HomeMy WebLinkAbout120532 CC Min I> , . ,; . " ;, J, . : .. J\ml nFUaT~R APPlWlIIiG t~t ~~~\.ov~ra%~tQLne&J.~~the.~..~ (., /~'i~'": .~~p.e~~lileff:~~ ~n~1:oned:order calhng ~or said. ~ Je~+'1.:on)r,~dtb~ ll~i~~~~ '~~h~~t1)r~ ~:J!l.$llt'1one:4.or~~rIanceaui1horiZJ.ng the 2ssu~g~U~r' suchbon~s'~#I!f. ~~'::1!:V:L'l1~atax1n pa~en~ thereof' were not re~ltt(Ji<\'!i:t length.J.n .~.~!i/. '1t'h, M~$ of.5 dCo:mmJ.ss1on, and that for the sake 'of preserv1ng the;~~ reoo~dln1>', ' .-,; . ...~ .~iia.' ordinances should be reoorded ,in iihe ; ,. ~\:."".~: Mimtiies of$ai; ., io~; . 11 ,~ ..<::~f':."'.\' ~. . . 4 . '" ~ _, '. "... '''. ,. -;;,.:~>i{.\.. IT .1,8 m.,((~i&R. ORDJ5RED'~hat tht!> hereinbefore mentionti>d ", order .,,~' anlin~~\11~e of'~4,~iection" ~s passed on th~ l'71;hday of J~u'ary, 'i 192" ., the ;~:~it1&~f'i0'ate'o:t'Li;heJ.'lit'Y.T~hall andCitySeoretary "1 sho, Ell posti!ig .qfsuch notie~s, and the certirieaiie ald.. M. D...i i~/ , "; . .,' ,.~ the. Ci~ii~lerk, shqW4;n~ that there .wasno n~Wcii;~~~b bei~~< . publ::1i~d 1n~aidai1;y~:~nd);be a~:idavit O;fJ?~ .~~Pa:vne,. :Bu$i~~~,s~,- . Mana.ger at i;he Ro'f.lfl tOl). Press,showJ.:m.g the.p~9l1catJ;~n:of.. s!nd notJ..qe" a~d 'tl1,e' return . of thea:t'fip:,~r$: hoad:ing'cia~<l:eleetion,andtheorder or resolut;ion dat~El ,,]l~brtiaq :26,1927 ,;'can;v:a~~g.~}'eturI1s~d declarinJ!; the result of salQ. electi6n).and the "ordinano~. dated February 28,1927, " a~tho~hing the is~~tinee of~such Funding.BQnds and lev~iIig '!:t tax in , . ~..'~;./ ;:,.:"~'1n " '. ':' ~;;,~fRF~J~~~I~~;~ '," ,.: -,M0ng.~y.,,;:@g~~~e!p5~}l,,:l962 ',.;' 1. . . COUIJ9i;L C'h,~b~r :- ,- CitY,lia;Ll, ~. '_'~' . ...-- '-:'~i~,~:~ci::.""';'j'l~; .t.'~f~' ~,l;>"_i!. "-:.",:'~' ',:',~ ::~ ~.:;:-.~~' ,;City, Q~!~~ti:R,!~~s~~Y':,Plape~_:T~Jl:afk. ,. " "~' .~ \.~ ,c.:_ l-,.'~-' ~ ! ." ,'c.;r':~r .j '.;: .i;,"'_';'~~.' ).;" .".,"J -;., -- t. ~ ~ '.( ,- ., . .' ' ~:'5 . ;". ;, .. ~.; . -. .-\: f I',! \ The :.eoli1mi$'sroli':q:~ed--j;n' regular sess,ion a:t;. '7' P. M. on -the.. t'ch:egoing daiie withJ.fi"ifor~. B~ Schlesinger and CQJIIJI1.issionerf! Plumb and\(}ocicburn and. S~;re:renry uClmlp in att-endanc;e.. . . . . . Mayor SchlesU1gerpresentedfor 'conside~ationor' iihe City Comm- ission the follow1ng order,tcn~~it-: - . .; L 'I IT APP15~):NG~.AFFIIUlATI'V~J.Y that on iihe 17th day of;.~uf:1ry, 19~7, . , . . ~ ..,.. ". . the City Commissi,o~o'f :i;heG~t-y of'W$'s-t. Uni'Versity P;Lace or(lered -than an.e1eciiiotl be held ;u ,sa.i4." .. st Un:l.versiiiy P>];ace on the. question of authoi:~,z.~*:g ~ttil?::,$3.,o,oooeity of Wesii-: . University Pla<?e ~B'on~$"!. arJ.nginiierest aii -the 'rate ,of' 5 3/4~ .. ' per anJlum: and leVYJ.ng ~::tax ,J.n I$yment thereof for :\i:Q.e PU1'p9SeOr :ruIldJ.~g $370,000 outstanding warrant indebt~dness existmg againB-t. s:dd City;. . , . , . .. . 'i,i!r FURTHER. APPE:AIUlfGJ.FF:rn.MA:T'rVELY thatno.tice of said . e'le-c' '~~$' give~ both 'bi pO$'t:ing and by publicaticn of~r the 'time~nd .<;~n the~~e.rprovi.e4.#9y law;, _and that said electioll,wasrecgul':;:1.y held and"io~turtis 1;hereot'r,egular17 . made to said CJ:iiy CQmmis~i-()1i;and that byoitleruor resoltitiQu On the 28th !Aayof' Fe~~;/192'7, said a.i~t ,~ommission can-.assed s~id reiiurns and declared:. '~Ke. r.esult or said election; . , ANDrr YfJRTHI!:R APPEAR~G AFFIlUllA1'TVELY that on the 28th day or '. 1'ebl"ua-ty ,192,'7 , . said City q:oimniS sion ,by. appropri ate or,din.anee ,: &~~her~z~d the i$suanee of s~~h Funding Bonds and levied a iiax in payriient'. 'thereof"; '1: ..~. ~".. ~ ~~;".~~.t.:..,>.... .",1... ~ ...,.....: . :~. -, .,; - '. -";y ," :,.... . '~, .... L ." -"" I .H\ , . . ~}'. '~~'..' : '~:>::63 x" ", II ".' f~ ,\ ,,' 'F.,". " i, r', ,'; . ~'~ > t! . " . '"'. '-~~ .,~,.~~ . :KII,' , :' ..v.,.. " ~",~ I, 'l.~. ; \. \.... ':t;t~ :t~-" \'-" " ';'<.'~~ r--- '. ,,' .' I . 'i' : ., payment thereof~ 'efich and 11ll~ be record.ed a1; length in the Qnutel3 of thl.s C ommi ssion ~nunc pr-o': t~e;' as .of',their -1"especti ve dat'e:s. It ;- "., ~_: -, ~ _":"~/~_ ~ '. r ;.~\..,;.;!".,' It was moved by Commiss.i()ner 'P!~b ~ds~c~ndedb;(col!ll!1:i;s.sioner Coek~urnthat 1;he .fofoegj)ing':lpfJier "lje-p~~d; ;'liiid t>.poiFthe question being called H was unanimously passed~Com,mi..ssioners PluIilb and Cockburn voting AYE and no one voting NO, wi1ih the Mayor affirmatively ~~~~~.n~,. :., _ c"i..., "f'. . " ,~. ,'J, !; f,:'-_ ." ~ . '-1~~{!! "., ,I " ':: :';'_ ,;':'0:;'.. . . -{' '.' . " '.' ~ . ~ '. ".:~' >":';,': ~ .. '; ):..--' ,. 0; ~':: ~~ . n f"- ""-' . " --;}j.y ..:'",<=-..-.r'.'':h r - '., - ", ~.~ \,,;- . . ~-.( }." " .;.:; ~ '~.'~ ,'f -.,'-:: . ':';-! f'~ -~ ~. ;';,: .: . ;1" .~;- , , .. c. I' . {r' ~. ...... , >-. . t .j !,;,;. t:', n _ ,-<: ~ ~: . .;,.. ;. ~: ~,l " .; ,""- "r,. ';{"1~:~!~t.". yo , , ,';",'~:' !" . r .' ", .'. ,; C J ',.;. ':; 1 ;.>-- ~. ; f . r.f: .j , ; ''l, .~ . - '.' ;!':".l ! -[v-. , <')or -'f" " . ;('. ;,. "-, .... . : , ; ;:~ /- , ). 'f,,' J ~~: -:..'~:..~-.\' -t.~;.t>!~,.. ~ I;'~V.J( '.. ., _ l-~ :'\ ' , ;(. '~'j,.;~ . , . ,~..~ '.\)\, :. !. . .-: '. ( ", , ::'" . 1 "; . .'.'. I~. ~ -", j1~;': , ..t, . I,'" .. . }; . 'l~ -~ :~ . [.]'~.... ~ ; , ~, :;' i--' ...':(J ' ,,,. '> - ;. , " Jt i('. ~'~: : ti; ~ , ~ . . <J', 6;5; > /.r~ . · :oJf.Pml .AND:.~NO!IaE' OF ,',:~<)Nn' ::Ei.Ed~:i:ON . '. I '}" '.r . I CITY. ,()F, ,WEST. :q~:ry:~SI17P:~EI, '1 '" .... .'. ,.... ..... ,'. . ,. ..... . , ... - 'J .,.1~~ ',< ',.. ; T}!E ,.STATE OFTEXM) '. "~' t ' 3!'," - j, -. . i -. " , . . CaUNTY~. OF 'RARRltJ" . ,. (.... '-.f , '!-f 't, . . .'t. ..e' '. / 'l. ): . t .:, '. . ,~ ;~"' '. .' :.~ ~{.-:" ':, "l' . ,_,.:;.;; . '.. . . ~,,,,. ;:.t,~<,.... .>'11 : ~r ~ ,.;, _.: On this 17th day 'otJarmary, .192.7;' -Ene' C~ity' Com.Uii'ssio~! o~: .~~~~;t~~( qf.W~,~~ -t~1f~t~i:(;f ~~~C~:'. .i~~~~,,'jy~.~.. ~~~i~~~~d,'. i~'<;~~~~~~~:, session at its, T~.gu1ar ~ting place in the City' Rail 'of' said 'cHi~ with all members ,therof', viz: H. B.~ Sehl~~irige~','M~ybr~ iI: :r;:. B'ak~~',: . . Co~isstone~~' J.A'. it~iling, eomim.'$.s1o~er~ ~"J .1"ii: Thrimington, ci.ty'6l~~k~ Pr~~ei)l~"'~icipa~'~d ~he f~ll~:i~~ di-~~i-~' } . v "'~rr ~~ _ViI .,-,~. ~~,. ,j',~" ~,,' .' ~,' ,,-,' ...r;f",-.,~.:-. ; ';: >1: <. ..\).....= " "I-t .~$.s.Lmoted 'bY".Co~s'sioner J.A. Waifipg' and: seconded by d~i:ssioriei-~H~~L;"':B~k~r: th8:\/lli~rk;'be'. ~bmii~~ \~ t~~:'q~~ii:tf~d. "".1 ...~..'_" . ;?...i'~:,:' ',,0.. _ ....'., :. ,....~:..}l ...~~:..,;:':;..Y-~.~t,'<.-;.;,i> ~~""" voters oi". sard ci'tywho 'are property t~payersihereiri,~th~, . . .. f"~"'-', ~ -; '. ,,' .:) _ ~ . r,' ? _ . following propofdtion upo~ the que stion Df issuing FUiiding Bond.$ as hereinafter more .rully set ou~:,. suo;h ~}.ection to be held on the 26th ~e,.y ~;' _~~~:8-ry,. ~92~ ,!T~emqt,'i9~ :'!~~ ~t;Uli~qus~1"o~~~e~d . by the " ': :.;-r~":J. ~. ..... .' - . ,'~ '. ~ ~~ ,,' ..:.....,,' . _, .' . ..... _,.. _~A.. fol~~~Jlg '.vo:t.~:. - .' ,,0 , t ~ '. . . '. . . .-..'" . ~' , , .'. ~ " " ~ C,~is,~~Qner~ J,,.,~,.Y(a~J.i;.ng .an",~.. .L.~.~er ,Y:~~i;"Xl~ \ ., "An" and,noon~ vot.ing . ,"NO".. ~.~. ....' ""t' ,'., -.~.}..~._.,:~'" .1'" ,,'f '. " \ ~~~r~~~Q~ .~~ .rQ~)..~~ngelection OI:q,e~.,:was a;1()pt.~d. It ~pp~,~r.iD;g :t~ t theC.~ty. 0 ~ We GtlD'ni ve.r..~i ty Blaee .. has o'!ltsta~ding and -qppaid warrani; ind~Qi;ednEH3p, conlSisti:ng .of vl'llict, '.,.' to '. ': ' : : . . I. . ., , . t ' 4' . .' '.' and ~~gally bindiJlg.~bli~atJt?ns against the.~id city, .i~ the amounts,: 8.Ad of' the des9ripticm ~r:~ina.f~~r, more,fully s~:I; out,..t9\",wi,t, at> .,? i-,' .' '., I - . " , . '..' ..' . . ." . t 't .. ~.' ,. .. follows:.' : --': '. ",>-,'.; ~;, ....: '.~ .',:~Q ~ r $11,009.. Town, of We.st" Upi,v;eraity P~a.p:~ 20,1926, --bearing int'erest at the rate serially. ru:ndi?~W~~r~~ of' 6~t per J~uaq . aturin~ .f ,-~.- " r . ~J..:., . '~l-~'V'U' ., tf.;j . i- l'f: " /,- I $55,000' Town of.W~,~~.,Un;i",,~,!1i,~'ty 1,11ace. StC?mS,~erJfar,rants)dated May. lO,J926,beari1;lg,.liite'lr'e:s:t,,;s;'t'tne', rat:'e 0'1, a..%'pE),ro8.ntiWii) and maturing serially. $l30,OOOCity of Weft University Place Improvement Warr~~'s,'Series "AU, ,dated N'OVeD'iber 1~J.;.926, bea:ring interest at the rate ()f'6%,!)ex-, alWum, andma'tur,ing sel",i~lly., . 'J; '~ '" i ; , . : li. 1.....~ A;::}~s >~}': ," :;.-"~'-, '_.~ , ; ;;~;~';':."<y .,<. . . t1'4&.OOO -01 ty' '01' 'West 'Uni "Te'rsi ty PlaceStree't ImprovementWarrtlllts, s&rie~ "B~ dated November 10,1926, bearing inteTe~t at the ,rate of ,',~~., J)~r}l,nnl1l11." ap.~l mat~r,ing,~,;s~~~~~l:v;. . ...tt::4""~;~~~)"~,.,,,::' ~." <<d, (.. : -.- ~.' .. : <<~.'" ,"' $p4"ooo Ci~y of West University Plae!). Wa:j,;e.rw~;,,~~> W~tlt.~1).t.s" 9,.a"ted, '. ])e'l)sMierib ,'11i2~.~ 'bearlnt iiii;e}.e\S'f.~' 'at' the'~ate' '01' e%'pe~ arihh1n~' and ' m~~pr.~~~;fler~allT.t " ., ' ::; '~\ ,;" ". '.", .' .' '. , a~g.f:~~ai;~ng. i;h~.~~, O~J~'7PI.OPP'~OO. ,.'"" "... . . Th~re!;{)re" be i 1; order~d 'by the;). C ityCommiss,i()!il, of 1;lI.e. .~.. . ~ _", ..':-{'- 01> .," "~" ..'..~.:)' ~ '~., ~'~': ~: fj,...", -co."'" l!. .". <! -', ," \.-. City o't Wes-\; Universi~;V P~$.c~~,.T.~x~Sj j;~an,e1ec-y~<?.pJ:>~ b,~J~; ~~.~y,~ !io .~ . . :. '. < .,)." . ~ <.' . it ~ ~ , . '. . \. CitY9f West Um'V'el"sity P1a@e on the Seth day: of Feb~ry, 1927, at F . 'i~(;d*"'-L? ~.~;....... ,_' '-.~ '(~ ... .,:. "", . ,... r ".: "'",:" "",1"'1."., 'n,' ..., -'~l <,,.f J < \I1~i?\ ~7~~i~~ ~~e.- ~"~H()~~g,J'ro~~:,~'t~~, 1)):1~1~: b;. m::bm~~~~1, r9 t~ re~id~nt . ~tl~lif+~~,PJ'01?~~~{ ~~~r.~~~r ~'l;e1"~,or!~~~ ~ ~i rr;,~or.t~~~f( . '<,.' t. ~ - ", . ,-. ," " - . .. .... " 8.ct~o~, ~~rt7l:1l?~~~o' ~::" ", ... " , " . ~ '. " T {,~ , . . I,!. ~;.,,; . ;:-'-f;,,' , < '.~: ~}c.{ f::' " : i : "' '('.1 f ~ :. ';' f r f ~~; , ~ .'.. ," 't.;.! :y .... ; / ')p.n.~ITleit'f.;.~ ,,;': :,. ;/. I,:. , '; ,', J.:~. ",... '. 'Y: 0' ; -., ". ~ ~ . ~ ~ <,' ;, ,. .... ;'Sh4~f~tftJ ';6;i~"'&gitkr~~\gri ;'61' '~'h~:ef~j>bf ~*~~~o/f.Jiv~fsit~ . . P;J.aoe, Texas, be authorized -t~ issue 'the Bonds of the di~::rr~F\f;~~"'.^ - I" i- ". -- , - '-.- -.f ,~ : < <"", -, "".f .-': ..;.' . . ..... -: : . ,_: l'" . Uni veT'si'ty, Pla.ce i1Textls',. . ill' , t'n& .amoUn~ .:Of$:S?'G, ()OO~.OO, Platuring '.. > - . < - f . . l' . .~ serially wi'thin forty years from -cheir da-t;e; benTing iritere'st at ~he ratd :bf '5'3/4;tpr~nn'Wii, 'a:hd 'to l~vYiti"tax' s~:f'rici~nt to pay the interest on safdBondsand' p Tovide a s~kin:g :fund ~wi th which to pay the' principal ail. maturity, for t'he' pUrPo'se of .ttiriiUrig $3'70,OOo~o6 ., , I . '", ,"_" .,-,' . , . r ~ outstanding warr'ant indeb'ted.liess exis'tiligagaili~ the city of West Universi~ Placet,rexas" 'bi'caneell:tllg ~he eir1deilCes 1ihereof and issuing .. .~" '. ~&~i(Bo.nds to. the holders thereOf, as aut ho.rized by the Consti:eution' and Laws,' o't't:hei, sta'te' of 'T~xas,;inCluding c'ba;tei-l(land '1, 'Titl~ 22~ ~ ( ~ 1 ! ! r t. I), , . -i1'. ,! ~:r''': " > '".:' ~~ . . <( . < \ ..Revised Civi~ .Statutes of 1925. .' . . ~,>='l {i~~- -~~ ~- 1-- . ='- 1 _ r--== ----= , I I l'n' Ii.. . I'~U. I . !:" . fL "'.'. '. . . , t I t: ~ J. t ..4 \, . f t, ,("r L ~'~_....._~. ,. " ;,:i:!~ "".: ~.e~~.-' : ~. , .S,aide.l~vt:ion :s^!h.p.ll.l:!e.~14,J,1+:tb,~.'.q,~;l?Y; :li[~llbu,i],~ing; An , l; .' j . > ". ; ~','., . , ." \ '.' e. ~.' '. " "" '. '. , . ~ . . '. . S8;i(\,Ci~ ~o~ ,!est U:ni'Vets~j;r "Pl,~c,e" ,an,:~.~)~~~ ~qll?wi~g n~~d,;p.Elr~ons . . "., ~ -, - . '-J.. '\.......- . . . . . ~r~, .~~,r~by aPl?oi~t~d~~dg~s, ,~;tld',qJ~rks res~~e:t},y~:~yo,t S!l~4'h el.eotiqpj~ . .: ~'~ :"~. . .ol".f~~.'" ~~ - .""'- ... ; 7 '.."$:. '~. 'iio~b :y Presiding Judge ",!- ; r' -> .,' 't', . '{'. ,. '... " "','. Robert .Burns ~ r ~"' _....~ . . . . . ~ ., 'Jiidgt,' .. ~s Winf'ield Davis Clerk lIrs PatJl Bottler- .,: Clerk.,. ."""." '.. Said eleoti'on shall be held tinder the provisions of' Cpapters 1 and 7, Title 22, Revised Civil Statutes of' 1925,and the manner of' holding the same shall be gCJprned by' the gene rail laws regulating genera], elections, so :rar a-s applic'able,and on1V:~;.l,i-tied voters. who are prope+tytaxpayer,s, in said oity shaJ,lbe entitled to vote a't said e letrliion. . All voters whof'avGr 1;-he proposi"hion to issue such Bonds shall have wri't'ten or primed'on their ballots the wo~ds "FOR 'PEE ISSP'ANOE ,~',:e:OlJ~tl, and thQse,opposed thereto shall have written ~~:i'~lli'l;,~d on their ballots the words ff AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OFBO~Eb8f1. . , A copy of' this wder s~gned by the.i~p~ .and attested by the ;~ ," City Cl~rk of' theOity of West Uni-versi-hy Place, shall serve as a proper notioe of said election; and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and direc'ted to oause suoh noti~e of' ele~:ti(>n to be posted , ~. at the hereinbe,fore named polling place in said city of West University . r~ . Plaoe .:for 'thirty tall days prior to the daw of'suoh eleotion and also I ". to cause such notice to be published in some newspaper of' gene~al ciroulation which has been regularly published in Harris County for at .' i" least one year before this date (there being no newspaper'published in ), - 1- -. ---'1 r-- T 11 I r I r: v , ~ ;6~. 'r"~ f" f'" . , i . r f r ,1",;;. . I !. ',"," l_~~>. .." " . t., 1 ~ . .' , , v "': 1;'heoi -tYOf West 'trni,.e~Sity,pfaci; no-bic.e. .1ib~ ;ptibl~'~h:~d in some : J'. ~ ':;-- .... 'y f~ . ", , .-" ~ ---.:" ~; t ~ ~l? 'hewspa:p$'r' pu:bHshea in Harris County), which notice' shall be pupll'shed : .... -".., .' ...;.".:,. J " .., ,': t _ -, - ..' "\.: ; ,,, ,~-.",. <' ';c. !'~_, . \-! ......~ d once each week for: iihirby full d'ays)befo~e .inedate 'o'f 'sutt' e'lection, ':[1" ; .1 n." f-- the da1:e of the tint pub'licationthe?eot to be not less ;:;l18.n .t'htity full days' prior to the ,4a:beQ~ ~ec1:ion. ~ to. ~", ./I] .~ .' \ ; ">. ,,- "',",. .. - - ..' ,."" ~. .i ::; : ,) ~", f '",r. . H. 13.. Stllilesinger ,.," ~;M,~r,City o:fWestUniversi t1 Place, " Texas ATTEST: . ~ .J - . \., J. ~~i~i:~!l'-:""~ :,._~.~-;~,.",~ ,.- -- :'"J ..... "'-,;.' ."d ~1' "-" -.;- '-. ,. ; t' ; j > ~ f> f~ " . l' ,,-~" '" f -:~< ,r ," . { '-1 r. ",... l~' ,:y~: (-, ,"' ~ ;' ':.." " . .. ::---: ~"~.).~-rr~"') ::. -''' ", .,.;' ~< . , ''', ' ., ..- ,'~ ,,,' -:: . ~ ,.., \"' ,. (ri/' <. '~J.:t .r. -,' ': ,f.: ':' ,.' ~ .,~ . ,. ," " ~ , r 1.. . .... " .'.'; -j (' " - I ,,: ...~ .I '.' ~_: "'~:s .'.;.J '.;, r . [-r. 'I.,. ;"". <T' ;;, f; J , '/ ,l I r l .,) f f(.... '_';' ,< ,j>' ~ ,~~ ;,';'", -"." 'j -. .'J' .!'.: ".!~, : .,. 1 , - -'T' 'j f 1 ~ .) ", ~ .."oc. :" , ~1 ,: 'l ;, "t.,~~. _ . J i \- _,1.. '. CERTIFICA'J;'E OF PCSTING NOTICES THE STATE OF TEXAS I ~ C OlfflTY OF HARRIS I ~. I CITY OF WEST UNIVERS ITY PLACE I . ... '+I:t~e . W1cil,~~gned ,~~.a:rsb8:11 /~f ~~e' ,Q-,~~ ,,>~$ iWe ~t:J{~:j.:ve:r'S:i ty Plll~e: "!f,.ex~.,, he.;~by"p:e~J:,~ 'i;~1; -I,pos~Q;thre~~~tce,so:f\:e lect,i;on oj; ~'~~~h i~~ ':~~e~~~'I,lg 'i;8 -8(.:tltUe . ~nd.~~i;~~;I; (,c:~~: .., '. " !?~.:"..,+,. ,.~ a,iii;t~:p,la.ce d~~ign~te~l fQX":h~J;,~JPg.:S>8.ci;~, e,l,:ec~'ion, "~'-.~~':" .". ..,~~:.-:~f,.. to--lti~\i,~it, Ji~l~.,~~i;.l)din,& ..t~ 'th,e. Ci,1;y ~~f: ~e~,Uni"ve~:i:ty Pl;aoe,; . ... :2 ~'Onel.;~t, J~h'e'. pOlli'ner ':of' ,BaffaJ'oSpe:ed'Wayand.. Bell:aire Boule"'~. :~n, ,~~ ;g,-i.t3" '.of We'st JJJnfver-s;i. ty P;1~:9~'; , 3. Also one at Kranzler' 8 Fi]"li-p;g: 5:'-l$5f.l)p:a-t, Kil'by Dri"Ve _ . Jr' , & Bissonett, St. i1\ the ci~ of Wesi; University Place, each of which . , is a p~blic place ill,:~a~~>~~yY;.t81l.d. t.ha't sai:d notices 'were posted by . ."-~ . ....~.... '~',;.~'''' .-;-- "., .:; :-. .. -'7'.-;-- -., -'. ~. ,;~ "/~';:;;. ,;:<~..; <... '.~ ; / ~ .. ~t~:_~..: . lJ1e. ~n.the..25thday of Jap~~, ,l;~2'7, which date was more than thirty days be'foI"e 'the da;;e fixe:dfor sllid- eleetion. . GIVEN under my hand and the seal of said ,city this 28th day of February, 1927/ . G. B. Murray, J4f1tsha1-1, City of West University Place, Tedas. ATTEST: J. M. Dunnington City Clerk " .-) ,. ~ - ~ --'1 ,-- '61t i i.' t.>:,...:,;/jJIH ~,. ~ '." . ..;.V r:";', .'. ;~" ~.~ .1". - ~ ~ ..; .~/ ,,' .-: ~, .-:-\ I.:" I I' ..... ,,~ . , L-..... ," ,l ~ 'fHE STATE OF TEXAS I I COUNTY OF H.AlUtiS I I CITY OFWEST'UNIVERBITYPLACEI ,.,., ,'" I~the umier$igned City Clerk oft.be City of West ~t1ifflsi -ty :Plae'e, lliereny ireriifi r't'llat ;"th'ere "1'13'; no ''riewspaper pub- "l:ii:sl1etl"iii 0~h'&' 'Orey of' !W-es-t"iFniv8ni'-ty 'Pl!iice~ 'o~nd'(1ffia>e t.11Ef:~dustion ' Pre s si s a d~ily :newspa1p'$r ~Jof' g.en'eral! cci"relila'ei~n': puih i S'ffe'd rtli 'the ~' ~ !C~Jt".'~of!:' l1:Gtf$'tI~:QTf::]Indt;h&"-same"'eQUn~ in"yf.hic}f;:JtnEf O~%y .&:r West Uni,f~'Sw~y '!1ltace"'iis~':l;jiW~EJd),?-a.zitf 1:;h~,.:'tiai;d':iBli1istbi~P~eS:'~ih8:s ::et' " ge~'$ JC'frctt'lai}'ifob>'~' ;.sai~([/U~y.'or ::WEHMF~~n'i~eris>itY' 'P}~be . GllEN ~~ .myi ;hand' ;and 's'ea!l'd':f \-sia'id '(fi~y:,i:tlii1f ",,.,. C2'8:eh day :OrFe~ai'y~ 192rj}::. :'<'. .~. ::.,:'.3 ' . ~ '" '. ~- .~{-' " . c:. . J ~.~. '.f ;j :' ;J... .M.l'~~on".:' (I: ':' r '.".:' "., .' ~~~l~, P l~_~~l( ,p~i;~, ~:f, !es~t,~~~~r~,~ ty: r';I;aee'~ "f.eXa'Sl;'" .,. . ..' ,.. .,.. , , _~t ~. ' t'. .~,." --:".< i>>' .: ,>.1 : ('. : {, f '-" ..:'-1- . ~.'\ . .', ~ . , ~., "."' . ~~ .,,~ ,--, .t', '. , .:; __ r 1 _. ~..; ---=---- -~--- ~; ~O."."\ l .. '.).:~-,,:~: f'l'... I I . I ,~ : f j" , , \ "--.. ,~~ ~. '.'-7li " AFFIDAVIT .. 6R ..PITB~.It"}AmTbN THE STATE OF TEXAS I I COUWTYOF HARRIS I I CITY ~FI'w,E~T .Jm~~.I;rr PLACEI . . ',' ~ . .', ~" , l~' Jcihri> ri~; r~,,, 'b3i.ng duly . sWo'ri1'.\lci~p5ctse '~nd sa,. that . . . f' ". <,-., . . ~ ~ . I ~':Busities~' j'anager.'6i'~ill~ Hottst'dn'PZ:e;ss;'~a'if~p:iP~r of gene:t:fil . . ~ ..:. ~ ,~...~ ......t. ,,: t ; '. r "r h' ,-' , ,'" , .;. ,~ circulation" which has been regularly 'pub'U'shedirf Harris .CotintY'; Texas" for monr tha,n one 'year last, ,)?yeceq:ing the date of the first publication ~e~ein ll'!Elntiol1~d, an,d t.hat .the. .foregoi~g p-o,tice of ,.!....;?;." ,_~~ ~. J". -'. ~" n.>:,::,: -" ',' ""'~ \ i."'....- , ,.'t" $370,OOtY.OO ~d~11'g1M.'~::Le'Ctton;-W8;S "I>ttb'i1~she-~.~:(1i' 'Said newspaper 1", n <~... '. .o.~ '"': . ~'. ::".' ~~~'~, r ~:~..,:~ ~. . . t. ':", t'.",~ .: ." ':: : ~< i. ... " for at lea'$1;~1ffrl;y'p.~fir befot:e ..-t-he' -il~ve' .o~ .:tne'~le;etioll therein . t.~~'f'~: ....1.1...:.:. :';', (. ;.", ' ". ",:""1.'.;, ',"'; .~~: .;'~.:.' . . .. . . I' ~ ~ . deser~ed,,'the;'cd~ of~Silid :r~~'c-t'fVe:~'pub'lic8:f;fbD.1$::1)ej.ng January 25, :n;:.::-........-'. -:--r.' ~)::;.z~,.. '''~~'tf.': ~~ :!:...~'.;':'..'. ~ .. " .: ...; .:,-'. f.: ~.'...>' - .. -r ' . _ .' ~ r . , (. ,. February 1~Febf~Ui";8:.(FEibziU~ 15:.'6ntfdF~tn;'ua#'~2 .1927 and that ""'. ..,.,' ":(, ~. 'C.} :. .,:..,;"-. '.- :.,.,:. .: .:n.: .:~ :.~. .., C':., ..' \.'.' .: ...:. .: ~ r.~"'" " the cliPPtng~;~~!ili~~li: 'li~r~11o' i~an,,'orlit~ii'r ~,npp;!iij:'Otsa,id publication :.('. "-:'~!':",~ "::, "~;.: '-;'. '<: ~<:';~':',: .":0 ,'r "'~"':"?:~.r' .;.;.:.-.: .,_.:), ' taken frl)~ -fiiE,utiap~r~' : · : - -. ~" " ;~~ . _; {~ ;} "'I -.' '., """. ,~ ~ ~ ~ ',; . ~, ~ . '" - " ;' ; }; :,~'~ l ~~ '; . j (" :. <': :j~1iY( ff.~e'n~~., '!!o.r. '. '::' ; .: . '.~' ,,"~ .'..:. ;. ~~.. ~ ,:' '- ~Tn.~." O~.l~tp1'l\J?i~'e$'s,. -- . - ~ j1 '7~"; \ ~-.. ,> ", , '" Houston, 'l's;xas~' , "~ \ tl:. . - r ~. I. I l:U;~ . f ~. ". (~: If';~' , > ~ ~.. [. I' " SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this 25 day of February, 1921. "R. i(.Rttshing Nota:~y' Puliiicf in and for Harris County, Texas. . .. .t~ '.' l ;-----==--..I~ - ~r ""1 --r ~:::f,,~:r;~;,~ . ,~ 1 , f, ,. ~ f <~~X}~ Jlr:'r.W!:~' .. .... . , TBESTATE OF TEXAS I I COUNTY OF HARRIS I I CITY ,OF WEST UNI?RSITY PLACEt TO THE b':rfY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST WIVERSITY :?iAcE~ 1/].,. . , ~ : W~,,"t~e,Jn;Ui~:t"signed. o.tf.i:9,er~'J lJ,A)ldomg. ~ eJ,ection in the . .' . h.\. ~. ' ~..' ..J 1:;'" o. -.- , t ~ lQ~t~.o.f.,,!e~,, t!~v~~si,,~~ ~~lf!C;e ,9~:~Jt~, 2o~;th,9,a:y; .,~~,;~eb~aF!:~ }.??,,~~ .. on 1thef~ll~~ng :PlfQP''?,fJ:i:-t~pa~j f4l~Vf1t; ,".' ..., ','t . " l.' ',\ . ~Rofj~fI6N "". : (". ~i~./\~0. ~. 'n~~ .-"'>.'.'". ".l:.";' ~;.~!'~ ..J:-:~~.. L:~t<; t~';J,,~".i;..,;t.>,.~ ...:?~.~~-.'~:~~ _""".~',:~sL'/i .', Shallt'ne City Commission of -hehe Oi'ty 0.J.' West . ;Ui~",.~s~~'~~J.:.~q" ,;~.':8>t ;,''l0~; ,~~~;i~e~. !'1H~r ls~~'F<.' . ,.. . "the Bands of the Ciiiy oJ.'West Univer'sity Place,' ' ': T~llS~~ ~~;)t;~, ~~t.. oJ? "p''1;q,.~~E).;~<O",}I~a-tr~~~;q.,g :,' :, " serially 1rlthin forty years from- their date; : ,}l~~-;:rlig: j,;nter~_st<..,8ft~.:bP,~<~:at:e; Q,f -.5~4$< ,,:Per. annwn.,.. . . .. . ~-.: '~'L~'" L."....'.' ".~......."_,.,,,t..., ~.;~:~...' _. _~}."'"."._, '.'"'.~~<..> l.\~>,')c..~.,..'-..,;t.. and "to. l-evy-01ttsx suJ.'ficient "to pq the interest o~ ,:said:J,3~;tl:ds;~4, ~I;.av~t\ff:>a" ~~n~n~~T~R-~ ~~'''' wlIichto. pay the prl'Dc~pal a"t .mal{;urity, for "the' ~~:Ul:p~~~, :ttf, f!'9~~~pg ~~;7,p~qo~~~QP, ,OP.~ll,k!ffi-.,~g :}!;~~}{~; : : raritihd:eb1:e-dne'S's.mQ;st'ing a:gai:nst the City of .. We~ UIrlv-ersity Plac'e, T~s,by ~~'G;=~J:,l~tl~j~l1~~.:,,;, ev:uienees thereof and is~1ng sucl}. Bond's to tne ".,holi~~s .~~r~~,o.t:,: f.h~: ~~-hehorized by the Consti1;ution "~n~-:-pa:w"?;:f);~" ~~e"'~,a-hee-,?f Tex~s? including Chapter: land. ~"(">T1U~",,~2,, Rev1sed CJ.v1l Statutes o.f 1~25 . .. .~.,~ ~J~.'~'" "'. hereby certify that said election. 73 voiles were, cast; of which ll'Wllberthere were cast for the is-suanee of.BondsJ 39 votes; and' - '. , ''':, " '!f againsi:; "the issuance of Bands 33 voites. One mutilated ballot.., Vi.e herewithenclosepQl~ ~~~t~~tally sheet o.J.'said election. ) ,~ ..'.. .J. ..~ lVIT:tflt;~~ ',?ur h~1l4~, ;t;~s 26th day of February, 1927 . " , , " <. /. " < A. PA Ro.bb P:re"Sidlng Judge M~R~~';~ W Rn+'+'J~~ Juq.ge Mrs A a 'P_ Rnh'h .c lark MFa J~liA w. BvLL1~~ C ler~ . ' T'~~'~ r -. .n :j '1 -l/ . /1 U I l. ,h, . 1 , ',""'3.. .,.,~- . -'" RESOLuT'~~1:f', ~A~#~IN~!R~~S.. ,_~ri }- , ,." t,' ~ " DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION ~'--~. THE STATE OF TEXAS -, I I I I CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAOEI COmTTYoF > HARRiS ~.,.... '. 01?- this 28 dayofFe~rt1.ary 192Y, 't'he ?ii;y Commission' of ihe City of West University Plaoe, Texas, -was o"O~vene~ in ; ,t '. . . called ses~ion a:t;; 't.l:1~r~-gu:tar, m~~'t~g.p~~ce in t~e Ci'ty Ball in said c i-tl, all theme!ft~e~s. 'l?l1ereO'f, vb : H. B. Schlesi:q.ger-, lfayoJ', ., -~:~'.':-:>:~~~,';" ,," .. H. L. ~aker, C o~issi~:>ni9r, . . . J. A. Walling, C omm~s sio~er, and- J. l.f. Dunnin~, Ci:tY {}1t?Tk, _bi9in~ ~~esep't,_when there c~e .on 'to be oonsidered -the re'turnsof . ,:." ,,:' . .' . {. - . " :,' ane~~cti~n hi91d, on the,?~'th day of . Fepruary" 19~'l., at the City . ~ .! .' ". . ,1 -::""" . .J :' ';.' ." " . ~ .' H,all i~ ,st1idCi'ty of West 1lJniversity Plac~, Texa~>, upon the fol~(JII1illg: , ,~ Plt'OPOS IT ION , /,'. "Shall iiheCi'tyCommission -of the City of West U:q.iversity ~l~ce,.'J;e:x,;as, be autb,o.r:ued to 'tsiSue ztlit{Bondtfo:r:'tihe' 'City of West' '~:qi- v~rSi'ty. Pl~ce, 'feX1l.-lh in i!~amount of . $370,(}OO.OO 'IIia'tUx:ing' serhl:ly"within torty years . ~om 'the,:i,r . da1;~, bea,l1'ing interes't a't the 'rat~;Gf 5 '3/~(p.er-' ami:um;.. and to ': levy a tax. sufricie~t :tQ pay theini;erest on said. bOlids 'andprovia-e~ e. sinking 'fU~a 'with which to pay the principal. a't maturity, for the purpose of 1'1#ndil\g"J,310,900:00 ou.estancring warrant .' tiid,~lit.e:4i?8':s\l~-exist,ing> against the City of , . <L. __'.". ..... West Unive,"rQit}r,:Place,i;..,Texas, by cancelling the evideilcesther~6i' an(3,;~a,!3$uing .!;~chBon4s t6i:1he hold~rs thereoi',as tfRl;'hor1z~d,iJy the. Constit~tion . \l' . '. . '. "", . . ~ ~' .,;. :.. , , ;.~~t), ."",,-' ~ ..... o<.......i: .___._J_-'---__~~ ~ ~. , ,n ~, ;: t':t '. ~,~ 1 '~ \' , 'v- i" t, r----- .:1: (. and Laws of 1>.'l.1,St~t~, ",of;re,~s ~.' ino.l '!1d,,:i;ng ,t\ T. ,... . C~pteTs 1 and 'T,Title 22, Revised C~vil . Statutes of1925~. . .'. And it appearing affirmatively to the Commission thdt fJ:., ~~ . ~ .' ;'. .... ~ ~",,:,~c said e1eo1;ion WaS regularly ord~red and- that,no1;ice thereot. " was ~gula:rl".gi~ :for 1;he 1ii~and in theman~er ~rov~ded by ,. laY' and't-hat 'J.ide leo1iion was regularly. .' h.e1d on the ;' 29th. . . d~yo-f Fe~,.., 19~7, 1tsprovided in such. orjer ,and tha1i ~,~.',' :""<"" '..:.+ .,;':,' t. . ',;....- ....j. ~ "" :":_,~ $"'....,' :;'; relrnrns thereof were regularlyma-de :to thfsC.ommission, as , - .,>", '.' , ~, .' , ,'. . cO- '., . ~ ,,' ,!'.. .... provided by law~ t-:-', . . ... \. . -.L . ; A , , ' ,:: 0 , ":" ~ ~ .! '. ~ I. And it fUrther appearing affirmativeiy tluit . ,~{~; . ;t} 'T3 votes wer~ ,. -, ! '; /'. ...:",' :, ..~. .' c:. ..., ,.' ,:;o"r!'; r.. ; ca-st. at' such-- election; of 'wh'Slch nUmber' ,. '~". '. "-", '.;\':_"~\:-k~;4(:")~'(;~',:;,,", .. .:. < n cast~r~~e~'xl>suance -of Bonds, and 39 votes were 3'3 volie~1iterecist' iiAgainst~.the'is'suanceof Bonds", and 1 1Jll1tilit.~~- Baiiot~ .",' {, t .~ ...'" Therefore, be. i-tre-solvell by theC'i1iy Commiuion of the ~::~'-;~.; ~. -<..'.,~. ~,;':'f," ~ .~J;.J ,_~.,.-,,~.r::' .. : ..:. . .. City of West U'n'J.~rs'J.1iy'Place,Texas~ that the propoSJ.tJ.on to .. (. -I.~~- s~d ~~~s -:~~d."l~'~a t~'{n"p~~nt:~'~.r~~t~.;;~~ ~li~~ed ,,~j,:'- :.~;~! " .'":'T' ':- ..:...-....~ -";:{".1." '.J' .<,~'f'. },l:~:s,:,.,;' . .~'1 "(~' ~'_~-l"_ -t"", ,"-....:;...,'..1' - l .. . bi a lnaJority . of~th~ ~. ql1alif'led ';-j~~i;'.t~piqlng'-vo;;ers at.. said ':1-;.1 ~ .f....(t" .. " .") ~> :)".- f - -":';' ," '",," ~.;,' :., ,: :. .'r r ~...~. ; 1.... ~ ~ r! ,: e1eo1;11:>11, aid 1.ha1i'tihex.efo;re the-ei'ti of'WestUniwrsi 'hi Place ~ T:exas~ is authoriz~ to i8S:ue., ,sUch Bonds811d ttb lev1' ~ t'~ in payment thereof and to oause~i;het;a,me 'to be asses'sed and coll- eciied-. 1\heab&v~' r~~~~~>;;b~~gri~d;,;~t;wa~:moved by. CommiSsioner J. A.~ Jljaf~.g:arid;ii~c,o~d.~'d:~.:~,P:,?~i,ss,io:ner H. L. Baker .. . . . :~. . '. :' ,,:-.~'~~,,~. ~ ,"" .:'. :.' '-""_: :;~~ ~t ~:' .... thaii t'he .same dOP8;S~.__,TJli:!r~~poi1,'the qv,e~tio.n being called, the fol1ow~ng n~e<l'Ce~a:.S~io~~rfl'V:o.g~J!t :.J: ~ __~.. Walling and E.. L. 1 ',J ,. ! ~. . , "'1 Bak~r~ '-i.; , . . ., ".:.:I1:::a,. ;~e.~J.~,~}.Ug~J; . .. c_' . ;~~~l;,,~,y,ity:.-of, :-We,st . ~*:tN~~~~~f~~t ~ver~::t::.:;~:~.~. University '.,.-<,.;" ...... ,.: r- ..n. , J. " :1 . :ftJ. I. ~ 1 \.J l. .,. t;~ 'if ,. 1":'15. "'".t !',.~. _ ~, \q ".f BOND ORDINANCE . . I I I 'I' CITY ,,OF WEST . UNIVERS~TY P~E 1 THE STATE OF TExAs COUNTY OF HARRIS On this .2'8' day 1>f Februa~y,,'.1'9Z1,,'theCityConimission of the City of WestUnivet'sity Place, Tex$.s, conve'ne(t'inca1led ses sion at '1'b$ regUaaif"me'e-bin'g' place in 1iheCi-ty' .H8:11 ;t:if ~s'ua City, al1-the member's the1"6bf 'pre'sen'tilrfC~wi"t:' H'~ iJ3 e"sbh'1e'Singe:i"'vMayor, 1i).~' L. Bake~.~d .J. A.~ Wa'9:iJ:i-ng, C~IiS'lst"bi1Eh'j8', 'and'g,. M.numiiilgtonl City Olerk, ~and among'at"h'er proc~e'di.ngs -t~. fcd?-.oWing ordinance 'was ... . passed : 'tAN' CRD1NANeEr '6F'TftE :CtTY'COMMIcSS::[fJffGp\':T1t.E CITY OBWEfJT IJNIy';ERSITYPLACE, A~;l!O~IZINq T~IS;SUANCE OF 'BtmD! INTmFAUom.'OF":~'te:"OOOI'F"",,,:..i[tnE ",PURPOSE . . .. 9Q, ~ OF FIDID:qfG; $370,()O~ O~AWnD{G WARRANT fN:DEBT;ED-,. n,'ss'; at''$''91DtfAGAT:Ns:T:'':r.aE-0'c Ift\J:if'~filW' 'tntl~ERS~.lfY . PLACE, .'.rEXAS, ,BY CANOELLING TEE EVIDENCES THE]l$OF AND ISSU1lVG SUCH BONDS ,TO :eaE OOLD_. THEREOFll~D' ProvIDING Fm THE LEy11f ASSESS~NT. AN~ CO~~TtON OF A TAXJ ON~ALL'TAXAl3UirJ'P.R:~PERTY'wj?i'HtN TEE tmITS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE IftEREST AND CREAT,E ,A SINKING FUND FOR . THE REDEMPTION T~!:)P, AND PBE- ' SCRIBING THE FORl OF SUCH BONDS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. .. Commissioner Walling moved that 'the 'ordinance 'be Plaeedon its first reading, seconded by Cqmmissioper Baker, and .. ~ ;i .. d~ri-i~:a' by the following vote: ;aYES: eommissione,rs"l'[~~ling and Baker oflhI'J'.f. " :,' ~ None. if "" ' f ' Nes: ..'" Carried;~)lCed. on first reading. COnunissioner Walling ~oved t.hat t'r~ afainance pd. reading:, :~econde4;,by c~~issione~ Baker 'and. ~arried by " ,~~s first .. . , the f6~16wing, v?te~: '--~-I-~I-' ....1 ", r ~", ~tT ,~~6- ? '\- ins: Cowni:ssi.oneTs. w~.'~l:iL1g and Baker . ., . , NOS: ~one. :{', Carried; Ordinamee passed first reading. ". "'.: "> ",: ':. ,c, -:: '-:-,"": ~ Oommissioner Wt:..lling moved tha't? the rules be suspended and IJ. .! ' : '\ . ,that the ordinanc-e be placed a.n second reading; second~d by " ."~. (' - " "', " .,.., . .: '. Commissioner Baker and carried by the f'ollwwing vote: r f .. . "IDS ;,q :O~:s~i'O~er~ Wal1;i~g and. .B~&r:. " , f ; " .~DS; _fNq~: . t. .. < ~, .;.7' , t: l" '; l. ~" !' .. 15 " ~ . f.. , ~ L If..-; . t:' t~ i: - r i:, . t' . r I'c- f' ,: r r. ' \ . . Q:~:r:rie~; (~!ii~~ "plllCE;d '.on ;~~pn4: .r?ad~~. , '., .......,.. ~ ".,.. ' ~ . '" . ;0;0npn:.i:Sf?io~~! ~~J.l:~Ar~.~~~; AfP.~O~ci:.~R~9~;PJ1i8.,$; ,.~~~~-!:l* .~~ding; t . y - ,.~~p~e4(bY..'0~&.1o,n~1:!'<'J.!~itb,.~d te~rni,:e4' bJt t)i~ f~9).1~ng ~v:ot.~:: ..~~~ ,q~iit~i'On"'r<s ~Jl~!:l:~ngJ~d ,:BNcer.., NOS : None " ~ .i.~"" : Q,-'rri-ed..;-~<wdri;n!;t~(l~~:s.e~i;n ~COJilIi\ reaa"ing." "'}?'. :.. .G::o~i'jSs.iG~,.W8:;l;lt.ng~;~o;veat~i>t-he'. o';dinanc-epass i~s third and . ."".,. ';. . . ~ ..: .' 0.... . . ... . '. .;;" 1..-.,",.. ';,"'. '. y ~ . , . r "'; . ~' " , . ;;'.:" ., ~ tnit,,',:~~~qnd~b;:CJ>m1IliJJ:fS,~Qnlit! - Baker.1md"c aTi:ied by the following v~e:~,' , ":.~, : l:/::"' ':.' L i. f r t f', , ~ ~ " ".., ~ . ;. " 'A'm$::CQ.i~~ioft~,~~:Wa1.1in~'and .Baker lf9tf:None . Mayor Sohlesinger then decla:i:'ed the.o:["dinI,mQe finally passed. The ordJ".~; .fo:~l;ows..:. p. ., f r f ~ . 1 J~ ~> ,'9pUW~~'~.Of,~,,~a;Iij ~1fn;-;o.Q~J~3f:W~,P,~,.,fH;E,;GffY,i'f pS~, :,. -: '. ERSITY PLACE, AUTHORIZING THEISSUMBE OJ? BONDS IN' . THE .!MaWT OF..$370,QOO:FOR T~,:,~~~'.;@F{~~'G\:t31'?9.,.9()O:: OUTSTANDING WARRANT INDEBTEDDESS EXISTING AGAINST THE CITY .. ':061,: ~!1:1f'::"~;1 t~I(.gAN9:Wk;PJ;:NG THE EV1DENCES THEREOF ,UIN~" ".BONDS TO THE HOLD)}RS ~BEREQF, AND PR<;}VI1!>INGFOR mE I&V'J:I,\;ASSESSME"~::!~ CPbWlCTION OF A TAX ON..ALL TAXABLE PROP.l!lRTY WITHIN. THE LIMITS OF .SAID CITY TO PAY . 'l&l1!1,;;rNTERES~:;m;:g~:. ~~;Ji . ~~('~QR/BE'E REDEMP'fION THEREIDF, ,A1m, PR$S'eRIBtNG THE FORM OF sue . BONDS AND DECLARING All . . 11 ' . ~.- ':.Y,~:,;_.. ~~.' ":'~ f..~:;-~t;~'A'~ ' t.; ~ [' "~ ,/ ). . r I. J '-; ':: ~..' ,~ " :"t!~~~t~',:a~:;a~'e~~i~'~~i~t~ .~~ ~h;,Citr ?~',~st. Un;v~~si~1}la9~, Tex$.$ j on. the 26th day of Bebruary, 192'7, a maJority of' the quah.f:Led voters who are property -tax' payers in the C.ity 9t;WeBt:IIf~~y.yt,~iif~.',Plaee, 'Tif:$:1I!as, voi;ing ats ala el~ctton,. ~usta:tned the. prop9si'tiion' to issue 'the i , [ L, . . .~ -",..:...~~ , ' l-~-- ~ -~ j~-~~ r .,~~ -.'1 j !.\ ["fl'- .. ) j ~ ~u. I ~ ..u: , . ..; 'j .K" L~ ,.. {' '."'.77'" ~~~, ~ . \!. i~, ~ '. .. j \ ~ ~. ~ ~ "--. ,,~lf' bonds hereinafter d~scr.ibed for the principal sum p~ $3701000. . THEREFORE, be iif ordained by the City Commission of the ;'(: :1.~f-~~~~Jtil.~'-. " ."_~:,~-::;:p t ,- ... Oi\1>~"W~~t,: tTri~~e!t"si,ty Place, Texas: . ... - , . 'J!!.. . . . Section 1 .'" That.'tho'Bontls 'of said City to be called" C!TY erns'!' r ' . . UlUVEiSI;ry PLACE'FWBDING'BONDS"" be issued under and by 'Virtue ,'of.. the .,. '" '.' <- t . ,. ~ '1'. ' . '~':.}.'-~~'.' Constitution ahdiLttVls'ol''the State of Texas, including' Cmpte1-s F " ., - _~. 1 a:nd~ '1, Ti-tle')22~t:Revised Civil .Statu-tes .,of 1925, for the:' purpose- of tundi~g' $,370, 000/out s-tmnng warrani; indebteline'~.eiX:iC$t ing~against . ~.:'- .:.. .;~:~..:~re.+.-:JL:;,"r""~.~ ,,'I~~ ~__~\~~")'''.''~''_:.''...._.' '.",-,;;C\ thei(}it.y ofW$$e,'Vitiversii-ty Place," T,~xas, byicaD.eel1ing.''iihe'ev'i'l:rellces thereof . "''t ~.:.': r t.": _'~:' ~ . " .....,.~ "~c'l' -.,. . . ...~".. <" and 1~sui~g suclt'Bonds';.o..'tne holders -theredf\t,~i'iiriihe'amomit:of'$370,OOO. t I '>.;:<~_t~.:~ :'J.;~: ......\.,l.......' . _".'> ..... f _ ,..f "-; The W.rr~~ inae'6f~dne$s<i7o be so funae~'-~s: cl~s~r~bed" ~s--:f'Glx6Ws,t: ~ . .... : _:-; ~- l'~' ;. - .'. ;. .-..,. ., .: 'f ..~ ,! ~. .: ,.:~ -., ' ~ - <: ..~ . $lffi,OQO tOwn or :We-~t lJniversit:,- Place'~Ftmdiilg;-WAr~ant'i':'ds:t,ed '.'J~ti!lrY ~,.'T926., beartng i~tei"egt at t:he',rat:~ :~r'o,t"~::f-'~#~~ :iiid i.~t~riJIi se-ri'a;l~~. ': . .' : t., :;:<, /. !. .", :. : :~ ',- ~. "..'.,. ,~ "; '... '. -'. ''', ~ ,- . ; j', . ~ ~. .~ -. -.,,'-: ,- - :~ -.'; ; $5b,.OQ()lTown otwelili lJl1wersity,pia~e 'stonn's~r'Wa:r-rsits" 'd'at'$d~JMiy lOij.1':~,61 bear1ingtite~est ai{~'the .ra:t$'.of~-'~~~ ~~ri.1llil;' ',m~ ;~ms:~~rf.ng sef~l~~.,'.:.~ . .:.'" " , ., ." ",'t; ...' ~',i' ., " ~: " --t. , ;}., . ~ !. " . . -.. 'I h,.", :1-. :-, . .- #lSO,Q00 City of West 'Unj;'Vers~y 'Place 11liprovel1!~Ii't;War:x:~t.s., 'Serre,E!:~.Atl, da~~d ~Nrivember .10, t. t 925',;bearing "intErr.e s't'.at ---bhe; -i!- at:e-,:'of -e,&' 'p'er' an~Um, and matur.ing serially. \:r, . $1~O;00e City &:f:We ~tT!Jni ver si ty Place Stree-t. Inq;tI'ov~ment. Warrants, Series "E1I, dated November lO~'>19~6~;-be'aring];rit'er'9s't<;8:i; 'the "iate.of 6% per'snnJiimI and ';.t~ringseria1.,ly. " . .. '~ $34IGQO ;City' of"Wel$.t University Place WateTWor'XtJ: -Warrlll'ltg; : dated December 10, 19261 bear.ing interest at ,;e'1i~'r.~'te' ':.'6(f".8%rIer -annum;::::snd ~me:b'Urtng seria~ly-. ;"'..'" - ,,;' ,.". " , '. aggeef3a-ting the ,Sum ;'of '*~'70,ooo. . ."~ '..~ >. .. . , . Section 2 . ,.,' 1. ... "," . That'--s~id J~dndsshall be numbe~fi{d-:ConseeltUvely from 1 to . , ~_-.,. . ".. ...,;; r.: ,__ . ~_' 370' in.clusive~sha1.l' be'of' the denomination Of' $]:OOO~ ea ' ,~aggregating '" ' ;, ., ~ , , '\if,j~ ",,c,' -- --, > ,,_. . , . ~,~> u' ':~'- ' ., ,{" . , $370, /400. Section 3 ' " . <if? That they shall be dated March 1; 1927, and shall becom~rfd:,: ~~:;;'.::'~~:" 1 - I' r' r , 1 ""'~8 . \:'1" . . ,: '" >. ..< ~( A;"':j~",,> l~_~_ . ' Number. ., : andpayab1e serially in their n'Ul!1e-rica1 order a's follows: \, - ' -. ;.:', \ ',',' , .\:', i ~'. , ..: ~~ l :'i}, " _. . ~ 1-2~3...4-5 6-'1-8-9-10 11-12-13-14-15 16-17-18-19-20 21-22-23-24-25 2~21~2fb2~3,O 31-32~3~34-35 "Z~. 02'7 "Zou"Zn~A() 'Qu:.r'(;i}le"tJY7~V~~ :"," 41-42-43-44-45 4~4i1'!'4~4~50 51~52-53-5~55 .5~,'51-5&' 5,1*-60, < . Date ofMariiur i ty Amount ~.~ . ~" "". " .....,.:.. ::",. ," March. l,Jg?:8 ,l(llre.~; ;h~",~: M(U"ch 1,1930 .~rqh 1,1931 . March 1~1932 . ,Jd.r~Jl1)a93;$r" ' March 1,1934 .Me+eh .1,1~35 , March 1,1936 Ma'rcb~; lj193'1_:, March 1,~938 March'01~l939 _iop~ ,~~Q~~' , 5,,000 5~()OO 5,000 5,000 5,000 ".., 5')~0QO/. 5,000 , " ::,'5'j~0.El 5,000 ,~ 5 ~eoo U.. ., .., .' . .. ! ,.1 6~;J.:,;~Z!'!,~~3-~~,$~...~_6-G'l~'e, ' ,.'''~el1,c~j~~~~", 8~(9~~ 69-7o-71-'l2:"7~14-75-76 ~l}p;;~~~.g6:1 8,000 ,J,1':tg~t~~~_~~8~,,:,~~~:,. ..... ':'MP!1t\l}~~l'94-i'" .8jt)0f!) 8fr.-,e6-87-&8-89-9$o-~t1...92 . March 1,1943 8,000 .' .~,'~5~$~;~5~~(i~~7-~k9~1~~ :{,',,,,'.o ' ..'M~l\'clll,ljl,~:c,; c8j(i)00,,' 101""102-.103-1e4-105-10~-107-108 March1il945 8,000 109y-a.~~~~"'~12.,~i~~iJ.4m1a.~-;Lle., ,. '.MalrObnl.jl:94'6,<: 'Jej00Q.' 111~11s.,.119-1Io-121-122-123--124 March 1;1947 8;000 ~~!,~,t-li1:?~28""~~!~o,3;~~':'l'~~2b" !'~~:' "J4'~r,~h Ijli'~4~!,.'{,', ay~~Q'.. . .1~I3~i~i!~iltf:g:r:rt~t:~i4S:15o:!;' ::;:~;-~:~~~." ". :i~!~~~' }'C' 151-152-15~154-15s-.156-157-158"15g. 160 March 1,1951 10,000 "{*il~~~7;li~~~~~J.*~-jl~~~~~8~~i~1~~;~ ~ '~~~~b: _~~~,,~s'5~:: . .:'.. . ,~o.~Q~:'.. ~~}~I~lh~lI~'~~ ~%~, \~"',,~7~1~~#~O., ,JI~'"f~..,lt,l~nf., ... t:hOJ~() ~ 18l:-162-1~S-'l~18~1&6-187-188,...189-190 Marc-hI ,1954 .1i~;QQO .1~1-192....19~194.-"i95-1~e-l.97-198"1~9-'200 . . Mare-h 1,H~..' 10~QOO ';,2Ql~20?.,..2A3.,.aM"'ao~2Q~ig01,."!!.20~'2c0"2vl(L'7M~~~".le5G ..,' lQ,nC10. ... ' ~.,~~~~~~a~~J~~~~~7~i~~ti-~z,o~' ,:':M:;!k,:)i:'l$~i.c ,: .,: ).~0,:~>Q,O,;. 223.- 2 22-223-- 2 24-225-22Q-2 27- 228- 229~ 230 ~n:hwn?3;1;}?a,?~2$.~~3.34":"ia~S:j> ',' ~':. ,M~rQh'l,;,195& ,,~. tlS',~QOQ 2~~~~25~:b3,~(h~li-'M&.2~-3-244-24'5:r. , .r".::, u {;{;~ r: ;'; >, ,.- , 24f;-24.7":'i4&-'24j-esc> >- ,- .'. " . .,: Maroh :1~!19ij9 ~;1>~;'Q00, 251-252-253-254-255-25~Z5'-$58-259-269 ;;;' '.;:::U)~-~6:2rc.2~~~;as.j,:'.'" ,"c., ~.. .M;ar'eh 1,1.95fll 2.6_6-.26:1r:,2~2€i9,:~7~2::7a;-.~''f-.e~'a7~274-2;''6_' , .. , "... t ~ 2'16-217~278-279-28e Maroh 1,1961 .15,:000, ' 281-~2-283-28~285-286-287-288-289-290 291-292~-293-294-295- ... . 'March ,1, 1962 296-297-298- 299-30~301-3(}2-303-304- 305 306-30'7-S08-309-31Q March 1,1963 311-312-313-314~315-316-~lr~$1~51e-3Z0 . , . ':321-3,2;~~~~3;3~~~:t4~jfJ':~~' i' 326- 327-~2a-3 29-330-331;" 332-333~ 3.34";335 . .; "... \. .3 3}r-.3$~~3~34.i).. "~," 341~342:" " 344-345-341;-:" ,:j.,1ffi~' 3 352-355-354-:$5 S56~~-358:3&9-36o-361-362-3 366-367-368";369-370 1 , 1 1- . '.'.' " ~ .' . ,,". ,. j"" . ~ - ; 'l5J,.OQO " . ;l'5~QQO 'J--r : I l k ....J' 15~OOO Marcl;i. '1;,;t964,' 15~000 March );,;);965 t; . :.15,0-00' Maroh 1,1966 J.5,QPO March 1,1967 , 15,000 . '\f', L.......... r; ,n: r [ I. .. (I ; I' .LJ Section 4 ! I '/' "" Thm ;7~:!Slt,~~~!~~ii&M*::;'t~f:;~ ;'~{~.;~f, ~.. '.:aii1i~,.p~y~:bl&':M"~~h,.J;;(:1~~8-:liJ}:d semi';'annually thereaftel:' on " ",,>., ....':0 " . '. . ...),':" , -. "-''':" - ,. '," . ' , '", . .~ . .~; . , SepteJ!1ber 1 and ,Ma.r~~:i.J:,<'O~f:eaehyear. Section 5 .'" That ,:lihe principal and, interest of said serie.s of Bonds . . shall be payable on presentation and surrender, of Bo~d or proper coupon at the Ihmover ~ationalB.ank of , New York, N~ Y. Section 6... That each of sai,d Bl?nds shall be signed by the M~yo" cou~tiersigned by th~ City Clerk and registered by "the Citiy Treas- . . ! .".. '. . . . urer', and tihe corporate seal of tihe City ofWesti University Place , Texas, shall be impressed up~ each of tihem. SeC'bion 7 That -the fae-~~mil-e s,i~att?-res of' tihe Ma,y~r. and tihe City .C le:rk may be Ii th~gr8;$he'd or:. pr,inteti on t.J:1e coupons "Jatti,:,ched to . ' ". . .' ..' .' ..~ ' . ~' - said ~onds and shall ~ve i;he s8.1I1e effect' as if t~e;yha,d be,en signed by. .tihein. .Sectiion 8 That the form of' said Bonds shall be su~sta.rrtially a,s fol:l;ows: No. $1.,000 UNITED S.TATES QF, AMERIO~; STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY. OF HAMIa CITY OF. WEST UNIVERSITY ?LAtE ~1DING ,BOND . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR~SENTS: That tihe. C~ty of West -Universi:t;~ Place, in tihe 9OUU.tY',~f.Hfrr~s, ~tate of ~~?~~, a municipal corporatioll" duly incorporatied under the laws ,of' ~he ~ . ' "'. . < . . state of T~xas, for val~e receiyed, hereby promises to, pay to tifie -1 I I f - i.'~.7"g': '. ,""," '" ", '. ,- ",' . i' ~.... ,ti:~V'~ r f; f . r " , , f !~' t f" r ! t ,. I i , I' r ' F; f t' I~ f: l ~~ 1 . -:J bearerhe,reof on -tlie,ls"t; p.~y. of, March; 19_, the sum of , ,6~.,nGjiAn '>>gLtAR~ :,~~. ,':F,~,.,...:,_~ f..-~~ ,~1..~" i;f r~.~~_.,I,f j;~j4"f--,....., l\;-tiJf;<t."'f' in 1awfui money of the tJni'ted'S'tates of Amedc~, wii;h- imerest .', .~ '. " .,; .>~ (j _ ~"'... . f ~ ...., I ..-..... . r f......'.:. :.\ _. ': 'thereonlrC?m da'te hereof, at' thera-te of 5- 3/4% 'per 'anllluii," i~terest payable March 1, 1928 and semi-annually' therea:rteron Sep'tember 1 ,.,.... .~jO::;. . ~! ' ,. i ~'.. ~ . . .' > .' '. ,..;,! .:":.' and March 1 each yea?, prinoipa1 and interes-t payable upon present- a'tion ~d sUTrender of bond or proper coupon a1;' th~ Han~v~~ , . National Bank 6f New Yoric, N. 'I.and the CitY of West . Universi:~y 9 . ." Place, Texas, is hereby held and,t.&:rinlybound and its faith and credit " "-.' :. '. -;' '". :" . . . . .: - .'~ --.:- '.: ,. '\, ,..r':.'f"i' and al1:rea1 and personal property in said ctty are herebY 'pledged for the prO!>>-pt paymento:t the principal of this bondaoo the int~'re8't 'thereon a'l; maturity-. , ~. ~ .. " <' This Bond :ill' on,e of a series of i10bbnij,s, numbered co~eeutively :from 1 'to 370 inol~tJle, Oi"'1;he denomina'tion of $1000. . '- :",~' each, 'aWSlSa'ting$370,O'OO. issu~d for 'the purp~seo.f funding " ,...,' '.. > :..; ..,- -, " ~ ". "", _ .:.. ., I ! 'r" 't~:" ,:..-q: '.'. $310,000 ou'l;standing wsrran-t indebtedness erls'ting. again it 'the City of West Un-iversi'ty Place, Texas,' bY cancelling the erlde'nces 'thereof . ' Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, including Chapters) ," ~ ,," ' " , and ',Title 22, Reviseq Civii statutes of '1925, and pursuant ,to ,an ordinance dulynpassed by the City Conunission of the City o'f'Wes-t. University Place, which ordinance is of record in the Minutes of (1. I ) said Conunission. The date of this bond, in conformity with the ordinance above mention.ed, is March 1, 1927. -i '"'1-1; is hereby 'certified and recited tha't the issuance of " 'f'~T"'" ."' h '~-.'~;. _. ~i _,' . ~.:., " ,r T 'this b.nd:, and the series of bonds of which this 1s one~. is duly ; ~ .~; . ~- , . . . ' >: "' ~ . . - . , - . authorized. bylaw and by a 'Vote of the quali'fied property tax paying ';~tef's of the City oi West Univ'"ersity Place, Tex~s;' voting 'at an ',.'~.' .- -~ /'-----I---r=r "1 r - .n.. .I j ;L-,. (, 1 I lJ -,.- .t).L electiQn held for-\;he pu~pose within said 01-\;y, and that all ac-\;s c.onditions and -\;hin-gs req~red to .~done precedent to and in -\;he issua~ce of this series ?f bon.dsand pi' thi~ bond, have been, prop~rly . ___, ' .! I ': . ~';, ." ,~. . . , done, ,have happene~ flndbeen perfo,rme~. in regular ~d due time ~ form. and manner as required by law; that sufficient' and proper prov~sion . for the .a..evy and colleo-\;ion of taxes has been made, which, when colleQteJt,:, shall. be appropriated exclusively t'O -\;he payment of this '. bond and of the series of which it i.$ a part, and1io the payment of . ~ . - " . . . . ~. the intet-est' couPons hereto annexed as -\;he same shall become due; and that -\;he total indeb&e-dness ofthe~~d Oi.1;y of West University Place, . including thee~ire series ()fh?n~~, 'Of wh;ch 1,:;his is one,does nCYtexceed- any consti1;uM,onal or sta1itttm-y limitation. IN WlTEESS WHEREOF, the Ci-\;yof West .Unive.rsityPlace"by its C.ity Commission, h:as oaused its corporate seal to be_affiJ[ed hereto end th;s, Bond to be signe~ by ~s Maror, count,*Jigned by its City ',. 5.... .,.' ~..'. '. .;. .:..: ... ... . '5-';..:.,,:; .:.. :.. . Clerk, 8.!ld registered by ;t~ City Treamlrer, a!1dthe ;-,rt;ere,st coup,?ns .~ "",,, :,' - <' ~:.( ~ '.' ";,.: '.' ";"". ~<",}';.~.' ,.... '. <~ "~.' hereto at't.aoJ.1~d -\;'0, be. execu'tedby the f'~c-~i:1;iIi),e, s~gna1iures of the :'., n i"'~", ..::. -- - "'. ';',~ .~~. :..': :' .~. .... .,'; ,'. '..~':',~ ,~J':' ,">' <'., ,,:' -;.. ." ..,' ~ .....,. Mayor and ~he Gi'ty Clerk, as ,!f the ls't ,day of March, 19?7. COUNIfERSIGNED: H. ,B~ .~(r111esi,nger,M~yor, Oi~y of west University Place; Texas. J. M. Dunnington, Oi'ty Cle-rk. . QGIS T$RED: City Tr.easurer Section 9 The form of'coupon 'shall be subs'tan-\;ially as 57.50 No. t~' Ii ON THE, Ig~ pAY OF . , lQ_, the CHy of Wes-\;Universi'ty Place, Texas, will pay to bearer at the Hanover National Bank of1:New York, '-------r 1- I r-' ~ --. " ~ J~!5~' ',~,-~ . . ~ , N. Y. ~hesum of f. .\ - . - . FIFTY 'sEVEN DOLLARS FIFTY CENfs.. . . . l _ . ~, . >>' in,la.wful money of l;he United States of Americ~being one yearis .. . ir1"tere~st on the City of West University P1e;qe Funding' ~o~d, dated' . March 1, 1927, No. . 0' I .' , . :1 . J .,' . '.- .,~'" ~ '~ ><- ~j~ . r. ", ~;~ Mayor. . . . ~ ~ Ci:ty"CJerf;, . Section' 10 .' .~ . , I ! ~' The tolloWi'~ certificaie shall be printed on the back~of. ., " (". eac-hbond: O' O~FleE' OF CO-MPTROLLER t ...'{f-- '. v ~'<- STATE OF'TEXAs '. " .' ! .- : '''", ;. .- ,". '. <.J' : f' hereby certif'ythat there is on. tile' and"!' record in my office a'cerurlcateof the Attorney Gener~l of the Sta:t~ of ..' ,;., ,~. c'- ~~~r~:.'.~;-' Texas to the ~f~eet thattilis Bond has been examined by hDjJn as .. . ~' '",' f .". .., ".., " " required by law and, that he finds that i:b has been issued in conformity with the Con1Stitution and Lawsqof' the state .of Texas, and .. " , ,,~~ i~~f~a"~~*~'4.a!,l.d.l?:$*ding obligation upon the City of'West . " t ..,'.: . ',~. ..; . - . . '. , University .Place~ Texas, and said bond has this day been regist-e"red by me. day of,"" ,.. :, , 192'1. J WITNESS My nand and .sea1 of office at Au1Stin, Texas, this Comptroller of Publie Accounts .. .of' 'tihe Si;ate/'of"'T"exas Section 11 l '<~;'t .. --"~ It is'turther ordained by" the' City Commssion of the City D==-~--~.'j 1 '.-1' ~', l', ., ~'83 ..'fl ....';- '.~ i , :--~ . . :~ ..'lJ, of West;~~iversity Pla.?~, T~xas, ,that to pay, ~he i~~~rest on said Bonds al!-d. c:r:e~te ~ sinkin~ ;f'u~d to di,sc~arge,:th~mas t~~:y; matu~~'H a tax o'f$1..20 on each $100 valuation of a.ll taxable property in said . _ '.. ....., '.._ . . +~ \ . .. '.. . ~ J . . , City of West University Place, Texas, shall be. annually levied on said . . , . . . ~. . :., .' . . l . . prop~rtY....!ln~ annual~y ,assessed and collected ~ntil suid bonds and , . interes~, the~eon !'l~e fl'~d, and said. tax of, $1.20 on e8;:ch one hundrea dolla~s' valuation of ~ll ~axa!Jle prope!ty in sa,id Ciiiy is here now 1eyied for the current year 192'7 amd for eac'h succeeding yeat whi;le said bonds or any of? them are outstanding; and the same shall be <, . ,~ > ~ . . ' , , ':' .-.. "'~'. ' . .". assessed and collected for the. current year and annually thereafter, or so much thereof, as IIlay be ll.ecessary for said ;'lp~ose; and applied . . . to th~ pU:tpo~:e 'titQil~d:,:'!'lnd tlte s'everal tax 1evie~. heretofore made for the year 1926 f'-or the payment of the warrants being i'u.nded by these B,onds are hereby ratified, brought forward, consolidated and i,:., ". <'~ _~-::: I. approprt,ated, and set; as ide for the pu~Ois~ '~f" .payi~E":~h:t:e~~~t'~li-; said Bonds accruing during the year 1921, and one year's proportionate '-":" part of sinking furid with which t!. pay the principal. Section 12 ".<~ .,' 1-t is i'u.rthe'r ordained that H. B. &chlesinger, the :Mayor f.iJ.. i .....ll , . oi'said City, shall be and he is hereby au~hnrized t~ take and have charge, of all necessaq records pending inyestigation by the Attorney General and registration by the Comptroller of pUblic Aeo1)~t:s,. and is also authorixed to deliver the ~ding Bonds herein described in ., exchange for the surrende:r and cancellation of an' equal amount of the Warrants herein described, which may be all at one time or in .par()e~s, and if in parcels the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of I i i I i I. I \ Te~as is hereby authorized to determine <which particular Bonds shall be . delivered in' excha.nge for the surrender and oancellation dj<<i' any like .<""...... . ,. t~' amount of the Warrants herein describ?d. " .. 1- I' r ., r r>~:' ,~~. f:c'\ f~ ! .~ ... 'L. . <:......\:.f . .'" ~ L.c,. r- . . ~~. - ~'"-~~- Section .13 ^ , - < :! . "'.-,-... ~ - 1 The fact that 'this' propose'!!" 1fukuing' 0;1' indebtednes's a:rid . - . ~, " .' . ~ . . '. . : ~ .: ~ "- ~ -; -. . . red~ction of interest rate Will be beneficial to -the City of .. . ~. . . . . '10 WestUniversi1iy Place eons'titutesan emergency and a public ~ ,'. , ,;'\ . .~..' ., ..Oi <0'. ! :~ . f , , . -, ~ '. :.-' ~"::'. -.", ' . '."' p.t,:~ ~ . t "'~'. "'... ",~. ':( necessity that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three. separate'<'days before f'inal passage be ~'. :. . ~. ~ ' :. .,. ;-. .... , . ! . suspended, and such rule is .. .~",. .' 1 ., this10rdinance shall I'" . hereby suspended, and it is ordained that ~ . i I.,. ,. , . > . take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and '".- approval. . '. >". . '< ~. PAS SED AND. APPROVED thi s Febr~ary ,1927. 28 day of . .-,,'" ','"".i. f r " ", J-, ",,'J +-. . :e:.:B.Scihle~ln.g~r 1!. ,B. Soh.lesii~g~,r., .J~yor, C,J;i;y . of' West Uni";-ersttypiace, 'texas. r , _ r -.r . -' J .. ~ .'. : . ATTEST: , . -:. f...;, ~ J' J. M. Dunnin~on J~ ;1. ~iD,.~()n,. cCity ,Cl~r-k.. .. '. ~, .- I. . "'" ~'.-:~" '.Y-i' _"i' , .," j r"' ~., . , ! (j..' ,I . 1 i }..-...... .~" .,' . ~ .' . .i '";'\ <""-~ '. '" .. l' ';. . .'. / ......) I I ,; ...~.... .~. . ,~. ,'" ~ "", "'" ~,,"':-.>-.. ~'- 1 . 1 r- h:c.... "-. ~T f .~. I I' ! i 1 I I I i I'U~. :-.1" L~,.. ". f.:'" i I I .' I ..:fJ\ . .1 ..-d .~ :.,~ ";-1'" . I I [ r ,. I' i. ~;: l. L-"~L_~ .-,,; . . Gt!: . .€h) .' 'f,.~:~ ,- ,. ,':. ~ . {".- '/' . ",' . . .... ,~";,..1.. , 1f~. 'The' secretary.p~~.senj:;,edJ}ilt.:'f'I'~m" th,e H0mel~d Iha~ance 96mpany. in the amount of$48,:52~I,beJ.ng on years premJ.Un1 on $5,750.00 ,. stormB;nd, $3i;000~ 00 fire,i~:l~u~l~e ,o~: city hall. .. . ., Motion was made byCommission.er,~lum.b a:rld duly' secQndedbyCom~ missioner Cockburn that the Secre:baTY :t>~ ordered to p~y' same. ., . ., *': An estimate in theampunt of'. $:17.86 for' the repair ,ofc-i,ty hall add,ing mach1.nf:.,t'rom 'the" Burroughs Adding Machine CompaIt~; \V.as . presented, an& the Secretary was instructed to order work done. I . : .~. J: /" . ~'.. . A letter from. the., HU1b:hleQil & Refining CompanYc. thanking ,Fire Chie~ "J ~'A.Metcal:r ,f'~.n Ji;J.ls splendid effQr,tsirt the attempt. to save the l:ifeof their employee ,Mr it Walter F:. HCll t, was pre- sented. by the Secretary ,and' was declareda'pprbved. PIlI'. M~te,alf' appear.~ctt!befE)re the board ,anqstated ,that he, would like' to.(l)r~~;r.t~}a.,bat#iery.f_or his. automobil'~'^:rr0,m S.ears-R<;:>ebuc:k . Company at:'u:;co'st..;of$8.3'O upon whi-eh the board acted in favor. . . Uponmot~on of Commissioner Plumb an~ second of Commissioner Cockburn, the )Ilt:ryor and secretary were -authorized to deliver one ~ond 'f',ro.md~he Re..fun.dilllg Bond.Issue datedOctoberlOth,i931 tothe.::C;tinral:tarConstruction e.ompany as part payment. of city's share o~: :the, ~G>~'t. o.f\DO;ppingva!'i,(Dus str~et:s in. Wept Universj..ty Place :FJ.rS't.AddJ.t':l.on, ~ ~f',p.l'1O':t'\.C:1..f'~Y:~r'.~ 4-~tmc.,:t'es.. .' . ' . co... . There .being no further business 'to come before the board, upon . mot,iol;l: hea,mg .made~d duly seconded, . themee,t;i.llg;.was dec.larad adjourned:. · , . '. Approved, . ' .~..... Attest: . ~ " " . . ' . ,~~ ": " t ..~ ,; . ,. .,.."'- . . ., .) . . . '~it;. 8ec~~~~~y.; : . .. i; It ..., . :10 t ~ .~ ~- - I 'I--==Y