HomeMy WebLinkAbout011925 CC Min ( ')~ ~/J ",P'" . j, _._~ ?1!; ')v:: ',' J -_/~ 'f xxxxxxx Monday Jan, 19th 19,':::5. xxxxxxx The Town COilllCil Convened in regular session at 8 P.Ll. Monday Jan, 19th. ,1925, Those Councilmen present were H.B.Schlesinger, J.H.Walling, J . H . Hake r , J .M.Dmmington, ( I) Mayor. Com. II Cler4. The first,matter to come before thw Council was the appointment of a Town Marshall. after some discu8sion Mayor Schlesinger pro- posed the name of Mr. G.B.Murray. Com, Baker made a IJotion that Mr. Murray be ?-ppoirlted. Second by Gom, Walling. Voting AYE Baker and Walling. , ~."'~ . .' ,/ . ".;,"I!. .~'~ ,;#;.. Ai!- ,,"' t>-<J.';Y 8 "', ~V ~~ An amelldment'",was, made concerning the Town Clerks duties. The ap- .pointment being ~~nded to read that he shall also act as assess- or and Collector>6jl\;the 'l'own and handle and be responsible for all mOlley collecte:d~r.:"'J"his being necessary to comply wi th 'the State Laws. Motion by Wali:L)1g Second by Baker that the aI..fJ.endrnent be passed. Voting aYE Walling and Baker. ( 2) ** Alv1ENDM]iJN l' 'i'* ( 3) A scedule of saleries was discuMsed. Mayor That the following be adopted for the year Mayor. ~pI. 00 Com 1.00 Clerk 1.00 Com, Walling made Motion That the above be Com, Baker. Voting AYZ Walling and Baker. ( 4) Schle~inger suggested 1925. Per year Tl IT " II , I I Udopted.Second by The problem of City planning was discusBed at length. Town Clerk Dlli1nington was directed to notify Engineer Rafferty to get up a scedule of Town ~tandards and submit to the Council for adoption at an early date. ( 5) School mutters were discussed. at ure meeting so that more thought There being no other busine'srs to Walling made Motion that COill1Cil adjourned: length and passed to some fut- may be given to the matter. COf'1e before the Council. Com adjourn. Second: Oom Baker. l~pproved Attest i I" ,~ .It , >: ,.;t > ':.r-.J. oJ!-'" . Mayor. Clerk