HomeMy WebLinkAbout110432 CC Min .q 1,:1 ) r f-:,'/ .. I I I ! i i I' lOt! I..;. . I ,,~~ !. i f I r i F;r>iday;. 'November,' 4~ . .1,~32.. ,Cou;n,cilGb;pmb er-~ ~~-~C:i: ty'Hal}. r .City o.f. West'Universi,ty Place, Texas. 01 'T'.be Commission c-onvened in regular 'sessj.on at 9: 00 on. the' fore-- going da te with Mayors'chlesinger pre'siding and Commissioner Plumb and Secretary Camp in attendance. Irhe operating budget for the fiscal year ending Septemper 30, 1933 was presented by the Secretary ,and' read by tJ;1e; Mayor tOo . several visitors, among whom were Ted Strong of' th.e Enterprise, Dave Au.s~j.n, C. A. Dwyer,P. :A.. Leckrone, Judge Sutton', 'Mr. Kelleher of the Equitiable Life Insurance Co., of Iowa,. and A.D~Foreman. Mr. A~. I). Foreman voie'ed hi.s.: abjection t'o the salary to be paid' to the Mayor 'aridConmiis:::ione,rsfor th1s period~, . Mr,. Fpr'eman als~ ob'jecte1i'to the~:amoUnt-' get up for street iight:ilig~" 'upqn 'wP:fc4 objection Ma10r Schlesinger explained the ex'1sting.contractwith J,fue Hous tonLigh ting,. & Power COPlpany, and s,ta ted that he. would consult Mr. :Cl:a:rk of' the abovementi'oneu' cdmpanyin reference to the matter. .11< Mr. C. A. Dwyerask~d the body if any adjustment had been made on the assessed valuation of improvements over the city. He . was .advised that the system of placingreasonab:J.e assessed val- uations anther improv<6ments' had not been changed and that 100% valuations on impr()vements would not be done so long as the present"adminiS'trat~6n holds' sway~ ". ' There being no' 'furttler'bu'siness.to comebei'ore the board, upon motion being made and duly s~.cond~~! tp.e.~e,e;t,ins was dec:J.~r,ed ad- journed. ." .. <\ . /, Appr~ye,~, Attest: .~~~~; .\<' h ~ I r