HomeMy WebLinkAbout071414 CC MinThe City of West University Place A Neighborhood City CITY COUNCIL STAFF Bob Fry, Mayor Mlebazl Bass City Manager So=Sequir Mayor Pm Tee Alm Plow, Cry Anthony FA BotMOq Cocn it l e,i Thelma Lem. Pty Secretary Town lol»m¢ Counolmembe Dick Yorke Counciini CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES The City Council of the City of West Univereity Place, Texas, met in a workshop and regular session on Monday, July 14, 3014, in the Municipal Building, 3000 University, West Univerady Place, Texas Inspiriting at 5:00 Pill Agenda Items were as follows: Call to Order. Mayor Fry called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. in the council Chambers. Council and Stag in attendance wee: Mayor Pro Tem Sample moved at 507 pm.). Councilmembers Heathcotl, Johnson and Yehle, City Manager Ross, Assistant City ManegedPublic Works Director Peru, Assistant City Aftomey Martye Kendrick, and JPRS, City Secretary Lenz. Mae rolling the meeting to order, Mayor Fry recessed the Workshop and commend who Exseuve Session. L Essential Session Matters related to City onned properties. Recommended Anacker Okcuss aM take any dasbetl esaw Discussion of this Rem was hem in closed executive session in aoxkance with Section 551.072 in Chapter 551. Open Meetings Act, of the Texas Government Code (discussion about lee value or transfer of real properly and other real estate matters) and Section 551.071 in Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code (consultation Ywth legal counsel to seek or receive legal advice). Aker discussion, Coundinnember Heathcotl moved to close that Executive Session and reconvene the Workshop at 5:33 p.m. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heathcott, Johnson, Yehle Noes: forms Absent None No action was taken on any decimation hem in Execudve Session. 3. BoardslCommidatats Matters related to reports by Be Zoning Board of Adjustment. the Senior Services Board and the Parks Saki Zonlno Board of Adiustment Report Chair Samantha Brantley (resident at 2733 Werlein) reported the following: City Counnl Minutes. July 14, 2014 • She replaced Carol Steen as Chair as Carol will be moving owl of the City; Pra Coffey less elected to serve as ViceLhair, • There is now a vacancy on the Board; • The Board has held Me meetings since the beginniinti of the term, few of which applicants were requesting special exceptions; Two requests foraddtlional cub curs: o One request to reduce the amount ofopen space for an old stock house, and o One reque st to reduce a front yard setback along Bishnnet. • There were w requests for variances : and • The Board's creating date has been changed from the third Thursday of the month to the Fourth Thursday. Mayor Fry asked Ms. Brantley if she feels Council modern appoint a memberto the vacancy. Ms. Brantley said she doesn't feel it is necessary. In response to Counalmember Yehle's question as m whether Me Boats feels there is a Code Issue due to Me nature of the applicators, W. Brantley sell not dung this term as of yet. Senior Services Board Report Chair Peter Vrancken (resident at 6700 Belmont #12) reported the following: • Them are 4,500 residents over Me age of 55 in Me City; • Individual programs have increased in number hard 111 to 160 between 2004 and 2014; • Ongoing programs have increased from 15 to 35 tram 2004 and 2014 and revenue has Increased from $13,500 in 2004 to a protected $55,000 this year; • There is a vacancy on Me Board due to J kind Neighbors departure fmm the City; • The success rate for new progrsms is 85% compared earn a nationwide rate of only 35 %; • The wall budget for 2004 was $177.460 and $287,01M for last year; • The Good Neighbor Team currently has 28 volunteers{ There are 146 residents who are over 85 and/or disabled and/or aged over 65 and Irving alone and with no family members living within the Greater Houston all who bereft from the Cood Neighbor volunteers four times a year, and • The team of Handymen has 20 voluMeere all they have served over 50 residents. Among the tasks undertaken are broken windows, missing shingles, wheelchair amps and doors that no longer case; all plumbing and electrical repairs. Coundalmember Yehue instant that the Board is doing a fine job and works very wall w1M flag Parks and Resignation Board Rapwl Vice Chair Kevin Boyle (resident at 6425 Virginia Court) reported the following'. • The Board currently one vacant p rsiMOn. Position (previously held by Jon Travedism tight his untimely dean In May of this year). The Board does not sae Me need to fill the vacancy at this point. but will begin Me process M fill It, dComcll feels otherwise; Board meetings are efficient all effective; • Board allendance is exemplary, with an average of 60% of the members present at each rroMMy meeting; • The Seem formal four (4) subcommittees o Park Ambassadors (5 members): Responsible for monitoring a specfic City park or recreational f ndllly by regularly vaifing the facill engaging palklfacilby users em City Council Minutes, July 14, 2014 and immediately reporting any maintenance or operational concerns to the Parks and Recession Director. • RecreaSon Fees (3 members(: Primary responsibility is to assess me current fee schedule and make recammendadons on adjusting the Few Schedule annually; • Special Events IS members): Primary responsibility is to work with staff in planning. implementing and evaluating the third-one annual special events the City facilitates; and • Customer Services: NI Parks Board membere serve this effort. They observe and report an their and their peers experiences in all facets of parks and recreation related endeavors. The Board has an active role in the recommendation and review of pmje res submitted to the • Friends far fucddg; and • The Board serves in en advisory capacity regarding the Park Master Phn effort underway. Mayor Fry thanked all the Board members for abeMing and providing their reports and said he feels the City has a great dome of people serving on me City in their respective capacities. 3. Mtlm Reirmainina Plan Discuss Metro's Relmagining Plan, which includes proposed new bus mutes In West University Place. ReconxrrentletlACrtcn: Discuss archfake any Oemetl ectim. City Manager Ross presented and said because there has been continued Prwem expressed regarding me Assistant component of Metro's proposed plan, said placed this item on the Workshop agenda for informal discussion, as well as placed it on the regular agenda V formal discussion and action, If necessary. He sale Metro bl listening and wants to hear from me public about me proposal. Mr. Ross saM tonght'a Wonkahop is to disease options and discuss whether Council wants staff to fuller explore those options on behalf of me City. Councilmember Johnson asked N it would be effective for Council as a City to have input to Metro. She said she believes Counal has each expressed concerns individually, but she thinks it would be re beneficial m submit something as a group that states that Council believes it bl a grant plan, but just not on Wealayan or any other two -lane street. Mayor Fry said the first thing is to realize that the City has rw central over Metro, bud he said it won't hurt to ante a labor or tlrefl a resolution to get our concerns on record. He said we might able want to have the City's traffic engiceers perform a survey of how the Metro plan would affect the Ciry. All of Council agreed mat a survey by the traffic engineers would be money well spent. City Manager Ross said staff has been searching me waters for traffic engineers that don't work For Metro and it has been a difficult task. He also sand thatthe only proposal staff has seen sober is too detailed and costs between $60,000 and $70,000. but he said staff mill continue to research firms to solich proposals for a less detailed survey services Mat would considerably retlme the costs. He said staff mill seek demortmtion from Coundl at a future meeting to move harvest with a Andy if the mat re had too great. City Manager Ross also said staff can drop a resolution mat would include the Qty's concerns that proposal plan would move mats off Wesleyan onto residential streets, issued with school saga at Ries and University, and having addidonai railroad crossings an Wesleyan route that a message present on other mutes. M. Ut Gly Council Minutes, July 14, 2014 Councilmember Yeble said one d the difficult things about traffic engineering Is that Weslayan has a problem now and so three buses running every hour in each direction are not materially going N automatically change the traffic flaw, but said R Metro is not coking at good information now they may not know what theyre getting into He said the City heeds to see what Metro has already done mascara traffic surveys. Mayor Fry asked Me City Managerto keep exploring the casts for a baMC engineering surrey. Councilmember Yonne suggested that the survey go beyond Me Citys section of Wesleyan and north to Wei in order to really get the Impact of what's going on In the area He said what happens on Nat end affects what happens in the Cry. Gry Manager Roes also asked Council If Ney would like to sent out a Code Red encouraging residents to powde their comments to Metro. Count advised him to move forvam with the Cade Red. Damn Ackerman, 3908 Casa, spoke to any that he Is happy to bear Nat a resolution will be forvardetl to Metro on behalf d the entire Council. He and there are other Issues Nat go beyond just traffic, such as quality of life and safety issues. He asked if there is a way to expand the study to also look at quality d Me issues. City Manager Ross said NO will have Nose discussers with the treRC engineer, but the City staff, along with the Police Department, will talk about the quality of Ide issues and include them as reasons for mmern in the resolution from Council. With co further discussion, Mayor Pro Tam Sample moved to adjourn Me Workshop at 6:18 p.m. Coumilmember Hardihood seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Fry, Sample, licensed. Johnson. Yehle Noes: None Almond None REGULAR MEETING (6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers) Agenda items areas follows: Cell to Order. Mayor Fry called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Council and Staff in adendance were Mayor Pro Two Sample, Councilmembere Heathmtt. Johnson and Years, ACMAmblic Works Director Pe'deo City Secreary Lem, Assistant Cry Attorney Monte Henddcic, JRPS, Fire Chid Taylor, Assistant Public Works Director Beall, and Police Chid Walker, William Sags, Trend Ni led the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary Lenz confirmed that the Notice of the workshop and regular meetings was duly posted in commence with the Taxes Government Cade, Chapter 661. d. Public Comments The following comments were made them the public: Vernon Tyger. 2932 Wmdon, spoke regarding Maii Reimagming Plan and said his redeem Is the effects the buses and extra traffic, will have on Wesleyan and that will eventually cause wear and tear on vehicles due to the damage heavy vehicles often muse to the roadway.. 4d6 City Council Minutes. July 19, zeta John Colreg 3036 Marlowe, spoke repealing Metros Ralmegining Plan and sale Me resolution Council is considering issuing on behalf of the City is an opportunity W help Metro Improve their plan in terms of ridership and mobility. He said routing Me bus along Bulfala Speedway makes mom se because it would take the bus into the head of Greenway Plaza, which is one of the heavy mincemeat districts Mebo is Intending to serve. He said as it is, on a Amaral route, Metro would be dropping the riders off al Coslce and they would have to catch another bus or walk a few blocks to get to Speedway Plaza. He said the ovepell plan is great far the majonty of people, but this is an opportunity m correct a flaw in the plan. Michelle Moore, 3908 Rice Boulevard, spoke regarding Metro s Reimaginin9 Plan and said she is glad to hear that the Gty will be dmi a resolution as an amity. She said it is her experience that when painting out the problem, providing alternate solutions is a goad member. She believes the City will have more success if a solution is prompted for the problems the City foresees with buses traveling along Wesla yin. She also said she liked the idea of sending a letter to Metro in addition to a resolution and of backing it up warn facts firm a haffic survey. Ms. Moore saitl she Is happy that Council is taking assertive action on behalf of the citizens to prevent a disruption on Wcelayan. Susan Thomas, 39W Byron Street, was regarding Ml a Reimaging Plan and said she thinks the C'Ty has a better chmrwe of getting Metro M listen ff the argument can be strengthened that Baseball Plaza are more on Buffalo Speedway and that there are more apartments and retail centers for them to cannect to She said quality of life is a big capped for residents and although that may rot be a Metro concern, she hopes it's a cencem of City Council. Mayor Fry reiterated that the message tonight is that the residents are the ones with the strangest valces. He sold the more residents who make comments to Metro directly, the stronger the case will he He said Mine will hold mom public meetings and Me City will send out public dents regarding those meetings. Mayor Fry said Council art l do what it can, but the residents will have W do their part. Bernd Ackerman, 3908 Case Street, spoke regarding Metros Reimaginin9 Plan and said it Is the resident's collective desire for Counsel to take a positMn for them. He said Metro has people to advocate for it, so the residents need Council to answers for them. He said everyone knaves why ifs bad to have a bus on Wesleyan and that Bubble Speedway is Probably a better solution and residents have send their concerns to Metro, but Malro needs to bear it from Council as an entity . End of public comments. 5. Metrolhundalmina Plan Discuss Maims Reimaginin9 Plan, which includes propmed rev bus mores in West University Place . Remmmendea Acmen.' Discuss and take any ammY man, No discussion or action. Comments regarding this item were made during public comments. 6. Consent Agenda Al Consent Agenda Roma listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one matlon. There will be no separate discussion of these Items unless a Council member requests In which event the Rem voll be removed firm Me Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. A Cibi Council Minutes Sol Cin Council Minutes, Jury 14, 2014 Approve Minutes of June 23, 2014 City Council Meeting. Recommended Action: Approve Minutes. B. Assistant CiN Secri Matters related to a resolution appointing an Assistant City Secretary. Racwnmenal Action: Approve rescution appisturg Anne Evelyn as Avessnf Qm Secetary. C. Interlocal Agreement With Harris - Galveston Subsidence District Matters related to an Intedocal Agreement with the Hams - Galveston County Subsidence Ushict (the District). FerommnMed Acton: Appove housk rel Agnrenrn'rt own Ne Narm'13Aez'm Cpunty.wave rra i;sa ict 0 essa isF watn[onservatwn goals, guakswite; aMp/s to be uxd wlHpp ere Racist, D. Ruskin Street Rehabilitation Matters related W accepting the bid and awarding the coMrsd for the Ruskin Street Renovation Project. This includes Storm Sewer enhancamenis and new street pavement. Recommended Action Accept Bid and award Contract M %gent E. Irdedacal Mutual Add Agreement with Hams County Matters related to an Interlooal Mutual Aid Agreement with Hams County for the purposes of ensuring eligibility of reimbursement from i for mutual aid received during a "tlisacter response. Rewmmendad ACfbn: Approve lFe IMwloc &AMeemaM wFM1 Ha'ris Coumy Councilmember Yehle moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Fry, Helmand, Sample, Johnson, Yehle Noes: None Absent: None T. Council /City Manager Reports Assistant City Manager Patter reported that the City has been assumed an upgrade imm Snake City status to Silver City status by Me Scenic City program. He said a presentation will be made at the TML conference and Council will revolve an invitation to Me program. a. AdWYm With no fuller business, Mayor Pm Tam Sample moved to adjourn Me meeting at 645 p.m. Councilmember Heathcotl seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heathmtt, Johnson, Yehle Noes: None Absent: None ax nz City S D Apptn ad R.