HomeMy WebLinkAbout101314 CC Min0 The City of West University Place A Neighborhood City CUPY COUNCIL STAFF Bob Fry, Mayor Michael Rosa, City Manage Saran Samplq Mayor Pro Tear AW Peo-oq Ciry Atwmry FAHeahcoq COUncgmember Thrum Leoz, City Sxrelazy Ran IoLnaoq CouvcilmemW Dick Yehle, Counsilmember CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in a special workshop and regular meeting on Monday, October 13, 20K in the Municipal Building, 3808 University Boulevard, West University Place. Texas beginning at 5:15 p.m. Notice of the special meeting was duly posted in accordance with the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Fry called the special meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Council and staff in attendance: Mayor Fry, Mayor Pro Tem Sample, Coundlmembers Headmil and Yehle, City Manager Ross, City Secretary Lenz, Assistant City ManagerlPublic Works Director Peifeo Police Chief Walker, and City Planner Scarcella. Councilmember Johnson was absent. Also present was Richard Wilson, Chair of the Zoning and Planning Commission. Agenda Items ware as follows: Note: Agenda Item 2 (Ni Zoning Review Probed) was taken out of order and discussed first. 1. Non -SFD Zoning Review Prole Matters related to the Non - Single Family Development Zoning Review Project. Richard Wilson, Chair of the Zoning and Planning Commission, presented this item and discussed four basic categories of the project, Three of which deal with the substance of the project and the fourth item refers to scheduling and timelines. He said the three substantive points are: The Kirby Mixedi Distill The Town Center, and everything else. The Town Center: Mr. Wilson said the prior Town Center proposal has been modified in three basic respects. (1 ) Height limitation has been limited to 35 feet, with no extensions for anything including rooftop equipment; (2) there has been a lot of back and forn as W whether there should be an express limitation to two stories. He said he believes that a consensus was reachetl laid week net there should be such an express limitation, because with construction needs and parking requirements combined, you can't really get three stories in 35 feat anyway; and (3) no parting structures will be permitted in that District He said other than those three changes the prior proposal is being brought forward again. City Council Minutes. Comber td, 2014 Councilmember Vehle sad the pnor proposal was for the block between Rice and University and asked if this proposal also included the block to the north? Mr. Wilson responded that he believes that bee zone will now expressly include the Tiny Boxwood's property and perking lot, which is currently the subject of a special exception. He said the Tiny Boxwood's parking lot is actually zoned residential, which is the special exception fiber's allowing the parking there. He said he is not really sure how the Inclusion of that property in the Town Center District is going to interface with the special exception. City Planner Scarcella said the discussion at this point ended with It not changing the underlying zoning designation, but including it in the overlay for Town Center. Miscellaneous items: He said (1) there will not be parking sbuctures slowed anywhere in any of the commercial zones; (2) there are few buildings in Ne commercial areas on Bissonnet and Bellaire where the (functional area of the) building is elevated one story with the parking being underneath. The consensus of the committee is to continue to allow that type of design, except in Town Center and in the Kirby Mixed-Use District; (3) retain the existing 35 -foot height limit for all structures. He said that height limit will expressly include any rooftop equipment and there will be a new requirement that any rooftop equipment will have to be screened from the New of any adjacent properties; (4) limitation on outdoor customer service areas, restricting them generally to the front portion of the property as apposed! to the rear of the property. He saitl this is based on the fact that there have been complaints to the City about a particular establishment where the patio is in the back, so the idea is to bring outdoor seating to the front side portion of a Jot; (5) parking standards. Councilmember Yahle said with me public servce areas being encouraged to be at the front, does that change the rear setback? City Planner Scarcella sad it doesn't change for regular commercial, but in the Kirby and Town Center Districts, there are different rear setbacks. Mr. Wilson said the Kirby Mixed-Use District Is a three to four block stretch do" 14rby. from Tangley almost ro University. He said it's an area that is currently zoned Townhouse and the Committee is of the view that that's probably not the highest and best use of beat property. He sad there has been no new construction in that District for more than 20 years and that residential ingress and agrees on Kirby is so different now than it was 30 to 4o years ago when the ordinance was originally drafted. He said me idea is to create a Kirby Mixed -Use District by also allowing light commercial uses in this District. Mr. Wilson said the Committee has heard concerns from residents on the east side of Lake Street who don't want any kind of commercial use in that area, but it seems clear to the Committee that additional uses are probably appropriate in this area to promote some kind of reasonable orderly development He said me Committee has focused its efforts on looking at what would be the least intrusive uses that could be allowed He said there has been discussion about a lot of alternatives and options, but the Committee is leaning towards allowing all light commercial, with a one -story height resignation and Nat Council would have to address what the rear setbacks would as Counclmember Vehle inquired about fence height. Ms. Scarcella responded that 10 feet will be allowed, not required. Page 2 M8 City Coundl Minutes. October 13. 2014 Mr. Wilson said the real problem in Nis area is that the lots are just too small. He said the Committee has discussed as M whether there is anything that could be done from a legislative standpoint that would encourage property aggregation. He said Mere aren't any great ideas and thinks market forces will have to drive what goes on. He said the fact that the lots are shallow pastes additional problems. Mr. Wilson said some of Me adjacent residents inquired about encouraging more townhome development but one of the significant Impediments for townhome development is the parking requirements. He said there are mare parking requirements in the Townhome Districts than in the Single - Family Detached Districts, because there is no on -street parking on the perimeter streets (e. g. Kil Bissonnet Holoombe) and it is clear Nat no residents want people who don't live Mere parking In their neighborhood Be , d you reduce the parking requirements in Me Townhome District and prohibit commercial property, another problem is vested. Mr. Wilson concluded his presentation and said from a timetable standpoint, the Committee is expecting a final draft of the report by the and of the month (October), interaction with the ZPC and Council in November and December. and a final report to Councl with That and second readings of the ordinance in Me first quarter of 2015. When asked by Mayor Fry IT More was anything the Committee wanted from Council, Mr. Wilson said if there isn't going to be any support for commercial uses on Kill the City could save time and effort by saying so now. Mayor Fry said the Committee should keep working the process with the consultants and advise Council what it thinks is best. 2. City FaclliM1es Master Planning Matters related to the Ci ys Facilities Master Planning. At 5:50 p.m., Mayor Fry recessed the Workshop and convened into Executive Session per Section 551 072 and 551.071 of Chapter 551 of Me Texas Government Code. Mayor Fry, Mayor Pm Tom Sample, Coundlmember Yehle and Handbook, City Manager Ross, Assistant City ManagerlPUMlo Works Director Peifeq City Attorney Petrov, City Secretary Lenz and Jeff Gertm rwith PGAL were in amanuensis. Councilmember Johnson was absent. At 6:10 p. m., Mayor Fry dosed the Executive Session and reconvened Me Workshop, Mc Gerber gave an update on the Facilities Master Plan. He providetl background on the facilities and Men discussed the results of the Master Plan prorsas, which were as follows: • Faclllly Assessment o City Hall to remain HUB of City business and ultimate location of the Administration, Finance, Fire, and Police departments. o Water tanks and fuel station on Milton to remain. o Expressed goal of previous City Councils to relocate Public Works Operations Department from City Center to improve functional efficiencies and remove incompatible land uses. Bin Picture Master Plan Ideas and Opportunities o Consider a 30 -50 year planning Tendon it Maximize value of surround property Page 3 of 8 City Council Minutes, Octaber 13, 2014 o Consolidation of customer services o Consolidation of ample and well screened parking In the City Center Most efficient use of available property o Replacement of strategy for existing facilities (Community (Senior Canter, Library, Public Works) • Public Works Recommendations o With the exception of water tanks and associated support infrastructure, look for opportunity to relocate Public Works Operators out of City Center. Factors to consider for site selection: • Cost to construct and relocate facilities. • Travel time to center of West University Place for those components to provide bs"100s. • Compatible surrounding uses. n Wear and tear on neighborhood streets. ➢ Safety of permanent travel. v Proximity W Public Works Administrator. Operations Recommendation: ➢ Relocate Public Works Operations to City's Westpark (Dinars) property. n Existing site on north side of Milton can be repuryosed or sold for other use. o Relocate Public Works Administration and Public Inspection wiN or near other customer service functions in or near Oty Hall. • CRY Center Recommendation • Prepare for full reconstmotioNreloration of aging facilities while property is still available. • Continue to evaluate highest and best property, uses that am entirely beneficial with West UBaptist Church. • Create. ability W have future city -super block" bounded by University, Amherst, College and Auden. • Improve quantity and quality of available Parking for City and community use in City Center. • Continue consolidation of City functions to allow for efficient delivery of City services • Improve level of(buiMing) hardening for critical City, functions. Mr. Gerber then reviewed the City's current property ownership, the West U Baptist Church's property ownership, the Church's options and the City and Church's potential property ownership. Mr. Gerber said the church has been given funds for a Youth Comer and during discussions with the Church about their shing choices, it was mentioned that a good location for the Center would the Citys current Public Works Operations. He said the benefit of that locaton is that it would maintain better cannot for the City in its forme developments, because it can eventually lead to a Cry 'Super Block" and have all the Cry's services in one location. Mr. Gerber said he believes that the creation of a'Super Block" for the City will be a much more effective way of providing City services in the ruera. With no further business, Mayor Fry adjourned the Workshop at 6:30 p.m. Page 4 of 8 City Council Minutes, October 13, 2014 REGULAR MEETING (8:30 p.m. In the Council Chambers) Agenda items were as follows: Call to Order. Mayor Fry called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. in Oe Council Chambers. Council and Staff in aftendance were: Mayor Pm Tam Sample, Counchmenfews Heathcod and Yehle, City Manager Ross, Assistant City ManagetlPublic Works Director Parer, City Secretary Lenz, City Attorney Petrov, Potice Chief Walker, HR Director Stantlod, and Executive Assistant Evelyn. Councilmember Johnson was absent. Boy Scouts Andrew Smith, Backed Vine, and Harry Wessel, Troop 55, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary Lenz confirmed that the Notice of the workshop and regular meetings was duly posted in accordance with the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. Agenda was as follows: 3. Public Comments There were no public comments. a. City Facilities Master Planning Matters related to the City's Facilities Master Planning. RecommeMed Action: Dewsa and take any dounad action. City Manager Michael Ross presented. He said with me City's good relationship with the (West U Baptist) Church and the recent plans the Church has brought forward of do intent to build a Youth Center on their property on Amherst, the City's decisions making process and reason for bringing this to Council was accelerated He said the Church needs to begin construction on the Center in the fuel quarter of 2015 and so staff felt it worth Council's consideration to entertain die idea of an alternative location for their Youth Center, which is at the location on Milton and College, currently where the City's Public Works Operations facility is. Flora Craft, 3833 Amherst, spoke to ask Counal what it plans to do wim her house. Mayor Fry sad the Master Plan is for 30 — 50 years down the road. He said there is no intent at this time M move her out of her house and that she can stay as long as she wants. Mr. Ross said the City would want to be the next owner whenever in time that happens. He said the City Is looking way out into the future, but staff and Counal wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the Citywants to someday own certain properties. Frank Vargas, 3901 University Boulevard, spoke to say that he didn't know that die City was that far advanced into the master planning ideas of this whole thing. He sad it seems to him that the biggest beneficiary of this may be the church. He said he has nothing against consolidation, but said he is concerned about the immediate future. Mr. Vargas said if the City sees that there is an immediate need, within Me next 3050 years, does the City have a list of items of how it will pmceetl. Mr. Ross responded absolutely. He said if Council access tonight to approve Me 'Super Block" concept and to approve the relocation of Public Works, the City would continue its negotiations and Page 5 Di e City Council Minutes, October 13, 21)14 discussions with the Church and W they are interested in possibly building their Youth Facility at the comer where Public Works Operation is currently, instead of on Amherst, the City will do what it has to do to put that out on the market for sale. and if the church submks a viable market value bid then Me City Council could consider taking it. He said the City would sell that property and use the funds to build the new Public Works Operations building at another location. Mr. Vargas said in the end, he would rather the City have control of the "Super Block" than to leave it to a private enterprise, including the Church, because he feels the City would be more responsive to the opinions of the citizens. Mike Brem, 3834 University, spoke to say that he understands that the City is saying that this is a 30-50 year plan, but what does that do to the four private property owners who this affects? He asked who would ever buy their properties should any of them want to save tomorrow or 15 years from now? He urged Council to do one of two things: Dadde tonight Nat k will exercise the Citys right to eminent domain so they could begin the process of selling their homes for the value they hold today or vote no and revisit it in the future. Maggie Olinde, 3826 University, spoke to say that she lives in one of the homes being affected. She said her questions are why is the City doing this, when is it going to be done and how is it going to be funded? She said West U is not growing anymore, so why does the City want to expand to accommodate administrative and recreational facilities. She said those facilities can stay where they are and can be renovatedmadernized, or torn down and rebuilt, at a cost less than buying up the block and making a "Super Block" and disrupting the people who live Mere. Ms. 011nde said it is very disheartening Mat the City could one day dedde it wants her house and take it. She said she has never heats anyone complain about the inefficiency of the "and said the City Manager is doing a fine lob. She said Me City should improve the efficiency by advancing technology, not building new buildings. David Dutch, 3901 Rice Boulevard, spoke to say he thinks the idea is horrible and doesn't want his tax dollars used for this. He said he has watched the church gobble up properties, taking them off Ma tax records and said he has grave concems Mat Me church is too closely aligned with City government. Mr. Dutch said Me City already has good facilities and he doesn't buy the 30-50 year tlmeframe being suggested He said it is great to have a good relationship with the church, but people's lives are being affected by eminent domain. He said he doesn't like the way this whole thing Is progressing and asked Council to really consider the impact to its fellow utizens. Katherine Sweeney, 3822 University, spoke to say Mat she and her sister have been in their home since 1979 and they are at an age and condition in their lives where they have planned to stay in their home and it is distressing to Mein to have Mis Issue came back up. She said they have special considerations and have outftletl Meer tome far handicap use and have done other things in preparation of staying in their home. She said what broke her heart was seeing that map that shows her property as a park. Ms. Sweeney said Me City is taking Meir homes, security and everything and she doesnY believe in any way, shape, or farm Mat the City is not going to exercise its night for eminent domain within the 30 -50 years. She said she needs cmRidence Mat they will be allowed to stay in their home to live out the last few years of retirement. Ms. Sweeney said leave them alone and give them confidence that they will not be bothered with this again, at least not In the next 10 years. Pogroms City Council Minutes, October 13, 2014 Mr. Ross saki Council has made it crystal clear that no one will be asked to leave their property. He mid this is a long -term plan, which is how it is done. He said the plan is for the City ro act only when homes become available. Mayor Fry said if Me City has the infelicity, residents should feel mare at ease, because the church can do whatever it wants with the property, it owns. He said if the City owns the property, changes would have to be made through Council aaion and the rights of the public would be preserved. He said the church already owns enough on that block Mat it can do pretty much what it wants to do already. Katrina Vargas, 3901 University Boulevard confirmed that the Mayor said the church can do just about anything it wants on the property it owns, but asked if there were some restrictions because the pastures are residential. City Attorney Petrov said they would have to comply with City zoning laws, but even so, Mere are some Federal statutes that give church's certain exda rights, which means they can build what they want. Mayor Fry said if the City can make the arrangement with the Church for the Youth Center location, A will give the City control over Mat block and should give same confidence to Me people who live there that May are not going to be asked to move. Counalmember Heathcoft moved to approve adoption of a "Super Block" in Me area bounded by University, College, Amherst and Auden and Mangrove it as a "Super Block" for future planned development and also move to approve the relocation of Me caner facilities at Me comer of Milton and College be relocated and that property be put up for sale. Counalmember Yehle amended the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Fry, Sample, Pachuca, Yehle Noes: None Absent: Johnson S. Consent Agenda All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of Mesa items unless a Council ember requests in which event Me item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in are normal sequence on the agenda. A. City Council Minutes Approve Gay Council Minutes of Me September 18, 2014 special meeting, the September 22, 2014 meeting and the September 29, 2014 special meeting. Recommenead Acn'on. Approve Minutes. B. Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook Matters related to an cadmium adopting revisions to the Paramount Policies and Employee Handbook and approving Me ordinance on Me second and final reading. Recommended Acbri Approve weirence aeoptin0rsawarons to the Personnel Poicies and Employee Handbook on the mconeantl final reading. Pao 7 of City Coundl Minutes, Conifer 13, 2014 C. Revisions to the Fee Schedule Matters related to an ordinance revising the Fee Schedule. Recommended Action: Approve ordinance revising the Qty's Fee Schedule on Use second and final reeding. D. Water Conservation Plan Matters related to an ordinance adopting the water conservation and drought commgency plan for the City of West University Place. Appove ordinance on the 16s(o /(woreatlings. E. Clashed City Council Meeting Dates Matters related to changing the meeting dates in November and December due to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Recommended Act ion: Change the November 24. 2014 meeting dale to November 17, 2014 and Mange the Cecember22 W14 meeting data to December 1. 2014, Mayor Fry moved W approve the Consent Agenda as presented. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heathratt, Yehle Noes: None Absent: Johnson Clay Manager Ross asked Council to make note of the changed dates for November and December meetings as noted on 5(E) of the Consent Agenda. He also said the Christmas Tree Lighting will be on December 1. Mayor Fry, said the City had the first session of me Citizen's Academy and said it was well attended and very informative. He said Communications Manager Lean did a very good job putting it together. Atli Wit no fud usiness, Mayor Fry, adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Pre a Thelma A. Lenz, City Secretary Date Aporf d