HomeMy WebLinkAbout012290S CC Min '"s? ~'() ~ '\:) w/ ~ }.r-r ~ , \6)~'o CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1990 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD~ 6: 30 P.M. City Council convened in workshop session in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, January 22, 1990 , with thefo 11 owi ng members present: ,Mayor Higley, presiding; Councilmernbers Bell, Jenkins, Redeker and Watson. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, the Chief of Police and the Director of Operations. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATIONS FROM TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT: Mayor Higley suggested that the City Attorney's recommendations be considered. On a previous occasion, the eity Attorney advised that if Council wishes to put up more stop signs, they may ask for an attorney generalis opinion that the code does not require the city to follow the Texas .Manual in certain circumstances. Another avenue might be to ask the State Department of Highways and Transportation to amend their Code. It was also suggested that the City ask the legislature to amend the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (Texas Manual). After discussion, motion was made by Councilmember Bell, seconded by Councilmember.Jenkins, that City Council place stop signs on Community Drive at Law Street and Judson Street. City Manager, Richard Rockenbaugh, suggested consideration be given to adopt, in writing, a policy for future requests for stop signs and that a review be made of past contracts with State and Federal agencies to determine if the City would experience any recourse for noncompliance with their regulations. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Councilmembers Bell, Jenkins Mayor Higley, Councilmembers Redeker, Watson None Motion was then made by CouncilmemberRedeker, seconded by Councilmember Watson, that the City request an Attorney Generalis Opl nl on as to whether the Ci ty is requi red to foll ow the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Higley, Councilmember Redeker, Watson Councilmember Bell, Jenkins None Councilmember Bell asked if were unlawful for an automobile to cross the double yellow stripes on Auden. Chief of Police Steve Griffith agreed to check the traffic laws. Mayor Higley recommended that the No Parking regulations along Buffalo Speedway remain as they are. There is no parking in the morning on the northbound side and no parking in the p.m. on the southbound. City Council concurred with the Mayor's " recommendation, however, concerns were expressed that there may be gaps in the signs. City staff would make sure the signs were posted in a consistent manner. (a) to support the West University Tri-Sports Association to repair and improve the backstops on the West University Elementary school playing fields; The Parks Board recommends that City Council request preparation of architectural drawings to improve the JMH park site and to improve the west end of Colonial Park including plans to move playground equipment from the west end to the east end; and (b) (c) The Parks Board approved lending its name to co-sponsor the Trees For West University Place Beautification Project., . ' 'n.~ DISCUSS AND CONSIDER TRI-SPORTS REPORT INCLUDING REQUEST FOR 'V on AUTHORIZATION OF ARCHITECTURAL' DRAWINGS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO JMHPARK: \ 'p.l?1l Dave Agerton presented information conc;:erning the development of the JMH site and requested Council consider contracting With an architectural firm to draw up the plans. Russ Schul ze presented a'report on repai rs and improvements to the West University Elementary Schools Athletic Complex. The report was wri tten by Mi chae 1. W. Conlon, Pres i dent of the West University Tri-Sports Association. The Tri-Sports Association requested permission and financial assistance for the following: " 2 . . ~-~-"--------,-,-------',".r,.FrcTP''1p.Jl!!m~~----"-_._.--~-''-- , 1 ,.... ;. "I liThe West University Tri-Sports Association seeks permission to make, and financial assistance for, necessary repairs and improvements to the West University E"lementary School Athletic Complex. The purpose of these repairs and improvements is to (1) replace aged and rapidly deteriorating backstops, (2) improve player and spectator safety, and (3) accommodate scheduling changes required by the continuing growth of our youth sports programs. The following recommendations have been developed by a Committee headed by Russ Schulze which included three representatives from the West University Little League .and three representatives from the West University Softball Association. After a significant cooperative effort, the Committee made the following recommendations which have been adopted and endorsed by the Tri-Sports Association and should significantly resolve field use problems for the foreseeable future. Certain of the recommendations require notification by the City to the delegate of the residents of the 3700 block of Rice Blvd. as set forth in the Memorandum dated January 4, 1989, from Curtis R. Cooper to Richard R. Rockenbaugh. Replacing Aged Equipment The condition of backstops on designated Field 1 (near West U. Library), Field.3 (east of Softball Field 2) and Field 4A (west of the Scout Hut) has deteriorated with the, age of the facility. We propose immediately replacing the backstops on Fields land 4A. Improving Safety The backstops on Fiel d 1 and Fi e 1 d 4A as well as the backstop on Field4B (directly south of the Scout Hut) are minimal in size for the desired usage and safety of the participants and spectators, We propose replacing, as appropriate, and extending the chainlink fencing at these locations. The new fence-would extend approximately 20' along each base line and would be 81 high. Modest dugouts for player safety wi 11 be i ncl uded at each 1 oca t i on and , portable bleachers, similar to those used on Field 2, will be added to encourage spectators to remain behind the protective fencing. In accordance with the spirit of item 6 of the January 4, 1989 Memorandum, the bleachers used on fields adjacent to Rice Blvd. will be relocated during the off season. . , ,~~ . , Safety is a key concern. We want to continue to assure adequate protection of players and spectators. Accommodating Growth The youth sports programs in West University Place have continued to grow and are enjoyed by an increasing 3 ,r.- ,'; ."j'~";-li.__'"'' . ~~n ,..11 "1f;,l.1,rrnn.IIRlnllll"n '--.---.-------'-,--'-~-~-~.'"''''-O-i,....I'',- ~r--lI number of families in our neighborhood. Accommodating more teams in a wholesome environment in the heart of our City requires more detailed planning"and field dedication than has been necessary previously. Responding to organi- zational growth has resulted in the following scheduling changes for the Spring 1990 baseball and softball season. 1. West University ,Softball Association will almost exclusively use Fields 2, 4A and 4B. Field 2 will be ' primarily used by the older players as has been the casein the past. Fields 4A and 4B will be primarily used by younger players including games previously played on Field 5 (next to the Teachers Parking Lot). 2. West University Little League will no longer use Field 2 for its Pee Wee Division Program on Saturdays. All Pee Wee games on Saturdays will shift to Field 5 where the Pee Wee Division has historically only played weeknight games. The Tadpole Program (ages 6-7) will play on Field 1 on Saturdays. To accommodate the field use allocation achieved through the efforts of Russ' Committee and the cooperative efforts of Little League and Softball, Fiel~s 1, 4A and 4B need the improvements mentioned above. In addition a non electric scoreboard, similar to the one on Field 5, may be placed at one or more of these fields. These improvements will solve the field use problem if implemented this Spring. Accordingly action to immediately accomplish the improvements is very important. The infield on Field 5 is being resodded and the Field's lights are being redirected and upgraded, with the approval of the West University Elementary School. These improvements are basically maintenance oriented and do not directly impact the Rice Blvd. neighbors. Because the foregoingrecommendation~ contemplate major capital improvements to the West University Elementary Facility, we are requesting that the City bear the costs which we tentatively estimate at $20,000 to $25,000. While we recognize that this is a significant cost to the City, it must be viewed in light of the continued safe and successful operation of your sports activities which collectively include approximately 2,000 youth participants. The West University Tri-Sports Association continues to work with the City to maintain and manage the West University Elementary School Athletic Complex in a responsible manner. We believe that the recommended improvements are important to the safety and wellbeing of the players and families using these facilities. 4 .- , , . 1.1. '1 .If <'<IllIi-W'lI"'- -.~--'-------rr1"""1I.1i r 1n1lli1.IIRlnlllfl'l'------- I' '[ r Signed: Michael W. Conlon President The West University Tri-SportsAssociationll After discussion, motion was made by CouncilmemberBell, seconded by Councilmember Redeker, that City Council authorize the appropriation of $25,000.00 for the improvements of the Mest University Elementary School Athletic Complex. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Higley, Councilmembers Bell, Jenkins, Redeker, Watson None None Mayor Higley recommended that staff be authorized to request proposals for architectural drawings for development of theJMH park site and Colonial Park, fund one-half of the cost from the city and one-half from the Friends of the West U Park Board. Motion was made by Councilmember Redeker, seconded by Council- member Watson, that City Council accept the Mayor's recommendation as stated. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Higl ey, Counci lmembers Bell, Jenkins, Redeker, Watson None None ~o DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECYCLING COMMITTEE REQUESTS: 1\/ ' \ Li nda Brannen, Co-Chairman of the Recyc 1 i ng Committee, submi tted ' minutes of the last meeting to be copied for Counctl. Ms. Brannen requested Council approve the expenditure of $60.nO for printing of the programs for the Recycling Town Hall Meeting scheduled for February 6, 1990. Ms. Brannen discussed ~ compost flyer for distribution to residents. Mayor Higley suggested the compost flyer be included in the IICity Currentsll. After discussion, it was agreed to include the flyer in the IICurrentsll. Mayor Higley advised that, with Council's concurrence, attendance of a Solid Waste Employee to the Texas Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Association Seminar would be handled by staff. Ms. Brannen reported that the paper bin used for collecting paper for recycling was not adequate. She requested Council v, c' consider purchasing a paper bin trailer for the Solid Waste Division at an approximate cost of $2,000. 5 .-0- :~_ . ,_. ;:"I~.' r--- -~"'fr"rm1m'n"IIRlnllll.1' '~"',1~' City Council considered the request for $600 for yard signs to advertise the recycling program and the request to purchase recycled paper for the printing the "City Currents". It was generally agreed by Council that more research be done before deciding on purchasing recycled paper as to other available sources for the paper and methods of storing the paper so that it does not absorb moisture and ruin. After discussion, motion was made by Councilniember Watson, ,. seconded by Councilmember Jenkins, that City Counci 1 approve' an expenditure not to exceed $2,000.00 for purchase of a trailer for the collection of paper for the recycling program and approve'$600 for yard signs. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Higley, Councilmembers Bell, Jenkins, Redeker, Watson ' None None Mayor Higley recommendeo that Linda Brannen call the member of the committee to see if he still wished to remain on thecominittee and report back to Council. ~o DISCUSS AND CONSIDER LONG RANGE RECYCLING COMMITTEE REQUEST: "CU Chairman Michol OIConnor of the children1s recycling committee requested Council consider appropriating funds for the printing of "Trash Buster" bumper stickers. The stickers will be used in connection with the educational and promotional efforts coordinated through the West University Elementary School. Motion was made by Councilmember Jenkins, seconded by Counc;l- member Watson, that City Council authorize approximately $800 for the printing of bumper stickers. Mayor Higley recessed the workshop session at 7:28 p.m., to convene in regular City Council meeting. At 9:00 p.m., Mayor Higley reconvened the workshop session with the following present: Mayor Higley, presiding, Councilmember Bell, Jenkins, Redeker and Watson. Staff members present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Operations, Chief of Police and Superintendent of Utilities. ~~ DISCUSS AND CONSIDER REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY SEWER LINE REPAIRS tOR 3800 ~J AND 3900 BLOCKS OF CASE AND SWARTHMORE AT A COST WHICH SHOULD NOT ~ EXCEED $35,000. R. E. Simpson presented information concerning a sewer complaint on Case Street. During staff1s investigation, five areas were determined to require point repair. Visual inspection of the lines indicated the sewer line to be in extremely poor condition. Based on that investigation, staff contacted three firms for 6 . r.]_ II.U .r_llDlI[~:::I.lIImlll1]' .111 ...]'1"'" proposals after which the firms made on-site inspections. It was staff's recommendation that the sewer lines be declared an emergency condition and that Council authorize staff to contract with the best proposal to slipline the sewer lines at an estimated cost which should not exceed $35,000. Motion was made by Councilmember Redeker, seconded by Council- member Watson, that City Council a'uthorize the sewer repair in the 3800 and 3900 blocks of Case and Swarthmore at the approximate cost $35,000.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Higley, Councilmembers Bell, Jenkins, Redeker, Watson None None COUNCIL COMMENTS: No member of Council had additional items for consideration. 0\0 tl DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PURCHASE, EXCHANGE AND VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY: Consideration was given to purchasing Byron Street lot including appropriation of the funds for the purchase and other matters necessary or incidental thereto. ' At 10:15 p.m., Mayor Higley recessed the workshop to go into a closed executive session as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., as amended, Article 6252-17, Section 2(f). ' DISCUSS AND CONSIDER CITY MANAGER EVALUATION: Closed executive session as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., as amended, Article 6252-17, Section 2(g). At 1:00 a.m., Mayor Higley reconvened the workshop in open session. ~1-qCl In consideration of the purchase of the Byron Street Lot, motion was made by Councilmember Redeker, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that City Council authorize the offer of $140,000 to the owner of the lot. Voting Aye: ' Voting No: Absent: Councilmembers Bell, Jenkins, Redeker Mayor Higley, Councilmember Watson None ADJOURNMENT: \......-. ,-,j There being no further business to come before-Council at this time, Mayor Higley declared the workshop session adjourned at 1:15 a.m. .' i.., 7 ....:, , . , ,.. !A.L II .I.- l>-.l~,""'_~ I 'II II U ILII11l[TI~lInIHBlrll. "~I~