HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1927 .. .~ January 3rd, I92S. The City Counc.il convened in regular session Monday Jan,3rd at a PM for-the purpose of considering any business that may corne before them. Councilmen present were, ,. H.D.Schlesinger, Mayor. A.f. ~~ J.H.Baker, Vom. J.A.Walling, " rJ J.M.Dunnington, Secty.,;' ";~ J.H.Raf:ferty, Eng. '.>e ';., G.B.Murray, Marshall. "i'" Engineer Rafferty submitted for approval the following est- imates on the street improvement programe. Estimate # 3 Series ti :fI: 3 IS " :fI: 3 'J ".u,A" 1I,d\'l .8. E.K.High & J.H.Rafferty. ,12.000.00 Miller & Miller ) $9.000. 11.000.00 J.E.Rafferty, ) 2.000. ' Total. # 23.000.00 '\ Com, Walling made motion and it wae seconded by Com,Baker that the above amount be approved and paid with Warrants. Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. " liO: None. There being no other business to come before th~ Council for consideration Com, Walling made Motion tha.t council adjourn, Second Com, Baker. Attest[l7;?; ~';;>-"'~cty, c:J . . ... ~ j" January 17th. 1921. .. ~ .' .,-' [ : ~: .: ~.:". ,. ," The City:Cou.neil o GnTened: lit.. r.e gtila.r: session 11onday'Jan.I7th ." .. . ,. , at 8 PM to ,oonsider any business- ,that 'may come . before:thefir.' , Ootmcilmeit pre se~t 'vVereaEr':f!~lllliOWS~,'" '::.'), . .... ;'....... ...:....., ~:.~~.:.~.?c~.':.... ":.. :...... .,~,', .~. . . -' : H.B.Sonlesinge'r-..':' '.;;;;' . :::-]Eay-or. ' ,i. , , J..A ~ Wall.f.n~'; . i.' , ,;;: ,:: :!'.::. : '. Com'. . . _..... . :. . ,;'.J. H !:Bake:ri.' '>'.,:'::' . ,. (.' - (~ . ,.' ," · ~ . .', J.M..Dinm1r1gton.~.'.: ':i::'~'i..Seo:tYt v' . 'J.~ H. Raffe r'ty . \,'. ," (, r ~~ , 'En~~ .- ($ " - . ",' ;\- t;:'( . :.() r; n": ,:,. >.!" ~; ",;.'" .'.... . ,'1: ,{.J' _~,. i ::.' : :J", . 'j (); . . ..~ J..". t i .:.~' N; ,;.. .;.... ....,:. I" l- I The~ :fi:rs't matter' to'<;!0fue!:-l>efdre :.theC'0u.il6i:L for oonsidera,t1:on" was a. p.roposal signed by E.K.Higli}C6ntr . giving.' p!liicee,:on:$'!ib... sti tutions and extras to be used in the construction: 'o:fsewer and w6;.ter ~ineoonstruo~j'f~~'" ap.d,. ;q.P: rnent.io~ed ip. the g~neral . contra4st ~!~ven him. ,..J:lHa~2~--::j~:a.:.:.al3....t~li.o.ws..:t_:.: ,^._..,,':':'~:!:.::':,,_,_ . ~. "".8;~cl, X a" "'11" Each $ I.IO -"fs;r~;~ends ll. ,;.' ..'.' ' .. 70 - , " ' . . o'\! x. 611 "'1" Tf::~."J~'I..ot)'., ;':.' <-',;. ,: 6n "~.,on 811 Pipe ";),,.:"'l':} ; i'['~'IO i ..~. 'j /") 6 \1 St's.ok n 3.00 Sf '.';.r.. .,(.(..........:..68:: ~,o6~'"'~0:t~it?~i'o'( -,~~.....;t;;.-.. '". .".:. 17,+..500' IJ'~' ~ ...., ... . .. X" .I. T. v-~s . ,. r,on I,vv'a-'"e.r.' p:1.pe, ";.,", ~\hO ". " "'C:h"'.:' e~~ B~end~L~G~stfJ:~~1Gfii.J an'" :,;..-;"fI', q:"~"".r' _: [<~*00;- ~,- .,.)~ .,"'- - .. 8J1' Stand.a~a 'ts.lve%;< ....,.,t),..:. . :':' 2' "..S@~0@'J ,I,} It'?' ~ '.'.0 '.. ~ ';':.:'. ,,6,~f:I :",-'- ,t~-:":' :~;:':~\ ~:, ::; .;! ~ l; :.: ~ ;';,'~'. . ::;,(., T .:: '..t , '/ '.?'~,~.. u. '~()'~.09{': ., ";~~t~ ~ :.' ., ',' .F1r~t'f.1Y<,!:r:ant'~.' ... ..... ',.., t. .,:: ..- ''"':~..:''89~.Oe... '~b t f"'i~.' ~ :'o:::~:- !.~l~;~~::-~~~X~.~;::':,:, P:~' ,,:.i:';': .;."~' ~~(:.~ . ;~;>. I;:.,:.~ t,:;:~:,;,: ,: :~:f~~~ (J';': ,', I _. U'pond?:,eM?'J!m1e1'lif~t4(mi.: off[ .', C(1ty()Eng~r~:Re.:fferty';:C'Gin :,~vQ:ii~:ng: -:~a:de.':," ... mo~;1~e:f.r 't~a't;. th~F~ ab:G.:Vtrtpf1ce's:'~.a:pproved'ahad'aee~p(t:ed'; Seo~; ".'. ::'0n'd~~~bYl'O~~. :~i~1fe~~ :~:;r:;?- ..::;;~)~ ;~~:{/~( ~ ,~'"'.; '. .', ::~:<:: ..:7(:-':::, .: ,:::r ".~ Votltng AYE':',-.W~lll3:I?-g a~a<B~ker..'..;':.' ,t.: .." . ..... , . ~"~'.e~:N.O~J;(:<':NQ:ne'~\.~,,; n>:,.dcj;: !)[',' .~.~~':\:":'<"'::'i:':.::;d;.; .=':,,,.~:':,<.,. ' .', I I Ii r II I L .:\. ..:..': Iv1a;W0r.Schlesi:nger~:made t}i~-. ~;a;gge'sti~n':L"~~a~,:~.;:,'get>~'a pr('3::p:esa;t from Q iiy- 'of,:' H~:u:e t.~~) F'i r~ ~ .Q'otItF in, Ife'f~ard 'S. t ~;ma.:~ingL'~r:rang.eJl,,,. men~$ f:~r fi~E!.L~r'o'teij't!i))f.l!.!:i~n;7 ~e~ t.:.: Un:i versi 'by .;P.~aee;~;urne <:>~:ofutc:i 1 arl2.$o"~''disoitsseit:? ~;hEF :p~oba!bi1.q..1,ty~~..O:f[ pu:tt'iilS" itlj:~:i.'r~ }j>l~g's;~a~d.-;J d alJta'rni::boxe$~:' ;:,(..,('1 t;,:iT ;:t;;Gi.i.;.:..'~"';;.~::'.:,,:!,:. . ,::'.: ',.:f.'.:.L[.'_' '~;.,:,,;,.,<";":),:. ....':~.;:' f~:'~:' :f'$:.:~. ".l~~~~~.':'. :;.-';'..""." ~.~~:,"~';.._.;.::/~.f. ~\,.",~.: .\.:( .'.. 'jD:..! ':_'.~' _', ,.... -.::;.L:,~.r :.::.:",'" Engineer Rafferty pJ;esen!ied t~e foll,?wing e.s't1me.t:~B :f0:r~ap~o. ." '1 ' . " ,..( ." , '. ."'.' . provs.. - - .' ,. '.f., ,'.'. .' ". ... '"'" .. -', 0 ".., . ","~':'l.f ;.: ' '~'...J:~~.. .;:1:" ... :T'.~;'lt:.:.~;.~:.. ~ . f..,_.:'~,:.~c:~~'q"~':~:':~]' ft.'";" '._ q~":':_.; J.~J~'._~' ".." Estirw.te 1F 4 Series"A" J!.i.K.H~gh. &:.j,.iHRa:ff:~rty~", ?04l09~hOO:c, :.:::J,.L'r,.:.,.> .,:!j.4[1<': ;f~X(:'.B.' ,~iilJ.er:..'&<rvI,:~':~.;H:~Raff9~ty!rhe'QO~00 . ':~'_' .. (': :,~": i:'" .. ."1,.'."".,, ':.;: .,::':'."pot"al'.L ,.qp'33,e'eO'~Oe:l'. o ~.~_ .t~::.; r.LE-,.! u.r :";.',: ,to r,- j~;:.C", ."._.n ::-CorIlp:Vjall::i.hg'made.motion aila..:-O'oni Ba~er';~eoonded' i t'.'that th~ '<a.b'0veV am0un:tbe ,approved a:i1~J'Paid~ w.ith :.1Narrants'.: .,'. : :. ." Voting .aYE: Walling anEL.:B.aJre:t'. ,,-'. <.'; ~..' -. ,.,tit1~'''':''-'..':N'O-.''(~ NGJne' ," ::'<"i'~.. ",,":'~"'.,r.' .;". ,~~' '''Y'.,..',: ...: '1::;:':. ' :.~:.;... .:. ' .'" '.' ,.. l ., ,. .-., .... . ,,'{'c::n.1 $ ',' .. < :.1.): ~/.J.J' l '~'\'~< ~ .~~ ~\ (~. I It .:{ j'" \~ I ~\~ 11 ~_ f-JJ.t: ':':'t ~ ~ Secty Dunnington was directed to write Gale Bras regarding the c~sh bond deposited with the Town to assure the carrying . 9R$,\,pf ~lii~g'etm~l!~I~d'0W~ih!,~~,~ij~!igJtl'J,e.@:ePt~-e;fX:ll@P:tti~RO~a~3:~g e,riT watemlil~i~~,(;i~dv~gr~ilmit;~nc@y..ilr$.~G8tr1;and' 'Y.;u.e '!eblalloo oj- r,F[ tJ :j.(l The Council next dJ.scussed j;B.om.aQirJ_lltg,~;JilQl tillki@w~j ~~I~@~.~N;:': for handling taxes and acting as Treas. Mayor Schlesinger suggested that iP"f.$"!allnloh as the worf':(~ft.tfJ,j;&~:ti~a:1iLl!avier and required a greatdeM4IDOf ones time . tha~;g!)~Ig:t.ArW should be placed at , 50..00 per month. Commence~pg~~"tHr~tt 1927. and that this- amp'\.}tilieWs.s to pay for a:t1!wO~.tArr.MJ.lJ.'dihat will be necessary for, t.l;18H$ax dept to emploY.friI111?.imOHtp time,and is to be paid for by Seoty Dunnington out of this amount. After some disoussion Com Walling made motion that the above - a.J'-.,~-p.Jl.$'Il~l~1:8~~;:J,.iwitll:S!!$Ru~tJllU;!1lgt~p.'!5~e~M\?tJl.ielij b~e@@~ '8~~l.e.ri'l' Y~iilin&OAii@1l'tli~~g1:an4jJi.~efrl~nr ~:;[. :~r V;rf IH'1f!:g.ta Jsaoq:o<xq .e t::iBW ,!~lP-:H:~ ,f~:i~tOF,~,!j-al1oD end" nl f)ea..u eo oj' 8iS'U:Kt. }jtf.1i U!!o.tj'JJj" l:Ja JnTc<J.f.> S,fL:r~.t" heJ:.l:Ol:;;tnefJ;f ;ten: .hns Ho'.U osJ':;;j: arfO::> @n:.U ':f.e:.hiw bITH A. 0, .. r 'r': ; q,-, 1-.", ~.Ataj'....., '. . !fL.;.,. ".'_""""-, ~.YS,!-u ~IC.) , 'i~ or.I <i r!OR.'li.'1. !' '1" "n "<j_ THE S TATi'\l pF ~l.'E;l(AS . ,,)).0> 1i'"J8. COV1lTY 0Ilo~IS " "yn Ila "'d L,' CITY OF ~;f UNIVERSITY PLACE eqJ:'_l tiB fro_I flU ~, OO.~ PJioNr. liD . .~. ,. O~~.I II 6('J':1. "O! no 'f. Ii.) ~. " OOOFM 17th. daYe&laJf..w.NYw~~.j~j';1jM ISJirt,. :.!fomglission of . .,.. ;t Unilf~r8Jty FiI.~oe, 1!eXas was cg~flD#i.lS~naJii>,@ias session ~ '~~.ts rt.mift&r m8!}ting place in thge9ijfju JIt..i!rr.itBtq said C1 ty vl~tA' allO<!al~:t>member,ls thereof, Tiz: H.B.Schle'SiJlger1.aMayor. I!~L~ Bs.\e:r ,C~.Q.i.:.A,. Wal. l;i.mg Corn, and' J .M.])umaA.igH!l.e.qj.~y Seotyt Pre8enttO~J(.HXJPIXD and passed the8t:iUo'f:~gvorder. . : It was moved by Com, J.a.Walling and seoonded by Com;". H.L~jJ,!:g:e~41 i:!? ~r~j" i8:t".mt.i:!dv;~ilO t~o qJf'J.I.I:i.4rrfN@it8JfSo:~{U sa i11.o 9 4 tnr9:Jllq&i'J3PfRJeHllil'o.)IoRPlrye~"c .!~r8i:~~ tYj f;f>"~9>w!i1g:r Oir:. proposition upon the question of issueJ.ng ~iU;.gt&9lJ.d1!a~'6.~Stfe ina.fter mare fUlly se tout, suoh" ~a.:li.lifi;iIBfJ t~.cr.l>.@.!.I.~rf1i ~.fj"C"V 26th, day of February, 1927. The motion was U~Dou.~t ca~- riea by the following vote. . . _ .I~ ~~.~ :'~tf W.l~&~ge&n~.lil~p.lG.t'J: ;)'j@~~~ga.AUY ~1J.,gm D@a~!ra ".Q!t6.rJ.~. 4lI{?HL ()6"'" If.!,,.p .htjf@iiir~.glf~l~&a.o~f>Ir~Wjw"'3He;~ri~j~ 0C'!~t .r. ,. ..' e~~p.nge~,~~ ~fJ.!aqli\tlh:'(9)~j'~\f1}tnllnr:j;~!r34$"'Xil.'!J:hN~ o~tnelr:. ~ ta~Ang,,~.3~~ Ml'lij.t WM.rJMq :L~e~~"~.ltf~~ O~'!S.$i!igr?~'.r. Naa.4Jt:.' and lega:Ily. binding ooliga. tions agaJ.nB t the said Cj.$ifJf.o r!nll't.r . &mounts and of the description hereinafter, more fully set out, 1;o..!V~i,'I~' ~@~~~]Y'~e_#.."J:l:'l'foI.ro':t .e,\~;:I' .beJr:rBD:'.n::I "~'If.':;~t't.uE 'H)~n.t~;\,l1:~i, , 11.000.00 Town of If',st UniversJ.ty Plaoe Fund..J.ng Warratl.:tJYO':f~) dated Jan, 20tht ~926?be~ring intnest at tae rate of 6)'o'per - $n.n1l~m"'OI:Ol/n':;"mA,t'fl~IIl~~1O'.@'~.IllA'rI1'A;ll~.d't_ H~ '\r" "..lJ~"')t,.,.,,",;-, ,1\ :!," ""-+,,.iVr.r' ..l."",~ :lf~l i;i~'~i>~!i;w;it~U;i;~~i~~[Fiiaoet;St()m'-'~aite~ W~;~~t; eX. .;> C,l ,~, I9"~jjol:pearing interest at the rate of 6% per ~nnumand matureing serially. <Ii! I!;G)...QGlC\. QO"" Q il,'+:Vi;',o-P,. wes<tt"j''ij1.'\'3,; V(1ll%"Slli "':tTJ:! p;tA0e"1[J:m;r,\lrQ",ve,mA'n+ 1- ID,mrr.A2<l ,ts 'II' !litvr "':f~1l-.J ,,; ~ _Ytf;,>J~~e,..)9...A "'>'J..,14~ ,tfe~ .LY~~~,,., ~~~..v \"1 ~.e...t~.t' (.~~.......J!,",..~;9,'''''' .~~,)Io't.. S~riee "A de. t1'S-;; MJ~:y..lP;~eiJ;:i .m ,f).~jf6r!&:@laE~flg'"f<t*~eir~s,JIlJ:J;di;~r3~h~vw~J.te of 6% per a.nnumt a.nd matureing SAiF,c,SiI)~yr..ffP ".'1'" iFf;"": .!t,\"., '0('< ,-,.V - y.~.ft'~~"';'::'~("'''''''J~'_''~~1' aI.Od\,l...,.,l,'-{"'J" ".~ $ 140.'000.00 City of West University Pl~oe St;r(e;e~.rlmpi~ovemeht Warrants, . Series" .8" dated Nov, 10, 1926, bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annumt and matureing serially. r- ,- ~ , 34.000.00 City of west of West University Place Waterworks Warrants, dated Dec, it), 1926, bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum. and matureing serially. aggregating the sum of $ 370,000.00 Therefore be it. ordained by the City of :Blest University Place, Texas, that an eleotion be held in the City of West Uni- versity Place on the 26th day of Feby, 1925 at whioh eleotion the following proposition shall be submitted to the resident qualified property tax payers of said City for their aotion thereupon. . PROPOS IT IO,t.l ') Shall the City Commission of the City of WEst University Place, Texas, be aurthorized to issue .the Bonds of tl}e Ci" of West University Plaoe, Texas in the amount of $ 3'7b.00o.00 mature- ing serially within forty years from their date, bearing in-. . tereat at the rate of ~ per annum,. and to . levy a tax suffi- cient.:; to pay the. interest on said Bonds and to provide a sink- ing fund::with which to pay the prinoipal at maturity,fot the purpose" o"f>of funding' 370.000.00 outstanding warrant indebt- edness ex~sting against the the City of West University Place, Texas, by'canoeling the evidences thereof and issueing suoh . Bonds to the,holders thereof, as authorized by the Constitut- ion and Laws .of the state of Texas, including Chapter I and 7, Title 22, Revised Statutes of 1925. Said election shall be held in the City Hall building in the City of West University Place, Texas, and the following named persons are hereby appointed judges and clerks respectively of 1 Ifid election. 'I:~r i '1 {j' .'f,i , ~aid election shall be held under the provisions of Chapters dI and! Title 22, Revised Statutes of 1925. A.P.Robb. Presiding Judge. Robt Burns, Judge. Mrs Winfield Davis, Clerk. Mrs Paul Bottler 1f . , \." There being nO other business to come before the Council for consideration Com, Walling mane motion'that Council adjourn, sec ond Com, Baker. -'1 ",.. 1/) J -75:1-- ~rl, tff.t<t-;t.;v/!-71hfc< ;r-S-'tie ty Appr ove yore ~ - e Feo 6thJ 1927. The cfty' CounciO:. 'c.<O:r1>vene:d. in :ee'gularsess:i:.ori at;'8PM;Feby,:::6.th, 192i~t. to..:dtsouss'-any 'btt.siness .,thatrna.y' :comebefore:' them.U:i.ni..l.; ute-e! of the ~p;i:!e:viOus ':r!ieet,iI,1g ;.was' ap.p3t,oved' as ;::read....Comlcilmen present were as .follows":'.': ,,',), . ...'::.' .t,. ':. .', .... ...", < ~ ;~ .'i~ '. . ." . H.B~Sch~~.~inge::.,' Mayor. .. . !.'. H.L..;;Ba.ke.r:J9 .' ;'$.,. ..". .;:'; ;: ~dnt... ............ . .... J..ui:~ ~~~DJ::t'n~~, .' , ; < ':' '; .~. ' , , '~ :Clom. . ... .... ~ .. .J.M~ Dmm1:tilg:tfon., .;h ~>' "',, . '.' ~r";E~lel,Cg.tti..,.,:,~. '-' :,~..;..i>'.'.;...i. .',........ . .". '0:;.H;.1ts.f~fe~~y.,':.'.. j" .:j.;.~} .. Q' . ' ,; . ~"~~ ; ':::.;:;.~.~,:.:~~~~:~;~~ray:.i. .';";-:-: J,''.,;::-;,;:c., ..:~.;}11ar,~.~~,~:.;" c,:>;;.,: . ." : '!'.: ..:' The:' i :ri-rst1'matte~r .to: <a'ome ; !he;f' ore) :.the c oun:c i.1 for' Sd ons ide::ttl. t-i 'on was the appointment of a Superint:e'.rldent...of' th~.~v~te:r system~)', Water commissioner Walling reconynended that, Mr., ..tl..P.Rob.b be , appollitei'd: 'at".pl:.;sa~~ryof .9;~ ,0'0 ,.:p~r' ;m()11:tfi,.~ef~~ct:Li:Ve ;Fel)i,.~{if~Iti" After. some diso>uss jEon Com., .ill'.L !t:BaJ~er, made, 'mot''liroh ',that ':1(1:11. q':R!.~bb be appointe<li';S.eo'onft.;: Com..,.WaI1ing..:"< -. '. ::..'.': !'i'';(' Voting .t:I.YE:Baker and. Walling. .'q :,',.:,;: ~.''':~:;. " : .:: h:" :";,. .' ... ~ . ; '.; '" .~ "". ';" (. . ..' .. ~.:,5(... .',~. \ : Secty Dunnington was directed to notify all property ,owners ~n Uni versttw '..;f1rst add. : that. ",i.t <will~ .b~'.: nec.es.s'ary {for,:.it}:~~?nl 't1o>i'get a permit to conn~a~t\.l.tQ 'san:kta%ti'o;, se'v~i and:thtit, the. bra,inane'a; . .r, . requiring all oonnections. to be done by a licensed plumber will be in:foroed. "'.~ . ~. ,:' ""'~" The following estimates on '''i~~rovement programe.'Jv~e presented for payment. Approved by El1:gJ.neer l{affert~y, .."V Estimate #5 Series A E.X.High & J.H.Raffer c;~. ~ 2000.00 '. ' , " " ~~~..High j!<>~ 8000.00 "E~tima.te"#5fre.ries.D Mi'll'~'~ "& Ivtill~'r . "dY' .... .. aDOO:a.~~ Total. ~ 18.000.00 Upon motion of OomJ Walling Second Com Baker the above estim- ates were approved. and ordered paid with Warrants. Voting AY~: Walling and BakerJ Voting NO: None. It was agreed by C01111cil that 110 more estimates would be ap- proved for work done by Contractor E.K . High. until test on lines htl.d been made. The following billo were approvrd. I~thews Hardware Co H..B.Schlesinge I' For filing Deed to Water system a~d.land thereon.and getting cer- t~fled copy of Ordinance adopting Title # 28, Passing from Town to City, The above amounts were paid b;r Hr.. Schlesinger.. :jp 4.50 7.50 .Com.Baker made Motion that Mayor Schlesi.nt$er be reimbursed for the expenditu:re made.. Second Com.WalJ.ing. Voting .t:I.YE: Baker and Walling. I l .Y~~,~;.L t;'~~"c ""I Q{ni'rim-f s:srt"C1ne~rtW'R""cl-tr'l';1'~. ~~......:n .,Q" f1'~1"ibe'lo:t: ,.P""nm",.:u.:Tl.;1l10IT.-PmA.'r:l. ,'El et:t.;'ifn'g f\.. 'J' ~~,\~ ....~~.l". .,P\":.J'IIi!!'C}.ij;~ ~I!OI:-~.CiJ.<'u~ "".....~~~~ .Ii~..~~XHfJ.~.~*<~~ ~J...",\.~_""1f:J ~ ~~4+ ~l.. f ~f 14%1' A1d:\1~u,e t~Xl::t.;.(On.1t~ ~1f~i-e.u-age-1 :J~QJt ath.e \:~~n thl;:Ak It1fili~e.r,~, '" ~ :Ii~1 ,,;vbie;h, the" l~f:l,ta~ t:ln;~;~, "UJ}'WiP9I it'.b;~t:r ~~,,:i.~J\\f. <ihe ~ tP..l i te~r 'was'refered to' COTnmiss'fo~er waifing,;\\1tQUfa1L'VeAttg~t,e ilnd) .[~:~:~. make 'rep6rt "on. . .'Io\:;$l,J t ~.r€l'g.cr.taelrloB.8...H Mayor Schlesinger repcWUl.etter from Mr..a..D.~,,}}ltating that he had several .w.~r meters, pipe Wilttl!fgSV.&ttt that he wolil.d sell to the .O;~~<ataost less f)Xn"i.ttr.a;niI.d!".a;~age. WfAter Com. Walling' I;.<t~lIimended that the~(,db~'Jl5~aed. :Motion by Wa.J.liJt~i3f~tIld, by .Maker that t.h,(ldle.4t.Ef.JrJ{) and f1 t- ti!ngt3 be purchased.- and that Water Supt Ho'b'b be instruoted to ~Elt,ij1thJml:~~ 'M9. J1:~11ik.2j.1 ~li;~W.f.(w~-n f~~:vJhiS'-je 'j,q:.QNlftWin~1f;i:a\!m~[T V ",~A:nU!l\"".Jl.'~""",,--lttlr_,l:bo!',:r.l'D' ~)PjI1;:J. r,Bg:;tr,""'''''"''Yf'''':'', ([ r, -' .," (, J"'. ;,u,,;;'.,+ N } c."'''''' ('. ,0., d -+ P.,."!,I ....HPfHO:; \~,.l:fJ.::~':7Jvm. ~it'l!~.~ ~ "+-.."a;.~Js,,,_..J,. v-l........of ~,. -J. ~ ,"J. ..Jl....l .)..1..J....1.-.... "-:.t~.... ... ...._.... -,A..... . J f"'o'" [J' d ....;-. ""'..l'j".;J' l',~,..F\f:""'Y"""r,(\c~c '( ,.,,;, ,.[ ,'. "'c.r~(, ;-'" "". 'i(". .....,~.'-. Ie! . au C v Jrl...l......,. .. ,id;" .J,~,:;. .).,;<"-" ...",L,j.,0",~,.. ~t~",,~ _'-.i.~,.; .../~:. ':-,:-;C;;.lH'.l,.."u -"",.).1:11\ q ~JJk~~ ~~:q~~~g;mr~~~~twA (1tll~~~~9~:~]t~~~1J;~~~)~J~t:~~J~'~~ .:fit,. ~iJil~;r<?OC~tf.jll!CQ1~' ~\.1AEiP.:Q8,0,-' $J:(~QS&Jb'! ~',,"_;,~ _,,-'.,' .LI.'t Oom Wallind made motion that~"Wl~:.1~,1I..J.r::Q.fiV lJ.}}wrm~~a..~fSJ~~Q.n<l,f$.5 (:d a.om ..Baker. "","[1(";..: "I'ef) "-~.'''"c;.',fY. . I'('+(')r .' . 61 <",.. .low :. .../.....Cl v'l i.J.~.~ >h;J. J.. t:;ii_(j. j':'''Io..!.. . ~:....~ ti. .0.' L ~ ,J _ '!if Voting AYE: Walling and ..Baker,. , . i!.c U'!BLtWO 'l;;t'tf..:H~rO'!(f LC.e.~'t.tj'01! oj" f.jf:lj'Of:Vc.i:f.' <;t:}'N n:o;t~.rr1:f!.ttuG: \;j'oe(;; ;t~~ fi~~&C~O ~r@i~M;~:tPJkS~e~j:1i,Oj~~~~i~~g~ 1t~l<1OT~~~:::~,~fIU L(~~~~i~~~;;,;~~~;i~[t.~;Q.~lj~~~e~i~~~~~~~~O~i~v (,~i:;~.t~? 0:: . , .i!l;j .bt,u'!o:t!Ll: E.'>O ..'(J -) I) e~t f( e;j '~)'IC\ Y:::"," G!IlJ;':C,'.,(;'IcI. JrrefiHnrvr :.;. .J ~ . ~e.. ,\".I-,~"~ 'tiQ. c.~J ..' co, .<'g.F' fI' .~y ,l...... ,^_ .L~E\. J.. ~.. fIr.' ~~ 0:':' j 1:\Ll1 ,1 j' a e ~~31:(.I: W 0 r () 'I (~[f. ~'.' .i.. f:.~""'.tG':q~(I}~ . j' IT~)nfi~.:..)([ 'T.OJ: () (). ()() 03 (l~ 00. t::,;)JiJ Attest . OQ.ooon 7~' X~A~sr'"'r' ...JU .' \}l) V . l....~ .~ jJ .~!e~l~ff.lI.~; ~9) ~~l}l.Ji. .; rl-g1:H.:ii..;.r., 'lit S~e c t:v . 1I.ppro .;. '*:\1;; '!eIIl?,: . .C >\j' C t~1 at f,t JjfI! L j' d~~ -ffIlj't]t;< ~:."',roc.\::j ::-r(j' ~{e~'i.$,)~J." fJOQ i.)l!O{}t~~<...: '~~1:(: .L.LJ,~'~'j .11:00 :to ff.ol~to!:~ fIC!'..',;; . ;.;JLC:s'!'L,.iii .:;;" ~:'!\' IJ-CDq J)e:)'!Gi1~fl ;'u', .J'n;;;1l01:q:q.l;l G'f0V.' Betn ~ 're.::L.l5;::. .!Jit,; ':';H::.; iH~,. : ;:..Y~, ~1111: j"o V . & f.:: {!(; 11 : '(}~1 ~~. 0 v (f~~ ,..", U 1..<"' afaJ.L~S:1L.j"~;E~ fJ"IO!i orf j".Ji;;i{~t ..cJ:vcrJ;C~;' "1,;cf J)~;fl:C~.~i.-) l,i. '/.~: j.r .~~.[..;(-.,"'.\!.:...,,>,..,.:,.,-t':'.;--\"~~~'-;::l'...,.,...:;'~ ~'.'.-.'.';... i'" ". . {...~ S,~ ~._ _ ~ '.: ~ r ~{. ~: ~:():t Ols'! ~rr.~(l ~.: \~:j b,~ fC h }i: '":fC 1!,' "J: 0 ',: .:; ~:~ .(/ C'::q", ~ f:.L C~':': !.r~~,:' fJ f..: t. .;~ '.~ :)C: I J I"I""!" r-v:<r ""#"i to \ .'..,'.1', ...-. '.. (1,'. ','...f.,' ~.",r,'l.," _J,:.,,'<I',.,l"i,. fi)'.)"-.'t',.~_'~'....15 ,:j~:~:.;: . , _^ _ _... G:,'~ 1j.~ . - :.~; .. j:\ o U r~,'l~t.)\.-.j .~~;~l: '.;\ . "1- ,. I'.~; .. \1 "1 :....< ,;' i..:. '.' " ,i,.'.: ~J .. , ~ .', 1l ~. r. .-:' :;'\~,~~; t'J:.:.:.~~'..~,' C~. J)e', '\. '- J ~t ~f f, ;-< "<'> .~~ ',:'; If. ,', j' [ : ;:~ J r~ ~im:~ir~;gC '.~ [\ .t;:, ~L>l bIt}!') '- 1 ':.' C'~) 1. l E).t ~t 1 ~i ~ ;~') S ~t.:, ~.} ~.~ 0" .1: :I, . i: trlJ:'. (; \.3 :-'J.J.'~ t "< j L ~.' (j :. C'. "f () 1. . C'~ JZ~,f.r: j~ ~ ~ '~..~.. .".(: ~/U' ..1}.....:'. ~.;f;..~")".,' '..IJ.L 0('1:-:';.". :.~;. ~: ;.\J..~'~) I. i.I '~)n~~i:.' .:t:}..'i ~..t~ " , '" 'Y;. ,~'~. J,,~j~:J . :... F ! . . \. _,'",. ~. '.' , J;! rJ, ...\.:".1. ~.:: ~":'. ~vA:,~. e i') .: C. . 1,,-. '.": ~ j ,;,.., .'. :, ., '.( ,"~~': _'~ -' >, n:: t ~!~(. . ~';');. :. '.: ~ .r; ; . ". .: '. : }~..1:.:' j;>Vi ~ . , "-.~ J .. ,I ( ~******~* Called Meeting*****~*** February 25th, 1927. The City Council convened in called session for the purpose of approveing Cijy Engineers estimates for improvements, and any other business that may come before them for consideration. Councilmen present were as follows, B.E.Schlesinger, E.L.Baker, J..A. Walling, J.M.Du.nnington Mayor. Corn, Com. Engineer Rafferty Presented the following estimates for approval. Estimate #6 Series ~ E.K.High ContI', ill 12.000.00 Engineer Rafferty advised the Counoi1 that the water line layed by Mr High had a number of leaks in it and that he would reoommend that any further payments be wj.thheld until leaks were repaired arrd a satisfaotory test was made by 1~ High. After some disous- sion Com Baker made motion .,that .Istimate '/f6 Amount $ 12.000.00 be passed and approved and tha~paYment of same be witheld until water test had been made and a sa~~aotory'report made by Engineer Raf- . ferty. Seoond Com, Walling. .~'~''i,i: Voting AYE: W~**~ng and Baker. v, . '/." Estimate I 6 Series.B Miller '.and Miller, ~.' llP Upon Motion !)f Com Walling Seoond Com Baker '~te :jJ: passed and approve,d, and ordered paid with wa!:t'lnts. Voting AYE:. Walling and BakeJY The following bills were presented for payment. r..:....... ""~" 13.000.00 6 was Mrs D.E.Luca. Tax refund " Grace Mayfield, n It 11'1 Allen, Multigraphing. Motion by Com, Baker. Second Com, Walling that the above be passed and approved. Voting ~YE: Baker and Walling. l~yor tichlesinger reported to the City Council that he had direot- ed Secty Dunnington to issue vouoher in favor of the City of Hous- ton in payment of January water billin the amount of $ 159.00 and that he wanted the Coulleil to ratify their action in the matter. Com. Walling made motion. Com. Baker Seconded same that the lJayor and Sectys action in the matter be'ratified. Voting AYE: Baker and Walling. $ 3.25 5.63 6.75 amoun ts \. J}. .f(; '1;1' v J~ J _,.J"'; .....f', 1"lW' fi1./o1V' J ,,;J' ,. " \.Ii l"i (f' , ' ~, , Ai fti ,.).~ i iJ1jp!" {(" ~ :She.ll the Oity Commission of the City of West University "V,,,,v: /' ~}! Texas,be aurthorized to issue the ~onds of the City of ;.~\;~/ West University Place, Texas in the amount of $370.000.00 jI )f~ maturing serially within forty years from their date, and bearing interest at the rate of 5 3/4~ per annum.and to levy a tax sufficient to pay the interest on said bmnds and provide a sinking fund with which to pay th4 prinoiple / at maturity, for the purpose of funding ~370.000.00 out- standing warrant indebtedness existing against the City of ~ West University Plaoe. Texas,by canceling the evidence ~ phereof and issueing suoh bonds to the holders thereof, as!J~ aurthoriztrd by the 60nsti tution and Lawsof tl1fB1 State of C/ Texas, including Chapters I and 7 Title 22, Revised Statu~ ., es of 1925. ~ . C~ And it appearing affirmatively to the Oommission that said ~J election was regularly ordered and that notice thereof was(j regularly given for the time and in the manner providedbt law and that said eleotion was regularly held on the 26th, day of February, 1927 as provided in suoh order, and that returns thereof were reguraly kKiK made to this Oommission as provided by law: ~nd it further appearing affirmatively that 7~ votes were cast a. t such election; of whioh number 39 vot~s were cast f For the issuance of Bonds; and 33 votes were cast :Against the issuance of Bonds: and one mutilated ballot. Therefore be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of West University Plaoe, Texas, tgat the proposit- ion to i~sue said Honds and levy a tax in payment there- of was sustained by a majority JOID of the qualified prop- erty tax paying voters voting at said election, and that therefore the City Oommission of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, is aurthorized to issue such ~onds and tolevya tax in payment thereof and to oause the same to be assessed and collected. The above resolution being redf it was er J.....Walling amd seconded by Commi the same do pass. Thereupon the ~ue followi:qg_Son:~issi()_~;rs vot~d ",,!E. W; .A:. +'+'Al':d: U ;?,IJ./?'/;l'"';Ji;f >',~.,.:.e.t.(l!l A,..lr ...nnTOV. 1!'ebraury, 28th, .1927. Called Meeting. The City Council convened in called session at 8 PM. Mon Feby 28th. 1925 for the purpose of canvasing the vote of $ 370.000 Funding Bond eleotion held Feby 26th. 1927. Members'present were R.B.Schlesinger. H.L.Baker, J .4 . Wall ing , J.M.Dunnington, Mayor. Com. " Secty. There came on to be considered the returns of an elect- ion held on the 26th day of February, 1927, at the Oity RaIl in the said City of West Uni versi ty Plaoe, ~'exas'. upon the following: PROPOS ITIOl'l I I ~ 'I l I l ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES On this the .illh day of February wIi27 the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, convened in ~~~Qiel session at the regular meeting place ill the City Hall of said City, all the members thereof, to-wit: H.B.Schlesinger, H.L.Baker, J .A. Walling, J . IiI. Dunnington, ~,..;...t" being present~ and among proceedings passed: Mayor. Commissioner. Commissioner. CITY CLerk. the foIling ordinance was II AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE CITY 011' WES T mHVERS ITY PLACE TEXAS FOR THE YEAR 1927:. Com, N.L.Baker moved that the ordinance be passed first reading Seconded by Com, J.b..Walling and carried by the following \lrote. AYES: Com, Baker and Walling. NAYS: NONE. Carried; placed on first reading. Com, H.L.Ba.ker moved that the ordinance be passed first reading, Seconded by Com J..i1. Walling. and carried by the folling vote. . AYES: COm. Baker and Walling.' ~ . NAYS : NONJ!; · 'l. ,;'. Carried: ordinance passed first reading. ~ Com, H.L.~aker moved that the rules be suspended and that the ,." ordinanc~ be placed on seoondrea. ding. Seoonded by the fOllOW~. ..~ ,$ ing vote. .. Cr f( AYES: Baker and Walling.. .}'J ~~: N~J!.j. ~ Carried: ordinance placed on second readmng. Com, H.L.Baker moved that the ordinanoe pass second reading. Second by J.A.Walling and carried by :1!he following vote, AYES: Com, Baker and Walling. NAYS: NONE. Carried, Passed second reading. Com. H.L.Baker moved that the ordinance pass third and final read- ing; aeconded by cmm J.A.Walling, and carried by tne followillg vote; aYES: Baker a~dWalling. Nt~YS : NOli.i.!i. Mayor R.B.Schlesinger then ~eclared the ordinance finally passed. The ordinance Follows: /I ....N ORDINANC.I:!I LEVYING TAXES FOR THE CITY OF YVES T UN IVERS ITY PLACE, TEXaS F OR THE YEAR 1927. THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Commission of the City of West University, Plaoe Texas, that taxes be levied against all taxable property in said Cify for the year 1927 as follows, to- wit; . 1. To' pay interest and sinking fund on the ~ 370.000.00 Funding Bonds, iated I.roh 1st, 1927. $ 120 oneaoh , 100.00 xx valuation of taxable property. This is in oonfirmation of of the tax levy for this purpose in the tax levying clause of the Bond ordinance which provides for the issuance of these Bonds, and not in additioll thereto, ,2. To pay current expenses of the City of West University Place, ffBXa'3 Texaa, 30 cents on the , 100.00 valuation of taxable property. The fact that the tax assessor is in need of the tax rates to be assessed for the year 1927, in o~der that the work of the tax assessors office may properly progress, aonstitu~es an emergenoy and an imperative neoessity that the rule requiring ordinances tobs read at more than one meeting be suspended, and said rule lis hereby suspended, and that this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so ordained. A tte s t City Clerk. Approved Mayor. Com, a.L.~aker made motion that Com, Walling be aurthorized to go to Austin and have the Funding Bonds registered, and that he be allowed .expenses for the trip. Seoond Com, Walling. VotingAY~: Baker and Walling. n ~.AY: ~OllE. There being no other business to c,ome before the Council for oonsideration Oom, Walling made motion that Council adjourn, Second Oom, Baker. A ttes ta/71 ~?"-P""'-:~~~ty C " Clerk. ApprO"Vi if ~.:,.. tlJ ff#' f.Z ,;:" ~ ~ l~rch, 7th, I927 .I.1.egular Meeting.' The Qity CO,UllC11 convened.' in regular session for the purpose of considering anJr business that may come before them. Councilmen .. present. were. ~s . follows,. H.B.Sc~esing~r, H.L.Bak~r, J . A. Wal.J.1ng,. J. M.,Dunningt mn, J.ff.Rafferty, Mayor. Com. Com. ~ecty. Enge The first matter tm .oome before the Council for consideration was the approval ot water biil in the amount of $ I58.75 payable to the city of Rousjon'for the .month of February. Com Baker made motion. ~econd Com, Walling that the a.mount be passed and approved. yoting AYE: Baker andWa~ling. . Engineer Raffe~ty presentettthe following estimate for approval. r ! Estimate 1.7 Miller.and Miller. Series ~ and 'J.R.Rafferty Total $ 5.000.00 2.000..00 -: $ 7.~000.OO Com, Walling made motion that the above amount be passed and approv-- ed and that they be paid with Warramts. Second Com, Baker. Voting ~YE:Walling and Baker. Mr E.K.Righ through 1myor Schlesinger requestedperm1ssion from the Council to sublet the curb and gutter portion of hi~.contract to Miller & MiJ,leX;.After 80m: discussion Com Walling. made motion 6lld Com, Baker S.econded that h~s request be granted. ~ Voting aYE; Walling and Baker.. . It"~~ . '" ]3y motion of Com, Walling Seco.nd Com, Baker the following B ... of Equiliza tion was appointed. . ,iF. . ... . )., ~ ,,€H~M.p.ma.n. "Jt'Y")"/il'<A.-"'r _if l.~--.__ lit, ..t.,L.",.~...,,,~....,..1P "".~ ;. .~.,:",~....... (,l :fi1t~'TIIrrrc:rr . ~.~..., '" ,; Member. Voting AYE: Mr. Robt Burns, J. R.S uli van, . W..a.Smith, Walling and Baker, Mayor Sohlesinger appointe~ the Council to act as an appraisal Board. Sec ty, Dunnington a.nd Engineer Rafferty was also appo:i.nt- .ed to sit with them. ~y Motion of Comt Baker seoond Com Walling The time limit for. rendering property was extended through the month of April, and Tax assessor Dumlington was directed to so notify all property owners by post card. , Voting aYE: Baker and Walling. . ELECTION ORDER~ The <Mayor so ordered an election'to be held in the City on the first Tuesday in april for the purpose ele ting a l~yor and two Commissioners for~a term of two e A ttest ?.Jl.~?;;P'??'~-'?../~~cty approved l ,. lfuroh, I9th~ I92p Called meeting .> The City Counoil convened in Called sess:i,on. :for the pur.. pose of approving Improvement estimates for work dome in the City. Those present were . H.B~ Schlesinger, J.J... Walling H.L..Baker, J . lit. Dunnington, J.H.Raf:ferty, Mayor. Com. Com. Sect Yo Eng. . Engineer Rafferty presented the following estimates f~r 'approval. .~stimate 1J: l.series Jl.. E.K.High. I I C $,8000.00 J\l Motion by Walling Second by .Baker that t~ amount be ap- proved and paid with warrants. ' iJ Voting AYE: Walling and .Baker. ./ 1i!!f Estimate I 8 Series ~ )tiller and Mill~C:~ ~IO.OOO.OO Motion by Walling and Second by .daker '4;'t the amount be approved and paid with warrantsoM Voting ~YE: Walling and Baker. (j There being no other business to oome before the Council for consideration Com, Walling made Motion that Council adjourn. Second .Baker. ~ttest ~ \: ' "':"ppro or ,. This estimate was passed and approve. upon the aurthor.. ization of the surities of E.K.Highs bond. The estimate being in excess of 90% of completed work not paid for. Letter of aurthorization on file. " March, 21st, 1927 ~lhe City Council convened in regular session Monday March 21st, for the purpose. of considering any business that may come ,before them, Councilmen present were, ~.B.Schlesinger, . J.ll.Baker, J ...:-. Walling, J.M.Dunnihgton, .J.H.Rafferty, G. B. NIurray , Mayor. Oom. Com. Secty. Eng. Marshall Water Commissioner J.a.Walling recommended that ahe Coun- cil establish a uniform meter and connection charge of , 22.50 in all sections of the City where 2" water later- als are installed by owner in easement or at rear of lot or in the parkway at front of 10t..Where 211 laterals are installed by the City Water Dept a charge of .35~ perft shall be made for such laterals, and shall be paid in cash prior to instalation of meter. A~tersome discussion Com, ~aker made motion ,that the above recommendation be adopted~ Second J.b-.Walling., Voting aY.I!.l: 'Baker and Walling. Voting. NAY:"None.; . ~ Com, Baker made motion that the City purcha.se a water ~ters of the West University Water Co at them as per their letter on file with City Seo,~ C om Walling. '.'1'1' tV V 0 t ing AYE:' .Bake r and Walling. '~1.i Voting. Nio.Y: .None. fT Upon motion of Com Baker . Second Com Walling the expense aooount of Com, J.A~Walling oovering trip to Austin Amount $ 19.36 was approved. . Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. Voting. NAY: None. //., 11" of to acond A partition signed by the residents of Tennessee ~ve WXK asking that the Council take some action in having Tenn- essee Ave opened to.Belaire ~lvd was read by the City Secty end was ordered held up. Seoty Dunnington read letter from Mr. Londig in regards to his ~idewalk being broken by contraotors working on that street. The matter was refered to the City Engineer Rafferty for adjustment. There being no other business to come befo~ the Council Com Walling made motion that Council adjourn. Seoond Com Baker. .~ 11,4'-," u';e-J ..I /1 ,. ,>. "//i f.1,/-:'!f~n-;;'-7''?'-'1ji':'''' ehty It il, April 1st, 1927. The CIty Council convened in OALL~D session for the pur- pose of.approveing contraotors estimates. oovering .work being done in the City improvement programe. Councilmen present were, H.B.Schlesinger. H.L . Bake r , J..a.Walling, J.M.Dunnington, J.H.Rafferty. Mayor. Oom. Com. Secty. Eng. The following estimates were presented by engineer Raf- ferty for approval. Estimate # 8 Series A Estimate I 9 Series 8 And J.K.Rafferty Miller & ./ ;;,. i .~fit. 4> 5.000.00 15.000.00 2.000.00 , 22.000.00 'jiJl Upon motion of Oom. Walling. 8e.C~d by Com. Haker the above amounts were passed and approved. and ordered paid with warrants. voting, AYE: ~Valling and Baker. Voting NAY: None. There being no other business to come before the Counoil for oonsideration Com. Walling made motion that Council adjourn. Seeond Oom, Baker. Ii Ii Ii l . l'} "_#t1L. "'"2 r I , .. it" A tte s t ,f/~/lt"jf.1'~''''l>",f,,1,f:/''nieo ty . Appro or This estimate was passed and approved upon the aurthor.;. ization of the eurities of E.K.Highs bond. The estimate being in excess of 9010 of completed. work not paid for. Letter of aurthorization on file. l ~pril 11th. 1927. The Oity Oouncil convened in Special session for the pur- pose of canvassing the vote of the Electio held .~~y April 5th, which was fo.r the purpose of electing fi."lfa"fOr' ... and two OOmmdssioners. Those present were. H.B.Schlesinger J.A..Walling. H.L..Baker. J.14.Dunnington. Oommdssioner Walling made motion that the report of the Election Judge be accepted and filed. Second Com, Baker. Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. Voting Nay: None. 'Result of the canvas was as follows. For Ilayor. Ji~B.Schlesinger li.L.Walling. ~ .l.A..Walling .a.L.Baker. 68 Votes,. 69 " /;';~~ (j ..i"~ "..~. 'V 1/ t! 69 Votes. 49 Ii For Oommdssioners. A.Shaver. ' C.M.Wommack. Total votes cast 54 45 tIe U II l I I Oommissioner J.A.Walling made motion that the result shown by report be adopted and that the following be declared elected to serTe for the next two years. Second Com, .Baker. Voting AYE: Walling and .Baker. a..a.Schlesinger. .l:l.L..Baker. . .laTA. Walling. Mayor. Oom. Oom. There being no other business to come before the Council Com. Wa.lling made motion that Council adjourn. Second C()m. Baker. 1 " It "',::;:r' A.t;te. "'J'1".?(PtI<7'P?1!>'''."",,''.4c'';;:,,. Be. cty. .. v.../ f(;." ,>,>",'"''',.' l,;;'; ,:I i..pproved April l8th. 1927. Hegular. . .., I... ,". ,r .." . . '. "'^. The '~Ci:ty o-.oun\l i 1 c ~n~~~e"4~ i.ri!r~g~Ar s~ s sioIl :a t~.. 8,Plf~1Qn ap:ril . 18th, . for the purp~s'~ qf G:ons;id~:ri!lgany b.1lJli:n:~~:~ . that may come before the Ill. ~4qse, pre,s~ntwer~. ,~'_'. . . :'~;' .", H. B. SCJ1~~,S :1pg~r, J .A.,'W;a:;U.ip.giL, . H.L.Baker, ' J.M.Dunningto~, 1,j"aYQ:r. . COffilO Com. Secty. :" 0. .. .. :.t.1 ~:.,) . ,:..' The Mayor and Secty requested~Jthat their action in pay- ing the City of Hou.ston $ 23~g5 for water for the month of march be ratified. " Com, Baker made motion, COJ[l Walling seconded that their action be ratified and that the amoUnt be approved. Voting AYE: Baker and Walling. . ;, The ]'oll,9wing;bi+ls.~v.ere:(pre,,8.e,Jlte,d and ordered paid., . '" ._... ..... .. .. .-. "." ,_"',,~ '0 ~ ".' _~",",,,, ~ .._ '..... .' ...~._. .. ~ .. . ........ ,.,._ t"r,., (f, ......' Heitmann & 00. West Uni Water Co UargillOo. Ho. Light & Pow 00 I~s Paul Bottler Mrs O.E.Gates J .H.Sulli van G.B.llurray C.F.Millege ,;i. 8 '-'l \P .H 17I.35. 14.00 I.OO 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 40.00 ,.. ,S; I, I f I. I, Upon motion of Com Baker and second Oom Walling the above items were approved and ordered paid. Voting ~y~: Baker and Walling. Es tima te #= IO Series .,t; lUller & M The following Street improvement estimate was presested. $ 8000.00 Motion by Com Walling Second by Com Baker that the amount be passed and approved and ordered paid with Warrants. Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. I~s H.B.Williamson made request from the Council that she be given the privelage to tap on West University Water main and extend a water line across the street car tracks to her property. it being understood that she was to do all the work, furnish all materials. provide a master meeter and pay for all the water used in her addition. ~fter some disoussion Com, Baker roods motion that she be granted her request, Second Com, Walling. Voting AYE: Baker and Walling. l ~~,~i~~'<'I or{jOI Q ~X,B ...L~J2"j ~ ~l.~ Commissioner Walling made motion Com Baker seconded that the oity plaoe an order for and install 20 Standard fire ,E~~~~r~,~~~ (.~;~~~;~~ ~~~e~:di~?~~~ug~>. tt\\~~".~~p.S~:~~t~~'ljtinh... ., tziee",l!ue.n'(}u ;'VV'-:J;I"U"U' '":I.'V(}~lr~Ui:l- .t::'S..t'6~......-ufRfl 'un' ";(;!)"" , "i"ew!l.: 'oIDtyf ''Et% 'illl~~~> rt~ftlg1:t:; .t{}l b~) O'!tt:yi':'oifcI Iruh~ t!on- & . t l :i:bia!ttl:'Ons. V t. .~V'Il!;l\..~i ., "'.'"N.t~"~"'!"'... ~'.'tn.Hl' f""".~'<_. .,....'(,"l,(,>,,< c,Cl"l'-"" ;Te,,"'" .t'.,d"/, o J.ng A.AJjL:Mi.l. ~ .L.v.e~":I..1g.. -1illlU:.'L:DQ:IS:I6 1'..'" - ..u '-' .. . ~ >" 1..1 ~... '-' ,.1 \,~_.L .. ~..> d. There being 'W;J~!ther bustil1eis:stUtf.O[[~~'~~fore the Counoil Com Walling mEiaeP motion ;t.J:lajrt arb~ld~l~ 'au'jourli. Seo and Com Baker. .moO . '$ . '!e;iJ:~S:.J.kJ q"fo.~....I"") rJlr'j"~lY.tr<t'.c"'J;" it i' _c .'f'l (:. ; '.\" r: ')':, u~ ~ ""J'i(, \' . "'~. ~~+" C-I":~" ,'~~, ['II ", CY(' .",~['f "~I,rr:P -'.>i~) .~. ~ ~ _~I... ""-' __ ....' v ,.....~..u .#-.. l.,. \~.. .J...).I....... ,...?"J ........~~ _.1..1.",,, ,> ~...,L!'4..~\" ~ .;.. "0 ',..,e;:? ero",';'" 1'1."'p.....J'~,',:'.,' 'V'<r(''''-.t;~ .~ I ," r1"C.-1 '....rCrr ~r tf +1:"'/\ ~.",{~..;. '" rl!'r .ct~'i~ ~iJ" _"..-.."~ .... '-IV. ;....' <. ..." "}"~,:~i ~' J..~ I~J "."" :-. ~ ....\.) '{J,..... .~! ~~]1\", 2-:,:";'. i;'l'\ . L~j ..clL~J .W:! (~:d rL~)~Jx~1 1:(; '!.t8ftJ :::!.11:.t hebrrOlH.'l!;; 7:ji.f.1:.rL~U ~~J tIre c;.tom e.b..iXl 'Ie::;i.J:~e. ,!l;OC . -O;...,.....4'..,.."..r~' "'(1' "~..""r~""'~I" ,of I -!-\J'...P~,-~,:t. ":.'I".f::~, .1',~'~~J'", r-"~,~1;"~f. ',~)i\"'_.' [.~O r;+r\.H' . r:.~()-""L. l(J"\.~ C1.;i ~ d.JJVLl,,,;' \) t~). __"__,...,. _...1...:::- _ ~'.J...L ......\J '....... ... "" ..4,..J......~ . ~~I..C~.3\{ .bL!J~ i.~~ril::Jc V. ) .- ,-.,. j~ 13.8 ;:;j "aC~oI~tI 'lJ". _ JUl,a;yor. A. t t-e!slit1->tI JH.:n: oj)'! O':J .lx.o JSfb-1ft!t;1.'~.i ':c :ip~jWTef. Cp') " . 0 D W) f.m:af.l j' J . 1i cD ~i8j))W .taU d';;;eW . 00 ilj;.t~'!J:lU 0J woq ~ ~rt;lJ .oll ~l: (~ _( ~j' j" (i t~ .rJ:J ~,'i {{ a fIl!I ac-~.r~{) te rci.. U gf:(l~~ lIi!,~T ..t .rj~J.r (J . II . 1:, 'i'"\;~~//!~.tJtI. ff. {) o~~1.cll:]'! G ttl. () , I 'I)() 9 J.iI ()(). I c.... ", n. ;,.J (;0. ., ',' ()i:j . :':~ ()D 0 t ~{';. ~~, I.. fi'I06g er[J ~-.~[[l. ~~ ~~::a\,Y moQ fjlfCUOa .0;rJ; Tf::X5b. 1'11CO IC [101:jOrJ {rc'c;~U .b1:I..;([ j)L':Lt~bJ:c ;)[1.1.::> ijovc".tl!(!.l\;!. e.'lOW 8r:~~,j J . ~jH1: 1: E.ii:!dv Nf.fi; c;: C;;"{kJitJ.. : ay...... i~nLt c V o.hoJa':1~30~I(~ J13VI GjJ:)r\tJ~,~e.' j'ff::,1.l,:G\~C";{..;Y'.t j'D6"'i~:I".t~ '2;ffJ:v'::cIlc./.L GfJfr i)(). Q"lJ()U ;3 1'[ ~ 1.::D.IIj:l~ t~ 8el~!,88 l)I ~ f:'fj"{t~~.t;ja.a j n:JJOL'~;.J.'j ~)j'i ~r '-i . a J ~..f. JJ....;fXJ.j;:;. ;j kt~}~~,~~..';t; r..1.c:D \:( bJ[{:~~~')d '(~~f.1_~'..rI.e~J f~i(;{) r~j 1\";J j~;1:.~~--< .b:,'3''.CGi''".i:0 ~)~~:,;:5 .bf)'.r(,I.i~qq.~S 1) (L i,,: 41 J: f):i r3(!: ~ H:,i,) ~:~'): -: I ,,:.~ I.sW : vcr ;:!(J j:J'cM f:;b8(~ f)d ~'.~[f j: ~t c ~V o,! ':;:! r:~df J;;m =,,~:~'r; ~~G~~ L ~:ir:~ j .~ ~.;:~~~~ ~:~~~~:( ~~:J;;;:r~ S..[iJ (l~fJ oj -".;~)~/,} f_":I4dt.:; ~JJ3,fi,:' l)ooj""..}";:)~~\[-rJ.f (AL!.J:~:,('!' j"j: fJ\:~twY6'~'~:f~'"1".;~ '). cj" '1~) J f'~j!;: -,~ :)~;:~~":';: :I'~ L.~~~ 1: ~~~i.~, :Ll:':;~$~~~.(3~::; D\;J :~/::~ :ii.g,F~o'I:::~rov; JJ;:['~ 90 :,tf '.1 j :;.,t' :). ~f.t .:; ,;,~ if;: :_7J~D~i: ':.\:~~~~H f) i~i~;~;~ ;_j:t~\ i ~~::~'{',-' ~~~b,. ~~~:}( ;;~!~ "f ~~;~..,,~. Q ~",^.I,..L~.....A_.fJ ... *(.~Lr.llI..:3V; J<,l(~.. 'if:L4.~,<,.;f' :~~~"~~_.~:.. " .:. teV :~ >f~; May, 2nd, 1927. Regular Meeting. The City Council convened in regular sessj.on to consider any btts~ iness that may come before them. Those present were, R.B.Schlesinger, H.L ..Baker, J .A. Walling, J . M.. Dmmington. Mayor. Com. Com. Secty. 1~ Gale represe~timg Gale Bros, appeared be~ore the Council and asked that the Cmuncil refund him the :;p 100.00 that was placed with the City as a cash bond at the tim~' ~e had contract to build Water System into Virg.inia Court for the' &~nJa.cinto Trust 00. Engineer Rafferty reported that the C1 ty ha.d."expended the amount of $ 20.80 for placing street in. good. condiyion and recommended that the City refund Gale Bros less this amount... bfter some discussion Com BakeT made motion. Oom, Walling made second that L~ Raffe,rtys recommen- dation be accepted and that Gale Bros be re~ulded , 79.20. 'Voting .A.YJi1: Daker and Walling. Voting NAY: None. :f.Ihe following bills V'lere presente,d , approved and ordered paid by motion of Oom~ Haker and second Com, Walling. W.D.Hadden 00, R.J!i.McGee HO,West End. Water Co. Ho. Stamp & Stencil Co. ~.P.Robb, Refund. Herman Hospi t~. )../;,.;;~!....<(:."'t''11 .<;.: (./" ]~';:~I<~<l';')'-,~,,:; ;f..Alli~~. -(:7 Voting AY~: Baker and Walling.. " Voting .n.Y~: None. . 11he Oath of office was administered tlh Com. Walling and Baker by 1~yor Schlesinger, for the term of office 1927 and 1928. -t') t \.', :" .-..:.....(....,... ?:V1l.... Go ~ 34.50 24.12 3.00 .30 .25 7.50 , ,. ....,"' .~ . Mayor Schlesinger presented the mentfor the next two years. J.M.Dunnington, G.B. Murray, J .H.Rafferty, J.C .Mortense 5r "..... ~. ..<;~ .r:J f;1 i""~ tJ' ...i J . Ii ,I I I, following r~mes for re-appoint- Secty. Mars hall. Engineer. Elec&P.lumb Insptr. By motion of Com Baker. 8econ(1 Com, Walling the above appoIn- tments were affirmed. Voting ~y~: Baker and Walling. . The following estimat.es for general improvements were presented approved and ordered paid with warrants. ~stimate f II Series A Miller and ~liller & J.H.~. 11 9 Ii h. E.K.High and J.R.H. $ 8.000.00 '7.000.00 I .t'1-y motion of ComA Wall. iU\\ Second oom~ rgi;nwa,tI~b.g~~la~nffi.p~r%n ~~fradjOUrn e (' c d Comt Baker .r.. ttest.Jl/71td;;'I"'.'"" .;0. of.lecty ':"pprove . . , yore ( .('" MAY, I~h, IOE 7 Regular Meeting. 830 PM. r r. The Oi ty Council convened in regular session Monday Ma~T I~th, for the purpose of considering any business that way come be- fore them, -Councilmen present were as follows, H.B.Schlesinger, H.L.Baker, J..n.. Wall ing, J . liT. Dunnington, Mayor. Com. Com Seoty. The lJayor and Sec,ty requested tlmt their action in paying the City of Houston ~ 172.25 for water for the month of ~pril be ratified and approved. Commissioner Walling made motion. Com Baker seconded t~at their action be ratified and approved. Voting .li.YE: WallIng and Baker. The following bills were presented for payment, und by motion of Com Wal11ng Second Com, Baker was approved and ordered paid. Norville Wilder HdW, 00, J.O.lv1ortensen, F.W.Heitmann Co. $.243.03 16.00 1.72 l'..,:~ ~~l CI ,~/ II weje ~ rj 'Voting AYE: Wallim.g and Baker. The following estimates on .general improvement programs presented for pswment. A ~stimate I IOB.R.High and J.H.Rafferty.,.$ 5.000.00 " .. -if 12 Miller & Miller & tf 13.000.00 .. . (.b . Total.' $ .w.uuu.uO Com Walling made motion Com, Baker Seconded that the above fmounts be approved and ordered paid with Warrants. Voting ~YE: Walling and Baker. n Nay: None. In as much as the City was temporily without the services of a ci~y Atty and that theta was some legal work to be done, mayor Sohlesinger suggested that the City employ Mr. Leon Bonfield to do this work. Upon motion of Com Wakert Seoond Com Walling the lJayor liVas instructed to employ Mr. Sonfield. ~oting ~y~: Baker and Wallingo Seoty Dumnington was instructed to order 30 Water l~tors with oonnections from the National t~tor Co of New York. they to be same type of previOUS order. .Mr. Jarrard of Rioe Court and :Mr. Farrington of the SanJa- clnto Trust Co. appeared before the Council seeking infonnat- ion of a general nature. ~very thing was explained to them sa tisfaotorY. . . Gem, Wallin~ ,~de IIm~.;J~.~ that counCil, ~~~OO.::d Baker. Attest ,..::::?7'/l{j.f:;')f<;'?-""'~--'1t~~6oty. APprove~~~yor l / , June ;~t 1927.. ,.;;o:!aJ6UJ:,41 Heating.. li,J- The Oi ty Council convened in regular session l.'Ionday gune 6th, at 8 PM for the purpose of considering any businefds that may come before them~ Councilmen present were, IT..B .Schle singer, H.L..Baker, J..8.. Walling J .M.DUlmington, Mayor. Com, " Secty. City Engineer J.H.Raf':ferty presented the following approved es- timates for improvement pontract for the Councils approval. _iter ohecking the above estimates Com, J.A.Walli.ng seconded that the and pain withDwarrants. Voting AY~:' Walling and Baker. If LY: None. Es~imate 1I33. e~ies'~ Mill..Ei~and M &. J.~.... .n. :,,<;;+' . II ./?., E.K.H~gh & J .H.R...,~. tf II A E.K.High & J.H.R. CI . .C::" Total ~ jiJ co.fH.L.Baker made motion .amounts be passed and approved $ II.OOO.OO 4.000.00 5.000.00 20.000.00 There being no o1her business to come before the Council Com Wa.lling made motion that COUllCil adjourn. Second Com,Baker. . A tte s t.g//?r c(a;~",.-,~~ ty tl ..). Approved l 1 i ty~d~ 7:fr ~ .~rnJ I , L7 '/.. -r: . ~~.r J\ . ({1'i. ' ~CJo!-1 ,~fpYV1J)\ 0-17:0''- .~~~ ~,,~;:.r:!~... '. O. . ..t., ~H-t;j , ~ I)' . Ir,-;~ .~ II --.h- [''*rr b . - ~ 'I '""VII ~ 1 . . June 20th, I~27. Regular liIee'ting.. The City Council convened in regular session for the purpose of considering any business that nBY come before them. · rM. Those present w~re as follows. H.B.Schlesinger, J .A. Walling. E.L.Baker, J.M.Dunnington, Mayor. Com. n Secty. The following bills were presented for payment. Lloyd !~tal Works National Meter Co. $ 33.75 358.75 ~pon motion of Com, Walling. Seoond Com, Baker The amo~nts were approved and ordered paid. A -:- ,,(., <n ... \", . .<..~~?' cP'-' . Com Walling reoommended to the Counoil that the salary of the Wa~er Supt, Mr Robb be inoreased to the amount of ~ lI5.00 giv- ing him an inorease of $ 25.00 per month. After some discuss- ion Com Walling made motion Com Baker seconded that the increase be allowed, same to date baok to June 1st. Voting .aYE: Walling and Baker. " 1b.Y: None Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. tt N.b.Y: None .,f The following estimates em improvement contract were presented, by ~ngineer Rafferty for approval. bJstimate :fI: IE Series i~ E.K.High & J.H.R. " 12 A """" " 14 Series B l;liller & :M & J.H.R. $ 4.000.00 1.000.00 2.000..00 $ 7.000.00 Com Walling made motion that'the above estimates be passed and approved and paid with Warrants. Second Com. Baker. Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. It .:NAY: Uone. There being no other business to come before the oounoil Com walling ~d~_ mO;ion t~1: 00=011 "djOU~"';;, 1$}/I;v{/1?;l~71./",~7J'S'e'ety ..p'pr~ved - '. - ... yor July 8th, 1927. Called Heeting. ~ The City Council convened in speoial session at 8 PM Friday July, 8th, for the purpose of passing estimates on improve- Inent programe, amd considering any other business that may come pefoJ?e them. Those present were R.B.Schlesinger, J.A. Wa1lj.ng, H.L.Baker, J.M.Dunnington, J .H.Rafferty, . Mayor. Com. Com. Secty. Bug. .The following estimates on improvement contract were present- ed by Engineer Rafferty for approval. Estimate # 13 Series A E.K.H. & J.H.R II i/= 13 A 11 tI " Total ~ 5.000.00 4.000.00 $ 9.000.00 Commissioner Walling made motion that the above estimates be approved and paid with warrants. Second Com B~ker. Voting .i;;,YE: " Nay: Com. Walling.. tI Baker [ Engineer Rafferty made a final report to the C oUllcil on the ......" improvement programs. the tot~l amount expended to date ~e- .~~ ing ~ 249.IW9.34. Copy of report on file with Engineering. '~. ~ Department. . .0" 'I .,~l'l il. ;;; .f! Ratification of contract between City & Miller & 1tlller. /\. '/ .', i A"L'tgUst 1st, 19H7. Called Meeting. /' '...., h,)<, A I "\..",,\!:. ~..#~.~. .~-.... ;,,'5:C r../~:~k'l (. \::: ~ t /' - ; . The Oi ty Council convened i.n called session Honday July 25th, at 8 PM Lor the purpose of approveing estimates on street im- provement contra$t. Those present were as fallows. H.B.Schlesinger, J.A.Walling, H.L.Baker, J.Ll.Dunnington, J.ll.Rafferty, Mayor. Vorn. Com. Secty. Eng. '" The following estimates were presented to ~Jle oouncil ~ngineer Rafferty for approval. " ./~ nn:E t ~erIi~1r~llileCr'f & "!T~l" ar & J H U ~~. S , ~!~ ~~ ~". . .~. _ ~ J;j by $ I5000.00. , Series 11":"1' Est, # I4 .ill.Ie.High & J.H.Rtt.fferty. 2.000.00 , I7.000.00 Total Oom. J.A.Walling made motion that the estimates be approved and paid with warrants. Second H.L.~aker. Voting ..:.YE: Walling and Baker. " NJ.Y: None. There being no other business to come before the council for consideration Com, Walling made motion that council adjourn Second Com. Baker ~ ./ ...t I -" ~:r~'--- ,/77 c4j?;;....;f;,;t-;?,,'.~~7/:fgec ty Approve d ISayor ",I )' '" '7.0' ....~/I, J - '7-,,1 ; ; , , .. I l Regular Meeting August 15, 1927 The City Counoil oonvened in regular session on :Monday, August 15,192'"1 t at 8 P. M., for the purpose of considering a~r business that may @ome before them. The following Counoi],.men were present. . . H. B. Schlesinger, H. L. Ba};:er, J. .8.. Walling, J. M. Dunnington, :Mayor Com. " S e c ty . The following ordinance was presented to the Council for con- sideration: , . IljUJ. ordinance levying a tax for the payment of add.i tional public improvements, and deolaring an emergency. TI (Copy on file). Commissioner Baker made motion and Commissioner Walling seconded it that the above-qrdinanee be passed and approved. Voting Aye: Baker and Walling; voting Nay, none. The Mayor declared the motion carried. { \ '. . Cownissioner Walling n~de motion that Council adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Baker, and carried. ~.lJL.AJ~"try {,// .. I...... ,. t tJi' i"j (j i ,I /<,. ~ . -fl' j}~,J.' j~Y' 1/1. ",1./'" ,. ..0' ';,),1/')' ~ ;~.. . ~r' <<it/t'" b ," ~,'t f; ~(y '.J1i. . .~ Ci~L1~1) M1:.JJ:J: 11~G. i:..lept. lith. 19~7. 15th The City Council convened in CA1Li:!;l) sessio:n for the.purpose of considering f1nul esti~tes on ~torm ~ewer Contr~ct ~~ 55.000.00 issue. and general contrQct cieries a. 1hmse present were ~s fol- lows. i l a.B.Lchlesinger. H.1..claker. .:; ..l:~. Wa.lling, J. Li. Dunningt OIl, J .1l.Hofferty, IJuyor. Com. " bee ty. iong. l.:r J..d.Hafferty Gity ~ngineer presented final estima.tes on the bbove contracts, uS . follows. .ii;stimate if? ~torm ;Jewel', J;.;.A.H. 6;; J.ll.H. iW 2000.00 Gross !l 15 beries ~ II 11 3641,.41 " Engineer Rafferty recommended thut the work performed by b.K.H. ~s shown on estimate ff 7 ~ 55.000.00 issue und on estmmute ff 15 0e1'ie6 A be accepted. . ~ 7 on 1/he ;\J't;. I'I~ .:..i ;. IJ~tioll Buker second Walling ~hut estimate v 15 ~eries A behc~pt- eO. abd that it be pa.id with w 2000.00 of Warrants of Leries ... and that the remainder be paid with script alreudy aurthorized. voting AY~: Baker and Walling. . . 11 liay; Hone !.rotion by Baker and second 'by '~jalling that estimate 'if 'iJi 55.000.00 issue be uccepted and p[;j.id with 'iiarreuts. Voting .t1Y~: Baker l;j.nd 'i~tl,llil1g. " l{uy: Hone 'l'he follOwing ordinance w~s presented to the uouncil for their consideration. " AN 01illll{jJW~tl Al~ OliD lliANG~ ]' I:x.ll~ G )j'~g;;) 011' T1IL I,IH. YOn Oll RBIJOIWER, OITY A'I"rY on J?BRSOWJ Ri:iiPR~bBnTIHG TIU ~r.ri~fE, l'I.i\W:lHi.l.LL AIm DEPUTY MLiRSlU~LL on OTHER Pi;...C~ 01!'lHC.h:H.b, A1JJJ EIWVIDIlJG :.b'OH :i.1}lli l.'li.X1lJG .hlm COLLBOT* IlW Q.b' 0001' OlP THE OOURT ur CHI1HIL:..1 Oiibi!.;i:) 'llIU.cW Bb]j'Olill TIlt"; COlt - POR.~TIOH o OUR. l' n~ THE UITY OJ!' WBb'l' l.ilHVB1iliI'fY P1i;.GB, lliJ.RH1t> 00 '.rbXA~ . Com Baker made motion and Uomi~allillg seconded thGl.t the ~bove ordinance 'be passed and approved. \loting ,tlYlil: .oaker and jJalling. __roting Hay: l;ome. Com Walling made motion thu~ Uouncil Adjo 1 b co . If ./.-' 11 ttes t {, }7hZt;..:;~.:<,,;.,,;;v:t;"";'~:::i0:'i.3,ec ty ii.pprove. (I , 'j.. .1 SepdJember, 19t.h.~ ,.":1927 Hegulu.r Heating. . The City Cou.ncil convened in reg'l;l1ar session ,1.londaY:u~ept,I:9th at 8EM for the purpose of considering uny business ,that IIlboy come before them. The following councilmen were present, ~. , ,} ,~. ',' . , H .)h l:)c4~e. s in;ger t 1I.1.13aker, J . .A . 'wi all ing!;~ J .M. Dunningt'on, J . H .li.;iffe rtt~} '. c"'&I'f Mayor. Com. II i:.>ecty .h:ng. ;.1: ' The following bills orde;~a~i' paid by the Mayor and puid by 'the ~eoty, were plaoed before the Counoil for rutifioution, Houston Light & Pow Co. IJower for month for Wa.ter J)ipt. vvestheimer Trans Co. Ji'rt, und hauling :Pa.rk :dalsay . Labor. '\~a tar l>ept Oliver Levy. 1I il II II II " " " of .8. Uf? W 134.06 7.06 9.00 G.OO 9.75 €r .-ee- ~ 171.87 " If TI 11 " :; "j,,; , :', , .' ,~- " . ." - ~ , Motion by.'H:L~'B"a:ker. cieoond by J.A.Waliing that the M:ayors and Sectys,a?ti~n be ratified.in payment of the above bills. ~ Voting AY.h:: Buker bond Wal11ng. /;' .,:. ~f The following new bills were plaoed before the oowloil for (f their disposition, , :t ", ;.:.~~. Totul Total ~ 15.8 . &~.t . 1'7. M $ 176.30 lP. C .Hei ttmo.n IT !, Water Dept, General Aoot COm Walling made motion. Com Baker seoonded same thut the ubove bills be approved and ordered paid. Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. .;.. committee of residents of Hioe Court .add,heuded by Meesers :Plumb and Jarrard came before the C01Uwil and asked that the City out the water rate. The proposition was discussed at len- gth arid they were assured that the watervrate would be reduoed in the near future, but did not k110W just what the redu6tion w would be. ~ngineer Rafferty presented the fin~l esti~te on the sunitary sewer sand job completed on VHnderbilt und Tulane AVe. Contract being awarded to the City ~ngineer1ng ~ept. ~stimute us follows. ~ 6309.50 ~ Final 'rotal estimate Less Soript order # I 11 tJ If 'If 2 ;;p 1200.00 1500.00 2700.00 ;p 3609. 30 ~Jrotioll by B!:tker. i.:iecond by 'dulling that the above estimate be ~t ' ;1 i_" ;~ . . pa~6ed and approved. ;lVt6~ilgi (it~E:v.. -J3ake.r ; and, V 0 tl~ng ~iNJti{J: .None':. ,.! i.; " "...,'\. \ '-' .~ ~.~ (3{i~~'r 0; .~I ;~ ,~:' ,C.' ~ , . .~: " _: .~,S' ". ['k . Wftilj..n~l,,:; ";' 'I", ~.l~ .l _")Ji ..I,' ~~,~ I , iJ'tjJ "::." .'.. ' <.', ,\':~. ( J ~. ',f. ~i":'C . ':-)J1 '.... ,J .~n ".J 1:( ,-,:. -~.ti j' J.:) '.1:.;.. ' .t" I,;' ':'{I.,~~_r'Lll ., ::~:. :),r.;.,!"t}0 ','i,OiJut 0~t( .,~' . :;.~(jJt" (."J~'f( _:"hl::' ~'3friC0 There being no o'~her business to COllle before the C01Uloil Com Walling mt.;l.be mo.t::ion, that the G~Uii1e:liW..LadCjb.u:t1-Jlh"'beoond Baker. ,t .)~ \ '.' 'J.. <.' -\(:;;..:~:~f ' (;l \ J '.' .. L.; ,.;. '- '::!:'I.)T .~.t ~..1~,." , ' . LJ"j..":'Of;; "''::C,:I: r.f'p}'-,'IG', ...J'''';" .:t >}i L1: Ls.; -iff jJa"._ ;J CJ f" - I':'", a \ ' '. ~ ~ ' <~ '. ~cty v.r ~ ~triC1J' .'. "'4' il ., . :r;~.~y ~.J l,}, " ~j '.1: 01: J.l~.. ,;1" . ":tv' : ,., .;, . . , , 1lI ~ u ..' t. . / ~ j ~'.;. E: j' fJ~);..' ,"'Ill (< J,'j()'. "~'. ::~ \; \) l) ;~: .,]~)~i.,J i)[..:.U ,L:,t).blfO()Ot3 ':.i:f;'l,~',.." '. ~~ , '. J .~. . <t '~:: \.'~ C' J.; .;. 1.' , ; '" ~ ~ , .b b j).. i)~1."Ad,,:, _~, .l"~; 11 DiJrofrc:,; ,~ . . -;);~ ' , J "i)(~.tn ~.~,..>~~;j '~l(:..~_: :~(.~c'~~.\.'~ i-'~ fj~) :."j. .:: J ,U'.J:V'IU.;' \. ,- ~ ,: : l. ~_; :t. ).,.'1 '.\ t ".;J ~I' '~-4J ,,; ~., .-..:(. '{,' , . J 03 J;~: ~l.C ~ . ' . .f ~:i f;:} _'" . ,.; 1, :..;, a.", J: ~ i "';. .. li ~~lC ,~, ~~. ;~: . ~ ,I ; ; ,,,.: , : '1 ~ ..-,;..: "- i. .. ',j\, .. \.. '. ", ~ , ~ "" \, I \_; I t ': . Q i.,) .,J;,,: e ~.~ 'J 1 , ;:.,.1 : ',1 ") f.) "-;,(',,: "J. ;,:;;... . ~) "J~'(:\i : "~:<:jJ, ,,<. '<l"t'~. 1,.' .(J. ~ - .i:~;' . .,~, f.! c~ ,:. .~_ f. U '. , ~: ;.J '" ~:.i U -SJ (:.'t : ) ,., i..,>> <', I )..~ J . ,..;. ~ . ~",C ,r X";.: ,;:.. t).c'l. .~ . o'.-::b'j,,' '\:j tiC; ,~,. (0 \.1., ,~j .t~ ;. ~c ~.: ,";~.' O,L t.; " ,;. l.~_ ~., ::. J' "\'f~ 'J. :'.~ '1 ~.\, " f' ~. ,.. ,I '" .~.. . ~l ~, \ . ~ ('.d ~ ~( ~').cl:J \,~~. .' .. ','~, (} (: ". ~ \~Oel.~.~..- .:i:"I ,:' 11 \~"'r e~J_ '1 tYV' j: L \.... 1 ~ I , " " Approve \,\!) .L._l :..Y~) ;.:~ ,__, ~ ~~~ :.;'f..1: ..~, J ',~'." :)~,), f:) 'J\' '...,;:.[.i:,,-~ ';~';;"~ 2~t,..[lv;ioJ} { i~l.:-:I.: . !,~ c: I,] 1. r:~ c. ',..l.b ~.i t ~;rl ~,~ "~ ,_~Lt;J a x.:.. . r, '" .... . ":- !' "~' . 1 " , r,; ._.r~1 ',i;j.~Lt f i .~~.~ ~ ill L \.' .;;C LJ (".. (f .I; J~ :>:.: j.) ~)":L ~:: ',', ".,:C .1J ;-~..., .~r~'>':"O ':r(I~t .t~i eG d ,,:~ ,-1.,,~ :..i $~l:-:"i:"~,,' ~" .JJ;.J.,/;,) .L.I~''!-;~ ;:w.y,,~.:.. . ~~f..tJO"~." ;.......;.; , .1.\.J F.'" ..~~0.c j: ~~ f)',::. 'f'~ 1 C t" .~~.~ f) {},~ :,' ,l.~, ~~:"., <..".t(;'j~~,J\.! L;~:.i..U l,l',(.....::'r.;..\) .C ,:.'WJ ~~~'j.i.~j "<', ~: ~ ~'J.: ,.';\ J ",_;~..'- BJi ZJ I.: jj fi"::I: ~ .' ~''l!;, '., ,j ,: ',~ ;$ 't~- '. '- ~.; J,: (~ ~ ~.: ", .;,': \: \ "J' i'..I. w_ ~ .. . .~' ;J' ('I V~ '.~ t; .~ ~:: ;.' ':r :: \'" t. ~ ;' )].'1...... .:\. ,( ;j~t) # D.;~ .~ \," ~.. <-. :; i ~ . , .' ~~:,;': J: ~'l (~ <".." ,r. i ; ~.i t' "" .f "; {~ '/.. ~. I I I '( I I l .J October, 3rdg 1927 RG{~l)lat Heisting. The City C'ouneil convened in regular session lbnQctober, 3rd., 192 7 '~. at 8 1'. M. to C011S ider any bus ine BEl that .may come bef"o:re them. Coul1cilrrien present vvere ~ , .. H. B. S c.hl.e singer, H.L.Baker ,. J . J;1.. WaJ.:J.;.il::lg" . J. I.1.DuY.\I~;i..'h~'ton, .J.H.Raffer-ty, lllayo r G Com. lY Secty. Eng. The ,.first 'niatterto come: before the Counoil T~vas the watei~: s'ituat- ion" as to Grates. After s0mediscussion Com, Walling madaamot- ion that the water rate be reduced fror:l forty cerita .to thtrty cents the thousand gallons, with a , 1.00 minieum charge per month. ~ll Cmlllcilmen wore heartily in favor of the reduction as this was one of the administrations platfOrm promiseso Como Baker gave. a. second to the motion. ';'" ,t< .-. Voting _YE: Walling and Baker.. " j""; . ,.... Engineer Hafferty presented th~ following estima7;e. s.....~.~o{f... work being carried out on theimprovement'''programe. 'W~ Estimate 1f: 4 Series .J lUller & Hi.lle-r, & JeH.H., ..f 'I, ,'5000.00 ~ Mayor Scr.u.esinger advised the Council that the;re (!ere only four' thousand of warrents left of Series 0 und that'the balance' of the est2mate would have to.be paid with scrips Oom, Walling made a motion that the estimate be approved and paid . withh four. thou$and wp.rrents and ~,one thousand scril1t. Seco,]Jg;'. .Coml1 .8a.ke:rs . voting....Y.l:!:: Walling and :Baker. The following bills were presented for approval and payment. r- Wilson Stationary Co. .Krenzler Bros, R .H. Me Ge e I' " H 'f Lloyd 1futal Works iiP 16.50 5.00 135.54 9.85 IO . 9::: 33.75 Oom. Walling made motion. Com, Baker seoonded that the ar.:101.lut be approved and ordered paids Voting ~YEe Walling and Baker. !Jy motion of COID, !Jaker.. Secon.d Corn. Wall ing Beoty Dunnington w'as aurthorixed to have 1000 neW vouchers printed the price to be as per bid of the Interstate Printing Om. ~ 20.00. roting _y~: Baker and Walling. l ~~.-........,:,,-:--" ~; . ~ ,., ~'k ' . ,1\ ) .:' .. ,.~ r ~~" I ;"\ . . .. .:',;.- .'\ \C:~~ CT' .',' '" ..1 ; '..., 'Col il "..~ ...., l' '. ~ :.~ "', T . ';' ,.~; .;_: i !';(; '.::'Jr)~+JJ )':"..l'.:'''.;' C'". -'.,~,~:~ J .' ~ ~}, - (" ";"..' ~:'. ;..: . ~._ " .:~<;l :, ")~L~' (.j 'J)U 's, tl n~ ~.~:'J..p ~;. J~'.; " - ~ . ~''''-'..~ ]', ID , . '1 ~". ~ .,~. '~'. i " ',.j'.;: '..':.; r.- ~ ", -..f )}] f~'\~I'.r..:; , '.~ J_ :: ,L.'.-; " .. .'.' 0 \ ;') r-, ~'1 >.' . ,): I.; ~ ~\\ JIG ",r':"'v" . ~.' ,- ." .....~ ~..Y..J ,r:'~~~: L 0 f' . ':i,~ r\ ~'{; frj.f.r1J" f .:~~; .~: ..:] 0 " .",. ti .) J~; ,.,. :.,; . ',.,", ' . .1 -1 ,1" lD ' .' : '; ~ ..,.. . . e . ~-, '.! : D ~ ''':: ~. T~G ~;:~.~' ;'j~'J.~:~:' ~ .- ~ . : ~ '" " ~ " ~ ~. . ,. .1. ., . , J ~ .'j ~: i) C")-"It \,1. ~-:.J~', ):;:r ~l i>;-: ..:~:' -:; ~ :~'~~:~"~"'>, ~) '~l.o '.J J t..... f':r; ':'~ }IC ::-/; ~'....r ;,. ,-J.";~,;., 1" "T~JI) \ ~ -r /~\ 'I f' i'..~, '. ..'", .",' .~.;." ":~/ ~:,"'n'" ,a'lil'",,":t.. ".i'.'^~ . '.'_ ...f .,,:,'trT~T '" "YT" " ..).~ T I:)::..~ .\ /' G ~~~ ,~ T UJr~' ~ (3 -4~~G(J.r:r~-:: ~rJ,~'-r j1k'"fl,\ 0 L ~~ C n G ~ J- f) II )\ )_;fJ 1" }JTT J'I_G ~~ .y: .... ':\:r ~r-}r ~~; 'Ir:,. fT '~JJr~ ~~ ~; :J<'~ :.';f'!'-.' -~. ".~ f.?' ',.;1 ~(J 1~ ~:;"~:' .f~ + .;'.T() .\. t.,; .:f~? :T..G ')' ~ ~" .'+" '~ ~~. ~.,\'.-:f J..J.,l G TJ + n :~' .~~. '," J 1. . ~ t~ 0 :) :7t .f }.l'(:; '. ~: :!' J:. ',iNLt-:i '.. ~.:~, (JJT~. ::;r; G;;:- ,~:r ..:,:)~;:!' -P (3 ~\., ~:- (';'J:.r ~ (>v ~~ ,,,. 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':.:... . ~ Ii; ),;,:;--:0 I, . :') O~ 'J 0 .~ ';"' . .hJ:~0It't>'.in~fq;e~ Aq lH~Wf-feo:pf1n 00 eoun.:t.tmSUr et{~ mOJ:J asnaTe.I n t~ounoo et{~ 0$ p'ee.z J:eBu",!=saTq08 J:OA~[ ;; ~ ~ ~. J~; Gl "; J r ~~, "~ '~;. '; J ',.~ .'.~ ~ ( G .:'~ J il . 'j,:.~..l.~.~),,\ a. , .. ....., ,," .... .c".'u."- (t... -roT.'t';.:> C.1rC'r0 .'1O!i*;~""":T:^,' ....."""..r.':;r-u;;;.. -". ~ ~ -:- .J ..; , .'.' . ~, - -; ~ . ,< 1"" J_l1" -;r- ,l-~LU.'t5;:, :o-:"".~ IliP',V't4-wW.;A,,:O r .eJ-.tcrs.q:o ~er . et!f~: @:!j:T 8','9): &~'9Tit't:j: Efp" Stt~'lif~.J:it1'ff0 s~' \ 'tt:oltm!0 0\0 r~t{(:}:-9A;t'~., ~n'tI(~ ~afr ~'Bt{~ Aq..:teJ:JUH .;ceeu"t:~um: .&q:1=O O~ t>9.z8J8J: S"BM .Ie~~rmr et{~ t>'tt'"B '1T8R A~ ~o 'B 2u~'P"c",!=nq JO Uo'ns snb etf~ "pesguos~'P T~ounoo et[Lt b .' ; ." ~ .~: ., . ."., ~.~ ,,",," :b J. ,'.,) \.." :;." '1 ,\ ..:' ~~ "'- ., :" " .0 : a .'''"~'':''''<;'i'~ .~;1 ; ., '~ ,., . ; ~'l J ~ :l' '. ; ., ,i 'Jj 'J. ",fdJ :~., . , " ',,1 ., .....'( '.' " . l, ~ liovember, ?th, 19~'7 He gular 1.1e e t ing. - , . ". . 1 ," }1he City,o oune il c onvelled ~l':l, ;re:g:uti~r se.~sa;o~qo:nduy, l~ov, r/th, for the purpos.e of considering u:ny business t!lli.t mtly come before them. The follow;i.ng members of the .Gourd were present, ,- . ' ", li'..J. 0,cnle's :tnger ~. n:1.J3ulCer '" .. ,- , . J .~... V~u.lling, " J .1,1. Dunnington, J. a.Jiu.fferty, .f l'~ t. lilayor. .~om. 'I ~ ,.. . ., .J,';.;. . . ~ ., . ~ t :~ '" " ::iecty. i;;ng. Tax Oollector ~.U.Dunnington presented for the ~quilizution board the 1927 City tax Roll for upprovul, togather withu stutement for s~rvices b.sfollows, ,_, ..1' " ~ ... . ~CJ~' ,) '.~:;;: 1'",'" The grand Total of the tb.X.R~li\'i~To1.1;llted to ~~ r:..653.S17.92/J . By motion o'!, CO~r}3aker, ~ed:ond cori, Walling the roll Wl1.S approved. Car;ried."'<''>) .. ,c;.~:, Byll6'tfd:'oh of:Cotri -~h.k'€t '3e60110. C onl'~ -\~allingthe statement for ser.. vices at the ~(luilizb. tion b6~rd wU.s upproved und ordered paid. C<;;i.rried. '. _.~ . . ~ Ii: ~ .', - James. If.G-ullivam, Robert Burns",. W ua.o Smi t4,;; J .1,I.~unllthgtq,n;;. C hmarl . . ~~ 12',? 50 120'.00 120.00 ,45.00 I Motion by H.1.J:3;;;.ker second by J.A.h~lling thti.t ordinance levying tax rate of ~ 1.50 on the one hundred valuation of taxable p,:roper- ty in the City be passed. Ca.rl'ied. tlecty .:l.I,I.Dunnington read letter oigned. by iII'S 11.Y.V,hiteof viest- University ~econd Add asking the Gouncil to help her get gLtS ser- vive on her lot. The m~tter was refered to the Uity engineering dept, and uecty D was. 4sked to so a.dvise LIrs ~'Ihite. i:lec'ty Dunnington usked that the };Ie-yOI' und :Jectys action in jlssue- ing voucher to the Houston 1ight& Power Co to the amom1t of Q 79.82 be ratified. The amount w~s to cover power for 'Jti tel' pltillt up to Oct, 12th. By motion of Gom, \JaIling second Com Baker l.luyor Cl.nd Sectys ~ction in payment of the bill W4S approved.. The following bills were presented bt the Jecty for payment. \. Lloyd l.!e tal \.~orks F.G .He i-ttman 00 1ntr.rstate Printing 00 J .\A.l.lor-~el1sen. oaring G.i ty :Iall .J;(renzler Bros Ro. ~tamp & ~tencil Co ;:;t'owers Furn 00 College Park btore ~, 33 . r/5 ~3 . "0 ~~O. 00 14.00 15.90 6.00 ~.50 .65 -i I I l y ,.'. .. ,-,; ~~ J.\1"'~; (; IJ. 1 <.-, < '. " : \.c, c ,0 /l!1 ':.~ ::,. ~:-~. ,'~ ) ,~ i';. \ ;.~O. ~ ,~<':.~:!I> . .:'" :,~J.' y,; .,~ J . ;') . ......1(" ..... -"I ," (" -"/' .t \~:~ Tr ': '.~ ,'~~ ' <.I I~ (.... . It. ".,;~. 'i."i " :r\~\;::I, :)I~ ,~ ': T~' . J~ 1.. T;'t("< ',"",' ., ., ,.-. .. T:' .", T'.'..' .'..). ., {l1,1I \ "\".:.: ' .. I / .,. . . .,)'.'. .,. T . '. . 'j; ~~,.;-, c II (T(':; " .", ""1" r!" ., , >,:~:(:;~'!G T~ :::)(f ...: ,J' ~ " ;.;.':. l'j r ~ ~\ 1'"".,' .., ~ / ,j..' : 1'IJ J." ~\l-.J'~:~:', .,>:\ ~fj'J r T ,::r- \ (_,,:o.~" j':~ ~~ Jf II .:J 8 }".l ~~.. .f~ T -;', T ;'3 r'f · ,.'~, }JG ':>r1'J <) In; r ,:r::~ p ~';::~;~~~ :~~);'~ ::,::?~n ,;;:':-:':' J,n' :': "j J '; ..i! ~:::.;;: :-r~), X~) .t..G C'! . 'r;J~J'.: .,~~: :";00 t)jlt"'r (~:rJ . ;.. . ," ....- ~ r' t,', ) :_, '~;' ""~?~": :~J S~) !~O.\8J~ ," ~T. ....-1'" :l"!, ;';:,/ fO : (; r.:r ~.m ,Jf..,\I-~~'~" ., )~. ...) ,-'r ~ ~ r\ ,.:'(~~ r.,:: !: ~ ~.~ ()!-~\G L ::; t) ~:.) ., \~ T.-'-: ~~" ~.': -\ i ..~ l' D ,) J 1\ t~ 1i' P:S' ~~-:"(f"'~ '::~':~'~\QJ, i""'-'rJ;[ "-'G(~,:''''~'ln ./~~,..(}-.." '!~'f t.!:-:t"lf;':3- fUry ""'J .fJT"~' ,,'! i)-' '}6:,rr ''leT ",l)""J.,')!l.Gn "1': : ",' .;.~C(:; ~ 'H~r; DJp:r 'Oli:.' 'H1 '," J.? r-l t:: " .'j ".. ' , . . " JsJif6.IdU"\T t1\~"* ~.o ~ , ,,<;, "J"'!'-I"'''') ')' ,'t'"\T' -";,.:riit ~"IU'-'~T^j"r:r1'1(' " {.. "... ',' ,'.J' . " .J J .." '. IS "'.; . ' r1.......... ..),.. 1"""'''''' ''",'''' ... ~)r . TI "'ft.;tl!"tl': -r l~"'k~.f.\t"\^, "'r ""-<' l. l-I., l~'~^irr.;'; ~'\>f!r<?<. . ! 0 \"; J J.~) ~ I, ~ - 1 j r- ~ , ~ :..4' ~ .J:J ~"~"..J .~ l. ) /tt$.., }", '.} '\.;. (', .".,., ,""iP::JJI!J.r() '; ').> ' .. " .(. .'~.;t~~i~, f~.""":"Jr{;.' .,V\. ~~., , " .. ''f~ ....;., ;~O pG J.~: ;J~J.~jJ~: ~ Tr :'J l\lI (:r) ~~ -:r.fllJ8 ~J ;r. '" iJI J T AP'1;J ' '-' lTilJ'J'n . -,4 e~~g. ~9 a -ptIO 0 e q -tI.:r:no~-p'O l:1=ounoa:- ~'9t[~U:o'1=~:01II' Grp'9tli $ltQrCtJM woo U:()l~~.IS1;)!gtIOO :fJ'*..'\.~,p.pno-Da 9.tl1-rpar"ieq amon o~ sseu"tsnq .:raq!l-O OU ~tI1=aa, e.:rst{J, fP'g J;i~l\ ''''''Tr.^~ c....r:':'{ ....'(:')~rJ ..~:).~t -:.:'f;'l1.'T~\'jl\..("'J. ,;,n'~~:Tr.~Jn';'J .,~:: ~~r':' ..:~ ,....~'!;")!r1f~T'.c '{'.)]: ~.rtX .......OTTGc:f')T ".<' '-.'l'~~"'-"j~~~l'~1" ~'!)"':"l' . .;.,.....,Ci...i~(."." .!....).;~. .j...."., "';.$!' ..,...,........... ..:I~~~J.:.q ~ ') ~.1 (~.:::; ;) r ~ """l'f!'; v'. 0 r; ~ .1.''\ f:i ~ . ':::',!)rf ~ ') '" ") """(1",-":. T'-.O r~~Lr~' ";)'~r :>::1 CI :'" '". !~":~"!,. !',\r'j'r- ~~.G ~.;'~}J.,.,r.:n .rO .J,'llG (\ ;<~ .', '": '": r:--T .,.'!":". r '".TO f":) JJ::Tn:r:r .f; 0 } lC .. ,'" . '~r ~.:; ;':' (';:~ .J::' r': r r-;7,JJ G Cf P ~\ ~ ~.'" .<t-' T ~l "'" t) -,.. {):." . ~; 1 ; ~ ':? T,. :.1, 'i 'I.r:~. fl.T 1\.G . ();'1 ~r;'"'~'.;* .1 ; ['" ::, !Jr} "")J~' ~"ht.7'Lr-' T c.~'" ~', GO ;J~l!n' l'f'C1;' ~'.\ 80 f:~.\ -;' '" .fTTT1iT~r(: r. ')~~} , '. 'f f' ~ r. , ! r? (~. -, >:'eLI,:re ('f. r '.~ T J:-r " IT " !' 'f ,,'\ ,"', >." ;', .... ,;j<.' . ,.. ,..~ .... ~_ . ~ ':J .~. .+...Il.. 'T;"] .r . . j:'rrx J;;::r(3 or !\ T':J(J'J".J.i ,. ,;" ";r ""'[ < -, '\ .; ..;:, . .; :,~". ,,~.; , ".,,' ", . ~,~, ~"l+.~~v,'.l' t~..r..:~ J: '" 'j ;_\,_. l""~,,,. (<1':'.:g ..\..1\ :::JnT()J~(" t'f A~~'T !i",' :~~. .))T ()--;:~:X'.' " '~r;' ,.-. :"~rdJ'~Tf? ,~,.'t.~,,':.',~ r)' l"~ -0: . tt' ''''''',(' . "':._1j ,.S-.M " ..':'I'"_.~:""'-"'~ i ' , ) ........ 4'9 ~ ':.f; ~i' ;" r ~ ..... l"" ('\.... . T'r n .,. ....~ ,;.' '/'. t.... '1" ..... Y . ~~'9fi(t.' J.\, f:~~-"'(''''' ~... . f, $..l.i.'..~,~)li~:t(r \.T~..: .' ~ ..~ I ~ .. . '-,," :~', r:: :a .peA.o.tddfJ.9q . "'1' . r )" T; , ',"'rTTJI~" :'Tl"-'<;;~'.. .21r;:1=l:rr?M "pun .:r:e~~~j' :r;rxv 1?Ul~oA .' .-~tt:t,~"t;t~4~;.:M:~{C:'(c;'!. mo 0 "ptIO 0 e g - Tr~:~\'1; l }~.e.I9-P.tO "ptI1'? 81l:1=q 'e.A.oqnetr~ ~nt{~ tI01=!l-OW n e-pfJu.t .te}[~H.'I.R 'woO , . ~,!- .t1.rn "::()'~,-r'j.('f "'n';:,," .~:':~')rl~':r:.J'~f~ 'j':" ,'''':ypl Ttrt" ~-,~\~~'~!:; !'J'l'~'''. ,.')_'Jl''''~~:'''i;,.~''':', D'I,v:1',;: ":.,,.~;\ "':;(, ,1"]: n~;:,n:~/~ 1-\-' ,"" ^ .,.sm:&~ T,~' 't3=1\I>J,:n ;q.qi),*t ,P'eM (' "' . T.t01!l- ~~ g ~tIl tt1=g JiSO '=',00 A.Im.to1:!l- '9!l- 8 T.t08tJftA ..:' f;- ~., c "., ~Jq . I) T '.r ') . ~ Tji.'~? j<" r i~ : J{.~ :.;S'~. ". , !. r ~'; . 1 ,/.1:~ -':[, ,nil; Og-r 00 · 9I dh .;.J 'I> '-"'n," ) '.", '.J. ,.',1 -,:/, -\ ,.... r\ '1\:-:'\'," , ;,-: r",. T .- ~).J I (I..... ~.... : ~~;(J:X,"'~ ~. ' j '.i " 'TT1,f-<, . 'i ,::170'rJft~ . ~'. . 2"( () 1:. . :.~. ....1..1 '. \. ( . " ~ j' ~/~~ 0peciul 0e88ion. November, 15th, ~7' . ..".'. . 2resellt. 'H.B.:.). J.A.W. H.L..B. ,. J~M.D.J._H;.n. .' . ~ . The Oit'y"CoU!1cil convened i1fGJI.LJ:4}jS~s:s~.on 8J?]~,.. lr~vEf~~,~rl~ 15th for the purpose of cQns1der~ng b~4fL0l11?~lace 'fnaYi,r,g:p.l,:l..,~"Oourt storm seWer . . , . .,... . .' . '...., ..:. .il., .illngilleer I{afferty preSalilted, the ~<:>11~Wi1igb,~Cis: o~:tl}5LJqt~ (;t,o be done. tLS per specificLl. tions on .f~~,e J.n _the ,iJJllgJ.ne~~,~I~g~1,~t~ ., _ .. l~I:L,~l~;r ~,.l~I~J+,~J:\. v",,..,.. ;i~ 14.t):7;3",~Q- . :cl. K. High -- " -- 14. 8tt ~:CfQ-. .";;' . Ch(j.s. j{,.Hortol1 12. 966 ~'06.jL ~ .,' .~ng~l1eer Rafferty stat~d. tl;)llt ,in us much tl.S "~lis~e;p't :C9uld not , ,do:tlll;l.work ij,t a low6.r :f~gure than th~ C4~~,K.U:qrtonQ~d he would ;reQ~QUffi.1~nld tb.~t the wor~.':be6~vento6has .K~l{~)I;t()n,~ .. ... .. j~fterSQme discuss:i,Qn UOm,.,:b4lter mud~. motioll th~ t.the b~d of ChtLs. L.ilorton be_ acoepted, ana'.tn~t ::~11 est~rhates be pt;dd for with scrip. l:.)econd Oom Walling.. .. . Voting AY~: Buker i;i.nd vvtllfJng. ': .- i".... . 09m" v.va11ip.g pres~n1;~4:"p:Ui>tp 1ihe Counci,l =!=rom (~he bouthern"Bn-g, and,PuIti~-~(,)'i,aS:',:f.91:+c)WSr!",,:'~; ... .~:" , ", /~.... I-':i1 ~ !r:~~ti1~pa. DeeP. '-Well ~rbin~" Type ~'" '~l' uentrifug~~';,:Pu~p ~ \ t;S p~r speoif.i.citt.... ,., .,fA) (J ~9;n~, ~n~.;:f;,~+Jkw~Jj:p.::,OJ.. ty o.)ecty~ , ,." Amount p.n~ta~led ','.~ 2.80':3:.00 '. " Qom Walling 'reQo,ornmen4ed'~~~$',' the 'pump be purch46ed in4~uch . as the \f<)ta. t'e Fire::ne''j;>t' 'w;oti.!l::d:'re,q,ui~re the. ..c.:,.1 ty.,tQ,_~n{rtarLlkl1other pump. if' weaver expected tp 'gs-;e;l\U lower fire imJUrlzl.nce key rl;.1.te for the Gi ty. After some d,t,E(:u.osiOll ns:!:tU1daR Oom. .tJ<iJ,ker T!ltl.de motion thu t the pump be purc." -i.'ed a.nd thu t the it be pu.id for wi th scrip not la.ter than 3Qt;ctlys ufter instu.lu.tion.. ~econd Uom, w~lling. VotingAY~: Baker '~n4 Walling. . .! ~. . . " l~lotion by .JukeI' Lecond by Wv{:lling thut the Uity wb.ive ull clb.ir~ ag~inst the Houston l~uturu.l Gus 00', for extrb.ll;l,bo_r.. und m~ter- ials used in connection with the widening of TemleBse bV~. from .dell.b.ir.e Blvd to Uni vers~ ty .131 Yd,.. in. exchu.nge for whioh thestl-id l.{ous~Ol1.i:.f~t, Gus GO, agrees."to Qon~truct free p~' cost to th.e~Uity und.~nd7v~dutil lot Owners OI the u~ty , a g~s .luterbl 4l' or great- ~r J.ll! d~u.mutor from ei;;.sment i;l,.t reducer stutJ.Oll on "-lirginia Ave .r~oIithw(:;l.rd to eusement b. t Virginia Ave und 1310ck =tf 44 then eust- wl.;i.rd through block 7/' 44. 45. 46. Voting AY~: ~ialliIlg l.nd Baker. Motio11'by Uom, ilalling second by Gom .Gul~er toot the lkl.yor be ~1;1-rthorizedto.communicute with the lioustorlJ.~ut gusCo <:l.n<i Call;;. f~rm the COUllCJ.ls agreement to Viluive uny such cltJ.ims t:i"u:it the 0ity maY helve 4t this time tl.gc.dnst suid :douston lJut Gb.sGO fOl~ rru;..teriul or lubor used in cOllneotion with widening 'J:ennesoee \ /. , I ~ , I I /' m~. r.e l.:ft'rT):;:, r, T .f-!I. ;w"'c, 1" ;..... ,) ~~ "!", n";"' -:-C'J ,-"; n.')'I';C! ;,': ~~H: )}\ . . 7" U }'"t:f~C ~ f~ ~>., . ~::' ',' ~ ,~ .'~ I~: 'I . . rr"!" i,"' ~'~Y";-"'~' "I"-}rn-' p ,)! ~"."':: t"..~: r' 0 ":)}, '.1~. T 1.1.\;j ~ ~:-(< :'l'JTI,.}~J(J:~'.~' . l"Of~Tt~)T'.r '..,~\ . :',,:': /~.: :,.,... :" ..;~."1/., :':<'lff.' .~~ -' -.\l"'!'ll.C '1(''', }'-:niT I.~~I'."~'~':J~-' r f ~~JO ", .,,' ,. .~ ,'~ ..~~'r~:r:.:r'_!'-~~ -rj',: ..r.~; (',: i"''Jt. ;,')X:;'~:i.;')'\: ",. (\ "T",:" , <:'>:')11rr n~'\ -'I)~J ,.,.-I"~:'~";~. "'"7",., ) t' ," I ,v'J.l(f f'~ )}'r- .." .,..... :)1', riG- \\~I""f' t ]'r ~;'\T ,Jr,)':;;<~ 1\, '~:~I:'1o ..;~:. ."t~0. ~.o+Trr'" t.....,~~...: ,,' T"':' .~r' c: .: 1 ~:O ~~, · . ~'f()-j".~:>)':.'I...~t~: CO !~~ f;:~; :1G',l,f-' r:...t .~T,:.,.~~TJJT}':" 'iA8 :'fTJ'~j "'r,.}n~:' ;,.r 4 ,"e' 1:-"~" :---.,.\< (:1T., III :T" "'r~'lJ. lJ)')lU G"(':~~UIGJtr.: ('tC 7.f1'"fir(iO::.. r?;:Ii'I,":.TOJT 'J~'; ,")'T,,' l.":-, '.i:J~ "}fer :r:r,'fL"c'i:JH':J TJ.f OllllJGJ"Q 0.'; !'UG (;J';::~ · \-~ '.:c"<r-' 1'\:'[',::0:..:]' ~." 0:\, :..T.G''''f.~ "V):T,:~.),..,'"r'.':,.[\> n"~',. .'"1(,> ,-,'V"",.'I."') f''''('OJ1'~'f'''N'Gf' --"I.'." ;.,.:.. ,~,.," n.cc "'J(' "'.fP'\ ,,1.-,1 <- .roo .. \' . (. 0,'...1 . ,>...,No'.':;> ,,).:', +.v I'. .,1'1'''~''-- ~_ "\:.,J..l'l:..d...;,1 .J,., .".!. )' .\.., !.\ ~oi' ~'~. ;.1,- . ,r; J T" :P/J J ~vr co flJJ:f AG 1,$ T {'i\ T) J MT' l'J) B xo ;.rr';n~?(, :r, :):\, .'\P)'(~ ~'.Pi," (f T""JF' nt:cn 1'3'J C;'~)JT!JGO+'~'Oj,r l,\~-.r:J ~..\rG .~.t\:f.rf(1J:jTJr(? Q:L ~i(::lJ)TG~ r,.t.~ '''1:~'~?) J,:tr)I:.,i "~"'.)r)'T:rT~= [' ~ 'IOjJt~ ~OJT ""~f rffr,l~( T r';(\ff.' "'0 ~ T OJ, \~~~::~r-f T~yt)OI. Cl':'i;l '/ nc' ;,""~ -UH'T')J] C)'), '''''''tT'"(.'T "(:'('o"'(r '1'.\ "~lt"":r1TiJ I"'f'ff' ,..,,.'" "Tn';;, I'C,,,,,,, "T"r ~ c.'"" "t-., ' 'A . J'-" ,., -' "J '" ., & J ",' . .' 0 <. 4- 'J '7 '.., + J n,.. L'." _ .! ' . , " "crJ)' Ine. I\' () I' TV'';: ~1'rp: ',\" Ii>; J, 11 0', "fr I ""[ JT'2 . . . . , "t-. . \ , , ';-.J . "'1.PJ :SOLtY) 110+ jf'l"r,;;-r;. "V,W 'it .' ~,\:C: >'1":;::.:1;1:, It)! j>"~."'o'T')j" ''',H).Jj'(f -, L;" 'IOfTOD nr~+ -Pj:J(;l mi; II;' J\.!~/1 ~ B'f <;;tJT(f r.J",(' ;~lT8 _! r !}n '~"r:: :;-.')J, +.OJ;, .{.'fJe C l' fA. 'I 'r f01, ,", )F'l1 ~,,: !; t" T on l~rnr{Jti"nr.~I;,?i1":a (' (IPJ. "'T"~("J:. 1';'-' us 1: " '0, "', . " bmJJ.,J :r:r;, M9 tgA6 eX.bac t<..'(! riJ. '_. f' JOMGI.. t:rUl J nnsn:.rm.'d fCc'?\ 1.,"f.G .:tC~~T! -.'":"" , "" ~ ,1~ci'\\lfI;tCDiJ~€HI~ . '. 2fWlii~~"VJOf.]J6);. 00lD '''Ill ':T'I',:,;q ':'1J"t~ (\ll'~i~l). . tT ",,", 1:]".017 ~ + I _ J. ....f '}~ 1 ~ ~9}t'Ga:.tttOO llYQOes' rr~ti~ ~l~~.~~fW4q. ~..et1q. U()l!\lhO~,~'tttt ~tT~ WOO tl0tmoO e-qq. ~.~ti!;SChJ'llt~od!J:\r!~~<t ~-f;~'lf~\4 ()u ~tft~Q.e~; ., ,...."Tj"'('T.I.""'?r~.T ..'j'.'''rf. . \""W 1')6"" r;T"""r>-.'...;j.c- ' .:. 7.IJl,.[..',: --_.~ ''''. '1 Jw...J .. n J. ",. ,.; \""'!'.l1.e':::,tX.r\f1r. tf(lt'. 9t1!J. l;)S.I'elQell .:cOA'SW - etfu'~ i:~)'[i\S~~fq',Jl'9i~~~\81J .11Viffif'tflil.Trpltlft ~.~. "~ . '94 r'~~:'J:~:~i[l) GVJaA~~d<tl(JH:"Q~1li,:.;U99S.'Bd eq 90tre111-P.xo 9AOq'e e-qq. q. 'et{~,:\J ~4' .' -P9l>tt,~~~p ,1~~rtl~W, of}!15~'t'i~h~ttt~9'l:rll'~ ~?r@q.Qtgjr'~'E.f'~ 1~?;~Ta;.~~ttQl)~:~l~$~~i;J1~~. ..:i- A Of Tn[:;. ~r1:1!;: ';'~n[i~,L. ,.,;;'{ !IT"'ff,;~::liO AdoO) f'1r::t:rIlo '-'e~01Jq 1'0") "r'TT'".it-. . ." . ,~:~..'.rtq;.~~~~e~~eW~~riG~. it.tltiee ,;..r~.I'~~',r:~'TU'~if .... ..~~gIJ~ ~:8. V. ~";~lQ) , o%~'i:;.~:~~~ ~i~J.:it#~l~~ ~;.:tB!etTiI. . :.J~~~ll'. 'r~rJ~: ',j~d~lJ\' P . 9u"'ij''e*~t\~o~t, ff9.tt~:m:arp~'~'eJ1 G~;~$~~f!!,.. ~t"t1"\t,' l'i .';:9~.' }.~tI.r.'eeJ:.;, .. . Jj .~ ~. A ,.,.' .', ~il' , .1""Iit'}' _'~I. , ..:t .:!I:::. t j ?~ . '. ~ .rId ~ ,....f }1G.O,A\l!l] (j tt~'t;l.....'~i~~;J~.,1;~t.I!!I)I~ i'P+G.:,~ j~~t'l!l . fjI1mrr8 'r.r,x.~ ';'&'~n,g".di1ir!l.rd.:1T~;f- '. tt'Q'l:q.'e'tl.L'a~ OOT' ettq. rro sq.t:r~. gg j:o xeq. 'ett~ 9 ('e~th:~ TPtJ.;VJu\1':Il-',. ..: . . , . "", ";-'i"'~'~,~" ;{OJ. f')j:. ....,.. .. T.~:))~~i~~4'~Jt~llt~" ~tmoo .t9.fT;'~~O)rmtl~ ;;;~;:~r;~~~~~'~~d \:;S~/Il;'~stlriwi~~$Q.'~~f~~l}[ oj:z ~~w f'!DJ}o' "',: hn n;)(,c:n:~.(,),'r !=:j,'yr.: ':):1 -t!~s:nl?ttpl.i&~"hP,l~*,;d:tr~li:?i1ill'R/l "I'D ,/ ~Ti \H'4 ~<1l,~:@tw:, ~4~~;~~;p~~~J 0 ir{tl1.:J;~fTI &9Mt e~~~J:1Qr,q..E\,JB-Ui;~8IJ ttl? 'K r- J.P:A1:Ue1: rJl:t>'\1pHf. Q.q. 'PA HI gl1=S.:t9A 1= un molt ~~Mt>e9cI:f.r otttlJJng tib .21.', 'o'M q~~;%."P~) ,:~:G^a~~:' ~o:)ttO"~~~:~tP;rjU;W.n~1;{~ ~if ^biP1,~!Y~e (~~ ~f.L~! l"~:~1J~J\~-tnr~).: .;;, f 9~ tt~~~.TtlirJ!:t1~ QttJVJ4ntf:~'T ~~11l;n~ft~1"t1,IoJh rP.:tt.~'R~ ) ~~~~8" ?~9~'\(.1t6'r*1:SFr~ .'j I';:' ':!.V";:i',.~ '.:"::' ",. .... ,... .; 'fl'-''f9J1'R-p,;.,p.uf. ,~ttJ:.hit.-gAft,. :~XV'~trlq.o-^ -"pA ur .&q. is.r.aA1=tt[l oi' -pA 1:8" e.it~tte8" wOot;} '9AV \.,: .~..... J .~'~~)~\:::-:';:)I'"'7-J.. ~ ;:':J,) t....\ "')-":.""?"~T'''-.T ..~~.'-:~"{ ~Jj:;. .i.\.egula..r ~lee ting. ~ov. ~lst, 1927 ~ .. <; ...... :' c", .., ..;',- ,.l... .: The OO'l1lloil oonvened in regui<it~.:eesijion Moi1a.uyNov. 2I~t att31Jl.f for th~' -purpose of oonsid~:r!ng lj.riy:'busines~ th~t. nib-y., come. before them. l'he following Gourici'lmen ,.,t/ere p-resellt.. ,. .. . ".' . r .~' . H.Biboh~1:3s~l1ger~. H.'I/':13i:tker' ..',',' , .. ':;.A .ivuI1111g. : J .l!il. .uUllningtol1. ,j.#~f:~~fter~y(. H~yor~ . . Com. .: .. ., II r: ., c.: . : =.J ~.) . . " \. ;1 \: .~! . ;. ",. ." .. i.Jecty. , .p~lg... ...,. '.: ,. ;~,'.;. CL:" '1'hefirst matter to oomebefore,t4~ O~:)UJ?-cil.WCS'~t':f~PO'~~:'*tom 1iayor ;;.:,chlesinger reg~rding t1'ipto Austl.l1"Wlthreiere:h'ce'td gettinr the insurance ri:h te for the 'v i ty of liest Jni versi ty 1?la..ce reduced. ~J.r 0chlesinger stuted. t~t the ~t4te liire IJommissioner informeg. him .thut in. orde ~~ohuve u substl;l.nti~lreduction, (prob.... ~bly 507~ the followl.ng WQ~~ h~ve to be ourrl.ed autl . ' .t~'".':. Orginize vol~~er fire ~ept Purchase I b'l~~:: truck sCluiped with not les~~t~n 35 gul t~bk. 1000 . ft of stunclurd hose.. . ~he ~tuts re~o~end~ thut the truck should be 1;.1. Cf.;Ombl.l1Utl.Ol1 pumper , in ~s much uS we huve no elev~tod tank. ~~ppoint u. City fire Llars.llull. ~uild u fireproff fire stution. .* tu~ ,jJ t I, I lilr\Johlesi;nger's\t~;tSl(i thut i~~,we could get .things lined up by .: t'l;ta;'~J!ltd.cli.e :'.~~~ .:~.~:Jj,tniUIil:r~t. ct~,~~rteU]Ij;x~ ~fJF,1!; ~O:y,J.,d, .~~e ii<.u ~il- speotl,on lru;.i.de i.J.t that time Un(r~ould mu.ke thel.rreo~ommendc...tl.on in for'e pi;l,rt of J.j'e by. und th~~iiew r", tes would tuke effee t in the first pu.rt of. the,ye4r. ;;~::;>;:"> .l!;ngineer raffer.ty presented. ::i;>ri:ls fqr u fire station and stb.ted that same could be built for;,a'l5out ~ 5.000.00. After looking over the plans the oouncil a:}~'ked I,Ir Hufferty to muke some chL.<.nges in the plan und present same to GOllilCilut next meeting. Oity ;;'ecty read letter from Mr. J.lj.\d~kett owner of the City h~ll d.sking that the Oity remit the tuxel;;l on his pluce for the yeur 1927, in as much 4S the plucs ha..s not been taken oure of and hus deprechd;ed to thut extent. The Council decided thut the. U i ty had no aurthori ty to remit tuxes ullt1 tabled the Iill;l, tter. :;,:otio11 .by .Juker. ...,econd .by ~Jallillg thu.t oontrb.ot <.1.nd bond of Ghas, A.Horton for ~torm sewer job be rutified. Voting JlY~: 3uky,r b.nd 'ii;;l.lling. Amount of bond 'Iii 5.000.00. Filed with ~eoty. I,Ir. .a..2.Robb presented. 4 bill to. the b.Jnount of 'Ii GO.7!) for the upkeep of his cur while in use for the Oity, und b.Dked thu.t the o i ty allow the b.mOllilt. UPOll motioll of Gom. ~i41Iing. see ond (; om Baker the billed WQS ~pproved ~lldordered puid. Voting li.Y';';;~ ivu.llinc?; u.nd .J4ker By motion Oom Walling ~econd Uom ~uker. bxpense ticot of L~yor to .Austin huB Approved Amount ~f ~1.~5 Voting AY~: Walling i...nd Baker ~ '\.~.~.i~r't'f'./, .,' ..~,. .r,"'J~r-fri"2~.' .'~}(~ ~~~~yr~.,;'. 'T~~n-:. fI .~:' '!~l ~:~ -.r :J'A'<LJllG"; ".Ji).;'JI:: {2 >~ T q . '\ t~: i..J() r'~ (j;':' '~')1U ~."' !~r.1 '-'i,O')}i(f (, )~,: ~~].-.,,"~(nT,+ y.,>.:.')'..~-s:;. ~. f1n.{:. 0:: t-T~:-r:\O~r~ .DiJ I'~ 0 ~ T rJ::'~~. ~ ( "\ i"'f : ',.' c'" T T T ~ 1" c '1 : (T c,":- ~ ;;~:-r'Y,b.1, J':y:.:; r~! ~ ~~('f i.'."";~' {", ~'.::rJ~)!\~~~"'r ^'(~'(~ )'r.':._j'~._~ ."' ,/'.rT:-~~" '"'~'r;A t'""Tl/;'~t. f~T7q ':-r">.,~.\"T'~;:. '~,.h'}J; .'1/)f'~~'-):' )~:." "")~:J. 1(f',~I'-r:7(.)e ~'G(~(J}1rr '\0:] .rrI;J[GG:; 'JT .LTtt.~ f~ ":1, ~ J'T":~n Try ~1~-"(; -:""j)'~. f";"TG .'~; T C,;\ ~ -"'Tlq "~"1:t)rr C~.J~ r:. _c~:rE'; "'"1,. '1::J 0 .,:~ . "i' .') n ~ _~:' T/; 1:"'~'.) r\(~ ,'( . I r ry j ,) .['"\TO r .. I') :n'i J~ 'J~- '?)~b~i!; /'\ :!) E :\~I ';f,;;, f'} . C', . ", _,," . '\('1'. :, J";' :" 1"'" '"', . 1 >\"", :r 0 T.; .;'})~(-' .' ~()(r1 ~t"';"~: ~'i("','~r-.::r~ "':'}"J(f '\ ~'l~!~I: ~ ,;,.. ',,'. ~ ):C i",l" ':. 'j: ',r~ ')J, . . ....,... . ~ :i .. ~"or~~l):'"! '\~\ ,,:'l'-~-c:."r '" ~<,-;0 .Jr1f'~ i t r,I;\U1. 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'...". J\ ' . ~ ,-:....J. ""0'<)1'\) f'nc T"IJ'r,'."'!"Y'Y:.' ".r"Jr<< ,.,.,,,.^,., roO f)" r'<.~'.ITJ'r-"q' (~S1'I'T i!.. V :v t- IV~"" 1:; >t ! ')"d .J I,., rl~U,\tl... 1...\ ~\./ .i>-Y-? + '1:,1 \.'. . F.." 'C1 ,1 ~ ~~ , :p:i:t o:r~;irG r:f ].JTm .f'';~.c' :p:r' Oi,tf() NO'}J~ .i'J'J . N PJrpr. f-crJ:r + :r':'r ::,(VfJf(: r:. :])1' (1)1,0 D- r. G q HG G q. ;'"J. "" G )JJG 0 :r 11 f?c:t ;: !'~"'cr; rr ~'p<':t f- c~,Jn ,'., .j:'<c,' ,~g i" l tJ, (' ')1!:'!T r: r T 01' c:t. :':,G+~:rITI, .c~JB :[:r:rr:.ITJ"ffJJGG J.~"~G l;~J~C ~~~JO 1.....:[+7:. ()~. t-.e}.l,c I~JJ~fjtOJ~:-'T.~~'" '~Tcr~tJ "T<:"~;\ 'n ..., GllP~e:rIJ~.G:r~ :r.e i'~'n~frrr~ ~~,i~~bu.fRettf{t+ :rn. :~iM T>~rii8B~-tl-a8osA .uNfio~,Jj~r-Jt-dYttnG5:r'9~~ ~atf~ aof~l5~ stn~ul~H1:T~t.~l'~8({u~f~i.f'\Pf~om ;"uoo ~OJ: 110m100 eq~ ~~~~Sl+.~~V:g<;\Q~ sseutsnCl .I~t\ftR:. ou ~uleq 9.I9t{J; , r:1. ~t:~: '-{', \~~ot J (,,' 4 't"':'" It .1-,) ~f>'~11l.j..i';~:: ;. I):n ) l<"~'9 n ::.?,'.. . .:'.:~,: :~:~"J,~ 1'4!~'~o o~ S~ Be~~ml;J;s.~. UP;?~qo oSp~ 0+ "pU~ '.Iog~l'~ et:{q. tq 1>,~\>~'?tiiiI~abfJ: ~~~liut{o .IOU'fm ~eJ!t'Q..O'~ ~tITP.IOPO~ t~~~ 91> Ul R,[H..lduOl~~+g $.I~~jja:ft"<~ifSGa+p,e}"[S9 SiRM' [~l:i:SJ:J~H J:eeul~ttril' . P'i?o"'1J-?j') !?:f- ~JJJ. c.~'l~'r~~ (;.:;.a.inr6ii::qwl1j ~it~.euiJfQ~G?jJfm.Ied o~ eOU~.IeJe.I f t{q. 1=iOimu:~ti]:~ib b;~U1.I@if;, i~l?\ Ttt~tiA:n~J:a:tlIl;'oPftiUf~}{'eu. PIfI1{q. i7~i'tt.t~'tli iI'": ) :roe-; !]:orige '9~~1J~i~J~1iid:Gi~ini~ t.:t~t.t:ft~wuttahtR:r~1:eqOif{f'14te~~.n iil~++i~1\.P"- j"r 1>e1>ueUltUOO,{)$J.:.Ie~u:p11&"[tfog .:tOt:U]lt -UCq:!j.l>9ttUOO .:te'+~M f? mp:r eA1=~ a~10 ettq. 1- ~+ J?@~,fP:J en he.! -ptt-n 1:"1: nuno ~etr+ sXOJaq -pe.It1ecIdf:leq ant C"! -Ii - 'T - .Ir'I .? 'J A ; ~~\ T~ :; f T t) ~ ~ ~~;q ~'1..rflq J. T "'0 G :~ TIT1.;;". Galled Meeting. Hov, l:l9th, 1927 The Council oonvened in speoial Session for the purpose of pasfl- ing ordinanoes and &.pproving estimates on contraot work. Counoilmen present were as follows, . H.b.~chlesinger, H.L.Baker, ~."i.halliIlg, .J .1,1. JJunningt on J.a.Hafferty, l,~ayor . Com. " i..-ec.ty ~l1g. Engineer Rafferty presented the following e~timute for approval. , Ohaa, K.Hortoll! btorm ~ewer ~p 5.400.00 Gross "':" -.0[" ~. , . ~ ...~ ," .: .By motion of Gomiiulling ~hdJseoond Corn DameI' the umount Whoa ap- proved and ordered paid w~~'j;~, sorip. .. Voting AYE. Walling and ~~~er. .. ~ . ~ngineer rafferty preBent~ the fOllOWin..~.. ~imate for ~pprov~l. Miller & Miller. }!..Xouvt::tting."'" iJP. 500.pO Gross By motion of Com \hHling tind Leoond com..1 · t.ker ~lhe amount Wi:l.S ap- . proved and ordered paid with sorip. . , ." Voting AYE: WCl.lling U11d Raker. Engineer hcdferty presented the following estirllbite for ~pproval. J.d.Rafferty. Eng. servioes $ 500.00. Gross by motion of Gom Walling !lihd Uecond Com Baker the i:l.mount was b.p_ proved and ordered paid with sorip. Voting,1:..YE: vVa.lling and Baker. By motion of Com Walling, ~econd' Com B~ker the Mayors und ~ectYB aotion in iSBueing vity sorip to the amOlll1t of * 6.361.78 ae fin- al es~imata,o:n.sanit~ry sewer Job being dona by the City Engineers and'MJ.ller &.; lilJ.ller ~ubcontraotors was ratified, Voting AYE: Walling und .d/:;l.ker. There oameOll to be considered the following ordingnoe. l'here came 011 to be considered the following ordinunoe. A... ,l ::i' . tJ . .~' cS> ~fiI ,.i;J J: ): Approved. ~~Yor ~ December, 5th, IlJ:37. HeglJ.lar Heating. 'rhe City CiIlul1cil converted in regular seslilon Uonday, Dec, 5th, at SJ?M, fOT the lJUrpoSe of G ollbiderl.:ng any lnlS1w'HH3 thl:::,t L.'lUY c orne before them. Q oune lImen )JreBent 'vvere, n.B.Schlseinger, H.L.Baker, ~7. A. Walling, J .1.1. Dunnington, !;fay.or. Gom. " Clt~rk. Houston Light &; Power Go. Oliver Levy. Labor " H If By motion of Com Walling. Second Com lilaker their approved. Voting ~Yl!l: Walling and Baker.. By motion of Corn Walling. Second by Com lial);er the following bills were approved and ordered paid. R.E.Magee.. Nationul Meter Go. Krensler Bros. Carc~ill Go.. Interstate Printing Co. "~ 8'7. .1')5 '-w L.J. t...J~. 358.66 4.90 7.65 :~O .00 Voting .aYA: Wall i11g an,1 .Daker. Moti.on by Commhmioner Walling ~ec and. Comraissioner liu};:er that the City allow Mr.. J.S.Wickett extra rent to the Unit of $ 24.00 on the City Hall, in as the monthly rental was very small and the building had not bH811 leept in gOO(l c o:n- dition while in use by the uity. Voting .H.YE: Wa.lling and :Baker There bein~ no other business Com, l:$aker made r~otion that cOUl1cil adJourn. Second Oom. Walling. Attest ..Gecty .l1.1)]Jro.;ed______);,1ayor West University Place December 19J 1927. Minutes of a. Regular meeting of the City Oouncil held Monday evening December 193 1927. Present:: H. B. Schlesinger, Mayor J.. A. Wa.lling, Commissioner H. L. Baker " J.. H. Raffgrty, Engineer James H. Sulli"'lan,>> Act ing Secretary. Abeen t: City Clerk J. M.. Dunnington. Motion - J. A. Walling, .Seoonded H.. L. Baker, that Cit:i.zen, James H. Su+livan act as Secretary protem of this meet- ing - Voted. J. A. Walling introduced resolution on the death of Mrs.. David.. Read and motion made by H.. L. Baker that awne be adopted :::p::::l;;:~;;:~i'~-:;;~;:;~:;~;;d~~:::;~~;;~; ;:;;;;;d~XP~~~~ Note: H. L. Bakor to order and obtain bill for Pl'/n~ taion to City' Ooupcil. tP Mayor, H. B. SChlesinger read a warranty deed of convey-- anceaf Lot 26, in Block 13 in Rice Oourt.. executed by E. C. Barkley, Vice President of S:an Jaointo Trust Company, for and in behalf of Messrs. Preston R. Plumb and Ed J. Jarrard in favor of the Oity of West University Place, and after reading conditions, stated that this is a voluntary gift of Messrs. PrestonR..Plumb and Ed J. Jarrard fox the use and benefit of the City of West University Place, its successors or asei,lus.. Motion made by J.. A. Walling that this gift of Lot 26, Block 13, Rice Court, be accepted and that Commissioner H. L. Baker be authorized to file said dee d for record in the Count y Deed Re~ cords of Harris Oounty, seconded by H. L. Baker.. Motion by H. L.. Baker that a resolution of thanks be drafted and signed by the officers of the City of West University Place and presented to the Donors, seconded by J. A. Walling. Mayor, H. B. Schlessinger read a proposed contract of aonve yanes subrei tt-ed by Houston West End Realty Company, convey- ing to the City of West University Place, its undivi.ded 3/4 in- terest in the trunk sanitary S:'ewer line situated in the City of i. .' A ..... ':d 4 l .~ I ! 'l i .1 I i 1 l - 2 - West University Place" naming locations and conditions. Mayor H. B. Schlesingeralao read a proposed contract of oonveyapce submitted by The Crain Ready Cu t House Company" a Corporation of Texas" proposing to convey its undivided 1/4 in- terest in the trunk sanitary sewer line situated in theei ty of Weat Universit y Place" naming locations and oondi t ions and its interest being an undi~ided 100% interest in and to the tr:unk line sewer, from Cambridge Street west to Edloe Street. Action: As to the proposal of the Houston West End .Realty Company and The Crain Ready Cut House Company. :Motion by H. L. Baker" seconded byJ. A. Walling that the Mayor and Seore- tary be authorized to exeoute"on behalf of the City of West University Place" the proposed oonveyances" accepting the provis- ions thereof and that the Seoretary be instruoted to file the ex- eouted conveyances in the Dee.dReoords of Harris County" record and that a copy of said oonveyances be spread upon these minutes. Voted - all. . Mayor Sohlesinger oertified, to the City Council of West University Place, a petition presented to him by the residents of that section 1 ying West of Hawthorne Avenue, as per metes and bounds described in said petition. Commissioner Baker introduced an ordinanoe entitled "An Ordance Receiving and Annexing Certain Territory and The Inhabi- tants thereof to The City of West University Place and Providing that Henceforth Such Territory and The Inhabitants Thereof Shall be a.Part of Said City and that The Inhabitants Thereof Shall be Entitled to All The Rights and Privileges of Other Citizens. and Bound by The Acts and Ordinanoes of Said City" and~clarirlg an Emergency." ' On motion" Commissioner Wal~ing , seoonded by Commiss- ionerBaker, the ordinanoe passed its first" second and final reading, and the ordinance was deolared to be finally passed by MayorSohlesdnger. ~. ./1 as H. Sullivan Acting Seoretary. II.. ..";~ '''v rJ ..I .~, ;..... '. . - J' i l RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it has pleased ~lmiehty God to call Unto Himself8 and to her eternal reward, Mrs. Justa.David, a dear- ly beloved and highly esteemed pioneer resident of our 01 ty" it is hereby resolved: That the City Council of West University Place, in regular session assembleQ." extend to her bereaved family the ir heartfelt expression of condolenoe and sympathy in this their time of great sorrow, and" it is further resolved that this reeolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Counc i1 of the City of West University Place" and that a copy of this Res- olution be transmitted to the family of Mrs.. Justa David. Done,this nineteenth day of December, in the year of ~.". :...\\~ ..~ . e.,~.'Y G'4~ fiI~ our, Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven. Commissioner Commissioner