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010525 CC Min
,~~. \ I ....." ",\ ,,~), ) ,/ -)\ "',// xxxxxx ,janU1i.l:r'y 5th 1025.. =~7J The fiTst regular meeting of' t:t}.e Town Coullcil of the TO'J'J:Ll of Wei3t Univenmty Place Vila!:) called. J;o onler at 0 r~l.I.LIon(iHY , Jan t 5th 1'025 e 0 OUIle ilrnen p:res,~nr wfJ're, , . .'4 H.B.Schlesinger, H..L..13uker, J .A. Walling,' ',' ( I) L1ayo I' . , Corn.. II , ~~ r[,he mc,)eting was called to order by May'o I' , SchlGl3inger. ll~~' E~tate(l the first busil18LS to be disposed of woulcl, be theappoirJtment of a Town C ler};:. After SOIne discussion Mayor Sc hIe singer P:rol')os- ed the name of J,. Ifl.DuYlningt on for the place.. Com, .Baker made Motion that J .M.J)urmipgton be appointed Glerk,U om Walllng ~l.econd- ed the motion., V,oye, called for by Mayor. Voting AYE Baker 'and W8l1in~.. ' .' 0' " Mr. Dunnington was present and was asked. to keep the records of the meeting. ( 2) The appointment of c1 City Atty, \!Vue next, dii:;clli3f:1ed. Ha;{or Schles.... inger propot,ed the: tl.ppointmel1t ,of Robe,rt ,J...I60n Sonfleld~ Afte.r .some discmH1iOY' Com" Walling made aMotion that Mr. S'onfielcl be UI)l')oint- ed. Second by Com, 'Baker. May or- Schlesinger called. for a'vote. " Voting AYE Walling and Baker.. ClerkDunn~ngton was directed to so ad.vise Mr. Sonfielcl of his aI)pointment tM<<th~;;posi tion" ' , , ~ "ii, ,.,', ~.~;;\",,;,::. '",.. ".'i ' , ',' ",.":'~ 'w' '1.~iJ!, .. ,(jbt<'.. - . The appoi:~ltment of it 'T'owr'i 1i:ngineer waB the 'next matter to c,ome .before the Counc;il. ;...ftersome cliscuBsion,Com~ Baker made a mot-' ion thC:l t Mr. ~ .H~H.8.fferty be UP1')oi'nted to the p08i tiono" Com Vial"" ling made a second to the lIotiOl1~ 1'he'Mayor oallecl for' a vote.' '. . Voting AYE Baker and Wtilling. Clerk Dunnington was directed to so advh3e Hr.. Hafferty.' ( 3) ,;: J ".1 , " ( 4) The next matter, to '. come, before the CO,Ul1cil for consid.er~tion was the appointmen c of t. Tov\T'"fl Tax ~isse ::1sor an(i C?lle~~O'~, t~.f;er some discllEsion Hayor iJchle (.:dnger :r:ropo ::.led. the nume O.L l,Ir~C .J::'. Ga-r.'lmill. Motibl1 made by Corn, \vallll1g.. Second byP om. J3gJ'C'er that Iff G 11 be a'n'pol'nted., I,Iayor called fO,r., a, vote. ,vo,tir,l",g", i..lYE" J.V1r . ummi.' J:;' , Wallil1g uDci. Bc'I.\..er. Clerl~ DmmingtOl1 was d.lrtwted t.o so tl:cLvlse M,r. Garl1mill of the i.rpPOll1tment. ~ , '~~:": . I I : , I '\ I ,". '.~'" ," . "~"!"~1:"~,','1. /'.' '1fr:I:"'~" .~,.,. ,'v..,.... _, '~",,' .'.h . l , ')\y ,,'i~), " ' "~'~", J ; . .~~ ~:; t .L .~... -I. ~.: ..L~. . .... """ .. . '>'''''>''''' -'. ':" ~,- ,.,': \ ..,,~ ( 5) "~~ -~{ "1' , (:,~\,j~f . ' 'Th~ ,~~<pP,Q1!~t~~~tf:bt,:~~),T,g~:m:, ~v4t;t'sn~ll : \\rial di's~iullll's'e.d:)'atj ;Le~gth a]ft'li" :t>a'i'Hse<l"'to next tnBJet(img~_,:(~he"'mat:tre\t-. Jie'i-:m.g le:$t'l't'b' 'Mayor. S hI 0 ........ 0 t. ''''-''' ',. ! ,"I' ',,":/'0' i"f"'.r<< r ,'.,,'f,'Cr. )' ',' 'c eSJ.:ngeJ.."lJo J.l1ves J.ga'vs. "..,,"..,,',~ "'V' "__',~L'M'."! .(" "'"" !.,; "~.. 0.... () ~" ( 6) ."C;',"" "",' :; '.,. U .] l' t.. '... ..... . \ ,'. .h. . ,,, t r ,~...:. ,. .'....l. ..',.,. <, '. "" . ~ The appointme:nt of a Town Healt~ Officer wam discussed and ."."pa.,. :+~, ~~"d" . t.~,,',.-, ..'~",:e,. ,x.:, ,:t, '. r;u, ,.r,eIe!" f tj, ,.,i~g:,:""",..' .,:,,1,\ I ' -.. ''>"'' , .. ~ "' .tt 00>' :):)"1:C O~ c~.!r~(,..Ju u.;.:': ':_;~Cj"f)([(, .{. ~~ ':;'XtY,J.L~}'.\.'.. tf.S ~'!.il,:t ,"';'~l (J~!..f\C,"'. JC(?'))~)'.:~O!.~f.l;:r Hd' (iJ ;".,,~~'C1r..i.L ~,f' '~.~~t2ML't _ .f:" (". ", .....,.(..,. ,I'f;__',',',~::"l.,l,',~"'." ~. ~ \ ("l~'h'I"'" " r, .\ .I - ~ ~.. - ';_,',~\>.;.;,~'. 1 ~"'.1 ~r"\":);:.I.~" ;:'; '., "_".-:~ ':~;-:);j'~..~~",~ .>>.'IC'.~. .:', l:-''.!. f,) .-1:(. ".L~':,:;_..<}.~" ff.:~.C \9 ~;;~..I:'.;:~'r ,.' .O'}~ ~f.{, I ;(J::Uf.~."\ ""~ .~. "J c' .~,\[~+ j....' - ;'; \~~ ~fr.~:~'l!l.~r{Or~~tJheCittt< ',q:t; ,frio ~~til1ii~1i~;p!'~~~S ':llf8P:e:c'%~~,.wa'~:' ~i:~biu~~~ (~,,; J.da::tidfpa::fsedLto 'so'ie:, 'f1tture'^'mei8'ti-E:g' tlialtC.1E~g;l:11le\er "RSi:@fs'rpyi:'may ',,- ( m!lr~~ .~;ra ~~:v:;e S~c\e~t.i,o~ ctl~d hav:~ am. o;p,pert]Uli ty to }nak;e<ar,i"rleIJ'" ,!....,..,. rfdH~t.~. . .,)J....~ '.;~.)~..,r... CI...! .11,.1.. (I).' ~\ ,,, ,( "1~1 \..i[(O",~:1~..,- .,../ ,_C dr. ';.rL '.lr~j. G ," " I,. ' ( 8 ). \ ,.. } ( t:;.' ;~). . f J~' '.._ '" ".' \j!I, 6:f:?"l ~~t'(:'t";1~,"~~";,,:J&)~~"~:~;~~~;;~~;:::~~~ ~bo' .:;,~:'~ ;1~H~~~ 1~;h"; ";"'~""'l ',., ',~ " , to.' ',.f r., 'ht ,,' ;' rn,."'.'... ,o7,a~ :~"" I~,g" . e ~,,", ;J.~'''H''J.' ".~.91J.. ", ,', "~, r9Sllgu aT. ee ,1Jm.g Jl1I.J,.g S .. .1, , "v J ::'0+\ ,}h{e):;C.'d'U~r((~~, ~Y1d'u.;+,<<'~~:~, ',.J~.1Yr C)r~t:!~~L~i\i. _'ftt~-T(t Mo:m'd:a.Ys Cofetim'lf .0'~cilll.th"~t' t3"'P"!1~,),..,/:dU,,'\',..'~~l,J.! ,[()\,"-,l"l. .'1,\'",<", ; C, '(' "j':' ','.: o;j Jf~;~] :j:,:~(;~;,.; , c" ,:-0.. ~;~~.~}U~:~~~~(~:~.~:~~ ~(?9:~fl,g . ;}~~;s3L ,f~: .~' :l~:,titf,~I;:'-~:;(":'" ';: ;'; ',:~: ~ :~' \. ~ I, J t - - ., ., ", - .t'~," .. ..,...;. I> r...' '.,......{ "e' V,,- B~""\t~w::~~, ~~d reg1}.J,.,atioJa of (J~1~" \ .. I -\\jt , "",\Cl:'e ,qO~,il"w~s,,:',Q.if!'lQ;q,ss~,9- ~t ,1,e.l1gt:h!""Qq~ ~.~k~r,~a,d~ ,a moti,q,n , , ~ + ~hr,.:t~at ~'Tp;Wj '~,A't.ty, :Sto]if.te,r~~9,e' :'<<tt~!6~t~,tr:!td <fr~vv.~:p:;:~'; ~'e,~'bf' :i?y1;aws " "'}":'a~'d: re" j "t'f"':ms:' 1.. '..JdLuJ!.'~ \)iit x:Jtarl1e c''E,cp1tlie'' (' o1h1&f:E Utot:':thed,iL.:a; "'_ ,,'" JP.\, gv.,~ I"/~~; :~ll ('11, I:f;,E;l"'I".fiI"'~'" ''11.11 ,..~,~_..'.!.l:':'.. ,J ';' ," "I, '..L P ", '; ...., '''!',' ,[;\fva1~: ~!~ e c'(j ._~ h" ':W$;I lii1~ ~L' V o-~e'> C'all's d 'clfot".: '10 t img!'AYE ;'Ba~ei "\,..,, ,;;: ~;Ii~('1~~~~1l$l~~~"\ :~;g~<<<<;J',;;r~~J '_l,: (;;[I~:~;'i. :~~:; ,L ~t~{:~' .. ( :?",,~:J 'I: ,; L,,;.": 8:., ,~'.l'~j~~~,~~' ,:.~.. ' " ~~ ~> it ~/' ". ,., ", ,. ( 10) u,:~:','. .... ~I; ;..:~ > : \;' .(.; ,;:~ C:i .. i. Taxation was discussed to $ome"exte~t but mo definate action was tak.:~lil. The matter ~a8passed to some future meeting that the C 'dbiub.inl)'ma.t('hav~.t t4i1eii:,iEo;;giltT.e tneLmtitdlew' ,fu:rtla~;r'f eQns,ider~t;ioIl. iZ ~'," !:~.: ~ co.~ ;',' n. ':',; 't', :~ ~,.: ~ ,:", .. ."..... .' 'l,.~, :t~ :,:'~ ":~ ,:.:;, .. :';;' s:,' , '. "'>:r~'fe:t~i P,t3'1.ila~ ~~o" b;t'~~~.~'bu~:L.~es;s' tpcbm~:,;bftf~-reL.ctJw,. 'GoUFJ.P.~b::p,9:m .", :\V~l;l::u~g': ma.1fe~ .~'~~~tJ:oJ.l,' thatI' ~t~s'.GJ@UlilpiJ.:l"; ~a,t1J:~:t:l5rIa:-:! S epplil4" BY. ~q~m, "Ba~iirt .)" M'a'yor I cS'c'hle's1il:tige I! ': (a;a; J ou:v:ned A;heLme t:}:t:;i"J.lg:~, ' c"" Ad j our1J.<8ar. dE'I' ;P[.,:M,.;l' '.:i . j' t c .i ",.i .~ (~ ", At Approved , ' i Atte8t~'?n~~~/~ ({: Approved Jam 19th. Mayor. ""e;';' "'1\ ~, y "/.~~.- Clerk. ~ '..~,......'~