HomeMy WebLinkAbout113032 CC Min [." J :~~.~. ',",}? ", . ,.-;\ . . ":f. "~.'" ,. ;.. 'f ~ :~ ':)' . ' , . . . TJ.. .~ i S1 - .. .'_"~,c:':7I't~,~ l\'F~e;,.~,Lgg~..' .Wecmesday, .Novembe'r.ZO, 1932~... e,ounCilChamber' .:.;.-..:: - -.;.. ~._-p:tty Hall,. City of' west. Ul1i verai ty Plae<,~, Texas. UJ ~ -,. : "r. . . The Corrnn:issi.on'eonvened lr.{called 's'essian 'at 9:0.0 A..M~ .on the- f'(n~e-: going dt:fte with Ma.yor Seh'lfOsingerpresiding an,d CotnbifssidherPlumb and Secretary. Camp in attendance. < ..'.. ... . . . . . , Mr. J. D.' Langhamand.E.O. Fahtliam appea.red before th.e bo'a:r:a,:ror the purpose of dedicating twelve lots in 'CO,lonial Terrace' Addition, .under the f'ollow.ing conditions, viz: . ." . ," ., . " , That the ci~ty ~~pend' at least $300.00 on gene;ral improvement's of . the ,pt:!I'k and installation of ,equipment Or devise.s, the nature usual toto this type o,f p~k,'bySeptetnber 1st, '1934, 'and a like amount by September. lst, 1935, ahd 'f'ixing the p.ark restrieti.on,s 'to. Janu- ary 1st, '1953; Mr. Langnam and Mr. Fantham were instructed by Mayor ,Schlesinger to su,bmit,:t.his p~opositi..op,?-:nW,:ri.tipg at the continuatlonoI" this mee:ting 'a.t '7:30' P. M..Tb.-:rsda:te. There being no further ,b~f3i:ness to comeq_~f9r,e .the boar.d, upon motion being made an'd duly-seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned until '7:30P. M. . ~, Continued Meeting. Wednesday,November 30, 1932. Coun~il Chamber-...--------Gity Hall. City 'of West University Place, Texas. The Commission eonven~d in continued session on the foregoip.g date with Mayor Schlesinger , presiding and Commissioners Plunib and Cockburn and Secretary Camp in attendance. The Secretary read minutes of' meeting held Oetober22n:d, an~ upon motion of Commissioner Plumb and second or Commission~r Cockburn, were declared a.pproved. The ques tion of furnishing water to Lot 5, Block 15 of Colonial Terrace Mdition, which necessitated laying of approximately 330 feet of mains, was brought to the attention. of the board, and . t~~ aeeretary was instructed to place a charge against the owner ~~o~.~>t:ne above described lot for all pipe laid in front of' adjoin- ing property. C,Qnveyance and propostion ofJ. D. Langham and E. C. Fantham Vi~s presented and read by Mayor Schlesinger. \ . h : ..,~ ~. .' ~otion"was made by Co_+,ssioner Plumb and duly seconded by Com- . .J'nissioner Cockb'!-lrn that'. the proposition be accepted, changing ..p~Tagraph three to read nAnd unless the property is used ex- e:lj1S,ively and eontinously for park purposes until January lst, 1955. n . . HUntil January lat, 1953f1 having omitted. The Secretary was instructed.to give letter of acceptance of' proposition;re- fering to resolution, and ca~ling att~ntion to error, and that d~ed vvil1first have to be accepted. (Continued .to Page 62) ~ .~! '" , I - 1 -, I ":,62\ -c- (Continuep fr~fu '~~ge .61) . . \ .; J . ' . ... ,., i< - ....' > <t; 'I< A resolution changing the regu~armeetiITgday of th~ City COUll.- cil fropl each FridB;Y at 9:001+,.lVI. toeac:p. Mon~y ~rq:m ,7~9q tp 8:00P.M. was 'presentedand ,re;id .py the ,Se"cr't?tary'-q.pop. W.p:i~h the commission acted in favor. ..".... '. """"., .. The following caption of Ordinance1lVas J?F'esente,dand. read by the Secretary, viz: .. .., <', ..' . .' .. I ;. ~~, . _'. " . \- :; . t ).", ',,' ,. ~ '..: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEVYING'AND COLLECTI0N q~ TAXES ~~ THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY: PJ=,ACE, PR91{I;tilfrq'f. .. F<DiR THE COLLECTION OF DELI'N,QUENT 'J.'.1\JCEJ3; 'AND PROV:(!;lING FOlt ; : THE ACCRUAl;. AND PAYMENT OF. P.~ALfI$~.~ INTERE.$'L' AND, .. C,o;8TS~. ':. ~" '. , l1ROVIDING:THAT THIq 'ORDINANCl5' TAKE, EFl'~CT AND B,E .!ltFORCE I,MME,DIAIfELY ~'ROM AND AFTER PASSAGE ANDAPPRO'VAL~ .'.':' i '\ . .. . . Motion was maq.eby COmlnissioner .Oockbur~ ~.d ciUiyc ~u:lco:p.~e.d1:lY: Commissioner ~lumb that 'the foregoing Ordinance be passea. . , voting Aye:.. Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. . NOS NONE. '~<. .' There being no further business to come before the board, upon motion being made and duly seconded,,:the meeting was declared -i, adjourned. APPP?vecl, ,- \, Atte.~:~ . . . C. ..' . City S'eeretary. .~" "t~ ~~ L:--. ! "f' .;- . '...'J.""' . , ..i;->"f -" ~ "\ " . "Y- ~ {.:-::. -] ~i ! -I ., I , . ~l " ~\'r," ~ ---~~~ -----r-=-----=""= J - "-"- 1: , ,