HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 10 PRB MinutesWUP Parks and Recreation Board MINUTES OCTOBER 1 , 201 4 6:30PM REC CENTER – CONFERENCE ROOM TYPE OF MEETING Monthly Meeting CHAIR Melissa Pifko ACTING SECRETARY David DeAnda ATTENDEES Melissa Pifko, Susan Reeves, David DeAnda , Kevin Boyle, Moya Varner , Mark Prescott T im O’Conn o r (Staff) VISITORS Ramsay Elder (West University resident) I. Call to Order: The mee ting was called to order at 6:3 4 pm by the chair Melissa Pifko . II. Approval of September 3, 2014 Meeting Minutes : Motion to approve minutes made by Mark Prescott , seconded by Moya Varner . Motion approved. III. Friends Overview : Friends had the ir first meeting last month. They have a meeting scheduled for next week and he will have more info on Father and F lashlight event after they me et next week. Friends now meet s the second Wednesday of each month so there meeting does not correspond with Park Board meeting which is on the first Wednesday of the month. IV. Board Member U pdates and Committees : Weir : Melissa and Moya stated that is look ed great. New trees look really nice. Mark asked whether we we re going to redo the portion that was west of Weir Park. Tim stated that such was a Friends project and it was on hold as all non -safety related expenditures are being put off until park master plan is finalized. Huffington : none Tim stated that there was issue with a leak but it has no w been fixed. Whit J ohnson : Kevin stated the painting of lanes look ed good . Friends : David had nothing to report. Tim said color is great due to new soils and plants that have been added. Colonial East : Tim stated that 50% of grass has been lost. Tim stated that they are working with a contractor to get it repaired. Had to switch vendo rs to get the job done. In addition to work issues, the turf was ques tionable as to whether it even me t the minimum standard required by the Park’s department. Target date to reopen is October 17th . Judson : T ennis court has a bubbling issue. Covere d under warranty so that hopefully will be fixed fairly soon. Generally bubbles after rain then settles again after it dries. C oncession Concept : On hold until next meeting due to Wayne’s absence.
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 2 Fee Schedule Committee : Subcommittee met and review ed budget for this year and next year. Salaries are expected to go up so the decision was made to propose minor fee increases. T im stated that the proposal was well received by the City Council. V. Staff and City Council Updates: Council Update : None. Staff Update : Master Plan : Tim stated that group had a lunch meeting last week. Representative from White Oak discussed next phase of plan. Next phase is town hall meetings in October and November. Meeting s are going to be publiciz ed and w ill be a forum for co nc erns to be brought up by resident s . Focus groups phase has been eliminated as it was determined that they were not needed as information to be derived from such focus groups was obtained from surveys. After the two town hall meeting s a report will be prepared, issued and presented. Tour of Parks : Hold off scheduling of tour until more board members are present or until Tim reaches out to those that did not participate in last tour. Communication Director : The city’s new communication director has asked Tim for contacts in the community who she can meet to gain knowledge of the community and elicit idea s . Susan Reeves to participate in such discussions . VI. Citizen’s Comments: None. VII . New Business: None VIII . Adjournment: Motion by Moya with second by Kevin to adjourn meeting. Motion passed and m eeting adjourned at approximately 7:02 pm . T he next meeting will be scheduled for November 5, 2 01 4 @ 6:3 0 pm .