HomeMy WebLinkAbout123132 CC Min .;-:90.. . >,Cai"?fUe:cB. M'e'e:t:1;ng. .. . " St::ttur4ay;'Detie,m1H3r,3:t, 19:?2. ,. Coune:il. ,ChB:fl1ber........,;;;._.:::...,""'-;..City Hall. Oity of vle:st Uniyer.si tyPlace, . Texas. The Commission convened in ca.,lled 'session at 5:00 P.M. on the fore- .;going date with Mayor: pro-tem '(}oekbtu:>n presid'ing,alfdC'ornmi'ssioner . Plumb and Secretary Camp inatten:qanee. . . Mr. M. C. Fantham and J. D. Langham appeared before the board for the purpose of presenting conveyance. of 'twelve lots inColon1;al Ter- race Addition to the City, but due to an overlookedte.chnicality in tb.e Q.eed, was refused and refered to a later meeting. . The action of the Mayor and Secretary in transfering $2,300.00 from the Tax Col.lee'tf~"l,'S Fund to the Sinking Fund for thepurposeof~ pay- ing interes.t. on 80 City of West University Place 5-~ B~nds due. Septemberls.t, 1932, was brought to the council's attention, and upon motion c.f Commissioner Plumb and lSecond of Mayor. pro-tEnIiCock- .burn, was declared ratifie&. f]. ! . \" ~ The following resolution was preseritedand read by the Secretary, yiz: It app.ear.ing that th,e Ci.tyoif West Utliversi ty Place isi:nde- fault in the payment of some of its indebtedness, a,portionof the interest and also a portion of the principal; . Audit. further appearing that on acc.ount of delinquene,y. in the payment'of 'taxes due said city tpere are st1.1lother impanding'defaults that will require judicious management to avoid litigation. iahd:~enabihe the city to funetion and to meet such payments at as early a date as. possible. . And it further appearing that the bonds and warrants of said citY":":l:?-re .he1,d 'by d~versand sundry people, and that some such cred- itors cJ.aim,. preference over other,S; And it further appearing that the bonds and warrants of ~aid city bear different dates and have different dates of payment, and that there is room for much confusion,with refer~neeth~eto; And it further appearing that said city is'" thr'e~t'al'l~p. w:i.J;hfh.;i t- igation, and that the officials of said city des;irt?to:preveirt lit- i~tion, if possible, with reference to suCh indebtedness; And it further appearing that it is to the best interest of said City of West University Place and its citizens and taxpayers that tbe City Commission should employ a competent attorney who is well versed in the law and proceedure of municipal financing, bonds and warrants and taxation; , . And it further appearing i;;hat C. D. Jessup of Hous.ton, Texas, is such an attorney, and that this Commission has thJ..s day employed said Attorney to represent said city in matters pertaining to such . indebtedness and financing pertaining thereto for the ealendaF:,'year 1933, by written agreement as follows, to wit: (See Page 91 arid of I Res.) And it further appearing that the conditions hereinbefore. set out constitute a grave public necessity and unusual and unforseen conditions which could not by beasonable diligent thought and at- tention have been included in the original budget: . Now,ThBEe'fore Be It Resolved that the Budget of s~aid City be ~nd the same is hereby amended so as to include the expenditures herein set out; and that said contract with said C. D. Jessup, Attor- . nay, be and the same is hereby ratified Ethd approv-ed. '\ I I U R (Continued to Page 91) L--. I I . ._-~ - - "''[ "n ,'] '1 j ,~ j .1: . " I I J I I l~J : ,., ("'11 .. '. .. ..,.' , (.Cotl':b1l:nue'.rii: 'f~'onr:p,a ge . 90 ) . . I . ::,! ~~p 1'-' I .:.;- . . Tt was moved by Com,ridssioner'j~'lumb ,and, 'seeondedb~.Cottmlissioner. Oockburn that the foregoing' resolution be pass~d, lXIld\lpon .the ques- tion being called it wa;s .unanimously paf;Jseck, .C.o.mn1isSioners Plumb and Cockburn vot,i]:1g aye and no.. o~e voting nOl.'Mayor Schles inger 'also. . cancurred. .. P'asseq and approved this 31 day of December, 19p2. The State dlf','fexas 0 County af IIarrisO , . This agreementma~eeand entered into on this 31 ~ay of December, .1932, by 9!ig..betw~enthe.city of'West Univers.ity Place and C. D. Jessup, Attorney, Witnesseth: ,.' The City of West University Place has employed and does hereby employ said C. D. Jessup, .as Attorney, to counsel with and advise the City ,Commission and othe:rofficers afthe City of West Univer- sity Place in all matters perta~ning' to the indebtednes~ of said . city (some of which is in defaUlt} and. toaJ:~l?J~~t,the. of,ficers of said city in conferences with .its creditorsand'j~~tl~p.J~rlythe l10lders of. the bonds-and warrants of'sa,idcity,. andthe1r:.a1f;t;4~br~:ys,~~:1 to ren- der suchs ervice as if poss.ible to .keep: said ci ti '01lI.:b lof litigation with ref:erence to such indebtedness. . The time .for whichs;a.~da.ttor- ne.y 1.s empl01ed i.sthe calendar. year 1933. . " . In consideration of the services herein describe,d,. saidCi ty of West University place agre.es to):paysaid C. D. Jessup, Attorney, the sUm of$I,200.00; and. that ,same. 'is:to;be:paiidas'.f'.ollows: $600.00 within 30 d~s . from this date; '$&00.00" witb1..n 90 days from this date. -i . It i-s 1ll1derst<lod and agreed ,that -in th.e e:vent litiga.tion cannot be avoided and one or more suits shall be filed against said city pertaining to :such ip.debtedne,ss',then .a:nd in tha..t event there will be paid some additional compensation to said attorney .in rea.son.able pro- portion to the additional legal services required on account of such Ii tigat'ion. .. <. . . .' Said O.D.. Jas.sup BLcc.ept.s ,the. eimp.loym.ent: herein desc-rihed and agrees to. ren.d~T:':_cSuch f\e:rYicLesto:tJie qest.. of his .:S;ki;ll'and'~J:>ili ty and at all .time.s' 1:;,.0 uselli,s<bestef'.f'orts. for.the 'W~lfar:e .o'fsaid city and its citizens and taxpayers. Viii tne ss our hands on the da'~ and date first al!1ove written. . c. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE \ .< .By . . 'H.B.~chles.j.'nger, Mayor. P. .R. Plumb, .GOmmiss...ioner. H. C. Cockburn, Connnissioner. " .of C. D. Jessup, Attorney. Corporati.on Judge W. ,.M.., Gates-e,lsp appeared before the board and presented his re~ignation as follows: To the'M~yor and Board of :Commissioners, City of' West Uni versi.ty Place, Texas. Geritlemen~ I herewith tender you my written resignation a.s Judge. of Cor.poration Cour.t to which. I Was. elected . to serve, for, a period of' two years at election held in said City on April 7th, 1931, to. take eff'ect immedia'tely.. In tendering/my resignatiorr as Corporation Judge I am sincerely happy to have been chosen to fill 'the 1ll1expired term (Continued to Page 92) .1, . -~~~.o 11'-\ I ..~.. .-.. '1 ;;.?J.~ . ;r .\.- of ' Com miss toner H. ... G ~ Co~kburn,. who. is' :r-etiring from, pub- . l.ic "offi.c"e:.. ~", '- ~ . ,~ . Withkindes,t- -regards,: I am .,. I. · ... . Yours very truly., W. M. Gates. Secretary presented the following Ord1nances~ viz: . ~_:. r1 .- , ; , " AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING W.M. GATES A COMlVIISBION,ER;{lF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE IN LIEU OF H. C. COCKBURN, RESIGNE;D, FOR THE UNEXPIRED' TERM OF;;",SAID H. 'C.CQ(\J:KBURN, . MME. TO ,;BE EFFECTIVE UPON THEQ,UALI,FICATIONFOR'SAID Oli'FICE. AS REQUIRED BY LAW. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD 'OF COMMISSIONERS ,OF ,THE CITY OF WESTUNIVER1SITYPLAGE: :"- Sectj.ontl1$", , w. M. Gates havttfilS"iresi;gned' a~ the recorder .Q,f_--the, Cor.- poration Court 'o,r>the City ;.;Ot' West ,University> IHace, .'and his . res18Ratioi1o>:,h'aving beenpr,evjiously accepted by the Board ot' Cl-omrnisslohersof' Said city., saidW. M. Gates isappo:inted a Commissi'onerof 'said 'city .:i:nthe place and' steadot' H. -0. Cockburn, resigned, -and' 'for.'the: mrexipiredterm of said H. C. CdekburfII":~" . ~. .", ~~::: ~ ~! "-.": ~:. : ; . :. e' .Se,c't;ion II~ " ., ~i's,a;ppointment.shal1j -becomeeffectiva from and aft'er :itheda..1t;eo,fthe ta:kin:g~~ af .the. requisi te oath. ofo,;ffi~e an:d ., ',", o'tl:ierwi:.se qualif'ying for c'said ;posit.ion as required bJi raw. l . :.> ._. 1',". ; .J ....;PA'S&JID AND APPRQVEDthi,s ~the 3ls:t day of December, A.. D.':L932. 01." AN' ORDINANCE APPOINTING'J. M. BROYLES RECORDER OF TJIE !COR-' PORATION COURIjl OF'THE:CITY' OR WESTUN'IVERSITY P-UGE FOR THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF W.' :rJh;' G:A.TE8 RESIGNEDj EFFECT::EVE UPON HIS QUALIFICATION FOR SAID ORFI.<YE AOCORDING TO LAW. . ... I;'''':;.'-t:, . BE IT ORDAIN-ED BY THE ,ROARD: OF,COlVlMI33IONERS OF TEE . CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: S$CTION I. J. M. Broyles is appointed recorder of the Corporation Court of' . 'the City ,of ~est University Place for the unexpired termofW. M. Gate-s, -who ha,s resigned from said office. . . . SECTION LL This appointment shall be effecti~e from and .after the. taking of the requisite oath of office by said .J. M. Browles and otherwise. qtialif'Ying therefor as re.qutred' by law. PASSED,AND APPROVED.this the 31st day of De.cember, A.D. 1932. . - 'I I ,J Motion was made by Commis'sioner .'plumb and duly seconded by Com- missioner Co~kburn that the foregoing ordinances. be passed. . . Voting Aye: NOS NONE. . . Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. " <;.f (Continu~d to Page 93) -"" >, ...~.,....:~~"' ' ~ ',~ "'- '. - ~ . ,- - 'I I 'I r' /', .1 I . I ! ; I _:J I -\,j. 1 I ",j I I I ~. ... ,. '. --~ \liOlll.unuea J;rom rage'tfG} . ;:-g. /~ '.., ..4 There being no further business to come before the board, upon motion being made and du~y ~econded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Attest: .., 1- - I -- r 1', . Approved, vi Mayor. :p~{~r.iL.l'-~.