HomeMy WebLinkAbout102832 CC Min . .. .~i~~~;~~~b, 1~~ ,C0u.i1ci;LChamber-~'--2it'y IIa.l~ . .0i'63"'.1'" West'Un'11te~s'1'ty 'Place ~ Tex;aff ..~5'$ ", \... . .. r I I .l(y - 1 I ..L'l. ; . ,. ,~. . Th~, C01!!D1~$~:1,0n ~pnY~Jl~~: ~re~lar!3essionat 9:0~A.M.. en the f()r~gai'Ag-date-;wi~h:_fi[~y~:rSCl1X~'~~n;ger presiding a.p:d CotniIiissioIler Plumb and SecretarY-Camp'. in 'l:J.'ttenda:-iiee:... .. . . .. . The Secretary presented a bill from Ferest If McNeir in the ameunt af $32.i,5, and ~lse a check from the HemelandInsurance Comp8i1 in a like amount for damage to the City Hall in the recent tornado. The Secretary was instI"'9-;~~~q.to draw a voucher ,:I favar af Mr McNeil',: and accept cheek fromtlte" Homeland Insurance Company. . .These~;t'et<~rlPr~se;nted two estimates from the Gibraltar Con- ." stl!lie~tl(;!~, -~~,mp&1a;y:-:eorwork done on .Wakeforest street. Upon m~t,ion ofeommi~sioB.er Plumb ~;nd second €If Mayor Schlesinger, the fore-. gQing estimates were app;t"oved. . AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE MAYOR, COMMISSIONERS, CITY CLERK, CITY ,MARSHALL AND JUDGE OF THE CORPORATION COURT; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH BE REPEAfJID; PROVIDING THAI}' SAID ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT TMMEDIATEL:Y. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. Frem and after this date the following salaries shall be paid each month to the hereinafter named officers of said city: \ " ,.,J -t :\. Mayor Commissioners City Secretary C,ity Marshall Judge of Corporation Court Section 2 $80.00 40.00 150.00 15.00 25.00 All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, ,in conflict here- with are he~eby repealed. Section 3 This ordinance shall take ~ffect and be in force immediately from anda,fter the date af its passage and. ap;p~oval. .- " ~otion was made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded hy Mayor (Contiriu~d on pag~ 56) f ~ L-=-- ------ ~-- ~ r'- - 1 ----r .. ';:;:;~;';5'<6'" ':: :...\....:,', <', 'L ;'k" ' , ',. ~ ... J, . : ,~ "< #" L (CeI!tinna,<;lrfp,om ..p.~ge c5?). :It -. I .'r.. ". '. ~ .;:. . .'. ,. f ",,:';" . " , ' ~ , ., . . ~~"-4-...,I", 1': ~"'., .' ~.... '< '.~ F .. Bcl1le-singer that .tl+e .ftCl,r,!~go~ng()~d,i,:ilianc~., l>~.~p:pr:o}V:~d. Voting Aye: Commissioner Plumb and Mayor Schlesinger. NOS NONE .Tl.l~~epeii:lg nofU,rt~yr 1:iu.s~P:esis,:'~G. "~onie bet0~'~:,the:bioato~~:<iip~6ji'.. meti'onbeing made arid duly ,~ecQn~~d, the Uieetin.g n$"de'cl~~Etq~': adjourned. .. .. '. . .. . ., <, .'J.' J ~.. , :.- ! ~ .~... r.." to' lle.,. . j-Y" '", ' , -, -1',. . .,..! ,.PPI'OV~, .. .-. t " ' Attest.~ C Y Becre ~y < . ,. iF' " u f' '" ]~---I" ..\ [..<~ ..,.