HomeMy WebLinkAbout111432 CC Min 58 . c-aJ;q.:ed 4tee:hill:g~. Iironda~i', ~:bvember,'14;< ].932..,.. Counei10hamber":""-""~...,..~...CJi tw'lfall. ,City of'West 'Unive.rsi,ty ',Pla'ce, . Texas . ~, 1flle Commission conveneGi in ca11eds.ession at (3: P., M., on thefo~e- going ~aate with :tv1ayor SC1l1esil1~erpresiding' and COrllnissioner'p1Uinb ,and Secretary Camp in attendance.. "" ~ -, The meeting ,was called for the p~,pose of the continuil1g tb,~ . 1.:.. :pub1~e. hearing ,on ,the p1;'oposed. budget for ~he f'iscal year ending September,;SP, 1933. Themeetihg w!3-s called to orde.r.by Mayp~ ~chi~sip.ger.,~;:h lo persons. presen,t.. ...~. .. J M~y?r Schle'singer re'aa. the proposed budget, 'and aske.?:.;ift1ier.~:w~re any objections. The matter of police protection after January Uit, 19'33 'VJas ~rought up oyMr. R., G., Hy,ett, which prec::I.p.i.t~:ted; sO.P1~dis- ,Q:g.ssloIcl,ang: wa~, f'ii1f~,lly ,disposed'Qf by Mayor . Schleslng.~r', .s1{~t~ng: thattheei1;y. ,iNeu~~:n0t, be with out adequate poli,ce pr(itec~~+9~atter the fir.~tot ~he' ye~r. .. .., ':, . . . . The Se9ret~y pr,esenteGi the following resolution, viz: STATE OF TEXAS .. C01)NT~,QFHARRIS. ' . CITYOF. WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE . . ~'" .' , '.~ . WHERE~S, . onNov~:mber 14,19,32:",publ.ie hearing on budgeijf~""6f' the City of We_st -p-niyersity Place f'o,r the. en~uingYear wa~ held as requir,ep. by .Art;i.c1.e 69A-15 of. the Texas civil Statut'es, and. WHEREAS, it is the opinion o~ the Board of Commissioners that the budgel;, as it now stands, should , . 'be: 'adapted: ~EF@lE., BE IT RESOLVED , by the Board of' CGmmissi,oners of' the 01 ty of West Universi,tyPla ce -on this.l q- --\s day of' November, 1932, tha.t said budget be and the same is adopted as the budget of the City of' 1 West University Place for the next ensuing year, to-wit: From September 1, 1932, to August 30, 1933. ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of the Ci ty 'of We st University Place on this the I J-tt day of' November, A. D., 1932. . I ~)....., .r~ 1 1 J } ~ I I. f I I ! (Continued fro.m Page. 58 ) . \ 59 I. Motion was made by COID~issioner Plumb and duly seconded by Mayor Schlesinger that the foregoing resolutiona.z~; passed. Voting Aye: Commissioner Plumb and Mayor Schlesinger. NOS NONE. l . There being no furthere business to come before the board, .upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- cIa-red adjourned. Approved, Attest: " ,:t-;. ~ ;"('\. ~. ',~1 . .\ ., , ;.. _ I r-----: ,