HomeMy WebLinkAbout102232 CC Min ,"D;;;:; -i. .~' ,; ;~ "., ,~~ '- '", i . . TheCfI)mmis~ic:i>n cfi)nvenedin regular session on the f'oreg~ with;Mayor Schlesinger pres~i;l'lgca:nd Cemmi.ssiG~ers Pl.,mp" ~.ck'!'J'lU'"n and See;r:>~taJif('-amp in attendance." . "_~:\ ..f.".' ..} .,) ',.'-:. ..... ~}" ",\1 ~.~ .' ~.,. ," .~..."' _ "". . ~!~:;'" l The f$ilowi>>.g, resolut:L.ons were presented a:nd' read 'by the'ifaYIr:~' Viz: BE -IT RJ!i80LV~.3) BY THl,!; c.I'.l:Y COlVlMIl::iSJ.O.N OF 'rillE CJ.Tl: {):(l' WlllRT UNIVER~ITY .,pLACE that, until the assessed valuatien af said city shall be :,' ... increased in suffieent amount to justify the e0nstruct:ion\~t.-add- ltional indebteaness in payment there Tor , neafid~tie~a~ ,.plitlN.,ie improvemen'ts shall be eons tructed for the Oi ty'; 0~'Wes t.~1hii~~rS;~;t" Place, the cost of which. will incur additional indebtedness against said city, except such emergency items and necessary repairs as may be imperative. ' . It was meved by Commissioner PI~b and seconded by Commissioner ,~ockburn that the feregoing resolution be adopted, and upon the ,question being called it was unanimGusly adopted, Commissioners l'll1lUib and Cockburn votiJilg AYE and no ene voting NO, wi tl;1 MayoX' Schlesinger affirmatively concurring. .'~ J' ; ~. - r \.,~ .. . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIV~SITY PLACE that, said city shall be operated in as eoonomical manner as possible, and: particularly that it shall be operated for the fiscal year 1932-1933 in such manner as to enable the Ci,ty Commission of said city te make a $3$000.00 reduction in the 1932-J.933 budget as. propGsed, which has alreatiybeen filed" and also to make such further reduction as ean reasonably be effected by the curtailment af street lightiE.g expense. .... It was meved by Commissioner Plumb and seconded by Oennnissioner Ceekburn that the foregdling resolution be passed, and upon the question being called it was unanimously passed, Commissioners Plumb and cockburn voting . Aye and no one voting No, with Mayor ~ehlesinger affirmatively concurring. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIONU OF THE CITY OF WEST U:NIVERSI1J.1YPLACE that an interest and sinking fund account be provided for said city and that all funds derived and to be derived from taxes levied f'or the payment Qf interest and prin". cipal em. the bond and wart>ant indebtedness of s~id oi ty saall '\ be credited to said iIiterest and sinking fund account and shal~" l be used for the payment of interest on the bonds and warrants '~:rl 1 for which said taxes were leVit, and for the payment of. in- t.: J 'stallments of principal thereof and for no. other purpose; and" l. it is specifically provid~d tha no money shall be transferred out of' the interest and sinking ,und aecGtUlt for :~he payment of maintenance ane er operating exp nses of said ci.~:' - . ,. It was moved by Commissioner Plum~ and seconded by Commissioner -Cockb~n tnat the foregoing resol,?- ion be passed, 'e:~",upon the quest~on Wng called it was unanJ.m -q.sly passed,C0Infi11ssioners Plwnband ~@Ckburn voting Aye and no, one vojing No, with MaYGI' I",~_.i~:le.mge~ :~firmativelY ~~~::: \~ page 53)4 ,. ..,. ~- , .,; T~~--~~r . 1 r ~ d 'J;~: .' \'. ,.... . .:! .. ;~~} .". . ...~;~~. ...>~""il ' ....1. ; ,':1 J 1~.,.. I ".r. '\" ,~tl 1 I: tJ I b'J..w..,:, ~, . ;' (Gtlii~inu,~d t:~0mp8>~~''-:52'~!:' ~;:);qJ , i .. . , ,-' . ". , , . .'. :" ~ ' · THEREFOJRl!,:1~;B:E:::'Im RESO~~/,J3:y),;I!!liIE~),GJl~~'O~MIW!8SION OF~:~'!'I!:m tG:tTY~:~F., .,. . ~. ]VEST. UNI1jERSJ;"Y;l~LAOE t.bla;Q. ~he ",dnce~e~f.r..$m' .the ,wai1e~Qrks "steIlJ,~ "Gve~and above '.operat1-ngexpenses and .neeessary repaiags,. ~hal~>be' ".. ~p'plied first to the paymentef such. Waterworks Revep.ue. }3onds, , . 1:ntere:s,t-oand:priilcipaJ.;.;,; .a~d ,;that unt,:Ll.. aE;d'W11~~s@, .;s~;IJi~~, ;sha~l; . exist. overcand ab()v~...1;he",atnQUn:t~'nec.ess'a..ry,ii~r, 1;;~e; ..p~~e~.i't:;;~f,int~l'-' est and' th0 '<~espect~ve,",i.Ei~t.~lll!11fmts..of p:rl,n~1pf:tl~t' '.,~U~A:.'lV'~te~"~~1rS, revenue<QQnds, 'a's (prQvlded",'in. tJ1e .'o~c;line;~~e~arn4(,cd.eeq.Qf! ~J3::@;<l;~ltkt~~;'j . providing therefor ,nC?portion Q!suo''b! \:i;~eo~(;i) '$]ll~#l'l1l}E;r~t.r~:Q.~:t~r.ll~j:) te.any other fund .01" used for any other purp0.se; pr,~vided, however,' tha tin:. the ::;~"y.ent' lof' ;:iIi.4etne 7:frGm 'csueh JWQ;tep.WJ()r,ks,i$.:V:S:t~tnt_* $~f)f\+ci.~nt to pay operating, :$'xpense:s';and ~he, d:n:t.e:ue'&.jJ.a:ttd,.<1:rl~,~al1tit~l'lit$ 'lOt:'"'. 0-, '-1 .' prineipa~ len~;saidfWate~w~~k:s :Re:venue ..Bends,tm4' .f{tl11. l~:a~V,!~H';~ ~~,lr~nee t~. 'tl1e, .o~~,0,'i ~~rQlh:$gic!L.)!Utll.d,,:the:m. ,;anel. :tn,the, t::event':{~1l,Q4J~~~~fPl~~,i01!;\', overplus m.ay be used for cUrrent and operati,ng expenses 'pf sa:i.<l < ci ty. '.,' .. . . ,..0,...... ; .;::::") .~...j'.~.. ~ ',' f:"~~:" . f.:;'.<,: '.l!'t.~;,'nf~}~":': It was ~eved 1i.,. (;-0mmissi~~er ')Pl\1m'b~nd!.se,c()n4:ecii.biG;tamj;;~~1Q~~Z; ,., ,';<,'; -.Cockburn th.at the feregoing resolution be passed, Commis's:~ners .. .; Plumb and Ce~kburn v0t~g':Ay:e :QlJ,dnQ one''''{otntl:ng'.~Qj 'W;;l;i?l+ '~~~~r":$;r:,,' . Schlesinger affirmatively concurring.:;:..{{1C".. . ': >'>\,; . . ,>, , '"~, BE IT RES~LVED (i7l:;THE:CiI:TY ::(10MMISS10N .GlrIDR:E; OI':CYl O~AWSW< :!$N~~J~I'l}l1i< . PLACE th~tIle special meetings of the City Cammis.sionsha,l~be . . ealled'.$lf,;~~~dW:ith01i.t " tJae M~:l~:ca.nQ ~acp. :tn.em1o;erot' :tb,e'^ q~;~j;sfl,i.~ .. , being"l1lot,i:r.1;,~4..,tbat sueh.,spe~ial meet+ng 1s to bellelc:l. ..';.::~?,:,: "'~', ."'~. ''',:\.:'.~~.'"<~\Lt~'i:-'', ':,., ':::-1:.:,,~ ';""";'" ..~,- ;.~~.~~.:J ./,;" " It waS mf>vtf-.l"<by G$nnni$:$i~1te.~~P::~:tl!mb:andseeoud~d;b,.CGmmissi(ln:~;t!..' .. Oockburn t~~t the foregoing resolution be p~s.>~~~'~axi;d~p~n th~', . ..~, . question be:~g called, it was unanimously pas'S~d, Commissioners Pltmib .,....and~(j~c~btmn:)'vot~1.ilgbA:Yi~Hoan~, ,no OJle. VQtUi,gc]Jo". .wl}.th . Ji,1aY'or : :,. .f.: . Sehlesing.e:B,/~ftt}:Ii~mativ'e;L~,:$.Qneur~:ln~.)'. :"",:,., ,:.iO, , .':c, THEREFClREj BE IT RE80LVEU $M\:fjJHE O.ITY'$;QMMI$~Ia1fJGJ,iU:.'$C:J:WW;O~.~ WEST IDiIVERSITY PLACE that said city does not now have and ~snot under any eontraet with J .H.Raff'erty. for any further engineering serviees.'. .'1~)' ..,.':" ,.'., , '.,',. ., ,,,.:,,..,,. c'..: l >.,,', ;':;-".;' '- ' . I i ,1 ;,~ ! ~. ..~. J -': BE IT FURTH~j:REfJ~)!tVED:tli~'t. said City CommiS~fdQn::dees..,trlotyX~re~5 ... any dtssatis~action with the services of said engineer, but this re.solution .1s passed feJ;' :the. p~pese of ,making the re.cord'mC)re certain. . . - ^ I, "<'.Jt",:w,as'm€lveG\. .by Oommi'ssioner Plumb and seconded by. .Commis'sioner C:Qck;:b.urn thatJthe foregoing resolution be pa~sed, andup@n the . .,' stien. being c~lled it was unanimously passed, GommissioneJ;'s Pium~ "'lQockburn vetJ,.1ig AY(iLand no one voting Ne, with Mayor Schlesinger . ~fr~'j>mativelY concVDpbg. " ~ ~ . . . ' BE:IT RESOLVED BY ~HE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY jmtiE'tba.:tal'lo,f fhe bonds of the City of West University Place ... wtiieh 8:;i?e',lhelcf in.-irust fer said ei~'Y by the City Bank & Trust Co. . :0~jlo~usten, aggreg.~:1.ng $ t~oo~ shall be cancelled, and such:; .; .. . ; ; :, ~ ,: ,. #.. "'" (Oontinued to page 54) ". t r~'r . '.' .f'.... " ..... % ;'\\.6" I' ~ . ;;;:. .~ ,1 '4-:"'~'~"'~" '~-{~~'-}"" CC::~~.; ""1:.l/..,,,;' ~.~,-- , 'I ,,. . ~"''''4 .."5" . ," ,", I. (Cen;timv.et\ froll1 page: 53}' '; cancellation,' together. With.speeifie$.dleBeriptiGn,~fthe"bo~dB ,8'0 canae:l1ed,' 8nalr,be ,made,:a matter af,:recordin them~ilutesof this'Commission.. .. ., . :' ;., ... " t, . ,,' . ~ ,.;: , It wasmc>veilby Commiss10ner ,Plumb 'and sec'Qilded 'by,CiOmmiss::tone;r 'u (Jac'kburn that the firegQil:ng ,res~l11ti'onbe:pass<~d;, .and. UPel'D:;;tl:.te : question'being calxe4,it was unanimouilypassed,Cemtt1iSfsiOrler,s Plumbaild 'Cockburn voting Aye and no one.vQting No, .wit;h:.Mayor . Schlesmger'affirmatively concurring. ..'.. , r- I ~ ';'. t '. <ThE~" i:lecretar! .. presented '$s,tima.tes .,,t'romGibra:t'barCons 1;puct:i:(jn Company(f0z; r;paltrs ,:teBelmexru'SuFeet, repairs uQ'Waketer;e:s"Uc Avenue, Rice Beulevard,Georgetewn'udLafayettE'h:streets,and.,;' ..,. .forthe toppingof'univepsityBeulevard ,at.EdloeJStreetj.(whereupon, ,A ., ':", . :' .., .: ~ . ';:-'...- . . - ~. ~ Vetilllg 'Ay:tJ: CemmisSioners>Plumb a:n,d GE>ckb.urn.' NOS NONE. ." .. ~: '.[ AnOrdiRanee with the .foll:0whtgeaption waspresented,viz.: " <., '. '-.: ,-, ~J "1' .... ORDINANeE,AGCEPTING 'l!HE'WORK OF IMPROVJ;NG 8EWAliEE .AVENUE',-UNDER" CONTRACT BMWEJ (JLTY"OF WEST:'UNlVERSITY'PLACE AND:O .K~WIIftLBOItG, DATED JANUARY 29" 1932; ORDERING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES DELIVERED:' T03:THE' CQNTRACT6R'FOR THE::PRdPERfYJ OWNER",SSHARE:rOF 'fHE . COST OFSUCFI D:PROvDmN'll.,. .,..... " r,' .' ? > '....'. . ~ ':. . l' . ~ J. MotionJ:wasmade,by,:eommissioner Plumb :and.duly': seconded.. 'by Oom- missioner .Cockburn'that the forego:ing',:or,dlnanee.;"b$;.approvea.'.: -./ c ,i:- Votin8<Aye: (J€.H:ntnissioners.. Plumb and Cockburn. NOS-'NONE,~' ~}:'~ ,~'( '" , An estimate from the Gibraltar Construction Company, for the two course bituminous topping of Sewanee Street was presented by the Secretary, which was; :aJi>1>r~vedby-: thr. .followiing .vote, viz,: , Voting Aye :Gemmissi@ners;Plum'b and GGckbwn. NOS NONE. ': " ThBrebeii1.g n6 further 'bus1nesstc come before the board, ... upGn mo- tion beil1gmade and,duly seconded, the.meeting was declared ad- jour~ed.. Attest: . h .~ 'j ~ ApprGved., " 1: ....-., ..i ~~ "'\" 1'. ~ ._-~-~~- ---~-I- --. "r- r- - ----=--=- ~~....