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.. . \.~ 'R6,lgulaf'~'Me~tim:gJ, .
'~PI.l0:qj:la~'i Decemb'erl9, '-1932. ~
GOUJ:).ej>I"."Cha.mbe~"';';';..--;';'!-...City Hall. .~~ ";a..
.. City"'of:'West'Urifve'J:'s:ity Place.' "Te.X8S'~" ,> -''W- ,..<i. ,-,,,
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Tl;1e Co.mmission convenedin':r-egu;l .sessipn ,at. 7 :OOP.M~on t13.e'ii:r,.e';;' ,.~,
going date wi tn~ayor Sehl~!3~ng~r :residing and Commi.ssioners Plumb . ..'-'
and Cockburn afi6.~Se?r.e,~a~y,~~~p .1n ,fJ.ttendanee~.. . '",
. .... 4<
A ~ett~r from Mrs A1;lnJ.e,~ Hyndman was pre~ented. to tme eoard, ana:' it .
be~ng ~n referen~'e. 00 .ning o.f shrubbery,. it was referred to
Fire Chief J,. A.M.et.... for:9. formal repof't:~' .... ... , ..
.'. . . '~~ ,"' '~,"'.. ," " -.--- ..\.~ ~ ~. .
Commissioner". Cockb~~, that" he'::wanted to make a donation
in. the form of a ChJ?i ."asket ofgro'eeries to'. each. of tbe21
v?lunte:~r firem~n of 'q11.~?i t!, which was graciously refered. to
F~reChi:ef,' J .A. Metc.a."1Y., ~. .
. ~ - 'cf."' ',:. '. - ~ Ii :, - '
Commissioner Cockburn then' pre.s~nted his . letter ...~.t r.eslgn~;ti@n as:
follows: ~.ft ~'. .. .', ",.__h
. ''87
. ..\.
... .
To the Mayor 'and 'Board of. ctt'y
west University Place.
Gf?n tlemen1 '. '.
I ,herewith tehder you my wr:ittenres.ignation as: a
member 'of th~'Cj,ty Commission .of West Univ,ersity Place, effective
w~th close of b~sine~s December 31s~, 1932. .
. '. Insubrilit:t1.n,g this' my resignation 'as 'a member of-.mil
. City Commission of West.Un?-vet'sity place,. I paus~;.'to' say~tha..t. I
shall..19ng r~meIliberthe many ~ou:rte'sie's 'lop. gefft:l-einen have~ 'ex...
tended 'to me and th~' pl~.amre I have had'm serV'4!fgLtb:e:' peopJ.:e
of this community. . . ,.>~;. . .'.
, Idee:pl.y regret that ml busiIless ap~oint~ents are of
sueh 'nature at.th!'s tim~ .t~at: '1 .am unable .:tiDserve.: ou 'the,.t'erm:': It
for which: the,p'ebJ)l:~:. h~t~"" JWit recentlyelec~ed ,1I1e.. .... '1 feel,.how~
ever, since my bi;is~;e13s. app9'lntment's are' s1:lch. that- I Ganno,t~ve
my time furth<ej:t' 't6i..th~' .!:lerv~~ of this' people ;tney.aTE:l'61rt'itleGi
~~}b~~,f:hG'~:~~~i ;re.~' 'R~ei:ti~:tt~h:~e~:~s,~~~~~ t~~;;:e~=;~es
be.en aple:t.o C:giy~J. :-t fe'Wniohthfh:'. . . . ... ..: .;,.,.
" ... .. ""'r' want. 'ybM'" .., ~el, and through y.ou' l' say:jj(i the peo-'
pIe of this cornmunity,thatyou are at liberty at any time ,to
call upon me for,an~ sery~>ees I can. render. 0utside.o.f public .
0ffic~. , .TIf~ b~D;eti~,f,.t", what.ever '~xperierice T'Illay-have: gleaned,
in bnsines'g. or' tis Y0~'oim;nissioneris &lwajTs availao-leto you' .
arid the people of tIffs e0~ity. " '. . .. .
With kindest~ega+;cls, and sincerest hopes for.thecon-
tinued prosperity ~f our community~ I am
Yours very truly,
. 'H. C. Oockburn.
, .'t..
. < .
. : ,
Motion was made by. CQmmis lilioner Plumb andHduly seconded by
Mayer ~chles~inger that Co~is si.oner Cockb~n t s resignationli'" . .
,effect~ve Decemger 31, 1~3~ ~e accepted }w::.,th reg~et, 'ff:~
Voting Aye: Commissiqnep,Plumb and May-or Schlesinger. .
f (Continued' to Page 88)
f ;
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. Mayor Schles~I1geF.. a:q.riowicea.that . Ql.ue . toqhristInas Q.ay officially
be,ing. on Mon'dlly, Decemper 26th, there would be no meeting of the
eiti Council oIi'Jhhat date, but would be held the following night,
. ~~e~day, D~cel11b~r 27th" 19~2.~i: '
. .
The' .sec~etary presenteg. <t,lle recapitulation of thel9~2 tax roll,
showing a total assessed valuation of $5,274,708.00 and a total
tax of t79,130.97.
f .
j '.
.; ..
Motion was made by Comm~ssioner COykburn and.was .dul:r.s~eonfled,by
Commissioner Plumb that the tax roll for 'the year of 1932 be approved.
Voting Aye:
Commissioners Plumb and Coek;blwn.
....-~ .~.;.
Mayor Schlesinger made recommendation that. the' City pay'the regu-
larlast ~~~r:.th.sal,aries on the 20th of this month as..a
Christmas 0 the ~mployees.
.. - .
Motion was made by Comm~ssioner Plumb and:du,ly,sE?conded by gom";;
missioner Cockburn that the recommendatlo~ of Mayor Schlesinger
be adopted.
Vot ing Aye: Cormnis.sioners PI1,llllb and Cockburn.
., -
The Ta:x.Colle.ctor:then sought ra:tificati~on of his act in employ-
ing 'Mr. ~. R~: :~cllo11 a,t $3. ~O per day tp help .in the makingapd
mailing ,of,:t;ax !lotJ~esfor th~.1ear, of 1932, .whereupon.,.. motip~'
was maj;~ by C.onnni-1iJs~oner PlUIl1b, and duly. s:econd~dthat the action
of the Tax Collector be ratified~.. . . .
. . .
An. est"ime.te from the. Gibralta,rC,onstructionCoinpa~w,.for the, Gity ',~
share or, the cpst.of t:oppj.ng o,f'W'.al;cefor~s,t ;8tfe~::t ~wa8 'p:rese~t~(i'
andn;eap. by the Secretary .andupoI;l motioIi'ofCo~1s~JoneJ:'P.J.uni9 and.
second .o,:f ~ommi.ss,:l,oner. C,ockburn", .was deflar.~d~p:proved~ .. .. .. ,.
. .
The Mayo;r>an,d R~cretary we:ej.nstruCt;ed~o ~~li:fe1"' tv.io. ]~9p'~bonds
to the Gibraltar (}onstructJ...qn C()mpa:p.y a,sma:~J;~~ent of' c~ty'~.,
share.,pf tQR'ping of var,ious streets in W.esy xtniversity Place' First
AdditiQn.;. ' .. . . . ... . '.
" .
There'Q~'~~g'Ilofurtherbu~i~.e,s~ :t()C9}l;l~,b~f~~~ i1fu.eboarQ.,h upon.
motion being ~rnade .f3,nd duly second~q.., .t:qe,mee'~~ was decl1;re<X
d. d. . .." . ,'. .. 'Il . . ,
a Journe. ' '. ":;;". ',,' "
A.pprov~d ,
. ~. '. '"
1 I" '1 r.' .