP (Request for Proposag that could be used to submit interest from
the Church for exchanging some or all of the target properties, with the understanding that
the City has no obligation to proceed,
Holding discussions with affected property owners, including me Church, to discuss the
implications of a Municipal Campus; and
Refine cost estimates of the concepts) for Inclusion the citizen survey.
At this time, comments were heard from the public.
Vernon Tyger, 2932 Winston, spoke regarding City Proposed Option #2 as he mad the following
from the October 13, 2014 Minutes: ' Counalmember Heathcott moved to approve the amended of
a Supendock in the area borrMed by University, College, Amherst and Auden and designate # as a
Srperblock for bture planned development and also move to approve the relocation of the cement
facilities at the prompt corner of Milton and College and that the popery be put for sale " He said
Councilmambar Yehle seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously, with Me
exception of Councilmemider Johnson who was absent. Regarding questions Mr, Tyger had
regarding City Proposed Option 412, Councitmember Yehle responded that Council is keeping all
options open, so the more thing to consider, which is probably part of the confusion, is that other
options were being considered just far infaonation so that the Council could make a decision on
any, all or none of Me pieces of the property.
In discussion with Mr. Tyger Mat the property at the comer of Millon and College has been sold.
Counclmember Yehle corrirmed that the property has not been sod, become it is a tore step
process at Me very least.
Mr. TWor asked if Councilmember Heathcott is a Deacon at the church and the one who moved to
approve the motion been the October 13, 2014 Minutes. Counalmember Yards said yes
Coundlmember Heathcott is a Deacon at the church and that he recused himself from these
proceedings and that there was no conflict at the time he made Me motion.
Mr. Tyger said about 43 minutes into the Minutes of the October 27, 2014 City Council meeting,
Mayor Fry stated "we are not changing this decision. The Superblock Is done', so Mr. Tyger asked
what would the survey be for If the deal Is done.
Counalmember Yehle said yes the mayor said It's a done deal and maybe It Is, but Council is
looking for input and more education because there have been so many misunderstandings about
what was done. He said Council is trying its best to explain to residents the process it went
through, how things involved and where we are today.
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City Council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 17, 2014
0:00 orn, Regular Meeting own Hall Meeting
Burt Ballartant, 3123 Amherst, spoke to ask PGAL if he heard correctly that May were working as
a consultant for the Baptist Church and the City at the same time.
Mr. BonneXe responded that PGAL did not have any input into the long -range construction plans of
the Baptist Church.
Stan McCandless, 3712 Rice Boulevard, spoke in regards to she Minutes of October 13, 2014 and
said as he sees it no motion was passed by three legitimate members of Council and said he rant
believe that the people who were in the executive session and who are on Council can't understand
what a conflict of interest it is that Councllmember HeaNCpft made the motion. Mr. McCandless
said as for process, the only thing Nat can be done now is to stop the protect In its tracks and pass
a new motion to rescind that Superblock motion of October 13, 2014 so as to ensure that the city
manmerwon't have a free hand to issue an RFP.
David Kuykendall, 3912 Milton, spoke to say that he agrees with all the previous statements
made. He asked Mr. Barrels to describe PGAL 's scope of work and what was included. He said
he lives on Milton Street (3 blocks away from Public Works) and said he has a document dated
February 9. 2011, which states More are extreme parking and traffic issues along Nat area and
numerous block meetings have been held in figure out what to do about it. He said he knows that
the issue is probably outside Me scope of PGAL's work, but residents have to know the impact of
the Youth Center. He sad he is dumbfounded as to how Mere can be a recommends don to put a
Youth Center there without knowing the Impact of it and without understanding Me nelghbodwoci
where it will be located. Mr. Kuykendall asked how can there possibly be a survey conducted given
the issue of not knowing the impact of Me Youth Center?
Nancy Gilbertson, 3901 Rice, spoke to say there is a lot of blame being thrown around and she
thinks it is done to move forward. She told Mr. Bonnette that this is not Wisconsin (the original
residence of a PGAL principle) a al that PGAL has to be familiar wish this area. She said she is not
sure what PGAL's direction is, but thinks the residents need to see cost justifications.
Councilmembar Johnson responded that until Councl puts out the land for sale or swap, it can only
"guesstimate" Me costs.
Mr. Barnette respontletl to Mr. Kuykendall's question as to PGAL 's scope of work and said a traffic
study was not on of me scope of work for the Facilities Master Plan. He said PGAL will have
discussions with City Manager Ross and look further into the impact of the Youth Center. He said
the current scope of work is to evaluate the Gty facilities, evaluate current City staff (numbers) and
the current space utilization that the City Is using right now in order to look into the future In terns of
consolidating the needs, Me age and condition of each of the buildings Nat the City owns.
City Manager Ross pointed out that when a plan is submitted the City requires certain documents
that go along with the design, which includes a traffic impact analysis. He said all Nat occurs when
site plans are submitted, which is the normal course of action. Mr. Ross informed! residents Mat Me
Gty is working with the church and was told today that the same youth Nat are already attending
youth services at the church will the ones attending at Me Youth Center on Wednesdays and
Sundays. He said Me church is building Me new Center because they are currently overcrowded
where they are.
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City Council Budget Wardship Minutes November 17, 2014
800 p.m. Regular MeetirgROwn Hall Meeting
Eddie Matlbews, 5806 FOmham, spoke to say that he is all in favor of long -term planning, but the
more he hears about how Council has handled this matter, the more horded he becomes. He said
there has been a complete lack of transparency as far as he is concerned and what he boom
tonight is that there are no clear cut plans for use of this Superblock. He said the only urgency
seems to be on the part of the church in order to use the $3,000,000 donation, but that's their
problem. Mr. Matthews said that Mr. Bonnette has said today that a lot of the Cityrs buildings are
adequate at the moment and for at least 15 yeal so the City shouldn't be in a rush and should
back off the decision made at the meating of October 27, 2014 and seriously reach out to the
residents and present a viable long -term plan, which includes what is planned, the donations, and
what the cost will be He said Council should stop MS sale of Me property because it seems that it
is being rushed for Me benefit of the church not necessarily forthe West U residents.
Coursolmember Johnson responded Mat the City ocean 'I have a layout for the future of what that
land will be used for and this Council is acquiring the land now so Mat future Councils and residents
can cards what goes there. She said because the City doesn't own it, the City can't control it and
could possibly get landlocked.
Mr. Matthews saitl in 2006, the same sort of planning was done by that Council and that Council
and church tlestlad, for their own reasons, not to proceed with any sod of exchange of property
and 8 years later Its a bull msh. He said he agrees the City must acquire property when it's
rebuffed, but he doesn't see a spastic purpose for that poperty at the moment.
Councilmember Yehle said the City will have all kinds of options, if 4 controls Me land. but if it
octal and the church builds on it first, Man Me City is landlocked and will have no options.
Susie Harrison, 2620 Pittsburg Street, spoke to ask if she's missing something because it seems
that the City is just switching properties with the church and possibly gaining 4,000 square feet
more. She said Me City is not getting massively more land, so she Is trying to understand why it's
necessary to do, because it's not like Me facilities are miles away from each other and it's ham to
get farm one place to Me other. She also sad the City would be defeating the purpose of making
things more efficient by shipping Public Works Administration over to Dincxns.
Mr. Bonnette said it was PGAL's thought that Public Works Administration would stay sore to City
Hall and only Me heavy vehicles (fresh tacks) would move further outside of Me City,
Councilmember Vehle reiterated that the site being discussed is currently the facility whereby Me
City brings all of its vehicles for maintenance. He said the administration part of Public Works
would stay in Me City Center.
Ms. Hanson said she is also confused about the zoning issue, because she's hearing that the land
that Me church is currently thinking about building on is actually not zoned for Mat type of facility.
City Attorney Petrov responded that the property is zoned single - family residential, but State and
Poo l laws allow churches to build within single- family residential zoning. He said, hovreveq a
church cunt build just anything in a single - family residential area. For instance couldn't build
a game center, but R they build a center aeroso al to worship purposes, Men that might be okay.
Ms. Harrison said she would like to know why it is considered a done deal and why did Council
make a decision like this without putting it before the people first.
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City Council Budget Workshop Murder November 17, 2014
6'00 p.m. Regular Meetingi Hall Meeting
Councilmember Yehle said when PGAL began wonting on the master plan in March, the Church
came to City in September and said it had this money and was going to build the Youth Center and
that they would start in 2014; so, when Councl looked ahead at what steps would be necessary to
do any sort of deal before they began their process, it made a dentinal of the Municipal Campus
and st rted the ball rolling on a possible sale or trade "a Public Works maintenance facility.
Councilmember Yehle said after more conversations with the church, the church is now saying they
will start in April 2015. However, Council did what it felt what it had to do because of the facts in
from of it at the time. He said had Council known it had the benefit of time until April 2015 it would
have had an entirely different process.
Ms. Hempen said it seems that Council could have told the church at trot time that it needed time to
get this issue before the residents, because it appears that the church was willing. She said so
maybe it isn't a done deal and Council can actually let the residents have input that means
Fran Brotzen- Smith, 5913 Annapolis, spoke to say that one $300,000,000 deal for homeowners
under eminent domain law, hundreds of children's ability to check out books at the beat library, and
countless community center programs almost came W a halt with Me result of the Superblock. He
said one term - limited mayor (Mr. Bob Fry), one tens- limited outspoken couneilmember (Deacon Ed
Heathmtt), and one City Manager determined to continue constructing facilities in a city whose
borders have not and will not expand, is what led the City to this He said the issue he has with the
Superblock Is not Mat it does what it does, but how Rivers conducted. He said secretly pushing the
Superblock through the West University agenda without even having the Deacon of the Baptist
church recuse himself is inexmmbW. Mr. Brogan -Smith said he has some bad news for the
absent, vacationing mayor. He said those who created the City of West University and wrote the
City's Charter had underhanded politicians coming a mile away and they saw them coming, and
while Mayor Fry may claim in the papers that "this is a republic, not a democracy' he would like to
remind him that everyone operates under a system of checks and balances. He said when the
leaders are out of line Y.2, the people' hold the power to correct the wrong -doings. He said under
Section 4.07 of the City Charter 'the residents of West University reserve the right to recall elected
officials' Mr. Smith said he is calling for the resgr ation of Mayor Bob Fry and Councilmember Ed
HeathcoH and if they refuse to resign he is very much prepared to take this to a recall election,
bemuse maybe the recall election will remind Councilmembers that they are not immortal, that
residents do not live in a monarchy, and that their power was given to them by the voters and that
the residents of West University Place stand firmly and overwhelmingly against the Superbll
Fal Hashmi, 2916 Rice, spoke to say that he has lived many places around the word and has
seen corruption and this is compared. He said the church property that is designated as residential
can be convened by the church for a church, but the Youth Center is not going to be a church. He
asked the City Attorney to provide some feedback on that and asked how many residential IoW
have been converted in West University from residential to commercial or noncommercial. Mr.
Hashmi asked If Council has done an analysis of the tax impact for removing those three properties
owned by West U Baptist tram the tax roll now and for the next 15 years. He said Council is trying
to get residents to believe what May want them to believe and not what is based on facts.
Councilmember Yams responded stating that individual co ncilmembers, with the exception of
Councilmember Heathcotb have no stake in this. He said Council is following the advice of the City
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City Coundl Budget Wallet Minutes, November 17, 2014
0:00 p.m. Regular Mea ngTown Hall Meeting
Attorney, which is the sound thing to do, who advises that whether it is called a Youth Center or
whatever, it is construed under law to be linked to the religious satellites of the church and so they
are allowed to have that sort of activity.
Mr. Hashmi said so he can convert his properly into a Temple ce a Masque. City Attorney Petrov
responded said -yes'.
Shayan headboard, 39W Milton, spoke to say that on Wednesdays and Sundays there is currently
no parking (on nearby streets) and soon Me impact of the Youth Center will make it astronomically
difficult, which is where the biggest Issue is. He said if the church doesn't realize that, the residents
are asking Council to help make the church realize it.
Bob Kelly, 3720 Plumb, spoke M say that when a mayor says Mat the decision is made and the
City is not going back, Mat's what he means. He said when Mayor Fry said that at the meeting of
October 27, 2014, he looked at his Councl and asked if anybody had any comments and none of
Me councilmembere present said anything, so you can assume by their stands May agreed with
him. He said unless that rote on October 27, 2014 is changed, it is a done deal and Me City will
move forward on Me Superblock and move forward on signing over that property. He sad Council
red Wshey wer M all it ¢ants to, but the pistol Is cocked He said he applauds Council for having a
Town Meeting and talking about a survey, but why! He sad there is talk about the cost of
$2,000,000 to move the Public Works maintenance facility over to Concede, but don't that the ranch
on it. He said the City needs to figure out where it is and have everyone understand where it is.
Until this Council changes its mind, he wonders why everyone is here.
Tina Clark, 6117 Charlotte, read a quote from the Minutes of November 10, 2014, from Ms.
Sample: 'We understand some have voiced (concern) that the City may prohlbd the church then
building and prevent their future growth, but Mat's not a viable option for our city. They will have to
build according to our City codes, setbacks, parking, height requirements, etc., and while legal
opinions may vary, there is no doubt that the City would be selling itself up or significant financial
liabilities and public relations exposure were it to engage in legal action against Me church." She
said Me City isn't the bad guy here. The church is the one fording the Ciry's hand and if it has to
litigate, then so be h, because it is not a negative against the City to safeguard its ordinances antl
make sure everyone has W abide by them.
Brad Burke, 4024 Case Street, spoke M ask Council if has considered renovating the Public Works
operations facility rather Man moving it and save the $2,000,000, or a part of ft, and than sell Me
former Recycling Center land to somebody like Goods Company. He sad it seems Mat would be a
more cost creative solution, while providing a more efficient location for the maintenance and
storage of the garbage trucks.
Coundlmember Yehle said Mat option axis not considered He said Council's decision was
predicated and explained tonight on giving more flexibility for other municipal operations and that
was one piers of it. He said things could certainly be maintained as it is today for another seven
were and Men the City could rebuild on that site, which would work, but it does not sagsfy the
objective of moving the less attractive side of Public Works out of the City Center nor does it do
anything for preserving Me flexibility of what might be done on the Superblock.
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City council Budget Workshop Minutes, November 9, 2014
6,00 p.m. Regular Meefing4own Hall Meeting
Mr. Burke said given the uproar that Council heard tonight and the fad that Me church has
published a statement that it is not pushing the City M make a fast deism, why wouldn't d make
sense for Council to just pause on this decision for 90 or 180 days like the citizens are asking.
Councilmember Johnson said Council has and is listening to the residents, which is why it is having
Town Hall meetings and considering a survey. She said the City has taken no action since all of
this was brought up, so residents don't say that Council hasn't paused.
Mr. Burke said then why doesn't Councl rescind the vote that was made in Goober and make a
real pause. He said he down t understand what the harm is.
Councilmember Johnson said she doesn't understand what the harm is in not taking any action and
doing what the residents asked them to do.
Mayor Pro Tam Sample said there would be discussion after mmmeds are heard.
Rabert Grossman, 4103 Rusk, spoke to ask the City Attorney if it is true that the City can condemn
church property for its own public uses at any time.
"Attorney Petrov responded that it is trus.
Mr. Grossman said then the City won't necessarily be landlocked at all, because if it finds itself
landlocked and needs that property, it can condemn it at that time.
Mr. Grossman also asked City Attorney Petrov rf he also serves as the City Attorney for Bellaire, to
which he responded "yes".
Mr. Grossman asked how was it that Bellaire was able to stop a church from building on a
residential street. He said Bellaire brought suit against Nat church and stopped the operation of
Nat church.
City Attorney Petrov said he never said that the City couldn't stop what the church wants to do in
West U. He said it is all very fact dependent and in the Bellaire situation, Bellaire was intending to
enforce its zoning codes and ultimately, the Synagogue reached a resolution and ratocated just as
me West U Baptist Church could.
Mr. Grossman said they reached the resolution in Bellaire because the church didn't want to
undergo Me legal effort that would be required to stay in that Iodation. He said he guesses it goes
against the notion that has been so strongly put ford by the City Attorney and Councl that the City
don't cause the church to move because it violates the zoning provisions of not being a single -
family residence.
City Attorney Policy, said he has never given that opinion and has consistently stated that it is very
fad dependent and these things do not have easy answers when talking about land use with
dogged to church properties. He said it is entirely possible that the City can prohibit the planned
activity by the church for any property, depending on eractly how the church plan to use that activity
and R it is consistent with the City's zoning regulations.
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City Council Budget WoASlwp prove November t], 2914
8:00 p.m. Regular Meeting ?own Hall Meeting
Dorothy Zink, 6527 Reverse, spoke to say there is not enough parking to put that building (the
Youth Center) there and so it will not be approved.
JaneXe Loren; 2830 Albans, spoke to say there are a lot of churches that have community
centers and then they include after school care, summer ramps, and day care. She said traffic in
Me area is going to be homfic.
David Copy, 4104 Cason, spoke to say Mat on dome of Me PowerPoint presentations presented in
October and Me first pad of November, it was noted that the Public Works Administration Building is
not a permitted construction type far its use. He said Mat building is only 19 years old and so he is
original how the building is being downplayed as being of insufficient quality.
Mr. Ross said the building was basically built to residential grace quality instead being of a
"hardened" structure.
Mr. Gole also said that at the afternoon meeting and this meeting residents have asked for hard
umbers and had faits to be able to make some decisions. He said Me PowerPoint presentation
indicated that the Community Building is 73 Were old. but doesn't mention anything about the many
upgrades over the years. He said so the building is really not 70+ years old. So, N the City is going
to eventually provide numbers and esdmatas, he asks that May be thorough and accurate.
Planar Volgograd, 2700 Belmont #12, spoke as Chairman of the Senior Services Sped and read a
statement on Me Board's behalf.
`Having met with Councilman Joan Johnson and Councilman Dick liable on Thursday November
13, 2014 and received a briefing on gems pertaining to Me City's proposed "Sugamblock "concept as
Council's preferred option is ensMng the Long Term Plan (30.50 years) ice Gays development,
Me Senku Service Boom respecHully submits the hollowing statement:
All residents should receive detailed buildings on the items below permitting the remaining of a
consensus to be communicated to Council:
Justification of the need for a "Supablock "as outlined by Me City's Consultant,
• Any land swap with the West University Baptist Church intended to former City's plans for
Me "Superblock"prror to any commitments being made by the City,
• (assuming Mat the long farm plan and any lard swaps deriving therefiom would require
displacement of the Polak Works Department's Opereting depot from as current says on the
north east comer of Millon aM College) Cal l & differential operating costs ofrouning such
depot to the site of the farmer recycling depot on the southwest comer of Wastpark at
Dincans, Including any loss of value to the City mom Mrs displacement
The Senior Boded thanks Councilwoman Joan Johnson and Councilman Dick Yehle for the
assurances prevlaent on the fdlowirg items:
• No long tend plan or land swap will require disposal of the Community Center and Ubrery
on Auden year the foreseeable future;
• In furtherance of Me "Smserblock" concept (J agreed by residents) there will by no exercise
of "EmMent Domain"by the City in Me acquisition of any residential prop Mies;
Paga 12 of m
City Council Budget arsena p Minutes, Novemberll, ID16
600 am Regular MeetinglTOVm Hall Meeting
Any land swap (6 spread by residents) will provNe for the preserving of the Public Works
Department's office on the north aide ofAmherst for the foreseeable future "
David Dutch, 3901 Rice, spoke to any he has been very concise with Council on his opposition
about the lack of communication and the lack of transparency. He said he recently mat individually
with Mike (City Manager Michael Ross), Susan (Mayor Pro Tam), Dick (Councilmember yehle), and
Joan (Councilmember Johnson) and said all of them were available to him and very forthcoming.
which he appreciates. He said when he first heard about this protect his goal through the process
was to protect his neighbors, especially the elderly ones, adamantly oppose the purchase or swap
of the Library and Community Building, and get some communnot onldialogue farm the City about
this issue. He said the Community Building and Library are now off the table and Council is talking
to the residents, so two of his goals have been achieved. Mr. Dutch said the problem is fire church
is a non - profit entity with a boatload of property in the neighborhood and this thing would have
come to a head eventually, an the Questions now am how eaa Citizens, collectively with Council
best utilize this property and protect the area from a super campus of the Baptist church and how
can residents get control of the land, tyke care of the citizens, control the treble and make this work
far the City going forward.
Sherry Noble@, 608 Mulberry Lane, Bellaire, Texas ]]401, spoke to say that Bellaire tried to fight
the church that is now in a residential area right next door to her. She said she and about 10 of her
neighbors on the block hired a lawyea specifically for real estate, went to City Council, went to
People individually, and went to other neighborhood churches to no avail. She said there is not
much that can be done about churches and church expansions as they found out. She said they
did everything from counting pews, seats per pew, parking spots, etc., and had facts and figures.
but d did not help. She suggested not fighting the church expansion, but instead to work with City
Council, who are neighbors and resitlents, and come together to try to do what is best for the City.
Louise Bergeron, 6333 Mercer Stmeb spoke to say that she and her family moved here because
hey liked that it was a small town and liked the way it felt. She said she remembers going ro
church when she was a little girl and that she never really raved for it when a church wanted to
improve and become bigger. She said she sort of lost her faith and thinks that me big picture is
about the head. She said bigger isn't always better.
Mark Knysh, 4018 Marquette spoke to ask Council what is the next step after taking all the
comments into consideration.
Mayor Pm Tam Sample said Me Council will discuss possible next steps after hearing all the
Tim Mclnturf, 3816 Byron, spoke to tank Coal for its hard work He said he lives five blocks
from the area and knows what the traffic is like. He said he's been watching this develop and it
seems that this has been brewing for a long time. He saitl the church will be there for a long time
and the City's buildings will be here for a long time and so everyone will have to figure out a way to
live peacefully together. He said he doesn't think anyone wants a town that doesn't have churches.
He said no one wants a baseball field or a school in the middle of town, either and if you have
driven during the school hours, the mine is awful but no one Is suggesting closing down Me
school. So everyone has to find away to peacefully coexist.
Page 13 M 15
Ctly Council Budgm Workshop Minutes, Noeember 17, 2014
8:00 p.m. Regular MeetingROwn Hall Meeting
Mr. Mclnturf said to City Attorney Petrov, as a lawyer who has represented churches, he can say
that no one wants to be in litigation with a church. It an awful place to be because half the jurors
are going to side with the church for no reason other Man it's a church and the other half will side
against the church because it's a church.
David Dutch, 3901 Rica, spoke again to say that he also doesn't want to litigate with the chuch,
but he has no fear of A.
Robert Wells, 3804 Colander, was not able to stay for me meeting and asked that this statement
be read for the recoN. Communications Manager Monte Leon -Barber mad the following: (1) Why
does a 2 square -foot (mile) city with a population that would only half fill many a football stadium
need a whole block for a `municipal campus" and (2) Now that the Community Center and Library
e off the table, which might have anchored the municipal campus, what possible justification can
there be for pursuing that project?
There were no more Public Comments.
Mayor Pro Tom Sample resumed the regular meeting.
Mayor Pre Tom Sample thanked everyone for their comments and said she would like to discuss
some of the next steps for consideration tonight. She suggested presidents momilying the
language from Me Cell 13, 2014 meeting where Council voted to sell the Public Works
maintenance (artily. She said the thought at mat time A was to allow for possible exchange and
sale, if feasible, but the Minutes reflect the actual sale of fie property.
Mayor Pro Tem Semple said she would recommend the City vote on any specific action with that
property other man perhaps staff planning for possible relocation because costs estimates must first
be defined,
Councilmember Ye le said he can supped something along the lines of the recommendation and
can extend tt a little bit and offered to make a motion.
Couneilmember Yehle moved mat Council do three things:
(1) Suspend any external solicitation of interest for the property;
(2) Instruct the City Manager to move ahead with the preparation of a proposal to do a cif n
survey; and
(3) Ask me City Manager to came up with a proposal for a fuller legal opinion on the issue.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Sample, Johnson, Yehle
Noes: None
Absent: Fry, Heathmtt
Councilmember Johnson said Council did hear the residents and R it had this to do over again.
Council would have had these meetings prior to me decisions mat were made. She said she
believes in listening to the citizens, but she really tl0es believe in having that block so that me City
doesn't get landlocked and so that future city councils can make decisions.
Page 14 of 15
City Council Budget Works i Minutes, November 17, 2614
6:00 p.m. Regular MeetingIrown Hall Meeting
Mayor Pro Tom Sample thanked everyone again for being at the meeting because they and what
they said are important to her. She also said a survey that is direct, W the point and self -
explanatory is needed and Council will move forward with it.
6. Adjourn Town Hall Meaning
At 8:05 p.m., Councilmember Vella moved to adjourn the Town Hall meeting. Councilmeni
Johnson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Sample, Johnson, yehle
Noes: None
Absent: Fry, Heathcotl
Pre or tl y: > c
�' ii
elma A. Lenz, City Secretary Date Ap ro
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