HomeMy WebLinkAbout02202014 ZBA MinutesThe Ciq of West University Place A 11 eh( hboihood (At1- ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 20, 2014 6:30 pm Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to Samantha Brantley (voting), Katherine Brem (voting), Ed Sobash I. MEMBERS PRESENT: (voting) and Don Yurewicz (voting). order at 6:30 p.m. Samantha Brantley asked MEMBERS ABSENT: Milton Frankfort, Priya Coffey, Don Culbert and Sandy Hellums. II. each member to briefly introduce meeting. Motion to 2 by Don Yurewic: III. STAFF PRESENT: Shelley Eversole, Legal Counsel and Debbie Scarcella, City Planner. Ayes: Samantha Brantley, Ed Sobasl COUNCIL MEMBERS: None. IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:31 pm. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to Samantha Brantley called the meeting to Ed Sobash moved to accept that all notice order. Notices, Rules, order at 6:30 p.m. Samantha Brantley asked were properly posted and distributed for the Etc. each member to briefly introduce meeting. Motion to 2 by Don Yurewic: themselves. Debbie Scarcella, City Planner Ayes: Samantha Brantley, Ed Sobasl stated all notices were posted as required by city and state law. Samantha Brantley Katherine Brem and Don Yurewicz. Motio described the procedure of the hearings. carried. Swearing in of witnesses. Samantha Brantley administered the oath t all witnesses. 2 Docket No. 2014 -01, The applicant presented their request for a Ed Sobash moved to close the evidentiar Property at 3748 special exception authorizing a reduction in portion of the hearing. Motion to 2 "d b Wroxton Road, West the front setback along Bissonnet for a lot Katherine Brem. Ayes: Samantha Brantle, University Place, Texas located between Bissonnet and Wroxton Ed Sobash, Katherine Brem and Do that was deemed a through lot with two Yurewicz. Motion carried. 77005 (Special front setbacks. David and Kari Beck Exception). presented that they would like to request the reduction to a setback along Wroxton After deliberation Katherine Brem moved t a. Public hearing regardin because they initially thought that there was grant the special exception to reduce the froi TOP WORK PLACES 3800 University Boulevard ( West University Place, TX 77005 1 www.westutx.gov The City of West University Place A Neighbor%i(x)d City a request for a Specia Exception in complianc( with Article 7, Table 7 -2 Note 5, of Appendix A o the Code of Ordinances, t( reduce the regulate( setback abutting Bissonne from 30' to 10' for through lot located betweei Bissonnet and Wroxtnj Road. b. Deliberation, decisi other action, etc. regar the preceding matters. a rear yard there as other lots had and did not initially realize that the site was a through lot. The house they have designed conceptually has the garage located at the rear and a large yard on the west side with the driveway on the east side. They did not design the house to extend from setback to setback and have tried to maximize the green space on the site. There was no correspondence received in favor of or against the application. The following residents were in attendance and asked questions during a brief time period granted by the presiding officer in order to look at the conceptual plans: Russ Frank 3712 Albans Laurinda Lankford 3742 Wroxton Anne Milliard 3727 Albans Chuck Roberts 3727 Albans David Marks 3737 Albans Steve Brown 3305 Rice Blvd Laurinda Lankford then spoke regarding the drawings and how she would be affected as she abuts the property to the east. Staff gave a report regarding the request as follows: Background Information The applicant recently purchased the building site located at 3748 Wroxton Road. The applicant intends on building their personal residence at this location. The site is an irregularly shaped lot that abuts both Wroxton Road and Bissonnet Road. All of the lots along this block of Wroxton also abut Bissonnet. According to Article 2, "Certain Terms ", this building site meets the definition of a through building site. According to Table 7 -2, note 1, a "through building site" shall be considered to have two front yards and no rear yard. This would mean that this particular site would have two twenty foot front yard setbacks and no structures could be built in these areas other than what setback to 10' abutting Bissonnet provided th, the front yard along Bissonnet contained 6 most pervious area practicable and the plar submitted for pemlit and built are substantial] similar to the plans submitted with the ZB. application. Motion to 2nd by Ed Sobas] Ayes: Samantha Brantley, Ed Sobasl Katherine Brem and Don Yurewicz Motio carried. w� 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 1 www.westutx.gov L The City of West University Place A ,\ ei iboj hood OtI, 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 1 www.westutx.gov would be allowed in the projection schedule (Table 7 -6). The applicant is planning a structure that is very similar in concept to the attached drawings. The plan is to keep the 10' abutting Bissonnet open and 100% pervious. The applicant attached pictures of the lots in this block taken from a Bissonnet Road perspective. The applicant believes that their request is in harmony with the existing structures in this block. Staff Response Table 7 -2, Note 5, provides that a front yard setback along a major thoroughfare may be reduced to no less thanl0' through a special exception if the most amount of pervious area practicable is a condition of the special exception. Bissonnet Road is defined as a major thoroughfare under Article 2, "Certain Terms ". In addition to the requirements of Table 7- 2, Note 1 of the regulations, Section 11 -102 states that the ZBA may not issue or modify a special exception unless all of the following circumstances are present: (1)The ZBA has determined that the proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on- street parking, will not cause any substantial traffic congestion, and will not cause any substantial increase in traffic or an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service. (2)The ZBA has determined that the proposed special exception will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. (3)The ZBA has made any additional findings and determinations required by specific provision of the Zoning Ordinance. In connection with all special exceptions, the ZBA may impose conditions prescribed by the ZBA or required by the Zoning Ordinance. 3 Meeting Date. Matters Debbie Scarcella explained that the day of Discussion tabled. relating to establishing a the month on which the ZBA regular 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 1 www.westutx.gov L The Cite of West University Placc A ATCe "'hboi -hood Ceti APPROVED THIS \ DAY OF r\ ` 2014. new day of the month to meetings are scheduled is determined by the � hold the ZBA meetings Rules of Procedure of the board. Several and updating the Rules of City Council members requested that staff Procedure to reflect any work with the board to determine a different day of the month to hold the changes. regular meetings so that City Council members could attend the ZBA meetings. After a brief discussion of dates, the members tabled the discussion and any action until more members could be present to discuss the item. Staff was asked to poll the members in order to inform those not present and get feedback from the members. 4 Meeting Minutes. Approval of meeting minutes of July 18, Katherine Brem moved to approve th 2013. minutes of July 18, 2013 as written. Motio to 2 "d by Don Yurewicz. Ayes: Samanth Brantley, Ed Sobash, Katherine Brem an Don Yurewicz Motion carried. Adjournment. Katherine Breen moved to adjourn th meeting. Motion was 2nd by Don Yurewic: Ayes: Samantha Brantley, Ed Sobasl Katherine Brem and Don Yurewicz. Motio carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. APPROVED THIS \ DAY OF r\ ` 2014. Samantha Brantley, Presiding Officer ATTES : N Debbie Scarcella, City Planner TOP WORK PLAM 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 1 www.westutx.gov v � Samantha Brantley, Presiding Officer ATTES : N Debbie Scarcella, City Planner TOP WORK PLAM 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 1 www.westutx.gov