HomeMy WebLinkAbout121232 CC Min ':J:':"S6 . . . -' . . . . . R€\lgQ.la~ Meeting. .., ... .. lIJIorH1.ay, December 12, '1~~2., '.Council, ehamQer---------c~ty Hall. 'ic..."' ~ e1.ty . of West Uni ve;rs.ity: P'lai~;Ire~s. . ~. . . .. ...',. ,. ~ . t.. ,... 1$!IF '7;;'.' f : ~i . );li< . .~: "4,: ,,~~; ~ .j': ,'/. ". )~ . .";.' .::..':'."""_';: :'.'-."' - "..:"~'.1t..~ -..:' ",:. The Commission convened at J':OO p_Ar. on the fo.regoingdate wi,th MaY'f;lI" $ch,;les inger. pr~.s,id1ng and., C&;is:sioner S'; PI'U1Iih; 'and 'Cockburn and S.eereta:r;-y Camp in'attenaan..ll~.; .... 'An 'Ordin~ne-e with the, follow.ing' eaption ,wasprel~ented and. read by the. SecJ;',etary ,viz :'; .... , .....;,);.~~ ,;,f ., ,', ".. ' . <!' . . ' :~:i:~ .:..~:~ .' . ORDINANCE AEEE:P~JENG' THE WORK OF IMPROVING WAKEFOREST AVENUE UNDERCOWRldT. BETWEEN THE 'CITY OF WE VERJ,UTiy.'JFLACE AND O. IC; ,WILLB0RG'DATED JANU:ARY 29., 1:93i,DERING, SPECIAL 'A::"J:', .. ASSESSMEN~.i OERTIFICATESDELIV:EREJ)' TO'JI1EEi CONTRA.CTOR FOR THE . , ... . . ,. . f:RGPERTY OWN,ER'S SHARE 0F.mm C08T:::OF:~UCH IMPROVEMENT.. . :.'" 1ft .~.. . .,'''' . ,. ~ W):lereupon ,-motion :was .ma<;1e by .C(l)mmis~ioner~'.'~lnnib, and was:: duly . . 'second~d bY{;Omm~sSi'0i~rlthatthe foregoing'Or,.inane~'by~,adQPt:ed. , .... ,'" .~.:' ~.Coekburn .. ... .,. ...., <) ...,' . Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. NO.8 NONE. c The Secretary 'WB:S instruetced to investigate the statusofta.s on :the twelve .lot$ in' 'Colon:ial Terr'ace Addition being"c..,.'\;ender-ed. the.ei::tyf'or park prupOS18,'!il'" 'in bo.th th,e.. Houston Ind:e"pelrdent~ School Distr1c-t' and the St'a1;6';and Counity, and also r'eferthe conveyance to City Attorney R. L. Bonfield. . . g Motion;!'las -madebyCotmnis sione;r Cockourn, and duly seeonded by C~mmissioner Plumb that the aetion of the Mayor ~n negotaating . with Judge L~on Sonf'ield of Beaumont to handle the ease of J. H. Kirby at al vs the City pf"West University Place before the . S1,1J}r.etneGourtofTexas for the fee of $125.00 be ratified. , . .... , ; , '," ,J :' ",,"- -11 votIzig Aye: .. coinmissioners Plumb and Coekburn. NOS NONE. ." There being no furthE?,r business to come befqre t"he.b'oard, upon . Il1otion being made and duly. sac,cnded, the m€H}ti~gJwas declared adjourned. .',.... " .. ,. . ",). .F .. . Attest: , . .,1~ .,:;~;, '-. ~. .-.:; . '<';. .- 'I ~~. ;; '" j' ,-.... t "" ?.L-._____..____ ~- ~-~'-I-'-F~~, "..J'. ,. , . ";. ,. u . . .' ,::::~