HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1928 ;; West University Plae,e January 3" 1928. Minutes of a speoial meeting of theOomr;n1sl;Jioners of West University Plaoe" Texas" January 3" 1928"he.ld in the . Ooune i1 Room of the West University Plaoe Sohool. ." ~Present: Mayor H. B. Schlessinger. Comr. H~ ,1. Baker. Comr. J.A. Walling. Acting Secy. J. H. Sullivan. City Clerk J. M. Dunnington. \, Absent: ,Mayor Schlessinger read a communication from Mrs. A. Y. White" 420 Union Station" Houston" Texas. The Secretary will write Mra.A. Y. White and advise her of the terms of the franohise with the H.~.G. Company and that no people re.ading in West University Place have been fav- ored more than another" etc. Oommunioation from Mr. Sonfield , Re. communication ,from J. M. .Dunnington on delinquent "taxes.Oi tee case of P.aul Weiss and wants letter. Referred to TaXCOllector~'for 8#t on status of taxes of Paul 'leis.. " '~;t.. " , " , ~. Mayor Holcombe's verbal request for coope, ..)!M)n with' City of Houston on matter c,t paving chapter, BiB, SO,:>1""T'Jj",<< Avenue from ,Kirby Drive West Kirby Drive. ' , ..ifF ' Mayor , Schlessinger explained to Commissioner Baker the need of ~uch a paving chapter. Five years to p~y. Reads proposed. Motion - H. L.. Baker, resolution reelection on paving chapter, February 4, 1928, Seconded J. A. Walling.' Mayor Schlessinger informed the Council' that a Comrnittee, headed by A. A. Bruxton of Bellaire, Texas, had re- quested him to inform the 01 ty Council that the Bellaire Bus Line is being subsidized by the owner,s of the variOus subdivis- ions served, also by the City of Bellaire, and that it is be- l1.eved that the City of West University Place shall bear its pro rata of the deficit~ which has been determined by them to be 1/6 of the monthly lossi' and that the loss is estimated to be $600.00 per month. ' - 2 - After due discusaionon motion of Commissioner Walling>> seconded by Commissioner Baker; the Mayor was in- structed to confer with the City Attorney for an opinion as to the legality of the City entering into a commitment of this nature and report to the Council at the next meeting. Mayor H~ B. Schlessinger read a memorandum of agree- ment with reference to sanitary sewerage contract between the City of West, University Place and the City of Houston{t Resolution offered by Commissioner H. L. Bakex1 author- izing Mayor H. B. Schlessinger and Secretary J. M. Dunnington to enter into said contract for and in behalf of the City of West University Plac6$ accepting the conditions thereof. Commissioner J. A. Walling moved acceptance~ seconded by H.L. Baker - Voted. Motion that the Principal's office of the West University School be designated as the meeting place of the City Council of West University Place, for the future deliberations of the Council until such time as may be furtheror4ered by the Council. Mot ion by J. A.~ Wall ing, seconded by H. L. Baker - Voted. City Engineer J. Hv Rafferty submitted estimate on,1600 cu. yds o~ shell and 300 lineal feet of curbing gutter. The sum of' $3000.00 to cover estiID.ute and _$lOOO.OC..fo.).r=.....e 7n"~~ing. Motion by J; A.Wallibg, ,seoonded by ~~~er - Voted. ~,Lrotion for 8.djurnl'nent by H. L.. Baker,~.-4tconded bv J. A.. Wall ing. Voted. ,y ~ ~ J lea E. Sullivan, Acting Secretary. r ~~~d~~l;e~;~l~~~nit~~:~~~~~~~~i:~~~~.~~;~~t~~r~~ei~;ar 1927, and that in as much as the time limit had bee~ extended rf -: ,t-J1e 0 i,t Y .w,~'\lJ.<1 c 4,;}-V (1}" .t.9 ,&i:n~.,-h,e-r ~'- r.AJ:UJ1.9t,-'-oj' ith ~]r:t, r R.lp a;qnt, ap..Tllt he t"''' ...... e-'" ..1 t ~~ ,-<-_\...J.~.....1:' ~__..(l".;-._";)_-{ ..L.......J-.).-..,'"-J'..... ~ lY.",:..........-\;.....;.,\..l.....,; __t~""l}~"" ,~_, ',,--, .'5'.' .Q(liec,;k:,:i1~d~b~E?n .r,u~-,t.h:cOl1g~.,t'h~rc"b.aDl..-r~ :" """r,'; ~;':~;-H'"' ';'~crfl\ +;, tto t i -~. ~by ; ,C:Drii~r;': ~\~al,Un#,~:: ;Q~~c'c:oh~~ppmi; ~ ,B8:keI-1:~ 'fht:l:t': ~th,~. ;Q..owicl'~, # p- prove' Ii rejurid-%6 't"he'P.alTIount '6f~ '$CJ~2.J~ 6-3 an1d TIiat'" trle'.J fre'c ty~be aurthorized to mail Voucher to cover that amount. Voting .oa.YE: Wal)':i;!l~\:\~nd Baker. t '!r.',' :~l:_,c'':':i: t.)'~ ~ _ . f-- ('.'; ~ I<'~- r :..... " c. T \. Mr James II.Gulli van presented arepor~., ~co~:~-tJtie:r CkOlll1cil covering all of the newl;r::.<~~~xed terri tor~:.(~~lt~lLI~t~f~~e City by ord- , inance,8nd to be used as basis of total valuations of the City ~";.:' Oif :We,-~t .IJ:n~ vc8~eity ,-~~e~ .;"';Tl1~.~~~,p.0rct:1Va.p, .C-OlTfn_i;L~,d -r;O}Jh tlltL re- ,:;:,:9(6i@:~~{;~tI'~9.}~,9;;~~;t~\~~;9:fLi~~'~~~:; pA%f-el~~~t::a.p.&; ~1h.~~ f~:'i Jas. , .. b 'Jvc ~~rJ1llS'" ~y.I,..~~},~_~A~~, ~~r. ;gj~~3CedrIff-~qr~~tV ~tl( ,:;dpg[:t-~;fc'c !lTpr~~ .:x;j J.'iu.; . h , l,!l'. U..L ly~n a.1(6"9. \..efLe13enve ill,S s a a~~!f:.v '1'S"lf:p~rVlces cover1. g this work. 'The ':~'!TI.<t~tj wa~s',~; ~ ~Jt2~ ."Q9;,c,,'': ~.::c\.~ J:.r:c; "" . L .... . ~ , , . 1 6:' -... . 'h- ~fter going ov,e,r ~~e ~~~~r~tby. the council Dom, Baker Dade a motion that th~:Ke~orf'he~a:c&~n1t~p. ~~~I~lHtP+.';~~l.+~~ amount for ser- vices be approv,.~.llnd ordered paid. Se'Je and: ny"lrom, Walling. Voting AYE: lJa~er and Walling. -,f" ',J' i'~T"'- n' ,,':'(, ' _~ I 0- lJI,.! ~ ............._ 1.... ",' '''~ i......./.. ~ ale; .3C'Ib ~~I3u0~X The c ouncil ~n$2pr, .u;c~ed C.~~J'~<[:p;1Hl~t~~lJ~PJ'~.f.GxJiP.,ff!l: enough delinq- ue11thi:t~~ pqrtJ,PEUlj .l(R;lf:rr~~d for tij~J ~HMt~r -Sf~.>i . C G . y.~~.~ l.. __ . , '/ Ivl[otiO'Il Com, .daker. Second .b@FPPl:;;{V~*JJ~~~1w.t. ~Q-A~~'J~~',y Raf- f~rty . . rected to enter into contracl;' ...vn~1i' ,t.Uller' &~ Miller . '\ 10' 'R~41tf' \. ~~iffi51~)l.~qp~~~1b~W.r9~tl~ ,;~~P:Ic~,.~i.Rr ;.~ti: ,~~;litBJ.l~&lpeed- , way fro erland to B1.9.~p,l1.A.:r},,_ioo. ,"r' '; ~''''L'r.. I' f,n" 'Y "C;" we. ""0 ') ..., Voting ....Y1t~~ Baker and wa{ffifg-:..L'jj'W ."'V' .,J~IU. ':.;- _ 'v"_~ ~._~--" t'"" , . r.' . . '~') __ . n , '~ - . >~~ ;:.i>; vl... .-" t.... -+ i'~l Q"'''' [' ~ 't. .~ 0 : ~,j' J-<.2[ " '~';,:>',-;rhe_re being no ()...:t1i~n business "to~ ~q;~ fe~:;t(h~ c ounc iI, Com, '.'Wal~ ing made motlij?l!3~~ha t , C oune il ~jE<Jw:tP.~J, ,Pll9- Balter Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. , .,..;.r;- ,.> ~" '''A~& .,,:y "'."jn'. Bll.:' M@d;i:~n:: p~d3~1t$rj'i~~ ond~~}}w ,~a.'~~~~~: ::~. ~~~lm~\fy ,;En~:~:e:::~a:e rty ; I(j;).t:t1:'g.;!.reAj:~Q- ;j}~~ JI1rx;~~ ~~d: ;W1wb.I.td.1~ ~JfiPX'Q;,v:~n~.ti!1Illt;IprQgJJamme :J:.inniYli:~)f'inia C 'c' 'fw:!l;..., '!~A h . - '!"-l~..l" +71:: ,. ~ ",." -J- ~ " "'7, "',"'.... G'Wp..~-.,'a~_a.s.......D.JAr_t (.) us a..1':~~1~ ,JU 1t:h-;:7~.;I e~(i'J$.~~%:lc .ad.d1.t1 0],)1".:: t~~'&.~,"t'-o to include the excavating and shelling of Amhurst St, from Bell Court West tOQ!IliOe\~OJ)Ur;t boundrYI'I9JLtI: :,:': ':csi J:i;" VOTING AYE: .Da~eWOa:u1i Walling ~'': sILt:: ).~ ~'::c,j:li:l: , "t (1()C.. {~~0 \_.,~~ .. ':-.- ~,:t) f9;'\~ o \:j ~:i., j~--]~ -~ ,,:,j~r . E . ~ oL;:Cj~iGn.}I6 J Attest Secty . :(!p;p.ruv~d...r: ;~::':'IJ:iJ"? . r.:'~!" ;;Ji;JaWlbr . ~. i.. ;,_ t ~:~i.{ #"! ,~, ~ ~:' r--=: ..:~:.: "~ 91 i J :'1':'::: _.-, t~i\l:S;G -,~".~ -.-_ :; ~~~:~: ~J~,_'d ~": j'.f_~~~~ ~t( _:... J: :..: .-' ,~~~( _ ~ ::~:~ c: J-~ D [" J:u'., 7," '::- j '~~ C ""(:;'1" :.': .~:,:')-;':.f"->? :-~': ?~~-:.~..- (.1~ -:.~ (,-'~-~-( ~ . J t~ ~/~2. i) ,:;1,::':: ':: : - ~:~ .~,,~:._..;C ~ ~;:':, ~:c' ;'.:.. j j, .;':_~'" ~ "il . .~.,-,. r.: ~ 0 t;{ S (;, I I)..:' ~.;.r:~ \~~d ,) ~;. -.'.1.'- '. ~:f~_\',i 0'- ~'-4;; ~ "..;~:.~! <.J f ..., .~ '~_:~~L.~ t ......... .-.c.'.n=':~"l ~::""< ':.~ 1..( _.:-":_;-~i fJi:'_ :"'o_~"",,j:. ~~_,.~.::..~~..;~._'~\f tr~c.: ;:;.l~~...~ r--:' '. _~~ _~ :'.~ IJD~~:::'~S.:~,; - ~~, (. ,....~ ':.- "){- ,;...-....,.:......-,'-- tr-..l; :) .'1".. r-1- , v ,!'," ...... 1.--1 _~'~ "-L_ t!3q C;(, ~ ~:'::": ()('&,:1I: " rc ~'..:~ '."." ,,~: ,:,~_:~ L:G \.-.'.;1 _L ,.- ~ i._, 1,.' ',.l,... ,.,; -.,.4). "-.'r!:,E:.IJ:~:-; .~.;~.~: :: ::1"~: .. t .... 'r . ' . ,~,<r.~:~~ .~J~.~~f','''' Q';..r;...~ :.-:,.;:..~,~),-,~~-_-.!.,. -<,./..... ~.;/ ...., ., L ~ ~ :-~ ~:. .'. ':.,_ _i. ___.'._ ; . ~:-..;;.-- '," ~'! l~ ~- l. "', .- x-.:'~ .-;>. r~ r '1 . 'T January, 16th, IV28. 'Regu.lar He'eting,! ' 'l'he City UOUi1cil convened in r.egular sessl~n.r,romiay, Jin,.:t6th, at, ~PM. ,for the purpos6vuf considering any,:businesf:1 tha:tmay come be~orethem. '1lhe foB_owing councilmen' Were' "present.' ! ( - ,- -, ~ HeH.~chlesing6r, H. L ..Bake r. .iI...I..Walling , J.l-1. dunnington., Iv1a~70r. G om eo ' ' " Glerk. (:- of , '.rhe I.layor asked that th.e Ma;zors' and" CleTks',ac t,ion in :payiIig the f~o11O'vving bills' be ratifi'ed, and upon motQon of Com .l3af.:9r. ,Bec- and Gom. Walling ,their actioniu ,paying said bill'6 vrere.'awroveii. , O!Liver 'Levy" : ,'27 ~oo ' ' :'.' ,," Oliver Levy." Labor, S&ll ~ 16:50 " " ", it 3.00 , 11 " "Water D.. 13.50 Houston Lgt & Pow C~o.'74'~I9 If '1 n!l I.. 00 OS'.(' Service Sta ~75 Krensler Hros. 4.15 Universal Garlanding Co..7~34 So. l<..'ng & Pump Co 2.803..00 J!let ,~,~c.:r,~' v<o'ting :n.YE: ,'Haker ~;nd \~lling.. Q, ~,,',~.~ The following bills were app~oved and ordered p~~'~otion o~ Com, Baker and Second COffi,"Wal,lir,g... _ 9 " '. : ~ - I " ' Kutchbach. FloreGt Come z}S~gh Go ~ Cla;rk'&!'(}ourts :;P 5.90 13.00 38..~:8C) ~ ;. Voting AYE: Ba~~r and WullinG. ":):.' :Motion by.Dom, ~Vvalling.,S'8cond Com" 13al~er that the acti'on~of',the ; . Mayor andSecty:in,'paying the f,ollowing estimates wi th'~s6ri1)On : contract. irapro-vement prog;i'uI41ffie 'bec'ratified.;,;j':r - Miller & taller, Hiller & l.liller. J.H.Rafferty. C..KeHorton. voting ~YE: Wallin~ and Baker. ~?' 1..750.00 I~OOO.OO 60000 7.000.00 \ .;, report was read Deforl.'; council by Supt, of the City Wa tor W'xe, Dept. l'Ir Robb, showing revenues of that depa:rtment fer the' year 1927. This report vyas adopted. by the Counciln and ordel'od fiIeci by the Clerk. The question of an increase in sala:-cy of the Water Supt was dis- cussed at length and Com., Walling made a Dation. Com, Balcer :;:,ec- oned", that the salary be increuGed from:;;> 115.00 to :;;> 140.00 ner montn.. E;ffective Jan.. Ibt 1928. .. Voting AY~; Walling and Baker r= -. ,_ '.--- . / ( 'February, 6th 1928. }(e. Gular. l;tHE? ti ng " ,,', >" .; 'iJ, ,I' . . :~' - . "0'" . .__.~.~ _ _ J , .. ".", The City CO\lY~oil c~mvenGd in regular L8Ci:,d.cm Honc1a~r, 1!'eby, 6th, (;It SPM, to consider any' bV-binGss thut 0 may' C OIDe ~~efo~e the!;1.. Oour:e i1- men presen't \Vere, , _ ", ' HOlE e'.Jchle~ inger, ' H.L..i3ak.er, J.A.. ',hilling, ;J "I,~~ rl'illmingtOl1, J.H.rafferty, Hayor.. Com. ' n ~)ectY$ Ellg. I~Iotion by Com, Walli:ng i;.nd 8Gcond by 00[;1, Haker that action of C om7 1Saker und Mayor Schle singer ill or(larihg Engineer .uaf,fe~~ty to curb4nugutter Amhurst st, from Bell Court Blvd, to Riue Ct .. boundry, and Virginia St, from Plumb St7 !forth to its terrrdnus be ratified. ' Voting l1.YE: Walling and. Bul;::er, Ci ty Sect#' Durll:d:ngton read a letteri,of Y{lpJgnatton to the Counc- il, stating t:lUt 011 account of otheJi'du.ties,he.wHs Coml)elled to resign." Upon motion ofC,om,WalliJ:ig, sec,ond~ Com, baJcer hib resig~, :riat~on was accepted, effective Harch. rs"t,.;I92e~ V9tfP.g .QoYE: Walling 8:l.1:d Baker'. '_ ,'C,"" '" - ,. e.' -.. "" ... .. ~ _: -. -..... >- IvTayon Schleuinger reported to' the C Qm:lci!l.th~t,he had received an" application from !:Ir. Erv6n OusJilman ,for ,thepo8itionof~' ,O'i ty Sec~ty, stating that he could report for duty not later than lIar, 1st. 'Com, Wa.1.;$.'1ing 'made,'JllQ"tiol.'J.: tha,t h~ be~a:ptointed to 'the0:Fositt" ion of City' p'..eq.ty, and that .he devote hiH ,full ti:me' to: Ul'!3,posi t- ion. Second_.J~:~~ .BaZere 0,:, , " "-,'--", " ' ,: "'<':""", " .., Voting AYE: ~~"W~lning and. Baker. ' " ..~;; 1&' 'J~totionbY 'c\:mi~. B$.ktn~.J;leco;l1d byC9ffi W.alli~~;,,:that::th~flt~~;i~t_ Qte:o, py~ D-i,t.y. E:ng,..fta.f.fe.r.t;y. .f.oT...dralning .f?:~ction .Qt the,~.aty; 'West of drainage, ditch #).(2 be,addopt,ec.L:; anp. that ~ngineers~J~at:a: C041- piled in 001111ec tion with this" 'pJ.:~l1 b~, plac~d upon reco:rd in the office of the Oi ty ~ng, Dept. .: , .";':', Voting AY~: .Baker and Walling. J ft ~i _ (:_ .(; 0 :") v,o... ..... _ rr . j R' ~ Mption by ComJj;aker,s,~condby Com, Wq.lling th&tsec,ti.P.Jt_"# I of clrainage plan .fr 2 extending: on:B~l:.L.aire:R;o~Q. we.~ t, to, d:;i tell,:{!: 3 Ifortg to Riley_ St7 'W:est ibn Ri:ley:;;lt t.o,Came:ron tit, with ~:z:t:~nt- , ion south ;,On Fairhaven ):~Ve to<13elJ.aireJ{o,ad, ane. f'urth?r e,~tent- ion" on Bellaire H;)a:d from eli tch #3 totheprojec t;tjJn of ,,C,011ege aVe be awarded to the City Engineering Dept, and that construet- io.11 be started imraeeliatelly. and t,hat th,eCit~,. Ep.gine,6.r bQ direc- ted to file rdth the Cit~ SeQty at the earliebt p0l:3s1ble date 1iaoulatlos of proposals T1J..l~~USlled by Contractorg, inconnectiol1 wi ththe :prop~f:)ed 'Nark. ,'" Voting -n.-YE: Bak:er and Wa,lli:ng.. -, ' . Moved. by Walling ~)ec and by' Bakort<' t' ~t t" 't'" .., f r"', ' - ..v HU b a efJ.1e:n for s,,'erv, iC,es rom ,layor SCf11.~r~inD"er Co l' . ' , of :;P 347 ,00' e~ch'-cJ.gve;ingm52D~K~r:l'" ~~m,: Vv.~11ing:t,o the &nount .:. .' """ .Legon, a... meetlnp's 0.'1;~ :-'0 Qr .. me(St~ngs Over a rlc"V'iod of t'.,... , ...' ,,0 ",:_,l -,'" '-'l1ec,1.al , ,. ", '.1:'....1; " 11..,8,13 yeariiiup, to Jan 1st 1928 a't" , . ~~ 9 " r ..1 --r. ~.:~. ----. --:.--' .~ ._-,~~p ::--~'"":'""' ":~ ;...:,..""<"~. . . ,,' '. .:;ttr:"""o- -. ~f'~~~r";' ,', ~~~:~~:~, ' ii"t" ,~~"." I:\~~~~"! ~ .-' "",,'.; .,- ,~ f ~ q t~~~. -.,,'r ..rI~ CJ ,~\~<:r..J~.L"~.l:tf s~:' . :fll 5.00 :;;ler regular meet.ing"~~iij ~';3:&ff;ife~[special meeting, be allowed and ordered paid as provided by ~rtiele# Revi&~ ed Civil Statutes of Texas. ol. ,yoti:qg,_.t\YE:, Wa.J:.lin~ and Baker '~ ..; '" r ~ ~... d ,. <~c ,~J''1 ,,: . :') ~?;' : J:~ _C~:~ ~3,~ '1l:. :~;.:':;:Y, ; L~ ,... -,' t:~,~E~, :)';:1 ~',s, c.. ';{,v'~,Q e.r:~I' ~-~,'- ,j .By'.}m@;'tli!01'l o:f'JGom., ,JN~ililJ;;1ag. J.::l>aa ondA::~,G)mi,~(;B~.ISi~r"_,th~ ('l'~rayo!t"J'al)~g 5 See tys, 'action in paying the fo~lowing bil1:~8wa8.' ;tati~i~diH,; .').C /.liHouston Lgt & PO\~r"(}'o,'::: :)'-'.0:..11 $ 92.25 .;c:) Oliver Levy. r-....'.. >,c~:~.s~~. ~~ .,F 4.50 'If" . '!lJ::';:.i\.~L' 10.50 v ~ ~~\.. v';;" a ~ ~ ~ (; :~ .... 1. ~ l ~. ~.:srt, ~ I;! ~ " r.~ . 9. 00 . n 0 Tf t -,~.~'~ .- r\<~:"~:f)':;': 41:r~ @ (J 9.00 D.B.CQx. lO.OO :~ ~, I~ ~'~ ~r.~13~,.: j >~ : ~~, , ~~ f:~V~~ ' .t_i:~~ ::i (' ' f .~ 'J: c, :j :~_ ; i,', :;:,~; ,,~_;~: ~ I ;~1~:' c.1:,:c n., -~ ,,;~ C ':'~f ~1:I ,~J votJ.-ng Aw.e;,~,'-,J.W'a.l~';nlgal;J:Q. d3a~a:-'fa~" - _1.,,,, ~(,,' ,Jc_,.,,"~..~~ t"C ~ ~tD euj:~~ (j' .t_~':'J'I'cL~...~c~) ~..c3~' .=-:c--(~ e~\.~~ ~~:~;~SJ.d'Ll~_ J:f;~~cJ)~'c .<...... (.f~iJj..6 .oj ,.W}I'h'e':;: :fOll.~:iviqJJ.:g iJ);11:.11~ w:e~ecf[p.\t&cgernet"elt ;j:j);it ~il..~>ti;~n.t\ 1J.l1LQ. ll~rLtiY0ct- ion of Com, Walling and second of. C om Baker. t~e'yG.w~!"b1:~P"f'r~ed d d d 'd ')'~""8 c,. -''Crr."." .",r ~Nr+o'; ~n or ere pal.' ..,."'~-$,, c ,,"~l.' c.l"~,.LLJ:5;! .kLU:c ~,J..l.J.<J v 1.' ..... '- -OiC<~ .'~~:+ cj .~'.n,e.~z.1Le~'::B~s~::J:-~3! i?.0.JSfYi' riO;j::J~.t{[[IJ~!(I9~:508e \;J l~? n:t ' ,,' , . . '-.., , " .',. 111"''' ;1"_"'-10.",,1'1 1'1\""f"""O' -'C' ...1'-....( .., n ~rr'. + "..,+ rw:;.,-fl'1"','"+>~ i '-: \.; ;-' '.' L ~ ': -:: ~...... ~ .i;'.J;;.1i; v!f[,,;:: J.v.L-G'-uu,.~ \:I~~.ur ~ . ~ 0 ::~ ~.~) J...J i.....~, ~ v" ~~ .J v<!-y1e-1l Vh)u ~ .. ~ ;""'3': ,>~;':: .:; ,:::n '!P:'uj'" ~fO\F~1-'Si!~d.~~b~U~.LJj,YLx, [~~u:11d fion' (;i ::Ie cJfj3,I. IT'8,J:.a....:... ,i';Y~ 0 '1[;1' Jt~~T..eYlf"f ,,~.,. Lj1',f 1'.,,..,".,j. ,.011'<.'''' ",' t:'A +, , " r," [) I'" .I,&:< ," 0 ''4~~, ~.~~l.t ""'~ ............;--..: 1:. vV...l.tJ UU!..L.u..'J tJJ,,-,"v ...~" ..v,-J.J..:) '4J1!otiiJ J...I-. ......... u III' Walsc' h '''"" I''''''e...r 8tl1 ; r,'" <(',"";' ~ :'.f'\,\1 vrif~i"'\ 'C' ~~~; ~a. -11.11 . .....1",.0.- ..A~ .1. _.__......;.;J <3,1.:"....!- l.....L _'/~ ~~ C. '''1"jjI'V Ed Wilkinson ,.,.~::.,,1 If ' , 1.45 , . .' .:) :0 y Is ,0 S't b.ti.r{, n1W. ~.ID:bn.ot~ j' " Qf{1, il6l b ~j' ~f 0 r~ e'X . rf {;'D t: i <~ it~ti3~ ,; ,1.Ji'vI \,:t~t'1~g:i~D~~~lflsi:ng::~'h~$'~t),~!!:W'1h . "IJ~ _ rno~J: , f~:c.;; ~ HOj;~':I. ,fin ,r..l.rJ:';. Liar!.J T8j-.B_:~ "j-G:r \:d'"S7JJ erOI j"~iOqf}~;~"!. '-..~JGp e.rL tsrtd" ~~rr_(S.Bj8<: t~'V; et ~,~ 1~1(M~t~~ * jjj~Jtj@~'~~~o~ i0.t ~1'" .~j;~~t~;~ ~irWi.a~, p1!)(xO> ~- ...:d' .[lGf~n"J (jnt'f~J1,~to-i';Ls)~9l4n b~Q'e~ji'e~~::.r'.B.n;; f;iIH .f \:j',oo,S; \~J.1:0 IO fWL ",'._ Voting .aYE:, Baker\ and W~lling. "'\ .i:eMa t~bj)f.iODee qf!ol ;~, ~~ ' ' , ...,.(..,-;",~. ,..(", 'cIT:~' rf...p.l~F ':h'YM "Orl','+r,r .. - J....". ~ ... ....... ..:J..,l....iI-.,J......- 3.)J..~~....;> q .J- -'oo,.L.>>..Jl'. .. - ....... 0..4., -:-L-J.,V Y !I>;': ., e 11= 9 c overing, 'improvement work was pre$ented for: approv- -! If ~ m ;s''!~i\Eng~fl&a~1l@~-tya:~V7 ~b'lci1.f:tr.OJ ~t1qJ;~~i&f IJ;li-u.a.:e rx:<c~~"tors ~. .-1- 'j ,""vi ~-l:.. ~,~ -~.),. "M...o',";""""-:i" i).r,o?'; rtd' 1- ('f ~ '.', '" '~r,'::;" "r+~<" ""J.1t-'",,,jk ',' ,-r'{ 1', + l- a. ~irR'~JiM.,OOO '00 v '.A.~~'l ..L'~-L;iQ"1.\fZJ.~ .f$Of'l1 V'-...!J:LtJ.. \.KT"Ol.;L.I.~~-~~--~-'~---''''-~--~--~-'--- .-w\'fi" ...J.JJ..~. . -'4' C OM0-W0;n3 ~~r~~~lfi;hffinJ8l ~Sl)j1'(IP 1$i0lID ,ed3<t1&lr\r ~1;l: Jt ~~();~ bllo a.pprov- er[t etiiil: amaO~~er-~Q!:r p~~;QlB~i tf)ff ~-it<P .a~[f.j nf[j-lW1101~ OE)[ff~C D.. ill 'fl~Li:q Voting AYE: Walling and Baker...;:;q9\,~ ~~F;;:;' ~x:;j::L' er;;,,- .::c ~J~Hl'tL, , ',' q'Sn:1II.BW lJiw'IG::~.9ii :;,>LY,t:" 6ITi:JOV 1~yor Schlesinger reccommended thut City Eng, Rafferty be Qade a 1:0 Ip1a.Jf:t<l.wj.o~y:m~'Wt ~M-L~gi~~i~ ~~d!.ee$! ~1::h~fi:rGi:mp;p.inr'$(r.1~\'l pro- ~:: "g:r.ia:mtn~j vre.s tt ,~€jfN ~~1i1a;s~ >li.[~ fjfo ~~i id:'WJt&@!S lit Ltr(\)fu~ fW.~~ S e c and -J:'I~ t~~er. ::Jtifuatc.:t.1!1~;;~ictW {>ay,:av1:rtH Hl<<~~y :pt ~ .~.oJ.:iD()J:h~:trrqJil.rtial + .... '~+ "-, ~....,~ . - r ~ ..;. r . ..' - , . -u Iie~n1~1':!tIJ 1B'o:r c~ngi.,~~,.vlL~I..s'~~\Ve$J OOII ~];lE~W)'~J'::tl't1f!;~~mnr(!. [:0.Fe d ITOL c>' "i'..r~ ~d: ,'''1'Silr..... ifAf<nf"l'L""rv ...e.rJ...... ~,-b :V'.",..,., + " , t :..,~r'i' h'or' (, c,~~;.,,: i' ::-,c, ,~() "'ri"C' ;- V(~,j..J.V~"'V:Ln5..;..ab1.~J"f1~-.d..:-:J...-ID~15:::;'.JE.On\...t--'\.:ua~e.L.l....~"'v~~}-"'.,, ~~....~..t- ..It:..Qvn ,-..~__.:_l_~~..rl .....;,."'~ _ ..:-.- -j'DJJ~'~8r!C~) .~t'f3!~Lt .:'-.'.I.-Ld tJ({f1(f ~l:I..''''if)~jrr.r'2}l:~_-;'' -~~!..t\.) E1fi~~ cd' -1)';)J'~~.fL':,.;:f:; 9d fj-fA _!) e.t llfl1ei fUlY;:Gtv::~trg ;l;emetXt~~tvaSl5,:o,rdf~1'j@ d. ~l1b'qtr.e.Of) ~:p:cil .lt~i ;fiU~U;:"tJlJ s~c 1 at J3J) '2")Icf JBC~()rf j') ~)li'I~8 61:'0' J s~ irj'Dee '\.-j I() f:!I~J .:=10'~' \:1 ~J_[l:1 'cd" be+ :'::0 j!J'.a6Ji.W~s:t "U'\i1i:ltlfrtsi>-~ fO:li::"ty.: cO dtiti~i4J;;,:.;,~ :,; IJ:~ U C (1 Vi C,.:t c :; c .1: j .B l.r.,cf ,B! r r 'c ".... f'+~'" 'Our Dear Friends- . ~ " ..:":l';ro':\ Jj::::;~~( 'I '~'::;~,::)H,j ;:l~ .1..: ." . -o"5~liI.j...i....i5~'! J)r~",=!, ;4::)~J..l._:a:- ;;.lX~~ ;;;[fJ:J 011 , We very deeply appreciated the be~utiful-' wreath of ,:V~i ~~ ,,.;~r*~~n~~~~1$W~j~n~ f.J{;nlfe~~tie'"J~u~fIl ~~~ ~~1il:t~TI~~~6~i7:~irta Dear a1f~,(we -ehaRk ~C;-1J."'r! .r I' ~r~,-'~,L f'"C ,j '''-;:)'(<:i,;~ ~c l.(.'[,.L;m f;:O'Il -+ ~ ~....1"" 0-...1.:........ ~tJ,.J..~\i I C___l &~:-,).,,;.J...);.. ~.--" e-"'CJ f ',- ~:,.~ .,' 1:0 011J:f~H~.. ?.:,,~" ~~' :~ili\~:t!',~~d~.i:11~~;1~~e&ee~,t.tii@gp&ct:~:roi ;)TOll \geri~~e en r~ t-1t::::;h!B ......,~ j-/_l......:r -':'5- ~ v"~""""-' f . ... ,'.;<" -1" rj'C[!.i~j! > ""ilU. :CS~t!f~t& MB1t l+~g4lJY.~f2;h!!l~ 1!R'j{)yedCmJi~tHj~ ~vi tfi / you~'il1 . .in- , ..j,- ( --~ r'; ;r-_.'-", C~~..'\ c:J~' " ' fancy :) f our or;~f1l1i z!:o;tiol1 and a}:]pl'6ci':l tc dth,f..; c,::iurte sie s ;I'Y!} S110':':6 d hc..r. 1:0, she was 21'6a tly int6Te stG (1 in ever;y q.mprov6rh6TJ,t and :3:T0\vth of ,fest Univ6I'si ty }'Iace. Again I want to express 01IT appreciation for your sympa- 'thy arret be8tltiful flO'ifeTS and, we th8n];::;101lo Lo st Sinc6T61y, Xa:n.l1ie 3. David. Jan. lOth, lS~8. It WB s the 11 move d l;y Corr,Jllissiol'ler :Baker 811ct secono.e d by , Commi'B si 0116 r '.:JaIling that there lJ6 sulmi tte cL to the 1'6 sicent :pr -Jp61't;y tax 1,8ye1's who fire qllali fie Q voters of the en t;yr of..Je st University Place the following: A 16SCI,UTIOII fHUVIDE:~G :?~)}{ A Sl'ECIlu ELBiCTIO=r T') SUBMIT T:E QlrF;STIi):;~ OF TES ADOPTIOn OE. 1.1EJECr:L1ION OF TEE T3i;K8(ilITS A:m TE~~MS Of!' CHAPTEn 9 TITLE 28t iiEVISBD CIVIL STATUTES O~ql 1925t i'illLATHS T:_' 'PH,,; COIISTRUCTION 0:&' PZmvIAJIEl\TT, ST3BET li.IIH.Ovl!il;iliNTS .AI:m OTiill,d Ivli!..TTERS. as l)ercomplete resolution on file. There being no other business to come beforE th6 coul1cil- Commissioner ';falling m8c16 mati on that th.e council adj ourn, seconded -by Commissione1' Baker. Carrie d. ""'~ ,. ~ ~.. 'ii' -j ~' ~ ",yaT ~ r' --rT-~ -,- ,-,- - , 't .~ J.. " -lit February 13th, lS28. SPECL4.L UEJ~TLm. , The Oi ty 60uncil convened in sracial session Monday Feb 'y L:::th f~'~~$t 8 P. M. for the consideration of special business and such other metters as might De presented. The following were present: H. B. Schlesingex9 Mayor. =. Lo Baker, Corr~ission6r. J. A. 'NaIling, Commissioner. J. M. Dlulllington. Secretary. Visitors, Messrs DJ..rray &: Robb, Erwin Cus11man. The Mayor suomi tted two pr01JOsals for Seagrave Ium.ping engines. One of 4QO capacity at a cost of $6000.00 and one of 609 capaci ty to cost ~8750.00. After consiCterable discussion d,uring irvhich it developed that the 400 capacity engine would not l)e stf'lvlarcl for the city of Rouston. in event of annexation, COll1ffiissioner Baker made , a,motion that the Mayor & Secretary be directed to enter into contract viii th the Seagrave Corporation for purchase' of a 600 cap8ci ty j)l1111ping . engine for the 8rnount of ;'8750.00 to lJe :ptiia. as follows; vi.z. ~ ~2750.00 Cash upon delivery and acceptan~e :py the council and the .ex- ecution of four (4) notes in the sumot' ;)1500.00 each. due and paya- ble 1, 2, 3. and 4 years after acceptance of equipment. Said notes to bear interest at the rate of 6% semi-amvlslly. Motion seconded by Com- missioner walling and carried. Motion by Com. H. L. Baker seconded by CO:g:l. J. A.Nalling that the IJayor be authorized to place order with FabricuiTG3 Rose /STo.. for 2000 feet of their 2~n double jacket waxed and g1' fr.fl regu18tion ~~r.e hose at a cost of $1.40 per foot F.O.B. Housto ~xas. Carried. :r1otion by Com. Baker ~ Secomled by Com. " , ing ratif-ying the :payment of bills as follows; ':;",8 Oliver IJevy. $9.00. Street & Bridge Deptnl g IT ff 7.50. Water Department. ,rrie d. Motion by LIT. Baker, Seconded by 1~. ~aiiing, that liIT. J.ll. DU1lllington. City Secretar)" be paid the sum. ,01' ~139.00 as salary due as per memodi'jted Fet'y 13th 1928, on file. Car:ri6d. llotion w~s then made by Com. E. L. Baker. sceonded by Com. J. A. ':JaIling, that Envin Cushman, assume duties of Secretary beginning 1!'eb'y 15th. 1928, Carried. . lvlotion by Com. Baker, seconde<i by Com. Walling. that Mayor H. B. Schlesinger be directed to authorize the Harris Count:y~ Commi~sioners CODrt to adverti~e for joint bids for the construction of BellaireBlvd froy;. Kirby J1rive 'dest to G. H. & S. ,A. Ry., track and that the Mayor be authorized ':0 enter into contract on behalf of the City of ','{est University Place"'''with Harris County for joint con- struction of Bellaire Blvd from Kirby Drive west to G. R. & S. A. ny track, excer,ting frontage of Southsi6_6 place. 1)37 which ~V6 st Uni versi ty Place agrees to pay all of cost of curbing & gutter for such frontage except SouthS,ide :place. Carried., , There being no other businESS to come before the council Com. 'jalling made motion that the council adjourn which W8S seconded ,by GOL1l11issio1l6T Baker. Carried. AtteB~ JJz-~ty. Mayor. Approve ct, ~r ~ \" ,'\ " \r<L~..,. \' .' .~..l~.,._~/ 1.' \. I .., .J Hegular Meeting. February 20th, 1928. The City C01n1cil convened in regular session lIonday February 20th at the hour of 8 .L M. to take up and coneiCter any and all busi- ness that presented for disposition. The followirig being present, viz: ~ H. B. H. L. ,J. A. J. M. Schlesinger, Baker, NaIling, Dunnington, :Mayor. Commissioner. Commissioner. Clerk. Via Motion made by Com. Baker, seconded by Com. Vlalling. 'be authorized to send Mr. Peabody to Dallas to return engine in event he, finds it necessary and to the bes the city. Voting Aye, Walling and Baker. Carried. 1 a t the Mayor wi th new Fire' inteI'ests of Motion mad.e by Com. 'NaIling, seconded by Com., Baker t1].at the Secre- tary b,. authorized to pay I\liller & Miller the SUI1l of ~~OOO.OO for the followi~g items, viz; For 2000 yards of shell $3500.00 and 1000 man hours $500.00. Voting Aye, Baker & Walling. Carried. Motion. by Com. Baker, se conded l)y Co. Walling that the following bills paid by the Secretary,' be ratified. Ol~ver. Levy, ~~15.00 --.~treet and Bridge De~. Ol~ vel' Levy, '.00-- liater Department. . ' fJI1 'Voting Aye, Walling a11(l Baker.--Carried. II" ;~. 'if} !cloti on by Com. Walling, seconded by Com. Baker, the action of Mr. H. L. Baker in purchasing 15 mail racks . . . cost of $5.00 eaeL; berati.fied: .' . "JJ Vot~ng Aye, JlJall~ng and Baker. --Oarr~ed. J ' ']fiX H. IJ. Baker delivered to the Secretary a warr~nty deed for lot 26 of block 13 Rice Court, aclvising that he had :paid. ~~1.50 in cash fee for filing' said deed. Motion made by Com. Walling, seconded by Com. Baker that the deed to said lot be accepted by the council and that the Secretary be directed to mrure proper record of same in the books of tile city showing ownership by the city and that lIT. Baker be re-imbuxsed for the:filing fee in the sum of ~pl. 50. Voting Aye, ~alling & Baker--Carried. Motion by Oom. Walling, Sscondedby Oom. Baker, that bill of Gome~ 'Sign 00., paid and pre sente d by Com. Baker for a sign boar(l to be :placed at the entrance of therremporary qity hall be approved and that Com. :Baker- be.T're€tmb11mS6~dcin1);t]nefsum~ off $2.00 paid 1;>y him to the Gomez Sign Co. Voting Aye, Walling & Baker---Carried. There being no other business to come before the CODBCil, on motion of Commissioner )lalllng. second€d 1)y Com. Baker the meeting ad- j ourne d. Voting .Aye--Walling and Baker. ---Carried. Attest .);1{~~ .~. ~proved. ~. Secre,;J7ury " '. Mayor. :-:--'-.~-T--~ "1 ----:-~u-_.--- ---- -------- t '" SPECIAL L~E~ING. February 29th,1928. @ ,-!, The city council convenecl in special session Wednesday, Feb fy 29th, :1928 at 8 P. lvr. for the consideration of special business and such other matters thatcame before tJlhem. The follo\iving in attendance, viz: Schlesinger, Baker, Halling, Cushman, Mayor. Cormnissionex. Commissioner. Acting Secre,tary. .~" H. B. H. L. J. A. Erwin J. M. Dunnington, Absent. Commissioner ',NaIling rey;orted that the new fire engine was thoroughly':,test.~a.l~ttthec: lake in Herman Park from the hOlIrs of 2.30 to 5.30 P. M., Febly 29th, 1928 under joint supervision of fire chief Gl1re and Asst. Chief Geo. Richardson, representing the city of Hous- ton and by courtesy the City of West University Ilace. Also, lJayor H. B. Scg1esinger, COITmissioners H. L. Baker and J. A. ~alling, City Engineer J. H. Hafferty, Acting Secretary, Erwin Oushman a11ft IvI. M. Aitken A13st. Oity Engineer. All tests made exceeded the guarantee made by. the. Seagrave Corporati on 10% or over as per copy of test data on file with city Secretary. "Motiollpy Com. Baker, seconded by Com. Walling that the report of Com.' 'NaIling l)e accepted and. also that the :fire engine be accepted from the Seagrave Corporation. ' Voting Aye, Baker and NaIling. Carried. Motion by Com. Nelling, Seconded by~CoIT~ Baker, that tax levy of cents be levied as 1J6r ordinace on f"il!J to provide interest and sinking fmld to retire debt incurred ~y ~ue of the purchase of the new fire engine. iJ' ". Voting ,Aye. '.val1ing & Baker. Carried. ' Motion by Com. Baker, second6d b. tie Walling, to effect that the Mayor anet Sec:retary- be au thori zed to '. , se ttlement with the ' Seagrave Corporati on and, ~D make pa;yment wi?/! scrip. Voting Aye, Baker & Nal1ing. Carried. '" If, . Motion by Com, Baker, seconded by Com!dalling, th~t aut~ori~ ty be glven lvlayor ,Schleslnger and Secretary DUlllllngton to notlfy the..: oi ty f S depository, the :National Bank of, COIn.."l1eroe, that on and after March 1st., Erwin Cusb..man will be and is hereby declared to be the City Secretary and Treasurer for the City of West University place and that he Will sign all vouchers as City Secretary and Treasurer on 8CCOlult of thE 'resignation of Mr. J. I'll. Dunnington. Voting Aye, Baker &'Nalling. Carried.. Motion made byOom. Baker, seconded by' Com. 'NaIling. that inasmuch as there was no other business to come before the council at this meeting that the s.\:'ill1e be declared adjourned. Voting Aye, '[valling and BakE;lr. Carried.' Approve d, r....am --~:-l _r --~ 0' . "" "- ,-<'-" l~,' ~ I!iebr'li.~:E1~V 29th. ~l,t;2B. ?r~tione]l D~Hi~ of C07!iI,K~X'QC. 'f"......l~ qf~.! "l l'l1.. n'T -!>flL'J;.J.. . ..~....... J... \,.1 ~,..!~"'-) . H OUEit 01'1. 'l'ex.>u:J<> , (ft(;n t 1@ ::-tir: n: 7!1:tB is ~7Ei~;ti:1.tl t{) f!]~}";7ir~(] -~7')ii tl1'.:, fj'l ;J ~)ljcGif}J., 'G0~C~TIC:tl of' 1'J1.S C1tY:Qf'C:",j;rnl'''''''?R1~h37''-:'lD{'('; h:,lt1 ,,,'. ~ .' woti011 :;lPlB De ic. }:17.1t1 CB1'riGQ. t-)[:; :;:01.1 :j-~'j{,<j: ffrpy~~)~~ ~~,,!~,tl1t~11j +~r 1)C ~:-~i ~""Cll ti1 ?~t.~Ji::-!)l" ~::.Q .'S4c'\ ~}~:fh.l~E-;Bj..~1.:l2~""). ~ll'ld ~~~~,~,'~+l.~fi.,y 1 ~r.- r;~"').""1~'<-tr""':-'--'+ln -7-:.... """l"\+~"t..P;~ 1"~""~~ (~"'"1+'t'''j''tt",-''1 p.~t;~),,""\{,a-:.t..i.""t."'L'~""" ..4..;'~r: -~.~...,. " j .,.. ''''~':';," ",v,,)~:~':;;,~}~>.'~,,~~.",~.,~..,',:.~_;.~,~~ ." ~;:J~;,:",~~ ~'!.,-.;' .'H',", .<"", "'if ,'" ".~>.~,n'';;:}L ~V""cl 0 ,..,.0'; 1;t":ltio:nn1.' ~~~i1:1k ,~- ~ '..u<:c _ ~ ';, -'-'.',:1; on una. u:::tc;r ~'~m:ch :.U::lt, It>~8u. I;:f'1iJin C':trjl'1.~Bn t~l~ dl~j~~~F f] 'ri~);j!lntcil ~~(3Gr~i~:.y,1~:~'- :;~:a_ 'J';C.0::::fr~:t"~~e~!;," :ts i:t6~1J..-'L,l~(~~l tc~ 1){; tIle:; 0ity St;;C?Gt~ry ~111'd ~:1~G~1~1'ttJ~f,r ~~)l~ t~~hJ3 (~~~t~~ {).,f: .Jao't ::~!lj,.VGI~ej.,t;l J~l&ce ,;:l\i"-:"~~!"_., ~,i:,.:,:~t,'~",-:.,r~.i.';.':.",..2.:nQhffi;fE ",11 J.J.l,<~~::?:.,;~~i-:l.~".~,~t~>J~:~,.,~,':~.,'~~:~,.:..~:;,. :',-,'~ ;:1 t;j- ~X:; ;)JCctt\:r-y ~Y3.{L ,.r~.~~n;1-':-eJ. ~,,-,,-: ';,'11",;, J,t> ,;" .J.h--lt,U'';;~';:J1A',,:.o -'v~).!.c".u.<.. ~11-tj:r~:J::1Ytr:.: L:l c:J:':''l!)l{l(r.;::~ti:_T''[l :;~.r t:l~c ~:~:.jt)V:1 1"\..- ~ 'Pt.,. ~.J- r J13 ~ ;,:': "~ v '~~:;::':~<;:2;:!~~ ';~- ~ t~:P~l~~;~~ 1'ih~~~;I~~;,C'~~B~~~ ;:~;r~~ ~~~~~:~~~;;~18 ~~;~0~: ;'~;:~~:i: n'~;~\, ~'t~"'. ;~'~~;'~~~e~b ,fl.6ccr{li]1~~J_.:.: 0 rt1.(3",1 tillS" 'n1eht., n :~!. i>>~ Y~D.t1.:r'::: \~8r';7 r;:J.~,~ Jy.. -~<- . r~Et51~~t.m>;1Y' E; ~~rE~*i~er...' A l)'liTI)VEH'l... J,.,.o:. (Ol:O.S__'::_-~"",,- ~. ~t~~~l~l~ 0 r 1\ ~ -1' .~ REGUL.A.2 IVIEET:nm. March 5tJ:j--------t+--~----1928. @) ~JitZ/ oar ~~iest .:~;lli\~Cl'}slt~y .i;laesa The City'cou11cil con.vened in regular session Monday, March 5th, 1928 at the hour of 8 J:'. 11. to take up and dispose of suoh business as might be presente'd for consideration. The follow- ing in attendanoe: ,. R. B. Schlesinger, H. L. Baker, J. A. 'NaIling, J. H. Hafferty, Erwin Cushman, Visitors, J. M. DUll1~ington, G. B. Sullivan and A. P. Robb. The Mayor advised that the interest on the City of West University place funding b~nddBted March 1,1927, @TIounting in the ag,O'regate to the sum of $15,525.00 became clue on l\1181'oh 1st, 1928 and 0 that the same had been paid out of the gdmking fund of the ~ity. Also asked that this action be ratified by the council. Motion was. then made by Cormnissioner, H. I.. Baker, seconded by Commissioner Walling, that the acti on of the Mayor and City Eecretary in the uaymelrt of the interest~ on these Bonds be ratified amolUlting to $15,525.00 . Voting Aye, Walling & Baker. . E~~neer Rafferty, pre~en!edT and read to the council estlmates and ~lnal payment due to v. ~. Horton amomltin~ to " <:> , ;P2,723.6..3. for the construction of storm sewer in Pr~~aa~ a.lJ~,o J., ~he est~m8t~ of of Miller & Miller for 3500 yards' 0:E S1J7lI"am01..fuT'-W, 111g to ;p,374D.30. , " Motion was then made by Oommissioner Baker and seconded by Cqmrl1issioner Nalling directin~that the mnounts of $2,723.63 auet ~jJ3743_30 due C. K. Horton an~IvIil16r & Miller , respectively be paid~in city scrip& ~;~ ' Votilig Aye, Walling (}; Baker., .'- Mayor then requ Ju~ge Jessup, the original & IlIa oe . __ , A1.1. audi t 0 f tbf,e 0 f t116 City olf ~ 'lie st Un~ ve:si ty 1:'laC6 from l1.prll 1st, 1927 ;1;.0 _ebruary 29th, 1~28 Un0.6r the JlU'lSdic- tion ofCi ty Secretary J. M. Dunnington was suomi tted by I'Jr. Erwin Cushman, who was ~ommissioned. to make said Alldi t anel he reported, a discrepancy of5p,53.15. The cash baJ.allc8 in the National Bank of Commerce being short this amount in the l1alancmng with the tmtal receipts over the same -period. ,Mr. Cushman reports, however, that it is likely that tlJ.is i tern can l)e accounteci for lJY 8 re-check of month; ly receipts and. d.isb'u,rsements and re commends tha t the Oi ty Council approv€ the audit a1'1(l hold Secretary Dunnington's check which he submitted to cover the discrepancy. , Motion was then made by Commissioner NaIling ani second- ed 'oJ' Commissioner Baker that tb.6 audit be ~,ccepted with the recom- menda tfon. ' ' Voting Aye, \lal1il1g 2,; :ba,ker. Motion the'll made by Commis~io116r ,:alling ano. seci)ncled E: by Cornmissioner Bakel.' that an amoUJb.t. of '1,)65.00 'be allowed and !J:fiid to Mr. Erwin Cushman as compensation for making the audit of Secre- t;ary Dl.Ull1ington! s accou,nts. Voting A::le, Baker E~ Helling_ The matter of salary to 'be allowed Mr. Er~~n Cushman 'for the position of Oi ty' Secretary was then :freely discussed resulting Mayor. Commissioner.. Commissioner. Engineer. , Ci ty Se cre tary . Murray, J. B. Mortensen, J. H. City Secretary to secure from the TOii\'Il of 'Nest Uni versi ty I....'....~~ .. 1 r .."..,~- "'-.--1,' #2. ~ ;.. in the following action, viz: Motion by COlOOlissionerBaker,'seCOJ1ded by COIT@issioner NaIling, that the city 'Pay Mr. Erwin CustJlllan a salary in the 811m of One hundr€ d & twenty five ($125.00t ))ollars per month for his se:cvic€,s as Oity Secretary of the City of ~est University flace effective from March 1st, .1928. Voting Aye~ Baker and JaIling. Carried. Motion by Com. Walling, seconded by Com. Baker, that the follovnng' bills paicl b;y the Mayor anti Se cretary l)e rati fied,; viz: A. 1'. Hob b , Salary fo r the month 0 f .HIe bl"uary , ip140. 00 J. M. DllIh"1ingto n 11 n nIT" IT 50 . 00 Oliver Le~~,~Labor, 12.00 HOllston Lightg &; .t'ovJer COll1~pany, 21ect:l:'icity" 61.82 Oliver Levy, Labor 9.00 " 11 n 7.50' " n JI 4.50 "uVafren Fe tel' 11 9.00 Voting Aye, Baker and Halling. " Motion lW Com. Baker, sBcond.scl by Com. NaIling thot the fol- lowing bills be approved for pa~nent, viz: Gribble stamp & Stencil Co., Krenzler Bras Service atation Houston Ready-Cut House Co., J. M. Gomez Sign Co., Frank: B. 1Vk:Curdy Co., The Cargill Co., F. w. HeitmaIh~ Co., F. W. Heitmann Co., Voting Aye, #alling and Baker. "El1.gineer He fferty thGnj.,tepQ,rted. to the Council the fact, tli-at on March 1st, he surrendered to Secretary Er'livin Cushman, all bt1.ildillg permitE blan,ks and simultaneously recommended that all fees deriyed from each and every charac,ter of perroi ts issued by the City of West Uni varsity Place, l)e retainEd l)y the. said c1 ty as 1~eV6nue. Motion was made by Com. Baker and seconed by Com. Nalling~ providing that the report of Engineer Rafferty be accepted and that hereafter the City secretary be authorized and instructed to issue from his office all permits of every nature and to deposit in bank all fees accruing therefrom to the credit of said c~ty as revenue. Voting Aye, walling and Baker. Mayor Schlesinger then submitted report regarding interest due the 3ecuri ty Trust Company and the Uni versi ty Bank reBul ting in the fa llm.ving ae tion, viz: Moti on by Com. WaTling, sec<?nde cL by Com. Baker authorizing and instructing that the interest of $112.50 due the SecUrity Trust Co and ~450.00 ,d.ue the University Bank, be paid. Representing the ~nter- est on the $20,000.00 warrants held by the ,University Bank and $5000.00 in warrants held by the Securi ty Trust Co, all of which was identified~ as Series "Clf and were refunded as of November 25th, 1927 and the new issue identified as series "Z". See letter of H. C. Burt & Co 0" of date Feb'y 2nd, 1928. Voting Aye, Wa lling and Baker. Engineer Rafferty then submitted for consi (Lera ti on Jj6 t of plans for the new City Hall and Fire Station which were careftlll? scrutinized and after considerable discussion, the following motlon was oftered, viz: Motion by Com. Baker, seconded by Com. Walling directing /;",~~ ,~ C1 ,;'~ . > f9' '!J .4f $ 2. 50 4.65 75.00 3.00 33.65 7.55 IS.?? 430.98 .1 t;~'<]~1}r~ '-'F-;-';0~r- I .. -, TT~' ./~3 iT . @ that the plans submitted by ana. fire lItationbe adopted seClrre bids to be submitted earliest possible date. Voting Aye. Baker ana_ Walling. There being no further business to come before the council at this timex, on motion Com. 'NaIling, seconded by Com. Baker the body stOOd adjourned. Voting, Aye, Walling and Baker. Engineer Rafferty for the new City hall and that the Engineer be iustructedto vdth his recommendations at thE ver.y Approved, Atte at, Lc !\l\ill!! I ":',11 '1--"- 1 /ii Ii , '~ J Ic-r-'-'---'----" :eh. Mayor. j March 15th. 1928. p Speoial MeetinR: of the Oi ty Comrl1issiun. City of Nest University Blaee. The City,CoF~ission convened. in special session on ThLITsday March 15th, .1928., 8't: the hour of 8 :E. M. to consicter the election re- tlu~ns of an electiol'l 116,10.,; on the J,9th day of ]\1a1'o11 1928 in the Oi ty of ' lie st Uni versi ty 1'1ac€ and. to dislJos'e of any other bv.sine se coming be- fore the body. 1]:'he following members in attenctance. H. B. SollIe sillgel" , I~layor. II. L. Baker, C01r.missioner. J. A. 'dalling, Cormnissiol1er. Erwin Cushman, City Secretary. "\ Mayor Schlesinger then Callecl for returIls of an election as to the adoption or 1'6 je cti on of the I:l6ne fi ts and terms of Chapter 9, Title 28, revised civil statutes, 1925, relative to the construction of permanent stre e t imrrovements an(l other mat te rs, hel d. on Tiarc}} 16th, 1928. in "the Cit;y of .vest University 1:'lac6. Texas. Then there Game to be consiclered the returns of an eleeti on held on the 10th day of Harch, 1928 in the city ofdest University Place, Texas., 111)on the qnestion of the aap:ption or rejection of the benefits and terms of Chapter 9, Title 28,~R€~ised. Civil Statutes of xx2 1925, relati V6 to 'the constructi on 0 f l'6rmanent stre€t imlJrovements alli:i other 'matters; And. it 81)pearing affirmatively to the Commission that said. election was regularly ordered and, that notice th6reof ltlas regularly gi ven for the timE? and in the manner [preioe (1 b:J law, and that sai d election was regularly helt! an(l returns;:thereof regularl~y' made to this Commission anct that 199 votes were Cla{~tsai d, electlon; of vifhich :iTl1J:n- bel' there were cast lfFor the acloptiol 'chapter 9, Title 28, :iievisecl, ' Civil statutes of 1925,. relative to 'cacol1strnction of :peTmanant Stre~t impToveme~:lts." ~O~ vote's, and.a~nst the. adoption of Ch~pter 9, TJ. tIe 28, RevJ.secl CJ.v~l S~atlltes :f9l::9 reletl ve to the cons'trnc- ~ion of ])6 rmanent street improvements. .. <;?4 vote SG. and 2 Dll1tilatec.. ballots. ~ . It i,s therefore Ordel'6d that saie;. proposi tion was carriect' and that therefore the City of 'dest University I'lace has adopted the benefits ancL terms of chapter 9~ Title 28, :;;{evised Civil ~3tatutes of 1926, relative to the construction of permanent stre6timproveInents an6. otb,€r matters. It. was moved by Cornmissi Oller Baker and seconcl€cl b;;l Commis- siol16r 'j\[allillg tl1ai~ t}-1.€ fo:ee"goillg :CGSn111tioll 1.)6 8 d.OI)t€ct, ,311(1 1117'.JIl tl1€ que ~tion 1)6 ~ng cnlle d, it was lmanimously carrie a_. the following name d memters votlllg AYE; , Commissione~cs NaIling and Baker,. uni't :no one voting NO. Mayor Schlesinger then offered, for reacting, re})ort of first work ac- complished on the storm S6\1Ver on J3ellaire Boulevanl, rr6parecL by .t'jngl- ... e e"'''1. 'T 'U ".": a~oe -('+ or.... ~ N .L~i' ~..., O"f:<:7""'i. Vl'" -.,.. IJ. '4. oj. ,u.. lI.' J..L ,~. c,,y <'0 J.,-,,_LJ.( ','~i:3, ' ::... 500 feet -----18 rr -----~---@$3.00----------~,a500.00 50 n -----72"----------"12.00---------- 600000 Total i2LOU.UU The foregoing maels m61'ely as a report to acqlJ8t'1t the Commission vii th the progress of the }Jroject, phovv1.ng that ;the,:.l:nlit~prices used repre- sent the minimum of proposals accepted. ' Report Signed., J .li.Rafferty, Oi ty Engineer ana is on I"i 1 e w{ t1-; n -; "'l V Se r'"-"l. e ta;.~';T. ---- \:...J:.. ',.1. '-I....... !v -,J. .........v. }ihG following € stimate awarc1.e<1 to Liller & 11 iller :froEl tll6 city '~!>, r- r- I '[-'-'-~1 19." Li-/ n<) ....,. Engineer was then offered covering inlprovements constructed on Buffalo Speedway fl"OTn Cumberland to Dissont Streets anct in :Preston 1'1a06 also Virginia COlrrtt stating: This is a p~rtial estimate 1;0 be included in final estimate and is not cumulative. as follows, viz; 12,000 cubic yards excavation @ 25p per Cu yd,-------------~3,OOO.OO '1'11ere lJe ing no other business 1J6 fore the bo dy , }Jalling f:\l1(1 seconded b~\! Commissioner Baksr the a clj ourneo.o Votino' AYE. Commissiol16J'Ts Baker and dalling. Att€~~; /~~~ ~ Ci ty Secretary.. on motion Com:missioner meeting W8S declared Approve a, Iii ~';;. . ,;.~, "; .cJ ;~. , '. ...'" C~ V"",,,:';-_~;;;iy r T '0 -"'T-O'O', ,'______ f ;~'Pi2: CI~A~iJ l.IL~~~ I11G l'U.!i: SDi~ y---~!-------- ~----l\i~~~I. (}ll 20t1l, 1928. r, . t- ..r>. + TT. . .... ' ,- :'Jl y 01. d6S!J L!l1lV€l'Slvy- .1-1.3CB ).' T118 Gi t3T ':J01"7.11C1J_ coveT16.5_ i11 0])6 ciBl oe 8siOlJ 8. t G 1: _ l~i.. Ii1)_6 ~3d.HY T- 1 <~Ot' ~c,.n n.L- . ~ .L'O.~.k.C6-,.L<'l'- ~-_J-t,-",(~ ~-l~ ....',- L~arc.::l i::.: /-11, .L~':~:":.:J, IOT u.~lE COllS1C>-6J:~8Ll J..l''1L- i lJ('_~ Ii !.~lcL'uc.lD ci.{O_ ~_::..lJ cLis}-:ositio:!.l of 81101.1 lnJ.8il16SS 88 ~"6(rllil"66_ st~t611ti0il.,' ']\[it}.~_ t}~6 foIl OVIr2'l::; I)~C6 ~3Gl.l t. _.... . ...;._ 110 IT. 0. SchlesiTI~6r, :i~yor. ~-38J?::El"t, ::;Gt~TIYl:LssiOll€T' J. .t.~. .,la.llirlg, fJorCI.nissicl16T'e i~Tn.-li!J GllsllrnS:(l, Ci t2l !3seI'Gt~'.1.~;}T;' Visi tOIlS ~I'c.B€ilt: '::-.10_ -L. ~1.0bb, ~:"lltlJG1~t J. ",. Sulli V8l1o I.. ,J, ,;,:,-,-{'-,,-'c< "'f '~ "-il1c-,1 1:' ': ;-'1"'n11 . L.. .1..LGl._~..l. .Ll.:J, ..l'~. .:...J.. ..Ll --- .~..J_ t _-. . ....r...6.. .J.. LL...:......, .~rallil'1~t .~. ~j. .,.~lli:.lg~t i..;r. .s. 1}11.1l~r8:TJ 8ild ~~:~1 i;;e ~~~~~~8~: a_P~~C~~~:i~6u~cl'~Y::~!.~e~~J~~li',;~~~T~~6 ~;;~Ll1 t~~ ;~~\~~!~;?' r':loti 011 1,.7t~ S rJ~3 (\..6 by Conll'lli~siol1.er ,1cl11il1.g S~la B€ C02"lCi.8 0_ l)~l Ccn~}.I;li f~[-3i 1)-;1_ el~ 3a]{€1"" , a r:_t}"::.or i z i~1~"" tl~c l.~G::/OI' ~111(1 Ci t ~l :38 erE t;~: l/J~T t 0 I:"I~..:~CC}lJ.' f36 a T)Ol.-.ta 1)16 Ga s j)i(~i })111~8nl P11rJI) 4lf S~lctt 011 to cost i -:J tJ::..E a g~J.~ e ~8 ~~€ the BUD of ~;348'~OO. -'~-otil1e l1ye~; .'C:0iil~. :.iisl:1illg12 8.110. .C'01.1" ~3Glr:€1~. ....i HDtioll westh611m~'2'd6 lr.v-OommissioH6:r ,/allin9~,' SeOQi;r16 0::-b~v-:OOElll1iSsiQll' Bak.;:;l' ,'~~h~.t the .~foJ,.101V5,i:lg , b.tllsJ?ai8_ l)y ..t,pq Maybr'.aua Ci tj;- 56 ere ti-:;ry be ';1::atl ::It?tf ;:V;:J,.;l;j: ' ., J"" IT R'-'-?I"6r+Tr nl"+-;- ~"'Y)r^l"'lCF'r ':,9nnn nn l-:' ,,4-,,_ :,(:<'''J:'_';';,.-,', ... ..u.. o..!- t.1;j t ~ v,~ _...J_....c. .....;;...-. -...J >> ~rT-NV~"-'.'~ -.../ .':"1 ''::;~ ""'1:./.- ___ . t~r ,,~~~,'~;~ c c~~~~:m~~:~~;~J:~:1j ~:~r~~;~ ~;~~;~ 0 j 6e t, ,:;;;~ ~ G . _.~""'- f"'- .:..''';'<'6..'''..+...., , "1-' ,-.r, ,;';:0-'''''' <", n~.<' '-",-V ~v+.. ',v">-l/Y~"'" ,-,' <.f'.- 6.J<.1_-'-U'::' ~~L';:,".co '/t'~~ ~:~;n~;,J~~: ~~ ~f; :~;l: ~~ ~~ ~:~~ ~!m;.; ""'2 IIJ.C.YO-'GIlf:..;er, rl:.l'oL~~S6 ",Tic'", of O:rH'3';~:GC~:::- ~~J~:~~-~~l~"';~~r~~:t~t :~~ i;::~~es ~:~~~~~'A:~~Z;~ 51 :=~D . 5e 3.0C 1050 0;'.3 e ;2C) ':iJ~'J.ti::l[~ A;:T6, UOI:ti .0fl:~C:C ~:'J Jon:'i ,iLJ..J..ll-'-,.:....e ;.,~O ti O~ tl:.eri Tr.~10_S l):l OaTil. Bcl:cx. tl~ at .tl~_c fa 1.~_;)Y:.ri l12' l.~illE 'OTe- S6JJtc(l 1)~.7 tJ~;(: 3ec:eGtsr;/ .be ~-:8ia.,. "':ri:~: Co c. -~{0;":_~::.~~~ ~-l<'\il1.till2:' .Jo, ~[:C.() IGti~~2x'J_1c,~-:,(lc$y'>10.2f: l{,)'r'.stOYl li[;'Jlti~l.:: ~~ ..t'O.\7€J'; Go, :b.s.l. ~-51 .0[' br",~lJirl Cl:S~~1lil2~1, :~'8so1i]'1€ v., ]_--cJ_' :-~Ee C i-:J tra~8acti _~ the city' h~Sl~~6E2, 7..6~ .V' Q t i ~:l_=' 1':..:16; '~Qll: . i~"~J_ J_i-; f1~_}0~ ;-,"1.;-- --J'-....1..:..i . j)-S .L::e l' . 'J:~-'_ c J~"'e 1.-;6 j 1"1.:-' ~.tU =~\~.r t'}- c, r l)1; ~:J i~~:_( f~ ~~'. .bc .~-. ;'J~c ~~ t.~:,... L~C 8 t. i!.l=:" l.:0 t i or.i 'fc)::-c f: G.-- :1 \.)l)]~~lLi€:.lt y.:':.8c1E :) f:ceI~c 0... r!......_..,... ';.;;' ..; JTi~ e . j ~~~ J_15.. ~.~ ~~ .r; f'e6011dG& ~y Goe. B~t6r TICS ) .;:1f j!l; C"'lG d, _.,.-- VotiZ1E: !;~ I . ,: littest. Ci t~T ~->;5""h.,.;< r- ~~~, .... / (p , Special l'l'~,jr,::: R +-: i :n 0" . ...\oJ.... ...............:..}-") March 26th. 1928. Sp6ciaJ.l 11166ting held: j0111tl:y~ '\ivi tl1 Ba:-cI'is (01)~lt:y' Qorrrrnissiol1S. at rlf:l:rris COTmty CouJ."'l~ IIoD_se tu COllSid.6l-"i 1~6COY!1n1611d.Bti Ol1.S ro ,lUT 8.Vval~ ctirJ.g C 011- tTa cts fo::c the pavLIc; of Bellail~6 :81 vet, by IIar:r'i s ComIty 8n(1 Ci t~\l of de st ul1.iv-ersity- 1:la06 jCil1tly, tIle cii~3T O~.e ii6St Urlill61~8itj"r.l?-c.6 to :p~3.~- for curb and gutter only. COn1TIlittee COYflI;os6d__ of (;01.:u.1.ty 1~11f;ill€6r dis6 t T€lJl"'6S611ti;.lZ II~J.r- ris Connty, ...,. J. CUllim:Lngs re})TE,sentine; citizens and. Gi t~l :Gngin66T fmffe:rty re pI'EO senting the Oi t:)T of d6 st TIni versi ty l'lac6, T~3 commencLe <l that contrac t De awarded to the Gulf 13i thuli thic. Co., who were low hiaaersj 1)1(1, on C1.1:r'1) and g"LU:ter bei :lg' 70 C6UtS p6T liDeal foot. ') . ~' Eotlon ()V CommissionsI' ;1alling, secoI6,de.1:l:\f tI "" -'_~-, ~ Bake r WR s then 0 ifer€ a.. ewar ding to the Gul f lii fj.~'/,;i c Irleno.ation of the Committee. vg, Voting JiY€, Com. Baker ,} Com. ,'jaIling. Carl~i6<1o" C onlr.ai s Si-0116r CO., _:88 J:Jer 1~6COln- ~i_1J.16 I'6 1Jei:rl.g.110 -flll"tl1er "[rtl;-3:l1168fJ, 011 nlotio11 C om" ".. -l--':ll~l -i<-;- r::;. -i" . ...... _~_L~ ....J...... , se C011- \leel 'i}J.~Corn. ;-;allill? t}16' r116.6 .tille~ V!;::~ S Qe cl.sTs-cl. H(l j OTt11De-ct. Voting: .i.1.J7€. GOin. -~-,la lli."llr~' &~ OOIn. B&ker. Atteste '~"4 ' ..---~. -',- /' ~/ ' :.; L.,.. ,-~ .. if~), . ... j/ /J , ..." " ~/~' . ' City ,36cTstary./ APprOVe~? U ., r l~~r -'--~-r"""""C--''''''~----":l~_ ! ,Ill I ~111E Jt!::' te O:e :'"'6:~~..S. c 0 ~~tTl ty'" (j 1 t~l 0 f ~,{ 8i:.liJ~:~~t ~E~ l';::i. t/ ;S'f,)6cial I,Isstinr"" ~_'1;:_~C6 . 'Ci7G~r ;~of 1 l';SSt. lJ::,l1~jC.ll[.i t~>- IJJ}CS, ~arch 2Sth, lS2J. 'J.'exas 0 , f ,Jll tl~~G 2gtl1 eta:! of ~~=aJ.:'cl1, lS2::;., i:;~c.E~ ctt~i cOi:lr:i8Si~)116:C8 of tt:.s. city o~f ;t'6st :}liil.TC1'E:it~;..T ~':lt}c€, i1G:':f3s., Vif8f:1 C(J-::l'7611GCL ij_l ~~j,;6ci8:~, E:6ssioll at tll6 re2~1.:_J._8.:rl YDG€ti:.l:~t ~iJ.8.0f; i~~l tJ~J.e ci t2l of" .~-6E.t LJr~i '.TE::.rfj_ t:~t ..:.1806, :i'€:'~,::C \7i t"l-':. t116. foi_l O-;l!i ~:.1~T 11.~ Tne (t In6 nJ)6 I' 8 l)T 6 S611 t. vi z: ~. 2. Sch16sirr:eT, kaYOTe J. 11.. _,fallirJg, CjO~1~ll1issi()11e'r ~-{. .l_~ .y8" t .J.: ~;OLlL1issj~OllS1~ j~rvIi:l ')TLfi:!.Y;~all, , Ci t:J ~l;~:~':: '7}16'=1 t~'1.e~ce C81~j \);1 t;:: 1~€ CC~lsi(:_6T\~(1 t}:J:: Ll8tt.Cl~ !::!~f C()~lf~t.l~I:~cti118' c~1.1~l; E~_lct P~1lt-. t€l~ 310~'l?~ .t1.lC :'i'~~8t ~~'1i\'-(:l~2lt~T J318C6 si:1e o~c .~.:E},lDil"E ~l~Jl116"'trfjl'\0 D2.J.(~_ 0:)11.- strli,C ti 11;3' }')TCJ })6 l~ dTB i 118 0'6 f.ac i J_i tie 8 t]16Tf6 :~~Ol~; lirlc. i t 81'lje-aJ..~ing 8~f:~:firE18ti ~\l'Gl~:j t>_> tl.~t-~ c.uI:r::~issio~l t}.,_~-:t -1_t is :::: 8~::~::::;;~~: ~t~ ~~t~~f< ;,~~~~:~~~: :~:i~::~~~~:;~g~~ ~~~:; ~~~~~:,~:ti~l:- C ontr'c. ct ~.~l:L tll G"nltk-:~~i tu_J..i t~-~.ic ,']O!:.l~,-'al~ty; 'fl'1- ", .--. - ,C~l'-" -1 ,-. it i~~ tCi tl~~e fJEst 1--1t(;1"'6f3tS 'Jtk . ,.,' r::- 2t ~ .~. 'P,'.l" ~.rr: _~ .c.~d :!'~~'!:~.L ~ ; n, , ~;'~'~.', :"~",~'l~'~"'/ " ~.~,,,! ", ; ~;~. ;: ~,' -,~" ::_~Il:' ~,:.-'" ,= ::~"""'.~l" -(,~., "-';::: ....- \ c:.!..-...._ __ __.-.:.....~_ '_' _ I~ ''';_ '..1_,'; _ ,_ t~;!}::.~ t1:T~~1~f:' 1~~~_crG~),:r t-~-~.'~t -:~~'E: :~i t~7 of .~ E; 81- l:J.li 1.-e l~ pi t:i7 ~..l.gc S s}-:J)T,l (1. rj 0 ~i~} i -:} iCe ;):.ltln .~{C t ',7.L t'l: t. }~(, ~:';:.l f-~_~l t1}- J.,i'tJ'li ~r J[:;r!i~"Fnl'/ f':.l1.0, ;---'<J.l....:~.j_f' _ Jc~,.,~-!.t::.r i-:) t~,c cO~-;_2i~:.:_~_!3ti U ,'t oj:" i 1:;: i ol~ti()}1 0 -~ Sl-;,CJ~. i Hl..:..:I~ ~,~. '\.;'" [T;lt; i1 t 2 ~ r: 2'1;'1 ~:_ 8 E t :1.~. f' .~~.__~~tc: E,l:€: .'J ~ t~~~ :J ~~ t i. ,~1: I ;:-: ; ..:ill1 it .~:~"}:rtr:-q,r ~:, ,cal'!t"'_~~~~ :.:=':::~=~:~~L-<.tt=_-~.1'(~'j2! t~>t:~~ -~~( Jit~:.'- of ,;t~Et: i'~~~;~ ~':;'~~~~t~l~~~. ;,~~:~~"i t}~~ ~~~'6:~;~~~;~Di;l~~l~,t ~~:;' :;f~'C ;;~,~~:~~.~i:}~~:~~~' ?;,:'~€ ;~~~v~~;~", 811.cl l)l<ls el'u'L J."~ f;',7~3.1~{Li".1.'.' eG,j'ltTf:..~ct '1");C"::':'E:~rG:C t::; 8.~~~L(~ ~it;~~litlic ~:~r(~~l:E~~!.~r; It i s 1'-~', C :(8 .~~ (:- -"(:, or ~~lc:t s;~ l~\;.:- .. 01. ty CCLJ1:i f:' si ~}~f..l [) -,Z i- ~,{~ ,) 2. i~':' . ;,.0 ';~'cst lJi:1i\TElr~E::it~T i.l.::~ce t~~~:jt tl'-lE I!I8.~TOlo lyE G=~1c..l1E'i8 l}E.~:c'€l):)T ~_i;..'i.t};')l1iz6[1 f:11~?_ Ql.T5ctecl to e~~ec:'?~;tf; e~)_c~-'. Coy:-..t~:r.~~ct f~c)~; ~~~lc~'~_ ;y~:~, llE~I::"Bl~~ ':Jf' ~:~:f cit~;- ()f ."t:;Et UlliV-G.Ysi'1:~T ~l.;f.:.G€, :J~'=.i.~~ r~6}-'!Jl"}t t,}':.c E:'.2:'tC 1',o.c}~ t~.:~ t?':iE: C:)LJ~~t8Sj.;)::~~ f:J~~' :ratifi- cBtior.t; · It 1,.[G8 T~:.O\tS d 'h~.r CCil~:.r~lisslorlel~ 1);31:s.l~ 5x].d Sf] {J011(~G f :-)~~.-:- Gl"l ,1'alliI1g t~b.8t t~16 ,-~or6,20i~~I~~~' X'€SOl11tioIl !.H"S, l:(:~2E.Gd el1.Q l7.i_0 '!'~E':"- ~'11("co" l'.L, -,-~~, 1''''''-'' l'.-r,--c;'1", '''<'-'~E''~ "",....-"~~-:r'.1c.-.- " , ..J-:.L.1.1~S' v.t~...L.__~ _ !.J \:Jc:.c )~.!.tJl,J 1~~\_"L~\"';...L;Y J.._'~.::t::b'L ,vV~.L.Ji.';'-,-~-,t::-L'J2.~:... ;-:' DD1~El" a::...(, vo t 1IlG i;'YiJ. 8.E0, ?l.': :, i16 YO t L< no. II, / _ . ~ ;~! if' \,,, I "~ c:~. c-::;.. 'JTd.i:;'lE06 lS~Ti:.'l:~~ Et t::.t:.:~ :t"O:-i' ~--; (.: CO:!_l- ~3t::rTLeti.o~:.t O~C e1J.l'l~b ,~31J.(l ~~.1) '~~' tI-l,,~ deet U:li T'"(i:csi t~l J:]_ucc ~~if..€, O~~ ~'j61j~e~ air€ ',501~:.161t8:cd_ 8:'1.\; .fc;2." tT~.6 CO:1E;tl1:~oJci()Jl o:f f.3T~I)1'\Opl-"1istG :11~-ailJ.B.C~G :f:'lcili t:Les tt~E ~[,6 ~ec.: r, rl~ s t.[: :':6 ;'--: 111; t':~l -:'~j: 6 ;~~ 0LJ.~li [; 8 i '.J llS:r 8, '.:lr"_61'611.~; OIl t} ~G fcb]~ lov!j 1:.:E( 01~- di~~l2.C 6 \,];;: f:j i:~ -zIC~!.,~Ucll1.CG ..,.(~:",::,.~' C:~~~~~:;'c~, :"_'~'~"'_"! -,:.:,:j_,~,..' ::,._ / \~rc.~S ___ ...:_ ______ ...._.:._ _ <1::::.11i-::'1:';' ;:}~~\~_ 8CQOJ1Cf.ct_ \",~ GOT~lLliE- si O:~6 ~C ~j2.~;,:e:e t -. l- f fGJ.J.cY,-',riJl ~~ Ol~(lil~.Hl!_C'e ;)E 1.l:-~~BS6 d: .A.~~~ ::-:L~J)i_~',~hC.L~ 1E vYI~.fL~ ii i~l~~~{ ~}()l:{ ~ilI~~~ aj,._.:,~-;:ri1..{[) (;T i\)iJ ,')Jl G1Ji.\~ 11~~~'D \;.liTTbl~ .b.l...)~1G- ;..L;-,-lL~ 'i'J~~j;i l.T~JI~\/J.:~i:t01'l1i .ihG.G ~'Jlil~ ui:!' HELLAiliIlli :DODLEVAi:ill .b3D ;i': i;:'; Ti:fS ,::;0:;:;.,;,; ;:)i.L'l1U 'yrI :.J.J..\ U} Ar.t'.t\UJ.:'l:UA'J.:B =.;iAL~A(}E ii'LC II IT Ib.;j ,j 0i'_~.:~..1. 2 c.i OlT-,.,;~ C1J..€ ;-::t.i ~}n - ~~. ~ . .~ 1:1.806 .l3."t-tCSt. T fiE: _[(l~ l~\) l~~~ . a::'~,cl 1.l.:.o- tj-;.6 C1.1_6~~tiol1 'bei :-. cel1G(1,- it, -~;![:S 1211S:1it~OTLSIJl I~t1SB6G.j JOYl1raissio}16I'8 ~_'@.,iI-' " . t - ~ @J ,t2. }. '~:le.lllll.g el1CL ~)&l[€l~ ltotiYlg J.~'YE Hlla. 110 0116 VOtill=..~ 11.0. TIl.e TI"1_J_l f:lilCl COI.11)lete ol),tlill€ of tl~G orcijft~10.e(} ~:.:::.:..li 1;rCC;€60111ES~~ 1)€i11.~; O;J ~filEI' .3l1cl of 1~6C301"(l ~Jit~Jl tl~.E '...Jit~~l ;j6CTe"tal"J' of .fGf~t UJ:li1r61~2it:y- .f lace. ~Cl}G i:'i.tl~O(~J-~ctiu.:-~ of () ~"-I8.:rl'1allt o:rd.i:!.18CE '<J~.[' tl.1.6?~~ t;e~:611 lIP, ~;i~~6~C611r~Q:rl COETIni SSiOl16l~ .i'21 J_il12; Sr~l)Tlli tte (1 . =ca l'l C OllSi C.E :-C€ ti 0:1, 811 01' dil1Ei c~ 6 ~~ltttJ_€ ci: it.J ()r(DliTAIJCE ~.tt()-\lIDI~~.~'\~~ j\).ct J.;~~;.b ISSUA~;JGli C.} OIil'Y ~}i!1 ,;::;;jT U~a\[lLSITY PLii.C.6 ~}m,mD;',;' i{..I'".;:dAJ.,;TS L,; ir,H:S ~"..,~"f" ,,.':;j "''"1 0-'0 00 ~<'fT'F -r--', '''''1'--- y ',.-' I'~~ .aLl' j i.J":~..L' v Q ~pb t 'U '. ,l\~i '.1.1 LiZLJ...l.~ lr 0.tdi .al.J.1', J.)Jjil.:l ~;;\j- I.i:Pl~l~.::L:;~.)Cil ATI -~~;IIb lj~Jll~j~ ()]? SIX J:'E~\ CE.~J~P PEB .Al:T:rulVI,~. _~'C)..:.i ili_~iS ~~.lTiCt.\)~ ()1f 7tJ::~DI~~G Jj. J~I~(G. ",AIJ)Ul~T u.3l 'i~-AR~ rtAIJTS Li~GAll:Y ISSITi<:D DY ,jAIl; CITY ]lOll lAd:51UL CITY PUR:i::'OS2 s; J?HC)VIDIl~G 3'Oi( 'iEE LEVY OB' A TAX TO }''jiY 'FHEl j.3n~CIPAl kiD IlJT2iG,SJ:1 Uli SAID dA.i:\ilAI~TS *1.~\ LL.t\~ THIErry. COI:1n:i ssi or161~ }Jalrs.l" EJ.oved t118{ t1;_6 o:rd.illfJ.C6 lJE l)~lSSe (1, S€ C()11clE cl by Cin:nlissioJ16I' .:iallil1g 811Q C81~1~16CL l)y t:.-:'6 fQllol.villc~ vot€: l:tYES: {JOLU11issioIl€:i.-'f:. LBl-<:G1.~ fillet. ~i::lllillg. 1:IOS: .2{O~16. :nJ.6 fi)_ll and com~"lEt6 ,iJroc€6clings o.~ Baict ;~81'Ya:lt ()l'CLil1a:.:cl3 is Oll_.,!il€ 8l1Cl 0:[ }~ecol~(l '..lit}:i tJl€ Cit~,. b€Cl~etclr~T OI tl~E~ :~it:/ of" ~i€ct Ullill6~~- si t~;" J:.-L3C€. ling, It ':n12 .4.L 1-1 P t.t t1-1 e --'-' c; "ij ,,:. ,i j " tlO~l. .oi~ ~~. ~ch16 si:n,g6r, I.la:,'{o~ tL:~~. l'~c:~:m~ll~~la_ect to tl15 0omrnissi?ll- ErG, th,et 116 06 ;':J.l1_tilO:::'lzed to eIl2r10y a :..;ertlfJ.€CL r'1iJ)l.lG Acciliuntant to asslst t~ J'{ . + ,-: ..l- ..J"'t ~. . f"l .J.:..."t t ~ -1-'" .,.,.,., I16 :':'l"y ,:>6cre IAxry In eEE T3IlSI61~::Elng OT- t,llG 3CC()lUl-S :tr,)m Lil.e O.LO_ ooo,;:s ~orior to his Er'y:;oL:ltm6:nt to a new and cOIlro16 te system of Llllnici'D8l 8C C 01X~:lt- Ing tlrrc11gL ~L the }:rol!er ,j onrnal e:n,tTies ai'll' to alE;o coi:nrlete &11 o:f- ficial 3U,0.i t SllCh es ca:::] te certi fie cJ to anJ:onb1i sh6 a. 'l1:C,6 rv:;:ayor eXI-'l'E ssed tl1.€ Opi11ioIl tJJt.1.t he C011SiC:61~E' it ad.visal)le at tj':is tit16 i11 y"ieiJv o:f: 511 ar)Y:RT- eut CL6sir6 011 tl:c: l~~J.rt of Ol.IY ci tiZ611.S fo:-c ti.~iB i1.1foJ:.~nl8.tio11 t ~~?;et}'lt::;l" T'litl1 th6 fElet i~J::8t 110 fi11811Cisl. si~ct6n1611t of 1~1-.tS ci ti6S a.ffnil')s }-lft~-\l6 EV€l'" 1)6611 l~'. ~)1.1bllBh€d 812(1 di str~ 1)1_~_t6 (1 tl1at t:l~.iE Be t:LOIJ. 1)6 tBlr:€ 0_- ;Jl16TE1J.})Oj1; Jl L10tio...~ \78E 1118C16 l)~l COl~lInissiollGr ~i. l~. i)B.lc61~ 811Q E€C011(L6Q lJY !Jonl1"Qi8siOllE.11 J..- :8.:.. r~ra]_lin[< orCLS1"i tl~ct '{:11(~ Y€COTll1;lGl1c1..etiojlS of i~[l~":Ol" II. b. Schl€singeToe 8)p:rOY66, all,1 authoriz8cl tG employ a C€;:ctified .iu1Jlic ",-i.c- C01111t811t as .gf.o:c6said. CQJ~riGd 1')~T tll.€ fC1llo\vil1;2,' .vote, viz: AYES: GommifjsicJ:L16TS D.s.keT an::". ::alling. nos; none. , '1'}1GI1€ ;JGi..t1::- 110 'otJlsr )yr;_Sil16SS lje=Ol~E> tC16 1)Oa..~19 O~.l n:oti()~1 JOLle . ] ., . ~ - - .,. -, , i ' -J . t t ~ '1 . " .,18 _~!..l11g~, S6CUllv.6u. ny .....orn. .:)al:81~ ~rl€ Tl166 Cl!l.?' S _I Oc.. aC_<iJOlll"Yl€CLe Votic1,?:, ,A~~i~iOllE.l.} :Salter au(!_ ,iallins. ~WS" 8 A tte st t:: /~~~~..w-;Ufi-4--"x..- , A},jJ:::r'OY6 ct 81ty Secr6tary. ~/ ~-~:" ~ --, T "~ .;"", -,-- I t.' e Regular Meetin9: 01 ty of ,iest Ul'li,\f€-:eBit2T J:---lecot ' l:i,' 'pr'i 1 91- rl' -lQ 2P .t:"" -- __ki....l...'.., u....... . Te:,;::a s. l...,.. , ffi'" The CitJi- council convened in I'egultu' s6ssion on this MOl1cley, .April 2nd, 1928 to t8ke up and. 0011.8i(161' a110' ttl1.d, all b.usine ss 90ming fJ€ fore the oOdy.'"vv:i.th the following T11ernoe:cs in attElldance, viz. TT 11.. . ~. 1.,.- ~ Baker, II. J3. Schlesillger, l\Ia~ror. COlilrni.ssiol1er e :IT. ..:-1. ~lallillg, E1'rvin Cushman, Cit;)7 SecrotBry. Cornmiss.iol1er. , \1isi tors present, Il€€J.~ 11af fErt~l. MorteYlSon", IV~U.l~l"~]J?, :.dobb t 'J.._~)llJ_li VBll, 811d Oity Erl~.!:'i - '--- I/Ia;y?or Schl€si21ger Oa116(1 fol'"~ tIle 1~6f:.1(.i..l11C~ of" trl€ lni::-:ro_tes of 'Pl~€\T10l.lS rll€stirlg-s alia. the fol-l{)vJirlg 1l1i1.1TtteB 1V61~e r'tG~}(l. LIirl1.1teB for l~Iarch 5trl, 1928.. l\=a1.'Jch 15th, 192[3., I':.srch 20th~ 192(:;., !.Iarch 26th, lS2e., antL Harch 29th, lS2,[J. _ '1.'he question of an}jroval of thE fOl'egoirlc~ rnim.ltcs 'Nas then offereo. by ti~'~, ~;Yg~m;~~:~~~;~~ ~:~~lf~~~o;;~g;D~~~i ~:;~ ~f~]~m~~~f~;~~~E ~;k6rthD.t ~~~;h~ft.:l~1l€ f.;~:~~:7.t~~2~~8~~ ~~~~~~:~~V€~: th6 '>ites Eai~ch 5tb, 15th, 20th~, Voti.rlg AYEl; COElIllissioYlCTS J3al[61:' 8'1 s~8.11il:~~:. C8I:>1~i€(l. ,. Th.c fo-}.lo'vVt11E~ i't€l11S 'il~ '~p8ict 1)~r tli(3 .J.'~8.yor~ D; Sec:r6.tf:l~jT ~JeO~)l)j]_t o~f 1'1",:'!'€i1+ ,"'~'1~6C< ""err' ',')"'€~G'f1t6d 'F"nr rpcti,'fli;p+i(w1 by t:;c COffl'p,i''''sj !yper;::, ~;0 fr:;-~~1~\;~~;70''''~r~~~~7~~~on~ ~~~8 -~~::/~~;<' ;-~:.~ ':':~~~1i'~C8~:-6-r'-1" ;:'6:', ~T~;-~ ""~'" .'~ l~- II -'V..._c....._.... .J..'i. . ..1,....... ::-", ~v/ hJV ......_..."-' v\_,-,. ..__..~\:..~t, _.l...L.J.L-l. tJ..... '...Iv '*,,--e L~ VO.chec:;;: :'-0.449 nv1::'8t0l1 Ii[;hti:;:;.;;; "\l0~".'el' ~J., j3l1cct:ricit:' 59~S7 'I If H 450 H IT .~ If '. dOl1nect~_Y',lB. 25..00 H It IT 451 ~, J')" '-'c1~lcS';~":- T.!.J 1)- f""-J..c, (' Uil""'''' h,.,-,j ,',c)' 4 F.c-' .__ . ,_.... - ... ~--:: . v :~-:-"-' ..L.J...J.. _, ." . 'VG~. lV... .).:. J. ...~. .L-f.l.___,............l..\v ..", _ . v !Jlty 0crlpt. 4.54 leil.Ller & lVlll16r I~;<~orrn JeY:STJ:TCJ6C;; i~o. 4. 'iP6000.00 iVT{"")"tiv^Y1 l")~'r z;:t-T"o:4o~ili-n()~ ~6COl1(1€n"0 CU-"~;--'-l. 3f;1~~'Gr' tnpt: t};n -P0y;cc'oiT10' ..1...v "...- _..I. '--0. ~J.ti - ~ {"4 -J- .....-6, l..... ........ '-~ l.,J 9...0..1 . ,,-....... ~....;.;",.I".... ,~..."._ _.. .J-;,,;J_"'" ,,:; --c it€lnS paid. 8J.la_ 1;T6S€11tecl. 1):\F tl}J3' de.or-etar:}! for IJaj'nlerlt lJ€ l~atifi€(1.. 'ItotinQ' AYE: Commiss:Loners .;al1in.o'':: ani }3akcT. Oarrie 0.0 '-J Si ty Secretar::r then offere CL the followiEg' hills du.e Shd l1ayablefor the approval of ths Conneil, viz: l~orve II-Wilder }l81'CLV;;are Co J 2" Gal11 lipe 1501 ft, . c ,~-:1 Less D~Bcount 2?~---------------- $340. '73 e-;-er- ~P333.,,9 2 Krenzler :Bras Service St8ti on Ga s & Iiu,o.. '.Is tar Dept. 11 II II If Tf 1" " , ~I . Gen '1 Expense H I! If 11 n" IT Fire Dept. ;:;it:,.- of }-:O~lstOl1. fateI' :Deparhl€nt ,JstSI' Service "T l' , '., - -T ~ ,- ~ 'T J ..., t. l'Jq&ve .L- "LL(j.er har Cl'.i!81'6 ";0. .1. .L~OVo Dalp.clraIil sue lOll TI1JJIlp =-r.-ei:€"'b~i~l~!{~-ifG~T~~ ~'iiSttrGS8 befo 1:'6 tbe.Oommission; UDOll motion of Com. Baker s6conclecL by Com. NaIling tl16 mseting sttOd- Bdjour116d. ~totirlg AY"E: GonnnisBioners ~fallillg~ ancl Ba1~6:r. 5.72 ~76 5.12 7.75 348..00 (-- Ai:prOV6c1 (fj) '\;- ....: ;;;;;REGULAR ----1~ETING.;;;; April 16th, 1928. '" ," ". '!? !,- , _ R6gular meeting of' the Commissioners ():f the City of West " JJniversi tJr Plac~,. Texas, convened on thea:bove datffat 'the hour of , ,0 8 'J? M. f'9r the tr~nsaction of any and all busine ss aorpin,g be :fore the,body , with thl'll following members in attendance, (viz. , , , (00" . H. B. Schxesinger, Mayor. . ' H. L. Bdk-.r, Commissioner. ..' , J. A. Walling, CdUlDllissfol:1er. , Erwin Cu.smD:an,'Ci ty S. cretary. 'I - ~" .~ " " . . - . , :Mr. Fa J. J!imch, >l.;visi:tor at the me.ting took ~oocasion to :file his application aSCb:Hff, of, the ]lire De'pa2':tment which after due consideration was ,ref.~:r'.~ .':to,the City Secretary with instruc- ti ons to file, for future" c6n.si'der'~ti on. The Mayor then a dvis$d- that' there was fi movement on foot ,by' prope::ty owners ~o. ~~,a~v~,,~p:e "south. s~de o:fBellaire, Bou~e!ard :from Kirby DrJ. ve W. st to the Soutbern PacJ. floC Ry .traclt~".xpl~7J,.,nJ.ng at the same time tha1t the Co~ty Engineer had requested 'pe:rmi'ssion of our city authoritie,s., t9 ,4-raiIl t4e sOllth ,side. o;f ;B.llaire Boulevard ,into our Sewer on the' ndrtlj, fide of the sai'd, Boulevard arid after :full d.iscussiol1~ 'premises cforrsi<,,:ered: , ' Commissioner Baker af~...admotion 'du~YS.QQnded by Commis- sioner Walling. that p.rmissiori'~.. grant~d to' theCo1irrty Engineer to drain the south $id~t .of ~;~l,81re Boulevard i:n,to'ou.r sewer on the, northll: sid. of thosai'd'BOulevai'd '8S request.~:f.Q ,,' , Voting AYE: Commissionl$:r Wallimg and Baker. "" <'C~ ,;' :'", ';;r;;:,: , Motion made by Comm~ssloner Walling 'duly seconded by Commissioner Baker author;i,.zi,!fg tho Mayor an y Secretary to en- ter' intos ooni;rE!.c.t-withllr;'E.~ 'L. Crain foe purch~se of a "pi@ce of ground upon' whiQp;~.t:p: e,;rect the,F~, ~,ti'ori.' aIld for the extension of Uni versity:Boul.vsrd not to (fgC.'d l85fora price in " excesa of $2800.00. All in ,aq,corq.ance with rWsolution :fully cover- iug which is on filEt ~:nq. 'bf r~ecord w~th the'Ci ty Secretary. Voting; AYE: COminissi'oriers~'~~~r and Walli~.' ' . ~ . . , " Mr. Schlesinger 'in~roduced the questiorr o:f the purchase of a set of Vernon's AnotatedStatutes to be used by the City Author- ities as a oonvenienoe ~Ad ~1de in the legal transaction of business whe reupon, < . ~.~ . . Motion was made bY" ~ommissioner Walling and duly seconded by Commissioner Baker authoriz;i.~. ,tlf.oMayo:x and.:9<ity", Scre'tary to pur- chase 8. set of Vernon's en~t8t.~ ,statutes forth. purposes indicated. VotiIfg AYE; Commissioners )3:akc*rand Walling. It was moved by Commiss~on.r Baker and duly seconded by Com- missioner Wall.ing that the report read by Mr. A. P. Robb" Superinten- dent Water Department including tha' first three months of ths y~ar 1928 and complete in detail, be accepted and passed to the City Se- cretary for his permanent files. ' Voting AYE: Wemmissioners Walling and Bsktir. r~~ ~ ~l u r' ~ 1- "1 I~ & . '" City Secretary Cushmsn, then requested that payment of, the folloWing bills be ratified; Viz: v.,o. 467, f.svor Mill.~ & lvUllei- (Scrip) On 4/0 storm sewer proj.ct " { , !M:..J';o' $2000.00 ," '" If Ale Shell Est~ for Street Improvmm~TI5000.00 J. H4> Rafferty, Engineering Supervision se. 'est. for project. Levy, Labor inWatfllr D~pt. Peter, ." 1t,,,, ," T.ownselllQ.. Recordi:pg fees 1st & 2nd . {. ExtenSion proceedings, Oliver L$v.y, Labor Water B,pt, , Bake.r · , ," , 1.[ot~on byComniissione,ri, duly seconq.€ld. "by, Oo,lP1U,=l-ssionsr Walling recommending tn_ratification of the'for.go~ug bills paid by the Mayor and Secr.tary. Voting AYE: Commissioners Walling and Baker. Vo. .468, ." Vo. 469, " ~ Vo. 471, VOi" 472, Vo,; 465, ! If, Oli.ver Warren Al b8pt " Vo. '460 If ,.". 1000.00 7.50 7.50 8.25 3.00 _.~h(!l follo~ing" billS wer.. submitted to t1J.~, "b,Oay ,:.tor approval ama. payment, viz'~,'" . , , , J. C. Mortensen" For1nspeC"ti<;>;n and unstoppit;i.ff oJ ' ;sttl:\e temporaryCi ty Hall, .. " ," F. Vi. ne i tmann Co., ' . , The Cargill Co, " . ", ' Gribble 'Stamp .& St.n(d+Oo',~" J.W. Norris(formai1.boxes) H. L. BaklJr, Fo:r {}(>I1Jnils.siori..ris 'J. A. Walling Jt ' "'. " H. B. Schlesl:p.ge'r, ," ' Mu.,llsr Co. ,'); {Wat~;r ne;pt) ~.wer '. , ',' t meeti.ngs per "d_t.ai.l - ~ ~ " ,," ft' n n '" 21..60 .46 18.95 16.80 1.52 48.00, 48.00 48.00 20.57 ., . -'. " '. - Motion :,mad€l by, Oomm1ssioner Walling ,dulY se CPIidti! d by Com- missioner Bak.~'ord.~ing~b~> bills as s"bove entim.rat.d,p~id. Voting AYE: Be_ssion"rs Bsker end WalJ,.lng;. . Ther@lbeing no. fttrther business before the UQlmnissioners >on motion Conimissi,one~r' Wall:i,.ilg duly seconded by .Commissioner Baker, the meeting was' declared' adjourned. .,' . ,Voting AJi: Commissioners B,k~liand Walli~. ',~~ , ijPproved I Atte at, r 1 i-I , -' , . J. A.-WALLING. City CommissIoner H. L BAKER, Cit, Commissirmer . ]. H. RAFFERTY, City Engineer G. B. MURRAY, City Marshal ,Citg of West University Place HOUSTON, TEXAS ~26 t T r . ..INrJJrJI~ III~ City Secretary <R.0./8 3. 'Box 368.B OO",TON,m. '", ~ /~;'9'. . .:.~ J.,~#-...~ ff"1""- a-Il~~'''J~~' . ..... ~ . c:.Yv' , ,~~e~~w~~~-r~-, ,,~ ~~, / '.~ ~e.44. %/.-lA/.> . _ , ' ,,_ '. Yk-tiJa1i;;~raJ-~I'~~~-~~7f~~~~, o/,J- r TL~Je~ zKz. ~~~h(~ ~f'Uh 17~8. "') , .~J ~~ ~~~iS~. -&fJ ~ (/- c;2TA llJ(HJ fd -'~ \JI{uI~. ~~ ~!:~~~~~ '/4j{C'~'. ,YL. u..g,.~_~.. ~, ,~: (..dW'~~- - /. /J / .. . .~ /... t,lJeldR4 hrl"~ ~ ' ~I(?*,,~. Z/~ .,,'1 rS-4/-9q.r. ~9-~. -'._'-...... . - t -- .- 'h,. , -.""" ~. I~~ ~~,au~~. 1~1~~2'~: . . . I 17. ~j:lZ '~41 "417"'03.5--: / 91... pt" T F ~--.4-J~librJ6d: ti-'It1' e.; 'auau~e~l"- i . !., ~ ~. --- . f.....' ~h 'If . ,,.{~~"1J/#. i 7~4, . . ... . . '. CJ.L..- ft" - 3. 1# ~f I " . Yl71t1{J~ ~,' ~ k('~ . %ff_ /'. ., ;:.; II ' " . . '. ~-- -~--- _.._-,~- ,." . . --,~ .:~. . i '. .~ -. . ' ..7iTd ~~ ~,d.d/~ <1,tf/,(I~~/; I/!'() '.31 , #/aJa4, ') . H. B. SCHLESINGER. MAYOR ~ _'.,"0':;:"',,,_=' .,-, '. r"" r--- - ....-------T------'-l ,r .. ~~~-. '. "","""",~~.,.,,, ......"'",.. ."'.... .. :ptbl ' ~/~fYr-vl ~~r~ , ~~.'. ~.&~/ ~" b{L ,..,",.c.,."","'\""'C_~."c,,.. ~ ). A. WALLING, City CommisSIoner H. L BAKER, City Commissioner: ... J. H. RAFFERTY, City Engineer G. B. MURRAY, City Marshal City of West Universitg Place HOUSTON, TEXAS ~26 'J. M. DUNNINGTON, City Secretary 'R.ou.. 3, 'Boz 368-B , HOUSTON, TEX H. B. SCHLESINGER, MAYOR d~~fi{9Jf!Ia<<- -/f?2? . . /~~~r~~~~~~ . ~ ~ y~, /f'Z-7 d/a-o ~66..s-;2 (?tJ. ~~~.-d~,~w~3.3C~ fd,~.~ ~ ~--r~ l!'d:;(?~r#-~ Pd'.~r ~7~$0 7~ . ... . . "'"- &/ ? $W~~ y~ ..1-;StQ .s-;2- 6 0 f"~- /b~.~ c3~~ ~7~/9#z"3,3 · /~ ~k r~1 4~~L/.7' ,$JL<J dk/-../fXeeJ~/~ laM.. . y~~ ~M . ,i;4 .. ,a/~ ~ CJ .fJ,1 '.!,:; :~ (~ SPEC;IAL MEETING. May 4th. 1928. dO ,y Th~ Commissioners meeting convened in special session on the above date to dispose of several urgent matters and any other business eaming before the body with the following members in attend8n~e. H. B. Sehlesinger, Mayor. H. L. Baker, Commissioner. J.A. Wall.ing, Commissioner, Erwin Cushman, City Sec~etary. The qu.estiono,f beautifying the City:Parks of our City an important undertaking was DB ably presented by-Mayor Schlesinger and the necessity for the appointment .of a Park Oummissioner was set forth. The name of 1~. p~ A. Leckronew8s suggested and, Motion was made by Commissioner Walling and duly seconded by Commis- sioner Baker directing th~t Mr.P.. .A. 1~ckron be appointed to the place of Park Commissioner. ' Voting Aye, Oeinfui:ssioners Walling and Baker, Carried. Mayor Schles.inger~hen sought opportunity to call atten- ti o:n. ti on to the fact that having purchased a Fire Engine for the City the appointment of a F1flr, MaF' shal 1 was in order and proposed the name o:f Mr. J. A. Meteal:f." . , . Motion then made by Commissione!.bBaker and seconded by Commissioner Wal.~ing recom~ending the ~PI?- "A_ant of Mr. 'J. A. Metcal:f to the pOS1 tion of F1re Marshall.,' -~. Voting Aye, Commissioners and Walling, Carried. 'i'~~ . l...... ,,:.,.., The rapid stri~ made by our City along the line of pro- gress and substantial de" opsment was then very extensively recit- ed by M~or Schlesinger who declared that in his opinion a Plannin~' Board should be appointed from among our citizens:to assist and act with the Engineering Department in outlining future projects. The Mayor :further stated that reports had been circula.ted to the effect that the City had beenrun by just 2 or 3 men heretofore, and he felt under the circumstances these reports were an injustice. He explain- ed that eonditions former~y existing, where the Council WaS compell- ed to act wi"thout outside'adviee or assistance. was not accomplished by the body as a matter. ,of choice, bu.t, as 8. matter of fact, by virtue of the lack of interest and co-operation manifested by the citizens themselves in failing to attend meetings, despite repea*ed invita- tion to do so. The names of several influential citizens were then suggest- ed to aetas 8 Planning Board, viz:1Messrs, P. R. Plumb, S. D. Leverett E. R. Stubee and R. L. Benton, a :fifh name to be chosen later, and the Board ultimately to consist of itfive members. It was alsodeaided that the namting:colf ahG:n.ma.n be deferred until a.ppointment o:f the other member. Commissioner Walling then made a motion which, was duly seconded by Oommissioner Baker, that MIlssrs Plumb~ Leverett, Stubee and Benton be appointed with a fithmember later to constitu.te the Planningu :.i:kK Beard as suggested by the Mayor and that a Chairman be named after the selection of a fifth man. Voting Aye. flemmtssioners Baker and Walling, Carried. Ther@ being no further business befor!the by Com. Baker, 2nd by Com. Walling council ad. Walling. Attest ~ ~ :l~'d ____ r~ - --- -,.- '1 r - 11 ;L.J ---- eting Motion" Aye, ~ak(!Jrill1a :Mayor. ~ '/6 / \l~..~'--/ REG UL.Am ~M E E TIN (}'. ' May 7th; 1928. Regular meeting of the Commissi:on convened in thetempora- ry City Hall on thsabove da:te for the transaction of any and alf bU,sinesseoming before thebo(]y\'Vi th following in attendance. viz. H. B. Sohle singer, Mayor. J. A. Walling.Commission.r--.:.... H. L. Baker. Commissioner, J. H. RaffeBty., City Engine,Cllr, A. I> RobbtSupt. Water Dept. J. B. 1vIurray. Oity Marshall, J. C. Mortensen, Inspeotor. ----- V I 8 IT 0 R S----- R. B. fllen----------Roy MoWhinney. Claim ofW. D. Ii:8.de:p. &:, Co., of Galveston; Texa.s. , :for col- lection of 1133.44 allege.d to be due th.min:J,2Tears e!f~tsl!l.ell was presentea.' by Mayor Sel1l,singer for action by the Commissioners. The matter was then re.ferr.d to Engineer Rafferty who advised that the se two 'oars shell were ,condemned by him on account of being ha,J.f dirt and ,unfit;for us.. He further ,advised that the bill asr.:nd.red by W. D,. Ha9.(Il,:rJ; &: Co., wasi:n~orr.ot and should be de- clined. Mr. Rafferty adv~aed that this, shell was originallY billed against us and not cr.dit~,41lft.r co:ndemuatio:n. , ,90mmissioner .W/a:llicp.1 made motion dulyseconaed by Commis- sion.rEak.r that the ~o~~~~ authorized to writ. a letter to W. D. Haden & Co. .advi$<~n'rt'11em that unless 1;h(ilY oan furnish satis:faoto:g proo:f' 1Jru:rw:\:ng ~h~'t the two oars shell in que stion ,were subs.cre..:nt:J..Yd..liv.re,d~",~ndJ.ls.d by the City Q:n the streets thereof';'tha:t the said elaint;,for $133_.44 be respeotfpllydecli:n8d._ Vot;ingAYE; Bommissioners ~ak.r andWalling._,~ , .~.".. A lett.r frOIDMr.. C. "J. Jarrard ~ by ~ngin.er Raf'. f.rtyi!.,mtrdingn~a Ci)lf. ." .]f;;i UllllIl8gtt n.tr~u.Q. . i5aml:fID.imtss..ti.ea1llJ!; ..i 8yrQ81ju~g"~~s:tr~..tl:i3~;f.jflillg $:0, P. jI1.Y::HUs:briliutir'dir1mE__ mov.d from #2 ditqh during r.ce:ntel.anoll operatio:n. _ Engineer Rafferty reported that he had protested to the Drainage Commissio:ners a:nd requested relief, oalling their attentio:n to the fact that permit to plaoe dirt on Virgi:nia Street right of way was granted on oondition.that the dirt be spread by the drainage dis- trict and the old spoil bank cut down and made lev.l. Mayor Schlesinger recommended that immediate relief be given to citizens affected a:nd that accurate cost o:f this work be kept so - / . that proper olaimfor ;re:fun.d oould be made to Drai~age. District #12. I\~.', 'Motionthen made by Commissio:ner Baker, duly seconded by Commissioner Welli:ng that Engi:n.er Rafferty be directed to order this , \tI th. at the comm. iSSi,.o:ners' of Drainag€l Distriot #12 'be notified o:f the ~ \ Counoil f s al?tio:n. ' ):..\ Voting AYE; . Commissioners Walling a:nd Baker. R.y{~( ~ City SeoretaryCushman reqwlIsted that payme:nt of the follow- r f ing bills be ratified, viz:, VQ. 483, (Oi ty Scrip) f~vor Miller,& Miller'pfi:nal Est. Storm sewer kl project #4, $7740.50 (Over) ~-,- r- ,-- -'I ~r'- '~ -1 ~~ /tl/ ; ~~ Res 0 1 U t sL'otlS Omj:t:t ed'c::frvom Page #16. see paragraph wher~ skip- p~~,: ,~s, l~dJ-,~~ ~e,~, th\L~ ~1;y: 1::> ;:,' > C", ~L ..:... r' t ,- . r '>-, :..:~: :..)~j' :" ~,. '~>. ?,.- " -:- .' -J.. ~. .-, " ..': ,/, ;. 1.~' -'^" 'The :fcj-llo1ili:lrI'g' ~~es0Iut:i1on1Nag i:tri::eroduced relatii ver~,t6 '':the im'dTOve- -~ ment of Fenwo6d road and sundry ,other streets in Pemberton Place' in the City of W6'st"uhiv;er''S>!i'..'jjY;'Place lhy'installing sidewalks " curbs and gD:tters and, q,y p,avtng the s~e 'a,nd qonstr,up,t=l-rtgapimr- te,~~)(.f~S~~:,~~1td\. :s~~e,et:iJ~~~nc1 'pJ:a.~e-g--to b~:'1;~~~ed ,'~~~ei~p. ~~P.i'4~ ~!'- __ ~ del': "',de;s:b'gna"ted -as. ,tifrits' " J:. 2 ~ 3' 4"5 anCf.t) ._"va;srU,f'd-:J?lows ' v~z: . 1.: >: .~'J :'; .' J .~, r < ~'~~ /1: " r r~ ' .":'::',' l' .t:::r t'\()31~<'i:ji~. , '. ': .' i "_ .' .. RESOLUTioN ORDERING AND PROVIDING ." ~. - ~,,~ l- " -FOR- ''].HE~ IMP-RCYVEMEINT Oli" 'F'E1\fWOOD ROA;D, A1~ SUNDRY OTHER STREETS IN THE CITY . .. i~:. Opqms.T[,cY-lrI"VERSIT'Y' -PTIACE, vSEItNCTING THE MATERIALS THEREFORE; APPORTIONING THE' 0;3 ,,,,,,, . " ;.' ::; '.c'OST tr'lIER.:rroF ij, PlRiVIq)Ii~G FoR: '1.r~!l:~vlE -:.. -,',- ,;. '- ',,'" :"i'~:;;, ,..:',< ~AOR~T])D~;.~N'n\r~p~.~,,' ~~~. :~';y]~'-T"N 'f~~':~~F) Is:Uc:~~ti~!~,'~:~;: r,~ , <; -:~ i)L :;,,~ ;,;;: ," " '.-" " ',Cdl'~L~'U'- :l;;tftL~ 0"' 'H:1Uf' j'iJ:J.::c.\:.r.L ,. -A\J:.:ttiN'S- .t"U'nV ~j:::rU~TI"",j .. ',;,; J; 1';. (,' ';J'T c:"i:VfORK~';, citmfDECJ.:GAR1LtrlGi ~}m;':Er'kERJ:}]i}NVY 'Iilt;J ;L'3.Ir- aLl';; ;'A>1o,tiionma:d~ bY';CdfumfsisicJn~Hf) Wal~~~ 'Be'C'onde"Cfiibyl ~inn'1YSis'i~n~~ Baker 'that tt.tere:~1]ftf.t:t.ert1'::~i;s/ab~'<Ve~ '~t, r_9rtll,,~cf!ai:~e ;!fn.*O:V~Jl ~.e i':h,g'ana,'paV'zt:hg b,f':'f'!fn'iJf&b~!fbad..~1;a~: :tttP-ar'y g~rEf~fi( :i!n~:-p~t;f:tfb~ Place l'jf'.:','"b.e -a.-ppr@ved:. arid::Or€l'e~oo.aL-rj ~3c.;r' .A~ii!l,L" ,:' \:;'!'iL:PL ~'XM: ..J) "'tf'u:L 0 , V t. l\ ",> -"~\""f.-..-; '<'<".1.';- Ii~.;""-',', +".-.. ~,-."., ':>.q' :',;;,-'i,..",," o 1ng l:i.ye: I:I....~. .,:~1.'~\!M..;.1,';....J~.. +-""~........ '~~j;~r.t _." - .~..~. \.~ ~ 1 j)~.l>-' .(i-....." ..1'Wl.:...&....."""U~:;.-&"\ - '0onltrf!iss'i'b.rl:ers.; 13akeri, anat;'~/,';lQt~Jrt~1 f)n(:f;:orie':"vot'i~H:B~,~ , " . ,,.~r ;' .::~. . .~.:!'~ .:.:-~:; ~'; <'.; 1;~~...f ~S;:j T !J B .~ ~:c y../~~;' ,.:-.' ~;t ~;. ~ :"~.;1 . ~T,e1::>{_L~h 'i: ~.n: (:- J B ,rvt6tlli~:ri then ~ad~.,. tnat'Lijl!;lle'Bf1"{SlID~~~~u.tj.@:fiDb@ a€l:bI>:O~GF: . 'I,' r~A'1Ia€le :'~by COl11.riEiS'$:O:@~er:~WaJl{I~E.g~; '~' . eebri~E3!lab~";~~!Jmli:~s~~~iu:g~~r. _, c.;'.; ~ ':f:';.c :>' :) -.:,::t ,t- .,:':" ',U liA Dy8U ;. ':'; Z ,;", '.' :",C',,: ",e,:~' ~:J.nrmjp !'i'::HJrf!;tI~&rf;. ..;:; 0;" '.~A:t'b~'3 t.:" ;' :), ,} :RE~OL1tT-Im~ lApItJt@(NG · FL.A:N~',ANI5j'S:P]}{f1F,.:rG;~":E:(lgrrt~ <1-~ F0R,IMF-R@VjN~ ~NW@OD,R~ADS~NNffi~YN~~~AomHERoY- ~ "'" 1: T _ _. ~ ~ ;' ~E~~1lME.Y_fJI'r:Y ,O? VffiSt UNIV~SITY>"PLACE , *.~ 'c: ,'J..,'" DffilHliaeNTRAClfTGn:SC@.'T'j1'..i: S:EI1ll.\1ffi1t1JGl't FOR JVIA.K-- ';"13':: $~ '. <:~ t*f.':.',;j:;' . ZttIJ'j;IMjlR~)nilNj]tlf'l$ , Al\FD:i~JlIlj~m.1t~~>>:m~CD~~' _~'!i.,c,:::,::,:;; ~;:~:;Gj'f,:hd:l) -':'.=E (i.:r~Em;tTitij~j~iRirA, gIDA'JtMENT'~g.rJ.lh,~;'~ow. "':' : '.';.3. <':, ING ;DESC~tFT10~.D@11! ~R@F]IR'l'~9j'NAMES.':~]iJ'!~JIJ\I)f:mRa!jL ":!:1; ',ESTIIVUt:1!'EID ~@g'j\!COF',ilWAKING SUCI-1&olMFijOVEIvIENTt?, " , AND "JtS~IMA'l!tN€FJ MOUNTS TO 'BE: A3sEEmED'AGAIN3T .' L >"c' ',ABUTTillNGl-:wtGP~'[lY-'AND OWNERB THEREOF ;'': AND':DE~ - ,: ' CLJffiING:'~~N; 'EMERGENCY_ ' C>. ,'. ' ,; fj'(. " r 3,,' .:>;.:.' ','r_'" Voting .Aye~";~;; " '>':,j,' .'Lf,:., ,':" " ''< ," '~l'" . _ Commissioners B~ker & VY~:)..li~~.and no one v oting no. .~ .~ 'f:. ',--; . ~. ~ ':::, ~. . [: ':i})". ~~;: 'l(:ti.. D ,,- ~..:~. ~..;_ ~~ ../-r.- . ,-.. ''', ~ ,1. .~r5 ~;-' ,", : ~ . :o~ ':-.; 'A~pr.oved" C" ;<,' .~; '; 'h:}: . '{.'j~)f..Ji. Attest; '~o"""" '.' ,.~ -<"", '- -' ~ . ~ . :'.. :..~ , .' " .~.. " --: ;, :Cit1 - -' : ,: r. ~- 1 -". ; - ~ :~ , , }. ~ G ......L > <) :'):F,-.\1 , " .' v ",t ..... May 7th, 1928 #2. c!2; Vo. 482 Favor Vo. 484 '1 Vo. 485 " Vo. 486 ff Vo. 489 ff Vo. 490 Jt Vo. 491 Jt Vo. 492 tt Vo. 495 n Vo. 496 IT' Vo. 497 tt Vo. 498 rr Vo. 499 It Vo. 500 " Vo. 501 If Vo. 487, (City scrip) favor Miller & Miller Est. #2 on storm sewer projeot #4. $9325.30 favor Miller & ]filler Street Improvements as per Est. April 25th, 1928, $6352.63 H. B. Sohlesinger Frt & Dray on hose, .50 Oliver Levy, Labor in Water Dept. 1.50 M. K. T. R. R. Freight on Meters 7.4~ Housto~ Lighting & Power Co., 74.19 H. G. Johnson, Repairing water works, 22.50 F. To:fteller, '" " " 37.50 Henry Armstrong, " " " 13.75 Oliver Levy, tt " " " 16.50 The Southwestern B T Co., Conneotg City Hall 1.63 A. P. Robb, Cash paid :for paper fillers .40 Galena Signal Oil Co., Fuel Water Dept. 23.56 Oliver Levy, Labor Water.Dept. 18.00 H. G. Johnson, Jt " ff Repairs 25.00 Henry Armstrong, " "" tt 12.50 Fred Tofteller, ff If ff ". 35.00 Vo. 488, Jt If Motion bg Commissioner Baker, duly 'seconded by Commission- er Walling setting forth tha~ all of the bills as above enumerated as paid be ratified. . ' Voting AYE; Commissionersillalling end Baker. , ",:? '.j!f. Seoretary CuShman~~lftn submitted the foll...owing bills for approval and pa:yment, viz: ~'~ t;; ~ ' The Cargill Company, '!4, ~ationGry , A' }~. F. W. Reimann Co., Wa:~e;ll Dept. ~. Kren.Zler Bros Service ,Statio~.', 'Water Dept.. , J). ~ Jt " Jt ",/'\ Jt n;;,~ ; 1V.' " It It ,,'. Tf " " '1;1 Herman Hale Lumber Co., n"" The'Sherwin-Williams Co., n" Pump house $ 48.85 155.28 6.72 8.3$ 11.43 27.85 37.40 Motion by Commissioner Wal.ling, duly seconded by Commis- sioner Baker recommending that all of the foregoing bills be ap- proved and ordered paid. Voting AYE; Commissioners Bak~r and Walling. There being no further business before the bo~, on mo~ tion Commissioner Baker, duly seconded by Commissioner Walling, the meeting was declared. adjourned. Voting AYE; Oommissioners Walling and Bsker. , ^' 'Attest; ~~ -., _"I _r- -'l-- -.----. -1 Illt.-ll-'lnlnl_------------------------- - --- REG U L A .R--M E E TIN G. June 4th" 1928" ., @} Regular meeting of the Commission Oity o:t:WestUniversi- ty Place,_convened in regular session in the Temporary City Hall on University Boulevard at the hour of 8. P. M.forthe transac- tion of such business as required attention, :with, the, following in attendance. "/ H. B. Schlesinger, Mayor. rI. L. Bake.r t Commissioner. --.--- , , J. A. Wallin~, Commis~iQner. 1 , ErwinCushman,Ci ty StJcretary.: ~" , , G. B. Murray, Pi ty Mar shall,., " Messrs J. C. Mortensen---.:.and'-.-;----,C. C.Serber:..." , ' Minutes' of previous meetings ami tt,d: to, fut'llre da.t. due to a volume of presshlgb:ns'iness. '"" ,,' -, I: , t ._~ _ Secretary Cushman, then requested that payment of the fol- bills representtid by scrip'snd voucher-checks be:'-retified, viz: Vo. 502, favor J. H. ,Rafferty;,:: (City Scrip), " 519, "' Mi:I.lei" & Miller:,,"' " ff 537 " ff" " If, ff n 538 ',' If J., H~ ' Raf'ferty' c't:..,<;" "', ',' d~'" , ,,' " .. , , ~dC ".545, ," Saot:t ;Shambau~'c >':~ " ,n n Q05,' n Vernon Law BobFeQinpany VQ~Ch1i'~, :'~-~.. " ' 5'06' . J " " --, ,:tt , " c.; F. ";Mil-le d:geaf.~:""; ,,_ ," " ,..., , It 513' " Weise 'St'):':e~tl€lr.1!& Maoh Co.,", "n , '. n 514' " Robert L.- Sonft"IJ1(it u, ~"Il. "~15: ", Miller' &: M111e,r, ' , " "11, .. 516, n C. C.Yo,un:g:;P:rinting 00.," 'tJ'., : tl 617 '", Clhty of -'Htiust':6h, (water Dept-) ,n ,', tl 518:n ,Wilson Sta-tionery & Printing Co V~O Jf 520, n Frs cf Toft6'{fler ,Vo...ahe ok ; "521, It H. G. Johnson, ff ,n, ' " 'If 522, " RenryAtrJmsf:nong,' '';If .' "-52~, "Alf.llxandex W:t:lliems "n n'525, "6iiver'Lt'"'Vjt, un " 526, n If n ~l " "527, " City West University Water Dept. " ";528, " Henry Armstrong,; . Vo-check ff5:a9, n H.G.Johnson .', .,' "If , , n -530i' fl }JIrs J. S.' 'tVaters, "n ' n 531, tf Julia Bo:ttler, n " n 532; n Mrs N. ET. Millelr, " ,n rr533~ It City of Wef?t Ui1:i,.versi'ty Pl~ce '(later n 534, " Oliver Levy, " ;, Va.-Check n 540, ff Ci,1;Y W. U.P. (Wetlrfl Dept)" tiff n ,642, n Houston Lighi;g & Power co n ff If' 543, ," 'SouthwesternB.Te1' Co , " n "544, tf Oliver Levy," ,ff n546, - E. T. Atkins, n ;," iacxMj: , ", Mbtion made by COnunissionel,' Wal1i;ng, tie.ly se conde d by -.. ",.' .,' , 1 .-- ~1 -!f!1'1nf'lIIl_ ", "--:#~OOO.OO ,]l'2pOO.00 8000.00 1000.00 :5:254.00 ,,164.50 467.50 .187.50 ,', ',250.00 50.00 27.50 1.00 4.50 21.00 25.00 11.25 18.00 18.00 3.00 130.01 7.50 15.00 ~.OO 3.00 3.00 Dept.v/e 50.00 12.00 100.00 115.24 1.63 36.00 40.00 .' @ "I" ". '-12. Commissioner Baker, that the foregoing bills as enun1erated as paid by~ the City Secretary be ratified. ";:":~V6tt1!Ift'~RW~-Comm:iiS$ione:ri,s:,:':Bakfltr and W~l.,~:l,~g;.;'3 ;'; ,.,_.-:._;l>:~ ~::~~~~~. ''X~'s':.~..,;r~'~::~:. ",;' ~~_'_ :"':,_'.'~~,_ =.~ ..,"~ _ _ >~ ,..;J .-';~-;~:f"~ ".,- ..: : <')~':':"':~'~ :\~--: J!!01l0wing bills submittedby't:~Q~Q-~~Y }J~~Qxeit,a~y -for approval '}'Ya.t1iLp8y:ment, v:1.:.: ,,:<;:. ,~.: '. '::' 7 ,; :i:.l:fo.~' .;;..,. ':.-,~' , : - ... ., - . E. T. Atkins, For Assisting in preparation of inventorIes in'new terri- tQry" ,',~~;;<,~ _' . . $40.00 J. 9. ~ortensen, .services in the inspection of plumbing, 18.00 .I:fUiinzler 'Bros, Gamoline &Lub-,;fo:rFi~. :P"Jj)~.i~L.:'t~en'+);l;ses. .12..76 " ' ~ n Lub, Tires & tubes (Water Dept. 25.11 F. W. Heitmann O'o:.~'-Sq.no1:i!y.Mi;$~LSta't.tn~;nt 3/31/28,. 33.20 Marchant CalculatiI1l.g.:M~;ch:~ ~'q.-:~f::~q1l.a1:j.zation, 28.50 The Sh@rwin...Wd::.t1liam;s Cb'i-;L;iRs.e.~:~il.", .:>': ,:,;:j 'l'.;. .' ,;-' B');:>1.35 A. D. Foreman & Co., Water supplied Contractors, 1927, -'87.50 ';'.J c_ The S.'al~~~e", .Co..,:bra:td. oa.:i.u.[nv';~L: 17,')8.7 @1':Pl/?8, ',.i .ffn ..L\: 70.00 Allen-Gartner, Insurance AgeJlf,7if;f[', ,~j;e:t.mep.t::. M~Y' :3J.,.2~:,.;.; JOY * 7~! 26 ~,'; ,~reptupe,~~eter Co~panyi Inv. 82682 4/18/28, 295.63 - - -- --'.', ': ,.- '. <;:'~ :.;- '.' - ~,. .' '" ~ :.::~ =-:~:;) ~:I : .<.(: ~ -.< :.. .:.~ . ! ~ if -~ ": _: .~::) ~G . ;:~ ~~lli~g," t~:~1(~~=b~~:~~:j.t~ii~ ~:~_e~t.i~~~'t:~~~;~tt~~~.~~N;;;i~~er Gt:. {-")'approve d and paid.:' '.;":.wE ~ ;Lii~, : if " t,' . c' ,,>'~ "";.;'<r :~:> ,~<ttoting AYE: commissio:ders"'wr~il~g; Jnld B~_,!,.:. ,.,." l':~';~~ ~~' ,."..1,. ')'J: .' H n '''''' "" ~ '-#- ;.....-..1' ~, /~ ~, ".' ';:'. Moti~n made Iby Co - ~:.pf.l.~:.r- :~ak!ll~" Jtuly s.cb~~~;a :by Commie-.. ,",,~".;::~ion.r Wa;:I:l g, that dbtio:rt! _lbl>y,';T.~:p:e}~y'~r and Ci't,yf~.,_~'~:ret8ry in~' :!(~ ~:;::-'lssuing V0~:r,<fiZ6;;\:fo1\'J'~!.'ct:P.:, ~~~;: lIn~}zJ~~.si ty Ban~':9~;r Austin, Texas ~)~., :';~nd in iss 'Vo. '536 for .~. .~J};: ;fjipI.i:the, ~Se.~uri 'by Tri:t~)t~ Company, for' :':~ .:.. ~tht pll.rpo~elf~ t~ret~:r).ng:S~:irJ.P ;; o~~h~-+~?:43;?~ jfi,~d 43'2 re'sJ>~Gct~;vely, both <' : . ',.' ~'a:V.5ing ~nt~re~t ~? .l8:pS.~ .~~~p.;, o.;n~ srtP*~!t.: waF~8ntt~."i~}lrJ._ s "C rr con- " 'verted into. s!crJ.es ,HZ"., be ra.t~~~:tl.:g. 8:~di;t.A~:t' sCP'J.p VO'p'q;p.er.s 432 ahd ," s . " 433 be. de stroy:.u alfd ;t;n&;t stA~~~,: e;,E3ep:~p" v;ou.qhe,~s b.-ing tdfl;~ltrON'. d 8 t , thi s '. _ counail ,meeting, ',i-'.t.; ~4:.:s ,}1~f4\bW.4'~l:(r.~-:.~ha~"i~id ,:vouob;@,r~s lfaving been i ,;~' ae stroye d ~' no long4tIl <1P.11~S"8.A(!j:p-g'tf:':~'-.r:f~+,:: _~_ f . ,,' . ,- .,' .. Voting A~.: I~;ommYsioners Walli.n,g ~p~~~k";r.,:: !' " · :i . Ma.~.~ ~ r-"~ . t~ . '. 1I \1'1 t '-.. ;', '.'" ; : ." ' '-;, ~ " A mo-fion"passing th,~:;or,dinanG.e ;a:p:B~:ovihg o:f~~e Fire Engine , . ' .. warr8nt~ in the s~ of ~?OO.'~.kVl.as d-g.,lte:~~Jed'and:8 :~~ll cop~ of :~~:' the o:-dJ.nance and ~rocee~J.l.l~s u! q.Et~~~l:'@onJ~:Ll. and ~*,\~ecG);rd WJ. th . , . the CJ. ty Secretary.. , . ~'~ " ; ",i'::J~. .J L., "i:-:t . ' ~" .';., 1/:~, .A le.tterwas sub'in~!1;~~.Q.Qyt:l!' ~.'~l3.;tary fr~m~~. ,.1'. R. Plumb reco~endJ.ng that ![r. J. C'~":M:or1;"ne..:n.be,~~nt(!ld..the 1?~:!.vil~g. and right . ,," Wi thin our oi ty to do repair WE>~lf th~ s~me "a-S is:aocD~d"d HoilstonCon- tractors etc.:' : t,'..' , . ; ~~~:' · '~: ',:'< ,,' t -. ( .- . ". -'-. --."'.; . . '. The Mayor read tne =k4lB1tl~::r f+()Jlp.--Mf:~ ,:rPlumb rEigfitding the :fore- gQJ..ng,;'~c;qu~tlt,..,~ni~,;:r:.:co~~,-~q,~:!o~ ~!l~ St1-gges~.,d that it,pe :filed with the S.cr.t~y.:;s~"'1:"~tur. aonsid.rat1on~' ,',': . ~:::-,~ ~ '- . -. ~ "\. '-. ,- -."' ,', .' ~.. T . Mayor Seh~~si.~j~:r thcn).~!!ad' a l~~~er and :p~t,~ti!;)ll from Mr. E. K. HJ.gh, the' latter subm);kt.d;t1P;'~ugh ,At~p+n.ys, Rol5.~;ts'Y Mont.itb.~, Baring & W1lson, relative t6c1ai:i:il,~,9f.~(E~'~:~'~~:.Itigh;,:fort~*22Hf..'tof \/7 ~umber :eut in trenches for which *9;:p~ymei.l't~'l:ias ;b~en'~'9.iJ(.d amount- J.ng to $2176~88 8n~ also cl~iming "payment. for 800 fCH(t:j}Yl'J? under con- tract ,su~:*e't~~.;;.MJ.~leq" ~ M.+l,,=!-~:r:"_n.~p;un,:1!}..ng;JQ ,$,9~~,-~f>~'" ~ Thtll Mayor reoommenaicr----t11i:it' N:ity" Sd'dr'eta:ty'be directilld to '. f ",...t.. . e- ~-~ ,--" ---~. , , , 1,,,;1 dl: ,;3 ~-~ ( ')o/J ~_....----- 'request by letter that City Engineer J. H. Rafferty advise Council in writing whether or not claim, of E. K. High is justified and if not, or if SOt to give a complete report to the council at its next meeting so that the Council may take proper action regarding same. Call par- ticular attention to Engineer Rafferty that the curb & gutter mention- ed in the petition of E. K. High, was assigned to ~filler& FUller along with all other curb & gutter for Which he, E. K. High had not paid. ) Authority was then Esked of the Commission by the Mayor, that he and the City Secretary be empowered to pay Bond and interest now dU., B~nd $5000.00, Interest $5750.00 When funds were available. Motion then made by Commissioner Baker t duly seconded by Commissioner Walling that the Mayor & City Secretar,y b~ authorized to pay the said-Bond and interest aggregating $10,750.00 When fmnds were available 8S aforesaid. Voting AYE: Commissiomrs Walling and Baker. Motion made by Commissioner Walling duly seconded by Commis- sioner Baker that hereafter, the Commission hold their meetings re gularly every Monday night at the hour of 8 P. M. instead of each 1st and third Mon~ of each month as heretofore. Voting AlE: Commissioners Baker and Walling. Motion made by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Walling that the ]~.L be autho1f..i~d to have the roof repaired to the present temporary City Hall on ~~ersity Boulevard at the intersec- tion of Cambridge. Said roof l.~ing badly. Voting AYE: Baker and Walling."' ~ ' ..~ ~~ t::... :'\:.t:' There being no furthir~business beIore the meeting Motio~, made by Commissioner Baker and ~y seconded by Commissioner Walling that; it stand Adjourned. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Walling and Baker. Attest, _ Approve d, ii ~.. ",\,... ~~ cJ .",S,' . ~ .r;. "tl " '; I. , ';:jO;}j$f'!:1--(;';:Y.! ,-c0.'C"."""',- ~ " ~-~',. /;2/ l.>-..._ / BE GULAR 1fBE T IlfG June llth--------------1928. Regular meeting of the Council calle d to ord~r by the Mayor at 8 P. M. on the above date for the transaction of suCh busilltESS ~as was presented. Meeting held in the Temporary City Hall. The following lfi&ficw:i:s,g.and citizens in attsna.ance, viz: J. A. Walling, H. B. Schlesinger, :Mayor. Commissioner....;--...-----..:.----H. L. Baker, Commissioner. , Erwin Cusbman-, City Secretary. J. H~ Rafferty, City Engr. J. H~ Davlin. Asst. tfurshalJ A~ P. Robb, Water Supt. J. H. Metcalf, Fire Chief. Mr. Hubert Walling. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. :Mayor'Schlesinger directed attention dJtf; the Commissioners to the fact that the negotiations for the land:upon which the City hall will be erected were in Shape to be passed upon at this meeting and accordingly it was; !\[oved bj7tre. ... ,€6mmissionerJ. A. Walling .and duly s#2conded by CommissionerH.L. . ,,,"'erthat the land referred to by the Mayor :for the erection 0+ th~bity Hall etc., be purchased for the sum of not exceeding $2800.00 and that an ordinace for the levying of a tax be drawn up and approved. , Voting Aye : Commissioners Walling and Baker. Iifoon@ voting no. be samtl pai d. by Com. Walling ordering ~. ~.... I\;!ayor SChl'esin~:r.eqi$.gge sted that the Commissioners take und- er consideration the question of appointing a Fire Marshall for the City Fire Department with some fixed. compensation and carrying with it Police powers., JiIotion'made by Com.m.issiol111r Walling an<l s@conded by Com- nisai one; r Ba.1rer that the' Mayor's recommendations be app;rove d and that said office of'Fire ThTarshal1 be created at acoinpensation of One Hundred ,( $100.00) per year, payable quarterly and that the said office of Fire Marshall carry with it Police Powers. Voting Aye; Com. Baker & Com. Walling. No one voting no,. It wa~~~n moved 5~ COlmnissioner Walling and Seconded by Commissioner Bake~6 office of Sanitary Inspector be cTelattid and that an ordinanc@ be drawn up toflllly coyer,provid,ing a minilJlUID compensation for such office of .&.-ft1l.c18-:ic $1. 00 andllla~imum of ~50 .00 pe r ye ar . '. ' . Voting Aye: Commission~rs Baker & Walling. No o~e voting no. Motion was madE!lby Commissioner Baker and seconded by Com. Walling that ordixnance b~ prepared providing for ~he cutting of weeds upon the streets and lots of the City. i Voting Aye: Commissioners Walling8c Baker. No one ~oting no. I L__:n r -I - -1 i I iilllIl- ----- & -!J; tr2. bfuyor H. B. Schlesinger introduced the question of the ad- visabili ty of appointing an Asst. M:arshall, and that an ordinance be drawn up creating such an office toget~er with adequate provision for th~ fees incident theretoe . ; Motion was made by Commissioner Walling and duly se conde d. by Commissioner BakeJ:" ordering t:q.at the l:;Iayor J S Bugge stion be adopt- ed and that 1~~ J!_4~~~vl~n Qe appointed to the off~c6,of Asst. Mar~hall for the city: and. tha~ the ordiri.anc0 be prepare d as indica- ted by the Mayor and duly filed with. the City SeGret~ry~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Baker & Walling. No que vo~ingno. " 'I '.' . Motion was made by Commissioner Walling and dul~ seconded by Conrrnissi~ner'.;:B.blt.r.~;, that an ordinance '0" prepareda.nd passed prohibiting that dogs rUll loose within the city limits without license and re auiring that they be muzzled.., .;.l. +,.' "Voting Ay5:- ,Cqmmissioners Baker & Walling. No 011,6 voting. no. . . , . The matter of numbering a~l.ref?id@nCe~ ;,within tll~ City limits under the supervision of the City ~nginoering Department and now ill operati,on by t:r~e Qity; of,H,otl.ston _ ,verY:",~.I'early presented by the l~ayor wi thr,e}~oIlml,.fn~~:t~~n t'hat ,i tbe :~o:r:ke C\out,c~re:ftl~~y and. in ' a manner pro,ductive,o:f tJt~,least inconvenience ~n:q.eon$u~ion if any to' all ci t:tzenSe .' '" .' .." r 'I'.<fotion by Com.'1Valling &; duly secondedbyQ,Q:ql. -Baker recol1lll1ending ~hat the mat1jtr be referred:to tl1e;City ;E,!;lgineer with \ instructions to work ou,,"t.': .ch xs: a system in conjunction with the :planning board ~s wil,l" S:~~:~dCS quately meet ,~J;l: dem~:lllds in the prerp.- ~ se s: . ;;'" , " ' , ' ' Voting Aye: Commissione ~;lfer & Wallip.g~, Nqi ~)ne'yot.ing no. , ~!tayor Schl.e~ing, ~\:?I1~d th;e SUbj~:~/"o~~J.}.t,ting weeds, plowing and grading say 5. ~et back from curb on all lots that have b.e,~;:'.,xoavat.d, ?y _st~~et im!8.ovement inQlu4il1.g the fixing o:f Buffalo ,Sptlu~dway .and Un~vers1. tyBoulevard etc'. , ' .' ' ,; 1,Totion'tl1el1 made by Commissioner NaIling dulY',seconded by Cormnissioner Baker that the Mayor be authpr~z~4, to, arrange' for Mil- ler & Miller to do Uis ,rk 'on team and man hour basis al1d that .(L- ,tax. of : . o~nt~~'}la:v,ied.the::e:fo~.' . Vot~ng Ayr:: Comm~ss~ ~!:::;~<Bak6r & 'Nall~ng. Npo:Q.~ votUlgP.O. Engineer Ra:f:f.~ty advIsed' that h.' ,~e~ld make r,e,ply to the letter prt3vio'Usly adaX.eis'S;-6':d to him by the Q6.mmission 'in; oonnection with E. K. High as soOli.,:~~J,.s' all the dat-..coines in- ' , ' " ' Commissiori~r"Baker then made:a' motion which w~s duly second ed by Cbmmissi,oner ~Nalling that Belle CourtBu~yaid from Rice Court :B,o,1l1evard Notth to _Jts ~~9. be tilxeavatedand graded: and that a center liheof shell 'be :placed. fh15reonand that the matter Qf c.ompleting this stX@lst with curb & gutter be o..eferred.. ; , Voting Aye: Commissioncrs 'dalling and Bake:r. No 0]:1@ voting no. Mayor Sohle singer pro duce d a +e tter addre ss~ d to the City " by I1Tr. C,. S. Neal relative to laying sewor to 25 lots in Virginia COl~t and Preston Place which after reading by the Mayor was referred to the City Sccr~tary for certain information and investigation with instructions to advise IJIT. Neal of such action. 1" --' ---, r-- 1- I.II.~HMIU ...-c:- (/;23 ) ~ 1/(7 11';0. Mayor reael a letter from lie F. Robb,vVater SU]Jt., a'ddressed to the :Mayor & CommissioneTs, relative to certain instructions sought ther~in in regard to the proper charge to be made on one half of the large lots in the city. Where Ovvn,eTS built on one half or 50 :feet o:f a 100 :foot lot and objected to paying the :full charge o:f ;$57.50 the cost of installation of water on a full size lata ~tr. Robbls letter passed to City Secretar~ to be filed for :futlITe action. Commissioner 'NaIling r(~cc:rmnena.ed that 21f pipe water service lines be installed in West University Place 1st Addition and in Belle Couxt as indrxcated by specifications and contracts . Motion made by Commsisioner Baker, duly seconded by COMnis- sioner IJalling that the :forGgoing recommendations of Com. Walling be adopted, that the contract be awarded to Miller & Mill~r to be installed as per contract ano. specifications @ 35p per lineal foot. Voting Aye; Conwissioners Walling & Baker. No one voting no. BIT. J. A. N~tcalf, FiT€ Marshall, extehded to the entire council an invitation to be present at the Temporary City Hall at 8 P. M. to visit at a meeting called to permanently organize and review the Fire Department organization. He furthGr asked authority o:f the Commission to plJxchase some necessary supplies ete :for the ,Fire Department . j Motion made by Commission@r Walling and duly seconded by Commissio~~r Baker directing the City Secretary to arrange for the purchase of the it6ms enumeratea by the Fire Marshallno:t. to exceed the sum of ~1115.00. ....' Voting Aye:Corr~issio~ers Bake~'1 Walling. No one voting no. ~~... ...~~ Then bGling no fu:rth~:~,;1msines to dispose of 011 ~otion Com- mission6r Walling, duly s6cnnie~by Commmssioner Baker, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Bak~r & Walling. No one voting no. Atte st, ~. ~ . ~-~,.,., , r-- - '..'T...-'--~'., --.-----: ,; ,l,i~Lh,jj,tlillM ---- ------ ------ ]. H. RAFFERTY, City , G. B. MURRAY, City shal I<~ I "\ ~j' ~p 0 e';) , '\ h, ~~,j , ' .. ' V"f" {/ , ! _" ,.~\N ~ J. M. DUNNINGTON, City Secreiar'" H' . ,/,': \ J ,tv 'Route 3, 'Box 368-B . B. SCHLESINGER. MAYOR ," ,\ \> . HounoH,m . /~ /~Z.J>. \. ~ -=#-~ W7~~~~ · g~ ~~:-. ' ..... " J~ P cafff'~ d~~ ~#~~;t;;;L.. J",,-~~~/~ 7L~. a~ ~ -r.:C.caAA"""-'~ '~r-~ JJ-~9-~//L-. ,v..u.J ~ ff /.~/:d ffod tC:- y~~.L.-., ~s:~~ ~~-~~~~~,~ ,4-7-~ , . ~!-..;/~=^-o-o~. ~~h~ ~~~~.~Sd~. 'e:/<r~~ <=lfdo ~~ ~ ~ ~ "Ud~&f~ I'" ~ IhJF&J~~ ~'v(-~ <3.s-&.J;-~~ . - . k ~4f r ~ ~J'z/j:/. ~ ~ tZUv- 7..e-.. ~ 9-,~ ~~ ~ ~ a'~ j' U-~h':'_- ~f-4.v ~~22:!d6U.L &uU~~~~ ~El-0,' " Z4~' a~~~~~ *-1 , . ,.' ~~ ~?7fP7'--~~k ~ ~ / j~ -do ~.f2~ &-Aj~~_-!~., .f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "7{~w~ CM- ~ 'U.-" 'U9'-~~ J~' ~. ;;;Z;;;:;, '74 ~~f IIZ' "" ~Y::a'a-~i;. ~ ~w~~~~~~~{tk~~itM~a4 ,'_ ~ d'ff' J ,,( //U;.,lnn""L. 1 I' 1 1 ' "".._ ~~: fU?V(!J. 7d4 · j. A. \V ALLING.. City Commisstoner H. 1.. ,BAK~Jl., Ciiy Commi"ioner /' ,; / tl .. '., _J r . i , /;- ./'~ ;1 . / _:/l/,/ // // ' >'/e .. PI lversltg ace HOUSTON, TEXAS / t (. j' /" REGULAR MEETING. '. June 18tlt. ,1928. (9 I,-~ Council convrsn8d ,at ,the, hour of8 P. M. inregu:lar session on ,June 18th. 1928,for the,' tran.sact'ion of suehbusiness as presented for consideration with the., :follOwing memb~rs, in at~eridarice, viz: , .' , _ H. B. Schle singer, Mayor" H.L~" Baker, Oommissioner, J. A. Walling, Commissioner. J. H.R~:fferty. Engineer, ' A~ Pe Robb, '~Vater Supt., ",Messrs Mortensen, :M:etcal:f and Contractors Cornwall & Co.. P. A. Munro. Bidsc;were ~IH'fn by the Commissioners me,eti:hg.for the erection of a New City Hall ancl Fire Station. After due consideration, I\ifr. J. H. Rafferty, City En.gineer,. recornmended the acceptance of the bid submitt0 d by A. B.. Cornwall in the, sum of $8475.00., following;' A~motion was made by Commissionar Baker and duly seconded,by Commissioner Wallingcleclaring the bid submitted by A. B.Cornwall to be most ac ceptabl€!l and that th€!l contractbts awarde d to him. Voting Aye: C01lli-nissioner Walling & Baker, No one voting no. Engineer Rafferty recommended that the Estimate No. I favor of the Gul:f Bitulithic Co covering 5343 feet of curb & gutter with extras installed on Bellaire Boulevard under joint contract with Harris County at a cost of 70p ft ag~regating a gross smu of $4000.00 be approved. Motion made by Commission€r Baker and duly seconded by Commis- sioner Walling to the effect that the recommendation of th€ City Engi- neer as above set forth, be adopted an& that Estimate No.1 :favor of the Gulf Bitulithic Co be paid. Voting AYe: Commissioners Walling and Baker. No one voting no. Ther€l being no further business to come before tho mu~ting, on motion Commissioner Baker dulyslilcond<39. by Commissioner 'NaIling' the meeting adjourned. . , Voting Ay.; Commissioners NaIling & Baker. =-/ Approved, ~;~ Attest, ~1fJ~ .' Ma r. City Secret .Ar~~ ,~ . ';U J y t'" i';;'}So/t<TI%'!f?-:i: _I I ___~r' I - "'"1 EE;I ',~~ >~ ..:.. . . 7~ . , :~:-~ /v/ ,. ,-,.".~ H?1mrr.i1 H __ HRT~rpPJ~ July 2nd, 1928. , The r6g~lar meeting of the Council of the City of ~est University Place, Texas., convened in the Temporary City Hall of said city at 8 P. M. July 2nd, 1,928 to take up and consider any and all business presenting for consideration and action. The following members and visitors in attendance, viz: H. B. Schlesinger, Mayor. H. L. Baker, Commissioner------------J. A. Walling, COTIl111issioner. Erwin Cuslnnan, City Secretary. A. P. Robb, 'dater Supt, J. B. Ii!urray, Marshall, ]:Tr. Metcalf Fir,e Marshall., J. C. Mortensen, Hubert 'Nalling~ Dr. Elva Wright, NIT.. Cato, J. H. Sullivan, J. B. Lakner and W. F. GheiElin. The minutes of previous meetings omitted on account of incomplete and a large volume of business to be disposed of. . The 'following bills were offered_ by the Secretary for ap- proval and payment, viz: F. W. Rei tmSlli"1. Co., ---------~~52.01 Krenzler :Bra's Se.ririge Sta" $10.86 n n n n _________ 25.41 n n n n 2.38 Lloyd Metal Company --------- 33.75 n n n n 9.23 Hermann Hospital, '--------- 5.00 J. C.Mortensen--------- 11,00 Krenzler Bros ServiceSta. --- 25.07 H. B. Schlesinger--;':'-~-- 4.bO Motion By Com. Walling 2n4 by Com. Baker that Bills be paid. Carried. , ~myor Schlesinger, ~hen proceeded to read a letter addressed to the Mayor & Commissione~s f~om J. H. Rafferty, City Engineer, re- , commending the graveling of ,th~ streets running North and South as originally planned with granit~ gravel which 1~. Rafferty succeeded in obtaining at a cost of only $3.00~~ ton, which was the price named originally :for common road ~?V~~,. ';.r;.- . " ' J~akerj, Motion maet.s by Commissi ~. Walling, tluly'seconded by Connnis- sioner,g(that th: recommendation ~:,/"hG. City Engineer',to proceed. a~ 'o,nce wi t.h the grave1~ng o~ the stree-CS_"unn~ng No:t~h and South as or~g~nally planned using granite gra~el ,at~e price of $3.00 per ton be,approv- "ed and the Ci tyE:qgineer be insfFucted to order the work begun at \ once. Voting Aye, Commissioners Baker & ;'falling. ' Ordinance was then in~ruduc6d and r6~.d <'by the Mayor, ratify-: ing and ordering that since Storm Sewer project No. ,4 had been complete accepted by th6Citye~gineer and paid for, that the same be ratiIied and accepted by the City Commission. Full COIJY' of said Ordinace being on :file and of record with the City Secretary. Motion made by Commissioner Baker, duly seconde ct by Commissio,: er ~alling that the ordinance as above set forth and complete copy on :file be adoptGd :and passed. . ,_ Voting Aye, Commissioners 'dallLlg 8:, Baker.. olIo one voting no. Mayor then read an ordInance approving of certain estimates covering public improvements which have been paid by City Scrip to, various Contractors, recommendil1g the a'dopting of sata. measure, orderin the approval of the estimates enumerated therein. A complete copy of which is mude a part of;t,b,ese',minutes and is on file in tr..G office OI the City Secretary of i{oErt-, Ul1i'V~~rsi tJ;~ I'lace, Texas.. ;~f'.';' ; I-~ - - -- "I I 1'.1 Motiop. ~as_ ma,s1G,. by C~mmis~i(m~r'Baker, duly sec~n!~ by' COlrumissioneT'W81l~ng~ thetc the Ordinance approving the estimate~' for public improvements oompleted and paid. for ,as aforesaid be, adop'~ft and +ttlly ratified_ , ,. ~Qti.~g~.Aye", ,G'cfnmri'ssi~;ner:s Ba~er'&'~1falliI1~{,NO- d~f{ voting no. ..:... ...'. ',.'.~ ~ n '. :. -: _;_ .,.: >~T:..~ .i~:} ~,.' -:'. t:;' .~ . ...../'- ':';....:.::-~, !. . . .. 'James H~ BUlliva.n.;,': CJf.airmaIF or the R<Iuali$a':l;:-iqn:Board, ' -tnenpreseni}ea. return\sanet J~ing..l ',~i-'g1fi!~r in c.OTInOcti.;OlY wi~hh( the tax rolls for the ye:ar;'19r21h;;' ?; ::d .,~ 3;' :;.. _ ",C ';~:~, Mayor H. B~ Schlea.ing~:r read report of the Board of Equali- ,zat.ion ,and at~temem1f':eoa:'-"servio;esi and recommended that their report 'be acct!lpt~da;n:dbil1 ~ol"'-ge-rvi1Je-s'-aj):pr,o;vlfa~. ' "";:<,, . . .' , , ' Motl0:n made' by ,Commissio:q!er 'Baker, duly seconded by Commis- .~i"cjll'er' W8'lli~' tha't, Jibe.' repoi't 'of 'the~ liqualiz.a~iooi :Bo?rd be acoept- , ed "as re'nde.re~d,: 8':ndthe'bi'1"i;'f-or .se.rv~:ce:s be: :p8":Ld., ' '<::c:;c> Voting .AYe ;Wail'ing &Bak@r~" No one vo"ting .no..C' , ,,' ~~/7. .... " .~.-' ,'" ,Motfonma€t.:-by Co1#i1i: c'J:b:per B)fke]." 'and: seconp,ed by C6rnmis- _:,p 0," ~~~~~~:~,t:~ii;~fn:h:t~~~ ~:~~~;di;:~;~::~t~f~9~goP::~::ti~~~~~g the ".' .', y.'sr' 19'28. . , . . 'J.. ,- " " .' , ,..:..'''~ ' , ,.J ^, ,. 1 ,c VO:t.iIlK AYe: Commissio~er,.s ~a;kl5r and :W811.1'lfg>?~:No"9_ne.;vo%iilg':'no. ' , .:::L ,',0; ,.:.~:::,u",' '.;."" ~'::"~~:;~_'_'_:-_'_' ,~;:j<;"~"'/'."',::! .:. <, ... " . ' Mayor' Sq,hlesinm~t:rtrf:fct"~-J:'...tte~ ~rom ",th" CJ:t;Y:.:!.!?tJn~er '.~. stat~ng that he. had :r-ectt::r1uly' trxanrl'"ITfi'a-th(!Lr:o'aa:'.beJd;~0n' Yn~V6TSl ty Ai ~ .,..~ - -'BoUlGfveri1? an'cr':t:01.11ld 1ihe \-i~facnr-i:rr-:flri~ oonaJi~11o\1il:.to~i1".'-'(JI-'i~V'6 a two , UG ., ',c' , ,~ - '0 QurS6;:~~jh.~~rt:: t opprng. ')~:f~ocl ~"!lg ~pprO~~py~':1}1il~(~e34,Q9" .lS;qu~, jalfffts, , ,',' 'of'<,sur'face- 't'akem at "a' uni t' 'prie;i' of 40~""ye'r' aqa&rfa ~a:rhI1wGUld 'oall " . ~~:'::- ,;:;,~~,~~~1fu Jl:P:propri~tiO,ri':d1"{i/i7~~~OO::!iQ,~.6lnPl$~e.'::t-li~:'Vl:>'~!r 'II!ht~.,,-an addi- f · ,~."tti:Qnal,,0?11owanc,.'of say '$~~p.'.,' .,.~jl~:tne'~ad@tli'ej"Bl11l'~ab'e 'so as to " ~': ie' ~. :';:re 6e'=:f'v.l:}~F'sur,faee' :eoa^t {pXO"Pe, ' ~giiIie;er' :~Ra'ffei;:ty:n~dlt:t;;11l.,r~ ere commend& ')'~'~};';;~d':iI;~;g'fthe: 'y;ork ',be >o:i<1~J::e't!':,. ":' p~6tse~">:roaa ~,er~:::.:fitQm, ',e;xce sai V6 ',' '.. '" .: .. '''Vl1Ste ~ ~ ,: " ",' . " , ': -, "'.: ....;,,'..',.\ ..' :';' ;,' :,> , ,: . .: ,-- ,<, , , ..- Motion made"'6y~ ,ner',Bake.r-, ::duJ.ii' s~ontic{u '~iby Commis-' sioner 'Wa~~ing prov~din~~t ne recommendations of the Engineer be 'a'ee1t-n1J.'e~d 'an'a: an:nrov.'d &ii~ "the work beorder,j'd ,d!on..',;' after a:n;oint ' l:'. ;l:'~ ~, .' 'il' , oJ , :.1ns~eJat:l?orr;\'o:.f: '.%,hClroa d i:1.<t'~,Ii.tli6:'~'S&1.:a' Uni-ver-ai t'y :g'ou.];..vsx.'& by the 'May~r't>C0~i~ii!()ner:s'J:a~td. ~Ci~~t]fngine'.:r, prmv:.1.d61a/how$-vep/ )i'ts present ~ :eoh(ti t.ibn 'Justi:fie d'!':'the pr~c.d'UJ::'e. ': "". :"c." ' " ~,;'~ Vbting :Aye;' B81J:ImtsS:fo.n~:rsvVa!:r:l:ir:K ,&'Bakex, No ~dne ,v(jtin~u:o:. . - -. -.(. . - ~ . , The, )visyor tp.~,n recomme,nded that an appropriation of $150.00 be' ,vot~:~, o,:-t',;;~rf:: tJ;tf ~~1?:e.~tilI,):ti~ld-&b t~e,. ~j;r~ D~p~~~m~n~/ ~o ,t~k~ ~~, of , , Q S' ,Q .. ,J?-t::aib~,' ~...s 'appe-r'ta-ln~ng theretO:-oi- ~tJ..L,S;,~~/th- ','; ", ' ,:' ..! yt ~'COnug , €l.ner ~'Ba1t~r, ~se'conded by,6cmin?i:s~icG'nEilr :da lling , ,: that Mayor 1 S rcec6mmeri~1r:foti ~foi'::,the ap:Qro~ria:ti01'i 'o:f<$1'5Q.GlO be accepted and ordere:a:.i:,3c, ',:',: " " "'.', .. ',' .' VOt1.ng :ttie :J3akerr :&':Wal::L'irig''::QOmiliissi,qn€irs, No one vot;ip.g no. , " NO fUtthtJr ;bus1:7rre'ss A:lommiss:i,ctIlfll'r Walling' 2n'd: 4;iy ,Co'M! Bak@r moved ,adjourruntH].t, .in .order. Voting 1f!ye': ,a6~~ls ~Bak8T: 8&'"Wa;lJ:i):1g. ' .;tt6st~; .' -Z" ..Approved; ~',' _ ,'.'~ .,' ,iY:. .;: , '. " ,-. ", t2~~ " ~ ,'. '" ''::' ~', :,:",~,,, '~r' 'i~~y:or. ' , Ci 'by Se.cre'tary..' . , 'c. :", '..., ~A_:"': Of' '. :..... '* ' >' ,~, - .;-- ...' ~ , ; '. ,4 !- ~ :3 S.f'f ~ ~ \~~_i_ . '. .~:.;, ," , l ,~. ," f ,~_ . _.. c. : :y ..).. .f> ,...; <-.," ....... "-'~~.r tI 'jf2. .. "', ~ ~ '~-{:T"'7 L ~ '~~ ~ l't- - .' ~. _ t " , , ...:-.... < ' \ \ , '\ ~ ~!; < f', \ " ~: I 1_ l:l , f' I , ;,f. t ...'" @J July a~'])., 0/ tJH , 1928. Regular meeting of the City Covnci1 convened at the hour of 8 P. M. in the temporary City hall to take up and consi6_6r any ana, all business matters presenteet for consiaJ:;ration. The follow in atten- dance, viz: ~ H. B. Schlesinger, lfuyor. H. L. Baker, Commissioner. J. .fA. 'NaIling, Connnissiollbr. J. H. Rafferty, Engineer. Geo. B. Murray, City Iviarsha11. A. P. Robb, Supt Water TIept. Erwin Cust@an, Oity Secretary. 1~. Brorili present as a visitor. Rea.ding of the minutes for the :pr~vi.ous meeting dispensed with. -f)g U ~, Mayor advised that he had a 1_-l:Ar~~ from l\;fr. C. A. Bryan's Attorney's making application to operate the water system situated in his ad- dition for apariod of 50 years. On motion Commissioner Walling, duly seconded by COL~lissioner Baker, the City Secretary was instructed to v~ite a letter declining to grant thepri vi1ege of operating the saHt water sy:stem for a periOd of 50 years, setting forth th~ reasons for such decision. VotingP~e; Connnissioners Walling &; Baker. Report was offered by Engineer Rafferty relative to the matter of a claim ~iled by E. K. High through his Attorney's in COill1€ction wi th a~leged amoUllts du€ him for lumbe-r and curb and glItter on a certain contract sub-let to Miller .& Miller. Aft~r some discus- ,sian, the Engineer reconimended ~ata.committee of three be ap- Jr,inted by the IvT.ayor to inye 1'!.1"atethe matter ,thoroughly anet to re~!?ort hack to thfl\ aouuci,~~~' ~ing at the earliest practical date. Motion was then made by ", :'~siollli~r Baker and. duly second.e'd. by Com- missioner Walling that t ,.-';'~~ "mmi ttee of three be appointed by th([l . 1Ilfayor including the Oi ty '~0rn.ey Mr. Sonfie1d for the investigation . an~; su:?sequent report9nl/1:~-.E~~ K. High claim. Voting Aye. Com. Baker & vval1J.ng. The Mayor irmnediate1y appojnt__d the :fo1lwwing conunitte@, .viz: Engineer J. H. Rafferty, Attorney Sonfield to act with himself on the cOIDn1ittee above nndered. ~~yor Schlesinger passed over to the City Secretary a bill from lIT. E. T. a.tkins for a de sk (walnut) and 0 ffi ce chair' in the SlUll 0 f $57.00 Which desk had been used in the temporary city hall for some time pa,ssed. ~~ir-snnrJl'mm::KE -::-~--,:;,;.:: . Motion made by Commiss-~~ner 'Na11ing a~fd seconded by COIT'illlissioner Na~er, instructing that the bill for $57.00 rendered by ~tr. Atkins be paid. Voting Aye; Commissioners Baker &; 'NaIling. Nater Superintendent .A. P. Bobh, read his report for the second quart- er of the year 1928. Same embracing the transactions in detail for the period nameA. " Motion by Commissioner Baker &; seconded by OonID1issioner Walling that, -the report of the '/.Jater Supt be accepted and filed viTi th the Secty. voting Aye: Wo~missioners -v!al1ing ~J_B~ker. I, ' . No f,..~...r.,th.r. bU81noss on mO..,t...'on.. lJOmmlSS1..0ne~ ,B. )dktJ,.h. 24:n_;9:..-u/ CjlhO'l' ,Vall mg. ~g a~.~~'4<~ .Appro~~~1J . I~yor. r _r-- - ---:- 1-- __.~ c.JII'~,/p~ ~ '2.,.ti)~~ If209'. l~/o -# , ,1"r ~~ ~ !~~zZ:. r~~r~0.l===='- i~f~- ...l~I~~/~I:-iE.~;llri~r~ a;;~I~........... r J lI,i .~L=~IL $llnj r;' 7/J ~,tJt);. 6~i<<Ji ll,~J1?1 , f ',.. 1 /~ Zql 1901 ~j!oj! II iJt}/2 ?9"j"1 4. t.ticf.#1 r--+' '!==- -1-1 ' .- . i .' 1........~ j, 1- '! I ! I f i ' ; r I I .. I I ~ I i I ,-,- ..--.----.---,.-....-- " ,.. ';"F;'~~~ ~ 'I i . i I 1, , j I ! . - ~! - ~--"'-";'.-i-,.. '0. ""'V,"";",,,:<"~,::;;.:;.-~~~;',,_1:-__ ,~ : i "? W/./ ~! ~: ~',/~ .,'.v/.'" .. ,I . ~ _ . l ,; !' : I ': ..... \ 1 , !: 'I i! '; " . XI:" , j r- r .", ' " \\\lotlA1i11ll1tl:1-------- t_~~~-;:;;i-C~}F=\':r;Fl~~~~~~~\"1.i~'~:"'~<i..~ .. - -'--l;~~" ~<i----,;~~'i"'" '''~:~_''~~''''~'''~~f''-''-~'Y'w-:~",";';~ C~?~~~,~ 'L~~7'1Z~. .' ;u;;zTf;:'- ~~Llr~~.;;;=,'r-l~a:;r==~c~ll~~T'~c~.".'.'.' ~ ."i"" ~--T. I" .HTu-u--t-----u ~frl_2:tJJ?~;- f; i2J.~ f !67 /3 'S7J, . //JJq!:__J.5~!Ni~ Jt(C4A(/~'7 i 2'1 !1,602,! i {; / J : 70 : ";-Lf 1-.9 94srJ 762. : Iff J-7 l.jf, i 1-. j-j------I-------' ",..!--,. ." . '. \ l-J"" tl-tuv-/ir '7 i 7-- U! t'l? 7! i 6 ~ : a5-Cj . / ',30' 20 ()tJ 7/ c;J1' J h '1 LI/-o r j-1 1..' i l i IJ251~~i 77tiS/<. (?J-Zl IZ;rtJa l'l~s 7j~t;(P(),tJ, I ~~---:._~-;- ._--::-:-:-=--:~-~:-::;:-:- --;: -' '; - "-'-::-:"':~-:::-~-::-:'";.___ i __~_::.:~...,=~~_~=~ ~~!J~?J~! (9~.5- 71 . 1 , , , ; I ; ! I ! i J J I j I ! i 1 ..~~ , ~ . ~1i!t"~",,.,^".""l!i;-&""""fU"''li~~'-'"'''''''it'''"iilK''''''''''t'''j"'"""~"""",~_""",~~..c..~~,_",__,~_".,.."'~,"~",_"_",,,,>_,.~,~,__",>C,_,.,_'__~.."#...,~O"""~~. 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I' L. / '/0;1 \ " /~- Ii I \ ~ II, I I ! \ I \ I I i i , ' -.j" ..---~.,.,~.,._-".;; ~ <iC;;;.-"_C;'i'C-,,~,;;;;~ i , . I . I c~.J f~?J:TJi'''1iIll!'.'16i!''f:' : i r .. 1 : II "IIIMI i) '---- . .._L ~ rf' /r j/?V1 .~ 1/~ /~/~t:-/ . '~!- CJ-9-~'Zl.h ~~~~ 7~'~~fJl -~~~r-~: '77~, ~ .?~d :~;} ~ ~~<7'-.b-V~w..)J?t , 7/~~~-7h ' ~~~/~J:..~0/'~~ ~~ .~?!.. OCJg//7 rM .:7" -I o7~ ~ Cf/ : {:~:::rf/~~~. (. "~07-~ ~.~ ~7 ~4y ~ 7iJJ .. '~~$'/ . -r>"'J?/ ^ ..... -.._'"......~.".....,.... '~-"-"'"-''--'-'-'''''''-'~''''''' l ! _J ,..~July, 1?~E-,_~9?8. l:ili G UL_4..,d, Lfui~~ T .1 I'~ G · (fiJ w.--: ~" Regular meeting of the Council of thE:; Oity of ~7est University Place Texas, was' called to order 'by the Hon. H. B. Schl@sing~r9 l'[ayor~ at 8 1). M.. i.n the T~'mll)o:rary Ui ty' Iiall or, the foregoing date to take up and oonsider any and all businGss requiring attention of the boa~ with the following in attendance, viz: H. L. J. 1.:[ ,L.<. . J. c 1i. J. A. liafferty 9 ,Me tcalf . Davlin, H. B. Schlesinger,,Jlayor. , Baker, Oommi ssioner;. J; _0. .ilalling, Commissioll,er. Erwin Cushman, City Secty. City Engineer A. P. Robb, 'Jatar Supt. ~ire Harshall, J. C. Mortensen, Inspector. Asst. Marshall. . The contract ana. bond of and viTi th il.. B. qornwall ContrHctor. in connection withthG lflrection of the city hall (J.; fire station" was su'Qm,itted to the meeting by H. B. Schlesinger, Hayor. 1 Motion was mad61 by H. L. f3aker, Commissioner and seconCled by Commissioner"i.Jalling to the effect that the Contract and Bond of A. B. Co...rnwall be ratified and accepted by the -bOdy, full draft with details'-to be prepared at once and form a part of this motion...... Voting A:ye :Cormni ssi oners 'Nalling & Baker, lIo onevvoting no. The Mayor then offered, for the consideranion of the Comrnis- sioners a draft of an ordinace covetil~ the erection of the City H~11c&f:fire Station. Th(!J~~m:PlelJe ~~of which will be furnishect and made a :part of these::~m1;nutes.. ;..~.,:., , <, ' '~f;/ , ' .. :Motio:n by Cornmiss:\,oner' ;i:ng,duly second.eo. by ConIlnissioner Baker, t4st the ordinace .,co'veri',. ('; City Hall & Fire Staion be adopteel and :full copy be filed. w?i!h these minutes. ' Voting Aye: Cpmmissioners Beke;r tJ! ',jaIling. No one voting ne. The Mayor called attention to the fact' that in order to legalize the procedure of p6rman~nt paving in Eemberton Addition, that a comp1~te transcript notice of same must b~ inserted in u daily paper 3 times at the expense of property holders. . I\~otion maete by,J. A. Walling Com, second.ed by Oommissionllr Baker, that Secretary be instructed to place regular notice to pr'op- o arty holders in on~ paper 3 insertions and that it DPpear 1st time and. following, on ap-d 1928. and the hearing before City Council on : 1928. Voting Aye: Commission€Ts Baker Be "dalling, no one voting no. Recommendations for improvements in the new area(etQ, ,were then offered and. read' by Engineer Rafferty. The same being a type\v.ritten recon~endations presented by himself and Street & Bridge Commissioner H. 1., Baker, as a result of a complete inspection by these officers and subsequent conclusions. Full cPPy'of thas6 r@- cOL~endations on file and of record with the City Secretar,J. Motion by Commissioner Bake duly sGcondGd by Cor~1ission€r 'JaIling awarding to 1;lil16rf~ Hiller contract for lsn, 24t1 and3Qlf storm s~wer as per project #5 plans anQ specifications on file. Voting Aye: Commissionel's ','Falling and Baker, no one voting no 0 ~ .... -" . 1'- "-~ '--;---;;r;;;T ~-- ) . -' t . i- 'f~~'Mf) fY '/ #2. . Resolutj:OJilsl;for th€l paying of certain str@cts in the B)lcond addition of West Univ_ersi ty Place .Amherst e-tc,was offere'd 'by t)1e . City Engine er for. {)srmanent paving~ -~ . 11o-tion made by:Commissiom~r, Walling and duly seconded by Commsl3ioner Baker, that' "the recomT.aendati,on of the Oi ty Engineer for permanent paving in the 2nd Ad~ittion West University place,' Am~ herts etc., -be ~-ado:pt.~d and. that Engineer Raffirty furnish full-- typewri;t,:ten details<f'or tl1..,e City So<c.retary' s. :files. 0 -..., Voting Ay~: Commissi6n~rs ,Baker & Walling. No one voting no. '" ,Motion made by Commissioner J. A. VVaL I-ing and seconded by Com- missioner H. Ii. Baker, that 'the ,contract fo:r the paving of the streets in the West University Place second addition be awarded to Soott Shambaugh in acCordance with the above. Voting AYo: Com. ',Velliilg and. Baker. No one:i voting no. 1fuyor H. B. Schlesinger instructed City Secr~tary to write a letter to R. E. Magee. C/O Puhlia National Bank., calling attfintion to the fact that some of the :fireplugs had broken pumper caps. Fire 1farshall advise~s that there are threle,o:f theise"caps de:Eective. and to ask that these be replaced immediately,' :that th~ request hail been previously- made and that, we would expect: imme diate service ' or we will be compelled to purclrse the aaps elsewhere and charge to . hiS- (:::t::~ d;C C~7:~~n <fl. ~ from H. B .nll~ amson.; :for tho granting of permi.s~0 ,tOC0', Jt with the ,Oi ty r Sz wat'er' mains for tha purpose. o:f sup, g wat . 0 Bradley Place. such privilege to be, subject to or, CGS '. --.",axisting or ,that may her€afterb~ .. passed byth@ counc~ ' " ..,. . ' . . 1l ;.~ ': . - . . '" Motion made, by CfQmmissioner Walling,. duly sec_bilded by Commis- sioner Baker granting H. B. Williamson permission to connect with the City's water mainsfbr, the purposes a'bove ctescrib@d and subjedt toel.l of th~ co-nai tions aumnerate a., , " ' 'Voting Aye--: aomm:i.?s~oners Walling and Baker t No one voting no. if .: '. ,:nl!0'ti'on1 made by Commi.ssion~rWalling, duly seaondllldby Com- missLone.rc -Baksr declaring the .salaryof Vir. A~ E. ~0~b, vrater Supt., subj'sct to en increase of $10.00 or an agg:reg~te of $1,50.00 per ,month, . 6 ffe cti va July 1st, 1928. ' , ... V()ting c:-liyefC0mmi;ssi6nt'Jrs Baker and Walling. 1'f06ne, voting no. . , There being no further busin€ss, on motion Commissioner Baker .a.u'ly seconded by Corn... 'Nfi-l-lingthe me:etipg was d@clared adjourned.. Voting,Aye: Qom'. W~lling anti. Bakt.r', .Atte st, . ~, J. A. WALLING, CITY COMMISSIONER H. L. BAKER. CITY COMMISSIONER ,.. ',~ i /L;.;:. -~, ~------;-f" r":,., ~...,~...".~>. .,/ r-...(..,;-<....;:.... ~(- ~-/-;::. ~'~i*';:. ~ "., j " " .'. . ",' ~( J. H. RAFFERTY. CITY ENGINEER G. B. MURRAY. CITY MARSHAL City of West U niveJr'sify Place HOUSTON, TEXAS ERWIN CUSHMAN, CITY SECRETARY ROUTE 3, BOX 36B-B HOUSTON, TEXAS H. B. ,SCHLESINGER, MAYOR Jul'y 16-1928 Eon. M~or and City Council, City of ":Vest University Place, Texas, Ron. Dear Sir8: Str'eet and Brid.ge Commissioner BaJrer end mY8eli' ha-,je completed an inspection of the city relative to the condition of' existi.ng streets and, the improvemenb'of new arteries for traffic. .... Follo~dng this tour we recojTh~end to the gity Council tha t the follO\ving..,s,treets be paved in a permanent manner, the cost of the '~rit~~~ections to be borne by the city, the frontage cost to be 13ai,?- ';by the abutting property 01;'lnerS on a 10 year assessment p*~nj,ArrL~erst, Dartmouth, C~unberland, Vassar, Brown, OolL~bia, YalB~ Harvard and Lovett froD the West line of Buffalo SpeedwayU~rainage Ditch # 2; Glel~D, Arbuckle', Talbot, ORson and Wel"lein frota the Wes t line of Kirby Drive to the East lil1e ofVJakeforest; Uni versi ty 31 vd. E:;;f,tenf):ecl:bY"'WRY aT Holmes from tb,e East'line of lIad.en to the West line of Community Drive; Cameron Blvd. from the North line of Holmes to the North line of Bellaire Boulevard; Belle Court Boulevard from the North line of Glenn to the 1Toj~th line of Bel1aire Boulevard; Ten..nessee from the North line of University Boulevard to the Sout:hline of Bissonett; Fai.rhaven Bouleba:ro. from the North line of Bellaire ROB.d to the South line of Lowell; H8~thorne from the North line of Be118.1re Road to the South line of Holmes; College Ave. from the South line of Holmes to the South line of Riley and R:i.ley from the East line of Ha'Nth0X'ue to the 'Nest line of College Ave;; and the topping of Rice Boulevard as provided in the original program from the West line of Kirby Drive to the Rice Court gates. ;1 The d.rainage structures required to :i.nsure adequate storm water protection consist of ' 1- Extension of existing 24tt sewer on Vassar from Sewanae to Rochester. 2- Const;rl.l.c.tioll of .1S" S8\Ver 011 Dartmol1th frOin Draj_r!.age Ditch # 2 to Rochester. II . t . j' . , I I - ---~ J. A, WALLING, CITY COMMISSIONER H. L. BAKER, CITY COMMISSIONER J. H. RAFFERTY, CITY ENGINEER G. B. MURRAY, CITY MARSHAL ,~.-- City <Of West University Place HOUSTON, TEXAS ERWIN Cl,lSHMAN. CITY SECRETARY _ ROUTE 3, BOX 368-B HOUSTON, TEXAS H; B. SCHLESINGE"R, MAYOR 3- Construction 'of 2411_3011 sewer line through N01->th half of Second Addition by way of Col1unbia to Rochester to Harvard" through Buffa 10' Speedway. ( Drainage Plan , ,5 ) , ' 4- Constl~lction of the second unit of plan # 4 in the Second Addi tion of' the city of' that territory 'Nest of Drainage Ditch # 2 consisting of the 4811_3611_24tf by way of Ditch # 3 to Burns, to Hawthorne, to Moore, to Accademy., The Belle Court drainage mspractically completed. The approximate cost of the intersections etc.. to,the city will be # 38,000;00 and for stOru1 sewers, approximately $ 30,800.00. We respectfully submit this report as a recommendation for action by the City Council at the meeting to be held Monday, July 16th. 1928 at 8 P.M. Signed:,_?~~ ~~ -- StreEft an~idge4 Cornrnissioner ~~~ C) Ci Engin r ~ I ~ t5r:,%."'s~~"'~~ r- ,., I -', ---~~--'-'_.--- REGULAR ]!EETD~G. July 23rd~ 1928. C!SJ RegUlar ~eeting of thecoun()il of the City of West University Place.. convened 1n the temporary ~ity Hall on University Boulevard at the hour of 8 P. M. for the transaction of such business"requiring at- tention with the following present, ~mz: H. L. J, H! A. J. , ,H. ,B.' Schlesiliger'~ Baker, Commissioner----------~-- Rafferty. Engineer. !vIetaal!' ~ Fire Marshall, " "' Erwin C~s1ililah, Mayor. ' , " . H. A. Walling, 'Commissioner. A.P.~9b"b, Water Supt. JUdg~C. ,D. Jessup. City Secretary. ' , , . . ". -. ~ '. - Engineer Hafferty presented par~ial e$~~mate ,v2 to equalize warrants in the sum of $9l,OOO.OO~' theq~u;dd estImate, Qoveri1ig a:;: por- tion of the cost in the sum of $226.15 for the imporvement of Buffalo Speec,iway, Rice Boulevard nortl1 to Bissonet Street. .not 8,ccumulative. . ,Motion by_Commis~19Rer ~a~e+, duly~seconded by Cowmiss~oner Walling th,at Partial e!3tlm8te~ 1/:2 f9t'$2;?,6.15 fO:r'streetimpJ;'ovements namaed'by the City Engineer he 8a6p~ed and ordered paid. Voting Aye; Commissioners,.B~k~ran~ Walling, no one voting no. o : . 't -' . -.", :~, ....J;J",":";. -: ~ :' '. .-~' , ." : : " ~ , , ,,' Motio!1 t,hen m~~~dJY Co:qnnissi oi1e;r~Baker., duly seconde,d by 'CoT.lW1issioner Walling' ,,:ratit"Y';Lng .8ii'o. eo'il:firniing t~e ,:following or~liI1ance, vt!{l,: . ' " ' ,', ' .' ,-,,;> .' ~," , ',.. ",' ' , '" ",~ .' ,', AN ORDINAl\fCE COl~FIRMnm CONTRACT BETWEEN~HE ,CITY OF ~~lEST m~IVERSITY~ ,ELACE: ;AND IViILL~ $a MIL.~ER. CONTRAQ~,ORS't1?ROY+DINQ F,O'k THE CONSTRUCTION AND IM:PROVEMENTOF CEIlTAIN STREETS.' SA:N'ITARY SEWERS'~ StoRM SEWERS AND WAT:E,ft, WORKS :!!l{m, BJ.;+D C.+TY; PROVIDIN9-&''pR.' THE ISSUANCE OF IM- PROVEMENT WA!lli.ANTS OF S~*-:P;, OITY :J:N' PAYT..lEl'fT THEREFORi, :g:aPVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES' ON ALL THE TAXABLE'PRD~ERT~ IN'SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID WARRANTS AND~',HE i~IPAL AS IT MATUrtFS. AND DECLARllifG .Al1 EMERGENCY. " '~. Voting Aye; Commissio~ers;Walling and Baker and no . JY"'~ting no. fi;v #' , , The Mayor read ~eti tion from AttorneY'li4.~or C., A.J)rya.n Cornoration offering for sale to the City of ~~st ~~v~rsity Place its -- ", ;f , - . ~ ~ ". . waterworks and j3:}.ant. 1iay,,p!:1 fur-the.r "reeommending.:'t.hat:-.-Gommissi one r Walling be authorized torC&pfer with 'said corporation procuring com- plete information and li,st..of all parts ete:, such as might be utilized by the city and report back at the next regular meeting. Motion by Com. Baker. seconded by Com. Walling that Mayor's recommenda- tion be adopted and that Cormnissioner Walling be authorized to act ac- cord-ingly. Voting Aye; Commissioners Baker and Walling and no one voting no. It was then suggested by the Mayor, that for good and prac- tical reason. the regular IDeeting night for the couneil be changed from Monday of each week to that of Thursday of each week at the hour of 8. P. M. in the usual meeting p~ce. First meeting U1~der tlle char~e to be fixed for Thursday, August 2nd. 1928. Mmtion by Com. Walling. seconded by Com. Baker that the meeting night be set for Thursdays instead of Monday's of each week beginning with Aug 2nd. 1928 as recommended. Voting Aye; Com's Baker and Walling and no one voting no. <,<.~"~ ~ r ' " ---====- - .:-. (!) JL2 it . >' , ~r'>, ' The Secretary 'read. s"'letter presented by Engineer J. H. Raf- ferty and Commissioner H. L. Baker, jointly, of~ering recommendations fq.:r;th~:,~mp;r;OV?m,eflt.qf CRr1fJ.~f).,;~K. ~ ;#rom W~k~:fl;g:e~~ ,..~Q virginia St, . . i%ilo~~~::~!: ~~t~~ " ~!~~i~~~':::~~~@~~l!~, s~:!O~r~t~:~;Rf~~~'~=~:sn~~~atelY ~ ,>" ;.. .~- ',: - e'l:otton bY"Comiilis~~9ne1i~,wi~1,:\.n~;', ~~~~i;>:rr~~d.* ~Y'-:9~~i~~~ qh{:l~ Bakur that the for-egoing reconunen~at:i6ns oe"adopted--af1d"'that,otne'-'ilhprovement 1)8 made on Cornell S:t"'c~,t ,op.c~. '" . ;'..... ., V ot,ing . Aye ; .Gom " ~ ~Ba]ter':>~nd .LWal11ng) 'and *:go .~.'9nE? . y,c>tip.g :q.o. . 'q -"~"~", . .. ',~' ':.~o' : -: --. ---." ~_._..._\.:::l~::~;~'-;~;'.Ll.,,".' <::~::>':;: .~'- . '. .'. ';..~~.E~por,t was~~~~!i by City Eng~n~~:t;-O~e:tatj.ve -j;'~th~::C~~Ai -Bryan Corposst1"o:p. '~~:J;~:r ;.:g@f*~'i ~ystim, ;~nd . t~l'~:iS'sfting'!bf' wat~r~w~itkS\5wa~rant s for the purenase of th~--neWrrpj:8nt'~nCol1E;lge View Add~t~on cover~ng ,': .t~fl!1~~d~tCs. btQa;L"P~&3 iz.:.fY~tl,tJ?P. 9r 2" ~eIT,t,ei~ Itnes~ ill area' s not ^.' seJ'Ve, , ~ <\JY"'rf:}P- ,., ~ V,~~+.9:g. \l.~,[.;/1f'p~:rs .,' ;. C, > ' ,; " , , ','::. ,_J.. :;-.:7: li'lil.l ~epor:t; tij:'-l 'PIe)' ~!i1'Sliea:' for"'fil'j.ng' 'Wi t!b/ t'kest3'lm!nutes. . ,.,. ~::::,->~~:;~'::~.;j;i~:w~:t~~;...o,~fi~~~Yi~~lpg" ,~n~~~-f;~'~~:;e~v_~~t~~: ~~~' :()~t.r~~~g be- t:,!~e~:c:tltJ ,~~~~~"'P':f'.f;'ff~S;:pu~:v~r.~t~Y:P-~'~'c;:~'- $1l~~ if !t \;~.t~.. !lil~e;:jy:! .. f1J-~j..neer . came up fo;r;, 4::Lscus~r~9n" t~~!l~~in:g?-:Q.< t~eJ. ~'o!:::lfow~~'g' m-o''1.'OI1:;[] v!..z~' : ;.~.- . - > ._:,~~O :1..: -, :~. .~i -,).. L......,,::;~; "-~",:ri' .~<_ ~:~ '.~'r-, .~!e.~nF~':~ . ~' . - :i Mbti'onby (}atlJui&%ioner Baker, du'lyl<s's'&enlled; q)y:' Comli:r.l.%sioner .' . ;': W~;t;J.~;I,l,g,. j;h,,~t.<;!:;he. ,l?Qtft.rs!}:t, ~s :pr.e.sen~,~d an~ re~d. r~ne!!ing contract n:,J)~i-w~eJ.c'tb.e'; C'ity'd;f""'WT1\J.ni.verj31ti::3?:L'S,.~~ T"'~~su(.,-8nff;'Mr. J. H. Raf- · ~'",,: n~r'it~e""8ca:hpt'ed arid ilJ:~~rt ~trei'eio.r'~be;'~m8aTEfI.e1 ~Tt'I~f.' t~'e,slPmCinut es. , J.And .'t:Jj,~;tr a,eolRpleteco,py:,b,..e. :furni.ahe9... to tl1~ ~,tj;y.. Secretary fo~l~eeord "L.'in.,hik''',h::ttree. " '(~:,-.bj:l';:, , -:, ..' '~J,':.: ,~,r ,JL ,~'" V;9:t;irlg '~P~,,:~om~ s ~~lii~l1;i)~,. ~~ke, .and 'Il,o one Ye~~~~: no..~,. =:: ~.~ -~, ,~~ .", -":~ ~:~ ~ 0'6:.',,:. ',-(i<,~,'~ '~~;~~~~~Hg~kd:~~~~r c~., i: 'in~gJ ,'o~'m~.t~:~~~':_:Cd~l~i:Q:ri~ ',' ,,' ~.~ ~~,er;:;::fi:u;,i.t.,~..s~c;,6~dea .Py~':eb~tB~'i:~n:~~~:"nt~~etjiti~~~~tl-~'o1t:~~fit~~j. de- - :'~::"~Fat:~~i;~i",:~:b'~:qftt~:. ':_''-:~~~,L~;,,,\'-~~.i,-, ,.1.",.. .:, ,...0,,_' ",l.'L,,,:'< t.' :.' ':;,5, IV,',' '-'<' ~ _ _... ~~ ....ii.,;. _ r}.-~'~"; ~'<' ~_ ~:-~~- ~~-c .: i{1.~~. * ""'.l:~ ., ~. ',,: . 1 : 't ,,>," {f .~::;. .:;} :1\ Xlfrovea:.; "~.?:'~ <,,:~ , ,ft:r """"" ,,!, '), ~ ,"'. ' ,__'_.L~. ""}<,.l..1 .~,.' l~ .t_,_ ...... -...: _;.. ,', .:J >~, , ~. -.' >.,.,~ -'" "" .r' _ ~......} t; _ ';} ',~ .i:<_: , . ~ .' .', " . ........ ;l ~:JrLr._i~h. ::~ ~.;, .~-:;.;... .. ~ .-, . ~- - C;~ ".': ;.. ,.>, .1 ~') , . .:< -"-:. ~ -:.:.;- . C> .,' , - jI__lU', ;' L:OJ~;'~'. - :)8 ..... .oj ;,..:,--" 'D' ';;{ " . . ; ,"." ~. .- -'.' -_.',.~.. , - -~ f _.~ ~r - -- :.-~ .:~ ..... '_~ '_'.-f ,", . ~ :.', ~) .:...... "...0..- ",-," '- < ", .. '.~! 1 . .. ~ ': . " . ~~ .. :" _k ~~" ~ ~~ .~ ". ~-i.'r ~ ,. ~....<-;..-' '~-' . :.. \.; t. . ,: - ~ .'1 _.-' r . -- . .<-.; 1,;' ..: - . f"'." " , .r .: ," r~._," ...:-. ," . ~,':;nE::~, . - - 8 .b -..:". tt J)i..:~:\ "s : ; . .} ...-:... . .' .: _ ~~. t -; ,- ;-:-.: r; . ' 1...1. 0 ~ , ~y -;;. ~3 l :.~~':.: . I .,-, ~ '. . .;'::: f:>- '. j ~ " r- l '1 -.~ August 2nd, 1928. REGUIJAR IvlEET ING ~,,-'t ! '? /ld ~ -<1/ #' /;) /:!.-,.:.. r/'( #..t.-~{.<,,?f' ~.i' ~#r;p<""q~"j /2 y ;Zjt'C;' ,4(~~"P;}'rif~ i~r/ ./" ~ , !rhe oouncil convenea in regular session havingb€t1lH callod to oraer by the Hon. H.D. Schlesinger, Mayor, at the hour of 7.30 P. H. on the above dat~ at the temporary Oi ty Hall building on Uni varsi ty ~301)levard wi ththe follow-in in att€indanoe t viz: H. J,. J. H. A. D .1-. H. B. Schlesing~r, Baker, Commissioner. Erwin Oushman, 3afferty, Engineer -' l~obb', 'dater Supt., Ilfr." Sonfilllld, Mayor. J. A. 'dalling, Commissiomsr. Se cre tary .' J. B. Murray, City Harshal1. J. C. Mortens@n, Inspector. Attorn~y. ' ~h$ ~tading 9f1i1inuj;es".f.or;::jrrevi6usraeetings ais}J€!lTIs6 d with account of limited time and much business. Seoretary.Cushman, 'Offer.6athe following bills for approval Bnd pay,,; ment, viz' \I Gribbl~ stamp Bl Stencil co, '$5.00' , Kr~nzl.&r Bros, Gas & JJub 'liater Truck, 7.00, T! Tf,' n If ,S~l!retarff, 7.66' T!. n" II ,If ,Fire Dept. 8.03 '. NorvGll':'vVil.fl6r. Hardware ".Yatsr Dept.. - - '45}7'.9~.'~~ Ci t;;,." of Houston Water D@pt." n 'erGO' C. :ire Milledge, C. P. A. Gen~l ~Gct. 45..rQO: Allen-Gartner, Ins, prefui,t!m1;"~'" ,146'"~~O6' .,:, J. C. Mort@nsen, JIllipairi'ng Electric Motor, 3.75", J. C. Mortensen, Inspecting to 8/2/28, 8.00 ~ J..' ~,~.~ , CI , <"'''' '~~ }!otionby,Commi ssioner -<falling duly se conde 0.. by Gommissiom5T Baker, that foregoing bills be approvea ana paid. Voting Aye: CO!nmission~rsBak6r & ',lalling, no one voting no.. Engineer Ra:ff~:~,;,ty;., offered thE:! following estirnat{'; s on work p:rforrned.~or appro~a~)~~4~ayrnen~, ~iz: . " Ivhller & lilller estu!la:t'e "j(t,8pplYl:ng granlte gravel, Bal. ~;i5000.00 n H fI",:f,iir work on Cornell & Belle CoUrt Strs7000.00 ff ff Tlf/:2' ';later lines 1st Sel c. w. U. P. 4000.00 I:lotion by 'Conu11issioner 'dalling, a.uly se conde d by COInmis- sioner Baker that th~, for@going estimates be approved and paid. Voting Ay@: Commissioners BakGr & ifalling, lIo one voting 110. Engineer Raff@rty presented claim for $1000.00 on acco~nt of Engineering supervision for approval ana payment. Motion made by COIDLf1issioner Baker and a,uly se conae d by ConnnissionerJalling, that Scrip 06 issued favor Mr. J. E. Hafferty Ci ty Engine er for ~tlOOO. 00 to cover the =~ngine €ring fe e S on account. Voting Aye: ComrnissicnlSTs JaIling & :BakGr, no one; voting 110. The City 2ngineer thGD rEad a letter from Smith Bras Inc., rGlati VI] to tho paving of Bissone t ~3trc (; t from ~Cirby })ri VG to ])rain- age di tell, recommending the; 11:onoli thic curb and gutter at a :pric~ Of.75p per foot. After some discussion, it was d@cid6d to dGfer anything o.e,fini to in conn6ction with this, pro j Gctuntil a IBtlllr dBte. 1:ayor Schle singer announce a that under an p.gr€\ernent reached in a conferenc@ hela uetween Enginesr Rafferty ~ and "" i" 1 ,'''-- "'T '1 ~ "fIY i <3>1i' " #2. thG ~ng,inet!;:r:ing l).pa,rt~l~nt of tb,@ City ef:EOu,l;lton. a proper system'_'~ , 'o;f-nunip~i-irig 8~lr6s~A.:ric.~:s~n5i h~U:s~'s ?-:ii ',the' ,Ci~y ,o:f ,W~ st Uni v@rsi:'" tY:I")l~lee h@d be:e.p ad-0pt-':51.'9'nd that Mr., Raffer,ty had pr€apar@d thti n$C,~',ss~:rY .m~psand ,p:i.ra~fl~'s1.'io_wing .ih.: numh'eF~s;t.() be appli@u on all lots in the City of I'TGst University Place in accordancf.5v<Jith the "plan as outline d a,t, the con:fer~n(:Hs, afo:r:e sa:ld. - The - Mayor a']:so aQ'Vifzlf~'d tha.t fr.om: ,information h~ had ii-l hand from the' Post':'J~[aJ3t.n:~,':0:;f Ha-u'irton,. J. t: we:EI' 'lik€liy 'that, wh&n th@ maps <we re7'~ a?r ;~.P ftir:n.i sJi: the. 'Po st ....Me st ~ r,- Al :1I ~us~p,p.:;~, l:p.di Ca t ;i~g the c or- ':: :]:_,Pt numpt\Tlng of,al~: lots, that he t (IlJr. Nl~lL91s,J .,vvould take under consid@ration t}:ul;matter Q::f.' in:4:roa.:uc'ing a system' of oi ty mail delivery which would supcsrsede the'present ru.ral mail box d@posi ting system now '." ,in'vogu@.. . - .' r,c; '-""',' .' " , " :" ..." ,,' "0' 'c';!;, \ , " '. This matt'er 'was' ,:a:U{o"hSlCf ov€ir for 'futUr~>Qi:e(}u~:fsion . <I -.. r ,~_ , . ( '"f .~ :,w . There being no, ;fitl:n..th5r~ Qusines, on mO.tion Commissioner duly seconded by Corimifs'slinier Walling, th'e'niee;ting:'W,'?-S:"~'~lared ,journed, .d ~- Voting Aye:: C.owmissioners Baker .8,!l(1 '~{allin~g~ Np o:q.e :ypt,~;q.,g; no. " Baker, ad- ..' ':t i ". \.-', '"r- ~ ..;'...... - ';":!' " ; :j '. s~~l ~~ _C .~~. <~ -~~~ ..;' . , .~,;,.",., '.'-; ,. . .~""-. . '~<\ I" '6' " .~_ ----,-' l~ ~ , : '-1t.~ " ~ . ' ~ _L : .~'" '~b '.j"tiC~'i;'~- .... - - :..:.o..'~ . '. . j=.:[.[:'8.. _ ~. ...r.: . -~ .~ <'J.:-t:r .r.. ..L:. : ...' _l ':ro, ~ +!.-':.~::;:.'.;'.: ',:~(,ri '.. ; .:' ',L) ,:,' ..;.' . -):)0~;'., ):"'t. r .. ,- >-). : ,~:::: . ......, -." . ~.' J " . ~.....:....,. ~. j,' r .j", - _. .J-- .. -...:.... .'. rl' , '.<'~ ", ~)''-.. " . ' _~:X:i'~.~ : T; "::~ ,"}' ~ . ..._ ....... c'..!...._... . ~ (' I . C "j, -' \.. , j;;- ,-.' - -: c, .............~:..,. ' '. : ,:~ .... - - - <, , , ; \, ~'- [ , " ,,-\' , ;',' , , ~:~:~ ~- ,.~ I..'.l:~ 1 r .. -- ~-I ~ 1 I,,;J 6J Cnlle a, IVp 6t"' 110' Cl _ .1..... ..L_-rJ 0: August 22nd, 1928$ at 8 P. IT i:,.,;." S:p~dial called meeting was held at th@ t6mporary Oity Hall A1JgUst 22nd, with the following members and visitors pre sent. H~ B. Schlesinger, Mayor.. H. L. Baker, Commissioner.. J. lie ,foIling, OomYiliszioncr. A. P. Robb, Supt, '!later. Erwin Oushman, City Secretary. Mr A.Ill.Choate and. tIr. S. D. L€Jveritt, Visitors. A fir~ Marshall ~rdinancG reconlli1@nded by State Fire In- 8"tlrm,1C6 CommissiQn,li.ustin Texas, 192? entitlGa,: .i1J~ ()R~OI}JjliJC:E. -C-l-tji~i~T_I2fG. ~rlII-;~ IC;I~ .O.F 2YI1{E: I'-..Ii~T'~S}Il;'LL-'~ ;~~i{~~t{i:iJCE. , T~~:D D~~~gRi~~i~O~iN';~~~~ I~gR F~~oi~ ~_ TIOTIS . ~ . was 1.'6 acl by thE ITa;yor for consi4eration by the; body. It Y.nis D.loved Qy,;;.g;ornmissioL:.6r BakeT i:li:lc1. S'0'corlct~sd 1)37" COTL1- missio1'1(;:r Nulling, that tho saHl ordinace be f3doptE.Hl and tr:lat COIJi6f; thEireof be })ostG (1 at the Ci tv 11"a11, School house and. }I,j:'6J1Z1G1' J s filling stati-Ol'1e Votirlg 11Yt!J; COInrniBsioIlcl-"lsiifal'lirlg> &:; E.alr6r, 110 011C votil1fs rIO. I<;h~. A. M. Choat6, fl'€sidEmt OT ii;,}:H3 Univ61"sity Park healty ComgaDY pe1'801181ly appeared before thG Cormcil and verbally petitioned to the bo<1] to red.Hoe th~ taxable valuation on lots I-A. and 4-A. of 'r~lo ks 4..1. 5'7 '-4 63 b'LL ?'7, ?4 83 84 "'Y1rl T,ot 3-11 of B~ oc'r q>;< cd "-r - .u ,c......., .,~, '-', . v , . ' '!".':: ":' <>, , . ' . <:1'L.-""_.~ n J-. .1.'>. ~ U "',- L._~a tea, l11 ;jest UJ:UV81'SltYFi:'l no 2nd. 1icLdltlon. ano, O:LIeTG<l as hlS ref-son for TilB1dng the :r.'O Ql.l6 st/t" .. fact that ii2 DraiIl2gc Ditch is located OIl mOTe th211 1/2. tI:e width. of~~h,~~~~~:lots ancl that "~he .oil bank coveTS prbet:i.cal1;sr the :remalYlEJ,?: }JortloL oTL'~la, lots, rendGrl?;,;'1he 'Cl'(),PGrty unsaleabl@ f:mct ullfi t for use or occ1iLP'?l~C~~~"" Ua ving knowl6,ct~'~f the existing condi tious. a resolution was introduced l)y Corrllilission ~8.k6r a 110. duly s@COnBJ3ct "by Com- missioner (!alling rEvaluing the SHiel lot .J:J8 ,i~50.00 Gach for tay:able }.yv..r- "oases in the YGars 1927 and 1928 and ins ,~:;I;tin?: the Tax Coll6cmd:lr to co:r- ~a ct thl:; tax roll aGeorclingly. ,1;' - , -- Voting Aye.: Com.mission6Ts ~Ialling and Bo.r, no on6 voting no. 1\h5 QU<1l stion of placing a bronze table t upon the HOW Oi ty Hall ana Fir@ Station vv8s generally ctiscUSGd whereupon, a motion was made by OOlilll1i ss101'101' '.Yalling and, a,uly se C011().0 <3 by COL1ffiissi ol1srBake r, authorizing the IiIayor to have .lirchi tect for the buila_ing cLraw up specifi- cations for abronzl'5 talllet to pc placGd upon thG saiet builcting. Voting Aye: CommissionGTs BakGr an(1 NaIling, Ho one voting 110. '.Fho final Estimate of the Gu,lf-Bi tuli thic GOITrDa1J~1 for 7510-9/10 feat of C1J..rO Be g1h.tter all of which h8e1 been paict 1)ut-$1517.63 was presented for approval ana p8~nGnt. Motion made by COI'nrnissiol1€r dalling and duly sGcOnclscL by Commissioner :Baker that the said final EstimgtG be approved and raid. Voting Aye: 00nm1issioncrs Balwr and;;allin,g, no OTIe voting no. . Estimat~ was thE.npT@sentcd by ~[;..rchi teet Cato in vvriting ill the SlJJrl of :,?lOOO.OO favor of li. B. Cornwall Contractor for thE;; Oi t;y naIl and Fillre Station for approval ana payment. 112. Motion madei by Commissiom;;r ,la:,Llingc and duly stllcond@d by ijommissione!'.Baker that the flistimate furnish<sd by"l5T?Qat,o for $100Q.00 due A. B. Cornwall, Contractbr, be approved and paid. Voting Aye: Comrnissioner~ Bak~r and NaIling, no on@ voting no. ';' . i - , ~ , Th6irf!i bliling no ;further Qusin€iss, on motiQP'ot:eormfJ.:tsS:Lon€Jr Walling, duly ,s~conded, PY,Oommission6r Baker; the m~etirtg twas'd~~lared ::~:::~.~L<~" ,j "'~1 ,~l :!f ':.J' -, .~ ) . " . ' t ' :. J~ 't, :.. ~-' ~~.. t" <,~ . " '?' . ' ::.' ,~ . -:~~: ~j:,> ~ :::~ ~. . ~ 'If-.. " " ,,. .. " ---- I ~l ----------r=:r-- rt6gular Meeting. ThlU~S day. ~,./f) 5p/ -,,---~ Aug. 23rd, 1928. ,rtag111ar meeting callen to order by the' Mayor at 8 P. N. in the Temporary City Hall August 23rd, 1928, fOT the trans- action of any anti all business presented,. f"ollowing in at- t@no.Bl1C5 . ~ H. B. Schlesinger, Mayor. II. I. Baker, Commissioner----------------J. .J.u..Nal1i!1g CODlmissi oner. Erwin Cushman, Secretary. The L'Iinutes of Jv.ne 11th, 1928 rEJJad. and i:}J));)rovcad. Voting Aye; Co,rmnissioll-- ~rs Baker & 'NaIling. No ,one \rating no" ~, -< The minutes of J1.ill6 11th and June 18th reacl and ayproved. Voting i1Y'6: ComrnissionlSrs Baker a1'1el )lall~ng no one voting no. The minute s of July 2nd re aa~ tl'nd approve d.' Voting 11.yc: Commissiomn's Baker al1d/lalli~1g, No 011@ v,S!:~,~ng no. 'llhe minute s of July 16th nfad and approved. Voting ...4ye: ComIIlissioners NaIling and B&-kor , no one, voting no. ' The minute s Of,,:Jllly 23rd., r~ ad and ap:prov6 d,' Voting Aye: Commis sion@Ts Baker & Halling, nOcQne voting no. . Th@ minutlj}s of i~ugust 2nd r€i ad and approve a. VotiIig AY6: Coy.nmissioll~ rs Wa lling and. :Baker, no on€ vot in~ no. .-' Following Bills TIr~s~nt6d " ~ '''I ~ ~ ,'k f7 75 Lloyd Meta~,vo ,---;---;---~---~3o.. Mueller Co., ----------------266.79 Gribbl@ Stmnp & StEllnail Co 5.00 City of Houston, Wat@r Bill .50 H. L.' BakGr -----------------1.40 MarchantCalc1Jlating Mach Co 21.00 'N. C. Mv.nn Co. v 51.00 T. P. C. stroagu Co 1.16 for approval. , ,.~i; 'L'.'''.- ",:', ';z,;, CJ fll J~ Motion made by Oommissioner Baker and duly seconded by Co~nission@r \Jalling that the for6goingbil1s b~ approve d and paid. Voting Aye: Con~issioners Walling anQ Bakgr, no onevoting no. paid _ FOlloWin~il1s :presented for ratification. };,. I'. Hobb, Cash for Battery $10.00 J. J. Mallory, 5.00 OllvGr Levy, 21.75 Fred TOIteller, 30.00 Albert TOV'ffisencl, 3,50' Notion made 'by Commissionn~ J3aker, duly secondG cL 'by COITJ'Dissioncrdallil1g that the fOlregoing p.ai (1, bills be ratifie d. Voting Aye: Commissio116rS ?Ialli:n.g and Baker, no one voting no. \..~ Th@re b€ing 15aker 8n(1 duJ,;)T sacona.Gd elarcd adjourn€d. Voting Aye. v Att€1st; no 1)y fu::cther businlEss, on motion Commissioner Commissioner -Halling the me eting was 03:,- r-<,_'f~*~~~r(\ W~r Babl1r and @cty, NaIling and no one voting no. APprOV:d. ~A~~h~of TT-' ----- . -...,---'-. I - 'T }I '-~~f:mi'2?F $<';" Thursday .Allg1J.st 30th, 1928. @ TI1G Tnil111tcs ot. H calle d rneetillC: l'D.ld.er dEte 'ot. .l~1Ig'l18t 2211rl and the regular meeting o:t' Augl.wt 23rd, 1928 wer@ read b;y- the Sccre...: ta:ry ana, on motion Cormnission6r Balter o.nly s@col1<l@d,by CommiE\sion6r '.7al]~il1.g t 'vve:ce a}~IJl~OVe d~ The S6CTGtayy then presentEd the following biJ.ls for approv- aI, VlZ: T:Iuel1er Qdm.pany, :3toaklJIst@rial :for The Cargil1Cb i,', S-t~tiol1@ry ,Bill's 1'10 ~ '~"J"-l (I.. "'-'<">'T' l~./-. Bo".' 'S - i Yet lCdJ lU._ ,.~un'ld":;"L,.y, ",~6) \"61\: "xe " :18t@r n If :D<1pt. T1qt.q.. , i1<;' i~2'1 '7 r.;; \TJ ~ ~ 3t~ ,,40 &'15 ~ . lJo 1: i ~-"; ;-' rt'..~:: 1'1 n /..; r'-'-;1Tr'~ -S:';;-f O. y;(- "I"I~~ -j -.t." t-.. 'j' ~': -(I r: ~l i~ I 1- P":~ 0 {-- <.1-'"1 f=l-I(~ c=1 1,,',~"",.",_:~ ('1 ~u- Tnn~ .') F"; ,('':;_,1, (.!---11p: r -,~ v-:..'__-'._ ~~~(n ",-n'. ....Vl.,....1..U.oa. p;:L _.......,..L ........,+,--., _.J..:2 <1..._\-1._ l.\.~___y ~!$""'U..L..l.\..L""" L _ _ ..____-1........ ___ ~ '.JJ Baker tl1..B t i.~llC fOl'ttgOt.~g: t;ills oeJ aj:):p-rove cL Yl_vpai do Votin AY0; Comissiol1&lre13ak6T & Nal1ing , 1 ;:fft:fle votinp: :no. . ~.".- Se:ClFlttary..then offEY'CO. tl,,() Ii LrJ;( 1'ills paiel fdlr rati- f"t" " - -l C a l 0 n, 1rl Z . ,,_ " . . " 1" .- ",!,,-n::,o 00 ry 1- '~:18 OO~/l'::Z,,;t:O;, 00 "'1"0' '..'6 O~' rt J"'6 o lvo:r jA'J, v,f t 0 ,5\.-' '~,',''; ,., '. I/.Lo-..? .' 'I ifu-.;J e f / Z::; '-.)'. v 1/ c:,- If n 8/';70 'I' :=-0 ;: I f..) -\.y v. u. . " . SOllthweste;rn 3011 Tel Co., Jm1tS", July sn(l August, ~1.63 Gach. J. C. Mort@l1Sell1, Ins-pectol', .f'ln,mbing Insp6ct~0:ns ;,;}l.Oq n,.., .' +,." .," }-./-".. ~." "'. '-"-A "',Ll';8" :;'liA8 /i6 ,-'6'1'" 108 Y'lp,"64-,'7 nuUSuvfl ~lglllL16 ~ ~ow~~ 00., t~ v, ~ v.~ ff '~?, . Iv, ff ~0. ,/:644, ~1.00 .00 $112.41 :f~ngi:neGr l1afferty pr@s@utGd 6stimst€ favor l1il161' & Mil- ler anc'c .:J. H. Haffe:rty Ti.I],6.i.3r a.at@ of .A1.lgust 30th, 1928 fol' street UQ- IJ:rO\TtlImfffint showLlg all amount O.l:teJ under this e stimat<5 o:f ~w20; 000.00 Hotion mad;z by Commissiol1Gr ,falling ~md dxly se conde (1 by COYilll1i ssiollfBr b81:(1:r a:r::'lJroving the :::;aio. 6stim8te and ordering paym€lnt. Voting' Lye: OomlnissiJners .Baker and. ';ialling and no one; votiD.S no. J3stim8te A, cov@ring Street improv~mGntwas rEiaeI ana, of- f6rccl for 8I;:proval. ,Amount duo lJ.Jlder this estimate aggregating ,~12000.00 Hotion Ynfct@ by Commissioner "ralling ano,. d.t:L@ly sESconcLcQ -by CorxmissioYler Baker that the Gstb1ats .a"iJove favor of Ili11rsr & Mill~Lr l)e 8}Jprov@d and paid. Voting AY€J: Commissi OIlErs Baker al1e1. <Jalling, 110 one voting no. 11.Tchi t@ct Cato then pre sent('Ci G_ e stj,mfttG j.ll VJTi ti11g in favor ofA. B. Cornwall, Contractor for thE; Gre ctton of the nGvV ci t7 hall am.olmting to :.~2475~00 I,esspr@viously paid" ;;;)1000.00 Amt due this 6stimatfI, ,ti;l4?5.00i' Iiloti. on m3cle by Comrnissi onor 13ako;r and "a-lll"'l~' +1-,..,.+ t't'" f"s+-tn1!'<+e f'''''''~r oJ:! ,,' ~,~ ..L J....0~.' v.....:.,c\\.;., ,Lv U ...,--.l....L.....).V...;.~ C\V.U ..L .1:i. 0n475.00 :De sl::rprovecl antI :oaicL. Voting ani} iTot.iny no. --.-1 dt1.1y- s@cono..C a, by Commi 88i01161:' B. Oornwall, Contractor for Ay~; Com.. BB~ & ;/alling, no 'r '-""-" T~-l ~I~ If) ~ ~ , ~ 7..:.. , "~~'~~ "'~ 'I <'i' ~"f: ~2. lfuyor H. B. Schl~singer, reported to th~ Cou~lcil that h~ had inv6stigat~d the purchase of a brmnze tablet for the n€w city hall and found that, t~hf.\} eost woul d be ,$.55-:40- ,\.-:; ~" Motion madJJl by COIlll1li~siqmn;, :Nalling and duly s@ condGd by Commis- /' sioner Bak~rthat, :-thf!\,rMayor ,and Secretary be 8uthorizfid to ord€r' the bronz, tablet in accordance wi th th~ May:()rJ,s report.' , Voting Aye; CQmmis~iqn~~s Bak~r and Walling and rio on@ voting no. , " , ,~," " , Upon r8rcommendation of the Fire 1Tat~s~~l;I, ,thG MayOr instruGte d. t' Il -t ' _' .,. _ _ "k the, S@cr€l.tary to wr~ t@ ~,,~lett~r tqthe S@agrav~ Corporation Dallas, T@x~s for a price on ~:J~qtor -Driven Sirin, requGsting that in case they are not in a position to do so, T'lease aBvise wner.Gwe can get one and particularly a8' to wh6'ther, ~uota~ib~s':/oB~n~1:htcebta.tri.ed :from ' f.! ...".( a Dallas firm. Th€lre be ing ,n€t,~~urth~r business b$ fore made by Commissioner 'Baker and. dulys@cond~d by th@ m~eting was declared a~journed. ~ Voting Ay@: Commissioners 'NaIling and Baker and. Attest. ~ -&" Approvod; CIty S.cr~t thG body, uIJon motion Commissioner Walling, no dne voting no. -, ", , '~~:,-- -.-;;r~ ..:~ ":. --:----. '~~ '\ .,~ '\. ',I' f' 1\' , , " ')< " ,.). , _L" 1 ~. ~.~-;:~~ r~ ..--.~~ j"-.t ~~~~~~:~~?P!A~t~~==?C':~r~~~~r--~~ .. -.--;-~":.' .. --'"- (g)~ ~.t' . Callca. tk€Jting~ ;;,ugust ~31st, 1928. Special hOl),r ,of 1 1. LI. to :rnvcstL?:,'8tc d.811cc, ,,'l"i~~: o811ed I.;1CctinR' convell(;(l on the 8.1)QVG cLi.'\te at thE to oon8i(1.<:;1' tho 1'Gj)o1't of a 00111111i ttee a~PToLltGd tho 018i[;:; of E. K. Eigh..wi th the :t'ollowiIJ,g' iJl tl.tten- }J. -~ jJ. SollIe singar, l.I13yor.. T-:. J_. \I ~.JakE r , l{a ffG:rty, Engim:l er anet Cuslnnan, 0ecretary. CorYDai SSiOIlGr. . f" ,~ . ,.. l', tJ. ).::;,. Go ..iBlliJ.J.g' , ;J~jl~lIr'}i 8 fJ:i on61~ J. Ii. 7'~rvvi:n !;OlYlwittcc consii3till'::;'" of EL.. E. Schlf;singcr, Hayor, J. H. .:.{Hffcrt:y t::ngiYwor BEel _'iG~:16r't Sonfie1u, /"ttOl'IlGY, 8111:mli ttca. 8 :report ... ~ .-',~~. r.- ....=1..::. 1 +1--,Q-l-- .....:,.....L-it:!.. -r.:. ~ -.- .:-.,... .,," ....a,-...,....~ -~"\0-....T!'l""..r".t r\~ ~"1n... .(""1-'" -.... t l'C,Cv1TIln0J}\L.J..ng IJL"_,,, l;e.: [,.l. .Lon O.L ,i..J. ,:,". ,c2.l2..~n .LvI iJ,_,,y,,""~.Ll, '~.L C.Lc;,lnl cl11J1:U'l _ in!:!,' tG -,~)2800.. 8El i:~:~ COnl16 ctiol1 with contract clst6d :JOV6 mbcT 4th, 1926 be c1,Gl1ic Ii, but, rc corm~}c:m aing that the council :pa~7 to the said E. K. High, the S1JLl of ::a250.00 oDvorine; an a <?-(Li tional 24000 fGGt of 1urn':" b6r~~' {\;40.00 })I'3:;::' tJiou8.and 8miJ1U1tini~ to ,)960.00 8YH'.) for I::lxtra cxc8\T2.tioJ of 290 Cu yaTcls {.~ ,}1.00 per Cu yd, ampunting to, ~?290. 00, pr'JviCtc (} ~rl.at thc; 0,J11nci1 shcJ1.11cL r€quire that said Z. ,;~. High eX6,cut0 fJlj,d Q,Eliv,.':' to tb,G Cit~" of dest TJl'iiv{jrsit;y :FlacG, a full :r61GasG of all claims arising 6i tIler o_irectIy or indirectly from said, contract Bnet th3t s8i(1 rclc8se DE f'f'})rov6d by th(~ City's Attorn.e;y", '::iobt. L. Bonfi61cl. J>"., LZotio21 by Commissioner .fal1i::J.g ancL dr1y se COn(16 a, I)Y Commissiol €iT Baker tl1f::li; re:port 0 f the Comrd tteG bc accGptc (1 and th;;:) t thG lIa:vor Bl10., ;Js erG taJ::'Y and the City ,Attorney bE ;J,ire ctccl to make Be tt1cE:crr'- with J:. ~,(. High in ticcordancG with the Committ6G'S report 8Jl(1 that proper taxlsv,J DrJ IIlad€b~T ora.inanc€ t'J cover paJTrnGnt of this it(!)L'1. VotiJw: ,Ayi.;: COYl1mL:;sio:ncl's Baker anc1, Jallin'<; ant'1 no :JllC voti ',1(":' :CJ.C). ~ , ;il1G:r;GUpon,:r~~~ql1 VI ~_~j-:\33::1 m8(lc b; Commissioner' 'J81~ing 811(1 a.uly 80 con6_G a. l]JT corjmrls~ion6 .~kE::t' the t BE ordinacG h6 drawn 8Ylcl 8cluptGct providing' fe:r Iiayme Gf ,;)1250.00 to 3. Z. liigh flEet levying tax tl1Gri,for~ 'S'u11 co:o;y 0'''' ch is on :fi1f: .8ncL,of record viith thE So crctarJr" VotiEfj ,AYG:J01f.Jl1issioncl's i!z.er and.:;-s.11ing ancl no one votins no. ~~11~~Gl~r l)Gill~~' 11u f111~thGr 1:nlsillcSS ()GfOlqC tl16 l)oc1..~.~, 011 r1ottoll Conl~<li E~ 81 OIIC r Delee r, Q1!~1:-T se COl1<.le ct b~v r.JODlfJi s SiOl1.(~r ',;I-e-3:-1il12;, the rIle 6 t in.:g' '.:va s de c J_sr r: t1. ft ctj (".12rnc (1 $ VOtirE~: Lye: '::;01~Imisslo!:-lcrs '3aksr anclIal1in? and l1l) on0 vot:i.~,lC no. ~~ p j,tte st. 'J ) ..:-t\ ;0 ~l'->J" '"t"'t 'r- -- I '1~ ------------;-.r . < l~ .... ~~~~~ -,~ -:~......., ,;:;:::;." ~.~;.r~_:7', _.~ -~--'"";'~';:'" .'. ,-c:c,,":,_r, -', ,'~':" !, -~ 'Cr Regular Meeting. Thursday SeptembEr 13th, 1928. l/ Regular meeting called to order by Mayor Sohlesinger at 8. p~ M. on the above date at the temporary City Hall for the transaotion of suoh business as was introduoed with the following in attendanoe, viz. H. B. sohlesinger, Mayor Commissioners H. L. Baker, J. A. Walling and Sec~ttary, Erwin Cushman. Engineer J. H. Rafferty, Water Supt Robb, Attorney Sonfield, and Inspeo- tor Mortensen. Visitors, Mr. & Mrs R. P. Allen, Mr. & lirs Waters and Mxs Womaok. Minutes of the previous meetings, August 30th and August 31st, read and approved. ~\. General disoussionwas ind"ged in upon several matters and ~ :<~~: of interest to the city 'but nothing definite di13Posed ;JI There being no the body, on motion ,,-,,) of. Mr J. A.Walling, journed. , Voting Aye: Commissioner Baker & Walling and no one voting no. .Attest; TAKE NOTICE: .~--<:~ For record of all subsequent minutes, refer to new minute book pages with printed numbers from 1 to 300. opened with the minutes of regular meeting held on September 20th, 1928. Erwin Cushman, Sect'y. '''' , -_______________ ------=---f-- . - ~ 0\ , O'~" M.., :t' 'II':' ,:', ~.. , .... ~." i. " ~~:'.-: ('-" .':. ) . =--~_... 1 TEMPORARY CITY HALL, m~!IVERSITY BOULEV.Al~D. Thursday September 2Oth~ 1928. " " A regular meeting of. the Covncil was held this date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and with Commission- ers Baker'and Wa~~lng, Engineer ftafferty, Water Supt. Ro?b~ Inspector' Mortensen and Erwin Cushman, City , ~ , Secretary, present. ' ,~ijl ViEtt:lIlrS~'Mi~, & Mrs \Vsters and Mr. I}he1silin: . ~- ~ ~ Minut'e'~ '-of. ~h~-. mee~in,g, held on September 13th, read , ~ ~ 1~and on mot~fbn ~omm~ssl\ine:r Baker, seconded by Comm- ~ ~~~ issioner Wa'lliijtg were'&PPrOVed. ~'~.i~,~),ifr approv.e_d/by :Mr. "~~er for street'vlOrkperformed "S~~~ under his direction b~.'~iver Levy in the sum of $24.00 ,was submitted fO,:t".,payment. . 1'..7 ~ On motion commissionerwJlling duly, seconded by Commis- sioner Baker, said bill for $24.00 approved and ordered paid. Voting Aye; Walling and Baker. The Mayor read an estimate presented by Architect Cato in the sum of $5000.,00 :favor A. B., Cornwall Contractor partial payment on contract for the erection Of the new Ci~ Hall and fire station for approval. '> ....! " j:-- ,'. " t t~ I' ~. . ~ <':I., I ,'4f'P !tl", ".* ~~:' t~'" . ~. -f!~ . ",' ..:: ." f, {'. ~ . ~. +' Motion byOommissioner Walling; seconded by Oommissioner that the estimate favor of A. B. Cornwall be approv~d and that payment be made by 'warrants 4 to 6 inclusive, aggregating the sum of $5000.00. , , ' Voting Aye: Baker and Walling. No one voting no. .. '. ~..... ,t; '~, f;".J~" .....' :'4 t; ,t ~ ;J ('. ~, .~ -~,! ;., .~;. " :.~;..' .. -, ' '" ~'.' fr . .' . Estinlate was then presented and read by Engineer Rafferty +avorMiller & Miller non-ac~UIItp.lative in the sum'of $11,000.00 Est. No. 4, Gener~~,~treetimprovements. The same recommended, :for approval?:) ,":', , . ". \" ~ " ~~' ,'~ Moti?n by Comm~ssioner Baker, ~~~p~de~ by Cor:unission~r Wall~ng approv~ng E~t. no4 as 8~~esa~d and ~nstruct~ng that the amount of $11,000.00 be~aidto Miller & Miller. Voting Aye; Walling and Baker. No one voting no. There being no other business before the'meeting, onmo- tion Com. Baker, Seconded by Com. Walling, the same was declared adjouxned. Voting Aye; Com Baker and Walling. ~f proved, . . I # ~ ,~ ~P~44~ , ' secreta~ // Attest: . .~ " 'Ii ,,' .~ "',:, ~~ '9' ' "-: ';':,' .' ii, ~f~"~j , " ~ HI'. - .- I" -1 ii"". -E~~ ' (U:zr /(!~~~1 / i / 2 .,.J ~~ c;;...: ti~1 . fj:j Y,'~ .~ E;z) {Jl t';c {.;"~ ',;! ,": j o Following resolution submitted for adoption as follows: " t ' ,~ RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S STATE1mNT OR ROLL OF PROPERTY ABUTTING FENWOOD ROAD AND SUNDRY OTHER STREETS IN TRE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, NAMES OF OWNERS, ESTIMATED COST OF ]ltAK- ING IMPROVEMENTS ON SA' STREETS, A.ND ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTT i- PROPERTY ANDOWNElls THEREOF, FIXING" TIME AND PLACE FOR A'lt~_niG TO BE GIVEN TO OWNERS OF SUCH PROPERTY AND ALL OTHE.;R , E..RESTED THERE;IN, AlfDPROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF SUCH HEARING, DECLARING AN EMERGElWY. .~ , y . '. "'J;>Co. . Motion made by comm~sSioner~,fl.alling and duly S,econded by Commis- sioner Baker that the resol~ioll above ,set forth be approved and adopted. ' . Voting Aye, Commissioners Walling and Baker. No one voting no. Carried. /~-'\ . ) ( ~ ~-/ ~~ ~,r,;:;~5 ../ . ~?ftF' h 7~k- / 'I.". ' , I .~ .~ ~ "' (..i ... "J; ., .' '\ ) / '- f~. 'if - 1:;:'1' -" I .._~- 1 :~'!T~. ~ 0\ \) ~ ~ .~ r ( I" / la!tii;H!UiIl,~tH.WIIlIiWI~~ fS . _p;~~ ~kl ;;)'TJ ":'" ';"i) ~! ;:~ r;./."f J 3 TEMPORARY. CITY HALL.' UNIVERSITY.BOULEVARD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, '!~~, 1928. A regular meeting o~ the couneil was held this date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and with oommissioners Walling and Baker, Engineer Rafferty, Water Supt RObb, Insptr Mortensen, Fire Marshal+;."Metealf, Town Marshall, Murray and the following visit~rs~ Mrs Waters, Mrs Womaok, ~essrs Cox and Eaul ber, Erwin," O"'bman, Se oretary.. T. , ..-,,>',~ :K[inutes of meeting h~J:.<l'h11fsday Sept. 20th read. and by L'motd:on Commissi oner W1i1l1J,ng:, duly seconded by Commiesi qner Baker the same wer~~deelareapproved. . Voting Aye: Commis&ioners B . r & Walling. ~ ~ .\ The following paid bills wer~~resented by the Secretary' for ratification, viz; $43..50 3~50 13.17 11.83 24.00 Dept.95.40 4.20 Oliver Levy,tabor cutting grass & cleaning sidewalks " " "Tapping 2"main etc." Krenzler Bros Service Station~ Water Dept. it ' tf " tl '.. Fire & Gen J 1 acct. Oliver Levy, cleaning weeds & side-walks (labor) Roust 011 Lightg & Power Co,. Electric Energy, Water Clarence Levy, labor (watex"Dept) Motion made by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Wa11ing that the for~going bills paid by the Mayor &: Secre- tar" be approved and the payment thereof ratified. Voting Aye; Comn;lissioners Walling and Baker. i~'1 , The following bills were then offered by the Secretary for approval and payment. viz: , 86&i6.1; ~J?8rm.an Safe Oe;-elea:aing and. 8l1;crill~ safe " <100l" :to? ROW City ITa!.!., $1.1.0. ":9 J. C. Mortensen Plumbing Lns~tion per detail Attd, 8.00 City of Houston, Water depart~~nt. Aug. statmt. .50 Houston Typewriter Exchange~~:~e~airing Typewriter, 4.65 Wi1:son Stationery &: Printg C&:~\""l Ream paper, 1.40 , ,Jt It" '\R.e. '~ter heads &; Enve- , ' 10pes,~1ll!re Dept.) 9.00 ]1sbrio Fire RoaCT Company, Int-~ott- to gopt. lfi, ~G.QO w.. 0.. :fJiunn uompany, Caps forFlrf"D~p<:u, Lll1~.u.t. 42.50 A. F. KattmannTent &: Aw.ni:ng Co, 'Awnings for Pump honse, Houston staID.p &: Stencil Company, Lead seals with ..). wires, \water Dept.) Gribble stamp',& Stenoil Co, Fire Dept.. Badges, 16.05. 5.25 24.7,5 ....._, Motion made t~y(~ommissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner walling appro~~~ the foregoing bills anQ ordering the same paid by the May:yit:"~ &: Secret ary.. Voting Aye; Comn~i9\ioners Walling &: Baker. (~ Mayor Schlesinger opened the subject of paving with permanent pavement, the st!'eet upon Which the City Hall and Fire Sta- tion has been recently erected (University Boulevard) invi- ting discussion which was freely pal:ticipat sd in by the !!''''II'!J -- - 'I~- J TII 4 aont1d from page 3. ~ \ 'i./ ... members present, whereuponj t' ",-...( Commissioner Wal~~ng m~de a motion, seconded by Commissioner ~ Baker, that University Boulevard fronting the said City Hall ."Xif/.., i\,lwand Fire Station for a distanoe of about 170 :feet, say from ~ ;tA\ '~~,fJ'f Hayden Ave.., to the line of the City property the full width ) ~ of the street from curb to ourb be\.paved with permanent pave- {\ ~ ~ ~men~Being a portion of the extens40n of University' Boulevard. flj/ \ ~\"l (, Votirlg .qe; Commissioners Balr~r ~~,t':'~Ia11ing and no one voting4K t rr ~ )!5 -~ \~ no. : \, "\~ ~ ~, I.V l1y , .' There' being no further business bef the meeting, upon mati/on ~~~~~1~ .~" I,t:t \Com. . Walli:r;g, secon~ed by Com. BakerV ~)\~ :Mayor declared the. iv'fs -.N"iy'bmeetl..ng adJourned. C , 'uJ ''N;.j1. ~\ Voting Aye: Commissioners Baker ~nd Walling' rl\.I{\\ ' \ - '.. \ \> \ Approved, Attest, ' \ r , ,,( ) '.~ ~:.' ) ... l~lttu'I!lI!llI4.IUll"1Iii' 0, ,...... , --I' - -----1 "iiJill ~ 0\ \) M ~ ,I ~ .... ( ( 5 IJ.1E'I;,I;,',I)nvl::>J.:\.R-~(r CT.' rn'y TI ALL TT"IT"[~TlERS T ,l .., ~.l l.~~'i.' ,"'ub. It.)' I Y BOULEVil.HD. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 3rd, 1928~ SPEOIAL.. ".,\ yLi Called meeting convened .on October 01"0., 1928., with Mayor R. B~ Qchles4nryer r 'd' d C . . .'::' '... . ....--'0 p. es J.. -lug an, - Ornnl1.S s~oner's H. L. Bakel" and J. A. vVallJ.:rlg, Secretary ErwlnGushman in.. attendance. , ! . \~":-4 it! ;<-*. ~~:.:. .~,~ ~~,\ d l..} ,~~ ~<) <.";\ \" ';'i c, . -'~ a ~ Ptlrsuant to..the officj5,~k,notice t~,> p~operty holders an.d owners on ~ Fenwood Road and surH~!:.r:r;btll.er stre~t,S') in tY1e City of West University Place, Texas, designated as units ~~~~3,4,5 and 6 and to all lien holders and others and others in mi"il\lise interested therein: and in ke~ping wi ~h ~he adv~rtised. datel~~:t therein for a hearing ?ef~re the Clty Corrrr!lJ..ssJ..on of vvest UnlversJ.:tY'1\Place, Texas., at 8 P. l\'J. In the City Hall on October .31"0., 1928., to? all owners of property de- scribed in the Engineer t s statement 8...nd to all lien holders and others interested in said improvements. ." ..< '... ',,- " . There being no protests or objections filed or urged to the foregoing -,J" pro c ed'LU'e , bJi- anyone, and the city corrrr(Lission having heard evidence '~', and having satisfied itself, that the ffiilounts proposed to be assessed , " against said respective parcels of propertJi" a:L'1d the owners thereof, do not exceed the whole cost of the construction, reconstructj.on, re- pair or realignment of sidewaJ,ks, curbs and gutters and do not exceed 90% of the cost .01' remainder '<j!r said improvements; and the City com- mission being of the opinion tl\at the am.ounts proposed to be assessed against said ,respective parc~+~\ of property and tIle owners thereof, do not exceed the benefi t's to~0\S'~id property by way of enhan,ced value of said property due to said ~~lnTovementts, and that. Ule applicati6nof the front foot plan or rule wc51f\;Ia, not resu.l t in injustice or inequal- ity, the following resolution w~~;made: ~ ' / ~ Motion made by Commissioner' Vvalling and duly seconded by Commissionex' Baker, that: The said hearing be and the same is.~lere now clo sed and all protests and objections be and they are here now in all things overruled snd refui~d. That. there be and .there is here n01J!{ :(.~vied and assessed against the respective parcels of pr,o}:l,erty abutting on said streets, as hereinafter des~T~ped and the ovm.- ers of said property as set forth o~po~ite each re~pec- ti ve parcel of propert:y-, the several'st%ns of money set opposi te each respective parcel of property a:nd the' OWIV-y thereof as listed. ... Voting Aye: Con~1issioners Walling and Baker and _~c'c7! At te s t ; tc;;;:;~, /t;;~':>;UA~ZUi>5<t;--} City Sect'y / " / /' { no one voting no. ~/ ' Approved ,- 'v~ , _ ../' ~{;{~/6~0. _......"",....I'"IH,'~">.";'.t...JU.."..,,.,., ,. L"......... - , ~ 0-.. \) {"'fj ~ ~." 7 TE'MPORARY CITY_lL4.LL----UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD. THURSDAY OCT 4TH, 1928. .f i " :A regv.lar meeting of the council was held this date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and with commissioners Baker and Walling, City Se~etary & others present. f,~:}. }.ij.nutes of the prev.;i.o"u.s meeting read and approved with . the following corre~)t;bpn:lnsertion of price named :for asi?halt pavement:~~,..~..~.. . front of New City Hall & fire station, viz: $2.35 ~.~ square yax(l for 6" concrete base and l~" aspl)al t topptftg,:\ The said named price having been erroneously omitted :fro\ minutes of Sept. 27th, 1928.c; Contractor A. B. Cornwall offered the final estimate on the Oi ty Hall. which was checked and duly approved by Lamar Q. Data, Architect. The said final estimate amolU1ting to a balance due in :ftll.1 of $3000.00.,appearing as follows: Net Est ir.aat e- ---- ---- -- -- -- -..., - -- ---- -- - -- - - - - - $847 5.00 Previously paid___________________________~___*5475.00 Balance in ful1----------------------------- .:;'3000.00 <; Motion made by Commissioner Walling, duly seconded by Com- missioner Baker that in accordance with the foregoing estimate by Architect Cato & Contraotor Cornwall that the New City Hall and Fire Station be accepted as of Friday October 5th at high noon. Further that the remaining balF'" snoe of $3000.00 be ordered paid to the said Contractor ,El , A. B. Cornwall. ,~ 'H V~oting Aye: Commissioners Baker and. Walling.. ~~: No one vat ing No. F Secretary submitted the following bills ,for approval. viz, Krenzler Bros Service Station -------Water A/I $12.75 ' n, n n." '",~~ _______ Gene,ral 11.05 Amer. Railway Express 00 S~ren & Goose neck 2.09 Farrar LUJuber Company. Jyt;r.i'~Baker for streets 30 .00 F. W. Heitmann Co., (casht(sho1fels)tf ff 2.97 Peden Iron & Steel Co U \Iikn.i 'fes ) ff fl .70 '~;.(\ "ill . ~;\ ~~l Motion by Commissioner Bak~,~~econded.bY Com. Walling that the bills as :presented by the~eoretary b~e approved and paid. Voting Aye: Com. Baker &~Wal1ing. The report of Superintendent Robb of the Water department was then read which ,embraced the 3rd quarter for the year ,1928. Said report accepted and filed with the Secretary. There being no further business. on motion Com. on~ed by Com. Walling. the meeting was declared Voting Aye: Co~. Wal1~ng & Com. Baker. #.... .-.-",_.-.:i .:..:-:.,::.--- '.../'~> At t e 8:t:;:--- 1/ ,'1 .. .. -::..:'::;F"" ..,'" <&' /' A oved ___ :j".;;t:::..,/ '. '..~ A ..,,:/ 1'1'1" , / 'jf /'/ ,/ / 'ff}:" ~L //" .,./. ~ .,' l /.~__'/t~:7 .';1: ~~;p:-~/;<1:'---~~/b=_'-.-.r' .< _~. _/ ~&, ,,- ~--. ,-- -- - ,-r ,-- - - E!i /{r Baker, Sec- adjourned. ,>t:e~4:"L~e,~~r>L,lZ:: .8 .~ , :\ ': lr r/ ........"', ~1 . f../J. ,'j1i ' i;f'.1 i;;~ " . . ,. r~ \ '1, 1 Regular meeting.of date October iith, 1928, posponed on account of the absence of Conlli~issioner J. A. - Attest; ......._"""I...,.,~I'iI~IIIUlII~.lt_ ~~ City 'lIli[~ 1...._ .1 ,,_10" Walling from the City. ..--..., 11 /'''j, I! '~!-~.. '.... '-""'" f' V . .. j I J f'i (A, .,., '. 'AJr.F';1'ft1r~ . U () Mayor. '\ /' -'--r ~ 0\ o M .~ ~ 9 ",.~..? ~~5 ':\1' Regular meeting Thursday October 18th, 1928 posponed on account of the absence from the City of COlnmissioner J. A. Walling. Attest; ~'" --~~---/<~I! ~---=;y // 'L/:~ ,,~~; 4 ' c~- .. r . ;",-f; I "p;;_,cfJ-,~,.___ ..--f LJ-,-~(P . ..4<. ','.",.",~/_"..Ak~.,~..zf~.., --p;r tTF"'- ~~ ?6;...,~_V',,;;-~.""e~?-,. , ' --.. " l:il5"y i~cre!~y~ ..".---'" ........Iiia!tU~~i~iiillU~bl#h,:~. . . I 11!,,'!1!I!I - ~-~I r'lllh. 10 ;r-=,,~\ 't (;:'; ;,< \:)7;; . 'f t'; Y ;J~ .~~~ ;\;';) '..f ,~f c! NEW CITY 1iJ.I.LL (IiADEN AVE & UNIVERSrry BLVD) ~--,>- -,- ..,-~>--'"-->-,~-~-~~,-,-_.._,~,-~ THURSDAY OCTOBER 25TH 1928~ --~~--~ ::).-~,- ') Regular meeting of the Council was held on the above date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and with Conrruissioners Walling and Baker, Engineer Rafferty and Erwin Cusb,man Secty in a,ttendance. Visito:J:>';'~" liirs Womack and Mrs Waters. q ..~> . ~""4 ~~ Hinutes of the meeting held October 4th, 1928 read and approv- ed. No'meetings,he1d '(i1}.d~ither the 11th or the 18th due to the absence from the Ci ty \'i'.f,~or{Jmissioner V'lalling. So recorded on pages 9 and 10 herein. v.1.~ ' ":;',,~ ' Estimate No.5, for the '~~Of $7000.00 covering the Paving in front of City hall at Unive-rsity Blvd &, Haden Ave, also storm Sewer, curb & gutter, sidewalks etc., was present b;,r Engineer J. H. Raffert:)r, Engineer and read by the Mayor. f A motion was then made by COTIKuissioner Walling and duly second- ed by Comr.~issioner tllat the said estimate for *7000.00 be ap- proved and ordered paid to Contractors Miller & Miller & En- gineer J. H. Rafferty. Voting Aye, commissio~~~s Baker & Walling. No one voting no. A general discussion wa~,had in reference to painting the interior of the New C:t::5.y/;tlall which was finally deferred to a later date. ' ",,:~:;"'~;, '~~" 'tt) , 1.,', tit. further b~~l~ess, on motion Cor~missioner Wal- b;{ Comrnissiori"rBaker, the meeting was dec1ar- ) There being no ling, seconded ed adjourned. Voting Aye: Commissioners Walling & Baker. Approved, Attest; ~ -=/ ' ~": -"",//' ~ ~./ -:." .., -- P /'! ' //..r-, ,,/-1// ), If' LCdr~~ ~~/'N'"'tf~;; City secret? ; ,;I If / f (I / Lv"/ If/ - r' ...o:TvTavor -(- V .. '",0' " ) / , ,;!, j, I" i. I"" " I II hi II.J ...,., .. ,-jl "LlJ, 1 ~ 0\. o ~ . ~ ..~...."-.. '~jiL. :i L ~~L 11 HEW CITY HALL (SPEc'tifL) .~. .L 2:JT}~:S1)f\Y 0c.r~()Rli;~ _~~!:I:'?~.l~?_~. Special meeting of the counciJ~,~ convened in called session on the above date with IvIaJTor Schl'esinger presiding and with Com- missioners Baker &; Walling, ,8e..i;retary Cushman, and Engin,eer Hafferty in attendance. ., Meeting called primarily for~:t1;i~ purpose of discussing and de- ciding upon certain equipInen~f;:8~7.d f'LJ.rnishings urgentl;y- needed for the new C1 ty hall:, ' "',~ , Bids vrere submitted in coml,~ction with the purchase of a t;y-pe- yvriter and an adding machirie,~' After thoro:ugh consideratIon of all propositions submitted WJon ne\'V tJTpe-vvri ters, of St~tJ:V~rard_ rnalces, it vtJas f'8und~ .t~llat~ t1).e j; Royal type of machine was" preferable as to price and,' Motion was m.ade by COrtlmissioneI' Walling, duly seconded 'by,. Commis- sioner Baker, that the Mayor' Ci; Secretary be authorizec1 to-pur- chase the New Royal machine at a price of ~~l02.50, less ',al'low-, ance for City's old Underwood Typewriter, No. 1612570. QE ~27.50. Voting Aye: Commissioners Baker & V{alling, no one voting,' n'o. ' '1'he Bv..rrotl.ghs Adding Machine Corn.pany, sutn~1i tted bid on new Mach- ~,'.,;.~1~ ine at the price of fa~lOO.OO.,};Q!fering as an induceDient to waive " all rental charges for about 4 months on their old rl1achine whic~c >: the City has been using oft and on continuously. h:, .; Motion made byMommissione:r;~,Wallii'lg, dul'.)T seconded by Cormnissiorfl;;>> er Baker that the bid of ;tb.e, Burroughs Adding Machine Company .~~.~ as above set forth be accep-t^e,d and that the Mayor & Secretary bii; ':..~ a1;t~o~ized to purchase a n~J;i~urroughs Adding Machine for the su.:.n:~ Ol 'wlvO. 00 ." ,\ 0 Voting Aye; CorrJlIJ.issioners BaJ.!;:e~~ 8:; Walling. The following paid bills were submitted'by the Secretary for ra- tification, viz: Houston Li0'hting & Power Co., Electricity (Water Works) ~~66..9g II it II 11 II Tempora1>y C1 ty Hall 1. 00 ' Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. H. 1880 II II 16.33 fl . II fl 11' H. 5818 Fire sta. 16.33 Erwin Cushman, Cash Paid for making duplicate keys. 2.10 International &, Great Northel'n Hy Freight onmetel"s, '7.. 60 A. P. Robb, Cash paid for .Tani tor supplies and Storage, 4.57 (City Scrip) J. C. Mortensen, Installation switches etc., 80.00 (IT fl ) Sch.n.lidt-Brannon Safe C'o., Fitting Vault Door, 118.70 Motion by Commissioner Walling duly seconded by COITJlIJ.issioner Baker that the above enu.11'lerated bills patri'1;l;y the Mayor & Secretary be ratified. Voting Aye: Commiz.sJQner~..Wall:t1'1g &Balcer. '" The following bills were subl11i tted fd:ri~pproval Marchan~ Calculating Machine Con~any ~8!i728) tIll ~ 1 Ct I. Q J. . ~- p., p . t .. - rt rr Yi"l~""" ~ 1" ". '13.._801'1 0"[;0.1:;3..0ne1 y ,'I; r3..n 3_n6 Vo,.lyaxry, and pa'YTD.en t, viz: .4 ~1;2l. 00 ?50 The Secretary submitted complammt from the President of the Parent teachers Assoc1ation Mrs H. G. Hewitt calling attention to the ~V6~1 \~ I';;::m;. 12 I". \~t} lillLill . excessive speeding of the Bellaire Bus line passing our West University Schools on University Boulevard approaching Haden Ave. Whereupon the Mayorinstruct~d Secretary to write a letter to the Houston Electric Co. ,"";"'-warning them to discontinue the ,:~,;ractice at once. ,~, "-" .~~~ The~e being no further busin~s~before the meeting, on motion Mr~"\~aker Commissioner, secoi~" by Commissioner Walling, the , ", A" me'et:iJ&~ was declared adj ourn...':~~.\{i :!~":"" -,~ f3 """ t.;: Attest; ~'~'~.,. 'Approved ~=~6:_~.c_,>, . . '0-- Secretary. /,/ ./.1'. ___._ II '-'I~n'.III1.IIIIi1111111l r I ( " ~ 0\ o e'f') ~ " ~ 1,1.1: : 13 New City Hall, ~egular~ ThuI'sd8:;z. Nov" 1st '- If!..~~" Regular meeting of the councE!.. convened in the Clty Hall on the above date, IvIa'yor Schlesinger presidirJg and with Commissioners Baker and Walling and Scret%fY Cushman in attendilllce. > Applieati,on was submitted :P,Y"1!lr. Alvin H. MIles for the position of day Fireman. After full co1\~iID,eration by all lnembers of th,e COD_TIei:;', it was decided that :M1'. ):lil;e.,s:~~be employed by the Gi ty in the eapaci- t:T of Day Fireman wi t11 t,he iind.:\lrstancling that he fill in his odd hours by assisting the Cityi$e4retary with any office details assign- ed him and any other duties th~ arose frOrfl time to time. \( Motion then made bv C01:m:nissioner Walling and seconded by Cmmnissioner ~ '"";!f II ..; - 1:-T .M: ., _' .,.. ~ dj: F' ('"\ Baker, that L,r .nIVll1 j..t. "';jlles be employed at a salarJ.' or 'HlOO.UO per month and tb,at the Secretary be instructed to procure the permission of his parents and full consent from them in conneetj.on with such em- plopment.The duties to involve Fire Asst. in the day time and :helping the Secretary whenever possible. Service to begin Nov 2nd 1928. Voting Aye; Cornmissioners Walling and Baker, and no one voting no. ~he follo~ing ~ill~ wer~ ~~b~itted by the Secretary for aPf.~oval, l~enzler ~ros oerVlce Statlon~ ---------------------------t8.00 11 II II 11 "__________________________ 9.90 If 1I 'rl 11 /I .".__________________________ 8.21 J. H. Ba.ng" (lVIovingSmo ther s h<;:>Jxg'e) 50.00 viz; '\~ , -". v- ;~ Motion made by Commissioner Bake~l' second-ed by Comrn.issioner Walling that the fo.regoing bills be appr@~ved and paid. VotingA-y'e: ComlTIls sioners Baker ,.:&,,;Walling. ;'-l There being no further business at; this time, upon Walling seconded by Commissioner Bal{er the meeting journed. Voting Iqe: COTI'J:nj.ssioners Baker & Walling. mot;"9,11 ""~lOlmnission": was/lie'f!lar ed ad- Attest; )~:;? . i;;' ..;~ t:G;'j " 'lor " "l? , ...4' 1/7. ifJ c:5?41!l1:~fl7- Mljor. Supplementary to :minutes Nov 1st omitted. above. proposal and I'esolution Proposal made by FiI'e Clullref Eetcalf:tt~~tt Hr. '.1'.Ll. Bacon Jr., be eIrl- -0..;JO"'\11">6 "" TI"L(~;Vlt- Ti'jY'emalo Rt. 2 nlonthl,r, .0alo1"\1 of' 'fG5')f) "'0 1')a\7;:)I)lO TJ..JS"-l.. .!.. ..~ v 'oJ _ - CLu ~._.- t.:"~J.... J 1- -- _ .".-- _ .1. ~~ -"' -- ..~ -.) -- ~.u <t-_O_- eJ __ 1. __.I _. . V ..!: ~. C.., V '" and 15th of each Elonth. ' , lilot~ion lY.y Cornrnissj_oner ljValJ_lngseconcled. lr~T Connn1ssiorlel~ Ba.l{er tl1.8.t sal of Chief calf be adopted and passed. 38101181'#8 V;Jg,,111l1g &~ J3fJ.l\:er 83"J.Ci. 1:10 01'18 i-;5.1'1$ JJ.oo. Law _llIhIU,U, IIU..II~ldU"II,' 14 :~") '~ ,.,~ \. .l- -:.J: 8 mrr:r'" NEW CITY HALL. REGULAR. IDHURSDAY l'WVEIVIBER 5T:-r 192-8. ~-___~~.~,~~."..__.__L.",____ I ( Regular meeting of the conncil was held on the ab ove date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and v{ith COl'Ylmlssioners 'NaIling and Baker and Erwin Cushman City 0ec~~tary in atten~ance. Visitors, Mr. & TvIrs Allen and Mrs Waters. f I'ri::~~ Bill favor'Larnar Q. Cato, ~'R. i tect, for architectural services rendered in connection witli? preparations of plans, specifi- cations and details for the "'yn icipal building in the City of ViI.est UI:iversity. P=:-ac~ was s~~tn~t~d to the cou.i'1.cil for approval and pa;yment., amountJ.ng to 'ip296fJ6",. ",",1 f<~': Motion made by ConIDlissioner Walling, duly seconded by Commissloner Baker that the bill presented by Mr. Lamar Q Cato in the smn of ~~296. 62 for archi tectv..!'al ser'vices, based upon 3-~%' of ill;B475.00 cost of building, with nm charge made for supervision be approved and or- dered paid. Voting Aye: COl'nrnissioriers Baker &. Walling and no one voting no. . "( ~ " i' i ~dJ 'Water Supt. A. P. Robb, submi tted..ttds recoll1..mend.ations for the pUl"chase of Five (5) Water Meters in storag@ with Westheimer 'l'ransfer Co for tlle Railroad,' at a price of ij;~9 ~ OQ e,\ch or a total of :4;45. OO~' . ,~;, Ii'iotion I.Clade by ~onmlissic:mer Wal1iifg;/'::1f!.uly se?ondedbs' Co!nmissi.oner Baker that the Ul.ayor anct Secretar'yn,el"-al..ltilorlzed to purc,tJ.ase the five (5) Meters at a price of \1)9.00Baf~h. Voting A'YB; .COl'nmis sioners Baker & Wal~ng and no one voting no. I'ilintltes of prevmous meetlngs react all_d approved. "f;~' - Voting Aye: CommissIoners Vv"all5.ng an~, Baker. "i.". _ '";~f \..", -> \..'. .- . 'llhere being no further business to \tf~nsact, upon mot:i.on duly seconded, the me$ting was decl~t$.[~l adjol)~"ned. Voting Aye: Commissioners Walling aY~,.:J3fker.. '..4 .;.'~~ j,~ ~~~~~ f 17\ ~\fY f,..r~f; made and . Approved Atte3t;~~~L/ /" / (~",.<.._", > 1(2 . j/ '''--- "ji r/f-<'-jAw/(~J."",~t''''''':l:4",/.z-f a~ . Secre1;ary.' I ~~/f)/1Z~~~~:/ ,'. / ;' liy8J;y or . /# I (.,?-/ I ,/ ~~ " I J \ '""n .. .. ., . . '" ). . - .' Regular meeting of" the 'Council was held 'on the above date, with 11&701' H.. B. Schlosinger. presiding ~d the to:tlow1Dg in attendance, .. vis'~ Comm1ssi'oners J. A. Walling, 'f:.L. Baker, Engineer J. H. Raf'- ter~'1 and Secret$"1 Ous1iuJau. . . '. . . .' . V~sitors! lIessrs J. M. l)IJ1'l1'i-ngto ~~ . E. Wardell, ;r. L. Gol:den,Pire lIarahall lfetoalf. 1Ir. Pope and . pbell.j together, with several. other. JQ.8DIbers ot. the Fire ~parJ' . ". . '.. ",. "'" :t . Minutes ot meet1ng Thursday, Botilt J3 1928., read and approved.. .' .: .~. . . Secretar.y offeBe~ a paid bill favor of 01iv.~ Levy in the sum of 14.15 tor labor performed. in water department tor ratification. Motion 'by Jfr.. Bake~, 8eoond~d by Mr. Walling that tb.1s bill for 14.15 be ratitied. '. ., ' , Voting A1e~: Commissioners. WtLll1Dg &; Baker. :' . ~ Secretar7 then ottered tb,e tol:.1ow1Ds bills. far approval and plQ'Dient, vis: .' " . .. ..'. , ' . : , ~ Rose 8b.opp~', .lOlters (irrs ~akerrs FUneral)' . . 11.0.00 . . , ~ibble stamp.a; ~tenciJ. Co ~ " ;n,f!dges ~or fireman etc, 16.25 ".Crain Read'1-OUt Bouse Comp8.DJ', '1i(Water Ci t., Balli ' . ~ :II . Vernon Leiw Book; Comparq,' . .... ~9~8 July P. P8X'~s) . , ' 4.50. ' llueller 'CQ., . '; ;", Works supplies 11.'15 ,~'"" ' W.O. M1mDCompBDJ', ' : ~..' to Oct 2'1th, 1928. . 65.55 ~ d. .Llo'1d ..tal CompaJQ', ..., c' , 'Dept. suppl1.es, . ~6.75 g:a ' The Carsi1). CG., .' .'f:. '. . onery,., ", 15.10 ~ ~ ' ' . ,Teas Hurse.17 Compatq. (P.1ants ~Sbrubb8%'7 City Hall, 89.00 : .~tion Baker, 2nd Wa1l~. App!:,oving tor paJDlent. Aye; Baker Be Wall ,;egal rele.ase trom Mr,. &; JIxP~ Ssm Bacon, releasing and. discharging:- . the' City ot West Un1vers~v.r Place, lt~ Ottioers, Agent. and emplo7- " e8's' o~ and trom all ,mamler o,t 'debts, demands, obligations, liab1l- lties. suits and causes. of action whatever against them, w~s sub- m1 tted b7 the Secretarr, 4uly executed and ordered filed in the 8eDBetary.1s otfice. ,Bids were :th~ opened for the ere~' ~, installation ot the 8i;en: .' for the Fire Department whereup~'hlIe bid ot J. C. . Mortensen was . " founcl" to be the only b14 presente~ r)be price tor 1ns'bal1ation named being .65.00..' . , . ,,=: f5\ . Motion made bY' Commissioner' Baker, ~~..40nded b7 Commissioner .Walling .that the work ot Ins ta:ll~ the sire" ~e awarded to J. o. Mortensen in accordance with his' bid ot, t65.,OO ~ch was to include eve'r7 ~ all expense ot erect1ns s1ibstem.tial fItarue and all 'electrical work necessarJ tor complete 1nat~llatton, co~eotio~ and satistacto~ , oper!l~1on 'of the ~1J:'ep., .Further, ~e. said J. . O~. Mortensen to' guaran- " tee., all wo~kmanstlip ~,to beSin the 'Work no~t ..iLater than lIlondq, 'HC?V. 19th, 1928. ' . "i:~ '1 'Voj;ing qe: COQDiss1oners Walling, &; Baker. f ~." . .. .". .. o ..i' .0 B1~' ..~re opened tor the painting ot the inte~if""dt the c~ty H~l. ,B1d J. L. Golden, 1302.00 . t n G. P. Tulle." 240.nO . , Mr. Tulley!.s bid ,being the ,lowest would entitle him to the work; but, ,~' .~ o ,c-t) '.' ct- . . : :. , \ ~. " " , . .\ 15 . I J ,I., . , ,CITY HALL. UNlvmlSITY BOULEVARD &; HADEl AVAImE. -REGULAR- ' f:i: DURSDAY NO~ ~,,'1928. ,.. .. , " .... _ ... ....1__ . .._. I ~ 16 due to some uncertainty as to the complete stoppage of all leaks, it was decided to allow the awarding of the bids to lay' over to the next meeting or to such time as t~le AI' chi tec t, Hr. Ca to ibould pas s definitely upon the concU tion of the roof. (' Engineer J. II. Raffel"ty ""J1,ubmi tted Estimate ://6 (3ani tary Sewer) in the sum. of $5'600.00 for.,approval and pRJ'lilent. Niotion made by I\iIr. Wall\Jlg;:" seconded lJY JVlr. Baker that the estirD.ate' ,as read by' IVIr. Rafferty' -- ~pproved and paid. '. -goting Aye. Comrnissioner ;~ker & Wallirw;.. - '':';:;<~ . Fj_re Marshall Metcalf then'r~e to invite the Cm..mcil' s attention'., to certain plans u1htlined by '~is DepaI."~mei1"t at there last meeting relative to giving a barbecue "and emtertainnlent to which allcit- izens and the public i,vill be invited and wi thin the very near futu.re. Also, asking consideration of certain other matters and details of importance to the Fire Department, all of which had been referred to a Cormnittee composed of Messrs. Pope, Golden & Campbell.' Mr. Pope being recognized by the chair, gave a very complete and com- prehensive description of vnlat the boys were trying to work out and to which they were entitled. . Chiefly, that some plan be dev:i.sed and put into operation by which Or: the Firemen might receivem: son~. substantial encouragement fo,r their . loyalty' and services in the sha,p,e of Free tramsportation on'Street cars 8...ndbuses, som~ reductio~~'~<~ tel~phones, W~ter bills, taxes, etc. Merely suggest1.ng these af?~ ' bas1.s of worklng out the best and .t raost advis:;gble l'nethod of 8..cconiiL~ l1rnent.' <i '" ~.:;! Mr. Golden and ]\fIr. Cambell each'~'.', ~ostated their views on the 8ub- '8 ject &.'l.d made valuable 8uggestio'rls~1to the Cpuncll. It was evident they' advised, that ltlUch difficulty would be experien- ced in holding the volunteer Department l1p to the standard of re- quirement without certain minor attentions and encouragement ; since the attehdance at the meetings and the drills 'under regulations call- ed for ~~ attendance of from 20 to 22, whereas, under present condi- tions at some meeetings this Was fOlU1.d to be under the requirement 5001 some /00 Mayor Schlesinger" (concurred in by the Commissioners) stated that he was not favorable to any red~~tion, alloww1.ce or waiving of taxes or the remission of Water bills "8:.8 a means of compensation or en- comiagement, but that he felt ~nr~ some other more feasible plan could be worked out that' would t\fte:}Juately serve and relieve the pre- sent situation aild tJ:lat such lI'lou'itd~~~e taken under imm.ediate consid- eration and a report made to the "F;tr'~ Department at their next meet- ing TIh16sday 20th. ,; ".~ Secretary vms then instruct~~to wrj.te '8. letter or see personally the Houston tTatural Gas Co, calling upon Nil". 'l'rarmnel to install gas in . the City hall at on'ce and to execute contract to that end. fJ:b.ere beirlg no fllrtllel1 b11.siness, l1I).orl HIOtioll. Connnj_sslo11er VVe..lJ_ing c\'. duly secondel~, by Commissioner Baker, the meeting was decla.1"'ed ad- journed. / Attest. at:::(!{'~;::O~:'7 City Secl"etal"Y.// .... , I :ayor "i'1' u.:: IL ~l "Ill" --- -------T--- ~ 0'- \) ~ ~ 17 crrpy HALL. ~ ;<\r,-~\{ ~LJ UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD & HADEN AVENUE. ~ REGULPJi . THURSDAY NOVEMBER 22nc1, 1928. Regular meeting of the 60unci1 conyenecl on the abo'\Te date with IVlayor SchJ_esinger presiding and:;:C6m:missioners Baker and WallingJ Secreta;rJ'- Cushman ",jp attenc1ance'f ," ~ . , ). .-..-." lV[im.ltes of the prtt1Zf~llS meetj.TI;g, rj~hLU'sday Novemher 15th" read and approved. \~U . '"\~ ':Llhe Mayor then prese~JJ~'d plans and expressed his views upon the subject 8....1J.d advisabilit of taklng out grou.p insurance on tIle lives of all City ~E:mployees a mer'1bers of the fffire departrJ,ent. A Blanket poliey. Insur~ing eaeh individual for :11)1000.00 " He also stated that the cost would. not exceed sa-;.r ;i~28.00 per month- After considerable dj.seussion and taking into eonsic1erationall of the various points involv.ed" the following motion vms made: Nfotion by Commissioner Baker, ',' duly seconded l)'y Cormnissioner 1Jllalling that the Mayor be authorized-to make application for the blanket pol:i.cy to cover employees, of' the 0i ty and menibers of the fire-de- partment in the sum of ;jplOOO.OO each as sl!_ggested b~T him. The rules, conditions etc., ~ouehing application to eaeh of the ins1U~- . cd and the requirements necessary in relation to the JJ'olmlteer ~ Flremen to be worked out later. Voting A-:l8: Comm,issioner Walling & Baker. No one voting no. \~~i~ .L. :t The fol10win.g bills were presen~eo_ b'y tL,e Secretar;)T for tion, viz: <; , Vo. '750, Elmo Hawkins, Labor l~:t.~j:,elling Cit.y 1Iall grounds, II 752, Cit"JF' of Houston Water\.,jjJ~iPt. EOIltX'OSO & Bj.ssonet !l ?61. A "P Hob~'j Cr's'h Pd ,':\r~;i,~l'~\;i'E~<nrcsp -Pn""}3ox T'lQrl...,s 1', .. -. - e ~ ~" Q.. -- ...L - "'--~).\~,--:- - \ .L-l.... ,~ w ~......,.l. . ._ ......~_ __o~ 764 , TJ>i 1": p,r & T!lj 11 PI' 'FJ'-rt nit;;,'1-, Of; Sirr-"n f'll0ic~ vAa,O'ravr,HA ii ~L__~ -;~ J -r,'l"" -h:-" 0 ~- v ~} C ~~- - _~ .L~'" ;~"~:\1:::-.{T ~_ I""f -~~"1 ~ ~; ~- .{- *,~..\ $) ~ 0 v'-" 7?7, 0. 1'1.0 LlC-"lav..l" h0,L1J.1'lJ.o. of~(:;t....'-U;:; Pt:c.L'.J. uWJ.ce, H Y1H,IP. H1r"1:"T-1n C1'~"fl'-,~r"1n--. mj-'A"'''\q'''I Cql""l--j.-"")_ f"O-A Tn-"'-~i-c\1~ QI.t.f\T....l.,~i.."J.Cl ( ....." ..LJ V'J -'_... Jlo.ul.J..ll.lo..l.1., .L..L '.JcJ..u.!. , c..j:)J.';... .,_ tJ c.-Ul_i_ ...' ~__ ~-' .....J.-'..r..J __...\/0 If 779, Houston :Natural Gas, Co., Pipe 8,; Installing';""Ctt-y JIB..ll. 35.13 maCLe lJ'y Com:missioner 1Nalling, secondec1 'b:v Cormnlss10ner t11H.t tIle fo]~egoin€~ bilJ_s be aI)prOV8CI E;,.110. l~D.i.~j_fj..~~{1 as , t':;:;;t~ .l~~ d t.?~ tOf' t;J,"'" ',"",'" l' 1 ca;:.:(~ J..~.' _ _ '";:,, ';'il r''. 1 C~ ~J' 'ipl':q 00 a1 0500 1033 "1 (-.... nr..... J_U.. 00 12.08 5 . 4/1 Motion B akar , read~ Voting .A.ye; Comrnissioners 13al(e~r &: ~v ~tJ_l in.s. \1' follo~I'l'D~ bills weI'e then nr~sm~~ea b~,j,Ll:_he~ Sec~e'+LJa.,ry.' - -- \I'... '~'C:) .. -.-' ;-,.... -- .!::! v..... v.i~ U ~ v' __ _ ,.I .... al and pa~TIent, viz: T. r ~nrL_~smJJ T?l~~nll~n~ S~~e-n (..1 0 V <<0 l;.;,v.... l.n::J.L... v.1., _.i.. 8 va.-_....!..--G .J.._ ~..;.. IIollS tOl1 Ligl1 ting &~ PO\V81' COE1IJEtTfY, T'cCurc1y-Young CO, Balance due for A~ Pe Robb cash paid for mater)ial "\T ernorl ~Ja.vf Oct; {;~llarterl:r sel~vic.e, Ol&ver Levy, helping install meters etc., Ijll~ sl.r rpi J?~ ro.tq":.)n-l~I""T T'T't1; rrJj -er-~ [.,,, fTlU"t)Fl -rOl'~ t(~'ij(f7;d'1~ Tili re .t2;r1.9~,1~n'3 -:0.. -- __ V v ....!.-l: 0.._ "'"d _H_.!~ v, ..... ...10_ "-" '^" p'- ...1_ V _ _ -\.:il'-_->. ....b"V_~, _" ~. ....... South Wheel :~{,: Ei.rrl CO"rf(y~2~~':~, ~:~' fire Engine, (\./d.lLl...,_1H:Oc.. page 18..) . for e..PIJroV- . ' (when Etcc,epted) ~;i~ti~~0~~v;i~~e~~a. for T'rucli(U:op, '$.~ ~i{)65eOO 9.12- 9.46 4..86 <L,50 31100 62.10 0, t(; I .. ., ',Iii 18 (COl"I-'l"111""01 PrOfn nar:>'e 1""7) \ .__u._J..V.AV>'..... ..~_ 1::-' bJ Motion by ComJnissioD.er Baker, dulJ7' seconded [)'] COYl1missioner Walling that the forgoing bills as read by the Secretary be proved:and paido Voting j":Je ~ Cmnrnissioners Walling & Baker v n,~_ O~.i-" ('" -,; , ) -",,;, .;\ . The Secretary tb,en submi ttr~p. a release du,ly executed. by the .L f" 1 " 7" "-- . 1 ..,.. I- ' . t' ,. l' J paren0S 0_ A_Vlnti~ l\'ll.. eS:,s:,1.':]J, connec',,J_on V\Tl -n HlS emlLo;YiTlenc by tr.1e City, which was orG).tl~d filed in the 0ecretary t s office. v.~~~~ - eJ rI'here being no further bus{i~ , the meeting vras declared ad- . .. . ....., ~ c'," . . J ?urned"by ~lOtaon COTI1l11l8Sl0n~;r ;,l.aker, duly .;)econdea by Cornnns- 'slor;er dal~lng.. '., .' ~, " .. Votlng i1:ye. OOlY'.JlllSSl0ner Vvalll;"lg ana. Bai:er. ~1 ;:.~ ~;'l \," ,J, '~ ~J Attest; ~ .i\.pproved, Mayor, '\ I J ~ 0'. \) ~ ~ ~ '/ / \ '- " \ 4 I'~ HIl!lmW~I--"'''''''_IJWll.'''-''''- ~- >./;.~}~: J z.-.,i}\/i.."'- ;'....:. ~ .ti~' 11 r; /{d ..I.'/~~~'if I ~~.- ~-~ 'ir<;~ -;t;.Ji-f'i ;- 19 ,,4- ;. L<~:.;' ,', ".,..- f > ".{._ ~ CTrp\;r rr;~~.. ]~.. t:k' UJSfIVIG:F~SI1:~~. I301JL~~.Vi:JtI) ?,~ E~I~DE-;~'..f li\IEITfJE 0 --.c-.=- _..s-~=---.....~~~ ~~_..~~,."""'_,.,~ .....~".,."'....:-'-"">-=""~.="=~_._=.-._ SPECIAL TUESDAY NOVE1IT)ER 2~TH 1928. -,----,--~~::p--~ S}?0ctft,1 c~1.110Cl ro.oetil1g OJ~ .t.:_~\~~;" cOllncil COIlvened. OT!. tJ-lO [lJ)OV'O .oai:;e i_C) tal""'. 11"0 nr"l (llo C'l',"OSA Or l'I'''';;(,';''''T1t lr<;-1-t,",rs r..",r111J"""~'1';7 n-1'1-""'l'+:-J" on I (.:...._;.."'; -:".l.. .......-.-.-.. -- i:.?.;:J ..J - .(...i.. ~)'..."I_.... ...__G_v v_ ,_ \.....l.f\J'_....L _._ .~t_) G...d....J\.j _u _ ..._9 C>:l 1 ] c;,;:; to orr; r-:>r by 7,: n -,7 or. 'S,-. h 1 "O;C' i 'n.-.',.:,r W1 1'-.1', -j-.1", r, f nll ow'; 1'1 {f' '''1 -''''11-, VY' Q ""CIo-'-__V-" ..........J .c,...::::t.tl .J..~. ,,-,.-:-,..Jh:)_._-o'-' wJw"-'_k-'. '1.__t.J ~~'___........ :.......--"""0 .t_..!..t..........-'-,.....'-"~'.I_. J_11. fl t t erl.(1t:.111C e , ~ . II.. IJ. DD_l~el~, Jo Ao iN'~ll;rl~ 'COY~1l111SsiO?"10TJS J }~ :E.ai~.fel~t-.~V, El1.r::ill.bSIl Ei:;~;,a{lShjl;~;~" Sec";';y-" . -.. - ~ ~~:,';.,J vouchers ~~fi:.E:red b;;r the Secret.ary for I'c...tific8.tioJ.'}" t ~~--'I;t City Scrip, H. C. ~tll.~ & Con:.pan.;l, (Eh3I'vJ.ces Hell.d.. A. P. Robb, cash pai~or top material fOD truck. :;:'LOl,lston Lighting & P01,mr Cor"'cpany, 1\!cCurdy-Young Co., Ine, Envelopes, OT\ a/ c Vernon L8~ Book Co~pany, Oliver Levy" (Labor) '1'1-'le Ti'iqlr f]'irc, C0l1'TIal1V ~ -- _.' ~~ .. ~ "- :>t~ .oW i~:"1 V ';~.J.< ~ 6-~ ' 00'CL Ln,,; 0;:;; L. itueel U" R:LLl Co., 1;1oJ_lovri:ng p8_j~d_ viz: .1J.rt8,'7-., 'ir I '-", It? 84, //786, Jf7 87 /, , ,!!.rto'O "it (ur..o, ,1'f:r/89 , , -fjry90 7/. . , }/'r.701 IT ~ , ""I"'lO ryq 1/ \l? t...) Ue-,....) 4.'7!3~ 9 e 12r :.1 9.46- , 4 tt 50..- '>.7 3 . 00 r,j 62.10..j 8.66-J I\1'otion Cbrrll-:~issioner Yifallil'lg., S(:3COliClecl by Conui.11ss1oYJ.er Bal-:el"";, tl2.e paiel V~111cl1er~s as. Gnl~tl"!lerat~e(1 8J) o'\te be T~a tif:ted. Votil1g .li.ye: COlrrrnj.ssion.f;l~s Bal{Ol~ (:~ Vjt~lling. tli G:t ~~:z1 1'he fOllow'ing motIon was then intl'odueed. on DecewJer 29th, 1928, as follows: eall:Lng aJ.'J election f'" .~'.~ ~:: cJ - ,,, .. ... :Tn ,'3- ... .~ -r ......., " .. ,. ~:>) f;)) J::'.r.Ot;J_OYl l)y COH1TIllSSlOYlel,? J It 11.. 1JYD..IJ_J-ne;, ~{Ul.(l SeCOl1.U80. O~! (;Oll}IillSSJ_O:rl~:t~.ff) M"1kC'l" +:1-,..,1- '1-.-;'''; "r'e' '')E'' "'l"Qr;Jl<t--I-:AC'l ':-0 t"'''''C''l''''ll'f'J'E'Cl ~ro+;er'" Oln ;,o;-irl ;, ;.;~ ---' c.._._V_, t.'_....c~ tJ ,-,__t... L ~.t. _.1_ ,J l; -J OJ V~.J..\J. ~1 U_~ ..~ _.~ . V U 0 ._ c:~__ ,-'l.. City W1--,O C'lI'~ nroD("rtv tax 'Yl.V81"C" i-'he'bei"-'l t~-'e fo'11oy,dnp' ',rOl)oQj~ 1",.:\ t 7 ;~I 1~1~()1l ~.~ ;""h -~~''1 .i... ~ '~i tf ~r~ .r i < tit ,4 "-' G:J;; ,-;\s.;:.~;~J"j .~, n --'p ~.-: 1: ~~~~ ~ ;~ 0 +- ~.- 5) 1:;J.O__ 1_...L~'_-- J.,c".e '..Luo~ u_o,.., o.~ _s Sl___Y1.0 J, 'C,-M.J.~'--.:.,) ,t:)01l.ds c:.S H..,U, 'J-,.~"al wel ~ rr10I'~e fl111y set Ollt, SlJ.cl"l elect;:ioTt t:o L~0t~:o}J..eld OIl thc) 29t~11 det'y O]~ DpcAvber ,628' ~~ .../ ".J .....1.. , ~__ -oJ >ll ':0-:" .. Propositio}~ ; 3112.1J_ tl16 Cit-'c Cor~llilissiG.Il'_.::bf' t11E? Ci,i~-;;T of 1.;~-G8t 1JIli\i6r~si' -..a.... ~ ._" v P1Qce11exps l)e 'Plt'\-'OI'i'7(-"d. to -]0""1)"" '!-llE;,~J,bonr']c. of' -l-'hF' 0"+:"\1 of 1.Vo!-"t -c: ' ""-......, t-. ~...~ -.... -~.... 1_ ~'-0J.,.)~'J,V--,..}~~H'''""''......_r...J -J.. ~__.J':...--u~ ~ ~~ Unl'versl--c~T Place fJ:exas, l:1 T~l'le anl0ttYll; 01' OG6, 1725. Ol) FlB.:Gr11J..~t~ S81':llEi.l.- l;l '\ill tl11Il fort-:-v -:teE.u" S fI".I01rl tl1eil'"1 claJee, bear i~:lC irltol~est ftt: t1:16 l~[tte ~I ...,1 t; U -r J. ..., "... ft. .. "':> of 5D.;;o pel~ ar111'l11n, ailO. .to lev-.;r a -cEl.:X. SUSI lC]..(311.L; 1~() pa-;)T 'Gr::.e pl""llIJ.CJ_pt.ll at H1fttl.lri t-,;r, fOl" t;l1.e. IJ1JI4pOSe of. ~L-u.l1.d.:tnc a li1:~e aX[!.Ot1.Tlt of Ol..:!.t~St:D3"l(1-- ll18 V'lElr:rD.nt i~l.de1)JG0d_rLess eXlst;irJ.g aE2;ctinsi; .-tl!.G City of .~;"/8Si.-; lJrli'leY.B;3 "'i+7 u1acc TAy~a h~ cq~cellinu ~he eVl.~~n000 +~e'-l~eo~ and ].q~']inu 0...-Uv :-"-^- v, '_>J.L_~L'''~.JO.;, ._~ c:,...._-..,~----~'o .J_._..T ..,v_v~_..,,: ~J.., v;_ . f.., -- '--- - 1"':"~\.;----{-.-l s1..1cl1. OOYlcts to t~!.le J.101(1(;1'S T:;~~(:;}:";teo~, ftS ~3..11.tr:.OJ:J_Z()(L oy ~Gile COl1.SL:JRu1J_""" ~~or.lt :n~.o 1~,\;1rs . ~r ~h~. ;'~['c;~ ~ o:.pTo~~~, inc]:u_dJ.TIC Chap 1 a.nd ? t1 t10 "'''', f...,Vl,..>ec. CCllv",-iI ,.:>L.o.GUv\:...o U,L l~'{~Q. SD...j..cl elect;iol1 sgaJ.l l16 l1eld~ irl t.l'l8 Ci t::/ l~.D.ll .t,'~)_Ilclin.g i-c S&.tCl. Ci t::r of Viesi: '~Jll:t'\'Jersj_ty Place, 8J:J.cl tll.f3 fol]_ovri::lg 11.2..Ll.3Cl 1)0]~SOrlS r~re J~J.Gl~e-bJr a~91)oirJ.ted. ~Ju,clge8 anci CJ_81'1<:s l-"}f)SPoct:tveJ_-y' of"1 Bflic5. 61ee-i~:1.oY), '!;V$ Y.o) l!1l.lql1~1, F~resiclirlg J\]_d.8e-=s-C~eo lIe J..Jee, ~Tl.ldge, --[.-)'1 D<J Le""vorett, Clerk~~~Ers N& E~ ~ill~r, Clerko Lio t:iOJl rnacle as u:fo:ec)~) E:tJ_cl}J '\J'o t~illg Ii-;16: COEJEli S 3 :Lan.el':! :S2~1\.el~ t.: \:;' f.-llJ_illg and no ODD votinG no. (OVOl:') ~~ L- II I "20 @ " ~rw. ~, . '".~ . { . , [ I; k' l\:f l ~ r " ;.' i.. , ~'- " ~~ f~ '. i .......Ylb!I.__ Im'I!"~"" ....,,~ .., '" , " li2. Motion made by COlTIrnissioner J., A. Walling and duly seconded by Conlli1issioner,R. L. Baker,. that the following resoilifution be . adopted, viz' 0,', "... . RESOLUTION ORDERDTG AND PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF vVERLEIN STREET, ANDSUNDRAY OTtlEH STREETS IN TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE T~AS SELECTHW frEE, MATERIALS, THEREFOR; APPOTTIOl~NG TILE:' COST THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE TIME",.AkD MANN~ OF P AYrifIEN'l' OF ,SUCHcos'r, AND ORD~~ PLAlitS'AND SPECIFI9ATIONS FOR SUCH WaR" ~ D DECL.AR.ING AN EMERGENCY.:, Voting. Aye: Commissioner', ","er- & Walling " No one Voting no. '. '{;;! i~_' Complete file of all details~ontained in the above resolutionS on file with the Scretary. - ' ,-f.>.. Motion made by COlllinissioner J. A. Walling and duly seconded by COIl1Jnissioner. H. L. Baker, that the followiIlg r~'solution { be adopted, vi,z: , ; ~.\ '- RESOLUTION ORDERING AND PROVIDING FO,R TI-tE'];~J[PROVE~- ,.;~ ~JEHT OF AMHERST STREET AND'SUNDRAY O'rJIERt,S'ill,REETS ~Y',. IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE;, SErJ!:G~TNG ~ THE MATERIALS THEREFOR; APPOHTIONING ~HE~COST ~,;, ~ THEREOF; PROVIDING FOlt 'rRE TIME AND MANN;mRh~F PAYMENT ~~~ OF SUCH COST, AND' ORDERING PLANS AND SPEGIF'rCATIONS ~~:, s~) ,FOR SUCH V-ilORK; AND DECLAFn~li[} AN E'MERGE!\TCy .,,;' Voti~~,""~e: Corn.missioners Baker and Walling. No one voting no. (Complete copiesod resulution on file. ) The demands for police protection throughout the city appear- ing: to be of vi tal i~portance considerable discussion by the Comrllissiop was inqrilged in, whereupon, the following acti.o.p was, taken. ".' i~~tion made 'l9iy-i~Commissioner Walling and duly ,s,ecoIfdeq~ by qom- miss'ioner Baker, that the Mayor be autho:nized, to loolc about for a man sui table for the p16iition of Policeman"~a+r&:.to engage the qerv~c~s of such a party at a salary'not to ~ei6eer(1 the ' . Slil;U1 of ($125.00 per month, the' city' also to provide.~a Jmeans of quick trans})ortation in th;. shape of ,either, a moto53ic;Le or an automobile, preferably the ~tter. , , t;;:,.',." '>, Voting Aye: cCormnissioners ~~~)$f & W~lling .. , " No one votlng no. " ~,~ .c" , "':." '\ " ~here being no fur:ther busine\~;k :~" tr~nsact_~, up?n ~o~ion coml~is""{~ loner Baker, duly seconllled by Corril'hlssloner Walllng1 'Ghe meetlne; was declared adjourned. Approved, Attes: z-;t~--J 'Cit~T Secretary. 7 -11;1L1 r .~Dj]&Il~ ..,_.".;k '''F,' . (". ..,-^...c....;.. '''m ",..,tJ ..,~'l' \~" 'll~!!1~.I,.,I......lt~h.. '"'""1 T'CLesday' 4th Decenlber,. 1928. ''''~I '0'" i 0.1 t\il';'t:: l:~", ;.....1'.....-' \.,.v..!... ~ ..... ~C. C Olm c i :H3-M..ff.r.l:7e-r~t~2 II8~ 11. C_j..t~j"L..of VV-est U111vel~sity F;-l~):ce, iTexas. 2(!J-!1 C8..1.1ecl TIleetil1.g Cl t.y. (~OtlI1C il. COll.Verled OIl the a1Jove date 0 FOr +- S "'O'-!-' 'wp"'i t+-en UD ",.~~ nf)'" .L.r"'YJsc...d13-"',,;j,.;;. 'h....lArp.v~.,"1, i,"l~),1)_ve .d, v "._..... U _ .l. "",LtU ~v, l.> <A...l. J..,-",.,w!;,-',~, ..-~ _ n to complete therecordg lY1ayoJ~ Ir. B. SclJ.lesiTlger~, Prc-3~(li:~1g a.Y1.c1 COEnll,is~ioIlers J. 1\. 1PJftlling ancL H. I.:. Bal{er ill att~er.l.c1ar.Lceo m' f" 1 ~ " .. 0.... " .. In.e ..,. O.J.,<""cwlng orG.lnance was ll1 Grom..lce:t: AIr OHDINANCE RATIFYD'G AND CmrpIRlUNG THE GON- rlIR.l\..CTS B~~frvrEEr~' Ir=-rE CITY O}{1 vrr~3SS~ 1JrTIVERSrrr'y-l. 1)IJ1~CE, TBX.l;8., l1.I'J"T) scorr'J.: SH.i~h'IBl~.lJGI-I, C'Ol~TI~l\C~eOR, Fc)B CO}JsrrRUCTI(}l~ OIJ1 CER~rj\IJ:~ S~CliT~~li/r PI;. VIJ\TG. i\J\TD SEViE~R I\_PRO\TEI\'IEl'.1TS FOP( Si~ILi CI,]~{, TI-I}i~ COST -, OF 'Ijv:::ncn IS TO mE PAID PARTLY B~{,THE ovm:CHS OP THE Jil$UrrT II\f (} PROPE.EyY' l'1.Ff}) P j'illIJ~:L-Y B)~' . C IT-Y- , 11. lJT11~ OR IZll,TG T:IE IS~SUjiJ~~CE OF $22,000; 00 .6 FlEE. CErlP T-:'.;rPR- (} -, Tli;T',!I 'n~}.}Tfl 1,rl.! L\ ~RR 1\ 1\; rp ~~(f1-:j1 rr T-T1~; rJ!qrr-\,F ol~. : 1MR f~ 111 '. "":[JlJ:r.L\T~rr-? _ ..........~-'- -...._ \l______,._~,.... '..r...__...~,-..",---._. J_...... v~ _._--'--':.-J ~...l. .,_ .~ -.......---....1..... _. .. .l-1~~ SITY PLl~CE TO- Pli.Y' i?OR ~IHE CIY.:{ t S P.i\.RT 1\'1,1"1) POR- r:I'ION OF THE COST OF' SUCH ILPROVEI{mI\fTS, -PROVIDTNG 'FOR THE LE\~ING OF A Tk~ ON ALL THE TAY~.BLE FRO- ~ PER~Y I~ ~AID CITY .SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE.PRINCIPAL A~ND Il'~'Il}2;R}i:ST OF SIi.IJ) VJ1~RR1JJ>rTS 1;VIIl~lJ&I'.S SI:-.hTE IJ.bG()IVIF,:S DUE AND PA'YABLE; ANDuECLARIHG AN EIvIERGE:NG:'{ 0 It was moved by COElr'lissionerc WalliLg ard. seconded by Comrcissioner Baker tf;o.t the ordinance pasa finally, which motion was car- ried 'OJ the following vote: AYES: CornrDisslonerx H. L. Baker and l~~ OS; J:1- OlTE. T U . Ii. Walling. Tl1el~e beirj_g TiO fU_l~tl1.er ou..strtess 1Jefc'I;j6 t,ll.e Ineetlng, 'L1T)orl TIlotlon Cornrn.ission{3r Ba.1~er etn(l dtll~.I secoT1ded by CorcJllission_eJ? \'V~lllirj.g tIle 3 ar{"ie Vl&S decl.ared a.djou.rned. Voting Aye: Corrnaiss iOIlers V!a.llj_l}.g t-c I38]-cer. NO ONE VOTING NO. ~l\t,test: ------~--"~ J.~l)proveci, ~~~ // // . _1II1BBiOO1M- .--mIll 'D~'"'" ~ 0\ \) M ~ ~ / } ,! ~-; " ) ... Ie ITY K^.LL. . REGULAR- J/._J~ (J~~l 21:" . Cit~y- of West Universit:l Pl.. .December 6th, 1928.. .Regular meeting of the City Council convened on the above da.t~ with Nlayor Schlesinger presiding 9,nd Gornmissioners Baker . and Walling, Engineer Rafferty and Erwin Cushman" Secretary in attendance. -,., Minutes of the meetingsNov 22Dtl and 27th, rBad and on motion Cotnmissioner Wallin~secondLed by 'CormTiISSioner Baker" were apP;i:"-Oved as read. ?:. ;.~, .", ":. ' . The Secretary then ~t~r~~ the following bills for approval and payment, viz: U ~'~' , f;1'1 . -' .....-<..'0,1 .f) ~ .- Young Printing Co., 'C<:,\' F. W. Heitmann Co., 0 B~~roughs Adding Machine Co, . Texas Blue Print & Supply Co., . J. C. Mortensen, (Inspecting feest Houston Lighting & Power Co., (City Hall Cargill Compa.ny,' A. Stelzig, American-La France and FoamiteIndustries lnc, City of Houston Water Department Mueller & Co., W. C. Munn Co., R. B. Bowen & Company, . Marine Bank & Trust ComPany (Vault Door) ) >, $89.75 5.90 1.30 20.62 9.00 lnstallation8~.80 3.80 7.30 114.96 .50 37.05 12.75 142.50 125.00 Motion made by Commissioner Walling and second,ed by COllIlnissioner Baker that the 'foregoing bills be approved and paid as read.. Voting Aye: COITMissioners W~~ling & Baker. , No one voting No. .;;~, :i The Engineer submitted for' i~oval Estimate #7 in favor fJjf>; . ~iller &. I'/liller & J. H. Ra.f J. ~, Engineer for the' surn 01:1 y 1P8000.00 cover ing work c,ompl '.~ on Sarli tary Sewer.. Req~~- ~ng that the same be oraered ~~~from the wro:>rant ~ssul~":~ M-otion made by Commissioner W 11' . g . a..nd 'duly seconded b~f ,#om- missioner Baker th~t, th,~ .Mayor ar ' Secretary be instruct#l. to p f1l..y the foregoing estimate in the sum of $8000.00. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Baker & Walling. No one voting no.' The question of purchas~ng a piece of ground from the West University Place Bapti(3t Church off of tJaeproperty aqcp.ired by them from fflhe C. lL Bryan 'Corporation was introduced &nd after considerable discussion, the ....tollowing motion was made. M~ti?n made by C?ITilllissioner' Wallin~,a~~ ~uly seconded ~y Com- m~SS1.oner Baker ,that the Maypr be a1\tJ1pr1.zed to enter lnto contract with the Baptist church' for~~~l pt.~chase of said " property, measu..ring about 154'onthe:~~~ side w~th irregular boundaries for a price not to exceed ihe~suln of $2000.00. Voting Aye: COf$1issioner Baker & Walling~ . No one voting no. , ".-, (over) ,2-2 ( 'Ii2. Dec s 6th Contim.1.ed) Then there came on to be considered the matter constructing curb and gutter and one-half the pavement cost at designated , ~:i:rl;~~J' SJ~Jr\i ~ ?111t, ~], Qn.g :;ti;h~) W~'l~t_ :.UJ.)i v.:eiiZ.:S $J"lfy:) ::PIa c e' :~si Gl~> <.QtJ.:cBd5S s:-o:1m. e t :,E:o_tt?lttl[a~.,.. ~nd~ :~a.:Qn ~jlf11;:Q1zin.g) ',~;ltopJ~,r.L Jd'.;J?1f;in~g:e dl.-a!1~-1.143t.:i;e.::f ct...iJ.~e f..Qr..... (J,' iy,it: ;:P.J1tll19,~r :'tn-g. ':J~;U' 1,;Q:m~.t-q:v et'li)Ql1"l:iq,J c%b..:.f'i ~e.oI!IDl;i ~J~tLo 1".1.' ()tb1.Jltt :l;:i0.i s n e c e s... ' sary and to the best :\nterests of the City of West University Place and the ci tizen~~l1d',.t}.i:X; p31.yer::s, thereof that such impr;ve- ment sl10uld be consitruc:t;ed: !]$.::a'i{; :theJ;:~f'ore~~rd:e~;flJ>Y the CI:Cy'~Corinns1oJi'~:6t~~the--City of Wett Univers.:i1;:~, P~21.ce~;::fhat ~':fi''''' Mayor be a...nd he is hereby' authol'ized and diJ2.l}:~:t;e-Q,:.J:;q~ eJ\;~cp.:t' h" c'~n tr 11.6 t for IDld o;n beha.lf of the Ci ty of -1fre~rc-UnT:'''e'j7's::1:;ty- .~,,~J"ind report the sa.me ba.ck .to this CommissionR for ratif'ical,iO ': Motion by Cormrrissioner Ba.ke 'and seconded by Connnissioner Wal- ling that th~ forgoing resolution and order be passed Voting Aye : COll1.'1liss ioners Walling and Ba.ker. Noone vot~Pg: No. ,~.~ ~!.\ The followiiLg;::ordinance. was then introduced, . \1:!~ ~~~ " - ~;"-'l - ,j';"~ v,iz: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX FOR THE CONS'l'RUCTION 'OF CURBAND GUTTER AND ONE.;;-RALF OF THE 'p A VElvIENT COST AT DESIGNATED INTERSECTIONS ALON~TRE ~~ST UNIVERSITY PLACE SI:0E OF BISSONNE~ BOULEVARD, AHD FOR TIrE CONSTRUCTIOn OF AP PROPRIETE DRAINAGE FACILITIES TITEREFOR. Commissioner Walling moved that the ordinance 'be p~_ssed,' seconded ( by Commissioner BRker :aYld carried by tb.e following vote: AYES: COTITIuissioners Walling &nd Baker. Nos: Hone. The followine ordiance introduced, viz: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX FOR TEE CONSTRUCTIO'T 011' CURB AND GUT'lIER AI~1) ONE~{ALF OF THE' PA VBl::EUT COST AT DESIGNATED INTERS~CTIONS A~O~GTHE 'W~ST UNIVERSITY PLACE SIDE Of BISSillNNET BOUL~V~BD, AHD FOR rllRE CONSrl'RUCTION' OF APPR,OPRIATE DRAINAGE FACILITIES THEREFOR. II ". ",,, 1: "1 .... . , . .. ", .. ~"':1 ., Motion L;ad~ by COlY'tilllS Sloner vvalllng and \~.l<lJ,Y',s~coIjl.q.ea by Comnns- sioner B~_ker that the &tb owe ordinance ber:j::~pr-oved. '; c&l?r:LEid by -'-lte f'ollowil1p' vote -.., " y,' .' '-1.1.=. ..:- - -,,-0 l> " ~.~~. ~ AYES; COln.l11lSSl0ners Walling?,nd B;;;.ker. ~~/.J ", NOS; None. V6_,~ ' ~. l;~\. ll"',:. ,',,\,, op. S:1J:t'€i~/n' office of' ~ Full copy of ordinances and remollitions Secretary. There being no further business before the c:omrD.iss,ion, on motion Comrnissioner Bal:t'er seconded by CommissiorieI'W~llj_ng, the meet- was declared adjourned. . Voting Aye: COITlnissionsr Bakel' & Walling. ( ') Attest; Approyec1, ~ . 'ii. . v... . iIayor.' , . , '~~~Jf Secretary;I' ID."",.. 4SIl' .."I _-----..t: '~~~ ~ 0\ C M ~ ~ ( ; ! \ .( I ~ \. ) , '. \" "'", , " .J ~~~~.-L1 '2'K' , . ~"-. <.!'" " . -. >".r~~;O_: ". ~~..... REGULAR IvIEETING DUE 110 BE HEL? DEC~;I~R 1L$th, ~.: '.' ' POSPONED ON ACCOUNT OF THE ILLNES~~ MRS - Ho B. SCHLESINGER, AND HIS ABSENCE~~! ' , Ci ',:,J J, ..... L r "'I" llll\" 24 City Conrrnission Ch~TIber, City Hall West Univer~ity Place, Texas. December l7th~ 1928. ') REPORT OF CITY COMMISSION SITTING AS A BOJHID OF INVESTIGATION TO HEAR OBJECTIONS OF ABUTTING PROPEHTY O~~ERS UPON vVERLEIN STREETE AND SUNDRY OTHER STREETS DESIGNATED AS UNITS 7 ~~ 12, INCLU. g.IVE AND ON AJlJHERST STHEET:' AND SUNDRY OTHER STREET$ DESIGNATED AS UNITS 13 to 21, INCLUSIVE, AS TO SP~, CIAL BENEFITS AS COMP~~ED TO THR COST OF EACH INDIVID~ \-:\. UAL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SUCR STREETS AND ALSO AS y. .TO A~YERRORS, INVALIDITIES ETC., IN THE PREVIOUS ~...,.- .'1" PROCEEDIl~GS. \~,~, , The ob-jec~<< the meeting was fully stated by the M&yor presiding at the tTIee~i~::lihd ~ nuraber of the property owners toge,ther with Mr J. A. W!11~ng Co~i~ioner ~nd E~winTCu~~~~an Secre~ary were present and par- t~c~p~ted In t~ hearlng. ~r. R. L. B~ker be~ng absent ~cco~Lntof serl'o"!).-S illness. . .,~"", " ". Int~resting statements were offerxed and set forth by MrAlex Dearborn, Man~ge.T Re~~ Est~te Dept Sa n Jacinto Trust Company, Mr. OtBrien, of the; Sputherl1. Pacific Ry Co., Mr. Emmich, ovvner of sever&<.l 10tB and a n1.51111\1er of other property owners in th~~ections involved: . " . . ) The meeting w~:s b.el~_ o:pe~ a re&sonable ~~~) and . full opportunity WIRS 'giv""....... en, to all persons, aes~rulg to be he~rd ,~IT( ernlng any ma t.ters connected wi:. with said improvements the~pr9Pos~d asses ts against property OVin- ers and abutt~ng property@.udall previous ~12 ...sceedings wer.e considered by the corrlYD.iss.ionm: for the pv.rpose' of corr:e-dt g amy errors, inv~lidities or irregul:ari ties therein; 1ll.Y1Cl in order to lYilii.l.., sure that all property owners had full opportunity of'being heard' regarding any matter or thing connected wi tb srid improvements or said iltssessnJ.$nts the hearing was ad- j01J..rned and contInued to the 18th day of December 1928 :at 2. P. IvI. by public :annOl.mcment 3,t said meeting. X~XE.ljt;: Attest. , .....1 ApPD~ved, ~ ];~>;~r. ) r-' I" 'I 'II' ~ 0\ " ~ '+ 25 .,~ City Commission Cham.ber , Cit-y' Hall. West University Place Texas. ~ December 18th, 1928. -C rrhe cOlTImission convened a.t 2 p.~ lVl. this date pursuliLnt to an gl,d- jOlJ..rned meeting of' the 17th, and there8,fter duly c~.lled, wheE ~aid helll'ing of' property owners upon Werlein streets and other streets ~.nd also Ar~nerst ot and other Str~ts in the Second Addition of West Univer- 8i ty Plgace w~.s continuyd.~'l . ~ ~.'.. "j~ Th~re being no further testin~T~ or protest after the lapse of til. reason- &'016 time,> said he~.r ing 'NllS d~~ closed., , . . y)'~ .At this meeting the followingl~~I;.f present and paricip&ting.. Mayor. H. B~ Schlesinger. Conmlissioner J. A. Walling. ( ~ ~ . .. The said H. B. Schlesinger and J. A. Walling constfttutinga maiPr~ty and quorum of the City Cor~aission. Cow~lissioner H. L. Baker althf-~ duly notiffied was absent, being confined to his bed by serious ill..,,~., .:.~ Ii.loved by Commi3sioner Walling that the' above and foregoing rep.b;gt be adopted and filed wi th tkle'i~'ci ty Se:c:eetary.. '8 ;~~ City Secret@.ry, Erwin Cushman. 1iIotion Adopted. Passed this 18th day Of';'])~cembe~.;:~~8. Approved the 18th d&.y .of ,Decembe1iM, ~28. , ,",c .;;') . ," \.~~\~ Full text of the Droceeding on fi~~~~nd of' record in office of the C:i, ty Secretary. ~ l.,iI ..~ APprOV0d~ ~ ~. -<~ r~yor Attest; ./ -.1.. I- "I I!!IIIII :2-6 II ' t; ~~ -iB ,h '~~.~.; '[ 'i -111 ,~., ,. . ~ . :". ..."~ Regu.lar Meei?ing of December ?Oth, 1928.- posponedaccount of the death of Corr~is- s~oner, H. L. Baker. II 'l:""~RiJ~~. ~. 'i' ., ,:,~j>. ~." ~ '*~; "i,) >'~~ ' ~'\"~ ~Ii\ ~ ~,' ~ ,') (-) . ,..: COlU1.cil Ctw.mber December 22nd, 1928. P gge.. 2t'f 0" Speci~l meeting c&lled to order by kayor Schlesinger with the fol- lowing in attendance, viz: H. B. Schlesinger, Mayor, J. A. W~lling CcwD.ydssloner and Erwi:c. Cuslnnan, City Secretar>j, &.ll po.rticipa tinge The followj_ng com.lni ttee personall-;:l ~,ppeill'ed and proposed to the Council that the v"'-.clil.ncy ctJ;..used by the death of COmli1issioner R. L. '.Baker be f,~lled by the &tppointment of Ilr. P. A. Leckrone, viz" D rI n-l' ,'" T~' S ll' T' ". t 1 f T' "l+- S' 11 . 0nek ~ng, <.J. h. ..u _~v&n, <.J. A. bie-c &.:'::, l':l "on Cll0__, Mr. O!Connor, Joe Heplen, J. A. Davlin & C. E. Gates. '~ 1I10tion I:n&de by C01~~is.sioner J . A.. Walling duly Schlesinger, May; i"""that t~r. Pi A. Leckrone be the unexpired te ." Co:::nrriissioner ,H. L. Baker Voting Aye: Scllle eI' & Walling; No one voting no". ~,!" , ..: tL~...; , ,. . Whw:ewupon the ~IHA.vor a~n~s.tered -c.tle o@.tn p.~ A.Leckrone- wh~havir;:gn0w qualifie~ ;;l.S tered upon his regulQ.r d:iJ;t;;5:.es. ' j seco~lded bY;:~;P:.. _ B . apPolnted~to1flll , decease~ y tJ~ {i~ ';;~ Y:; ~, of office as con~l~sioner to 2.." G-onmiissioner, then en- There being no further':/bj,winess for disposition, on r.lOtion Cormnis- sloneI' W&il.lling duly ..${ecdnded by COl.J111issioY'18r Leckrone, the meeting was declared adjourned. Vothig Aye. Cornrl1issioners Y;J&.llil'g (<: Leckrone.. Attest: Ao-oroved - ~ , '~~7 City ecretar/ /.' . ' I, ';~,;~'_ ,c$~1 ,'" 1 ~~ . _-l.~ ~ . I.lfQ;;t1 ,-.-- .>:~ ; .111: .~ . _:~>..- (>i ," ~ ~ .... , c . ~ -'- ~ ~.) ',,~' , ,,~~G:ULAf? :rEEHrING DECEMBEH;"27TH, 1928, t;~.~~oned ~CCOllilt of' Chri'.~tml\\S Holj.\l;'.y's.:'" ~4~:;~ . V\. <{"~ y r [ '1 i r Page 28. 1, ......J_ ,,, Qo }:-i . "0"';''''''. "~, ,r.... Q ... .. kt\,~ .A_ }: '.,~ ,&";:>)