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Page 117 *~********* Jume 21 1926. ******~**** :J The TOWJl_Clou1licil co:mve:ned in regular sessioJAat 8 P.M. MOll Jum~ ~ 2I~t. Councilmen presellt'were, ' H.B.Schlesimger, 'l' CI ,.(',,- .d. L'4Bake r , o J".~~'~ Wall ing , J".M~ DUJn1l.illgton, o . J'~Ir~Hafferty, Q' G'~ B . Murray , 1i;1ayor.., C oiu'o" . C"o~, : Cle,rk. Eig. :. Marshall. , r I I.,). . The first matter to come before the Coumcil was a proposel by the l~yor that the Tow~ of West URiversity Place graJltlli to the city of Houston a sewer fral?lchise, a copy of which was read in.'full by the Clerk. After some discllssio:wl the followiltg ordilll.amce was passed UpOlJ.l. motic))U. of Com, Baker AJid secolUd(Hl. by,., Com, Wallillg, , ' ' . \ \ ... " ,~l(, dRj)'. "~:~EG-RANTING TO THE CI~J.1Y 0Ji' HOUSTON'; .! f:'c:!f.tmS.;;c"IU'GHT' PRIVELEGE AND FRANCHISE TO ' 1~INTAIN,OPERATE,CONSTRUCT AND BXTEND A SANI- TAlty SEWERAGE SYSTEM I1:I llLONG AND UNDER THE - , STREETS OF THE. ~L'OVm OF WEST maVERS ITY PLACE FOR A PERIOD 'OF TWENTY-JPIVE ( 25 ) YEARS UND- ER CERTAIN TERMS AND COlfDITlmrs SET 1!'ORTH A.ND DESCRIBED IN SAID FRANCHISEo Copy on file with Clerko 'w 'I1II!!If . l'~ iI' ' . ~ )e., "".. " '" A"~ . ,.,{ /I .;.j J .;.J There beiligali emergellcy declared by the Mayor i~ writiRg the OrdiRaEcea was read a~d passed to it fi~al readi>>g OE this the 2ist JURe 1926 and$hall take effect immediatedly. Motio:m. WalliJl1l.g Secolild Baker. V'otililg AYE Baker a:md vYallilUg. sewer The fol1owi~g estimate # I was presented by EngiReer Rafferty and upo~ motioR of Com Baker SecoRd Com WalliJl1l.g it was approv- ed. 1.I.mou.:m.t $5.000.00 Gros13. ~.K.liigb, . 4.375~OO. J.~.~afferty, '625.00. Voti:m.g AY'.&: Walling alud Baker 0 NOS: None 0 1~yor Schlesi~ger proposed that the Town grant Mr.J.S.Wickett $ 5.00 per month for relilt all the Town Hall beginning June 1st, 1926, UpOlil motion of Com Wallhlg secoEd (jOm, Baker the a:mo'W'lt was allowed, Votixlg AYE Wall1:r:ag and jjakDrr, -~ }c "-...;..-' \. ~i~ j. \:.., .l:'age 118 ~\he following bill~ were presen\l.ted al'ld approved, by motion Uom, Waliirig Second uom.'.naker. Houston Post Dispatch, J. G'Oode J . \.:tooele J. ti-O 0 d:e J. Goode "~'92'. 20 10'.00. 35".00. , 4:5".00. 24'.00. Voting aY.h:: Walli~g and Baker. 'A'.I€~' ,.: ,t..,. V', . ,/' -t. , ~.' " "8 cir"l" . '.j' (! ... Mayor . _.L .-1-';',. . >,:,.' 11 \.' lb': . . /:f"'""','., \~. ) '" ,~~ji) , I"~ ~"!.~, ,ro, r, l " \" .-~-." "i ',,;( 'L'" I ~ - *******~:July 7th, 1926. ********* .... .J: #119 ( \ \~....-'~.\ l.,.t...",;\.." The Town COUJ!lcil convened in 8'!'e.e.iia.J." session Tuesday July 7th, at 8 p.~. for the purpose of considering the graliting of a GAS FR1~CHISE to The Houston Natural Gas Co of the City of Houston ~exas. After some discussionPhe followi~g Fra~chise was read and upon MOTION of Com, Walling and SEOOND by Com, Baker was adopted by the COUl}.cil '., " , Counoilmen present. schlesinger. Yiall!ng...Baker., DunninE(ton. .aN ORDINANOE, It&,,,,f'er1iY and Murray. For the ciraulating of gas in fh. Town of West University Place Texas. ~- AN ORDINANCE 0]' .AND BY THE liIAYOR AND COlJIHSS Iomms OF THE TOWN OF \teST UHIVBHSITY PLACE TEX.AS GRAHTI1;G TO THB HOU;Yl10:N I~A~IUiliiL ,- , ." GAS GOl1PAHY alII HAllinS COUl4TY , TEXti-S, '1'HE HIGHT .iJm PRIVIIJEGE }llm FRAIWIII~ ;'1'0 J~AY GAS Iitli.nm l:..LOlJG ':rEE STIlliETS ,..tI.VEHUES ,ALLEYS ,ROADS AND HIGlI;Vv.d:YS iJ.HD OTllim. PUBLIC PL,ACES OF THE ~[,OWIJ 0]' WB::lT UlJ IVERS IT PLACE,Hi~fE\ls COUNTY, 'l'EX.AS ,FOR THi:; PUHPOSB OF Dlo1.1lUBUTIHG .ii.liiD SELL lUG Ih:.TURdJ.l... GAS TO'rHE IHH.aBITAHTS OF SlJ..ID TOWN ii-1m fro OTHERS tiJ..ND ALSO TOLAY PIPE LIlLi:':iJ IU THE 8fI\lfuBTS ,AVEnUE:;) ,ALI,l!.:YS , HIGHWLiYS "ROilfj AND O(naR :PU:SLIC PL.a.C.i;.;S ..dW GHOmJDS OF S.ii.ID TOWN J!'OH CL'Hi:.: rURl'OSE . OF OOl~VEY IlW U.li.1.1Ul~iL GAS !l1HROUGH d.1W vl1THIn oiJ..ID TOWlJ :b'OR .DIS2.'RI- BUTION OF It:.'1'U:LtiI.L Gll..S TO ':CHi!:. 1l~:u..AB IT.ANTS 0]' ;Jl.\. ID Town .AND TO OTllill BEYOND 'lIRE Town 1ILIITS OF o...:.:ID TOWN OF mnVlJHS Eey I'LL..UE TE~0:1S BOTH ]'OH nmU.y.rru.AL iJ..IW' .JOIi1i.i;STlu l'UHPOS.c;S .tJm l)HOVIinl~G 1!'OR TIlE REGULATION OF TH.~ TIME,l.i,ilH~EH,l'l.lm fL.i;iOE OF L.iiYIDNG. SUCH Ualns .t:..liD 'l'llli OOlmUCT O:b' J.t;\.ID GAS DI::>TRI.t3UTIOH SYSTEM .d.H]) ]'IXIlW THBX IJU~1:IMUlvl P:~::N:F :~:tiT::_ G":A:~l:::I::A::~HIB~::~y D~N S;:~E T::: ~.~; CLEHK) W INASMUOII .dS li1.l~ EMERG:i:.:lWY EXISTS THE OHDIli.L-iNCE 'vu.\.o R.h:i,J) THE ,> S SECOND TIME .aIm ON rJlOTIOH OF W.A.LLING-SECOIWED BY B.D..KBR-IT 1;\.1;1. ~ if A.JOPTED-VOTIIW .AYE-WliLLIlJG.t1.1W B.liKER. >i.t 11HB OKJIl~l~IWB w:,;~o HB..iD T:!:lli THllW If I11JE .i.\.lW UPON LiO'): IOl~ OF uOlund!no ER WALLING SBCOliDBD Bi.l.Kim-IT W.L1.0 FInALLY P.tJ..0SED. VOTHfG j~YE-WAL1InG AND Bl~J{ER. . A RESOLUTION: ..iiPPHOVIlW SEWlm l!;B1'Iltl.:'i!l:'J;.; lJUW3l1:R 2 (2) J?H.iEBEHTED Al~D OKed BY TOWN BHGIHI:;ER J .H.l\.i.Ji']';.:.HTY VVAo lllil~D .6.Im UPOl~ MOT ION 0]' OOMltII0;,)IOl~.r.m Wl;.1LING S.B;CONDBD BY B.A.t~R IT \VliS lJ?PROVBD AND ORDL:i.\ED PAID BY l>:.l~U.Li-J.W.J.!. O,h' J.i!.o~v.c.l~ ii.l....l\.l.w.J.i'.i!i:J. , PAYABLE TO E.K.HlGH Gm~Tl~1CTOR-_________ 42 inch sewer University Blvd 500ft 36 inch University Blvd 380ft FORCE AOCOUET at e6.00-_~$3,OOO,00 at $5.25---Xl,995,00 'Ii' 450.00 PAYABLE J.li.RAFFBR'1'Y ENGINhBR_FEE AND SITEERV'N . . TOTAL * 555.0Q i,?6, 000.00 vOirnw AYE_Wi..L1IlW .AHD BAKEH. Other bills approved and or(1ered. paid: Houston Stanp ~nd Stencil Co---___________________________.80cts ~her~ ~eir~g n~ o~her bu~ir~ess to come 1?efore the Corm:n'n'r Vlall~n1:5 !1l9-rd7~_ rJilo~}pn to a51:J0UTl1-DocondoCl by Baker At.rTESrr-_'.~ Ii /;(..0;,.-.;--,:. '> .AJ?J?ROVl:D _ VuvOR ,.)..L--r-------------clerk :1;; t I I page 12 I ************* July 19th, 1926. ************* )-. The TownOounoilaonvened in regular 8ession at 8 PM Monday July 19th. to oonsider any bUlinee8 that may eome before them. Oounoilmen pre.ent were.. follows, . i.B.Seble.inger, J~A.Walling. 1l.L..Baker, J.M.Dui1nington. G.B.M'lU"ray, J ~Ii.Rafferty " Mayor. Oom. n Clerk. Mar8hall~ Engineer. ~>. ,:~~ The Minute. of the,previou8 ~eting were re.d and appr~ved ~ Town Olerk Dunnington pr...nted the 1926 Tax;Roll.to the Oouneil for apl>roTal. upon motion of Com Walling, .eoond Oom Balter.the roll,"". approTed JubjeQt to any n.oe$'.17 ohange.'r..ultingfrom any hearing. granted by the Board of Equiliz"t1on. Voting AD: Walling and Baker. AN ORDINANCJ: Pre.el'ibeing the manner in,whicn hucketere or etr..t peddlers aha,ll operate in the etreet. of the ToWn of West Uni'Ter.it,. Plaee Texa.; Pr..eribe111:gtb.e f.., ete. wae preeentet\ to the Oouno~l for th.ir'eoniiJideration. After di..;.. cusling lame Com, Wa'ling made a motion that same be palS.ed. " Se,ond Com Baker. Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. . ~:, .:~ There being an emergeney deolared the Ordinano. wa.s read ," 'Y the .eoond time. Upon motion of Oom Wa~ling, Second Com :Bale (;J or The Ordi~ee was pae'.d'to the third reading. Voting ~'~~ A~: Com, Walling and Bake:r. "'", The Ordinance w&. read the third time. Upon motion" of Com~.j,1 Walling,- Seoond OOlD Baker it W6. finally passed. Voting AY.!J1 Oom, Walling and Bak.r. . > . Oopy of Ordinanee on file with Clerk. r L II ' ~ r A rellolu1;ion I approveing .ewer ..timate Iff> pre.ented and aXed by Engineer Rafferty ...v follow., E.K.High and J.ll.Reifferty, ' " 4~~h~ 36" .ew.r on Univer.ity Blvd. F(i)W. Aeet, ' Engineering Fe. , . (Oopy ~f ..timate on file.) $ 8.846~OO 750.00 , 405.00 $ 10000.00 Upon motion of Com Wa111ng, Seoond Com. Baker the above amt W~. approved and ordered paid. Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. , There being no other bua1ne~B to come befOre the Counoil ' Com, Wal~ing Dlf,Je"mot~~~~hat Counoil .ad~ourn, Soe d Baker. ;;v '/.-' ; 7/" 111~, .--r-:Jl':;>-,J..:>".l /' .J'lbot.. - - k 1"/1' ..r " ":f'\" ~V.J.l5AL" . APPROV " 0( ) - 'i3or. ../. . '." '/ ....':". . A ~~ { ***************** AUGUS% 2BD 1926 *************** Page 123 ~~' .I:~ ~.~ (,1 .:. .:c r~..:. , '. "'. ",I;:, :.; '.:. .~'. , . II',' ..! ~.:. .:,; '. ~" ',: ,J ,I ,. ~ ,~. : .,. , .', ..' ~..'.!. , .' . ;..) 1'~"" !': ,;. ,,t...;:. , :. '~:r,:..: .... ~ :../'." -.'-' ...... ~ .." .'. :oj',. ~ ".... ~ t. ~.;' .~. 't~ ~J.; f: . '. " ,;. l' ,:. i' "". .. t ....l . . . 7' ~'.' : '..~ .... ,'.' \, .] .,.' . . ".. , . .'..: ~,,'.. ',. " \ ...tf~>~P.":__~_~~,\5 i~,'.':~j: .~.. .. ~'::-::":')... 1 ;;<~.;i",:(,i.~~J:c<,;: ~>::'_. ~t~~:;~i:(L:' ~-:)L' : ....,~:!~: ,. ..;) t..!' ,.......' The Town O.ouncilconvened in regular session at 8:PM':Monclay' August 2nd. Counoilmen present were as follows, c ":[ (. ,,,'.' .. .... ,..:.~.",. ." .;.~' . H.B.Sdlilesingcr, Mayor. Q iJ;-:-i. Walling,... ;.Co~, ,: ~Il~i.~~eri' ...... . ,. t";!.';:;&'lt~~'k~; ", : "ll~;.w.e:JJ'.U,U..I.. :u.f;~lIln, :",', ~ ',' " ,,"",:-:, ~r · . ,..,.;;;..:;.}!._:;.:.;;....fj.""".'lEl-aJ!\.,f".;r' '~r,'" ,. '.' -- .. ," ..'. 0'" ..". .....''Oinhg..':ln'' ".r. ()t':9....... tJj.a "'-, J:. v t1 ~ v G.B.NUrray, Marshall. The Minute s of the previous ~;~iAng 'wastL;~a~\md ; ~~p'rd~~d.~\' r Clerk Dunnington presented the Counoil with the following ,,,fttt:g~~l.(tS~r~:p~ t ~~9-.14.::~~ tI~f{~e~j, ~~~~~;2!+ t~n~~~~., ;,::~~d.~tt~.r, , "arrent.. as",t:\:f."JATl,,,,, ,Sth.,. 92 III ,.. ''''"", ,'.. " "..".".." "i", >,... ..' "",-",' . V.ouch~r,'" ' ".,~,~,.".~:~;~; T(j'>wh~m'J~'su.a. ~:'''.. ""~:~" ,:' :":"';",.Am0l1Iit...:::,",.t,: " If. If::9~ ,:""", ,.. \ ~, ",,,. ,<.;tl1"~':'&':' Mlli.r:;.;:..:;'1 ';'~':.'~:, ,..:; :'. ',,, .~)'::~r'IOd()~O(r ~..;~;; " "":r v''ff>.';:..., ':'.' ;" ': < t ." ''''..,~''''.;.., ~ . . "'''''" "':' .. " -' ::""",' J. '".., .. "":" ~'" ',,","'no 00 ':' ,....,~.,"~.. .r:~rO'L' J::~~~:~'h:'~H~~ii~~{;,co~> "" :~g~:gf"'. ,~d' ~~;: [,,':, ' ;;;:~ ~J ~.J.;~ c ~ ~~i~:;~' ';' "f:;, ;(~;,' ;; '1 ~;~:~I:iS~;~;" 33 ".ll.waffer+j"." .,. I,i'! ,'j' ,;; '''i('! .20"".00;.,'<';,,' 34 ., ' Mille:r:& MIller 0;','."'.' '..' . ",.,'., ''i!)'~(j(r'' ' 36' W.D~'i&t1d.ri & Co 4'242.29 31 ' ,," '1 ,,'. , ,H..O.i't~~t,o,&: 0 Or> ,'j" ~> "".' . ",'.' ','....,.. ~. i. [""" "; 96 '" lA, "" ", T 36,,, . ;",'-",:',_:. ~..:' ~11.~ &"l4i!t~,; ~'::."'" ',.. ' ,:" ,,:~~J:gg' ~.O~_.... ,"i.".,,';.. '\. .; '.: ;'. ,... ~"",'" ~"'" '.' .-" v" .". 'Totf3rr~ i :';;s.fO ;: :;,;.;, '. ~~>~.' :: r.oo Upon MOTIQ~."o':f c.Pp1J.,Jalli~g. r"~iCOm>"OR~. ~~,r;, ~})., ,fbol. r:._ " i . · 'l-"~":.'d ..'A~:',b1if.a',"ltt7..'t\\ +,.:rtiJ.~)iSh&11"'(~..:.a.~li':t;{"~' Bor p" ;~... . r ..~t~ '. p,,; ., ~ ,tI . ,tt,.e A~ #. ", .- ,-, . ,..,,;, ; ~ , ;; . , Wit q,..'.' Tb""l"~bWn."',C,lll.lo'oi~" if'l." I:' yot;lJ'n~:'A ."''''Wa1Iifttz.''a:t1 '.''D'ilr' n.~~~.~. -.," J ~ ',~".~, ~~~~t':N!J~,J ;.:~ e\)~.~..:. ;',?~"O~L~.~~~~id .L1:{, "!f~Js:;(5.v. S9ItUT~~N,: \4PPR9i~,~t!?~~'.(~.:rt~TE I. i PRESENTED A:~~:,\;j:\' L . BY'''TD -TOD"ENGIDlm RAFFERTr'~1m1.D"-dD''''OPOlr MOT. , IO ' COM WALtING:1 'SEOONDcCOM 'BAXElt . THE FOLLOWING ESTIM- ATE WAS APPROVED.AND ORDERED J?AID WITll SEWER WA.RREBTS.' . E.Ialt~ll 20~O I't 300 " 4 ,,-r,.......~ . \ r 24" Sewer 36" " Manholes catch basins @ 360 626 50.00 30.00 $'1000.00 16'15.00 200.00 2'16.00 '1~0.00 200.00 Foroe Acot J.H.Rafferty. Eng, f.e TOtal ~IO.O>OO.OO ( ,"'" Voting AYE: Walling and Bakor. Copy of estimate on file. Town Clerk Dunnington read a oommunioation from J.M.Dun. nington . Clerk and C.E.Gammdll Asst, Clerk regarding re. muneration for their servioes for assessing and eolleot~ng taxes for the year 1926. After some disoussion the Council decided that inasmuoh as the present finanoes would not per- l?ageI24 " '.,', .:~,., ': ",- . ',.' ~ ~~~ -.:~ " '" ~ ':';"::} "I: ~~. q, ;;t- . ~f.;h ::;" ,~; ~:t. ~/ r \~.;, . ,. : i ..,:- \~... ,~, ,~" .> .J, ....i>. +-p.. >r' .':. ;1' ~~" .r " : m1t them allowing the full amount asked for at present they would haTe to out the amount da:wn. and later on in the year they would a~raAge, ~tt.r8 differently. Upon MOTION of C'om W~;l~~., f~E?O~1?,f, ;g91,t,~~~, rt~~.l~\l?,!~~,,~~o~~~~,Y'(;.,,!r~f'I.~*l~~~,d. ..;...""..,}.Jl.,..,.~,:. "', _ _"" .... F'v I,.,......,_II......'"'.!'4vf .,.l."~'_ .... ,'"""'" $........... .D.........~,.,.....1i ",J,.\..i... ., ..~.....J":;.s..td 1\.1 ~'.Ji"j{"",,'J. 49!~-....-~' ~:!P:J ':.: .:~' [<./l: t1vS -t,1-.1 t '-~; ~t 1'.~~(J i ,":-:.;. .J J :i ~ rr",1;-", ~ ':J .:~t. TAX iD:EPARTMENT. '.~..; " ~[f{;j "': -jI ;~:. ~ :.~. .p ~I (~ .~~: /;~.L'~ Jd!~fugton. 9, .E~~lllDlj.ll, .. ,JitvtJ~1ngtont : ': (~~.:}.:,~.~~~i~~ t ~:: ;~, ~ ~ ::;:,' ,;: 2., . !e~. 00 .': 'I';'; .,"f' ' .. 1:\ 00 ..' ('~"""", ....~-'''..,.~~... !(l v. ('S.reie.a a8we~i:l-#1sI;:" ..~' 'ee.oo '\"{" . '(, VO~!~~'C~~:i ""~ r: '0, Wa~~m~ .~n~, ,-~~!r. ." ,,, , . ,'.'p., i" . '" . If> (,",.'1'," .,).10"'"1 \j "'"".i'i""J<> .}..Jk.!..J...;; JJ,J.:,>~',~~:[.~i;,..,V.,' c'j.......~.. ....... ". <:4..~,r'.' .~; ~'.. .. '...1 .~(.l.;.. \".:. "y...,~_ '.~~ ~..L::sc.J 10"1: . ~tI J 1.:, ,:r:i Vi 11 OJ.UJ() .~:i i~jf:t]".! ~.~, ~ U ,~t:tq~ ~:...r.O j-~r~ . 1" ::[~~: oJ.: D Cli~i:l)~iinfn~t6n1l:p:fiii'ntia. to: 't4i~I' 0 g-m(J!.!lfJJ;a.,. 1tut!~(.;o~:-' ~~ei15t- anae of the Gas Franchise gra1"J.t.tiIt'o,jfh~f1t-5ust8ndflat'':;JGii'!~H~ as ot~riJ~:~"J~6.:th 1926 Saidn!it1i.;,':ai'1!ea~~JV+l 23rd ~adB~il. ~, ned l1~.::J,~ i~iU~kn.r. 'Pr.lJid.nt;!["'~d!.lA~~H1.lt.pirlYt S.ety.siJ11i ..~, b.in~;~ew~ ified by a Jo~,rl f,ubl,~~ rpf.. !!&r:a:!s..;.Co. Aliee Mi~~. 'i. ~~;"'~,F~rl,\. .oeoj7qSiiMf~l,.','~'~~;, ,Ij,/,4r~~~f::~fir'~":~' :!o'.L ,. ;' \..".(.8 .. ~ l) ~,,' 1: t)...\. I _,(".J~~ ,;r.,) .f- n ..,L~:.. ..... ~'. :) :.~ oOm ~~(:maD.. motion ,that aec.Pt~c. be _iprOTed and tha~~ 'l,t~ii. ~t:ace.ptance be filed for r~e~l~.!. ~e~ond Oom l3ak.,~~~ Voti~".~~: Com. Baker andWal;:,~",~1I}:.~:t:"~;'~:~~r ~:~'~':' , ""W.~\.'; .. ~w-\J~lj," .!6 re.....,.".".. ';;., ~.. ,s ~ ': ~".~ :,~[t~ g~Si" cO 1:5 Li~i)h~eI{ .c: 0 ~2V . L) '-"'~ :',\;~\-7;'''',\ i . '\.~ ",.,. "* lJV <>f .. Therl'I,'b' '" r'g no other business to(:ij9~iile~~i~rt!~~the Council ~~; ,.,' I MO!1'IO~ that Citi.e~l "d3&ia1~ Second Com ;;;:(, Bilk Adj ,. ~'&.om ~. " er.o ,,' !lO~M.~,r:il~!' 1:.1,. ~J"' ~'g')rnOJ'~r,)'''-' ;'I't:f", ~r,i ~:ej! !Qf" '''':1''1 'n(/,:" B ' d., r. dt · ~ . 'a~"t' "t 1 ~... ,ll~' "';':,...lcti M' 1::,,!.' "'t~"'.'.r.'::.::',~;:~ ,- . ~A 'lot. u v:w .......10 s . n"""'~'" '/..>I!.J.:"\80,"..t~ ,,~..~.t'....1 J.s' l'k" "'..!l" "";ro'tn' .LL ~"LHW' "ri, '<'~~~....r,.:tr.j:,; · U 'n c' ',. ,"" J.51lo"" Stbwe . UJm;iIO' OQ -'-.." . '.DV"'~'" .1-" , ., ~ ",,,,,",. ./ I ' ,'" -:.;- ... '>''' ,... ,.'", ",. _.. " "r'..." .. . ,.. Ao< c. "'- i', . (, ,', 'i' .".;, "1 ~ (, i V\k1 ' 11. ': ':' . ,,' ;)f> \,,; ~~~;;.\, (~'r. .. h . .,', r". '" i" ',., ;, "r~~~'f"'+'I"~'~ 'i" ,,~'~~'~I' .' ", ~.'t~~~' r.~.}',~.~;fAi~~.':~'~.:r~~~-'~~'~I;: ~;:.~~, ~I"'. ,...' ," .\"" . ~X....;Ll "1.:.t.J~J,jJ ~ ,:.,.t;~"",_ Q~.r..,l .......&....x ......-'..^.'!'" iq,....~,....(....J.!\....~,(.\,:.o... _1.';.,., t-:fI.,t.-), >.", ,:.J' 1\'~1' 1],'\ ~..,r;:' . ~"r 11\.1('; Tl riv"-'~JM . C,,' :--o.,i,"1-rr.J 1" 1"-' , '.. ~.;-~ ..'~ .~.,I.)' "i Y"\ f7)" f))#' f/f('l T ~.<~l+ >-....(~"" '1 J..~ t~ ~tiol.. .~ ." n:<.' ..~ (. ...,..,,;L'.. ~ ~IJ,. \,..: .t<<:~ ~,v.."j .... . :~~fI: ,".7)j51~iJ.;j'I(: " '::; () () 1-; ~il"' ~ ~~ 'I'Y;'~~I~~' ",:~ ~.: ~',: ~'. ..., . ~~ . '"~ ~": ,,~'_': f.~~;.~ F~ '=~.i t~ t i~ ~', ,Iti~ ~ , '~~1.;,.:"'" ~J'" .~. a- j~~J:, ~.:, ~l.t:. I .,:~ ~ ..;" ; ~:i'X,~',~, .. ~~\J~L ~~: ,':fG ~~j"~~~v:r.t ..:-,:..~ :::; ..~~" \;c1.:.,. ~,. ?h~. \. ..'" ;,{ ~.)I;::~;)l4 ~;1 :"},f'~;'~: t~* ~., ...."'" r' (;J ,'\ t;;t ~ '. , \".< ...... '~" ..' 11 .:; \" ~1 I \];3t~ c.... lIt;~~)~;~ c:.~) * C;1:~: , " t ; 1 ;:~ Q . ..~ t~j~ .:.... y s. ..'~:. ~,..~ ~ ,". ... , ,~. ..,) .'. '.. " .' ()Cj.. :':';t~~.~; c', 7'"'-y'^r:("?'\"'1'" ._......~_.'-,.. ,-'-.. '__..._~...w;.; "y' !' r" )'.:... '. \"IV 4 ,J,l, , .1.., ,J .J,1. '. -,. . ft \~ .~;. ,,~. ~) .!~ .~. ,:~). , '" .. ~'; ",'- .. .~ .-....0se...: 1t"..'~ r~~ :~JC/C~:.t [:~c:::t J.~,~:l '-Cj'.:::~:.; ,>-,' I ~ j),tl.~:>~.'" .;~c j':~ ~ ;.!.:..:l,r}~_ . . .<J.~ ,,,,, ~., ..:),.. ".~_j,,~~',~'~ ;....' r :',~',:,:i,j,~_.,.'.\t,~~~j .i~.4 ~:. .\.;'.::~ ~".~~rt':.l.~.j a -~I "jL:.~~~f" J~...~~~~,;~.: 1-'....... t..... ~~.:,L "'. ,- ~ y;--~"~' rr.., ".f~' '~111d~~~t);.~~~;~.,. "!:: ~, C~~:D.t>~/'f'}':.:~ ~;.;.,:.:. ~~t C"::G.L j::t':;;L;~~~:)" ~,;{/'~.:~: L ;~.:;;H ;),:~. t .;. ;.,,:" ',:: "0- , 0'; '. 12:.1: J. J~::!:!:}~~;,;':r',..' ~)j'i;r ~1:~ .dO.::rr~.~,,~ " -~ \,' C ~ ;.t(.. :r- :.-t .:"; r_~ ~':. ~3:'~':.JJtr~' :'~ ~;;;(":, .'.;. j' _ tX ?:;.~~( ""'}.;'. ~ v....;,... ~;ft ;j' J' J.~l.l.'~ =~ y' ;"'-.>';,' " ~';', ... .,' ;.~' . \~'o'r.r ~3f1:~,~ yore " i. G~;C '~,~~~~~',- ~.. Page 125 ************ SEPT 7th, 1926. CALIiED :MEETING\. *********** \ > The Town Council Cony.ned in Called session Tuesday Sept 7th at SPM. Counoilmen present were t> R.B.Sohlesinger, J.A.Wal:ling, R.L.Baker, J.M.Dunnington, J.ll.Rafferty, Mayor. Com, II Clerk. EDg. \. ~,~ J The first matter to oome before the Counoil for consideration was , the reading of a detailed report 8ubmit.d by J.R.Sulliyan, Chair- man of the Tax Equiliza.tion Board. Mr. Sulliyan reported that Mr Ray Goddard had not served on the board and would be unable to in the future, and wanted to be relieved as business matters would not perm! t him to do SOo In his absense Mr. Bullin.n Formerly pre- sented his resignation for him. Upon Motion of Oom, Walling Seoond Oom, Baker. :Mr Goddards resig- nation was accepted. Voting AYE:' Walling and Baker. Mayor Schlesinger suggested that Mr. Robt Burns be appointed to fill the Unexpired term. Upon motion of Oom, Walling. Second Vom, Baker Mre Burns was appointed, auld Olerk Dunnington was directed to so advise Mr. Burns. Voting .Aye: Walling and Baker. Chairman, Bulli vans report was tabled until next meeting in ..s ." much as 'the board had one lIore day to serve on the 1926 Tax ROll.II'~ " '~ . .. . . . . ~ ~~, A reeolution Approving Sewer Estimate #5 pre.ented and OK,.'d by t;J ,. Town Engineer Raf:ferty was ~ead and Upon Motion of Oom Baker, S.c:<, ~, " ond Oom, Walling the followJ.n Estimate was APPROVED and ordered.,,~ i.V paid with Sewer Warrents. ~ c...~ E.K.Ii1gh, Contr. It n $ 13.775.00 1.125.00 100.00 Total 115.000.00 The following bills were presented and ordered paid, J.H.Rafferty, Sewer Cont, Force Aoct, Engineer McCurdy Printing Co, Clark & Courts, $14.50 38.80 Motion Walling, Seoond Baker. Voting AYE: Balling and Ba er. There being no other bu.iness to oome up for oons! Com Walling made Motio that Oouno 1 adjourn. Attest~'t Approved There wa no meeting he the third Monday the Counc :Member!! were out of the oi ty. F l_ ...... ~,~ .; 'i'~. )i '" ************ ,Oct 4t~" 1926, *********** Page 121 The ToWn Council Convened in regular session Monday Oct 4th. Counoilmen present were as follows, . H.B.Sohlesinger, J.A.Walling, H.L.Baker, J.M.Dunnington. J.H.Ra.fferty, Mayor. Com. u Clerk. Bng, The first Matter to oome before the Counoil was a report sub- mittel by Mr J.H.Sullivan, Chairman of the Equilization Board Along with the 1926 Tax Roll to be approved. The Total amount being $ 2.437.624.06 assessed value. After some discussion Com, Walling made motion that the report be accepted and that the ~oll Ie approved. Seoond Com, Baker. Voting AYE Walling And Baker. r The following items were submitted and approved. Upon motion Com, Walling Second Com Baker they were ordered Paid. :fi' /I. ~ ,:: ;~ .'1 .'", ,~". oIj~. ~. "1 t;;.l i';'" c0 .:;~Y. !if .u J r II ~ ~ ~ I West University Indep Sohool Disct. Cole and Cole Equilization Board J .H.Sulli vant J.A.cmith, J . M. ])linningt on, Robt Burns, $ 9.85 6.00 70.00 63.00 56.00 '7.00 Clerk Dunnington submitted a financial statemrnt of the Town c overing the period from Jan 1st, 1925 to Sept 1st, 1926.' , Upon motion Com, Walling Second Com, Bak8r the report was ac- cepted. In as much as the Town was without a Town Atty 1~yor Schles- inger suggested that the Council appoint Mr. Colson as Towm Atty. Upon motion Com, Walling second Com Baker Mr. Colson was appqinted. ." There being no other business to come before the Council for consideration Com, Walling made motion that Council Adjourn. Second Com, Baker. A ttes t :zm;/};;. O~~v- Approve Page 129 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Oot l8th, 1926, xxxxxxxxxx ) (111. ... The Town Counoil Convened in Called session Tues,', Oct 18th,o for the purpose ':o'f 'considerlngthe .grantingof 'S Bus Line franohise to the <:Hous';tonEletric Co. .. C ounO"ilmen pre sentwe'reas;f'ollaw:s:. . ~ " H...d.:;;)ohlesinger, H.L.Bakcr, J .A.Walling, : J .1.!.Dunnington, Mayor. , 'Coin'. IJ [ I * '.: .' ~ . Clerk. Mayor Schle,singer read the Ordinance-in fuU and after some discussion it was decided that an emergenoy exist- ed and that the franohise should be granted as follows. AN ORDlNA~uJS: '.", . ~ . . ,'". . , ~.p?~"~~;-" .1f*'~")- . ;{~;,:~,~,', W . t/ ';5 . . "Lc' ,~,i :" ~" , "1' v.'" i,~'~4P :q. ., ", COpy ON ]1 lLE . Com, Walling made motion that the franchise be granted Beoond Comp Baker. Voting AYE Walling and Baker ~ Com, Baker made motion that it be passed to the third reading and finally passed. S ec ond. C om, Walling. Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. '" ,f I l \;')/' ~ageJ.28 .,('. '., ,\..,.~ ~~ ,,:~ " '-'~-'~; .'::' /.:~<: \-j ~::;" i, ,(, ,., \.I',.J".' ~.,. X ')( ~':: ;. ,:':.:. ~~"..>: .'.':' ~ ~~:~\ ~ The following bills were presented and ordered paid. Motion Walling. Second Baker. Voting AYE Walling and ~~lt.er,.'A :.;:r ::~~~~.~ ~~;::: "b'~:.(J,:..~~) ;.'~:1 ;..:-eitIO\"'~~(::~~'i 1.L ~..~.l(r~,:' f'i1;;'. t~~.:' '.t VI:. Dj~.ij~9.1~A/ ,.O).q~f H,: ,::B4~i.l11:L ~P~d~.;tJ'e.:~::tsi! ';; :,~'n,' ':[;3 $.[(3.4 .,~p., :.J J.GoOde. .(.J. D.t~~!;i;pgf(:QlQ..fti4:*I. orf: cj:;L!~};.,>':'.:_ e;~Pi.QO;'Ht. {~\J.~ . H.B.Schlesinger. ~J4.ng/1i>>e.l':,d :;t:Q;\llQ_~1l:iQ:rk:::;!u HTLtIr.~Gff" , Street. .' CC9:k,. ...C on..e,x.6i:jJ,>e.bnnor .. :~~::: c._. (~.. L 6(/'.' 011 00 . ..'r:~~..~,j ,-r~..,l~..:..~:.:~.:..L.~L..; There being no other business to, 29.9;p'J,~r,;-:bd9.~,e rhe Cou- a :~:'.L ';.,J::..: ( i1.0~}', ,~ '!. '~.:. ?\J.. lit j~~ It L~ ncil Com, Walling made motion that Council adjpurn ,0... "~~;C1Qnli, Com.:..-:J313-~~~.',.'~.."'H:,' ,.;;r" ~"f':C : b:V~' 'L":~:;L3 '.r:.0:i:!"( , . ., . V' . _~ " ~ ~'" ;,' .. ;>~'" " v", I" t I \ "'1J." ". 1 } C"1..t ;~,.. .: :~~"\~' r, 1.':"_,' ."r,' ',. .""..} .-" ",_e,.. ,,~. 0 --' ,). ,", '0' '.J '.''''', _.I. ,,;.,.,.,~':J-""'" .. .' .... I' ,\. ", .. '<'" ,..,. "..".....' '.,.. . ",. ~ ' ", .... ',C }{>,JI)V · ,S'.''''- ..".;...,: "'. ;..;,,; L\:~,.. c_.\" ...\ :,----".;;; .")'.i.:.J ;.:;;...,'..C i- V'~~ ''''r , . . ...~ t ,-,_ .. .d) :.,,' .,;. Atte3~ approve ::....~ '. . .r . " . .., '1 . c; :~,i ..De.:J ::',..;,,; '. ()~) {',.~ 11.'\ LL~'..:,.:."~.','.t f'~: I, ,:r + , . ,ctC 1: ~; ~', ~:. ~3 ~~: sf;; J:.L ij,~ i'; f ~'i"~ () ;:/ j~t' . :,>:"C; .~: ,:, -;;".<5 , LL\~'..-'; ~r:{i.:<;LdL.. tf;.;':':....: ,~,;.~:c;.je.., ~) '.: ..,. r j" 1.) f:} .'~ :,;..,", . ~t L :~~ ,:,..;'~~:; .i_~\; .:'. '. f'rb .t~L, '",{ :)>.,;~, ~. l.. . .~ .~: ,~. ,;.: {C' ~)b . ,_ .,..J...., ',' '"~~ ,~_, ,R,~ .:' \~~ i l,A) I:, · .: :.: /. (,~ '''~ ",I ~ :.,', . ',C:: :~.;.J(,; "::.1.tf..L .;,~'::.t [,r.;:)~;: . '1..... ~ .' : /, .\r> ." '" . .d,' : ""'. Mayor If!!!."" ", , ",.-., ." ~, ~,:,~: ..' ' "'1 \' ~B~ ! ' \ilst), i l I' ,,,,' l I .1.1 I xxxxxxxxxxx NOT 1st, 1926 . :xxxxxxxxx ," - ". ~ ~ . ' ';. .: : -...,,'"-, ( The Town ~C'ouncil convened in: regularsesl!lion ~,or of considering' a~' businesB"thatmaycomebefore eideration. Councilmen present were. , .: the. purpose' , . them for con-', ,. ".,','. \ H.B.Schleminger. Jt!A.W.alling. . .,.. J.H.B8k~r t J.M.Dunnington. J.H.Rafferty, Mr. Colson " " , . " " Mayor. Com. " "'~ .Q. ,;" '," ;':)" . Clerk. Eiig.'; ,. " Att~. " \ ~h. firl)trda-tter to'.ooin~bt,f'ore- the (Joimd'il 'for cQn\e1derat- ion waasn Ordinance'adop'ting the provisions :o,f:T1t~i) 28 re- vised Civil Statlftee. of .1925, go...rningOitie'8 01' Tiowns which was presented 0.8 follows. ..~;~ '.~'" ":, ;_,...r .~:,:' "~'~!" T~ S.TATE OFr..TJ.U.it.S.:~ ....'.:... :')1,: r"'7.:,' COWBTi': OF . E..RRI~ ;' I . , .~. ,. ' . ',,'." WEST UNIV$si~Y PL-Oli*'" ,,," .. .. " " : . :.::. . . "', ..',) :,. "<9n this '>t~& ::18't'\day' Qf,Nov~m~erI92of,,,~.t~, ..~!9~~!iOJl, of . th.('!['6~'- o,f~~V!~~ t. ~n~ 'v..:r~~~,; P~~d.:,:!!~f C~~Vf)~~.~,i ~~. #~~..*. . ','.. aessigJl;,' 'at.., & regulartp~.~J.ng" theret?f::~nthe' ~o~n,!l&.+1::.9~', s~fci", of's&'!d';Ti:;hrii: with',the .YQr;';and a:11 ()'th.rr;'ineiIib~r" :"and:;tH:e'- t6wz:r: .'-" ..~~ .~ '.,;~.~. ,-.~~. .': .., !,'r! r .', "'rl ." ; ~'.'" . ""j ~!'."":^ ,'.~ t"":Jtl;"'~"~ "" ~""".,\ elerk,.'pres.i'lt~' ~'when': there.L'oame onto ~ ~et,9r~:mlli:dere(t:~~p..;:~~.y~~r ',. of a~op~1n,g .. r.he ..~:r:9vi~i<?~~ ,of, ,~,~ ~~~,.~8:.','1t,!i.seg.';:C~~1 statute." of 1925" as' 1s,more f1U17 "s'et"out -::h!I:'the' following'.'ord1nanoe ana :.aft;rJ dlie:.c ans'iderat:t~:Q'd8mm18s i6:tietr ';'Wat1fng~;' ,;.;i] .i~:~:1ntrb.." , dtieea:.th. foll()wfi).g~: dtdirtan~. entitled.!:-';"':: .... ~,,::.. ';00, .." '., .,~,~ ,""~o~~~Q~1r.lIi8,.j~~~m~~~:"'., .... .;~~. ";,' ': ':: ': ns AN]), TOWNS 'IN'"LlEU' OF ANY' 'EXISTING';':. Q ~\tI" CHAR~I$F'J;l:N1}IlWS?IN;-~Cq)liF:i5:CT:THE:REwfT.' ". ,;;''-''f..i:;' ':':. ANj) 1>l!1CLA:EiING;A,N ':.El4ERGENCY. u::.; ':: 'I'.i.:::. ~ '(jl,::,< ;'. . ~!.t::-'.. '-:.'.<.::; t~'.:.~:.J . .'~~ .. .....:>.:~.r.":t , \. >. ;"~.'''' It waS 'DloTed"by': ;;J.#.W:.lli~g-:an<l eeqon<l~q.J11i~1;~'.pak:.r y~t .~~~, ordinanee b. read'iri>':f!tUlwhich motion' wascar;tied'by unaJli.im,;." OU8 :.,;vote t and ;~ t~e o:rQ:iha~e' wifS. re~~ c"i~ ':'fiil1 ,: ~y :;:th~ ~OWI?- '" 9:1:e r ~~ It"Lwa$";:moved .by J.A.JWallfng 'and'~'eaOllded ~bY,~H!L.'Bak~r 'th"~""1;l:!:e',., ordinance pass its first reading.:':whiohinotion~'was carried. by"; the ':ft>llowing' Tote:' ~ _' ',,;' ' < ',:", ,: 'c-. " .....:r,':".~..':.;.' "".~ :'.<";~: :.\ \..3..:,. ~'.'~,) ,:' ~.:.. :y:..~:\. ) J ~a ~Walli;n.gand H~t .'jjaker. ," " None.:>;:::' .;"., '. " .~ ,/ . -. ..- .... .. . .... ~....'.. . i..~ '. f ~, :':ItwasInOve.dby .J~A~Wal-i-irig arid seconde'd py:'a::::L...t:}liker" that the rule requiring ord1nancesto :"De"'paseedatthi"ee "epera ate meetings be suspen.ded. and that th~ or.dinance pass.i te sec~ ond:.and:fina! :te:ading8,:'~;'wh;ich motion 'ca7;'ri.edbythe ~oltowing .' Tote F';''',r , ,: .' :. ,':' ',' , ,c : , "., ., ' . ~YE::>>: J._.Walling and H.L.~aker. ' NOS: None. , .." Th.....ordinance' was re-ad a .sec.ond....time....,and it wasmov- ed by J.A.Walling and seconded by H.L.Baker that it pass its second reading. which motion was carried by the following vote: AYE~: J.a.Walling and H.L.~aker. .. '.. h.... "f ';._:. .."", AYES: ',NOS,:. J,. '..- .o,."."'..............",......-~.. ..9~~:~l':o:".,.";~~31l'.~ ~~:")~.....~:-"...~~......~~:-.,----_._-' 4> b~:{(')I 'rt! (: :"~ I :1 {.,i. ~-" :~:,.), . , - ''''"'-''. .NO~: :lone. ,The ordinance was read a third time t and 1 t was moved by J ..c:...IB Wallilm~:r 1&lI}.d,",JUt 0 '\1)J:iteio bf,8LL>lf._~;!lJif'x t,M tJ:; 4.ttr;1!>lile, .1,t3fjJtlhilr~Natldn~", f!R-~t. 1:~~dJ~.~j 1~\~~B-fmgiff~8n~{,JAS;j~J.H'r~~~lJ)lG~~in~Ot~!1?'~~; !9~e';::, AYES: Walling and .Baker.' tV:':,f)W ;;~ ,~;:;).; C)" "~DCi.U: orfIf(/~) · :::~c ::t ;,':= ,~\)->; .NOS: None. .~r:~~\~~ll (.f~_';-~5~1J:;~1~' o~~.E~.,.f_r Thernpon the Ma~~rf~~eOlared the <?r~~~!~~~~~i~Y paseed. iIi' . 1:l.1 eJ: v .Lv/..r".l....~rUju...1.,.\) ~. . The ordl~a~e follows : ';j:"I' "."';-1' ",<.j' H r ': :i;:..~ .,,;.rrr..d. -( ,,.\- ~,.r4......::JI.t...~..\.f.J " '~ "d ORf)!iiicE ADOPTI:NG AND Aogi~~~~Go~b PROVIS.." :r,; , -:.t..i'Y:: C"';)j!~DO:ro,!I~ f~lb~T~~W9 gi~~~~J~J'i';N~f!'lY,~ I;.~ ..~'X :~~1' U~.9F,' ",..~:J:~@IiijOiJUiJ'lilj~DW~b~<<J ~g:N",.e'';I~ "tjO;~ , rf.'::; l:rl J/ ::Jf!:.., to ~g . 'TJ'I.ifI4IioRE~m~.N:~C~$;:,Bi~iN~Ji' .I:Ci0'i! j:'.' ..1~FVO"U.O'j; ~.B .b~:t.a:$:a:~)"i:"";' :~: ,,:'0,', It appearinB affirmati Tely that the Town of West Uni- Terei ty Pl-.ca has heretofore been regtilarly ii~DO!t.t.t..i:\!~,1 mli town or Till$ge, and sinoe such incorporation n'!}~9Dt4~u~ltUO performed the duties arid functions of a te!tJ..J!! t~l&lgfII"9 .'-*B~': :'..oorporated";," \ I " 0:01:' ~~~M4 ~lt;fU1;!e.!r{'lil,,~~nloaf~ArM~iJAi-Yalft.ftI;I~here , ~s}Yff!.no~~eo~~ftOi& !~J.l:~Y4fi(r(l>t;!'U'!l!)fJQHOm'()Bl':' ',tf !' O'iii !t~fDl}j! !'J' 9rt,:t~&J:" e~c',g.fttlf ~af~Orj;~fMf; 1 t tt tgJi:, BH6~~OG..ai8t "!I !r!Be~~" · ~eirlJO"rlf,'iP~bt!.leli!~ " t di I'll eS1ib1 .~."e'--~gtO' e!!~"EJ:,eel ...t~'~:tt~H:~.'~!'aJ~~l>i4'!e 11 J~I's e. ~e.2'j.LV ~~~i ~,l:t 1:1 :to a.r 01 ,d:YQ'lq eri;t l.J~JLi:;tqOl;;;3 ~:(! > ,.' ~t?~'1.e~l.b'! _ L!fiio.i' InjailetF....1lfa. te:y!~yal.1:~~ t{fS~! 'tc ^ '.to'lI'~~t!ilrefE..*-- .'tid~~.'lai!'I1!6!e'!~elE $.&!~;euaijnt~af4.QPS:';;' 'f:~ G[l .aeeepli .sa1 1rr=eJ.e "'~j$!'IHlia~~J.~~~.ref ",~,5~e;fh' ~~a ng to c1t1esand towns; f ,T"". ..t1e i, ,J; ~5s.1ru' g 'c~l~iuBi}:I.'b:!;OO.ission o ,,~d Town 0... 'I Oll!gdf .. ' , 1t{)t~'O,~!'~ttGns of Ti ,,' ,'~. ReTi,se-t 11~!:Ll~:iS:Y ~u!, eJ, , ., ." ! alt';1j!t~H !irci tie. end, .t.qwms. be ~ 'i"~d,ers'\ i!t..i b8'lfP "9:...;::a~Aamt!:RU' in lieu of an1:~,xisting c arf'er ana. :eJ!ti:!lk(~fn~vI!niI.I~M ~lIlJler pro- visions of law 1n conflio~ ~ erewl~li. ' ! tt Jil~v:'!ai:~n:r~:Hh~! ~ii!6:a'4 ~~t~j1i!!li~Ip,".gf'\':'~~"lt@l~rDfh~ ~II ra_ .l$tOr ~fJ t~ml' > ~~~C~..i~1Hij.!ae R'l:lYtSr.[!~t:V!'S!'mh~@C"fllX.lJttlb'.u ,,~:r$.r.o rfl;'f" ", ',' !!:!:':toliP It~ 1i...t~'ni..qi~h;@f elI,11.cr.~.rd~~o~;;,c :~ jC!:'EB~D~;'~~~'1~~.le~I'i!;r.re ~tet;!t~'~.Jl:1r!~~~A?~ ~~cfS~*tt~~~~~:.!; ! i~! :1:14.11 d~' .8:~4.ioe ~Dra; .l.n~~1m~Y'" ,.L.Ll t~v~. as.B'-;l ~~.s.,iJ.,UJ.A; -,-' :I:ne faot tnat it ifll lSe ben1f1cial;13toto~;i1{"~<:~J!lIb~ie';':J. welfare of said city constitutes an emergency and an imperat- ive necessity that ,,1j;\'Bm'Hr'AB!v..1~k1}g.r~q.~~oe8 ~(\ri1r,,- read at more than one ,meeting be suspenden, and.~~<< rule ~~o~~reby sus- pended,and that this ordinanoe take effect and be in force from :1l~~r~11i'~ sr:~~~~~t:r" e ~Ei~.~&}~Q A~~~~~~~~(~~,'~e~~~~~d ~,~~P~OT: , ,*'!~~,~i'!:fi~ v.b t1r,'jA*-q 'l.ti~ :e ~~~"'~"":' <:'".U ...f..iJ J'f'I- , ,'~.J' .'- . ,-,' '. ~ "':i.l: "."' .N....~h""F'I ,,,.,,"t ,~,\."j.t I"'''' "~' '"''C'',''''"''',''' ""j '~W(~ ',......,'.', ~":t..ii.\ ...08-.?a -' .~eaq t.t>Ul.l~s~:!,JJ,.,.~~I.J~\.J V,i~L.' '-J';..-i \. J.JJ...,.t~ (lj~,d.:..l~...t\:j,l.,l. ;.).",~ ;rJ-,:. tf.~~~.....t.-:L". ..J~.""~~ O;,"-I..! Tli.~.. ,. ' .;1.~~'nG ...ot,her ,. bUl!}i.'t\IUl.,\ : 1}er.m D.'0m.,~J)e..fl~'r;Ef' ;.,t,ba. n0~;l'~e'i "I:,~;~o"" ;'( ";eofiil~eiat:f.otr"oodf;' w:t:tf~ made "~o lion" t~t~c'~~~ il'~:dJo~~ ,)7( ~.~,~. SeoondCH::nn. .Baker. ]I,};;, .,. :" ,,,,,,,np:ro;v.e ," ", " . ,,,")1..~ i...<.."'"f.., . ~l , Mayor lb.' \~,: r.:f:' ",' ;t.,c{~~'~~<. ~ ''It:.:; ::ll J i1' i. b; i. I' , 'I~l ;Cf f' ~"' :" I . I I ~ .;/ /" / .', " C;x,~)~;, ~'4,,,;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,"'i , , f~,;'nJ':/,- r'> ,-'; .~:'~ . '" ",' . " '.::.'/"" , ~, .~. **"'******** November..fl'th; 1926. *********** " " .~; ~ The Town Council convened in called session for the pur- pose of considering bids on the followin.g improvement program: ~ ',[lowi t: Curb and gutter ,/ sani ta.ry sewer, s'term sewer, water system improvement, street improvement. councilmen present were as follows. H.~.~ch1esinger, H.L.~u:ker, J..A. Walli:ng, J . M. Dmmingt on, J.I1.Ha.fferty, "', 11ayOr. Com. II . :" Clerk ~ng. The ordinance adopting the provisions of Title 28 as passed November lst, 1926 wa.s filed ,for record in the in the Deed Records of Harris County Nov, 2nd, 1926 under file number 2592l1.This ordinanee' being filed, for record as provided under Chapter Bumber I Title 28 of The Revised Civil statutes adopted by the ~9th Legislature 1925. entitles West University Place to the status of a City or Town on and after the 2nd day of November 1926. The following sealed bids were presented and opened on the above proje,cts: J:a.ll bids were tabulated by City Engineer J.:a:jj);{atferty and checked by Clerk Dun- nington as to their correctness. .. Chas, ~.Horton, E .K.lili.gh I ^ to" fl" .;:... .'.All. "" uay .Scott Schambough , 309.878.00 .'289..081.00 ;','::':305.866.00 . t 1'f?[t~t> .. f ,I(,)" ~ After bids were tablala~edand the results were an- nounoed Com, Walling made motion that the contract be awarded to E.K.Hfgh as his bid was the lowest. Com Baker seoonded the motion. V'otingAYE: Wa.lling and .Baker. " .Nos:, Norie Copy of bids on file with clerk. Bid ~ond '15~500. Check 15.000. Bid Bond 16.000. ~''\i ,., " '~, .:'~. tf ,," "1 ri ~-< /\ I i- Commissioner Walling made motion that J.R.Rafferty be given a oontract to engineer and supervise the work to be oarried out. Risremuneration to be 4% (Four per cent of the aotual amount expended on the contract. Seoond Com, ~aker. voting AYE: 'Baker and Walling. Voting ~OS:' 1ione. There being no other business to oome before the oouncil for oonsideration Oom. Walling made motion that Council a ourn. Se o~com, Baker.djou ned. -- . Approved /t..Ma.yor , l :Page{33 ******** Called meeting. Dovember 4th, 1926. ******** / lj The Town Council conTened in called session for the pur- pose of considering certain improvements for the Town. Mayor Schlesinger called the meeting to o~der promptly at 4P.M. ~ith the following members present, H.~.Schlesinger, Mayor. J.A.Walling, Com, H.L.~aker, " J .H.Rafferty" Eng. J.C.Mortensen, ' Inspector. ~ ; , v There being no other business to oome before the oounoil Com, Walling made motion that counoil adjourn, Seoond Com Baker. . Mayor ,j 'j. "'V ',- ******* l~ovember IOth~ 1926. ******* ( " / ,~; t' ' t~ " The City Council Convened in spe'cial session for the purpose of confirming street improvements contracts between E.K.High and J.H.Rafferty, Engineer. and Miller and Miller Contractor and J.H.Rafferty Engineer. Also to approve Surety Bonds sub- mitted ay said Contractors. Councilmen present were as foll- ows. H.B.Schlesinger, J.A.Walling. J.H.Ba.ker, J.M.Dunnington, J.H.Rafferty, Mayor. Com. Com. Secty. Eng 'lI; ,,) Mayor Schlesinger advised the Council that in order to expe- dite the work on improvement programe E.K.High had sublet a portion of the general contract to Miller and Miller. that portion amo~ting to, 140.000. After some discus~ion Com Walling made. mot~on spd Com Baker ,seconded same. that the ... , Council approve same and inter into a contract wi thIVriller A" ,,'. & Miller for that portion of the work taken over by them. ~~ Voting ~ye Walling and .!:Saker. " Voting Nol None. , /1:"'~ M~1l' ,.,., q , 'ii./ 1~yor Schlessinger submitted bonds bf E.K.High and Miller <f' & Miller covering contracts given them. Each bond amounting to$37.500.00 and signed by the Standard Accident Ins Co of Detroit Mich. Commissioner Walling mane motion that the bonds be accepted and approved Second Com. Baker. Voting AYE. Walling and Baker. Voting NO: None. Mayor Schlesinger was aurthorized to sign Bonds. Ordinanc e s :' Confirming and radifieing contract and Warrent Ordinances between EK.High and J.H.Rafferty. and Miller and Miller and J.H.Rafferty was read by theSecty in full as follows, }/ I I .. -!t;U{;JiOkt:il{i}:! Kf ~IIijVfloacr ClNV s:u:unJ;.'~~a tkl SV fl'\ldI01Ul:M :!IUJ~ CHii S.1&fVlHiVAli, {IIVS NO .,$ti}l;ijJ.u:~I ::ilIa. 1i. ~;;;!, QJ. .LZ,I~(Ip!.~iolInB ,A~I,6 U:r,VB' 'UB:~'i -rI01.id aifiUTXY. 'l'lV lio j;:itXYJ,' &0 NOIJl,);!!fJ:rlOO 14:1'1 ~i]:tJ;; tlO~ OiU:Cn:AOUd!rit.!os:~;rtUIH.t UtirRi!1Vd li1 lJ.I!J aI'S .10 g~~lnrUV~ .tN~t:iAO~idVU gO J01>iV!1SSI ~H. UOi ~ti:lcr -tA(''l:l4 fUIO ClIve .10 BhtIYH ~J,Vl~ runr En:i~1i~;jS ltiV.Ll -liV9.S~~tLtg I!VJ.e:r:~O J10Jdi:~Yi~!AOlidlrll UHf lo.IJ.Unl.1~~l, ... fiOO ::J.lLt 8:04 OUIU!AOliia ll!i:tU!I'ON~ '1~~d4'VH.I,i..r a~\i" aOJ>O'tri:!..tfiOO 'UtlIli-)I.a a!tif ~iI:OVU}..tLIfu~;j,IAIlUl' J.a~M. 10 AtbIO clJ,f,L ~:i&i.1;i{a roV'tl.tti(\QOlurna.ui00 :10I:[V.1:1CF11iO iiV' If:l,;;',,l:;il't(>J uf~~V'f~';.XO $ttJ" .'f,H'a1~'\td t.tt'\,tu,: j~ ~(;)tmU1t':.1.0 t.~q~ 'pi'I.;i:'n:.ti,~lj ,~i:{)lti,J~;( ~Ht~ ttndtU::rSi,Ht.t , II ,l\",~".,,{.t '. ~'J')' f\:\' lli, 1,1 Ii 'I " '~ I~"~;~~ 'p... 1;\1. ',ttlilM.'V-.l.> Y;H,.t''\J ..~~J~{(;~a 1'U*sarlV , ' t.,GA ~'tflf~(')t't4;)..k ~Hi~ .&~l j;:)t11J:.:t\ib 'i;~lIJl1\ U~'1t~l,e:.l:'J q(}l'tfi'A f'0~1l1ni'il.:l&;1 !~U't'<l~ l;);~re~ l>tWC)~H1~~" f!ff\!Jd @Git'lW"'V,)(() ~q~ ~1,H:{~PU~ 1p.~~.nt~~(:it1I1tS fHt t!~'ttT~l:)~':1J 0~HJ:"~~~('():$ ,~.~lit,'.p ~ ~'t-j p~~$J':kI t~q, o~ $'~~U'~f.%,i~';'(() 1lltt.Ilt\tHl'hl ~n:n:r ~q~ . ;:i'nt~'t'\%l~t' l~,tq l:Jk~'!;.I~~t),~}~~W' PU'\<l !~:f,*ia: ~"11 A:q 'P~AO~Jt l!'!'i;!lA,~i , ' " , ,', t~l fSON it JilrTl$Jii"'f.I:t,1 ~uw ',:t It'ij;' , . t$i1Y t O,VA SUtA\Ol:,t{)}ttil~ Aq ~ ~l'~~ki~S!t~:.li'rp~~;H~\l '\'I;cjt'p .!,,~d: $f)\l~U;.nM&:. '$q~ J? ..(tt tl~11Hlf.)~~!/:l pU'$ ,15f~r ii~il Alt. l'~AOf~ !l!f~lt !tt , " .~~~to .4\\i'H.L .q; .tq; tt-\J, 'U1' ~\l.,x .'fl~ 8~tl'\lUfP.to Qt;(~ 'Prw~ "~J'OA 9nffl'J1Ulill:tm I Att ""~ _\\1m uot4~ ~c.P4~ *..,ttl :e't!t~.x ~Ht t~fi'U\lUlP.!t:J llnt:Jl. " ,~~~ "i(f l.T'!'g 'tl t'$ptl()t1$~ 'P'thl ,~.. ~~:a~1 "1 .tel tH9Afl~.f t:l\fl;t It! 1"~" ,/,:,- .""'; ~~ t)@t .~M:~(l Wt4 1101 "~~~ ,~~ ::~ ~ ..... .' t r .,U'I,"JI/\'I:;~':J";,1':>' ~;,"" lIJAlVmJLvu~,Y:\.s ~I; I Olrti1rl0t<lG: IDlY !'9:ilif~VUt .1 S''1VdI:Ormw. Uii cti'fSlJlf'Slii. crl'fS N:Q .s~H~iil :il:tt AVd. OJi .LH:iI6I:itLlU1S l~IoaI'1 !l'1 J.J$Kr!liClW: ~'1a:Yx..'J. :i!{~ 'It'll\( 1-0 S'iA V,i J!O IOIJ..()!111JOO Wff' .um:'l ;!~U, HOJ! OI:IatAoa~ miOJ:!t'tiUU ~UVd 'X .LilO tl!VS 40 aUt~~lIVilU~i .....a()ijd~I lO l!W!Iii'~SI' :iB& B:OJ ONtt1IAWd .;ttIO IOG~tIVri:i UJ,.V:@ fltif $uii~~' .mf~:tNVa:U~~JStO:V~u:iO &0, il~Yt~A~ -lU a!>[V ~u:n:.Unf!~gl()O, :i{H.L UQ$' Qll(Icr!AOOd f. 'f71'':;;.1i1' (! ~~'l'~ .:<"f .0' 1'T'Q'v-fUh 'i: "'.y,n;l r, ~~~~~'Q. ~h '.I. """",'II Q.\\1*liJ\!~ ....~tOO , ttt"')l"'Jf WIY ~iO'\T'(I .1:J:SlttlU\.Iln.S:ii 40 UID :iHl.NalllaU &OfiJJ.iO'i)' eani"iI.tl!WO ~!l~(I:rO:l!J;O !ft., 1 . .", " i 1 :1l.~. 1.. , ~r~l~jJ)~I;p1.._ iP~t\l~U~ 9~U~~P~O ,~' ~~OnWQ~~Ul ~~~~~ 1ln "Ot~~ ....,xt!)W1: t11'U';r.) ;.tq> ~,t4 ~Jt1 'l!1W~ '*'O'~ JX!'itlOO i{O~ Ul'- tw !f.,~~ .l t ll'\J ~'xOlU ~ 1 S\i .. &'1'0 .'trru~ ;sa eUl1iHi~ ,t'$\.WFA' f}tttf ,'FJ.x.~iit~~ JU;u~lU'u~ fn>~:*$),j:~~ 1~' ",.J!~O If,) !fU~ti'~.O~!dl~r. l;~~fii uOl~tn:~:l$'U'Qt; t'it(t .;t'O,Jt ,Stt,'l'~)lAo.td 'X~~,~""q tjt;.a;o.1J':%$H-H "ll t~tt~ f.J.:C~~t1''t~.'l,ttQQ 'qJYH.1 -ll l}W A~lO 'Pl't.lEt Ut}$lt.\,,~q tt';01t,fr..tt~p ~l4': JO \'U}1~'mIX1J:~Ot;ffltt~ j;C Jt1lt)!.i,~,*ut(t~' P~;.(~f)l1tHlOtjl ~ ,O!J, , U@ _m<uc 0~,~tl!'t l;t~t{iIt '~tt~~~.'ld ~J:~to J.i$ffO ;t)ll\ tVWtlf $.;t~qxt~~i;1t, ;t~tf,e tt't? l;lU'Wt .1tOA:~1~.{ 9:q~ q\';1iii fAl'lO r~l~IJO t't~jU '$"&0 ~q~ Ul, tWlllftl1fUJ t~lO~dl!J ut lH~t4~AU@$.'tJ1l ~tii,ii\'i[ i'ltt~~A1U' 1J;~ S~ '~.lO ~t(~ ;&0 . l1(}"PYlMl1,},l',uoO filtn .f.yeUl II .t;~(tlf.t~lU)fi JO A,'!;f1) , , " .tr~t 110 ' 'I~u.;refd LttX$1!lf:iAI, bUl JiG, ~!i1A dO J.JtIO " SJ:ljj:fVH 1teJ .!J;;!Ul00 , SVX:!.L. gO .ictV.LS :!UiL ~ I ,I '.1fID!i!vihcr<loJtJvtlllV~ 1 ," UNY iDTti~Uob &0 !OI~'OI~!&VH ')'1 r<"I''''''t~'Y () ,',v ~r i ~(~ (~ (~ . f (,' ~ 'r: C) ,,;;.~ . { \ ( 'I, -I /ii" . hi: ' ~ ./,.....J;tl!tt""tC3 .~ 't~lJ:'&fJ ~.:rl\"~Ul_,(ttrtW}{i tJ4 t't'!$~~ f~lU1f~.l'a ~.kit.l.~f:l'to ~~, ~~l 16 ~hij t~tfif.)tl.~i.f':~'h'tA~:)tt'~H ,~,\ ,~ ~!Q;t.t" ," t~q~ li"',~:t1i~~ lYfW1W 10 '%.<'~G'Uf plW ~tl'-~~fJrt:r",:':"U~~~4ti.i\~l'tf, ii, ' J)tf~~ 'fI_ ~"~' 'tH~~h ~.'fi#{l,~(}~~~'~ .tt~ l;~ ~t~ '6f.1; '1i4))i;;~~UJ tt1~Ji, I. ,~~~,~' 1;t~Gt .tl.:fd'y ,.U'ft tt:\<)t Jl.4u,~'o W) ,.".,' ;'~~.1~~ ,~n, p,~tntr.i!;;"ti~~.' l'~.,.tt ,n~l:v'~t"'ifJ,('!iiti'~~~ .t~,d' 1te J,f} , ,.4~:t. .t~4'.,~ '.:&;t~~tl,11,,'~~,~~, . , .. .;;e~1t.Ot .t~c.t1i~~~A~~p.',~p ~~t t~. 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'_.. lIiI' '\t lil ~ ~~'lJ~""'~"" ~:+-t,tJrs~H"'" !!s'! 'il;il,t=I!~81 t{~..tSt;:t~~t:b ~, ,.., .... 'it' Jii'..", .. ~'. ,. ~l-t~H~W""~~"'" ~,$(G~'<<l ~ m '~,{D ~ 8~..'~I..~IS,~ ~'~~ 't~~ ~ I" ' ;.~~' !(~ t.;ll>>tvl-'~"""~ 00';" f~' . ':.. . '" U1iJ~~~9 :::1;'''.,:_: l . t,.,t~, d~;J ;t..l' r.\; ~ ~ f"':..... 'co (f:l,t;.f Q...:.1t;~ 10-' .... ,:t,l .t t, UlllUroll'Vl-I~~ .0 ...., ,lJl>. l-I Q) "t:n ~ * jj>,~;t> ~~ A-," '> ~ ~JtP'd v ~ 'tj H .~' ij I!i ,~ ,itj .~" "..~~.... ~~P.< '..... ~ ,~~.........J'."" }ooS }.:I ,}W ,p F.t ,..,., .... .00,.0'0000 '9' ,. 'i!W ... fIO, ~~, ti; t;l;; :t)t;:~ ~ ~l'~'~~"i;~ {;f.M a;"'4m-~ ~,tNN . .~,M~~ ,.. ~trf',t,'~:.~..,,',:n~?,," ~~"b.'.:,::',~,~:"n," ,.,,', .bk:~~:~~;~~k~' ,~~k~'~',t ,o,O~4:1' we ~o .~~8G.g88oo.o e8oocto8. ~. r---==-. .;...~J.~~ Novenilier 15th, I~26. . .\ The Town Council Convened in regular session for the purpose of considering any busineos that may come before them. Coun- cilmen present were, H.B .Schlesinge r, , J..&.. Walling, /> ' , ..i:A ;,\~.Baker, J.M.Dunnington, J.ll.Rafferty, Mayor. Com Com. Secty. Rng. J.H.Rafferty submitted Storm sewer estimate #6 in favor of E.K.IUgh, Contractor and J .ll.Rafferty, Engineer. Which was as follows. E.K.Hfgh, Contr. J.ll.Rafferty, Eng. $6.99I.8'7 8.13 Total Commissioner Walling made motion. Com Baker made same be approved and paid with Warrants. Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. Voting 116 :' None. $ 7.000.00 8\1 seoond t.,/J, ,,'/. 1'," Jl , , ~ tl ~ I Therl1!olli.chwEtngobill was ordered paidi)by motion of Com, Walling Second Com, Baker. J.8 .Wicke tt, $4.25 Stove and pipe for city Hall There being no other business to come before the Council for n consideration Com, Walling made motion that Council adjourn. nSecond Com, Baker. APprove~~~or ';"2/ '//,1 ";:~p;'--'- .8. t te s t ' "";;~? ~#~1";"''''''''''''".::5-?"''8"e6t.ey . '; i I ~ December 1st. 1926. The City Counoil convened in oalled session for the purpose of passing~ resolution approveing payment of Estimates on street improvements oontraots, and to consider any other 'business yhat may oorne before them. Councilmen present were ,t' as follows. JI.B .Scltle singer, J.Al!Walling, ~I.i..~:asker. ' J ..M.. Dmmington , J.H.Ra.fferty. Ii t"'. ":1 ,of , . ~:". <l~ C Mayor. Com. n Secty. Eng. The following estimates were submitted by Eng, Rafferty. 'I I Series "An E.K.High.& J .H.Rafferty, ~~ 15.000.00 :ff It .l:S Miller & 11 & It 11.00(;)..00 J.H.Rafferty Engineer. ~ .l(I.OOO.OO Com, Walling made motion that ~otal , 2aJoOOO.OO the above estimates be approved and paid with Warrents Second Com. Baker. ' Voting AYE: Walling and Baker. Voting NO: None. Mayor Schlesinger introduoed a resolution guaranteeing to the City of Houston all sewerage rental charges in as much- as the City of Houston was granted a sewer franchise by the City of West University Place, and that the lines being out- side the city of Houston limits it would be a differcult matter for them to make the eollections. After some discussio Com, Baker made a motion that the City of Houston be guaran- teed all such charges and that some method be worked out by the City Engeering Dept whereby he can collect all rental charges when the permit is issued, Second Com. Walling. voting ~YE: Baker and Walling. Voting. NO: None. There being no other business to come before the Council for consideration Com Wallind made motion that Council adjourn. Second Com. Baker. /'} '""-:t ~,.,.,. ./ _,..l"~1i <'''--}~l,j'-'- ~ ;. ttest : ' '/'//I-".'r?;;""'~""'"''''J;.i'';'~eoty ...... ~~' ,/ I ,- ~.,w- ~,., ," ,.,1.;':".'. ' oi ~ , . Approve 19 or / "( r>, ~'." f' ,~ " I ,-) December 6th 1926. The Oity Council convened in REGU~R session at 8 P M Monday Dee 6t.h:~for(the purJ?ose of Pa.ssing the_~ollowing ORD~l{ANCESaml to consider any-ather,business that may come before them. Supplemental Ordinande'reduoe1ng E.K~Hlgh8' cont:ract $30.000 (Thi'rty thQusand, dollars) " , ' '" " ,,' Rat1fication'6f conti'act'and WarrentOrdinance to purchase the West Ull:!ver.s1;;yWater ~~Efteni~ Co1ltloiltnen ~r$sent were, If.B.Sql+lesiiiger~ " J~.a.~)Ve.l1j.ng, ' it.R.Baker ,,' ' , , J .~.Dtiimington,' J. H.Raffetty; " l,'fayor. Com~, ' ,If Secty. .~~€f~ Me P.,D.Marshina.nadvised th~ Oounci~,that the"'Rqllston !{atl ' Gas Co had notoomPleted their lilies inthe'City so that he could bese,rv+.ced withgaq,.and"tlult hf3 tp.ought the,Counc~l should take Some ~ action.' ThE} cO:Uncl.l, directep. ~eoty,Dunnillg~ ton to take the matter up'1;Yi th JMrE.H.Bilokner,,' Pree ,alid See' that some action was taken in the lriatter. """,,'., , Mayor SchleSi1;lger':madetepbrt to 'tli~C()uhcil tl;latDeed ta lot in Rioa, Qburt donated to t~e Oi~y qf'westUniversity Pla.ce ;' by J[essers Jarrard &Plumb:.ijad, beenex~o~ted, and: was ,now'o:p, file~ "Si'ze of lot '60XI25 'andlooated' on triliversitY:.I31va.~, .. "'. . ' '.,:, .., , ,,"" ',' ."" 1Iti Engineer Rafferty made a report i;o.:'the council: that 'the .w.el;ltJl >:A Universi1;Y Water uo could 'be bought for ~pproxinia:t~lY $30,.000 '1 ,'~ (Thirty tho~sand dOI+aps) inclUding all lines and: equipment , ~,~ hecessary thereto, two wells, puiitps' etc. ," '" , ,',', '.' .'" '" "Ii.a ....iter some discussioll CPffi9 Walling"Llfade mption, ,tliat. the CitytJ q purchase the water eys tam, and the. t "1 t be' paid f,or wi th War:" t rants. S,econd Com, .t3.aker. ',', ' (, \lo;t.ingJ;YE: Walling andBalter~ Voting NO:, Ni:nie';, , , .." , It> l:l Ratifioation of Contraot and Warrant, Ordinance to purchase Water System. ' .. . . , '. . after due consideration Co~, Baker iu~~oduced an Ordinance entitled, uopy of ord~llanoe on X~~e. , ' \\> \ ,~ .I "AN OHD IIf.aNC~ C01UJ'IRMING' COlfTRACTBETWEENTHE CITY OF WEST nmEX UHIVER5ITY )?LaCE A1mD.W.COOLEY '.TRUS'l'EE .', ' .. ", ,,', " . . FOR THE :PURCHASE:BY Sl~ID CITY,OF '~ TRACT OF LANDTOGATHER WITH IM:PROVEMEN~S THliJREOlfDJ- ..,' " , ."', ' , " , ' " ,... ", , " "" . CLUDEING A :WATER WORKS, SYSTEli{ FOR C IT!' PUR-' ':POSES; PROVlbING FOR.THE:ISSUAIWEOFW.AR.;. RANTS n~ PAYME1{T THEREFOR;, ,P1l0~p::pING FOR THE LEVYAlITD OOLLECTION OF T~a~'ON ALL, THE TAXAJjI,E'PROPER'l'Y IN SAID CITX'SmI(j~ DJNT TO Pl~Y, THE INTERES~' ON S4I1LWAREANTS aND THE<>:FRINC'IPLE AS IT MA.TURESAIlD DE-. , . ,.. CLARING AN EMERGENC'Y. ~. " '," ~' '.St' I U'>t !OJ .. if" '"..;1 'J '. "'{ , ~I #ii v It was mpved by n.L.~akerand second~d by J.A.Wallingthat the ordinance 'be read in, full ~ 'The ordiIiance was read itl f. full", ',,' ":',..', " , ','. ','" , . ' . ,,' , ' It was 'mbvedl)Y H.L.~ak:er al,itt,se9ondddpy J~A.W~~ling that the o:i:'dinancEt,' be pa~a~d first: reading. . Voting .iiY~:H8.ker and" Walling, voting NO: None .. ' " , , It was moved byH.L.Bf3.ker and ,secop.~ed by J.A.ftalling tluLt , ,'. ." the'rule,'requi~i;Q.g ordinanceS to b~~'passed a.tmore. than one,' " '.' meeting of'.'the 'Q'ormnission be suspended. amd tha.t the prdina , :'B:nce:be ;placed.'upon.seooild apd. :t'inal:readings. Which motion,., ' was carried by the" f^ollowi:ri~ vote." ' ", ' Voting .n.Y~: ,Ba.ker, and, Wal:!,.ing. Voting NO: ,;None .,c':,' The Ordinano~, was' read the second time' a.nd it was, mov~(rby' '. :,' H.L.:Bakerand seconded by J.~.W;B.l1ing that it be paesed the" Second reading. · ' '~' Vot.:i,ng ~YE: ;I3aker., and. Walling,~ .... ~ VotiligNO: None' "" , ,,' , The ordinance was read a third time a.nd'it was moved' by .H~r,.. , !Saker and seconded by J..a..Wall1ng':'t'hat it pass its third,and and f1nalreadings which motion was carried bY the following vote. , ", " . Voting .AYE: Baker and"Walling, Voting NO: None' ) Thereupo~ the Mayor declared the ordinance finally passed I I l ,r'" I I r II, "\ l ,.".-..",' ~' \" , i, 11'ayor SQhleSin~er reported to the:oounoil that on "aooount '.. 8:f-ts~rt~,:LnQhan, ~sf .Jlt.nt' e, pla.~~;c;o:+:t:1!~~~i;;$.,~nt:i;,~:a::r~r f:teweBr::ci1;1lS'l::ti,em. and. bY':t.eav1ng . J: " "he wo 'oouree a.rv a opp1fig on u:n-a 0 Speedway :from Rioe jjlvd to Bissonette th:e;C~12Y oq}~,+\9::;t:ed:u,oEL' the contra.ot b:f E.K.High , 30.000.00 and that this would be a su:ffiQiettt amount' to pay.:for.t,h~~wa~er ~ystem. By a mot- ion of H.L.Baker and seoonded "'oyJ'~~A~Waill.ng the oouncil de- cided to reduo'~'r,theGo:n:t.~~Gt.of E.~er,~i.g1J., :whiohw,:a~, satis:fa.- ~~{~ tl:M7:~~~' ~Mi;;~;~.\ '.;, \-,~,- . y; : .-F V:,e-~rg NO: _.J,l;~Jl~~>,i,;,'; "':.,:;~~" ;.,. ," ".. '" . ,', The~' ~~~me '>>:6n'j~~"'De' cto!i~~~~~~d'" th~. ,~t,i~r .Q1<c.oJl\firmation of o:f.~. as~s'llpplemeny'~~, ~<?~~r!ll:~'~r:J~~tw~en 'RJ1~ " c;.~y Ana E,.K.High Contr and ~tte r ~]1e, ,..o:~n,s;,~e ~a 1; iL" Q;1l\ ,,~.A ~:W~11~ng :,:L:Q.trQd.uc,ad an .ordin- anoe anti tIed; ',,:," " , : 'L. ',;:(':. r .' ,:('1;. '" ., ': >F " , ' I ~ " AN ORDINb.NCJjl " . ... .:~,. '. . C,ONF IRMJ;l,fq 'sp.1?J?~~~lJ~AL ,C:Q:t{~C T..: )~E;TWEE.NJ5 \oK. .> H:IQ.i.,qONT;RAOTO~,;:A.N.:D :Ui~ C~lY.oc[j9~, W~.S:!L' mUYiER.- SITY'PLAC'E;~STI~,~I~m"-, ~ll}~M~QY~~/ OF. ,:n~nOV:E~, MENTS TO BE CON"STRUCTED UNDER CONTRACT BETWEEN THE SAME PARTIES. DATED NOV 4TH 1926. REDUCE- ING THE AMOUNT OF WARBAlfTS TO BE ISSUED THERE- UNDER FROM $ 160.000.00 TO $ 150.000.00; READJUSTING THE Tll LEVY ACCORDINGLY: AND DE CLARING AN EMERGENCY: :'; J. .:: to -Q It waS moved by H.L~Baker and seconded by J.A.Walling that the' ordinanoe be read in full. whioh motion was carried by unanimous vote and the ordinance was read in full by the Beoty. ' It was moved by E.L.Baker and seconded by J.A.Walling that the ordinanoepa$s its :first reading, which motion was oar- ried by the following vote. Voting aYE: Baker and Walling. Voting NO: None. ,,' It was moved by U.L.Baker and seoonded byJ.A.Walli~ that thaj; the, rule requiring~;r.:9-;i,nan~es :t;~ J)~ passed at three~' . " ',: ',' , sepsrate~'mee-t-ings,..1te-~spended~ and "that.-'t1ie c)"rdlnance' pass its seoond and final reading, which motion was oarried by th the following vote. Voting .aYE: Baker and Walling. Voting No: None. The ordinanoe was read a seoond time, and it was moved by H. L.Baker and seconded by J.A.Walling that it pass its second reading, which motion was carried by the following vote. Voting .aYE: Walling and Baker. ~B~iB~d'RancYo~as read a third time and it was Haker and seconded by J.A.Walling that it pass final reading, which motion was oarried by the Voting aY~: Baker and Walling. Voting NO: None. i l':. ,~ cJ' "",:~' , tit ",.f J . \ I I , moved by R.L. its third and following vote. " ., 1 ,V \J \ I --+'~_'>t'-"4-.\'" 1'ft'<, ,.I"'t,~:":' r~'C')f.'l'r't'Qf~ ,,'..'...:"'/" .(,,1 . '~';"'-('l~ft,""'.r ~'\";,~.- r--rra~l.' ,~ ' f'<t~t\j"c;l" '" l.!-,.J" ,.I ",b '.,V ,t 'J"-'.!.l '" . ";...1., ~1.~ ;,>,1." ,:., ,,!, '" v ., ! c, "~j' '" "'~t' ... '$ v.~ I.. ',l.; ," ''.,?1'''''3:;iJ Th~~~~rt offge1 ,.M~~~J6ftifl~~cJgt~'t'g~t~I~~Itf1f~i ~~~~~MY~N~t~i4F~ J)ri~ The-H:;o;j/itl?i-hQd1:(}e; ;';f6'd11F~S'~~ J ad';t erw a a.Hi. (:;1 llv Hi ~H.l.t}i InOT':F '\(..Q.v/jnH:iC[ (; f')(fbIsro'N a,1:J:;~ j-,fJiij' ~hu..G 00.000,,0<:; ~~ Ii?.tEQ.I.~.;ti 1:0 JO,G~fJrr(i:) t~j1ij" +0 .', '~l">l m '~"';'ITFll 'Iftf~'~1TT\fttl.;;t. 0.,(",0" Fr-," 0+ +'..,"om,., +uc,j" ,'. ;'-';"':"''''-' " ~.Jj;_, .b x{'-', ""jf.hj'.:i>":AJ.'f;<~~J..qn'l'fC]f n." ':'":':; ",j, ..n...JJ 'w,,: v ':':. 'f~'''''J..uo ";' -CD .Lr.o,l.fjJOO e.r[j' ';1iI.r.U.aV<i..i~.i." \{,d bO,Df!C:.H:ld. hL('~i 'Ie}l.ea:..~..cllo rIGJ 1:tB8 ~1r~i&fG ewiriWNT:AL j6'6NTmrC-T ~YT e: ,ot. .oeJ:,J:o ~~H~Ia6Ng~~~~~,~:;~MJ~9.*~M. ,'~,,'. n~OVEMENTS TO l3ECONSTRUCTED UN]J1lJ,r~~_ 2;.d; :'~ 10 ref" U ni'l=~)I~~~)~E~~q~A~l:~~~ ~tt~1Jr~V i1 1- &llr ~cj[:WU ,~L ~W~OO ~1.B~,d;m$(:mJJ)I~~nE!t:~FIi~iE~0ff10 :"Cf,lJr3 C -cd I': :,":$ fllBOjJg.(j.otidO~jJd:.~'t<I~O!-oc:JO'io"b:''1R~I:rf~l'tN~, '!6j: '.r H~ , THE TAX LEVY ACCORDINGL'Y: AND DECLARIIk} e:k'Tf LJue ~b!L~;. . ' EMERGENCY. ' CI :iDvL,.~l.t([5IO 'Vk !1 COPY OF ORDI1~ANCE ON FILE. a .t\ ~\ There baing vti&.\01:tit1;fetI' ~W~i!ffe:ssIltltVl~~N)JlnliI(ij~~~JJ~1?li fIr' lR . consid&J5iiillM.lofiJ dlo~wvtial1tY:iitgJ niirdie~1 (I' it '~J1;:it!ltlrve!3'1J. .t{mc~l for Ssc,ond (}o~ii/Q5ii'ilr:10 dJ8lliffii,~l ;ijm.I)' 1')" -r(1 ~\rrtl' ::;>i;.;tlUA\Fl, L ~ adjourn. , ,r,n;;V,frl'l,r,'r' ,pnc,;;fIT1T,roo <1',;,,("':['\'T (A;,~r;1r'i\u(~,;,1'f,inn r",;, (i'l" ?ITIVr'i1l'T ,'ld.u,.::J, d...._ rl,.\J"~,\"".6o,.i'J. J l,".,.J,"V" ,I .....,........... v ...........-!, ..- U l.!..iL4 '." .t" v~"'J;..1cJ..""" -~~i.~j;J(1.~i~;t Ii as{?I HTJ\ "V()/1 ~,,tjl ~ fl~~1.I~1~5'~~ -".~ ~~: :';..' ,.:. ~~~~I~i:r ..~:"\.-~5I~'1-![f {' 0(~I ~itL ()1I ~~tlitl.o.j.li'I.i~.\I' ~[() j!~l\JC>~.:-, 2iJ:I 1:; , :~l~I ,.'. ?',<',."; O""I ,i!) Ort' r"" r'''T ,;' r,f (1, "1"'( . ~ :~j;J _ ~....Uv.. \J Sj; .1. ,..)V. . '~10 J.. \-h' jr~ ;l~.~~'~.i.ii"\'... ti:.! C..:.I.t'~, : YJ:{;11I<I51() DD.tl. Y'V~Il<-( ~~l~f.e ~H.1PT '$..1 ~L' ;~~:IJL(Llt~~~l~ ~,< ~ ~:' 'lt1 ;"". "r'l ., ~ )-\. ::r~ \~ :~.:l : I:{ :)1I~!10 .h.::i~;I~~;. j- 'i':l1t .,h.,. [, 'X,: cf J) e..f}[!o Ot) ;-3 _:JfLd .,:~ ()~~,-tH.i~ . ~., ~.l< .<~ c; J.J {J \'" ()t: (:~f~ \IV j" I ',,", ':.:'"' c"c.'r"O"'l n'nJ:r!',f.f f'r..,..:;. ""f' ';""':,.<" '-'(' '~"""<'l.;'i"i'n ''''1:<+ 'l~L':'~':.:' 1.;',,"'; it.",.......; d ......, j1~'d t-1..-io-,:....;... ....._. 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'11 '.f "~i" "1.'.(1l' '~~f1 ~~( '.~;J:il\~, " ''\'-'" ..",~'l"\ ,;,~~~~ ' ' .'~" I~'Q"~';' aliI, $0 $''e ,f~~~to A~n) ~trtl, 'PUlV 3<.tA'\'dY! .~tt~ lit! ~liJJ:tt~~tt'lO,(iiTlj;ktl,$"~~J 'PElIT.Ur1i;tSi}o'!:tQ;J! ~'ttl "<t 'p'~,~!fmfi~ ~~~"(';t,,, '~~i'elt,~\1 Q~,$;.n)l! 5Uedl.10b('~~~$ ....~Utl:,~3:qf,ptn~ <f\~i:l:;;m.e'i:J~.iJ;4:!ttrt'$tt~ Jt(t'f)~J.fj~$'T'f?tt1.' 7.~U1k 'Jf~0tO Jt~lll .,t{~:':A<l P~;:f:::~;~~:q.::~:~l:~:'l~: .~:~~:.,$~~:'p:~~::;;;;j~;i~.,'",~',a':'::~~:. "'..J.t.i~lt) $,tt~ ,6U~}.g~ll't~mr~tI .t~"tc~tt4' -t$Cr.:!rur;fI:JM iNCf.:!:J,'StiIdi NI .~a~:;Jr::~~i~$~~~~~~~~~1~! .t'o,t_~0lJt'ft~ ~,~!l!JlJi(tb'tt~ll!.l1:~~~9' ~(1'i:r~~'~l'$,'ttttt 'l~\,}:tf,~ J:.Q llGlJ:~s ~~:J1i~;rr~J;~I~t~ll. .U~cl~t'P'Ut'}() "$%.. 'tt~ ~W~#:~~I~..a!li:lcr!V tt~J,;I:lJiWitO' '~~'fi:!Jtl!, sr ,lLlctN:V (I~' \, i THE STATE or TEXAS I OOUN1YOF HARRIS OI1'Y or WEST UN'IVERSITY PLAOE ' I. . tl'l$U'ij.dt~:$ignll\l4 O;ity O+f.u;li; of ,,~ll~q1ty ,of W$$t Ufl;~V$-l.s1:ty PlaQ$... rUa.~I' l1$$'$b.,~~~t~f'.t.1 that t};l$. fO~fJg,olng ia a t:rl;1.a~4 Q~rX'/H)tQQPY of a~l' Q:rd1.... , n~.l3epa.$a$dat a $peQ~a.l' 'IHiile,ting ~:f' ,the O:tty q~mml$:,~"'" :i();n0f' Wtt-t UnivetBtty pla0~ T~$:~a.~~,he;l;dat t)1~ q~~!y , H~l:l 1n~.aj;dQ!$y Gn,th,t ",It" ,d..~y of N1}"$Uber.,19~6~: , atwh10h alEH~t1ng tl~r:)M~r():t ~ij,aJ.A mefflbeJ:$ weX'@PJi$$ent' :'tlhich orli1nan~e 1$ :c.~,:cd~Hlia. ~pp.t , .' , at , pl\i!,ge$ " , ~t si9q., of 'thQ r:ll,lr\~rte$ota:ti,I,1tt ooulm1s.,,{ma::. ~ I t , I t"P''1iI ... GIVEN UNDF.R MY ItA.IO ANtlSEAL OF SAIDOITl'., tblkt ,<)...~t I!lf' N"i'v~mba"-,... '1926,. r,t ~'m~'@4 V~':lf. "'W-. . '*:tilf ~ . "!'I (fh~$.l) :: iI/ Ii'. fJ ~ 1111" e'11lC1~' "ei~' f' w '~TrJ!, 1t , .,. ""'.~;A.,,, " 'IiI"1 Q\i;f:lihfJ;Jl$:~S T 'Plag'~1 T-e-xaiIJ. There being no other business to come before the Council for Consideration Commissioner Walling made motion tha~ Council adjourn. Second Com, Baker. Atte;;,1I ,;< -f{/ 'J...J:/ Secty. , yor I lJ .:tX~T.D ~lf,12D · g~X~ :t o At(fi P ,,"., ~",,:J' ,,~~~f ~ < ' "~ ,< .":...~ .~ .+' , ... it Js9,1iiLitV .getn: t~:$q,m&.M.lN ;te A~p , , ' I Ii,'. m'Pt~ l!>~j,,<;;tJ:cM'f -Ss:t6t C:,rf(;U~~A<..'\jJ; ;0 bJtp-' ".... g)!ttq, f!~,~g6l~d .p~tq:~t,l;ro 0$ It. ~;: pttlet;l!-~~~1'id $!t..T.r~Q,lll 'P~ );U(j;T;J 9'{J.1t'C:J: ttr. $(t 'P~ ~.o'J;.rta ~}ff14t!'utf.~ ~tli:t{ftJ'{;t't''tr.);.t,t~t~?'~t{4- ptta 'p~tlUf}{tifns J(q~.;r$tf $-1: ~t~l:J:Pl'B~' -pUlA ~;Pt'PUQd~~ ~<t!lft'~~ttteUG ~l{" ~.t,OlXl ~~'l);lJ.$'tld ~q q\'i$ott~;tllPtto ~lIlj;lnc~.x $tt~Stt, tll,(t'!\; !W1:S~'9.0'~:m:, GlA1:'4~;r~fI:nt1t * f>U'g _~~~;tQ~t~ U~j~f.~-e;a4.:ttl' 'P9qlltQ~$1:> til'elt~tf ~;~tt~~AG:.1I!dt\',tl elt-~ lO l'~~U ttt "t~~$;X~$'l @~'td .tt4)fll.x;~jA.lU!1 ~S~Ai S:~ ~~to $l'{~ ~ve~~ "0~J:i1,ttJ:l .',~,m~u: 01Sl0d;n14 ~q4 o'tt. p~'tta~ pu~~ ,"$l:t:10dmfJ Pt~;~~()J: ~'A::X'(g~f4S0$:U~4 l:$~h tJtt, C,~tt'S ll) lhtOltt, qfi'tttu ()st~~~~,~$tt aEt_,,4t~1U, it'/?<, $~,a.t'q.4 ,~.'mI! ~ ~(:r .it~~.it~~iJCGi:ttt 1't't'l3t\tttb? pu~ ,it~@Jt~tt$;r~'(U) ~tf4 ::tOJ; 'P~1Ul'*'tTOn~UlI ~Gln.~e't~rrg. ~(ttt~t(e' $tU,'i'J. ~~. p~, U}tti"'_~$,*~Q ~.t~,.$t{' JO ". ,,ttrt a,.i~Ni ~'.tt1;:G ot'ttpA J:mll~ SttlP~et;o:nB l~t;)~~ ttJ: PU%: 9e:Gt:ht~A ~:q%;t()J: 1i*l\'A.~t'JAOlX W;X"'ttfetT , A:'!t l(lVl-a$- :,~t.&l.1:~'H.ttt~~ st-til~:Jt'e~ tt'r~, J4\ ut)l~1int~JA , 00"00\:$ l{~11}~ Ut.' a,!j.Utl\'> ~ft l-P ~~\ ,p~ttt:t tn;.tl Pl~\\~f Gtr'%! UOdfi(ll:I:$l~~ ~$~~e"trf -pt!'t)' ~:,$.u~~t'ti!\ 'Ptltt'Sl 'tr~:r.tn ~::a.ti.~tT~ P'U%? P$~'ti~1!~'f~ AtT~~ 1)~ A~t_ pi~ tt'} Jt~.:(~d'(~.:rd~lq't:}I.:~~~ tlt'{,!j tt~ u:(~ ~$1'P~~ll-'( .A:tt1;'Sn~~~ tiHit, t'V$q;. ,~O(gJ!nd P't'~~ ;cOJ:~;U~lbJ;~';. ~. 11 ".&~n.~.g.lJtI 'tf.'r, $:11 t~d'f~ , .....ut:oxt1 $lti, .&tld'o~ q~tttNr. i.t,~'P\!l 'PUtt,; ~tt'f~tt.tg, ill ~~'nt~h.'O 1,U'fii ez;~,t);~.'t.t'l1tA\ Pl1i1JJ tl.(lf ~.$.t@~ttl.qft. JL1Jd o~:t'i?'~;!t tSt~JC~,r. f''&()~!d: J,:i\.'fm'ZlJJll:rUn ~~~M 30 AtlO 0't:t~ ,~() U:ot:~~li]l~o.o> ~~ lO fllt;t~ ,!q craln:'f'C1ll0 U3HtLcH.t1.u:S:r &t' .Q '11 i;tt" ,r' I' .. r ..,~ .t'$:~nl.ouJ! ' . lIMA...... Ill'" [1 .. J ~ ..........:n.: L , r " .1tt)~;O~..;;tQittOD ' ';''1' .{~QJi$~,(H(~ ~tHre::t.~nff:':~tiiI PU'<J t'd't$O~j.t ttll..;T; ~A'f;',-a 0; '(nt'gtWle$ ~O~ttoo:e~ 'P~z'fltotl*nx;l ~l ,X',~'):;iJ(;\1<q ~\n, ptt\1 "!lirnettl ~;fZlJi p}ttrr~g t.rCli:tt.~l J!e-p'U.tl. ~O'9.x:!J.tt<'J() $'qt1< ~ ~:'~U~~..t~t~.A'I Pi'e$ J:0pUn, S!LO+ l':tlf.m{')~~ $.J3VJ.::CO ~A':r-4 T.{\i.'f'PltM 4~\'p:ib~ '....\i1,.:tc tJ,;'}]t ~;~ .t$1i€:f&~J~ if,~t~l~; p!fl~ 'a'~:x t'$!:U':1:~ttl 'tl'e! C~ P~~'~l!cJ: "",q-a ~\q;~l<I$q ftl .;.o'eX$t{ .;((!i,nJ'~H;t ~t{~'P~ f.~~.tX\c)nS,.T ~r*,otr:\l.TA\"i~~t~t~q O'\; g''l10dft;~t): 'PS:X,~'iN@ p~ !f;tt8J;;r1~M 'Pl:~e.:~;t~A~rt&\) VU-a tl~~' C:J':1.l. j:9mJ~~q, lq$,"5e,~ '$ "SO,'llt;Z ~nt1.a'Jl ;to: -p%1~ i".0'ij!ta ~~}~.X~jq.ttn :if~~iA J:O A~~lV,,~q~, ;O~ "J!O .&.$1:'0, attJl. mG~tJt O"S::t'~iHl~ P~Dtt't.m IIlUrod1!\OO, ~$~Xa't~:tt1, ~'t !lJtnil.:t;,t~it~ ~.~,,'t;{.l~ $q~p~A't~\~,! tu~'a'~ ,~1!k~~~~ ,6,J'l4.:t:~~ oCt; atsttti,i&t; , t,~ttW. ;;to' it'~';Jtif'll~~f.l.: ..;CfJ, ~a6,~;~t1ii~q~, iog ~:t1,$tit&~~{:)'Ptt~ $Ul~(ittGJi' &'lt14' S~. a;n-~ 1Pl~~ I t?J 'l~lUit it:) 'f.~,q, 0tt4ttCt '@JU,f xc:! ~.q, 't't!ttt$ ~t ftt~) / f f / DECEM~BER 16 th 1926. .-'~ ,! { I' I I' I The City Council convened in special session at 8 P M Dee 16th for the purpose of passing a resolution approveingpayment of estimates on street improvement work, which was as follows, . . .: '.. ......... Series A Estimate ~ 2 E.K.~IG~ & J.H.Rafferty $ II.OOO.OO 'II ~ " 11 2 Miller & M &, J.H.Raf'ferty 6<1000.00' Total $ 17.000.00 I ~ Copy of estimates on file with Secty. Com, Walling made motion, and Com, Baker seconded it,that the above estimates be approved and paid with Warrants. Voting .AYE:Wal'ling and Baker. Voting NO: Nons 0 Upon motion12of Com, Walling. Second Com, Baker Secty Dunnington was aurthorized to issue voucher to the amount of $ IO.OO to be used for the purchase of stamps. Voting ~YE: Walling and Baker. Voting No: Norie. There being no other business to come consideration Com Walling made motion Second Com, Baker. Adjourned. before the council fat that council adjourn.' ' -"+ ~~. (r;:~>"'. (J .iP. .~ ""ttee>>,JJt,AIl-~y. approve I .yor. /